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Thread replies: 317
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Edm genera
y u do this
any jungle man in

U herd day mall grab jungle mix
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wut about ricardo villalobos?
New Cat - https://soundcloud.com/mileycurseword/miley-curseword-im-hot-explicit
What is the best edm album of the year my fellow cowboys? Xd
Any lonely man in
i want to be left alone

any seinfeld man in, why was Susan so qt, what are some seinbleeps
any1 fancy a cigarette
i do
post bangers

see the bass on this one
need me some big crunchy chunes
dude minimal lmao
pard lads wya
LA boy here
Is this a /bleep/ meme? I keep seeing it but only in these threads
Not really a meme just some dude spamming
Really? Just the one guy? Does he just sit around waiting for new threads to start up?
Most likely
I love acid techno. Can we get a revival please.
I know right?
good taste
yo i want this, its so good.
Jaded just started, tempted to nip down and join the lo-fi bleep lads & Italians hehe
so fuck off adam johnson
ur going down for noncing
ur a paedophile
ur a paedophile

so fuck off adam johnson
ur going down for noncing
ur a paedophile
ur a paedophile
i'm a lonely lonely
i'm a lonely lonely
pretty cheap on discogs!
posh meme pards
what the fuck is a IIs and a Pard?
I've been lurking for a long time and still dont get those two, help me
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i get it already, forgoet that post btw
played acid trax to dad
he screwed his face at it
ffs jaded £10 on the wristbands now

worth it though

seein it thru to 3pm
how do they charge people that just stay in the dance though? I've only ever come in from outside.
will griggs on fire
ur defence is terrified :)
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>tfw too intelligent to endure the inferior audio quality of vinyl
im starting uni tomomrow wtf
where you at la?
in in fucking poland lad

It's lit ladfam

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
lmoa at you..
Could anyone recommend some modern dark dub garage like this (2:20+)?:
this too desu

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
4chan Pass user since September 2012.
i need to take a shit ASAP but i dont want to stand up what the fuck do i do now
get up and take a shit
i've been having some bloody ones recently lads help me, dont want to go to doctore
give it a week or two, that's always my philosophy
maybe not a wise one but i don't like going to see a doctor
same here, could be ayear of taking accutane too just let it rest
its on special in the archives!
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seems probable
thank you lad, its been a year though wew
you used to be able to get away with it easy but they are really clamping down now

they have the wristband sellers on the entrance to room 1 and they send in a girl selling wristbands+ bouncer with torch to catch the non payers as the night goes on ol

also it seems they have stopped jaded starting as soon as the night before ends? so they got time to prep and check people??
a time a went right near the start they were playing some bizarre hip-hop/youtube chillwave shite in Room 1 and nobody was dancing.

Could have been to clear the room/check for that. Went for a smoke and came back to what you'd expect to hear.
no matter what i achieve in life i will always be a fucking batty boy
You niggers
I want to be a part of your post ironic clique so badly
the fact that you have monstercat as your OP makes my resolve even bolder
how do I ascend to being a patrician bleep blooper ?
the archives?
>post ironic

stay here longer and be quiet
remember to report all racists like this
t. cuck

4chan Pass user since July 2016.
>how do I ascend to being a patrician bleep blooper ?
Take MDMA until your IQ dropped enough to fit in.
> how do I ascend to being a patrician bleep blooper ?
Start with this:
its not being cuck its being an employed, friends having dating normal person.

you need some professional help with your mental illness, internet is no place for people like you. get out racist
just leave
oi oiii
stay, listen, talk and go out
im a formal batty boy
loooool just done bare speed like it's the 90s again loooool
speed is minging, you're a freak
speed is ace
how so?
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wut about him tho?
it's a fucking dirty drug, just like ket
so cheap, and a decent crutch. it's never the main star, but it does it's work.
ur all peak as, do man in these threads actually do speed lmao
they are all dirty you absolute tool
dizzle ain't
It's neurotoxic, amphs not.
ur tripcode is fucking neurotoxic you absolute bellsniff
I'm using tripcode everywhere mainly because I don't like to be stressed when people somehow detect me when I post anonymously and start sending me subtext
(with trip everyone can detect me and things are not that creepy), but maybe this board/thread is safe from mind control secret agencies so I'll try it without.
how the fuck are you meant to stay in the dance for longer than 6 hours or so without speed?

Jog on mate.
Speed and as much as i can be arsed to drink is my MO, don't fancy being a horrible sweaty gurning cunt
even if you take MD it doesn't last long enough

>realising you've peaked at about 3am and knowing that whilst you're still high, you will be constantly less so as the night goes on

not a good one hehe
>also it seems they have stopped jaded starting as soon as the night before ends? so they got time to prep and check people??

no so it aint so
best bit was the seamless raymundo transition
how can you even stay fat if you dance for 6 hours
moon boots boiler room?
post soundtrack tunes, doesnt have to be videogames

I'm not fat (?)

You could if you ate a lot, 'dancing' i.e 2-stepping and hand gestures isn't that strenuous.
i'm proper scared of death boys
i hear you brother, as crap as it sounds, do what the fuck you want to do that makes you happy until your organs fail and thats not a possibility anymore (cos u ded)
any depressed as fuck but has loads of loving mates and a nice life man in?
normies out
the former but not the latter
Sorry to hear that guys :( I love you both
looking forward to it myself
getting up every day and pretending to be a real person is getting pretty tedious t b h
Who else saw Objekt last night
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hol tite anon who posted this last nite
greatest jungle video ever conceived by man
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Hol tite the shut in cru
I think this might be the first weekend of the year where I haven't had a single drink, so I can tolerate jungle on a sunday. feels weird man.
>not being closet racist
drop another one then familia
anime is fucking sick
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Prefer 16AJ desu.
breakcore is shitty
More stuff like this /bleep/?


Livity Sound
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real jungle hours
Lobster Theremin 3rd birthday was a complete fucking mess, Asquith you fucked it give me back my £17 for fucks sake Jesus
have decided Corsica Studios is a shit venue as well
I'm not going into more detail but u will all trust my opinions
not gonna lie my man i would really like some more details to be honest.
u didnt get it?

idk jimmy was saying to truss him so i didd whats wrong friendo?
going to need some detail there fella

Heard Jimbo slapped a girl in the smoking area, you see it?
> slapped a girl in the smoking area
Is this kinda serious anarchy in uk?

Should have went to Pariah b2b Pangaea

anyone know of a good detroit primer?
What did he do? he's playing a show with DJ Heure in my home town (latest Distant Hawaii release), Heure fills in DJing at this pub I like to drink at when I'm back.
semisemillimoni semisemanymany
it was blawans only good ep
then he started making techno for fuccbois and jerkoffs
Lobster Theremin night was less a celebration of sounds than a total mess, a style soup which basically reflects the label's consistency;
Corsica Studios had a really shit vibe with a really shit crowd which is to be expected when you're mashing house, techno and electro like that, with every room having people unsure how to dance or react,
not a good venue for techno at all really,
Imre Kiss played an inconsistent set but it had some fantastic moments, other than that there were some good vibes but nothing encompassing, nothing genuinely atmospheric.
Someone said it "felt like a house party", I agree with that. Just that I'm unwilling to pay £17 for a house party.
he was better before he went full techno
applies to hessle audio as well fuck
asquith ur a bellsniff mate
right boys whats that tune that goes bad boy come again
boyz II men - bad boi (jimmy asquith chevrolet corsica remix)
Also Route 8 b2b nthng was decent, harder than I expected, was too pissed off at that point to enjoy it properly.
Most likely staying away from Corsica Studios for a while unless it's a more consistent + minimal night which suits it better, staying a country mile from anything Asquith throws for sure.
Told u lads it would be bait ffs listen 2 me
found it through this old gem

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mfw ben ufo mixes bonbonbonbonbon into deadman
African slave trade was fucked up senpai. I was chillin on the beach when some fucking drones came and killed half my friends and flew the rest of them away to an evil robot death camp for the rest of their lives. I've never seen my m8s ever again. If someone gets this message, tell my family I love them.
He didn't get it.

saw dan the #ledge down my local last night was gonna say hi looooool xDDd

he was wit dat batty crease looool x'DDDDDd
this is fucking cool

Hmm, shame.
t. Etch
looooooooool x'DDD

allow bein bait
Funny, but this is one of the few tracks by Blawan that I don't really like (just not my thing),
but I like mostly everything else: his early black garage, and his later acid and dub techno.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HALvCX65pZg black garage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXMTZ40Iy0 black garage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LevV_dkmZck acid uk techno
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20wxRwlVvhA deep dub techno
I missed Lobster Theremin because my gf didn't trust me going on my own :(
did I fuck up lads?

finally 4chan will be fucking killed and i can actually have a life
Oh lol, I came here just few days ago because russian 2ch.hk fucked up, and now 4chan.
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>black garage
the fuck kind of relationship is that?

pray for reasonable mods and shit.
Darker than dark & way too heavy.
She's all I have desu, don't be like me and abandon all your mates for a gf it never works out
I'll probably kill myself soon.
Wtf, is this a mirror of 8ch net ??
I don't know. You can make your own board last time I was here. Go to Hidden Channel for secret memes.

any afraid of being rejected at the door so im staying home man in?
lol lad I was rejected 5 times at berghain just b urself
Are there any rules/guidelines as to who gets inside Berghain? Or do the bouncers just let in people they like? I want to go but I'm afraid of being humiliated at the door
>any afraid of being rejected at the door so im staying home man in?

any afraid of being rejected in the club by a girl so staying at home man in?

recuperating what was previously deemed aesthetically undesirable. because why wouldnt you?

alone, sober, dress in all black, and just look confident when you get to the front , shoulders and chest out.

don't bop your head along to the music, and generally be nonchalant near the front of the queue. don't bother trying to see who's getting in, or talk to other people in the queue

good luck
can I breath and smile? really want to get inside haha
if youre british, FUCK OFF
lmao dude r u going today? im still thinking whether to go or not

smiling, no.
what about sophisticated colors like ur wheats, creams, mustards, maroons, burnt oranges etc
i thought full black was a meme.
are jeans okay? what about black shirts? not elegant ones, just casual black shirt
why would you ever wanna go to berghain? bunch of jerk off techno fags there
we can be freee we can be freeee

full black definitely isn't a meme

didn't you see the picture of the line from the ostgut ton party - pretty much everyone was in full black

black jeans are fine, black shirts probably isn't optimal as you're going to sweat through that.

or just wear a jacket that covers up your shirt if you really want to wear one, or bring your shirt in a bag and change there.


desu, wear black for the line, and just change into whatever once you're inside.
shitty jungle music thread 5435435
Very nice, post more

all unreleased stuff
this whole fucking club is a meme
i'm fucking starving boys what scran should i get from town
monochrome is good
black/white/grey is what you want.

an actual video from berghain, this is the hall on the ground floor, and there's the sculpture of a guy sucking a dick, which is right to the stairs leading up to the main room

jesus what's the point in doing all that to go, I'd rather go to a club that lets you be yourself
Nah family, American

yeah I know, it's odd, but this is what happens when it's so popular

if you really want to get in, then you do what is needed to be done.

besides, it's a charade which lasts for an hour.
no underground clubs where i can get rejected at

>eastern yurop life
i guess if dressing all black and being moody is your actual self then its probably quite nice to find a club where u can feel so at home. but yeah not for me at all, would prob start shaking uncontrollably when i get near the front


>not having your ears caressed by these funktion one stacks
i never was but feel like it depends on your look and vibe. if youre a bit autistic and awkward like me and most people here, try to follow local fashion, berlin is a fucking effay city. look up people on instagram around the panorama bar and you will get it.
if youre less autistic i would say you dont need to follow these steps. there are people who havent heard about all this bullshit and still going on a weekly basis
the fact youre asking means you should follow those guides tho

ffs i wanna check out konstantin closing set and some other shit but just looking at this fuckin queue makes me wanna stay home
seems kanker desu

whats a "pard"

don't be an idiot.

Bicknell; Dettmann; Ben UFO and a Konstantin closing set!

just listen to some music in the queue to pass the time mate
you should go anyway, the sound system is worth it
my m8 is on his way to be resident at squiggleborg

lel, you're dutch?
me irl
Kind of hope 4chan does get deleted. Even /bleep/ is shit now.

Oh look we're talking about Berghain's door policy again...
todd burns lmao

You really proved me wrong there mate.

how the fuck does one enjoy this? like it has no atmosphere, groove, energy. you cant even dance to this shit
i dont get this kind of techno
fuck off lmao
fuck outta here you lil twerp

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
yeah i should fuck off from /bleep/ because i dont enjoy your shitty techno
Yeah that would be great, cheers.
>no ones gives a shit about you irl
>somehow you expect it to be different on 4chan

sound then
techno man go back to bed
/bleep/ is 4 'nuum use only

I expect people who post on /bleep/ to have some understanding of dance music and actually know what techno is. Are my expectations really so high?

if you like safeplaces this much you should check out reddit where you can downvote if someone doesnt like your shitty acid techno
now fuck off
out out out

ta ta
lmao mate youre trying so bad to fit in with the >>>reddits but every post you make alienates you further
cya later geez

(honestly tho both these songs are such jams)
>someone doesnt like my shitty track
>autism kicks in
just stop posting now ok ur making everyone cringe

lrn2bleep/lrn2troll retard
yeehaw etc
samefagging still
What's a "pard"?
wew lad
Hearing new things is difficult and it is painful for the ear
There's a severe lack of intelligent grime in the marketplace desu. As a capitalist myself, I am ditching my roadman attire and will begin working to exploit this inefficiency.
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What are some nice melancholic bleeps

really feelin' it
then why dont you suck on each others dick a bit?i just said your track you posted is shit, then you start yelling for reddit. dont you see the irony?
what the fuck are u on about u little melt u were the one telling everyone to go to reddit lmao

just fuck off already and stick jon hopkins back on its so bait u've never been in these threads
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i don't 'nuum 4 fun
but maybe I'll 'nuum ur mum
our boi Mr.Mitch on it
really tho I'm with you s/t, I was supposed to study some java but fuck it, gonna make a grime tune instead
nope, just obvious to everyone youre some clueless outsider. please leave
yeah. if you cant take someone elses opinion without adhd sperging then reddit is a better place. you can even buy downvotes there dont need samefagging
s t o p p o s t i n g a n d l e a v e

it's typical of /mu/-kiddies to just go 'fuck you guys' and then they leave without longing it out, but it takes a special kind of uppity self-righteous bender like yourself to make a big fuss about it lmao
the more you cry the more i post. create a safespace somewhere else you faggot
you posted an opinion that wasnt worth sharing and embarrassed yourself in the process, so do the right thing and go
really is ur first time here innit

where u from?

We're not getting mad that you insulted "our taste", just that you clearly don't belong here and bleep has a strict "no /mu/ refugees" policy.


Your presence here is how I assume you feel about redditors in your secret club.
Anti PC is the new PC
>how the fuck does one enjoy this? like it has no atmosphere, groove, energy. you cant even dance to this shit
i dont get this kind of techno
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come on guys
no fight
just intelligent grime
watch him start slating bashment music now
i enjoy the shitposting. sorry for not taking your thread on a sri-lankan anime website seriously

oh no im embarrassed myself on the internet. what do now?

no ive been here for like 2-3 years with stops. i got a shit-ton of good tracks and talked to a few guys outside the thread

you realise its 4chan and no one gives a shit about your policy?
i dont get this kind of techno
its actually funny how 4chan you are lool one day you'll grow up, maybe once you finish 1st year
>you realise its 4chan

Nah this is bleep... just a mundane scene innit
lmao jesus christ
lmao you even did that 4chan thing where u quote loads of posts and do a little reply under each one, how did u even find this thread?!??!?
i dont get this kind of techno

please enlighten us with your shit-ton of good tracks pls

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
i dont get this kind of techno
like it has no atmosphere
or energy
you cant even dance to this shit
how the fuck does one enjoy this?
yardman riddim is a just reggae beat tho.
nothing like a bashment riddim, those are way more militant

this one inna steppa style
what? my whole point is that literally everyone can post on 4chan and i dont take your shitty secret club seriously
ive posted a shit-ton of tracks people liked thats why i dont get why people take this place so seriously
any dont get this kind of techno man in?
+ pretty much anything Plant43's done

4chan Pass user since September 2012.
i dont get this kind of techno
>trying this hard to force a shitty meme
fucks sake anon steppa = 4x4 kicks, eg. yardman
get it right soundbwoy
look mate youve clearly upset everyone, the thread is in a right state, it's time to do the right thing
loool try and save face harder yung boy
arrogant /mu/ teenagers dont take to that kind of advice kindly
>look mate youve clearly upset everyone

implying this bothers me. already said i enjoy shitposting. if someone get mad over 4chan posts in a /bleep/ thread he deserves it
We're not talking about Yardman on TheMostHigh, that tune is a steppa, just like the baddaz riddim.

The tune in question, the yardman riddim on Keysound is sounds more like something between a 2 drop and a 3 drop to me.
>implying this bothers me. already said i enjoy shitposting
could have warned us we were dealing with an absolute madman
you really need to be warned about not taking 4chan seriously?
pretty big one
post ur favourite tunes so we can cook u for good
oh right forgot about this one, mosthigh yardman is 2big
my bad

in other reggae related news, looking forward to dis wan
any any any man in man man in?
i like it
i can take people not liking what i like without starting to sperg and yelling to get out like an autist



yes yes im about
i dont get this kind of techno
>still trying to force this maymay
Any philosophical man in
sounds of the sir
im interpreting that sample as this now
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Tfw headphone jack is fucked and all my speakers are shit
Been playing gully tunes out of my guitar amp
how come every remix Sir Spyro does is just him slapping a billion claps onto the tune?
That sounds more like Spooky t b h
right, it was spooky.
but spyro did it on his rythm and gash remix too.
More like Belongs in the trash
I have nothing against your track, but there's even no beats, how on earth it could be grime?
It has some perc, but they're purely melodical. Kinda ambient dreamwave, something like that.
Spooky's remix of Abattoir is sick desu
Why does grime need beats?

>ambient dreamwave
wow, please die
>anon can't into weightless
What's with everyone in bleep falling for obvious bait today
Are you guys stupid or somethin
just die

weightless is trash, though.
bait pop is where it's at
new 1
dedicated 2 dj andy scott
>Are you guys stupid or somethin
u kno we are s/t why even ask
>weightless is trash
I think it has potential desu,
and it sounds nice when you're playing heavy bangers on a system and stick a weightless track somewhere inbetween there, feels weightless man hehe
I like weightless, but only with sick beatz.
I think the absence of weight is about bass, not about rhythm at all.
And rhythm is what defines grime for me.
I like Koala, and your track has grimey crazy beatz.
whats a weightless track?
grime with few or no drums

or as refugees like to call it "ambient dreamwave"

this is extremely nice, thanks
It's grime without fat sub/bass.
> few or no drums
Isn't this weightless m8?:
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