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/Prod/ general

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Thread replies: 315
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Welcome to /prod/ general

How do I criticize edition


(This is my first time starting one of these generals and I don't have all the links pls no bully)
>windows movie maker cant export audio any higher than 192kbps
the fuck? why? i just want a program to slap a picture on top of a song so i can post it to my youtube.
also you have to actually import shit instead of just dragging it in, you have to add a picture before you're allowed to add audio, the picture defaults to a 7 second clip and the audio file that you put in afterwards also does if you dont manually set the end time of the picture's clip to the length of the song

it's like they were actively trying to make a stupid unintuitive piece of shit video editing software. how is this shit even worse than i remember it being?
IIRC the youtube upload page already has the functionality to add a background pic.
you cant upload just audio files though (for some reason... have they not caught on to the fact that like half the music on the site is just an audio file playing with a static image?), im gonna have to make a video file to upload anyways so i might as well just add the picture while im doing that
Whats the comfiest way to fit a midi keyboard on my computer desk.
So far I think I'm getting sliders and install a tray under my desk for my 61 key.
Posted a few days ago. The song is now mastered and added a few new things were added.

And added a few new things* fuck
first time posting here


this is a clip from a little ableton live set i did last night
What are your RMS levels usually like?

Is it ok If im at -3dB RMS at my highest peak?
I like when the right lights on my mixer are on but not when they are on all the time
red lights*
So a mate of mine did a pretty cool acid line in one of his tracks and I felt inspired to develop it a bit with my sound. Ended up with this, also threw some vocoder vocals in for good measure.

Prophet 6 or Prophet 08 PE?

It's a matter of taste. If youre making for TV, you need to abide by some rules. -3dB is good as you're not pushing it too hard but can still make a big sound. Some A/D converters sound better redlining, most don't.

6 all the way
Worth the additional ~$700?
I downloaded Nexus etc, set it up perfectly for FL and then when I click on the plugin it says something like missing content missing? can someone help me?

Really nice - it's reminiscent of Matt Whitehead's take on electro when he's using less formulaic drum sounds.

The prophet 6 is one of the most beautiful poly's full stop, whether it's worth the cost is really up to you.
I love the bassline in this one! The vocals sound kind of low in the mix though.

My mastering guy says -3dB is fine.

Song I've been working on:
Fuckin reeee dude why is it so expensive? Does it sound that good? I have the arturia plug in version and thinking of getting a midi controller and just assigning controls.
Use ffmpeg. It's CLI, but damn powerful.
Anyone know where I can get heavy rock stems so I can remix? I know about the NIN site but I want something besides NIN.
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Well I rendered it out and compared it with 2 other tracks in Izotope RX5

I think I've done ok
Could I get some feedback on a new track I did? In regards to mastering/sound fidelity. I've only got 1 pair of headphones and I don't know how it sounds on other people's shiz.


This needs Big Lurch rapping on it. Rihanna is out of tune. Mastering is treble heavy, flat and the compression pump is really fatiguing - less release please.

Strings are fatiguing and sharp. Up the pads with a little less reverb. Lose the VEH1 kick. Track has a lot of potential.
Anybody tell me what the effect/instrument is called starting at the beginning?

Please don't take this the wrong way. This is my favorite tune in the thread so far, it's sooo cheesy and dumb but I love it. Those Midi-esque sounds just get to me - particularly that piano.


REALLY good sounding here man. The drum trills make the track. Lots of great elements complementing eachother.
got bad feedback about them from 2 people now
gonna change them asap

I was actually more annoyed by the snare, but I'll look for samples that fit better

>Track has a lot of potential
well it's gonna be deleted from SoundCloud for sure for using an acapella
I've owned a P08 for almost 2 years now, and I've played the P6 on a few occasions. The P6 sounds a bit better, but I don't think they are really comparable because they both have different feature sets.
What are some of the biggest references you found?
I would like to find a faster workflow, make my tracks more spontaneous.
It usually takes me a week or two with 2-4 hours daily to finish a track. I'm just really fucking slow 2bh. not because I don't have enough practice but I just tweak everything forever and discard a lot of stuff etc..
Most other people I know making music make hiphop related things which I think have a naturally quicker workflow, they often finish a track in one session or two.

Maybe someone making some for of more time-consuming music could tell me some things about how to not loose your 'connection' to what you're working on before you've finished it.

The kind of music I make is kinda hard to describe (edgy, i know right!) but it's something between ambient, downtempo, trance and jazz.

One tip: treat your music like a real time job
If it's sounding good, doesn't matter how long it took: it was worth it. Do you, senpai.
P6 has a smaller keybed, but nicer mod/pitchbend placement
P6 has a more immediate interface, I don't think there are any menus other than the digital fx
P6 has far less modulators than the P8
The oscillators on the P6 can sweep between waveforms, where the P8 are locked at saw/sawtri/tri/pulse
The P6 has a sub osc
The P6 has a 24db lp filter and hp filter, the P8 has 12/24 switchable LP filter
The P8 has a clicky envalope, the P6 has one to, but it's less apparent

I can't really comment on the tone to much since 2/3 of the times I had a chance to play one it was through a mono speaker in a small room. I think the oscillators on the P6 are bassier and less shrill than the P8, and I think the filter on the P6 is a bit smoother.
tried to
downloaded as a .bz2 file which i've never fucking heard of. right clicked, hit extract, now it's a bunch of folders and shit without a program anywhere to be found.

I want the prophet for those carpenter sounds, but I already have a jx-8p which gets very nice pads and bells, but I don't know if I can shell out for the 6 if the 08 it like half the price
is clyp not working for anyone else?
it loads for me.
i get an error every time i try to upload
If you want I can try to recreate a sound if you link an example?
A few of my clips are gone, maybe there doing maintenance?
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is it worth mixing and mastering?
Just needs some volume adjustments. Specifically, the drums aren't loud enough.
good call anon thanks a bunch
>linndrum ripoff sounds better than the actual linndrum
How the fr*ck did Dave do it?


what is a build-up
Needs another clap / snare layer that has everything but higher freqs eq'd out, staggered in time, with some verb. Snare just goes 'blonk' right now and does not match the energy of the rest of the tune. You got the mid / low freq and body of the thing covered, but its missing that extra layer to push it over the edge. Otherwise, totally fine.
So I'm thinking of getting FL Studio (legally since I'm going to be monetizing my music) any recs on which edition I should get?
Producer or signature. It really depends on what fl plugins you want
I'm not completely sure which plugins I want yet does only having 8 limit the sounds you can produce significantly? Are there places where I could get free instruments etc.?
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>tfw no /prod/ bf to inspire and drive you to create beautiful music together
we could be the captain and tennille of the DAW
I guess random Free VST sites. maybe KVRaudio can provide you with some good free VSTs. And the limiting of sounds you can produce is mostly on you. You could spend $300 bucks and get a few synths more than what I I have with producer edition.

I mostly use Serum (another $190 dollars) and a few fl plugins. Its best to comb through each plugin from the bundles on their website. maybe go on youtube to properly make up your mind
is audioz.download safe? also is the waves bundle really less than 2GB? i thought i remembered hearing it was either really big or really cpu hungry? does it eat cpu?
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>TFW normie gf gets mad when I record
>taking away all my time and focus from what I actually love
>all I want is to make shoegaze-techno like Seefeel

I fucking hate myself
aww anon. i-if you leave her I'll date you.
she sounds lame

punch her boobs to establish dominance in the relationship
Prophet-6 or OB-6? I had a Prophet '08, but it always sounded shrill no matter what I did with it...
R u a reel grill?

Nah I just turn off my phone for a few hours
I'm a male.
I'm bi so
sweet then it's settled!

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heya /prod/ rate my trash pls
a few minutes from a two hour live jam, made with Analog Rytm, modular, MS20 mini

love it
Gay but good
What's the cheapest and easiest way to record music entirely by myself? I mean record as in record me play an instrument, not do a track on FL Studios and put it on Soundcloud.
sm57 microphone, focusrite interface
cheapest but not best quality of course...

also stop the focusrite meme because their lowend interfaces are literally the worst- ur22 or pretty much anything else is better for the same money
>ur22 or pretty much anything else is better for the same money
clipping/headroom issues which make it a headache to use... and barely useable if you want to record di . . . .

they get pushed by people who don't know any better and it still pisses me off that i got tricked into using one when i first started recording lol
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Early drafts, drums are kinda repetitive but other than that what do you think
Looking to dive into some tutorials online but there are so many. I see Sadowick touted a lot by other ableton users, is he as good as they say or is there someone better?
should just remove that watermark in paint

also cool stuff
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>mess around in FL and make some shit
>hope it's better than what I think it is
>come into /prod/ and see I indeed still suck
every time https://clyp.it/wmjyv1jw
i kinda like that lofi vibe
>tfw somewhat normie gf has literally no taste but understand my passion and let me time to make music
feels good
Wait a second, you can't post songs with acapellas on soundcloud? What if they are chopped and have their notes pitch shifted?

What about YT? Is that actually breaking a copyright?

Asking because in that case I probably shouldn't even bother to finish my tracks based around acapellas.
Using an acapella isn't gonna get your song instant-removed or something.
I had 1 of my remixes deleted from Soundcloud (a Taylor Swift remix)
and 1 blocked in some countries on YouTube (a Imagine Dragons remix)
otherwise nothing happened.
If you chop it, and pitch shift it probably nobody is going to care, and even if, they are just going to deleted or block it, thats all
What do you guys mean by this? You don't touch the mixer at all until you finish a composition or?

I usually find an instrument, make it's line, and then start adding some effects on it. When I finish a part of a song, I start mixing everything more in-depth. I don't know if I should change my workflow and how.
Well that still sucks. I also have one rough draft based around Taylor. How do other artists sample and remix shit then without problems? Why tf is Soundcloud even deleting it?
Some people actually ask for permission.
Most people just bootleg it and hope it doesn't get deleted
why does everyone sample Taylor Swift?
>make it's line
Compose its melodic line.

testing vocoder settings and carriers for an upcoming project
listen to fucking me... lol do NOT go lofi..
think i need medical assistance...
I want to use a synth with a shoegaze sound, do you guys have any reccomendations?
So, what to do if I don't have any vocals and can't use acapellas because of copyright/can't sell it?

I don't like pop instrumentals and don't want to do EDM or some shit like that. I need vocals and don't want to use cringy vocoders.

The only choice seems to be focusing on classical.

Some mega cheesy 80s-ish kinda thing I've been working on. I know my transitions are a bit iffy and the 2nd "chorus" if you will needs some better mixing, but what do you guys thing? Also the main melodies you hear are what I'd hope to have a vocalist singing with possibly using the current synths as a little backing.

There's shitloads of vocal construction kits out there, do some window-shopping on say like the loopmasters website or something similar then just try find them on a torrent site (rutracker, proaudiotorrents, audionews are usually the best for audio stuff in my experience). Just as a heads up though, most of them all have really cheesy, pop styled lyrics though but they can be fun to mess around with, and build ideas from
what do you guys think*

Sounds pretty cool, could be a little clearer though. What vocoder are you using?
Well what sort of tutorials are you looking for? In a general sort of thing I'd recommend checking out SeamlessR on youtube. He's got shitloads of really in-depth stuff in quite a few aspects of music making. Even if you aren't an FL user, his knowledge is still pretty useful.
needs more tape saturation and 80s reverb
Anyone know any good pdf textbooks that deal solely with Compression?

I know more or less now to use it, but it's the element I'm weakest with and just wanna learn as much as I can with it, outside of practicing with it of course.
well it's a VST called MDA Talkbox
well, synths don't really have <insert genre here> sounds, you need to sort of know how to work with synthesis, the principle is sorta always the same.

collaborate with someone, there's tons of people even on here.

Mixing Engineer's Handbook covers a lot of that shit in detail.
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rate my outro

it's got a switchup from 3/4 chorus to 4/4 outro


i have a question regarding tuning samples

i hear a lot of talk about tuning a sample using cents, or semitones.

i have been using fl studio for a long time now but i am just getting familiar with theory

how do i know what to tune a sample to?
It's a Korg M1 :) back in the day it was pretty popular for having such a realistic piano sound...
like, say i have this vocal sample of an adlib through a song that i'd like to throw into a sampler and make a melody out of.

how do i make this sample sound music and fit into say, C major?
I've heard that Ableton doesn't limit you to make music in patterns as much as FL Studio. Also, people say it lets you be more creative.

I have it on my PC but don't use it. If (and why) those things are true, I might really try it, because I reallly don't like those patterns in FL, the workflow gets incredibly messy. Although, I learned everything with it so I can't imagine how else it would work, but yeah.
Rate my attempt at some chill, low key muzak please. All criticism and comments are appreciated!

>Mixing Engineer's Handbook
already read it thanks, just wanted something more specific or advanced
You can turn FLs grid off anyway. There's nothing stopping you abandoning the sequencing approach.
It's not about a grid but about program forcing you to compose in patterns. At least that's what I heard, I don't really know how ableton works.
just use the piano roll dude
how could an additional feature possibly be a limit to creativity?


And of course I use piano roll, how can you even do anything without it?
Actually you know what, I probably just didn't understand you. If you meant that I could just put everything in a single pattern, that is.

I'm still wondering why people say those things..
I meant as in 'use it instead of the step sequencer'
I work with FL studio because that's what Ive been using for the past 6 years and while I can do most things in Ableton, it just takes more time for me to do them.

I wouldn't know how FL's piano roll forces you into any sort of pattern, really.
Overall, I think Ableton is the 'tidier' program to work with but 2bh I have my own order of chaos within FL, and I can work with it quite well.
Actually, I'd even say FL is more of a blank page in terms of UI, while Ableton wants you to work in a certain way, with a certain workflow. of course this is exaggerated.

people say these things because the program has 'loops' in it's name I think.

Just realized I have OVER 300 FUCKING UNFINISHED PROJECTS in the span of 2 years.

Considering that today I realized I can't even share 2 remixes I was working on, the number of projects that has a potential is now 0.

Can anybody else beat this?
You have me beat anon, I just checked my projects folder and it's only around 120
Sweet Jesus, will 1080p screen I'll buy even be enough for gigantic synths I use? In every video on YT, Serum and Harmor always take almost all of the screen space.
well, sometimes you're gonna hear some shit being slightly off tune. You'll know it was tuned differently from yoru synths or whatever so youre gonna have to tune it manually until it's satisfying by ear.

just play with the transpose function and go by ear.



they have shit tons of functions what do you expect? it's not 2/3rds tho, if you get a 16 inch screen it's more like 1/5th of the screen.
I have around 4000 here over 4 years. So much stuff stuck in licensing hell too.
3 projects per day... Is that even possible?
It used to be 4 per day, but I slacked off a bit once my health went to shit and I started getting bigger opportunities. If it helps measure it, my average is 1-3 hours of work per minute of music on commissions.
>take this table for example, I bought it in Ikea and put it together completely on my own
what the fuck
What I did is I got rid of the desk completely, mounted displays on the wall, placed the keyboard on a stand, and added a short tray in front for kb+m
You have to download windows builds, not the source.
Fuck yes.
I heard this was supposed to be trash. It turned out to be nothing even close to trash.
I like it, it's groovy as fuck.
Nice drums tbdesu.
Not that bad. But I'd resolve the second bar into a minor chord in the third.
This better turn out to be funky house, because I can already hear the bassline in my head.
That chord synth is soothing.

Fuck there's so much of it in this thread.

What >>67218448 said.
It's missing something still.
Good sounds, but uninteresting musically.
Why vocaroo tho.
Needs to be bigger sounding Tbh.
Yeah, the snare/clap is too weak.
I think this has a little too much reverb.

Did I miss anyone?
>audio interface labelled as having X amount of inputs
>clearly less than X amount of input jacks on the unit itself

what gives?
you got scammed, which interface is it niggaa?
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you are doing god's work anon

Testing out a new program, how shit/10
none in particular, i just keep seeing stuff like this when looking at interfaces online
Stereo is 2 inputs. Midi in is 1 input.
thank u... for everything...
this needs some bass doesnt it
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Because those interfaces must have an ADAT/Optical port, which means it can be used for an extra 8in/8out.

Retailers only tell you the maximum number of inputs/outputs. It actually means it's expandable to that.

Which is pretty great since you can get pic related for only $200 and have enough i/o for a full drum kit or a room of synths.
I went through some of your stuff on clypit. How long does it take you to finish those pieces, on average?
found the shill
hey whichever of you anons has been working on the wiki, fair play to you, you've done some good work
What vocal effects are you using? I dig it
Are KRKs actually worth the price or overhyped to the point that you can get something equally as good for cheaper?
Fuck I'm stuck at this help
just a few logic pro plugins
Where can I change polyphony number in Serum?
Nvm, found it at the bottom, kek my screen barely has enough space to even see it.
lmao i dont :(
Fuck you, best clyp in the thread and you act like you suck. Seriously consider suicide famalam.

How long have you been doing this shit?
>tfw can't tell if my ears are fuged or I can't stop making unlistenable synths

It always hurts, no matter how much I lowpass it, wtf.
appreciated senpai
how do i make proper fucking transitions!!!!!
IKTF, In fact she feels happy for me when I feel inspire and work alot into a song, and criticizes me when I haven't done shit.
Fuck my headphones just broke.

Reccomandations for some decent budget headphones? Ideally for less than $30.
no i mean you can fuck with some mixing shit to your preference while you're composing but you shouldn't focus on tweaking it that much until you finish
I'm having so much fun right now with a mic, my voice and fucking newtone
holy shit I'm dying actually
I should make a career as a trap artist or some shit lmfao
superlux all the way
super cheap
a lot better than some I've had that cost above 80$
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How do you deal with having no inspiration or drive?
My music has been bad for so long that I can't even manage to make something that lasts longer than a few seconds before I give up and start again.
learn to play a real instrument
I've been playing guitar for the last 11 years.
Sweet, thanks anon!
I've had this problem for periods...
First off, don't keep restarting- get in the habit of finishing your songs 100% once you get the idea going.

For feeling uninspired:
>Start/stop doing drugs
>Try new synths/instruments (even shitty freebies will do)
>write in a new spot (on floor, new room etc)
>change masturbating habits

Just change things to make you get out of your routine is the big idea... It makes you think differently and actually pay attention to what you're doing
I think maybe I'll try to use my guitar to write for a bit. i haven't done that in a while. I don't even know what kind of music I want to make anymore.
need a new prod name, previously known as an MC and need a fresh start. Feeling overwhelmed, how did you guys choose your prod names?
Everybody that has made music for a while knows this I think.
Hell, any artist whatsoever has experienced this before.

make music together with other people if you have the opportunity to do so.

go to concerts, music festivals etc
>how did you guys choose your prod names?
I didn't.
I have been actively trying to find a name for the past one and a half years.
shit's hard man.
I just can't choose a name that I like for more than a few days.
Just use your real name
My real name is more or less John Smith
my real name sounds like I'm russian or polish or some shit
not that I dislike russians or anything but you know
what's up Johann Schmidt?
What's up Ivan Kovač.

Don't you hate those days when simply nothing sounds listenable?

I'm pissed as hell now, I'm going to sleep. At least I learned some Serum while playing with its sound design, that also ended up like shit btw.
How do I replicate the chopped up bassline on this song?

I was thinking that idea as well except sweet trip influenced.
thanks bruh you're motivating me :^)

started messing around with bullshit about 5 years ago, can't finish anything tho.
I'll be working in FL Studio.
i dont have a main prod name. for each track i just use some bizarre name.
i usually do shit like
>red velvet hooker($20 dollar half n half)
its alot more entertaining as well

I came up with the names I use for each of my three projects at the exact same type of moment.

I had just taken an earth-distorting shit and was getting in the shower to clean the filth off of my body. During three different post-shit showers, I came up with the names. They just came to me and I googled them to see if anyone had used them. I was the only one. Not only did I feel clean afterwards, but I was positively elated.

Go take a shit, Anon, then shower the feces from your body as you clear your mind.
Are there any resources about the eurorack format? I have a strong grasp on how modules work, but I don't know about power supplys or what terms like skiff mean.
my songs got liked by rootnote collective AMA

>rootnote collective
literally who?
This was me. Found something I am 100% happy with (and I'm very picky and critical).
Eventually got there through persistence and also some guidelines as to what I was after. For example I wanted a two syllable name, I wanted it to look good as a logo and I wanted it to look/sound futuristic. After I had those guidelines it was easy, I smoked some weed, chucked on some dope music and (this sounds lame but) I pictured it being said on the radio. I eventually found something I loved, not long after. Peace /mu/ I <3 U
I'm fucking stoned, left out that I used WIKIPEDIA!!!! Thanks wik
Meth binges
New to producing. Any advice for improving (not only the track, but in general)?


How much from this should I use as samples?
What the fuck are you doing that you need goddamn Windows Movie Maker to run something exceeding 192kbps? As soon as you export it the data compression algorithm for H.264 is pretty much going to reduce the audio to 120 kbps MP3 quality anyway
you should use only his beats as samples because they whoop ass
>"focusrite meme"
>Rupert Neve designs
>best build quality at price point
>best reliability and durability at price point
>best pres at price point
>most transparent conversion at price point
>anon recommends interface with inconvenient phantom power switch, impedance selection on only one channel, and only signal monitoring is a peak indicator that requires USB and external power but is only a two channel input

You couldn't tell shit from applesauce
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we are all going to make it
Try to find AES technical documents and Sound on Sound articles
Interfaces have more inputs than just the ones with preamps, these are typically line-level balanced 1/4" jacks on the back
Dump the bitch, easy
I really like KRKs, they sound great throughout the entire frequency range, even the little fuckers kick ass for the price point. That said, find a song you know really well that has a wide range of frequencies in it, listen to it on all the monitors in your price range, and pick the ones you like the most
Maybe you've got some fluid in your ear canal, that shit is uncomfortable as all fuck.

Is this even worth continuing to work on or should I just start again from scratch

>FL Studio
>Subtractive synths
>"Not just a hobby"
>produces daily
>Wavetable synthesis
>5+ hours a day (not at the moment but soon)
>(nothing at level 5)
>10+ hours a day (soon maybe)
>"I will be pro in 5-10 years time or I will kill myself"

Where am I at?
cognitive dissonance tier. the last one precludes anything below level 6, but <10 hours a day makes it senseless
try harder, work harder
am i the only one who thinks synthwave is complete and utter trash 95% of the time?
i hate that edm with linndrum samples and tron aesthetic, but i will eat up trve cvlt carpenter/vangelis/miami vice shit all day.

if it's linndrum samples then they have to be the shittiest samples i've heard.
Why is Vocoder so low down?
I was wondering why this chart was so disjointed and made no sense.
>implying 9gag doesn't just steal content from other places
but that's wrong and you're dumb
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Will this become easier if I actually learn what electronic music is our does?

ok yeah sure call me a gross weeb but where can i get vocaloid library for mac? i didnt see anything on rutracker
just getting into producing and I bought my first synth, an MS20 mini. How can I run a pedal through it ?
by connecting it to a pedal... bhow is this even a question?
any tips on getting a crunchy synth like the lead on this track?
you sure showed them with that epic reaction maymay!
i think he's asking because of the 1/8 jacks mate... just get something that goes from 1/8 to 1/4

it sounds like you didn't know where to take it... i was just bored waiting for the track to start. if you've got an idea finish it- if not just scrap it.

actually pretty funny. . .

I think it's like the ifunny thing bro
>want to post current wip in /prod/
>upload to clyp.it
>no wait, this sound isn't good enough yet
>continues for 6 cycles

Best way to improve desu, anyway, what do you guys think so far?

>Psy Techno
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Hardware Master race reporting in

Alright Mates show off your hardware gear

What is the best hardware synth and why is it the Yamaha PSR-76 ?
kicks too loud...
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wew lad
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oh yeah and there's one more
Ableton newbie here

Did I go overboard

thoughts and feedback appreciated
>Yamaha PSR-76
Are you a fucking millionaire? I heard those are expensive as fuck also have got an unique clear sound

pleb as fuck
>saturation on master

shouldnt this be on like level 1 or 2 lmfao
If it sounds good, you didn't.
lmfao, you won't make it
How can I know when there are too many sounds playing at the same time?
when some sounds become indecipherable from others.

watch your spectrum, bud.
>watch your spectrum, bud
we dont appreciate autism jokes around here
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>you will never be as good as Arca
>you will never be as good as FlyLo
>you will never be as good as OPN
>you will never be fundamentally sound but also wildly original
>you will never afford great gear
>you will never play shows
>you will never be a trailblazer in experimental electronic music
kill me
seriously what is the fucking point
I think your underestimating how much other people effect their sound. Have you heard that OPN track bubs, thats probaly what the entire RP7 sounded like prior to engineers refining the sound.
Hats are too loud and sharp. Melody is really chill, but it gets boring after a few repetitions.

I personally think the kick sounds too boxy but maybe that's just me.
Kek, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Removed the main synth for a moment because I want to change it completely, and then that distorded bass became dominant and changed to some sort of groovy electric guitar or something.


Guide me or something, please, I feel like I'm walking in circles.

Also, playing with Soundgoodizer fucks up my perception completely.

I ruined it again, am I right?
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so i mixed/mastered this >>67207212


how does it sound?
is the sub bass too loud?
can i get some ms20 advice?

I'm trying to substitute guitar for my ms20 in my band. I want to get sounds that are aggressive and thick enough to be able to take as much space in the mix as a guitar would. Any tips on how to get sounds like that? I've tried turning the peak up and pitching up one vco a little bit, but i still need it thicker i think.
how about [spoiler] guitar pedals [/spoiler]
i've been trying that lately, but i couldn't get anything all that good. i have a tc elec hall of fame reverb and flashback delay, a soul food, and an analog.man peppermint fuzz. any pedals you recommend for ruthless noise?
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Tried making something in the vein of Cashmere Cat, but it turned out sort of shit? What am I doing wrong?

Also, are any of you interested in sharing Serum plugins? I got like a GB of them, which I've mostly collected from various places.

I love the distorted bass. Definitely keep it. Is it a synth or from a soundbank?
Try lowering the bpm just a tiny bit.

You've probably only put in 1/10th of the time they have into producing. Put in enough hours and you'll measure up to them. People aren't born talented when it comes to music.

Turn down the saturation on the woobly bass. Either that or filter out more high end.

Assuming it isn't a sample, just have a very short release and tap the notes instead of holding down.
If it is a sample, he probably used like a reverse sidechain or something.

Make one up a real name like Frank Ocean did. If you use something cheesy or generic like 'Young Thug', you're gonna end up changing it down the line like he did. Also, don't use special signs like $ and @.

Listen to new music and films outside your comfort zone. Works every time for me.
This is gonna sound weird, but you should try lifting. It fills me with endorphins, making me incredibly inspired.

Good sample choice. Try having a bit more low end in it though. It sounds really filtered and hollow.
Use a different clap with less distortion. Hell, just change out all the percussion with the exception of the hi hat. They sound very 80s stock.
Yes, add a bass.

The 8-bit coin sound is played out IMO.
The distorted bass is a synth (Harmor). Cool, thanks. I'll experiment with BPM, also I noticed the bass was a bit too loud in a clyp.

also, does /prod/ not like film scores?
I finally learned what every knob on reverb means kek. Man is this shit fun, no matter what I'm doing.

What do you mean by sub bass?
tips to avoid clipping? (I'm pretty new)

I'm running a guitar + mic into audio interface, connected through JACK into a preamp (Guitarix) into my DAW (Ardour). Pretty much everything I do clips. It is probably stemming from their being no explicit "Volume" in Guitarix. There's mono level out, master gain, pregain and drive, what is the difference between all of those?
does the interface have a preamp built in? if you can't tell, does it say "instrument in" or "line in" on the input?
there are gain knobs on the preamp for each input (2 inputs).
I guess as a more direct answer it says mic/line in, then has a gain knob for each input.
what happens when you drop the gain all the way down to 0, still clipping?
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no then it doesn't clip but it sounds boring, like it's lacking depth.

Does the interface have a high impedance (usually labelled Hi-Z, or sometimes "instrument") input?

Guitar outputs don't impedance-match well with line/mic inputs, usually resulting in dull sound/reduced high frequencies - if your guitar sound is what you're noticing the most issues with (and your interface has no high impedance input) you're probably needing to buy a little DI box that connects between the guitar and the interface.
Mate I'm jealous of your setup.

What Moog is that? Doesn't look like a Minimoog
lol it says little phatty right there in the picture
Sounds great. Would fit in a Mr. Robot or Ex Machina type of deal.
you seem to be missing your keyboard and your mouse...
pretty sure that's under the desk
Actually using a compex m4l setup

Launchpad is a giant track pad, type on synth keys
lol why do people keep missing small details in this photo? you can see the keyboard sticking out under the desk and the name of the synth
yes I have a Hi-Z input, you should put your guitar into the Hi-Z? I have my mic in there right now.

what does impedance even mean?
What's a good program to get if I want to get into recording? My equipment is a guitar-USB cable from Rocksmith and a headset with mic. Are there any free, entry level programs that are decent?

I realise I probably sound like a complete newfag, but idgaf
What does /mu/ think of my Radiohead remix? (It's Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors!)

tfw I'm excellent at the technical aspects of production but I'm a shit songwriter and have an awful time finishing tracks because of it

does anybody have any good resources for learning music theory and songwriting skills that aren't already in the pastebin? I know basic music theory but I wanna stop "getting by" and actually get good at composing things so I can stop feeling like I'm groping around in the dark to write a track.
Anybody knows how the Ableton's API for remote midi scripts work?

I got a link with the API """"documentation"""", and i got a couple of sources, and know how to use python, but everyone i look at is spaghetti as fuck and i can't understand shit

Im one step away from setting up a virtual midi port and doing it myself, but i tried sending midi output from ableton to the shit and all i get is the midi-clock, so i can't bank on the lights turning on by themselves when they are triggered by ableton, and i kind of want it
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also i want the red box thingy

There was a big mega folder of music books, let me see if i can find the link, don't bank on me uploading them, got really shitty upload times and the folder is in the gigs, these are the names of those not included in pic related:

Harmony 1/2/3/4 - Barry Nettles (Berkley)
Didáctica para el desarrollo de la audiopercepción - Rodrigo Andrés Romero Sanchez (file is called art9.pdf)

there's also a load of instrument books in there
Patch the output into the external input. That thickens them up quite a bit. It'll never sound exactly like a guitar though, but I assume you know that.

Is that a Polivoks module near the right?
lol its illegible unless you know the name already
thanks bruh
Try using a free trail of any software if you intend on buying it in the future (when the trail runs out) or torrenting whatever you want if you're a cheapskate.
GarageBand is free if you have a Mac...not sure about other free programmes.
99% of people here seem to use FL studio or Ableton. Other good DAWs are:
Pro tools
lmao, martin garrix and avicii (((monetized))) their music using a pirated copy of fl studio.
what is track bubs?
>Martin Garrix

Literally whoms?
Got a question regarding ableton. I like to slice up songs, send the chops to drum rack and play them like an mpc but I've just noticed that they sound like shit, way worse than the original file. I don't think it used to be like this...maybe only after updating to 9.2 or whatever it is now.
Anyone know how to fix this?
how do you chop them? like by hand or do you menu-chop them?

if you chop them by hand:

they get into a simpler i think, try messing around with the simpler's settings, you know, ADSR envelopes and stuff, specially the Release, like maybe they have a short release so they are stopping before the whole sample plays and they sound sketchy

if not:

chop them by hand, never trust algorithms
*never trust algorithms ( you didn't write)
also if you DO chop them yourself, try looking at your sample rate at the settings, maybe you are unawarely downsampling them
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Lads what do you think of what I have so far?

On a somewhat offtopic note does anyone like what I did in photoshop?
sample rate might be the cause...i'll take a look, thanks.
the in/out sample rate was on 44100, the lowest. sounding a lot better now, thanks a lot.
not him but here
H.264 encodes audio as low bit rate AAC to save on data, and I absolutely guarantee that you couldn't tell the difference between an MP3 and an AAC file at the same bit rate in a blind AB test. Try reading a technical document sometime
>tfw afraid to download 85 GBs of East West Symphonic Orchestra, even though I don't have to fear pirating here, but shit is just too fucking big for a single download
>download Giant piano Kontakt library
>5 minutes later
>"I want to have sex with this library"

Holy shit is it good.
No, it's a dual LFO from harvestman, but they do a bunch of Polivoks stuff

lets hear it
I feel like a low freq hoover bass or saw would take this to another level. Liking the drums tho
Synths are meh, too whiny, not enough character I guess, but drums are awesome. Especially like that panning on snares.
Also, I agree with the other guy about bass.
It was actually rush not bubs
Thanks for the feedback.
I did the same with the West Africa drums. I spent a whole evening drumming out Shamanic riddims
How do you crack kontakt libraries? Every time i download one its always the trial version and isnt registered
Most often you just download them and import in Kontakt - done. There are quite a few times when Kontakt won't import it, though, but you can still load instruments manually. Very rarely have I stumbled upon a library that needs to be cracked, maybe once. There were a few of them that asked for activation after some time so I had to remove them.

But usually it works fine, without asking for anything, the only problem is that sometimes they can't be imported for easier usage. If you need to crack it, torrent should have a manual for that anyway.

just buy them
Recommended Nexus expansions?
>just spend 5000 dollars on memes

hahah no thank u
>5000 dollars

We seem to live in different universes
Not everybody has that kind of money to spend on stupid packages.

Then use a substitute for those libraries or whatever

I found kontakt and the library system extremely cancerous since the cavemen desu

If you're going the pirate way you have to face compromisses
Not that guy, but:

East West Symphonic Orchestra - $600
Session Strings Pro - $100
CineBrass Pro - -$400
CineStrings - $500
Mars Symphonic Men's Choir - $400
Giant Piano - $100
Vienna Concert Grand $100-200(?)
Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand - $130
Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato - $100
Spitfire Albion One - $400
Evolution Strawberry - $170
LASS - $1400

Barely even scratched the surface. But yes, East West Composer Cloud exists.
kompleteeeeee tho

Damn Schoolboy Q on this would be perfect. Thoughts?
Synth is kinda gay.

I like the guiro tho.
some of the sharper perc sounds were a bit too loud. not bad though
and this lol
I feel you. I kinda felt like the synth was cheesy. Might have to change that
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>tfw no gf to sing over your prod
I'd kill to get so crisp and clear sound desu. Pretty good production, although the melody is nothing special, like usual in /prod/.
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Lads how do you think it's going?

I'm not really sure what to do after 57 seconds. Any advice?
I'm making a new general btw, I'll post some good YT links for learning

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