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David Bowie Planned Post-'Blackstar' Album, 'Thought

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>About a week before his death, with Blackstar nearing release, David Bowie called his longtime friend and producer Tony Visconti via FaceTime, and told him he wanted to make one more album. In what turned out to have been the final weeks of his life, Bowie wrote and demo-ed five fresh songs, and was anxious to return to the studio one last time. Bowie had known since November that his cancer was terminal, according to Visconti, but if their final conversation was any indication, he had no idea he had so little time left. "At that late stage, he was planning the follow-up to Blackstar," says Visconti, that album's producer, in an interview conducted Wednesday for a Bowie memorial package in the next issue of Rolling Stone.

>"And I was thrilled," Visconti continues, "and I thought, and he thought, that he'd have a few months, at least. Obviously, if he's excited about doing his next album, he must've thought he had a few more months. So the end must've been very rapid. I'm not privy to it. I don't know exactly, but he must've taken ill very quickly after that phone call." Visconti has been working with Bowie on and off since 1969's Space Oddity, producing numerous key albums, among them 1970's The Man Who Sold the World, 1977's Low, 1980's Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps), and 2013's surprise comeback The Next Day.

>Visconti first learned of Bowie's illness a year ago, when he showed up for Blackstar recording sessions in New York. "He just came fresh from a chemo session, and he had no eyebrows, and he had no hair on his head," says Visconti, "and there was no way he could keep it a secret from the band. But he told me privately, and I really got choked up when we sat face to face talking about it."

>Around the middle of 2015, however, Bowie's prognosis seemed to improve. "He was optimistic because he was doing the chemo and it was working," says Visconti, "and at one point in the middle of last year, he was in remission. I was thrilled. And he was a bit apprehensive. He said, 'Well, don't celebrate too quickly. For now I'm in remission, and we'll see how it goes.' And he continued the chemotherapy. So I thought he was going to make it. And in November, it just suddenly came back. It had spread all over his body, so there's no recovering from that."

>Bowie had already finished Blackstar by November. But even before then, Visconti noticed the tone of some of the lyrics and told him, "You canny bastard. You're writing a farewell album." Bowie simply laughed in response. "He was so brave and courageous," says Visconti. "And his energy was still incredible for a man who had cancer. He never showed any fear. He was just all business about making the album."

>As far as Visconti knows, rumors of additional health problems between Bowie’s 2004 heart attack and his cancer diagnosis 18 months ago are false. "When I met up with him in 2008 or 2009," he says, "he actually had some weight on him. He was robust. His cheeks were rosy red. He wasn't sick. He was on medicine for his heart. But it was normal, like a lot of people in their 50s or 60s are on heart medication, and live very long lives. So he was coping with it very, very well." In the time between the heart attack and the 2013 release of The Next Day, Bowie even took boxing lessons.

>When Visconti learned of Bowie's death, the producer was on the road with Holy Holy, a Bowie tribute project that includes former Spiders from Mars drummer Mick "Woody" Woodmansey. "We deliberated whether we should continue the tour because we were all knocked sideways," Visconti says. "Monday was the worst day of my life. I gotta say. But we talked about it and said, 'We’re musicians, this is what we do. David would like it.' We played for the first time since his death last night to a very, very enthusiastic Toronto audience. There were people crying, but there were people smiling and clapping and jumping around. Listen, it was a wonderful experience to be able to acknowledge him, to celebrate his life."

>Visconti and many other Bowie friends and collaborators reminisce about the musician in the next issue of Rolling Stone.

fug man ;_;
he really didn't want to die
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just realized that in the Lazarus video, when he gets up from his deathbed to be the persona we all know one last time, he wears the outfit in this picture. i wonder why?
>In what turned out to have been the final weeks of his life, Bowie wrote and demo-ed five fresh songs

This is going to be one of the most sought-after recordings ever.
So much for the planned death then. Damn, who knows what the follow up would have been like
he also strikes the same pose as this photo
Whether or not is was a farewell album, it doesn't really surprise me that he kept making music. That's what he loved doing and wanted to keep doing that until he died.
So not only are there 5 blackstar outtakes, there's these 5 tracks
so there's 10 unreleased Bowie tracks. I imagine they'll release them, at some point.
the director of the video probably liked that outfit and said "this would be cool to replicate in my video"
Van Hove, whoever that is, said David was still writing on his deathbed.
life seems nasty brutish and short
It's from his low period and if I'm not mistaken he's trying to represent inspiration in the video. Maybe he chose it because people cite that album as his best or at least his most artistic/experimental
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It's from his Station to Station period.
Is that a Kabbalah diagram he's drawing there?

Seems to fit with the occult themes of Blackstar if so.
Ah, my mistake. Seems more likely at least
>Is that a Kabbalah diagram he's drawing there?

yep. Station to Station is full of references to the occult.
>between the heart attack and 2013 release of The Next Day, Bowie even took boxing lessons.

Reminds me of my Granddad.

Came back from university only to find out that he had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer about a month back. However, in the weeks prior, he apparently seemed healthy enough, if a bit skinnier. My Dad thought he'd last at least another year.

Had a stroke the night I got back. Cancer had spread to his brain. Could barely form words. He lasted a week.

He could always remember my name and my cousin's name, though.

Cancer's a right cunt.
There's also 5 unreleased songs from the Blackstar sessions, guess he was planning to put them on the next album, not Blackstar Extra like we all assumed. :(
Fucking Christ, I've heard the talk about how he didn't want to die but after hearing Blackstar it seemed as maybe he got it all off his chest, was ready.

Turns out he really couldn't give everything away, no matter how much he wanted to.
I think the best thing they can do with these songs and the unreleased ones from Blackstar is put them on an album and have to profits go to some type of cancer charity.

He always had an interest in occultism.
Hunky Dory for example is full of occult lyrics.
Shit, that's what that line was?

I thought he was singing 'from tether together'

>u better not mess with major tom
>"You canny bastard. You're writing a farewell album." Bowie simply laughed in response.
Few things worse than some sudden illness taking someone you love before even the idea of it possibly being their demise seeping through to you. I know the feeling, it happened with my father and soon later granddad.
Hope you're alright now.
I imagine that David ended up being terrified by the occult considering when he was fucked up on cocaine, he was suffering from psychosis because of it and thought witches were stealing his sperm, his pool was haunted and that people were jumping off his roof, flying past his windows. Some people said that it would rain ONLY on David's house, and that he had a white witch do an exorcism on his pool which had smoke come from it during the exorcism. I imagine after those experiences, he was only interested aesthetically.
that's an interesting catch
he also dances in that outfit, so it's definitely a representation of his younger, more popular self
the last song on blackstar is titled "i cant give everything away" like he does wish he could live to keep giving but his time is soon, the song also samples a harmonica from a previous bowie song a new career in a new town, get it.



Its my favorite song on the album, it feels like if his life were a movie and this would be the song at the end on the credits.
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I'm off topic but other threads about arefull on shitpost so I'll post this here

If you have time check this out, a BBC documentary narrated by Jarvis Cocker about Bowie's early career to the end of Ziggy's phase


It's really well made
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Yeah, I am, thanks. That was one of the weirdest weeks of my life, though. Just how rapidly he deteriorated.
Jesus he looks so fucking good in both these pictures. Even without the cancer, he looked fucking great for 68
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yeah look at that hairline

god tier genes from top to bottom


That's one of the happiest Bowie pics I have ever seen
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Even with cancer, he still wasn't as thin as he was during the Diamond Dogs tour. Holy fuck, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
I'm so sick of hearing of David Bowtie, fuck off with this dad rock shit
he looks like a ghoul from fallout
taste the sadness. i'll never feel this sad about a musician again.
death grips general is that way fagtron
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I can't imagine how Bowie felt trying to write some worthy artistically important album as an epitaph to mark the end of his life with.
Trying to prove people who said any creativity he had already died over 30 years ago wrong while knowing he is running out of time. Hoping he can finish his probably last project, one that would eclipse all the stuff he's put out over the last few decades since his golden era.

The fucking bastard actually still had it and just wanted to get it out in time, he just wanted us to remember him fondly. All that just makes seeing how much he didnt yet want to die and how much he still had in store so much worse.
>not knowing how to filter
I suggest you lurk a little more before trying to post again. Don't worry, we all started somewhere.
Bowie was the director of the video.

Johan Renck directed it and the Blackstar video.
he was probably wearing make up anon
and the hat is probably for his bald head
fuuuck ;_____;
what do you wanna talk about
Wish this photo was higher quality. It looks like there is a design on his shoes, but they are to blurry to make anything out of it. Really hoping they were skulls.

Depends when that photo was taken I guess, at the Lazarus premiere in december he looked great and had hair.

this is the saddest thing
I don't want him to be gone
Look like standard brogues to me
Something has been bothering me since I heard he had cancer, and I feel kinda stupid asking this but:
Do you think the hair in his videos is his real hair?
>Around the middle of 2015, however, Bowie's prognosis seemed to improve. "He was optimistic because he was doing the chemo and it was working," says Visconti, "and at one point in the middle of last year, he was in remission. I was thrilled. And he was a bit apprehensive. He said, 'Well, don't celebrate too quickly. For now I'm in remission, and we'll see how it goes.' And he continued the chemotherapy. So I thought he was going to make it. And in November, it just suddenly came back. It had spread all over his body, so there's no recovering from that."

Didn't he have inoperable liver cancer, the same as Total Biscuit? Hopefully TB has better luck. He's feeling optimistic about his remission right now.
He had no more chemo at that time so he probably still had his hair.
That photo >>61725977
was taken on his 69th birthday. So 2 days before death. Granted, he probably had some makeup on.
they're just wingtip brogues you unfashionable twit
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I think so yes.


It was published on his birthday, I kind of doubt it was taken then.
he looks like an absolute madman
he means because of the lyric in I can't give everything away you silly billy
i thought they were taken two days before he died
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A true artist to the very end.
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god damn
Let's just get back to regular /mu/, look at the catalog it's disgusting.
did you read the first post?
there's this dome tower in my town that can play music

they played this when he died
>The absolute beginner/madman
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Guess who didn't listen to the Blackstar album.
It's a beautiful sea of flowers in David's honour.
The start is also very similar to that of Thursday's Child, although in a different pitch.


His hair could've grown back, he said that was a year ago.
Bowie threads have just been the nicest since he passed.

Everyone's griefing together and there's hardly any cunts. I'm really enjoying this. Thanks Bowie.
Yeah that's the Kabalist Tree of Life he's drawing
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thats amazing.

id rather have 50 threads of bowie with mostly actual discussion than all the regular meme threads and shitposting
so you'd rather have kpop threads and people calling each other niggers?

is summer here already

Wow :(
It said he continued Chemo to at least mid least year.
That's a lot of hair to grow back in a couple of months, especially for an old man with cancer.
It's most likely to be a wig senpai.
Blame the SJW's, they're doing this on purpose to get their own back on 4chan and men in general. The rest of us just want to talk music.
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Bowie's death is proof positive that god is dead. He's either dead or Evil with a capital E for taking him from us.
That's pretty sweet.
>He literally made a concept album about his own death

He really was a true artist until the end
It's beautiful to see so much Bowie in the catalog and so little memerap and flavour of the month garbage
What the fuck are you talking about

Go away
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I think it's more that he just wanted to keep himself occupied doing what he loved more than him actually thinking he had some more time. I Can't Give Everything Away makes it pretty clear he's upset over not being able to still create music for people to enjoy much longer.
any other older artists reaching death that might be inspired by all of this and make a new album soon?
Bob Dylan, maybe

wonder how Bobby Dill felt about Bowie's song for him on Hunky Dory
are you 14
You're not fooling me.
Scott Walker perhaps?
Back to tumblr, music-hating fuckass.
Dylan and members of the Stones are next
KACHOW says you're a fucking idot
David, pls.
>There will never be a final album told exclusively from the perspective of screaming lord byron
Absolutely wold how literally every tumblr babby has the exact same all lowercase run on syntax. Marvelous.
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>calling beautiful androgynous men faggots
>1900 + 116

You're just mad because you got called out. Game set match.
I've listened to blackstar. I'm surprised, this hack actually made something decent. Took him 40 years and like 15 horrible albums though.

Yeah I genuinely believed that Bowie had passed into a final ultra-patrician phase of his career where he had bottomless money and nobody to tell him what to do, and he was finally free to do whatever the fuck he wanted.

I feel bad for him because despite his fan appeal, critics and the industry were always white-anting him. They were so keen to tear him down from the heights of his 80s popularity that he actually blinked and lost the plot.

He almost got it back with Buddha, which as a soundtrack was basically a free-pass to do whatever, but the Outside album was severely hamstrung by record execs.

Anyway I feel sad and it's selfish because I know that he took music that I wanted to hear to his grave. Rest in RIP. ;___;
I just noticed that harmonica bit earlier today
def scott walker
i feel like dylan wouldn't care otherwise
he might born again, again

>using "marvelous" on a shit music board

who are you trying to impress?
Scott Walker is pretty much always making music, though. I don't know that his old age will really spur him to do things different than he already does.
what an astute and intelligent comment you have made there, I look forward to your future comments as they will contribute so much to the threads here.
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>tfw you realize money doesn't cure cancer

How long do you think he has left, /mu/?
Back to tumblr, dude.
The artist known as Blowfly has been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and recording his final album
so I imagine he's inspired by it
>acting like an overly angry dickhead on an anonymous board

who are you trying to impress?
ur mom

>pedantic blacklisting of specific words
Who are you trying to impress?
As late as 1983 he was still scared of it. I read he had a meeting with some producer he never met and realized after a few minutes that said producer had occultist memorabilia in his office. Bowie freaked and bolted. A few minutes later his assistant came into the office to collect the cigarette butt he had left in the ashtray - bowie was afraid the producer would use it to perform magik on him.
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>I can't imagine how Bowie felt trying to write some worthy artistically important album as an epitaph to mark the end of his life with.

I doubt he was too concerned with being hip. He's always done the same thing - whatever the fuck he wants.
What's with everyone getting inoperable liver cancer? It's like an epidemic.
Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking, which is also why I added perhaps. I think he'll keep making music either way, so the perhaps was more like.. Will he do a tribute or just keep doing his thing?
What a weird name for a Bowie character.

Does Button Eyes have an official name?
Didn't Scott say in an interview around the time he released Soused that he was trying to make albums quicker now since he knew he was getting too old to take a long time working on them?
David Bowie
Ablaq Star

Button Eyes is the official name, that's what Bowie and the director called him.
weed cures all, faggot
Speaking of unreleased material...

Can anyone explain to me what his unreleased "Toy" album was supposed to be?
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Pre-Space Oddity Bowie tracks that he re-recorded during the Heathen sessions; most of the tracks are available either in the Heathen bonus disc, on the Nothing Has Changed compilation, and the rest sitting in a torrent online

There's apparently others from Toy that haven't leaked yet
he was just saying goodbye, Brian Eno has a similar story

Re-recordings of some of his earliest songs as well as some new songs. But his label didn't want to release it, so he made his own. Some made it onto Heathen and its b-sides but it leaked in high quality a few years ago.
at least he had the opportunity to something truly new and bold before he left, he did something nobody has before and will be immortalized by it.

I think Blackstar is going to remain a pretty legendary part of his discography, maybe even what he's known for most in the far future.
they were playing it in the record store i just got back from, and hearing only the harmonica through all the background noise made the connection click in my head
tell Scaruffi tells them some shit 90s album was his best work
I think the reality of the situation and the drugs made it easy for him. He had a website that cost like $75 bucks to join, yet he gave this way for free.
Would that be stuff that appeared on his self-tilted debut?
God dammit, every day I wake up feeling slightly less sad about his death but then I come to /mu/ and read new stuff about his last moments and I feel so fucking sad again.
This is what I have from Toy:

>I Dig Everything
>Hole in the Ground
>In the Heat of the Morning
>Silly Boy Blue
>Liza Jane
>The London Boys
>Conversation Piece
>Baby Loves That Way
>You've Got a Habit of Leaving
>Shadow Man
>Let Me Sleep Beside You
>Your Turn to Drive

The original tracks date between 1964 and 1967, except for Your Turn to Drive.
hell be fine
fuck, it was probably going to be more upbeat too

I bet he was thinking
>Learning about your death and the depression that comes with it

>New Album
>Coming to terms with it and reminiscing about your life
only women needn't smile
Yeah, I noticed that too.
whoops, forgot to mention that apparently Karma Man was also recorded, but remains "in the vault" along with several other Bowie rarities like Shilling the Rubes, Lover to the Dawn, Rupert the Riley, etc
Barry Gibb
thanks, watching now
>yfw an astronaut did david's song better

I hope her next album has some heavy Berlin era Bowie influence. That would be pretty sweet.
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what is this final bowie era called?
yeah, david's stuff isn't that great to me. but whatever you say.
Your wrong. His 1979 re-recording is best. Hell, it made me cry listening to it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wpGtImbg8t4
pretty sure it's "kneel and smile"
im seeing holy holy this weekend, i dont know if ill be able to handle it
Just found this, Bowie talking about ageing and death in 2002 :( http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03f5cyt?intc_type=singletheme&intc_location=avs&intc_campaign=radio4infour&intc_linkname=audio_bowie_contentcard1
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>the body that produced that beautiful voice is now gone forever
nah m8 it's gonna be about how she loves how Cara's underage tongue fucks her pedophile creepy ass pussy.
I remember reading an article shortly after TND came out where Sterling Morrison (I believe) said they recorded about 20 something songs but not all of them went on TND. Mayhaps there will be a beautiful posthumous release in the future. One can only pray to Bowie :')
>Damn, who knows what the follow up would have been like
It's one of those lost things that no one will ever know about and yet it sparkles my curiosity insanely
people like to drink
But Paul is already dead.
>yfw everyone that contributed to Transformer is dead
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Huh, actual space looks great to film a music video.
The Blackstar era
No disrespect to Mr. Bowie, or his long, successful career, but we're all in agreement that the song Blackstar is dogshit, right?
Sterling Morrison has been dead for 20 years anon...
No, it's great. Girl Loves Me is even better though.
>So not only are there 5 blackstar outtakes

Sauce nigga
I love it, but I like that people with this opinion aren't trying to cover it up like I've seen a lot of other people do.

I don't understand how anybody could listen to this embarrassing, edgelord mess and not simply laugh at how lame it all really is.

It's trying so hard to be art, it just falls flat on its face.
Dylan's comeback album of the 90s was about death, actually.
>Let's just get back to regular /mu/, look at the catalog it's disgusting.
So you'd rather have an endless sea of KPOP threads? Kill yourself, you swine.
Well, you've convinced me! You must be right.

Kpop generals might be annoying but they're more self contained than any other memes on this board.
I'd listen to Space Oddity, Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust, The Berlin Trilogy, Young Americans, Let's Dance and Station before I listened to Blackstar (which I listened to before Bowie died). Blackstar was the one I liked the most upon first listen.
Opinion discarded.
While I love how planned everything seemed with his death how it happened, I'm sure he would like everyone to hear everything he was working on right before he died.

Does it say anywhere if the 5 songs not included were completely finished? If so they could release another album with those on it. Plus a special edition of Blackstar with the 5 songs that apparently were left off of that album, maybe including the longer version of the title track too.
How could you like black star more than space oddity?
comment un pédé pareil peut-il croire que je pourrais avoir envie de le voir?
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So does anyone have any sort of idea what the fuck these weird twitchy fuckers are supposed to represent? I really do not understand this music video at all.
all the men David Bowie sodomized before his untimely AIDS death, rip :(
I legit thought this was some kind of alternate reality fiction or b8 or troll post, but the article is legit it seems.
They represent all the people anxious for the release
Space Oddity has some truly excellent songs but the songs that are not excellent have some pretty inane lyrics and uninspiring compositions.

Cygnet Committee is GOAT though
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Oh man, I can relate to that so much. I'm not old, but I had a heart attack a few years ago, and my body has still not recovered completely. The sudden realization of your own mortality, realizing that death isn't really such a far-off thing and that it's always lurking nearby, feeling your body actually break down or grow weaker, is horrible.

I can't even imagine what it was like for him going through cancer. Jesus christ.
Is the shock and anxiety of the fans after his death. See that they also appear when Bowie is showing the Blackstar book, their reactions is almost calm and monotone
I think it should be the Death era. Blackstar and The Next Day both deal with that theme.
Sorry, getting my VU and my Bowie mixed up. Im referring to the guy who played drums on some of his later albums.
This makes me how a man so eager to work could have dealt with going 10 years without releasing anything, and that got me thinking maybe he recorded and wrote a bunch of stuff in that time, either way still very odd
The only way that Cara + Annie could be hotter is if they were related.
Maybe he only recently got the desire to start creating stuff again, partially because he knew he was getting old and he probably knew that the few things right before The Next Day weren't all that well received.
>Bowie wanted to live longer despite knowing his death was coming
Hurts even more, now
Also, this drives a nail into the coffin for that assisted suicide theory
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This represents millennials (the newest generation) doing nothing but wasting their energy locked away in their rooms online. The light they seek peering in from the "outside", something they've conditioned themselves to ignore. White, Black, men, women, all young and desperate for some sort of visceral engagement that can't be attained in the prison they've chosen to voluntarily lock themselves in.
I didn't want it to be that way. I really hoped my life would be different by now.
Yeah, I imagine there could have been some serious regret for that time spent off, I know he needed to be with his family but i guess he still could have made releases without touring like with the next day and black star, but then again the 10 years silence off probably brought a good bit of publicity to the next day, meh who really knows, I'm rambling, I really hope the 5 bonus tracks aren't the same as the 5 tracks mentioned in this interview.

Maybe the heart attack made him realize he wanted to spend as much time as he could raising his daughter.


Heathen was very well received. And Reality wasn't that bad.
Yeah, I imagine there could have been some serious regret for that time spent off, I know he needed to be with his family but i guess he still could have made releases without touring like with the next day and black star, but then again the 10 years silence off probably brought a good bit of publicity to the next day, meh who really knows, I'm rambling, I really hope the 5 bonus tracks aren't the same as the 5 tracks mentioned in this interview.
For a guy known for amazing hairdos and personas, the fact that he was reduced to a bald, hairless skeleton in a hospital gown by cancer just really makes me sad.
>And Reality wasn't that bad.
It wasn't that bad, but it had an atrocious album cover.
So freaking sad, what's gonna be real sad for me is when all these bowie threads begin to dwindle and he's slowly mentioned less and less. I know there's tons of this, but I feel it's been good
that's a good thing, it's disrespectful that he's being fellated with all this false sentiment
but the real question is did he go to hell??
Yeah. Especially with all that "he was a rapist and a pedophile" bullshit that's been going around.

I've cut contact with a few friends for actually preaching that horseshit.
yes, he was gay and raped a 13 year old and bought illegal cocaine
Did you guys pick up on Starman being in the Blackstar video? The spaceman with all the flashy jewelry crash landed on the planet who had withered away to nothing but bones?
or more likely major tom
>exploiting Bowie's death like this
Sickening. Almost as bad as the idiots that are saying he was a rapist.
Yeah I'm confused about who it's supposed to be. I too was thinking Major Tom but why would he have jewelry all over him?
Why the fuck do people keep saying he raped a 13 year old? She wasn't 13 first of all and second of all she never even specifically says they did anything sexual, and you can tell by how giddy she is talking about it that it was CLEARLY not rape if it was sexual.

Let me guess, she's been brainwashed to believe it was okay. Fuck off.
Well, he died on the mission but was worship by the people who found him.

Also check the Lazarus video again, his skull is on the desk as he writes.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it was definitely a reference to Major Tom. It seems with these videos he wanted to tie all of his alter egos together in death.
so you can basically sin and do whatever you want your whole life until you're on your deathbed and then ask for forgiveness and you'll go to heaven? seems legit
she says she lost her virginity to him
That could also be Plato's cave tho.

It also actually is Plato's cave. Sorry.
>he thinks regular /mu/ isn't garbage

Ooookay time for bed kid.
TND had some fucking unintended foreshadowing.


And "Where Are We Now" was really somber.

You seriously would prefer this guys version of Bowie's?

Disgusting. His vocal control is strained, his phrasing is choppy and robotic, he emits no actual sort of emotion. Boring. I commend him for his efforts though, still a pretty cool cover. David Bowie himself even said it's the most poignant cover of Space Oddity.

Which is hilarious.
I don't recall that. Regardless, she's not traumatized over it, she seemed to enjoy being in his presence. Why the fuck are people trying to say he raped her?

Now that he's dead people have to sully his legacy? What for?
Virtue signaling, look it up. It's what is happening right now.
Is Plato's cave the thought about guides and followers being lead by a shining light or some shit? I can't remember exactly.
this has been an accusation long before he died, it's only now that his "legions of fans" care about him again that it's gaining any attention

anyway, since she was a minor, it's statutory rape and he's disgusting
The Stars Are Out Tonight too

>Stars are never sleeping Dead ones and the living
Oh fuck right off, that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
They represent contrarian edgekids shitposting on the internet after his death.
Whatever dude. The only reason you're saying that is because your government told you its wrong.

Call him a rapist all you want, I don't care. No one else will either. Not even the girl he supposedly "raped".
he's a coke-addled rapist and you never knew him enough to pretend you love him
So it's essentially the idea that people who don't know anything will speak as if they know something and that those who know a lot will doubt their knowledge because they know just how much there is out there to learn?

That woman in the background is the same one lurking in the shadows on Lazarus. 9deep20me ('._.)
fuck, wrong link
I never said I love him you dolt. I just don't care if he "raped" some girl.

Nothing Has Changed is particularly poignant in both the final scope of its selection as well as the packaging.
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No, I think you may have a case of the plebs
david bowie was a artist who made art until the day he died, that garners infinite respect from me.
Well, they are in a posture and the way they move their hands kind of seems to be an indication that they may have been reminiscent of playing the piano.

So perhaps they were meant to represent all his muses and inspirations for his music.
what about the day he raped that girl or all his Nazi items got seized
It's more that people's views on something are so ingrained that when presented with the possibility of knowing more, even to the point of completely altering their perspective on an issue, most would actively try to remain ignorant whereas a few would dare to learn. In so doing, those few isolate themselves from the rest because now they can't just go back to their previous view and yet they themselves are now forced to continue looking into the world for knowledge.
this is the worst justification for disliking an album that I've ever heard.

What about the day when edgelords made up bullshit about a guy who just died?
so this is what three people standing in an attic shaking means?

man. the fucking retards on this board
all of the accusations against Bowie are truth
face it, the guy you're pretending to love because it's trendy right now is scum

Meh, ok then. I'm good with this.
What about it? Even if he did have consensual sex with her, or had nazi items, how is that inherently bad?

>13 years old
The groupie was 15 and consenting, supposedly. Also >implying that bowie would need to rape
Any woman would drop her pants for Bowie that is a fact. Also there is no nazi stuff what the fuck? All lies eat shit edgekid.
Where is all of this evidence of this evil man's atrocities? I will not stand to this. I am marching to my local Court Houses and making a case against this right now. I'm going to take it to the Supreme Court.
he broke the law for things a layperson would be hugely punished for, but if you mention them after his death you're just trying to sully his legacy
No, that's what Plato's The Cave is about.
>all of the accusations against Bowie are truth
I accept this. I also accept the fact that if there's grass on the field you play ball. Fuck the law, that's word to pimp.
>Bowie’s immersion in Kabbalah was part of an overarching spiritual quest that took him from Tibetan Buddhism (he almost joined a monastery in the late 1960s, until his teacher told him that he’d make a better musician than monk) to Christian mysticism, occult worship and a flirtation with neo-Nazi imagery that nearly derailed his career when it was discovered that he collected Nazi memorabilia and that he seemingly made a “Heil Hitler” salute upon arriving, in 1976, in an open-top Mercedes convertible, waving to a crowd gathered at London’s Victoria Station.
nigga you just said the attic was platos cave
>but if you mention them after his death you're just trying to sully his legacy
It's the fact that you're only mention it after his death in a contrarian and bitter attempt to tarnish his legacy. You all claim "we're always known" but you were never this vocal about it.

If you cared so much about this "atrocious crime", why not go and shit on Jimmy Page as well? Literally no one is prominently attacking him despite him being mentioned as well. At least he'll be capable of responding instead of shitting on a dead guy who brought alot of good to the world. The dead can't sue for libel, remember?
rape isn't about "need", it's about power
I'm not sure how that answers my question. From what I've heard, she led him to believe that she was older. She was working as a groupie, I don't see how he had a reason to doubt her. How does having a good time with another person make him bad?
Okay, so he had an interest in the Occult and Nazism. I have an interest in the Mujahideen and the Occult and Satanism. Does this mean I am practicing Satanic Necromancing Terrorist?

No. I could say "Hail Satan" once and someone could hear that one time I say it. Does it mean I actually hail Satan? No.

Also, that's nothing but green text. That isn't a fucking source dude.
>consensual sex is rape
elaborate pls
but that makes me like him even more
According to the law at least, with someone under the age of consent (16-18 depending on where you are) it doesn't matter if it's consensual or not because nobody under 16 years of age apparently has free will.
It doesn't this kid is just pathetic and pretty fucking jealous Bowie's fat gay cock wasn't in his ass.
there weren't all these Nazi cokehead rapist glorification threads before he died, were there?
Yeah, no one under 16 has free will. So they can't be held at all accountable for their actions. They must have been forced.

I guarantee you, you would NOT give a fuck if the law didn't say so. You'd probably be fucking 14 year olds if you could get away with it you dirty whore.
>Everyone shits on Bowie with these accusations right after the moment he died
>Jimmy Page gets a free pass despite being equally guilty (if not more) despite still being alive

Afraid of that libel lawsuit, are we?

Nope. People wanted to talk about Bowie's music. It was childish shitflinging most of the time, but it was music discussion. Literally no one mentioned the rape stuff, and attention towards the Nazi stuff was handled in a ironic and satirical manner.
were you detained for trying to transport illegal materials relating to your interests across the borders of foreign countries?
>with someone under the age of consent (16-18
where have you been? people on here were pretty hyped about his album before his death. also, you keep calling him a nazi... why? it's pretty well knwon he wasn;t racist. he's also part jewish.

funny, cause a few weeks ago some dud from /pol/ was calling him a "kike enabler"

The nazi stuff is all a fabrication. There is absolutely no basis for it.
'tis a pity she was a whore, but her trips were nice
And his wife is black, so there's that too.
I agree. Although there was that one quote when Bowie was in his Thin White Duke days about Nazism that was posted as an ironic "WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS?" thread.

Only retards and those trying to stir shit because Bowie's death is trending actually take this shit seriously.
>Bowie drew criticism during the tour for his alleged pro-fascist views. In a 1974 interview he had declared, "Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars... quite as good as Jagger... He staged a country", but managed to avoid condemnation. On the Station to Station tour, however, a series of incidents attracted publicity, starting in April 1976 with his detention by customs in Eastern Europe for possession of Nazi memorabilia. The same month he was quoted in Stockholm as saying that "Britain could benefit from a Fascist leader". Bowie would blame his addictions and the persona of the Thin White Duke for his lapses in judgment. The controversy culminated on 2 May 1976, shortly before the tour completed, in the so-called 'Victoria Station incident' in London, when Bowie arrived in an open-top Mercedes convertible and apparently gave a Nazi salute to the crowd that was captured on film and published in NME.
what about op's post is /x/ related?
Like the other guy said, Jimmy Page can sue, Bowie can't. They're preying on the helpless.
i think in a past thread some anon did some kind of photoshop and brand wizardry and found that they definitely could have been a pair with skulls on them

david's probably kicking himself in his grave if he didn't wear any haha
Well if they were removed while he was in Germany, they consider anything with the Nazi emblem as contraband so naturally he would be scolded and detained for it.

Having such memorabelia doesn't make you an awful person. Having an interest in such things doesn't make you an awful person. David Bowie seemed to have a very morbid and melancholic view on life a lot of the time, so I'm sure his interests took him to some darker places.

Still waiting for that source, buddy.
read the Wiki article it's quoted from, which is loaded with sources
why are Bowie fags this delusional
>kek'd and checked
Why should I care that the guy had Nazi memorabilia? For fucks sake. Why should anyone? You're not changing anyone's mind. Fuck, I'd probably own some Nazi memorabilia, their aesthetic was pretty fucking bad ass.
I feel bad for anyone who would talk smack about Bowie. He is universally praised as being a swell guy, you fags should just wake up to yourselves.

"David's death came as a complete surprise, as did nearly everything else about him. I feel a huge gap now.

We knew each other for over 40 years, in a friendship that was always tinged by echoes of Pete and Dud. Over the last few years — with him living in New York and me in London — our connection was by email. We signed off with invented names: some of his were mr showbiz, milton keynes, rhoda borrocks and the duke of ear.

About a year ago we started talking about Outside — the last album we worked on together. We both liked that album a lot and felt that it had fallen through the cracks. We talked about revisiting it, taking it somewhere new. I was looking forward to that.

I received an email from him seven days ago. It was as funny as always, and as surreal, looping through word games and allusions and all the usual stuff we did. It ended with this sentence: 'Thank you for our good times, brian. they will never rot'. And it was signed 'Dawn'.
I realise now he was saying goodbye."
I'll be "delulu" if you want to keep spouting nonsense about him being an awful person. Pretty much everyone else in the world seems to disagree with the one guy who thinks he should be denounced because he "raped" a girl and "owned nazi stuff".
don't forget that he was also a cocaine addict who was never once made to pay for his crimes
Any victims beside himself in that case? Perhaps the dealers when he quit the habbit?
Who gives a shit? Of all things you could accuse him of, why a coke habit? Does that hurt anyone besides him? If he chooses to do it, what do you care?
Please stop feeding the edgekids.

the illegal drug industry has a huge human cost and buying drugs is funding human trafficking and slavery

full legalization or death penalty when
Buying anything is funding sweat shops so I guess we should just do nothing.
Fucking hell... Just when I thought I wouldn't cry anymore...
and how much of your average supermarket purchases are illegal and putting hands directly into the hands of criminals?
Nobody cares about the legality, but you were bringing up moral things related to illegal drugs. You're funding similar shit by buying pretty much anything. That's my point.
food and clothing are human necessities. cocaine?
You only buy food and clothing and nothing else? I'm sure you have a smart phone most likely put together in a sweatshop.
Cocaine too.
of course, people like you are the same kind as those who defended Roman Polanski
>food and clothing are human necessities. cocaine?
In the 70's, yes.
Take your SJW bullshit elsewhere.
In the 70's-80's it didn't really have such ties. Smuggling drugs inside people you intimidated into it is a somewhat new thing.
take your retarded blind fanboyism back to your Twitter account
ah yes, i'm sure that drug production was a wholesome family business back in the day
I'm sure that sweatshops are and were a wholesome family business.
Are you an idiot or something?
Check this:
was good until Heaven. Bowie belongs in hell
>this is the best bait that reddit can muster
Seriously fuck off and die
/pol/ here

Kill yourself, nigger
Could be Dawn, like how he ended his email to Eno.
Why? Are you fat? Tell me how are you just to know what to avoid in my life.
Oh, and I guess you only buy ethically-sourced clothes, tech and food?
Renck did direct both but Bowie had A LOT of control regarding what sort of symbols and references he through in.
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