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ITT: Musician deaths that will actually matter

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ITT: Musician deaths that will actually matter
except nearly everyone knew who bowie was and no one knows who this scrandom is fuckin kek get real dude
David Bowie
in order of how much shitposting it will generate

Bob Dylan, Leo Cohen

power gap

Brian Wilson, Thom Yorke

power gap

Roger Waters
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literally my favorite musician. not even joking i love him.
It says deaths that will ACTUALLY matter
You have that entirely backwards.
I think Alex Lifeson will be the first to go out of the 3 of 'em
>implying people here care that much about leo cohen or even bob dylan
specially how you put them above thom yorke in terms of memedom
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I haven't seen him mentioned in any "hell be fine" threads.
Literally will kill myself if Tom Waits dies this year.
*tips fedora*
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I'll kill myself the day she dies
literally who
underage pls go
>making fun of someone for having good musical taste
he'll be fine
>doesn't know richard gere

cucky please leave
Whos that?
Right, so David Bowie
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>also diagnosed with cancer, advanced at this point
>contacts Brian Eno to make a final collab project
>new Byrne & Eno album comes out
>10/10s everywhere
>Byrne dies shortly
>Eno gets really depressed on losing two friends at once
>hangs himself in his house
I will literally kill myself when he dies.
No, I mean ACTUALLY mattering
Right, so actually David Bowie

David Bowie matters a lot
please god no.
I am talking about musicians who ACTUALLY touched people's heart and souls
So we're both talking about the same person

You mean doctors and priests?
No, I mean musicians who people will ACTUALLY cry for

Kim Jong-Un?
>implying people know who the individual members of bands are
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Yeah, that's what I mean as well. I'm glad we got this settled! :)
In English doc
No, I mean musicians who ACTUALLY changed the world
Let's be honest here, /mu/. What other musician's death will cause as much public outcry as Bowie's? Is there anyone still alive whose death will be as big as Bowie's? And I mean in the general population, not just /mu/ and reddit and places like that
Bob Dylan will probably be the next big one that throws people into a conniption.
Among the general public, I can only think of Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney.
Are you kidding? Obviously Roger Waters, also Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Robert Plant, etc.

Will be way bigger than Bowie
Well I thought Paul McCartney was dead. Huh.
You obviously have a warped perspective of the general mainstream media/society. No fucking way Roger Waters, Mick Jagger, or Robert Plant are gonna have a death that's more impactful than Bowie's death. Maybe Paul, maybeeeeee Dylan, if we're being generous. But those other guys? No fucking way
Paul McCartney
Bob Dylan
Mick Jagger
Ozzy Osbourne
Stevie Wonder
>maybeeeeee Dylan
definitely Dylan
Are you fucking kidding? Those are wayyy more famous than David Bowie

Bowie doesn't even have a huge hit song, Space Oddity is his more famous and it isn't even that big
Eno or Waits would affect me more than others
Boosie better make it
Holy shit you've gotta be kidding me. Space Oddity is pretty big. But besides that; Changes? Fame? Starman? Let's Dance? Heroes? *Under Pressure*?
Does the average person even know the members of Pink Floyd?
oh god can we not talk about Waits dyig please?
Richard Gere is a musician???
I said huge hit.

Space Oddity is clearly his biggest solo song, but it's still not huge at all.

Under Pressure may be a bit bigger, but that's seen more as a Freddie song (and it probably is)
I got news for you
>still acts like a 16 year old who just discovered orwell and marx

hell be fine
Either of the remaining Beatles will be gargantuan.
I'd argue Madonna would be bigger
They know Gilmour not Waters
Except people don't like her as a person or take her THAT seriously as a musician

She's still way more famous than Bowie though
Waters sells more tickets in his tours, people recognize his name quicker too

i'll cry when Gira goes in all honesty
>people recognize his name quicker too
really? you think so? I always thought Gilmour was the one people remembered - for his guitar playing mostly
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My parents grew up with his music and they have no idea who he is
You must be insane to think that Space Oddity is his biggest solo song, or to think that any of his solo songs aren't huge at all. I heard Heroes all the time even before his death. Let's Dance was popular as shit too. And even if Under Pressure is seen as more of a Freddie song, 99% of people who listen to it still know Bowie features on it

None because all the big ones are complete hacks and they will never do a concept album about their deaths. They are all doing cashgrabbing tours or releasing atrocious albums to pay their dogs therapists.

Bowie was the last artist with integrity, the last one to really care about his art. We lost the last great musician and it is a great loss for the world. If Jagger dies tomorrow... Well, what's the difference?
The thing that was so phenomenal about Bowie dying is that he just dropped a 9/10 album three days prior that's filled with obvious hints that nobody would have ever noticed. Even the Lazarus video didn't cause anyone to suspect anything. Of course he's going to be the most talked about after a performance like that. What an exit.
>You must be insane to think that Space Oddity is his biggest solo song
Which one is bigger then?

Also, Ashes to Ashes, Changes, Heroes, Let's Dance, even China Girl are pretty famous. But I'm talking huge.
I think what makes it all the more better is that Blackstar was already getting serious praise before Bowie died, and before we even knew he was sick. It's not one of those albums that everyone is gonna praise just because he died shortly after it, it was clear that this album was gonna be regarded as a high point in his career even if he kept making music for another 10 years.
Nice bait
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>implying you can think of a dead musician who's death will cause a larger outcry

I'm dead serious
Ok kid
Well then i guess we can close the thread because thats no one
You're dead retarded too
I didn't get a chance to listen to the album until after he died so I didn't get to experience his death right. Was it a massive mindfuck when you listened to it again after you learned the meaning behind it?
If she died now then maybe but in 50 years no ones gonna care really
those legs and feet are disgusting
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Sir Paul
Sir Elton

Elton John is way more popular main stream then David was. For his soundtrack work and tribute cover to Princess Diana if nothing else
I'd be upset but I think there would be many, many more people who would be rejoicing, especially on /mu/.

Taylor's great and successful and all but she just doesn't have that same universal appeal as Bowie did. Might be a generational think i dunno.
also the fact that she has little talent or personality, and also not nearly as attractive as his waifufags seem to think
>implying you can think of a dead musician who's death will cause a larger outcry

If she died now, yeah. Either her or Kanye, but then again, enough people hate Kanye so it won't be as angry.

Still, when she actually dies in 40-50 years, it'll be just another celebrity death. I doubt she'll have nearly the legacy as a Bowie, though.
>If she died now, yeah.
What? I live outside America and she's looked as just another pop artist, like Katy Perry or Rihanna, but without the sex appeal.

Nobody would care other than teenager/young girls.
The 20s will see a shitton of dead rockers. I gotta see Robert Fripp sometime before he croaks.
Willie Nelson
The next huge deaths will be the last Beatle (Either Ringo or Paul), Dylan, Brian Wilson, Tom Waits, Ozzy, Chuck Berry, and either Keith Richards or Mick Jagger. After that, we've got a decade long waiting period of more minor artists from between the classic era and more modern styles. That's when we'll see people like Michael Stype, Kate Bush, Kim Gordon/Thurston Moore, Morrissey, And Madonna tumble from age or even cancer related business. Shit, even hip hop will start having this effect, starting with the golden age then rounding out at the peak artists from the nineties. It's all a matter of time.
>implying people will care much about Michael Stipe, Kate Bush, Kim Gordon/Thurston Moore
He now has the highest-grossing tour by a solo artist in music history. Peddling The Wall around the world for four years with his name attached to it kinda upped his public profile.

That said, he's still "the guy from Pink Floyd" for the vast majority of people, he never built a legacy around his own name the way people like Paul McCartney or Eric Clapton did after they left their former bands.
I love Taylor and Bowie, but please don't drag her into this. /mu/ already hates her enough.

No way, even if she dropped dead tomorrow, she just doesn't have the legacy that he did. Nines years and five albums is nothing compared to the decades music and movies and icon that Bowie left behind. Truth is, I don't think anyone can ever be an icon in our culture anymore; it just moves too fast.
A musicians death only matters if they where still producing music that matters, he hasn't done anything worthwhile since the wall.
Rap has quite a few icons today, Kanye West is a huge icon
thank fucking GOD Byrne is a healthy motherfucker, I hope he never gets cancer either.
But Waters is a talentless hack whose only contribution to music was The Wall and he has been milking that since then.
this desu

the difference with Bowie was that he was a solo artist so even the Stones, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin etc are more famous, their individual members probably aren't as recognisable
>this is what /mu/tants actually believe
I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan, and honestly, a lot of the band's appeal comes from how they overcame their individual weaknesses through playing with and off each other, which they themselves have admitted was the case several times.
Angus Young
John Balance
He's right though, the only album I like from his career is The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking and mostly because it's rehashed stuff from the last two albums that he did on Pink Floyd.
Yeah dude nobody was big in the 70's...
Look at the writing credits on all the PF albums before The Wall. He had a huge hand in everything and also wrote almost the whole of Animals too.

If you think Waters is talentless and only contribution is The Wall then you are ACTUALLY retarded. I don't mean 'retarded'l, I mean a genuine retard with mental handicap.
Mick Jagger

No doubt in that. Retarded users of this site for some reason don't like Stones, but he's such an rock icon in the real world for more than 50 years that there is no doubt his death will be huge. I would like to say Keith Richards too, but his probably not so much.
are kim gordon and thruston moore dying together???
>Retarded users of this site for some reason don't like Stones

because they suck
I'm not the one throwing around words like "talentless hack," I'm just saying that Waters' best work always involved him being just one part of a project, even if he was the guiding force. Pink Floyd is the entity that will be remembered with more distinction than Roger Waters will be.
Here we go again with autistic comments.

I'll just dumb Exile On Main St review scores of this "sucky band", wow, they really suck
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Jimmy Page

fuck off and listen to grimes you chink fuck

>Pink Floyd is the entity that will be remembered with more distinction than Roger Waters will be.
I said that
that's not even their best album desu
Anything popular enough to have that much critical acclaim probably isn't very good.

Maybe you should look for music outside of Top 100 lists
If Dave Grohl died any time soon, it would be a huge fucking deal. Though part of that would be reacting to him dying so relatively young.
Yeah, plus he founded the band
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>Anything popular enough to have that much critical acclaim probably isn't very good.
>Jimmy Page

I'm surprised it took this long for him to be mentioned. I think reaction to Page's passing will probably outdo Plant's. Robert is a great frontman, but Jimmy is heralded as a guitar god by many people.

All of my THIS.
Jimmy Page IS Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin may have taken different forms without the other members but it never would have happened without Jimmy. Possibly the most iconic guitar player ever as well.
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Page will have nowhere near the same public reaction as Bowie. Led Zeppelin were enormously influential, yes, but it was largely contained to the rock/metal genres. Bowie left his mark on several wildly different styles of music, is remembered by younger people for his movie roles almost as much as for music, and he did it all under his own name, whereas "Led Zeppelin" will probably be the first proper noun in Page's obituary.
You under estimating Zeppelin's influence.
Their influence is undeniable, but the band itself hasn't done any work in over 35 years. The 2007 reunion proved that Page still has chops, I guess, but does he still have anything new to give the music world the way Bowie did with Blackstar?
i'll be sad if martin gore or robert smith dies
Not to downplay Bowie, but Zeppelin achieved more in 11 years than Bowie did his entire career.

The only important names in metal left are Iommy and Ozzy, nobody cares about anybody else.
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I will be sad when this great man passes, same with Phil Collins
Bob effing Dylan. Still releases pretty good albums, and had so many GOAT and acclaimed albums, music, songs, everything. He isn't memed that much on this board, yeah, but this board means nothing in terms of popularity or even quality.
you mean someone like Bowie?

cringing so hard at this pic
>What is Rob Halford
>What is Bruce Dickinson
>muh cringe maymay
I'm not saying one artist is better or more influential than the other, I pretty much like Led Zeppelin and David Bowie in equal measure. I'm just saying that the sheer length of time it's been since Zeppelin called it quits and Page's relative lack of a prolific solo career means that the general public won't perceive his loss as strongly as Bowie's.
>Caring about a faggot and a living meme

Both are frontmen of 2 of the most overrated and shit bands in metal, I'd rather cry for the metallica meme man than for these 2 cucks.

Disgusting outfit desu, and I aint even meeming. I bet you're from south america.
>all those memes in a single post
>iron maiden

this isnt retard level anymore, this is neo-retard level
Your retarded
>literally 1 (O N E ) single decent album out of 15+

Cmon fan, I knew maiden's fans were delusional cuck but you seriously have just reached new height in autism.

>tfw both of you got punished by the quads Gods because of your dumb posts

Let that sink in for a minute.
Phil Collins, Huey Lewis
Hetfield and Metallica are bigger than Ozzy and Sabbath: Fact

Err no, LZ is as famous as they ever were. If not more so. Their music hasn't aged one bit
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We'll know sooner or later, I suppose.
>being this wrong
Protip: the size of the crowds they gather has nothing to do with musical influence. Would you say justin bieber is an important musician?
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A world without Bruce is a world I don't want to live in.

bowie's music and fame transcended the limits of rock music unlike mick jagger, roger waters or robert plant. Mick jagger's death will be similarly recognizable b/c of how famous the rolling stones are but roger waters and robert plant will not stir up that much commotion outside of baby boomers and their dadrock influenced children. Neither of them were able to cultivate an image outside of rock music and also havent been as active as bowie has been recently. robert plant has been making his ridiculous folk music and roger waters has just been touring for the mainly boomer audience who already likes him. not saying that waters or plant aren't great, but they wont cause as much of a public outcry as bowie. bowie's music and image has just been able to cross more generations despite not being the most popular in his day.
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Any one of these dudes
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>Hetfield and Metallica are bigger than Ozzy and Sabbath: Fact
He's next
Well I'll be pretty bummed anyway.
Yeah after Dylan he's going to be a big one.
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>Thugger might die in your lifetime
bob dylan and paul mccartney will guaranteed have same impact if not greater, mick jagger will be similar, maybe a little less due to the fact that he wasn't as identifiable of a solo artist as bowie. the legacy of the rolling stones is much more identifiable than he is. Thats it tho. very few living artists that I can think of whose legacy has lived on and crossed as many generations as bowie. Any rock n' roll frontman or guitarist will have their legacy trumped by their more famous band. Most people couldnt name a member of pink floyd and maybe a few more would know jimmy page from led zeppelin but when any of those guys die in the next 10-20 years, the predominant message will be "the guy from (insert rock band) died"

someone like madonna is more famous but doesnt have the same reputation as a "true artist" so people won't be as impacted or view it as important as a bowie or mccartney. Stevie wonder will also be huge in terms of recognition and perceived artistic importance but I don't quite know where to place the impact of his death.
One can only hope
That's because Bowie is a pop musician not a rock musician
agreed but not sure how to really categorize his genre. obviously released albums in various genres and more would be considered pop than rock despite probably his most famous album "ziggy stardust" clearly being rock music. even that album was pretty poppy. obviously more pop than rock but still seems culturally linked to that genre in some ways.
He said big, not important.

He's right.
So it's pretty stupid to say "he transcended Rock music"
but ALL lives matter
OP said "that actually matter"
>ringo starr
the point i made still stands even if "transcended rock music" is perhaps an inaccurate description. more accurate would be his fame and influence *doesnt mostly* exist w/in rock music. he's significant in the world of rock and elsewhere.
>his fame and influence *doesnt mostly* exist w/in rock music. he's significant in the world of rock and elsewhere.
that's the case for most very famous musicians, he's not that special
I wouldn't go that far. in terms of musicians that have been discussed, the guys from pink floyd were obviously incredibly influential w/in rock music and outside of it regarding their production techniques, popular examples of progressive songwriting and concept album formats, etc. Led Zeppelin i would say less so. Their musical influence is at least pretty limited to rock music IMO. Fame is a different question. In that sense the members of pink floyd and jimmy page are recognizable by name to pretty much primarily fans of rock music specifically. how many people that is, I can't really say but I couldn't imagien someone who doesnt identify as a fan of rock music knowing who roger waters is despite his influence reaching beyond rock music.
Are you saying rock didn't hugely influence pop?
so maybe considering all this my point boils down to the pretty simplistic statement, David Bowie, because he was also a pop musician, actor and cultural influencer in terms of his dress and personal lifestyle, all of which has done a decent job at being spread amongst generations is nowadays is viewed as more recognizable and culturally significant than someone like roger waters or jimmy page (even tho page had his own recognizable cultural image as a rockstar i dont think it has lived on as much as bowie's in a way that is specifically linked to the musician himself. Page's rockstar image is nowadays just a rockstar image instead of a jimmy page image)
You're very wrong
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Can't wait for Roger Waters and David Gilmour to die.

Biggest jews in the music scene along with Gene Simmons. Somehow they managed to cater to the Reddit audience with their shit-tier pop-rock either way, just because "le weed bro!".

Absolute shit-tier band. Down there with AC/DC and Kiss as for pleb rock.
maybe i'll agree with you if you take the time to actually write a thoughtful response explaining why you think that.
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are you fucking autistic?
What's with these threads saying that Bowie sucks and masturbating over Pink Floyd at the same time?

I like Pink Floyd and I think they're fucking bush-league compared to Bowie.
I cried over Bowie lol
Bowie's and Stevie Wonder's deaths are the only celebrity deaths I will/have cry/cried over
definitely Dylan and definitely Paul, but the rest no

coming from a huge Bowie fan
and Brian Eno of course

and RDJ

and a host of others that are young and/or in their prime now
MC Ride
>Space Oddity is clearly his biggest solo song
...Are you retarded?

Fame and Let's Dance were both number one hits in America, a far bigger market than the UK, and Let's Dance was #1 in the UK too at the same time. Space Oddity was #1 in the UK and had staying power but it's nowhere near his biggest hit. Bowie also has his fingerprints all over popular culture.

I will agree that Mick Jagger will impact things just as much as or maybe bigger than Bowie, but not fucking Plant and Waters.
Come back when you actually know something outside of your /mu/pinions

>Not realising how actually popular the Stones, Floyd & Zeppelin are

Metallica are objectively more popular. You're just retarded.

EVERYBODY knows who fucking Mick Jagger and Jimmy Page are.

>Actually having an opinion this contrarian and this shit

If you listen close enough, you can hear the universe telling you to kill yourself.

Bowie is nowhere near as popular with the younger generation than the likes of Zeppelin and Floyd. Every 15 year old kid who likes rock knows Zeppelin & Floyd, not the case with Bowie.

Musically, his legacy isn't as big.

As good as Bowie was, he never wrote anything near as good as the likes of Echoes or Dogs, or nothing as poignant and succinct as Wish You Were Here.
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David Bowie was literally one of the most influential artists of all time so of course his death matters

I'll be really sad when pic related dies but it won't make many headlines even though Kraftwerk is probably the most influential electronic group ever because the world is cruel
>implying Powerslave isn't a GOAT metal release
>David Bowie was literally one of the most influential artists of all time
lmao, hopefully you're being hyperbolic
If we're talking about modern music then I'm being complety literal
Brian Wilson
My friend just found out yesterday he died, I was accidentally the one who told him. Burst into tears immediately when he knew I wasn't joking. Sucked dude
Geddy lee
Neil peart
Phil collins
keith emerson
Bill bruford
Jon anderson
Maybe to the nerd on Progarchives

Phil Collins will be missed by moms everywhere tho

pretty sure drummers everywhere are gonna weep when peart dies
are you serious?
The Rolling Stones were probably the most impressive set of talents to come together in Britain before the Soft Machine: decadent vocalist Mick Jagger (who distorted soul crooning and turned it into an animal instinct), rhythm guitarist Keith Richards (who took Chuck Berry's riffs into a new dimension of fractured harmony), multi-instrumentalist Brian Jones (who penned their baroque and psychedelic arrangements), and the phenomenal, funky rhythm section of bassist Bill Wyman and drummer Charlie Watts. Steeped in the blues, the Rolling Stones redefined the rock performer, the rock concert and the rock song. They turned on the degree of vulgarity and provocation to levels that made Chuck Berry look silly. Arguably the greatest rock and roll band of all times, the Rolling Stones revolutionized each of the classical instruments of rock music: the drums incorporated the lascivious tom-tom of tribal folk, the martial pace of military bands and the sophisticated swing of jazz; the guitar amplified the raw and ringing style of Chuck Berry; the bass invented a depraved sound, the singing turned the sensual crooning of soul music in an animal howl, half sleazy lust and half call to arms; and the arragements of keyboards, flutes and exotic instruments completely misinterpreted the intentions of the cultures from which they were borrowed. The revolution carried out by the Rolling Stones was thorough and radical.





the only death that will be bigger than david bowies is bob dylans, maybe paul mccartneys
but bowies death caused such a huge reaction just because nobody really knew he was sick and he had literally just released an album so he had come back into relevance

how about this
Who cares?
Who's he pointing at?


that's the single decent album I was talkin about senpai

>Metallica are more popular than Sabbath and Ozzy

I'm pretty sure the only retard here it's you, senpai
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mfw when no one has mentioned Neil Young
I find it interesting (and funny) that he trashes The Beatles yet he really likes Stones. I think both bands are roughly the same quality.
>mad racist redneck

yeah, no
People over 60.

1. Brian Wilson
2. David Byrne
3. Paul McCartney
4. Brian Eno
5. Bob Dylan
6. Joni Mitchell
7. Iggy Pop
8. Patti Smith
9. Paul Simon
10. Bruce Springsteen
Still alive how?/10. Ozzy, Keith Richards
Finally/10. Bono (not 60, but I can't imagine /mu/ will care too much
How sad would /mu/ have been if it was around for Elliot Smith's death?
how is he racist?
Waters is very talented but pulled a douche move by putting himself above the band. Floyd was a collective. Not one person.

He's against the confederate flag
"I Am Pink Floyd" ~ Roger Waters
>I'm pretty sure the only retard here it's you, senpai

>Pretty sure
oh so wrong

I don't even know what to say senpai. Are you b8ing me or just being a retard on purpose?

Who is this homophobic slur and what the fuck is he doing with that Furby?

Any reason why? I know Neil Peart was sick back in the early 90s, but obviously made a recovery. But wouldn't that mean he's also more likely to have a relapse?
beatles are way better than stones
he's not fine
He's right, Metallica has way more followers all over the world than Black Sabbath, by far

You're an idiot btw
Beatles>Floyd>huge gap>Nicki Minaj >Justin Beiber> Stones
are you talking about bowie???
>Post counter still the same

eh eh
Why do people still worship this fucking horse-faced loser? His music is overrated and terribly boring.
Underrated post
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>has been making music for almost 60 years
>influenced The Beatles
>influenced The Velvet Underground
>influenced many others
>several very well known songs
>cool to like

It will be huge when he dies, no argument
The only artist deaths that would have me absolutely devastated is Kanye West, Chief Keef, Young Thug, Future, Gucci Mane and most importantly: Lil B.
Imagine if they all died on the same day, for completely unrelated reasons
>not Stitches
Kill yourself
literally no good songs
not the point
he goes alright but I couldn't really care if he died tbqh
What's most interesting is that before he died everyone just assumed the Lazarus video was just Bowie being weird and doing some weird performance art as usual
And only now do we see the obvious symbolism and autobiography

I think this will cause a lot of casual fans to take a closer look at his entire discography, and realise he was dong that the whole time

And that is an absolutely genius move
>iggy pop
>literally the last alive member of the 70s holy trinity rock stars
>now that lou and bowie have gone

It will be a sad day when Iggy pop dies
I came home from a shitty day and put on Space Oddity to get in a better mood.
People on YouTube said he was ded and I thought they were just fucking around.
>tfw he was actually dead
Most of your conclusions are accurate but the reasoning isn't

It's more to do with how liked people are
Madonna for example - most people don't like her at all
Imagine if they all died on the same day because they got in a car crash while they were all in the same smartcar
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when kurt cobain dies it will be huge, nirvana will never be the same when it happens

Seriously, who? i'm curious
>Kate Bush

Chad Kroeger
Is that Jaime Stewart
Check the fucking filename you turbonoob.
She's much younger than Bowie and Lemmy, she'll be fine
I'm in the same position as you, I never tried getting into him because his discography is so massive, I'm listening to his albums only now. But I can tell you from the reactions of some of the users here that yes, it was a massive mindfuck. It sounds morbid, but that was probably the most intense conceptual moment in music that they'll ever experience, Bowie turned his death into art.
I suppose that not experiencing this mindfuck is the price I had to pay for not getting into Bowie before his death.
Not him, every talented member of Pink Floyd is already dead
For me it sure was. The videoclips, the CD Box, everything was so weird and surreal, then he dies and BAM! all the pieces fit
I like her collabs with busta
>Troye Sivan

His death is like forever away but his music pretty based and has a dedicated following. People would say no never but i think his death could really impact a lot of people, like bowies passing, i dunno i guess his musics feels really organic and not forced 'keep up with the times music' it feels timeless.
She looks like Mariah Carey
Brian Eno. No one is like him.
Joni Mitchell and Lil Wayne.
Joni Mitchell would be Bob Dylan level, I might actually cry.
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Jimmy Page.jpg
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I'd be damned
Hey fellas
You should check out this very rare Bowie Footage:
faggot desu senpai kek
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spotted the jew
hell be fine
Why the kitty cat
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The greatest frontman of any band in today's age..
this is the only one i can see getting a bigger reaction than bowie

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on /mu/? no.
Only if he dies within the next few years. Within a decade or two they'll be irrelevant except among the older generation.
but bowie wasn't relevent until now since the 70s
Chief Keef,
2 Chainz,
Slim Jesus,

In that order
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oh god mangum no
besides David Bowie, there's Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney

no one else's death will be impactful, as much as someone like Brian Wilson is >1000x better and more influential than these guys, there just aren't that many household rock star names still living.
no fucking way...
Why will it matter? Do you presume he could still make a great album?
>Brian Wilson is >1000x better and more influential than these guys
I think we're all forgetting why Bowie's death was huge. It's not necessarily just his musical contribution, it's that he went out seemingly overnight. When most celebrities have cancer or something there's this huge media circlejerk about it til eventually the celebrity just kinda slowly fades to the back. Bowie went out very quietly and unexpectedly. Same thing when MJ died, it was unexpected so the media and everyone else exploded with a huge headline.
None. They have already given us their music. Their work is done.
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>inb4 she'll never die
You fucking piece of shit don't you dear hurt my baby!

Ennio Morricone
Elton John

dadrock band members will never matter unless they die in their prime, which is too late; it will just be hype.
not before I do, thats for sure
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Hillel Slovak
i really hope she dies this year.
iggy will make it forever
I hope I get to see him live first


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He's next, or atleast this year. He's already diagnosed and had to cancel a tour.
jesus christ you fucking autist

bowie fags should be shot
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he's not very famous, but i'll cry so hard. i'm sure I won't be the only one. his collective body of work has been so meaningful to me
Fuck you. I still want Talking Heads reunion. Please don't go Dave ;_;
David Bowie was a pretty big one.

I'd say biggest ones will definitely be Paul McCartney and Bob Dylan. Someone like Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, or Jimmy Page will be pretty big but not as big as those two. Thom Yorke could be a pretty big deal too. Also, Ozzy Osbourne, Tonny Iommi or James Hetfield. Those are going to be important too.
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I keked
Definitely Stevie Wonder
He's kinda forgotten since he doesn't make albums but he symbolises a whole era and genre.
Just checked wiki he's only 65, I don't even know how he looks so old even Paul McCartney looks younger.

He'll be fine.
Came to post. Not a chance in hell anybodies death is gonna cause as much uproar from /mu/ than this guy, except maybe MC Ride if he dies before his career ends.
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he doesn't look very old, he only give the impression of it because he's blind

Why? Will we run out of water if he dies?
Your living on it
she looks like the real life version of one of those fashion drawings youd find on the cover of a sketchbook or art supplies

I think she's immortal. Some kind of hell beast sent to make the lives of Hollywood men and musicians miserable.
I like The Smiths more than I liked Bowie but I can't see myself being as upset about Morrissey because he's an arsehole.
skrillex - he invented real music
Michael Jackson's death is the one that caused the most public outcry.
none of them
>he thinks bob ylan and leo cohen are more important to /mu/ than brian wilson and thom yorke

you're literally fucking retarded

dylan/cohen wouldn't even be top 20 biggest reactions from /mu/

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