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Thread replies: 1020
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holy fuck

are you me

i was just about to post something about Cygnet Comittee, the ending got to me
David Bowie has just made me realize, there are no more actual big prolific rock stars with strong mainstream presence anymore.

Can you think of any rock artists that produced music in various genres and collaborated with various artists and participated in various art spheres? As much as it hurts me to say it, Thom Yorke is quite possibly the last prolific, "big" mainstream rock star.
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>mfw that smile
>wake up
>eat breakfast
>turn on TV
>news is on
>Bowie has died
>can't wake up
>When Cygnet Committee started playing and he started singing about wanting to live I teared up.

Jesus Christ anon.

This honestly redeems him a bit in my eyes.
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The superstars of their time reflect the cultural status of the west
you're an asshole but a funny asshole
>He even made his impending death a performance
What a guy

can you tell me in which lp find this song ?

Tom yorke is comparable not the same the though

One of kind
I think this is the first time i've cried in years
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This hit me harder than Lou Reed's.
In both cases I didn't cry, not even teared up. I was just left speechless, and felt very numb the entire day.
This is a shit year and can only get worse from here.
As much as I don't like him we share that much in common.
>>Can you think of any rock artists
*any recent rock artists

Woke up
Fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and had a cup
>Bowie is dead
what the fuck
Bowie was a protagonist of his times, although a poor musician: to say that Bowie is a musician is like saying that Nero was a harp player (a fact that is technically true, but misleading). Bowie embodies the quintessence of artificial art, raises futulity to paradigm, focuses on the phenomenon rather than the content, makes irrelevant the relevant, and, thus, is the epitome of everything that went wrong with rock music.

Each element of his art is the emblem of a true artistic movement; however, the ensemble of those emblems constitutes no more than a puzzle, no matter how intriguing, of symbols, a roll of incoherent images projected against the wall at twice the speed, a dictionary of terms rather than a poem, and, in the best of hypotheses, a documentary of the cultural fads of his era.
le reply 1000
so mods gonna do this everytime someone dies?
Thom would probably throw a fucking fit if he was remembered as a rock star

Probably not when you die
You know what, I'm just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt
Fucking weebs man :(
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Really hoping those Gorillaz collaboration rumors are real. I'm not ready to let go yet.
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>I cried over Jeff Hanneman dying even tho I'm not a big Slayer fan but not Lemmy or Bowie

I've become so numb.
google, literately the second hit
So what do you drink when Bowie dies?
David Bowie turned marketing into the essence of his art. All great phenomena of popular music, from Elvis Presley to the Beatles, had been, first and foremost, marketing phenomena (just like Coca Cola and Barbie before them); however, Bowie turned that into an art of its own. With Bowie the science of marketing becomes art; art and marketing become one. There were intellectuals who had proclaimed this theory in rebellious terms. Bowie was, in many ways, the heir, no matter how perverted, of Andy Warhol's pop art and of the underground culture of the 1960s. He adopted some of the most blaspheme issues and turned them upside down to make them precisely what they had been designed to fight: a commodity.
zach here,
thanks man :')
Bowie isn't mortal and you all know it.
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This generalized garbage eradicates any individual elements from Bowie and reduces him to the cliché of the artist as a phenomenon. The lack of intricate knowledge on Bowies music and what makes it unique pours out of every single sentence of this try-hard baitpost.
I drank a homemade latte.
>Neutral Milk Hotel get back together and release a new album
>Jeff Mangum dies a few days later

How would /mu/ react to this?
who cares
I'm hoping he gets sampled on Bottomless Pit, like Bjork on Niggas on the Moon. He said that the Death Grips were an influence on the sound of Blackstar, it would be cool if he did some secret studio work with Death Grips before he passed.
I wonder if he recorded any other shit during the Blackstar sessions that'll be released at some point in the future?
NMH and Jeff are memes.
I don't cry over the death of memes.
anything i find . listening to black star again, makes so much sense now... oh god.
and now his watch has ended
Are you me anon ?
NMH is a meme and nobody cares nearly as much about them as they do about Bowie
mass suicide
Are we really going to fucking do this Anon? Are we really going to fucking JOKE right NOW? Do you know who the fuck just died? David fucking bowie. He was crafting masterpieces when you weren't even a thought yet. He was traveling to distant lands and fucking exotic women before your parents even met. For every great thing you've done, Davids done a thousand more. He'll be illuminating peoples ears with his magic for centuries to come, you'll be dead at best. You need to watch your fucking tongue and realize who you're talking about. A square inch of his nutsack is worth more than your entire family you fucking fool. You'll be dust underneath the earth while David's changing peoples life from his grave, you filthy fuck. Most of the genres of music you listen to probably wouldn't even exist without david bowie. We probably wouldn't exist without david bowie. You or me, pal. Ever heard of the butterfly effect? Who's to know if the human race would even exist without him? Who's to know what kind of place this world would've been without bowies light illuminating the path for us? Get your fucking head straight bro. Listen to the berlin trilogy and then try and question a thing I just said. You can't.
Memes can kill - and the death of memes even more so
>it is not a good look at all, to so undividingly mourn a man yall don't even know, masking up the actual face/persona of a monster
So that's what Scary Monsters was about.
Reading the chronicles of his times, it is clear that what caused sensation was the show, not the music. The show that Bowie set up was undoubtedly in sync with the avantgarde, as it fused theater, mime, cinema, visual art, literature and music. However, Bowie merely recycled what had been going on for years in the British underground, in particular what had been popularized by the psychedelic bands of 1967. And he turned it into a commodity: whichever way you look at his oeuvre, this is the real merit of it.
>get a text from a girl i used to hang out with a lot
>"hey, did you know bowie died?"
>well why didnt you post anything on facebook?"

Can't handle this shit right now.
I would cum so hard
you'll be fine
get a grip

stale pasta is stale

Come on.
It's on America's tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
'Cause Lennon's/Lenin's on sale again
We'll only find out they've died 4 months after the fact
its amazing though. I cant wait to purchase this album. its his farewell to his fans. its so strange and such a beautiful way to leave this world
so hell be fine?
post yfw ozzie is next

if dubs kanye
>one away
faux art trash desu
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there's a pornstar who takes after bowie. his name is david blowie
Ozzie was dead to the industry a long time ago
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So, who knew about his cancer? Are we sure he didn't take any pills to just die before it gets him and let go?
I am 100% sure Blackstar (LP) had to do with his death.
Sad, this shit, I learn new shit about Bowie everyday. When Jackson died, I cried, because I was young and went with the mainstream, got non-contemporary music for the first time.
This time, man. It's fucking BOWIE.
So who else noticed the apparent the rapid change of his looks (health)?
Whatever you say, Adorno.
>post yfw ozzie is next
Anyone have the Labyrinth OST? Though is was a corny movie, that final battle where he's singing in the Escher painting was baller.
>Rolling Stone names 2015 the year radical black music and politics returned to centre stage, with albums like Black Messiah and To Pimp a Butterfly. Kendrick Lamar’s song Alright becomes a protest song for the campaign Black Lives Matter.
In comes Bowie with Blackstar: in the centre of it all your eyes. You may not be a popstar or a filmstar but you matter, you’re a blackstar.
Every man and every woman is a star. (Aleister Crowley)
The Star Sapphire by Crowley: “Let him return to the centre, and so the centre of all.” Also: 69 is the holy hexagram (Blackstar being released on Bowie’s 69th birthday).
Wikipedia calls Blackstar “jazztronica”
“Many consider free jazz to be a musical reaction to the oppression and experience of black Americans.” (Wikipedia on ‘free jazz’) Black stars and stripes.
Kendrick Lamar didn’t just make a hip-hop album, he played with rap conventions and idioms. Lamar is to rap what free jazz is to jazz.
And white America thinks this is about the devil…

Fucking hell I'm actually mad right now.
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that cracked me up.
fuck off cunt
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bye, david.
Ehh How the fuck do I mute 4chin sound, I wanna listen life on mars

my favorite singer won't be on the news lol
So what are you saying? This album and Bowie's death is some Thelemic ritual? What does that have to do with all the BLM/Kendrick shit?
go to bed /x/ pls
Modern Bowie always looks pretty good/healthy in professional photos. He looks older, more haggard, when he's caught on the street.
Even though I'd noticed in the Lazarus video how thin and frail his hands were looking, I'd assumed that was just because, well, he was getting old. Never even clicked that it might be due to illness.
reply 1000 :^)

Quoted from someone else, only thing I actually said was that I'm fucking mad.
but is he really dead though
no god we same´s :-DD
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nobody's getting off this rock alive, anon
post :stop music:
The professional photo thing is true, but man. He either gave up the perfect guy image for a fitting old man image
he was ill, which he was. Or both, whis is probable.
>4chan sound

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Mostly the "fitting old man" image, but also some chronic illness.
was Bowie the most /fa/ musician of note? I have never seen an unattractive image of the man.
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I replaced a lot of the songs on Ziggy Stardust with the Bowie at the Beeb versions because I think the studio versions are flat and lifeless.

I can't be the only one who did this right?
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this is ridiculous
He's up in the stars now... R.I.P Ziggy....
when he said that?
He was a good looking man.
>All those fucking callout posts saying he raped an underage girl
Who didn't want to fuck Bowie? Hell, I'm a straight guy and I'd have fucked a young David Bowie.
>First song on Bowie's discography is Uncle Arthur
>Last is Can't Give Everything Away
>Uncle Arthur Can't Give Everything Away
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idk man why don't you kill yourself and we'll find out and keep you posted
:stop music:
1,000th post bitches
A nice calm, dignified exit. With parting gifts. With two days to hear thanks. And then off he went.
I was worried this kind of shit would happen. I hope they made enough pressings to go around.
you don't get it:
would you have left Bowie fucked a 13yo young you?
Just google David Bowie Death Grips.
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Bowie has sex appeal in spades. Anyone whose ever met him and been interviewed about it has mentioned how incredibly pretty he was.

And if he wasn't being pretty, he was being cool as fuck. He's the closest thing to the perfect human.
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>not knowing about mute tab
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>this picture
o_o damn
>tfw safari
w2c that everything
/tv/'s sticky is up to 2000. Shame on you all
>he didnt see the sticky last night

Also the sticky only goes to 1000, it gets rid of any posts from before
Last one here got north of 4k before it was deleted.
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it's because /tv/ has more redditors, and thus more people on it
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Anyone need a ride to David's funeral? I'll get my car.
>Pinups, 1973

I agree that his recycling of psychedelia was a smart move. Of course, most of the rock stars of the 60’s and 70’s were/are highly overrated because of their infuential fucking boomer audience . . . ..
I don't know how it will look. Hopefully, a great hommage, and not an obnoxious elogy full of awful people saying they knew him.
tfw i've never done acid
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pure unbridled rage
Mick Jagger hunched over the casket sobbing as they lower it into the ground
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lolno - the mods have capped the thread at 1000 posts max and are deleting all the older posts:
The song had just reached this point as I started reading your post.
underrated post
fucking insane, im listening to lazarus and its just staggering levels of genius
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consent yes or no

literally all that fucking matters
RIP David Bowie from /a/
>what is statutory rape
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I'm sorry, Dave... I can't front you anymore.
>statutory rape
this shitty law didn't even existed 20 years ago in most countries kek
Isn't this whole thing blown up from what one women claimed on a talk show that she had sex with Bowie while she was 15 and that she is very happy and proud of it?
Kill yourself.
pedophiles should be burned at the stake
not even memeing
exactly what the shit is the element playing music on this tab

I was already listening to Bowie thank you I don't need your shitty mashup of Space Oddity and whatever else I'm listening to
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
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I'm 50 years old.
>I just ordered Blackstar from Amazon.
>It's delayed due to huge demand.
>I'm ok with that and I'm happy not to use the streaming on the Amazon cloud

I'm not actually ready to read a tombstone yet.
not hearing anything over here
this is Scaruffi, you know
lol ur such a fag
Find out this morning in class. Since the new album just came out it was a pretty big shock. Was just listening to and talking about him last night, like many others.

>Find out in class this morning.
>"Holy shit"
>Listen to his music in between classes as it starts to set in, watch the music videos with a whole new meaning applied to them.
>Fall asleep in bed listening to Low.
>Have a dream where I'm hanging out with a young David Bowie.
>He has a fuck ton of prescription bottles everywhere.
>He hands me one, which says "Cocaine" on it which was kind of funny.
>I tell him i've never done Coke before.
>He says, "Jay, I think you'll really enjoy it."
>Bowie and I snort cocaine together for a while.
>Every time I look over he gets progressively older.
>I suddenly remember. I grab his shoulders and tell him, "Holy shit, you're fucking dead."
>He disappears, I wake up.

What did it mean, /mu/?

Yeah, /mu/ cracks me up.
But his passing got me down to the vinyl store to pickup a new cartridge . . …
>Been into Bowie since 2011 or so
>Decide to buy some band t-shirts during the weekend 'cause I got some extra cash.
>Bowie shirt amongst them
>He dies next day.

I'm not buying band t-shirts anymore.
does anyone have the heroes album cover pic with the dudes pushing him
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It means you need to fuck the boipussy, Jay.
and lemmy
Are you still on your HS's library=
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>Check the David Bowie hashtag on twitter
>Mostly nice tributes
>See 2 posts from women calling him a homophobic, racist paedo and how one wants to find his grave and piss
I'm screaming inside

If you're telling the truth, you've got one hell of a mind and should be training it. I hope you're doing something in STEM.

>raging over b8

Stick around. We're a good training ground for ignoring that crap.
he'll be fine
Blackstar is now officially the most haunting record to listen to.

Lazarus is just chilling.
>open Soulseek
>dozens of David Bowie uploads for no apparent reason

>oh, fuck.
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rolling for either one
hope your mom dies
>tfw an actual eloquent response on /mu/
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I never got into Bowie, but my favorite musician is dead as well.
I know this feel, bros.
My condolences.
You're all wrong. He didn't die, he just returned home
>listen to "Lazarus" on YT
>open this thread, not knowing "Space Oddity" would start playing
>lyrics somehow timed up perfectly
>"Look up here, I'm in heaven (Ground Control to major Tom)"

what the fuck, this actually worked quite well for the first minute
[spoiler]CAN YOU HEAR ME MAJOR TOM[/spoiler]
>calling him a homophobic

Literally what?
Why do you say that?

I play music and study film production.

we're all over paul's death, that was a long time ago
this picture is proof that shoulder pads need to make a comeback
>tfw this is your only chance you get to listen to this on the Monday

19 more albums to go... I'm not ready for the feels
>blackstars on rym reviews


How though? Didn't he shit on MTV in the 80's for not playing any black artists?

sing a tribute to david bowie with me /mu/
There was that era when he said Britain would be better with a fascist dictator.
probably his 70s pro natsoc stuff
>finally done with Hunky Dory

Fuckin' A, that was a chore to get through. Not nearly as good as people make it out to be.
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I saw a very similar one that said all that, and called him a fucking Nazi.

Thanks Thin White Duke era.
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let me guess, you didn't listen to the lyrics?
Yes, but then there was also the Thin White Duke Fascist stuff.
Which do I watch first? Labyrinth or The Man Who Fell to Earth?

>having shit taste
Didn't he say it in sort of a tongue-in-cheek manner though? He has also said some pretty leftist stuff regarding the working class, consumerism, etc.
I'm far left but i'll swing by in my jeep. You bring a gun and I'll bring a shovel and some hefty bags. We'll blast Blackstar on the way and cry and ice that fucker.
From space.
It flows really well but a few of the songs are a chore. I really like Life on Mars and Bewlay Brothers though.
I'm sad /mu/. He contributed so much.

Heroes and Low are the GOAT
That's a liberal, not a leftist.
Only really familiar with Rise And Fall and Aladdin Sane

What's his quietest album?
i mean, there are a couple weak songs, but a chore?

this better be bait.
Sauce pls
>Implying amerifats know the difference
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>Find out last night that he died
>Talk about it with friends, too young, probably my favourite figure in music, etc.
>Don't cry
>Today, walking through a snowy plain on my way back home
>Be my wife shuffles on my phone
>Can't keep the tears back

Fucking christ, why did it have to happen. When Lou died I joked that everything would be okay as long as Bowie was alive. Music isn't going to be the same anymore.
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>RIP in peace
>Rest In Peace in peace

Retards everywhere. Point and laugh, kids.

I think this is more your speed
didn't he invent the bowie knife
Rock 'N' Roll Suicide just came on and I might finally cry
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I don't know the context, but he claims he made the statements when he was strung out on coke. He made Pin Machine to cover it up, I think.
Try Low, which gets pretty ambient for its second half, or Space Oddity.

I really wasnt prepared at all for this.
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>Lou died on a sunday morning
>Bowie dies 2 days after his album release on his birthday
the B-sides of Low and "Heroes" probably
maybe im just being auts (im totally autistic btw :^)
but why is it making me angry that people that never listened to bowie are all of a sudden saying what big fans they are and how torn up they are

i know for a fact they never listened to anything but the hits
you killed him anon :C
how this trap has never been posted in those trap threads?! wtf
>dies on a sunday
>where the fuck did monday go
hell be fine
Kanye West
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He renounced his gayity, that is probably why.
Normie shit. They say whatever will get them the most real life upvotes, aka attention from their peers. It's common to go to a bunch of people and say "OH MAH GAWD "insert celeb here" IS DEAD!!!111"
according to some (lesbian) feminists, if you're str8, you're automatically homophobic :|
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>Bowie is dead, yet this faggot is still walking the Earth.
I hate him, and I hate that there's nothing I can do.

I don't have his Discography (only Ziggy, space Oddity and some others, was going to buy blackstar today) and I don't consider myself a true from hell fan, but he represents an age of my life where I was pretty happy. His songs where in my everyday life back then, thats why it hits me kind of hard.
>gf sends me a message at 1 in the morning
>think nothing of it and go back to sleep
>wake up and check it
>bowie's dead
worst way to start a year
Fuck. And here I was hoping for him to appear in the twin peaks revival.
:stop music:
>Station to Station (1976) , 6/10
>So long space cowboy
one thousand
It's entirely reasonable to have never come across a rolling sticky no matter how long you've been here.
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>he makes money from this
fuck me
I still find this shit hilarious
>Celebrity dies
>Twats on tumblr run to their computers to post a list of why said celebrity was a horrible person and that you should be glad that they're dead.
They're an embarrassment
the king is dead
Im going to sleep, this shit better be fixed when i wake up

Hes going to be alive when i wake up god damn it
two thousand
Fuck off you cunt. You're probably love sucking normie cock you faggot.
Imagine what it would feel like to be mentioned as influence for Blackstar
Death Grips, Lamar, Boards of Canada
Anyone else notice how different Space Oddity sounds all of a sudden? Especially the vocals.

RIP. The Greatest.
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Not even you know what normie means.
Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies of all time, I love the soundtrack and certainly recommend it.
>This sad thing is worse than that sad thing
I fucking hate it when people do this. My dad does the same thing
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See you in space, major tom
>tfw bowie will never be an african american
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this fucking sucks.
Apparently you don't actually. I know what I said. I had to deal with this shit all day, including to my dumb bitch of a coworker who listens to Foo Faggots even make a remark like she gave a fuck of Bowie.

So kindly fuck off you nigger.
I was about to order it the day before yesterday, but €30 seemed a bit too much
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You're so pathetic
who's this qt?
you're super narrow minded. there are people that listen to schonberg and lady gaga, there obviously are people that listen to foo fighters and bowie. you must be delusional to think those artists appeal to totally different people, or think that listening to full albums is a super secret patrician thing
I was also hoping he would be in it.
Kanye will sample Bowie for GOOD FRIDAYS and it will make you cry, screencap this.
welp. The question is, who's next?
I'm talking about the people who really only listen to singles by and artist maybe a few times in their life, and not listen to a whole album by them. A lot of normies do that. They claim to "love" an artist, but can't name a song outside their pop single list.
www facebook com/gordon.wilson.921/videos/10203940174905208/
>/mu/ actually believes Bowie's dead
>Actually believes this isn't a stunt to sell albums

There are about a hundred ways to tell that this is bull shit

1. He looks completely fine in the blacksktar video
2. The albums theme is of death (How the fuck could he know he was going to die?) This is clearly some kind of weird art project of
3. If you believe that he's not on an island somewhere laughing at us all, you're a fucking idiot.
4. His "Son" looks nothing like him and is clearly there just to make this look more realistic.
5. There are reports on twitter of him being seen around new york

He'll be back in a few years touring. You guys will eat up any bull shit the internet throws at you.
RIP Bowie
Modern Love is still the best pop song of all time
>A lot of normies do that

Pft, how would you know?
What kind of moron thinks normie is an insult?
If he was diagnosed with cancer, I'm pretty sure he knew this would be his last album. It would be pretty awesome if he was alive, but the content of Blackstar is pretty damn convincing.
>How the fuck could he know he was going to die?

Maybe struggling with cancer for one and half year, dipshit.
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not funny
tupac and david bowie are alive sipping wine in cuba
Get out you normalfag. Go continue being a sheep with your other sheep friends.
Last time I checked I was human.
its sold
You're probably being sarcastic but I'm like 90% sure that they actually are.
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>all that will be left is their previous discography, a couple of threads and then silence
>silence and oblivion
ima have to disagree and go with Just Like Heaven, but I do like some Modern Love
>probably being sarcastic
First musician death of 2016 is Bowie then, we all know they go in three.
Who's next?
>What kind of moron thinks normie is an insult?

You're clearly in the wrong place, friend.

First you have to lurk a lot moar.
I woke up at 8:30 this morning, opened Facebook, and saw the news.
Can't believe it, man.
I sincerely hope he kills himself

Im just waiting for it patiently
worst fucking feeling.
>"When I die, people will laugh, and in that I will have succeeded as a comedian."

More like succedeed as a fucking failure.
I know, right bro, isn't it like trippy and crazy? Fucking caveman.
>Pierre Boulez
>Paul Bley
that's it
>4. His "Son" looks nothing like him and is clearly there just to make this look more realistic.

Hahahaha oh shit nigga are you really this dumb or is this a joke? Duncan Jones is a famous movie director in his own right and is famous for A) Changing his name from "Zowie Bowie" because, well, that's retarded and was probably dreamt up by David on coke B) coming out as bisexual C) Directing a couple of really good movies and heading the upcoming World Of Warcraft movie and D) the fact he's the son of DAVID FUCKING BOWIE

You're clearly stupid if you think normie is an insult outside /r9k/.
It wouldn't surprise me coming from a huge autismo like you though.

>lurk moar
Pft, I didn't say I didn't kno what it meant. It's not like it's a obscure meme either, and anyway there's still Know Your Meme.
You're just sad and pathetic.

literally who?
Rest in peace
>1st result when googling Onision
>youre welcome
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>you will never get anything signed by David Bowie
>wanting to bother an artist that always wanted to keep a discreet private life

Nah man.
Dumb materialistic cuck
>The Jean Genie lives on his back
>The Jean Genie loves chimney stacks

What? for years I thought that lyric was TV snacks.
>David Byrne will die in our lifetimes
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>all that will be left is their previous discography
Not a singer, but I feel like he's got enough music under wraps to last a lifetime.
he's not even funny.... typical delusional attention-whoring modern idiot.

>Youtube Wikia

Thanks, but no thanks. Just reading the intro and you know he is 1st class attention whore.
Three throwaway insults don't make a coherent post
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omg, so many special editions incoming with posters, interviews, etc.
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Rest in piece Mr. Bowie. ;(
rip bowie
it should've been him instead
this guy tried to lure teenagers into a cult he made btw
I was just fantasizing about having a shitty little zine in the late 80s or 90s and dedicating a whole issue to Bowie dying
i was on the toilet
what was the post?
Crossing my fingers for a massive boxset (or at least series of releases) of all his albums in deluxe editions. Hope he went the Freddie Mercury route and recorded like crazy as soon as he discovered he had cancer so we get more unreleased stuff in the future, e.g. the other songs from 'Lazarus' but sung by him.
You linked 4 posts and only 2 of each of them are related to the original post
What a piece of shit.
only you
>Death Grips were an influence
He was being literal anon...
I actually listened to Station To Station and Low for the first time after hearing the news, so you're not alone.
i just want unreleased tracks : i'm sure he was TONS of those during these 40 past years!
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Gonna miss you, Ziggy.
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Posting in sticky sad thread
>listen to his discography after enjoying blackstar

That already made you look a poser to be honest.
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You are now aware that David didn't know he was going to die when he put out The Next Day
He fully planned to come back into the limelight in his old age
So, what do you guys think? Was he gay? Bi? 'Straight' but experimenting like Tom Hardy? Or was he totally straight and just memeing it up?
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Cried in the morning. Teared up on the bus. Couldn't concentrate on work. Crying again. When will it get better?
Totally straight. But why does that matter at all?
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This... this is a bad day.

I'm not even a big fan, but I feel sad regardless. Anytime someone as artistically influential as he was dies is a serious fucking bummer.
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never anon..
>69 years old
>still plays shows
I think hell be fine
if you're gay or bi it matters a lot. Freddie Mercury was gay, but never made a big deal out of it in his music, and went on to achieve massive stardom; Bowie did the same but acted like the freak he was the whole way
When you man up
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literally who cares, he was a person who did what he wanted with his life. like everyone should.
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He played characters that were in no way related to his sexuality. So no, it doesn't matter at all.
Was shocked to learn of his death this morning, been very sad all day, but this picture broke me. Now I'm crying
autistic people are right
Anyone else waiting atleast 4 days before they get upset? He was a pure artist, this could all be for blackstar.
Freddie Mercury was bi, it just wasn't really a thing at the time and everyone assumed AIDS = GAY

he had so much sexual energy that labels didn't apply to him anymore, like Freddie Mercury
>that MS Paint explode on the right
:stop music:
I knew him passing would hurt, but this is too much
he probably didn't think about labels
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I knew this song is what would be playing.
you're saying AIDS =/= GAY ?
>stupidity from a tripfag
why am I not surprised

his death is being reported all over the fucking place, it's not a hoax you dumbfuck.

If you are sad, just remember that the world is over 4.5 billion years old- and yet somehow, you managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
he still exists

if tupac could do it, bowie definitely could.
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memes aside that is nice to think about, ty

aaand filtered
Now you can rest, the pain is gone,. You can rest to the eternity, you can reach the secrets you wanna know, now you can rest the pain is gone Know you can rest and smile one more last time Know you can rest and all the pain will gone. We will se on the bright side good bye
fucking hate suge knight, fucking retarded tool that killed tupac and eazy e, and for what? fucking nothing.

correct. he's still here, just less organized.

I'm so glad we can filter
Onision saying dumb shit? Great post, also, water is wet and fire is hot
Aladdin Sane is so fucking good, holy shit. Every song.
>I'll get called an attention whore if I do
Don't bring it up in the first place then, attention whore
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>turn on blackstar and open up /mu/ ready to
>hear bits of space oddity in blackstar
>think "neat, this is a nice tribute to his career origins, a little different but flows well"
>pause blackstar
>space oddity is still playing from /mu/
Dont let Leonard or Bob die
Take Gene
take the poor bastard off this earth
We need David Bowie as ED to part 4, more than ever.
Straight I recall him saying his bisexuality was just a phase
I wasn't ready
>Miss you david
>post limit is only up to 1000 replies
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>now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
Is there any other multifaceted pop-ish artists like Bowie? I know about Patton (not really pop) and Shiina Ringo, any other examples?
>This reminds me of a story
And you remind me of the babe.
Newfangled Japanese technology Hiro gave us which means mods don't have to keep creating new stickies when it gets big enough to start crashing browsers.
goodbye david

Was over 4k in the first thread, started making everything lag, 90% of the posts were "F" anyway.
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>A Blackstar is a dead star
>So is David Bowie
You're retarded bro. He wasn't some Lou Reed/Velvet Underground type that became relevant after their peak. I hear Bowie played regulary
David Bowie was the single greatest artist to ever live
This will never stop hurting
The world truly lost a hero today
A shining beacon to our brothers in arms
Even in death, we are Diamond Dogs
How's it going, guys? Have you bought my album yet?
1. Scott Weiland
2. Lemmy Kilmister
3. David Bowie

Bowie was next.
you're pretty smart for a nigger
This! So fucking true
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I imagine his licensing costs just skyrocketed, sadly.

I didn't rike it...
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You know the rules.
Timestamp or it didn't happen
is this a pasta?
did he go nuclear
First album I listened from him which made sense since I used to listen to Marilyn Manson and NIN during my teenage years so it was a nice transition. Anyways it introduced me to this genius so it has a special place in my heart. I wouldn't say that it is one of his best albums but is pretty awesome in its own way with a couple of classics in there.
Which song did you have in mind?
Black Star was really his requiem. Why is it so dark? I mean if DAVID BOWIE can find any good or hope in the end surely no one else can.
The reaching of my loneliness evolves...
I bought it before you died, so your Jewish tricks didn't work on me! HAHA
>Why is it so dark?
Well I suppose if you'd be dying of a cancer and tried to speak your mind artistically honestly, happy songs wouldn't be the first thing to come to mind.
le I don't care
Life on Mars? could possibly be one of the greatest songs of all time. That alone should earn Bowie eternal praise but it was only one gem in a catalog of incredible material. He was the greatest and I will miss him.
The first time I heard a David Bowie song was strangely enough, Mr. Deeds. I remember asking my dad what the song was and he showed me some old records he had of David Bowie.
One thing I can honestly thank Adam Sandler for.
This. Heathen was so far under the radar and it shouldn't have been. The guy was touring with Moby to promote it. Just a bad time for good music
my copy only arrived today, but how could anybody look at that sleeve booklet for the last couple of days and not realise he was dying? the whole thing feels styled like a black marble crypt
It's pretty impossible that someone hasn't heard several of his hits. He was ubiquitous for a long time. I'm willing to bet you only know of Ziggy, maybe Heroes and Blackstar and claim moral superiority. Typical 4chin
Hindsight is 20/20.
>a 14 year old groupie doing lines of coke is incapable of consenting

It's not like he was preying on young girls and hanging out at highschools, he did performances, did drugs, met people at parties and so happened to fuck drugged up groupies that were underage.
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That death game was well crafty, and will be applauded by for decades to come

The Blackstar record and video, with the dead jewell-encrusted spacemans helmet being worshipped by a sexy cult of alien girls, seemed wacky and avante garde- but now has a new context.

With that and the one about Lazarus etc, it seems the sly old fox made an album about his own impending death, for us to contemplate when he was gone.

To be perfectly honest, my frater familiaris - this shit seems well beyond pop music. This is avante-garde art, more akin to Dali or Burroughs than most contemporary music.
what babe?
dude visconti is going to be devastated for a while.
Please don't be that guy.
Bowie managed to majke both darker and experimental-ish stuff, but also great radio hits, and there's no shame in just appreciating those for what they are.
Sure, most people are missing the greatness oh his whole career, but that doesn't mean they can't like him in their own way. Most people doesn't like music like "we" do, anyway. And that's fine.
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I would mind if Bowie took my virginity at 14.

Fresh pasta/10
That's because Bowie is more an artist than a musician, he has some good songs but lots of his shit is very experimental, avant garde and prog like. He did shit the way he wanted to but it was always about making an artistic statement.
probably the eeriest thing. i had finally gotten blackstar on saturday and was really digging it then i thought that the day this guy dies is going to be the worst day. he's one of my all time favorites and today happens to be my birthday...

go online to check the news and he's dead. what the fuck man.
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>listening to blackstar
>girl loves me playing
>'where the fuck did monday go'
Which famous 60s artist do you think is going to die last? It'd be great if it was Keith Richards
It'll be Keith or Ozzy, those fuckers aren't even humans at this point. Ozzy is a lich and Keith is nothing but reanimated leather.
everyone knows that wasn't the real bowie
>Where the fuck did Monday go?
>Dies on a Monday.
The lyric wasn't about Monday passing him by, it's about being alive on a Monday and then everything stops existing.
The rule of three already struck. Scott Weiland, Lemmy, and David.
>Where The Fuck Did Monday Go
>Dies on Monday
He was a closet straight man. He pretended to be gay for attention
bowie was always into Japanese culture m8. Most of his outfits were designed by a japanese guy

Tonight and Never Let Me Down.

Buddha of Suburbia is a good book btw.
I can fully admit to never listening to a full Bowie album before Blackstar at the weekend, which I've now listened to 5 times.
Even though I never really was a huge follower of Bowie, listening to Blackstar now and watching the videos for the title track and Lazarus, it's affecting me in a way I couldn't have imagined.
There's something very powerful about watching and listening to someone I know to be a creative genius, a promoter of individuality, who knows they're dying.
I will now make it my business to go through all his albums. I know how this might annoy people, but the fact that he's moved someone so much after his death is surely something to be celebrated?
Holy shit fuck me. I've never felt so gutted.

I agree. I think he always reached for the staus of a fine artist, although perhaps not always attaining his goal.

But this final work, blows my mind. Bowie did not come out and cry for sympathy when he had his diagnosis- the man was a prince amongst men, and made art, for us, from his own suffering- all in secret.

To release the record and video, and then to reveal their context with his own death....

I really don't know what to say, I am in absolute awe of the great artfulness of his gesture..
goddamn I think I went through the five stages of greif in like an hour
he has some records that aren't that great, but he has some records that are fucking amazing.
He looks like Scatman John.
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Yes, it;s something to be celebrated. Bowie cemented his legacy and reanimated his catalog with some kind of space boy necromancy.

I am sure he would be glad to accept new disciples for years to come.

Have you heard The Man Who Sold the World?

You should. All his work is now imbued with a new-found eerie sense of premonition.
That's what I've heard.
I always knew his hits, my Dad would've loved him when he was younger so he played him a good bit. It's this final act that's just so genius and powerful, I have to listen to him more
Yeah most of his tours included a concerts in Japan. The artist/writer of JoJo was actually inspired by bowie.
Someone post Kira, I don't have a picture saved.
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the berlin trilogy stands as one of the greatest musical projects of all time.
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tru tru tru
>about to die
>release Blackstar

Perfect to the end.
>keith richards
thanks for the chuckle senpai
I haven't but I will, thanks. It's a shame it's so late but I'm looking forward to experiencing him. The man was clearly a true artist.
adam sandler has a good taste in music desu.

one of the only things good about his older movies
"FAUX AVANT GARDE???!? What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you Italian pedophile? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Marketing and spoke with Andy Warhol once and have over 300 confirmed S+ rank members on motherbase. I am trained in digestable experimentalism and I'm the top artist in the world. You are nothing to me but just another unbought critic. I'm fucking dead kiddo."
>tfw when it was my birthday today
;_; t-thanks

Bowie was nothing if not graceful and far-sighted in life. He died like he lived.

The greatest artists are those who would have made art whether or not they were paid to do it. Bowie was just such an artist. He was dying, so what to do? Make one last album, of course.
Blackstar will get a 10/10 on it's reissue by P4K

Needless to say, I love you Bowie, you beautiful man. RIP in Penis and Pussy
You guys need to train with /tv/ or /pol/ so this kind of runaway meme magic accident doesn't happen again.
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can you hear me major tom ;_;
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BB King died on my birthday last year. I know the feel.
>listening to Under Pressure
>both vocalists are now dead
im so goddamn mad right now, i was doing fine until my mom called me in and asked me about the harmonica in I Cant Give Everything Away
now ive had to lock myself up because im about to fucking cry and its ridiculous
>David Bowie was the single greatest artist to ever live
i LOVE Bowie, but your statement is so wrong (even him would laugh at you): educate yourself pls
>both vocalists are now dead
this makes my heart hurt
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charlie brooker better do a good job

I might not really know all that much about Bowie, but I always sort-of imagined he was playing himself there... Being all badass, and doing his own thing.
It's some straight up Birdman level shit. His last act being his death basically. Not to mention the bandages in the videos. Holy shit...
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RIP comrade Bowie
came here to post this, senpai. I cannot take this death.
two straight guys fucking.
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you get no enjoyment from life. you were born the wrong way. your brain is wired incorrectly. you don't feel the way humans are supposed to.

you're hearing music wrong.

please end your life.
RIP Starman

I love you
Im ashamed to admit I only got into his music because of MGS V playing midge ure's cover of man who sold the world. Cant help but feel like the lyrics somehow fit the situation.
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oh you headless chicken
I'm on Diamond Dogs now. Should be finished with his entire discography by noon tomorrow.
>tfw just woke up and it's still real
the guy was a fucking god . 6 heart attacks and he was still going [;_;]
>tfw wake me up inside
>can't wake up
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Hopefully he's in season 6 of Venture Bros

i've listened to heroes, hunky dory, low, the man who sold the world, ziggy stardust, young americans, aladdin sane. should i work my way through the rest of the discography or just listen to blackstar now

East Coast USA

Hoping I'll go to sleep and wake up tomorrow and it's all a fucking dream.

>tfw last night drempt of church
>orthodox icons ceiling beautiful
>tfw atheist

Maybe Bowie is in the most beautiful heaven I know: Orthodox Heaven.
Blackstar is not easy to listen to, i'd say work through the discography
Lodger, Outside & Scary Monsters
then Blackstar.
>we lived for just these 20 years
>do we have to die for the -49- more?
I think hell be fine

I tell you this.

I sure as hell won't cry for Jagger like I will for this huge faggot. Who I loved. Obviously more than I thought I did. Goddamned it.

I suppose the grief comes from the fact that in my health and age, I still look worse than he did on his deathbed.

Fuck me. Hard.
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Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
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This. Also all the fucking retards that are suddenly huge Bowie fans and never even posted anything about his birthday/new album. I have everyone, let me die.

I've seen this on other threads, yet will still post. . .

Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.

fucking tears in my eyes goddamned it all
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Amazing how many people this fucker's outlived.
How many fucking characters are based on david bowie or his music? Hes fucking everywhere.
Iggy's being preserved by all the drugs that have passed through his body over the decades.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
sleep tight, ziggy stardust. you'll be fine
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Bowie was absolutely perfect for Jareth
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Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Sleep tight, ziggy stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust

take it fucking easy, you're not chewing candy.

try one album a day.

play the record, then go back and re-play your favourite tracks off the album.

Get a fucking grip of yourself man, you're like some cunt sprinting through the Louvre, ticking paintings off a list.
not everyone is a /mu/tuant from age 3

I was thinking about the Zoolander situation as well. seems like the Duke's holding the short end of the stick on that one.
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust

Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
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I lost my virginity while "Changes" was playing.

I was 17. The year was 2004...

Thank You Bowie, i lasted for 2 minutes, but the memory of that moment and the fact that Your music was in the background makes me happy.

since that moment i got space oddity, heroes, hunky dory, the rise and fall and low on vinyl, ill just play them while drinking few glasses of jameson.

Thank You.

you didn't do it right. do it again.

>refer to the post, and observe the capitalization and punctuation.
>go to catalog
>37 bowie threads, bowie-related threads, or threads referencing bowie in the OP
have there ever been this many threads on the same person at once?
when m00t left us?
[spoiler]I'm still sad[/spoiler]

>have there ever been this many threads on the same person at once?

Nice trips. No, there has not. Maybe its because Bowie was more than one person.
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i said those are his albums that i'd listened to, not that i'd just started listening to them today. was just wondering if I should start moving through the discography or if blackstar is worth skipping to.

doesn't matter though - the discography torrent is taking forever so I'm listening to blackstar now.
Sleep tight Ziggy Stardust
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me too anon
i don't know about mu;but i checked /tv/ when star wars came out and at least 2/3 of the threads were about the film
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not that I know of really
I came here in 2013 so who knows
See you, space cowboy.
I asked my mom on the phone today how she felt about it all and she said he had it coming. That just made me feel sick.
your fucking mom has it coming
I'm sorry your mom sucks, anon

Cool. For someone like Bowie, I also like reading like reading interviews from the periods in which the period was made, in order to get an insight into his philosophy, as well as bizarre tales of ill behavior.

>He lived on nothing but cocaine and milk for a few years
So, what are your favourite works of Dave?

Running Gun Blues and Saviour machine here.
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and vizzy played guitar.jpg
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Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
kill her
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
RIP, David Bowie
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
She'll Be Fine
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>bowie lying sick in bed
>death lurks underneath
>a terrified bowie frantically writes down his last song
>a skull, a memento mori is on his table
>death creeps ever closer
>dances his way into the closet one final time
>"Ain't that just like me?"
>the artist, inseparable from the art
>even in death
>the digital single cover is a event horizon, the point of no return, where escape is impossible
What a way to go.

It's a god-awful small affair
To the girl with the mousy hair
But her mummy is yelling "No"
And her daddy has told her to go.

Bowie often pictured the moonbeam psychedelic children of the 70s as being like a wonderful new alien species, as compared to their grey and unimaginative parents- this is very likely the root of the whole space man metaphor.

Some things never change.
>tfw a 69 year old dying man dances better than you

i've always been a fan of your music, and although it hasn't been a common staple in my listening habits, i always recognized you as a music legend, a music genius, and just one of the greatest artists i've had the pleasure of perceiving, provoking insights that glean into the human condition. Thank you David Bowie.

ill run down the street naked if gene simmons dies.
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I screamed when I found out Bowie passed.
A little bit of me will die alongside David Byrne.
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Everyone loves Bowie though.
He was a great person that inspired hundreds of millions of people and works all over the world. Humanity lost one of its legends. Everyone realizes this, wether they own one of his albums or not.

The term 'Godlike genius' is often bandied about irony.

I seriously can't think of any work of popular culture or music that is on this level.

I mean, I like music- but this? Is more than music.
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What a splendid gift
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>tfw momus is 55
He'll be fine, right?
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>Check ignition and may God's love be with you
>Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows
>The stars look very different today
i barely even listened to his music why am i tearing up fuck
>hell be fine
could someone explain this to me?
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he'll be fine.
Finally i can understand that you are not here with us anymore, life is like that. You gave everything you could to us, you demonstrated that musicians can change and must change soon or later, that innovation isn't a bad thing or a "sellout" strategy. You gave me the best music i could ever listen to when i was a kid, and now that i'm older i think i'll never stop listening to your music even after i reach the age you had this morning, i'll never stop listening to you Bowie :) RIP, the best musician of all times.
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>Not enjoying the guitars on Andy WARHOL AS IN HOLS
fight me on the street during a blackout senpai
Whoa fuck I thought people were still just mentioning his birthday on the radio.
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Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
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What did he mean by this?
I know that feeling bro. I only own Low and Ziggy physical but I wish I had more of his shit to spin in his honor.
Hivemind X5
I barely knew this guy desu.

All I know is he was Nikola Tesla in the prestige
Dude i listened to this and I FUCKING BROKE INTO ONE THOUSAND PIECES. I cried like a little girl with no hope with one of the happiest albums of Bowie.

Maybe because it's one of my fav albums and one of the first i listened to.
I DL'ed this movie this afternoon (saw this flick years ago, it was a masterpiece, with based Bowie as Tesla? the cherry on top desu).
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That's it where is this anon.
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>In record store earlier today
>they're playing Blackstar
>"Where the fuck did monday go"
Almost fucking teared up in there

Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
the only good thing about that film too

the illusionist did the same thing a lot better
It's because that album contains "Quicksand".
That's a pretty dark one though. Oh! You Pretty Things is about extraterrestrial supermen taking over Earth. I'd say Let's Dance or Young Americans is his happiest.
>nolan movie
Lol I bet your one of those people who have the "Better Taste of Music"
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>By the time I got to New York
>I was living like a king
>Then I used up all my money
>I was looking for your ass

You know, when the album first came out, I read several reviewers that mocked the "meaningless lyrics". And now everyone's flocking to this like flies. But I remember one reviewer in particular, that made fun of the "I was looking for your ass" line.
But it really is painfully obvious, isn't it?
Jesus rode a donkey, an ass if you want, and it was he who saved Lazarus from death. That's what Bowie was looking for. Not Jesus, but resurrection, immortality. That's what he came to New York for. And what did he do in New York? He recorded his last album, Blackstar. And then he died there.

I might be looking at it the wrong way, but it's kind of amazing how one of the lyrics that I saw people make fun of is perhaps the one that's the most telling about what the point of Lazarus and Blackstar was.
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I just found out and I feel like there's nothing else I can do with the rest of my day that would be appropriate.
Don't blame you really, There is a bunch of people that don't know who he is even today.
Am I complete faggot for being pissed about his death because of all the coming band wagoners?

Mostly gutted about the loss when he still had work to put out but a close second is the fact that now every random is going to act like the biggest bowie fan. Shit has been a huge part of my personality and how I identify for a solid 15 years, been obsessed with everything bowie and anyone who knows me well knows this but now he's going to be in the same tier as le freddit mercury.

Feels like I lost a huge part of what makes me unique amongst my peers.
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>i barely even listened to his music why am i tearing up fuck
He was a real human being and a real hero

If you watch his interviews he comes across as an extremely intelligent and almost introverted person

He had a legendary life full of incredible moments

He seemed almost ethereal, immortal; part of the reason why his death is so shocking

And his new album shows a mortal man who truly did not want to die

Turn and face the strange,
I won't forget you
Goodbye David Bowie
Do you have a link to he video?
Hello darkness my old friend...
~Hall & Oates.
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this one's the exception then.
Someome posted "he'll be fine" in a thread about Lemmy from motorhead right before the announcement released that he died
He fucking knew.

That's the worst part of it.
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The stars look very different today
That's like track 6. I started crying with the first chords of Changes, and when he sang ch-ch-ch-changes i was like nervously crying.

Damn i'm weak. Or maybe too music sensible cause i didn't shed a tear when i read the news.
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Literally me right now desu
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>sayonara david
>that pic
>at the part in the song where he goes "Can you hear me Major Tom, can you hear me Major Tom"
this is just too fucking much man
sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
you should be happy that people are enjoying his music. liking one of the most popular and respected musicians of all time does not make you 'unique'
Would someone please upload an m4a of "I Can't Give Everything Away"? It's the last song off of Blackstar and was a corrupt file on the Mega someone was kind enough to post here earlier today.
>Am I complete faggot for being pissed about his death because of all the coming band wagoners?
Probably. RIP 3PAC.
Sleep tight, ziggy stardust.
Well yeah, now it's pretty obvious Blackstar foreshadowed his death and at same time laid a path for his immortality. Back then no one could have guessed he was talking about his own death, but it was his intention all along.
Seriously what the fuck was up with the weird bug eye deviantart album cover
>tfw Tom Waits will die...
Yeah it gets pretty dark song after song, but crying with changes is a little bit weird. Though it has that nostalgic feeling.
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Rest in peace.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Is it? He had time to make something before he went. I think he did blackstar BECAUSE he knew.
Where can I get the special edition Blackstar clear vinyl for non-ripoff prices?

I may have talked someone out of buying it when they were 40 quid because their birthday is coming up... and then 40 became 500.
if you like Blackstar, check 1.Outside, it's very similar imho (~experimental/jazzy/dark) https://youtu.be/Okg1UBdyvow
>Blackstar is not easy to listen to
its incredibly easy to listen to, what are you talking about
(Same person) The thing that is funny about it all is that she doesn't realize that without Bowie, many of her favorite 80s bands would've probably never existed. She might be so plain about it all because she grew up with unlikable 80s Bowie.
comparing kanye to bowie is like comparing shit to a fucking steak anon.
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Pushing thru the market
so many mothers sighing
News had just come over,
we had five years left to cry in
Sleep Tight, Ziggy Stardust.
There isn't really anyone like Bowie, is there?
A great, popular icon, that is both mainstream and massively famous, while also doing more conceptual and interesting music.
Someone who's always able to radically reinvent himself.
And finally being an artist that is inseparable from his art.
Bowie did all these three things.
Is there any other artist that is even close?
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I was always happy when I convinced someone to listen to him had so many drunken arguments in highschool arguing why people should listen to him,

and I'm well aware he was popular, but the people I'm seeing all over twitter and facebook aren't doing it for the right reasons. It's like going to the gym after new years, you can't distinguish yourself or the real regulars from the crowd of #newyearnewme

Just replace queen in all this shit right here in this pic, this is how you'll be seen if you say you're a bowie fan now.
fuck I could not handle this. He is the only musician that would affect me as much as Bowie's death has.
;_; RIP
That's ironic
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>Something happened on the day he died
>Spirit rose a metre then stepped aside
>Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried
>(I’m a blackstar, I’m a star's star, I’m a blackstar)

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The song that surprisingly got me into Bowie.
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when I got home and put the track on, the last seconds caught my attention. Bowie is accredited of playing the guitar on the song. I thought the last sounding cords of the guitar were him saying goodbye and I just teared up a little.
You can't blame him for not wanting to come out and say ''hey I have cancer and my time might run short'' it would had created noise and drama. Hence the lyric in lazarus ''I got drama, can't be stolen'' David just wanted the album out to please his fans one last time.
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That's it. Time to kill myself.
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>We will never be rid of these stars, but I hope they live forever
>The stars look very different today

made it through the whole day without feeling all that sad but now i'm finally tearing up
god damnit dave why'd you do us like this
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That finally he saw an age where musicians are not stuck in one genre and that he could easily be replaced in any kind of music.
Sleep tight ziggy star dust
99% guarantee he saw it. it got delayed like more than a year and was shown to many test audiences so its highly likely bowie saw it too.
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What a did we do to deserve such a legend
Here's your contrarian points in the form of a reply. You could be fucked to actually watch the movie.

It's unbearable, though. He's one of the few artists I didn't even consider would die. I didn't expect it at all and the album is the last piece of him we have left.

He wasn't meant to fucking die.
>blakstar comes out
>gets pretty good reviews, but mostly for the music itself
>no one gives much credit to the lyrics
>bowie dies
>everyone suddenly get the lyrics
>hailed as being truly great
And he fucking knew it all along. He knew that once he died, they'd all see.
>Watching the Oscars next month
>In memoriam
>David Bowie at the very end of the montage
It's crazy to think he wrote this knowing he was going to die all along.
Haven't ever really peeped his music all that much but I respect the artistry and legend A shame all the legends are passing
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fantano's probably annoyed that he has to rewrite and reshoot his review
What's the best Bowie movie that ISN'T man who fell to earth?
He fucking better be.
jesus fucking christ you're right
>in 40 years time everything you ever loved (music-wise) will be gone

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The Prestige
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The Prestige is also fun.
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>wake up
>hes still dead
This tall slick som bitch changed my life. Fucking lived and breathed art. Changed with the times. Gave us all incredible feels never before felt and fucking won at life.
They all look good, who /bowiemoviemarathon/ tonight?
no more McCartney
no more Patti Smith
no more Ian Anderson
no more Varg
no more Daniel Johnston
no more James Murphy
no more Phil Elverum
no more John Darnielle

no more
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I know this sounds stupid, but imagine the agony of knowing that you were going to doing something legendary and cause a major worldwide event, and know you won't get to see it because the perquisite for it happening is your consciousness ceases to exist and all that is to come is the void.
What segment of a track should play when bowies coffin is lowered?

I'd go for 1:43 - 2:03 from big brother

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In all fairness, once you've seen this, the escher scene and bowie's first scene you've seen all of Labyrinth

if there was a stream up I would watch it, but I only own Labyrinth.
I don't know if I have time after the complete discography marathon but I'll probably check out Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. I haven't seen it.
My heart sank when I heard
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Look like its time for me to die soon as well
obvious winner
If they don't play all of warszawa as the coffin is going in then I'll be very disappointed
No you need to get all the way to the horrible ending where the puppets all rock out into the credits for no reason at all. It is the blurst of times.
Thank you for threatening to sue Vanilla Ice.
>Bowie dead
>Fripp will die

This world is not worth saving

Let it end now
Was he actually a pedo?
there's a book sequel too (that i actually hear is alright) that;s gonna skyrocket in price again.
Yes, he fucking was

I don't like to speak ill of the dead, butJohn was easily the most pretentious
I have yet to see a "pretty consistent" report on the matter, counter to what that guy claims.
By all accounts John Lennon was a narcissistic, wife-beating arsehole, but he wasn't a hack.
What albums of his should I avoid? I already have all the essential, plus his last two, Heathen and 1. Outside
Hahahaahha probably. I don't see Fantano as a very big Bowie fan. He would've done a classic week review by now if he was.
RIP bowie
no: he "probably" fucked a very young groupie (14yo-ish) in the 70s while he was heavily on coke. And the groupie is still very happy about this memory, and never regretted it.
I came here to pay respects, I'm not one of you guys, /mu/, but I want to be with you today
he has a used copy of Ziggy Stardust but so does everybody
Not that I've ever heard. I mean I've heard people make that claim but never what they were basing it on.

I mean if people can still find the slightest respect for Michael Jackson after the fact I'm sure Bowie isn't going to get any real heat outside tumblr and twitter.
Lou Reed was waiting for his man.
the ones between Let's Dance & Outside.
>your consciousness ceases to exist and all that is to come is the void
god i really fucking hope that near death experiences aren't just caused by your brain tripping balls due to a lack of oxygen
Ephebophile, and I'm pretty sure dating one teenager doesn't satisfy the criteria for being called one.
Homo Sapiens have outgrown their use.

He was a fucking 70s rock star, they were all having sex and completely out of their minds on drugs

He probably had sex with literally dozens, perhaps hundreds of females, so what if one of them was pretty young? I doubt he ever forced them into it, they were all groupies and basically worshipped the ground he walked on and absolutely wanted his dick
Also Bowie was no more than 20 something when he did that, damn he was 25 when he recorded Ziggy Stardust. Also most "rockstars" fucked teenagers at that time, maybe even now.

Just remember almost famous, all the groupies were teenagers.
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Nah, these two are the ultimate bros
Not that it makes it morally ok, but if he did fuck a 14-yo groupie or two, then he joins the likes of hundreds of famous musicians, from Elvis Presley to Jimmy Page to R. Kelly to take-your-pick.

Also, that's called hebephelia and not pedophilia.
Five Years even before this always made me cry
I'm sorry I've never took the time to fully listen to your shit, even knowing it was great.
maybe I take too many things for granted.
RIP Ziggy.
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Lazarus is beautiful. Listen to the care involved, it pops wearily, rises up a little, flails around with the sax and then dies.
You're right, I'm just bitter at the type of people who he inspires: pretentious dipshits. I have to concede that he was indeed talented, but the narcissism sometimes separates the artist from the man, at least in my mind.
RIP David Bowie.
50 years ago nobody cared about that. And some teenagers are hard to recognize from adults.


David Lee Roth must be the biggest pedo in the world.

He went out like a fucking boss. Seriously.
1970s had very different attitudes towards sex, consent and shit like that

40+ years ago

He did absolutely nothing wrong
Tonight has Tonight and Blue Jean, the rest is meh
Wow, this is pathetic. Truly sad. How starved for attention can one person be?
I thought david bowie was an actor. Whats he doing on /mu/?
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c'mere buddy
David happened to fuck some teenagers in the 70s who were willing to be fucked , he never truly chased teenage cunts for his whole life...
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One of the best openings for an album
I'm in my 20s and I find 16-18 year olds hot, if I was a good looking super star like bowie I would bang a couple.
That's what my friend thought today. I wanted to slap him.
He was a prolific musician.
And influenced lots of people.
Just look at the thread.
The Bowie's golden team is: Bowie, Tony Visconti, Mick Ronson, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and Brian Eno.

But the core couple was Bowie + Visconti
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>his popular song 'China Girl'
is this really the time and place to post that even if you're serious?
talking about iggy, has visconti said anything ? Aside of iggy, visconti, was probably the one that knew him the best.
I remember posting on facebook about how glad I was of seeing happy and kicking on this pic and on his birthday. Too bad that was far from the true man.
I'm talking about the article in the screencap.
"Gamergate killed David Bowie".

I'm fully convinced that most popular artists have fucked at least one underage girl, probably more. And don't get me started on Hollywood. I don't give a shit about that.
That image is 100% a joke. How gullible can one person be?

truth hurts huh
Zappa: the definition of the talentless hack meme
god just shut up
you're 12.
sexual liberation when they do it, sexual exploitation when we do it
That's click bait you have to learn to ignore it.
sleep tight, ziggy stardust

They were both revolutionary geniuses who influenced millions.

Bowie just survived longer is all.

Saying one was better than the other just silly.

Kill yourself.
Then he goes to say to Frank, and Frank replies with FUCK YOU CAPTAIN TOM.
was /mu/ like this when Zappa died?
oh wait none of you were even born when Zappa died
It was part of him. Fuck, let me let look that good in such a beautiful suit when I'm nearly dead.

Visconti said some good things: "He always did what he wanted to do. And he wanted to do it his way and he wanted to do it the best way. His death was no different from his life - a work of Art.
He made Blackstar for us, his parting gift. I knew for a year this was the way it would be. I wasn't, however, prepared for it. He was an extraordinary man, full of love and life. He will always be with us. For now, it is appropriate to cry."

Dave Brubeck Quartet "Time Further Out." Album recorded May - June 1961. "Far More Drums" contains full stereo mic'ing on the drum kit after the brief piano opening, and Brubeck lays out.
David Bowie's dominating UK downloads now.
Even before his death, Blackstar was over 25,000 sales ahead of its nearest rival. You watch that figure skyrocket.
Bowie stole a lot of his musicians.
Post your favorite Bowie song.


You posted it.
You're a huge faggot.
I know everyone is freaking out about Blackstar being such a fine parting gift from Bowie, but his true parting gift was knocking Adele's boring shit of an album out of the #1 spot.

Based 'til the end
>first mp3 player I ever had was a Phillips back in 7th grade
>actually had a tiny 2gb disc drive
>first songs my brother put on it were from Journey, Queen, Kansas, and Bowie
>lost the mp3 years ago
>between three computers, four or five mp3 players/tablets, and 2 phones, managed to retain the same fucking files from way back then
>still have his Best Hits album tucked away in the hard drive somewhere

It sounds like shit, but I still listen to it every now and then. Have a good trip, Ziggy.
I would love to but I can't get this music to stop. I've listened to Space Oddity like 100 times now. Also I'm getting a 500 internal server error from youtube site wide right now and I don't know if its just me.
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There are a lot of young kids who are going to wise up a little after today, watch it happen.

so fucking true lad
this t b h
i didn't cared about that until now, thanks anon.
if you have chrome mute the tab

>and putting out a song called "lazarus" a week before his death? genius!

>best zappa had was making "why does it hurt when i pee" and then dying of prostate cancer
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yes there should be a speaker icon

click it - this is firefox though
Man Angie Bowie aged like fucking freaking milk. Not posting a pic of her because I don't really like her but she has really aged like milk
I'm actually laughing at imagining this walking down my local shopping street. Street stops, traffic crashes, women spontaneously combust..
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WTF the mod is going full crazy deleting posts

also, why nobody didn't post this amazing track yet
>I'm Deranged
easily his 90's masterpiece
The Jean Genie can finally sleep on his back ;-;
Thanks god he was wise enought to leave her and then marry Iman, such a nice woman, also she's pretty.

That's another reason why Bowie is better than Lennon, John never left Yoko.
this is apparently just how stickys work now, at 1000 posts they start pruning the oldest replies.
>Bowie reportedly works with Damon Albarn on Gorilaz stuff
>Albarn tries to help Adele on her album.
>She throws a fit and shits on him to the press even though he is far better than her
>Bowie releases his death album to knock her out of the #1 spot

I still haven't accepted his death.
He's just one of those staples. The album just dropped for christs sake.
I cried like a bitch when I found out.
"Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust"
Same with firefox.
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Damn, RIP. One of my all time favourites. Cya, Bowie.

It really is.

Albarn is one of the last British artists I think I truly care about being alive (not that he comes close to Bowie).
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His words really make me think it was assisted suicide at the end.
Didn't know he was mortal
You're breaking youtube you fucks
At first I thought it was a joke. Famous people die on the internet everyday. But then they just kept showing up. This hits me about as hard as when robin williams died.
See ya Ziggy.
>married to a black lady

Bowie's breaking Youtube, you mean.
Just like he broke my heart.
Why did a quarter of the thread just get deleted
What a madman
They just want attention.
I'm with you, friend.

I'm with you
this to be perfectly honest family


I wrote it off until today when I saw that major news outlets were reporting it.

feels like I lost a little piece of myself.
The song is about his mentally ill brother, who takes the form of Major Tom in the song.
it's been at exactly 1000 posts for over an hour now. This is just how stickies work now i guess.
Notice the post count.
Old posts are being deleted. See how we're at 1000 but images are still being posted?
It's just to relieve the servers from stress.
Does anyone have the Labyrinth soundtrack?
I hate request fags.
But for today I'll pass it.

Go nuts.

>Muhammad Ali
>Arnold Schwarzenegger
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The wheel turns.
>the "I want to live" chorus on Cygnet Commitee
hold me anons.
Rest in peace in peace Bowie
First Boulez, now Bowie.

2016 just started and it's already a bad year for music.
You might argue about bowie's looks but you can't denied his hair wasn't top tier.

post pic?
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:stop music:
Watch Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
I would do it since I am confident in my looks but I am terribly sick with a fever and I look like shit. Even if I wasn't sick, I wouldn't be able to since my phone broke and the one I ordered isn't getting here till a week. It's like bowies to say at the very least but not as straight. The closer I could say my hair looks like him would be during his let's dance years.
Is Queen Bitch the first punk song ever?

I can't think of anything else that early that has those similar qualities.
so a try-hard baitpost.
it might as well be, Bowie unintentionally invented punk
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>mfw someone doesn't like lynch
nice filename and good taste, my friend.
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Rest in peace Starman, you will be dearly missed.
First time I've ever felt legit sad about a famous person's death. RIP
My heroes are slowly dying out /mu/.

I don't feel like finishing my degree anymore.
crying myself 2 sleep tonite
go to bed anon. tomorrow is always better
I just watched the Lazarus video for the first time. He really went out in style. Ultimately he was a pretty class act.
cancer fucks people up quick, within a month they can lose 30 lbs
>make everyone at work listen to Bowie for 9 straight hours
>like a rocket man comes on
>"I don't want to die"
>can barely retain my composure
No, those were newer posts being deleted most likely because they're just making people angry.
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Damn... Bowie was a genius.
Well that's easy enough to check. Is it still at exactly 1000? Oh would you look at that.
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
Posts immediately before and after those deleted were left untouched.
We share a very sad birthday, anon :(
tfw floating ina tin can in the sky ;_;7
The Man Who Sold the World
I want Bobby to be safe...
watching the Lazarus video in depth for the first time. This man was a fucking genius when he wanted to be, when he needed to be
Wasn't going to say anything. But damn. If you are reading or find about this, you know I play your major tom shit before every solo climb just to make sure I'm ok with what I'm doing. Shit. Never thought I was going to outlive Dave. My heart is seriouslly broken.
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Bruce Springsteen will die within our lifetime.
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>didn't about yoko story that much
>look it up
>read about may pang too
what the fuck man ? was Yoko that much of a bitch ? man I am sad and angry now, how the hell do you do that to your friend ?
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How many lives will /mu/ claim!?
>"time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth"
>dies of LUNG CANCER 44 years later
hahahahaha I've been waiting to post this since TND was hyped.

I'm glad another hack has died this decade, Lemmy was much more respectable than either of them.

Worst fans ever, too.
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cool man
Gonna grab some of his albums again, used to have them before my hdd died. Feel free to use this like I am to grab the best quality versions of his albums: http://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list?artist=david+bowie&album=
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Shut the fuck up.

Ziggy Stardust tour excitement happened when I was in grade 9. Because I was such a contrarian little fuck, and because I was put off by the artificiality of the entire Stardust event I allowed it to pass by my upturned nose. The ambiguous sexuality didn't help either. My brother and I succumbed before too long, and we had all the records, but that particular moment had passed. It has since stood out for me as one of the clearly bad decisions that I made in my life. Especially premised, as it was to a degree, on my snobbish, too cool for school attitude. I really blew that. Memories like that have me wondering what current opportunities pigheadedness is depriving me of. Hard to believe he's gone; I thought that if you were rich enough you could just go on and on.
I thought it was a troll
goodnight sweet prince ;.;
>tfw Morrissey is next
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Is it wrong of me to think this could all be an elaborate hoax to for his album?

This could just be me still in some kind of denial still but just imagine what would happen if it was a giant ruse?
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Hes going to be fine, he's definitely going to be fine.
it was liver cancer you dumb shit
hahahahaaha this kid thinks I care or that reading his wikipedia article is a measurement of intelligence
Anyone want to set up a cytube and watch Labyrinth?
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>he didn't live to see humans visit Mars
>he never got to freak out in a moonage daydream
>One of the singles is titled Lazarus
I don't think he'd do that. People would hate him for it.
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God damn, Chris Hatfield must be sobbing right now. One of his heroes just died.


Bowie made heroes, no one can deny that.
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>mfw it turns out that he was scheduled to lay down a track with Albarn mere days before his passing
Just started Lodger. Should be done with the discography by noon tomorrow.
Please no. Not Bruce of all people
David Bowie turned marketing into the essence of his art. All great phenomena of popular music, from Elvis Presley to the Beatles, had been, first and foremost, marketing phenomena (just like Coca Cola and Barbie before them); however, Bowie turned that into an art of its own. With Bowie the science of marketing becomes art; art and marketing become one. There were intellectuals who had proclaimed this theory in rebellious terms. Bowie was, in many ways, the heir, no matter how perverted, of Andy Warhol's pop art and of the underground culture of the 1960s. He adopted some of the most blaspheme issues and turned them upside down to make them precisely what they had been designed to fight: a commodity.

Bowie was a protagonist of his times, although a poor musician: to say that Bowie is a musician is like saying that Nero was a harp player (a fact that is technically true, but misleading). Bowie embodies the quintessence of artificial art, raises futulity to paradigm, focuses on the phenomenon rather than the content, makes irrelevant the relevant, and, thus, is the epitome of everything that went wrong with rock music.

Each element of his art is the emblem of a true artistic movement; however, the ensemble of those emblems constitutes no more than a puzzle, no matter how intriguing, of symbols, a roll of incoherent images projected against the wall at twice the speed, a dictionary of terms rather than a poem, and, in the best of hypotheses, a documentary of the cultural fads of his era.

Reading the chronicles of his times, it is clear that what caused sensation was the show, not the music. Bowie merely recycled what had been going on for years in the British underground, in particular what had been popularized by the psychedelic bands of 1967. And he turned it into a commodity: whichever way you look at his oeuvre, this is the real merit of it.
one last listen before hitting the bed
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I wonder how he is handling it.
I got fried on FB and Tumblr for calling that behavior tasteless
inb4 illuminati consapircies
There isn't anything wrong with this. The tone just makes it sound sacrilegious. Pop culture and celebrity is still a very recent development in human history and you could argue its an art form itself. David Bowie is one of the most important pop culture figures of all time whether you find his music worthwhile or not. So he matters. Much more than the members of King Crimson
Fucking hell dude
Would agreed, but.

It takes a master mind to devote a life to create content to fit into that scheme.

You are literally describing the piramides architecht. This one guy with that great vision that said k guys, right there, we will build some fucking mountains out of square rocks. It will take a little more than a hundred years but believe me, it's gonna be the shit. You'll never see it complete, but trust me, it's worth your life.

So even if Bowie was a fake in your opinion, the guy still is a master schemer. Which is more than the most of us are ever going to be.

Sorry for poor english.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.

Rest in peace you beautiful Starman.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
>Modern Love used to be my #1 go to "Feel Good" song
>By sheer coincidence I was listening to it when I first heard the news of his death
>Now it feels me with intense sadness, like on the verge of tears


Yeah, Lori Maddox or something, she was a part of a teeny bopper groupie gang in the 70's or 80's, she was the one that Jimmy Page kept locked in his apartment. I happily lost friends today who were trying to SJW this whole thing on FB claiming David was a rapist. She was willing and happy to fuck him. Any girl would, and she was 15 confronted with a beautiful man...come on now...
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
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sleep tight ziggy stardust
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Just cry it out, it's good for you. Dave will understand it I'm sure.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
This hit me hard. Made me cry. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K2wWWUvROuI
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Good night, sweet duke.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust. The stars look very different today.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust. Rest well, Starman.
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Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
>they don't know
think he said that he was gonna do a classic review for ziggy stardust
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/v/irgin here. Sorry for your loss fellas. I didn't even get a chance to pick up the album.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
rip my boi
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
>What are ya lookin' at, smoothskin
Eat a bag of dicks, mr pendejo.
Does anyone have a DL for Brazilian David Bowie cover album?
>who will you be after you die
Sleep tight Ziggy Stardust. I've barely listened to you but damn me to hell if I don't own everything you've made by my life's end.
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
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This really hurt. He was my favourite artist back when I was in high school and I actually looked up to him. No matter how flawed he might've been.
I obviously grew out of that phase but his works were and still are special and dear to me. I knew he wasn't getting any younger, but he was well, always there for me.
This is going to be a shit year it seems.
Roger Waters will be fine...
>I'm a blackstar
when 4chan goes down for a minute and a half
>watching the music video for Blackstar
>skeleton in an astronaut suit
>tfw Major Tom is dead
2016 is going to be a terrible year. i'm not even joking- music reached a peak a long time ago and 2015 might have been one last hurrah. sorry to go all 'wrong generation' but it's hard for me to look at the most popular artist really of the last 5 years (drake), and say he holds a candle to bowie, who in terms of sheer popularity in the 70s and 80s was unmatched, but also was experimental and a musical genius.
I love you, David Bowie, rest in peace
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
i've never really listened to bowie but seeing the things people say in here and seeing the parties held around in the world in his honor puts his influence in perspective. i'm glad i was able to witness his impact on people in such a profound way.

rest in peace
>yfw when you can't into writing Space Oddity

I want what Ziggy Stardust was snorting.
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>rip music
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Sleep Tight, Ziggy Stardust.

>enter /mu/
>space oddity starts playing
>distorted guitar in lazarus kicks in
fuck man
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
how can i adblock this shitty fucking autoplay song by a dead nazi
>Christopher Walken plays David Bowie in his biopic
>internet stops working for a few days
>watching one of those on demand channles that shows music videos
>watching bowie video
>wonder what bowie is doing
>change to news the next day
>bowie dead
for fuck's sake it is on a loop, why
>Major Tom this is Ground Control do you read?
>Major Tom are you there?
>Please read back Major Tom
>Christopher Walken plays David Bowie when he gets his biopsy back
3Pac and David Bowie are dead
zhg till infinity son
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Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Rest in peace, David Bowie. You were one of the greats.
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Fuck /mu/
Just a few days ago I watched the Venture bros episode with the Space Oddity gag, and relistened to a lot of his albums. A month ago I blew my friend's mind when he saw that Nolan magician movie, and I told him Tesla was Bowie.
Listening to Ziggy Stardust on the roof of my apartment complex now, drinking wine and looking at the stars. Rest in peace you beautiful spaceman
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.

I will never forget the impact u had on my life
>Do you remember a guy that's been
>In such an early song?
>I've heard a rumor from Ground Control
>Oh no, don't say it's true

Man, what a long horrid day

The Thin White Duke has left the universe for further challenges and left us with a loss that can never be replaced

I truly hope hundreds of years from now he will be remembered as Beethoven and Mozart are remembered today. He left us with some wonderful music And he was a true artist
reply 1000
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Lets do this

Let's not and say we did
Why do japs have such good naturals

I used to think they had famously small tits untill i found 4chan
Fuck, it took a whole day to get to me but now I'm crying bitch tears.

he's not supposed to die
fucking asshole
There's just so much of our culture and entertainment we indirectly owe to him. Last week alone I consumed at least three pieces of art that were in some way based on his music or his characters.

Even if you're not a fan of his music there's necessarily something dear to you that you owe to him.
Bye bye, Ziggy Stardust.
So does he get away with being racist becuase it was a 'character' and marrid a smali
fuck you
Truth hurts
Every one crying about this fucking fag. If you all had been in your teens/20's in the 80's, you all would have hated this 'Dancing in the Street' faggot.

forever enshrined
>implying Modern Love isn't one of the best dance songs of all time
Well, he's dead now, so I'm sure that's what you were looking for. You may have hated him, but more people loved him than will ever love you. You'll never be remembered like Bowie will be.
>Not choosing Let's Dance
doubt anyone would cry over him kek
Sleep Tight, Ziggy Stardust.
did a bowie radio show today love you davey
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do I need new friends /mu/
i hope you removed that person the instant he said that
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust, and you too Major Tom.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
May our memes carry you to valhalla
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What a shitty way to start a year.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
Doesn't the 14 year old he supposedly raped say she doesn't regret it, like, at all?
What 3 albums represent his life the best?
Most personal? Most spiritual? And best reflection on life/death?

>Most personal
Hunky Dory
>Most spiritual
Station to Station
Black Star
oh thats ok then :)
Bowie made heroes man. Trent Reznor started his career because he wanted to be David Bowie. Because of that, we wouldn't even have Johnny Cash's "Hurt" without him.
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Who is next?
Not to mention Joy Division, Iggy Pop and countless other rock/punk acts from late 70's to this day. He also did timeless work in movies and fashion and he is probably the biggest cultural influencer of our times.

She was 15 at the time (not much better but also not the "child" people seem to keep referring to) and that it was consensual.

It's still weird and I'm not condoning that shit but I feel like it should be clarified before SJW's construct a narrative of him drugging, pinning down, and forcefully raping 8 year olds or some shit.

Modern Love is a better dance song.
how do i turn the music off? I'm trying to listen to black star right now.
You can mute your tab
mute the tab friendo
I can reccomend soulwaxs mix of bowie songs.
'Dave' its called, by Radio Soulwax
ahh thanks. I had no idea i could do that on chrome.
>Lemmy died
>Bowie died
>Alabama won national championship
>trump is going to be president

2016 is going to be the worst year of all time. Fuck, Paul McCartney and David Gilmour will probably pass away this year too.
WW3 has never looked so real.
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
>Bowie made Heroes
Literal poetry
Rest in peace you legend
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Sleep Tight, Ziggy Stardust
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Where the fuck did Monday go?
rip my dude

brown control to major thom
now with Lou Reed
Major Bowie
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Gabriel is going to be the next one that will break my heart when he dies.
Nobody cares that he was a racist except for whiny SJWs

Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust :'(
fuck ;-;

what happened to science fiction in music?

the only things i can think of are flying lotus, janelle monae, and a few decent stoner metal bands.
I used to love Janelle but she's gone far from the sci fi stuff into more rootsy funk soul stuff which isn't bad, just...boring compared to the previous material.
I too miss when science fiction played a bigger role in music, i guess its the general apathy and cynicism about the future prevalent in todays society.
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RIP Bowie
Sleep Tight, Ziggy Stardust
He left an incalculable footprint on contemporary media. Bowie is larger than life at this point- his legacy will be reflected and refracted in artists to come.
I'm glad I had the chance to listen to his music while he still breathed

>trent becomes depressed again
Fucking hell, I cried so much last night that I woke up with eyes that were nearly swollen shut; constantly on the verge of tears all day today. I can't fucking work like this. God is dead.
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he looked so happy on his birthday :(
Managed to hold it together all day yesterday, decided to watch the Blackstar video in my office this morning, brought it all home. Manly tears were shed.
Ahh shit
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
I don't even know what to say to anyone but I will post in this thread. I am very sad.
Live for just these twenty years do we have to die for the fifty more?

Dies at 69. I dunno what to make of that.
I'm not a die hard fan, and don't know most of his songs, but I know a lot, but still, I'm pretty sad, I mean honestly, he'd be in my top 10. So if I feel sad, there must be some really distraught people out there.
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It's now being reported that David Bowie died of liver cancer, and had also suffered six heart attacks within the past few years.

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky...
>be 70
>dying of cancer
>after multiple heart attacks
and he still looked better than i do at 19
He smoked like a chimney..
>Something happened on the day he died
Remember when Blackstar came out, and some of us speculated that it was about Lou Reed's death?

A 69 year old dying man danced better than I've ever done.

Well, it helped that he certainly knew how to dress.
The grief keeps hitting me in intense waves.

>it was so fucking sudden
>I feel like I've lost my best friend
>he knew for so long
>he was so stoic about it
>his last hurrah was all planned
>the songs on his album
>the videos
>it was a parting gift to all of us

And repeat. Floods of tears at every point.
Who /ModernLove/ here
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>tumblrites accusing Bowie of being a pedophile
>allegedly American groupie Sable Starr lost her virginity to Bowie when she was 13 and he was in his 20s

So what? All he wants was the young american

young american, young american, he wants the young american


he wants the young american
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>Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
>I'm feeling very still
>And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
>Tell my wife I love her very much she knows

I can't handle this
It still feels weird. I "accepted" it, okay, no more Bowie. But sometimes it hits me hard.

No more Bowie.

Yeah, he may not be in his best moment, but we're talking about David Fucking Bowie, you don't know what would he bring next. Even his death and last album was fucking unexpected. He was himself until his last breath.

So I just want to deal with it, the fact that he's gone and that he won't surprise us anymore. And now I'm feeling okay with that, but then it'll hit me again, and again, and again.

I don't think we can ever recover ourselves from this. But we can remember him and still enjoy his music.
I'm feeling it too.

It's the death of a certain breed of a kind and creative man.
Blackstar was surprisingly decent. I mean, I was listening to it, thinking "yeah, he still has it in him, but he does seem a bit tired" and then I read that he died.
Heroes of my youth are dying left and right and I can do nothing to stop it.
Everyone will die eventually. 69 isn't so bad, but we have to do something or else there won't be anyone worth carrying on their legacy. That would be an empty world not worth living in.

Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust.
Funny thing is, I never even registered he's 69 already. I always saw the Thin White Duke, Ziggy Stardust and the Goblin King when I looked at him.
It really helps thinking about what Simon Pegg said, we were lucky to live with his talent.
>tfw no more sticky

it's time to let go /mu/

are you ready?
even without the sticky prepare for Bowie threads for months.
Alice Cooper does night shows for a local radio station where I live. Hearing him comment on the death of Bowie live on air was completely heartbreaking. He had nothing but respect for this guy who many considered to be his rival in his early career.
No way man, I don't know how to deal with this shit.

The Lemmy sticky was up longer than this
>removing the sticky

are you out of your FUCKING MIND?

Keep sticky and autoplay until next Bowie album
The Lemmy thing was an important happening in the science of memes. And /mu/ is a meme board, not a music board. So yeah Lemmy gets to stay longer.
I can't give everything. I can't give everything awwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust

Sleep tight, Ziggy Stardust
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
Does anybody have the MEGA link of the bowie albums?
sleep tight, ziggy stardust
Yeah but we weren't and he made lots of good music before and after that song
I was 15 when I lost my virginity to a 29 year old woman and I don't regret it. And aren't girls supposed to mature faster than boys during the teenage years?
Bye, Major Tom. See on the other side of space.
Oh you don't regret it?
That makes it okay then.
Well, the chick that Bowie fucked also said she doesn't regret anything. I mean, it's good to have an age of consent written in the law because some people mature sexually faster than others, but I don't see sex with a 15 year old as a morally wrong thing to do if the 15 year old wants it and is not coerced to do it.
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