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I'm lost...

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Thread replies: 142
Thread images: 33

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Hi every pony... I'm lost... Can you help me find my mommy and daddy?

Daddy likes to scream about dirty big nose people. And mommy likes ponies a lot. Can you help me?

Oh fuck
...Let me tell you about the Jews.
It's ok. Now let's get you a big glass of milk to help you grow strong and pure.
and the marecock
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You mean the big nose people!? Daddy talks about them lots!
>mfw /mlpol/ is already trying to make a board avatar

this is it right? this is when we become a /real boy/?
Haï guize, am new to mlp, can I haz raep?
Hiya, I'm /mlpol/! Wanna play with ponies? Mommy says to make lots of friends!
Well when drunk unprotected sex in a broom closet on April fools day happens a baby is bound to come out somewhere.
What's that mean?
>the new board-tans are the offsprings of two original boards
>/mlpol/-tan is basically the nazi funposting from /pol/ and the pony funposting from /mlp/, making him a child that just wants to play with Alicorns and Aryans
>"ha! april fools /mlp/! i wasnt actually wearing a condom!"
>".../pol/ its not a safe day...."
Nothing, now let's go to the park.
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Hello gentile goy. My name is Schlomo Shekelberg. I see you haven't paid your seperation tax yet. Oy vey if you don't pay up for getting seperated from your filthy goyim parents its going to be just like anuddah shoah.
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I don't like you. You have the big nose that daddy talks about. You must be a Jew.
Yay! What is your favorite pony? I like them all! Except the one who is a dirty commie. Whatever that means...
>teleports behind you
heh, nothin personnel kid
>gasses you

I like the pink one, I suppose. I'm from your dad's side of the family. I see he's taught you well.
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I'm meeting so many nice people today! Let's play!

...whatever that means...
Fuck off jew! You leave this pure child alone!
why can't be a nazi pony instead?
wait til puberty kicks in.
We already have a board mascot
inb4 the /mlpol/-tan is a satyr
mascots and -tans are different things, anon.
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Can I have an Aryanne plushy???
I like that pony!
This is total degeneracy.
And I want it
> Alicorns and Aryans
you just busted my sides motherfucker you owe me
is this what /pol/ and /mlp/ DnD nights are called
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What's degeneracy? Daddy says that a lot while screaming in the street.
It is basically everything your mother is.
But I love mommy! She can't be degenerate! Can she...?

if you are a good boi and work for it, maybe yes.
How can I be a good boy? I wanna be a good boy!
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Don't teach a child to feel tainted for its origin. Teach it to adhere to the natural order of things and to strive to become the best they could be.
The rest shall sort itself out.

Otherwise you end up with a maladjusted burden with no sense of purpose or belonging. Like those worthless millennials, no?

Also, someone please add our new equine allies to this work of art.
There's something called acceptable degeneracy. While your mother indulges in a lot of it, it's not the kind that actively kills society, just... passively. So there's always hope for redemption.
Your parents were drawn together by circumstance, and have come to love each other
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That's good, right? Mommy won't be gassed, right...?
Nah, kid. Don't worry, I can get her a French passport where she'll be safe.
But isn't that where all the poo-skins are?
Of course not. Your father would never do that to her. Now let's get you some ice-cream and get you home.
Ok... I just wanna be with them. Why are they not here, mister? Do they not want me?

I need this for reasons...
they... they're going through some complicated stuff. their relationship only just got started, so they're just enjoying each other's company for now. You're proof of their love, and shall come around soon enough.

If you try very, very hard to be a good white child and learn how to clop I'm sure your mommy and daddy will both be very proud of you.
Ok... I believe you mister. I gotta be good, and wait, right?
Of course! Now child, let me teach you of my empire, back when I still had it...
YAY! Empires!
>checking the dubs of the empire we helped fell
Sorry dad, lets be great again together
Are you nice mister's son? That's cool! I like your sunglasses!
Thanks kid, dont worry ive got loads of them.
come child, theres some one who wants to see, you, here name is galaxy, shes your cousin
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Daddy's little shitposter or Mommy's little... uh, shitposter?
Why not both?
Who is that? What does she look like?
/trash/, is that you? I warned you not to come around here anymore!
Huh, good point. Would he be a Satyr sub-human but pol still likes him?
So you've heard about the jews, now let me tell you about a mare, a mare called Aryanne, and the superiority of pony pussy
I know her! She's so pretty! Also, what's that last part?
He's but a child, he's not ready for such knowledge yet.
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ahahaha. nothing he said nothing. He was talking about... cats! Yes. cats. Now let's get away from uncle Oswald and i'll tell you the story of how I faced down 40,000 zulus with only 300 men.
I like stories!
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Don't worry, kid! A better question is, what do you know about the magic of friendship and Constantinople? Also are these your parents?
Yeah! That's them! Daddy screams in the street about stuff like that and mommy tells me about ponies and friendship! Thanks mister!
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christ, don't show him that one. show him this one.
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wait not that one this. damn pockets...
I like your 000s.
Also, I like this picture of them. That looks more like them.
(Why are all my capchas always about gas stations?)
Well kid, I'm sure your dad told you about the gas, right?
Yeah! He says to gas Jews and that the hollycast should have happened.
(Goddammit, stop giving me gas stations my sides)
Galaxy's a cousin of yours, youll like her, she likes animals too.
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My first family picture! Yay!
Rorkes drift best drift.
It still has yet to be colored, but it's underway, young one~
Thank you mister! Let's be friends!
What's your special talent?
I dunno. I'm still little, I don't know what is out there. I hope it's something good. I don't wanna be a degenerate, daddy says degenerates should be gassed.
Maybe this evening when I get some time I'll do some more art. Maybe /mlpol/-tan on his father's knee learning about the meme-wars?
Goddammit Bill.
Quad-4's confirm, /mlpol/-tan hates the Clintons.
That'd be cool!
Oh you poor sweet summer child.
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We played a game of capture the flag across the country with an angry silly celebrity.
Oh really? He looks like a degenerate.
I am so proud of you.
I'm so happy to make you proud! Can you tell me what else I need to do to be a good boy?
Say the 14 words.
What words?
Go to your father and ask him. He should be over their >>/pol/
ah, something your dad didn't teach you then. Here, the 14 words are as follows "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." Never forget them.

Today I learned that even in /mlpol/, autism has its limits.
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So is this just a general board-tan thread, or is it strictly a weird roleplaying thing
bit of both desu. it's just coming up with story for the new board tan in the form of rp
It's probably a little bit of everything at this point.
A bit of both.
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I won't! I promise!
Finally someone made it happen. Ship it!
if this doesn't exceed your autism exceptations, I dunoo what will...
What if /mlp/-tan and /pol/-tan took /mlpol/-tan to a 4cc game namely one that has /mlp/ vs /pol/ or something along those lines?
Posting lore in board-tan thread from drawthread:
Grandpa's name is Grandpa Jerry
He owns a big blunderbuss he doesn't have a licence for and uses it to shoot niggers.
He got asked to look after /mlpol/ by /pol/ while /pol/ and /map/ went on a honeymoon of indeterminate length, and because all his children and grandchildren had their own lives and didn't visit him anymore he jumped at the opportunity
He rambles about old war stories and /mlpol/ listens intently until Jerry falls asleep, then he goes and watched map until he also falls asleep.
Jerry has a big scar on his belly he got from wrestling with a warthog during his first expedition, and he tells people 9 different stories as to how he got it.
Grandpa Jerry best grandpa
The kid can be cheering for the both of them, since they are his parents.
Don't worry, I'm watching both threads.

All done.
I love it
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Drawfags are the blessing to our internets.
made it.

But why make /pol/ tan and /mlp/ tan hate him?
I mean, we like each other now, mostly. At least, only the true of us.
Now that the long war is settled, maybe he can have a nice family, standing together, hated by all.
now I just gotta figure out how to put /mlpol/ into the board-tans template.
I think I worded that badly. /pol/ and /mlp/ both hate /qa/. i'll fix it.
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Because /qa/ is still a humongous faggot.
No, the way it was written, I understood /mlp/ and /pol/ hated /mlpol/
fixed now
You have no idea how happy this makes me.
There we go, now he's on the template as well. Hopefully the autists over there appreciate my work. Feel free to edit it if you want.
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Schlomo Shekelberg, poorly disguised as /pol/ like some saturday morning cartoon villain from Reddit street across the way does.
Ah, it's a collaborative work. Now even if this board goes down he'll still be there, somewhere.
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That's good. It's nice to be here for something new being made. Also, older /mlpol/-tan.
I'll put that in now. Then i'm off to bed. Cya in the morning if we're still here in the morning.
nice pic
Night night and thanks for this. I mean it.
Thanks. It's been a long time since I drew anything.
it's no problem dude. just a wikipedia page. you're the one who draws the stuff.
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This them /mlpol/-tan?
Yeah that looks like them.
Board is here to remain!
do you know where your father is?
he doesn't need to see that, his father is dealing with being overrun by shills payed by the long nose. no one deserves to see there father like that
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>chinkmoot decides that the best way to make himself more popular is to merge boards as a funny april fools prank
>ends up putting mlp-tan and pol-tan together cause he thought they'd tear each other apart and kill two birds with one stone
>they originally decide to keep to their own sides of the room and not bother each other and just wait it out since they're not fucking animals like the other tans
>about halfway through the day they both look at their computers and yell "FUCKING JEWS"
>they both spring up in shock and look at each other, blushing
>"s-so you hate the jews too?"
>after that they slowly scoot closer together throughout the day peeking at each other's screens every now and again
>by the end of the night they're talking and laughing with each other
>they're both also kinda tipsy from some cheap beer
>one thing leads to another and mlp-tan drunkenly dares pol to grope her
>grope-dares turn into fondles
>fondles into and holding while posting
>then finally at the end of the night they're drunkenly making out and start fucking like rabbits right before the clock strikes twelve
>the other tans go in to check on at them at three in the morning only to find them cuddling and fast asleep
>they nail the door shut and never open it again knowing that mistakes were made
>4chan still has job openings for both a new pol-tan and a new mlp-tan
>T_D took pol's job not a week later
>it was never the same
Nice to see you growing into a good kid.
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This is uncle Varg, say something nice.
>inb4 he says "nice"
Let me tell you a story before your grandfather wakes up little one.
>Once there was a very angry man who sought the truth.
>The man was hated by all and he hated them right back.
>The reasons the man was hated varied, some because they did not understand him and some because they understood him all too well.
>The man had several attempts on his life, some of them almost succeeding.
>And yet the man pressed on, like a juggernaut, not once halting in his mission to uncover the truth, fighting monsters as well as himself.
>The battles took their toll on his psyche and the man began his descent into madness.
>But one day, before him stood a mighty titan with a sword like a skyscraper, stronger than any opponent he had faced down before.
>Perhaps it was the man's mission or his madness, but for whatever reason he did battle with the titan.
>It was a long and brutal battle but eventually, the titan fell.
>The man had won, but at great cost.
>The man had been grievously wounded in the fight, physically and mentally
>But even with his wounds the man tried to press on.
>But he did not make it far.
>For you see, in the battle the man had been poisoned by the titan and his many enemies took advantage of this
>But so wounded and mad was the man that he did not notice this, and he tried to keep marching on, even crawling at some points
>And one day, he noticed a hand that appeared before him
>The hand belonged to a young witch, average in looks but with great kindness in her eyes
>The man's injuries evoked pity in the witch's heart and she offered him a deal
>She could cure him of his injuries and madness, but he would not be able to leave her side, as if he did, the injuries would return.
>The man agreed skeptically and to his shock, when the witch cast her spell his injuries faded and his mind was restored
>The man rose to his feet in shock praised the witch with all the words he knew to express his gratitude
>And once again the witch warned him that he could not leave her side lest the injuries returned and she could not stray to far from her home, lest she lose her magic
>The man agreed and the two returned to the witch's hut where they passed the day
>The man and the witch enjoyed each other's company and learned about each other
>The man and witch learned they had more in common than they would have thought
>Both of them were friendless and hated by the world, though while the witch never lost her kind soul, the man had lost his long ago
>As they spent time together, they fell deeply in love and had a child together
>All was good, until the man grew restless, his mission still calling to him
>And so, he told the witch that he had to leave
>'But the spell will not work if you leave. You will be in no shape to finish your mission.' the witch cried
>The man admitted that he knew the cost but he could not abandon his mission
>'But I will not fall. One day I shall return to you, and our child.'
>And so, the man left. But he did not return. And the witch knew he could not.
>The child of the witch and man grew up, learning the witch's magic and hearing tales of his father's bravery.
>And one day, the child would have to make a choice
>Would he stay in the hut of his mother and allow the world to pass him by, or follow in the footsteps of his foolish, mad, yet persevering father?
And so ends the tale. What will your choice be little one? You don't have to make it today or tomorrow. But one day you must make it. And I hope your answer will be for the best.
Thread posts: 142
Thread images: 33

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