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>merge /pol/ and /mlp/ for shits and giggles >be laughing

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>merge /pol/ and /mlp/ for shits and giggles
>be laughing stock of whole website
>chaos ensues
>board gets comfy after everyone settles down

Is this how Kek teaches us that in chaos, there is unity?

It's just a nice respite from Reddit on /pol/
It's mainly because /mlp/ keeps the normies away. What came as a troll was truly a blessing.
Honestly this. Plus pony guys are bretty nice which helps take the edge off of pol
Only issue is that /mlpol/ is going to likely end up more prone to shitposting, since I doubt that any mods will actually give a fuck about these hidden boards
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It was all part of KeK's plan. After the election the constant press coverage, surveillance and manipulation attempts of /pol/ have been detrimental to the board's ability to pursue any goals. /mlpol/ is the perfect solution and it was delivered to us by a joke, an April fools gag. Perfect fit to KeK's modus operandi.

I predict that a major happening is on it's way and while /pol/ will be a battleground of bots and shills it will be here where the real memetic action will take place.
Digits confirm.

Confirmed. If they keep /mlpol/ this board shall become the Jew to /pol/'s goyim slaves....
Do you suppose this board will allow /ourguys/ to capture flags and protect liberals from fires in peace?

Checked and keked
It's worth trying, but you have to pony post with the thread image. Hides it better
>>172333 (checked)

/mlpol/ is the perfect combination. /pol/ is able to pursue truth while /mlp/ keeps the shills and reddit cancer at bay by ponyporn spamming obvious bait threads and keeping newfags away
Keked and checked right back at yah
Praise kek!
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Praise him, kek has blessed us with a temple to channel our autism.
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Praise Kek
Whoa there, Lucifer.
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Praise kek

We are /pol/'s cavalry and we will ride forward with /pol/ on the battlefield and together we will be an unstoppable tide of memes that will flood the world for generations to come.
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I'm not going to lie, this whole kek thing is starting to creep me out by how much it just lines up with shit like this.
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Praise Kek
What began as an attempt by Hirojewki to disrupt the redpilling has turned into an alliance formed in chaos to bring order to the world, tearing down the mechanisms of Jew and Judeinhorn control.

Praise Luna
Praise Celestia
Praise Kek
Shadilay brothers
Kek wills it
Don't fear it. It is destiny
Holy shit...
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Praise him indeed
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>Go outside, return and a thread I posted in is still up
This is a good feel

HE IS WITH US. This is the ultimate fusion. The levels of autism present in this place dwarf that of every previous meme that has swept over the Internet. We must also not forget that /pol/ commands a massive presence in the normieverse through extensive social media engineering and virulent memes, while the MLP fandom is like a giant tumor reaching every vestige of the Internet. Even the places where anything /pol/ related would be an instant red flag still have thriving brony communities. Used correctly, the fandom could deliver decisive redpills to the very core of liberal communities, while the emotionally starved and disillusioned masses of /pol/ can potentially revitalize the declined fandom with fresh content and ideas.
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uhhhhh here we go again
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Praise kek

This is truly the best timeline
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Indeed, very comfy.
Noticed this weekend has had many gets that Kek is pleased with this union.
Along with a respite from the dead eyed shills, and trying to tell people to ignore-sage them until your fingers are sore.
Mostly from this weekend I feel an energy new. I'm sure Kek does too.

So, this is something like a hidden backup HQ?
Sounds good to me.
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shadilay boys! he walks among us!
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Praise Kek for our salvation
Praise the motherfuckin sun/moon for our new found friendships. \[T]/ |\^/_
Praise Kek
My god.
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I've been shilling "Order through chaos" my whole life. This and the meme war showed me it's true, but I was just shilling the wrong chaos gods.
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Kek is a gracious god. Even after all this time I still have many things to learn from him.
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Amazing. We do our best work in the dark.
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Isn't it funny how all the best solutions are originally presented as jokes?

Who would ever take funny frog pictures from a Sicilian candle making forum that openly has nazis and bronies as a serious force to be reckoned with to influence american and world politics and be the way to defeat the globalist in the shadows.

Hell even saying "kek will appear in the stars" sounded like a joke, but the stars have aligned that way somehow.

It all sounds like a joke, right? Maybe we just need some really good "jokes"
He has a weird and a good sense of humour.
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How should we prepare for the happening???
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there is a natural balance that is needed in the world. We are becoming that balance. Praise Kek
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Praise kek!
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So we are secret club now? do we plot attacks?
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It teaches that reddit and shills are insufferable piles of human waste even worse than horsefuckers. This fucking timeline!
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No, better to lie low and just have fun with discussion here. A raid could bring back R*ddit scum.
Yes and yes
No and yes?
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Its a kind of magic
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Get /fit/, get prepared, and get ready. when it comes it will hit hard and fast. Oh and think of some good jokes, kek apparently likes those.
It is rather dangerous. /r/the_donald pays attention to that and it could fall back on /mlpol/.
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>Can run a 7 minute mile
>Own multiple firearms
>I was going to tell a joke about homosexuals, butt fuck it.
I am so fucking ready.
it was because ponyfuckers are weak and impressionable. i'd deal with it but i don't want it
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Did gookmoot forget to delete the hybrid boards?
Does he know they're still around?
Is anyone moderating them?

Depending on the circumstances, this could be the perfect way to post about the shit that the faggot kike mods on /pol/ always ban people for. Things like Right Wing Safety Squads, for example.
maybe its a preparation for season 5 of hwndu /pol/ does the calculation and /mlp/ gives moral support by cheering on
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Stay safe.
at first it was chaos, then we soon realized how chill and down to earth the mlp posters were, and it quickly became to dgenerate for the normies to handle and they fucked off.

now we don't want to go back to the regular shareblue t_d bs.
oh also what i didnt quit see at first, this is a hidden board shia might not be able to read it as easily as /pol/
Nobody can argue with those digits.
Considering that pol became the Jews, its high time we used it.
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praise he
I work as a cart pusher in Commiefornia and your exploits reach my ears there.
Now we just need a subtle way of luring /SG/ over from /pol/ without the shills following.
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Ponies do like safety.
This very much. The ((mods)) at /pol/ made sure to purge these while leaving the shills unharmed.
It was a post in /spa/ I believe, a developer said the hybrid boards will stay but the single boards have returned.
i love this picture so fuckin much
I just took a moment to see what was happening on /pol/ and it's fucking bad. Every other thread there is "how do you feel white boi" "honest opinion" "trump btfo"

/pol/ has fallen
This is our last stronghold, defend it like there is no no tomorrow

Praise kek
and the mods over there refuse to do anything about it.
shit sucks tbhfam. I can't even run to 8/pol/ for solace anymore, because the cripple's site was taken down.

The r/the_donald cancer is just too much anymore. Yesterday reminded me of a time in /pol/'s history when I didn't have to wade through a sea of shill posts, bait threads, slide threads, and other garbage. I want it back.
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to hell with the rules, /pol/ needs us /mlp/; if /mlpol/ dosent last i say we flood /pol/ with horse pussy and take the vacation time we receive
That sounds a good idea
Repeating digits of truth checked.
this. maybe one of the biggest problems on /pol/ is the shill mods.

thank god for the ponyfuckers who scared away the r_D fags. I hope this is permanent.

/mlp/ has always been our greatest ally. there is nothing better than redpilled horsefuckers to chase out the shills
Only if done tactically. That is to say, flood the bait/shill/low-quality threads with (sage-enabled) pony porn floods, while leaving the decent threads untouched.
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Don't worry, brother. 8/pol/ will return soon and continue making this world a better place for us all.
Top tier pussy and top qt pone.
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locked and loaded
Jesus Christ

That's a lot of horse pussy
It's not. You should see my rule 34 folders
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forgive me father, for i have sinned
>bronies argue that they're not furfags and just like the show because it's a good cartoon, rather than because they want to fuck horses
>can't even post porn on /mlp/ because it's a SFW board
>/mlpol/ happens
>every brony whips out their folder of thousands of ponyporn pictures

I fucking love you guys
spare them for the crusade, brother
i feel an internal meme war coming soon
>that's a lot of horse pussy
Not really. Now pic related, now this is a lot of horse pussy.
Dubs confirm. Meme civil war is coming.
Ivan never disappoints
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my little russiaa.jpg
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you win
Kek is chaos. His chaos is fun.
He certainly has a sense of humor.
>barneyfag, the fag reporting pony stuf outside /mlp/, gets banned
This our new Samson option.
get in here
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I doubted him yet here he is once again, praise kek
The horsefuckers have taught us that friendship overcomes all obstacles.

And by "all obstacles" I mean plebbit.
And by "friendship" I mean pony porn.
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Fuck. Witnessed.
Ok horsefuckers, it looks like this board is here to stay which is great for both of us. Would you mind keeping the horse porn to a minimum though? Maybe one or two threads and spamming shill threads?

Kind of awkward to explain if someone sees my phone/pc and it's covered in cartoon horses in lewd positions.
This co-insides with the hack of 4*2chan, perhaps the most blatent attempt to halt /pol/'s growth

Major happenings are already underfoot. Everyday is another battle on just about every front imaginable. Kek needs all of us to stay strong and continue to fight the slaves of Moloch, so that one day we may finally consider ourselves free, and follow the threads of fate Kek has cast for us, free from slavery and destitution
>so much horse porn it needs instructions
You obviously don't belong here then.
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It only a matter of time until civilization will need to be corrected. If of puts up hores pussy it could be used as a symbol to show that it's one of own.
Witnessing Kek's splendor.
Ponyfam! We finally defeated the drumpf bullies! Time we take serious action and really take back our country from nazis!

Sign /our/ petition

The irony in pol hating all kinds of degenerates (based on race/religion etc) but accepting ponyfags.

It's beautiful.
Kek Kek Keeek
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Praise kek
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You know what to do..jpg
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When Chaos is given time, Order ensures its existence. Just like when the Universe started, darkness is the only element. After some time, light came through to balance it. Our boards are merge for a purpose brethren. Let us combat the threat that is the Establishment.
This anon speaks the truth, if Kek wills us to hide in the shadows again, then so be it. Let me repeat a quote of anon, the closer you are to victory the heavier the flak gets. This combination of /mlpol/ is a counter-attack to push back the shills and the Establishment to oblivion. Now, join us anon. The time has come.
If we want this board to stay comfy, it is essential that we return to the standards of anonymity. Seeking credit for our accomplishments merely invites trash, only we need to know what we have done. Also HWNDU is mostly e-celeb garbage.
Yes, I agree with anon. Let's keep it secret.
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Kek, is that you?
Anyone else use smegma on their spaghetti?
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We've also got Discord, spirit of Chaos and disharmony.
Discord is Kek you fool
Good luck safety chan!
And this needed to be shown to the newpolfoals, of course.
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Is /pol/ Discord?
No, you're delusional. This arrangement is unredeemable.
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>all the best solutions are originally presented as jokes
This is main problem I can see with it. So far all the threads that aren't horse porn are like this one just talking about the board merge and it working out. Only time will tell if we can actually have a political discourse.
>linking the results page
don't do that, it biases the voting
It's the cycle of life

When you make something great, it always starts small, then grows more popular over time with a noticeable golden era, then it inevitably becomes cancer

The only thing to do, like we're doing here, is to move on and start something else

But fear not, /mlpol/ will make 4chan great again
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The fire rises
I dunno man, tomorrow/today is the 3rd

>A big happening is supposed to be today and tomorrow.

Based-Nip the 3rd and NASA has a major announcement I think the 4th but could be off a few days. (Ayy's hopefully) if not....it's not good news.
I think it's just because it's young. When they did the hole yesterday a lot of people got heated so I think it just needs time to adjust.
I was really on the fence but once again Kek has proven to me once again that I should not stray from his guidance. Forgive me for doubting you. Praise you Kek! May your darkness and chaos always bring light and order!
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>Include me in the screen cap

Pony fucking is still faggotry. But we're all faggots anyway.

Holy fuck. Have we gone too far?



>good enough for me

Praise kek. Shadilay!
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Ugh, I looked too. Its like the light of /mlpol/ has opened my eyes for the first time. Nothing but "well /pol/" and "prove you are not X" and other single sentence bait threads. I've swallowed the pony pill.

I...I can't go back...can I?
Exactly what I was thinking senpai. Feel free to hit up Derpibooru to get more porn than you can shake your dick at if you want to do it yourself.
I'm sure that'll be on the mind of horsefuckers learning /pol/ culture. One or two dedicated lewd threads is fine so long as it doesn't keep bumping everything else into oblivion. Hell you could sage the fuckin lewd thread to keep it from doing that in the first place.

But yes, best defense against shill and slide threads in a sage/porn dump.
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Yes, both boards are Hurt-Boxes. Pic related.
This. Anonymous reborn. We should take no title and be "those people," the way it was always supposed to be.
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Thread posts: 157
Thread images: 66

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