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So /mlpol/, who's the majority here? http://www.strawpo

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So /mlpol/, who's the majority here?
/pol/ is probably a majority here. Most of us are sick of shill and reddit threads and the mods doing nothing about it. So many of us had fled to different places, including here.
i expected /mlp/ to be the majority
>no neither option
Wew lad
This makes me happy to hear.
Fuck off with your shill polls lazy cunt
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remove shitposters
Inpenetrable shit posting is the whole board dynamic. Don't be rude
and /pol/ is a lot bigger board
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Surprising outcome. Would have thought more /mlp/. Good on you /pol/acks for putting up with poni
I came from both, beggars can't be choosers.
I like the turn out, just skim over the crap mlp posts to keep the rededitors away and read a few actual good posts. All checks out.

And when I want to read from the other side I can in peace too. As they say, "an enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Who cares, take your divisive shit somewhere else Schlomo.
My iron nazi heart melted yesterday, now I have nothing but love for your pony race and culture.
/pol/ gets just under 2 posts per second, i think /mlp/ is somewhere around 10 per minute.
need a dictionary?
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I'll take you ponyfags over shills and reddit immigrants any day of the week.
Just tone down the porn.
Give me one reason for a poll about the population of a hidden white anonymous political Brony boarf that is not related to a form of datamining or straight shilling?
No promises.

The porn is our lifeblood.
Well, it's not like porn spam was new to /pol/, with all the disgusting blacked threads that we used to get. Replacing that with pony porn just basically keeps the status quo.
And I, for one, am glad we stumbled upon our new union. The new name stops the bots, being unlisted slows the normies from finding us, and the porn keeps out even more normies. I can't think of anything more flawless.
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That's like us asking you stop posting nigger torture.
Because finding out demographics is a good idea

"an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others."
-dictionary term
The porn keeps the normies away. It's our natural defense mechanism. It's really deterring the first 20 pics, but if you push through it becomes a powerfull tool!
I see your point.
They can always use porn to shit up the inevitable shill threads when they find this haven.
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So far just been responding to obvious reddit and shills with porn.
Doing god's work, pony. Danke.
Man, the state of the regular /pol/ is fucking abhorrent right now.
So many god damn shill threads.
I think that I'll stay here for a while.
>Because finding out demographics is a good idea.
Great argument, really, doesn't smell fishy at all. Lets try further soa, what do you do with this demographic data?
DON`T ANSWER SHIT. Demographics have no place on chans. Only those who want to piss on us want such stats.
Yeah, and considering how full of ponies it was when they were still merged, /pone/ punched well above its weight
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Dude fuck off, you're the biggest schill out of everyone here in this thread.
and onions. Old pol words should be left on old pol. Time to use your imagination CNN.

do your jobs already

Mission accomplish
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Fun stuff:
yesterday we were watching /pol/ related episodes together, and it turned out that the pol/mlp ratio of anons was near 50/50%.

I expected less polfags, so it was a little bit surprising desu. It was pretty comfy tho.
Why you don't answer a simple question my shizophrenic paint sniffing bottom up Nigga? And to go with your words, do you need a dictionary?
*drops mic*
instead of making porn threads you should just hijack shill threads for them and use them unironically
Can't stop the shitposters faggot
They are eternal.
Reddit fears the pony, theyre all back on /pol/ r/The_Donald was basically absent from /pol/ all of yesterday.
Why would you bump this 30 minute old thread then you fucking retard?
might ask you the same
Puts the sage in the dressing. Mhhh so yummy
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Is it really that bad during the day

>tfw you live overnight so /mlpol/ is a constant storm of pony pussy
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>the audacity
>yesterday we were watching /pol/ related episodes together, and it turned out that the pol/mlp ratio of anons was near 50/50%.

Fuck, I slept through that?
>/mlp/ is only 20%

Wtf stop the horsefuckers genocide and delet dis
The porn will likely slow to a more manageable level within a couple days.

This is the first red board intended for /mlp/ ever, they're understandably a bit excited.
It's a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship. /pol/acks can enjoy the lack of shills and normies that being unlisted brings. nor/mlp/eople can post pr0n and discover the joys of dismissing posters based on their flag.

On April 1st, in the year of our Lord 2017 AD, Hiroshimoot created a fucking monster.
>"both" is more or less equal to /mlp/

Looks like /mlpol/ was real long before today
I'm not from either board.
then why are you here? honest question.

My synopsis is that who remains is a few confused /pol/tards and horse fuckers who want to jerk off to clop clop all day, since mods are more lenient here than on /mlp/
None of the boards I visit got merged.
ah, thats kinda sad. alot of popular boards and even some less so got mergers.
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this. And i have always thought ponies were qt so its cool
Neither. I just came from /outsoc/
/pol/ fag here. bumparino
me too....
>42% /mlp/
I love it here.
friends are the majority here
/pol/lack here. your horsepussy annoys the fuck out of me, but its a lot comfier with you guys than with obnoxious newfags and shills. you are alright, even if degenerate as fuck
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/pol/ and /k/ here, pretty much exactly this. Never visited /mlp/ or had any desire to, but the merge was amazing and "real" /pol/ actually feels kind of empty and pointless now because it's already back to the same tired shit as before

Mixed feelings to say the least
/mlp/ is my home board, but I browse both often.
this board is like /pone/ before it died
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We've created a monster. But I like it.
Jerking off to anthro pony pussy is not any more degenerate than jerking off to women. It's actually better in a practical/humanitarian sense because there are no people getting hurt in the process, aside from the harm you cause to yourself by beating off
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I like it more than i thought it i would, all those happy pony's are a good mix for the pessimist polacks its really comfy.
Yeah, surprised by this outcome.
Truly /ourguys/
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tfw pony-fuckers are the white cells that protect /pol/acks from normies and shills.

praise kek for this unholly union
No surprise here that /po/ is the majority, but as a horsefucker i welcome our new comrades.
You guys are pretty chill.
I was expecting a race poll. Kek
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Hmph. If I'm not mistaken, he was referring to /mlpol/ being off the beaten path enough that we can avoid some of the... Less desirables.
/pol/ is dead. Legit noose sliding right off.
/po/ for me. A glance at the catalog at /pol/ and comparing it to here, this is generally just a nicer change of pace. Despite some degenerate homo pony posting.
I am so sorry. Originally /out/?
If not, fuck off
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Im using /mlpol/ cause I'm just so fucking tired of /pol/. The shillposts, blacked threads and redditors just make things so annoying and redundant. /mlpol/ is great because the pony porn wards off the worst of /pol/. It also makes political conversations more interesting since lefties from /mlp/ will occasionally join in on the discussion, which makes it less of a circle jerk.
GOOD they're finally getting ignored.
Not nearly enough pre april fools cross posters. Pretty disappointing.
might as well rename /pol/ to /the_donald/ now
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I'm sticking around on /mlpol/ because post-election /pol/ has too many CTR shills making shitty bait threads and too many r/the_donald faggots who keep bumping them.

>Creating r/the_donald was a mistake.
- Anon, 2017
I think that makes it all the more beautiful, that exclusive /pol/acks and horsefuckers could get along so easily.
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I suppose. But with all the Aryanne threads on /mlp/ I figured there was more cross posting. It's been a lot of fun either way. Never has gassing kikes been so cute.
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The porn is like our Hitler.

Ya know how long ago people started posting the Holocaust because it was offensive to the point of absurdity just to mess with people even though they didn't actually want the Holocaust to happen? Sure they were more right wing/ancap than the average person but they weren't crazy. Over time identifying with nazis became an online joke/culture. Some people take it too seriously and are unironic stormfags, others drifted farther right after spending so much time posting it ironically, but regardless everyone says they're nazis because it's fun and keeps normies away?

That's like horse pr0n for /mlp/.
M8, national socialism is not a joke to many of us.
I am an unironic "nazi" because after learning of what the policies of the nazis actually were, and what Hitler actually did for Germany, I finally understood how they were the good guys of the second world war.

Allies were utter scum.
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The people who controlled the Allies were evil. The rank and file people were fine.
True, true.
I do not blame the average britbong or murrican conscript for following the orders of their kike masters. How in the hell could have they known any better in that day and age, when (((they)))) had near absolute control of the medias of that era?
Video related, brace for bad feels.
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>I came from /v/
/pol/ has a lot more traffic so the results aren't surprising. I thought more people were on both though
I'm from /vp/
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My brother. I browse /pol/ more often than anywhere else these days, but /vp/ will always be home.
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That's a big fug.
I hate horses, but I hate shills and reddit even more.
So here I am.
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I'm a both and to be honest its fucking neato having both my favourite boards together for a wild number of reasons.
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