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She's not wearing anything under that costume, is she?

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She's not wearing anything under that costume, is she?
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How'd I fucking know another low effort barbie spam thread would be started with muh 'image'

Kill yourself, faggot
>kill yourself
If I asked Pinkie to let me suction cup my mouth to her anus and then tell her to release as many farts as possible, would she let me?
It's Pinkie, half the time she doesn't even wear panties to school, of course she's naked under that thing.
They were dressed up forcefully...
That fag probably got back home with all their panties.
Look mom! I posted it again!
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that satisfied expression. she's been holding that fart for hours
I'd like to see Pinkie in tight, form-fitting yoga pants.
Implying that she does wear anything under her clothes any other time.
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>"Oooooh, horse pussy!"
>"Oooooh, my marecock is hanging out!"
Don't worry Pinkie I'll take care of that erection with my mouth
>"I guess some things didn't change when I went through the mirror"
I wonder if she ever gets cameltoe in that thing
Stupid sexy Pinkie.
HOW does she do it?
where is my cameltoe art
the special has been out for A FUCKING MONTH

Sure she is.

Vaseline, so it doesn't chafe.
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Could be a thong or g-string. You won't see it on the cheeks and those seem like what she would wear.
Thats my take too. As far as the main equestria girls are concerned:

Rarity, Ponks, Sunset - Thongs or G-strings
Scilight - Pink panties
Applejack - Plain white panties
Dash - Boxer briefs
Fluttershy - Panties with cute shit on them
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you would think that, but then you get shots like this
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or this
If they are wearing a thong or g-string, then you won't see it at that angle.
Shit tier theory desu.
I meant in the sense that you wouldn't think fluttershy and AJ would wear thongs but there you go
So in conclusion, all the girls are thots.
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I still don't know what exactly that word means

I'll just chalk it up to black twitter nonsense
A thot is a girl that is overly openly sexual.
>ywn see her return from workout wearing this costume
>ywn see her slide her pants just below her pussy
>ywn be taken by surprise when she grabs you and shove your face in her ass
>ywn eat her sweaty asshole
>ywn be surprised again when she turns around and squirts all over your face
pay no heed to that anon, he's just trying to resurrect an ancient egyptian god
I'd think Sunset goes commando, especially after the costume change, and Pinkie has a drawer full of a wide variety of underwear that she chooses at random every morning, going simple, to childish, to frilly, to granny panties, to ultra skimpy crotch-less panties in the course of a single week.
I wonder how much they sweated in those things, what with the chase and everything.
Nah, Pinkie either wears no panties or cutesy childish ones with ribbons and patterns. Depends on what's clean on the day.
Judging how tight that suit looks?
>dash not wearing boyshorts
That's one of the reasons why I love her
Physician cure thyself
>"Oh! Hey nonny~!"
>You scream, flailing your hands in the air like a faggot when the Pink menace appears in front of you.
>How did she get inside your garage (for the third time this week), you'll never know.
"What the fuck PINKIE?!"
>She giggles.
>"Yes it's me silly, don't you recognize me?"
>You take a couple seconds to recover from the near heart-attack she just gave you.
"Fucks sake Pinkie, how did you even--"
>You stop yourself, eyes growing wide when her form finally settles in your mind.
>You're used to see her wear crazy shit, but that...
>She saunter in place, giggling again when she sees your bulging eyes looking her up and down.
>"It's the costume I wore for my last movie! It's great isn't it?!"
>Well you don't really care about it looking great or not. Or rather, yes, it does look fucking great, but you're not talking about the colors or the stupid arrows going down and up everywhere.
>It just looks so... tight.
>If you look closely enough, you can nearly even see the bumps where her nipples are.
"Y-yeah it's great..."
>You gulp.
>Then your eyes go down from her jugs, and stop on her belly button.
>How the fuck is a catsuit capable of showing a belly button, you're not sure, but you don't feel like pondering on it too long, your eyes still have somewhere to go...
>But as if on clue, she turns around and hides your target from your sight.
>"So, I was on my way home and then..."
>Your eyes hungrily follow her curves when she starts walking around the place, looking up and down at the several tools on the walls and peeking behind her to see if you were still listening.
>You weren't, but that's not important.
>"...I was like, 'Oh! Hey! Maybe nonny wants some of this super yummy chocolate pudding!' and then I was like 'Oh! That's a great idea! Let's sneak inside his garage again, he'll never see it coming!' and then I got here and you went 'Whaaaahh'!"
>her following giggle sends a quiver down her ass cheeks, and you swear you see it happening in slow motion
Go on
Please continue.
Here is your well deserved (You), now do go on
I'm on it guys just lemme write the fucking thing
I have no idea where I'm going with it tho so... yeah.
As a small time writefag just do what ever you want.
Yes anon. Under all those clothes, she's completely naked.
>If you were in a cartoon, your dick would tear through your pants with how fast it would harden.
>But you're stuck with it slowly growing because real life sucks.
>Before you can wonder about what it would feel like to kneel and press your face in between those two perfect, shiny buns, she spins around to face you once more.
>Sending her tatas bouncing left and right for a second before finally settling down.
>"And here I am!"
>You have a really hard time tearing your eyes away from her jugs, but somehow do it and look at her.
"Huh... yeah, you're here."
>"Duh! Do you want this pudding or not?"
>What the fuck is she talking about.
"Yeah, sure, I guess...?"
>"Great! Just let me..."
>She turns her head and reaches out inside her mane with both hands.
>And come out of it with a bucket of pudding.
"How the fuck did you even..."
>But you stop yourself once you see that her sudden movements sent more flesh bouncing around, your gaze instantly drawn to it.
"Nothing, just keep doing whatever you're doing, you're perfect. I-I mean, it's perfect."
>"Teehee~! You said I was peeerfect~!"
>She singsongs teasingly.
"W-whatever, so, about this puddin-omph!"
>It's her finger that stops you this time. And the taste of pudding.
>Mmh, it IS some grade A pudding!
>But then you spit her finger out of your mouth.
"God damnit Pinkie! You can't just push your fingers in other people's mouth!"
>She blinks, tilting her head quizzically.
>"Why not?"
>"But I forgot to bring spoons! And your hands are all icky and dirty!"
>She's right about that. And if you weren't so focused on the plump and glossy creature in front of you, you'd have thought of simply going to your kitchen and grabbing some.
"Well, I'm not sure your hands are any--FffhuhP!"
>"Come on Nonny, stop being a big baby and enjoy your Pinkie pal feeding you with her... perfect fingers~!"
>She's gleaming with this.
>This one's going to stick...
>You can't say no to her. You tried.
>So you simply accept your fate and let her grabbers bring more and more chocolate stuff to your mouth.
>But you can't stop yourself from peeking at her tits every time she does.
>And if you knew any better, you'd even say that the bumps are getting more noticeable with every swipes your tongue makes against her covered fingertips.
>You see her chocolated fingers coming in and you open your mouth, but their retreat before your lips could capture them.
>She snorts, before bringing them to her own mouth.
>Y-your saliva is in there somewhere.
>T-that's fucking lewd man.
>"Mmmh~, so yummy! I never thought you'd taste so good nonnypoo~!"
>Her fingers are inside your mouth again before you can even react.
>And she 'forgot' the pudding.
>You stand there, frozen, your heartbeat getting louder by the second.
>But she's not the kind to wait, so she doesn't.
>Seeing that you're not moving your tongue, she starts rolling her fingers around it, making sure that any fluids that were on it before it entered your mouth stays in there.
>You can still taste the chocolate, but her taste is even sweeter.
>She giggles, before biting her lip and sending you a smoldering look.

I have no idea if I should go lewd or not guys
I started it with this in mind but... Ponka is so hard to lewd, she's too pure for this world
I mean ofc I'll go lewd but I'll need some time to get it right
Take your time with the lewd.
Quality > quantity.
Yes. Ponka is pure lewd.
>"Nonny, nonny, nonny~!"
>Your heart skips a beat every time your pet name escapes her soft lips.
>Then she pulls her fingers back, leaving your tongue shifting around searching for more of her taste.
>"Teehee~! If you could see your face! You're red like a lobster we forgot to cook!"
>Her chortle finally pops your bubble.
"S-some of us weren't lucky enough to be born pink, check your privilege..."
>You grumble.
>"Awww~, here, mister grumpy pants,"
>She leans forward and gives your cheek a peck.
>She giggles again before bouncing back.
"Damn it Pinkie!"
>You try to scold her but you can't stop the smile cornering your lips from ruining its effect.
>She giggles.
>"I can stick around if you want! Like that, I could kiss you whenever you need to be Pink!"
>She says that as if it was a great idea.
>And you're sure that for her, it's the best idea she's ever had.
"Yeah... I dunno about this Pinkie."
>She blinks, then shrugs.
>"Oh well, okie then!"
>Just as fast as she took it out, she forces the pudding bucket back inside her hair.
>You shake your head to dissipate the eerie voices coming from there.
>"So that's your new bike, huh?"
>You see her bending forward to look at the dashboard.
"Yeah, it's a friend's old bike, he's not using it anymore and I always wanted one so..."
>"Can you ride me?"
"Yes! I-I mean, what?!"
>"Can I try it with you?"
"Huh... well I just finished working on it so I guess we can--"
>You roll your eyes and sigh in defeat.
"Just let me go wash up a bit and I'll be with you... huh..."
>"M-maybe you should change?"
>"Oh. No, I'm good, thanks nonny~,"
>You think of explaining to her that going out with barely anything covering her forms could be a bad thing, but decides against it when your eyes gives her another up and down.
>You cough to clear your mind and go 180° to get to the kitchen sink.

>You come back not five minutes later, and find her riding it, leaning forward, her tits being squeezed against the tank.
Looks great. I'll be eagerly anticipating the rest.
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Saw a post that summed it up well once. Ponk can be almost anything if you want her to be. She can be...
>Completely innocent
>Innocent but unintentionally lewd
>Lewd but acting innocent
>Lewd but innocent
>Complete dick-riding tiers of lewd and energy

As long as she's having fun, anon.
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this is getting good, Anon
on it
>Holy shit.
>And you were wondering where all this sugar went...
>Your half chub gives a happy throb, begging you to ask her to wait some more and head back inside for a quickie.
>But she notices you before you can make a decision.
>"Hey nonny! Look, I'm Black Widow! Vvvrrooom!!"
>You don't remember her riding her bike like that in the movie and much less so pressing her jugs against the frame, her suit stretching to stop her flesh from spilling out, while wiggling her ass in the air, each movements making her flesh bounce... and you can swear you can even hear her cheeks slapping against each other...
>You need to see that from behind.
>You nearly leap behind the bike, to find out if there really is a god out there, but her face follows your movements and she plops down right before you can get a good look.
>"Hehehe~, what are you doing??"
>The view isn't too bad mind you. Not with the way her ass sinks into the seat, her crack going for miles and miles before finally ending its course in the small of her back. You can even see the faux-leather digging in her venusian dimples.
>She's not wearing anything under this thing, is she?
>Her giggling stops your reverie once more.
>"Eyes are up here nonny~!"
>Your growing shaft gives another happy throb when you see her bedroom eyes, her eyebrows enticingly wiggling up and down.
>Before she bursts out laughing, leaning backwards and laying herself over the bike's length.
>You just stare at her tits, marveling at the wonders that is gravity and momentum and its effects on two lumps of flesh contained in a somewhat elastic prison.
>It takes her a good ten seconds to finally calm down, wiping a tear from her eye before lifting herself back up.
>"Wheew, that was funny, but come on Anon, I want to ride this thing!"
>You shake your head to clear out your mind and nod.
>No, this is Ponka, you shouldn't think lewd. She's just having fun and teasing you.
>That's what friends do, right?
"Yes, okay,"
>You search your pockets and find the key.
"Okay now we need... helmets, oh shit, I only got one--"
>"Pppshh, helmets shmellmets! We don't need that, come on!"
>She leans back and grabs your hand to pull you closer, then pats the seat right in front of her while expectantly grinning at you.
>You think about it for a second, you don't want to take any stupid risks.
>But it's 19am, we're in the middle of summer, there's barely any traffic, and you don't think she's going to take you to the other side of the country anyway...
>Then she gives you puppy eyes.
>You groan internally. Then sigh in defeat.
"Yeah, you're right, let's go!"
"Just hop off for a second,"
>She nods and do just that.
>You reach in your pocket again to find the remote control for the door and click it.
"Okay, so, first off, I never rode this thing, okay? So no covering my eyes or screaming for no reasons or jumping up and down while on it or--"
>"Oh come on! I'm not loco in the coco! I wouldn't ever do this!"
>You raise an eyebrow.
>"Okay, maybe I do from time to time, but I swear I won't this time!"
>She does her cross her heart thing, her finger bumping against her left knocker in the process.
"I'm saying this for your safety Pinkie, I don't want you to get hurt."
>You say it as seriously as possible, while grabbing the handles and start pulling her out.
>Until you find her arms wrapped around your frame, making you freeze in the process.
>She tightens the hug even more, squeezing her boobs against your back while doing so.
>She's just a friend.
>Just. A. Friend.
>"Thanks nonny..."
>You awkwardly pat her hand, and she lets go of you a moment later.
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>>But it's 19am
I don't know if that's early or late
oh shit, haha
I meant 7pm, or 19:00
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"Okay, so you sit right there, your feet go here, and here, and you watch out for the pipe, this thing's going to get really hot, okay?"
>You point out your instructions, and she nods every time.
>"And do I do with my hands?"
"You can either grab this bar right there, or... I-I guess you can hold onto me."
>Realization dawns on you at the same time your words reach her ears.
>Her grin sends a shiver down your back.
>You both know what she's going to pick.
>She throws her leg around the machine and plops down, her gaze not leaving yours.
>"Come on!"
>Okay, you can do this.
>You take a deep breath and take your seat, her arms finding your sides the second your ass touches the machine.
>You gulp and steel yourself.
"Okay, where to?"
>She audibly ponders for a second.
>"Mmmh... Oh! There!"
>She points up and your gaze follow her finger to see the hills bordering the town.
>You've been there before, when you were kid.
"The hill?"
>"Yes! So we can see the whole town when the sun go down!"
>You blink.
>If it wasn't Ponka you'd say that this is what a cliché romantic date sounds like.
>You shrug.
"Oh well. As you wish."
>She giggles again.
>"Teehee~! I'm not a princess silly, I'm a superhero!"
>You roll your eyes but smile nonetheless.
>You try to remember how to get there, then get ready to start the engine.
>And you do. The machine starts roaring when you give some juice, while staying in neutral gear.
>You always wanted to do that.
"Okay, you ready back there?"
>You turn to look at her, and she nods.
>"Yes--Oh! Wait,"
>She leans forward and completely wraps her arms around your torso, plopping her chin on your shoulder, not four inches away from your face.
>"Now I am~!"
>You gulp, and need to take another big inhale to get ready.
>Just friends.
I'll get to the lewd, I swear.
I just can't not make it fluffy, ponka deserves it.
Bin is here, I'll come back in a couple hours.
No she's not LEWD, she just likes having fun!
She's pure and wonderful and wants to make people happy.
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She's lewd and deserves to be treated as such,
Bend her over, grab her by the hair, and ram her like a stallion never could
Ponk deserves the fluff.
>"Oh well. As you wish."
If this goes full Princess Bride, I shall be inconceivably happy
I never saw that movie and the synopsis doesn't tell me much, so I have NO idea.


yes, if she asks me to do it

I eat something and I get back to it.
>I never saw that movie and the synopsis doesn't tell me much, so I have NO idea.
You should watch it, it's weapons grade comfy
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She's not even wearing a costume. She's not even a she.
Naw, she's loyal. Just really kinky.
Delet this.
Ponk is loyal.
>You started out by making a couple laps around the neighborhood, then, when you felt you were getting the hang of it, you decided to get going.
>Ponk was still hugging you, her head leaving your shoulder from time to time to look around and her arms leaving your sides a couple times to wave at background humans without names.
>Last turn, and you're finally out of the city.
>You quickly peek at her and see her grinning wide.
>So you decide to give some more juice, the machine finally passing past the 40mph.
>She starts giggling, then she chuckles, and then she laughs, the wild strand of pink normally dangling in front of her face now totally tamed by the force of the wind.
>"Hahahahahah! This is so much fuuuunnnn~!"
>You can't help but share her enthusiasm, grinning wide.
>"Faster Nonny! Fasteeeerrrr!"
>You roll your eyes, but decides to comply, seeing as there really isn't any traffic on this road and at this hour.
>45mph, then 50, then 55.
>You stop there, seeing as you're having a hard time keeping your eyes open.
>"Wheeeeeeee! Hahahaha~! I'm going so fast, I'm like the real Fili-Second!"
>You can barely hear what she's saying at this speed, but nod and keep your grin nonetheless.
>This feels so good, the wind against your face, the adrenaline flowing through your veins, her warm grip around you.
>That's life.
>But it doesn't take you long to get there at this speed.
>She gives a drawn out disappointed 'Awww' when you finally decelerates.
>"I wanted to go faster~!"
"We could've gone faster if we had a helmet."
>You don't look back at her but you know she's pouting.
>You look around, looking for an opening leading to the top of the hill, decelerating once more when you spot the small dirt road that you used to take way back when.
"Okay, sorry but this road's a bit bumpy so hold on tight alright?"
>"Okie dokie!"
>Your heart skips a beat when you feel her hands start roaming across your torso, groping and grabbing at any bit of flesh in reach.
>Followed by her upper half, her huge mounds squishing against your back once more.
>Then you feel her lower body scootch closer to yours, her plump thighs and her stomach pressing against your own flesh, their warmth spreading past your clothes.
>And finally, you feel her face snuggling deeper inside your neck, her nose nuzzling right below your left ear, her breath sending a shiver down your back.
>You're sure she could feel it. And she certainly can also feel your heart rate skyrocketing.
>If you weren't sweating heavy bullets and forcing yourself to concentrate not to kill you both, you would melt in her embrace.
>You ride past the first trees signaling the edge of the forest and your wheels finally hit the dirt, the suspension's springs giving out a quick screech in the process.
>The first bump makes you both jump less than an inch up.
>Then the second comes, then the third.
>You don't remember it being THIS bumpy tho. You hope the bike can take it...
>"Hahah, this is like a rollercoaster!"
>A rollercoaster?
"If you paid for this then you've been played like a damn fiddle!"
>"Hah! I understood that reference!" She snorts.
>Yeah no shit, you played the game together.
>"But come on, you've got to admit this is fuuuun~!"
>A big bump comes up right as she finishes her sentence.
>Then you feel her right hand drifts lower.
>Way too low.
>You want to look down and find out what the fuck she's doing but can't do anything but take quick peeks.
>What is she doing to your shiiiiiiirt--
>You gasp when you feel her gloved fingers against your skin.
"P-P-Pinkie?! What do you think you're doing?!"
>She giggles. The same giggle she gives you whenever you scold her.
>The giggle that says 'Sorry, but I'm not!'.
>Her hand travels all the way up from your lower stomach to right over your heart is, then sinks ever so slightly deeper into your flesh.
>"Your heart is beating so fast! It means you're having fun, right?!"
>Your brain freeze for a second, then you somehow find the presence of mind required to lower your speed some more.
>"Mhh? Are you having fun Nonny~?"
>You strongly inhale, for the Xth time since she appeared today, and try to calm down again.
>She's just a really, really close friend. A really close friend that's really, really touchy feely, that's all.
>You gulp.
"Y-yes, Pinkie, I'm having fun."
>You try to sound as sincere as you can. Which proves difficult with her hand still caressing your chest.
>"Hehe~! I'm so glad~!"
Okay, next batch should get to the lewd, and maybe the end.
Not sure if I'll be able to finish it tonight since I'd really like to work on my glim green, I'll see.
Bin updated, if thread dies I'll.. I have no idea where I'll finish it, since fingerband is supposed to be shit now.
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Lurking mode: engaged. Hope this gets bumped seeing as I'm going to bed. Thanks a bunch, writefriend.
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Sounded like Sam the Eagle there
She's a semen demon, prove me wrong.
You cant
You can't prove it either, baka
Everyone knows there's no semen in Equestria
don't die before I do
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bump for green :)
That green is lewd, please keep going.
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Writefag Express Postal Service:
Writefag received 3 day "vacation" from the board. Posting to resume thereafter.
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If this is true I can step in with some shitty temporary green.
Human only though. I love me some tiddy.
Post that shit.
Inspiration is, of course, welcomed.
Whoops. I thought that you were going to use the OP prompt. Oh well, how's this?

>You are Anon
>Be walking to class on a friday
>Suddenly Ponka
>"Hi Nonny! Have this!"
>Gives you a slip of paper and dissapears
>Hear her disembodied voice
>"Don't be late!"
>Double wut
>Read the slip
"You're invited to Pinkie Pie's super duper exclusive for you party extravaganza!"
>Also says the "party" is at 19:00 in her house
>K den
>Flip the paper
>There's the word "attendants" at the top
>Oh this must be the list of people coming
>See only your name on said list
>Triple wut

Sorry for shitty prompt, I'm not the most original guy in the world. But I try.
I want to cum inside Pinkie Pie
yes, all women are nude under their clothes
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Trying is easy, as lon g as it's not utter shit or lame it will suffice..for my needs..
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The green makes me want to write lewd catsuit ponk stories

Any ideas?
Ponka sneaks into Anons house to steal his dirty gym clothes but gets caught
Let me finish this first one I'm working in then you got it
>Eagerly awaits seeing lewd will involve peeling the suit off of her or fucking while while she's still wearing

I'm excited either way.
>>30322832"Heeeey Nonny, Didja see my new outift I got today?"
A familiar sounding voice made you raise your eyes from your ice cream sundae
as soon as you caught sight of who stood before you felt time slow down
Pinkie pie was standing there with her hands on her hips, wearing her new superhero oufit
And what an outfit
You could see her entire body being lovingly squeezed by the conture of a skin-tight purple and white bodysuit
This was worth closer inspectin you decided.
You started at her uppper toro and worked your way down, Pinkie was breathing heavily and you could see her generous breasts heaving under the restrictive liquid-like catsuit, you could even see tiny mounds where her nippples were trying to break through
Your eyes drifted lower and took in the line of her navel dividing her middle, down to the belly button clearly outlined.
They drifted even lower, slowly this time, and you felt your breath catch in your throat as you caught sight of her slightly plump stomach and lower half
Pinkie was far from fat, but she did have the tiniest bit of a tummy, which she was now caressing slowly with one hand as you drank her in
Finally, you let your eyes go down past the curve of her beautiful stomach and let your eyes rest on her hips and thighs
Pinkie always had a lot of sweet stuff in her diet, and you realize now where it all went, right to her bottom half
Glorious childbearing hips and thick, soft thighs, tapering down to generous calves and finally her feet
Pinkie had a thigh gap, and you could see a tiny glimpse of her bubble butt through it.
As your eyes continued to devour her more private areas, you could have sworn you saw the hand that was on her belly drift down just for a moment to touch between her legs
When you blinked her hand was gone.
You finally managed to tear you eyes from her body and brought them back to her eyes, Pinkie was looking at you with half lidded eyes and a lazy smile was on her face.
She seemed to be enjoying the attention.
"So do you liiiike it?" She said in a quiet, sing song voice, moving her hand up her navel towards her breasts,
Alll of a sudden your throat felt very dry, you hastily got up and moved to the kitchen to get a drink of water
downing several glasses of ice cold water would not stop your heart from slowing down however, and you took a moment to collect yourself, before heading back in.
Pinkie was now sitting in your chair, legs crossed, one hand on her thick thigh with the other hand in your abandoned ice cream bowl
When she saw you enter she smiled and brought the finger loaded with whipped creme up to her plump lips before placing it in her mouth
Then she spent more time than was needed licking her finger off
"You still haven't answered my question nonnnyyyy" she said playfully
You were about to answer but then you noticed she had missed a spot of whipped creme on her cheek
"Uh Ponka, you uh, missed something there" You pointed out
She raised her eyebrows and then fell back into that lazy, half lidded expression
"Why dont'cha come get it for me anon?" she teased, smiling mischeviously
You decided an invitation was an invitation and moved closer to her, she stood up as you approached, smiling welcomingly
Slowly, so slowly you reached up to brush the offending bit of sweet stuff off her cheek
as you hand was about to touch it Ponka grabbed it with both of her hands and leaned close, you could feel her breath on you now and you could smell her sweet perfume tickling your nose
She had you arm between her breasts now, and she was not letting go
"No hands allowed anon, rules of the game"
"Well how the hell am i supposed to-?" you tried to protest
She only winked in reply
You realized what she meant, and you figured it was too late to back out now
You summoned all your courage and leaned into her face, then you opened your mouth and licked the whipped creme off her cheek.
just as you were retreating, Ponk let go of your hand and grabbed the back of your neck and head and pulled you into an aggressive kiss
You felt your face grow even more bright red, then you very very quickly that this wasn't quite so bad.
her tongue playing with yours. and her hand stroking with your hair.
She stopped the mouth war for a second to run her tongue along your teeth, stopping on your canines, runnning it up and down their length
this was great and all, but you soon felt yourself losing breath so you finally broke contact, you were both breathing deeply.
A string of saliva still connected you for a moment
Pinkie wiped a hand across her mouth, trying to retain the taste of you.
when you met her eyes again, her baby blues were still dancing with mischief
"Wanna help me get the suit off Nonny?
>You are Ponk, and you are waiting.
>Wearing your finest sneaking suit and spy goggles you silently keep watch
>Hiding in the bushes outside anon's house waiting for him to leave for the day
>then you can put your plan into action, the plan you've been working on for months
>For a plan thats taken you this long to think up, its surprisingly simple>I mean, all you have to do-THERE HE IS HIDE HIDE
>You duck down in a pink blur and crouch down like a thief
>Anon walks out of his front door, locks it, then wanders down the street whistling a happy tune
>Nows your chance, you wait for him to be out of sight make sure the coast is clear then you slowly stealth towards the house.
>You quickly find the window that doesn't lock and within a few moments you are inside his house.
>crouching down, you take stock of your surroundings
>ok a living room, his room should be upstairs
>you needlessly tiptoe up the stairs then resume your crouching pose and ease down the hallway
>you find the bathroom first, then a closet.
>each room is carefully inspected for threats and traps before you move to your goal
>Anon's personal bedroom
>the door creaks open slowly at your hand and you lean in to scout it out
.>a bed, a dresser, a tv, a AHAH!
>target sighted
>A pile of still damp gym clothes
>anon was a creature of habit, every day he went to the gym, came back home before heading to work or to shop
>You knew his habits well, you had watched him for months planning this caper
>You moved silently over to the gym shorts and white t shirt, before scooping them up and inhaling deeply
>they still smelled like his sweat
>you could smell them all day but you still had to extract from the mission area and wait for evac
>You started to make your way back to the door with your loot but you couldn't resist inhaling one more time
>you bent down and simply breathed in the clothes still lying on the ground.
Sorry I'm so slow.

>it wouldn't do to take all of his gym stuff, he might become paranoid, you had to settle for just the shirt
>Be anon
>You were on your way to the store to pick up a few things when you realized you had forgottan your wallet
>you had left it on the dresser in your room
>what a pain
>sighing, you turn around and head back cursing your forgetfullness
>you weren't very far away though, and within a few moments you were back on your doorstep unlocking your front door
>Be Ponk
>You couldn't get enough of his male aroma, you wanted to do nothing but inhale it day after day.
>You were so caught up in what you were doing, you didn't hear the front door shut downstairs, nor the footsteps getting closer
>Be anon
>you were still tsk tsking with irritation at leaving your valuables on your dresser when you noticed your bedroom door ajar
>you thought you closed it, hell you always shut your door
>then you heard breathing and the sound of someithing moving
>what the fuck?
>you feel your heart speed up as you go into burglar mode, and you look around for something to use as a weapon
>shit son, you're going into this one bare fisted
>you slowly grasp the dorrknob and turn>then you sweep the door open in one motion to hopefully get the drop on them
>The first thing you see is a bodacious butt sticking up in the air, clad in skin light black leather
>the next thing you know the door slams into the wall
>"EEP!" the robber shrieks falling over in surprise
>You catch a glimpse of pink hair and then it hits you
>She brushes the strand of hair out of her eyes and smiles weakly
>"Yeah? hey Nonny"
>Despite yourself you felt relief, you thought this was a genuine break in, but no, just Ponka being weird
>Wait, why is she holding your clothes?
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>"Pinkie? what are you doing? and why are you in my house?"
>she smiles before her eyes bulge out and she realizes she can't logically explain
>"Uh, I'm ummm just trying to clean your uh, laundry! for you anon yeaah, I'mjustdoinglaundryformygoodpalanon"
>"You broke into my house to do laundry for me?" you say, folding your arms
>the smile falls off her face and she looks at her feet, shuffling like a naughty child
>"I didn't think so Pinkie, I'm not going to ask why you're holding all my workout stuff, but i am going to have to ask you to stop breaking into my house and stealing my stuff
>"Thank you, now I'm sure you know where the door is"
>"Great, i'll see you around pinkie"
>You stood aside so she could leave
>Be Panko
>Your cover was just blown sky high, now anon knows what a dirty girl you are
>he'll never want to speak to you again
>all because of a stupid desire to steal laundry
>As you left the room with you head down you stole a glance at his face to try and see what he was thinking
>when your eyes met, you thought you saw a twinkle in his eye for a split second behind the scowl
>as soon as she was gone you burst out laughing
>poor adorable ponka, so dejected at being caught
>You didn't mind her stealing your stuff in the slightest.
>you wiped a tear of laughter from your eye
> Heck, maybe you'll leave the door unlocked next time.
Don't you 404 on me now
>fucking while while she's still wearing

Not gonna lie, if we don't get a story that ends with Anon hot-dogging Pinkie's ass in a skin tight suit, I'm going to be disappointed.
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>"So Nonny, you ever been with a movie star?"
Wat do
Do her.
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>all women
>even the ugly ones
>especially the ugly ones
I hope that ruins your day, fags.
Pull your bottom lip up over your head and swallow, emptybumpfag.
Well gee, how many times have you used that empty bump bullshit today, Fuckface McStoogetwat?
You're about as original as syphilis.
Guess again.
Cold, mate. Freezing in fact.
Bu-bye. It's been yet another pointless personal interaction on 4chan.
I want Pinkie to sit on my dick in public, using her skirt as cover so she looks like she's sitting on my lap innocently.
But that's my fetish. And, it's far more difficult to do than you'd think.
Gonna need some sources on this, anon.
Looking forward to it!

There is no wrong hole.
Sorry, only source I have is a batshitcrazypantskookoobird of an exg/f. Suffered from hypersexuality. Well, suffered isn't the best word. Enjoyed is a better term.
>batshitcrazypantskookoobird of an exg/f
A lot of Anons here seem to have one of those.
yeah, I don't doubt it!

because it's summer and the normo's are here in force
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How is Pankie Pue so naturally thicc?
Is it because of the Apple blood flowing through her veins?
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Good genes. She eats like a slob but doesn't get fat. It just goes to all the right areas.
Dont die this good for benis.
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>"S-some of us weren't lucky enough to be born pink, check your privilege..."
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must be a pretty small erection if it can be censored by that jar
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>speedster ponk will never be your gf
>she will never give you super speed quickies in public so fast its like it never happened
>except for when she walks really weirdly afterwards or licks her lips clean of your seed.
more bumps
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It's called femme penis. Or she just has an extremely large clit idk. Hey, what would it be line to suck on a clit that big?

No homosexual tho
No such thing as a feminine penis. If you think that there is such a thing as a feminine penis, you're almost certainly gay.
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Ponko bump
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>Pinkie will never serve you a bowl of eggs when you wake up in the morning.
life is suffering
>You keep driving on autopilot for a couple minutes, her massaging hands, her snug embrace and her happy hums stopping every attempt your mind makes to reboot.
>But you somehow manage to stop yourself when you spot the bench you used to sit on with your friends.
>It’s perfectly placed, facing the city and giving an unobstructed view of the entire valley.
“We’re here Pinkie…”
>She nods and hums in response, but sticks glued to you, even when you set foot on the ground and stop the engine.
>The thought of asking her to let go crosses your mind.
>But you’re enjoying this way too much.
>And she’s the one hugging you, so it’ll only be awkward if you make it so. Or something like that.
>So you simply revel in her company for another couple minute, trying your best to keep your respiration under control and to stop your mind from wandering too far.
>But doing a poor job of it. Your boxers feeling tighter by the minute.
>You just can’t stop the images from earlier from popping up. How good she looks, smells, and tastes and how tight her costume is.
>And not only can you see it, you can also feel it. Feel her, still pressed against you, her thumb stroking your skin, oh so close to your nipple.
>Even smell her, this sweet fruity smell that always follows her.
>And then the happy sounds she makes every few seconds.
>She could even be asleep for all you know.
>Is she?
>You gulp and inhale strongly to steel yourself again, and turn your head to give her a quick glance.
>And your heart skips a beat when you find her huge, beautiful pools of blue staring back at you.
>She wasn’t sleeping at all.
>And you’re trapped.
>The genuine smile on her face turns in a mischievous grin.
>Not hard to guess why, she certainly can feel every thumps and skips your heart makes with her palm resting so close to your heart.
>Is she teasing you? Is she just… having fun?
>”What is it Nonny~?”
>She snorts when you turn your face around as fast as you can.
>You need a way out.
“W-we, uh, we got an hour to kill before sunset, how about we take a walk or something?”
>She makes a new disappointed sound before leaning forward, bringing her lips ever so close to your ear.
>”Okay, but I can’t wait to go back…”
>Then you feel her lips brush against your neck.
>So fast and barely there, maybe it was an accident, or maybe it didn’t happen.
>And she breaks the contact, just like that.
>The hand still resting under your shirt travels all the way to your side before disappearing, followed by her tits and finally her thighs.
>The bike bobbing up and down and the sound of her feet hitting the dirt tells you that she’s not on it anymore.
>And you already miss her touch.
>M-maybe you’ll take the scenic way home.
>”Oh! I know what to do!”
>You barely have the time to turn to look at her that she’s already taken hold of your hand, pulling you away from the motorcycle.
“W-wait, lemme get off the bike at least!”
>”Come on Anon! We’re going to have so much fun~!”
>You roll your eyes.
>She giggles.
“You’re sure it was this way?”
>She nods.
>”Yes! Ohh-oh! Look!”
>She doesn’t let go of your arm though, preferring to point the direction with head nudges.
>She hasn’t let go of your arm since you left the bike, actually.
>Not that you mind, Pinkie’s always been the ‘Follow me!’ type.
>”See? I told you it was this way!”
“Hey! I never said it wasn’t—“
>She doesn’t wait for your response and pulls you onwards.
>”We used to come here all the time with my sisters!”
>You don’t remember seeing anything like it way back when. Not that you were much of an explorer.
>But the sorry state in which everything’s left tells you that it’s old, as well as not in use anymore.
“I never knew there was a playground here… was it always there?”
>She nods.
>”Yeah, I think.”
>Then her smile turns impish.
>”You were surely too busy playing with your stupid ‘digimons’ to notice!”
>You’re taken aback by this and she snorts when she sees your face, before sticking out her tongue playfully.
“Whoa! That came from nowhere! And don’t you try to mock my superior tastes, not my fault you got stuck with your ‘pokemons'!”
>You can't stop grinning.
>You’ve had this ‘argument’ before. Years ago, mind you. But it kinda feels good to know that she remembers it as well as you do.
>”That’s why everyone still plays one and the other barely exists anymore huh? Really makes me think!”
“Popularity has absolutely nothing to do with—“
>You freeze when you feel her pull you against hers, stopping when your face is less than a foot away from hers.
>”And you know what else comes from nowhere?”
>You gulp, eyes flicking left and right nervously, trying to take guesses at what she’s doing, and why she’s looking at you like that.
“Uhm… n-no…?”
>She slowly leans forward, her right hand finally leaving your arm to find its place on your chest.
>She stop when your faces are inches apart, her fingers tracing a circle on your torso.
>And she grins.
>”Tag! You’re it!”
>Her hand shoves you back with a surprising amount of strength, but you manage to retrieve your footing.
>And you blink, completely bewildered by her antics, looking at her laughing and running away from you and towards the playground’s castle.
>”Come on Nonny~! I’ll give you a reward if you catch me!”
>A hundred different possibilities flashes through your mind, most of them revolving around her bouncing flesh.
“You’re so on!”

>But as expected, you’re no match for her.
>After a good twenty minutes of giggles, screams and taunts later, you’re left panting, sweating and stumbling every few steps.
>”Aww~, tired already?”
>She looks down on you from up the slide, grinning smugly with her hands on her hips.
>You just groan in defeat and sit down on the edge of said slide.
“Some of us aren’t made of pure energy, you know.”
>”I'm not either! I’m also made of sugar!”
>You both share a chuckle.
“I know that. Just look at you!”
>You say, pointing to her curves.
>An overblown gasp escapes her mouth, and you grin knowingly. Grade A bait right there.
>”Are you saying I’m FAT?!”
>She does her best to sound angry, but fails to do so.
>And you can’t take it anymore, you start guffawing.
>She tries to pout instead, seeing as her angry face isn’t working too well, but it doesn’t stop your laughs either.
>So she jumps down the ledge and slides her way down before you can react, spreading her legs wide to catch you in between.
>Your eyes go wide, both in surprise and fear of what was coming.
>The impact sends you both down to the ground, but you feel her taking hold of your shoulders to shift around the moment your ass hits the dirt, turning around and plopping down in your lap wrapping her legs around your hips to lock you in place.
>You don’t even groan from the slight pain, much too engrossed by her frolicking.
“P-Pinkie?! What are you doing—“
>”Pinkie? Who’s that? I’m Fili-second! And I just caught a naughty villain~!”
>It takes you a couple second to process her sentence.
“I-I dindu nuthin!”
>You do your best to play along and to keep your spaghettis from spilling everywhere.
>”Sure you did! Fat shaming is a second degree at least! You’re totally done for!”
“Hey, you’re the one that said fat, I didn’t say shit!”
>”Huhuh, likely story!”
“I only implied that you were made of sugar! That’s like a compliment, right?”
>Smooth one Anon.
>Her eyes narrow and she brings a hand to her chin, pondering over what you just said.
>She leans forward and you lean back trying to keep some personal space, as much as you can at least, her leg lock making it awkward.
>”We’ll let the cops decide!”
“Oh no, not the cops!”
>You do your best impression of a panicking crook, waving your hands around in surrender.
>”But since I forgot my cuffs at home, I’ll have to restrain you using the next best thing!”
“A rope?”
>”No silly! A hug!”
>You raise an eyebrow at her exuberant smile.
“What kind of super does tha-oomphgh!”
>You find your face squished in between her knockers, her arms pushing them together to add even more pressure and placing her hands on the back of your neck to keep you from escaping.
>Which you only try to do for about two seconds, before the situation finally dawns on you and your brain freezes.
>”Who’s the fat one now, huh?!”
>You don’t even bother responding, deciding you’d rather lose yourself in this sensation, even going so far as to lean into it.
>That costume is so soft and elastic, it’s just like a second skin.
>Even her sweat smells good.
>You stay in there for a while, her heaving chest and the sound of her heartbeat making you feel so comfy you could fall asleep.
>”Geez, Nonny~…”
>A shiver runs through your spine when her right hand slowly strokes its way down your neck, while the other traces lazy circles on your scalp.
>”…you’re supposed to resist your arrest, you know…”
>Her whispering voice is like honey dripping down your ears.
>But it still does its job as a reminder, your eyes opening wide.
“S-sorry, I-huh,”
>It takes you several attempts but you finally manage to stammer something.
>You try to pull back from her embrace but she’s not letting go of you.
>Her giggle interrupts your groan.
>”I’m not going to let go of you now, dummy!”
>She tightens her leglock to emphasize her point, pulling your hips even closer to hers.
>Before she gasps in horror.
“W-what’s up—“
>She’s back up to her feet in less than a second, heaving you up by pulling on your arm.
>”Look at the time!”
>You blink, eyeing her quizzically, wondering what’s the reason behind this new freak out.
>”Quick! We’re going to miss the sunset!”
>Yeah, the sun is getting dangerously close to the horizon.
>You don’t really have a say in the matter anyway, she’s already tugging on your hand and running like your life depended on it.
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maybe that was a tad too fluffy, but the lewd is coming along.
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Oh you got me, anon
>he doesn't know about giant clits
the clit is actually the same thing as the head of a male penis
there are women whose clits didn't shrink all the way or form properly that gives them big and long clits
some women have such big ones that they really are the equivalent to a feminine penis
literally google "big female clits" and you'll see exactly what a feminine penis is
Be careful not to delve too deep into those depths, though. That way lies "Christine" Weston Chandler and ""her"" """unclit"""
I'm not into it myself, but if my waifu became real and had one, it wouldn't stop me from loving her
I don't want another 3 3/4-days wait
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I'm finishing it right now, should be over by tomorrow.
It's just so fucking hot in here, and the new janitor banned me for posting https://derpibooru.org/432896
Fluff is good, Ponka is made for fluff
God those hips
if only atryl didn't give her niggerface
>You will never fuck her thighs.
I like. Is good.
Comfy Ponk fluff.
Stop making me sad bro
This story is good, mang.
>She will never crush your balls with her heels
For whatever reason, I'm perfectly fine with that.
At any rate, Ponka doesn't strike me as the sort to be inso S&M.
le ebin mobileposting meme

she wouldn't let you not do it at that point. she'd gove you a reach around and you off and right when you are about to cum she would bend your cock back and shoot it all into her mouth too
>implying Pinkie isn't constantly using glass from the 4th wall the masturbate
holy shit you're a fucking genius Anon
I need to write that
People have long since scorned my genius. I am glad to finally recognize a true intelligence among the rabble.
okay so I thought of some kinky shit, so I hope you guys don't expect missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation
or maybe I'll make two sex scenes, I'll see
I'm going to gouge out my fucking eyes pretty soon.
I know how easy it is to trigger you guys but it's a green about pinkie pie, Anon
It's a shit way to get across a bubbly, giggly attitude.

Story's cute though.
we dont TALK about CWC here!
>pinkie pie
>pink eyes
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Was it rape?
>somebody had to draw part of her ass cheek
Well, that's up to you to decide

They use flash
They work with naked models and then put clothes, hairs and expressions using layers over it
Where's the damn green?
We must wait anon
It's on its way
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I'm holding Ponk hostage until it arrives. She's begging for sexual relief, but I'm not gonna give it to her
You gone too far this time Satan.
>You groan like a dying animal, using your knees as a support to keep standing, your hand finally free from her iron grip.
>”Yay, we made it!”
>You take a long drawn out breath before leaning back up, taking a second to look at her bouncing up and down with her usual enthusiasm, before you decide to make your way to the bench for a well-deserved rest.
>”This is going to be great!”
>She turns back to see you collapsing on the bench, throwing your head backward and sighing in relief while you stretch your arms over the length of the backrest.
“Yeah, ‘great’, a sunset! Can you imagine that?!”
>You roll your eyes when you see her grinning wide.
>”The sunset isn’t the most important part, silly!”
>You scooch to the left when you see her scampering towards you, to give her more space to sit.
“What is, then?”
>She turns around and goes for sitting down right next to you, but twists another 90° before her ass could touch the wood, and she jumps backwards, unceremoniously landing on top of you.
>You whine in annoyance. At least she didn’t crush one of your balls.
>But you did see this coming, seeing the way she’s been acting until now…
“Damnit, Pinkie!”
>She wraps an arm around your neck and drops her feet on the bench then grins.
>Her innocent smile doesn’t work on you anymore.
>She perfectly knows what.
“Ever heard of ‘personal space’?”
>”Huh, I dunno Nonny, I thought we went past that stage earlier when you stuffed your face between my girls!”
>She gives her shoulders a shake, sending her jugs bouncing to emphasize her point, and to bring your attention to them.
“Whu-what, that-!”
>You close your mouth to stop yourself from sperging any longer.
>She snorts and smiles like a madman, visibly more than happy that you ran into that one.
>You take a second to form a somewhat coherent response.
“You’re the one that’s been hugging and molesting me the whole day!”
>”You make it sound like you didn’t like it~,”
“T-that’s not the point!”
>”So you did like it!”
>You groan, bringing a hand to your face to try and wipe the exasperation away.
“Ugh! You can’t just hug and assault and kiss and… and sit in people’s laps like that!”
>You blink.
“Because peeps will get the wrong idea if you keep doing shit like that!”
>She shrugs.
>”But maybe I want them to get the wrong idea…?”
>She turns to face you, throwing her second arm over your shoulder, her fingers entwining themselves around the base of your neck.
>She simply stares at you, expecting your response with an uncertain smile on her face.
>Then rolls her eyes when your dumbfounded expression reveals that her point didn’t get through.
>”What I meant, was that I want ‘you’ to get the ‘wrong’ idea.”
>It takes you a good five seconds for this to sink in, your eyes growing wider and wider with every passing seconds.
“Y-you mean…”
>”Well duh! I don’t walk almost naked around anyone else! And I don’t sit on anyone else’s lap either! Gee, do you really think I’m that easy?”
>You shake your head preparing your response, even if you don’t discern any hurt on her face.
“N-no, of course not! It’s just… you know…”
>You pause, searching for words, and her grins reappears.
>And she shakes her head to signal you to keep going.
>You groan internally.
“I just… always thought that you only saw me as a friend, or something,”
>”Of course I do! You’re one of my bestest friends!”
>You blink, dread starting to creep its way inside your mind.
>Maybe she doesn’t even—
>”But you’re also much more than that! Like a special friend, or a super duper friend!”
>You groan, externally this time.
“I’m not talking about that, Pinkie!”
>She’s messing with you. She must be.
>She tilts her head.
>And that teasing expression comes back.
>”What do you mean?”
“You most definitely know what I mean.”
>”How could I know if you don’t tell me~?”
>You open your mouth to retort but catch your tongue when you feel her hand stroking the side of your face, your brain freezing for a second.
>That’s not fair.
“You’re cheating.”
>You grumble, trying to look away but with little success.
>”You know what they say about love and war~,”
>She singsongs.
>You catch yourself right before you lose it, her gloved fingers promising you their full attention if you simply leaned into their touch.
>You really need to kick her down a peg. And the best defense is a good offense…
>You steel yourself, inhaling deeply.
>Then you spring into action, arms shooting forward, fingers wiggling before they even get to her sides.
>You’re not even sure if it’s going to work but it’s worth a shot.
>And her screams for help answers that.
>”N-no! Don’t! Hahah”
>Good thing she’s so ticklish.
>Your arms travel up and down her sides, fingertips grazing and brushing against the soft material.
“You’re making me do this Pinkie!”
>She writhes and squirms about, arms thrashing around to try and push yours away but with little effect.
>”Stop-haha! Puhleeaaaseee~!”
>This isn’t the first time you had to use this technique to kick her off her high horse, so you kinda know what you’re doing.
>Her feet join her arms in their trashing, madly kicking up and down against the hard wood, while she tries her best taking in as much oxygen as she can in between her giggling fits.
“We don’t negotiate with terrorists!”
>You keep at it for a good ten seconds, beaming with pride for finally showing her who’s the boss!
>Until she falls off the edge of your knees.
“Oh shit!”
>You tried to save her but your arms didn’t make it in time.
>You look at her worriedly, arms still stretched out and at the ready to lend any kind of help.
“Are you okay?”
>She blinks, then chuckles when she realizes what just happened.
>”Yeah, I’m okay, my big butt took it like a champ, I barely felt anything,”
>She takes hold of your hand and you help her up, and you stare at her while she dusts herself off, completely captivated by the display.
>”But this is still your fault, you big meanie!”
>Her tone finally sets your gaze free and you now notice her frowning face.
>”Hurting a cute girl like me, that’s one more crime to add to your list, mister!”
“That wasn’t my fault! You’re the one—“
>”Nhuh-huh, you won’t get away this time!”
>She takes hold of your shoulders and pins you against the backrest, you don’t have the time nor the mind to react, your gaze stuck on her two pendulums.
>Then she jumps forward, her knees landing on each sides of your legs, before she starts scooching closer and closer, pressing more and more of her flesh against you.
>So close that you’re forced to crane your head back to avoid getting stuck in there once more.
>Her frown disappeared somewhere on the way, her usual grin taking its place and telling you that everything’s right.
>You think of asking her what was she doing, or maybe why, but you decide against it.
>She’ll do whatever the hell she wants anyway.
>And you’ll let her do it.
>So you wait, staring at her, listening to your heartbeat skyrocketing, simply wondering what is she going to do next.
>”I’m going to keep you right here until you confess everything!”
>A part of you wants to be mad at her for still playing that silly game, but it’s easily silenced by her inquiring hums.
>”Mmh? So? What do you have to say in your defense?”
>You didn’t do anything!
>You start to form an answer but it dies in your throat when she starts playing with your hair, her fingers tracing circles and stroking around the back of your head all the way down your neck.
>You wonder if she can feel your heart fluttering under her mounds.
>”If you don’t feel like talking, I’ll have to find a way to force you to do it~,”
>Force you?
>You stop breathing when you feel her leaning forward, her face stopping not two inches away from yours.
>”But something tells me you’d love that,”
>The warm air of her whispers washes over your lips, and you inhale, the sweet aroma making you melt on the spot.
>She closes the distance, her nose giving yours a nudge.
>”Would you like that?”
>Is that what she wants? Does she want you to beg for her to finish what she started?
>You don’t consider it for more than a second.
>She happily giggles when she sees you nod.
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Whew, I was supposed to finish it with the lewd but went back to add stuff and then before I knew it I was stuck writing more teasing and shit.
But I should be finished with the lewd soon, I'll eat smth and watch the new episode and get back to is right away.
And there'll be two sex scenes, at least.

And sorry if you were expecting the lewd, totally my bad. But it's coming.
>he's off to watch the new episode
oh dear
get ready for feel
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fug just discovered this now and read the whole thing, ponk fluff and tease is nut tier
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maybe I shouldn't have watched it
It looks like she likes it

aw shit
This shit is fucking perfect, mate, I don't even care if you keep teasing us for 10 more posts. It's already worth it.
I need an extreme amount of Pear Butter in my life.
This normie-tier meme drove all the writefags away.
What? Fluff?
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Is she a virgin?
my penis
My heart is butter and my dick is diamonds. Keep up the good work!
Yes and no
someone pls edit that face
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>That face.
Fuck, I love his stuff. Here's hoping someone commissions a short story featuring Pinkie. Now that's what I'd call money put to good use.
pls don't be kill
This will never die!
No way I'm stopping now.
It's just so fucking hot and I had shit to do, but I'm on it still.
You smell like vanilla pinkie. how bout I have some ice creme.
>you will never come up from behind and pull her bikini top down
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Schrödingers Virgin
Bump for ponk
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where is writefag?
He's trying to write
Saw this thread a week ago but I didn't stop to take a look.

Now that I've caught up on the story, I want more, but at the same time don't want it to end. It shouldn't be possible for tension to be so fluffy.
I know right
It's hard to end this kind of story, you always want more
And I really was just going for a 4 post long smut green about Ponka's cameltoe at first
I suck at writing short stuff
Well none of us are telling you to end it, if you want to keep it going after they push past the breaking point I doubt anyone would complain.
Don't die. My dick needs more of this green
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it's not going to die, don't panic
Pls conn
Go on.
ded thred

It's not dead damnit
looks pretty ded to me fampai
>ywn be suprised by pinkie wearing that suit
>ywn slowly realise it made of latex
>ywn overpower her and have hot, kinky sex
>ywn peel her out of that suit and get that rubbery, sweaty scent to fill your nose
>ywn have pinkie notic this kink and have her sit on your face

Why live?
get out underage
Well you're free to share/create content while I finish my shit, Anon
If this thread dies, I'll have nowhere to post the rest
So, I'll bump this thread until I'm finished with it
>tfw tried greens so many times before now
>tfw always failing at my limited vocabulary making them read like a 12 year old made them

I will gladly post more weird shit like above and try to make not only appeal to my kinks though to keep the thread alive
oh shit, that was supposed to be for >>30381089
Only way to get better is to write and read more Anon
I became a writefag because there wasn't nearly enough people pandering to my kinks, and my vocabulary and grammar are still shit to this day
I got better tho
>ywn treat Pinkie Pie for heat exhaustion because latex doesn't breathe for shit
Volunteer for Emergency Medical Services.
Learn interesting stuff.
Meet new people and save their lives.
>no imagination allowed

Next thing you tell me, is her skincolour isnt natural
How do you know that?
The suit might be some magical horse fabric for all we know
I wrote that shit and i want it to be latex becaaue its my kink.

besides, pinkie is the only character i can imagine wearing latex as regular clothes and not just in the bedroom
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Thinking about it. I can really imagine pinkie wearing some brightly coloured latex stockings about a-c high without much of a reason other then feeling like it
too good for this world
>She then leans back and you instantly miss the pressure of her chest.
>”Sooo… let’s see, we’ve got; pudding theft, lascivious gawking, fat shaming and…”
>She keeps mumbling to herself for several seconds, going over the last couple hours you shared, and you stay silent. She knows just as well as you that’s a load of bull.
>Save for the gawking, but who could blame you for that.
>”Oh! And poor taste in videogames!”
>Okay that was under the belt.
“Hey, digimons are great!”
>”Save that for the jury, buster!”
>Her finger hushes you.
>”You’re under arrest Nonny, you have the right to remain silent and… whatever, the rest isn’t important!”
>She’d be so bad at this.
>”Unless it’s to confess!”
>You groan and roll your eyes.
>Your voice dies before you say anything.
>You don’t have a problem with ‘avowing’ the fat shaming and pudding theft, but you can’t just tell her that you’ve been ogling her the whole time.
>And there’s just no fucking way you’re ever going to say that pocket monsters are better than—
>Her satisfied expression makes you wonder if she’s capable of reading your mind.
>It wouldn’t surprise you at this point, this is Pinkie we’re talking about.
>”Good… I mean, not good! I guess I’ll have to do /that/ to make you talk, huh?”
“What’s that—“
>Her hands take hold of your face before you can blink, and before you know it her lips crash against yours.
>You groan in surprise, your arms shooting up and stiffening, your hands awkwardly floating next to your faces.
>And she leans back before you can realize if this is really happening or not.
>She smiles at you, her eyes fluttering open and she sends you that bedroom look from earlier.
>”How was that?”
>You finally notice that you stopped breathing, letting out a heavy sigh and gasping for air.
>”Feel like talking yet~?”
>You blink.
>Was that supposed to persuade you?
>It didn’t.
>Her grin widens, and your heart skips another beat when you see her closing in.
>This kiss lingers slightly longer, long enough for you to appreciate the warmth and softness of her touch.
>Then she leans back again, her eyes trying to keep yours locked on them, but you just can’t stop yourself from stealing glances of her lips.
>Her taste still lingering on yours.
>”What about now?”
>You eagerly shake your head, and she chuckles lightly.
>”Guess I’ll have to keep going, huh?”
>Her lips are back on yours before you can nod. But it’s just a peck this time.
>You frown and groan lightly, surprised and asking for more.
>And her grin widens before she complies.
>But gives you another peck.
>You groan again and lean forward this time, or try to, her hands keep you in place.
>Another peck.
>She giggles again when she sees your pleading expression, and closes in once again when you try to say something. Another peck comes your way whenever you try begging for more.
>You finally decides to try to break free, taking hold of her wrists to tug them away, but she sees it coming from a mile away and leap forward, this time keeping her lips against yours for several seconds, sapping you from any will to fight back.
>A happy sigh escapes her throat when you release her wrists.
>But she squeaks in surprise when you wrap your hands around her and pull her in.
>She instantly tries to push you away, and you let go of her when you see her frown.
>The dread of having fucked up knotting your stomach.
>Your hands drift to her sides, resting right above her meaty hips, your fingers sinking in ever so slightly--
>Her wake-up call makes you jolt, instantly raising your hands in front of you as a sign of surrender, where you both can see them.
>You blurt out.
>”You’re not allowed to use your hands!”
“What?! Why?”
>”That’s the law.”
“What kind of law—“
>”And I am the law!”
“B-but that’s not fair—“
>”No hands, no grabbing, no groping, no stroking, no rubbing and no caressing! …Not yet~,”
>Her frown fades away and her alluring smirk takes its place.
>”Not until you tell me e-ve-ry-thing~!”
>”Nope! Talk, or else…!”
“I-I can’t just-mmph!”
>Her lips seal yours shut again.
>Your hands try to reach for her once more but she’s one step ahead of you, she grabs you by the wrists and pins them against the backrest.
>You give them a tug, then a second, the awkward position just makes it impossible to break free.
>And maybe the fact that the girl still kissing you is monopolizing your attention.
>And the contact disappears again, you try to follow it by leaning forward but you don’t have nearly enough reach to do so.
>She stares at you for a moment, her smug grin nearly splitting her face in two and that playful glint in her eyes keeping yours hostage
>Your arms are still pinned against the wood, your heart is still hammering in your chest, you’re panting, inhaling her scent as deep as you can
>”It’s in your best interest, and I’m sure the judge will go easy on you if you cooperate, since you’re just a small fry and all~,”
>Something deep inside tells you that you should be bothered by her teasing voice, or that it’s her intention, but you’re too far gone to care
>So you nod.
“Okay-okay, I’ll tell you, just…”
>You collapse back against the bench and sigh in defeat
“Please don’t stop,”
>You have a hard time keeping your eyes on hers and you can feel your own face flushing red when you see her gulp and bite her bottom lip
>She finally releases your hands and use your shoulders as a support to stand up, lifting her feet to rest on the bench before going up. You stare at her, blinking, craning your head back to try and keep your eyes on hers, but lose sight of it at some point, her breasts getting in the way
>But something else draws your attention, something south of the pit of her navel, something resting less than a foot away from your face, and your eyes go wide when you find it.
>She’s definitely not wearing anything underneath that suit.
>The rubbery fabric is being stretched around her plump mound, her slit making the faux leather sink in ever so slightly, proving how tight it really is, letting you distinguish the outline of her lips and—
>Before she drops down, the enticing sight vanishing as fast as it appeared.
>Her ass plops on your lap, legs spread and locking around your sides.
>A quick look down lets you notice her legs hanging loosely behind you, passing through the space between the backrest and the seat.
>And that this new position lets her scooch even closer to you, her full weight now resting on your legs. And closer she scooches.
>A last bounce forward sends her crotch crashing against yours, her plump flesh squeezing your hardening member for a fraction of a second, before she relaxes back down, the meat of her ass cheeks giving in under her weight and making her form sink down for an inch or two as proof of how plump and soft they are.
>You simply stare at her, completely stunned by everything that happened these last two seconds.
>Did she feel your half chub? She had to feel it.
>What now? Is she going to kiss you more?
>Would she be fine with you diving in her tatas again? And could you touch them directly?
>Would she say yes if you asked her to sit on your face?
>And most importantly, would she--
>”Sorry Nonny, I had to get more comfortable, the hard wood was hurting my knees,”
>Her wailing voice pops your bubble, and you nod knowingly.
>”But I hope this wood~,”
>You gasp when she sends her hips grinding forward, and you fail to suppress a moan when she finds your shaft.
>”Isn’t going to hurt me~!”
>>30383732 (You)
I had to rewrite that part twice because I wasn't happy with it.
First had an OOC ponka basically raping Anon and the second had her going on another unending teasing bout
At least now the lewd is going to happen, and it doesn't feel too 'forced'.
Sorry it took so long guys.
Also that appul episode fucked me up and I couldn't get in the zone
I'm writing more today tho, got nothing to do tomorrow.
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You're fucking nailing it right now. Excellent work, can't wait for more.

I've seen the new episode a few times now, and I still tear up and fall apart every time.
i want to step on her vulva
>not lick it
>not busting her cunt
youre the real faggot here
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>sees vagina
>doesn't want to fuck it
no, I maintain that you're a faggot
>>”Feel like talking yet~?”
>not letting your hands do the talking
>not grabbing her squishy bits
>>Something deep inside tells you that you should be bothered by her teasing voice, or that it’s her intention, but you’re too far gone to care
>writing a confident male character
Yeah nah, this is way more fun.
And I'm sure people here will have an easier time self inserting themselves in a pussy betanon over some alpha chad.
But thanks for reading.
theres so many beta characters already anon

so many
Please do share any GFD green you got, because I don't think I got 10 of them.
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too close for comfort
I want pinkie pie to use my wood!
Please take as much time as you need, your ponka is the best
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God my blood sugar levels are through the roof
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Anthrophile pinkie is adorable.
Stay alive.
>ywn hve pinkie pie confess her love in a super complicated way to you
>ywn have ponk reveal all her secrets to you
>ywn have penk reveal all her kinks to you
>ywn realise that behind that sugarsweet layer of cute pink frosting is a sour sweet core
>ywn explore your and her darkest fantasies together

Brb drinking bleach
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Still alive anon? This is 10/10 stuff I'd hate to see it die.
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It's not dying, don't worry
If the thread 404 I'll post the rest in fingerbang
Also I always have the glim thread tabbed up if you need to insult me or smth
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Nothing but a raging ladyboner.
I wonder how many of you would wait for her to take off her costume then sneak in and steal it.
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>she's been waiting for you since the start
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>Submissive anon green

Sometimes its fun to let her have her way. Try it sometime.
k, k
I'll just write a quick something for you alpha chads.

>be anon in EQG
>Your dick is so big you ripped through your last pair of boxers yesterday.
>So you only have your shorts on and nothing under it.
>"Hey Nonny, whachu' doing?"
>You're not even startled by her sudden appearance, I mean fuck yeah, you're a man after all.
"Uh. Hi Pinkie. I am working on my 1000cc, shirtless, like a man, because I'm a man."
>"Ohhhh, that sounds fun! Wait, what's that?"
>She points to the immense bulge in your pants.
"That's my huge dick, Pinkie. You want to see it?"
>"OHhhh yes Nonny, I thought you'd never ask~!"
>She gets on her knees and you instantly grab a fistful of her poofiness, to show her who's boss.
"Heh, I knew it, all woman are sluts and wants that huge fat dick!"
>You don't remove your shorts the conventional way, fuck that, you're a man. So you take hold of it and rip it apart in a single pull.
>Your dick is so big and got hard so fast at the prospect of getting a blowjob that it bounces up once free, slapping Pinkie right on the face.
>And she falls unconscious, because your dick is so big and heavy.
"Oh, fuck, how am I going to.. Oh right, I'm a man!"
>You simply roll her on her stomach and rip her tight catsuit off her plump ass using your manly teeth.
"Ohhh fuck I'm going to enjoy this more than that threesome I had with the sirens yesterday!"
>Your tip finds her opening and you instantly hilt inside of her, your thighs impacting her cheeks with a meaty slap.
>She's still unconscious, but who gives a fuck about that, you're a man and men don't care about women's feelings.
>You keep at it for four hours, because you're a man.
>And she wakes up right before you feel yourself getting close.
>"Huh, what happpeeeeeeee~~~~"
>She climaxes when she feels your enormous tip crash against her womb's entrance.
"Heh, I knew bitches loved this shit."
>And you come, without even groaning, because you're a man.
>And she keeps moaning while you fill her up, because she's a girl, and girls are pussies.
>You finally take your 12inches cock out of her and take hold of her hair once more, bringing her lips to your tip.
"Clean it."
>You order her, and she complies, because you're a male, and you're the dominant one.
>Her lips go up and down your cock, again and again, bobbing on your still hard cock, but it's not enough, so you pull on her hair and hilt inside her throat.
>She tries to push you off but you don't, because you're a man, and your pleasure is more important than hers.
>So you keep going, pulling her face over your cock for a good thirty minutes, before you feel yourself getting ready for a second release.
"Ohhh, you better swallow it all, slut!"
>She nods, because she knows who's boss.
>You don't groan again, you simply stare at her when your throbbing tip passes the entrance of her throat.
>Eyes unwavering, making sure to keep perfect eye contact, to assume your dominance.
>After a good minute or two of squirting, you finally releases her, and she throws her head back, gulping and gasping for air.
>Because she licks her face clean, eyeing your cock with hearts in her eyes,
>And she proceeds by licking it clean again.
>"Ohhh, Nonny, you're such a man, how could any woman even resist such a big cock!"

The end
Tell me if that helped you feel like men guys, I'm not sure if I got that part right.
Nice black and white false dichotomy.
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So, you liked it? :^)
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that's not a pony, reported.
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Rest in peace, you crazy ornery bastard. I'll always remember you.
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It wasn't fair.
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>you'll never be as manly as this
>tfw writefag periodically goes missing
They'll be back.

I want to motorboat with penkapoo!
Yeah sorry guys, I feel like shit and can't get in the mood to write these days.
I did write some more tho, but I also really want to get the lewd finished and post it at once, there's nothing more frustrating than a green starting the lewd and stopping there.
Why would she? It's Pinkie "Cream" Pie we're talking about after all.
dude, it doesn't even need the lewd

I know I probably only speak for myself here, but I just want to see it end on your watch, lewd is secondary; even as it stands, it's a great little story and it made my day when I first read it
Oh yeah, it doesn't need it but I started with lewd in mind and hinted at it all the way through so I can't finish it on a 'then they fugged' note. It doesn't feel right to me.

But I WILL finish it, it's just taking me way longer than I expected (which was going to be a 4post long 'shit Pinkie, you're so hot in that shit let's fuck')
And like I said I have at least two sex scenes in mind, but I'll try to conclude the story on the first one and the second will just be a 'bonus', and I'll write it whenever I can.
it's nice to hear you're determined to finish it, I love your style

wouldn't happen to have other work floating around, eh?
Well you can check my bin, but there's not many complete stories over there;
If you're interested in GFD stuff with submissive-ish anon then there's Collared revenge, that I'm working on at the same time as this one and intend on finishing as soon as I'm finished with Ponk

And this one, which is my best work IMO;

The rest is silly stuff, people really liked my impregnation greens about Twiggy and AJ and... yeah, the rest didn't get many (you)s and/or the thread died before I could finish them, but I keep them if I ever feel like finishing them someday.
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I haven't had the urge to read for a long time, thanks for the content
>Glimmer and pinkie pie green by you
Bless you for your taste
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what could go wrong.jpg
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Don't you dare die on me
Shit's going fast today
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Thread posts: 339
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