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Homo Horse Hangout #36

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 499
Thread images: 193

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Southern Comfort Edition

Welcome to /hhh/, your international supplier of horsecock

Previous thread: >>29774893

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/9gnUFz7E
Map: Link in the discord
Discord: https://discord.gg/NH7DVEW (18+ only)
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sweaty southern horseboys
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>tfw no redneck bf
I just want a cute room mate horse who is mostly by best friend, but sucks my dick and lets me give him handies while we cuddle and watch movies on the couch.
>Anon runs an Old West style Saloon and Brothel, staffed exclusively by gay horses
>Burly cowpones and not-so-femme fatales, ready to ride for the right price
>But Anon never dips into the supply, so to speak
>He claims to be straight, which makes his career choice a little strange
>His employees decide to do a little sleuthing and get to the bottom of this
>Or get him to the bottom, whichever he prefers
Is there any Discord greens? I bet he is a good lay.
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I'm okay with you people being gay, just stop being communists
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>the qt I've been talking to is going to an antifa rally
>he's a dirty communist and marxist
Sounds like a huge faggot.
>Anon and Discord grow close
>Anon confesses that he's attracted to Discord
>Discord agrees
>He is quite the charming Dragonequus, isn't he?
>He snaps his fingers, and a door appears in front of Anon
>It opens, reveal a pocket dimension full of energetic, prehensile, dripping cocks
>They writhe and squirm, desperate for a tight, warm hole to fill
>"Well, hop on in, the water's fine!"
>"...Come on, you had to know the sex was going to be weird."

>actually discord, in the ultimate form of chaos, has very vanilla sexual tastes.
>you keep thinking each time he's going to spring some crazy shit but its all normal blowjobs and buttsex.
late night sunbutt.
At least he doesn't support Trump
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Why do you have to have a running general centered around your sexual orientation?
I wanted you to know that i like penis.
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>tfw no trap rumble trying to get a kiss from anon to win a bet/dare story update
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I want to be the gayest little stallion
Because nobody else wants gay green. Remember when they tried writing about stallion guards in the royal guard mare thread?
We're a containment thread on a containment board on a containment site.

yeah 4chan like soooooo homophobic I mean like get on the right side of history bigots xD
Isn't that really gay?
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haha look how sleepy they are!
>You will never fuck Discord's ass.
I wonder what it would be like?
>screech autistically when gay is posted elsewhere
>">>>/hhh/ is that way, faggot, kys"
>follow the gay into their own thread, screech autistically
>"why do you faggots need your own thread, kys, cuckcuckcuckcuck"
>"Anon, I'm a spirit of chaos. This body, all of it, it's just a physical manifestation to give form to formless energy."
>"Oh don't be glum, chum! That doesn't mean we can't have fun!"
>"Well, I can't have THAT kind of fun....but I certainly can use my magic to make you see boo-dah or that black science man you keep bringing up."
>He makes you sign a consent form before he uses chaos magic to make that 'about to cum' feeling at the tip of your dick feeling spread to every inch of your body.
Would Discord like a pounding?
It was implied he is physically incapable. It would be like putting your dick in a wall socket. A wall socket with chaos energy spewing out of it.
Page nine isn't sufficiently gay for this thread
Mmmf- god, they're so fucking sleepy, god damn yeah...
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sup bitches
I'd fondle your ears desu senpai
We're gonna cuddle them RIGHT into the pillow.
>tfw you will never kiss a cute little stallion on the end of his muzzle
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sporax is even more autistic than sparity
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What is /hhh/'s opinion of Spearhead?

He's proof that the royal guard has a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy.
>play D&D
>play a dudepone
>cute nerdpone guy is crushing on me
>almost die
>cute nerdpone comes out by kissing me in front of all my friends
All the guards are kinda dull and doofy and they'd make adorable gays
And they're perfect for snuggling, too.
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>Big Mac will never bend you over a fence and give you the fucking of your life
>tfw no coltfriend
I didn't think that cartoon stallions would make me feel this lonely before I came to this thread.

Now all I want is a big, soft stallion to hold me and cuddle me and tell me that he loves me. Is that too much to ask?
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what are they saying /hhh/?
I though spike did have sex with thorax.
>not wanting to big spoon a smaller stallion
>not wanting to rub his belly
>not wanting to slowly start stroking his relatively small cock
>not holding him close as he whimpers and squirms in your strong arms
>not watching him blush and pant cutely as he cums
>not pressing your much larger cock against his untouched butthole and watching the tiny bit of panic in his eyes
>not taking him slowly and gently and making him feel safe
>not filling him like a boston creme donut

>So is it a hemorrhoid?
>What do I look like, a proctologist? Go see a fucking doctor
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Who's the artist of this pic?
>ywn smash a stick over some faggot communist's soft skull
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applejack more like apple dick

>guy who cannot stop drawing his literal whore OC getting raped.

Although he has produced some good gay content.
>TFW no puffy colt ponut to fuck.
That is one sexy stallion.
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I'm surprised how slow this thread is with how many faggots there are on this board.
So all those guards don't dye their mane and tail then?
The armor they wear has a magical glamour placed on it to make them all look the same.
>ywn flirt with your qt guardpone bf while he's on duty
>ywn realize you're flirting with the wrong stallion while your actual bf tries to keep from laughing his ass off down the hall
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Why do I want to give them handjobs so bad. I'm not even gay, but I wanna make them feel good.
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This. I could totally sperg out over this if I wasn't careful, but I just want to make them happy. I want to love them so bad. They make me feel so warm and comfy, I just want to return the favor.

This is my ideal. I don't care for the bondage, but it doesn't do anything to take away from it for me. And the rest is perfect. I just want to hold them close. Feel their soft fur against my skin. To share with them body and warmth. Love. All the while I make them feel good. I can only hope it's good enough for them. They are little angels to me. All of them. https://derpibooru.org/1344169

I want to help the Earth and Pegasus poners, the poor things either have to use their hooves to jack off or slap their cock against their bellys. I just want to stroke them until they shoot and are left a panting mess. I don't even want anything to do with their cum I just feel that since I feel so good fapping to them, I should be able to make them feel good as well.
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he's perfect
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You arrrrre...

Source please?
What is he not?
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I think he's saying he's not cute. He's wrong though.
So how many of you are femanons just here for the handsome stallions?
T-there are girls here?
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Dear god I hope not
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I know of atleast one or two women visit this thread. There was one in the last thread.

They should get out, or get a penis.
>Gay horses stay out in the cold for too long
>They get sick
>Now you have to take care of them, and make them soup, and cuddle with them to help fight back the chills
>this general has turned me so gay, that I have bought my own socks to play dress up.
I feel happy yet so, so disappointed.
>In the aftermath of the changeling invasion of Canterlot, the royal guard had to clean up a few of the stragglers
>In the heat of the tough-fought battle, the stallion victors did some things to their drone prisoners that they weren't proud of
>Now that the changelings have gone good, some of the guard have become extremely uncomfortable with what they've done
>One guard goes to therapy, and his shrink tells him that he needs to seek forgiveness from the changeling that he raped
>Easier said than done, especially considering that changeling is now apparently their leader
>However, what he doesn't quite realize is that the changelings didn't exactly get to develop a healthy view of emotional connections and relationships under Chrysalis
>Because that guard had sex with him, even if it was rough and unconsented, Thorax developed feelings for him
>People who are in love have sex, they had sex, therefore they are in love
>The meeting with Thorax doesn't go exactly as the guard was expecting
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>I'm ready for my surprise!
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is this a stallion?
Looks pretty gay.
>square snootle

I wanna say yes, but looks like a hipster/twink faggot who should be shot.
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There needs to be some twinks around.
probably, i like (his?) mane
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>tfw Braeburned pokes you right in the embarrassment fetish
>in all the right ways
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Good night /HHH/
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hoodie spike is best spike

>tfw when the dialogue in a porn comic gets you off even more than the artwork
Was this a D&D adventure or a Tails of Equestria adventure? If it was d&d, what homebrew did you use to play as ponies? Also cute green
5e, we're just using races feats and spells from: http://cheezedoodle96.deviantart.com/art/MLP-45E-Roleplaying-in-Equestria-for-DND-5E-464500974
>Shiny will never make you his little slut
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That never happened, did it?
It's D&D, why wouldn't it?
Did he confessed by straight up kissing you, both in-universe and reality?
How did the DM narrate the events?
Because it seems too good of writefag b8 to actually have happened in real life.

Also, we need writefags. Literally any.
Oh, no, just the NPC in game, not the DM.

The character had been trying to keep it a secret for a while, some love at first sight sort of thing but he didn't know how to approach someone like that so he never made a move. My character knew (lots of sense motive checks) but wasn't saying anything because he's kind of a jerk and wanted the NPC to come out of his shell. This goes on for a while, we're out adventuring and my character almost died to a bad roll and my death was on a time limit. The rest of the party managed to care enough to fix it and got me back to someone who could revive me. I come back and the NPC is in tears and and just kisses my character in front of the whole party.

This all just happened and we cut there so not really sure where it's going to go, but romance is always kind of fun to play around so I'll probably go along with it.
Gotta ask, how did the party react to that?
They mostly didn't care. I'm playing an outgoing, charismatic sorcerer unicorn, so they're used to my normal indiscretions. The character has always been bi, this is just the first gay thing that's come up. The other characters are a horndog dragon, a naive earthy paladin, and a cold fish batpone. They were happy I didn't die, they also thought the NPC may have been overreacting a little, but I think it made sense in context.
>Anon is close friends with Shining Armor
>Gets invited to play Ogres and Oubliettes often
>It starts get a little weird, his character is a little clingy with your character
>After a particularly tough dungeon, your characters are in a bit of a pickle
>As the GM is trying to explain the various enemies and traps that are about to kill you guys, Shining interrupts
>"A-Anon! I...My character loves you-your character. Has always loved your character, since the day they first laid eyes on him. Just being by your side makes...it makes them happy."
>Your GM tries to butt in to say that the walls are still closing in, but Shining ignores her and practically climbs onto the table to lean in closer
>"I don't know how you feel about, you know, other stallions and stuff, but I hope you'll at least give me a chance. To let my character date your character, that is."
>"Aaaaaaand you're dead. The walls close in, crushing the party to death. Since Anon and Shining were standing so close, they got smushed together, their entrails and viscera mixing like pâté. How romantic."
Yeah, guess it is kinda silly. Sorry for sharing I guess.
That wasn't exactly my intent, I wasn't calling you out or anything.
Ah, sorry, haven't slept, am retarded right now.
>Anonpone was pleasantly surprised to learn that tabletop games like DnD do exist in Equestria.
>Though it may have a different name, and has slightly different rules, the rules are still pretty easy for him to learn.
>He was lucky enough to find a group of ponies that are willing to let him participate in their campaigns.
>After a few weeks of playing with them, the DM, a qt little winged horse, had a little one on one session with Anonpone as everyone else was busy and couldn't schedule free time for their weekly sessions.
>It's mostly a little adventure to let Anonpone's character catch up to the rest of the party, and for him to get to know Anonpone.
>But Anonpone's character keeps getting himself into progressively lewd situations.
>Soon, things escalate to the point of the DM self inserting a NPC to romance and lewd his character.
>The night slowly escalates. As the DM's living room depicts a scene where the game is abandoned, notes and dice all over the floor, with Anonpone pinned belly up over the table as the DM slowly caress his body, their throbbing lengths grinding against one another.
>pony in dnd
I'd like to read some of the past sessions

That's a really cute sounding campaign, desu. Christ, that'd be a lot of fun - pony themed adventuring. I wish my weekly group was into pone, I would love to DM something like that
>My character knew (lots of sense motive checks)
don't social skill checks against other party members auto-fail unless they say otherwise in 5e?
I don't think it was another party member, but rather a npc at a town their party uses as a base or frequently visits.

Join us, throw something together, see if there are takers.
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Any anons willing to say how legit that place is? I don't like clicking random discord links.
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here's a shot of the invite code I guess? Honestly it's not all that busy, but when someone is putting a game together players come around.

Just curious, why not? You can always just leave.
it look ok
a bit quiet though
There's a good amount of people so you can safely lurk
I just remember a few discords posted here were shitty because drama.
Oh, nah. This place was created as more of a hub for horse related tabletop gaming when we were searching for players. Not really a hierarchy or anything.
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Roll over and let me rub your belly.
Just a bit lower pls
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>tfw fucking ugly and fat
>tfw can literally be into whatever I want and it wouldn't matter because I'm going to die a virgin anyways
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is the blue one giving mouth hugs to a third stallion?
I'm not gay, but there's a Bumblehooves in my ass right now.

Never had anything go inside my ass before, shit is crazy. Also I don't think the one I got is big enough.
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>I'm not gay
You bought a fucking dildo, and an expensive one at that.
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What size did you get?
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>I'm not gay
>But I've stuck a plastic horse cock up my ass and I want it to be bigger


What color did you get?
Carrot cake??
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>hwn pound you into next week
I'm soooooo not gay but i love this comic

Spike or Shiny?
Either. Or both. I'm not picky.
>You're Anon, or Anonpone now you suppose.
>It has been months, and you still aren't fully used to being a qt little horse.
>And now you're pinned over a table at a friend's place.
>You can't help giving out soft squeals as you feel him nibbling on your ears.
>Your mind is so hazy, it's hard to think of anything coherently.
"Please, Dice... just give it to me already!"
>"H-hold on, let me get ready."
>He scrambles off you and starts looking through a box in the corner.
>As painful it is for you to wait, you have to admit, the view is pretty nice.
>After a few moments of him going through the box's contents, he finally manages to pull out a bottle which he recklessly opens and slather all over his stallionhood with his wings.
>He smirks as he slowly trot up to you, excess lubrication still dripping off his dick and wingtips.
>"Get ready, I'm going to apply some of this to your rear, and this might be a bit cold."
"Just hurry up already! I c-eep!"
>You can't help feeling flustered as you squeal.
>The cold, alien sensation of his wings slowly poking and spreading your hole completely caught you off guard.
>"Wow, we haven't even started yet and you're already making this much noise?"
>You can't bring yourself to say anything as you feel the heat in your cheeks intensifies.
>He climbs on top of you, smiles, and slowly softly speaks.
>"Don't worry, I'll be gentle, just tell me to stop if it's too intense alright?"
>Now that your mind isn't clouded by lust, this entire situation is making you feel kinda tense.
>It's happening! You're gonna get fucked, literally, for the first time in Equestria! And by a cute pone too!
>Although he's only slightly bigger then your current form. His presence still feels imposing when your under him.
>Oh right, he's still waiting for your cue to continue.
>You slowly nod at him.
>You're instantly overwhelmed with the burning sensation of pain as you feel something hard and warm slowly pokes and push through your entrance.
>You involuntary hiss, gasp and grab on to him.
>That really hurts! You didn't think it would hurt so much!
"Sl-slow down!"
>He stops immediately, concern clearly recognizable through his voice.
>"Are... you alright?"
>You can't calm yourself enough to speak, only panting heavily as you cling to him.
>"Does it still hurt? I'll... wait for you to recover... tell me when you're ready to continue."
>You slightly nod as you bury your face into his neck.
>His scent is calming. It feels a bit tingly, the rod nestled inside of you.
"You... can continue now...."
>"Alright, I'm gonna push it deeper in now...."
>Feeling him slowly stretching out your insides, you try to push through the pain and focus on the tingly, almost pleasurable sensation inside of you.
>The pain still makes you slowly hiss as he pushes deeper inside you.
>After what feels like minutes to you, you can feel his ring threatening to stretch you even further apart.
>He looks down at you, gauging if he should continue or not. To which you nod in response.
>With a harder push, he presses deeper inside.
>You can only grit your teeth and press harder into his neck.
>It seems that push was enough for him to fully sink inside you.
>"Unf... it's all in. I'm gonna move onto the next step, is that okay?"
>You pull your head from his neck, and lie back on the table to give your answer.
"Go slow at first, please."
>You get nothing other than a nod in response.
>He starts pulling out, only to suddenly push back in.
>You can't help moaning as you feel his rod grinding against the upper part of your insides.
>This sensation is electrifying, this is the pleasure you were hoping to experience.
>He repeats the process at a slow pace.
>His ring stretching your anus repeatedly sends a dull pleasure throughout your body.
>The combined sensation of being stretched and your prostate getting pressed on keeps you moaning at each thrust.
>You... want more.
"G-ah! Go-mmm... faster!"
>He presses on your fore hooves, and leans slightly lower as he repeatedly ravage your rump.
>As he pounds away, his belly glides across your neglected cock, his balls constantly slap against your rump.
>He keeps nibbling your twitching ear.
>You didn't know ears could be this sensitive!
>Eventually, the culminating pleasure completely overwhelms you.
>You can't do anything other than scream and moan as he ruts you like a little filly.
>It's too much, you can't hold it in any longer.
"D-Dice! I-I.... Gahh!"
>With a resounding scream, you feel your balls churn and you tailhole clench as your dick shoots out spurts after spurts of your cum all over yourself.
>As your hole clenches down on him, he grunts and presses balls deep inside of you, as the feeling of warmth spreads deep inside you.
>He collapses on top of you, nuzzling you without saying a word.
>Lost in the afterglow, you mindlessly nuzzled back. Eventually pressing into his embrace, taking in his heavenly scent.
>After an unknown amount of time, he pulls out, scoops you up with his wings, and carry you to his room, where his bed lies.
>Already half-asleep, you snuggled deeper into his wings as your mind drifts off to sleep.
>The last thing you hear that night, is his peaceful breathing as you lay in his embrace, his wings providing you with the warmth to combat the cold night.

Alright, this is pretty much just an excuse for me to practice lewd.
Literally first time writing lewd, or anything in general, please tell me what I can improve on.
Also, Lucky Dice works as a name for a pegasus that runs campaigns for his friends in his free time, right?
Not bad! Dialogue could be more natural I guess, but not terrible.

Lucky Dice is fine, sounds like a pretty dangerous DM to have.
can you even feel it when a guy cums in your ass or have I been reading too much porn?

not a virgin, just never gotten raw dogged before

I would very much like a description of the joy of being cummed inside.

t. straightfag, only gay for ponies
I agree with >>29980776, the dialogue could be a little bit better, but overall it was good.
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nice work anon, hope to see more from you in the future.
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Man, that shit was fun af. Broke my CYOA cherry too. Never had the endurance to follow one since.
sleepy hoers
God, why Bumblehooves though? Chance is objectively more horse-y. I mean I know they are cartoon ponies, but Bumblehooves is for the kind of people who prefer human vages and big old crotch boobies on their mares.
>why Bumblehooves
Because I'm not a furry, and I'd prefer the dick to be more cartoony to make it a little less gay.

>human vagina and crotch boobs on mares
Now I want to see green/fanart of a red eyed Trottingham pony named Mainstream Meteor or some shit.
>Stuck In The Middle With You was the first CYOA I liked
>It's dead and Sloth is never coming back
I only know suffering and pain. The idea of happiness is a fleeting, hopeless pursuit.
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Life in a nutshell.
>tfw no pony
Thanks! Dialogue and names is always the hardest thing to get through whenever I try writing, guess I'll get better at it with more practice.
I still refuse to accept that it's dead.
>tfw we never got to investigate our dad's murder
Naming characters is the fucking worst. It takes me far too long to come up with names for ponies when I'm writing, especially when they're minor characters who I'll never write about again.
Porn of Hardhat where?
Right? Pony names sound pretty stupid if you think about them for more than 3 seconds.
They really do. Original characters in stories are very prone to stupid-sounding names, and I've had quite a few good greentexts ruined for me because I just couldn't read the characters' names with a straight face. Main characters and background ponies in the show don't usually have this problem because we're used to them, but it's very easy to give an OC a bad name. When I'm writing it takes me quite a while to come up with good names, so I usually use ones that I like the most in more than one greentext I'm writing. It saves me time, it's largely unnoticeable, and it means I don't end up with characters that have stupid names. But many writers just don't put the time into making names sound believable.
It's a huge pain when I need to think of a name. I'm really bad with names, so the fear of using a name that's really stupid to others is always present when I write, and that really slows the writing process at times.
My advice to you is to get ideas for names from things like car, city, street, or neighborhood names. I've often found that they're unusual enough to pass for pony names while still being easy enough on the ears to avoid any negative reactions. Palm Croft, Eagle Crest, Nighthawk, Windsong, and Toronado have all been pulled from various aforementioned places and are all pretty passable pony names. Just look around and write down any phrases you find that could make good names and you'll have a pretty solid list you can choose from eventually.

Who knew something as stupid as thinking of names for cartoon ponies could be so damn difficult?
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drew a thing

Looks good, sides. Will there be moar?
some rimming on Shiny I hope
There is a Royal Guard Mare general. So how come there isn't a Royal Guard Stallion general as well?
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Dandy Grandeur When?
Oh look, here you are.

The guards are stallions, and definitively for sexual, so they are perfectly at home in the gay colt jail.

him and fashion plate being fabulous faggots together when?
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He's too handsome to not have a name. can we name him /hhh/?
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okay this is good now name this one /hhh/

Wood Mallet
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Nice Quads
Okay time for the final of the Stupid Sexy Polo Players
Name him /hhh/
Necksweaters on ponies make everything better for whatever reason.
>2 popped collars

Chad Marebreaker
Thank you anons for all your hard work you get this. some gay flim and flam incest
>they will never double team you and fill both your holes with their big, delicious loads
Why are they so fucking sexy?
>tfw you'll never be the cute little stallion
>tfw you'll never get sandwiched between two slightly bigger stallions
>tfw you'll never feel completely safe as they both hug each other, wrapped in their hooves, unable to move an inch
>tfw they'll never both slowly nuzzle you while in bed, making you slowly fall asleep
>no thread up on trash

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I like Tailshot the best out of the three, he's so cute.
Cropped tails are so trashy. I expect this of slutty mares, not cute stallions.
There is a thread dedicated to lesbians
But that doesn't stop lesbo stories and discussion from being posted in the Royal Guard Mare thread. So how come one thing is perfectly okay everywhere while another is only allowed in this one single thread?
Because /mlp/ is full of autistic preteens who love beating their inch-long dicks to lesbo pones but go into fits of tard rage whenever they see gay shit.
>tfw Shining Armor will never sit on your face and smother you with his farts
So? People should still be allowed to talk about stallions in general. If someone doesn't like it, then fuck them. They can easily ignore it if they don't like it.

As it is now, you can't even make a thread about Big Macintosh or Shining Armor or any stallion from the show without having that one autistic homophobe screaming that you only care about dicks and that you should leave to this thread, even if gay stuff hasn't even been mentioned much. And you're all okay with that?
You're okay with standing in a corner at a houseparty for the rest of your lives just because some retard keeps screeching at you the second you leave that corner?
Isn't that just normal society though? Also yeah. Homosexuality may be main stream, but that doesn't mean it's normal. Shouting it from the rooftops and shoehorning it into everything just makes everyone involved look like a pride parade enthusiast, the kind of faggot nobody likes.
Screaming like whiny little child the second anyone posts a stallion outside this thread also makes you the kind of faggot nobody likes.
That's true. Also, not sure if you were being accusatory, but I'm one of the fags in this thread. The issue is this is a fetish more or less. Those people do the same screeching and crying when someone posts fat in the ass worship thread, or rape in the dom thread.
>Can handle 2 liters of cum or more
Uh, sorry, no you can't.
Cumflationfags get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It may be depressing, but it's just the way it is. /mlp/ is homophobic. Hell, most of the world is. There isn't really any rhyme or reason to it so I keep my faggotry to myself and don't post stallions in other threads for the same reason why gay dudes died alone in the 50s: because I didn't want to deal with all the shitfits and the autistic screeching.
I'm not accusing you of anything. Sorry if it sounded like I did.
I'm just saying that you know it's become a big problem if nobody can ever create a thread about any of the male ponies from the show ever again just because the tiniest gay comment is enough to send that one autist who polices all of /mlp/ into a raging fit and have him shitpost the thread to death.
I don't remember things being like this before...
Really? That's exactly how /mlp/ came into being in the first place. A handful of crybabies couldn't deal with people liking something they didn't.

the thing was, most of the pony spammers weren't even horsefuckers but trolls that realized all they had to do to cause a shitstorm was post a picture of a pony.
>I don't remember things being like this before...
That's because they weren't.
/mlp/ has been overridden by mod cocksuckers who think they are the apex of personal taste and morality, so they take it upon themselves to ruin anyone's fun at any cost.
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That is one qt horse
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Replace "mod" with "super-homophobic autist" and I think you're spot-on. I mean, one can't seriously get banned or anything for posting and discussing stallions outside this thread so long as it isn't super-ultra gay stuff?

Lesbian, homo; both are gay. One being A-okay everywhere while the other is banished to this tiny thread makes so little sense.

this actually very common. Even among the furry community, like on u18-chan they have to have a separate board for m/m gay furry comics while f/f comics go on the straight board. The even notion of m/m content and it goes to straight to the gay board, even if the rest of it is straight.
It is I, Applebees! I am back to bring more cute stallions starting with sombra. He is a beefcake no matter which version he is.
Sunburst is cute too, wonder whats underneath?
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This guard sure needs a little spank or something naughtier?
Twins in lingerie? yes please.
I prefer my stallions with small dicks.
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I am surprised no one payed attention to this, How could you /hhh/?
Final pic for this thread from me, this makes me want to get krispy kreme donuts. But after this who wouldn't?
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Post that one gif that made me choke on my fruit loops after the premiere.
Oh, gosh. Why is that so cute?
looks gross to me. All sticky and overly sweet.
Would you let a stallion give you a golden shower, /hhh/?

I know I would.
Depends on who's providing.
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D...do butts make their own lube?
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not in sufficient quantities to act as lube

Although from what I've heard horse butts are stretchy and lube isn't necessarily required.
>You will never end up lost deep in a wild forest with no-one but your trusty guard bro by your side
>As time passes, he will never shyly confess little by little that he has started to get feelings for you ever since the two of you met years ago
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Why would you- No, of fucking course not.

my ass gets really sweaty sometimes.
This thread is really fucking gay.
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Maybe people are homophobic because there's something wrong with liking shit on your dick?
Nah. Same people who wanna fuck a bitch in the butt. Anal is pretty nasty tho, desu.
I don't know anon, I've never done butt stuff.
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masculine stallions in lingerie is unf

I bet there's a _book_ under there
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needs more of this
Seconded, source please
>they can't reverse image search
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Ask and ye shall receive, anon
WIP: http://imgur.com/a/A92l3
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Remember to bundle up with your pony bf, it's still cold out there!
>tfw you catch a cold because you have no pony bf to bundle up with
Straight people have anal sex too.
Absolute fucking dipshit.
Mmm yeah. Gunna eed to (You) this. Excellent work sides, once again.
Your style has really gotten much, MUCH cleaner since I first started seeing you posting stuff here. Keep it up man.
Thank you, I appreciate it!
>Hell, most of the world is.

Sad truth. Unless you're a religious nut or far right autist you have no reason to be homophobic.

Top unff.
Really nice work, Sides
Thank you!
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>Doctor Stable will never ride you while you recover under his care.
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Gay conversion camps
Will you be gentle?
Yes, plus lots of after cuddles. But first, buttfuckin.
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I want to be the gayest stallion possible
You only have to like dicks to be gay. You don't need to fart glitter, speak with a lisp or interior decorate.
Love this picture. Cute, femmy stallion? Check. Crossdressing? Check.

Amazingly adorable.
What makes stallions so irresistible?
Same things that make mares so irresistible. They're super cute and smol.
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>limiting yourself to only half the cute pones
>being a bislut
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You are disgusting.
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>be me
>early 2016
>probably not autistic but definitely socially dead
>just hopped on the ride and had a bf of a couple months in a long-distance relationship that I met through a mutual friend
>ended up cutting ties with him because I got so obsessed with stallions that I felt like I was cheating on him with my horsebando
>I literally left someone real because I was in love with a horse that doesn't even actually exist
>got lonely and depressed
>no one to blame but myself for this

Why do I do this to myself?

who's your horsebando?

At least you were social enough you have had a bf.
At the time it was Soarin, but now I'm more into Big Mac. I'd gladly have either.

What makes me feel so stupid is that I'm probably not going to find another bf for a while. Hell, I might never. It feels like I threw away the one shot I had at a genuine human relationship just to whack it to cartoon ponies.
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Yes. More cute kissing.

at least you're not a 27 KHV that has pretty much written off human contact.
That's true. It still makes me kick myself a little though.

He was a qt too.
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how come gay horses are so gosh dang cute?
I've never used a dildo before but I'm thinking of getting a Bumblehooves, any advice on what would be a good size to start with?
If all you've put up your ass are your fingers so far, then a little over finger-length. It'll look small but if you're starting out it's better to have something you outgrow than something you can't work your way up to. With something a little bigger than your fingers your can work up to it easier.
>Be Anon, the best human boyfriend in Equestria
>Also the only human boyfriend in Equestria
>Quietly sliding in the front door you see your cute little horsebando sleeping on the couch
>That cute little ass of his is hanging over the edge of the sofa
>He shifts in his sleep and makes one of the cutest little murmurs you’ve ever heard
>His new position gives you an even better view of his tight little tail hole
>You had come here in hope of getting a piece of dat ass, but he’s just to cute to wake up
>Then again, maybe you wouldn’t have to
>Sure it’s technically rape, but you also woke up with his dick down your throat last week
>Turnabout is fair play and all that
>Plus I doubt he’ll complain if he does wake up
>You carefully take off your shoes to muffle your footsteps
>One quick detour into his bedroom later and you have a bottle of lube
>You’ve never needed much with him, at least when you were on top
>The male anatomy of humans is, shall we say, far more compact than a stallions
>Standing over him you swallow hard
>Maybe you should wake him up
>I mean, it is technically rape and legally a crime
>Just then your horsebando shifts onto his back, spreading his legs wide in the air
>”Oh Anon… harder please!” he says with a moan
>He’s throbbing boner and dripping flare tell the tale of a wet dream
>You clasp a hand over your mouth to muffle your breathing
>The other hand slides down and quietly undoes your fly
>Little Anon sticks his head out, hard and ready to go
>You slather him in a generous helping of lube
>Your dick slides into him with ease as his ass stretches to accommodate you
>With the leftover lube on your hand you grab his shaft and start to jerk him off
>”mmmh, yeah just like that”
>you quickly fall into a rhythm as you slowly gyrate your hips and stroke his cock
>Finding the right angle proves to be a bit more challenging
>You shift around several times probing for his prostate
>”ah mmmh, yeah right there”
>Sounds like you’ve hit your mark
>You pick up the tempo just a little, careful not to wake him up
>His ass clenches down on your cock, and you can feel he’s close to an orgasm
>Time to give him what you hope is a pleasant awakening
>You clench down harder on his cock and start to jack him off as quickly as possible
>”Oh yes Anon! harder!”
>At the same time you jam your dick deep inside him, feeling him twitch and convulse as he dumps his load all over his face and chest
>Meanwhile you bust a nut into his ass, your hot seed flowing around your shaft
>You both pant for a moment, your horsebando apparently having woken up during the climax
>He looks at you, first with an expression of dazed confusion, then with a far cockier look
>”It’s my turn Anon, bend over”
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please continue this. my boner needs it.
Do most gay relationships have a top and bottom or do they normally take turns? Is there even a norm?
I'm a strict bottom.

Do gays when discovering themselves sexually try both or do they just do one and go 'that's for me'?
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this, unless i'd be asked nicely
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probably cause of the buzzcut

horsebando stealer

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What's his name, /hhh/?
The name "Rory" comes to mind.
It's not a pony name at all, but he seems like such a stereotypical millennial.

I bet he's a bottom twink.
I'm gonna go with "Caramel Mocha"

I bet he likes lots of cream in him
That's good
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buzzcut's are cute
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Bump for cute stallion rump
that is a mohawk

that is not a buzzcut
It's a ponyhawk.
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>hwn dress you up in cute socks that match his mane
>hwn cuddle you and kiss you
>hwn grind against you as his kisses grow longer and deeper
>hwn give you the slow, loving cuddlefucking you've always wanted
Is there any greens of him giving a special treatment or a very thorough physical or something to that effect?
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bump to hump cute stallion rump
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That's Timber Spruce
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Stay tuned for my entirely SFW edit of "All Aboard"
Seems like a great group of pals, stretching eachothers backs.
Right! Nothin' odd going on here!
>tfw my math instructor's name is rory
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spike's a cute boy
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Kissy horses
What do you find so gross about vaginas?
Mare vag is okay sometimes I guess but like, cocks though. Cocks are great.
It's not the vaginas, it's the people attached to the vaginas. I just feel like I can't be the kind of person I want to be around girls, especially in the college scene. I'm attracted to either masculinity and testosterone or shut-in nerdy types, and I haven't met many women that fit those bills that are worth the effort.

Unrelated, Trenderhoof's a fucking cutie.
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good night /hhh/
They look really disgusting, like a bunch of old slices of ham put together
>don't want have kid
stay virgin
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>thinking vaginas are disgusting means you're never gonna have kids
Stay stupid
>wanting a bad investment that will haunt your finances for 18 years at the minimum
Tell me how you discovered your horsebando, anons.
>tfw Big Mac will never sit on your face and smother you with his farts
>not adopting my future minianon
Stay breeder
Delete this.
Gay guys get laid twice as often though
>Would rather stick his dick in a rotten looking ham sandwich than a pony butt.

then why are half the posts here >tfw no bf?

meant for

Compare the number of people here to /r9k/ and get back to me with that
>hurr what is adoption
Absolute fucking retard.
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I'm losing my shit with that edit
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He came to me in a dream.
also his guilt for leaving Starlight and failing to prosper resonates with my own troubles

I fell in love watching the s2 finale.
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I'm waiting for a man who'll throw me like Shining threw Candace
Thunderlane is a cute little butt slut.
glad I could help!
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He's adorkable AND he comes with sock pre-installed! How could you not fall in love?
Your Discord is full of underage fags. Y'all are disgusting for tolerating them, and not just because it makes your chat prime NAMBLA fodder.
(You) know what? I'll take that bait. The discord has zero tolerance for underages. They are banned on sight.
That wasn't my experience on there. Y'all close your ears and say no proofs or it was just a meme.

so theoretically I could find some prime teen boipucci?
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>Being a child molester

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Not everybody is American you know
But what about the hamburgers?
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Why is big mac such a bottom?

He's a top anon, at least to me.
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idunno, but he looks great from above
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>"I got a letter for ya, Mr. Anon!"
You must be joking. How could such a big, rugged, masculine stallion possibly be a bottom?
I dunno, but I want him to grab and pound me into a broken, slutty little mess who'll do anything that's told of him
M-Me too, Anon
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Beaches such a goof
I'm posting this to bump the thread, but also to help give some publicity to another thread on /mlp/ which can be found here >>30041720

The OP of that thread would really appreciate it if you could take a moment check it out and take the poll that they've made. You can find more information about it in the thread itself. Even if you don't want to take the poll, you can help out by using this copypasta whenever you bump a thread on /mlp/ until May 14th, after which point the poll will close. Please only use this copypasta if you were otherwise going to bump a thread without contributing content to prevent spam!
Fuck off.
>This bait again
Have a (You) and a picture.

Thanks for bumping for me, however, I feel inclined to say fuck your poll because I don't care about the statistics and am not caught up in the show anyway. If I was I might take it though.
>watching the show
What a faggot.
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like so?
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I'm Not Gay.png
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Actually, you can take the survey regardless of how much or how little of the show you watched. It's set up so that you can just skip the questions related to anything you haven't watched.

If you watched everything and are a true believer, that's fine. If you literally just watched the pilot episodes and firmly beleive that everything after that is shit, that's also fine. I'm looking for responses from anyone on /mlp/ who watches the show, or has watched it at some point in the past.

Is it that surprising to find a faggot in HHH?
You can stop trying to plug your shitty poll now.
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I love Soarin sexually harassing Thunderlane and other male members.
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So do I
I want a cute colt to sexually harass me
I want a nice big stallion to make me his cocksock
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>Has adorable british accent
>Is rich but not a douche thus breaking the "Rich Douche Stereotype"
To quote the narrator from battleblock theater "The walking definition of handsome gentleman" What more could you aask for?
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I wanna cross swords with Fancy Pants
>Daring Do Con isn't the only convention Quibble Pants goes out to
>A weekend away from home finds Quibble Pants at whatever Equestria's equivalent of a furry convention is
>But it's his first time
How does he find the weird sex he traveled so far to have?
Can he find an in to the fabled orgy room?
Will he settle for some other desperate nerd stallion?
Can he get lucky with his straight roommate?
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I finally got around to setting up a pastebin, I will try to get it finished by the end of the week.

Quibble is a qt but I just can't horsebando him thanks to his VA.
>finally got around to it
You have stuff from 2016 on there tho
Anyway, looking forward to reading more. Sleepy ponies like you don't even know.
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Yes to everything.
Because of his voice, or because of his politics?
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I want him to hold me tight with his big, strong hooves and snuggle me in bed.
I love this pone. I love this pone so much.

Why can't he be real?
How'd those panties even get on his head?
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>his special talent is literally being a faggot.
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Sleep sound on your fluffy horsebundos, hhh
He's probably really good at butt stuff.Would occasionally cheat on bf/10
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Kinkshaming Filly Strikes Again.jpg
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Maybe his talent is helping stallions realize they are gay? Through lots of cuddles, cock sucking and buttsex.
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I'd tap that.
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I wish for a stallion to urinate into my anus
Reminder to any femanons lurking ITT
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Stallions in socks are adorable
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>tfw mac is confirmed straight.
Just because he likes to have sex with females doesn't mean he doesn't also like to have sex with males.
I've never been a fan of Discord in romantic/sexual portrayals, but damn he must give good snuggles.
Where were you the day best red horsebando got stolen by a fucking harlot mare?

that just means he's filthy biscum who'll ditch you for a smelly vagina first chance he gets.
Well you lose him but gain a super hot Asian-voiced twink.
Look at the plaything you have now


bears and hunks>skinny wimpy twinks.
This episode wasn't canon. Big Mac is still a top-tier homo horsebando.

get over it
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We lost big mac, and to compensate we get this gay twink
The only reason he cuffed a mare was to keep his family from thinking he was gay.
2bh he's exactly what people think Braeburn is
Shining is canonically married and people still fantasize about him
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Did they canonically ship Big Mac?
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Reminder that preening is adorable.
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Yeah in the new episode big mac gets a crush on Sugar Belle.
And that's fine, as long as people acknowledge he's straight
Yikes. Welp, new homo horse at least. But I refuse to believe that Mac is completely straight.
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Well, considering the mares to stallions ratio in Our Town, is safe to assume they engaged into a bisexual orgy
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>bisexual orgy
I think i threw up in my mouth.
Cheer up, we still have Double Diamond and Party Fav

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Cheer up, we still have Double Diamond and Party Fav

Is it all over for us, homebros?
The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can stop being a faggot
This means nothing. Mac can be Bi.
Is it me, or does that twink pony's cutie mark look like a penis?
Everyone says the same thing, the feather is the dick and the hearts are the balls
when will anyone feather bang him with literal feathers?
Post scarves
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Well, since you posted a bandana like a stupid dumdum, here's more bandanas.

Hi Tumblr
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No, it did
Oddly enough, I'm in the same party.

None of us really minded, and yeah, it was pretty darn cute. The campaign's been an absolute blast so far. Earth Pony Paladin checking in. It's been a lot of fun playing a big, dopey guy. All the innuendos whizz over my head in-character.

I didn't know you hung around these threads, Aether. I was just lurking around, but wowza!

c'mon anon, try it
Watch Braeburn get hooked up with Marble or Cherliee next.
Possibly even Pinkie Pie
How world you handle that?
Nothing after Season 5 is canon anyways, so it doesn't matter.
I'd write some out, but it's pretty late, and it'd be difficult to pull logs since they're a bit spread out.
Which cutie mark is more kinky?

Brae's is literally his buttocks spread apart, but Feather's is quite obviously a pretty cock. This is a tough one.
There's no possible way that they are ever going to make Braeburn straight since his gayness has become such a big meme
Who better to get gay horse inspiration from than gay horses?
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I want to be a gay twink horsie
I need to see Feather's getting his anal banged by this three.
He'll realize what his cutie mark really means.
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i saved the day
these are all girls, their snootles are round. the text is wrong
Consider suicide!
Youve never been to Thailand, have you?
>their snooties are round
sure as fuck didnt stop this lil homo from having a round snoot
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It's almost like young children can pull off looking androgynous because they haven't suddenly begun producing mass amounts of hormones one way or the other yet.

I missed the episode, but those have got to be the goddamn faggiest horses that I've ever seen I love it
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Trapfags will think whatever they want to think, their mental illness is only curable with lead
I want a group of hot, sweaty, muscular stallions to hold me down and take turns BBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPPIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG me
Hello antiglimfag
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Fair enough.
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>a group of stallions
>not one building-sized stallion that can hide your entire body under his ponut
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look what i found on jenn blake's twitter
Fuckin' fags letting their thread hit page 10.
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Happy Mothers Day, /hhh/
>tfw no bigstallion bf
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How about a birb with scarf?
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Oh shit page 10 bump

No, but I definitely wouldn't say no if he asked.
The plural for snoot is snoots, not snootles.
Wrong. The singular of snoot is also snootle.
I met an anon about a year ago whose husbando was Big Mac; he was obsessed with him.
Yes, do I care?
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Unnamed cutie.png
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what is his name /hhh/
where can i find the full image?
Topped Silk. I reckon he's a hatter.
Harr harr harr!
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Not even gay but this is the best general to check when rollin on x
Tell us what it's like, anon, before the thread dies.
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>"Okay, Sunburst, don't freak out, but there is an enormous parasite on your head trying to eat your brain."

>Not even gay
>rollin on x

Everyone's at least a little gay when they're on mdma. That's the best part about taking it
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HA you're all gay
Crashing this thread with no survivors.
I bought a Bumble Hooves because of you
Thanks /hhh/

Did you get it in carrot cake color?
No, dark blue
In mini
>>30104841 (New thread)
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