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MkToons/Mike Vogel

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Thread replies: 164
Thread images: 72

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He literally grabbed the original movie's script, ripped it to shreds, and then slapped the real script writer in the stomach with his new script and told him it's either his way or the exit door.

This is some serious corrupt bullshit.
The old script was fucking dogshit
He deserves a reward for saving us
first post,best post
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>Twatter drama again
this particular drama is ancient./
>not interesting
>hue hue hue xD

Are you fucking yourself, retard?
Still boring, like 150% of the things that come out from twatter. That's to say that some things are so boring they count TWICE.
What... the fffffffuu get lost, get lost.
You're lucky we're 200 miles away from each other, otherwise I would have strangled you to death. How unsconscious are you exactly? do you breathe manually? do you wake up during the night choking on your own saliva? Your father was right, he should have killed you as a baby.
>saving us
Yes, because Catman and the Magnificent Fur Troupe will be so much better.

The Stockholm Syndrome is real.
>original suggestion was the smurfs but with ponies
>the old prophecy about dreamworks studios was coming true
>hasbro said fuck that shit and fuck you and went with their own ideas
in this case theres no possible way you can contort this into a bad thing.
why do you get so triggered whenever someone tells you twitter drama is for retards? Nobody cares, look at the ip count.

Deal with it.
>>original suggestion was the smurfs but with ponies
That was a Sony guy's input, NOT the original script. We have no idea what the original script was really about, do we? For all we know Mike Vogel's characters were in the original script, where is OP >>29734766 drawing this information from? What proof is there that the script was scrapped at one point?
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>Implying the original Sony script was good
>>29734771 >>29734785
>>29734830 >>29734854

It's idiots like these which make my neurons crap themselves.
No wonder everyone intelligent left this piss ocean.

Because this place really is Ponychan. This scenario is exactly like the time /mlp/ found out Pisschan's admin "Orange" was collecting dox on the users, he had a data-collecting program on his website.

When /mlp/ told the tripfaggots about it, they dismissed it. Not because they didn't believe it, but because the mental defects genuinely had no survival instincts and said "It doesn't bother us".

I need a smoke. I can't believe how moderated some websites are, while others let every retard inside.
>I need a smoke
Good, make sure you set yourself on fire for good, kid.
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I'm pretty sure i am fucking myself. I can't be another fucking person
>youre all idiots
>no rebuttal at all
well played you intellectual master.
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Is there something you care about then?
What argument even is there to rebut?
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Ponies are cute, ponies are good.
Twatter drama is basically a contest between morons with giant ego.
>no rebuttal at all
>gave him an example with ponychan
Are you this retarded to just ignore everything and throw another sarcastic jab no matter what somebody tells you?
since their opinion was the original script was shit and you called them an idiot for it ill assume your opinion is the opposite and im waiting for your defense of said script,.
>youre just like ponychan
thats not an argument. at best thats a false equivalency.
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You really are the dumbest fandom ever created.
Retardation fair, here we go again.
>all those changelings
o-oh my
>ill assume
There's your first mistake. Your second is in assuming that I am >>29734926.

>your defense of said script
No Dreamworks-inspired furshit, a take on lore that draws from classical elementalism, and a focus on the grand underpinnings of the world of Equestria, i.e.: alicorns.

In any rate, I never particularly liked THAT script, either, but it would probably have been better than what we're getting. We'll never know, though, so the point is gookmoot.
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>alicorn backstory and referrnce to Faust/Rogers book is trash
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It's j-just your immagination the artist is Vavacung
>31 posts
>11 ip
What the fuck, if you want to chat use irc.
all i keep hearing is furshit, as if thats a legit stance on anything. are you going to tell me all those classic disney movies are shit, too? not to mention the race is directly from an earlier gen of mlp.

my mistake on assuming you were the same person.

and its not like i even think its a great idea. the entire show is proof that an idea doesnt matter as long as its executed properly. judging anything on that alone is foolish.
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>stop discussing the show!
what did he mean by this?
No, what your degenerate group said was "He deserves a reward for saving us", allying with Vogel and saying the show has improved with his direction.

And you're just that much of a scum to be loyal to an executive of a toy company who couldn't give the least fuck about quality. What's sad is that they could easily make a quality show, but their power-hungry trip won't allow them.

Vogel grabbed every possible alpha script and replaced them with his own. So you're not even sure which ones were the original scripts because you never saw them. Renzetti, Meghan, Larson just hinted at having different scripts ready before production happened.

You can learn more about this "I'm the producer, I make the rules" power-hungry phenomena even with unrelated businesses like hotels and restaurants. Look for Hotel's Hell and Kitchen Nightmares, most of the mismanagement and micro-managing is real.
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Why do you type like a retard? Are you from Africa?
Now you're talking to that one anon who called your pro-Vogel group a bunch of retards of the highest degree. But I absolutely enjoy how you jump on sucking his dick when you don't even know who he is. Why don't you ever suck my dick? I don't post my abs enough?

>as if that's a legit stance on anything
Look if you can't handle truthful arguments then stop asking for them, you hypocrite.

>the entire show is proof that an idea doesn't matter as long as its executed properly.
Except when Vogel kept taking every great idea and turned it into an autism-pandering fest similar to Steven Universe+Adventure Time since season 2. Every single episode in S2 has been nothing but a disappointment even by mediocre standards.
better than fucking ancient evil black and red alicorn oc that's actually the long lost brother of celestia and luna

>posts porn
Yeah get the fuck lost, you don't give two shits about anything.
>gets angry when people say they're not interested
Lemme guess, another pathetic attempt at the Samson Option? What's this, the fourth time?
Are you trying to kill us with laughter?
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>your group
oh, youre one of those mentally stunted idiots who can only see people in groups of ideologies so you can write off their arguments instantly rather than tackling individual issues.

>the show has improved with his direction
the show has done fine. 5 > 4 = 2 > 6 = 1 > 3
despite all the memes and bitching about it.

>And you're just that much of a scum to be loyal to an executive of a toy company who couldn't give the least fuck about quality.
projecting. you assume my loyalty based on nothing other than i disagree with you and you assume without reason that they dont care about quality when they have said numerous times they do.

>What's sad is that they could easily make a quality show
and they have. have you noticed the enormous fandom that has been the biggest shit for half a decade now? i know its hard to understand, but your personal opinion of quality isnt objective and some people think differently than you do.

>Vogel grabbed every possible alpha script and replaced them with his own.
[citation required]

>So you're not even sure which ones were the original scripts because you never saw them.
but well just assume all the bad shit is his fault in true hivemind meme fashion, right?
Any script that confuses a complete retard like Amy fucking Pascal is a good script in my book.
You haven't answered my question. Are you from Africa?
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>another my opinion is a fact argument
>old season 2 meme
>various buzzwords and logical fallacies
i have exactly zero time for idiots like you.
>5 > 4 = 2 > 6 = 1 > 3
And now I see why you're okay with the movie. Fair enough, anon. We don't have to agree, but I do want you to know that I think your taste is garbage.
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What the fuck have you done? I give you this nice argument and then all you do is take it and begin to piss on it?
Why the fuck did you even ask for a rebuttal then? Jesus.
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thats fine with me. i dont care that people have differing opinions, but i do care when they tote them around as indisputable facts.
I am not replying to this shit, he practically took his pants off and started jacking off to the post. What the hell is wrong with this guy.
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Don't mind me, just giving a meaning to this thread.
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are we so far gone that we cant even argue about the show anymore?
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what, that? that's just how people usually reply around here. welcome to /b/ and /a/ with ponies. enjoy your stay.
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That wasn't even arguing, it was pathetically stomping feets and puffing cheeks screaming for attention, IMHO.

I mean, it's not even a flame worth of plotposting.
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You shat in your own plate. After he took his sweet time to prepare you that dinner.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you always "argued" like this? Do you even know what arguing looks like?
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apparently its when you insult a group and then refuse to even support your own claims with facts.
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the movie will be what it is, a glorified toy commercial
the only saving grace is that it's for little girls so they can't KILL the mane6 off, but that doesn't mean they can't write them off the show then we'll get a new mane6
it's gonna be "Transformers: the movie" all over again
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I'm gonna boop her right in the pussy!
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seems you guys are done with your bitchfest-

a new challenger appears. as a rule, movies made for a series cant change the status quo. most of the time you can watch a whole series from start to finish and never know it had a movie. theres a few times it has changed the series, but these are the exceptions, not the rule. you can see a good example with the pokemon series.
that said, this movie is taking place away from the status quo so that it can impact the world in a significant way while still conserving the status quo.
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Cider, first.
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>seems you guys are done with your bitchfest-
Give it some time, anon. Ego and Internet are a combo made in hell.

They'll definitely be back with more bitching.
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>"the secret is insulin, sugar and drugs. All together"
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im sure of it. maybe not in this thread, but in others like it.
we have all of S7 to look forward to and no info on anything about S8, so they could tack the movie on at the end of S7 and bring in the hew characters in S8
I hope it doesn't happen (mane cast replacement), but Hasjew doesn't care about anything but new toys that will sell
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Eh, as long as we can post all the ponies they definitely lack in their lives it's all good.
i miss back when fluffypone was just about adorkable things instead of just chryssi shipping animations.

its possible but i highly doubt it. they could have done that with EqG but they chose not to. they even removed the sunset lament song to remove any doubt.
theres also no sign they would ever replace the mane cast anytime soon. if anything they might expand it and start focusing on more than just the m6 which i would be in support of. it would give them room to breathe and delve into various lore stories that they cant because everything has to tie to the m6.
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Fluffy ponies were NEVER adorkable. Just a thread for people with anger issues.
MLP died after season 3.

Watching the show after season 3 and sticking around is just going to get yourself hurt.

People who appreciate the new content after season 3 are just people who are blind to the flaws the new content has presented and rather enjoy the show without a brain.

Hasbro just wants money and if it costs less to make money, then they will do so without a second thought.

Any body who makes threads like these are idiots who need to realize that the show will never turn out the way they want to after Faust left.

Stop being angry and just enjoy your time here in /mlp while it lasts.
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not entirely true. i think they had a lot of potential that went overlooked.
>That comic

I remember this. This was good.
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Go here if you don't like the content that Hasbro has put out with MLP, it has Faust and is a cool fighting game with bipedal sentient organisms.

Save yourself the time to suffer.
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They completely lost that the moment people stopped writing greens on Fluffies dying offscreen due to some silly reason and moved to elaborating sadistic, complex ways to humiliate and kill them in the most inhuman ways. Which is to say, less than a month after their creation (=december 2011, iirc.)
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Tell me you have at least read the Fall of Detroit.
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Yeah like you just did.
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Nope, sorry.
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and then he stopped for no raisins.
>they even removed the sunset lament song to remove any doubt.
they did that so they could focus on Scitwi, she was even supposed to have stayed at CPA
the ORIGINAL synopsis for FG when it was first announced was a homesick Sunset
FG would have been a 9/10 if they had left those few scenes in it
scitwi transferring schools was not necessary but idc much about that
though, if they HAD kept her at CPA and still wanted her in the movies, they COULD have had BOTH CHS and CPA go to the SAME summer camp at the SAME time
kids from different schools hang out all the time, especially with the CPA being new to the friendship thing hanging out with CHS would be good for them and it's a fucking easy way to bring back the shadowbolt 6 AND develop their characters
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Hoo, boy. Well, whenever you find yourself with some free hours on your hands, you may want to get ready for a ride.

>85 chapters
what is this
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but I do remember a couple pics regarding that, featuring a busty Megan, by Marcusmaximus.

Anyway, will check.
hi kiddo
The magnum opus of fluffi poni.
ITT Truth
wait a second, now that I think about it...does the fluffy ponies petshop still exist?
Oh dear, it does!
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It's still an alpha, tho.
But a lot of bugs have been fixed. Also, now fluffies randomly trip and cry. And...sometimes they unexplicably set themselves on fire...

(no death, of course, it's Marcusmaximus)
>place fluffy on the pen
>she strolls around a bit
>give her a banana to eat
>she shits on the pen
>then smiles and waves at me
>Place fluffy in pen.
>Give a ball to the fluffy.
>Fluffy is scared shitless of the ball for no reason.
>no matter how many times you spin the ball, it keeps going
>the ball is inifnite
>villain named Cosmos
>backstory of alicorns

>the bearded
>alicorns lost citys
>ignis aquos and aeris

>reworking the script


Why do people still fucking say this?
Vogel has far more power than anyone else at Vancouver and Los Angeles, so I don't see why everyone's blaming the writers when they didn't write the final episode scripts.

He was Larson and Faust's boss when S1 was airing. He also had no problems getting involved into the writing process of the theatrical MLP movie even though he has no experience as a writer and no good will as a person.

He literally wrote one toddler book about Flurry Heart last year, then those episodes in S6. And now he considers himself a professional writer who should be in charge and create most of the new characters in the movie. He's a megalomaniac and there is no one at Hasbro or DHX who would point that out.

The newfag writers don't give a fuck and McCarthy is probably covering for Vogel by pretending everything he's done was "her idea" - like Equestria Girls, even though her original script with Sony was nothing like the plotline that was introduced when Vogel join the movie cast.

McCarthy and Lauren have approved of Amy Rogers book: Journal of Two sisters.
Which was suppose to work as a base for The Movie with the whole entire alicorn race living in an alicorn city, Starswirl, Celestia and Luna being chosen by the 3 tribes as princesses. Suddenly, Vogel joins in and we have a bunch of derivative ideas stolen from Moana and Zootopia. The disney movies that Mike explicitly said he loved them the most. I don't think it's a coincidence that all these OCs characters popped out of Vogel's copy-paste ideals.
Just because you hate fun doesn't mean everypony else does
When was the last time NuMom wrote an episode
What was stolen from Moana?
I just copypasted this from the other thread as it was deleted.
That doesn't answer my question
Even in this state, this looks heaps more interesting than what we're going to get
Also, nice dubs
>no more evil alicorn
>no more alicorn city
>no more starswirl
>no more female draconequus
Look like only the new princess idea was preserved and sea ponies.
>they totally wont use it as a season wide story arc in s8
>No wonder everyone intelligent left this piss ocean
Is that why you're still here?
>I can't believe how moderated some websites are, while others let every retard inside.
I think you've chosen the wrong website.
Everytime I hear any post-season 1 song, I can't help but automatically parody them in my head. That's why I always chuckle when I hear them.

Hearth's Warming Eve
>We're a circle of ponyjerks, we're a circlejerk of jerks
>Jerking off each other in the name of friendship
>Our circlejerk warms our hearts.
>A pony kind of jerk, just jerking off till equestria's sun rises for us.

Cadence and Twilight's wedding party song
>Love is in bloom
>A faggot groom and a waifu so dumb,
>she gets kidnapped while everyone's on guard.
>Faggotry is in bloom
>A garbage marriage
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Ah wait, Vogel is gay... grab him by the dick? jesus christ what a jewish faggot.
that was too close. your shitpost thread almost died.
> The Hasdrones don't listen, not one little bit.
> They run around out of control, and supporting Hasbro's shit.
> (Sethistho hissing)
> It's up to me to stop them, 'cause plainly you can see
>It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my common sense is telling me.
Who's Nu-Mom anyway? Meghan McCunt? No thanks. Fuck that piece of shit bitch.
>Shills trying to erase the alicorn city/Cosmos script from memory to make it seem like McCarthy wrote what Sony suggested (which is all they were) to try and make the current crap we're getting seem good.
You're not succeeding this time, you pieces of shit. Fuck your lives, fuck your families, and fuck you.
A lot of the script can be inferred from the leaked emails.

The infamous "smurfs" email actually provides a lot fo the plot info.
>Cosmos, Celestia and Luna's brother, invades Equestria
>there's a lost alicorn city and three stones that control the "natural elements"
>M6 presumably go on an adventure to recover the stones
>Celestia and Luna likely get rekt by Cosmos
>there's some kind of game (possibly a trap/puzzle the M6 have to solve) that fills several minutes of screentime
>Star Swirl the Bearded appears in some manner
>M6 get captured and are released by the coral sands, apparently in a retarded manner
>Equestria is aparently a mythical land to the rest of the world
>new characters include: Cosmos, another princess, "ingis aquos" and "aeiris" (presumably misspellings because of how retarded Amy is), another alicorn, and the coral sands

The M6 had strong presences, resulting in Celestia and Twilight's roles being diminished. The "set pieces" weren't that great, nor was Cosmos.

Stephen Davis admits Cosmos is shit and needs to be rewritten, there's not enough comedy, and the alicorn lore might be an anchor with the "new audience."

>tfw Wikileaks didn't dump attachments too

It looks like they dropped Cosmos because he was just too shitty and replaced him with Tirek 2.0 and also dropped the alicorn lore because newfags/casuals would be confused by it. Based on what we know, the rest of the plot seems pretty similar to what we currently have: evil threatens Equestria, M6 have to go an adventure to get the shit needed to defeat the evil, they meet characters and have to tackle problems along the way.
Last ep she wrote was Twilight's Kingdom. Top Bolt was her most recent story contribution (she came up with the basic premise, but didn't write the actual script).
Have you tried, dunno, petting the fluffy, first? They have a stress stat, when it's down they're pretty much scared of everything, including food.
>place fluffy in pen
>It's a girl
>place another fluffy in pen
>it's a boy
>let them play around with the ball
>They stop everytime they meet, to share a hug
The Show.
Source on that picture, you faggot.
/mlp/ is dead
That's clearly Vavacung.
Spare yourself the pain, his porn is not very good.
sometimes the idea the porn presents is better than the porn itself.
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If you hate this show so much, why don't you create your own then you fucking tards?
Lack of talent and money.
Ignis, aquas, and aerius are Latin for Fire, water, and air respectively.
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>I need a smoke
> This thread
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>If you hate it, why do you stay?
"I have nowhere else to go."
>If you hate it, why don't you make something better?
"It's not my job to make something better."

There's your most common replies to the most common questions.
Want some more mind-blowing classic elementalism?

>Pegasus = Air
>Unicorns = Fire
>Earth ponies = take one goddamn guess

Now, which species would have best represented water? Hint: we never got them in the show, though Faust expressed interest in developing them.
but when will we see the 5th element?
wasn't mktoon a cancerous faggot from johnny test?
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That was Confalone and he wasn't that bad.

Mktoon is the faggot who worked with Faust and later with McCarthy since S1 who were nothing but his puppets who really had no creative freedom over his decisions. See Gríma Wormtongue.
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This, it's just faggots 'leaving the show' but not the ride

Fucking pussies can't even whine on different forums, they have to stay here and ree about it

are you fucking dense?

I will make sure of it, /mlp/..
Never forget

Never forgive

I gave the ball to the fluffy after it had calmed down.
are you upset over having a small dick
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