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Plane Pony #99, Final Countdown Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 494
Thread images: 216

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Plane ponies wiki

Dropbox with most stuff in it: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y3naei9ek8mzt6g/AAC0zm3ujYN8R7CXu1m-cvTEa

Ask Morgan

Steam group:

Last Thread: >>29637913
Threads archive: http://pastebin.com/iwyBswEf
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Ares Drone.png
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I don't think we got enough posts to justify getting to thread 100. This time we should try to push it to +400.
Man, that plone is so pretty.
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I'm a Commander now.png
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She sure is.
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Midnight Flight.jpg
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Why does this exist?
Mechanophilia and aeromorphism mixed with a pony fetish
Some just find Plones to be cute.
Why do you ask the same shit every thread?
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MQ-1 Predator.png
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I like plones
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Pe-2 vs Ju-87.jpg
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Hey, All Nighter, are you gonna update soon?
We all do, Anon.
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Any quick /r/s?
Plone memes?
Sounds like a good idea.
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Pepe Cloudwalker.png
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Pepe Blitz.png
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Visual Shitposting
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Goddammit KoH.
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Pepe Airliner.png
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Pepe Drone.png
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That's enough of these for now. Time to get back to work.
I think I might be able to sneak these out of /mlp/
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Quick meme.
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Original drawing if anyone wants to do some epic mee-mees
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Dumb frogposter
Not their fault their general is active and yours is both shit and dead.

Stop getting angry about other people having fun and go have fun in your preferred general.
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Airline food.png
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
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Sleep tight droner
sleep tight droner
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val pepe.png
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Sleep Tight Droner
Sleep tight Droner.
Good morning, ploner
Gonna try to get my head back in the game tonight and write a chunk of Galaxy.
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On a scale of 'MS Paint EQG' to 'Spitfire' on the fuckability scale, that plone scores a solid 'I want to cum inside'/10.
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Skybreaker's repairs (vector).png
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Nap Time.png
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
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This kind of bump I can get behind.
Good morning, /Plone/.
Oh boy...~
2anthro4me tЬh fəm
a little bit of this
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I want to cum inside plones
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Fill me.png
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Does plone like these props?
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no context.jpg
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yeah ok
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weird german stuff.png
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
Also the more I look at this, the less weird the female unicorn semen bit seems.
Bump in the night. Hey All Nighter, are you lurking?
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Night thread
Good morning, /Plone/.
Good morning
I want to sit in her cockpit and push her pedals while fiddling with her buttons, knobs, and switches.
>Humanb in Plane Equestria
Probably not good for her trim.
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Finally enrolled in a trade school for Aviation Maintenance at 25. Wish me luck.
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Good luck, Anon!
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Robison R22 Diabetus.png
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
This thread is hopeless.

No story about anon.
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that's interesting
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I spent like 40 minutes on this shit
i imagine she displays different symbols on her facehelmet for different situations. heart for love, smile for joy, and dashes for blushing when you do lewd things like cuddling or holding hands.
Worth every minute of it.
Das super qt.
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not today1.png
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Top qt3.14

Holding her warm, tender hoof.
I don't know why, but I really dislike the thought of her being mute. I want to hear her cutesy version of GLaDOS voice talk to me and tell me she loves me.

If she downloaded a bunch of those stupid emojis to use, would it get annoying seeing one always displayed on her face?
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Good morning, /Plone/.
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The quality was worth the effort
Cmon, More Greentext
You wouldn't sexual a ploner.
Droner or Blitz
Which waifu do I love most
Why not both?
Alright, alright, don't gitchur airflow in a twist. All Nighter, do you think you have the energy to write a bit more while I iron out the details for the next few posts for Galaxy?
A question for the ages...
No, we have to take a vote on this. We need to decide which one is superior.

Ooooh boy this isn't gonna end well, is it?
wheres val
All other plones are obviously inferior to both Blitz and Droner. If your waifu is Val you need to have a serious checkup
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tall plone best plone.png
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She's lost that lovin' feeling...
Droner is like that quiet nerd you met in college, she's softspoken and sweet but not all that adventurous
Blitz is like your tomboy childhood friend who you go do outdoorsy stuff with every weekend, she's really fun and all but you've known her so long it might be weird if you tried to go to the next level with her
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Skittish around pilots (colored).png
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I like to think of it as, her visor is a visual representation of her moods or feelings to go along with what she says.
Where in some occasions it could even be embarrassing if a heart appears by accident when talking to Anon.
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Skybreaker booty (vector).png
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Airliner and B-2.png
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
Bump in the night.
what does that mean?
Good morning, /Plone/.
Interest check.

How open is this thread to cross-thread fiction?

How does a story about a plane horse demon sound to you?
I literally wouldn't care if the green was about a futa Nyx without a single mention of a plone, just make some goddamn green
Oh fuck the hell yes
Hory shet
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X-02 Wyvern (Aurora).png
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>No greentext
why live?
same, I want to read some story.
you should write one then. whatever happened to aspirant's stories? is he kill?

Re-posting some drone green I did around Xmas. I don't write often.

Based on >>29719411 Image

>Be Anon
>It is that time of year again
>Hearth’s Warming Eve draws near, the nights become colder, and you find yourself drawn back to the crackling fire more often than not
>Wrapped tight in your quilt, you wonder if anything could ruin this moment
>As if on cue, you hear a soft padder of hooves close the distance behind you
“Drone, please stop scanning my temperature. You don’t have to extinguish the fire every time my body heat rises above average.”
>From the lack of reply, you assume your words actually worked this time
>However, the sounds of slight shuffling replace the soft padder
>“Anon, I have completed my research on the upcoming Holiday…”
>“Your internet browser history of the yearly celebration proved adequate for developing an outfit that is appropriate for the tradition.”
>Sitting in silence, you take a second to digest what you were just told
>Brain: This can’t be good
>Turning around you, are shell shocked by the “seasonal” drone who has obviously been exposed to the wrong parts of your internet pastime
>“D-do you like it? I can try to make my appearance more to your liking.”
>Drone proceeds to stretch out, extending her forelimbs
>“From analysis of your saved images, this position appears to be the most popular among equine anatomy.”
>Aware of your mechanical mares good intentions and more importantly - obliviousness, you simply pat the ground beside you
“You did great work drone, but please leave my internet history alone next time.”
>Excited, drone let’s out a short “vrrr” before her own temperature sensor proceeds to go off
>Alarmed by the sudden increase of heat in the immediate area, she extinguishes the fire to ensure your safety
You should write moar meight. That's bretty good.
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To the rescue.png
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Every time I read this, my heart warms up a little.
pastebin.com/u/earfulofnapalm got nuked
Which story was there?
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Oh fuck.
I think it was the Drone dominatrix story.
Whoever is in charge of the story archive should probably begin archiving some more pastebins.
I better get it from the desuarchive
Saved http://pastebin.com/s5Z5uju9
I hope I didn't miss any part.
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You are a good person
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Dead thread
Nope. Just trying to find my muse.
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F-14 Tomcat.gif
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Goodnight, /Plone/. I think I know what I wanna do with Galaxy. Hopefully we'll see some dancing angels tomorrow.
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Last thread you were approximately 50 out of 120 posts, meaning you were 40%~ of all posts. Of those 50 posts, 35~ of them were bumps (number of bumps is not relevant, just interesting). Last thread I posted 9 posts. So 60/120 out of the entire thread were mostly you and a bit of me. I don't have IP number information for it, though.

This thread, you were about 55 out of 135 posts, meaning you have been 40%~ of all posts again. Of your 55 posts, 30~ were bumps. This thread, I have posted 13 times. 68/135 posts were mostly you and a bit of me, but there has been 27 IPs posting in this thread. 135-68=77. 77/27=3.5, but I'll round to 4. The average poster has posted an average of 4 replies

You post, on average and calculated with estimates, 14 times more than the average poster in this thread.
One of many reasons why namefagging is bad.
I'm actually fully fine with his namefagging, even though I would normally agree with you. I honestly don't want this die like the Birbthreads and regularly checking on this has become a staple for me. Even if admittedly it is mostly bumps with some discussion sprinkled in, it's 10x less cancerous than the majority of /mlp/ right now. Go after the cancerous tripfags rather than Immortal.
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BD in a shirt colored.png
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It's good to know that people aren't pissed off at me. Thanks Anon.
Good morning, /plone/
Good afternoon, West Coast.
Kink in the hose.
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fameng sends his regards.png
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Just found out this artist is rangebanned, but he's been supporting us from DB. Guy goes by Yipu on DB, but the artist tag says he's Fameng. Either way, he sure seems like a cool guy.
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Tell him to buy a proxy.
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Galaxy of War
Part 1
Chapter 3

"Mortars! Get to cover!"
"Martin, go!"
"Sunuvagun! Neighzis coming over the wall!"
"Los los los!"
"Martin, shoot!"
"Quick, Martin, shoot!"
"Martin, GO!"
"... Shuhd thuh fuhg uhp..."
"Danja zaown... Alright, auto snooze is kicking in, we'll wake you up in five minutes."
"...Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking alarm cunt..."
>My hoof finds something and throws it at the alarm
>Must have been a paperback
>Fuck the world, back to dreamland


>What fucking time is it?
>What position am I in?
>Jesus fuck my neck is sore
>Goddammit, I've got, like, seven cricks in my spine
>I'm sitting down next to my bed, with my back pressed against it, and my head tilted back 90 degrees
>I must have slipped off the bed into a sitting position after blacking out
>The edges on my bedframe must have been jammed into my back
>I tip forward and try to get on my hooves
>I get up and start to feel that sensation
>Some of the worst goddamn pins and needles I've had in my life
>Sore joints
>A hot, painful sensation burning through my neck, shoulders, and head
>The sudden flood of unpleasant sensations causes me to lose focus on holding myself up, and I flop down on the the floor, slamming my teeth together
>Goddammit, this sucks
>As the buzzing in my teeth and ringing in my ears fades away, my eyes slowly open
>My eyes are blurred to shit
>Tears built up in my sleep?
>What would you call that?
>Tears of fatigue?
>Ugggh fucking focus
>I close my eyes
>Get up
>I push up on my front legs and feel the soreness in my muscles
>Fucking lactic acid
>Now the back
>Shake the head
>Theeeeres the bloodflow
>When I open my eyes, I put a little more effort in and...
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Hose down.png
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>Still fucking blurry
>Granted not as much
>I start blinking rapidly
>Not much change
>I curl up my right hoof and start rubbing away the blurriness for a few seconds
>Annnd the other
>I rapidly blink a few more times and open my eyes to a little more than an imperial fuckall
>Alright, so now that I'm done with that, I decide I need a shower
>I've definitely got that "Holy fuck I feel dirtier than a thoroughly used 5th street hooker" feel
>I feel sorta sticky, but not in the sense that I can adhere to shit
>You know the feeling, right?
>Like, three hours after getting out of the pool and you're completely dry?
>Yeah, that feeling
>I walk to the door to my bathroom
>How do I smell?
>Like the idiot I am, I lift up my right foreleg and smell the pit
>I flick my head back away from the smell and clench my eyes shut, squeezing some more saline out in the process
>A little more awake, now, I open my eyes, speed up and walk more quickly to the shower and twist the knob counterclockwise as far as possible
>As the water flows into the tub and down the drain, I look to the toilet and shut the lid
>I sit on the cover and wait for the water to heat up
>As I wait, I think
>As I think, I think of Sierra
>Thats what I think of
>I finally have what I've always wanted
>True love
>I finally got the 80's movie ending I always wanted...
>All that's left is the investigation, the trial, and the rest of high school
>After that, a career of military service, a family
>A whole world...
>I reach into the shower throught the shower curtain from the toilet and feel the water
>Yeah, thats hot enough
>I get off the toilet and reach back into the shower and switch the flow of water from the faucet to the shower head and give the pipes a second to warm up
>When I feel the water fully heated, I slip through the shower curtain and pull the curtain shut
>I close my eyes, tip my head back, and feel the water run down my face
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Oh-Seven and Alex.png
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>As the water runs through my mane and along my scalp, I feel a sense of bliss
>The water is so soothing
>My muscles feel less sore now
>The life-giving liquid has almost fully soaked me through
>When the water has filled me with energy, I finally reach forward and grab a bottle of shampoo
>Ten minutes later, I feel that I'm totally clean and refreshed
>I shut off the water and step out of the shower
>Walking into my bedroom again, I grab a towel off the door to my closet
>I dry out my mane, and then work my way down
>2 minutes later, the towel is thoroughly soaked, my body smells faintly of... pine needles(?), and my mane and tail smell of... whatever the shampoo can be described as...
>I check the clock's display on my bedside table
>Guess I woke up a little early
>I look around my room a moment for my hoodie, before I realize it's right underneath my hooves
>I ain't wearing that shit, nigga
>Probably stinks like shit
>I head to the closet for something else to wear
>Sooo... three choices, grey hoodie with shitloads of pilling and an Amareican flag in the center, new dark grey pullover hoodie labeled class of 2017, or a thin black zip up hoodie
>Fuck pullovers
>Black zip up
>I put on the hoodie and look for my backpack and headphones
>I grab the things and start trotting out of my room
>On the way out I slip my left foreleg through the left strap, and slip the headphones around my neck
>As I trot down the stairs, I look forward to the day
>No school, which is nice, because I don't have to deal with a B day, full of stupid fucking math classes
>But on the other hoof, I can expect a long ass day of interrogation
>But in spite of all that, it's still going to be great
>The long ass time I'm gonna be spending at the police station will be a long ass time spent with Sierra
>And quality time at that
>When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I look around for my mom or dad and my backpack
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Eating luggage (vector).png
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>I see my mom near the kitchen, and my dad is sitting at his laptop
>I head over to the counter where dad is and set down my bag next to a seat
>I take my binder out of my bag, leaving only my laptop and charger
"Hey, Blu, you and your father will have to leave very soon, okay?" mom says
"Yeah, sure thing, mom."
>My dad says nothing and stares at his computer screen, scrolling through the Grudge Report
"What do you want to eat, Blu?"
"Ah, just some granola bars is fine."
>As mom heads to the pantry, dad looks to me
"Blu, why didn't you respond to our texts, again?"
"I never got any texts."
>A pause
>My mom puts two granola bars in front of me
"Thanks, mom." I quietly say
"Alright, so trotphone clearly isn't cutting it..."
>As I tear open one package I eye dad inquisitively
"We're probably gonna get you a smartphone." Dad says as I bite into the granola bar
"Probably a Croaker with unlimited data." mom says
>Contain yourself, Blu
"Huh, neat."
>I bite into the granola bar again
"Alright, Blu, we're gonna be leaving in 10 minutes." Dad says
>As Mom and Dad talk, I finish my granola bar, and then eat the other.
>When I'm done, I get a drink of water, go back to the table, and drink slowly
"Alright, Blu, lets go." Dad says
>I sling the backpack over my shoulder
>Dad and I walk through the door to the garage, and as I head to the fridge for 2 root beers, Dad opens the garage
>I quickly follow Dad to his sedan, and as he starts it up, I open the door and hop in the passenger seat
>As I get in, I put my backpack in the back seats
>After I close the door, Dad starts to pull away from the garage door
>I buckle up and consider opening a root beer, but decide against it, saving it for later, and put the root beers in the cupholder
>Dad doesn't buckle up until we get to the end of the driveway, and as we pull out and turn left, I decide to see if I can slip in a few winks of sleep
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>I reach forward to pull the bar under the lip of the seat with my left hoof and reach back for the lever between the door and the seat with my right
>I get a grip on both and pull up, lean back and kick off the floor, throwing the seat backwards and the leaning the back to it's limit, and as the seat slams into the end of the rail, I bring my forelegs up behind my head, cross my hind legs, and close my eyes, trying to let the rumbling of the road lull me to sleep


"Blu, wake up."
"Shit, we here already?"
"Yeah, get up."
>I open my eyes and see that we're in a parking lot at the side of a building
>Dad turns off the engine, jerks the parking brake, and opens his door as I unbuckle myself and reach back for my bag
>I sit upright, and slip on the backpack, and grab the root beers, placing them in the hoodie's pockets
>I open the door and hop out sideways and trot along the sidewalk to the front door of the police station
>I catch up to Dad at the front door, and he opens one of the glass and wood doors
>I walk in and am greeted by her
>She's sitting in a cheap seat in the lobby, her head turned downwards, eyes lidded
>At the sound of the door opening, her ears perk up, and she turns to me with a smile
"Hey, Sierra!"
>I trot over to her as she gets up, and before I'm halfway there she's borderline cantering to me
>She opens up and almost lunges for a hug
>I get ready to receive, and brace for her weight
>She quickly wraps her forelegs around my neck, and I wrap mine around her torso
>The shock of her momentum almost puts me off balance, but I manage to avoid that
>She lays her head on my right shoulder and I feel her tight hold
>A warm, comforting feeling flows through me
>I close my eyes and lean into her neck
>I stay there a moment, listening to our breathing
>I decide to loosen my grip a moment and see if she wants to disengage
>She loosens her grip too, and pulls back, slipping her hooves across my back and to a position gripping my shoulders, and I pull my forelegs back to grip her sides
>We stare into eachother's eyes a moment, smiling
>God, she's cute
>She opens her mouth to say with lidded eyes and a smile,
"I didn't know you were going to show up the same tim-"
>I smirk like a jackass and boop her nose with my left hoof while overlapping her side of the conversation, saying as quickly as possible,
"Your next line is 'Did you plan this?'"
"-e I did. Did you pla-"
>At that moment, her eyes snap fully open and her mouth opens in shock, and a smile quickly spreads across her face
"Did you plan this?" she finishes, smirking at me with a slight giggle mixed in
"Damn straight!" I say, chuckling like an asshole, "I plan everything..."
>The hoof I booped her with shoots to the ceiling as my rear legs spread to shoulder width, and my head snaps back with a massive smile
"From the very beginning!" I laugh
>We're both laughing now, and Sierra hugs me again
"I love you so much..." she sighs in my ear
"I love you too, sweetie..."
>She squeezes a little tighter, and I do the same
>We both release and land on all fours, facing the wall where the chairs are
"So, did you actually plan this?" Sierra says as she starts leading towards the seats
"Actually, yeah. This is probably the one time you'll ever see me manage to pull off a plan." I laugh
>As she sits down I take off my bag
>After sitting down next to her I unzip my bag and reach for my laptop
"What about that prediction just now?" she asks
"Nah, I just ad libbed that. Did you get the refence?"
"No, actually, sorry." she giggles
"Bah, no worries." I say with a smile
>I pull the laptop out and boot it up, and look up to see Dad at the front desk, talking to the secretary about our... appointment?
>Is that what it would be called?
>I don't fuckin' know
>All I know is I'm here with Sierra
"Hey, what's that smell?" Sierra asks
>Oh shit, am I sweating?
>I sniff the air a moment
"Are you wearing colongue?" she asks
>She starts sniffing the air
>I giggle a little, a bit nervous about what's going on
>You know that awkward expression you see with that pic of Constable Stanza? Yeah, that's what my expression is right now
>She leans in towards my head, and I lean away a little in confusion, with forced laughter and an awkward smile on my face
>She keeps leaning in and closes her eyes, and as her nose meets my mane, she takes a quick sniff
"Uuuhhh... Okay...?" I say, chuckling awkwardly
>She opens her eyes
"Your mane smells wonderful..."
"Yeah, I, uh, think it's the shampoo..."
>She leans in again with a smile and HOLY SHIT
>Lightning shoots through me as she sniffs my neck
>I've always been extremely... sensitive there, so to speak, or at least since I first learned about cartoid arteries and such
>Any time somepony mentions major blood vessels or touches, oxygen flow, and similar topics, I get a ticklish sensation there and along the inside of my legs, where the major blood vessels are, and I get an anxious, worried feeling in my chest, and an urge to swish my tail underneath me, cross my legs, lift my shoulders, and press my wings against my back
>I guess that reading that scene with the US double agent getting killed by those gopniks in Robin of Russia really left some real fear of blood loss in me
>Shit, I oughta calm down
>It's Sierra
>You trust her, Blu
>I take a slow, quiet, deep breath to calm myself
>She starts leaning into me even further and even starts nuzzling me
>Her nuzzling transitons into her pushing her head into a comfortable position using my shoulder as a headrest, fading the instinct out, leaving behind a comfy feeling
"Mmmmmm..." she hums contentedly
>With the anxiousness gone, I wrap my wings and forelegs around her for a hug
"Hey, what's in your pocket?" Sierra says, recoiling slightly
"Oh shit, I forgot about the root beers."
>I retract my left foreleg and pull a can of root beer out of my left pocket
>Still cold
>Gotta love hoodies
>Half balancing, half holding the can, I reach for the other one
"Why did you bring two?"
"Huh... I dunno. You want one?"
"That would be nice. Are you sure?"
"Yeah, take one."
>As she takes her can from my left hoof, I pull one out of my right pocket
>We both pop the tabs, and I lift my can a little, as though to toast
>She takes notice and lifts her's up to mine
"To... a peaceful life oooofff... prosperity and love, I guess?" I propose
"To a prosperous love." She rephrases
>I suppose that's an agreement
"Cheers." I confirm, and with that, we bump our drinks gently and bring them to our lips
>As the cold, sweet, slightly bitter liquid flows over my tounge and I close my eyes, I sense Sierra slightly recoiling from her drink
>I open my eyes, lower my can, and glance at her, wondering what the problem was
"Gah, it's bitter!" she gasps
>I raise an eyebrow, and suddenly she blushes and looks at me
"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to be rude I just spoke too soon and-!"
>I guess it's my turn to calm her nerves
"It's fine, it's fine! No offense taken. Not everyone enjoys bitter stuff like this."
"No I mean I liked it and all it's just the bitterness it really was surprising and-"
"Don't worry, I get it. You prefer sweet to bitter, that's all."
"No offense taken?" She says as she sets the can on the bench
"None at all, honey..." I say, pulling her into a hug, both hooves and wings, careful not to spill on her
>She leans her head on me and squeezes me back, and we stay that way a while, before suddenly I hear a deep commanding voice
"BLU." Dad snaps, jerking my attention to him
>Me and Sierra both look to him
"Sorry, I was talking to him." Dad tells Sierra
>Dad looks to me and starts addressing me
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Let me dance among the stars.png
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"Blu, I'm going to work, your mother will be here to pick you up at one. If any of the police officers come to get you, follow their orders immedietly. Follow the directions from the mare at the front desk, DON'T CAUSE A SCENE." Dad commands
"Understood." I confirm.
"Alright, I'll see you later."
"See you, Dad."
>As Dad walks out the door, I wave, goodbye, and then turn my head back to Sierra
"Whelp, I guess that's that." I say with a smile
"Yeah. So, why did you bring a laptop?"
"Well, I was thinking that while we talk, we could play around with a few simulators, listen to some music, you know? What do you think?"
"That sounds good, actually."
>I scoot up closer to her with a smile and begin pulling up PSP, and as it loads, I pull up all my music
"Oh!" she chirps, and points to a certain song
>Fly Me To The Moon, by Frozen Starlight
>A quick glance at the neighboring songs and I realize I have a good dozen similar songs ranging from jazz to do-wop
>Man, for a metalhead, I sure do have a lot of easy stuff...
>The play count says...
>4074 plays?
"You enjoy that song too?" Sierra asks
>A quick check on the metal section says that Raining Blood has only 306 plays
"Uhh, yeah, I guess so." I reply
"I figured that you would be more into things like rock and rap." she giggles
"Actually I'm more into stuff like hard metal and whatnot, but I guess I enjoy some classics, too." I chuckle
"Metal? What genres?"
>Oh shit, she's into metal!
>And not a poser!
>Oh hell yeah, dude!
"Oh, stuff like viking, black, death, sometimes just the softer stuff like heavy metal, maybe a little thrash, stuff like that, you know?"
"Oh, maybe we can listen to some stuff like that later." She smiles

Goodnight, /Plone/. I almost got the dancing angels in, but I guess we'll see that tomorrow.
This is good
You are good
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I'm gunna BRRRRT you!.png
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Good morning, /Plone/.
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"Maybe we could listen to some quieter stuff for now?"
>Meh, not like we need to jump into the Sons of War and High On Fire right away
"Yeah, that sounds nice."
>Sooooo, I guess I'll just go with the one she pointed to at first
>A poke on the screen and a quick punch of the enter button and the snare begins to tup-tup-tutup away
>I realize this is a recording where the snare lasts for a good 35 seconds before the main course starts up
>Sierra closes her eyes and bobs her head to the beat
>I watch her and bob my head too
>I feel almost like a kid, content and warmhearted
>Sierra begins to stand up and pull my hoof with her
>I set down my drink and let her lead me, not knowing what she's doing
>She stops, and reaches for my other hoof, and she begins to guide it arou-
>A dance?
>I think back to some things I picked up years ago from random books and slide my right hoof to her left hip
>She smiles and puts her left hoof on my shoulder

Goodnight, /Plone/. Almost got the actual dance in, but family drama and getting sidetracked by youtube tends to eat up a lot of my free time.
Is there a Cirrus plone? Does she deploy her emergency chute when she gets flustered?
Good butt
Page 9 bump
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Come fly with me!.png
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I don't think we have that yet, but I like this idea.
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>Spend twenty minutes trying to think up ideas
>Finally think of something that make make a good green
>Start writing
>I realize the last time I wrote green was in 2015, decide to go easy on myself
>Set 1k words as a temp goal
>It's an unintelligible mess after 200
I want to die
Shhhh only tea to help you.
Fuck off namefag
Try again?
The dance is very important.
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An awkward waltz with an angel is coming, my friend.
Hopefully bootleg France doesn't get blown to shit by bootleg Ukraine again.
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>I've never danced before, but damned if I won't try
>Sierra begins swaying her hips, and I follow
>As the vocals begin I start to panic a little
>No turning back though
~Fly me to the moon~
>I smile nervously and step to the left and forward
>Hopefully I'm doing this right
>Sierra follows, too slow to avoid our chests coming together
>Whoops, not room for Jesus!
~Let me play among the stars~
>I step back at this point, guiding her, our eyes locked
>As she comes to me I sidestep and guide her past me, putting some distance between us, and let go of her hip
>As she steps back, I see some confusion in her face for a moment
>Trust overwhelms her confusion as I lift my left hoof, along with her right, and she follows the cliche, doing a slow spin
>I panic a little as her wing comes towards me, so I hunch my back a little to give it some clearance for a moment, and as it passes me, I feel relieved
~Let me see what spring is like on,~
>Sierra comes towards me halfway through a second spin, crossing her hooves across her chest, bringing her back towards my chest as I plan our next move

Goodnight, /Plone/. Sorry the update is so short. I should have started an hour earlier.
Do you're best!
Vry guud
I am saging this right before it slips off the board. You all deserve this
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top kek.png
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>he thinks saging can stop us
>he thinks we care
Gonna try and get through that waltz in it's entirety today.
How you doing Immortal ?
Meh, pretty good.
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Surprise Blush (colored).png
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>We come together, and I sidestep to the left as she grasps my right hoof, which has come across her right shoulder, meeting her left hoof
>As we spin around again, Sierra continues to spin right on her own axis, raising both pairs of our hooves over her head, and I have to dodge her right wing carefully
>We both now face eachother again, and I take the lead on our next movement by releasing her left hoof hoof and sliding my right back towards her hip while I bring my left back out to the side, closing the distance between our chests again
>I get a rather risky idea and decide to slip my right hoof between Sierra's left engine and wing and wrap it around her
>Her face shifts to an expression of confusion and unease as I lift, using my hind legs for some added clearance between her hind hooves and the ground, doing my best to be gentle
>I realize what I'm doing might be rather alarming, so I quickly mesh my wings together behind her, and lift up against...
>No. This isn't lewd. You may want this to be lewd, but no it isn't. This is no lewder than a 4 hoof carry, or 2 ponies on a single bike with axle pegs.
~Jupiter and Mars.~
>As my intermeshed feathers lift her up by her buttocks and my right hoof lifts her up and stabilizes her, she looks to me and smiles
>She's definitely got some weight, but I can handle it well enough
>I smile back and begin to twirl us to the left, pivoting on my left hoof
>As we pass 180 degrees I shift to my right hoof and bring us another 180 degrees
>At 90 degrees more, we glide to a stop, and I lower her to the ground
>I feel somewhat cocky, so as I bring my right hoof back to her hip, I lean forward, sliding my left hind hoof forward, against her right, nudging it inwards towards my right hoof and her left, and bring my right wing up across her flank and behind her back, and follow up by flicking my left wing out behind her, and begin to brace all my muscles
Goodnight, /Plone/.
Goodnight, bump tight.
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suprise refueling.png
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Good morning, /Plone/.
Morning bump
Midday bump
Afternoon bump.
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god damn it my sides
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We're getting too low.
It need not be limited to her. I feel like any plone with a drag chute should have premature deploying when they get sufficiently flustered
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Sleeping Blitz.png
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>She panics and and clutches the area just below the base of my neck and my hind legs begin to do a split, my right driving forward and my left staying anchored to the ground
~In other words,~
>I do my best to be reassuring with my body language, and at that moment my left wing takes the blunt impact as the flute whistles and Sierra flinches, gripping tighter
>Our combined weight puts a horrific amount of strain on my left wing, but I manage to support both of us enough to begin gliding to a stop
~Hold my hoof.~
>We finally stop, and the awkward angle my wing is bent at makes it quiver a little, but I manage to hold us
~In other words,~
>Sierra's head is inches from the ground, but she's relaxed enough to simply lay on my right wing and dangle from her right hoof
>I slowly lower us an inch more and then begin to focus
~Baby, kiss me.~
>I throw all my strength into throwing us back on our hooves, pushing through my wing and right hind leg
>We come up fast, and the moment I feel Sierra has her balance, I retract my wings and place my right hoof back on her hip
>I decide that my call is over, and it's time for her response
~Fill my heart with song, and let me sing forever more.~
>I do my best to imply that she has the controls, while simply swaying our hips and slowly meandering around

Goodnight, /Plone/.
Cute, have a good night
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Hey, All-Nighter, are you planning on continuing?
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Morgan's Flight Lessons.png
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Sunset in Avalon's Shadow.png
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Hopefully I can make it through more than 2 parts of the waltz this weekend.
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A-10 colt.jpg
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How ya doing immortal?
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Robo A-10.jpg
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Ah, pretty good. Pretty tired though.
Goodnight, /Plone/.
Bump in the night.
Go to bed
Good morning, /Plone/.
love it
Time for a bump!
Been having a lot of fun in /mlpol/
love take flight
Good morning, /Plone/.
Tfw I was responsible for this general being created, tfw stopped going to /mlp/ for a few years, tfw is dead now
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sierra is sick of your shit.png
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Calling bullshit. I'm gullible, but not that gullible.
Ey dude, I made a big plone thread then a few days after it reached bump limit this general was created
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Thunderbolt bride (colored).png
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Song of Storms (vector).png
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>Sierra is still a bit startled by the dip, and acts a bit unsure of her footing
~You are all I long for, all I worship, and adore.~
>Sierra reluctantly begins to gently guide us, and she starts to smile more
~In other words,~
>We're slowly moving around, sorta like we're orbiting one onother counter clockwise
~Please be true.~
>As the brass section begins to call, I try to take the lead a bit, and guide her to take some decent steps while I move in somewhat more sweeping motions, gliding my left hind leg out farther in our orbits, creating a path where I orbit her more than she orbits me
~In other words, I love you.~
>The bridge starts, and Sierra and I start to finally get a better feel for eachother
>We finally begin to sync up, and now we aren't trying to guide eachother
>We glide effortlessly around with eachother, and our orbit feels natural
~Fill my heart with song; let me sing forever more;~
~You are all I long for, all I worship, and adore.~
>Sierra lets go of my shoulder, and pulls away
>She smiles brightly like a schoolfilly, and does a little spin, holding my left hoof
>I smile back, and this time, I more easily dodge her wings
>She comes back and we get back into our respective positions
~In other words,~
>I wrap my wings around her again, and just like before, create a seat from my feathers
>I press my wings on her thighs, and she gets the idea
~Please, be true;~
>I lift her up just enough to clear her hind hooves from the ground, and begin to twirl us counterclockwise as the brass and drums beat and call together
>Sierra and I gaze into one another's eyes, smiling widely
~In other words;~
>I slow our spin and set Sierra down, and she glides into another twirl
>Halfway through the twirl, she stops and comes back, so I have to dodge her right wing twice
>I don't really mind dodging her wings, it just comes as part of the package
>Once you get used to it, it really doesn't have to be considered all that hard
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Blitz & MiG-29 2.png
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>Sierra comes back and we again get into position
~In other words,~
>We orbit a little more, and I decide to end the waltz with a little something special
>I bring my wings under her wings and intermesh the feathers behind her back, creating something like a hammock, and begin to lean forward and draw her balance onto my wings
>She lays back on my wings, and I bring her as close to me as possible, releasing her left front hoof to hold her up
>Our spin means that her lower body slips to my right side, pressed against my right hip
>Meanwhile, her hooves reach across my back to join together behind my neck
~"I love..."~ I sing along, gazing into her eyes
>I bring my right hoof off her hip and snake it up along her chest
>The piano plinks away, and my right hoof caresses her cheek
>On the third note, it stops and lifts up in front of her muzzle, posed like a cobra ready to strike
>She glances at it a moment before bringing her eyes back to me and smiling with lidded eyes
~"You."~ I say with a sense of finality, as though I was finishing a speech, and at that very note, my right hoof boops her, almost like the period at the end of a sentence
>Sierra brings her left hoof away from my neck and brings it to my right hoof, and from there guides it way from her nose and to her neck, just along the left side of her jaw
>She pulls on my neck with her right hoof, and...
>Well, I think I know where this is going
>We both close our eyes and tilt our heads to the left slightly as I lift my wings up higher
>Our lips meet gently, and I caress her neck slightly

>So this is what it's like, huh?
>A dance and a kiss...
>God, I could stay this way forever
>As cliche as it is, I can't help but notice how soft her lips are
>It's like there's not muscle or cartilidge or tendons there, like they're just tiny, warm pillows
>I'm not sure if my lips feel the same
>I'd be willing to bet not
>Mine probably feel like... memory foam, I guess
Here comes me and my late-ass response.
I'll try, but time is kinda crunched with a job and trying to get my private pilot's license.
Ah, I see. By the way, how much does it generally cost for a private license?
It depends on the school you go to. For me I'm going for my Airline Transport Pilot's license. But I have to start small with a Private's.

at ERAU, where I'm going, it can go 40-60K a year.
RIght now, I'll be sitting at 115K for all four years.
That, and prior to going to school, you need medical certification from a doctor regonized by the FAA, stating you are healthy to fly.

Once again, that cost depends on the doctor, and is not covered by insurance.
For me it costed $140 for a class 1 medical certificate, which I have to renew every year.
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Sleepover at Alyona's.png
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Alright, thanks for the help!
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>Eugh... I hope that they don't feel like that...
>We stay held together like that, holding one another as I try to be as affectionate as possible with my right hoof, just rubbing her neck
>Eventually, though, we pull apart
>We both open our eyes, and smile, nicely, our eyes lidded
>I stop with her neck and brush her left cheek with my hoof
>I decide to lift her to her hooves, and when I'm sure she has her footing, I slide my right hoof down her left side as her left hoof releases it, back to her hip
>We gaze at one another for a while with bright smiles and half open eyes
>Sierra pulls me close, and wraps her left hoof over my right shoulder, squeezing me tight
>I wrap my right hoof around her, underneath her wing, and bring my left hoof under her right front leg, and squeeze her back with both my forelegs and my wings
>I close my eyes, and feel her lean on me
>She sighs contentedly
"I love you..." I say
"I love you too..."
>We squeeze eachother a little tighter, and then gently begin to lower ourselves to the floor
>I open my eyes, and we release on another
>I hold Sierra's right hoof as we turn to the seats where we left the computer and walk

Goodnight, /Plone/. I hope you enjoyed the waltz. I hope I can be as productive tomorrow as I was today.
very much
Good morning, /Plone/.
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Flying Fortress.png
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Slow, slow day.
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Goodnight, /Plone/. Sorry I couldn't write today. I'll try to write some extra tomorrow.
Expect a buddy.
Man, why are plones so much cuter than regular pones
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In most images there's always eyes over the windows, like in Cars movies, but have we discussed how this actually functions? In that image, for example, there's no eyes over the B-2, so can he see out of all of his windows? Is he blind? Can normal plones see out of all of their windows? What are their windows made of? Hell, what are plones made of in the first place?
The windows just seem to be marks on their skin. I think that the B-2's windows are real, but they're tinted, so it's like she has a visor like Droner.
Sun N Fun starts today
Like last year, gonna boop some jets
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Brrts intensify.gif
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T-that's lewd!
but fun
>tfw stuck living in Virginia
>tfw no car so would need to borrow one from parents
>tfw no driver's license so no roadtrips even if I had a car
>tfw dad is stuck in a cast after surgery from several months ago, so the only person who would be interested can't handle it
>tfw sisters are cunts and mom wouldn't be interested either way, so no incentives for a family roadtrip on the weekend
Boop a Blitz in my absence, Anon.
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Dat fuselage.png
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Different Anon, living in different state, and not even going to the Sun N Fun.

But I gotcha senpai.
Blitz is based off of an A-10, correct?

In real life, A-10's are equipped with a 30mm rotary Avenger cannon, but when scaled down to say, pony size, which I'll just say is 3 feet tall, 4 four long, Blitz would not go 'brrt'.

The A-10 is about 25,000lb, 15ft tall and 50ft long. According to Wikipedia, the Avenger cannon is 620lb and 20ft long.

Scaled down proportionally, if the A-10 weighs 25,000lb Blitz weighs 1,800~lb at a quick estimate. The Avenger cannon shrunk down would be 50lb and 1.5ft long, meaning it's practically impossible for Blitz to fit in her mouth.

The Avenger fires 30mm shells. A 30mm shell sized down to Blitz would be more like a 2.3mm bullet. For reference, a .22 short is 5.6mm, so it's a pretty goddamn tiny bullet. There's absolutely no need for a rotary cannon like that at her size. Instead of 'brrt' it would sound more like someone snapping their fingers very fast.
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ayyyy it's da fahnz.png
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Thanks, famalamadingdong.
Goodnight, /Plone/.
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You brrrt'n me.png
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Good morning, /Plone/.
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At Sun n Fun rn
Volunteering and working with airshow performance as assistance
>Talking to guy who owns JSX-2
>He makes it sound like something cheap
>Google it
>tfw will never be able to afford my own plane
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Here it is
Looks cool.
You'll be able to get one someday, Anon.
>You'll be able to get one someday, Anon.
No he won't.
It's totally within reach, though. Long term goals, mang.
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The sad truth
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Goodnight, /Plone/. Sorry I didn't write today. Felt sick. Expect a shitload of writing over the easter break.
$100k for a plane is pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things so he wasn't misleading.
I agree. sounds like a good price
What did he mean by this?
Well that plane clearly is jet powered, and we all know that fan powered jets are extremely expensive. All sorts of stuffy goes into making a jet engine: high quality materials (unless you're building an engine for a 262), hundreds of precision machined blades MADE from those materials, extremely durable coatings and finishes, bearings, rivets, bolts, and all sorts of other specially made fasteners, a fuel injection system, and endless other pieces, and that's only for the engine. Not only that, but planes themselves require computers, fuel tanks, a durable airframe, control systems, power sources, seals to keep the pilot comfortable, and all sorts of other expensive, hard to manufacture parts. For such a complex machine, 100k seems pretty cheap.
To put it in perspective, a C182 Skylane can be anywhere from $80k to $400k depending on the avionics (dat G1000 yo) and if its a turbocharged or not.
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Jesus this is lewd
It's a hobby for the rich
Poorfags get to stay in the dirt
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Fill 'er up (vector).png
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I can go SO much lewder.
Eyy, never got to save the colored. Thanks!
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No problem man.
Goodnight, /Plone/.
Started drawing again. Wanna sketch plone. Requests?
Something with Blitz being unintentionally adorable
pull up
I like this.
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boop from 2016
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Here she is again
I'm gonna boop her
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I'll do it
you mad man
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You could've stopped it
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Gentle loving boop
You're sick
Absolutely disgusting
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no touch plane pls
t. the leader of the army
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was also boop
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I'm unstoppable
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Yet another plane has fallen victim to me and had their snootle booped
Reminds me. An airshow should be happening here in LA in May. Gonna be super busy so, absolutely NO LEAVE ALLOWED!
Sun N Fun really helped me get my priorities back in order, I'd been drifting further away from my goals and seeing the Blue Angels perform today reminded me why I love flying.
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
So is this like a fetish for you guys? First time I've ever posted in one of these threads.
1. A lot of us have are getting a degree in, already have a background in, or just a hobby for planes
2. Ponies are cute
3. Some of us including me have mechanophilia-related fetish/s.
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>tfw all three
You're a cute pony?
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Good morning, /Plone/.
I'm taking a seminar in welding tBh
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Had story idea
Going to write it tonight after SNF
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y-you too.png
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Just a stray thought. Should we have a Discord or something? You have to admit this thread is slow, and I think it'd be neat to converse.
Cancerous shit like this only make things worse.
Discords kill generals because everyone gets on there instead of the threads and then the thread fills up with namefags
Sounds kinda fun honestly. It would make it easier for people to chat generally.
There are like 2-3 people that actually make or post anything. Not much to kill
>2-3 people that actually make or post anything
I seriously doubt that.
Was the number too low or too high?
Well that's my opinion. If i'm wrong i accept it. But i think it would be a fun thing to have a discord

Even if there's plenty of IPs, those IPs post maybe once or twice
Yeah, from a phone connecting to different wifi's and such.
Honestly, being unironic here, what is there to kill about this thread. Next to no content. 95%+ bumps. Very little to no discussion or conversation. If it does anything at all, a Discord would improve the state of this thread.
Some one just make the server. Who ever joins, joins. Its not like it will negatively impact the thread here.
I estimate we have over 20 people here, and at least 10 lurking. We aren't "95%+" bumps. We have more than enough conversation and content to justify these threads, and if you were paying attention, you would have noticed that more content is coming. For such a small fanbase, /Plone/ has been putting out a lot of content recently. We don't, however, have enough of a fanbase to justify a chatroom. We aren't a massive fanbase with justification for a chatroom. This "/Plone/ is dying, let it go!" meme has been going on since before I came here and honestly it's really grating on the nerves. I've said it before and I'll say it again: /Plone/ isn't dead. We are too big to die, although too small to justify a chatroom.
Shove it up your ass namefag. You're the only reason this thread is alive. The 'fanbase' isn't large enough to justify a thread if it can't keep it alive, and chatrooms have a smaller person requirement than a thread. You, me, and maybe one other guy are the ones constantly bumping. Any of us stop and this thread will die in a couple days max.
Don't do it, it'll kill this thread.
>reading comprehension
Immortal doesn't want a chatroom, I do - because this thread is essentially empty.
>if it can't keep it alive
This thread has been alive for almost a month. >>29814191 has taken a request and said he's planning on drawing soon. I'm gonna get to writing tonight. KoH is guaranteed to be lurking and will most likely come outta nowhere and surprise us with content when we least expect it. Animal is probably lurking and might show up with lewd at random. Yipu is probably lurking and drawing for us through DB, since he's rangebanned. >>29824378 is coming with green.
>chatrooms have a smaller person requirement than a thread.
Chatrooms are more closed off and hard to see than a thread. The chatroom that was proposed is based on the thread, and therefore would need the thread for it to be noticeable. The chatroom would inevitably turn into a place where, if you wanna talk about plones, you go there. That takes the discussion away from the thread, meaning less content in the thread and more bumps. Too many bumps, and the general becomes dead. Dead general means no one find the chatroom, so dead chatroom. Dead chatroom and general means dead fanbase. That's it. No place for plones but DB. Then artists start slacking. The artists think "I'll draw plones another day," and they think that every time they think about drawing plones. Eventually, they just say "fuck it, there's no point in plones." That's it. No more plones, not on DB, not on 4chan, nowhere. Also, chatrooms are pretty cringey.
Look, I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to ensure that we don't end up doing something that could cause the thread to need more bumps.
>This thread has been alive for almost a month
That's my exact point. This thread has been alive for an entire goddamn month. Even the Birb threads bumplocked in a week at most.

>The chatroom would inevitably turn into a place where, if you wanna talk about plones, you go there. That takes the discussion away from the thread, meaning less content in the thread and more bumps. Too many bumps, and the general becomes dead. Dead general means no one find the chatroom, so dead chatroom. Dead chatroom and general means dead fanbase. That's it.
>Dead chatroom and general means dead fanbase. That's it. No place for plones but DB. Then artists start slacking. The artists think "I'll draw plones another day," and they think that every time they think about drawing plones. Eventually, they just say "fuck it, there's no point in plones." That's it.
That's a lot of assumptions. Yes, if I want to talk about plones, I'd go to the chatroom because no one does it here/can't do it here. Doesn't mean this thread would die. My main point is that nothing happens in these threads anyways. Hoping or assuming for artwork doesn't mean we'll actually have artwork. Your updates are few and small- not a dig at you, but it's the truth. Only >>29824378
is something that'll count, but he's quite literally the first writefag besides you in multiple months.

>Also, chatrooms are pretty cringy.
It depends on who's in the chatroom. If it turns out like the F:OE or Coltquest Discords, you're right- absolutely cancerous gay roleplay, emojis, random reddit-tier screencaps, highschool drama, etc. Plenty aren't like that though. Everyone here seems to be an adult, or at least can act convincingly like an adult, so I'd have high hopes for a /plone/ Discord.
What would the point of a chatroom even be? Discussion as a goal would suck all the traffic out of the thread and kill it off, and posting content in a chatroom is stupid. That's what a thread is for; images, green, and discussion. Not only that, but the thread would be better suited for drawfriends to get advice from. Would the chat be like a mini-/soc/ for /Plone/?
>What would the point of a chatroom even be
Talking to people with similar interests, doesn't always have to be 100% plone all the time.

>Discussion as a goal would suck all the traffic out of the thread and kill it off
>That's what a thread is for; images, green, and discussion
Very little to none of that is happening in the thread. Again, there is next to no traffic.
>Very little to none of that is happening in the thread. Again, there is next to no traffic.
>we, a small fanbase comprised of people with jobs and responsibilities of our own, don't have as much discussion and traffic as other, larger, more popular fanbases, so diverting the discussion we have elsewhere and thus reducing the reducing the ratio of posts other than bumps to bumps wouldn't make a difference
Not sure how this would make any sense.
>Talking to people with similar interests, doesn't always have to be 100% plone all the time.
This is basically what the steam group is for.
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Goodnight, /Plone/. Sorry to the Anon that I got into an argument with. All that butthurt and passive aggression on my part was uncalled for. Looking back on the argument, I really feel like a piece of shit. I can really only hope I get some forgiveness for being a little shit over something so trivial.
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Underhanded boop before some dickhead told me to stop touching the planes
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I dont think you tried at all.png
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>plane pony
the fact that this is a thing
Shut the fuck up, we aren't going anywhere, newfag.
We should redo this image where Sunbutt is Val and Spikle is BD.
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Fuck off. Full member of American Vanguard here, /pol/ is full of children going through their rebellious phase. Absolutely one-hundred percent concentrated cancer. Can we have one thread, just one, that isn't infested with your underage bullshit.
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>"Your mission is simple, sneak into Fort Aenae and plant this USB drive into the server farm. Anywhere at all, it will run ita program and you will leave as quickly as possible. Your fake technician credentials will get you close enough to sneak into the server room and plant the drive."
>The generic mp3 player began to heat up and fizzled out before exploding with a small pop
>In a manila envelope was a small USB stick, papers, and information on Fort Aenae
>This mission seemed easy
>Too easy for you, special ops agent Anon
>You suited up for the mission
>With tensions on the rise between various nations of Earth, Equestria, and Aere, there was always the risk of WWV starting
>As a veteran of WWIV and WWIII, you didn't want a fifth one to happen
>With preparations made, you head out towards Aere's only ground-level base, Fort Aenae
>Front gate: flash your card and walk right through
>Administrative building: Show them your card and get a pass
>IT building: Use pass to enter
>Sneak past guards
>Slip into bathroom
>Enter ventilation system
>Enter server farm
>Guards walking between the aisles
>Slip between them and open a panel
>Stick USB into slot
>It begins blinking rapidly
>Blue lights in server farm all switch red, then off
>Sneak back into vents
>Crawling back towards bathroom
>Something grabs your foot
>Drags you back into server farm
>Angry guard is angry
>You go in for uppercut punch
>Fist meets metal guard snoot
>Metal hoof meets Anon face
>Out like a light
Begin sequence 2
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>literally getting mad over an /mlp/ edit of a meme
wew lad
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Thanks for proving my point lads. Reddit is down the hall and to the left
We should probably just calm down and enjoy >>29828293's green. It's looking good so far.
Pull up!
Good morning, /Plone/.
Morning lads
How does Zecora usually react to plones? What about other zebras? Does it end well, or are we looking at Rorke's Drift?
No idea
Well, anything that surpasses technology by a century is indistinguishable from magic.
Maybe sh try to dispel them. Or thinks its some kind of get up
Speaking of Rorke's Drift, which plones would like Metal? What about other genres?
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But how is babby formed.png
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I want to 'demonstrate' how to make a babby with Blitz
wid benis in vagiba
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Pilot a plane pone nonsexually.png
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>4 "course" long sex-ed roleplay with Blitz, covering contraceptives and safe sex using pills and different types of condoms, followed by a lesson on the reproductive systems, their "plumbing," and how babby is formed, continued with a lesson on karma sutra with plones and the different types of sex, and finished off with a lesson on the "mile high club" and what it means
>the lesson is from 8 in the morning to 8 at night
>the "teacher" spent an entire week devising a path through the house to make it as kinky as possible
Oh God, which is better, being Blitz's teacher or her student?
My dick can't get much harder than this
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>tfw saw A-10 at SNF
>tfw couldn't boop it
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What are they staring at.png
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Awwww... Well, you tried, I guess. That's really all I can ask.
I guarantee, some of us are gonna inadvertently cause a "plane booping" sport. One day, too many people will have seen multiple men touching planes on the nose and will think there's some sort of weird geocaching-like sport for a small, multinational group of plane enthusiasts. I guarantee that some of those people will end up trying it out on their own, spawning a meme that would soon evolve into a fucking sport. Soon a general on /asp/ for "plane booping" would pop up and aviation enthusiasts across the globe would begin to start making rules. "Photographic evidence of your boop is needed for it to be considered real, along with a video clip of first contact," stuff like that. Holy shit, would it become something where you would boop planes in hopes of winning cash prizes? Entire forums dedicated to Professional Aircraft Booping? Would there be championships for tracking down a set of planes based on, like, clues and shit, like a scavenger hunt?
And angry plane owners who don't want people touching their fucking planes
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New plane in the hanger.png
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Oh shit, that. Fuck me, I forgot about that.
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Don't leave me behind.png
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Why do these ponies look like giants in that picture?
Aw, coolio.
Perspective, I guess.
>writing while watching Freeman's Mind
>having a generally good time
>getting shit done
>sit up from bed for some better posture
>charging cable on laptop gets jerked
>somehow cuts power to the entire computer
>lost the several paragraphs I had done after several hours because I was too stupid to save
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Goodnight, /Plone/. Hopefully I can redo all the shit I did tomorrow morning, but for now, this stupid cold or flu or whatever I have is pissing me off and the stupidity I demonstrated tonight is just as bad. I'm tired, congested, and angry, so hopefully a good night's rest will fix that.
Midnight bump
>lost the several paragraphs I had done after several hours
mate, I would have several pages done by then
Does you plone drink Avgas or Jet A1?
This is nice aircrafthoers
Good morning, /Plone/.
What happened to maintenancebro,s stories?
Pastebin seems to have deleted them without him noticing, but an Anon here gave a link to a download of all his stories. I think it was just a few threads ago.
Depends on location or personal preference, I guess.
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Have we ever had any stories about plones in WWII?
Man, I gotta get over this cold soon.
>tfw also sick
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Tu-95 sleeping.png
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Goodnight, /Plone/. Hopefully the next part of Galaxy will come soon.
I may or may not have some time tomorrow to get some writing done.
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This is amazing
I really want to fuck those vectoring nozzles
ikr? Unf
Oh, damn, she cute.
What plane is this?
Apparently she was originally based on an F-4, but according to the artist's DA post, she's not a real plane.
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>Was intended as cute.
>Got unf instead.
Workin on the stuff
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Since Last time.

>Soon came the last few minutes of flight school.
>Overall for you today has been nerve wracking but not too bad.
>Considering Brute wasn't here, the reason why was obvious.
>The professor at the moment was wrapping up his lecture.
>"...And in addition to tomorrow's plans we will be testing out our stall recovery techniques. Pegasi will have one instructor, and the rest will have me"
>Hopefully you're an exception.
>Seeing how flying on only three engines wouldn't be too difficult, it's still enough to cripple you.
>"...and if there are not questions for tomorrow's lesson plan, class is dismissed"
>The professor, who's look was comparable to a ponified DIscord sat back at his desk.
>and as the whole class files out of the class, you slowly make your way out behind the groups.
>You already attracted everyone to yourself, you didn't want to bring more attention.
>At the edge of the doorway, the professor's voice interrupts you.
>"Mrs. Liner?"
>You tense.
>Turning your head to him.
>He was leaning back in his roller chair, as he fiddled around with a pencil in-between the feathers of his wings.
>" Even though your companion is not here today due to his injuries, I certainly hope you don't intend on causing a ruckus like today and then in the future, right?"
>Tsk, how ironic.
>The Plone who desires to stray away from the public eye, gets in trouble for being too popular.
"N-No sir."
>He looks at you dead stern.
>"Good, cause I'd hate to tell the FAA why you are not certified to fly, and your owner why you can't work."
>A look of dread melted onto your face.
>Just like regular human aircraft, Plones that were no longer useful were stripped, demolished and left to rust.
>Or in your case, if what would happen were true.
>For dead.
>So to recap
>You need to get unpopular or get "scrapped"
>Fear threatens to break tears from your eyes at this threat.
"Y-Yes sir."
>Be Anon.
>Three attempted make out sessions, four fits of rage on inanimate objects, and eleven unintended innuendos later.
>You think you're starting to get this under control.
>At least you hope.
>This stuff you've been explaining to her about being social hasn't been field tested yet.
>"So why do ponies and humans not like to get into a relationship right away?"
>That and your lessons more or less snowball into harder and harder lessons as Sky asks her questions.
"Well, some do in some cases. Though usually it's not practical as it's best to take your time to learn about someone, before deciding if they're a perfect match."
>"But wouldn't it make sense to test out everything in a relationship by doing everything?"
>Make that twelve unintended innuendos now.
>You take a glance at your watch as you answer.
>It's about time to meet up with Airliner.
>You've met all your obligations so far, best not to disappoint now.
"Listen can we talk while we walk, I have some place I need for you to be with me for."
>Shifting out the seats, you toss a random number of bit onto the table.
>Caring less weather you were exact or not on what was owed on the bill.
>"Sure, but where?"
"It's a surprise"
>Walking outside, you decide to hasten your step as you were already late.
>Be Airliner.
>Seeing as how Anon was taking a while to get here.
>You ultimately decided he either was a no-show, or was running late.
>Either way, you decided to walk your way to the maintenance hangers
>"Headin' Home?"
>Slowing your pace to a dead stop.
>It was Blitz behind you and her monotone companion.
"Y-Yes ma'am"
>As they caught up to your side she chuckled.
>"You don't need to do that 'yes ma'am, no ma'am' stuff, we're not training"
>You eased up, and instead of being tense, you were then confused
>Continuing your walk, Blitz covers her mouth. As if she revealed something she wasn't suppose to.
>"Guess I wasn't suppose to tell you that. But, yes I was trying to toughen you up"
>You furrowed your nonexistent brows.
"Who put you up to it."
>She was interrupted before she could even answer
>Halting once again, the three of you turn to face to source.
>An almost too giddy Skybreaker flew a breakneck speeds.
>You shut your eyes in anticipation of an impending and painful tackle.
>No hard ground, no breathless lungs?
>Opening your eyes you turn to see Sky atop of Blitz, who looked visibly dazed.
>And Drony doesn't know whether to intervene or not.
>What the hell happened to Skybreaker?
>"Hi Blitz, Anon has been teaching me how to express myself"
>She smiles widely.
>"I'm very jealous of you, but i still like you."
>Then what happened was very unexpected.
>Skybreaker, then went in for a brief kiss.
>She turns back to the sprinting Anon, who has just managed to catch up.
>"Friends do that sometimes, right Anon?"
>Anon. . . Anon just looks disappointed.
>He runs his hand through his hair.
>"No...No, not like that Sky. Never like that."
>Sky's smile disappears
Nice, so far. Really loving it.
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Page nine is not fine. Pull up, plone!
Goofnight, /Plone'.
night man
Good morning, /Plone/.
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Try and keep up.png
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Sure is a slow day...
"So, did I do well?"
>Goddammit, I must sound like the son of some alchoholic bitch looking for parental approval
>Stupid stupid stupid
"Yeah, you really can dance. Did you take lessons as a colt?" she says as we let go of eachother's hooves
>Ayyy, she doesn't think I have the mentality of a goddamn child
>I think
>Also, >implying I don't have the mentality of a stupid little shitbaby
"No, actually." I chuckle as we turn around to sit down
>We smile at one another as I move the laptop onto my lap
>As I scoot over her, she lifts up her root beer and takes a short sip
>She sucks in some air along with the sweet nectar, as though she's drinking some really hot soup
>I turn to reach for my drink and-
>Where's my drink?
>Thats... freaky
>I slowly scan down the bench, before scaning back towards myself, then turning towards where Sierra is sitting, checking between us and then leaning forward slightly to look around her
>I never took Sierra for a jokester, but I wouldn't really be surprised if my assholery rubbed off on her
>Nooo, not on her side
>Sierra looks to me as she sets down her drink
>She opens her mouth a moment, but closes it and smiles
>I smile back, still a little concerned about where my drink we-
>Two hooves slap down where my shoulders meet my neck, and my right ear is assaulted by a loud voice I know all too well
>I feel myself leap 2 feet in the air, my heart beating out of my chest
>My wings instinctivly punch out backwards and hits my friend in the chest
"AH, CHROIST!" I yelp
>Great, in the heat of the moment I became a fucking bong
>One hoof shoots to grab my laptop before it hits my lap, and the other shoots to my ear
"Graaaaaaah... Red, you fucking asshole..." I half groan, half chuckle as the tiny burst of adrenaline starts to wear off
>I look to the right towards the desk that the secratary is sitting at
>She has her earbuds in, and she hasn't really paid any attention to my little spook
>I turn my head to face Red, and retract my wings
"Hey, Red." Sierra giggles
Very slow
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>I put my left hoof on my right wrist, and all of a suddenly throw both hooves forward and jerk them back
>Sierra winces as she smiles at us
>Red isn't ready for the move, and my right elbow smashes into his gut
>The air in his lungs shoots out with a "WHOOF," and he starts coughing and laughing as he holds his gut
>Our roughhousing may be a little more than most ponies expect, but we can take it
"Alright asshole, where did you put my drink?" I chuckle
>Red wheezes a little as he chuckles
"Under the bench, but I brought the bootleg soda we always drink at my place."
>I scoot back into Red, pushing him backwards as he laughs and nurses his injury, giving me and Sierra some breathing room at Red's expense
>He scoots back faster than I do and punches me in the kidney a little lighter than I hit him in the gut
>Only a little though, so it still hurts a bunch
>I set the laptop down as Sierra giggles at our roughhousing, and when I'm sure it's safe, I hook my wings around the back of the bench and lean down around the edge to look for my drink from the inverted position
>It kinda puts a little too much strain on my wings, but I find my drink fast and pull back up to a seated position
>Red must have snuck in while me and Sierra were dancing and hid in the darkness under the bench while grabbing my drink
>He's wearing some dark pants and his dark blue hoodie, and he must have used his hair to hide the fur on his face
>I know I once told him about the special forces tactic of not looking directly at somepony in order to avoid stimulating their sixth sense

Goodnight, /Plone/.
Midnight bump
>tired enough to justify not doing anything
>not tired enough to fall asleep
Why is the world so cruel
Got any anon greentext?
No, although I am planning on implementing Anon as a side character later on in Galaxy.
Bump before writing.
What kind of sandwich would plone like?
>tfw tired
Take a nap, famalia. Plones will be here when you wake up.
We're only 13 posts away from thread 100. For this, we'll need an image for us to commemorate our general. The question is, which image should we use? Should we use the "happy birthday, Jessy" image, or should we make a new image for this special occasion? Also, should we discuss this in the steam group to save on bumps?
I'm gonna draw a pic for the next thread. I'll start it today and I hope I'll finish it till we hit the bump limit.
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Oh, shit, I was wrong. I was thinking in terms of minutes in an hour, not in an actual 10 digit counting system. God I'm stupid.
Aw, nice, man! Thanks a bunch!
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>go to bump with B-17
>Catalina shows up in captcha
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>He must have used that, too
>I lift my laptop back onto my lap with one hoof and scoot back to Sierra while holding my drink in the other hoof, and Red scoots up behind me
"You two have an... odd relationship, I gotta say." Sierra giggles
"Could say the same to you, Gun-Gut and Chicken-Shitter." Red retorts with a laugh
>It takes me a moment to realize what he means
>Oh, Goddammit, I'm an idiot
>My fucking tramp-stamp is an eagle and Sierra... well, cannon
>I twist my torso to the left and then whip to the right, bumping my right shoulder into Red's collarbone and slapping my right humerus into his sternum
"Ow, shit." Red half mutters, half chuckles
"I just know those insults are gonna become a running gag between us." I say with a smile
>I feel Red put his forelegs around my shoulders with a rather... homoerotic air to his movements
"Oh, Stop, you know you love me." he says in a stereotypical campy-gay voice
>Sierra puts a hoof to her lips and smiles in amusement at our stupidity
"Mmmmm, Load, I love it when you talk that way..." I reply in an equally campy voice
>Red laughs and I surprise him with another elbow to the gut
"Don't fucking fag up in front of QTs, man." I say with a grin and a chuckle
>Red coughs and chuckles as I get back into the proper forward-facing sitting position, and he scoots up to my right
>Sierra affectionately lays her head on my shoulder and Red leans to the right to grab his backpack
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F-16 Falcon.png
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"QTs...? Hang, on, did you-"
"Hell yeah, man. Finally got the guts to tell her." I say as I put my left hoof around Sierra
"Barely." Sierra giggles
"Hang on, so how did you find out where we were? I get that you skipped school to find us, but-"
"If I can rat out who was selling crack to the kid who tried to mess with me last month, I can find out what happened to you in under an hour." Red replies. "It doesn't take a genius to check the internet for police stations near your house."
"Right." I laugh

Goodnight, /Plone/. Sorry for such little content. I should really start writing earlier.
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(also someone pls fix her missing wing, I lost the version that had it)
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Good morning, /Plone/.
F-35 is not good
I know, but I couldn't find anything that fit the mood of that part
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Almost to 100
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Goodnight, /Plone/.
Goodnight, NI
Hard to sleep bump
Go to sleep
Good morning, /Plone/.
was excited for episodes!
Those were nice
>no cliched two-parter adventure opener
>slice of life that's actually pretty funny and isn't boring
I didn't get a chance to watch it. Or any episodes since halfway through season 3.
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Anti-fa summons dark magic in hopes of killing Trump, but they only end up ripping a hole in space-time, turning Trump into ploner. What happens?
>turning Trump into ploner
You mean tumblr witches? What about the meme wizards on /pol/?
Tumblr witches joined in on the dark ritual, trying to control meme magic for themselves, but were too dumb to succeed.
If the thread reaches bump limit when I'm not around are you gonna make a new one immediately or wait for me to make it by myself with my drawing?
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If it reaches bump limit before you can finish, I could wait for you to finish and you could put a link up on the steam group to the actual image, or you could make the next thread yourself, if you want.
When do you expect to finish the drawing?
Harambe plane pony
Goodnight, /Plone/.
Quiet bump
Would your waifu practice Celestianism, or would she be willing to test the waters of Earth religions? What about other plones you're familiar with?
My planefu would be a closet member of the cult mechanicus.
What I mean is would your waifu practice Celestia worship or would she be willing to try out the religions of our world, a la religionklok.
Hopefully I can get a little bit of Galaxy done today.
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Hey, JH, I don't wanna come off as a nagging little shitbaby, but do you expect to be done by the end of the day?
Yep, I'm finishing it right now. I guess it'll be ready in one hour.
This still exists...Holy cow....Well..I mean..I've been lurking....Alot of shit in my background going on. Life changes. Moves. Divorces. Children being born and raised...Sorry I've been absent.
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It's fine, man. We all deal with some crazy shit in our lives from time to time and we all know how it can take up all of our free hours, and you're no exception. Just remember that we understand that you need time to deal with whatever is going down on your side of the map, and we'll be waiting patiently for your return. No biggie.

Whoa long time no see lad. You're just in time for the upcoming celebration in the 100th thread.
Honestly, I've had my son born, had to forcibly move when my ex and I decided to split and divorce, so upending everything I own into a small SUv and moving 6 hours north. Then my PC died, so...It's been life.

Good to see you're still around. I guess I am.
So much to letting it die and talking about how horrible it was, that nobody paid attention to your story.

Welcome back.
Ok so give me like 30 more mins to finish a pic and I'll make a new thread
Well, it's good to know you're back, for now. Here's hoping things get easier from here.
Alright, nice!

Happy 100, /Plone/. And a happy Easter, too.


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