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MLPFEMTORPG: NuGaston is a NuMale Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 60
Thread images: 10

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>2 0 Rules
goo gl/GZeKHu
>2 0 Multiclasses
goo gl/3Gzb5Z

>1 4 rules
goo gl/jyvXV
>1 4 Multiclasses
goo gl/6Tvgb

>Expanded Racials 3 5 (New Release!)
goo gl/LdJNFf

>OP Image:
goo gl/IpKEC
>optional dice-bot script
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>ooc chat
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>Alternate Chat
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This is where everyone is! Stop by and say hi!

Channel is #MLPRPG
Host is Rizon
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The thread game I just filed with the chat lists me, my NPC's, Mr. DiceBot here but only FOUR of you!

First ones to post sheets get to stay on my one-shot!
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You're a Big Good.

It is a late Saturday morning in the middle of Summer, and you two of you arrive on a dirt road leading up to Rustic Charm Farm, a major supplier of vegetables to several nearby villages. The Equestrian Hero's Guild had sent along a request for help from it's owner, Pumpkin Pie. Along side the long wooden fence leading up to the front of the fairly large farm, you can already see the problem detailed in the letter sent out to you: whole fields of what appear to have been recently dug up holes where vegetables should be growing fill your view for hundreds of yards. Pumpkin had reported that entire cart-fulls worth of vegetables had been stolen over night. The entire plant, roots and all.

As you stroll up to the front of the farm, the elderly Pumpkin Pie hurriedly trots up to the massive griffon and the teeny bat-pony heroes sent to his aid. He takes a quick look between the two of you, and scratches his head. "Huh... really sent me an odd couple on this job, didn't they? One's little enough to sit on my lap, the other big enough to pull my dang barn." He takes off his cowboy hat and bows graciously. "Anywho, I'm awful grateful for y'all coming out here to help me out of this dern pickle I'm in." He takes a said sigh as he looks out at his torn up fields. "It's just a catastrophe. Those crops were days away from being plucked an' shipped out to market but now... I ain't got time to re-plant THIS many veggies."
"Oh, sorry about that. She the one who helping you." Good says looking down to Lights.

"I just supervising and making sure it get done."

"So what do you think happen to the vegetable?" the giant griffon lisps.
"Don't let my small size fool you good siw; hewoes comes in all shapes and sizes," she says with a salute, chest puffed up, and the shield almost bigger than her now leaning against her.

"Do you know anypony who might've wanted to steal youw vegetables? Seems weiwd that is all they stole."

She beams up at Big.
"Of couwse it'll get done. A hewo always make suwe to help those in need and get it done!"
"Well yeah but I mean, you like what, six? You get squish by a bug."

Good says holding his finger and thumb together and making a "squish" motion.

>Its been so long since I've had to write "finger" in a roleplaying game.
"Which is why I have daddy's shield," she says and proudly holds it up, "so I squish them befowe they squish me."
Despite the positive tone she had, gravity begins to betray her as the weight of the shield causes her to lean/fall backwards.
Good reaches down and grabs the shield, picking it up [with her still dangling off it at his eye level]

"And that why you have me, for a quest about saving vegetables."
Pumpkin nods his head as he puts his cowboy hat back on, "Ah, supervisor. Well good to know I at least got a pro here."

Pumpkin lowers his brow at the eager young bat-pony. "Well, I won't fault ya for enthusiasm... just, I ain't never had a hero who I had shirts older than."

He shakes his head, "I ain't got any clue HOW they're doin' it. This has been happenin' for a few days now. Before I sent the letter I tried stayin' up myself with my farm-hooves to try and catch the thief but the last thing we remember is some kinda... giggle, or laughter comin' from the woods at around 1 or 2 in the mornin'. We were gonna check it out but then, weirdly enough, we all just fell asleep right then and there. Don't even remember HOW just... when we all woke up the next morning, every vegetable in the fields we were scheduled to pick was torn out of the dirt!"

He turns to Lights Out next, "Ain't too sure on that either. It couldn't all been one pony, it'd take him way longer than a few hours to uproot that many veggies. But we can't find any hoof-marks or cart-marks anywhere. But we're a peaceful county out here, I can't name a pony who'd wish harm on my farm like this. Worst thing ever happened before this, an owl attacked my wife's mane."

He looks out towards the woods nearby, "Nah, the only thing I got to go on is that... weird, gigglin' I heard right before I passed out coming from out there. Mighta been some kinda spell?"
She only gives a small giggle, even while dangling.

"Hmm...sounds like an evil fowest monstew that can fly! ...maybe," she says as she tries to think about the situation.
"We could hide somewhewe at night and wait fow them to show up! The culpwit always wetuwns to the scene of theiw cwime!"
"It counda been diamond dogs. Lemme check real quick." Good says putting down Lights, before leaping dozens of feet in the air, and coming down spinning like a drill, hands pointed together as he pierces the earth and goes down deep below the missing vegetables to check for tunnels.

>Adaptability: Burrowing
Lights watches the display, unable to contain the levels of fanfilly she's showing right now. A thought then takes her out of her admiring and she flies over to Big's big hole.
"Do dogs even like vegetables," she yells down into it, wondering if he could hear.
"Hehehehe... well, not a bad idea. There are actually some critters what live out there in the woods. Magical ones. But I have a unicorn straight out of Canterlot ward my farm that's supposed to spook the worst of them off. Nothing from the woods should be able to step in. Besides, not sure what they'd want with my crops."

He taps his hoof on the ground, "True, they might try again tonight... I still have one last crop untouched but I don't know. If they get this one too, I'm ruined for sure."

"Uh, whaddya mean 'check' there?" He asks quickly before you take flight.

You take off into the air and turn into a rapidly spinning drill, your hard talons coming together at a point to dig deep into the ground where the missing vegetables were plucked from. You see the holes only lead down as deep as the veggies were originally buried, and as you dig deep you find no trace of underground tunnels they might have been plundered from below. Nor any evidence that tunnels were recently made and then collapsed.
"Not really." Good says, emerging from the ground.

"Its not diamond dog. Hmm." the giant says, pacing.

He holds up his non-mechanical claw, as a field of turquoise energy surrounds it.

>Adaptability: Dowsing: Vegetables.

The griffon fans his finger like a radar towards the forest, seeing if he senses anything.
"If its putting you to sleep, then maybe it isn't afwaid of your magic stuff."
She hums in thought, and one could almost pinpoint the moment when a light bulb appears over her head.
"Wait, what about that unicown? If they made your fawm safe, then they know how to get past evewything!"
She seems to keep going with this.
"Pwobably using your veggies some an eeeevil potion! Ow selling them at a supew high pwice!"
Pumpkin winces as he looks at the hole along side Lights Out, "Great... you're gonna fill that in later, right?"

As you point your claw towards the forest, you do in fact sense vegetables coming from that direction. A great deal of them, though you think they might be getting farther away.

Pumpkin blushes, "Ah, well, uh... I guess that's the case. Though still, maybe its magic can come through but nothing physical should be able to step over the wards."

As you accuse the unicorn he shakes his head, "He might get past the wards but i'd be surprised if he could take all the crops by himself. 'Sides, I just happened to get a letter from 'im from Canterlot this week, he shouldn't be anywhere near the farm."
Good stomps his foot, and the big hole collapses, filling itself in.

"Come on kid, I got lead." he says, following his magic glowing hand.
Lights visibly deflates as her amazing theory gets debunked in mere seconds.
"Dwat. Back to the dwawing boawd."

But she perks up, once again fangirling at Big's amazing hero display.
"Could you teach me that aftew this? That looks weally useful," she says, fluttering behind the griffon. Surprisingly, able to keep pace, even with the oversized shield trying to drag her down.
"It magic. Took a while to get down. I can try to teach you though."
"I nevew twied magic before, but I'd still twy to leawn!"
He smiles, "Hey, don't beat yourself up. It wasn't a bad idea. I'm sure you'll work it out. You'll get somethin' here."

As the hole fills itself with a stomp of your foot, Pumpkin smiles, "AH, well... much obliged. Good luck out there, sonny. You keep that foal safe and sound, y'hear?"

As the hole fills itself with a stomp of your foot, Pumpkin smiles, "AH, well... much obliged. Good luck out there, sonny. You keep that foal safe and sound, y'hear?"

You two take off into the woods away from the farm, following along the dowsing trail from Big's talon as the trees grow thicker with each passing minute. After a while, you're far enough away that you can't see the farm anymore, but Big can sense that the vegetables are coming up quickly.

Eventually, you come across the first few: you see a few vegetables laying around in the ground in a huddle. Not nearly enough for the entire crop but a couple dozen potatoes, pumpkins, cabbages, etc. You also think you can hear a little filly's light laughter coming from an undesirable direction.
Good nods to the farmer before he runs off with Lights. When he finds the vegetables, his claw stops glowing.

His eyes go sharp as he hears the laughter.

"You think that cool kid? This the part where they try and jump us. But they don't know they outnumber."

Good says, holding his claws together, index fingers raised and touching. He closes his eyes, as afterimages begin shedding off of him, which solidify into additional Big Goods, each as giant as the last.

>Body Partioning
>There are now seven Big Goods at 9/1 each

"Alright, we all look around and report back, okay?"

>"RIGHT!" comes back a chorus of responses

The Goods begin looking around for the voice.
She goes serious as her ears perk around, trying to find the source of the laughter. But that goes right out the window when Big Good uses his shadow clone jutsu.
"Holy cwud! You'we a ninja too?!"

Snapping out of her admiration daze, she flies off in a direction the Bigs did NOT go in, using her sensitive hearing to either find the source of laughter, or find something else entirely.
"What? No!"

>"Oh that show so awful"

The Goods begin discussing their mutual disdain for Naruto and why their spell is nothing similar as Lights flies off.
Big Good splits off into seven identical copies, and along with Lights Out begin to fan out in eight different directions looking for the source of the voice.

Moments after they do though, the seven Big Goods and the bat pony see all of the vegetables on the ground suddenly sprout green, vine-like legs and start running themselves, squeaking in indecipherable high-pitched gibberish as the dozens of vegetables suddenly spring life of their own and start scattering around the woods.

As you see the vegetables screaming and running, the giggling intensifies, and all the Goods and Lights out can hear a creaking coming from the trees all around them. Branches move of their own accord as the trees themselves give a low, unsettling groan, and several branches come swinging at the heroes, four of them coming to life as they begin to uproot themselves

[1d10] Cleave 2, Bigs 1/2
[1d10] Cleave 2, Bigs 3/4
[1d10] Cleave 2, Big's 5/6
[1d10] Cleave 2, Big 7 + Lights Out
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The Goods spring into action, and begin attacking the trees.

Big Good 1/2 attacking Tree 1



Big Good 3/4 attacking Tree 2



Big Good 5/6 attacking Tree 3



Big Good 7 attacking Tree 4

"Ahah! It was evil fowest spirits!"

As she says that, she spins around in the air while holding her shield. As she gets dizzy and gently drifts down to the ground, her shield flies at the tree attacking her with great speed and enough force to bounce off and hit another tree just as hard, then jam itself into the ground in front of Lights to pull out.

>Marksman Shot with Split Trick Ammo applied
>autocrit on the tree attacking her and another random tree

Big Good 7 attacking Tree 4

Big Good's clones dive and punches at the various swinging trees, the giant griffons punching and splintering several of their branches and demolishing the wooden monsters with fists of fury as they take their own toll on Big Good's partitions
>Big Good 1: 1/1
>Big Good 2: 5/1
>Big Good 3: 0/1 (dead)
>Big Good 4: 9/1
>Big Good 5: 1/1
>Big Good 6: 6/1
>Big Good 7: 7/1

You spin around and make yourself quite dizzy as you toss your shield towards the nearest tree, its branches missing you as you mark a giant gash in its newly acquired wooden face before it bounces off and slams into another one, returning to the earth below as the trees wail and hold their faces with some of their branches

Tree 3 falls to the ground in a heap of splintered wood, and Tree 2 isn't looking too fair as the remaining trio of trees give another shot at the heroes. The giggling begins to subside as they take damage, instead replaced by a concerned mewling like a pouty foal.
[1d10] Cleave 3 against Bigs 1, 2, 4
[1d10] Cleave 2 against Bigs 5, 6
[1d10] Cleave 2 against Big 7 and Lights Out
"Haha! The hewoes always win! Show youwself now, vile cweatuwe, since you can't defeat us!"

And with that declaration, she throws her shield at the face of a tree, making it bounce off for her to buck into the face of a second tree, bounce off, then catch in her mouth to spin and throw at the third and final tree.

>Ranged Cleave, 3 targets. Critfails 3-, safe from counter attacks on 4+
Good 3 disappears into a flash of dust and magic [not smoke]

Good 6 and 7 block for Lights

[1d10] Reducing the Damage
[1d10] Reducing the Damage

Goods 1, 2, and 4 attack Tree 1




Good 5 flies off to find the source of the voice

[1d10] Where you at nigga?
The trees' attacks against Lights Out are blocked out by the Bigs blocking on her behalf, and Bigs' flurries of punches decimate Tree 1 into a pile of splinters. Meanwhile, Light's shield bounces off the face of Tree 1 and into Tree 2, who subsequently shatters after the barrage of the previous assault. The only remaining Tree being the 4th, who raises up several of his branches in desperation to strike out at those remaining Bigs and Lights Out
>Big 1: 0/1 (dead)
>Big 2: 4/1
>Big 4: 6/1
>Big 5: 5/1
>Big 6: 6/1
>Big 7: 2/1
>Lights: 5/5

[1d10] Cleave 5 on Bigs 2, 4, 6, 7, Lights

Meanwhile, Big 5 moves past the howling trees and listens for the whimpers of the filly's voice, but can find nothing among the thicket of trees. However, he does notice that the living vegetables that sprouted legs are all moving in a single direction now after scattering, still squeaking and 'screaming' as Pumpkin's crops race towards another area away from the heroes and the trees.
"Geez, twees take a lot to beat down, huh?" She says out loud to the Bigs as she catches her shield.
"But as a hewo, I can't give up! Besides," she raises her shield up with both hooves over her head, "it's time fow Lights Out!"

She then unceremoniously throws the shield so the face of the shield impacts the tree instead of throwing it like a disc.

>Custom Job Trick Ammo Knock Out
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Good 5 follows the plants to source [1d10]

"Man, I shouldn't clone. This way too easy now."

Good 2 says, before all of them roar a great shout at the Tree 4 to shatter it into splinters.




The gigantic roar and the shield slam into the final tree, sending him toppling over back end as he lets out all of his branches at once, flinging over like a fern with absolutely nothing to lose as he manages to score a lucky blow against almost every remaining Big Good and Light herself, scattering them as all but Big 4 go poof and Light's Out goes to the ground helpless in an explosion of the tree.

>Big 4: 4/1
>Lights Out: 0/4
>will allow auto recovery, the tree's are all down, you all are left in the forest with the broken wooden guardians as the giggling returns, albeit in a much lighter tone.

Looking at the walking vegetables, Big 5 follows them deeper into the woods while his remaining copies and Light finish off the trees. The mewling stops as you fly for a bit, following the walking veggies into an even thicker part of the forest, almost too thick to even fly.

Eventually, in a particularly green and vibrant part of the forest, you happen upon a massive gathering of the walking veggies: hundreds, perhaps THOUSANDS of home-grown vegetables of almost any variety you find dancing among a small clearing hidden among the woods. The vegetables do not pay you any mind as they dance and jump around as though they were full of life themselves, and dancing with them all in the center is a small green filly.

The filly herself appears to be partially wood, with long green flowing mane and flowers coming out of her as she skips around and plays with any vegetables near her, giggling in the exact same tone as you heard before near the center of the vegetables, unaware of your presence. "Hehehehehee... I don't know why I was worried everyone. I-I'm sure my trees have already taken care of the intruders. Come on, let's keep having fun!" The vegetables give a loud chorus of squees in response.
forgot pic related for the filly
The various Goods are crushed and whipped and destroyed, vanishing into dust and magic.

The remaining Good grabs his chest.

"Aaah. I had say it." He slides down the back of another tree, as far away Good 5 dissipates into dust and magic.
"Let this be lesson to you kid. Never let guard down. No matter what."

He grits his teeth.

"I lose too much strength. I get cocky. Listen, there green filly deeper in, with all the vegetables. You gotta finish this on you own, okay?"
"Oww, that huwt," she whines and gets up from the ground, dusting herself off of splinters, "and I wasn't able to pose all cool behind it when it went kablooey, neithew...."

She looks up at Big Good with a very worried look.
"O-on my own," she asks, sounding a bit shocked, "but...what about you? Awe you gonna be okay hewe?"

(After having her conversation with Big Good) Lights ventures deeper into the forest, to where Big Good told her the filly would be. She tries to keep brave and her chest puffed out, though deep inside, she's a little nervous about finally doing something one her own.

"Hello...." she says nervously at first, but then inspires herself to speak louder.
"I mean, gweetings fowest spiwit! I have bested your twees and hewe to bwing the vegetables back home," she yells bravely, setting her shield down and letting it lean against her, "suwwender peacefully and I pwomise to do you no hawm!"
"I be fine kid. Just a little rough up. You can do this. It just rescuing vegetable."

He says, grimacing and closing his eyes in pain in an exaggerated fashion.
She nods with determination and gets her shield on her back and ready for travel.
"I'll do you pwoud, Mr. Good!"
She then rushes off to the forest, leading to where she is now.
Big 5 disappears and returns to Big Good, returning him to 8/2 as all remaining pieces of him collect together wounded besides the side of a remaining tree (non hostile, fortunately). A few remaining vegetables that didn't make the run over to where you sent Big 5 approach you cautiously, not sure of what to make of you.

After Lights Out leaves Big Good's side, she follows the same trail of walking, squeaking vegetables towards the clearing that his clone had taken, the lone filly walking into the nest of the dryad as she comes upon the same scene of merriment and dancing that he saw, the green filly and her thousands of recently brought-to-life vegetables having a grand old time in the woods.

As you speak out and shout, the filly gives a gasp, partway sinking into the ground with her top-part sticking out as she stares at the lone bat-pony with dread. "Y-YOU!!? How did you get past my guards?!"

The various vegetables give a loud chorus of chirps and yelps, scattering about mindlessly as the filly stomps a hoof and gives a toss of her green mane.
"Y-you're not taking these plants back to that prison! I rescued all of them from those awful ponies keeping them trapped there and gave them all freedom! You're a bad pony too, aren't you?! Trying to make all these plants go back there... well I'll protect all of them!"
You feel a few vines beginning to slip from the ground and gather around your hooves
[1d10+1] Earthen Grasp
Good keeps leaning his back back against the tree, eyes closed in exaggerated agony until he's sure she's gone. He opens one eye to check that she's gone.

"Go get em squirt." he says, before sitting up straight against the tree, quickly casting a spell to hear whats going on.

>Adaptability: Sound Hound
Good looks at the vegetables with irritation.

"What you look at?"
"Because I'm a hewo. And hewoes always get past the bad pony's guawds!"

"What, no, I'm the hewo. You'we the bad pony for stealing," Lights Out says back, then sees the vines growing up.
"I was hoping to not fight, but if you weally want to...."
Before the vines get a hold on her, she throws her shield as hard as she can at the plant filly.

>Knock Out Marksman Shot
The vegetables flip and flop over the ground as you listen into the exchange happening far away, and a large bushel of cauliflower leaps up onto your lap to relax, chirping lightly like a pet as several potatoes run around your rear legs.

"What?! No! I'm the good pony!" She points at all the vegetables gathered around, "All of these plants were trapped in the dirt and not allowed to move around or talk or do anything because all those big ponies forced them too! Th-they didn't even know they COULD do any of that until I cast a spell on them to let them too. I didn't steal them I saved them. You're the bad pony who's trying to capture them and make them dumb again so you can eat them!"

The vines reach up and out of the ground, completely trapping your hooves and wings in a criss-cross net of vines that render you immobile

However, before the vines grap you, you successfully toss your shield out at the dryad, nailing her in the forehead as she spins around in a daze and plops unconscious on the ground, the vegetables 'looking' at her with confusion as to what to do as you struggle with the vines.
"What? Get outta here, shoo!" he says, lightly tossing the veggie away.
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Lights Out tries to use her small, filly body to slip free from the vines rather than try and power her way out.

All the talking was getting her confused, and seeing her shield land in front of her, she thinks back to her hero lessons.
"Hmm...something tells me we might've started off on the wong hoof. Hey, if I pwomise not to hit you with my shield, and you pwomise to not do that neat magic stuff, maybe we can talk this out? You don't seem that bad."
She looks around at the veggies.
"I mean, they don't look like evil minions weady to take ovew the land."
The cauliflower is tossed from your lap and sent scurrying away into the woods, as the potatoes begin to take heed of your aggressive attitude and back off slowly, squeaking in-comprehensively to each other before one of them tosses themselves at your metallic arm, slightly denting their skin and leaving crumbs over the metal. A couple stalks of corn seem ready to pounce.

The dryad rubs her head where the shield hit her, rolling over and trying to shake off the ache as you manage to pull your way out of the vines and slip free thanks to your tiny frame.

"Ooowww.... w-what?" She turns and looks at the thousands of living vegetables, "Of course they're not! How could I take over the land with a bunch of vegetables? Ponies would just eat them." She groggily tries to stand ([1d10]) "I just wanted to help them out of the farm, but I couldn't get past the wards. So I brought THEM to life instead and they freed themselves. All the other plants in the woods are free, so why can't they?"
"I said shoo!" he says, grabbing one of the potatos as it crawls on his arm and biting it in half.

"You see? You see what you make me do?" he says with potato filling his beak, looking at the other vegetables.
"Well, mostly because the plants in the woods awe pwobably meant to be alive like that and all."
She keeps her shield handy just in case, but otherwise, approaches the dryad dragging it along the ground rather than trying to lift it up.
"And, well, the us eating them pawt is kind of sad, but wouldn't they die when wintew comes awound because it gets too cold? And the pony that they came fwom wewe taken vewy good cawe of, enough that he got the wawd put up to pwotect them. We thought a mean, evil something was stealing them for their own nefawious deeds."

She offers a hoof to the dryad.
"Maybe if we just go back, you can talk to him. I'm suwe if you apologize, and he does the same, he could let you come ovew and have the vegetables dance and stuff whenevew you'd like. I don't know magic stuff yet, but would that be okay? Twust me, if mowe ponies come aftew you, they'd be twying to slay you wight now."
She keep her hoof down, smiling at the dryad with an innocence only a filly could.
The potato, nature's taste grenade, is rather delicious as you bit into it, his bottom half wriggling and writhing with subdued squeals until the little vines that had given him automation droop downwards in silence, the other vegetables immediately taking note of your threat as they all give you several meters of space, some of them even running farther away into the woods.

The dryad pony tries to stand herself up, but falls back down as she feels the head-ache return from the earlier shield attack. As you approach her and offer peace, she looks up at you in confusion. "H-huh? What do you mean the plants in the woods are 'meant' to be alive?" She looks at nearby prancing stalk of broccoli before grabbing it gently, and showing it to you, "T-they're supposed to be alive too, aren't they?"

She takes your hoof as you offer to help her up, the dryad pony looking around at her dancing vegetable extravaganza, "Well... they didn't exactly say they WERE mistreated. In fact, they... don't really say a lot of anything. I thought they were just not used to it."
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>"I wonder what Skullheart doing right now..."
"Well, uhh, like I said, I don't know much about magic and stuff. Though, they do make chiwping noises when happy," she says, patting the broccoli on the head.
"But I think I mean...uhm...they'we alive in they'we own way, but not the way you might think?"
She shows visible confusion on her part, as if she wasn't quite sure what she was saying at the moment.
"Like...they can feel if they'we mistweated even befowe you made them dance awound, wight?"

"They might not be used to it since these plants awe usually gwown fow food and all. But even then, we still take vewy good cawe of them since if they die, we go hungwy and then nopony can gwow mowe and take cawe of them. And then you won't have any vegetables to sing and dance with."

"I know you'we twying to do what is wight, but you might actually huwt them if they'we like this. They grew up in a vewy safe farm whewe nothing could huwt them undew Pumpkin Pie's super watchfulness. They may not be safe out hewe."
She offers her hoof again, this time in friendship.
"If you want a fwiend, I could be youws. And Pumpkin could if we bwing them back, and evewything he gwows also could."
The dryad looks down at the vegetables, taking into Light's words very carefully as she considers of what these vegetables' really consider to be a happy life and if she'd overstepped some boundaries in taking them from the farm.

"I-It's okay... I, I THINK I understand you." She says as she looks at the dancing vegetables, noticing their simple glee as Lights out pets one of them. "Maybe they're NOT supposed to be walking around like me and the other trees but... being cared for and waiting to help other living creatures survive." She picks up another nearby, "They were the healthiest veggies I think I ever saw when I brought them to life... I guess they weren't being mistreated." She flattens her wood-like ears, creaking as she does so and shrinking back.

"I... I think I may have had a misunderstanding."

>"I'll say...."
The two of you hear a rather loud, booming mature voice coming out of the wood work as the dryad filly freezes up with fear, looking around as another being starts to come out of the nearby trees. Several of them bend together and take the shape of a dryad mare the size of Big Good, very similar in appearance to the younger though with far older looking wood skin and more variety of flowers in her mane, leaning down over the two fillies with a concerned glare as she stares around at all of the various vegetables dancing.
>"I leave you to this part of the woods alone for a FEW days... and you bring an entire farm's worth of plants that are NOT under our domain to life?!"
"H-h-hey mom..." the dryad filly says nervously, looking at you desperately for help.
Lights, seeing the filly dryad sink away, steps over slightly to put herself between the filly and her mother like the brave hero she aspires to be.
"Don't wowwy, ma'am. As a hewo, I have alweady solved the situation," she says proudly.
"We wewe just on ouw way to wetuwn them and apologize, right...uhh...," she has a look on her face like something just dropped on her head.
>Oh snickewdoodles! I fowgot to ask hew name!
She thinks to herself, but coughs a bit to try and play her realization off.
"I'm sowwy, I fowgot to intwoduce myself. I'm Lights Out, hewo in twaining! I'm sowwy fow entewing youw fowest uninvited," she then turns to the dryad filly, "and fow hitting you with my shield," she then looks back to the mare, "but we wewe just about to make evewything wight."
She smiles to the dryad filly with a big smile.
Good gets up when he hears the bigger dryad, and starts setting off to find them.

When he sees the mother, he takes a few steps forward, walking over to them.

"Hello. Big Good, professional hero. I hear everything with magic."

"We good?"
The older dryad looks down at the bat pony curiously, the filly smiling lightly as you put yourself on the line to help her out after attacking you.
>"Is that so...?"
The mare asks, giving you a judgemental look as she purses her lips, but her daughter quickly agrees with you.
"Yes! Yes, e-exactly so. I was JUST learning about how I was wrong about the vegetables, I-I was going to take them back to the farm and apologize! Truly!" She turns to you as you introduce yourself, smiling as she takes your hoof and shakes it, a few flowers branching out over your hoof as she does. "Mapleroot. My mom's Lost Grove. Forget about the shield... you REALLY know how to throw that thing though, ow." She chuckles, "I'm uh, sorry about the trees. Thank you for giving me another chance..."

As Big Good arrives in the grove, the dryads turn to him next, the mother looking at the large griffon with surprise as she stares back down at her daughter and the plethora of vegetables.
>"Hello... Big Good... welcome to my forest. You too, Lights Out. I apologize on my own behalf for the trouble allowed to occur here, but, I do believe we have come to an understanding."
Mapleroot nods, looking over at all the vegetables as she gives a loud whistle, "Attention! Everyone, it's time for you to go back to your home... I had a lot of fun playing with you but this isn't where you're meant to be. I might not get to play with you all again, but... I hope you take some of these good memories with you somehow." She sighs, looking up at Big Good and over at Lights Out as she laments her apology. "I'm ready... let's go.

>epilogue next
The heroes and Mapleroot lead the vast army of vegetables back home to Rustic Charm Farms, wherein Pumplin Pie was delighted to have his entire stock back. He was shocked to learn the root of all the problems was a child dryad who didn't entirely grasp the concept of non-sentient plant-life yet, but seeing as how no harm was done after she told every plant to go back to their original spot, she was swiftly forgiven. And offered the chance to play with more vegetables in the future: as it turns out, the food DID take some of those good times with them when they went to market, and ponies commented they were some of the best tasting vegetables they'd ever had.

Pumpkin Pie paid happily for the services of Big Good and Lights Out. Big Good was commended by the Equestria Hero's Guild for successfully overseeing Light's mission (and even though it was mostly staged, occasionally teased for letting a filly finish the big bad boss all on her own). He was also given a good deal of food from the farm itself as reward. Lights Out was given high marks and options for even more adventures, as well as a few momentos from the Rustic Charm Farm caper: a necklace of flowers given to her by her new Dryad friend, and Pumpkin Pie awarded her very own Stetson hat, traditionally given out to the farm-hooves.

>Thank you for playing!
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