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How is he supposed to top tirek?

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File: stormking.png (157KB, 675x1024px) Image search: [Google]
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Dude looks like bargain bin tier tirek.
And He's skinny as FUCK. I don't see how he's supposed to be more threatening than Tirek was. Or even discord
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He has Storm in his name so maybe they were going for a yeti look?
We already have yetis in the show though. He's not one.
File: IMG_4629.png (125KB, 968x825px) Image search: [Google]
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He could possess all manner of extra-Equestrian magical powers or artifacts, anon. Remember that we don't really know how the world outside Equestria works, so there isn't much to judge power levels off of. Tirek wasn't from Equestria, remember, and in his base form he looked weak too.
I don't mean he is one, I mean as in they're going for a yeti look. Try to make him look the part of 'Storm King', y'know?
maybe he has an ancient stone that can drain magic aside for his own

Nah, that would be just stilly
I hope his plan actually matches his theme; if he's called the "storm king", he better be doing something weather related, or be trying to summon windigos or something like that.
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>form is everything
You should know this lesson well by now, OP.

Big power can come in small and unassuming packages. Twilight herself is proof of that.
He's not actually the villain, it turns out he's good and just trying to kill flurry heart because she's the anti-christ
Slight similarity.
Storm King looks like what bodybuilders should be. That is, big and strong looking without being oversized. He is obviously very strong, you can tell that from his arms, chest, and lats. He just has a low body fat percentage so there's not much fat stored around his gut. He probably also avoids Ab workouts to keep them small and add to his appearance in clothes. Tl;Dr he's fine from a fitness standpoint. From a character design and story standpoint, he's shit and should die.
I do not remember this.

Starlight wasn't anywhere close to either, but she was still a great villain.

Being threatening is not about raw power.
File: Fixed.png (365KB, 675x1024px) Image search: [Google]
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For real. Ice goblins would be awesome.
The Yaks episodes. Pinkie runs into it on the way to yakyakistan.
Lich King aesthetics? Shitty move, Hasbro.
They also have cats in the show, but Capper still happened.
File: opa.png (244KB, 512x1024px) Image search: [Google]
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Capper X Opal OTP
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