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Nebula #2 (CYOA)

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What, no intro Original Post?
Ha ha I'm just kiddin.
"I'd be more cautious," You tell Eagle, "You can do whatever you want, but I don't want you to die. But, kudos to you."
"It slimed me." Eagle mutters; waddling back.
You take some saliva from her suit and place it in a jar, for studying.
You find a camera and start taking pictures of it. Once again: It doesn't seem to mind.
Quiet Vine suddenly gasps and grabs you.
"We should name it," She tells you, "It's species!"

What do you do?
Uh...I'm not good at naming things. What do you have in mind?
"Uh... I'm not good at naming things," You admit, "What do you have in mind?"
"...I don't know." She says.
You eyes widen at the sight of several more of the same large creatures enter the clearing, with different fur colors. Even it's quills were different colors.
The others bend their necks down and start eating. Quiet Vine gasps as something comes to her mind.
"Rainbow Quills!" She says happily.

What do you do?
"Seems good."

Damn, she's being such a cutie. Log that these creatures can have different colored fur.
"Seems good." You nod.
You quickly log down that they can have different fur colors.
"Hey, what's that?" Fedot asks.
You look up and across the clearing. Across from the Rainbow Quills was what appeared to be a large cat, hiding in the shadows.
It was large, with blue and orange fur, on it's back were quills as well, but they were pure black. It had a large muzzle with sharp, jagged teeth, two of them jutting out of it's mouth. It's eyes were purely yellow, no pupils, and they seemed to glow. It had four legs that ended with five large, sharp claw. You definitely didn't want to get pounced by it, or risk getting shredded into pieces.
The new creature licks it chops, and gets down low. Slowly stalking towards the pod of Rainbow Quills, and sticking to the shadows.
The Rainbow Quills don't seem to notice it.
It was now raining. Lightning streaking across the sky every minute or so.

What do you do?
Oh shit! Let's hide and document the events and log the cat.
Let's back away from the rainbow quills and giant cat to observe. I wanna see how they use their quills for defense.
And let's not interfere too much with the creatures native to this planet.
-it's safe to assume the cat's gonna try to kill one of the rainbow quills. I just hope Vine doesn't draw it's attention. Ready laser gun in case it moves toward our group.
Agreed. Just keep a close eye on Vine so she doesn't do anything foolish. Let's not mess with nature too much, it's the circle of life. Just hide and observe, we probably can't beat the giant cat with our pistols anyway.
There are a lot of pointy things thus far.
I can see your......point.
The four of you quickly hide, but you ready your laser gun just in case it decided to move on you.
Quiet Vine quickly takes your logbook and starts logging.
The cat continues to stalk for a while. It gets closer and closer.
And, then it jumps high into the air, grabbing onto one of the Rainbow Quills by the neck.
The Rainbow Quill panics as the cat tears into it's neck. It quickly brings it down and continues to tear into it.
The four other Rainbow Quills back away, getting a safe distance away from it. It soon finishes it's first prey and moves to the others, moving at incredible speeds.
One of the Rainbow Quills fire it's quills at it. The cat manages to dodge them. One manages to embed itself into it's back, but it doesn't seem fazed by it.
It jumps onto the next one, tearing into it's neck. One of the Rainbow Quills runs over and grabs the cat with it's teeth.
The Rainbow Quill holds it high in the air, before violently slamming it into the ground. It repeats this several times before leaving the cat's body on the ground in a contorted mess.
The other Rainbow Quill falls to the ground, dead.
The Rainbow Quills take positions near their fallen brethren for some reason, and keeping a safe distance from the cat's body.
A lightning bolt strikes the mushroom again. It sends it's tendrils into the ground and turns it blue.
But, the fruits don't regrow on the trees. The bodies of the two Rainbow Quills start glowing blue. You watch in amazement as their wounds heal, and they get back up. Alive and breathing.
The five of them quickly get back from the cat's body. One of them turning their quills to face it.
The cat's body starts to twitch as it bones heal and go back into place. It then gets back up. It shakes itself and roars at the pod, only to get a face full of quill as most of them hit their mark this time.

The cat is now pinned to the ground. It tries to struggle and get back on the hunt, but it starts twitching and dies. It's blood running down the quills.
The pod of Rainbow Quills start nuzzling the ones that got revived, before turning and heading back into the forest. Leaving the body of the cat to decay.

What do you do?

Don't take this the wrong way, but. BOOOO!
Holy shit. I hope we had that on camera.
Alright let call this black panther quill and make sure everything was logged.
Whoah! This raises so many questions! Let's get a vial of the cat's blood before it gets revived again, maybe we can figure out how the creatures here regenerate with electricity using it as a sample. Log everything that's happened of course.
We can take the body to the ship so it stay dead forever. Also take on of the quills that didn't hit the body.
Uhh...it's a huge cat. Can we even fit it in the ship?
Not with that kind of attitude.
>Let's get a vial of the cat's blood before it gets revived again

>A lightning bolt strikes the mushroom again. It sends it's tendrils into the ground and turns it blue.
>But, the fruits don't regrow on the trees. The bodies of the two Rainbow Quills start glowing blue.
I think it's down for the count this time. The first time the feline like creature "died" the Rainbow Quills kept a safe distance as it slowly regenerated. After the second "death" the Rainbow Quills seemed at peace.
The "Quill Cat" appears to have a different and limited regenerative powers like the "Rainbow Quills."

Can we even fit it in the shuttle? Doubt it.
Can it even fit through the the shuttle entrance? Doubt it. Let's just get a sample.
Let's wait a few minutes to see if it's dead dead, THEN we grab some samples.
"Holy shit!" You mutter.
You quickly check your camera. To your relief you got it all in photos.
The four of you quickly walk over to the Panther Quill body. Fedot getting a sample of blood and placing it in a beaker.
"Did you get it logged?" You ask.
Quiet Vine nods and shows you. She logged everything from the Panther Quill to the revival.
"That was fucking awesome," Eagle exclaims; taking to the air, "This mushroom can basically revive anything!"
You take one of the quills out of the ground before looking at the Panther Quill.
You were wondering if you could possibly take it back to the ship, but it was the size of four ponies so it would be heavy. Even for you.
You and Fedot could possibly carry it, but it would fit into the pod and the ship. You could probably keep it in the food storage, let it freeze in there and then run some tests on it.

What do you do?
Nah, a blood sample is enough for tests. Let's keep exploring.
I'm not comfortable with keeping such a large creature, dead or alive, on the ship.
Stopping for the night.
I also have some news: My college has been cancelled for tomorrow as well. Thirteen inches of snow have been added to the seven inches of snow already on the ground today, and road conditions are already pretty shitty today. So, I'll run tomorrow at noon since classes are cancelled as well.
Have a good night or day!

Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir
We can come back to it, if the body is still around and carry it back to the ship. Let see what else we can fine on this plant.
Pluto you are seriously spoiling us. Thank you for running!
Do we need to bring it back in one complete piece?
No, which is why some thing small, like a blood sample, will do. And we are not sticking this in the freezer. That's gross.
>Nothing on the planet being below twenty-six thousand feet.
26000 feet from what?

Also dang i was at work during the first landing oh well
In that case, we could also get some tissue samples and freezing biological material for transport is the norm. That is unless you want it to start rotting before we can run tests on it.
Thank you! Isn't the job of a QM to spoil people though.

I'm all for putting tissue samples in containers to freeze, but if it don't fit it don't sit.
again my condolences on being unable to do learning
also woo more quest
we cant take everything right away lets explore first and then decide what to take with us
The only benefit for bringing the entire body is that we can harvest tissue in a more controlled location and we wouldn't have to worry about samples degrading en-route if we don't have the proper equipment down here.
We won't have to worry about samples degrading if the subject isn't already dead. That's one benefit to few to bring the whole think back to the ship. There's also the issue of contaminating the ship if we bring the whole corpse, as apposed to making multiple safe trips to obtain more samples when the opportunity arises.
>"This mushroom can basically revive anything!"
You're right. Most of the creatures on this planet as far as we know can be revived by electricity or the mushrooms.
Pluto Bump
We need samples of that mushroom, who knows what kind of medicine could come from that.
I still say it should have remained a planet
Indeed. I've looked and it meets all the requirements of being a planet.
You decide to leave the body, and explore further. Maybe you could come back for it?
The four of you continue, leaving the body behind. Though, you quickly grab some samples of the mushroom. Mostly some of it's skin and a little bit of one of it's tendrils.

It's been a while now of walking. You've gone higher in altitude as there were less trees, and more snow.
There was now no more trees. Being replaced by low visibility, howling winds and snow.
"Found something!" Fedot calls.
You head to him and find him standing in front of what appear to be animal tracks, a bunch of animal tracks.
The animal tracks were in a large group, but spread apart. The tracks having long fingers in the snow.
Near the tracks was what appeared to be a spear made out of crystals. On it was a clump of animal hide, flapping in the wind like a flag. Almost like a marker.

What do you do?
Sentient life too? This is getting good. Let's carefully follow the tracks.
"Sentient life too? This is getting good." You mutter.
The four of you start to carefully follow the tracks. The tracks continue for a while, a spear marker being placed every so often.
Then the tracks suddenly stop. The creatures seemingly disappearing suddenly. One last marker was placed at the end.
You look around to see if there were any more tracks, but you find none. Just strange snow piles strewn about randomly.
"This is strange." Eagle mutters; trotting towards one of the piles.
She reaches out touches it, when the pile explodes and a creature jumps out.
This creature was slightly bigger than Fedot, with a skinny body, with long arms and legs that seemed to be as long as itself. You notice that it had many similarities with the first creatures you saw on this planet, having a triangular head with two antennas and three eyes, but it was covered in fur.
"Dai dai!" It chants, raising it's spear.
It's spear crackles with electricity before popping twice. The other snow piles erupt soon after, with the same creatures, but different fur colors, all with spears.
The one next to Eagle picks her up and throws her. She lands next to you, dazed.
"Quos!" It shouts at you; advancing.

What do you do?
How many of them are there? And how big are they compared to Rust?
Taller, yes. But frail. Rust can turn their bones to dust with a flick of his hoof. Granted that he doesn't get hit by one of those spears.
Get your weapons out. Grab Eagle and back away from them slowly towards the way we came. No need to start a war with these things, they seem territorial.
Ooooh looks like these fuck boi's want to throw down. Time to turn them to slag. Try keeping one alive.
Light em up!
Group together. If they come rushing at us, then shoot to kill.
Maybe we should try diplomacy before we start killing shit?
Before or after they rush us?
Let's back the fuck away first, I think we just trespassed on their territory and they want us to leave.
There appeared to be ten of them. They appeared to be bigger than you by only a few inches.
You get your weapons out and grab Eagle. She gets up and shakes herself off before joining the three of you.
The four of you group up together and start backing away. They slowly approach, but they appear to be trying to herd you away, from what you weren't very sure.
You find that out when you see a small tent made out of animal hides behind them on a small hill nearby. You could several small heads poking out. These ones appeared to be children. Small and curious as one of them bravely stepped out of the tent, only to get pulled by back in by the other ones.
We're they just protecting their children?

What do you do?
Yeah, that just proves it. We trespassed on their territory and they want us to fuck off. Let's keep backing away and leave peacefully.
Get some distance. Catalog their behavior?
The four of you keep backing away from them.
After some time of backing away, they stop and watch you as you continue to back away.
You stop when you could barely see them. Most of them have left except of one, which was now watching from afar to make sure you don't get any ideas.
"Those were some nice folk." Eagle comments; rubbing her helmet.
You start cataloging them.
Unnamed creature #4:

What do you do?
Maybe we can leave the fruit behind as an apology. We did land in the middle of that forest after all.
Log how they look like and their potential relation to the first creatures we saw on the planet. If our camera has a good zoom lens then take a picture of the one that's still watching us.

"Well we did kinda step on their turf. They probably thought that we're gonna harm them. You alright Eagle?"
You log how they look and their relation to the first creature.
With your camera having a zoom feature. You zoom in on the one watching you and take a picture of it.
"We did kinda step on their turf," You say, "They probably thought that we were gonna harm them. You alright Eagle?"
"Yeah," She replies, "They're surprisingly strong, and I did hit my head pretty hard on my helmet. Good thing it didn't crack, but now I got this headache."

What do you do?
We will get you fixed up on the ship, you might have a concussion. What do you think guys, should we keep exploring or did we gather enough data?
What time is it?
Why did you link >>29200783
"We will get you fixed on the ship," You tell her, "You might have a concussion. What do you guys think, should we keep going and exploring?"
"I'm kinda tired," Fedot replies; yawning, "We haven't slept since we got onto the ship."
You look down at your watch. It was 9:00 P.M. Meaning that on Equus it was nine at night.

What do you do?
Well we got some work done. Let's return to the shuttle pod thing and head on back to the ship.
It's gonna take a while to get back to our shuttle anyway. Yeah, let's go back for the day. Look around for anything interesting on our way back though.
Continue to take samples on our way back: soil, water, flora, rocks.
let head back and don't forget the panther quill body.
I still don't want that thing on our ship, dead or alive.
Same. Like just, stuffing it in the damn freezer? An Alien corpse, in the freezer? Those damned Rainbow Quills regenerate via electricity
distributed by the mushrooms.
The four of you agree to head back to the pod and to the ship.
As you head back you continue to take samples of soil, water, flora, and the rocks. You're surprised to find that the rocks are mostly sandstone and the soil is filled to the brim with nitrogen. The water was normal, but it was filled with a good amount of iron in it.
The four of you soon return to the Panther Quill body. It hasn't moved from where it has been pinned, but you still weren't sure if you wanted to take it with you or not.

What do you do?

Again. This vvvvvvv
Don't take it. This planet is pretty close to Equus and it should be easy for another expedition crew to take one down if they want to. We have bigger fish to fry.
Gonna take a break.
I will be back!
Do we have anything on the pod for preserving tissue samples while we travel back to the ship?

Have somebody else go out of their way and kill something because we're to lazy/squeamish to collect samples from a corpse that was practically gift-wrapped for us.
Grab the body, we need to know what the insides look like, beside with multiple holes.
You don't remember having anything that could preserve the body on the way back.
In the end you decide to not take it, you could always come back and get a different one or something.
As you walk back to the ship you notice that Eagle was starting to lag behind a bit, looking tired and stumbling as she walked.

What do you do?
Offer her a ride on our back so she can take a break.
Hmm. Eagle probably has a concussion. Ask Vine if she can check on her.
You stop.
"Hey Eagle, want a ride on my back?"
She nods and tiredly gets up onto your back. You quickly trot to catch up with Quiet Vine.
"Hey, Vine."
"Do you think you could check on Eagle when we get back? She probably has a concussion."
"I'll see what I can do." She smiles.
The landing pod soon comes into view. It opens up as you approach.
"You're all back," Sai says, "...What's wrong with Eagle?"

What do you do?
She hit her head pretty hard, she might have a concussion. Anyway, we're done for the day, let's go back to the ship.
She took a hit to the head from some territorial wildlife.
They had spears there may be intelligent life on this planet
She approached a snow pile a native was hiding in, then it threw her. Isn't that right Eagle?
She suffered a minor head injury. Probably a concussion. Is there a decontamination process we need to be before reentering the ship?
"She hit her head pretty hard. Probably a concussion." You explain, "Approached a snow pile with intelligent natives hiding in it and it threw her. Isn't that right Eagle?"
"Yeah." She mumbles.
"Well, get her in and let's get going."
The four of you get into the pod and strap in. The pod rumbles a bit before it takes to the air.
Several minutes later, you're all safely in the ship once again. The four of you stepping out.

What do you do?
Let's get our suits off and carry Eagle to the med bay.
Make sure Eagle waifu is ok.
You get your suits off and you and Quiet Vine head to the medical bay.
You set her down on one of the beds while Quiet Vine gets what appears to be a portable X-ray machine. The size of a simple pad.
She turns it on and waves it over Eagle's head, who was asleep at that point.
After several minutes, she lowers the X-ray and looks at it.
"She does have a concussion," She says, "And it appeared to be bleeding for a while. The bleeding has stopped and the injury is minor. She'll probably be fine in a day or two."

What do you do?
Alright, let's carry her to bed and go to sleep ourselves. It's been a long day so we should hit the sack early today.
>OK. She's already asleep. Is it a bad thing that she's sleeping with a concussion?
Let's ask for the doctors opinion. Should she stay in the med bay, or is she well enough to be left in her room
Ask Vine about our first trip to the surface. Exciting?
Let's put those samples away. Where would we put them anyways, the med-bay? Food freezer?
"Okay. She's already asleep," You say, "Is it a bad thing that she's sleeping with a concussion?"
"No," Quiet Vine replies, "In fact it's probably better for if she is sleeping, so the brain can heal faster."
"Should she stay in the med bay, or in her room?"
"She seems fine enough to be in her room." She says.
With that, you carefully pick Eagle up and take her to her room. Placing her in her bed and tucking her in. Quiet Vine watches you.
"Did you like our first trip to the surface?" You ask her.
"Yeah," She nods, "So many exotic wildlife, but I feel like we've barely scratched the surface there. Maybe we can go there tomorrow?"
You then trot into your room, collapsing on your bed. Your bed was surprisingly comfy.
You close your eyes, and sleep quickly overtakes you.

You jump from your bed as the sound of the bugle horn sounds in your room.
"Good Equus morning, Rust Bucket!" Sai says loudly.

What do you do?
Siri...do that again and I will rip you from the ceiling and jettison you into space! What time is it? How is everyone?
"Siri... do that again and I will rip you from the ceiling and jettison you into space," You warn him, "What time is it?"
"six in the morning," He replies, "Everybody is still asleep."

What do you do?
...Then why...the fuck...did you wake me up? The answer better be good because my urge to turn you into scrap metal is increasing by the second!
Cover your face with your pillow and cry in anguish. Why did he have to wake us up so early?
Why Sai you monster. I need my beauty sleep.
You cover your face with your pillow and cry in anguish, before removing it.
"Then why the fuck did you wake me up so early?! The answer better be good because my urge to turn you into scrap metal is increasing by the second!"
"What was I going to say... Oh yeah! There's something very strange happening on Prometheus-4's surface that I want you to come see."

What do you do?
Go check it out, this is going to be important.
"For your sake it better be a fucking apocalypse..."

Let's go check it out I guess...
"For you sake it better be a fucking apocalypse." You mutter; getting up.

You were now standing at the window in the kitchen, looking down on Prometheus-4.
On the surface was probably the biggest storm you've ever seen raging on the planet. Covering a quarter of it's surface.
Lighting flashed across the storm endlessly. The flashes being so powerful that they were causing the room you stood in to start flashing.

What do you do?
It's just a big storm. You said that there are frequent storms on this planet when we got into orbit. How is this special in any way? You already knew about this before we even got here, it's not even noteworthy. Siri, I fucking swear...
Should we be worried? Does the ship need to back away from the planets surface? I'm no meteorologist, so......
Well it is kind of fascinating. A big storm seen from outer space? What's not to like.
>What's not to like.
The nigga woke us up at 6AM to show us something that isn't even important. Siri is the one to dislike here.
It's relatively important. If he was sure it wasn't he wouldn't have woken us up. Nigga.
It was kinda fascinating, though it was just a big storm.
"It's just a big storm," You say, "You said that there are frequent storms on this planet."
"Wait for it." He says.
He sigh and keep watching.
It takes a minute, but the lightning suddenly stops. Several seconds later, the entire storm starts to turn blue, growing brighter and brighter. And, then.
There's a muffled explosion, followed by a shockwave going across the surface of the planet. Several parts of the large cloud are thrown into space, turning into ice before falling back down.

What do you do?
Whoah...alright, that's certainly something. Make a log about the events.
LOG THIS DOWN NOW! The team need to see this.
Don't wake up Eagle though. She needs rest.
We can log this ourself and show them all later when they wake up.
Get sai to wake everybody this is something they need to see
I disagree she can rest later she will love to see this.
She has a concussion and needs rest. Leave her be.
You quickly find the log and start logging it.
Weather Phenomenon:
-Turns blue before exploding and sending a shockwave across the planet. (Damage unknown) Powerful enough to eject some of itself into space.
"It goes in intervals," Sai tells you, "It formed when you went to sleep. It started... discharging after two hours, and slowly discharging faster and faster. Now it happens every few minutes. I think it's getting ready for some... grand finale."

What do you do?
If its getting ready for something big wake eagle for sure.
And the others as well.
Can we move the ship away? This frequency of lighting discharging is a bit, concerning.
"Can we move the ship away," You ask him, "The frequency of lighting discharging is a bit concerning."
"Sure, no problem."
The ship starts moving away a bit. You quickly trot to Eagle's room and open the door. Trotting over to Eagle and nudging her a bit.
Her eyes open and she sits up, yawning.
"What's up," She asks, "Is breakfast done already?"

What do you do?
No but you are going to want to see this
Ask sai to wake the rest of the crew and carry eagle to the viewing place
"No, but you are going to want to see this."
She carefully crawls onto your back.
"Sai, can you wake up the rest of the crew?"

The four of you are soon gathered at the window. Watching the giant storm.
It flashes for a minute and then stops. For another minute it does nothing.
It then starts slowly turning blue, increasing in brightness until it was difficult to even look at. Then:
There's a large shockwave that rips the cloud apart, sending it in all directions and wiping out different clouds near it. From the middle of storm a large column of lightning shoots into the air. Dancing in the air as it sparks and changes.
Your friends look at it in amazement.
"That's so fucking awesome!" Eagle exclaims from your back.
You quickly take a photo of it. This goes on for several minutes until it stops. Leaving the surface of Prometheus-4 devoid of any cloud cover.

What do you do?
Keep watching maybe the clouds will reform
Why don't we observe the planet from up here for the "day?" We could also get to testing those samples we took too.
We could finish getting settled in. Maybe even visit the cargo bay.
Heh, pretty cool indeed. Oh, Eagle, we looked you over after you fell asleep. You have a concussion and you should be resting for a day or two until you're feeling better. Now who wants breakfast?
The four of you keep watching. After several minutes new clouds start to form. A couple quickly shooting out lightning.
"Pretty cool indeed," You agree with Eagle, "Eagle, we looked you over after you fell asleep. You have a concussion and you should be resting for a day or two until you're feeling better."
"Alright." She replies.
"Maybe we should just observe the planet from up here for the 'day,'" You suggest, "We could also get to testing those samples we took too."
"Alright," Quiet Vine replies, "I do want to look closer at the mushroom I got."
"...Who wants breakfast?"
"I do!" All three of them reply.

What do you do?
If we make it breakfast impress them with a minotaur meal
Heh guess i posted to late
Do this
Let's prepare some then!
Let's show em some good ol' minotaur cooking.
Now what kind of culture would reflect minotaur culture?
I decided that the Minotaur culture is closely related to ancient Greek culture.

Fedot takes Eagle back to her bed, while Quiet Vine decides to prepare the tests on the things you got from the planet's surface.
You decide to impress them with a traditional Minotaur meal. The problem being that most meals from the Minotaur lands were meat based, there was only a few items of food you could think of that wasn't meat based. One of them being a mushroom and toadstool soup, with the mushrooms and toadstools being cooked, with a nice amount of salt floating in some boiled water with the soup.

What do you do?
Some minestrone soup or chili.
Good choice
Make a mushroom soup.
We have the non-meat eater dishes cover with the soup, but what about Fedot? Hmmmmm.
Stuffed mushrooms with seasoned fried meat?
You go into the food storage and find some mushrooms and toadstools. You then start cooking them along with a pan of water.
As you're cooking, something comes to your mind: Fedot was a meat eater.
Maybe you could make him something small and meat based?

What do you do?
Are d dogs omnivores or carnivores? I think they're a little bit carnivore.
Ask fedot if he wants meat in his food.
He eats meat but i doubt he has it every meal.
We can keep up the mushroom and toadstool theme with a pork stroganoff with greek yogurt with some mustrooms.
Maybe not but he'd love it and maybe in time he will love us
Since Fedot was nearby you decide to ask him.
"Hey, Fedot?"
"Do you want meat for breakfast?"
"...I don't really care," He replies, "I like meat and veggies. Surprise me."
You decide to add pork stroganoff to his mushroom and toadstool soup, with a bit of Greek yogurt.
As you're cooking, you feel something brush up against you. Looking at it, it was Quiet Vine who was probably trying to be sneaky.
When she realizes that you're watching her, she steps away a bit.
"W-What are you making?" She asks; blushing, and trying to hide behind her green mane.

What do you do?
Tell her what you are making
Be sure to mention its taur food
Mushroom soup. Seem good?
"Mushroom and Toadstool soup," You tell her, "It's a traditional Minotaur dish. Seem good?"
"Yeah," She nods, "I could, um, smell it from the greenhouse... How do you know how to make something from Minotaur Lands?"

What do you do?
I kinda have a minotaur heritage. I actually thought my size gave it away. So uhhh...did you talk to your mom?
My father is a minotaur its where my size comes from
Oh god i cant decide who to waifu
Eagle seems the better choice but vine seems into us.
Then theres also fedot and the a.i to consider the dog dick could be nice
Pop would teach me how to cook minotaur dishes when he could find the time.
Siri is a faggot and I dunno about the Fedot.
Why are we even calling sai siri
It's Sai you faggot. Get the names right.
Also he has always done right by us.
At the very least we should let him watch us with whoever we choose.
Well i want a harem but everybody else seems against that idea.

Maybe wait for a hot alien space babe or even an ugly alien space dude
I still think we should go balls to the walls and harem everyone on the ship.
"Pop would teach me how to cook Minotaur dishes when he could find the time. He's a Minotaur... Though, I kinda though my size gave it away."
"Not really," She replies, "I didn't think you were part Minotaur."
"...Uhhh... did you talk to your mom?"
"Y-Yes," She nods, "She's very proud that I'm doing this."

What do you do?
Oh neat theres at least one other person who agrees with me on the harem
Tell her you are happy to hear that
Ask her to pass you the next ingredient
I don't wanna sound grim or anything, but...you should probably say goodbye to her while we're still here. We will lose contact with Equus once we're done here so this might be your last chance.
We need to let the shipping come naturally instead if forcing it. If there's no good shipping pairing then so be it. Anything else and it's just a shallow relationship. That is unless everyone wants to do a free for all fuck, friends with benefits then sure, but I can ganrentee not everyone on the ship would be fine with that.
Give a quick half hug before continuing with the cooking.
Yeah your right
Considering vine seems to be into us we should slowly go with her i guess see if it works out.
"I'm happy to hear that," You smile, "Can you pass the salt?"
She quickly gives you the salt.
"Thank you... I don't want to sound grim or anything, but you should probably say goodbye to her while we're still here. We'll lose contact with Equus once we're done here so this might be your last chance."
"I already did." She replies.
You sigh before opening yourself up for a half-hug.
Quiet Vine looks at you for a moment before suddenly giving you a full body hug, and not letting go.

What do you do?
Just let her hug you
Stroke her mane
Return the hug and comfort her.
What are we her dad?
No, her future husbando.
Yes but we are doing it slowly
Hence stroking her mane instead of mentioning our large penis when talking about our parentage
I'll let it slide this time guys.
You find yourself returning the hug. Stroking her mane with your other hoof.
The hug lasts for a couple of seconds. Ending when Vine's eyes shoot open as she quickly breaks the hug. A blush quickly takes over her face.
"S-Sorry I, um, I... I-I..."
She then takes off at a gallop, exiting the kitchen and galloping past Fedot. Who was coming in with a large crate on his back.
He looks towards where she ran past, before smiling and continuing to walk.
"I think she likes you." He comments; passing you by with a smile.

What do you do?
I think you may be right.
Ask whats in the crate
>no kidding? Huh.
Continue cooking
And I think that the feeling is mutual...uhh...what's in the crate?
"And, I think that feeling is mutual," You reply; going back to cooking, "What's in the crate?"
"That's what I was wondering," He says; placing it on the ground, "I found it in the back of the cargo bay. It isn't labeled and really heavy."
With his strength, Fedot manages to open the crate. Before looking inside.
"Strange," He says; pulling out what appears to be a gold bar, "Why do we need a bunch of gold bars?"

What do you do?
Have a nerdgasm
Think of all the electronics you could use this gold in
Siri, why do we have a bunch of gold bars?
Also its probably for trading with alien species
What are you on about? Making parts? The gold could be used to trade with "primitives."
Im not saying we would use it for that im sure we have enough gold in the parts boxs to make whatever we want anyway i just mean given our special talent this would be our first thought.
I think the gold would be for trading with more advanced societys
The fuck do pirimitives want with gold
You almost have a nerdgasm.
"All the electronics I can use with gold!" You practically moan before quickly getting that thought out.
"Hey Siri? Why do we have a bunch of gold bars?"
"They have two uses," He explains, "One: For electronic components, and two: Trade for other alien empires, if there are any. ESC just kinda assumed that gold is valuable in the universe... It could be."

What do you do?
Eh, good to have I guess. Check on our soups.
I imagine its valuable to any societys with electronics even if we have to explain to them why because they never had gold before which would be great we could set up a thriving gold trade when we get back

For jewelery it might be a bit hit and miss if other cultures care about it the same way we did
Implying we can melt the gold for electronic parts
"Good to have I guess," You reply, "I imagine that it's valuable to any societies with electronics."
Fedot nods his head in agreement.
You look over to the food you were cooking. They were done, cooked to perfection.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Guess what, I get to spoil you guys even more! College has once again been cancelled for me tomorrow, mostly because the high for tomorrow is going to be -4 degrees. So, it'll be the noon start time.
Have a good night or day!
Ask fedot to take vine her food
Take eagle her meal then come back for yours
God it must really suck not being able to go learn shit.
At least running cyoa helps
Hey Siri, tell Vine that breakfast is ready. Just gotta serve it up!

You are too good to us, QM.
Nah let's let her rest.
Uhh...I think you are mixing up Eagle and Vine. Eagle is the one with the concussion.
Woops, my mistake.
I meant tissue samples. As in breaking down the body and only bringing back some parts of it. Not trying to preserve the entire body.
Why is everybody saying sai has to watch he has claws.
This is relavent how?
"Hey Fedot, can you take Vine's food to her?"
He nods and grabs her bowl before walking away. You pick up Eagle's and take it to her.
You find her laying in her bed, reading her book.
"Breakfast is here!" You announce.
"Yay!" She cheers.
You give her the bowl before trotting back to your food and eating at the table. Fedot comes back and starts eating as well, sitting across from you.
The two of you were now eating, with a awkward silence hanging in the air.

What do you do?
So...uhh...you think we will make it out of this alive?
"...You think we'll make it out of this alive?"
Fedot pauses a bit at this. Thinking about what you said.
"Yeah," He replies, "We all have skills that will help us get through this: You are good with electronics, I'm good with diplomacy, Quiet Vine will probably help us understand different planet species, and Eagle is a good mechanic and knows how to fight. I think our odds of survival are pretty good."

What do you do?
Ask him for his opinions on what we encountered/observed?
"What's your opinion on what we encountered so far?"
"This planet is interesting," He says, "Giant mushrooms that can basically revive... anything or make something grow faster. The natives also had me thinking: They look a lot like the first creatures we saw, the little ones on the trees. The only difference I saw was that they were smarter, had fur, and longer limbs. Evolution sent one to greater heights and the other will probably remain the same... I also think that there might be more tribals down there. Different clans with different cultures."

What do you do?
You think we could befriend a clan?
"You think we could befriend a clan?" You ask.
"Maybe," He replies, "We first have to find one that won't ambush us on sight, and there's also a possible language barrier that we might need to break."

What do you do?
Yeah...so uhh...you think Vine and I will hit it off? Just curious...
"Yeah... uhh... you think Vine and I will hit it off? Just curious."
"Possibly, but it's up to you," He says, "If you have the same feelings as she does with you then it could happen. I talked with her a bit, and you might need to be the one to hit it off as she's nervous about admitting her feelings to you. Though, she isn't scared about being rejected... her parents taught her how to not be scared of it, but if you want to hit it off with her, you probably need to say the first words."

What do you do?
Oh, well we already had a few special moments together. Maybe I should ask her out on a date or something...if we find a nice romantic planet.
We're going to be stuck here for 2 years and we only met her the day before yesterday. SLOW DOWN!!
Lets try learning a bit more about Fedot.
I want to ask her on a date, not ask her to marry us.
And what about other people want? Isn't Eagle also an option?
"We already spend a few special moments together," You say, "Maybe I should ask her out on a date or something? ...If we find a nice romantic planet."
"We already found intelligent life on our first planet," Fedot smiles, "I think out chances of finding a romantic planet is pretty high."
"...You think you could tell me more about yourself? I barely know you."
"Why not," Fedot shrugs, "My full name is Fedot Ivanovich Shubin. I was born in The Diamond Empire. My parents died when I was five to a terrorist attack, shortly after I joined a Caravan and started travelling around Equus... It was nice going around in a Caravan."

What do you do?
Any interesting stories from your days in the Caravan?
"Any interesting stories from your days in the Caravan?" You ask.
"Just one," He responds, "And, it's my favorite: I was... fourteen and we were in Zebrica. Some village in The Great Desert, didn't have a name. It was night and I was buying some food from a Zebra mare, great mare by the way. I was about to pay her when I realized that I didn't have enough Diamonds to pay her. We found another way of payment."
He then smiles.
"We fucked all night long!"

What do you do?
Heh, nice one.
You start laughing. After several minutes you stop.
"Heh, nice one."
Fedot just smiles.
The two of you continue eating for a while, till Sai comes down from the ceiling.
"Hey," He greets you, "Need your answer for something. Would you like to choose a new destination or remain in orbit above Prometheus-4?"

What do you do?
Uhh, what do the others say? Have we gathered enough data on this planet?
I think we should stay here a while longer
"What did the others say?"
"Eagle was asleep so I didn't ask her," Sai tells you, "Quiet Vine said we could probably get more from here. Fedot?"
"I agree with Quiet Vine." He replies.
"I guess we'll stay here a while longer." You say.
"Alright," Sai responds, "Also: Quiet Vine wants to test the mushrooms and blood samples. She was wondering if you wanted to help her test, Rust Bucket."

What do you do?
Sure, let me finish the soup and I'll be right over.
"Sure, let me finish the soup and I'll be right over."
Sai nods his screen and goes into the ceiling.

Several minutes later you were finished eating and going to the greenhouse where Quiet Vine was.
You open the door to find Quiet Vine's back facing you. She wore a lab coat that was about a size too big for her. Her tail swished back and forth happily as she hummed a little tune.
She hasn't seemed to notice that you were standing behind her.

What do you do?
Ask her why she is wearing such a large lab coat
Well we are waiting for a new planet
Plenty of time my dear
Knock on the door to announce your presence. Don't want to spook her. Tell her that she looks cute in that lab coat.
You lean to the door and knock. This causes her to jump a little bit, turning to you.
"Oh, hey," She smiles, "You scared me a bit."
"Sorry," You apologize, "You look cute in that lab coat. Why are you wearing such a large lab coat?"
"Thank you," She smiles; blushing, "It was a gift from my parents when I was three. They told me it's large cause I wouldn't out-grow it. It's still a bit big, huh?"
The two of you stand in silence for a few seconds.
"...Do you want a lab coat," She asks, "I found a spare one that's your size."

What do you do?
Sure. So Siri said you needed my help with testing something?
Yes please
Make sure to make physical contact with her when you grab the coat
Quiet Vine quickly goes and gets a coat for you.
"Siri said you needed my help with testing something?"
"Yeah," She nods, "I took another small mushroom we can test on. Look at it and see how it keeps electricity. No known mushroom on Equus can contain electricity!"
She trots back with your labcoat, and reaches out to give it to you instead of using her horn. You reach out and instead of touching the coat, you touch her hoof. Whether on accident or purpose, you didn't know.
The two of you quickly look at each other and stare into each other's eyes. It felt like minutes as you got lost in her eyes by accident.
"Youhavebeautifuleyes!" Quite Vine quickly shouts, before quickly covering her mouth with her hooves.

What do you do?
Be a cheeky bugger
Your eyes are alright to i suppose
Say this with a hit of humor in our voice
So do you~. Hehe...so have you tried doing any tests with the fruit we brought back? Maybe we can try to grow our own saplings if we juice the seeds up with electricity.
Mutter something dumbly
"Will you marry me - I'm sorry, did you say something?"
Nice job at flustering her before testing with potentially hazardous materials.

Yeah i agree this seems to far
"So do you~" You mutter.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"No... Did you?"
"...No. Hehe... Have you tried doing any tests with the fruit we brought back?"
"Yeah," She nods, "The fruit has seeds in it so I planted one."
She leads you over to one of the pots. There was a little sapling in it, barely an inch tall.
"It's already growing," She smiles, "Not sure if it's because it's suppose to or it just really like the air the ship has."

What do you do?
Any toxins in the fruit?
Juice it up with electricity, let's see what happens. Just not too much, don't want it overgrowing.
Offer to help plant another cannot hurt to have more data

Lets wait on that

Since our character is skilled with electronics, he should be aware of how ridiculously dangerous electricity can be.
Why not? Just a little bit of juice to help it grow.
I'd rather investigate on the mushroom first since it's part of the process.
You could probably electrify the soil to see if the plants grow, but you weren't too sure on that. Soil, however, nullified electricity, as any type of electricity will go down, or to the soil. There shouldn't be too much problems if you did decide to test it as the soil will nullify it.
"Any toxins in the fruit?" You ask.
"No," She responds, "It's safe to eat. I tried some myself, it tasted like watermelon."

What do you do?
Let's check out the mushroom next.
Ask to taste some yourself
Lets test the mushroom. It might do convert the electricity into something else. Wouldn't want to accidentally fry the sapling with raw electricity until we know a bit more about the process.
"Think I could taste some?" You ask.
She nods and gets you some. It didn't taste bad!
Quiet Vine takes out the sample of the mushroom. This one being small and the size of a normal mushroom.
She takes a scalpel out with her magic and carefully cuts the stem of the mushroom open. It sparks a bit as she does this, but it doesn't hurt her.
She finishes and carefully open it up.
Inside the stem was a bunch of veins and tiny organ. Reminding you of blood vessels and organs.
In one of the organs, a small circular organ in the middle, you can see what appears to be electricity moving through this organ, going out through the veins. All the veins connecting to this organ.

What do you do?
Ask vine what is happening.
Ask if these could potentioly be used as a power source in electronics what is the voltage and watts and whatnot
"What is happening?" You ask.
"Checking the insides." She replies.
"Could these be potentially be used as a power source," You ask, "Voltage, Wattage."
"I don't know." She responds; carefully moving her scalpel towards it.
She touches the very edge of the organ, when there's a bunch of bright sparks that temporarily blind the both of you.
When it stop, she brings the scalpel up. Only to look at it in horror as the scalpel was now a burnt mess of metal and plastic.
"A lot?" She guesses.

What do you do?
Nerd out
Go get some safety gear and get ready to science
Start with a lightbulb see if it can power it
Lets bring some actual testing equipment. Also some good grounding straps so we don't electrocute ourselves.
Wait no dont start with a lightbulb get some tools for measuring exactly how much power it is putting out.
It'd most likely blow up in our faces with that kind of output. I'm thinking this is a high voltage situation.
Sex we are talking about sex and sex is always relevent.
Yeah your right
Get measuring tools first
File: Flash protection.jpg (65KB, 638x479px) Image search: [Google]
Flash protection.jpg
65KB, 638x479px
Here's an example of high voltage safety gear.
Yeah get all this shit.
You have to physically stop yourself from having a nerd out.
You quickly get some high voltage safety gear. It was old, but it would suffice. You also get some measuring tools.
You carefully stick the measuring stick in the organ. Being grateful that it didn't shock you, and turning the measurer on. Putting it on Voltage.
The voltage number climbs. Your eyes widen as it goes about the one billion mark. It stops at one Quintilian.
One Quintilian.
You then move to watts. The number climbs, stopping at one Octillion.
Volts: One Quintilian
Watts: One Octillion.
Both were more than any lightning bolt could produce.

What do you do?
This is the discovery of a lifetime this alone makes this whole 2 year trip worth it.
Contact home right the fuck now they are gonna want to hear about this we may well get back from our journey to find ships sailing back and forth all along the route between here and equess (or whatever it was we called the home planet)
Damn. We could use these things as an emergency power source if we wanted to. Check the soil sample next. Does it conduct electricity?
Also tell vine her mother is going to be proud of her discovery.
Give her a great big hug

Not a romantic hug just a holy shit we did it hug
If we might be able to power the ship with this little guy, I wonder how much the big ones have. Do we get any readings off of the tendrils?

Hold your horses, we've only scratched the surface so far. There are a lot more things to learn from this planet.
Hold the fuck up, we still have other planets to explore and we don't have a way to safely remove the organ to put into machinery that won't just explode or burn up from having too much volts and watts.
Its still pretty exciting.
Well limiting the amount of power that goes through a system is already done, not to this scale though, so the tricky part is figuring out how to safely remove it.
"This is a discovery of a lifetime," You exclaim, "Equus would want to here this!"
You turn to Quiet Vine.
"Your mother is going to be of your discovery!" You tell her; giving her a big hug and lifting her in the air.
"But, I didn't discover anything," She says, "All I did was cut it open!"

What do you do?
You are the one who picked them in the first place.
If you think i am going to take all the credit for this you are sorely mistaken this is just as much your discovery as mine.
Fedot and Eagle aren't her, but they're still going to get credit.
Besides its you people will talk about i just stuck some tools in
you magnificent mare! I just might kiss you! This is amazing!
"You're the one that picked them in the first place you magnificent mare," You tell her, "Fedot and Eagle are going to get credit as well. I just stuck some tools in."
"Can you, uhm, please put me down," She asks, "And, can I be apart of the contact to Equus... with you?"

What do you do?
Of course you can.
Put her down reluctently
Sure. You wanna do it now or do you still wanna test stuff?
Sure, now lets get back to testing.

I hate it when people get waifu's, makes them get tunnel vision and try to hit on a character at every single opportunity.
You hate waifus? You're weird Anon.
"Sure," You smile, "You wanna do it now or do you want to continue testing?"
"Let's continue testing... You still haven't put me down." She smiles.
You reluctantly put her down.
"Thanks," She tells you, "What do you want to test?"

What do you do?
Let's see if the planet soil conducts electricity.
>when people get waifu's
Completely different idea anon. There was some asshole back in War in the North that kept trying to get us to marry Live Fire at every single opportunity even though she had no character development whatsoever.
"Let's see if the planet's soil conducts electricity."
Quiet Vine gets out the bag of soil and takes it out, placing it in a little pile.
The soil was a dark brown, showing that it had a lot of water in it.

What do you do?
Test it.
You stick the volt measuring tool in the dirt and measure it.
one volt, and ten watts in the dirt already.
The two of you find a crank generator, some jumper cables, and some metal rods. You stick the metal rods in and start measuring again.
The volts and the watts slowly start to increase.

What do you do?
Lets see if we can get the mushroom to discharge into the soil through the tendril while we're checking. Also since it's opened up, lets us a camera to view what happens inside the mushroom while we do the test, so we can be at a safe distance.
Fill a container with the planet's soil and replant the watermelon fruit sapling in it. Use generator on it and see if it grows from the power.
Lets plant a new seed for that test. Learning how they grow in our soil versus it's native soil can give us some good data as well.
I just thought of something, can there be a correlation between these melons and zap apples?
You fill a container with Prometheus-4's soil and plant one of the seeds in it. You then place one rod in Equus' soil and one in Prometheus-4's.
You then turn the generator on. Nothing happens for a few seconds, the only one growing being Prometheus-4's. Equus' starts growing when Prometheus-4's gets to it's height.
Equus starts growing quickly, faster than Prometheus-4. Equus quickly starts to reach the ceiling. While Prometheus-4 is only a quarter of the way there.
Equus soon reaches the ceiling, straining against it.
"Turn it off!" Quiet Vine quickly shouts.

What do you do?
Turn it off, we don't want to destroy the ship. Log how the tree grow faster with equus soil but can speed up the posses through electricity. So the large volt and watts from the mushroom make these tree grow faster in the Prometheus-4 soil.
What kind of idiot are we to not realize that a TREE sapling would grow to be MUCH larger than this room and allow it to grow any more than a foot or two.
Turn it off and see if it's possible to eject these into space..
Turn it off, Bucket! Geez...should have done it sooner. Alright, so this is weird, our soil is better for growing these plants. This is incredible. These fruits can be mass produced for an extremely low cost when we bring some seeds back to Equus. We just started this expedition and we already made two amazing discoveries.
Maybe we should keep one for food.
We aren't certain yet that the mushroom is outputting electricity. That was the point of >>29211039 which the QM linked to, but didn't do.
You quickly turn it off. Wishing you did it sooner, but thankfully there wasn't any damage to the ceiling.
In the end Prometheus-4 only grew to a quarter of Equus' height.
You quickly get the log out and lot it in.
Watermelon Tree (?)
-Equus soil makes the tree grow better with help from electricity. Possible that Prometheus-4 soil isn't good for growing and electricity aids in process. Could be mass produced on Equus.
You couldn't help, but smile at already two amazing discoveries on this trip so far.
"We should probably get rid of this tree," Quiet Vine comments, "Or chop it. It already grows quickly without the aid of electricity."

What do you do?
Chop it, we can use the wood for something.
Yeah, let's get rid of the big one and keep the small one for food or further testing.
Chop it down, we can run tests on the wood. I remember that the natives had some kind of electrified spears.
The spears were made of crystals
"Yeah, let's get rid of the big one and keep the small one."
You find a fire ax and chop it down. Quiet Vine helps you set the tree down gently and you chop it into smaller logs.
In the end you have six smaller logs in a neat little pile nearby. Though, you were tired by the end.
"Do you want to continue testing," Quiet Vine asks you as you pant, "You do look a little... tired."

What do you do?
Nah, just a bit winded. Let's keep going. Let's analyze the blood next. See if we can find out what causes the creatures to regenerate.
We're part minotaur, felling a tree is no problem for us.
"I'm part Minotaur," You tell her, "Just a bit winded. Let's keep going."
She nods and gets out the blood sample. Taking a bit out and putting it under a microscope.
You wait patiently as she looks at the blood. She stops looking and lets you take a look.
You look through to find a cell, but it wasn't any normal cell you've ever seen. It was in the shape of a arrowhead strangely, and had many similar parts to normal pony cells except for one part that you've never seen in any cell. A squiggly, but thick cell part near the end of the cell. It was transparent, allowing you to see what appeared to be blue lines bouncing around in the cell part.

What do you do?
So the creatures on this planet have electric cells as well? Lets do some electrical tests on a small sample.
So they have special blood. Those blue lines must be what's making them regenerate. We're not real scientists so we can't make much more out of that, but we best log what we found out so far. I don't think we have anything else to analyze except the water and rock samples.
To bad we left the rest of it in that forest. Also, we didn't do much with the mushroom.
Reviving a huge predator on our ship does not sound like a good idea. As for the mushroom...I don't know what else we can do with it without frying ourselves to a crisp.
Who said anything about reviving it? I meant dissecting it to learn about the more complex structures of the body. Also, we haven't run any electrical experiments on it, only a basic test.
"They have special blood." You mutter; getting your log.
Animal Cell #1
-Animal(s) on Prometheus-4 have special blood, with a special cell part in them with blue lines running in it. Possibly what makes it revive and regenerate. Further testing required.
The problem being on how to test it. How were you suppose to test something that's on the microscopic level?

What do you do?
We can hunt down one of those smaller creatures to dissect. Much more practical.
Ask Vine if she has any ideas. If not then I don't think we can. We're not real scientists or anything.
"Do you have any ideas Vine?"
"On what?"
"On testing something that's microscopic?"
"No," She replies, "I've never tested on something... that small."

What do you do?
Lets try running a charge trough the sample and see how the cells react.

It wouldn't have even been an issue if the players weren't a bunch of squeamish idiots and allowed the corpse that was literally provided for us to be abandoned.
You decide on something.
You connect a jumper cable on the table and look through the microscope.
Quiet Vine turns on the generator as you watch.
The cell doesn't do anything for a few seconds. Then the blue lines break out of it's cell part, jumping around the cell. Each time it hits the wall of the cell causes it to turn blue and transform.
You watch as it starts to form into a shape, a cat like shape. It became an embryo.
Nearby cells to head towards it and form a protective wall around the embryo. Soon there's a large blob surrounding the embryo.

What do you do?
Let continue and see what happen. have some defense ready.
Keep adding power to it. See what else it does.
Holly shit, we're cloning it
Holy shit you were cloning it!
"Keep adding power." You tell Quiet Vine.
The protective wall around the embryo starts to grow bigger and bigger really quickly. The wall soon falls away as the embryo starts to form eyes, legs, and a tail.
It continues to grow, getting a tail and becoming big enough so that it became to big for the lenses.
You try zooming out, but the microscope falls to the ground as the embryo quickly becomes able to be seen with a naked eye, getting fur and quills now.
When it becomes the size of a house cat, Quiet Vine stops it. The Panther Quill now had full fur, quills, legs, tail, mouth and eyes, but they remained closed.
It lays still for a few seconds, before it starts moving and meowing. Moving it's legs to try and get up, but failing.
"Did we just... create life?" Quiet Vine asks.

What do you do?
Do we have any fruit to offer it? And how come it's not dead from the change in air?
We just brought a panther quill back to and make it a kitten. get it some meat.
I think we only restored it. Can she use her magic to keep it from acting up.

The planet might have an atmosphere that is toxic to us, but they might rely on gasses that are common between the two.
"I...think we just did! This is incredible! We just created life from a blood sample!"

Check on the panther and see if it's good health.
Wouldn't milk be the better choice since it's a kitten?
A delayed response as i had to go to work (i trust none of you guys ruined everything while i was gone)

I was not saying put her down reluctently for seduction reasons but simply because it is never nice to end a hug early

In fact i dont even want vine as the waifu i would prefer eagle (although idealy i would want a harem or if not that a great big free loving orgy but its looking like thats not gonna happen)

I still think it would be good to leave vine open as an option in case eagle rejects us though
But Vine seems really into us. Also she's such a qt!
Yeah it seems pluto likes to link to all the suggestions not just those that happen
Sorry, confused you for this >>29212113 guy.
Get everybody in here there gonna wanna see this
Get them to bring weapons in case it acts up not the special guns though we dont know how those will react with this thing
"I think we just did!" You smile.
You and Quiet Vine trot over to it, checking it over.
It seemed to be okay. It was breathing fine and didn't seem to be sick, considering that it formed out of the air.
You quickly leave it with Quiet Vine and trot away, grabbing some meat and one of you weapons before trotting back.
You were about to offer it the meat when it opens it eyes. Looking around in a panic.
It then looks at Quiet, who was holding it. It raises one of it's legs before scratching her across the cheek.
"Ah!" She cries; dropping it and holding her cheek.
It quickly runs and slips across the floor into a corner. Trying to make itself as small as possible. The look it was giving you pointing to fact that it was probably scared and frightened. It seemed to be mostly scared about the environment it was in as it kept looking left and right.

What do you do?
Well she does seem into us and she may be my least prefered option
(Harem > everybody loves everybody > eagle > sai > fedot > vine)
But she is still good enough i would like to end up with her
Poor thing
Fedot is a diplomat right he might know what to do
"Vine! Are you ok? Are you bleeding? Siri, could you call Fedot over and tell him to bring some milk as well."

Carefully approach the panther and offer it some meat.
"Vine," You exclaim; trotting to her, "Are you okay? Are you bleeding?"
"I'm fine," She quickly says, "I don't think I am though."
"Siri, could you call Fedot over and tell him to bring some milk as well?"
You look at Vine's wound. It wasn't deep as it only took away some skin. The attack was more to cause pain and to escape then to draw blood. Which meant that it had some level of intelligence.
You carefully approach it, holding out the meat you brought.
It gets closer to the wall, but it doesn't do anything else.
Fedot then enters with a bottle of milk and a small bowl. He looks at the Panther Quill in surprise.
It's eyes widen at him. It quickly turns around, breathing quickly and scratching at the corner. Having it's own version of a panic attack.
"Cyka Blyat! What did you two do?" Fedot asks.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Um... we brought back a panther quill to life and made it a kitten. now we are trying to calm it down and I think your presence just made it more scared.
We created life

Now quickly make it feel welcome
We created it...like...right now. What can I say, we're amazing scientists. Could you just give me the milk and leave? It don't think it likes you.
Are you gonna run from noon tomorrow as well?
Did I ever tell you how much I love you?
I think fedot leaving would be a bad idea
If we can get the cat to get along with fedot the one it has the most problem with any future contact will be easier
I also think fedot is the most qualified to deal with this.
Nothing much just discovered this species can reproduce just with electricity.
Just though of the most hilariously awkward way to describe this situation.
"Vine and I just made a baby..."
"Vine and I just made a baby." You smile.
This causes Vine's face to turn beet red as she hides behind her mane.
"...In all seriousness We brought a Panther Quill back to life and made it into a kitten, meaning it can reproduce with electricity. Now, make it feel welcomed!"
"How am I suppose to do that," He snaps, "I've never had a cat before!"
"...Do you think you could give me the milk then?"
He gives you the milk and bowl.
The Panther Quill has now stopped scratching at the wall and was now curled up in a ball, hiding it's face as if it ignored the world long enough then everything would go away. It was shaking now.

What do you do?
Give it a bit of space, but make sure it can't leave. Lets do some actual experiments on the mushroom while we're ignoring it.
Carefully approach it and put the milk and meat in front of it. Then give it some space.
You put some milk in the bowl, and set it along with the meat in front of it before giving it some space.
You think about testing the mushroom a bit more, but you weren't too sure about it as Quiet Vine barely touched it's insides and it caused her scalpel to get burned into a crisp.

What do you do?
So we're afraid of electricity now? Even though we're smart enough to know what kind of precautions to take?
We do have the saliva of the rainbow quill as well as it quill, we could see if it has the same thing as the panther quill blood.
Oh nothing much just enough electricity to generate enough heat to melt steel and at levels so high it surpasses the millions mark.
Name the panther Snowflake.
That's the same situation any real life high voltage electrician works in on a daily basis. The only difference is a higher number.
Let's put it this way...do you want us to die? You have yet to suggest what kind of tests you want to do with it.
You quickly name the panther Snowflake due to it's pure white fur, before deciding on getting the Rainbow Quill saliva out.
You place some under a microscope and proceed to look through it.
It takes a while, but you manage to find a cell. It was similar to the Panther Quill's, but it's blue line cell part was much larger, and seemed to be more active.
Your mind goes back to the mushroom. You still weren't sure about doing more with it as it had higher wattage and voltage than anything know on Equus. Heck, you didn't even know it could go that high.
You are interrupted by the sound of lapping. Turning around, you find the piece of meat was gone and Snowflake was cautiously lapping at the bowl of milk. It'd stopped for a second and look around, but quickly goes back to lapping up the milk.

What do you do?
The MC is mart enough to take proper precautions and >>29211039 is the experiment I suggested, but never happened. It'd be nice to see it's inner workings.
Allow it to enjoy it's meal and lets wait on trying to clone a quill until we can get the predator safely into a cage.
Sure, do this, but make sure to stop adding power when we got a calf. Don't know how Vine will react, but I want to off one and dissect it.
We could try making a second one and dissecting that one. Hopefully after we have a way of blocking the clone's vision.
You allow it to enjoy it's meal for now.
You start connecting the jumper cables to the table again for the Rainbow Quill while you wait.
*Scratch scratch scratch scratch*
You stop.
*Scratch scratch scratch scratch*
You look around to fine Snowflake near your table. Scratching at it in an attempt to get on top of the table.
*Scratch scratch scratch scratch*

What do you do?
Help Snowflake up to the table.
Carefully approach Snowflake and pet it. Let's help it up.
You carefully approach Snowflake and pet it. It surprisingly leans into your hoof.
You pick it up and set it on the table. It looks around at it's new found height, moving around the table.
"I think it likes you." Quiet Vine comments.

What do you do?
Glad to see that it's acclimating with it's new environment.
>Volts: One Quintilian
>Watts: One Octillion.
Not just a higher number a ridiculously higher number.
Well if he becomes our friend we won't have to worry too much when he grows, right?
Irrelevant. If a number like 100mA can kill us, than a number that ridiculous doesn't pose much more of a risk. Besides, the test I purposed is only using the mushroom's pre-existing system. It should be safe. The reason I said should is that there is always a chance for thing to go wrong when dealing with electricity and all that can be done is to take precautions.
"Glad to see it's acclimating with it's new environment," You smile, "If... it becomes our friend then we won't have to worry too much when he grow, right?"
Snowflake approaches the microscope. Sniffing at it from all angles. It then sits down in front of it and places a paw on it, casually pushing it off of the table.
It doesn't break thankfully. Snowflake just looks around nonchalantly.

What do you do?
C'mon Vine, pet it. I bet it will like you too if it warms up to you.
*sigh* and just like any other household cat, it has a tendency to be a nusance, intentional or not.
Not trying to be mean, it's just a fact of life. And it seems that fact extends to other planets.
You sigh at it.
"Just like any other household cat, it has a tendency to be a nuisance, intentional or not."
You turn to Vine.
"C'mon Vine, pet it. I bet it will like you too if it warms up to you."
Quiet Vine comes up to it and pets it. Snowflake doesn't react at first. Just letting her pet him. It then looks at her cheek, staring at the scratch wound on her cheek.
It lifts a paw and places it on the wound, patting it a few times.

What do you do?
Is this thing curious about the wound or is it genuinely feeling regret?
Daaaaw...It's sorry for the scratch. Told ya it will warm up to you. You think it's safe to have him run around the ship instead of putting him in a cage?
Lets put him in the cage for now, we're still busy after all.
You smile at it.
"Daaaaw... it's sorry for your scratch. Told ya it will warm up to you."
Snowflake then closes it's eyes while keeping on a paw on her wound. Several seconds later, it's paw starts glowing blue. Quiet Vine's cheek follows soon after. There's several sparks then her wound heals. Not a sign left that there was an injury.
Snowflake starts swaying after this, and then falls off the table.

What do you do?
.......Wow! Ok! So the blue glow thing can really heal just about anything. I don't want to get a head of myself, but THIS. This here could advance modern medicine by leaps and bounds!
Catch him! Looks like somebody is very tired.
Try catching it. If it's too late pick it up.
One of the reasons I wanted to do experiments with the mushroom. My guess is that the mushroom converts electricity into something else and that's what the blue glow is.
Ask Vine to run some tests on herself, specifically cheek samples. Crazy what this planet can do without magic.....unless it is magic? Dunno, we ain't no unicorn.
Cheek samples?
The area from which the Panther Quill head Vine's cheek. We would want to know what affects this kind of "Electrically Stimulated" healing would have on a pony and anyone native to Equus, right?
You catch it before it hits the ground.
"The blow glow thing can really heal just about anything," You smile, "...Looks like somebody is very tired."
Snowflake responds by yawning. He almost looked out of it, having almost no energy.
"This could advance modern medicine by leaps and bounds! Vine, I need cheek samples!"
Vine nods, after a few minutes she gives you a sample of where the wound was.
You place it under the microscope and look at it. The cells appeared to have been restored, almost to the extent that these cells were like a newborn foal's.

What do you do?
Put the little guy in a cage so he can sleep.
With some spare sheets as bedding.
Whatever happened to the sample we were looking at in the petri dish, before Snowflake pushed the microscope off the table.
>It doesn't break thankfully.
No, I'm not worried about the microscope itself, but the sample.
You place the little guy, after confirming that it was a guy in one of the cages. Quiet Vine gives you some spare sheets and you place them in there with him, along with his bowl of milk as he hasn't finished it.
Snowflake tiredly gathers up the blankets and crawls under them, only his tail being showed. You hear cute snoring sounds a few seconds later.
The petridish with the Rainbow Quill saliva was intact, and none of the saliva was lost. Ready for testing.

What do you do?
Right, back to Fedot. He asked us something right?
No? We were gonna clone a Rainbow Quill next.
Time for the next cloning experiment.
Let get ourslef a rainbow quill.


That's a bad idea. Remember how the Rainbow and Panther Quills were attacking each other? Then again, you'd just need to keep them in separate cages. I still think it's a bad idea though.
You quickly check over the jumper cables before turning the generator on.
You look through the microscope and watch. The cell turns into an embryo and goes through the same process as Snowflake.
It grows much faster than Snowflake did. You back up as it starts to get too big for the microscope. It falling on the floor once again.
The Rainbow Quill soon became big enough for the naked eye. Though, a problem quickly comes up as it was now the size of Snowflake and it was still a fetus.

What do you do?
Oh, shit. Their babies are bigger.
Well give it more energy. Also we should of check if they have genders or they are asexual.
Well crud. There young are larger then we anticipated. We might have to move this back to the surface. It'll be too big for the ship if it continues to mature.
See if it's still growing first. If it stops, hit it with a bit more juice the wait.>>29217206
Hey Vine. I was hoping of dissecting this one. You OK with killing it?
Anon you know she wouldn't be ok with that.
Right now it's only the size of a cat, right? If it grows to the size of a pony and it's still pre-birth, I say abort.
>Though, a problem quickly comes up as it was now the size of Snowflake and it was still a fetus.
It's still growing
I say we drop it off on the planet next trip.
She might be since it's for science. Also we can clone one again anyways.
You give it a bit more energy and wait.
"Hey Vine? I was hoping of dissecting this one. You okay with killing it?"
"No!" She quickly replies.
It continues to grow, and grow. While watching it, you quickly find that this one was a girl.
It stops growing when it reaches the size of a medium sized dog. It's still for a moment before it's eyes open. Looking around as if this was suppose to happen.
It yawns and stretches it's legs, trying to get up on the table, but kept slipping.

What do you do?
>"Hey Vine? I was hoping of dissecting this one. You okay with killing it?"
>"No!" She quickly replies.
Fucking told you idiots
Keep it away from the microscope.
Help it down.
You move the microscope out of the way before helping it down to the ground.
She looks around a bit before trying to move one of it's legs. They proceed to wobble and she falls down face first. It's hindlegs hanging in the air as it tries to figure out it's predicament.

What do you do?
Let her figure it out on her own, but be ready to help her so she doesn't hurt herself.
You decide to let her figure this out on her own. She eventually does, getting up and taking very small steps around the room, falling a couple of times, but getting back up.
"I just thought of something," Quiet Vine says, "Snowflake was gotten from a sample of a dead body, but this one here came from something that's still alive and is walking around like a foal trying to walk... it's like a baby instead of a clone."

What do you do?
Could be because we powered Snowflake up a bit more than this one though.
Let start logging all this discovery down and inform the higher ups about this.
Still have more experiments to do.
What experiments do we still need to do?
The mushroom. The ONLY sample we collected that can generate that energy on a macroscopic level. Something specifically designed to project that energy into it's environment and effect other organisms.
I think this is the third time we're asking you this. What do you want to do with it?
"Could be because we powered Snowflake up a bit more than this one though." You reply.
You take your log out and log everything that you've discovered so far.
The door to the room opens and Eagle trots in, looking much better. Her eyes widen a bit at the Rainbow Quill moving around the room. The Rainbow Quill now having increased it's speed to a jog.
"I didn't want to believe what Fedot told me," She sighs, "But, the two of you managed to clone them."

What do you do?
Not really, more like created life with nothing but the samples we got.
Yeah, but Vine did most of the work. I just chopped wood. So how are you feeling?
Your right
Makes me wonder if theres magic involved somehow
Impressive right? And it's all using electricity, also that small mushroom Quiet collected can produce 1 Quintilian volts and 1 Octillion watts. Who knows how much the big one produces.
Yeah it's no big deal. Just making clone - me gotta log this! Is is some serious sci-fi stuff here, except its all real!
And now the third time I'v suggested this experiment. We place one of the tendrils in it's native soil, hook up the generator to the mushroom, aim a camera at it's insides and hook up the testing equipment, and remotely turn on the electricity so we can see what happens from a safe distance.
Oh oops posted that a little late
Mention that maybe the difrence between the dead and alive sample clonings is achived through magic
I think that thing generates it's own electricity it doesn't need a generator hooked up to it.
Sounds good
Im not sure why some people are so convinced its gonna kill us we have the safety gear.
But it only sent out that blue energy stuff when hit by a lightning bolt. We need to replicate the process to test it.
Either that or it soaks up the juice when the lighting outside and stores it. We saw the bigger one do that. My guess is that it discharges the overcharge from the lighting into the ground and keeps some for itself.
I'm thinking the same thing (I'm the guy that suggested the experiment btw) but your leaving out one key factor, electricity can't heal ponies. Whatever that blue glow is, it's being converted from raw electricity to something else. Something that nobody has attempted to figure out yet.
"Not really," You respond, "But, Vine did most of the work. I just chopped wood."
"You did much more than-"
You place a hoof on her mouth.
"And, It was all using electricity, also that small mushroom Quiet collected can produce one Quintilian volts and one Octillion watts. Who knows what the big ones produce. This is some serious Sci-Fi stuff right here, except it's real!"
"...Cool." Eagle replies.
You decide on one last test you could do. It might not be the last one, but it was important.
You place the tendril in the native soil, along with the mushroom, being careful with it. You then aim a camera at it's insides and hook up some testing equipment.
You watch a bit, as the soil's wattage and voltage starts rising and the mushroom's lowers, the tendril digging itself into the soil. It's electric organ starts beating like a heart, sending electricity down to the lower parts of the mushroom.
Then a bunch of mushrooms start to grow from the soil, the sample growing bigger itself.
It ends after a minute or two, the mushroom having lost all it's voltage and wattage, and the soil now having all of it. With little mushrooms having sprouted up around it. You've notice that the soil has also turned darker, like it was filled with water.
Quiet Vine starts looking around after that before turning to you.
"Where's the Rainbow Quill?" She asks.

What do you do?
Ok so the gist of the test is discharge some electricity to the mushroom, while one of the tendrils is connected to the soil sample so the discharge from the mushroom go all towards the soil and doesn't make the ship go into a blackout and keep a camera to document what happens inside of it.
Oh shit! We gotta find her before she breaks something.
Ask Sai.
Eagle left the door open, didn't she? Generating water and other mushrooms instantly is definitely magic, remove the tendril from the soil and let is set so we can see if it regenerates electricity or if it merely absorbs it. Look for her while we wait.
"Oh shit," You mutter, "Sai?"
"Have you seen a baby Rainbow Quill walking around?"
"Yes I have," He answers, "I was it go into the kitchen. Eagle you really should have closed the door."
"Sorry." She apologizes.

What do you do?
Better go check on it.
Let's go check on it.
Guess she's hungry. Lets get over there before she raids the fridge and messes up our food stores. Ask Siri to make sure that door is locked so she doesn't get in.
I dont think the mushroom growth is magic.
However given what vine said about the creature cloned from the living creature acting more like a baby then the one cloned from the dead creature makes me think there is magic there
"Guess she's hungry," You say, "Can you lock the door to the food storage?"
"Already did." Sai replies.
The three of you trot over to the kitchen to find her raiding the kitchen sink. Pulling out plates from breakfast and dinner, before quickly licking up the remains of their contents.

What do you do?
Lets make her something to eat.
Let's get her some food that we know she can eat. Does Vine have more fruits from the planet we can give her?
"Still have that fruit, Vine?" You ask.
She nods and gives you the remaining half of the fruit.
You approach the Rainbow Quill with the fruit. It looks over at you before coming towards you, eyeing the fruit.
It eats the fruit in four bites, giving you a satisfied look.
She then walks by you, probably wanting to explore more.

What do you do?
So I guess you want to keep her? I gave Snowflake a name so It's fair that you name her, Vine.
Let it explore but keep an eye on it.
The three of you let her explore, keeping an eye on her as well.
"So, I guess you want to keep her?" You ask Quiet Vine.
She nods.
"I gave Snowflake a name so it's air that you name her."
She thinks about this for a moment as the Rainbow Quills moves to the bedrooms.
"How about: Curiosity?" She asks.

What do you do?
Sounds fine to me
Sounds good. I'm kinda worried about their size when they grow up, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Let's keep following her so we make sure she doesn't hurt herself.
"Sounds fine to me," You respond, "I'm kinda worried about their size when they grow up, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
Curiosity soon walks into Eagle's. She goes near her bed and starts sniffing the air before lowering her head down underneath the bed.
Eagle's eyes widen at this.
"Curiosity! Please don't look under-"
Curiosity soon comes out with a... dildo in her mouth. Eagle's eyes widen more as she carefully approaches her, reaching for the dildo.
Curiosity responds by moving her neck, keeping it away from Eagle.

What do you do?
Is it a big dildo?
Help retrive the dildo
is it bigger then *cough cough* ours?
The dildo was pretty large, made with little bumps in the side. It wasn't as big as yours, a little less.
You decide to help retrieve the dildo. You reach for it, only for Curiosity to bend her neck away from you, and start nibbling on the dildo.

What do you do?
Whatever we do dont blush we are more mature then that.
Bad curiosity thats not for eating its for fucking.
Also restating
Well clearly Curiosity is still hungry, let get her more food for her to eat.
V-vine...could you please fetch some fruit so we can distract her?
Scold it.
>Nooooooo. Bad, bad curiosity.
"Bad Curiosity," You berate her, "That's not for eating, it's for fucking! Bad, bad! ...Vine, could you please fetch some more fruit so we can distract her?"
Vine nods before galloping away, her face red instead of black.
"Please don't tell anypony else about this," Eagle asks, "Cause this is kinda embarrassing."

What do you do?
Wouldn't dream of it.
>That's a pretty big one you have there. What is that, about eight inches?
Sure. You're lucky that Fedot isn't here otherwise the whole ship would know. I noticed that you have an unhealthy tendency to leave doors open. Maybe this will teach you a lesson.
Theres nothing to be embarsed about but i promise i wont tell
Fedot isn't a pony.
The dildo must have been "fresh" if Curiosity found it. Neat, they have a good sense of smell.
More likely she just found it in the normal course of her search.
>Curiosity soon walks into Eagle's. She goes near her bed and starts sniffing the air before lowering her head down underneath the bed.
Pretty sure she sniffed Eagle's "juices".
"Wouldn't dream of it," You smile, "...That'a a pretty big one you have there. What is it, eight inches?"
"It's nine inches." She replies.
It wasn't as big as yours then. Your cock being about thirteen or fourteen inches in length.
"You're lucky that Fedot isn't here otherwise the whole ship would know."
"Yeah." She replies.
"I noticed that you have an unhealthy tendency to leave doors open. Maybe this will teach you a lesson?"
She nods.
The dildo must've been fresh if Curiosity found it, or Eagle just used it recently and she could smell the juices on it. Anyway, she must have pretty good smell.
Quiet Vine returns, with two different pieces of fruit.
"I got two." She tells you; giving them to you.

What do you do?
Oh yeah i think your right.
Give them to curiosity
Come to a realisation
Alright, I'm gonna lure it with the fruits, you nab the dildo with you magic when it loosens it's grip on it.
We forgot to bring our own board games and game colt color!
Stop it. Stop it worth the lewds right now
Are you implying there is something wrong with having an unahole
Those are supplied remember
Supplied? Maybe. But our pokepon save is back on our system back home.
I should clarify these are both me so its still 1 vote for having our own sex toys back home
"Alright, I'm gonna lure it with the fruits," You explain, "You nab the dildo with your magic when it loosens her grip on it."
Quiet nods.
You slowly present the fruits to Curiosity. Who stares at them and drops the dildo. Quiet catches it with her magic and gives it to Eagle.
As Curiosity eats, you remember something.
'FUCK WE FORGOT TO BRING OUR TOYS!' Your mind screams.
And, by toys it meant: Your board games, Gamecolt color, and your favorite Fleshlight.
...You kinda missed your Fleshlight.

What do you do?
Let's take Curiosity and leave Eagle so she can finish up what she started. Tell her to lock the door when she wants some private time.
Vine or Eagle could be your fleshlight once their estrus comes around. Just need to wait a few months or so.
Ask vine if she still needs help with science
Focus on trying to work out what parts have magic involved.
Considering the creature cloned from the still living creature acted more like a baby there is probably magic there and the healing had to have been magical
You take Curiosity and start to leave.
"Lock the door if you want some private time." You tell her.
She nods and closes the door. Vine or Eagle could become your Fleshlight once their Estrus comes around. Which should be in about two months.
"Need anymore help with science?" You ask Quiet Vine.
"No," She replies, "We've done a lot today already."
Curiosity yawns next to you. Hanging her head low as she began to grow tired.

What do you do?
Alright, let's get her all comfy in one of the cages and call ESC after that. Time to report what we found.
Well after all that i kinda feel like having some fun
Ask sai what vidya he has nothing lewd right now we can play sex videogames tomorow
Maybe a fighting game
The two of you take Curiosity and get her comfy in one of the larger cages, that's further away from Snowflake as to not scare him.
Your mind soon goes to calling ESC, but you could also play some video games if they had any.
"Hey Sai," You ask, "Are there video games on this ship?"
"Yes. Everything from old to games to the most recent releases. We're still getting some as we're in communication distance."
"Any fighting games?"
"We have the most recent Fatal Kombat game: Fatal Kombat 3."
"I like Fatal Kombat." Quiet Vine smiles.

What do you do?
Dont forget we told vine she could be there with us when we contact them.
Best contact esc with vine
Then play fatal kombat with vine
Let's just call ESC and get it over with, we can play games after the call.
Naturally, we invite Vine too.
The two of you decide on contacting ESC first, and then doing Fatal Kombat.
Sai leads you to the cockpit of the ship, where a large screen falls down from the ceiling.
"Establishing communications with Equus." Sai announces.
A minute later, the screen comes on with Star Bright who is smiling.
"Rust Bucket, Quiet Vine," She greets you, "How have things been going?"

What do you do?
Well ma'am, things have certainly been...interesting. New races to log, exotic flora. Did you want us to send a copy of what we've recorded so far, uh, if this ship is capable of that?
Incredible! This planet is amazing. The wildlife here can grow, regenerate and even revive itself with electricity. It also works with flora too. We used a small amount of electricity to grow a fruit tree in matter of seconds. We can send you logs of all our observations to save a bit of time on explaining stuff.
Pretty good eagle got a concusion but vine made the discovery of a lifetime.
"Well ma'am," You start, "Things have incredible on Prometheus-4! Though, Eagle got a concussion that has seemed to heal, but Vine made a discovery of a lifetime."
"No I-"
You silence her again with a hoof
"The wildlife here can grow, regenerate, and even revive itself with electricity. It also works on the flora too. We used a small amount of electricity to grow a fruit tree in a matter of seconds. Do you want us to send a copy of what we've recorded so far... is the ship even capable of that?"
"It is," Star Bright smiles, "Just put the log into the slit in the tv and the information will be sent to me."
You do this, and several minutes later Star Bright is looking at you and Quiet Vine found.
"Quite some discoveries you've found," Star Bright smiles, "This could jump medical and agricultural fields by decades. I'll make sure you all get credit and not just Quite Vine."
She puts her pad down and looks at you.
"Anything else you found or is that all?"

What do you do?
Contact with a new thread established!
We logged everything we found and did, including our first expedition on the planet. It's all in the logs there. We will stay here for the day and we can make contact again if you have any questions for us.
This thread or the other?
We came into contact with a sentient tribal species, but we haven't really tried to interact with them and we cloned a couple of native animals on the ship. Also, this planet has some pretty impressive weather.
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