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Gilda Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 245
Thread images: 64

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What does /mlp/ think of this catbird?

I wish she didn't get that redemption arc shit, I like my bully waifu
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>you will never have a daughter with her
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>wants bully catbird
>posts tame catbird
Fuck you nigger that redemption was unavoidable anyway, I just wished they either dragged it out longer or went a different way.
Clearly anon got lovingly bullied in that picture, look at the scratches and bandages!
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gilda a cute
You will never make me stop dreaming.
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>this will never happen
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>You will never secretly tell your daughter how proud of her you are, and that from now on, you're going to be putting a few bits aside to help pay for college
>You will never tell your daughter that she can be whatever she wants to be, and she can't let anyone, not even her own mother, tell her otherwise
>"Don't tell your mother I said this though because she'll try and strangle me, 'kay?"
Dad c'mon, I'm sure she wont be that mad-
>"No, she will, but don't worry about me kiddo I know how to handle an angry Griffon."
Chain mail has too many holes for cat's claws to get through. A griffon is a little too big for it, but they may succumb to a cat's climbing instinct.
Chain mail is for surface slashing. Scale mail or maybe plate mail is the way to go with pointy objects.
I wonder if catnip works on birds?
not on birds, but I bet it'd work on a griffon's lower half
So you're saying we should shove a wad of catnip in Gilda's ass? Kinky.
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>You will never be woken up at 5 in the morning when your girlfriend shoves her sopping wet lioness-like pussy in your face
"Wake up, dweeb! I need a quickie before I leave for work, so get up and show me what that tongue do."
>she will never start massaging your crotch through your shorts as you eat her out
>she will never get up right after she finishes, blueballing you until she gets home and lets you fuck her brains out

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would you?
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Escapee from the pony breeding thread. A catbirb is fine too
Anyone else get depressed because she will never ever be real?
Gilda is best pony
Every day
Why is she so perfect?
any greens or fics similar to this?
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>implying education in equestria is shit tier enough that you need to set aside a bunch of money over years to afford it.
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You wouldn't fiddle a kittenbirb.
You disgusting fuck.
Who else wants to be Gilda's chastity slave?
You don't know me
Tsundere catbirb is best
I already dipped my erected dick in unborn baby birds before I made fried eggs
what does Gilda smell like
kfc and loneliness
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That's just your headcanon.
Show me a season and episode # where they say all education is free.
What would a beakjob feel like?
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Fuck, man, idk if I can even move on anymore
>you need to set aside a bunch of money over years to afford it
And go $100k+ into debt
Son of a bitch, right in the fetish. I need sooo much more of this
I want to make Gilda question every single morning why she married and had a chick with a dweeb like me.

>daughter's 12th birthday.
>surprise her with a surf board.
>"Wait...does this mean that...?"
"We're going to the beach for vacation? You know it."
>She jumps up and down in excitement.
"And with that surf board, we'll finally make you a pro surfing...surfing....hmmm, I can't quite think of it."
>"Think of what?"
"A certain....piece of vocabulary. You'd be a like a surfing...ugh, c'mon what was it? What's the word?"
>Gilda's eyes widen.
>"What word?"
>'Revy NO!'
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gilda a cute
i want her to peg me
I feel like Gilda's the type where after a few years of relationship, she'd eventually stop you and go, "so are you gonna propose or not dweeb?"
this, plus a reacharound

Gilda is for femdom
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but she can also be for girlish stuff
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griffons are hunters
>you will never fuck gilda on RD's bed
>RD will never catch you in the act
I want to dress Gilda in the girliest clothes I can and then dominate the shit out of her
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And that's what a good relationship is.
Having the willingness to try different things for your most favorite chick.
I want her to wear a maid outfit and peg me simultaneously
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I want to face-fuck the shit out of her, just jam my dick down her throat until I cum hard enough to make baby batter shoot out of her nose, all to make sure I've earned the thorough ass-thrashing she's about to deliver.

into the trash it goes
I bet (You) think eqg is anthro too
>you will never get a pawjob from her

why live
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Any loser that doesn't love his bitchy catbird in all of her forms doesn't deserve a reply.
>Gilda comes home fighting back tears
>Her best friend dumped her for a bright pink asshole

What do?
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>I bet (You) think eqg is anthro too
It isn't? :^)
Stick it in her butt
let her peg my bright pink asshole
Best pony
i want to irritate gilda till she beats me up then jerks me off but doesn't let cum all the while she calls me names

im not into femdom tho

I want to put a piece of tape on her side to make her walk around sideways in confusion.

FiM is anthro too, anthropomorphized just means that they have human qualities, not necessarily human forms.
Well at least one person has taste.
I doubt its free but theres no reason to think it has gotten as out of hand as it has here.

The current situation should not be considered normal
>you will never comfort a sad depressed Gilda
>your back will never become incredibly scarred due to your intense interspecies lovemaking
Where have all the Gildafags gone?
There's not many of us left.
There's no green for them to feast upon.
>when you cum she wont stop jerking or thrusting
>she enjoys the felling of you squirming under her
oh god right in the fetish
>you will never be an overstimulated wriggling mess pinned down by your beloved catbird waifu as she milks you dry
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>All these people wanting to be dominated by Gilda

You know why untamed Gilda is best? Because you can be the one to tame her.
>just when you think shes almost done cause shes slowly stroking she she suddenly speeds up
>"come on dweeb! cant go twice?"
>Implying free college means good college
There's a reason American schools are famous worldwide and the only non-American school that's noteworthy is Oxford.
All this but in rainbow dash's bed and she comes home and finds us and Gilda keeps going
I don't know man. I feel like she's be super extra cruel about it.
that'd be super extra hot as long as there was a safeword
>she ignores the safe word and keeps stroking
How would Gilda react to RD trying to steal anon away from her?
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Patrician taste, Gilda needs someone to feel emotionally safe with and me someone physically
That's the point, just hours of paw worship while she teased your blueballs.
>All this femdom
Never knew this many gildafags had such good taste.
>despite her rough treatment during sex gilda is always willing to take care of anon while hes sick
>she does have a maternal side after all
>Crazy rough sex but then soft cuddles afterward

My dick
Do you know WHY it's gotten to this point? Because of the government trying to make things easier and helping people pay. Colleges know they're guaranteed money from the government of a student needs help whereas earlier they had to rely on a student's ability alone to pay back their debt. Colleges can now jack up their prices because not only will less people be scared away due to not being able to pay it, but the government will absolutely pay it back in a lot of cases. If the government took its ugly face out of the picture and did what it was supposed to do, a lot of the issues in society would be fixed.

You could pay for education out of the military budget without making a fucking dent in the latter.
Why would you want the government to pay for it in the first place, let alone with a different far more important budget?
Cat butt
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>This will never be you
>far more important budget

>he doesn't understand diminishing returns and diminishing marginal utility
wew lad, catbird-sempai will never notice you and call you a dweeb at this rate.
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The only /pol/ that should be part of a Gilda thread is the pole you want to jam into her sweet, tight catpussy.
I want to help Gilda preen her feathers after a long day at work
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cute birb
bump for qt catbird
>Gilda not being aggressively sexual with Anon
>Gilda not being eager to raise her chicks to be awesome and successful
Frankly, I'm surprised Anon has survived long enough to impregnate Gilda and raise their child

>Anon and Gilda are birdmarried
>Baby catbird on the way
>Gilda and Anon get into a fight over something dumb that Gilda said
>Hormones make Gilda easier to anger and makes her moods harder for her to control
>Anon says something that hits a particular nerve
>Gilda, in a split-second long fit of rage, swipes at Anon with her claws
>Immediately regrets it and starts to apologize
>Anon falls to the ground, bleeding from the neck
>Gilda must explain to her chick why Daddy isn't there
>Genuinely being an unlikable asshole
That's not the Gilda I waifu'd.
Agreed. Some of the posts in this thread seem more like self esteem issues than sexual fantasies.
When I find stories like that, I honestly feel bad for the writer. You know, like when you see passages where a pony (or in this case, Gilda) physically assaults Anon (aka the author insert) and Anon responds with a cheerful "Naw it's okay, I deserved it" like a beaten wife.
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Headcanon for that pic:
>Pre-redemption episode
>Likes nobody, unlikable to anyone
>Except Anon
>Falls head over heels for the cunt
>She doesn't give him the time of day
>While tracking her to find out what she likes and her hobbies, she gets caught breaking some law
>Something bad enough to get her 5 to 15 in some dungeon
>Anon talks to guards, uses his ambassador status (only human in Equestria) to convince them that someone else must have done it
>She doesn't like owing anyone anything, so she asks what she has to do to make things square
>Anon would never actually turn her in, but he plays along
>He demands that she has to date him for a week, and if he can't win her over, she can just walk away and he'll forget any of this happened
>She figures if she just sleeps with him, she can convince Anon to just call the whole thing off
>Doesn't quite work, >>29150139 is the next morning

And some posters in this thread don't realize that sometimes things are posted just for shits & giggles.
You're a fully grown man/woman that enjoys a cartoon designed for little girls who's seriously and unironically trying to analyze other fully grown men/women who enjoy a cartoon designed for little girls.
That's seriously the saddest thing I've ever typed.
>unironically trying to analyze other fully grown men/women who enjoy a cartoon designed for little girls.
Have you ever heard the expression "Write what you know"? People put a part of themselves into what they write; especially into a character that's designed to be a blank slate for the reader to identify with. If a story is filled with an Anon who goes through his day being abused and excusing the actions of his attackers, then that sort of says something about that author's self-esteem.

I noticed that my writing has changed since I improved my self-esteem, and the Anon that I write reflects that.
Wow, did I hit a nerve?
I'm sorry that your uncle touched you when you were 5, but can you please try not to shit all over this thread with your trauma-turned sexual fetish?
I just like getting pegged in the ass tbqh
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Dude, you missed the most important part:
>posted just for shits & giggles
I figuratively posted a pic of my turd in a toilet and you're trying to zoom in to figure out what I had for lunch yesterday.

Using such a low quality meme, you don't even deserve a (You)
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, sigmund freud
Whatever you say, Anons. You're allowed to believe whatever you want to believe; just like I am.
>people getting butthurt over fetishes

What's wrong with being a stay a home husband who gets sexually dominated by his griffon wife every night?
Everything, according to people with their own shameful fetishes.
>being this much of an armchair psychologist

ayyyyyy lmao
Excuse me, SIR, but I happened to take half a term of first-year Psych at university. I'm practically a doctor.
Would you a catbird
Who wouldn't?
All night and all day
Seems very possible.
>you will never go hunting with Gilda
>not even calling them alt-right neonazis
Come on man, if you're gonna derail, you gotta go all the way.
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>Our schools are so great at educating people that we can't open them for everybody
Really makes me think
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>"Really Anon? All of my hickory-smoked bacon!? ALL OF IT!?!?"
"Well, no, not really..."
>"GOOD. You better not have eaten all of my-"
"I could only eat about 8 strips before I got full, so I threw the rest out."
>"YOU... WHAT!?"
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10/10 waifu

Gilda best dom

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>throwing out bacon
>making more bacon then you can eat
>acting like a shithead to your bird waifu
>not realizing that shes extremely angry
well i guess it would be realistic cause anon is autistic but still.
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I want to make her purr
Bump for birdcat
Are all the writefags dead?
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>Every green, no matter how long or short, has to be 100% authentic and realistic
>you will never feel her purr as you hold each other in your arms
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Goodnight, fellow catbird lovers.
I'd whiz in her weenie
Sleep tight birber
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>Just finished shift at shitty retail job
>Slow as fuck all day
>Imagined how much better it would be if I had a Gilda-esque co-worker to help pass the time
>Talk about playoffs, recent fights, how much trouble she's having fixing the carb on her bike, newest scone recipes

God damnit, now I need someone to make Jim Mora Sr. into a griffon.

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>Griffons enjoy both American football and Rugby because it looks like a bunch of primates are trying to steal or protect a large egg
My headcanon: Griffons lay eggs
birb bump
I feel like I should do something with this, but I don't know what.
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>only non-American school thats noteworthy is Oxford
Name a single relevant non-American school that isn't British
What category? Famous scientists who have gone there, advancements in tech ect?
>popularity = relevance
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did you enjoy fucking your mother anon?
I really like Gilda
Me too
This thread needs some green.
Writing some green

Hopefully I'll have it ready tonight. I write kinda slow.
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I understand that reference
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Dick I just went to bathroom, bring it back
Sorry, got sidetracked by family yelling at me while I was deleting a fuckup, and I accidentally deleted everything.
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How do you delete 3 posts accidentally?
>"I could only eat about 8 strips before I got full, so I threw the rest out."
I swear this is from something.

I'm laughing, but I think it's because I've seen this before.
Self bump:
Won't be done tonight. Keep this thread alive and I'll post it in the morning. (if you're in NA)
looking forward to it
All creatures big and small
Better fucking involve chastity somehow, or else.
Catbirb needs more love
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>Muhrica! Best education!
No you don't
As Promised:

>You are Anon
>You're walking through the front door after a long day at work.
>Life's pretty good right now, seeing as you've spent the last few years in a magic horse cartoon land
>As you sit down at your kitchen table, you think about your good job, your good house, your good wif-
>A certain griffon comes in the kitchen, clearing the distance to you in one big swoop, embracing you.
>Uh oh
>She's not usually this nice.
"Gilda, what happened today?"
>She pulls herself away from you, and gives you a big smile.
>She's positively beaming, radiant in the afternoon light, with her tail excitedly swiping around, and... her hand held behind her back.
>You steel yourself for the worst.
>She holds her smile, saying nothing, still the innocent expression.
"Gilda... What are you holding behind your back?"
>"Oh, the scone sales were slow today, so I had time to go and uh, buy something."
>Her smile twists into a devilish grin
>You feel something poking your side
>You look down and you see your beloved wife holding a
>Strap on
>"HAA! Oh Boreas, you should see the look on your face!"
>You open your mouth to say something, but she shushes you.
>"You will only speak to your mistress when spoken to," She says, walking to the bedroom, holding the strap on.
>"Now get in here, dweeb."
>She saunters to the door leading into your bedroom, with all the command of a woman who knows what she wants.
>There's that aggressive, challenging and dominant demeanor to her that made you fall in love with her in the first place.
>But then she realizes that you're not following her.
>"Didn't you hear me dweeb? Get in the bedroom, NOW!"
>No response from you.
>"Get in here before I make you." She balls her talon in a fist and stares at you with piercing glare.
>Still no response from you.
>"...Uh, Anon, do you know how-"
"I know how to be a sub."
>"Well alright then, get in-"
"You're not fucking me with a strap on."
>She looks defeated
>"Oh, come on! You don't even want to try it? Don't knock it until you try it!"
"Gilda, I just had a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is have a dildo shoved in my ass. Besides, have you even cleaned it yet? Those things stink like shit when you put them in, guess why."
>Gilda looks like a kid who's just been told they're not going to Disneyland this year
>Awkwardly looking at her talons as she shuffles closer to the table.
>Soon she's right next to you. She holds your hands and looks up at you.
>"Nonny," She begins, looking as sweet and feminine as she can possibly muster, her big golden eyes twinkling in the afternoon light
>"Would you pretty please with a cherry on top, let me peg your asshole? I'll be gentle- at first." she says with a small pout.
>Man, she's good at manipulating you, and you must admit, you did want to spice things up in the bedroom a bit.
>You lose yourself in your thoughts a bit while Gilda continues.
>"It’s just that I had this fantasy about pouncing on you and pinning you to the ground and making you my bitch and stuff, but I also understand the importance of 'active consent' in a healthy adult relationship, so, you know..."
>You notice that she said 'active consent' mockingly
>But now you're too distracted to catch everything that you say.
"Pinned to the floor? that does sound hot..."
>Oh shit
>Did you just say that?
>You feel a rush of panic as Gilda's regular demeanor returns.
>A huge evil grin spreads on her face as she takes two steps back.
>Then, flaring her wings, she pounces on you, knocking the wind out of you and forcing your body on the floor.
>"Now," she says while pulling your pants off, "You will refer to me as 'mistress', or 'goddess'. I expect my commands to be followed enthusiastically at all times... or else."
>Still pinned to the floor, you notice that she's nice enough to lube up the strap on
>"Put your butt up in the air, dweeb."
>You obey your mistress, and present your pink butthole to Gilda
>She spanks your butt hard, which hurts more than a little bit with talons.
>"I expect to hear you say, 'Yes Mistress', from now on, got it?"
"Yes, mistress"
>"And next time, I expect you to shave. I demand that my slave be well groomed."
>Y-yes, mistress"
>"Now shut up." She says while positioning herself over your body, the big black thing gently resting against the entrance to your butt.
>You steel yourself for the looming violation
>You're not really into this whole femdom thing but Gilda really is, and relationships are about compromise so whatever, right?
>You feel your lovely wife growl in satisfaction as she pushes into you
>And no, she's not gentle.
>You scream as she rams herself into your butt, bottoming out in one motion.
"OH MY GOD it's like the biggest shit of my life-!" You cry out
>Gilda shoves your head back into the floor, gives you another spank with her sharp talons
>"I said no talking!"
>With both claws on your back, you feel Gilda slide in and out of you.
>Your asshole is sore and straining against the strap on
>Honestly you can't wait for this to be over
>Unlike what you're feeling, Gilda is enjoying the hell out of this, her deep breathing rumbling through her beak
>Her moans and grunts are like the kind you'd have while you're searing a steak and the smell is irresistible
>Gilda's behavior seems so animalistic, so predatory... it scares you a bit.
>You notice a sort of pressure building up in your lower half. It feels kinda... good?
>She's shifted a bit, you realize she's massaging your prostate
>You won't give her that satisfaction!
>You must have done something to tip her off, because she's lowering her beak to your head.
>"Do you like that boy? I'm feeling generous, let me help you a bit~"
>She shifts her butt up a bit and starts thrusting downwards, directly on your prostate
>It feels fucking great, like your dick's being massaged from behind
>Speaking of which, you’re getting rock hard.
>Gilda notices too and reaches around to grab your dick, still pounding at your butthole.
>"Don't try to keep secrets from your master. I notice everything."
>You accept the fact that it was useless trying to resist Gilda's sexual appetite
>She's vigorously jerking you off
>Her assault on your butt is just too much for you to bear, the pressure in your prostate building to a climax
>Her heavy breathing against your back is just more proof of her primal (Feline? Avian?) desire to dominate you.
>You feel the pleasure build past your breaking point
>And now you're moaning, and you can't stop it as you finally cum, jets of baby batter shoot onto the cold floor.
>"I didn't give you permission to cum" Gilda says as she pulls the strap on out of you. "But the moan was cute."
>You try to speak but you can't form words as your powerful, humiliating orgasm keeps reverberating through you.
>Somehow, someway, you'll get back at her for this. Think anon, think!
>"I should make you clean up the mess you made, but I want you to do something else first. Come into the bedroom with me."
>You get yourself off the kitchen floor, and follow her into the bedroom.
>Looking at your mistress, you stare at the wetness between her legs.
>Hints of a twisted, evil plan form in your mind...
"Mistress," you begin as you close the bedroom door behind you. "Would you allow me to wash the strap on for you before we do it again?"
>"You want it again boy?" Gilda replies. "I see you're finally understanding your place."
>She hands you one smelly strap on and you walk into the bathroom.
>You look into the mirror while you wash it off. Soon she'll know the real reason you're doing this.
>Gilda, your beloved wife, knows that you aren't submissive.
>She would have never have fallen in love with you, had you not been equal in strength and wits.
>The real reason for all of this is obvious.
>Griffon romance, as you once learned from your friend Twilight Sparkle, is based around respect and mutual strength. Each partner tests their mate constantly to make sure they live up to each other’s standards.
>It's a bit like sparring at the gym. If your relationship can't handle the heat, how's it going to stand up to outside threats? When you make a nest, how would you defend it?
>You remember ignoring the rest of the bookhorse's long impromptu lecture on Griffon evolutionary psychology, but you get the point.
>Discord once told you they were like Klingons. (further solidifying a certain theory you have about him)
>This whole business with the strap on and the S&M play has been a big test, to see if you, her mate, can reverse the roles on her and establish your status as her equal, the same way you have every day since you first started dating.
>Now back to this plan of yours. You'll have to be fast if you want to catch her off guard.
>You grab the strap on and a hand towel off the towel rack, and head back into the bedroom.
>Anon puts on the strap-on and fucks her in the puss and ass at the same time.
"Mistress, I have a suggestion."
>"Yes boy? What is it?" She says, while you sit behind her on the bed.
>You grab her arms, and with a bit of skill you flip her around and now this time you're the one pinning her.
>"ACK!" She squawks like a chicken while you use the hand towel to tie her claws together. "Anon! How dare you treat your mistress like this!"
>The anger in her voice is seething.
>But you also feel her nethers rubbing in-between your leg, that trickle in between her hind legs has turned into a small waterfall.
>And, you've got her forced on the bed with your body weight. Maybe you can take this opportunity to mess with her a bit.
"So, what was that voice you did earlier?"
>You recall how she got you to take the strap on in the first place, and now you use it against her.
"Gilda, would you pretty please with a cherry on top, let me make you my bitch? I promise not to be gentle to my mistress, and I promise not to stop until you're begging for more."
>Her big eyes are staring at you like a deer in headlights
>"Oh yeah- wait, no NO! I mean no! Shit!"
>You position yourself over her body, her butt in the air ready to take you from behind.
"Good enough. You might want to bite the pillow."
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yalls gay af bruh
>As promised, you are not gentle.
>You slam your throbbing cock into her pussy with all your might
>She moans like a crazy person.
>You don't move.
>"...Why did you stop?" Gilda asks.
"Oh, you said no earlier, and I was just remembering what you said about 'Active consent' (don't forget the sarcasm) and all that stuff, and I was just thinking-"
>"I didn't fucking tell you to stop, dweeb! Keep going!"
>With pleasure, catbutt.
>You pound away at her tight pink pussy, feeling her walls contract and move around.
>The juices are flowing so heavily from her that now your legs are soaked too.
>While Gilda is writhing and groaning in bliss, you casually reach over to the strap on and detach the dildo on it from the strap.
>This will go nicely in her asshole. And she was kind enough to buy a dildo smaller than your own dick, how thoughtful of her.
>You just shove it in her butt without telling her.
>The scream she makes could probably rattle the windows in their panes, her walls clenching down on your dick like she's afraid to lose it.
>You feel that pressure building in your lower half again.
"Gilda, I’m close."
>She looks back at you, a huge blush on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks.
>She manages to get a sentence out in between her ragged breaths. "Look at my claws, dweeb."
>You do, and you notice that she's managed to undo the knot that you tied around her arms.
>Oh shi-
>You don't have time to react before she pushes you backwards off the bed
>And before you know it, you're pinned again on the floor, facing up with your dick standing at full mast.
>Gilda straddles you and lowers herself on your member, going balls deep again, her eyes locked on yours with a look like she's finally once and for all gone off the deep end, Toys in the attic fucking crazy.
>"Anon," She says with a deep rumbling growl,
>"I fucking love you."
>You both moan in unison while she slides up and down your shaft
>You can feel her talons scratch your chest and her vagina quiver as she moans through each orgasm
>She's cumming so much that each peak for her comes faster and faster, smearing into one long plateau of pleasure that she can barely handle.
>Somehow, she manages to even speed up her motions, working your cock up and down.
>You think you're starting to understand the meaning of the phrase "cock worship".
>And you feel yourself building to your own orgasm, the second one of the night.
>You reach your head up to kiss her, but she forces your head back down and lowers her beak to your mouth.
>Her tongue reaches into your mouth and yours into hers, exploring each other.
"Gilda, I'm coming!"
>"Come inside, please!"
>She finds her last bit of strength to speed up even more, and you're finally pushed over the edge.
>You both let out a loud growl while you feel yourself cumming, the jizz shooting out like a fire hose into her womb.
>She comes one last time too, just from the sheer sensation of feeling you fill her.

You know that 4chan is the gayest website ever, right?
>She collapses on you, too exhausted to move.
>And you're too tired to push her off too.
>It feels like there might be enough fluids released between the two of you to fill a small swimming pool.
>Getting that out of the carpet will be fun.
>All those scratches that Gilda gave you will be fun to clean too.
>Gilda looks at you, with a small, gentle smile.
>She feels fuzzy and warm for once tonight.
>"Anon..." She begins.
>"...You're really bad at subbing."
"You're a shit sub too, Gilda. But I think that's just one more reason to love you."
>She rests her head on your chest
>the rhythmic purring is making you tired.
>In the morning you'll have to punish her for getting your carpet and the kitchen floor dirty.
>But tonight? Just cuddles. Lots and lots of qt catbird cuddles.

That's all. Thanks for reading, I hope you all liked it. Now i'm going to go make breakfast.
>Discord once told you they were like Klingons. (further solidifying a certain theory you have about him)

This is off topic, but has there ever been a greentext where Discord and Q are the same person, and Anon is a Star Trek fan who figures it out? Sounds like it could be interesting.
i came desu
>gilda will never drag you into her next of blankets and try to rape you.
>why try?
>well shitbrain, you've been jacking it to horse pussy for 7 years and cant get it up for anything that doesn't have a winking clit.

[Spoiler] or that isnt a guy in chains, mini skirt, and thigh highs.
>>"Would you pretty please with a cherry on top, let me peg your asshole? I'll be gentle- at first." she says with a small pout.
i dont use this often (i dont think i written this down in the past 5 years) but:
>lower half of a cat
>lays eggs
Most mythological depictions of Griffons have them as egg layers.

It's as if you didn't read my spoiler at all.

Thanks! Critique is accepted. I'm always looking to improve my writing.

Put it in my pastebin:
Catbutt bump
Can catbird pussy even handle human dick?
No, it makes them crazy for more dick
Gilda will soon realize that Griffon pussy was made for human cock
Waking up to a faceful of pussy is the best way to do it.
Especially if she cums and leaves without ever touching your dick.
Slave yes, chastity no. This dick is here to be used (by her).

>what's wrong with the ideal lifestyle for a human male
Hell if I know.

And humans with cocks were made to be put in their place by griffon pussy.
I want to bury my head in Gilda's chest floof
That femdom story was cool.
griffon master race bump
Arise thread
I wanna rub her feet while she tries not to purr.
I want to cum on her paws
That's just rude.
But what if I licked them clean afterwards?
Less rude.
What if I also massaged them
More servile and less rude.
Servility is good, yes.
When it's directed towards female griffons it is.
>What does /mlp/ think of this catbird?
Like my granny always said, a hole is a hole.
Any good Gilda green?
you are a faggot god among reguler faggots.
Here's a good one: http://pastebin.com/dVbVkPPn
That explains why I have feels in my heart and my dick. Where is that asshole?
Where have all the writefags gone?
To less green pastures.
Or maybe fan projects we're just not seeing yet. We can dream, right?
What about Cambridge?
Haber Institute if it still exists. German School of chemistry
>updated 11/22/15
Jesus...has it been over a fucking year? Feel like I wrote that a month ago. Fuck being an adult.
It's on my long list of things I want to rewrite and make into a less incoherent mess. I feel like green makes really great outlines.
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My heart leapt into my throat right then mate......it's been a while friend.
Bump for catbutts
Where would like to see things go? Or maybe what would you like to see before the bulk of the green? Start it the day she shows up for the roommate spot, maybe?
bump for new green
Have Anon put it in her butt.
>4-in-1 plebmail
I bet you use aluminum rings too, faggot.
>Implying you're not wearing your requisite padded gambeson/wool clothing underneath

Do you even DEUS VULT?
Gilda sitting on Anon's face. Gotta have that pussy worship.
Seconding also bump
Maybe like a fight scene?
Some other griffons?
Fight like arguing or do they throw down? Does Anon discover wining a fight in gryphon society is the equivalent of a marriage proposal?
Thread posts: 245
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