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Lyraquest (a silly CYOA)

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Thread replies: 208
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Things are cray-cray in p-ville. Not cray as in townwide destruction, mass invasions or anything, but ugh, relationship problems. Downsides of living in a small town, yo.
My name is Lyra Heartstrings. Sexiest mare in Ponyville, if I do say so myself. Say that to most everyone else though and you’ll get a laugh.
Still! Anyway, so you wanna know what I’ve been up to...

Last thread since it’s been a while (Not necessary to know in order to play the game): http://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/27627145/#27627145

So I played frisbee with some colts, caught up with Noteworthy about this band thing that’s taking forever to form, met this player who’s like five, foalsat Rumble again and lost HARDCORE to him in a race – oh and he made me eat this nasty thing that made me puke.
Oh, and I tried setting up my friends Octavia and Vinyl together, and get with Bonnie at the same time. Long story short… it failed horribly, and now I’m confused. Ugh, this’ll take a long time to figure out.
Enough of my ramblings though. This is Lyra, saying I’m wondering what the future’s gonna hold.

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>What just happened.
>Like seriously, what just happened? Last thing you knew, you were trying to do a double-hookup:
>you were gonna get with Bon Bon, and Vinyl was gonna get with Octavia. It was a “perfect” plan!
>But Vinyl started hitting on Bon Bon, and, and… you and Tavi held hooves.
>Like for real. Held hooves. You held her hooves, and the two of you listened to bands perform all night.
>It was still awkward, but as you went home you felt a slight lightness inside you. It was… nice.
>Yes, you would have to make things up with Bon Bon still, but as you lay in bed you can’t sleep, repeating the night’s events like reruns of an episode.
>Why do you feel this way? You like Bon Bon. ...Right?
>But you feel squirmy and warm when you recall the evening with Octavia…
>Blegh. Enough romantic drama. That kinda stuff isn’t healthy for sleep.
>Forcing yourself to clear your mind, you achive a fitful rest, waking the next morning earlier than usual.
>You might be foalsitting Rumble again today, but other than that your schedule looks clear.
>What now?
Go out into town with your lyre and play some music and then buy some breakfast.
Like, what else do we need to do for that band thing?
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>You flop out of your bed and shamble downstairs.
>Even though You’re up earlier than normal, Amy’s still gone by the time you wake up.
>Grabbing your lyre with your magic, you make your way to town and play for a bit.
>There’s just enough tip money for breakfast, so you stop by somewhere and nab a few pancakes.
>Hopefully you won’t crash too hard this time from all the carbs.
>While munching on your meal, you think about what all needs done to get the band done.
>So far, Noteworthy, that colt from the hardware store, and Octavia are on board. You were trying to get Bon Bon on drums, but you’re still not sure if she’s gonna be a yes.
>And after you bought those Bongos for her, too.
>You blink and turn your head as a musical procession marches through town, Pinkie Pie leading the way.
>Must be a Saturday.
>”Always a lively day here,” Lilly, one of the flower trio, comments. “This town is so lovely! Well, when it’s not being destroyed by Horrible monsters!”
We need to find or start a music club!
I wonder if horrible monsters play any instruments...
Yes, some nice monsters would be good now and then...I wonder if only the horrible ones bother trying to come into town? Destruction, and all that.

A band needs a meeting place, lets look for one!
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>Horrible monsters, huh?
>You wonder if any horrible monsters play instruments
>Maybe nice sprites play instruments, too
>Yawning, you reply to Lily, trying to ignore the noises from the marching band filling up the plaza.
>Normally you’d join in, but you don’t feel like a song and dance number today.
“Yeah, I guess this place is okay.”
>Lily is bobbing her head to the music, closing her eyes as she sways.
>”Isn’t it?”
>The marching band makes you want to get your band going even more.
>You also realize that you haven’t really picked a meeting spot for your band yet.
“Oh yeah, I should do that...”
>”Hmm?” Lily blinks her eyes open and casts an inquisitive glance your way.

>You get up and leave (after tipping of course), amling around town.
>You have the whole town to look through for a meeting spot. What direction should you go first? You’re not too far from your house at the moment.
Like, anyway the wind blows, dude.

Maybe the gazebo that the Pony Tones performed on?
Somewhere with shelter from the weather would be good.
((Internet keeps cutting out here, so I think imma call it for the night. Till tomorrow!))
Close eyes, follow the nose. And ears.
Night Minty!
>he made me eat this nasty thing that made me puke.
>Things are cray-cray in p-ville
Im guessing p-ville is ponyvile but the fuck is cray cray is it some new youth slang? Old youth slang? A meme i missed.
It means crazy.
Why not at home? Bonbon won't mind probably
Kids these days
Thanks anon
>Amy’s still gone by the time you wake up.
Im new who is amy
Is it best background horse amethyst star
Unnecessary bump cause Lyra is the shit.

Lyra is such a silly pony
go to the everfree to find some monsters
leaving page nine now.
There a pizza place nearby?
let's find a place with a nice outdoor seating area.
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>As you amble around, you continue searching for a place to hold a band meeting.
>You could always have it at home: you’re sure Bon Bon wouldn’t mind.
>Then again, Bon Bon’s not your roommate. Amethyst is.
“What about that gazebo thing?” You ask yourself out loud.
>You walk over to the gazebo that you remember seeing the Pony Tones perform at.
>You get there to find… crap. Pinkie Pie’s pony parade performance is filling the entire gazebo.
>Maybe it would work later, but there’s no way you can have access to it now without being forced into a musical.
>You decide to close your eyes and follow your nose instead.
>You smell… Pizza!
>Yes, follow that nose, girl.
>Even if it’s leading you into a forest.
>A forest that suddenly is beside your house.
>You open your eyes to find your surroundings are slightly different.
>Explains why you thought the parade’s performance was getting wooden.
>You chuckle at your pun and look around.
>Oh hey, a… pizza place?
“At least there’s outdoor seating…”
>You’re not sure what to do now, or how you found yourself here.
Huh. Knock on the door maybe?
go into the pizza place and try it's epic pizza. sure picked an odd location to sell this.
When in doubt, follow your nose.
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>Well, you're here anyway. Might as well knock on the door. When in doubt, follow your nose!
>It opens, so you inch your way inside hesitantly.
>This place is a lot different on the inside than you thought.
>It's actually kinda neat. Everything's arranged in hexagonal tiles.
>Odd, but maybe that's the motif of this place.
>Sure does smell good in here, though. You wonder how epic of a pizza this pizza makes.
>You also wonder why it's in such an odd location.
excuse me my good stallion? but i would like to try your pizza and possibly get some breadsticks. how much would that cost?
Flirt with the dude working the front end of the store.
Scream and point at the . . . Person. Wait for them to speak then say,
>"Oh my gosh! I really like your hat!"
Investigate the pentagon on the wall. They're Pentagon's, right? Right??
It's an hexagon
Yeah I know they're hexagons. Probably should've used quotes for them so it would seem Lyra would think that.
Yo, I'll have some pizza, dude.
stop being a fatass and don't order any pizza
>Ey gurl, how you doin?
Order a calzone.
Ask the whatever it is for the menu.

"Excuse me my good stallion? I'd like to b-"
>You start to say that you're here for pizza, but you get distracted by the pizza guy's hat.
"Oh... OHMYGOSH! I love your hat!"
You run to the counter and drape over it, twisting a buit so you're looking upwards at... him? Her?
"Aay gurl, how you doin? You have a cool hat, man. It's even got a cute little horn hole."
>You cross over into flirting territory fast, playing up your interest, even though you are curious about the changeling.
"I like your hexagon thingies too~"
>"I, uh, How you do? Z you wanting pizza here?"
"Nah man, I'm here for a calzone~"
>"Call zone is of thirty making minutes? You want what on?"
>He seems slightly confused at your actions.
"Whatever it is for the menu, maaan~"
>"You are of having all?"
"Sure thing. I want it all~"
>You feel like a fatty, but you're curious to how this guy handles flirting.
>"A call zone of having all, no? E-eny other of adding?"
Nah man, that sounds good to me.
How much is the calzone? Oh, and do you have special somepony?
Waaaaaiiiit just one darn moment . . . . Are you a changeling? Because I find changeling really attractive.
Wait, we did bring our cash with us, right?
Er....what do you take as payment?
Are lewds permitted in the cyoa? Or will i'Lloyd they just "fade to black?"
I don't believe they are anon.
Tip the fine buggish pony with a hug. Because, changelings like love and ......
But we held hands with Octy already dude. Let's not fuck every living thing we meet. Especially since it definitely doesn't fit the tone.
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>You giggle and nod, hamming it up even more.
"Nope, that'd be it, dudlio. I...:"
>You pause, eyebrows raising as a thought strikes you.
"Waaaaaiiiit just one darn moment . . . . Are you a changeling? Because I find changeling really attractive."
>The pizza guy pauses as well, nervously looking to the side and swallowing.
>At least you think he's looking away. Hard to tell with dem eyes.
>"I, er... Is this of tricks? I'm no of hide so yes, I a change ling as you say. I am vellum."
"Ooh, nice name. I..."
>You once again pause as you have another thought.
"Oh shoot! Er, what do you take as payment?"
>You have a mini panic attack as you fumble for change, only to realize it's attatched to your horn.
>Good idea, Lyra. You a smart.
>"We take the Equestrian pay."
"Do you take love as payment?~"
>You giggle, seeing what his reaction would be.
>He swallows again, looking to the side another time.
>"Uh... That is not common accepted anymore. But it might be."
"I see... so how much is the calzone? Oh, and do you have special somepony?"
>"Uuuh... Call zone is of 4 bits Equestria pay, or 7 kxc."
this desu, lets not get caught cheating
Last one for the night, felllas. Till tomorrow!

I'm on the fence with lewds. I think I'd permit them if it fits, but this isn't a lewd quest so it won't be a shagfest all the time. And what the last anon said. We just met this guy. Lyra wouldn't jump his bones just yet after so soon. She might screw him later if you all really want that, but at least allow some buildup that makes sense, hehe. Right now it's just in the teasing stage. I'll let you all decide that, though.

It's love units. Measured differently than monetary currency. Kinda like food stamps in a way.
Teasing is good.
>So uh, how's this gonna work if I want to pay in love? Do we hug? Hold hooves? Do you need to bite my neck like a vampire?
How bout 3 bits and some hugs?
We're the charmyist charming unicorn on this side of Canterlot. Oh. Ask Vellum if they serve any drinks to wash down the calzone.
pay the man.
In hugs
time for that bump lyra.
Ask Vellum if he - it's a he right?
Ask if he want to be friends and if he knows how to play any instruments. A backup player would be useful, especially so since he'said a changeling.

Maybe he has some weird changeling instrument he can play
He could use his leg holes as a flute.
so where's he from?
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"So uh, how's this gonna work if I want to pay in love? Do we hug? Hold hooves? Do you need to bite my neck like a vampire?"
>You gesture to yourself as you try to figure out changeling math.
>Vellum shakes his head.
"Oh. So how bout three bits and some hugs?"
>"That work. Hug and I have nibbear."
"Nibbear? Sounds rad. Oh, and do you serve any drinks here?"
>Vellum nods. "Water. Tea cost extra nib and bit."
>You hum for a second.
"Mm... kay. I'll take a tea."
>Plopping the bits on the counter, you open your hooves and embrace Vellum.
>You soon find out what 'Nibbear' means: He's nibbling your ear!
>Playfully of course. It really tickles.
"Oohoohooy, that gave me goosebumps."
>"One call zone, tea. Done in few minute."
>Killing time, you talk to Vellum some more.
"So... you're a dude, right?"
>"Dude? Oh. Uh, I don't of have pony gender. But I can change, so yes?"
>Seems he doesn't get the question very well.
"Where are you from?"
>"Khtl67. You pony say, near temple."
"Uh... you play an instrument?"
>"Is hive instrument? Or is instrument tool?"
Like, music making. I have my lyre, that's an intrument.
Uh, the tool. Not the hive. Can you play a tool that make music? Percussions, strings, drums?
We should tip the good changeling with a hug. He's just so gosh darn silly!

Oh jeez. Do you have, uh...music? Where you're from?
Oh my gosh. This dude is so precious. He nibbles ears!
So Vellum? What do you do for fun, or when you a free time to yourself?
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“Uh, like, music making. The tool, not the hive. I have my lyre; that’s my instrument. Can you play a tool that makes music?”
>Vellum freeze-frames in what you guess is hard thought.
“Oh jeez, do you even have music? Like where you’re from?”
Vellum nods, breaking from his trance.
>”Yes. Waan-hur is music tool. At heal they use, and it… not sure how say about.”
>Vellum brings a hoof to his chitinous chin. “Came from rainsound. I not of knowing how else say.”
>You can’t help but giggle at Vellum’s speech mannerisms. You wonder how hard the translation is from Equuish to whatever changeling language he normally speaks is.
“So Vellum? What do you do for fun, or when you a free time to yourself?”
>Vellum makes a swaying motion with his hoof which you take as a substitute for a shrug.
>”But time is not free. Are you of mean pause? I hear other pony say same thing. If that truth, then I not having of lot. Pony pause a lot. We not of same.”
>You give Vellum a hug as a tip, causing him to burp unexpectedly.
>”Um… call zone finish.”
Thanks dude! Say, why do you have your shop way out here instead of in town?
Oh my god. Did this guy just burp from receiving a hug? Let's see what else we can do! Give him some hugs and nuzzles, coupled with pleasant thoughts about your fillyhood, like your best friend, your parents, your birthdays, etc.. Let's see if we can make Vellum burp the alphabet.
>Thanks but the food can wait a minute. I want to try something.
Yeah. Why's that? Is it just too expensive to purchase a lot in Ponyville? It really shouldn't be so costly to rent a building, what with how many disasters the small town goes - oh. Oh! That's probably why you have a pizza place all the way out here! It was probably cheaper since you most likely won't have to pay taxes (if any) and you won't have to suffer the occasional disasters that afflicts Ponyville!

I applaud you, Vellum.
Hey Vellum. Have you considered opening up shop in Ponyville? I'm unsure of the general opinion our town has on changelings, but if you play your cards right you can reap in some major mullah.
I didn't see any tables or chairs in the Pizza Shack, so I'll assume they weren't included to save time on drawing (which is fine!). Why not grab a chain and pull it up to the counter. I doubt Vellum's lack of customers would mind. If there aren't any chairs, just each the food on the countertop with the changeling.
>can I wear your hat?
Boop him Lyra.


>Oh my glob. Did this guy just burp fr,om receiving a hug?
>what else can you make him do?
“Thanks, but the food can wait a minute. I want to try something~”
>You giggle and give him some more hugs and nuzzles, coupled with pleasant thoughts about your fillyhood
>You think of your best friend, your parents, your birthdays, and so forth.
>You wonder if you can get him to burp the alphabet…
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>”Wha… I, -urp-”
>Vellum does indeed burp, but something else happens that you didn’t expect.
>He burps out a weird energy thing that squiggles around and changes colour
>”Thank you for tip! I not need of this meal now, so sorry for polite.”
>Vellum scooches over to one of the hexagons and inserts the thing, the energy dissipating into the material somehow
>Well, that was… neat. Whatever that was. Is that how he stores extra food energy?
“Thanks, dude! Say, why do you have your shop way out here instead of in town?
>”Oh. It because of multi-”
“So sorry to interrupt,” you begin, looking for a nonexistent chair to scoot up to the counter.
>”Seats in the door side.”
>Cool, this place has a hidden seating room for eat-in customers.
“Anyway… Is it just too expensive to purchase a lot in Ponyville? It really shouldn't be so costly to rent a building, what with how many disasters the small town goes...”
>You pause for breath before continuing
“Oh. Oh! That's probably why you have a pizza place all the way out here! It was probably cheaper since you most likely won't have to pay taxes! And you won't have to suffer the occasional disasters that afflict Ponyville!”
>Vellum blinks. “um… yes. I also of open here because some pony not like us. And I make shop from trees here. Make way I wanting.”
“I applaud you, Vellum. But have you tried opening up shop in Ponyville?”
>He does that hoof shrug thing again.
>”I see if for later I maybe. No with stampsofhoof, no.”
>Vellum Prompts you with a box. “You call zone still here. You want?”
“Can I wear your hat?”
>”Uh… Not for on work. I work, need hat.”
>You boop him before taking the box and tea he passes.
>Do you wanna keep talking to Vellum, or take your leave?

((Last one for the night. Till tomorrow!))
Bruh. You should toots come over and hang out. And maybe I can introduce you to my friends!
Ask him how often people come out here to eat.

Take your Calzone to your seat and take a bite.
Is there suchave a thing a pony yelp in Equestria? Fast service, friendly employees, exotic location? What's not to like?
Depending on the quality of the calzone and tea, Lyra should rate this place a 3-4.5 stars, but if the calzone is just outhe of this world.... then 5 stars.
Dude. Dude. What was up with the squiggly thing and you inserting it into the hexagon?
leave and go find another pony
But we should enjoy our food while it's still warm.
Ask Vellum if he has any regular customers.
lets share our food then
You think buggy, would eat solid food?
we can always offer probably not
try the calzone so that way we can tell other ponies what a great pizza place we found.
Hey, if we snuggle him enough times, could we have a nibble of the next energy thing he burps?
So does he live here too or what?
Yeah about that. Is he the only one here? Who else works here?
What are his hours?
what are his wages? Does he have a wife and kids he need to feed? Does he need a cuddle?
has he thought of making advertisements in the newspaper?
If Lyra knows Zecora she can tell her about the pizza Hut. Say, does Zecora know how to play any music?
we should have horn our number 1 hat.
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>You’ve taken an interest in Vellum and this little place.
>What better way to make friends with him than by probing him with a buttload of questions!
>setting the calzone on the counter, you begin your barrage as you dig in to a surprisingly tasty dinner
“So how often do people come out here to eat?”
“O-oops. I mean ponies, changelings... Customers.”
>”I there enough to have business.
“Ah. And what’re your hours?”
>”See sign,” Vellum states while pointing to a wooden sign that’s barely legible.
>”No all open time. No two day.”
“Cool, cool,” you say, munching some more.
>If there was a pony Yelp or something, you’d totally give this place a 4 star.
>Maybe town hall has something like that
“So Dude. Dude, like what’s up with the squiggly thing and you inserting it into the hexagon?”
>”What? Uh, I not of know”
“Like what was that… thing.”
>Motioning a belch, you wave your forelegs around in demonstration.
>”Oh! That of store kxcii. I eat. You yes for feed, I store no am have hunger.”
“Interesting… So, say I snuggle you again. Can I have a nibble of whatever you burp next?”
>”Uh… I no feel good that. How say…” Vellum looks like he’s having a hard time explaining this one.
>”Me… med… kxcii no pony for food. Cover to for love make much? Is of inside. Of during long time, mhm. Understand?”
>You totally don’t. But it sounds like one of those things that’ll be harmful given enough of a dose.
“Uh… Yes? So can I?”
>”I warm you but of yes you then yes.”
“Cool… So, have any kids? A wife?”
>”You have ask many,” Vellum says with a slight buzz of his wings. You’re not sure if that means he’s amused or annoyed, but he isn’t acting more aggressive so maybe that’s a good thing.
i'm just a curious pony. if you don't want to answer anymore i will stop asking.
Let's finish our food. We should visit him some time.
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"Hey, I'm just a curious pony, man. If you don't wanna answer anymore then I'll let ya chill."
>"Okay. I not accustom many question."
>You munch some more on the calzone. It's really good!
>You finish up the food, thanking Vellum again for being accommodating
>You give him another hug real fast however.
>You wanna see if you can make him burp again.
>"Is not tip enough? Thank you."
Vellum does indeed burp out an energy thingy again, catching it in his hooves
>Now's your chance to ask if you really wanted to taste your love energy.
>You could always just leave and go back to looking for a meeting place. Or go bug someone in town for a while till Amy gets home or you get bored.

((Last one for the night. Short evening, I know. Sorry for that. Tomorrow might be slow as well since I'm traveling, but we'll see. Till then!))
Finish out food the give buggo a hug tip.
Why not? Maybe just a little Lick. A small couldn't hurt.
You are what you so. So that must mean we'll taste awesome.
let's go.
go to page 1 lyra.
get away page nine. we have places to be.
Let's give him our address so we can go clubbing in the future.
Give him a good bye kiss. I want to see this guy vomit up a rainbow.
Sorry for the delay fellas. Should be starting here in a few minutes.

Was working on my truck and running to get stuff for it.
Are we bothering Vellum? Cuz I sure how we're not.
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"So I can try it?"
>"Yes... be of careful."
>Cool! You give the energy thing a lick, and...
>Holy crap. It feels like a shot of lovestruckness bolted through you.
>You feel amazing! You also feel super cuddly and giddy for no reason.
"Heehee, tha's some... some good stuff."
>"I caution you."
"Ye... thankye."
>You let Vellum be for now, but not before giving him a goodbye kiss.
>You hope you weren't bugging him too much. But then again you gave him a lot of food just now.
>You also give him your address so you two can go clubbing later.
>Hopefully he shows up!

>Leaving the pizza shack, you retrace your steps to town and wind up watching the remainder of Pinkie's troupe leave.
>There's confetti EVERYWHERE.
>And a few punch bowls, too
>And a Berry Punch, three
>Looks like you missed a party.
check on Berry. How's our favorite juice mare doin?
We need to satiate our snuggle desire. Berry will do fine.
Hey uh, what's with the colorful dot's on Vellum?
Probably all the food we gave him.
How long do you think it'll last the bugger?
Why not help yourself to some Punch.
Some of that Berry Punch, hue hue hue hue
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>You totally don't notice the extra energy you left Vellum when you left his place.
>Just like you totally don't know what's going on here
>But hey! Free drinks!
>You help yourself to some punch. And some Berry Punch.
"Hi, Berry!"
>"Errg- hey.." Berry winces like she's in pain.
"How's my favorite juice mare doin?"
>"It's goin... Got a looot to clean uup, ha.."
"Was there a party here?"
>"Hah... Yeah. Big one, too. But it was real fast, like... well, nothing."
"Hey Berry, can I ask you something? I need a favor."
"I need a cuddle fix. Like NOW."
>"Woah dude... sure, but you still owe me dinner afterward."
Ey gurl, you got yo self a deal.
execute MaxCuddles.exe
Why did she wince? We too loud? She still sobering up?
Guh, sorry for that. I think I'm too tired to make a decent post at this point. Gonna pause till tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with me, and see ya then!

((Yes. I;ll answer this one here, hehe. She's not upset- she just has a headache is all))
Hey. That kind of sucks that they left Berry by her lonesome to clean up the mess
We're low on cash or something right? Offer to help her clean up the mess. Use your superior telekinesis to clean everything.
Hey we should tell Berry about that sweet pizza place we were just at. The one in the Everfree. We rated it a four out of five stars. If it wasn't for the location and minor lack of upkeep of the outside, we could've rated it a five put of five stars. It's a good thing the food outshines the location.
you can do it mint. i believe in you.
a bit of a delayed response but horray this quest is one of the best currently running
Hey guys, just a heads up: I'm doing a lot of travelling today and I'm not gonna be able to run a full session at all. I'll try to make an update when I get back, but I might not be able to. So at most it'll be like one update. We'll play it by ear.
Thanks for bearing with me.

np senpai
Confirmation: yeah, no update tonight. ((Just got back home. First bigish snow of the year so there were no less than 10 cars on the side of the road wrecked. I even watched one guy fly into the median.
But yeah, I'm tired but I wanted to let you guys know. Sorry tonight didn't work out. Till tomorrow (hopefully)!))
Crazy, isn't it? How people suddenly forget how to drive when snow starts falling.

Take it easy, Minty.
Night knight.
That's such a great OP image
maybe tonight's the night.
don't fuss over the small stuff
Take it easy Mint =T
looks like you're on page 10.
10 bump
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>You giggle and prepare your signature move
"Ey gurl, you got yo self a deal."
>Activate Maxcuddles.exe
"Hey, I was just at this pizza place that was really good - it's like a four of five stars - oh, it's in the Everfree. I think. Anyway it's rad and there's this cute changeling that works there and..."
>You open your eyes and look up at Berry.
"So they just totally left you here to clean this junk up by yourself, didn't they."
>"Huh? Oh, yeah... like... I dunno Lyra. I guess it's normal."
>Berry hiccups cutely before nuzzling you briefly. "Thanksh... ehrm, thanks. For helping, yeah... Since I do the drinks, I guess I'm used to clenn... cleaning. Clean Pinkie's shi... ehrm, her mess, up."
>You break the embrace with Berry and stack the junk up with your superior telekinesis.
>"But hey. There's this party tonight... if you wanna go. Don't have to! But..."
>Berry looks around cautiously before continuing.
>"That hippie chick's hosting it. I heard it'll be bomb. Up to you if you wanna go... Feel like havin fuuun?"
That does sound d pretty rad. . . Say Berry? Who's watching your little Pina Colada / Pinch? (Hurray for foal neglect!)
Weren't we supposed to be doing something? Do we really have time for a party?
Smell her.

Were we?
I think we might be babysitting Rumble.
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"That does sound pretty rad... Say Berry? Who's watching your little Pina Colada?"
"Pinch. Berry Pinch. Like, where is she?"
>Berry blinks before answering. "Oh yeah... See, she's at her friend's. Her and Ditzy's kid... best friends..."
>Berry flips her mane a few times while speaking to you. Out of some unknown impulse, you gently grab one of her locks and smell it.
>smells like dreadlocks! Not sure what you were expecting
>Also smells like cranberries
>"Um... so like, you coming?" Berry flips he mane again, accidentally bopping your nose with a dread.
>Shoot. Weren't you supposed to be doing something?
>You flip through your brain pages to find anything.
>It's all sheet music and fanfics. Crap.
>You can't think for the life of you if you have anything going on. Were you babysitting Rumble today? Gah, why can't you remember?
>Berry just looks at you funny. You're not sure if it's a good funny or a bad funny. Or a 'good' funny.
Sorry, I just got that feeling that there was a thing I was supposed to be doing.
Oh well! It's probably not our problem - hahahahaha (contemplating failing the expectations of others and completing simple tasks.)
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i <3 writefags ;)
I'm new to this cyoa, so I can't really say.
Keep cuddling Berry. Maybe we'll remember by then.
>You frown for a moment. "Berry... I'd like to, but, like, I just got that feeling that there was a thing I was supposed to be doing. Like that party does sound bomb, but I'll probably wind up failing the expectation of someone close or something like that."
>Berry gives you a blank face for a moment before shrugging "Kay. Want me to let you know if there's another one?"
"I guess, yeah."
>"Allrite. Have fun remembering reshponsible stuff. I try not to, haa..."
"Kay, Berry. Take care!"
>You give Berry another hug before heading back.
>You totally are sidetracked now. Do you want to continue looking for a meetup place for the band, or should you go to Flitter's house while babysitting's still on your mind?

((Last one for the evening. Till tomorrow!))
Yeah, I guess we should hit up Flitter's house.

I hope we actually do have to babysit or else we'll look like an idiot. I don't remember shit and I'm too lazy to look back in the archive.
Head to Flitter's. The band meetup place will come to us eventually, we'll just have to keep an eye out
We're missing a serious party, the kind even a pony like berry punch would only whisper about, to babysit? That's pretty lame Loira.
Page 9 bump
see ya
move your caboos lyra!
((blegh... Sorry guys, but I'm super sleepy tonight and I don't think I'm gonna run. Sorry for not letting you know sooner, but yeah. I'll pick back up tomorrow. Till then, fellas))
Go get a job Lyra. A real job.
page 9 bump
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time for a bump lyra
let's do favors for someone
page 10 already? must be a shit posty evening.
get it bumped
We need some sexy Lyra in fishnets bump
Heroes never bump!
Bonus bump
Oh thank god. It's still here, I have time to play now.
Wait, why haven't I been bumping with Lyra, there's so much good Lyra out there.
Thank you guys for being so patient with me this far, what with no updates this long.
I've... had a bit of a struggle recently with juggling everything, and it's left me a bit frayed.

That being said, I'm thinking about putting this on pause till after Christmas. I'll let you decide if you're okay with pausing now, or going for a day or two more before I pause it officially. Sorry to do this, but I feel it's kinda needed atm.

I'll get ya that request sometime soon, anon
And I like seeing Lyra hehe.

Anyway, lemme know what ya think.
The holidays are hell for me so that's understandable. Also what kind of dick would say no, you have to run?

It's the anon below me, isn't it?
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Nah, pause if you need to, dude.
What a nice anon
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You're pretty great too, Anon.
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Alrighty, with that said I think I'll be putting this on pause for a short while. It's been fun running, and thanks for playing!

I'll probably still do a few requests in the discussion general from time to time till I get running again, and I 'll post the fishnet Lyly there as well.

But yeah, thanks again for playing, and see ya next time!
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Alrighty, thanks for running, and Merry Christmas, Minty!
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Corrupted Lyra
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More Sock Lyra
We need more lewd Lyra's in here.
I'm out of Lyras, I only have Heartstrings.
Page 10 Bump

Let it die you fuck
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