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Darkest Hour CYOA 3.5

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Six months have passed since Celestial Siblings defeated Discord and turned him into stone.

Six months have passed since first Equestrian banners rose above Canterlot,former residence of chaos god.

Six months have passed since ponies throughout the world were united under the rule of royal sisters.

But the peace has not yet come into the kingdom.Bandits and outlaws oppress local population, dragons and griffins raid border towns and terrifying monsters,spawned by Discord's ill imagination still roam the land.

It is up to you now to stop them!
You are a member of the Night Guard,fresh out of training and eager to protect your homeland
from all kinds of danger.

You are Frosty Rime, unicorn mare with a talent for cryomancy, private of first Hillhoof regiment.

Current equipment:
Sacrificial knife.

Current party members:
Wild Gust - pegasus mare, private of first Hillhoof regiment.
Arcane Mane - unicorn stallion, private of Lunar Mages.

You and your party are now at the 'Happy Orchard' farm, whose inhabitants turned out to be some kind of evil cultists and who, against your best efforts managed to summon an Ursa Minor.
Also at the farm you found a cursed filly named Last Word who seems to have an ability to nullify all magic around her.

Since Rime now has a Voice inside her head, its words will be marked like this:
*Do you hear the voices too?*

Previous threads:
No. You just couldn't kill your friend to save your own hide. There must be some other choice.
Then revelation struck you. Since Last Word somehow managed to mess with ritual and cripple the beast just being in the ritual circle, maybe she could somehow harm it if she came close enough?
"Last Word!" - you met filly's eyes and saw only fear inside them - "You are the only one who can stop it! Look at him - you just stood near it and it was enough to make it lose its arm!"
"B-but... I'm scared! I just can't!" - she replied with panic in her voice.
"If the situation gets out of control I promise that I will save you from it." - you offered, taking a step forward.
"But what about my curse? You can't even touch me, how are you going to cover me?" - she retorted.
"I will endure." - you replied with reassuring smile - "We all do. For we are Night Guard and it is our duty. It is time for you to show your true virtues. You are not your curse, Last Word."
Instead of replying, filly stood up on her hooves and slowly walked to the Ursa, her knees visibly trembling. When she reached Arcane with her aura, his shield flickered and unicorn guard quickly rolled to his right.
Now Last Word stood alone against hulking starspawn, which eyes were glowing with fury.
"I-I am not afraid of you! B-begone!" - she emitted a high-pitched shriek and closed her eyes. Ursa just howled and swung his remaining foreleg at her, but almost instantly withdrew it, as if it hit some invisible wall.
*An option too.* - Voice reappeared in your head - *Hesitation is death. Kill it.*

While Ursa is being distracted by Last Word, you doubt that her aura would be enough to banish it, so you probably should assist her somehow.
Your actions?
the voice tried to get us to kill our friend i dont trust it anymore.
try and knock the ursa unconscious instead
Since the ursa is distracted let's attack it!
Icicle to the eye?

The voice doesn't seem malicious, only cold and calculating.
>The voice doesn't seem malicious, only cold and calculating.
i am still going to vote for trying to knock it unconcious though it may have some sinister intentions
i should clarify
are both me its only one vote for knocking out

Engaging beast in CQC would definetely prove disastrous, so you decided to conjure some icicles and threw them at the beast aiming at its face. While your telekinetic aura directing projectiles dissipated when reaching Last Word's aura, its absense caused insignicant loss of speed and you managed to score a hit in beast's eye. Ursa shuddered
with each hit, leaking starlight from its wounds. Starspawn's roars were sounding much more desperate now, since it was obviously torn apart between an urge to devour that little filly and instinct commanding it to run away from her magic-nullifying presence and its severe wounds may force it to choose latter.

If it runs away it could cause enourmous collateral damage even in its damaged state, though closing distance to prevent its possible escape might not be the best idea.
What will you do?
so the ice is not nullified by the filly once it is already summoned neat

send some sharp blades of ice to slash its legs to try and slow it down

make sure to give them as much speed as possible unlike the stabing ice the slashing ice will probably lose speed in the antimagic aura much more quickly
Get closer, it cannot be allowed to escape.
Aim at the legs, tell Arcane to fire spells at it if he's not too close to Last Word.

"Arcane! We can't allow it to escape!" - you shouted, while conjuring a pair of ice-blades and aiming them at beast's hindlegs. Ursa began turning around, so you put as much energy into you telekinetical push as you could and sent blades at its tendons, praying that starspawn anatomy was not so much different from its real-world counterparts.
It seemed to work out well, as Ursa sprawled on the ground, shrieking violently. You ran closer to it, thinking about landing about ways to stun it, when some metallic objects fell from the sky, enveloped in blue aura, and nailed monster to the ground.
"I thought it would be harder to pierce." - you told to no one in particular while watching Last Word coming closer to fallen beast.
"It normally is." - replied Arcane, standing nearby, though far enough to not to be affected by filly's aura - "But since starspawns are literally made out of magic and we have Last Word's ...gift it is no wonder that we can harm it with such ease."

Now, how are you going to finish the beast?
ask arcane what to do with it she clearly knows more about this stuff then us
As >>28977438 suggested, follow Arcane's lead on this as 'she' understands better on dealing with starspawn.
oh god damit your right i called arcane a girl again

why do i keep making that mistake
Clearly, Arcane is the mare in the relationship

"So, what shall we do now?" - you asked your unicorn companion.
"Just wound it enough. It will not be able to maintain its physical form and will retreat to whatever plane it came from." - he shrugged in reply.
*Told you.*
"Just shut up" - you muttered while conjuring an especially big icicle and directing it at monster's empty eyehole.
*I am trying to help. For our mutual benefit.* - Voice sounded a bit offended.
You replied nothing and just launched your projectile. Icicle pierced its brain and with a deafening roar beast began dematerializing.


"Is it dead?" - asked Last Word after a couple moments of silence.
"Quite." - replied Arcane, pulling metal objects from the ground and directing them at Gust. "I guess we shall head back to the base. Rime?"
"Wait." - you watched as objects surrounded pegasus and gathered into Arcane's armor around her, forcefully rising her unconscous body on her hooves. - "You have some things to explain"
"True." - he sighed, as crimson aura appeared around animated armor. - "It all began at siege of Prosperity."
*And here comes tale of childhood trauma and his insecurities.* - Voice intervened, but you ignored it.

2/3 (It went not as expected)

"See, the reason why star magic is frowned upon is not it's complexity. It is not even the sacrifices and rituals involved, for they are not involved in all its practics and before Discord many more kinds of magic, unimaginably more cruel and destructive were practiced.
It is just sheer number of ways it can go wrong." - he took a deep breath and continued - "This is armor of my brother. He was dying at my hooves. I am by no means a medic, but I thought that I could stabilize him, make him to last a little bit longer for help to arrive.
So I decided to bind his soul to his body. It was relatively easy spell, but I - I fucked it up." - he glanced at his armor, enveloped now in crimson aura - "Instead of his body I binded it to his own armor. I - I just trapped him inside!Can you even imagine such existence?"
"Then why don't you just ... set him free?" - you inquired.
"And kill him?" - he emitted a nervous snicker - "He is my brother for Luna's sake! I just can't kill him! I researched these rites, I found a way to force his soul into a sleep, so he wouldn't suffer. I even managed to connect my soul to his, so when I die he would die too, but I just can not set him free. Sometimes I call to his power to help me, but I just feel like shit when doing it. Can you even imagine being trapped inside a metall coffin, sensless and speechless? I just can't." - he finished with a
faltering voice. "And that's why one must never seek ways to subdue star magic. I thought that it was just old pony's rambling and I payed for it with soul of my brother."
*Translation. I failed so you can never succeed. Familiar story, isn't it?* - Voice reappeared in your head.


What are you going to say?
maybe there is a solution to the problem in this book.
That's quite the story...

Can we talk mentally to the voice? Try asking them who they are, and thank them for their assistance just now.

"But maybe there are some solutions to your problem? We could look in cultists' book, maybe it says something on this matter?"
Arcane just sorrowfully shook his head: "It is too late now. His body is long since buried and transfering his soul to some other body... I am not ready to take such risks."
"I see. Let's return to the base then."
"You should probably take your and Gust's armor." - he pointed his hoof to an escpecially big apple tree not so far away form your position - "they buried our armor inder that tree, but since Occult dug out you should have no problems with retrieving it."
"Good point. And who is Occult?" - you inquired?
"That was - is my brother's name." - he grimly replied.
"Ah. Got it." Then you proceeded to the tree and noticed a pit nearby, two spears and sets of armor inside. You jumped into the pit, donned your armor and levitated remaining pieces of equipment. Though you were tired after the last encounter, you were sure that you'd managed to carry them to Guard's base.
Arcane and Gust, contained in his armor were keeping a distance from the Last Word and both were waiting for you to depart. While you were getting out of the pit you decided to have a small mental conversation with the Voice:
*I think I should thank you for your assistance.*
*You are always welcome. Since we are stuck together we should help each other.*
*Yeah. So may be we should introduce ourselves? I am Frosty-*
*I know your name.* - Voice interrupted you. - *And I have many names but none meaningful to you. You can call me whatever you want.*

So, how will you call the Voice?
Also, is there anything you want to talk about with your companions on your way to the base?
call him rally?
>ask the voice where it comes from
>congratulate last word on her success against the ursa
>talk to arcane about the voice

in that order
*How did you get inside my head anyway? Were you stuck in that knife or something?*

You put the knife and the book in saddlebags, providently strapped to your armor and walked towards your companions simultaneously continuing your inner dialog:
*I think I will call you Rally.*
*As you wish, partner.*
*So, how did you get into my head? You were stuck in that knife, right?*
*It is too simplistic yet correct description.*
*And how did you get there?*
*It is a long story. I would tell it later, if you don't mind.*

You decided not to trouble Rally with questions for now and quickly reached your companions.
"To the base?" - inquired Arcane?
"Sure" - you nodded and then turned towards unicorn filly:
"You did great job there. We all owe you now" - you smiled.
"Thanks, I guess. What will happen to me now?" - she raised her head to meet your eyes.
"We would contact Her Highness as soon as possible" - replied Arcane, to your surprise. - "You have a rare talent, which should not be left without attention. You have nothing to worry about" - he tried to reassure her after filly gulped at his mention of Princess Luna.
Then he came close enough to you, so filly would be unable to hear your conversation:
"Ponies like her are called Hollows, and, as you can imagine, are incredibly rare. Lunar Mages have not yet met any of her kind yet. All our limited information about such phenomenon we got from a ...certain source in ranks of Solar Guard so it is vital that we inform our Princess about having a live Hollow with us."
"I see." - you nodded. - "Also, there is one thing that is troubling me. I hear a voice in my head."
"A voice in your head?" - he slowly clarified, knitting his brows.
"Yes. I believe that it is coming from the knifr and - "
You did not manage to finish your sentence, as Arcane's horn bursted with magic and he levitated the knife from your saddlebag in front of his face. Then he stopped and silently examinated it for half a minute.
"Is everything okay?" - you heard Word's voice behind. You turned your head to see the filly standing at a distance of about five meters, careful not to expose you to her aura.
"Oh, everything is perfect." - grinned Arcane and asked her: "Can you please hold this knife for the rest of the way?"
*No.No.Please.No.He is insane.Stop him!Please!* - Rally appeared in your head, pleading for salvation.

Your actions?
arcane has not steared us wrong yet
give the knife to last word

also ask arcane if last word will ever be able to turn of her aura so we can give her the hug we owe her
Wait! What would letting her hold the knife do? This voice has and could be really helpful.
I won't if you promise to remember this. You'll owe me.
So I suppose >>28977996 is siding with >>28978001 right?
it looks like two people wish to keep the knife with us yes.

*You'll owe me* - you internally smiled.
*Sure, whatever you desire!* - Rally hastily replied.
Satisfied with hiss obedience, you seized control of the knife from Arcane using your telekinesis.
"Sorry, but I do not want to get rid of it yet." - you smiled. - "I just asked about its origins."
Unicorn's eyes widened at your responce: "And it does not bother you at all that you hear a voice in your head coming from a knife that was used to perform sacrificial rituals? Then let me enlighten you - this voice belongs to a minor star entity, who literally feeds on the souls and blood of all living!"
*And his voice belongs to an insecure colt who is afraid of true power.* - remarked Rally.

Well, whose side will you take?
nobody's side yet
when we get the chance we will look into it more.
Explain our reasoning to him.

It's not like it's dangerous or anything, there's nothing else it can do other than give me advice. In the end, I still have the final say in what I do, so keeping an advice giving voice is a win for me.
It might be able to do that though that isn't what we'll be using it for.

"Come on, it's not like it's dangerous or anything, there's nothing else it can do other than talk to me." - you replied - "Besides, I still have the final say in what I do, so keeping an advice-giving voice is a win for me."
"And that is where you are gravely mistaken." - said Arcane, trying to sound as calm as possible. "Because one night you will just wake up amidst bodies of ponies you do not remember killing and it would just say 'Sorry I was thirsty, but hey, I can summon a giant sword of a solid light now, we cool?' and next night you will wake up as a prisoner in your own body only capable of looking through the eyes that once were ours as starspawn is drinking blood of your friends!" - at the end of his speech he was almost shouting.
"And don't you dare tell me that you are in full control. You have that book in your bag, all the charm of possesion should be described there pretty accurately."
*Let's not forget that this book was written by ponies who had literally pulled my kin out of their realm, forced them into some inanimate objects and then ensured unquestioning obedience with use of magic. Do you think these ponies deserved amicability from my kin?* - retorted Rally in your head.

Well, maybe this has changed your mind?
*Not all ponies are like that you know...*
Uh... I'm conflicted, read the book?

Let Rally argue for himself, tell Arcane what Rally said as we read the book, keep telling Arcane Rally's responses if he replies.
While that sucks rally it sounds like some of your kin are massive dicks. There are innocents and guilty on both sides.
While we don't have to, well, exorcise him right now or anything, we have to make it a high priority to get him out of our head. Power or not, I'd prefer having my head to myself.

*Not all ponies are like that you know.* - you told, or rather thought, to Rally. - *There are innocents and guilty on both sides.*
*I am talking about ones who wrote that book. And ponies willing to shed blood of their kin for power are pretty much the same. Besides, if you want to know how I feel you can ask your coltish companion about his brother. Our situations are pretty much the same.*
Judging by look on Arcane's face you guessed that he somehow received the same remark from Rally.
"All right!" - suddenly snapped Arcane - "if you so badly wish to learn this magic, you can sacrifice soul of the next cultist we kill and enter into a contract with this ...Rally. But until that moment I can't just let him influence your mind. I will seal him away until the ritual can be performed."
*I concur. I can wait a couple of nights without speaking to you.* - agreed Rally - *and answering your non-asked question: since he touched me, albeit with his magic, I can speak to him.*

Well, seems you three have reached some kind of agreement. Will you confirm Arcane's offer?

Also, current session is over, so thanks everybody for participating, hope you had fun!
Sacrifice a soul... to learn star magic...
Ask Arcane for more details on Star magic? Just what is it capable of? Is it really necessary to sacrifice souls for it?

What do other players think? Should we learn it?
Definitely no Star Magic. We're not gonna sacrifice anyone or we wouldn't be any better than them. We're still a member of the night guard and not some renegade mage. Criminals get arrested and go to jail and get a trial, if they attack us, we defend ourselves to whatever degree necessary but no bloody rituals. And don't we have to get Gust to some doctor? Bandages don't magically heal wounds.
it should be ok to sacrifice like a chicken or a pig to star magic right?
We have no intrest in going down such dark paths.

Give the knife to last word
i would say to use a little bit of our own blood but that would be time consuming.
Absolutely not, there is no good reason to trust this voice. It is probably lying, and arcane already told us it's malicious. I vote we kill the knife by giving it to the filly.
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"No. We're not gonna sacrifice anyone or we wouldn't be any better than them. We're not some renegade mage. Criminals get arrested and go to jail and get a trial and not get their soul devoured by some entity." - then you sighed and tossed the knife to the Last Word. - "Come on, we need to reach the base before Gust bleeds out."
*You promised! You damn mortal, You - * - Rally dissapeared from your head the moment Last word caught the knife with her mouth.

"Well, that's quite a relief that you still posess some common sense." - smiled Arcane - "But we still have a problem there." - he then meaningly looked at unicorn filly and continued, lowering his voice - "Hollows are pretty rare, and rumors about such filly will not go in our favor. How are we going to present her to our command and how are we going to keep her?"
"Good question. But why do you think that we would be entrusted with the task of caring of her?" - you inquired.
"Two things. First - I am a Lunar Mage and I have the most knowledge about her kind in Hillhoof. And second - the less ponies know about her - the better." - he replied.

So how are you exactly going to present Last Word to your command?
do it in writing first so they can be warned about the aura
Feels bad to betray Rally...
Should just report everything that happened this night, ask Arcane if we should say anything about Rally to our commander/captain.

We'll say who she is and how she's a hollow, then the events that led to us finding her.
>Feels bad to betray Rally...
yeah but its probably for the best

"All right, I think I got it covered. Just one more question - do you think that I should mention, well, the voice?"
"If you are ready to spend a couple of weeks at a psychologist afterwards." - he replied in sarcastic tone. - "I just want to catch a nap after all that happened tonight."

The rest of the road was quite uneventful. When you arrived at Guard base, moon was already setting and you even could make out the sun over the horizon. As soon as you entered base' gate, Arcane's armor, carrying Gust inside itself, separated from your group and headed to the infirmary.
"I hope medics will understand what to do." - smiled Arcane, trying to distract you from thinking about pegasus' condition.
"Yeah, sure." - you smiled in reply and turned to the filly, who was silently following you - "You have nothing to worry about."
Last Word shuddered a bit and nodded, though still keeping silence.

Soon you reached room 206, where your commander resided. As you recall, room was pretty small, and leading Last Word inside might have some unpleasant consequences, though your commander might ask for some form of proof.
Will you enter with Last Word, or leave her behind the door?
Also, give an approximate text of your report. In theory it should include all today's events, but you might want to leave something out.
The last part was in case other players would express a wish not to tell, for example, about your capture, or hide the existence of the star magic grimoire.
have arcane wait outside with last word while we go in.

tell him everything that happened except for the voice from the knife

try and downplay throwing the filly so it does not seem quite as bad act like it was only a short distance

also dont mention that embarrassing moment when we jumped up on the altar leaving gust exposed

"Arcane - stay here with Last Word, I will call you if need arises."
"Got it." - he nodded.
You sighed and knocked at the door. "Enter!" - you heard a familiar voice behind it. You opened the door and entered the cabinet with your commander sitting behind the desk and smiling at your presence.
"Ah, private Rime." - he said as you saluted - "how goes your investigation?"
"It is finished, sir. It were cultists all along, though not Discordian ones. After interrogating barpony at 'Stone Stool' we got a lead to the 'Happy Orchard' farm, where the criminals resided, though it was unknown to me at that point in time.
The inhabitants of the farm seemed friendly and offered us a meal and I agreed, but it was because of informal atmosphere I would manage to gather more information from them, but they poisoned the food and we fainted. After that they restrained me and my team and threw us in a basement. And in the basement I found another one of their victims - a filly named Last Word. So, they tried to perform some ritual of star magic, which purpose was to summon some kind of magic beast" - you levitated the grimoire from your saddlebag -
they were using this book as a reference. They decided to sacrifice private Gust first, and that gave me time to untie myself. After that I tried to stop the ritual and private Gust was seriously injured in the process - she is now in the infirmary. Then I unrestrained private Arcane and we tried to fight cultists, but ritual had gone too far. Then we discovered, that Last Word had an ..unique ability. She was disrupting magic in some radius around her, so I used her to try and prevent beast from materialising."


"Used her?" - asked your pegasus commander with an incredulous look on his face.
"Uhh, I, well, threw her in the ritual circle." - you shifted nervously under his gaze.
"I see. Continue." - muttered pegasus.
"So. Against my hopes cultists succeeded and summoned the beast, though it was injured because of Last Word's presence. Then we killed remaining cultists and using filly's magical aura wounded starbeast enough for it to dematerialise. Report finished, sir."
"Well." - he rested his head on his hooves - "we shall inform Princess Luna about this filly." - then he suddenly winked - "she will arrive to Hillhoof two nights later, though I have no idea why. I was going to inform guards next night, so don't tell anypony about it. As for the filly - as far as I know, private Gust lives in Hillhoof, so Last Word can stay at her place. Of course, I don't think I should tell you that her existance is a military secret?"
"Of course not, sir!" - you saluted.
"Great. And one more question. As I gor from your report no cultist survived, right? So why are you sure that investigation is over and that there are no cultists in hiding left?"

How are you going to answer?
that is a very good question sir
i shall look into it
Ah, I was hoping to interrogate one of the cultist for more information, but then the beast was summoned and they would've killed Gust had we not slain them.

I'll still have some possible leads, and will follow up on them as soon as possible.
>So why are you sure that investigation is over and that there are no cultists in hiding left?"

We eliminated all the cultists taking part in the ritual. We have no further intel if that was all of them or just a cell. So we cannot say for certain if that was positively every last of them. How they gained their knowledge about all those rituals and all those things occult, so there might be others, higher up their chain or no others at all. Unfortunately the situation didn't allow us to capture any of the perpetrators alive.
Sorry for the delay


"I was hoping to interrogate one of the cultist for more information, but after the beast was summoned it became hard to get prisoners. Tough I still have leads and I will investigate how they gained their knowledge about all those rituals."
"I see." - muttered pegasus - "Well, you still did a spectacular job there, so have a rest. We will ask our Solar colleagues to cordone the area until next night. Dismissed."
You saluted and left the room. You didn't lie about possible leads, because you were sure that you only incapacitated one of the cultists - Heavy Kick, if you remembered right.
He may still be unconscious, though it would take a decent time to reach 'Happy Orchard' - around a hour or so.

Looks like you have pretty long to-do list:
-Drop your and Gust's equipment at armory.
-Check on Gust and ask her about dropping Last Word at her place.
-Visit 'Happy Orchard' again to check if some cultists are alive and still there.
-And finally get some sleep.
>-Drop your and Gust's equipment at armory.
dont do this
gusts sure but if we are going to the orchid again armor up
>-Check on Gust and ask her about dropping Last Word at her place.
>-Visit 'Happy Orchard' again to check if some cultists are alive and still there.
>-And finally get some sleep.
These three, in that order.

"Okay. Arcane, Word - head to the infirmary and wait me there, I will be back in couple of minutes" - you said, heading to the armory.
"Seems like I will not get a nap this night" - he sighed resignedly, as you passed him by.
You returned Gust's equipment without any problems and rushed to medical block, concerned about pegasus' wellbeing.
Both your unicorn companions were already waiting you near the infirmary's entrance.
"She is awake." - greeted you Arcane, who had already donned his armor - "Nothing serious except bloodloss. She seems to be damn lucky, don't you think?" - he smirked.
"Don't you need, like, clear your armor?" - asked him Word. - "I mean it must be completely covered with blood inside and that is just gross."
"I can survive having some blood on my coat, you know." - he smiled, but you moved past your companions into infirmary.
Nurse just silently waved her hoof at the ward, where Gust was resting and soon you were greeted by pegasus' bandaged form.
"Hey." - she raised her hoof - "Seems like I owe you a second binge, huh?"
"Damn, Gust! You were just by a hair's breadth from death and the only thing you worry about is booze?" - you shouted, offended by here carelessness, though relieved that she is relatively fine.
"But I am still alive and kicking. Did you get them all?" - she asked with a violent glint in her eyes.
"Eh, I think we missed one. But don't worry, we will get him soon." - you smiled reassuringly.
"Sure. Just leave him alive for me, his face has an important meeting with my hooves." - mare grinned in reply.
"Hey, it is not the way of Night Guard." - you furrowed your brows.
"Well you can send me clearing shithouse after that."
"Damn, Gust. You are insufferable." - you shook your head with a sad smile - "Anyways. You can do me a favor and we are even then, deal?"
"I am all attention" - she answered in suspiciously serious tone.


"Can I and, well, one certain filly drop at your place for a couple of days?"
"Whoa, so old Thick Beer was alright about you being into mares?" - her eyes went wide and grin formed on her face - "My keys were in my saddlebags, paper with an address is on the key fob, so you can find them wherever my armor is left. And when I am discharged, we are going to have an interesting day. Reaaaally interesting day."
"Just stop!" - you blushed - "I - I will explain later!"
"Sure, babe" - Gust's grin went even wider - "take your time. I will be waiting."
With your face completely red, you stormed out of the infirmary and ignoring surprised hails from your companions you ran to the armory.
Local guardspony just gave you a worried look, surprised by your frequent visits of his habitat, but said nothing even after you emerged with Gust's keys.

"So" - asked you Arcane - "I get that we should return to the 'Happy Orchard', but maybe someone needs to accompany Last Word to Gust's place?"

Some options you have for now:
-Sent Arcane to accompany Last Word and investigate by yourself
-Do vice versa (You accompany, Arcane investigates)
-You both go with Word
-You take Word with you to the farm
send arcane to the farm while we deal with last word
I don't really feel comfortable having only one pony do any of these tasks. Can we leave Word in the base for now where she's safe, go to the farm with Arcane and then go and pick up Last Word for Hillhoof? Or would that be too much of a back and forth?
Leaving her at the base is not really an option, since somepony is bound to see her and it is not what you want. Besides, filly needs rest now and barracks is one of the most frequented areas in the base.
bump from nine.
>she will arrive to Hillhoof two nights later
im hype
Bump for princess luna
bump for princess lunas rump
sleeping bump
A more fitting refrence

"Arcane" - you turned to the stallion - "will you able to track the last cultist if he escaped from the farm?"
Unicorn nodded affirmatively:"Since he participated in the ritual, a certain magical trail will accompany him for some time. If he is hiding in the countryside I must be able to find him and if he ran to the town - well, then bringing him to justice would be only a matter of time."
"All right, then head to the farm and look for him. I will join you after taking care of Word."
"As you command." - he sighed resignedly - "Can you do it in half an hour?"
"No more than one hour, I guess."
"Good. Then I will launch red flare in the sky after an hour so you'll know where to find me. Anything else?"
"No." - you shook your head - "Just take care."
Arcane silently saluted and trotted to the exit.
"Well" - you levitated the key fob in front of your face, examined the paper attached to it and turned to the unicorn filly - "let's find this 'Pinedew street'."


"Hey" - suddenly called you Last Word, while you were looking for Gust's place - "So, I wanted to ask - how can I call you?"
"Oh, just call me Rime" - you smiled reassuringly.
"So, Rime, I, uh, I have something to tell you, but you shall promise me one thing before." - she murmured shyly.
"Of course. What is it?"
"That you will not beat me up for that." - she blushed.
"Oh, come on. Why would I even want to hurt you?" - you said jockingly.
"No, you have to promise me." - she looked at you with pleading eyes.
"All right, all right. I promise that I will not harm you. So what's this thing?"
"Well..." - she stared at the ground - "It was me who brought them that book."
"But how? And why?" - you gave her a shocked look.
"I was born in Trothail - you know, big town, two days' journey south from here. And since my mother died in a ...birth accident, my father abandoned me. I grew up in an orphanage, and you can imagine how bad was my life there. So, well, I went down a slippery slope. I occasionally stole things and sold them at black market. But only to buy something to eat!" - she hastily tried to excuse herself.
"It is not like orphans got much food because of war and all of that. So, one night I was roaming the streets and suddenly I noticed two shady figures, and first one gave some parcel to the second one, and I just could not resist the temptation! I mean - they were reaaally shady and I was sure that whatever was in this parcel would cost a fortune - so I just charged at them and whipped it out. But then after half an hour it was like all guard in the town were after me, so I just ran north to Hillhoof. And after two days I finally reached that damned farm, hungry thirsty and exhausted. And these damn ... mudslingers... I mean - they were pretty nice, but when they saw what was inside my parcel they just threw me into the basement!"

Well, do you have anything to say?
Tell her to try and remember any details she can about the ponys she stole it from.

Knowing that there are likely no more cultists in Hillhoof was a relief, but you still had to transfer this information to your higher-ups.
"Can you please try and remember any details about the ponies you stole it from?" - you inquired.
"When I said they were shady I really meant that. Black cloaks and hoods. I don't even know were they unicorns or pegasi or even earth ponies."
"I see." - you muttered. - "So there is no way you can identify them?"
"I didn't really look at them and they were to shocked to say anything so I don't know their voice too. If it matters, I am really sorry for all of this." - she sighed, dropping her ears.

Do you want to ask something else, or, for example, reassure her?
Or do you want to end this conversation?
Thank/praise her for being brave enough to trust us with this information.
Forget what happened last time we tried to hug her and attempt to give her a cuddle
Thank her for the information. Ask her if she remembers where exactly in Trothail the hooded ponies were meeting. We should report that to our CO and ask if he wants us to investigate it. If possession of such a grimoire is restricted or illegal, I mean.

"And do you remember whee they were meeting?" - you asked.
"Somewhere in the town center, I guess. It is not like you were in Trothail, right?"
"True enough. And now I must thank you for the information and for your trust." - you smiled and leaned towards her, enduring increasing pain,as you shortened the distance.
"W-what are you doing?" - Last Word stepped back.
"Don't worry, I will be fine." - you grinned, gritting your teeth and gave her a hug.
Pain pierced your whole body as you touched the filly, but you managed to maintain body contact for a couple of seonds, until your legs trembled and you fell on the ground.
"Why?" - Last Word cried,as tears were running down her cheeks - "Why are you doing this? Why are you harming yourself?"
"Because you deserve it." - you replied, spitting some blood on the ground.

"It seems we have reached our destination." - you said to the filly when you stopped in front of two-story wooden house, which adress matched with one written on the note attached to the key fob.
When you entered the house in front of your eyes appeared a scene of desolation. Thick layer of dust on the furniture indicated that nobody had lived there for at least a year.
"All right, I will leave you the keys, do not open the door to strangers and sleep well! I'll be back soon with some food!"
Unicorn filly nodded in reply: "Thank you. Good luck with the investigation!"

So, where will you head now?
-'Happy Orchard'
-Night Guard base
-grocery store
-somewhere else
We should rendevouz with Arcane asap.
This >>28989824

Also, how much time has passed?

You left the house and looked at the sky. Moon had already set and sun was rising over the horizon, illuminating the streets. You definetely had no time to lose, so you rushed out of the town, earning some concerned looks from the passerbys.

Red flare rose into the sky from the general direction of the farm and soon you noticed a lone armored figure moving towards the town. You slowed down, since Arcane didn't look like he was in a hurry.
"So, what's the situation?" - you asked him after he saluted.
"I suppose that colt just followed us into the town as soon as we left. But I will not be able to track him in the town - just too much interference from other ponies'."
"Well, since he headed into the town, I doubt that he is planning to leave it any time soon. We would just need to inform the Solar Guard about him and he would be caught before next night."
"I don't really think that it is good idea, since he knows about Hollow's existance." - replied Arcane, scratching his chin - "But even Solars must not be naive enough to believe ramblings of an underage cultist."

So are you going to inform Solar Guard about missing cultist, or are you going to try and find him by yourself?
Or maybe you will decide to sleep?
How long have we been awake now?
Definitely a bad idea to ignore him, doing so will only cause problems and make it harder to catch him in the future.
Might be best to try finding him ourselves or asking our commander for assistance.
Since sun and moon spend equal time in the sky you are awake for about 14 or 15 hours.
No need to rest just now then.

Well, you still need to decide whether you will ask for Solar Guard assistance or will you try to find him by yourself.
And if you decide not to ask Solars, then I expect some kind of plan, since searching every house in the town is not a viable option.
I don't see a real problem telling the Solar Guard. Even if the cultist says anything about Last Word, he still doesn't know where she is right now and we've reported the whole thing to our CO already so I assume she's kinda under Night Guard jurisdiction right now.
Seconding this.

"It makes sense." - you agreed with Arcane - "let's just head to their base and ask for their assistance."

To reach the base of the Solar Guard you had to pass through the entire town. When you reached your destination you noted similarity between bases of the different branches of the Guard - perhaps both were designed by the same architect. To your relief there were no guards dressed like your yesterday adversaries.
Of course, guardsponies gave you some troubled looks as you passed by - nopony expected to see Luna's servants in the keep of the Solar Guard after all - but it looked like they thought you had a good reason to be here, so you and Arcane walked to what seemed to be local commander's room unhindered.
"Private Frosty Rime of the first Hillhoof of the Night Guard reporting, ma'am!"
Pegasus mare stopped reading her documents and gave you a surprised look: "We already accepted your request about cordoning 'Happy Orchard'. What's the matter?"
"We are here to inform the Solar Guard that one cultist managed to escape and headed to the town, ma'am!" - you replied.
"Ah." - she grinned - "looks like you are late. Our patrols had caught a suspicious earth pony stallion and we are currently interrogating him. I expect to get interrogation report any minute now, so you can wait outside the door - I will call you."
"Thanks, ma'am!" - you saluted, and you left the room alongside Arcane.
"Well, that was kind of friendly from them." - whispered your unicorn companion - "I thought that she will just turn us down."



You waited several minutes outside the door, until a familiar figure emerged from the stairway. Lieutenant, whom you had beat up at the 'Wanderer's relief', passed you by with a folder gripped in his wing and entered commander's office. You could swear that you had seen a triumphant smile on his face.
After another minute commander called you inside. You and Arcane entered the cabinet again, though this time lieutenant stood at attention guarding the door with emotionless expression on his face.
"Let's dispense with the pleasantries" - she said sharply - "Where is the soulless?"

What will you do?
As far as we concerned, this is classified information, so you will have to file a request at the command of the Night Guard for that. Any other questions?

"As far as I am concerned, this is classified information, so you will have to file a request at the command of the Night Guard for that. Any other questions?" - you looked straight into her eyes to see there nothing but ill-concealed rage.
"Quit your bullshit, bonehead. Someone like you can not be trusted with keeping it!" - she snarled, putting her hooves on the desk and raising from her chair - "Or did you forget where are you now? If you want to play it hard, I will play it hard!"

Looks like she is not keen to have a peaceful conversation.
Will you comply to her requests?
Once again, the solar guards have proven themselves as a bunch of bigots.
Tell them that you will now take your leave, since we are not accountable to the Solar Guard or are we?. Should you be denied to leave, state that this is a violation of law and military regulations. Stay calm and professional and call the commander by her name. We're on official Night Guard duty and they know where we are right now.
-Meta Info-
Solar Guard answer to Celestia
Night Guard answer to Luna
So even Celestia has no authority over you
-Meta Info-

"This is not going anywhere. We shall take our leave now. Should we be denied to leave -" you tried to sound cool and composed, but were cut by an outburst of laughter from the pegasus mare.
"You - you really think anypony will know about it? Please, we have that wretched cultist with us. We will just say that he was possesed and 'unfortunately' killed you while you were interrogating him. Believe me, we have fast and reliable methods of getting required information from anypony." She sighed, trying to calm down, and continued:
"It is your last chance to play nice. Choose wisely, bonehead."

You need to react, and to react fast. Maybe you still can get an element of surprise, though escaping from the Solar Guard base might not be the wisest idea.
>that hug
Yeah im starting to see why gust acted the way she did in the tavern
You know lunar mages like arcane here are not abundent if some of the small supply was to be lost in the middle of town there would be extensive investigations.

Not only would your murder be discovered but i bet there is a lot of stuff here you wont want getting out.
>he was possesed and 'unfortunately' killed you
>implying that we would lose to an unarmed colt and Arcane can't banish or kill the colt immediately

Get ready to dodge and freeze her mouth for minimum noise if
>>28993516 fails.
We need to report their corruption to our commander as soon as possible, if he doesn't know already.
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374KB, 533x600px

You quickly looked around the room, in case you were forced to fight. Behind commander's desk there was a window big enough for you to jump out. You were on the second floor now and while you wouldn't break any bones if jumping out of it, it lead to the inner courtyard which was full of guards by now. To the left and right of you wooden cabinets filled with documentation stood against the walls.

"There would be extensive investigations in case we mysteriously 'die'." - you snapped at her - "you really think that we would lose to some unarmed cultist?"
"No." - suddenly intervened Arcane - "she has a point. Possesed ponies are extremely dangerous, if binding rituals were not done properly." - he was speaking slowly, as if he was two steps away from a revelation.
Then in a blink of an eye he turned on the spot and horns on his helmet pierced lieutenant's neck. Poor pegasus sank on the ground, not being able to speak as blood filled his throat. Instinctively you launched the freezing spell you were preparing in case of an open confrontation at mare's mouth, silencling her for some time.
"Take care of her." - he coldly said, while locking the door with his telekinesis and removing lieutenant's armor with his hooves.
"Just what the fuck are you doing?" - you hissed at him, still not ready to take hostile actions against Solar Guard.
"Summoning an star entity to possess his body of course. Then we could blame everything on them." - you heard a brief snicker behind his helmet - "now deal with the last witness please."
You turned to the pegasus mare, who was trying to break ice on her muzzle.

What are you going to do now?
sit on top of her and strangle her.
Do as arcane says
Damn, Arcane is awesome.
Guess we should use the lieutenant's weapon to kill her if we're going with that plan.

"I am sorry, ma'am, but I think it's you who will have an 'unfortunate accident' today." - you smiled, while slowly moving towards her.
Mare hummed something through ice covering her muzzle and threw a chair into you, but you avoided it with ease. While killing her with her own weapon would be ironic, you'd need to make it look like rampage of a possessed pony, so you launched some icicles at her legs.
When she fell on the floor you just sat on her face, restraining her using your forehooves and telekinesis, until she stopped twitching.

"Aaaand ready!" - proclaimed Arcane, panting heavily and moving away from the door, as lieutenant's body rose from the ground, starlight pouring from his eyes, mouth and hole in his neck - "Damn, such fast summoning almost drained me dry."
"Eh, Arcane, I suppose you forgot an itsy-bitsy detail." - you looked with a mixture of awe and horror at the corpse which stood near the door and yanked it's limbs, as if entity which controlled it was accustoming itself with it's new host.
"I have done everything perfectly." - you were sure that he was smiling under his helm - "One unbound possessed host. Trust me, I have a diploma."
"Yeah. Unbound. So how are we going to get out of here?" - you asked him, as this ...thing raised it's head and roared, promising death and suffering to every living being it would see.

So, your actions?
we could throw it a large group of guards and take advantage of their distracted state to run away.
we can also try to follow a path of least resistance and take out pairs or sets of guards while trying to sneak out of here.
Right, it's still roaring, grab and throw it out the window, reposition the dead captain to make it seem like she threw it out before dying, and leave as if nothing happened.
I don't think you got the situation right.
You are in the room, which was locked by Arcane so nobody could enter. Now the thing he summoned is standing between you and the door and is going to attack you soon.

Oh, I thought you were going to throw guards to it, not vice versa.
Still, how are you going to grab it? Your telekinesis isn't really strong enough, and coming close to it might prove dangerous.
What if both Arcane and us use our magic to grab it?
If that doesn't work, move closer to the window and ask Arcane are they intelligent or feral? If it's feral, we might be able to trick it into charging or pouncing at us and end up flying out the window.

"Hey, are you able to levitate him out of here?" - you asked your companion, while backing to the window.
"Such rituals require a special circle, special equipment and about a quarter of an hour, and I managed to do it in a couple of minutes." - he said, following you - "I would be surprised if I - "
"DIE!DIE!DIE!" - it seemed that starspawn's voice filled the entire room, and you were not sure if it even opened its mouth or it had just appeared in your head. Host, not giving Arcane any chance to finish his sentence, charged straight into you, whilst taking into the air. You hastily ducked, and possesed corpse flew out of the window with a deafening roar.
You dared to peek out of the window, only to see it floating in the air, feathers falling from it's wings turning in your direction to strike again.
"Well, at least it attracted guards attention." - you muttered, diving back into cover.

Will you try to run to the door or would you rather hide in the room?
Oh, of course, it floats...
Snap Arcane out of it if he's still rambling, he needs to focus on the situation here.

Shut the window? and freeze it?
Maybe I'm being hopeful, but check behind the wooden cabinets for secret passages or hiding space?

"Damn." - you have quickly closed the window and began freezing it in hope that it will slightly delay your adversary.
"Well, sometimes star entity can forget that it's new body has wings and - " Arcane started rambling again, but quickly fell silent under your eyes.
"You'd better check if there is some secret passage behind the cabinets." - you said, pushing the closest one to you from the wall. Unfortunately there were no such thing behind it - after all, running away from battle contradicted the very essence of the Guard.

"Nothing there." - he only managed to say, when accompanied by shards of broken glass monstrosity reemerged into the room, cuts and burns on it's skin indicating that at least some of the unicorns in the ranks of the Solar Guard knew their job.
With every passing second resemblance with a pegasus faded away from it's body. It's skull was stretched, limbs were bent at an unnatural angle and wings were now almost featherless, yet somehow it managed to stay in the air.

Your actions?
Would have been so much easier to just kill it and spin some story but I doubt the solar guards would even listen to us.

Tell Arcane to unlock the door while we distract it. Let it charge us, dodge and throw an ice bolt at its wings. When the door is unlocked, run out, shut and freeze the door before it follows.

"Arcane! Unlock the door!" - you ordered, and possesed host turned towards you, probably attracted by the sounds you emitted.
"Come at me, little bitch." - you taunted it, though you were not sure if it is able to understand what you just said. Still, that proved to be effective, as monstrosity predictably charged into you.
You rolled to your left and shoot some icicles at it's wings, while it was trying to recover from the blow. Then starspawn roared and spread it's wings, trying to intimidate you.
"Damn, Arcane, why the door isn't open yet?" - you made a step back, panic crawling in your head.
"Because it's over." - he said, too calmly for your liking.
While you tried to comprehend what did he meant by that, a spear struck the monstrosity in it's head and Solar pegasus emerged from the window, soon followed by two his colleagues, who didn't hesitate to launch their projectiles at the beast.
It fell on the floor, but to your surprise it was still alive, so you launched another couple of icicles in its eyes and stopping its miserable existence.
"What in the name of Celestia just happened there?" - inquired the leading pegasus, looking around the scene of carnage.
"We were talking with your commander about cultist sect responsible for the recent abductions and this one" - Arcane pointed to the corpse - "he came there with an interrogation report."
"But why did he turn into ...this?" - asked the pegasus with expression of pure disgust on his face.
"Star entities, like the one that possesed cultist he was interrogating, are able to change their host through physical contact. So it probably moved to your colleague and dominated his mind. So while he was discussing the report with your commander star entity gor in full control and when we heard sounds of fighting we entered the room, but it was too late - he had already strangled her. And well, the rest is history." - he shrugged -
"My condolences, by the way."

"I see..." - pegasus muttered reflectively, trying to hide the fact that he knew nothing about star magic - "Well, we are under no authority to detain you, but we would like to interrogate you later, after we clean all this mess. So, what are your names?"

Now, will you give him your real names, or will you just lie?
I don't see any issues in giving our real names, and they probably heard us call Arcane by name for help just now...

I'm too tired to stay awake, weird how no other players responded after the first few posts of this session.
Well, then see you (and hopefully somebody else) tomorrow.
bump from page nine.
>weird how no other players responded after the first few posts of this session.
Circumstances forced me to go to bed a little eariler then usual the last 2 nights
Give him your real names.
Suggest you take the cultist the night guard is more well equiped to deal with this sort of thing.
Pre work bump
page 8 already? that can't be right.
Boards not dead yet

"I am Frosty Rime and my subordinate's name is Arcane Mane. By the way, maybe you should just left this cultist for Night Guard? It seems that we are more skilled in dealing with the likes of him." - you suggested.
Pegasus shook his head with a smile: "This is not for you to decide. Now go, we still need to clean up all of this mess."

When you left Solar Guard's base, sun was shining brightly in the sky, though it had not reached its peak position yet.
"Hey, you up for a drink today? Because I really need one." - Arcane asked you.
"Didn't you buy a bottle when we were at 'Stone Stool'?" - you arched your brow.
"Well, I did, but it looks like these damn cultists looted it while I was unconscious... and my purse. Of course." - he growled with frustration - "So I am poor, hungry and sober. Great. Just great."
"So, to the barracks then? We will catch a nap there and get a breakfast next night."
"Knowing your pegasus friend, I am pretty sure that she has a a few bottles in her place. And booze is higher on my list of priorities than food now." - he tilted his head - "So what do you think about it?"

-You can head to the farm and look for Arcane's belongings.
-You can head to the Night Guard's base and go to sleep in the barracks with a prospect of having a free breakfast in the local cafeteria.
-You can head to Gust's place and search for some booze there.
Or anything else you want.
Was there a lot of money in his purse?

Go look for his belongings before it's gone.
Go search for arcanes stuff.

"Were there a lot of money?" - you inquired.
"Quite a lot. It doesn't help that I can get my paycheck only bacl at Prosperity."
"Then we need to get to the farm ASAP. Who knows, maybe Solars guarding the perimeter would decide to look inside the house for food or drinks? I don't really trust them after all of that."
"Ah, well. Another couple of hours wasted. But at least cultists might have some food left there. Maybe even without poison." - Arcane agreed.

You passed through security cordon. Solar Guards guarding the perimeter were looking utterly bored, several pegasi idly darted back and forth in the skies, though most of them stayed on the ground. As you looked at them, Arcane suddenly decided to share his concerns:"Speaking of Solars. I just thought, that maybe, maybe she was just bluffing? And I was wrong to kill this lieutenant and to feed his soul to the stars? I mean - there was a chance that we have moved Last Word out of the town and it would be insane to kill us only to understand that they missed the Hollow, wouldn't it?"

How are you going to reply?
I doubt he was bluffing solar guard around here all seem crazy.
And even if he was he knew the risks in making that bluff i would not worry about it.

Speaking of which though do you know any sort of sound recording spells it could be handy to be able to give evidence of what the solar guard are up to if we have to keep dealing with them.
Even if she was, it's clear that most the solar guards are bigoted and corrupt. They all seem to have an irrational hate for us lunar guards, had we not slain her, they would've found someway to make our lives miserable.

Ask him if we should report the entire event to our commander.

"I doubt that she was bluffing." - you tried to reassure him - "Every Solar Guard around here seems crazy or corrupt. Or both. Besides, she knew the risks, so I would not worry about it."
"Thanks. It's just... I mean - I had never done such thing to a living pony. I don't mean killing - but condemning somepony's soul to being devoured by star entities..." - unicorn's voice trailed.
"They totally deserved it. The lived as assholes and died as assholes." - you patted him on his back - "There is a first time for everything. Also, do you know any kind of recording spells that in case of something like this happening again we would be able to have some evidence of corruption within Solar's ranks?"
"Not my specialty. Besides, they answer to Celestia, and she is... quite protective of her subjects. We will not achieve anything reporting to our command, so we'd better just kill them again." - he snickered.

"I'll look for my things in the bedrooms" - Arcane suggested, when you entered the farmhouse - "You can go check the basement. I would not mind having some kind of lunch now, and maybe they had some food down there. Or you can check the kitchen, though food there must be poisoned."

What will you look for, and where?
Search the basement For anything usefull.
Check if there alcohol in the basement.

You descended to the basement and began to check numerous crates stockpiled there.
"Apples, apples, different apples, more apples"- you muttered while rising box covers until you finally met your price - a box filled with bottles of cider!
You hastily levitated four bottles and threw half-dozen apples in your saddlebags and hurried to the exit.
"We are rich!" - gleefully screamed Arcane, while tossing you a bag of coins - "Your share - 50 bits!". Pouch fell on the floor, as you were too tired to control fifth object with your telekinesis and Arcane stared greedily at cider you were levitating.
"Oh, you found some booze? All right, I'll take three bottles and you can find me upstairs next night." - he reached for your bottles with his magic, but you pulled them back.
"Not so fast. We still have to report that the investigation is finished."
"Come on." - he pouted - "Can't it wait for the next night?"

What are you going to do?
Insist we file our reports.
We best report this now so that there won't be any issues when the solar guard tell our commander the false story we gave them.

"Arcane." - you said as softly as you could - "We still have our duty. We must return to the base and report to our commander."
"Ah, damn. Tell them I got overexercised or something like that, so there would be no questions about my condition, okay."
"Sure, whatever. Just don't get too much drunk." - you said, putting bottles of cider in your saddlebags.
"I promise, ma'am." - he sighed sadly and you trotted back to the Night Guard base.

In room 206 you were greeted by an earth pony mare, who probably substituted your commander at the daytime.
After your brief report about finishing this investigation and closing this case she dismissed you without asking any questions.
"Well, I am off to the barracks. Just give me my three bottles and you can go wherever you want for the rest of the day." - grunted your unicorn companion.

You were going to say that you'd follow him to the barracks, but then you remembered that you promised Last Word that you will return soon. Though, the filly must be sleeping now.
So where will you head to sleep and how many bottles (out of four) will you give to Arcane?
Give arcane the 3 she wants.
Head off to see last word.
This >>29002813 We were also supposed to buy groceries on the way back.

Nightly reminder that Arcane has a horsecock.
God damit i called arcane she again
It's kinda funny how this keeps happening.

"Take'em." - you smirked and levitated three bottles to your comrade.
"Come to daddy, sweethearts" - Arcane hummed as he took off his helmet and fastened it to his armor. Then he grabbed two bottles in his forehooves, took third into his mouthgrip and walked to the barracks on his hindlegs.
You left the base and walked to the Gust's place. Of course, soon you would need to go and get some grocery, but since you looted some apples back at the farm it could wait.

As soon as you entered the house, you heard filly's voice coming from the bedroom:
"Rime? Is-is that you?" - Last Word definetely sounded frightened.
"Of course that's me. Who else could it be?"
"I just was worried that something might happen to you..."
You enetred the bedroom, removing your armor on your way. Curtains blocked the sunlight from the room, so there was a pleasant dusk there despite sun shining in the sky. Last Word was sitting on a big double bed, wrapped in a blanket.
"I feel so stupid now..." - she looked away from you, dropping her ears.

What are you going to do?
Aw, sorry for worrying you, there were complications during the investigation.

"Aw, sorry for worrying you" - you smiled, as you came closer to her bed - "We had some complications, but now this investigation is over. Are you hungry by the way?"
"Oh, no, not at all." - she hastily replied, shaking her head enthusiastically. You sighed and said: "I will drop some food at the kitchen when I'll left next night. Is there a second bedroom?"
"I can give this bed to you if you want" - filly offered meekly.
"Come on, don't act like that, feel yourself at home." - you smiled reassuringly - "I am comfortable with a coach."
Not giving Last Word any time to protest you headed into the house, searching for the living room. To your delight you found not only a suitable sofa, but a working alarm-clock, which you carefully set to wake you up at moonrise.
After that you fell on the sofa and instantly dropped off.

Alarm clock woke you up in the beginning of the night, so you left the food you looted at the farm in the kitchen, equipped your armor and went to the Night Guard base.
There were unusually many ponies in the courtyard - they gathered in small groups and were lively discussing something - probably Princess' visit next night you remembered.
Soon you entered room 206 and saluted to your commander.
"As my deputy reported, your investigation was complete success?" - old pegasus asked you with a smile.
"Yes sir!" - you didn't even try to hide your pride, though reasons for it would better stay hidden from him.
"That's good. Now everypony there, with exception of some guards at fault" - he heartily chuckled - "are given a day off to prepare for our lady's visit. So take care of your personal affairs, because my intuition says that it is not going to be just a personnel inspection. Dismissed." - he said and looked dreamily at the ceiling.

Well, you have a full night ahead to take care of your personal buisness.
What are you going to do?
Aw, don't worry, nothing wrong with being cautious. Give her an apple.
>Well, you have a full night ahead to take care of your personal buisness.
>What are you going to do?
Get shitfaced together with Arcane.
There are some circumstances that forced me to finish earlier today, reply will be written at the start of the next session.
Thanks everyone who participated so far!
Go see gust
Thanks for running
Even with the poor english its one of the best quests i have ever played.
Alright, here's a bump from 10.
Lunchtime bump
Arcane is secretly female bump

You decided to go and find Arcane to celebrate yet another night when you narrowly escaped death, though not before you check on Gust. Who knows, maybe her wounds are not serious enough and she would join you?
With these thoughts you moved to the infirmary.

"Oh, look who is back!" - cheerfully waved Gust, as you entered her ward - "So, I guess these cultists are finished for good?"
"Quite." - you nodded, while deciding not to tell her about your confrontation with Solars - "So, we decided to have a little fun this night. Are you with us?"
"At last wise words are coming from your lips!" - she grinned - "But nurse says that I can leave only for Princess' visit. Not that it will stop me, of course. It's not like windows there are barred or something like that."
"Definetely not." - you agreed.
"All right, I would be most grateful if you would kindly grab my money from my chest in the barracks. Room seven, third bed on the left, top bunk. Rendezvous at the base entrance fifteen minutes later, deal?" - she winked.

It could be unwise for Gust to leave the infirmary. Maybe you want to persuade her to stay there?
She needs this 2 missions in a row she has been injured she must be getting frustrated.
Go get her money and wait for her at base

"Okay, see you there." - your voice trailed away, as Gust suddenly opened the window and jumped out of it.
With a sigh you went to collect her money and to find Arcane. While the first part of your plan was easy to accomplish, you had no idea where Arcane slept, so you just wandered around the barracks, until you heard muffed moans coming from some room.
When you entered it, you instantly noticed a familiar armored figure on the bunk bed, three empty bottles lying around drunk unicorn.
"Hungover - unngh - is a bitch" - he whispered when you leaned closer to him.
With a sigh you levitated your cider bottle out of your saddlebag, and as his eyes focused on it, Arcane quickly grabbed the bottle began drinking greedily.
"Well, now I am better!" - he proclaimed much more cheerfully, raising on his hooves - "So where are we going now?"
"Just follow me, all right?" - you replied with a hint of disgust. Unicorn silently complied, lashing alcohol on your way to rendezvous point.

"So, to the 'Wanderer's relief' we go?" - suggested Gust when you reached the entrance to the base.
"Wouldn't we be rather not welcomed there afther that brawl?" - Arcane inquired.
Then both of them looked at you, expecting some kind of a decision.

Maybe you want to try some other bar, or will you head to the 'Wanderer's relief'?
suggest that instead of going drinking we go for a nice walk in the woods

if they insist on a bar go to some other bar

"Uh, maybe instead of getting drunk we can go for a nice walk in the woods" - you suggested with a small smile.
Your companions looked at each other with confusion written on their faces(or at least Gust's face, as Arcane's was concealed by his helmet).
"Are you serious? I was beaten up, poisoned, almost sacrificed by some lunatics and now you offe me to go for a walk? I mean - I would understand if Arcane wasn't there... wait..." - she squinted and stared at you - "You want a threesome, right?"
"What? Luna's buttocks, no!" - you raised your forehooves in denial while blushing heavily.
"I don't really mind it." - chuckled Arcane.
"Oh just shut up you both!" - you were positively sure that you could melt ice with your face now - "Let's - let's just find some other bar and get drunk!"
"As you wish, babe." - hummed pegasus - "As you wish."

After roaming the town for a while, you settled down in some nice place, though you didn't care to look at the signboard to get its name. Booze flowed freely and you spent your time in some mindless chatter and drinking games.

Alochol relaxed you, so some crazy ideas began appearing in your head.
Maybe you want to do something extraordinary, so you could remember this night later with either pride or shame?
Well 1 small bet couldn't hurt right im sure we wont relapse
Bet 2 bits out of your next pay that you can throw a spear more accurately then gust or arcane
I will write a reply in a couple of hours, feel free to post any other suggestions before it.
alright you go do what you have to do
Let's not do anything irrational. Flirt with everyone.
I am conflicted. Flirting while drunk is irrational.
It is, clearly, we don't have the willpower to stay rational when drunk.

You remembered all the fun you had back at home with all this betting, well, before you got broke. But you had some bits to spare now, what could possibly go wrong?
You looked around filled room and then a revelation struck you - you were still wearing armor and you even took spear with you! That could explain why some patrons gave you worried looks.
"Hey, Gust? Wanna bet that I can throw my spear more accurately then you? Winner gets 2 bits." - you leaned towards here and winked.
"You dare challenge me?" - she bellowed as she raised from the table - "Let's get outside!"
As a target you have chosen the closest street light. As Gust literally wrestled the spear out of your grip, she threw it first and predictably missed, your weapon falling on the ground after flying only a couple of meters.
With a victorious smile on your face you just levitated it to the street light and thrusted it into the lantern.
"See! I won!" - you chirped - "Money, please!"
"Not so fast, bonehead" - she grunted - "what about not using your fancy horn? I'll give you even five bits if you will hit with your hooves."
"Peace of cake" - you smirked, as you levitated the spear to your hoof. You took a carefull aimed, butinebiration had taken its toll as spear flew even less then after Gust's attempt.
You begrudgingly gave Gust her bits and telekinetically strapped the spear to your armor.
"Damn it, I need another drink." - you sighed, as you entered the bar again.
Your eyes closed for a moment and...


You couldn't remember how did you get inside a lively circle of ponies which surrounded a table where a pair of pegasi stallions hoof-wrestling. As one with a long black mane seemingly vanquished his opponent, crowd erupted in cheers and you jumped on the table:
"Ow yeah! Give me all your precious bits, losers!"



You levitated the coins to your saddlebags as soon as they reached the table. When cash flow dried, you addressed the crowd with what you thought was an innuendo: "Who now wants to fuck the luckiest mare in the world?"
"Oh damn no!" - you heard a familiar voice from behind and you turned to see your pegasus companion staggering to you - "Listen up everypony! I've already claimed this fine booty and everyone who wants to fuck her will have to pry her out from my cold dead hooves!"
You giggled in amusement and fell from the table, losing balance.


Oh damn what a headache.
Though it was not only your head that hurted, but your whole body. Well, at least you were lying on something soft. You laid motionless for a couple of minutes staring at the ceiling. Though when you tried to raise on your hooves, you found yourself unable to, and not because of the hungover, but because your limbs were tied to the bed, as you laid sprawled upon it.
As senses returned to your body, you could feel that something was covering your horn, effectively preventing you from using your magic. Also you seemed to be covered by some ...body fluids, but the weirdest thing was that whoever probably raped you didn't even have a decency to remove your armor! You looked around the room and as far as your eyes could reach many different kinds of ...sexual toys were scattered throughout the room.
To your left there was a window, though curtains were drawn and only a faint light illuminated the room, so you were unable to determine what time of day it was now. To your right there was a closed wooden door.

Your actions?
Sweet! Sounds like it was an awesome night.
Try to remove that thing on your horn on the headboard of the bed. If that fails, call out for Gust or Arcane.
Kinda bummed that whoever we slept with isn't in the bed, and left us tied to the bed with a magic limiter.

You thought about removing the damn magic limiter, but you couldn't even reach the headboard, so instead you just called for help:
"Gust? Arcane? Is anypony here?"
You heard some movement behind the door and after a couple of moments Last Word entered the room, helding a knife in her mouth.
"Hey? Word? What's going on? Why do you have this knife?" - you tried to move away from her, as far as your restraints allowed anyway, but instead of stabbing you in your chest she just cut the ropes restraining you. Then she dropped the knife and sighed:"You are positively drunk, aren't you?"
"Heh, well, I had an awesome night." - you blushed - "But where are we? And what just happened?" - you askes, as you sat on the bed and began stretching your limbs.
"At Gust's place" - she explained - "you three came there at the morning, and , well, you and Gust retired to this room. I had a small chat with Arcane, then he left to brong some potions that would 'help you to deal with hungover'. I tried to offer one to your ...partner when she woke up, but she just flew out of the house - figuratively - screaming something about Princess and her visit. Arcane told me about it, so don't worry, you still have some time, the moon is not up yet."
"Oh. I see." - you have never feeled so embarrassed - even when you found out the actual size of your debt - "But why didn't you untie me when she left?"
"Ehhh..." - now it was filly's time to blush - "I really hadn't thought about it. I am sorry, I guess?"

Your actions now?
Wait a second... did Gust ran out without even cleaning up?

Also, get Word to bring us one of Arcane's potions and go find the showers to clean ourself, and our armour.

"Now wait a second, did Gust just ran out without even cleaning herself up?" - you arched your eyebrow.
"Well, she fell asleep in the bathroom. So I don't really know."
"Okay, I think I'll go and find that bathroom now. Can you bring these potions to me?"
"Rime." - she sighed - "They are potions."
"And?" - you didn't really get where she was going.
"And potions are magical." - she continued, trying to find some signs of understanding on your face.
"I still don't get it." - you shrugged.
"And I nullify all magic around me." - she fininshed, clearly dissappointed in your cognitive abilities.
"I thought that was the case only with, you know, unicorn magic?"
"No." - she shook her head - "Arcane ...told me about ponies like me. We negate ALL kinds of magic. Including the one natural to ponies. Pegasi lose their abilities to fly, earth ponies just become weaker and unicorns - well, you know what happens."
"Oh. I see." - you muttered as you walked to the kitchen. There were two potions indeed, so you put one in your saddlebags and drank the second one. Relief came almost instantly as your head cleared and headache dissapeared.

When you arrived at the bathroom you removed your armor and checked your saddlebags. To your surprise, your wealth almost doubled, because you currently had 92 bits! You carefully levitated money pouch from your saddlebags and proceeded to clean your armor and yourself after it.
Well, that was a messy way of losing your virginity, but definetely not the worst one. After half an hour of meticulous cleaning you left the bathroom almost in a state of combat readiness.

Your actions now?
Find Arcane if he's still in the house, then head for the base for her highness's visit.

"Hey, Word, is Arcane sleeping or something?" - you shouted, as you left the bathroom.
"Nope, he left to the base shortly after he brough potions." - filly replied.
"Okay, I'm leaving, take care of yourself!" - with these words you left the house and went to the base.

When you approached the Guard's base, you got a weird feeling, since it was covered by some kind of magical dome. You felt only some tingling as you passed through it, but the sheer fact of it's existance unnerved you.
The halls of the main building were empty and you went to your commanding officer's room to get some information. Old pegasus greeted you with a smile:
"Ah, here you are. Private Frosty Rime, I have sonething for you." - he handed you a sealed folder.
"These orders are to be opened only after Her Majesty's speech. Also, your unit is now named 2nd summoning squad, just in case."
As you put the folder in your saddlebag he continued: "Lady Luna is going to arrive in an hour, but most Guards are already in the inner courtyard." - then he smirked - "Seems I was right, there is something big coming soon. Not only 1st Trothail came there, along with some Nightbringers of course, but even Nocturnal Dragons themselves are here!
But I think you are tired from old man's rambling, huh?" You just stood silent and pegasus chuckled a bit: "Dismissed, private."

You can go to the courtyard, as your squadmates are probably there.
Or maybe you have some unfinished buisness at the base?
Can't think of anything important that we need to do, let's go find our friends.

You really had nothing to do now, so you just went to the inner courtyard.
Inner courtyard, which was used as a training ground, was quite a spacious place, limited on its four sides by walls of administrative buildings and barracks.
Near the furthest wall from you a wooden stage was erected and figures clad in pitch black armor, whom you recognised as Nightbringers stood at guard around it, waiting for their prophet to arrive.
You shouldered through the crowd until you noticed a distinct shape of your unicorn friend's armor and trotted towards him. After you got close enough, you detected your pegasus friend trying to hide behind Arcane's armored bulk.
"Hey." - she meekly greeted you, as soon as she understood that her attempts to hide from you were futile - "I get that you are confused because of what happened, but can we please discuss it after Princess' speech?"

Will you agree, or would you rather insist on speaking about it now?
Later is fine. By the way, did we even take a shower? After a night of drinking and getting cummed inside and outside.. not sure if the potions fix that too I mean.

You did take a shower and even cleared your armor.
>After half an hour of meticulous cleaning you left the bathroom.

"Later will be fine." - you nodded.
"Thanks Luna" - she sighed with a relief - "I thought you might be mad."
"Actually, I am quite mad -" - you started, but were suddenly interrupted by Arcane:
"Didn't you two just agreed on discussing your relationship later?" - he snarled.
Both you and Gust were taken aback by his sudden outburst of emotions, but chose to remain silent.

Time passed slowly, until finally you heard base commander's voice, no doubt amplified by some kind of magic:
"Guards! Fall in line! Attention! Her Majesty Princess Luna is here!"
Guards quickly formed orderly ranks and thousands eyes stared into the sky, as a dark alicorn slowly descended upon the stage.
The Princess looked... awe-inspiring. Her coat was much darker than you thought, her lush transparent mane swayed in the invisible wind and her eyes resembled one of a dragon.
She gracefully touched the stage and looked around her faithful subjects, as silence filled the courtyard.

End of the prologue.

Also end of the current session, next one will start with exposition and an important choise to make, so I hope to see you tomorrow!
And thanks for participating!
>After half an hour of meticulous cleaning you left the bathroom.
Ah great, my brain must have skipped this.
The princess is here the princess is here.
Bump for the royal visit
well good night.
Chapter one.

Thousands eyes peered at the Lady of the Night, as she began to speak:
"Six months ago, we defeated Discord and his chaotic minions. We fought for our freedom, for our future. We all shed as much blood for Equestria, as Our sister and her troops, if not more. But what we got in return?" - she solemnly looked around the courtyard - "Nothing! Our dearset sister insists, that instead of engaging in state affairs We watch over our subjects' dreams! She insists that Night Court should be disbanded as unnecessary as she will nobly carry the burden of ruling over ponies alone. She insists that Our moon should spend much less time in the sky and that our, nay, her subjects should sleep during the nighttime, while working only under her sun. She insists that it is only natural." - she contemptuously snorted at this words - "Our dearset sister thinks that We do not deserve to share the title of Equestrian diarch with her. That We do not deserve our throne in the Castle of Two Sisters. She pays no attention to Our words of advice, instead surrounding herself with petty 'kings' and 'queens', who groveled before Discord several years ago, who care not about their subjects, but only about safety of their own hide and their own coffers. We could tolerate that, for We plead with all Our heart for the peace in Equestria and to maintain stability in our kingdom We were ready to fall into the shade. But when she mentioned that our war, our sacrifice, our feat should be forgotten for the sake of the 'peaceful future', that our descendants should not remember our fight for freedom, We were put to limit of Our endurance. That was a spit in the face of all Guard, of all ponies who put their lives on the altar of victory." - she stopped for a moment to bow her head in reverence of the fallen, and then continued - "We remeber their names. All of them. We can watch no more as Our sister is becoming a tyrant, whose kind We swore to banish from this land."


"So We defy her." - she paused dramatically and continued after seceral moments - "Princess Luna could not raise arms against her sister. Princess Luna is no more. From now on, Our name shall be Nightmare Moon, and all who oppose Us will know the true meaning of despair!" - crowd exploded into approving roar. After a minute Princess raised her hoof and guards went silent in an instant. - "And as sign of Our favor, we bestow upon Nocturnal Dragons new name. Since this very moment, they should be known as Children of Nightmare! Let this name strike fear in hearts of our enemies!" - she raised her hoof triumphantly - "Moon will not set until Celsetia does not comply to Our demands or until she would be vanquised. And if required, the night will last forever!" - she bellowed this words, as crowd erupted in approving shouts once more. This time Lady Nightmare did nothing to stop them. After the crowd fell silent, she continued:
"In these grave times we must stand united, and so with a heart full of sorrow We must announce that not all members in Night Guard were deemed loyal to Our cause." - she raised her hoof once more to prevent confused murmurs rising in the ranks of the Guard - "But in Our wisdom We have isolated all treacherous elements from Our loyal subjects and soon your blades and magic will fall upon them! The first battle in this war will not be waged against minions of Our sister, but against your former comrades. Strengthen your hearts. Strike without mersy and without remorse." - then she raised her hoof and struck herself in her breastplate - "Death to the Sol Tyrant!"
"Death! Death! Death!" - chanted the Night Guard in reply, as you stood silent, unable to understand what just happened.

Thousands of questions were swarming in your head, but perhaps the most important one was:
Where do your loyalties lay?
Will you stay loyal to Lady Nightmare or will you try to defect to Celestia's side?
Loyal to the night.
All the solar guard have ever done is abuse us attack us and get in the way of our work.
Honestly, with how the solar guard acts, defecting to them would just be suicide.
As much as I'll like to find some way to stay out of another war, I believe we should stay loyal.

As much as you wanted to find some way to stay out of this war, you could see that it was nigh impossible. Well, then you shall stay loyal to your Princess's cause.
You began to shout as well as everypony around, and as you let your rage loose, weight on your heart dissapeared.
You don't really remember how much time passed until Princess Nightmare silenced you all again, but what happened next was forever imprinted in your memory.

Some guardsponies, all of them pegasi, suddenly left their ranks with an expression of awe and shock on their faces, and walked to the stage, where they bent their knees before the Lady of the Night. For some readon Gust left with them, though you were too surprised to ask her why was she doing it. Nightbringers climbed on stage, surrounded the majestic alicorn and then began to chant.
You exchanged worried looks with Arcane, but none of you dared to say anything. As chanting grew louder, streams of magical energy flew to Nightmare's horn, as it lighted up with magic. You looked at the sky ad behind the magical dome stars were shining brightly, even brighter than the moon. The words stuck in your throat, as a pillar of the starlight fell from the skies consumed chosen pegasi.
Then the screams came.
It was not only pegasi who screamed, no, it was like reality itself shuddered in its death throes. Then suddenly a revelation struck you: these were not throes of death, but of birth.
Meanwhile, pegasi's screams turned to shrieks and then to screeches and then finally the pillar of starlight just vanished. For some reasons you expected pegasi to fell on the ground, but they just continued to kneel unshakably.
"Arise, Our children!" - boomed Nightmare Moon - "For you have earned the right to ascend! Your new form is Our gift to you - bear it proudly while you glorify the name of the Night Guard!"

Pegasi rose from their knees, though they were pegasi no more. Their manes and coats darkened, their wings have lost their feathers and resembled the ones of dragons now. They looked at themselves for a moment and then raised their heads to the sky and emitted a deafening screech.
"Ave Domina Nox!" - suddenly came the from their ranks and soon this battlecry was picked up by everypony in the courtyard.

"It's time to fight, My loyal ponies." - proclaimed Lady of the Night after the crowd calmed down - "Time has come to execute your orders."
Sound of ripping seals rose all over the courtyard and soon, as ascended pegasi returned to their ranks, sergeants and lieutenants were barking orders, lining up their subordinates.

"Guess who?" - you heard a voice from behind, as a pair of grey hooves closed you eyes.
"Damn, Gust, what's wrong with you?" - you grunted, removing her hooves from your face and turning around too look at her new form.
She shook her dark purple mane and blinked with her teal catlike eyes.
"What's wrong? I have never felt so alive! And damn, I can fly again!" - she sprawled her skinny wings and soared in the sky to prove her point - "I dare say that I am reborn!"

Well, do you have anything to say?
Lets read our orders before we do anything else.
Well, good for you. A damsel in distress no more eh?
inb4 we need to rescue her again.

"Yes, whatever." - you waved your hoof dismissively - "Let's see what orders do we have."
You levitated the folder from your saddlebag, ripped the seal and reached the order with your magic.
You skimmed through the paper and briefly retold its content to your squadmates:"Blah-blah-blah, join squad 15 of Children of Nightmare at the court, blah-blah-blah, head to the Eastwane cave after half an hour after reading this, support them with summonning magic - hey, Arcane, what did they mean?"
"It means" - he grunted - "that I should perform a summoning ritual and you two will cover me while I do it. After that we would just follow that squad 15 which would follow the thing I summoned."
"Oh. Got it." - you snickered awkwardly - "Well, that's all. So it's going to be just a cave tour?"
"Quite." - he nodded - "I doubt traitors have something to match the power of Ursa Minor, not even counting us or that squad we are supposed to support. Plus" - he waved his hoof at the guardsponies rushing to leave the base - "Since we leave after half an hour we will just have to sweep the area in case some traitor survived."
"Makes sense." - you replied.

Anything else to ask Gust and/or Arcane?
If not, what will be your next action?
Well, Gust did told us she'll talk about what happened last night after the speech.
Seconding this

"So, Gust. - you turned to face your companion - "As far as I can see you are by no means a damsel in distress now, eh?"
"Well, you can say so, heh." - she awkwardly scratched her head.
"Speaking of damsels and distresses. You said you'll tell me about what happened last night."
"Eh, well, do you remember back at the bar when you won that hoof-wrestling bet? So you were so happy with yourself you offered every patron there to fuck you, and well, I was kinda forced to stand up for you. After a brawl I emerged victorious, then we three went to my place and, well, seems like I drank to much and I decided to claim you as my price and you really didn't resist so we went to the bedroom and your moans were just so cute so I just got carried away and, well, you know..." - she muttered, blushing intensely - "So what I wanted to ask is" - she paused, took a deep breath and continued - "Youwanttodosomethinglikethatlater?"

Well, what's going to be your answer?
And if you want to finish the conversation, then input next action.
I suppose we might be able to go on a date when this is all over.
But for now lets go hunt traitors.
Still mad that she left us tied to the bed though.


"Well, I think we can go on a date when this - " - you tried to reply, as Gust tackled and hugged you.
"Sweet!" - she exclaimed - "Now let's hunt some traitors!"
"Yeah, that's the thing I wanted to say. Now, how do we find that squad fifteen?" - you asked no one in particular.
"There are not many squads left there and only one of them includes ponies who bear armor of Children of Nightmare" - Arcane said grumpily, waving his hoof in the direction of the group of ten ascended pegasi.
"Well, what are we waiting for then?" - you asked as you headed towards them.

"I am sergeant Keen Falchion." - greeted you their leader after you saluted and introduced yourselves - "We are heading out after twenty minutes." - then he examined your squad critically and sighed: "Though if I were you I would head there immediately so you'll not delay us."

Your actions?
Do what sergent falchion says
...Alright, we'll head there first.

"All right, sir!" - you eagerly saluted.
"We will have everything ready for you when you arrive." - he snorted in reply.

You left the base and headed to the Eastwain cave. After about half an hour you noticed as Falchion's squad soared through the skies in cave's direction. Well, that must've been the reason he hurried you - after all you and Arcande didn't have wings. In an hour and a half you reached the tent camp near the entrance of the cave. There were some obvious signs of fighting there, corpses of guardsponies lying all over the place. Sergeant and his squad were waiting for you near a tent at the outskirts of camp. Falchion grinned widely as he pulled back the canopy:"Everything you'd need is here."

In the tent two pegasi - stallion and mare - were lying, their hooves tied together. As you entered the tent both of them looked at you - mare with terror and stallion with disgust.
"Yeah, they should be just fine." - muttered Arcane, completely lost in his thoughts.
"P-please!" - mare burst into tears - "I don't want to die! Please!"
"Just shut up and face your death with dignity." - snarled stallion at her.

Maybe you want to talk to anypony there?
Or would you just let Arcane do his job?
Let arcane do her job.
They probably deserve it.
Sorry that this has to happen.

"How long would it take?" - you asked Arcane.
"No more than fifteen minutes" - he replied, his horn lighted up with magic.
"All righty then." - you walked out of the tent, but not before you turned to the captured pegasi and said: "I am sorry that this has to happen."
"We don't need your sympathy, traitor!" - snapped stallion at you.
"Only history will judge who was traitor and who - loyalist." - you heard Arcane's voice coming from the tent, followed by brief screams of agony.

Star magic concentrated in the air for some time, until with a fiery roar starspawn ripped a hole in your reality and fell on the ground near the tent. You noticed that it was smaller than its counterpart which cultists summoned, though it wore some kind of armor, most likely composed of the same material that Ursa itself.
"It should be small enough to fit in local passageways, I think." - said Arcane, as he left the tent, his armor slightly stained with blood.
"Great." - replied Falchion impatiently - "I hope that there're still some traitors to kill."
With these words he flew to the cave's entrance, followed by his squadmates.
"Well, what are you waiting for? - you addressed your companions while heading to the cave on your hooves.

Okay, that's the end of current session, next one will start with exposition (smaller than today).
Thanks everyone for participating so far, though it makes me somewhat sad that there are only 2 players left.
Thanks for running
I do hope the player count picks back up yeah i really like this quest.
Funny how both your players are in the same timezone, thanks for running.
Oh, and also, had I gone too far with the references? Or you didn't even notice them?
Yeah i cannot see any refrences.
I assume they were in lunas speach
I didn't notice any references as well.
>Ave Domina Nox
that would have to be "noctis"
To be perfectly honest, I hope the quest won't shift the focus too much on civil war, executing traitors/civilians and activities of the grimdarkedgy kind.

Also 10 bits that Arcane defects or deserts at some point.
The qm seems pretry good at keeping variety.
have a good night page 10.
Here's a bump from page 9
Yea, that keeps me sticking around as well.
Pre film bump
Well, that was a reference, though originally there was dominus, not domina.
As you followed Falchion's squad you noticed numerous bodies of disloyal Night Guard lying on the ground, though sometimes you could make out ascended pegasi amongst the dead.
Definetely traitors were caught completely off guard, though they must have put up a good fight.

After about half an hour you reached a big natural cave, stalagmites up to five meters high rising from the floor and touching the cave's roof.
Sergeant Keen stopped for a moment and then viciously grinned:"And I thought we'd miss all the fun!"
You strained your ears until you could distinguish distant sounds of fighting coming from one of numerous passageways.
"Come on, let's not keep traitors waiting!" - eagerly exclaimed sergeant, as he, followed by his squadmates, charged into the unknown.
You were only halfway to the entrance to this tunnel, as you heard a muffled holler, followed by loud curses and then nine ascended pegasi darted out of the dark corridor and hung in the air.



Before you, or any of your squadmates had time to react, six pegasi followed by a single unicorn emerged from the tunnel.
"Look who is here" - grinned Keen Falchion - "Captain Laurel and Captain Thunderdome themselves. What a catch, huh?"
Gust's eyes widened as sergeant mentioned their names, though she said nothing.
"Still mad that Luna had chosen me over you back at Cloudsdale?" - grinned mare, whom you identified as Captain Laurel.
"Luna is no more! Only Nightmare Moon remains!" - bellowed Falchion in responce.
"And yet you are still sergeant. I wonder why." - hummed pegasus mare - "Maybe because you are just incompetent irresponsible jerk?"
"CHARGE!" - yelled Falchion, dashing towards the traitors, as remaining ascended followed him, emitting a deafening screech.
In a couple of seconds loyalists and traitors were engaged into close quarters combat, making it hard not to hit your ally.
As soon as fighting broke out you noticed that the traitorous unicorn ducked behind the nearest stalagmite.

"I don't think I can hit any of them safely." - said Arcane - "And Ursa is of no use here too. Anyway, any orders?"
Tell Arcane about the unicorn hiding, we could try to surprise the unicorn with spells, maybe conjure icicles above him/her?
Seconding this
Try and flank him.

"There was somepony hiding behind the stones." - you said, while charging your horn.
"Well, that's something" - your squadmate agreed. The next instant Ursa bellowed and rushed towards unicorn's hiding spot, as your conjured icicles fell at his or her estimated location.
A faint scream from her side helped you to identify the unicorn as mare, though you doubted that you had seriously injured her. You then followed the starspawn trying to outflank unicorn mare.

"Hey, and what about me?" - asked Gust, running alongside you - "Shouldn't I help Falchion's squad?"
You glanced at the fighting pegasi, and it disturbed you to say the least. Sure, your side held numerical superiority, but two traitors held the rank of captain and it meant that they were far more experienced fighters than any of Falchion's ponies.
Only seven ascended remained in the air, along with five traitors.

Your actions and orders?
Arcane and us should be able to finish off the unicorn quickly, Gust should assist Falchion. Once we kill the unicorn, we should look for openings to fire spells at the wings of the enemy.
Tell gust to assist falchion us and arcane can deal with this hider.

"Assist Falchion, now!" - you replied, running toward stalagmite separating you from the unicorn mare, as Gust briefly saluted and took into the air.
You were almost there, but you were halted by a body of one of the ascended flying over right in front of you, spilling blood all over the place. You turned your head to look at the skirmish.
While Keen Falchion and captain Laurel were locked into the combat, pegasus stallion, who you thought was captain Thunderdome, dashed around the cave, striking down the Ascended with deadly precision.
Not counting Gust, the forces were equal - four flyers remained on both sides.

Of course, while you were acessing the situation, you didin't move to the unicorn mare. That delay had saved your life, as a couple of moments after Ursa went behind the stalagmite, it was evaporated by a scorching wave of magic, along the good half of the stone pillar.
You watched in awe as pieces of debris scattered in all directions, some of them striking the blue magical shield that had miraculously grown between you and the mysterious unicorn.
"Now what in the name of Tartarus was that?" - exclaimed Arcane behind you.
As dust settled, unicorn mare, encircled into fiery red magical aura, stepped from the remains of stalagmites, her mane was literally ablaze and her coat turned blindingly white.
"In the name of Celestia" - she proclaimed in terrifyingly calm voice - "you shall perish."

Your actions?
Throw our most damaging spells at the shield

You conjure the biggest icicle you could and launch it at the shield, though not dealing any visible damage.
"Rime, what the fuck is wrong with you?" - yelled Arcane - "It is MY shield! I covered you from the debris, for fuck's sake!"
"Oh." - was the only thing you managed to mutter, until the ray of raw magic struck Arcane's shield from the outside. Shield cracked, but continued to hold..
"What are you waiting for? Run!" - groaned Lunar Mage behind you.
"Too late, sinners." - the mare slowly approached you, righteous fury burning in her eyes - "Repent!" - and another wave of magic slammed into the shield.
You closed your eyes to protect them from the searing heat. When you dared to open them you were still alive, but the barrier separating you and that fanatical mare was no more.

Your actions?
Goddamn it, I eat dinner for one moment and this happens.
Freeze her legs, conjure an ice hammer to swing at her horn, if she's only stunned, take the chance to grab Arcane and run to cover.
Try and freeze the ground beneath her legs to trip her up

As you were charging up your horn again, Arcane launched a beam of light at mare's direction. In responce, she conjured her own magical shield, but beam just passed through it and striking mare in her eyes.
"Classic" - chuckled Arcane - "She has tremendous potential, yet absolutely no training. Light can pass through such simple shield with ease."
While mare rubbed her eyes and groaned in frustration you froze her hindlegs to the floor. By some miracle mare has managed to keep her balance, but had almost conjured an ice hammer by that time.
"Cover me!" - you yelled and Arcane launched a barrage of some kind of magical projectiles at the mare, who this time prefered to dodge rather than use her shields.
That gave you enough time to levitate your ha,,er above her head, and -
You were knocked off completely, as something heavy slammed into your side and pinned you down. Though you lost control over your hammer, it still found its mark, as mare's scream indicated.
"Hello there." - muttered Gust. Looks like the object that was lying above you was your pegasus friend - battered, but alive.

"Thunderdome, take care of that bonehead" - you heard captain Laurel's voice - "These two are mine."

Your actions?
Get dust off us and try to stand between her and the fighting so she has a moment to recover.
Conjure an ice spear to fight with, if possible, subtly freeze the ground in front of them.

You shove Gust away from yourself and scrambled back on your hooves just in time to avoid Laurel's charge. After you noticed that you had lost hold of your spear, you conjured an ice one instead, grimasing from over-extertion.
Pegasus mare flew from you, as runnig into your spear was not part of her plans, and prepared for another charge. Using this break to help Gust you try to assess the situation - Falchion's squad is wiped out, though only two pegasi traitors remain.

Then suddenly you heard something coming from the tunnel traitors emerged from. Laurel hissed at you and flew towards the unicorn mare.
"Thunderdome, status!" - yelled Laurel while shouldering her comrade.
"He is better than I thought!" - snapped stallion back, wrestling with your unicorn companion.
Pegasus mare just cursed under her breath and took off in the air.

Your actions.
Order a strategic withdrawal.
Send spells at our foes as we fall back.
Before we do >>29026816
We need to support Arcane before they overwhelm him.

"Retreat!" - yelled both you and Laurel. You looked at each other for a moment and then pegasus mare soared to the cave exit where your party came from, avoiding your quickly conjured icicles.
Captain Thunderdome has managed to get out of a clinch and quickly followed his companion. Gust glanced between Arcane and leaving pegasi and then asked:
"So, we still retreat?"
Before you could answer two ascended pegasi emerged from the depth of the cave and flew towards you.
"Where did these damn traitors went?" - asked you a massive stallion, whose mane was tied in a ponytail.
"Sir, there, sir!" - Gust stood at her hindlegs, slauting with one of her forehooves and waving with another at the direction where pegasi left. Stallion chuckled a bit and then darted towards the passageway which Gust waved at.
"I - I could never imagine that I would see him in flesh." - muttered Gust, looking at the Ascended, as they followed retreating traitors.

Your actions?
Also, I am finished for today. Thanks everyone for paticipating!
Ask gust what she is talking about.
Check if everyone is fine, also, apologize to Arcane for our mishap just now.
bumping from page 10
bump of the ponies.

"What are you talking about?" - you tilted your head.
"Wait, you didn't recognize him? That was captain Abandoned Spoils himself, first of the Dauntless Four! His face is on every second recruitment poster! Well, sure, he changed a bit after the Ascension, but I still can't believe that you haven't heard about him!"
"Enlighten me." - you smirked.
"So, as I said he is the first of the Dauntless Four and he is considered the best flyer in the whole Equestria! Princess Lu- Nightmare even offered him to become a Lunar General, but he declined, as they say, to be closer to his comrades-in-arms."
"What is 'Dauntless Four' and who are these Lunar Generals you are talking about?"
"Just where had you been for the last five years? Sheesh, was your home village buried underground ot what? Anyway, the Dauntless Four are, eh, were basically Luna's bodyguards. Four most distinguished captains of the Nocturnal Dragons."
"And what happened then?"
"Weeeeell" - Gust drawled - "for some reason two of them turned rogue. So I think that Dauntless Four are no more."
"So you imply that these two traitors were Luna's finest?" - Arcane interrupted your conversation, having stood up on his hooves and trotting closer to both of you - "Then he would gut me, like, ten times and I am stll alive."
"Captain Thunderdome specialized in weather warfare and as you can see there are no clouds in this cave." - to your surprise Gust looked offended.
"Fair point." - shrugged your unicorn companion.
"Oh, Arcane, glad you are fine!" - you hastily smiled - "Look, I am really sorry for that little incident, I was just kind of shocked and couldn't think straight and..."
"Apology accepted." - he cut you off - "Though I am far from fine. Anyway, you should be more careful in the future, else you will not last for long. Ah, and what does that order of yours speak about annihilation of squad we were supposed to support?"

So, your actions now?
them retreating there makes me worried that they have something planed further back in the cave. lets go assist those 2 that just went past
Yeah, smells fishy. This should be a well known and cartographed cave system. How many entrances are there? Can't we just cause a little cave-in and get some reinforcements in the mean time?
i dont know about a cave in i meant i think they are up to something that may need to be stoped

i doubt they thought we would defeat them
There are seven entrances. You rememver the entrance traitors came from, Ascended also emerged from it. The tunnel they escaped to leads to the surface.You were not given a map of the cave, or any kind of instructions except 'follow squad 15', which is now completely wiped out.
So where exactly do you want to cause a cave-in?
Well, no point causing a cave-in when there are still six other ways out of the cave. I choose tactical retreat over honorable recklessness, let's head back to base if we can't find any officer and see if we get assigned to a new squad or receive new orders.
i would say follow the path they took and if we can see them when we come out on the surface go from there but if they are already gone head back to base
and by go from there i mean assess the situation and decide what to do next not charge right in

"We will head to the surface and see if we would receive any orders there."

As soon you entered yet another cave, you noticed that passage leading upstairs was blocked by some kind of cave-in and two Ascended stood near it, lively discussing something.
"Oh, here you are!" - you were geeted by captain Spoils - "You think you could clear path to the surface?"
"Sorry, sir. We are utterly exhausted after that battle and these rocks are just too big." - Arcane replied, saluting ti the captain.
"A shame. You were assigned to the Falchion's squad, weren't you?" - inquired stallion, moving towards you.
"Uh, yes, sir, but..." - you muttered, but he just waved his wing dismissively:
"And I deliberately assigned him to the second wave. Not your fault that he was such a featherhead." - he sighed - "Good soldier, but terrible commander. Now I think we should return to the base. I will show you the other way."
"Thank you, sir, but aren't there traitors left down there?" - you inquired, but he just gave you a hearty chuckle:
"The battle is over, private. They just ran with their tail between the legs and when we overtook them they just crushed the cave on their heads. Bloated fools."

As you are following Ascended back to the surface, is there anything you want to talk about?
ask them how long do they think this will last
a swift victory would be nice
What's next after the traitors have been dealt with?

"Permission to speak, sir?"
"Granted." - he abruptly nodded.
"How long do you think this war will last?"
"We should be able to assemble enough ponypower to assault Castle of Two Sisters in two weeks. After that it would be over. Of course there would be some guerilla fighters, but after tomorrow Solars would not be able to organise any kind of adequate resistance."
"And what would happen tommorow?" - you asked, as Abandoned Spoils beamed a victorious grin:
"Solar Guard received a request for assistance. We told them that we had met a serious resistance from the local inhabitants there and humbly asked for their help. Of course they could not refuse such an opportunity to show their superioity. I think you can guess what will happen when they enter this cave. Such operations are carried out throughout the Equestria, so Solars will not be much of a threat."

Any more questions?
no questions

great plan though appealing to the solar need to show off
wait fuck arrogance thats the word i was looking for
Will they not expect ambushes? Must be hard to coordinate all those operations throughout Equestria without word spreading about the ambushes.

"That's a clever plan, sir." - you noticed.
"One couldn't expect less from Lady Nightmare." - he smiled in reply.
"But something just must go wrong. I mean - there must suspect something if there are too many simultaneous requests all of a sudden."
"Of course we didn't target every Solar regiment. And in some cases we would just break into the barracks and slaughter them while they sleep. Still it would be enough to cripple them."

As you left the cave, Ascended took into the skies and you qickly lost then in the darkness of the night.
When you reached the tent camp you noticed that all bodies and weapons were removed from the ground - so it looked like there was no battle a couple of hours ago.
You proceeded to the HQ tent and introduced yourselves to your commander, who , as you noticed, had also undergone the Ascension.
"I reported to Lady Nightmare about your finding." - he said, after listening to your report concerning your last engagement and then handed you an sealed envelope - "Guess I am not authorised to know what's inside, but whatever is your next order I wish you luck."
"Thanks, sir." - you saluted and left the tent.
"So, let'see what's hidden inside." - you muttered while ripping the seal off the envelope.

"All right." - you addressed your squadmates after reading the order - "Arcane, you can rejoice, we are ordered to deliver Last Word to the Prosperity for proper examination."
"Huh. A pleasant turn of events." - he muttered - "So where will we get supplies from?"
"Well, the order states that it is a top secret operation, so we can't just talk to the quartermaster. Guess we will have to fork out."
"Eh, and do we have a map there?" - asked Gust.
"Oh, you're right." - you replied and levitated a folded map out of the envelope - "Well, seems like the road would take a week. There is a village where we can ressuply - at fifth day."
"Actually there is another one." - Arcane said, highlighting with his magic a point signed 'Stonesteed' - "It should take only three days to get there."

While you don't really want to visit your home village, you have a hefty sum in your pouch, so you probably could pay at least a part of your 300-bit debt. And maybe it would be nice to visit some of your relatives.

So that's a long list for you.
1. What are you going to bring with your for your journey?
2. Will you visit your home?
2.5 If you will, are there any of your relatives/friends there? Or maybe you are an orphan?
>1. What are you going to bring with your for your journey?
travel light
>tents or other sleeping gear

>2. Will you visit your home?
And what about 2.5?

I think I will wait for an half an hour in case somebody else has any suggestions.
i am not that invested in the family but if nobody else has any suggestions no parents but a sister
Guess there are friends we grew up with? An earth and a pegasus friend? Are we supposed to state their character and other stuff?
Not really, but if you have any suggestions that could lead to character development - feel free to state them(like you were bullied when you were a filly, or that one colt who was your first love, or a friend of yours that drew you into the gambking)
>like you were bullied when you were a filly
not this
we had a largely average childhood not bullied but not massively popular either
A Friend suggested enlisting to pay off our debt and maybe help in our gambling problem?
>And maybe it would be nice to visit some of your relatives
inb4 they're loyal to Celestia / give refuge to Celestia loyalists and we gotta kill them / watch them get killed.
i would hope the news was not there yet
we may just have to avoid the family
That'll be really saddening.

"Oh, silly me. How could I miss it?" - you chuckled nervously.
"You really need to improve your attention span." - noted Arcane.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So I expect you to get some sleeping gear and food and drinks for three days. Then we will resupply at the Stonesteed. Rendezvous at Gust's place two hours after we reach the town. Questions?"
"None." - confirmed both of your subordinates.

You separated when you reached the town. Gust flew back to her house, Arcane went to the barracks and you headed straight to the grocery store.
Only there you remembered that you had a fourth party member with no capability to pay and as squad leader reluctantly paid 9 bits for apples.
Though a harder choice awaited you when you tried to pick up a tent, or rather tents.

There are two options:
You could buy two single tents for 30 bits each, or you could save some money and buy double one for 45 bits with everything that this purchase implies.
is the double big enough for us to stay out of last words painful aura
It's radius was about 5 meters as you could remeber from the fight with cultists.

Also, >>29034457. Stop giving me horrible ideas.
get 2 singles then
oh neat we are up to 3 players
enjoy your weekend.

Well, you were nto sure that Gust would adequately perceive an offer to share a tent, so you decided to buy two single ones. According to the map there would be some creeks on your way, water must not be a problem.
Then you headed to Gust's house thinking about optimal route.

"So, we are leaving the town?" - you were asked by Last Word when you entered the wooden house. Seems like Gust has found some essentials for filly to carry, as indicated a knapsack on her back.
"Sure thing." - you smiled and tossed her a tent - "Think of it as about camping trip. Sitting around campfire, telling spooky stories and everything like that."
"It's not like I can sit next to you" - she muttered, lowering her ears.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll think of something" - you smiled reassuringly - "Anyway, where are the others?"
"We're here, we're here, don't you dare to leave alone!" - yelled Gust, running down the stairs. Soon she was followed by Arcane and to your surprise they both donned cloaks.
"We though that civillians would freak out when they see me, so this should help. And then Arcane thought that we can pass for some piligrims if we meet Solars, so here we are." - Gust replied to your silent question - "You can search for a fitting one upstairs, I left a bunch on the bed."
Ah, and also. It's well past midnight now so we wouldn't get far before the sunrise. Maybe we should set off next night?"

Do you have any buisness to conduct in the Hillhoof, or do you want to set off immediately?
Set off now
We want to get as far as possible before the war breaks out properly
I agree with this.

"The sooner we reach Prosperity the better." - you shook your head - "We will set off now, especially since you all are ready now."
"As you wish ma'am." - she replied, not even trying to hide her disappointment.

You left Hillhoof and marched towards Stonesteed, until the moon disappeared behind the horizon. Then you set up a camp, Arcane made a fireplace with his magic.
"I will set up some wards so we wouldn't be caught off guard." - he said, heading towards the border of the camp.
"Good idea." - you nodded, thinking about your friends and relatives you left back at home. Hopefully they all are still alive and well.

"Uh, hey, Rime." - you heard Word's voice behind you.
"Is something wrong?"
"I just thought that maybe you could teach me how to handle weapons? At least a spear, or some kind of quarterstaff?"
"But why would you want something like that?" - you were genuinely puzzled.
"B-because I don't want to be useless!" - she blurted, blushing slightly.

Your response?
I can teach you some basics

Lets start with throwing since you wont need much help once you get close.
Just go. Adventure awaits!
Guess she needs to be able to protect herself from non magical beings, they do exist, right? teach her to fight with a staff, it should be safe enough for training purposes.

Wonder how fast does her antimagic works, if we were to shoot an conjured icicle near her would it disappear/evaporate instantly?

"Well, I think I can show you something. I guess you can use my spear to practice. Ah, and also. You spoke with Arcane about your ability, right? So how does it work? I mean - nopony should be able to fight you for long in melee."
"He told me that the weaker is one's connection to magic the less they suffer. So earth ponies shouldn't fall on the ground screaming in the agony as soon as they touch me." - she chuckled nervously - "And of course it will take some time to destroy something large - like that Ursa, remember?"
"Got it. Well, despite I can't spar with you, I still can show you how to throw pointy things at the enemy. You' try to hit that tree for starters." - you waved your hoof in the direction of the lone oak standing near your tents.

You spent two hours teaching Last Word the basics of spear-wielding. Though she was not the brightest student, she compensated it with utter dedication. You should probably find her some kind of weapon in the Stonesteed.

The day and the following night passed without any incidents. You marched mostly in the silence, as everypony were most likely thinking about Solar Guards being slaughtered throughout Equestria.

"Looks like we will have some problems with knowing how much time is it now." - smirked Arcane while looking in the sky. Moon had to set down long time ago, but instead it still hung into the sky, shining brightly.
"So it began." - nodded Gust gloomily.
"All right, I am off to the tent. Have a good day, I suppose." - said Arcane, yawning.
You stood with Gust for some minutes, watching as the sun slowly climbed in the sky and finally stopped at the same level as the moon.
"So..." - she decided to break the silence - "Remember we talked about date?"
"Of course." - you nodded.
"So I spoke with Arcane a bit and he gave me an address of a nice restaurant in the Prosperity. So maybe we could head there as soon as we transfer Last Word to local wizards, huh?"

Your response?
If there's time for that, sure! I trust the food there won't be overpriced...

"If there's time for that - sure! I just hope food won't be overpriced there..."
"Oh, don't worry about it!" - she beamed you a smile and clasperd your waist - "I'll pay for you, so you're free to indulge yourself!"
"Uh, thanks, I suppose." You cuddled for some time, but then Gust yawned and borke your embrace.
"Sweet dreams, babe." - she booped your snoot and flew to her tent.
"Yeah, you too." - you muttered, and then, driving color away from you face, you headed towards Last Word who spent her time throwing your spear into nearby trees.
"Last Word, time to go to sleep."
"No buts. We still have long march ahead so you need to be well rested next night..., eh, whenever we wake up."
"Aww, okay then. Sleep well." - she pouted and went to her tent.
"And you too." - you sighed and picked your spear from the ground.

Rest of your journey passed without any incidents.
You arrived at the Stonesteed at time that should be the end of the night, according to your internal clock, though you doubted that local inhabitants are sleeping.
At the very least you had a need to ressuply, though it doesn't mean that it must be you who should go to the market.
You could perhaps go to your house. It is spacious enough to fit all of you, because since your parents died you lived there only with your sister, Deep Freeze.
Perhaps you could visit your childhood friends - Clay Brick and Heavy Hail.
Though you should probably try to avoid ponies whom you owe money, since you only have 23 bits left...
Send arcane in to asses the current attitude in the town see how they would react to night guard showing up and how much news of the war has reached them.
If we're gonna head into town, visiting our sis first is probably the best. We can visit our friends once everyone is safe in our house.

That's a good idea.
Sorry everyone, but it seems like I am forced to finish for today. See you tomorrow and thanks for participating!

Also, if anyone is concerned: Last Word has reached puberty.
get away page nine.
fast board for a sunday
page nine bump!
>Also, if anyone is concerned: Last Word has reached puberty.
That statment must seem really random to somebody who has not been in /cyoag/
does that mean she's fuckable?
have a good night page 10.
I think you would die

"Arcane. You'll go into the village and assess the situation - ask locals if they know what is hapenning, is there some kind of a garrison and stuff like that."
"Will do." - he sighed - "I don't really know if I would scare them when I'll tell them about war. Sun and moon had never shared the sky since Discord's defeat after all."

"Good news and bad news." - he proclaimed, returning an hour later - "They know nothing about the war, though they are pretty scared and will demand answers when we'll show up."
"And how did you evade answering their questions?" - you arched your eyebrow, stepping towards him.
"Oh, I only said that I am not authorised to explain the situation, but of course my commander would be more-than-happy to indulge their curiosity. And look at me like that." - he added when your eye began to twitch - "Don't you think it would be better if I had used my magic to scatter them?"

You sighed, trying to calm down. Even from your current position you could see a crowd gathering at the outskirts of Stonesteed. Passing through them might prove difficult, even not regarding Last Word, whose existence is supposed to be a secret.
Perhaps, it would be better for your squad to split up?

Your actions?
Tell gust to stay back with last word for now we will come back for them shortly.

We need to put this in the way most likely to keep them from turning against us.

Announce to the village that princess celestia unfortunately has gone insane and caused a war.

Which from a certain point of view is true.
Specificly say she has attempted to usurp power from her sister and rule on her own.
Might be good if we add that we here to visit family and friends because it might be our last chance. Play the sympathy card and all.
Good idea
If they ask what our destination is say its clasified but assure them us passing through does not put them in danger

"Gust, stay here with Last Word for a while. We'll return for you shortly. Arcane, follow me."
You squadmates nodded in acknowledgement, and you headed to your village alongside Arcane.

As you approached the crowd, it parted and let you pass inside the village, where you were greeted by an old earth pony mare.
"Frosty Rime. You ...have changed." - she greeted you with a small smile.
"Elder Clear Account" - you respectfully nodded - "I must announce that Equestria is at war."
You paused dramatically, as crowd gasped in shock, and then continued:
"Princess Celestia attempted to usurp power from Princess Luna, beloved by all. That's the reason why sun and moon remain in the sky."
"So it means mobilization?" - quietly inquired head of Stonesteed's community.
"Uh, no. Not yet. I don't know really." - you muttered, not really prepared for such a question - "We are just passing by and I thought it would be right to warn you about the situation, and, well, visit my friends for probably the last time."
Crowd still stood speechless, as Clear Account raise her head:
"All right, ponies, let's not embarrass our valiant Guard. I am sure you all have some work to do."

Crowd started to diperce, ponies went about their own business, hushfully discussing your announcement.
"And I thought that at least my grandchildren would live in peace" - smirked an old mare - "You wouldn't stay for long there?"
"I thought that we could catch a nap at my house and leave shortly after. If you do not mind, of course."
"Who I am to obstruct the Night Guard?" - she smirked - "Your sister must be at home now."
"Thanks. And what about my friends?"
"Heavy Hail decided to enlist shortly after you and Clay Brick is working in the mine." - then she leaned towards you, and whispered, so your squadmate wouldn't be able to hear - "And I am obliged to remind you, that your debts would be transferred to your sister in case of your untimely demise."

Your actions?
Thank the elder and with the crowd dispersed bring gust and last word with us to our home.

Resolve to send some money to town to our sister in case of our death the first chance we get.

"Thanks, I guess." - you muttered.
"May Luna guide you. Now, if you excuse me, I have some buisness to conduct." With such words she turned around and headed to the town hall.

It took you around an half an hour to reunite with Gust and Word and arrive at your house. You gulped and knocked at the door.
"Yeah? Who's here?" - you heard a sleepy voice behind the door.
"Hey, Freeze, it's me." - you cracked a smile, though your sister was ot able to see it yet.
"Frosty?" - after a moment your elder sister unlocked the door. You stood on the opposite sides of the door, blinking at each other for a couple of moments, and then she run up towards you and emraced you into a tight hug.
"Oh, stars above, Frosty! You can not imagine how I missed you!"
"Missed you too, sis. But couldn't you let me go please?"
After your remark she seemed to finally had noticed your squadmates and quickly broke her embrace.
"Uh, hello there? You must be my sister's squadmates?" - she was red as tomato now, though you could say the same thing about yourself - "Come in, please! You must be hungry, right? I-I will make some snacks for you!"
And then she ran inside the house.
"Woah, you really like you sister." - giggled Gust, as Arcane suddenly groaned in frustration.

So how will you present Last Word to your sister? She is a unicorn like you and there might be some unpleasant consequences.
Tell her last word has an illness so she should not get close.
Say we are traveling to acquire a cure.
This, even though we can trust her, telling her anything might draw trouble to her in the future.

"Come in, I will sow you where you will sleep" - you blurted and headed into the kitchen.
"So, Freeze, don't you mind if we stay here to catch a nap?"
"Only if you share some stories during the dinner." - she smiled - "Ah, and also, what's the matter with sun and moon now? I thought they were supposed to rotate?"
"Uh, well, you see - we are kind of at civil war now. Celestia went batshit and is trying to usurp the throne."
"So you are..." - she gasped, but you quickly waved your hooves:
"No, no, I am not going to the frontline! We are kinda going for a cure for a Last Word, well, that filly who was with us. She is... important for Princess and her disease is pretty nasty."
"But it isn't contagious, right?"
"Stars above, no! C'mon, Freeze, I am not a filly anymore!" - you pouted.
"Of course, sweetheart. So she will not join us at the dinner?"
"She'd better eat alone, after we all would finish."

You spent the dinner entertaining Deep Freeze with some traditional guard stories and she in return embarrased you by telling Arcane and Gust about your childhood adventures.
And fruit salad was a nice change from apples - your sister was a talented cook after all.
After a hearty dinner you, along your squadmates, went to sleep.

You woke up and went to the kitchen, to see Gust and Arcane sitting there and having a breakfast made by your sister.
"Oh, hello sleepyhead." - she turned towards you and smiled - "Your friends told me that you are leaving soon, so I packed you some food for the journey. It should be enough for a couple of days."
"Oh, it wasn't really necessary." - you blushed.
"Healthy food is important for a Guard, you know."
"Yeah, whatever. And where is Last Word?"
"Poor filly is still sleeping. I hope she gets well." - she smiled.

So, do you have anything else to do in the Stonesteed?
We can visit our friends before leaving. Just to say hi or something.
We had best get moving we might come back past on the return trip.

You thought about visiting Clay Brick, but decided against it. He was probably deep into the mine now and you might come back there at your return trip. Hopefully.

You said goodbye to your sister and left Stonesteed. Next waypoint you were supposed to visit was a small village named Chillvale, two days from your current location.
You were closing the village at the end of the fifth day (though it was hard to tell since neither sun or moon had moved from their respective positions), as you were halted by Gust:
"Wait. You see it, down the road?"
You took a closer look, straining your eyes to make out a dozen or so figures lying on the ground. Seems like there was a skirmish recently, otherwise local villagers should have buried the dead.

Will you investigate the battlefield or would you rather head straight to the Chillvale?
We had best investigate.
But be on guard

"All right. Everyone, stay alert. We need to check if there are any survivors. Arcane - follow me. Gust, cover us from above. Word...just stay nearby if some hostile unicorn will come."
After you had finished giving orders, you carefully moved towards the battlefield.

"Steel regiment." - muttered Arcane, looking at slain earth ponies in heavy steel armor decorated with some silver patterns - "Masters of siege warfare and implicitly loyal to Lady Nightmare. I wonder what they were doing there."
"I am more concerned about what killed them." - you shuddered a bit.
"That's an easy question to answer." - you heard Gust's voice from above - "They had no chance against pegasi on the open ground." - then she landed near a corpse, which belonged to a Solar Guard pegasus - "It was a massacre."
"So, there're no survivors there?" - Word approached your position, assured that there are no traps or enemies nearby. As she moved along slain ponies one of them suddenly screamed, as if he had seen a nightmare. Last Word yelped and took a couple of steps away from the not-so-dead pony.
Gust quickly rushed to his aid, reaching for a first-aid-kit hidden in her saddlebags on the fly.
"Seems they just knocked him off. Nothing serious, as far as I can tell." - proclaimed Gust after examining the lone survivor.
"Hey, you okay there?" - you slowly approached the earth pony stallion, who had already managed to get back on his hooves.
"I.. think so." - he shook his head, then he stood attention and struck his breastplate with his left forehoof:
"Private Andesite of Steel Regiment. I owe you."
"Private Frosty Rime of First Hillhoof." - you returned him a more traditional salute.

What do you want to ask him?
Ask him what they were doing in the area and how long ago they were attackef
Ask him how many solar pegasi were there, this can't be good for the lunar forces' plan of tricking them.

"What exactly you were doing here?" - you asked him.
"We were ordered to head to the Prosperity and fortify the city."
"Fortify?" - you heard a hint of concern in Arcane's voice.
"Well, somepony needs to protect your houses while you are off." - retorted Andesite.
"Anyway, how many attackers there were? And how much time passed since the battle." - you interrupted oncoming dispute.
"Around two dozens and I have completely no idea. It's hard to tell now with sun and moon not moving an inch for the last few days."
"I see." - you muttered and looked around the battlefield. There werenine corpses of earth ponies and two of pegasi.

Your actions?
Gather whatever useful items we can from the dead and get moving

Bring andesite with us.
Funny how Arcane is the only one in the group that isn't the only survivor of their previous squad

"Well, since we were already moving to Prosperity, wouldn't you join us?" - you suggested.
"I see no reason why I should not." - he said, picking up a warhammer from the ground and shouldering it - "You were planning to stop at nearby village, right?"
"Yeah, we could use some proper beds." - you nodded.
"That's good. I'll ask villagers for proper burial for the fallen."
Speaking of the dead. Seems like guards of Steel Regiment prefered heavy blunt weapons, which you couldn't think you would be able to wield efficiently anytime soon.

Do you want to loot armor or weapons? Or maybe you are brave enough to peer in the saddlebags of the slain?
Lets just leave the saddlebags for now.
If they find anything important there while preparing them for burial im sure they will let us know.

Sounds like the weapons are no good for us either so lets move on.

"Let's go then."
As you entered the village, you noticed the absence of ponies in the streets. Supposing that most of them are probably sleeping, you headed towards the town hall.
Stars above, you were wrong. When you reached the street leading towards the town hall you noticed that a crowd had gathered at the main square, eyeing a dozen or so Solar Guard pegasi. You quickly dived behind one of the houses, followed by your squadmates, and peeked aroound the corner. While the presence of the Solar Guard was the first thing that caught your attention,
apparently it was not a reason for what seemed like almost entire population of this village to gather there. Fourteen pegasi seemed to guard a cart, or rather some weird hybrid of pony-shaped statue and sarcophagus that stood inside it. It was twice the pony size and made entirely of steel.
"These bastards." - cursed Andesite through his teeth.
"Now what is this thing?" - whispered Gust, turning towards him.
"Lieutenant Battering Ram. My commander." - he replied.
"She doesn't look like a pony." - muttered ascended pegasus with a grain of salt in her voice.
"Because it's an armor. Only most respectable warriors could earn an honor to bear such masterpiece."
"Then why didn't she beat Solars to a pulp?" - she threw a questioning glance at the earth pony.
"Because there is always a catch." - suddenly smirked Arcane - "It is as much an armor as a life-support system and is granted only to mortally-wounded warriors. And to relieve them from not having a normal body they spent most time in an induced sleep."
"You knowledge of our customs is remarkable for an unicorn." - noted Andesite with a grim look.
"'Knowledge is power' is our motto." - Arcane quietly chuckled in reply.
"Anyway - we just can't just leave her at the mercy of these Solar whelps."
"Charging straight into them would be suicide." - said Arcane quietly - "And I doubt that we can wake her up quick enough."
"I know!" - snapped Andesite, fortunately not attracting any attention, as crowd seemed to be immersed in some kind of a debate.

Your actions?
Ditch your arms and armor so you can get closer and find out what they are going to do.
Get your squadmates to stay hidden and tell them if you are somehow recognised to move on to prosperity without you.

"I'll do some recon here. Stay low and if I am caught move to Prosperity as quickly as you can. Understood?"
Your companions remained silent, only looking at you with a mixture of shock and respect. For some reason you expected that someone would try to stop you, but as no objections were raised, you quickly undonned your armor, put aside your spear and trotted towards the crowd.

You successfully managed to slide righht behind the crowd and began listening their cries:
" - and that's outrageous! How they dare to claim they protect us when they are the ones who are robbing us?"
"Yeah, Lady Luna would never allow something like that!"
"We paid our tithe, why do they want more?"

You stood there for a couple minutes, until some ponies had not arrived from some other street, carrying bags filled with apples on their backs. While they were stockpiling food before Solars, pegasi shoved Battering Ram from the cart on the ground. After that they loaded the cart with forage and six of them took off into the slies, carrying villagers' food with them.
Though eight Solars still remained at the main square, guarding Steel Regiment's lieutenant.

Your plan?

That's it for today, thanks everyone who participated so far!
Also, I would be glad to hear some criticisms.
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>11 days and 8 hours ago
Go back and ask arcane and andesite if there is a way to activate the armor to even the odds a little
it's about time to bump.
Quests in general just dont get the numbers they used to.

This is sadly only a little below average
you can do it if you try
I miss the days of high average player numbers

You quietly walked back to your squad's hiding spot as crowd grew more and more restless. Even from there you could make out their discontent with the fact that Solars still remained in the village.

"It looks like that was Solar's foraging party. There are still eight there, but we might have a chance now."
"If you want to attack we must deal with them quick enough until they return with reinforcements." - said Andesite.
"Why do you think they will return?"
"Or else they would leave all together. They will probably grab a unicorn at their main force current disposition and carry him back so he could deal with Ram's armor."
"I don't think we would be able to kill them all." - you mutter.
"It will be enough to rout them. I can awaken lieutenant in ten minutes or so. Road to Prosperity lies through a forest, so we can lose them in the woods if they would decide to follow us."
"And will she move fast enough? Here armor looks... bulky, to say the least."
Andesite just smirked and glanced at the Last Word, who stayed a couple meters away from your party - "She would rather die then allow herself to be outrunned by a filly."

So how will you engage the Solar Guard?
If we can catch them by suprise we can hopefuly take out a few of them before the fight starts properly

Arcane you stay back and support us with magic from the rear if it looks like we are going to lose take last word and run its vital she gets to prosperity.

Gust, andesite you come with me we will try to sneak up on them them once we are close i will attack. take out the nearest foe to you as soon as i strike.

"Here is the plan. Arcane - cover us from behind. If we fail - take Last Word and run. Gust, Andesite - we will try to get as close as we can to them and then charge."
"Got it." - you got three simultaneous replies.

You couldn't really pass the crowd unnoticed, though you prayed that it would give at least some time to come closer to Solars.
As you moved through the disturbed villagers, they outright gawked at you, though apparently they were wise enough not to alert Solars of the arrival of their enemies. But as they saw you they started discussing your arrival with their neighbors and such commotion couldn't pass unnoticed py Solars.
You were a halfway to the Battering Ram's location, as first pegasus soared into the sky, only to be taken down by Arcane's magic.
"Death to Sol Tyrant!" - bellowed Gust, charging at not-so-quick to react Solars.
You cursed under your breath, at wounding one of the Solars with some icicles - sure, she and Arcane had the best chances of killing some pegasi, since you were not precise enough to hit a flying pegasus in any of his vital organs and Andesite was, well, earth pony, but such recklessness would get her killed.

Gust's scream finally set crowd in a motion, as treeified villagers ran away from the square not willing to be hit by a stray spell or spear.
While your Ascended comrade managed to take care of another one pegasus, it still left six of the Solars, who now took off. Two of them charged at Gust, while remaining four were scanning the scattering crowd for more attackers.

Your actions?
Shout to gust to try and keep the fight low if possible

Try using blades of ice levitate them around to hit the flying pegasi.

"Damn, Gust, keep your head down!" - you yelled, conjuring two ice blades and thus attracting attention of two pegasi. They both charged you, probably thinking that you would not be able to parry two simultaneous ttacks form multiple directions. Well, they were right, though you had no need to parry. You rolled to your right and directed your blades to the closest pegasus. While first shattered against his armor, second one managed to cut his wing and unluckt assailant crushed to the ground.
You turned towards the second pegasus and assesed the cituation on the battlefield, while waiting for his charge.

Gust had listened to your advice, as she managed to make her way to the Battering Ram alongside Andesite. At their hooves laid another pegasus, his head smashed by earth pony's hammer. Remaining Solar Guards circled above them trying to avoid Arcane's spells and searching for best angle of attack.

Your actions?
We should try to ground them by crippling their wings so Andesite will be at an advantage.
If theres one charging right at us send a bolt of ice at him to force him to swerve then slice him while he is off ballance.

You launched an ice bolt at pegasus trying to throw him off his balance. But as he noticed glow surrounding your horn he didn't swerve as you hoped. No, instead he just threw his spear at you.
As projectile pierced your breastplate, you made an involuntarily step back. You shrieked, feeling a sudden jolt of pain, which ruined your concentration completely, and you lost control over your ice blade. Though your ice bolt hit Solar Guard square into his chest, he didn't even flinch as he was charging at you, unarmed yet still dangerous.

Your actions?
Are we close enough to dodge behind the sarcophagus
No, you didn't advance towards Battering Ram, so it is impossible to reach her bulk before Solar would tackle you. And let's not forget about spear stuck in your body.
Then dodge out of the way normaly dive out of the way if nesecary.
Wait no dont dive that might cause problems with the spear.
Try and dodge as quick as possible call to arcane.
Do we have a physical weapon? I doubt we can conjure anything, and letting the pegasus pull the spear out would kill us quickly. Try sidestepping without letting him retrieve his spear.

Thankfully you still had your spear strapped to your armor, so you quickly reached for it and pointed it at the pegasus, who had finally swerved.
"Arcane!" - you screamed and instantly gasped from pain. Though it was enough for your companion to direct his attention at the Solar stallion, who
was flying towards his fallen comrade to pick up his spear and cursing loudly. Unfortunately, Arcane was unable to hit him, though now you have some time to spare.

Your actions?
Take a moment to asses our wounds
How deep does the spear feel.
Can we break the spear stuck in us? Make it shorter so it doesn't hinder our movements and give our foes a target.

Grimacing from pain, you looked at the spear lodged in your chest. Less than a half of the speartip sank in your body, so you quickly break its shaft and threw it away. While you were still in pain, you thought that you were able to cast some basic spells now.
You glanced at the Battering Ram to see that Gust and Andesite were doing pretty well - none of them looked wounded and they even managed to take down another pegasus!

"Ave Sol Invictus!" - bellowed your persistent opponent who managed to find himself a new spear and was climbing in their to attack you from above.

Your actions?
Dodge out of the way
Try and slash his wings as we do so
You have no slashing weapons. Your ice blades are broken, and you can't concentrate enough to conjure one. You have a spear though and can conjure some icicles.
Can we conjure a long sharp icicle jutting from the ground where we are so he charges into it?
Try and stab him with our spear as we dodge.
I don't know man.. half a spear tip is a serious, life-threatening wound. I'm surprised we're still standing at all. We should maybe try dodging and getting out of the heat of the battle, using our ice magic to stop the bleeding or we won't be doing anything anymore indefinitely.
The problem is that pegasus seems dead set on killing us, and it's not like we can pull it out lest we die of blood loss.
Well I don't know, freeze his eyeballs.
...That's actually an ingenious idea.
Although i doubt we would be able to pull off something that complex while in pain.
We would probably struggle under good circumstances.
I would say best not to risk it right now where every second counts

You could not resist screaming as you conjured a long yet thin icicle and direct it along your spear at the pegasus. Your adversary again managed not to impale himself upon your weapons and flew away from you, preparing for yet another run.
As he turned around in the midair he was struck by Arcane's blast of magic and his limp body fell on the ground.

"Hey, Rime, you okay?" - Gust soared towards you, reaching for her first-aid-kit - "Just sit down and let me treat your wounds."
You silently fell on your haunches, releasing control of your weapons. Arcane was striding through a battlefield, checking if any of Solars survived, while Andesite tried to wake up his commander.
"Oh dear!" - she exclaimed, looking at your wound - "Don't you dare to move now!"
"Did we got them all?" - you asked her, wincing as she removed the speartip from your wound.
"Nope" - she shook her head - "They just ran away like cowards they are. Now hush and drink it" - she put a vial with a red liquid to your mouth.
You eagerly clinged to the vial, savouring the sweet potion, and feeling vital power returning to your body, while Gust was bandaging your wound.
"Better?" - she asked, as you finished the potion.
"Yeah. How many of these you have left?"
"Two more." - she replied with a smile and kissed you in the forehead - "Now lay there for a while and let the magic do it's work. The wound will not heal in an instant of course, but it should help a lot."

"No survivors there." - reported Arcane - "I will go talk with villagers about burial and ressupling, if you don't mind."
"Of course." - you nodded and turned towards earth pony stallion - "Hey, Andesite, when will she awake?"
"Have patience. It's a delicate process." - he replied, not even bothering to look at you.


After several minutes a hulking figure of earth pony lieutenant finally moved. She waved her limbs, as if checking their condition, and then turned towards you:
"Where am I?" - she boomed in a surprisingly deep voice. Probably her armor was enchanted to make her sound more intimidating.

How are you going to explain her the current situation?

Also, finishing for today. Thanks everyone for participating so far!
And yes, I am still open for criticism.
My only real criticism was the not knowing how the battle around us was going and you fixed that.
Ask her what she remembers last and fill her on the current situation.
Ask her when she was last awake.
If it was before the war fill her in.
If she asks about last word just say she is important and needs to be taken to prosperity but if pressed for details tell her the truth.
enjoy your bump from 10.
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waiting now begins.

"You are now in the village named Chillvale, lieutenant." - you replied.
Battering Ram muttered something incoherent and turned towards Andesite:
"I take that my squad had been wiped out?"
"Yes, ma'am." - earth pony meekly nodded in reply.
"Weaklings." - she grunted.
"Uh, lieutenant, permission to ask?" - you addressed venerable warrior.
"Go on, little unicorn." - she tilted her head.
"Are you aware of current situation?"
"I am not old enough to lose my memory, unicorn. I know well about Lady Nightmare's war."
"Oh, that's great! I got from Andesite that you were heading to Prosperity too, so maybe we could join forces?"
"It is acceptable." - she slowly nodded - "How much time do you need to prepare for departure?"
"No more than half an hour. We still need to ressuply."
"We carried some dried apples with us." - said Andesite - "Your ...pegasus friend could fly and get them."
"Sounds like a plan." - shrugged Gust, taking off into the air.
You slowly scrambled back on your hooves. While pain became more or less bearable you were not in the shape to move fast enough for two more days.
"You are wounded, unicorn." - said Ram, as if confirming your concerns - "You will slow us down."
"No, I can..." - you tried to protest, but she continued - "Climb at me."
"What?" - you and Andesite both exclaimed.
"We need to hurry to the Prosperity. I have some ...suspicions." - she explained - "Andesite, help her."
"Yes, ma'am." - earth pony struck his breastplate, as you walked towards armored warrior. Then he crouched, allowing you to get on his back and then finally climb on Ram.
Her armor was surprisingly warm, so you quickly flopped on your belly.
"Making yourself comfortable, unicorn?" - she chuckled.

While you were quietly blushing and thinking whether you need to reply her question, Arcane emerged from the town hall. As he noticed that Battering Ram had woken up, he bowed to her:
"Greetings, most venerable one."
"My my, what a gentlecolt." - she gave a raspy laugh - "walking home with an escort?"
"Actually, Private Rime is my commander for this assignment." - he replied, giving you an incredulous look, probably wondering how did you manage to get on Ram's back - "Anyway, I talked to the head of this village and I am glad to inform you that he agreed to bury your fallen subordinates."
"Thanks, unicorn." - lieutenant nodded - "Lady Nightmare knows their names."

Do you want to speak with any of your companions, or would you rather just wait for Gust and move to the Prosperity?
Ask her what she does in a fight so if we get attacked we can fight together better.
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"Lieutenant Ram, I wonder. How are you going to fight hostile pegasi in the case of confrontation?"
"You dare doubt my fighting capability, unicorn?"
"N-no, of course, I just..." - you tried to justify yourself, but she just laughed it off:
"Relax. My armor was suited to fight Discord's spawns and almost none of them could boast agility comparable with one of pegasus." - then she sighed - "Back before Celestial Siblings we were pretty much isolated from outer world and no one thought about civil war after we followed Princess Nightmare. But my enemies shall not find me wanting." - she raised her left forehoof and released a burst of flames from it - "Just let them come close enough."
"That's pretty impressive." - you watched with awe at work of her mounted flamer, stream of flame rising for a good dozen of meters in the air.
"In a couple of hours we should reach the forest, so Solar Guard will have troubles with finding us." - she noted - "Do you have any more questions?"

So, any questions?
Also, here is a scetch of her armor.
I don't have anything to ask, but thank her for carrying us.
Seconding this
Neat sketch

"Not really. And thanks for carrying me."
"Not a big deal." - she smirked.

Gust returned after a few minutes, carrying some saddlebags filled with apples in her mouth.
"Everypony, take you rations!" - she announced after landing and putting saddlebags on the ground. Then she looked around and asked you with a hint of discontent:
"And where is Last Word?"
"Oh, my mistake. I kinda forgot about her in the heat of battle." - you replied, embarrassed by your bad memory.
"What did I tell you about your attention span? You should visit a doctor when we reach Prosperity." - grunted Arcane.
"Hey, Word!" - yelled Gust, turning to your former hiding spot - "You can come out, we are getting out of here!"
Soon filly emerged from the house and trotted toeards you, throwing fearful glances at Battering Ram.
Though you feared that lieutenant would ask you about Last Word, she either had already known about Hollows, or simply did not care.

You reached the relative safety of the forest quickly and set up a camp near it's border. Fortunately your sleep was not interrupted by hostile presense. When you woke up, you have finally felt strong enough to move on your own, though the wound still hurted and so you marched through the thick trees for around a day.
You decided to set up your final camp on a hill towering over the area. The vegetation there was still thick enough to conceal you from the enemies and you could even see a silhouette of Prosperity, a majestic city of spires and pyramids, from there!
Aa you looked at the distant city, Andesite approached you:
"Hey, I just wanted to ask if you have any kind of backup plan in case we are too late?"
"What do you mean by 'too late'?"
He just pointed his hoof at the clouds gathered above the city instead of an actual answer.
"Do I need to elaborate?"

Your answer?
You mean if the city comes under attack

I will have to ask arcane if there is a way to escape from the city
If we get there with the solars on our tail and there is a way out it would be best to bring last word in and talk to somebody in charge to work out what to do next.

If there is a light force at the gates we may be able to slip in with rams help but more likely we would have to turn around in which case we may have to try and bring word to nightmare unless arcane knows of a backup destination we could go to.

I doubt the city is going to be attacked but it would be best if we kept a watch out for any enemy forces.

I will take the first watch.

Go ask arcane about exit from the city and potential backup destinations then sit down to watch for invaders.
Pretty much this>>29061348
Don't know if us taking watch would be good for our wound though.
Ah yes thats a good point we need the rest
> . . . . .

"I don't really think that Prosperity is going to be attacked. But if you are worried, I can take the first watch."
"It seems like you completely missed my point" - he sighed - "Look at the skies. The only clouds are above the city. Solar pegasi must be assaulting the city now. I pray that I am wrong, but..." - his voice trailed.
"So what are you going to do if you are right?"
"We are going to fight. We were ordered to get into the city, so we will get there or die trying. And don't strain yourself with that watch. Liutenant Ram stays awake for the whole night. It's not like her body needs rest anyway, and if she would be asleep while we are attacked we would not have time to wake her up."
"I see." - you muttered - "Thanks for sharing your suspicions."
"You're always welcome." - he smirked.

Well, you decided that it was time to speak with Arcane about the city, so you trotted to his tent:
"Hey, Arcane, I have a couple of questions to you."
"Yes, what's the matter?"
"I just thought - what if Prosperity would be attacked by Solars? Are there some kind of secret exits from the city?"
"Eh, why should we even have a secret exit? I mean- you are free to enter and exit on entire perimeter."
"But if Solars would surround the city they would block all the gates."
"Well, first - I doubt they can muster enough forces to surround the city and two - we don't even have walls there. I mean - we are unicorns! Our magic held Discord's monsters at bay, well, until the incident anyway."
"Oh, I see. But where would we go with Last Word? I don't think that your colleagues would have time to study her in case of the attack."

"Many high grade mages can teleport, so they would be able to escape the city if things go awry and we will just follow them. But I don't think that it would be the case. The city has no strategic value anyway. And if Solars just want to get rid of the Lunar Mages then assaulting the city full of unicorns is the worst possible idea."
"Yeah, that makes sense. So, sleep well!"
"You too."

Relieved a bit you went to your tent and fell asleep after an half an hour.
You woke up refreshed and ready for battle. After a quick breakfast you moved towards the Prosperity.

You walked in file down the narrow forest path, when you heard the creaking of the branches on your left. Every memeber of your team immediately turned to the source of the sound, awaiting for your command. Well, except for Battering Ram, who was still rotating herself.
While the area around the city was probably cleared from Discord's spawns you could never be sure if it was completely safe. On the other hoof, it could be some Solar foragers.
Your actions?
Quietly motion to gust to fly up and check it out.
Have your spear at the ready
"It's not like we don't know where you are, so just show yourself." - you sighed.
After a couple of moments two young unicorns, mare and stallion, clad into some kind of light armor emerged from the bushes, looking slightly embarrassed. They gazed at your party with fear, though when they noticed Arcane their spirits visibly lifted.
"Oh, thanks Luna, we thought you were Solars!" - exclaimed stallion. Then he turned towards Arcane, followed by his mare companion and clumsily saluted:
"Transparent Silk and Night Sky reporting for duty!"
"You're from the Guard?" - Gust didn't even try to conceal dusgust in her voice.
"No, we are from the militia, ma'am!" - Silk eagerly replied.
"Militia?" - asked Arcane - "What are you doing here?"
"We were put here yo guard the perimeter of the refugee camp, sir!"
"Refugee camp?"
"You don't know? Prosperity is attacked by the Solar Guard and Lunar Mages are teleporting badly wounded civilians there."

"I've heard enough." - interrupted their conversation Battering Ram - "Show us the way to that camp, colt."
"Uh, sure, sir?" - Silk replied and turned towards Night Sky - "I will return there shortly, okay?"
Mare silently nodded and Silk trotted into the forest. Arcane, Ram and Andesite followed him immediately. You exchanged worried glances with Gust:
"So what are we waiting for?" - she asked.
"Oh, nothing. Let's go!" - you gave up to the peer pressure and headed after your companions.

After ten minutes you have reached a large clearing lined with tents, while in the middle of it a portal-like structure was erected. Ponies scurried around the camp, though judging by their numbers a lot more refugees were expected to come.

"HQ is near the portal, so you can get all the information there." - reported Silk as you reached the edge of the camp.
"Good." - muttered Arcane distantly - "Now return to your post."
"Yessir!" - Silk saluted and trotted back into the forest and you went to the portal.

Near the portal site stood two old robed unicorns, involved into some hot discussion.
"Master Flare, Master Aether." - Arcane greeted them, effectively distracting them from their conversation - "Can you explain me just what in the name of the stars is happening there?"
"Prosperity is burning. General Lightning Rush came upon our city to show the Equestria what would happen with anypony who sides with Lady Nightmare." - explained one of them, a mare with sapphire mane - "I thought you were sent as a relief squad, despite your numbers are ...lacking."
"No, that was not our mission. We were tasked with delivering ..." - he switched to a whisper - "A Hollow to the city for proper examination."
Unicorns stared at Last Word, who stood a good five meters behind your group and then exchanged worried glances.
"Speaking about the city." - you asked - "What's the situation there?"
"Survivors - both civilians and Lunar Mages - are surrounded in the Citadel Spire. The last news we got from them half an hour ago is that they managed to repel the assault and even captured some prisoners. Grand Magi are preparing a spell to teleport everypony inside the Citadel there, but we don't really know how much time do they need." - replied the second unicorn, a grizzled stallion with a lush beard.
"We can teleport you all in the city, well, except the filly." - he added - "And we, I suppose, can engage her in some... activities while you are away. Aether?" - he turned towards the mare.
"Oh, sure, if you don't mind, of course." - mare named Aether hastily agreed - "So, should we prepare teleportation spell?"

Your answer?
Go though to assist prosperity

But leave our money behind and arrange to have it sent to our sister to help cover our debts if we do not make it back.
Seems like I am finished for today.
Tomorrow session will be delayed for 2-3 hours or denied, though latter is much more probable than former.
Thanks for running
Don't we only have like...20 bits out of 300 that we owe?
Think it was 23 bits, still better than nothing I guess. Maybe we can loot dead bodies for money?
I mean...you are suggesting we send peanuts that won't even cover a fraction of the debt to our sister with a note that says "LOL Hope I don't die and leave you with a huge ass debt! Here's some booze money!"

I will admit...that would be hilarious, but not really great in the long run. Maybe keep the money in case we need food or something?
Wasn't the anon that suggested that.
I just don't think there's any point in bringing money to a battlefield, so I didn't object to his suggestion.
The mental image of that note, complete with hearts and smiley faces, really made me lose it. So thank you for that.
My point is that if we survive the battle we would be penniless. And the amount we plan to send her really isn't that big and would probably benefit us more if we keep it in the long run.
And you are very welcome.
>in the Citadel Spire
Just out of curiosity, exactly how big is Prosperity again?
>note that says "LOL Hope I don't die and leave you with a huge ass debt!
I meant have the money sent only if we dont come back we would pick it up after we are done in prosperity
Maybe just leave behind 10 bits and keep the other 13 with us.
Allright, seems that I am unable to run today, so here are two things:
First - I think some of you misunderstood that one >>29062002 anon. If you survive you would (probably) be teleported back to the camp and would be able to get your money back (as he told that money would be sent after our confirmed death), so if there are no objections I would stick with his suggestion.
And second - do you want me to draw some more sketches of other characters?
>do you want me to draw some more sketches of other characters?
Yes please
>regular drawfagging?
Fuck yes!
Sure, but you don't have to for every post.
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