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A Historical Perspective (CYOA) Thread the V

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The adventure through Equestria's past continues on.

>The annals of history, once thought lost:

When last we left off we had:
>Gone to the Royal Archives and picked up some books for Starswirl and ourselves.
>Had another uncomfortable encounter with Princess Goldheart, and learned she also acts as librarian of the archives.
>Got a few more training sessions with Captain Lily.
>Learned that the King's life is in danger .
>Agreed to do a potentially life threatening favor for Lenna Ton'berri.
>Asked if we would like a bath by our fellow Golden Sun, Weathervane.

The journey resumes shortly.
>>28942919 >>28871364
>>28872406 >>28872813

>You give Weathervane a straight look, and as deadpan as possible, you ask him a question.
"Would that bath be with or without tongue?"
>He gives you a queer look for a moment before letting loose a raucous, though seemingly a tad uncomfortable, laugh.
>"As far as I know, there isn't any griffon in my family line. So tongue baths are out of the question."
>"No Scribe, I'm talking about a good, old-fashioned soak. Hot water, no worries, all smiles."
>It had been some time since you'd bathed. At least a week or two since your last bath.
>Of course, you had never bathed all that much before. But all the sweating and rolling around in dirt your new occupation entailed probably meant that you were going to have to change that.
"You know what? Sure. I could go for a nice, hot bath."
>"Good, good. We can go together than. The bathhouse is a bit farther along the wall, won't take long to get there."
>"You've been to a communal bath before, right?"
"Well, no, I can't say I have. I'm sure it's no big deal though."
>"Well, it isn't, but I just wanted to warn you ahead of time. Don't want you thinking we all get a private bathing chamber."
"No,no, of course not."
>Weathervane begins walking out of the training yard, and you follow.
>You catch up to him, and he flashes you a smile as you walk along the wall, side by side.

Would you like to skip to the bathhouse or fill the silence with conversation?
I don't really have anything to say other than to ask him about his girlfriend.
Make conversation, Where's he from? What about his family? Any other friends? WHat does he think about Orich's fondness for our father?

>As you walk beside Weathervane, you decide to make conversation.
"So, uh, that marefriend of yours sure is plain, isn't she."
>"Well, anypony could see that, Scribe. She's as plain as a loaf of dry wheat bread!"
>"Ahh, but that's the beauty of her. She's very mild, incredibly average. She never has strong opinions one way or the other."
>"Except when it comes to our love of course. She's madly in love with me, even if it doesn't show."
"R-right, I'm sure. How does your family feel about her? Do they approve of her, uh, plainness?"
>"To be honest, Scribe, I couldn't give a rat's ass what my family thinks. Bunch of worthless louts, the lot of them."
"Well, that's quite the opinion to have about your family."
>"Not opinion, fact. My father, he's a hopeless romantic he is. Used to be a respectable merchant here in Aurus. Up until that harpy broke his heart and stole his wealth."
>"That harpy of course was, my mother. Wicked cunt, she was. Venom in her blood, and honey on her tongue."
>"Can't remember her name for the life of me, but I'll never forget her face. And if I ever see her again, I'll give her a piece of my mind and then some."
"That's, uh, unfortunate, Weathervane. I'm sorry to hear that."
>"Sorry for what? It's not you're fault my famly couldn't keep it together. In a way though, I'm almost thankful they were as lousy a pair of parents as they were."
>"I may be a soldier now, but I'm a merchant in trade and talent. I know what ponies want to hear, and I could charm the scales off a dragon given the chance."
>A smooth talker, eh? Good to know.
>"Of course, my words don't work on everypony. You, Orich, the Captain, all ponies I just can't seem to work my magic on."
"Oh, speaking of Orich, what do you think of his fondness for my father?"
>"Stargazer? Never met him personally, but I know Orich takes just about every chance he can to talk my ear off about him. Kinda of annoying actually..."

Continue or skip?
He must really admire father. I got nothing more to say, skip.
Say, why don't we ask him about the bathhouse, its history and whatnot? Is there a hot spring in the city?
History... of a fucking bathhouse? What?
Why not? Like when it was build, what sort of place it was before it became a bathhouse, were there any incidents in the past etc etc. Just small conversation on the way there.
I mean no offense but that sounds dumb and uninteresting. Who gives a shit about the bathhouse when we can just skip irrelevant shit and save both us and the QM some time and get to something actually worthwhile?
>>28943394 >>28943472
>>28943543 >>28943650
>>28943679 >>28943703

"I suppose he must really admire my father."
>"I suppose so. I wish he had other things to talk about though."
>Something in Weathervanes voice sounds off.
>One-track conversations are never any fun, but it seems like he's upset about more than just Orichs choice of topic.
>You'll figure that out later though. Right now you have other questions.
"So could you tell me a bit about the bathhouse itself? Are there any natural hot springs in or around Aurus?"
>Weathervane gives you an incredulous look.
>"Strange question, Scribe. But it just so happens that I do know a bit about the bathhouse itself."
>"Orich's fathers father helped to develop the irrigation systems that keep water flowing through the pipes that lead to various bathhouses around the city. It's quite a marvel actually."
>"There aren't any natural hot springs near Aurus. The water that flows through the pipes is ocean water, which is magically heated and filtered of any filth as it courses through the pipes."
>"The same water has been flowing through Aurus for about a hundred years now, and I've yet to see it dirty."
"That's... interesting."
>It's also a bit disgusting. Maybe. You'll just wait and see for yourself.
>"And speaking of, here we are."
>You come to another opening in the wall, the only thing marking it a simple sign that says but three words.
>The Restorative Baths.
>Seems like a bit of fluff but you'll see for yourself how restored you are by the end of it.
>"Come one now, don't be shy, get in there and get clean!"
>As he says this, you can see his mouth beginning to curl up in a subdued smile.
>Mischievous? Perhaps. You don't feel Weathervane to be the tricky type.
>But still.

Do you want to take the first step, or allow Weathervane to make his way in first?
Let him go.
After you
>>28943885 >>28943924

>He's looking at you expectantly.
>But you're reluctant to move forward. This will require a test of sorts.
"After you, Weathervane. I insist."
>The corners of his mouth quickly sink. He gives a small chuckle and shakes his head at you.
>"I'd call you a stick in the mud, but I suppose a bit of precaution is important as a soldier."
>"If you insist. After me."
>He closes his eyes and leans forward.
>He drops through the door way and then... through the floor?!
>You hear a not so distant splash, as Weathervane presumably hits water.
>Concerned, you peer through the doorway.
>The door itself is at ground level, but peering into the room itself, it may as well be a lofty window.
>It seems to be about a twenty foot drop to the pool below. The pool itself encompasses the whole room, a perfect square, roughly thirty feet by thirty feet. You think. These are rough estimates.
>There's no telling how deep the pool is, so you should probably be careful about how you jump in. "Died of broken neck upon pool entry" would be a rather embarrassing thing to put on a tombstone.
>Or you could be extra boisterous and make an impression. No telling who's down there, save for Weathervane.
>Mostly inconsequential, but still, a decision you have to make.

Be sensible or make a big splash?
Sensible. Fitting for Scribes character.

>No reason to take an unnecessary risk.
>You'll take this as safely as you can take a twenty foot drop.
>You think back to a conversation you had with Starswirl a long time ago. Something or other about distribution of mass and weight and something something.
>The gist of it was that you should be able to avoid a splash if you straighten yourself out as much as possible.
>So you take a leap, making your body as straight as a longsword.
>Vertically, of course. You've never been in a body of water this large before, but you know what a belly flop is, and you'd rather avoid it.
>You hit the water almost silently, hardly making a splash. The warmth of the pool envelops you, and almost immediately, you can feel your aches and pains melting away.
>Making your way to the surface of the water, it feels almost as if your being pushed to the surface.
>You bob up on the water surface, floating on your back. You close your eyes and just let yourself float. The steam in the air, and the waters perfect temperature serve to relax you in a way you hadn't thought possible.
>You float lazily for what feels like an eternity, until you feel your head bump up against something that is simultaneously soft, and hard as a rock.
>You correct yourself, to see what it is you bumped up against... to find that you just slowly headbutted Captain Lily's belly.
>You're prepared for a reprimand of some kind, but she hasn't noticed you.
>She doesn't seem to be noticing much of anything actually.
>...Is she asleep? Her eyes are closed and her breathing is steady. Maybe she's just extra relaxed?
>You'd just as well leave her be, but it's dangerous to just fall asleep in a body of water.
>And as embarrassing as death by diving would have been for you, death by drowning in her sleep would be thrice as much for the Captain.
>Should you or shouldn't you?
I uh buh... wasn't she supposed to be at the palace or something? Well, something tells me she's faliliar with this place. I'm sure she's not in danger. She would never let herself die like that.
Might be better to wake her, ask her if she always sleep in such dangerous conditions.
Why not ask Weathervane if this is safe for her?
I think we should wake her up. Falling asleep in hot tubs is actually a fairly common cause of drowning.
Lets just leave her be for now. Considering the captain she's probably just relaxing. Besides, she wouldn't be sleeping in the baths unless she'd know its safe.

So, how far deep in the closet is Weathervane?
What? Do you plan on saying, "Hey Weathervane, how gay are you?" Ether way it seems pretty out if character for Scribe it pry into that.
>>28944339 >>28944340
>>28944344 >>28944369
>>28944376 >>28944399

>You're unsure of whether to leave well enough alone or try and rouse her.
>You turn to Weathervane, who isn't far behind you.
"Should I wake her? Is she okay?"
>He just shrugs in response.
>"So far as I know, it's basically impossible to drown in this water. Still, it's not like the Captain to just fall asleep in the bath like this."
>"We could always come check on her in a minute."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
>You're still a bit bothered, but you figure you'll just keep close to her.
>If she starts to sink, you can come to her aid quickly.
>Not quite how you wanted to spend your relaxing tub time, but whatever.
>Now that you've been pulled from your state of blissful relaxation, you'd like to fill the silence.
>You still have quite a few questions for Weathervane.
>But what to ask? And how?

Paused for the night. I also really feel the asking how gay he is is very OOC for Scribe. If you guys really want to do that, I'll do it, but think about it. I'll be back tomorrow
I still want to talk to the captain.
Thank him for bringing us to this place, the bathhouse is pretty cool. Also, ask him if he knows what is Aurus's diplomatic relationship to Negra Beliza.
No, that wasn't a question for him, that was a question for the QM.

So if he's a merchant at heart what's he doing as a guard?
All kinds of possibilities for us in here, though Scribe is rather shy to take advantage. Maybe we'll luck and one of our companions will make the first move. And if not, we can still flirt, though with which, I'm not sure.

I still lean toward our captain, but weathervane seems like a fun bit of fluff too.
>>28944606 >>28944633
>>28944702 >>28944751

>You leave the Captain be, deciding to come check on her in a few minutes.
>You've got a few things you'd like to discuss with Weathervane first though.
>You float lazily alongside him.
"You know, Weathervane, I really have to thank you for bringing me here. It's quite pleasant."
>"Think nothing of it. Every guard is entitled to this little slice of paradise, it's only right I bring you here."
"Well, I still appreciate it. Can I ask you something Weathervane?"
>"You just did, but I'll allow another question."
"If you're a merchant at heart, what are you doing as an armorer in the Golden Suns?"
>He floats calmly on his back, kicking his hind legs softly, swimming in a slow circle around you.
>"Well, circumstance, mostly. After my mom ran off, my dad took to some less than respectable habits and blew what little money we had left."
>"His trade company went under, all his assets were seized, all we had left was an empty home, devoid of furniture and affection."
>"Rather than go hungry and cold, I did the only thing I could think of: I swallowed my pride and went begging for help."
>"The Princ- er, the Captain, was the first and only pony to come to my aid, and put me to work immediately. I was the outlet for a good portion of her anger for some time, and I can't blame her for singling me out. I gave her plenty of hell myself when I was a colt. Gave her a bloody nose once, and a couple bruises besides."
>"I was a right little shit when I was younger, no denying. But she beat all that out of me. Molded me into something different. My heart may lie in merchantry, but my spirit is with the Golden Suns and Captain Lily."
>"It just wouldn't feel right to leave. Not yet at least."
>Your surprised to hear that Weathervane had been one of the Captains bullies. He didn't seem like the type. But, you suppose he isn't, anymore at least.


>You think that you've asked Weathervane enough about himself for now.
>It would be rude to pry any further.
>Time for one of your apparently trademark topic shifts.
"Is there anything you could tell me about the relationship between Aurus and Negra Beliza?"
>"Not much to say really. We call ourselves the Unicorn Kingdom, but it's really more of a Duchy when you look at it. A sort of united effort between the different unicorn settlements."
>"We all run ourselves and trade between one another, and the other settlements are technically required to defer to King Aurum, but most of the time they just kind of do their own thing."
>"Negra Beliza is infamously more secretive than the rest, but the king doesn't question it. Most likely cause they produce so much in the way of medicine and the like."
>"Personally, I've never really liked them. Course, that could have something to do with the fact that my mother was Negra Belizian. Lots of smart folks there though, can't deny that."
>Finishing his sentence, Weathervane dives underwater.You hear a big splash not too far off and see that Golet is swimming her way over to you.
>It doesn't seem like she's at risk of sinking, and if anyone would sink in this pool, it's her.
>You're a bit reassured that the Captain will be okay by this sight.
>Still, you'd like to make sure she's okay.

Continue to leave the Captain be? And if so, what would you like to do now?
I kind of want to talk with Golet a bit. We haven't been giving her much attention as of late. Though, Weathervane might see and think us crazy.
Then let's leave and talk to her then, I'm sure Cap will be fine. I still want to get around to speaking to Rain today.
I dunno, I want to talk with Lily. We could talk with the Rain later still, but I want to see what she's doing here when she was supposedly at the castle.

Yeah let's talk to Golet too. I'd hate for her to feel ignored.
Ok then. I don't mind talking to her but I'm scared she'll end up hurting us if we wake her.
Have more trust in our Captain. I'm sure we'll be fine.
Ask Weathervane what other facilities Suns get to access
>>28948101 >>28948167
>>28948284 >>28948384
>>28948403 >>28948429

>As Golet paddles to your side, you give her a pat on the head.
>She responds by nuzzling up to you. You can feel a low rumble from within her, almost like a cats purring.
"How do you like the water Golet?"
>"Water scary, Master, but Golet brave, jump in and float!"
>"That was very brave of you. I'm very proud Golet."
>She beams with pride, and begins to do a doggy paddle swimming as quickly as she can in little circles.
>You keep quiet as Weathervane resurfaces. He doesn't know about Golet and you'd like to keep it that way for now.
>Glancing over at the Captain, you see she hasn't moved an inch.
>You don't think she'll be waking on her own anytime soon.
>Might as well do it yourself.
>You give her a tap on the shoulder.
"Captain? Are you all right, Captain?"
>Your only response is a hoof wrapped around your shoulder.
>The Captain pulls you in close to her.
>"And I was just starting to really loosen up. What is it, Scribe?"
"Well, it's just that, I assumed you were going to be at the castle today. What are you doing here?"
>You can almost feel her heart beating.
>"Aye, Scribe, I was at the castle. And I did my business at the castle. And it turns out my business at the castle was so stress inducing, that it pushed me to my upper limit of how much I can take in a day."
>"Now I'm here trying to relax, to rest. Perhaps dream a little dream...what do you dream of Ghost Scribe? I sometimes dream that I am a pegasus. Filthy rotten brutes that they are, I've always envied how free they are, up in the skies, carried away on the winds."
>"I've managed to emulate some of that feeling, but a dragoon m-must... must always return to the earrrrrth..."
>She dozes briefly and quickly snaps to attention.
>"In any case, what was it you wanted, Scribe?"

What questions have we for miss Gilded Lily?

Consider you're suggestion queued for after we talk to Lily
Pegasuses are brutes? Well, earth ponies are just dirty and unicorns are stuck up hornheads, too. Its just culture, crappy as it is. I wonder if I ever got to meet one face to face and have an honest conversation then maybe they wouldn't act like I'd first expect. Do you think ponies could learn to just...let go? All this clinging to tradition and stuff just seems to be causing more trouble than its worth right now.
To add to this, I wonder how I would have been had I grown up with earth ponies. My biological parents and what I would do or say if I were to meet them now. This is all so strange, I have never felt so accepted and looked to as an equal outside of my family until I became a Sun. I honestly love it.
Pausing for like an hour or so while I go get early dins/late lunch. I hope to see a few more responses when I come back!/spoiler]
Dude, you can't really worry if every single post doesn't get a lot of responses. Just work with what you have.
>>28948759 >>28948805

"Pegasi are brutes, are they? Hmm..., you know, it's funny. Earth ponies are dirty, Pegasi are brutes. I swear I've heard Unicorns referred to as stuck up hornheads before."
"All such demeaning terms for groups who don't really understand on another past those crass characterizations."
>The Captain looks at you confused.
>"I'm afraid I don't see where you're going with this, Scribe."
"You asked me what I dream of, yes? Well I dream of many things. All of them simple, yet seemingly unattainable."
"I've dreampt of equality among the races. No animosity, no names: just brotherhood and friendship. I know for a fact we aren't born with this hatred inside us, Captain."
"Had I been raised by my Earth pony parents, wherever they might be, I might be a very different stallion... but having grown up in the household I did, unicorns as my parents, a unicorn for a brother, and now as a soldier in the Golden Suns, with more respect than I've ever had, I know for a fact we can get along."
"Have you ever stopped to wonder what might happen, Captain, if we were all to just sit down, and have an honest conversation? A heart-to-heart free of bias and assumption?"
"Because I think then, we would all see that the only things separating us are our own baseless prejudices."
"Words are the true barrier, Captain. Not horns or wings or a lack thereof. Traditions and by-laws that prevent us from reaching beyond our fears of one another."
>The Captain seems less confused now. >You're not sure what her current look is meant to convey though.
>"You're dreams are not so simple as you would think, Scribe. So long as one voice exists that screams prejudice, there will be at least one ear for its words to fall on."
>"I won't claim to be a progressive in the matter. But I can understand your aspirations."
>"Now let us talk of something else. All this talk of races and peace and prejudice are causing my headache to return."

Any further questions?
It falls to the individual to forgive.

I'd leave the captain alone and get back to weathervane, give her some time to relax, and think.
I'm sorry Captain. Thank you for accepting me as a Sun.

Let's leave.
>>28949696 >>28949772

"Actually Captain, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I hadn't intended to start a whole conversation."
"I'll leave you to your relaxation. Sorry to bother. And thank you again for making me a Golden Sun."
>The Captain gives you a pleased look.
>"No need to be sorry, Scribe. Your concern is greatly appreciated. And before you go, I actually need to tell you something."
"Yes, Captain?"
>"I'm stressed because we just received an order to escort a shipment of goods from Negra Beliza to here in Aurus."
>"Shorthanded as we are right now, due to the walling, there will be a disproportionately large amount of Scholars of Battle on this trip."
>"I can't stand anypony from that particular regiment. They all infuriate me to some degree. So I need to ask you a favor."
"And what is that, Captain?"
>"Find two ponies you trust. Mercenaries, soldiers from other regiments, I don't care. Convince them to come along on this trip. I'll give them temporary Sun status, anything."
>"Just find somepony, so that there are as few of those Scholarly bastards to deal with as possible. Can you do that?"

Can we do that? And do we have any questions as to restrictions with who we can bring?
Weathervane conversation after this
I want to bring Brutus and Starswirl. What do you guys think? Plus the mission into Negra Beliza...
I'd like to bring Starswirl and Weathervane if possible.

If not Starswirl, then Weathervane and Brutus.
I'd second this. Weathervane/Orich and Lenna as secondary choices. Whoever isn't tied down right now.
I thought Weathervane and Orich are a given since it seems they aren't tied down to wall duty. Lily just wants extras I think.
>>28950054 >>28950128
>>28950151 >>28950167

"I most certainly can, Captain. In fact, I think I know exactly who I want to bring."
>"Great. Wonderful. Just find them and convince them to come along. Anypony is preferable to those insufferable... argh!"
>"I can't stand them!"
"I think I'll go find those ponies I had in mind and leave you be."
>"That is probably best. Have a pleasant rest of your day, Scribe."
>With these words, the Captain throws herself back, violently putting herself into a laying down position.
>You can see that her eyes are closed in what most be the most vigorous display of somepony trying to relax you've ever seen.
>You're surprised to see this stuff get to her. These Scholars must be particularly awful. You'll see for yourself in a few days.
>You swim away from Lily and make your way to Weathervane. He seems to have been listening in on the conversation.
>"Sounds like we're going to be getting a bit more work, eh? Actually, won't this be your first proper assignment?"
"It will. It's exciting, to say the least."
>"The first one always is. Exciting, that is."
>The two of you sit in an awkward silence for a moment.
>You have some more questions for him, but you're having some trouble remembering exactly what they were.

Pausing for the nighy. there is one question queued, and that is what other facilities we can use. If you have any others, leave them as suggestions and I'll get to them tomorrow. Good night!
"Weathervane, would you be one of my two ponies on the Negra trip?"

Maybe a soulful stare as he thinks, perhaps a friendly hoof-hold. A soft, slow kiss is probably over the line though.
Seconding this for the potential hilarity.
No, we're asking Brutus and Starswirl first. We should ask if he is going though.
I thought we were gonna leave Golet with him?
>>28950588 >>28952001
>>28952108 >>28952316

"So Weathervane... I wondering if, maybe, you'd like to be one of my two ponies to accompany on the trip to Negra?"
>Weathervane just gives you a mildly confused look for a moment.
>But then your eyes meet. The world goes silent.
>In this infinitesimal moment there is only the gaze between you two, and a million emotions communicated with it.
>You stare soulfully at one another for what feels like an eternity of eternities.
>The force of the water is bringin you both closer together, as if the pool itself wanted to bring you closer.
>Neither of you notices, until with a light tap and a soft brushing...
>Your hooves touch.
>Weathervane recoils in something between aggravation, arousal, and disgust.
>You don't know what this was, but your soul feels dirty.
>Hiding his hooves below the waters surface, Weathervane cooks up his response.
>"I don't see why you thought it necessary to ask me. I'm already coming along after all."
>"Captain asked me to think up a couple of ponies to bring as well. I've got at least one in mind, struggling to think of a second."
>"Why don't we spend some time trying to figure out who we want to bring, eh?"
>"Preferably seperately."
>He tries to swim away, but you have another question for him.
"Wait, Weathervane. Before I go, I just want to know, are there any other facilities exclusive to guard use?"
>"Hmm? Well, I can't say I know of any. I only ever use the bathhouse, in any case."
>With a nod he dives beneath the water again, and swims off somewhere away from you.
>You think you've had enough of the bathhouse for now.

Where to now? Be aware, this is the last action we will be able to take before I time skip to the trip. So consider what you want to do and who you want to take carefully. We won't be returning for some time.
o-oh, that hurts. maybe he'll come around? enojy the bathhouse while we can, get any of that stress out.
The only potential candidate is Brutus.

Both Weathervane and Orich is already going to be part of it, Lenna can't go because she's not allowed in the city, Starswirl needs to take care of Golet and I'll rather not endanger him, Rain has ponies from there chasing after her.
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Funny that he recoiled from us, I thought he /really/ liked us. Hm. Oh well maybe he'll come around, as another anon said.

Definitely Brutus. Funny but I can't think of anyone else either, it seems unlikely that we've only met so few. Did anyone else in the guard that isn't coming show us any positive feedback? If so, then, them.
Actually, if there's time, it might be a good idea to send a letter to dad asking him how does one act in Negra Beliza...
hes just trying to subdue the homo anons. Don't take it too hard
Go to Rain.

Honestly, I don't see what's so great about Weathervane. Is it just because he's a trap? Hell, I'd be more interested in Orich.
Seconding this.

And I just want to know more about him. The hoof holding thing seemed mostly like a joke
I don't really like Weathervane either.
>>28954052 >>28954122
>>28954198 >>28954244
>>28954382 >>28953804
>>28954745 >>28954759

>You take a few moments to unwind, having not really been able to do so since you got here.
>About a half-hour or so passes before you feel relaxed enough to leave.
>You take a moment to dry, and decide that now would probably be a good time to go see Rain about the letter.
>Maybe while you were there she could even give you a bit of advice in regards to who you should bring with you to Negra.
>Rushing off back to the barracks, you arrive there in what seems like no time at all.
>You waste no time, grabbing your duffel and saddlebags, and heading to the Bull Pen.
>Walking through the streets, the ponies around you, and the buildings themselves all seem familiar now.
>You have no trouble making your way to the Bull Pen and don't even have to stop and ask for directions.
>Upon arriving, you let yourself in, what with it being an inn and all.
>Rain is tending to the front desk, a dreamy expression on her face. She just seems to be staring aimlessly up at the ceiling.
>You tap your hoof a few times to get her attention, and when she sees you, she seems surprised by your visit.
>"Hello, Mr. Scribe. What can I do for you, on this lovely, lovely afternoon?"
"I was hoping to give you my brother's response. I think you'll be quite pleased by what he- wait, what?"
>You go digging through your bags, but the letter from Starswirl is nowhere to be seen.
"Rain, you'll have to excuse me but I seem to have very carelessly lost the letter from my brother."
"I'd be more than happy to go and-"
>"No need, Mr. Scribe. I bumped into you yesterday and knocked the offending letter loose from your bags. I've received my love's message, though I'm sorry that I just worried you."
"Oh. Well, crisis averted, I suppose."
>"Indeed. Now that you're here though, is ther anything you wished to discuss with me?"
"I'm looking for Brutus, I was hoping to engage his service on a diplomatic run for the kingdom."

The fact he's a trap I see as an invite. After all, he'd butch it up if he really didn't like the attention. Also he was pretty cool during the sparring match.

For my part I like the captain, despite that being out of character for me. Orich would do nicely too however.
What do you see in my brother? What do you want from him? What happened that night other than sex? Belive me when I say that he was completely caught of guard by your letter and I am afraid his first love lie in his studies. I just want you to know I'm trying to look out for him however I can.
Maybe word it more like "This is all new to me and it was a surprise to find you and my brother so involved, you'll understand that Im a little wary about a mare that infatuates Swirly so in such a short time. Tell me about yourself?"
>>28955062 >>28955094
>>28955113 >>28955265

"Actually, a couple of things. Firstly, and I hope you don't mind my asking, what exactly do you see in my brother?"
>"Beg pardon?"
"No, no, I apologize, it's just that, well, this is all new to me, this love business. It was quite a surprise to me to find you and my brother so involved."
"I can only hope you understand that I'm a bit wary of a mare that has so quickly managed to infatuate Swirly-er, Starswirl."
"I was hoping, that maybe you could tell me a bit about yourself, put me at ease."
>"Myself, you say?"
>Rain mulls over what you've asked, twirling a curl of her mane in her hoof.
>"I guess I could tell you a bit. Though, I hope you can understand if I can't tell you everything."
"Of course."
>"Well okay then. I'll try to give you the short version of it."
>"Now, let's see...when I was a young filly, I ran away from home. Not for selfish reasons, mind you. I was quite afraid."
>"My mother was a weak, cowardly mare, and my father was a brute, though he never laid a hoof on me."
>"He thundered about, spouting nonsense at deafening volumes. Ponies who got in his way, he beat senseless. All others simply knew better than to challenge him."
>"He doted on me, though what he provided me could hardly be considered love. And what he gave my younger brother may as well have been hatred."
>"My brother was like father in many ways, though he had no qualms about trying to beat me. Every time father caught him doing something to me, he would receive it tenfold. I feel this only made him resent me more."
>"But that's neither here nor there. The reason I ran away was because of something I once saw happen, to an innocent pony. An Earth stallion, who had only been trying to help."
>"You see, in my former home, the winters would often be accompanied by blizzards. Blizzards so powerful, you could hardly see an inch in front of your own muzzle. And I once got lost in such a blizzard."


>"I was playing just outside the city walls, you see. I hadn't been expecting a blizzard, but one went rogue, as blizzards are wont to do."
>"It hit quickly, and before I knew it, I was lost, not two feet from my home town. I just stood there, trying to keep myself warm, afraid to move for fear of wandering astray."
>"I almost blacked out, I was so cold. But then a shadowy figure picked me up, and tossed me into the back of a covered wagon. I was terribly frightened. Growing up, I'd been fed stories of brutish Pegasi and savage Earth ponies who ravished young unicorn fillies such as I. And I was scared to death I would become such a story."
>"But all the stallion did was keep me warm. He sheltered me from the cold, and even shared what little he had to eat with me. His name was Sham, but by no means was he a dishonest fellow. In fact, he was only in that area because he was searching for his brother and business partner, a stallion by the name of Scam."
>"I couldn't say I had heard of him, but I promised I would ask around for him when the storm subsided. And when the storm had finally gone away, the first thing I did was ask my father about Scam. His only response was pure, unbridled rage."
>"I still don't know the exact chain of events that led to it, but somehow, Sham ended up on the chopping block, his head in a basket. That's when I decided I'd had enough of that place."
>"It was an arduous process, but I managed to make my way to Aurus, and after much begging and pleading on my end, and more than a little intervention on your fathers part, the king at the time gifted me with this wonderful little inn of mine."
>"Many a stallion as tried to take it from me, through sweet talking, promises of love everlasting. Liars, all. Starswirl though... he sought none of these things. He opened himself to me, laid himself bare, told me his dreams."
>"I fell for him just as much as he fell for me. I mean him no ill will, Scribe. I hope you can believe that."
Aside from asking her wher Brutus is, what else have we to ask?
Here's hoping there's more ponies like us. Nothing's going to change if no one starts any.
Have you met a Pegasus then?
I believe you caught my brother off guard with your letter. Know that right now he's trying to absorb anything he can with what little time he gets away from being a jester. And you didn't hear it from me but... he has a soft spot for poetry.
>>28955578 >>28955839

"I can believe that, Rain. And here's hoping there are more like us out there, who believe that we can all get along."
"Nothing's going to change if nopony does anything, so why not the change start with us, eh?"
"Say, have you ever met a Pegasus?"
>"Can't say I have. I'd like to though."
>You think for a moment, before the words find their way to your mouth.
"You know, you caught Starswirl quite off guard with your letter. He's more than willing to accept your love, but know that right now he's trying to absorb as much knowledge as he can with what little free time he gets as a jester."
"And, you didn't hear this from me, but... he has a wild soft spot for poetry."
>"Poetry, you say? I'll keep that in mind. Though who's to say where I might have picked this information up?"
"Exactly. I'm glad we were able to talk about this. But, actually, I had something else I needed to know."
"Do you have any idea where Brutus is? I was hoping to engage his services in a diplomatic manner."
>You are met with a groan from behind you, and a clinking and scraping of old armor.
>As it turns out, Brutus had fallen asleep on the couch, and had been roused at the mention of his name.
>"What's this I'm hearing about serv- ah, Ghost Scribe, my friend. You need me for something, do you? Can't say I'm one much for diplomacy but I'll do what I can."

How do you want to explain the situation to Brutus.
I would like for you to accompany me to Negra Beliza. The Captain is willing to take anyone to spare the detail from any extra mages of battle. Are you up for it?

"I would like for you to accompany me to Negra Beliza. The Captain said that she's wiling to take anypony, so long as it means on fewer Scholar of Battle in the detail."
"Are you up for it?"
>The sleep disappears from his features, roused by the mention of the Captain.
>"You mean to say I'd be working with the Golden Suns?"
"Working with us, and based on what the Captain said, granted temporary Sun status"
>"Well that alone is enough to get me on board! But, uh, how's the pay? A stallion has to eat, after all."
"I can't say for sure, but let's call it negotiable for now."
>"Good enough for me! So where do I sign up?"
>It occurs to you the Captain hadn't really told you what to do after you had found willing participants.
"Well...perhaps you should just come see the Captain tomorrow. Stop by the barracks and she''ll probably brief you on the matter."
>"Not a big fan of maybes and probablys, Scribe. But this is just too good an opportunity to pass up. Consider me on board."
>With a shake of hooves, and an almost brotherly embrace, you and Brutus part ways.
>There's a giddy skip in his step, his excitement unable to be contained. You're happy he's happy.
>You make your way back to the barracks, no real desire to wander about town today.
>As you flop down in bed, a book in hoof and Golet at your side, you ponder for the third or so time since you've arrived here just how bizarre and eventful your life has become.
>Things will certainly only get more interesting from here.
>And oddly enough, unlike before, you find that you can't wait.

Pausing for tonight. Are you guys ready for a rip roarin' roadtrip? I sure hope so.
Road trip sounds like a good time!
Road trips are scary. Last time, a giant fire spirit chased us. Who knows what will happen this time.
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That's pretty cool info.
Taking care of some personal business. Will resume in two hours.
So when does the gay bathhouse become a thing?
>The next few days are frantic and feel as though they pass in a blur.
>Orich hastily crafts armors for the newly inducted temporary Suns.
>The Captain bellyaches about how she wishes you and Weathervane had been able to find a few more willing participants, but seems happy to have at least a few spots filled.
>Weathervane opted to bring Private Jane and one other, and a mare who went only by Puck. She seemed to be a mercenary in the same vein as Brutus, though not nearly as cheery or approachable.
>As for you, you had wanted to bring Brutus and Starswirl, but decided that it would be best to leave Starswirl in Aurus.
>No telling what would happen on this journey and you'd rather not put him at unnecessary risk.
>You decided to leave Golet in his care as well. Negra was bound to be filled with ponies capable of seeing summoned spirits, and you have no idea how you'd be able to keep her hidden or explain her away.
>So Brutus was your only companion in this. He was certainly eager to help though.
>Spent the days leading up to the deprture helping you with your bladework, in-between your training sessoins with the Captain.
>He was especially ecstatic at the armor he was provided, which fit over his body the same as all the other Golden Suns. It was shapeless, like yours, no distinct features.
>You helped him grow accustomed to it, and he continued to help you with bladework.
>It went like this until the day of departure. And now here you stand, waiting just outside the castle town gates, Brutus by your side.
>You both woke up bright and early, anxious for the events ahead of you.
>And now you must wait a bit longer, as the rest of your detail prepares themselves for the journey.

Do we have anything we'd like to say to Brutus?

All the bathhouses are gender neutral, so technically they're all gay. And also all straight.
First time going on a trip?
Have you ever gone to Negra Beliza, Brutus?
"I bet they let you keep the armor, if we make it through this. I think it's too custom to re-assign, so this is working out already. And thanks for coming along, this is sure to be a challenge."
>>28961947 >>28961983
>>28962068 >>28962252

"I bet they let you keep the armor, if we make it through this. I think it's too custom to re-assign, so this is working out already. And thanks for coming along, this is sure to be a challenge."
>"I can only hope so. And no worries."
"So is this you're first trip outside Aurus, Brutus?"
>"Outside Aurus? No. In the warmer months, when work picks up, we mercenaries are running all over the land, though I've never been farther than Ambris, in terms of distance either way."
"Well what about Negra Beliza? Have you ever been there?"
>Brutus chuckles, rubbing his hooves together to keep out the cold.
>"The only folks that go to Negra are scholars, visionaries and particularly elitist unicorns. Oh, and the occasional suicidal Earthie. Uh, I mean, Earth pony."
>"Oh yeah, plenty of Earth villages I've been to have a horror story or two to tell about Negra."
>"Ponies being coursed back home in crude coffins, in pieces, sometimes just disappearing all together."
>"I was honestly a bit surprised when you asked me to accompany you. You're a braver stallion than I, that much is for sure."

>You let his words sink in for a moment, wondering if it was really the smartest decision to agree to this.
>Your thoughts are interrupted though, by a loud creaking and scraping, as the doors of Aurus are wrought open.
>A sizable covered wagon exits, pulled by stallions who were quite large for unicorns, but not as large as Jackpot and his crew were.
>It's followed by Captain Lily, Orich, Weathervane, Jane, and Puck.
>Counting you and Brutus, that makes seven "Suns" in total.
>They are followed closely behind by thirteen ponies, some of stallionesque build, some of mare. Each wears an outfit that bares resemblance to a pages garb, but adorned with stitching clearly meant to classify their magical specialties.
>You see three white mages, three black mages, and five red mages.
>The final two stand out, one for lack of discernible, the other because their's is rather outlandish and gaudy in comparison, gold thread weaving patterns all along their outfit.
>They are all wearing small saddle bags and hoods that hide their faces.
>A small insignia on the die of these hoods tells you all you need to know.
>The Scholars of Battle, or so you presume.
>You all fall into a neat semi-circle around the wagon, the Suns on one side, the Scholars on the other.
>Captain Lily steps forward, presumably to provide a briefing before you head out.
>"ALL RIGHT, LISTEN UP. This is a simple supply run. Except it's not so simple".
>"The supplies we'll be retrieving are unspecified in nature, but are incredibly sensitive. We will be retrieving them from Negra Beliza and can expect to be back within two to three weeks from now."
>"Any questions on the matter?"
No ma'am.
No questions here.

(I think we'll be fine, with our fellow Suns around, though we need to stick to them like glue while in Negra.)
>>28962317 >>28962382

>You let your voice ring loud and proud.
"No ma'am!"
>You and your fellow Suns, what few of you there are, shout in unison, and that feeling of brotherhood and togetherness floods into you.
>The Scholars remain silent however.
>Captain Lily scowls at them, her fury burning soft but bright.
>"Captain, they may not be my soldiers, and I may not be your superior, but I will not have you allowing them to disrespect me."
>The Captain of the Scholars waves her hoof at one of her subordinates, a red mage.
>He steps forward and begins to speak.
>"The Captain has taught us to think of every possible question and then question whether it is worth asking."
>"In a situation such as this, in which you have opened such a broad spectrum within which we may answer, it takes a moment for us to properly provide a response."
>"And though I do not usually deign to speak for my fellows, I think that I can safely assume that in this matter, we have no inquiries to make."
>The remaining scholars say this in unison, though they are all quiet enough that they hardly sound like one whole pony.
>Lily is hardly satisfied, but she seems to think she won't get anymore out of them.
>"Very well then. Everyone, file into the caravan. Scholars on the left, Suns on the right."
>You all do as you are asked. The caravan is large enough to fit you all comfortably, though the Suns side is noticeably more sparse.
>The ride begins and continues in relative silence for sometime.
>Puck, Jane and Brutus seem to be exchanging stories. Weathervane and Orich are just staring out the sides.
>All of the Scholars are just staring at the floor of the caravan, save for two.
>The patternless one has been desperately trying to avoid your gaze for hours, while the the Captain has been staring at you (at least you think so) for just as long.

How do we fill the time lads? Do we confront either of the odd Scholars or what?
Much as I'd like to make time with our friends, I think we need to find out about our scholarly friends. So sure, let's talk to patternless one and see what's up with 'em. Give Lily a wink first so she knows we're just doing recon.
The wink seems pointless and would rather not but I do agree with talking to the patternless.
Ask the scholars about their research. Ask them to tell you the craziest thing they have discovered.
Not one for questions is she? Well if seems Lily isn't the most open minded type. Maybe they're haughty, but we've yet to see that. Ask the scholars why the two last ones have such different outfits.
>>28962528 >>28962590
>>28962609 >>28962623

>The patternless one has piqued your interest. His desire to avoid looking at you has only made you want to look a him even more.
>You decide to engage him.
"So, friend, I can't help but notice that you lack a pattern. You don't have a color either. Why is that?"
>He continues to look away, craning his neck even further from you.
"Hey now, friend, it's not polite to ignore others. I can understand if you can't share things with me, but please at least tell me so."
>He continues his silence. It's honestly starting to annoy you.
>You are answered by the same red mage from before.
>"The initiate is disalowed from speaking until our gracious Captain deems him worthy of speech. Please do not harass him any further."
"Oh. Initiate, eh? Is that why he doesn't have a color?"
>"Precisely. Surprising that one of the Earthen race could make such an inference so quickly."
>Your a tad offended by his remark, but are pleased to know why the initiate is patternless.
>You gaze over at the Scholars Captain (who is still staring at you intently), and another question pops into your head.
"So if your colors represent your magical specialties, why is it your Captain is golden?"
>Our Captain's coloration would require an explanation which I am not fit nor allowed to provide you."
>"For all intents and purposes, assume that she is golden simply because she is our Captain, much like your Gilded Lily."
"Captain, Gilded Lily."
>"Of course."
>You're struggling to make conversation, but damnit, you're going to try.
"So what kind of research do you Scholars do? Have you made any discoveries lately?"
>"I fail to see how that is any of your business. Though I have recently made some discoveries recently as to inherent behaviors in foal and adolescent aged ponies based on race, if you'd like to hear about that."

Do we wanna hear about that?
Also the Scholar captain has been staring, not Lily.
I expect his findings to be skewed towards unicorns, but why not listen?
Of course I would like to hear about that. I want to hear about everything. I'm Ghost Scribe, and I want to hear everything and write it all down. It's kind of my thing.

Now spill. Which ponies are the most overt assholes as teens and who manages to keep it to a subtle disdain?
They'll almost certainly be biased, but that should just make it funnier.
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Did you just "this" the QM's post?
If it was unclear, I should have used "This:"

I was replying to the QM's post, to do "this", the other anon quoted's suggestion.
>>28963224 >>28963264
>>28963272 >>28963281

"Well, I'm sure you don't know, but I'm Ghost Scribe. I want to hear about everything and write it all down. It's kinda of what I do."
>"None of that information is relevant to what I asked."
"Well, then yes, I would like to hear your discoveries."
>"Right. Now, with the gracious permission of my Captain, I was allowed a year abroad to study the various behavioral patterns of ponies of all the races. I lived among the filth for roughly four months, as with the pegasi and unicorns of a town that was not Aurus."
>"What I found was hardly surprising, but certainly gratifying in it's own right. While among the mud ponies, I saw that while their children were prone to play as children are wont to, they more often than not emulated the actions of their parents in their games."
>"In essence, from the youngest of ages, they are born to work, to till fields and farm the land. Even their adolescents are subdued in nature, made to work the fields, the same as any adult would. They are a mundane race through and through."
"Oh, really? How interesting."
>Your sarcasm is lost on him.
>"Pegasi are much the same, though you can replace the farm work with senseless violence and an average intelligence to rival only the dumbest of earth ponies. They hardly seem to understand the mechanics behind the weather they produce, and their children only know how to fight. Brutes to the core."
>"Unicorns, however, due to our emphasis on learning, are even-tempered and knowledgeable, even at our basest. I have yet to meet a unicorn colt or filly, who does not greet me with a polite gesture, and a "how do you do". The adolescents are far too busy discovering themselves and their destinies to engage in any disreputable activities."
>"As I said, nothing surprising, but immensely gratifying."
>You can hear Weathervane and Orich snickering in the corner.
>The initiate is shaking, for what reason you can't say.
>This exchange was certainly "enlightening".
How do we respond to this genius guys? And what is up with that initiate? Do you think the Scholar Captain is still staring a us? all this and more, next time I run. Pausing for the night, I'll be back on wednesday. See you then!
"Well, I'm certainly glad that research into what makes the different types of ponies unique, is being explored. It's been very enlightening, thank you."
Do you think your results might have been influenced by the fact that you are a unicorn yourself? You said all the unicorns greeted you and were polite, but that might be because you were the tribe most familiar to them. For due diligence's sake shouldn't you also get an Earth pony and a pegasus to observe all three tribes, to eliminate any influence the observer's race might play in it?
This, he's not sciencing properly.
Obviously he's not, but if we try that we'll make enemies of them. They already look down on us. I say best to keep it on friendly terms.
He would, if he ever got out of Aurus. Too bad that doesn't happen often eh?
Quite a narrow sample to work from.
I agree with this fine anon. If we say anything let's keep it interrogative. Another thing I've been thinking about, should we let Brutus in on our "secret mission?"

No wonder the Cap has distain for these guys. They're lost inside their own assholes. You know anyone that's really worth anything has gone to Negra Beliza by now. Still, this guy says he's been to an earth pony town, how fascinating! I'm sure Scribe wants to know more about them so let's ask him to tell us more about earth pony society.
Resuming soon bump
>>28963895 >>28964089
>>28964244 >>28964290
>>28964308 >>28964311

"Well, you're research certainly was... enlightening. Though I do have a question or two."
>"We among the Scholars welcome such inquiries."
"Right. Now, you say that the only ponies who were polite to you were unicorns."
"Don't you think that has anything to do with the fact that you yourself are a unicorn? I mean, one would assume that a one would be more comfortable around somepony of their own race, no?"
>"A valid assumption, but unfounded. During my research, I used magic to blend into the crowds of the other races. The effects were purely cosmetic, not affording me flight, or the mud dwellers natural strength, though it served its purpose well enough."
"Hmm. I've my doubts as to the effectiveness of your methods, my red scholar friend. Perhaps you'd have collected a more accurate sample has you convinced an Earth pony or Pegasus to help you in this endeavor?"
>"Unnecessary and illogical. They are beings of fieldwork and barbarity, not researchers. There is nothing they could have added."
>You can practically feel the eyes of every Sun roll, yours included.
"If you say so. I'm still a tad skeptical, but I'm just an Earth pony, so what do I know."
"Funny thing though. Despite being an Earth pony, I've never done a bit of fieldwork in my life. In fact, I've never even been to an Earth village, and I'm curious: what are they like exactly?"
>"I've only ever been to the one, so I can't account for all of the "Earth" villages, though I would presume them to be generally similar in make and function."
>"The village I spent my time in went by the name of Podunk. A dirty, though quaint little village, a close knit community if ever there was one. A baker, a blacksmith, a tailor, and farmers galore."
>"There was also a hoofful of miners, a jeweler and a mayor, who acted as proxy for the laws of the mud pony leader, Joshua Puddinghead."

Any further questions?
Do earth ponies tend to do a lot of minework too?

We're definitely going to write this all down later in our journal that we brought with us.

"Do Earth ponies tend to do a lot of minework?"
>"The mud dwellers do whatever work is required of them for the locale they have chosen to live in."
>"Whether that means farming, or underwater diving, or minework is entirely dependent on the environment in which they have settled."
"Huh. Well, that's fairly interesting."
>"To one with a simple mind perhaps. To one such as I and the rest of the Scholar, it is naught but logical inference."
"Do you mean to say I have a simple mind?"
>"I said no such thing. If you have come to that conclusion on your own, it is by no fault of mine."
>"Now if you don't mind, I wish to resign to my thoughts. This conversation, if it can be called that, has made me weary."

>Without waiting for you to respond, he looks away.
>You doubt he would respond to you if you attempted to continue.
>He didn't offer up much, but you'll be sure to take notes later.
>The conversations have died out, and the rest of the caravan is sitting silently now.
>The Scholars Captain is still staring at you, and you doubt she'll be stopping anytime soon. At least you think she's staring at you. It's hard to tell with her hood obscuring her face like it is.
>For all you know, she could be sleeping.
>You'd like to talk to the initiate, but he's not going to be opening his mouth anytime soon.

What to do now? If you have any suggestions, I'll take them, otherwise, we're skipping to camp that night.
Politely inquire if and why she is staring at us. Also if we may have her name.
Agreed, try to chat up their captain.
>>28973404 >>28973598

"Pardon me, Miss Captain of the Scholars, but are you staring me?"
>She responds with a heavy sigh. Her hood lifts up slightly and you can see one of her eyes.
>She is in fact staring at you.
"May I ask why you are staring, Miss Captain?"
>You really wish you had a name to address her by.
>You get the feeling "Miss Captain" won't exactly hold over well with her troops.
>She seems to find it amusing though, as she has begun to laugh ever so softly.
"I'm glad you find it funny, ma'am. But do you think I might have your proper name? It wouldn't do for me to call you Miss Captain all trip."
>At this, the red Scholar speaks up, talking at you through gritted teeth.
>"Our gracious Captain has deemed you worthy of her gaze, and, as hard as it is to believe, gifted you with her laughter."
>"I will not question her reasoning, but I will warn you not to get greedy. The Captains identity is a gift in and of itself, and filth such as you is not worthy of it."
>You feel the weight of the caravan shift slightly, and a clanking indicative of armor being activated.
>"Captain, I do my best to respect and tolerate the way you train you soldiers. But I will not tolerate a level of disrespect so great towards one of mine."
>"Now kindly reprimand your mage before I rearrange the order of his spinal plates."
>The Scholars Captain takes a slow breath inward.
>"You must forgive Red Twelve, Captain Lily. He's very protective of me."
>"B-but Madam, I am Red Thirteen."
>"And now you are Red Eleven."
>"No more outbursts, Red Nine! Control yourself for the duration of this trip, and we'll see where you're ranking stands."
>The freshly demoted Red Nine looks down, sullen and defeated.
>"Now that that is settled... I believe you had a question for me, Private Scribe?"
"I was just asking your name, Captain of the Magus, since we're out on this mission together. I'm trying to further understand how your team operates and your identities so that we may work more seamlessly together in the event of difficulty, and to further camaraderie."
Correcting "captain of the magus" to "Miss Captain of the Scholars".
This is a pretty great response. It has that formal way of speaking that Scribe has. Good job anon.

"I was just asking your name, Captain of the Scholars, since we're out on this mission together."
"I'm trying to further understand how your team operates and your identities so that we may work more seamlessly together in the event of difficulty, and to further camaraderie."
>"Ah, yes, my name. As somepony who clearly values the actions taken to make a unit run as smoothly as possible, I'm afraid I can't do that."
>"Among the Scholars, we have no names, only titles, colors, and numbers. I have found this allows us to work more efficiently."
>"Knowledge of my name would cause dissonance among my carefully orchestrated ranks. Though for all intents and purposes, you may refer to me as Captain Gold."
"Captain Gold, then. I look forward to working with you and the rest of the scholars."
>"Likewise. And I must apologize for Red Nines behavior and for my staring earlier. As I said, he is overprotective."
>"And I... well, I find you fascinating. An Earth pony among Unicorns. Though I'm sure you here that often."
"Well, not as often as I used to, but yes, quite often."
>The caravan shakes again, as Captain Lily takes her seat heavily.
>Silence has fallen, and Captain Gold has returned to staring at you.
>You're trying not to let it bother you.

Skip? Or do you guys have more?
Would you like to ask me any questions, Captain Gold? It would be my pleasure to answer any you have about me.

>An idea forms in your mind, something that will hopefully break this awkward silence.
"Is there anything you'd like to ask me, Captain Gold? It would be my pleasure to answer any questions you have about me."
>"I'm quite glad you asked, Private Scribe. I would have asked you sooner, but I thought it rude to pry."
"I understand the feeling. But please, ask away."
>"Gladly. I am very curious about one thing in particular. As an earth pony who has lived among Unicorns all his life, do you have any particular preference when it comes to prospective mates?"
"C-Captain Gold, I know I said anything, but-"
>"Please, calm yourself, Private. This is from a purely inquisitive point of view. And while I'm asking, have you ever held a desire to be around others of your own kind?"
>"Surely you must at least be curious to see how other Earth ponies live their lives."
"Well, I-"
>"And this may one may be a bit awkward for you to answer, but I want you to be perfectly honest: how do you feel about your Captain?"
>"I think you know very well what I mean, Private Scribe."

>All of the Suns are watching you, and some of the Scholars as well, though most of them seem shocked that Captain Gold is even so much as giving you the time of day.

Answer these however you'd like, and feel free to interpret Captain Golds intentions on the last questoin howwever you want. We're skipping after these.
Well, I would be lying if I said I never had the desire to be with other earthponies. Many a time I have wondered what would have been had I grown with my kind. Who would that Ghost Scribe be? But no, I have no preference between races of ponies. But my thoughts of the Captain... She is a strong pony, certainly deserving of her rank and I respect her a great deal.
In order:

1. Not particularly. I would rather know who they are and what they're like before coming to a decision. I may have some preferences in that sense, but species doesn't really matter.

2. Not as often as one would think. I've grown so used to- and am thankful for what life I DO live to where it doesn't cross my mind. That isn't to say I haven't thought about it, I have, but I am far past that point. There is reason to be happy with what I have.

Or (Assuming that all the questions are supposed to be on the same train of thought and romantic in nature.)

2. Sometimes. There is a kind of comfort that being around one of your own species gives that another species doesn't. Especially in this day and age.

3. I... (Realization of question sets in. Take a cough.) I think I'll need another time to answer that.
"Raised as I was among unicorns, I've always been in a position to appreciate their qualities, but also just enough out of place to recognize that there are basic differences between us. As for a mate, provided that we were emotionally compatible, I would even think it possible that a pairing of two dissimilar type ponies may make the whole greater than the sum of it's parts. A case in point would be an Earth providing food for the family while a unicorn provided magically-derived needs.

As for a mate? I haven't decided, though I must admit I've met many fine unicorns who I would not turn down.
>>28975033 >>28975329
>>28975389 >>28975513

"Well, raised as I was among unicorns, I've always been in a position to appreciate their qualities."
"Earth pony as I am though, I've always been able to recognize the basic differences between us."
"As for a mate, I feel that a love based on emotional compatibility, even between two dissimilar type ponies, would produce a whole far greater than the sum of its parts."
"And while I would be lying if I said I never had the desire to be with other Earth ponies, I don't as often as you'd think."
"I often wonder what kind of pony I would be, had I grown up around others of my kind, but I've grown used to- and am thankful for- the life I do live."
>The ponies around you, even some of the Scholars seem to have softened in their expressions.
>Though the softened faces are either contorted into loos of admiration or disgust.
>It's a healthy mixture.
>They're all eagerly awaiting your next answer though.
"And as for the Captain...she is a strong pony. More than deserving of her rank. I respect her a great deal and am proud to serve under her."
>Captain Gold smiles softly at you.
>"I'll have more questions for you another time, Private Scribe. But this will suffice for now, I think."
>Captain Gold pulls her gaze away from yours at last, choosing to stare out the side as so many of her soldiers had.
>Everypony else returns to what they had been doing before, holding sidebars that were just barely indistinguishable from one another.
>The initiate still refused to look you in the eye, but you more or less had forgotten about him at this point.
>Your attention was on the Captain now. She was staring at the floor, until she noticed you.
>Her eyes were wet and glassy, but her gaze was fierce and fiery. And yet, she met you with a smile. A testament to the torrent of emotions that swirled within her.
>You were certainly proud to serve under her.
Pausing for the night. Tomorrow, we set up camp, and our training resumes in earnest!
inb4 that initiate is actually Starswirl in disguise.
That would be awesome but is it realistic? His jestor job should preclude time for that, unless he somehow convinced the king.
Darn, too busy to reply to mr uptight red mage. I wanted to point out the fallacy of a biased investigator producing biased results. His words more than imply so.

As for the red that called Scribe filth, well thinking you inherently deserve more often is a good indicator you don't actually deserve any. Isn't there a saying: "The one who knows most is the one who can admit they know nothing"?

Lets keep the conversations going. Talk to Brutus, get him to chime in. It would be useless to bother bringing other ponies in if they refuse to work together.
Sorry breh, conversation over. Time to leave it be. I think it was handled fantastically and am glad you didn't have the chance to chime in. We know he's biased, we know he's racist (like every other scholar here), and saying these thing would have gotten us nowhere. It for the best we get along with everyone and let his words roll off of us.
Agreed. If things work out, there's a good chance they'll be bowing before our bodacitude before this is done anyhow. Actions speak much louder than words, and we may get the opportunity to show them all just what a BA an erf can be.
Resuming in an hour or so
>As the sky darkened, and the cold of day began to turn to the bitter chill of night, the caravan was brought to a halt.
>Supplies were brought out, tents were pitched and a fire started.
>Tensions between the Suns and the Scholars were unspoken, but clear. Each regiment sat on opposite sides of the bonfire, with encampments set up similarly.
>At the center of the Scholars camp, lay a large tent, clearly designated for Captain Golds use.
>In comparison, Captain Lily had only a simple travelers tent.
>Not that anypony but the Scholars were making these comparisons, and even then, only amongst themselves.

>Dinner that night consisted of a simple vegetable soup, prepared by Weathervane.
>Filling, but rather bland, it left you feeling warm inside.
>You were prepared to turn in for the night, when Captain Lily presented you with a question.
>"Are you prepared, Private?"
"Prepared for what, ma'am?"
>"Your training was cut short by this little trip of ours. I won't have you falling behind on it."
>"We don't have an armory at our disposal, but I figured now is as good a time as any. You are ready, Private."
>The Captain Reached behind her and pulled out, seemingly from nowhere, a deep green warhammer, with notches along the shaft. It emitted a soft glow in the dark of night.
"My lucerne!"
>"Indeed it is. You've earned it, I feel. Now let me know: are you prepared?"
It's really odd to have her suddenly give us our lucerne now instead of before we left and doesn't make all that much sense, but I forgive you.

For what, Captain? My weapon? Training?
Please clarify, Captain. If you mean my weapon, then I believe so. But belief and fact are not always the same thing. I'll use it anyway though, unless there's more training...?
>>28979750 >>28979799
Isn't it cool when computers crash?

"Ready for what, Captain? If you mean my weapon, then I believe so."
"Of course, belief and fact aren't always the same thing, but I'll use it anyway."
"Unless you mean to say that there is more training?"
>The Captain sighs and shake her head, giving you a small smile.
>"So many words for such a simple conclusion. But yes, Scribe, I mean more training, and with your Lucy specifically."
>"It'll be good for you to get acquainted with it, and in any case I've always found a round of training before bed helps keep the chill out on nights like this."
"Well, then yes, I'm most definitely ready."
>"Good. Follow me and-"
>"Pardon me!"
>You and the Captain are interrupted by Captain Gold.
>"Yes, sorry, pardon me, but I couldn't help overhearing. Did you say something about training?"
>"Yes, Gold, I did. My Private and I were-"
>"One of Gilded Lily's famous late night training sessions, eh? Mind if I cut in?"
>"What... what do you mean?"
>"Well, you've been training him to combat physical assailants, yes? Seeing as how magic isn't exactly your forte, I would assume you haven't shown him how to combat a magical opponent yet, correct?"
>"Well, yes that is true, but that isn't the focus of his training right now."
>"And when will it be the focus of his training? I mean no offense,but your specialty is close-quarters-combat."
>"It only makes sense for you to teach him how to swing a blade. Would it not make sense for me to show him how to engage an aggressor who is proficient in magic?"
>"I suppose... Scribe, what say you?"

Who do you guys want to train with?
It would like to train against magic.
i'd like to learn what Lily knows about combating magic, before Gold takes a swing at us. That way we get to learn both styles, and if they're different enough, use one to cover the weaknesses of the other. I wonder what Gold plans to teach that involves hooves though.

Gold certainly doesn't seem to share the attitudes of her subordinates. Its a little surprising, actually.
To be clear, this is a combat versus magical combat situation. The only magic Lily knows is the magic that allows her bipedal motion, Do you still want to choose lily?
Also sorry about the long waits in-between replies, I'm doing a lot of other stuff while I quest. Like, really sorry. I hate to make you wait. Sorry.
Plus 1 vote for magic because of going into spooky summoner city.
I don't mean to fight Lily using her magic, I mean to get her to teach us what she knows about fighting magical opponents. It won't be as deep as Gold's knowledge but it would help build a base coming from a physical fighter. If lily doesn't know any techniques for use against magical opponents then we'd just go straight to Gold directly.
The extent of Lily's knowledge in magical combat is deflect/dodge, close in and strike. So I'll put you in the Gold camp
Guys I'm really sorry, but some familial issues came up, and really put me out of my questing space.
I'm really sorry for the non-session this turned out to be, but I promise I'll start early tomorrow to make up.
I can't stress enough how sorry I am.
I think that we beg off from Lily for the moment and accept training from Gold. This may be a limited opportunity and we NEED anti-magic training. Perhaps if we've got anything left in us after we can give Lily a little... Warm up.

>sorry, family issues
Understood, and I hope everything is alright, Morami.
>>28980095 >>28980142
>>28980324 >>28980509
>>28980512 >>28981551

"Well, to be honest, I would like to train with Captain Gold. It would be prudent to learn how to combat ponies who use magic, especially since I myself have none."
>"An wise decision, Private Scribe!"
>"You're sure, Scribe?"
"Yes, Captain, I'm sure."
>"...Very well then. I'll observe from a distance.. Enjoy your training, Ghost Scribe"
>Captain Lily walks off to the edge of the camp.
>You and Captain Gold walk in the same general direction, though a little ways off from her.
>The Suns took notice and followed, eager to watch you train.
>Several Scholars took note of your comrades, and followed suit.
>"Alright, so, you don't have any magic of your own. This much is clear. So I will be teaching you how to out think a mage."
"Sounds difficult."
>"You'd be surprised. For every cunning wizard, there's a black mage who's as dense as a rock who never learned anything past throwing fireballs."
>"In any case, there will be no fire balls here tonight. I'm not that kind of mage."
"What kind of mage are you exactly."
>"I'll let you figure that out on your own. Alright, first lesson and quite honestly, the only lesson."
>"When engaging in combat with a mage, the most important thing is to close in quickly. Most mages carry at least a dagger, but they'll be at a serious disadvantage in a close quarters situation."
>"What you need to worry about is the advantage they'll be placed at while you're far away."
>"The trick is to lead them on, keep them guessing as to where your going to be. If your feeling particularly bold, I've been told that weapons like yours are capable of deflecting magic."
>"I'm going to go stand over there. You come at me when you're, and I'll try to stop you from getting to me."
>She walks off, standing about twenty feet away.
>You get a grip on your lucerne and ready yourself.

How to we make our approach, boys?
Circle to the right while closing in, zag to the left, pole-vault then extend lucerne while striking for bonus surprise. Adjust course if neccecary.

>You get a running start, circling to the right of Captain Gold.You can see her horn glowing bright from underneath her hood.
>You zag to the left, prepared for whatever she's potentially sending your way.
>You see a chunk of ground rise up from the earth. It comes flying swiftly at you, but you were anticipating it.
>You zig right, then back left, and in a stroke of combat genius, you use your lucerne like a pole vault.
>You can hear your fellow Suns rallying around you, as you fly through the air.
>You bring your lucerne down with light force, and hit the ground, leaving your weapon just above where Captain Gold's head should be.
>Once again, you seem to have very easily bested a Captain.
"I believe that's checkmate, Captain...Gold?"
>Where the Captain once was, there is only empty space.
>You can hear the not so subdued laughter of a few Scholars near the camp, and the confused cries of your comrades.
>"Very good, Ghost Scribe. Now once more, with feeling."
>Captain Gold has somehow made it behind you, to your previous starting point.
>But how? No time to think about that.

Once more boys, with feeling! How do we approach this time?
Hmmm... teleportation? We know she's just testing us. No idea how to approach "with feeling." Jokingly ask her if she would like to specify which feeling.

Charge with a zig-zag kind of approach and if she tries the same attack try to smash the rock. All I got.

>Your unsure what she means by, with feeling.
"And what feeling should exactly should I approach with, Captain Gold?"
>"Oh, any feeling will do."
>She says this in a frighteningly serious tone.
>You figure she said any. So you decide to approach with determination.
>Determination is an emotion, right?
>You're pretty sure it is.

>You charge again, this time in an erratic zig-zag.She has trouble keeping tabs on you, so she starts throwing multiple rocks this time.
>You smash each one as it comes, slowly making your way towards Captain Gold.
>One swing, two swings, three swings, four; crash, smash, bash, a snag, a tear, and then the whistle of a Mithrilite weapon swinging through empty air.
>She vanished again! Good thing too, because it looks like you were a bit careless with your swinging this time.
>A large piece of her hood caught onto your lucerne, a jagged cloth caught on the pike.
>You search the surroundings for her, and pause when you see a single golden eye, gazing at you, piercing through to your soul.
>Captain Gold is standing in the shadow of her tent, her single golden eye the only thing visible.
>"A bit reckless, wouldn't you say, Ghost Scribe? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to hurt me."
"I-I'm sorry, Captain Gold. I got a bit carried away I suppose."
>"Hm, yes. Understandable. A game can quickly become something more serious when one of the players takes things a bit too seriously."
"I wasn't aware this was a game to you."
>"Simply an analogy, Ghost Scribe."
>Her horn glows, and it's aura envelops the torn cloth on your weapon.
>It swiftly disappears from your vision, and reattaches itself to her hood.
>Something about the way she fixes it seems unnatural, but you can't quite put your hoof on it.
>"I look forward to tomorrow night, Ghost Scribe. I might even get serious for you."
>She walks back into her tent, and her Scholars lose interest in you.

Skip to morning or train with Lily?
I'd say get some food or something. Take a quick refresher, then continue our training. As intensive as that was, it was a bit fast.
Weird and creepy. Let's practice our taur stance with Lily.
>>28985232 >>28985451
>>28985395 >>28985491

>You take a minute to catch your breath. As surprisingly short a session as that was, it was still rather intense.
>You grab what's left of the vegetable soup from the pot and down it greedily.
>Your fellow suns are impressed with your performance, and Brutus is downright reverent.
>You certainly don't feel you accomplished much though.
>After you eat, all the Suns retire for the night.
>You, however, still have some training to attend to.
>You join Captain Lily, who has been practicing her spear work just outside camp.
>"You've awakened a beast you know."
"How so, Captain."
>"She was toying with you. There's no saying no to her when she asks to train tomorrow."
>"And I assure you, that she won't be nearly as pleasant."
"Well, then I suppose I'd best learn what I can now. The more prepared I'll be for her tomorrow, right?"
>The Captain shrugs, and readies herself.
>"Assume ready stance, Scribe."
>You do as she asks, but aren't quite prepared to fight just yet.
"Captain, I actually wanted to ask you something."
"Do you think we might be able to practice the Taur stance?"
>Even in the faint light of the dying bonfire, you can see her eyes brighten.
>"Taur stance? Are you sure, Scribe? I know I offered it to you, but bipedal motion is a bit hard to achieve without magic."
"I'm sure Captain. Please, teach me."
>"Of course, of course! Let me come over, I need to help you find your balance."
>She gallops over excitedly, moving from four hooves to two. She uses her now free forelegs to help you stand up on you hinds.
>It takes a minute for the both of you to find your balance, but you get it eventually.
>Keeping your balance is a chore, but you manage.
>"All right, first things first, before we can learn combat in this stance, you have to learn to walk in this stance."
>She walks a few feet away, waiting for you to walk towards her.
>"One hoof in front of the other, Scribe, like a newborn foal!"


>You hold your forelegs out to the side, doing your best to keep some semblance of balance
>You take one step forward.
>Left hoof, right hoof, repeat.
>You stumble at least once and have to pause a few times.
>You hardly make it halfway to the Captain before you can feel your legs beginning to buckle under your weight.
>Just as they are about to cave from under you, the weight is gone.
>You have not fallen over, by some miracle.
>Looking down to see what saved you, you're surprised to see strange... somethings.
>You guess the only thing you can call them is protrusions. But they seem to be coming from your armor, acting like little anchors to the ground.
>You try to take a step, and find that you're balance is not so easily lost this time.
>You take another and another, and as unnatural as it feels, you can't help but speed up!
>You're almost within reach of the Captain and

>T H W U M P

>You literally trip at the finish line.
>The Captain helps back to your hooves...all four of them.
>You quickly find yourself standing upright though.
>Lily laughs at your mistake.
>"You must walk before you can run, Scribe. I admire your enthusiasm though. Now let's try that a few more times.'
>You walk to the Captain a few more times, each time more confident in your ability to do so.
>On the fifth attempt, the Captain hands you your lucerne and picks up her own spear.
>"You learn quickly, Scribe. I'm impressed. I can only hope this speed will apply to the rest of our training."
>"Because I have many, many things to teach you."

Should we practice until morning and learn as much as we can? Or do you want to learn a little and get a good nights rest?
Learn a little and get some rest, not resting would cause so many problems for us.
>She uses her now free forelegs to help you stand up on you hinds.
I bet they held hooves.

Yeah, rest is important. Ask Lily what she knows about Gold. What should we expect from her?
Let's go for an in-between. Train into the night but go to bed before dawn.
Brief pause for dins
We should try walking around while balancing our Lucy in our hooves.

Other than that, we could talk to Brutus? See what he noticed during the fight with Gold
>>28985874 >>28985938
>>28986064 >>28986165

>You use Lucy as a ballast to keep yourself properly balanced.
>The Captain comes at you slowly, teaching you the ins and outs of bipedal combat.
>You throw yourself off kilter the first few times you swing, but for some reason, your armor keeps preventing you from completely spilling over.
>Thrusts, swings, stabs, all the most basic of basic combat, having to be relearned in this strange new stance.
>You exchange mock blows, working your way into faster and faster routines.
>Before you know it, the fire has died out and the moon has started to make it's descent from high in the sky.
>You and the Captain aren't quite exhausted, but you're legs are on fire.
>"I think that's enough for tonight, Scribe. You really do learn quite quickly. At this rate, we'll have to move on from the basic stuff into advanced Taur."
>"That is, if you wind up a Dragoon. Still no telling what you'll be."
>"But that's an issue for another day, and we both need our rest. Good night, Scribe."
"Good night, Captain."
>You make way for your tent, which you share with Brutus, conveniently enough.
>You try your best not to wake him.
>"So how was it?"
>But it seems he's already awake.
"What are you doing up?"
>"Couldn't sleep. Watching you go up against that Gold mare put me on edge. In a good way, mind you."
>"I've seen my fair share of action, but I've always known the Suns and the Scholars were on a whole other level."
"Speaking of having seen some action, I need to ask you something."
"Did you see what Captain Gold was doing, when she avoided my swings the way she did?"
"Was it teleportation?"
>"No, couldn't have been. Hasn't been a unicorn yet who could properly teleport without winding up a bloody smear on the... everywhere."
>"It just seemed like one moment she was in front of you, the next moment she was a good couple dozen yards behind you, as if she'd always been there."

Anymore questions?
Illusions then?
>>28986948 >>28987179

"Do you think maybe they were illusions?"
>"I don't think so. But it might've been. My knowledge of magic is broad but very shallow."
>"I honestly couldn't tell you what she was doing. Whatever it was, I could certainly never hope to keep tempo with her, the way you did."
"You sell yourself short, Brutus. I'm sure you wound have done just as well as me, maybe better."
"And besides, that's no attitude for a Golden Sun to have. Brighten up, would you?"
>It takes a minute for what you said to register.
>You share a small laugh at your inadvertent pun.
>"You're right. I'll try to not be such a spoil sport. Good night, Scribe."
"Good night, Brutus."
>As you're tired body slowly fades into unconsciousness, you can't help but feel nervous for the coming day.
>Just what was Captain Gold's ability?

Pausing for the night. See you guys tomorrow!
Would we end up Gold as our mentor if we had chosen the book in the past?
Wonder who's the third captain, and the regiment they lead...
I think we would have ended up with the other princess. She's a magical prodigy and all that.

>"RISE AND SHINE, TROOPS! Time to pack up, time to ship out, we've got another long day of travel ahead of us and I want to be gone twenty minutes ago!"
>The sun has not yet broken the horizon, but you can see the first lights of dawn creeping over, breaking the darkness of night.
>You're a little groggy from the previous nights training, but the cold air and brisk work of cleaning up camp quickly have you refreshed.
>Very soon, the Suns and Scholars alike are packed into the caravan.
>With a little effort, you shorten Lucy to warhammer length, and hang it from your side.
>The caravan resumes its course along the blank white plains just as the sun becomes visible, painting the sky a beautiful rosy pink.
>Most of the Scholars are quietly discussing your short bout with Captain Gold.
>Not very kindly, you might add.
>Captain Gold herself is looking at nothing in particular, though you catch her occasionally glancing at Lucy.
>The initiate has taken to reading a book that you can't identify.
>Stooped over as he is, you can see that he has a terrible hunchback.
>A wonder that he managed to keep it hidden from you.
>Chances are he still isn't allowed to talk though.

>Conversation has mostly died on the Golden Sun side.
>Orich and Weathervane seem to be napping, leaning against each other.
>Puck and the Captain are both staring out of their respective ends of the caravan.
>Jane is... doing nothing. She's just kind of sitting their, kicking her legs like a filly on a swing.
>And Brutus is polishing his blade.
>All in all, not much is going on.

Anything you guys want to do, Or can we skip to the night?
Since we were to tired last night I say we start writing in our journal. We do have alot to write about yesterday after all.
> Orich and Weathervane seem to be napping, leaning against each other.
Well that's a cute mental image.

>Your journal...
>It's been a good minute since you wrote anything down in it.
>You need to be better about that.
>After all, if you forsake the Scribe, all you're left with is Ghost.
>And that just wouldn't do.
>Reaching to the floor at your hooves, you grab your journal from one of your saddlebags.
>This ride isn't nearly as bumpy as the ride to Aurus, so writing is significantly easier.
>You still have to watch for the inkwell not to spill over, but it's not that big a deal.
>As you write the events of the past few days down, you eventually come to find yourself thinking about Captain Gold, and her bizarre magic.
>It wasn't teleportation, unless it was? The Scholars certainly seemed a tad secretive about their practices.
>If one of them had discovered the secrets to teleportation, it would make sense that they might not share it.
>Of course it could be a slew of other things too.
>Illusions? Speed based magic?
>Who can say.
>"Is something troubling you, Ghost Scribe?"
>Captain Gold must be able to read your face like a book.
"No, ma'am, nothing is wrong."
>"Surely. You know, you'll have to think a bit more creatively if you want to understand just what it is I do."
>"I'll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with teleportation. Think broader. More grand."
>You have no idea what she means by this.
>But at least you can cross one thing off the list.

Anything else? Maybe you want to spend a few posts speculating what exactly it is Gold does? Talk to the Lily about something? Anything at all? Or skip to night?
Sorry about that pause, I was wondering why I didn't get any responses until I saw the update hadn't gone through. Sorry.
I'm ok with skipping.

>The rest of the day carries on without incident.
>You continue to write whenever a thought pops into your head, and the rest of the Suns mostly keep quiet.
>Eventually, the Scholars tire of mocking your performance and either sit in silence, or read, just as the initiate does.
>At least once, you spot the hump on his back shift a bit, and while you hate to be rude, it causes you to shudder a bit.

>Night falls, the ride stalls, and camp is set up, same as before.
>Not two days in and already, there is a sense of monotony to what you are doing.
>And also a sense of anxiety. Captain Lily said you had awakened a beast.
>What kind of Beast Gold was, you were afraid to find out.
>As you downed that nights dinner (a helping of roasted vegetables, cooked by Private Plain Jane), you could feel the butterflies trying their hardest to push it back out of your stomach.
>You were terribly nervous, and it showed.
>Most at the camp weren't paying you much attention, but Captain Lily was.
>And she seemed concerned.

>"Gold, may I ask you something?"
>"Anything, Lily."
>"You so graciously offered to train one of my soldiers in combating magical foes, yet yesterday, you ended your session rather abruptly."
>Gold seems a bit perturbed by Lily's remark.
>"I did. I simply saw no reason to go full force against him."
>"Well, if you intend to go full force today, it would help for you to have a bit of a warm up before hand, yes?"
>"Are you asking that I allow you to help me, 'warm up'?"
>"I am, Gold."
>"... I see no issue. But I'm sure Ghost Scribe would rather get right into things."
>"I believe Ghost Scribe can speak for himself."

What do we say? Do we allow Lily to "warm up" Gold? Or jump right in?
Slow day I guess. Kinda don't feel like running anymore today. Can't run tomorrow or Monday, so feel free to let the thread die.

I have a few not so great surprises, that I guess aren't really surprises now that I've mentioned them, so feel free to check back if you want to see them.

See you guys Tuesday hopefully
Just to be perfectly clear, define "warm up" please.

Grander than teleportation, huh? Well then I think its safe to assume she can do some pretty impossible things. Like stopping time?
Warm up, as in, give you a chance to figure out just what kind of voodoo Gold is pulling.
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The Three Tribes.png
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inb4 she time jumps a few moments back or stops time and move elsewhere
Za warudo?
Toki wo tomare?
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The Earth Tribe.png
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The Unicorn Kingdom.png
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The Pegasus Forces.png
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(player here) Sorry, came on late. I say we let Lily warm up Gold for us. We have no reason to jump into this fast, and it would be good to see how Lily handles a magical opponent.
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What's this? more info?
Good spoilers mate
time to get bumped from nine.
Just a small bump in the morning.
bump from 10.
I roll 20.
I expected the thread to be dead by now, and honestly I have to say I'm very pleasantly surprised. I'll be able to run tomorrow, and then we can get back into the swing of things.

I appreciate you all so much
Resuming in an hour
>>28991728 >>28992191

>You catch the Captain's meaning.
>Her "warm-up", is an opportunity for you to view Captain Gold's abilities from an outside perspective.
>You just hope whatever it is, you'll be able to figure it out.
"I have no objections, Captain Lily. I would hate to train with Captain Gold at any less then her best.
>Lily smirks and Gold sneers at you.
>"Excellent. Come now, Gold."
>They walk off to just outside the camp, and both parties follow closely.
>Captain Lily assumes the Taur stance, and Captain Gold just stands where she is.
>"On your mark, Gold."
>No sooner is the word uttered, than Lily shoots off like a rocket.
>She's a blur as she approaches Gold... or at least where Gold was.
>Just as when she fought you, Captain Gold has somehow managed to completely avoid and move around Lily.
>"We've been over this, Lily. No matter your speed, I will always out run you."
>Lily doesn't respond, instead twisting herself, jumping towards the sound of Gold's voice.
>She lands exactly where she was.
>Keyword being was.
>This repeats for several minutes, Lily bouncing around in the snow, Gold blinking around her, mocking every failed attempt at besting her.
>You have no idea if this is Gold's full strength, but it's truly awesome to behold.
>The blinking gets faster, both Gold and Lily becoming a blur on the battlefield.
>You get dizzy watching it all, and time becomes irrelevant.
>You close your eyes briefly, just to recover your composure.
>"Ghost Scribe! At attention, Private. Your Captain has "warmed" me sufficiently."
>"I am quite ready. Are you?"

You have to be ready. How will we open in our bout with the mysterious Captain Gold? What do you think her powers are? And with that question in mind, how will we deal with them?
No fuckin' clue, sir. If Cap can't best her I don't think we have much a chance.
We can't be obvious when attacking her, perhaps an erratic/random movement to her side is a good idea. or if we can attack from behind her somehow, it might work?
Pocket Sand!
Yes, yes I am.

As stupid as it may sound. I think she's temporarily stopping time to move around. It fits what we know so far.
Then how the fuck do we stop it?
I haven't figured that part out, yet. Only way I could think of would be attacking her in her blind spot. But we're an earth pone, so I don't know how we'd do that.

Alternatively, we attack so fast that it doesn't even matter anyway. That's how we got part of her hood off last time.
Feint? Or attack with something that can't be dodged. We can hold lucy out and spin wildly like a top.

If its not time control then it certainly could be illusion. That's less likely though, since there are so many other minds to influence as it were.
It's less important, but Gold surely knows the importance of psychological warfare. So she'll be trash talking us to throw us off our game
>attack with something that can't be dodged
Sounds impossible if time fucked is involved
>We can hold lucy out and spin wildly like a top.
Sounds retarded.

Maybe she underestimated us? I say we spar a but and see what she does before formulating a plan.
>sounds retarded
That was completely the point.

If she's stopping time, or seeing a few seconds into the future or something like that, doing a thing she wouldn't expect might throw her off enough for us to get a hit in. Captain Lily is not exactly the most unpredictable pony to fight Gold.
>>29016887 >>29016969
>>29017020 >>29017168
>>29017198 >>29017230
>>29017306 >>29017368

>You snap your eyes open.
"Yes, Yes I am."
>"Then swap places with your Captain, and our training proper will commence."
>You do as Gold says, walking past Captain Lily to take her place."
>As you you pass her by, you notice that she seems a bit winded, but otherwise, is perfectly fine.
>The Captains were at a stalemate, neither able to harm the other.
>You look across at Captain Gold, to see how she fares.
>You are met with a stern gaze from the lower half of her eyes.
>If she's at all tired, she isn't letting on.
>"On your mark, Ghost Scribe."
>You rush at Gold, your armor encapsulating you.
>You zig, you zag, you circle to her left and then double back.
>She remains undeterred. You're going to have to make the first move.
>So you jump at her, swinging Lucy in a feinting motion.
>She stands stalwart, unflinching. So you follow through.
>And just as before, she's gone.
>This time, something feels different. For a brief moment, before she vanished, you felt something.
>Something unnatural that left you feeling a chill in your spine.
>As if every function in your body, for one brief moment, was halted.
>You can't feel that something anymore, but it has been replaced by a desire to do something wild.
>You don't know how she's doing it, but if Gold can so simply predict your moves, maybe you need to get a bit unpredictable.
>So you stand on your hind legs, assuming Taur stance, and spin around.
>You spin so fast, you can hardly see where you're going, but you can feel Lucy connect with something ever so briefly.
>You stop yourself, your armor keeping you from falling over.
>At Lucy's head, you can see a tattered and torn rag.
>And standing a few feet away from you is Captain Gold. You think.
>She's covered head to hoof in bandages, the only visible parts of her a single eye and a few strands of blond mane.
>There's a red splotch on the left side of her head.
Next move? Have any banter? Remarks? Whatever you want to do or say, you've got free reign right now.
Are you...bleeding?

Stay on guard though, I don't trust her to not try and kill us like Lily did the first time
That's a quite dramatic change on Gold's part. I think we might have actually hit her. Ask if she's ok.
Well, it's a training session. We aren't supposed to seriously hurt eachother, and considering she hasn't even hurt us yet we might've overdone it, again.

Tell her that what she is doing IS grander than teleportation. Then, loud enough for others to hear, say, "You can stop time."

Afterwards, offer the part of her hood back.
Hold the fuck up there m8. I know you want to be a dramatic badass and I want to call her out but maybe not loud enough where others can hear.
>>29017459 >>29017488
>>29017514 >>29017541

>Looking at the patch of red on her overly bandaged head, you get worried.
>This was supposed to be a training session, nothing more, you hadn't actually meant to hurt her.
"Are you... bleeding, Captain?"
>"Was, Ghost Scribe. Was bleeding. No more."
"I apologize. I hadn't meant to harm you."
>"No fault of your own. I should have taken into account that you can't safeguard your own weapon, Earth pony that you are."
>In a blink she's standing next to you, doing something to Lucy. A blue glow covers the head of your weapon.
>"There. That should prevent anymore mishaps."
>She keeps her words steady, but her breathing is labored. Almost as if there were a weight on her chest.
>Whatever she's doing, it looks like it's finally taking it's toll.
>Looking to Lucy's head once more, you see that the rags are still there.
"Oh, Captain Gold, your hood, it-"
>"Not just my hood, my whole robe. It was tangled quite fiercely into your lucernes head."
>"No mater though. I'll fix it later."
>As she says this, the rag disappears from Lucy. Where it goes, you don't know.
>But it doesn't really matter.
"You know, Captain Gold, I think I might know just how it is you do all that jumping around you do. And it certainly is much grander than teleportation."
>"Oh? Do tell me."
>You lean in close, so that no one else hears you.
"You stop time."
>You expect her to go rigid, impressed by your deductive skills.
>Instead she laughs, a hearty laugh, a mocking laugh.
>You would go so as to call it cruel.
>But she laughs and she laughs, her body rocking back and forth. You can see some of her bandages loosening, her other eye becoming visible.
>They are a deep gold.
>You blink once and again she's several feet away from you.
>Her laughter has stopped abruptly.
>"Resume, Ghost Scribe."

Your move, boys. Same rules apply.
...Is her cloak hanging from Lucy? Did we disrobe her accidentally? We have some kind of insight into her motion somehow that Lily seems to lack. That or, she's so taken with us that she loses her cool. Regardless it's interesting that she's bandaged like Mum-Ra.

"Are you hurt, Captain Gold?" lay down our weapon, bring her her cloak if we can find it, return it to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to draw blood, you're just too fast to make contact with without also striking."

Maybe also, "These bandages- Why do you keep yourself covered?"
The question about her bandages has been queued, you posted just a bit too late for the other stuff.
Jump up like we're gonna thrust into her but feint to use it to change our position where we can use Lucy's back end to swing behind where we are now, since that's where I'd expect her to move to.
I don't like her fiddling with Lucy, not one bit. Keep at it, maybe we can outlast her.
Thank you.
We need to pay attention to our inner sense, when she teleports this time. We're obviously sensitive to one degree or another to the force she's unleashing when she does so, so let's attune our senses to whatever wavelength she's calling upon and get a good 'read' on it once we're underway.

Since she's safe from Lucy now, let's press her. We know we've got better luck than Lily already, having nicked Gold twice to her none. Since we're "good at it", and it's now safe to do so, I say we push her hard and get a good sense of what she's doing to evade us.

She just put a force-field around the head, Lucy's fine I'm sure. Also checked!
>>29017841 >>29017916
>>29017922 >>29017940

>You run at Captain Gold.
>Taking a leap, you feint once more. As you suspected, she disappears again.
>You twist yourself mid-air, bringing Lucy's sharp end whistling towards where you think Captain Gold should have reappeared.
>If not for the force-field around Lucy's head, you would have just brained Captain Gold.
>But thankfully, it does its job, and Lucy stops just short of Gold's temple.
>A look of surprise pokes out from underneath the many bandages.
>"How embarrassing. Have I truly become so predictable?"
>"Perhaps it's time i became a bit less complacent."
"Before you do, can you afford me an answer?"
>"To what question?"
"The bandages. Why did you cover yourself in them?"
>"I prefer a certain degree of anonymity, Ghost Scribe. You need not know more."
>A blink. Another disappearance.
>Again, several feet away.
>"It occurs to me, Ghost Scribe, that perhaps I've been going a bit easy on you."
>"Most mages won't be spending their time running away. They'll be doing their best tio make sure you never get to them."
>"Now I will do the same."
>The earth begins to shake. You see something coming at you from under the snow, displacing it.
>Can she control the earth as well?

Next action boys.
Bringing up plant roots or something? Dive aside, slashing at whatever comes up.

So, how do you defeat an earth bender? You remove their connection from the ground. Is there some way we can stop her main way of casting magic? Take a moment to observe her. Does she utter words? Make some movement, or gesture? Can she cast spells mid-air?
Attempt to jump aside and avoid it, preferably while still gunning for Gold.

>Does she utter words? Make some movement, or gesture?
She's a unicorn, dude.
Hey the GM might have a different system in place for magic.

I still think we should pocket sand the shit outta her
No. I don't think so. >>28997512

She's probably just uber powerful or something. She must be the best mage around for a reason after all.
>>29018496 >>29018514
>>29018795 >>29018831

>You have no idea what's coming for you, but you're prepared to side step it, jump over it, whatever you have to do.
>You run forward, jumping over the mounds of rising earth.
>But something bursts up as you do, the earth itself shooting out at jagged angles!
>You try to break them as they come, but they catch you in the stomach, knocking the wind out of you, and throwing you of balance.
>You slide through the snow, creating a little bank at the hooves of Captain Gold.
>"You'll have to try harder than that, Ghost Scribe. There will be no more patterns out of me. None you can see, in any case."
>Lying in the snow, you can hear the beginnings of laughter coming from her.
>You don't much appreciate it, but if you remember correctly, her eyes should be perfectly exposed.
>Meaning that while she's laughing at your spill, you can throw some SNOW IN HER EYE.
>The chill from the snow hitting her directly in the eye stuns Captain Gold.
>As she's rubbing her eyes, you sweep her legs out from under her.
>Much to your surprise, you connect, and she falls, hitting the snow just beside you.
>You get up quickly and point Lucy's pike at her throat.
>The stare she gives you back is colder than the snow you threw at her.
>"I don't appreciate being made a fool of, Ghost Scribe."
>"If your not careful, I might have to make a fool out of you."
>She disappears again, and that feeling returns.
>The feeling that everything has stopped, that your body has ceased function.
>And for the briefest moment, before she disappears, you think you see her move.
>But it's only so briefly, and then she's gone.
>Looking around, you can't see her, but you do see something rather worrying.
>Six mounds of earth are hurrying towards you at frightening speed, boxing you in like a nicely wrapped gift.

Pausing for the night. Sorry about the gap, was pulled away. Leave your actions and I'll be back tomorrow!
Break out then. Make a dash for one of the mounds and use Lucy to knock it away and give us an exit route.
Some captain you are! Letting your pride get wounded in a simple sparring match!
Perhaps then, the stereotypes of arrogant unicorns have some truth to them?

Though I'm not sure if taunting her is useful right now. Take a deep breath, run and use Lucy to vault over one of them.
She must be using an area Stun spell that doesn't make us fall over. A freezing spell! She's statue-freezing all of us during her movements. Knowing the how isn't helping with how to counter it though, unless we can locate an anti freezing charm.

I agree with leaping one of the dirt mounds then coming after her, perhaps pole-vaulting with Lucy.
Resuming in roughly an hour.
Rough timing here but I'll try to play!
>>29019302 >>29019484
>>29019847 >>29019940

>As the earth itself races towards you, you dig Lucy into the dirt.
>Bending her as far as she'll go, you pole-vault over the rocky edges, narrowly avoiding a stone imprisonment.
>As you fly through the air, you take a quick scope of your surroundings.
>Even in the dark of the night, the vast blinding white of the snow should make it easy to see Gold.
>And yet, she's nowhere to be seen.
>This worries you, but not so much as the speed at which you are approaching the ground.
>You feel the weight of a thousand ponies pulling you down, uncontrollably.
>And you hit the dirt so hard, you leave a Ghost-Scribe shaped crater.
>You can't get up.
>You don't know what, but something is keeping you right where you are.
>You mutter to yourself.
"Some Captain she is, letting her pride get wounded in a sparring match."
"Perhaps those stereotypes of arrogance have some truth to them."
>As those words escape your mouth, you aren't quite sure if you mean them.
>And then another feeling creeps over you, unwelcome but increasingly familiar.
>Your body halts, and the world slows to a crawl.
>And just before everything stops, you hear a sound.
>A noise vastly unsettling in nature.
>A noise you doubt you'll ever forget.

>You can't move. At all.
>You can't breath. You can barely see or hear.
>And what you hear is snow crunching. Hoofsteps. Light, yet angry sounding.
>And then she moves into your view. The bandaged visage of Captain Gold.
>"So smart, and yet so foolish. What ever am I going to do with you, my sweet summer child."
>She doesn't seem to be speaking to you, but rather at you.

What now friends? Suggest any action you'd like. They'll be attempted and queued if incapable of being attempted.
Well, assuming we'll even gain control, try to swing at her, and continue the swing behind us.

But given that we're in a full stop, I doubt she's gonna let us do anything. We're at her full mercy.
Try to move or speak. If we can't speak now, speak when she resumes time.

What is it that you want, Captain Gold? I can never truly win this spar. You'll simply stop time again. Why do we still fight? Are you determined to best me is all?
I want to try speak to her right now, but yeah we'll do that if she attacks.
When we gain control, roll to dodge. Assuming she attacks is, of course.
>>29022774 >>29022819
>>29022846 >>29022880

>You try to move your body, reach for Lucy, take a swing.
>All to no avail though.
>Your body is incapable of responding.
>You wonder for what reason she's doing this. Clearly, with abilities like she has, there's no way you'll ever beat her.
>You try to voice this concern, and much to your surprise, you speak.
>Though, thinking about it, what you just did isn't so much speaking as desperate rasping.
>The only word you utter before you are frozen once more.
>You can see Gold's eyes shrink, in surprise and fear.
>And then swiftly widen with elation.
>"My, oh my, oh my. You just keep surprising me, Ghost Scribe."
>"Your proficiency for combat, your desire for knowledge, your unique upbringing."
>"Your misguided affections for Gilded Lily and now this."
>"I don't know how, Ghost SCribe, but you have invaded my world. My world of stopped time. It was very astute of you to figure that out the way you did earlier."
>"But being able to do as you've done is more impressive thatn anything I could have expected."
>"The other day I posed a question to you, about what you seek in a mate. You said you sought strength. Emotional and physical."
>"Seeing what I can do, do you not understand? Gilded Lily could not best me, because she is weak."
>"In this world, my world, I reign supreme, and none can... n-none can..."
>You don't know what's wrong with her, but she seems a bit wobbly, woozy.
>The frozen feeling disappears, as does the weight of the world, and your first action is to dodge out of the way.
>You swing Lucy in an arc and bring the crook just between the head and the shaft down on Gold's neck.
>You manage to trap her between Lucy and the ground before time freezes once more.
>"W-why, you..."
>You still can't move, but you feel like you might be able to manage a few more words.

More actions, more words, keep'em coming.
Tell her that strength comes in many forms.

She's getting exhausted, and it seems that she can only maintain the freeze while she can concentrate.
Dominate her, basically. Get her in a position she can't wiggle out of by freezing us. Use our leverage with Lucy to do so.
Game. Over.
You know what? That's dumb. I want to change that to "Concede."
>>29023056 >>29023152

"Strength comes in many forms, Gold."
>The words come out raspy but clear.
>"But my strength ins in all forms. My body is at peak physical condition, my mind sh-sh-sharp as a blade."
>"My magic is unlike any other, and my emotions... m-my emotioeurgggh."
>Gold's face turns paler than the driven snow, and the bandages around her mouth begin to stain red.
>The smell of blood reaches your nostrils, and the snow changes to match Gold's soiled wrappings.
>Time resumes, and you place yourself on her back, pinning the rest of her body to the ground.
>Time stops again, and now there's no way that Gold can defeat you. You still can't move, but in her state, she can't move you either.
"You've clearly exhausted yourself, Captain. I don't know how you do this, but I can see you've pushed yourself past your limit."
"Keep this going and you may very well kill yourself."
>You feel Captain Gold squirm and struggle beneath you, and then another heave.
>The struggling stops, and Gold gives a labored sigh.
>"Very well, Ghost Scribe. I concede. All life is but a game, but you play it very well."
>"...I wonder. Is this how my aunt felt when you bested her?"
>"You've staved me off for now Ghost Scribe. I see no reason to hide who I am from you any longer."
>"But please, though you owe me nothing, do me one favor."
>"Continue to refer to me as Captain Gold around my Scholars. That is all I ask."

Will we keep the captains secret? We really don't owe her a damn thing. And what to do now that we've won? Should we skip straight to Aurus or are there a few things you like to do first. Anyone you'd like to talk to?
My lips are sealed, Captain.
You have my word, Captain Gold. Know that affection is not won, it is earned. And you have only earned my respect. May I help you back to camp, Miss?

Seems like Goldheart and her both need a lesson on proper social interaction. This isn't some bedtime story where the knight who defeats the monster wins the princess' marriage and they fall in love immediately. That "Love" is just a shallow imitation of the real thing
Meant: Goldheart and "Captain Gold"
I'm writing the update right now. I don't know if any of you caught what I was trying to say, but Goldheart is Captain Gold. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
>>29023338 >>29023348
>>29023376 >>29023573

"My lips are sealed, Captain"
>Time resumes, and you get yourself off Goldhea- er, Captain Gold-, as quickly as you can.
>She gets up slowly, losing her footing once or twice.
>But you help her up. She's reluctant to take your aid, but she does all the same.
"Know this, Captain. Affection is earned, not won. And for the time being, you have only earned my respect."
>"A small victory I suppose"
"But one worth risking your life over?"
>"To you? Perhaps not. To me? Yes."
>You shake your head in mild disbelief.
"If you say so. May I help back to camp, Miss?"
>"I would appreciate it if you did."
>You walk back into camp together, Gold leaning on you.
>Her Scholars are surprised by her state, speechless.
>The Suns congratulate you silently.
>All Captain Lily can do is smile.
>You walk Gold back to her tent, going so far as to help her lay down.
>Next to her bedding you can see two more red patches of snow.
>You wonder just how hard she pushed herself.
>As you leave her, you hear her muttering to herself.
>"Twenty seconds at a time... Two minutes collectively. Five minutes overall..."
>You pay it no mind, she needs her rest after this.
>And so do you. You return to your tent as does everyone else.
>Not even Brutus' attempts at chatting you up keep you awake.

>The next morning, camp is packed up silently, and the caravan is sent on it's way.
>All the Suns are raucous and cheery, discussing your victory over Captain Gold.
>The Scholars are silent, though most stare at you with utter disdain.
>Captain Gold is still recovering from your sparring the previous day, her tired state covered up by her newly repaired robe.
>The initiate is trying silently to read.
>Maybe you could try to start a conversation with him today.

Whatcha wanna do before we skip on to Aurus, fellas?
Just check to see if he's allowed to talk yet.
I have nothing to say. Have we written in our journal since last night.
See if we can talk to the initiate. If not, talk to Brutus, maybe ask Lily what she usually does if she finds herself against magic opponents.
>>29023678 >>29023789
>>29023819 >>29023855
>Before asking the initiate anything, you turn to your journal.
>You recount the events of the last day, and then set aside a space to ask yourself a few questions.
>How did Gold stop time?
>Where did she learn to do so?
>And most importantly, how had you managed to invade her so-called "world"?
>What made you so special that you could move within the stopped time?
>Had she just been tired?
>You honestly can't say, but it's something you'll have to look into.
>All right, no that that's out of the way, maybe you can start up a little talk with the initiate.
"So, friend, how's that book you're reading?"
>"The initiate is disallowed from speaking unless permitted by her graciousness, the Captain!"
>"Silence yourself, Red Eight."
>... Yes, Captain."
>"The initiate may speak with Private Ghost Scribe if he so wishes. But no one else, and only if spoken to."
"Well, I'm glad that's cleared up. So, friend, do you have a name?"
"I'd rather not call you initiate, if it's all the same."
>The initiates voice is rough and raspy, though deep.
>"The Captain has informed me that if I am not being referred to as inititate, I am to be called Blue."
>"So you may call me Blue. Well met, Ghost Scribe."
"Likewise, Blue."

Anytihng you'd like to ask the lad? If not, it's on to Negra!
If I may ask, Blue, what are you studying in that book of yours?
What is it like, being a part of the scholars?
Have you ever been to Negra Beliza? Looking forward to it?
>>29024346 >>29024357
>>29024386 >>29024443

"If I may ask, Blue, what are you studying in that book of yours?"
>He glances over nervously at Captain Gold, who simply nods, too exhausted to do anything else.
>"My Captain was kind enough to provide me a tome containing in-depth analysis on each magical color, so that I may better understand each of them."
>"After all, I cannot be properly tested for my alignment if I do not properly understand what I am being tested on."
"That certainly does sound kind of her. Are all Scholars so kind?"
"Rather, let me rephrase that: what is it like, being a part of the Scholars?"
>"I can't say I know. I've only just been made a Scholar, you see."
>"The Captain said she saw potential in me, and so graciously allowed me to accompany her."
"So I take it you've never been to Negra Beliza?"
>"Oh, what I would give, Ghost Scribe. I've desperately wanted to visit for years. I say these past few days have been quite good to me."
>"And I have Captain Gold to thank for that."
"That's wonderful to hear. I look forward to experiencing the city with you, Blue."
>"Likewise, Ghost Scribe."
>The conversation was short, and dies a bit awkwardly, but you're glad you had it.
>Blue might get a bit of flak for associating with you now, but he seems like a nice stallion.
>You'll come to his defense if need be.

Pardon me while I write the skip to Negra
>The days after your bout with Gold begin to blend into one another.
>The Scholars get bored of being angry with you, and the Suns run out of stories to tell.
>Gold opts out of any further training, claiming that she has nothing to teach you.
>A shame, since you really would have liked to get a bit more insight as to why you could move in the stopped time.
>But, on the other hoof, it means you get more training time with Captain Lily.
>Your Taur stance improves tremendously (at least you think so).
>You still haven't quite got the hang of jumping. It's just an unnatural motion, and not even your armor can help with it.
>But all that aside, the steady routine helps the weeks to pass along.
>Wake up, clean up camp, ride for several hours, trying to no avail to figure out what allowed you to move, stop riding, set up camp, eat, train with the Captain, sleep, repeat.
>The empty horizons, though bland and a bit depressing, help to keep your mind clear.
>Eventually you hit a dry patch. No snow lies on the ground here.
>You can see pegasi in the skies, attempting to fill it with more clouds.
>You recall the ride to Aurus, and how you and Starswirl had so rudely disrupted this little patch of winter.
>A smile creeps across your face, and you're glad that there is no Ifrit to deal with this time.
>And then you get to thinking about Ambris. It's only been a month or so, but you wonder how your parents are doing.
>You wonder how Starswirl is too. You hope he isn't too bored, having to play fool for an apathetic queen and a sick king.
>You're sure Lenna must be teaching him a thing or two, when he has the time.
>You hope so at least.

>The thoughts of Starswirl lead to thoughts of Golet.
>You can't help but feel bad for leaving her behind. All she wanted to do was protect you, but her protection in a city full of more experienced summoners than you would have lead to disaster.
>You think. You still aren't entirely sure you made the right choice.
>No second guessing yourself now though.

>At some point, the caravan had made a sharp turn into the North.
>The cold had gone from acceptable to a bitter chill.
>It was something you felt in your bones rather then on your skin.
>It was disconcerting, this chill.
>"Look alive, all! Fast approaching Negra Beliza, medical and magical capitol of outr grand Unicorn kingdom!"
>"While we are here, you are not to wander outside of permitted areas, pester the locals, fraternize with the local guard, trade magical secrets with anypony, and that means ANYPONY."
>"You are also disallowed from taking any unauthorized paraphernalia outside the city walls, whether that means a piece of literature from library or a piece of bread from the damned bakery. Am I understood?"

>A shadow envelops the caravan, as you approach a vast wall, made from the blackest of stone.
>You assume that nopony else can see what you see.
>And what you see is two hulking beasts made of stone, opening the gates to Negra Beliza.
>Golems, you assume. Their summoners aren't within your line of sight, and this frightens you.
>Suddenly, you're glad you didn't bring Golet.
>The caravan is allowed into the city, and escorted silently by a contingency of ebony clad guards to what appears to be a long house of some sort.
>The long house appears to be a few miles outside the actual city.
>And depending on where your authorized areas are, this mission of yours may be a bit more difficult than you had originally thought.

Pausing for the night due to monster headache. I'll be bcak tomorrow around two o'clock pst.
Sorry, I've forgotten. What kind of medicine exactly are we looking for?
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I love this cyoa. Good stuff, Morami.
Let's bump this from 10.
I don't think she said. She said only to find a pony that knows her.
Gilded Lily, best captain.
Thank you, and I hope you can continue to enjoy it.

We're searching for Bubo Plagius, and alchemist. But to get to him, we first have to find a few old acquaintances of Lenna's: two mares, one clad all in red, the other with a very distinctive hat.

Resuming shortly, sorry for being late.
>You are escorted, along with the Scholars and the rest of the Suns, into the long house.
>Within, there is a large communal room. and several doors along the farthest wall.
>One of the ebony clad guards steps forward, his voice and actions stern and sharp.
>"We welcome you, esteemed warriors, and proud mages, to the city of Negra Beliza. And to those who have visited before, we welcome you back."
>"There are a few chains of command that must be gone through before we can allow any of you into the city proper, but until then, I hope you can enjoy your stay here in the Royal Longhouse."
>"Many years ago, Lord del Toro used this longhouse as a sort of vacation spot for himself and his immediate family, as well as visiting dignitaries, so I assure you, that even the highest standards of comfort will be met while you are hear."
>"We only ask that you refrain from leaving until we have received proper authorization to allow you into the city, and that once you have been granted such permission, that you resist whatever urges you may have to take a piece of our fair city with you."
>"I would go into greater detail, but I'm sure your Captains have already gone over it."
>"There are five guest rooms and one master. Each room can comfortably fit four. I leave you to figure out who will bunk with whom."
>"I bid you all good day, and again, welcome to Negra Beliza."
>The guard and his companion leave you all to your devices.
>Captain Lily speaks up.
>"Gold and I will be taking the master bedrooms. That leaves the remaining twenty spaces for the eighteen of you."
>"I trust you all to not kill each other over sleeping arrangements."
>"And since there is nothing we can do for the time being, Gold and I agreed that the rest of the day is yours."
>"Behave yourselves, and don't get too comfortable."
>Lily and Gold walk off towards the masters, leaving you all to decide your bunkmates.
>Not a major concern, but a fun little choice.

Who do we want to bunk with guys
Brutus, Olrich, and Weathervane are the obvious choices.
In the meantime ask what Brutus would like to do for the rest of the day.

I'm sure Weathervane will want his girlfriend too so that sorts that out, plus that's all the Suns in one room.
>>29029407 >>29029426

>You decide to have Orich, Weathervane and Brutus bunk with you.
>After a few brief conversations, and some thinking on Weather vanes end, they all agree.
>"I'll invite Jane in as well. Wouldn't do to deprive her of my presence, even for a night."
"Whatever makes you happy, Weathervane."
>The Scholars sort out there arrangements as well, and somehow, Blue manages to get a room with Puck, the other temporary Sun.
>You don't know how they'll fare in that room together, and you're sure they'll be fine, but you can't help but feel it's somehow your fault.
>It can't be helped now though, you suppose.
>You sit down on the unusually long sofa in the center of the room and call for Brutus.
>"Hello, hello, Ghost Scribe. Need to discuss more sleeping arrangements?"
"Hardly, Brutus. I just had nothing planned for the rest of the day, and was wondering if there was anything you might want to do."
>"Well... I'd like to train with you, if it's all the same. I'm a bit nervous and a good sparring session helps to calm me."
"I'd be happy to, Brutus. Though, if I may, what exactly has you so rattled."
>"...I wasn't going to say anything, but when we entered the wall, i saw something."
>"Two somethings actually. Two great stone colossi, beasts frightening in their visage and size. I thought myself crazy at first, since nopony else was acknowledging them."
>"But I saw the look on that Scholars face, Blue, and I could tell, he saw something too! Or maybe I'm just seeing things... I've been told a touch of madness runs in my family."
>"I'm a bit reluctant to bring it up to anypony else, but I figure you might understand. Did you see anything, Ghost Scribe? I'm not crazy, am I?"

Golly gee, how do we answer this folks? What do we tell Brutus?
Brutus, Negra Beliza is a city of evocationists. What you saw are likely their summons.

You should count yourself lucky, not many ponies can see summoned creatures.
I know what you mean, I was them aswell.
Ahem... *saw

How did I fuck that up...?
You live in a world where beings that grow horns can stop time, where forces exist that can bring things alive or turn a plant into an orange, or call forth unimaginable beings from incomprehensible realms.

And "crazy" is the best guess other ponies can think of?
Let's not say the "stop time" part.
I would leave out the stop time bit.
>>29029806 >>29029827
>>29029938 >>29030034
>>29030100 >>29030163
Forgive the massive pause, I had to eat and then got dragged into a massive conversation I didn't want to have.

"I did see them Brutus. Believe me, you aren't crazy."
>"For true? You saw them? What were they, Scribe?
"Negra Beliza is a city of evocationists, Brutus. What you saw were likely summons."
"And you should count yourself lucky, not many ponies can see summoned creatures."
>"Evocationists? That's not a term I can say I've heard before. Sounds a bit odd, summoned creatures and all that."
"You live in a world where horned equines can levitate objects, where forces exist that can bring inanimate objects alive and turn an apple into an orange, or call forth unimaginable beings from incomprehensible realms."
"And odd is the only thing you can think of to describe it?"
>He chuckles to himself.
>"I'm not a very learned stallion, Scribe. I couldn't think of a better word."
>"You know, I'm a bit curious. How did you know that little bit about Negra? The evocationist bit, I mean."
"Well, uh, my brother you see, he's interested in all kinds of magic. It's just something he happened to read up on and tell me."
>"That brother of yours sounds like a smart pony. Anyway, thank you for assuaging my fears. For a moment I was worried I might be going crazy."
"Think nothing of it."
>"Oh, but I will think something of it. You're a good friend, Scribe. I mean, we are friends right? I know I've been calling you that, but well..."

How do you respond? And is there anypony besides the Captains you'd like to speak with before we rain with Brutus and skip to tomorrow?
Of course we're friends, Brutus.
"We're friends, Brutus. New friends perhaps, with plenty to learn about one another, but friends nonetheless. And I'm more than happy to share what I know about this place with you.

Maybe we can snoop in on Puck and Blue. Blue might be curious about those summons also and we might find an in with him, with our knowlege.
Friends? I suppose so. New friends, not very acquainted friends, but those things take time.

...you're not going to propose marriage now, are you?
>>29030468 >>29030492
>>29030550 >>29030599

"Of course we're friends, Brutus. New friends perhaps, but friends nonetheless."
"Friendship take time, and we still have plenty to learn about each other."
"...Why do you ask? You aren't working up the courage to propose, are you?"
>"No, no, of course not. Don't be ridiculous."
"I jest, Brutus. Now, if you don't mind waiting, I have somepony I'd like to speak too."
>"No problem, Scribe. Try not to dally though, I'm getting more anxious by the minute."
"Of course. I won't be but a moment."

Guys, I'm sorry, but I'm just not in the space to write right now. I'll continue from this point and strike up a talk with Blue tomorrow. Would you guys be okay with starting early? Or is normal time better?
Could we get a specific time?
How does Twelve sound?

PST by the way.
I won't be able to play till 3pm EST.
I'll just start around two then.

I'm really sorry guys.
I can play.
up ya go
>You walk through the mostly empty room to one of the many doors at the end.
>You give a quick knock at it and are greeted by the gruff, grizzled stare of Puck the mercenary.
>"What do you want, kid."
>She said it like a statement, not a question. Her demeanor is definitely less than friendly.
"I, uh, I wanted to see if Blue was here?"
>"The hunchback with the voice like a bee sting? Yeah, he's right here."
>She steps aside to let you in, but you'd rather just stand by the door.
>With the door open and Puck out of the way, you can see Blue, still wearing his colorless robe, sitting on a bed in the far corner of the room.
>He notices you and waves.
"Hello, Blue."
>"Hoy, Ghost Scribe. How are you, friend?"
"I'm well, thank you. May I speak with you for a moment?"
>"Of course friend. I relish the chance to talk with you."
>"Given, you're the only pony I'm allowed to talk to as of now. But still."
"Would you mind coming out?"
>"Of course not."
>He brings himself to the door and out, earning a disdainful look from Puck as he bumps into her.
>He gives her an apologetic look, but it doesn't seem to satisfy her.
>You'll be sure to help clear that up at some point.
>The door closes and you move with him to the sofa.
>Brutus is gone, likely already outside.
>"So, what did you want to talk about?"

What did we want to ask him again?
Nothing, really.
Hmm. WE seem to have a dilemma.The person that wanted to speak with Blue isn't hear. Should we just skip it? I'd like to move on and I'm sure you would too.
As another person who had nothing to say to him I would like to skip.
Let's skip.

This was kinda really rude to Brutus.
>"Are you my friend?"
"Yes, now excuse me while I go talk to someone else."
>>29035676 >>29036046
>>29036084 >>29036104
Sorry whoever wanted this conversation, but we have to move on

>You try to recall what it was that you wanted to say, but nothing comes to mind.
>You start to feel a little ridiculous, and more than a bit rude.
>You disrupted whatever Blue was doing, and blew Brutus off to do so.
>Right after you had said you were friends no less.
>Some friend you are.
"Blue, I hope you can forgive me, but I've completely forgotten what it was I wanted to speak to you about."
>"Well, that's no good. You should really think a bit harder about what you want to say before you go asking questions."
"I know. I'm sorry for wasting your time"
>"It's all right. If anything, you gave me a reason to leave my room. I don't know what's wrong with that Puck mare, but she doesn't seem to like me much."
>"If you remember what you wanted I'll be here, doing some reading."
"Right. Again, sorry."
>You slink away, and go outside, embarrassed and a bit ashamed.
>You nearly run into Brutus, who was practicing with his blade work just outside the door.
>"Hello, friend! Ready to spar."
"Yes, Brutus, but first an apology. I shouldn't have left you so abruptly. A friend wouldn't have done something like that."
>"And I forgive you. That's something a friend would do."
>"Now draw your weapon, let me blunt it, and lets spar!"
>You do as he asks, letting him blunt Lucy as Gold had done.
>You assume your stance, and he assumes his.
>Though his stance consists of holding his blade with magic.
>You hadn't seen this before, but it occurs to you just how strange the Golden Suns style of combat must be t in comparison to other unicorns.
>Using their hoofs and mouths, rather than their horns and magic. Truly strange.
>You spend the rest of the day sparring with Brutus.
>You continually fail to best him.

>By the end of the day, you are tired and sweaty, having failed to defeat Brutus in even one duel.
>"Now, now, friend, where's that fighting spirit I saw so much of before?"
"Well, I'm not exactly used to fighting somepony who can swing a sword and still keep all four hooves free."
>"Ah, that's right. The Earth pony fighting style. Primary reason I couldn't join the Suns. Could never get a hang of the style."
>"I would assume it comes natural to you though, being an Earth pony and all."
"Yeah... I suppose it does.

>The both of you worn out, you retire to bed for the night.
>The night passes by uneventful.
>But the morning arrives with a bang.
>You wake with a start as you are physically pulled from your bed and thrown out your bedroom door.
>As you look up and to your sides, you see everypony else in similar positions, and none too pleased.
>"Captain Gold stands above you all
>Good morning, troops. I trust you all slept well."
>"Now awaken, prepare yourselves for the day. Chores will be assigned momentarily, and afterwards, basic training will begin."
>You hear the door of the longhouse open in dramatic fashion.
>"Training you say? How wonderful, and yet, wonderfully unfortunate."
>As you get up, you see a mare coming through the door, in a pitch black dress and a hat taller than she is, culminating at a sharp point.
>"At least one of your soldiers is going to have to miss their training exercises today."
>"According to who, may I ask?"
>"According to me, Captain Gold. I need at least two of your soldiers to accompany me into the city for questioning and inspection."
>"Just standard security practice, I assure you. Now will any of your troops be volunteering, or will I have to do a bit of random selection?"

Quick! Do you want to volunteer? and should we volunteer someone else as well? If you can't decide on another soldier, I will pick one at random.
As much as training is important, I'd be cool with volunteering.
Since I doubt Gold won't pick us, lets bring Brutus or Orich or Weathervane along.
Volunteer! Volunteer now! That's the mare we need to see. I would like Brutus to come along. I like Brutus.
I'm the guy who wanted to speak with Blue. About the golems that only us, Brutus, and he can see. The summons creatures, as per my message:
Yes, volunteer. Bring Brutus. With our mix of fighting styles we're probably pretty effective as a team.
Sorry man, I didn't know if you had other things you wanted to ask, and didn't want to wait forever. We'll have another talk with him later on, I promise.

>>29036609 >>29036628
>>29036719 >>29036885

"Miss, if I may volunteer?"
>The mare in the tall hat looks at you with curiosity. It is quickly replaced by apathy.
>"You may, soldier. Your name?"
"Ghost Scribe ma'am. And If I may be so bold, I'd like to volunteer my comrade Brutus to come along as well."
>"I see no issue. And while Brutus no longer has a choice in the matter, I would advise against volunteering your fellow soldier in the future."
>"It's a very easy way to make enemies out of friends."
>Brutus speaks up at this.
>"I would be happy to volunteer myself, ma'am."
>"That's wonderful. But as I said, you don't really have a choice."
>"Now if you would please step outside and await further instruction. I must have a few words with your Captain."

>You both do as your told, and after several moments of standing in the cold, the mare joins you.
>"Alright you two, allow me to explain what's going on."
>"I'm escorting you within the city to be questioned by the Lord's personal guard, to ensure that you are not planning anything suspicious."
>"It is simply a formality, but I request you answer every question to the best of your abilities."
>"Especially you, Earth Pony. I have no idea how you managed to become a Golden Sun, but I assure this will afford you no quarter in Negra Beliza."
>"Now if either of you have any questions, I ask you get them out of the way now. I would prefer to spend this walk in silence."

All right guys, be careful how you word your questions, cause Brutus is here. He doesn't know shit, and unless you really trust him, I'd choose your words carefully.
I can't think of anything useful to ask her. I mean if I did it'd be along the lines of, "Do you get many ponies in here intending to stir up trouble?" or "Why not question the entire delegation instead of just a couple of us?"... Not very compelling stuff.

Formulating non-suspicious answers to an interrogation should be easy for Brutus, but we'll have to watch our ass.
Ask what kind of magic she practices? Express an interest in White magic, start taking about Lenna?
I trust Brutus. Tell her Miss Ton'berri sent us and told us that you could get us into contact with Ebo Pelagius.
>>29037129 >>29037162
>>29037181 >>29037322

"Do you often get ponies in here trying to stir up trouble?"
>"I can't confirm or deny that, nor do I wish too."
"Well, can you tell me this? Why not question the entire delegation instead of just a couple of us."
>"The reasons for why we question you are not important, only the questions that we ask once you are within our custody."
>You sigh internally.
>You think about her clothes for a moment, and a thought pops into your head.
"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of magic do you practice?"
>"I practice no magic."
>That was a lie if ever you've heard one.
>Fine, time to be absolutely straightforward.
>You trust Brutus enough for what you're about to ask.
"Ma'am, would you happen to know a mare by the name of Lenna Ton'berri?"
>"...The name is familiar."
"Well, I was sent here on her behalf and told to come into contact with a mare with a very large hat. She told me that you could get me into contact with Ebo Pelagius."
"I don't know who that is, but was hoping you might be the mare I was looking for."
>She gives you a stern look, which quickly softens and turns into a smile.
>"Well why didn't you say so earlier? Lenna sent me a letter telling me you'd be coming, though she didn't tell me you'd be an Earth Pony."
>"In this city, that alone is enough to get you killed. But we'll fix that quite quickly."
>Her horn, just under the brim of her outrageously large hat, glows a sinister black.
>You feel a sharp pain in your forehead and then numbness. Reaching your hooves up you feel... a horn?
>"Don't let that excite you, now. It's just for show. Now come along, we've got a long walk ahead of us."
>You follow close behind her.
>Brutus is calm, if not confused.
>"Mind explaining what this is all about, friend?"

You have one post to explain things to Brutus before we move on into Negra.
Just tell him what's going on.
We're getting medicine for a very sick pony in the castle. They're incredibly important, so that's why there's all the secrecy.
We're on a secret mission, friend. I hope I can trust you to keep it secret.
Let's keep it short, concise, and with little details as possible.
And by short and concise I mean like >>29037520
Just so we're clear.
>>29037495 >>29037503
>>29037520 >>29037648

"To be frank, Brutus, we're on something of a secret mission. We're getting medicine for a very sick pony back at Castle Aurus."
"They're very important, so there's a degree of secrecy to be had here. Understood?"
>"Oh, most definitely. You can count on me, no worries."
>"Aww, how cute. It's nice to see two friends who can trust in one another. You don't see much of that in this city."
>"Everypony's afraid of something or other in Negra. It's best to just keep your head down, don't ask any questions, keep your nose clean."
>"And most importantly, keep quiet."
"I can do that."
>"As can I."

>The next hour is spent walking in the cold to the true gates of Negra Beliza.
>Upon arrival, you are placed under deep scrutiny by the guards there.
>Pat downs, an armor inspection, and extended weapon blunting spells, all while under the fiery stare of several Ifrytes.
>It's all you can do to keep from letting on that you can see them.
>Brutus has a similar struggle, but you both make it through.

>As you walk through the checkpoint into Negra, you are accosted by something you weren't expecting.
>Unimaginable, incomparable beauty. Everything in the city masterfully crafted, columns and walls of blackest marble, windows made from purest crystal, and doors made from woods you couldn't name if you tried.
>As beautiful as it all is though, you don't have time to take it in.
>Your guide, the mare with the tall hat pulls you and Brutus into a small shop.
>Or rather, a tavern. Inside, it is mostly empty, save for another mare dressed in all red, with a rose in her hair.
>She's just sitting, drinking, paying attention to nothing in particular.
>"Rosa! Look alive. Lenna's friends are here."
>The mare turns her head towards you slowly.
>"Lenna? Friends? Nonsense."
>"Get over yourself, Rosa. Sorry bout her, she's a real sourpuss."
>"Anyway, here's your map. Have fun!"
>She hands you a map. You have no idea what for.
Any questions in particular for these two? Beyond "What's this map for?" of course.
So, is the beauty of the architecture of the place to make up for the lack of beauty in its ponies?

Though that's more like something to mutter under our breath.

Ask them about where the map leads to, and if they can tell us anything useful for if we ever run into trouble in this town,no mathematician's answers.
Intoduce ourselves, hopefully the reciprocate. Ask if they are aware of the reason Miss Ton'berri sent us.
>So, is the beauty of the architecture of the place to make up for the lack of beauty in its ponies?
>Though that's more like something to mutter under our breath.
What? Why? What are you talking about?
This. What even?
Well do you wanna insult the ponies that just a gave you the plot thing? I wouldn't.
So why even fucking bring it up in the first place?
Exactly. Besides, I don't think we don't have the right to talk about the beauty of ponies in Negra Beliza. It's not like we know any of them personally.

I think anon is just commenting on the juxtaposition between the horrid attitudes of the ponies in the city, and the citys inherent beauty.

I don't think they meant it as anything but an aside comment, and didn't actually want to say it.

Don't worry I'm writing the update, I just don't like to see you guys argue.
Because not every thing you wanna say is something you wanna say out loud where everyone else can hear. Sometimes you wanna make more snide remarks.
Sometimes its so the QM gets a choice on what he wants to put into the next post.

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Being sweared at for answering a question ain't nice.
But that's totally pointless. Scribe isn't the type for snide remarks. You can, as Mora said, give your own comment about something without implying to have Scribe say/think it.
>>29038013 >>29038106

"So, where exactly does this map lead."
>"Well, it doesn't lead anywhere , but I have a few paths marked down in there for you."
>"One leads to the Temple of Farsight, one to the Xanthous Garden and the last to the home of an old companion of ours."
>"The ingredients you need to gather are in these three seperate locations."
>"You are here to see Ebo, yes? Well he's a stallion who doesn't like to waste time, so you'd best be on your way to gathering if you want to see him."
>"Vivi, you're doing it again. Context, remember?"
>The tall hatted mare, gets a little red in the face.
>"R-right, I suppose I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. Let's start over. I don't believe I ever caught your names."
"I am Ghost Scribe."
>"And I am Brutus Softsword."

>"Well met, Brutus, Ghost Scribe. I am Vivian Crowe, Officer of Lord del Toro's army, and Master of Black magics."
>"The grump over there is Rosa Thourne. She isn't really much of anything anymore, though she's still the Master of Red magics."
>"Always have been, always will be, and won't nopony ever change that Vivi."
"It's a pleasure to meet you both. Miss Ton'berri mentioned you both, though I never thought I'd meet you."
>"Tch. 'Miss Ton'berri'. What a fat load of-'
>"Now, now Rosa, no need to be rude. You'll have to forgive her. She and Sanctus had a falling out with with Lenna some years back. Right around the time old Tela died, actually."
>"But that's not important right now. What's important is why you're here."
>"Ebo can make the medicine you need no problem, but he needs a few ingredients from those locations I marked on the map."
>"He said he won't even see you unless you come ti him with them first."
>"To save you some time, Rosa and I can go to one of these places for you, but that's all, since I'm busy with my officer position, and she's busy with... herself."
>"So tell me where you want to go, and I'll tell you what you're looking for!"
Temple of Farsight is as good as any place, I imagine.
Lets go to the garden, or the companion's home.

temple sounds like its got traps. And just us two aren't really suited for that kind of stuff.
Paused for the night, gotta beb. See ya tomorrow!
I think the temple sounds coolest, but I don't want to step on the gent who hates traps' toes. I'd vote temple and garden otherwise.

Though I can live with garden and companion, too.

'Brutus Softsword', what a compelling last name.
He's called Softsword because he's got a softdagger
I would like to take the garden and home. Ask if one would be so kind to go to the temple for us.
Mora, I would like to request a picture of Vivian Crowe in full regalia.
It'll take a little while, but I can do that.

Seriously, don't expect it any time soon, It takes me a while to make anything mediocre.
Can we expect a session tonight or...?
I ended up having to do some things today that prevented me from running, and it's honestly kind of late to start running.

I mean, I could. Do you want me to?
I'd play for the next three hours. It's your call.
Running it is, if ever so briefly.
>>29038515 >>29038527
>>29038573 >>29039097

>You consider the temple for a brief moment, but that sounds a bit foreboding to you.
>Gardens are nice. And the other location is the house of one of Vivian's companions, so that should make things simple enough.
>So you decide on those two.
"I'll go to the Xanthous Garden, and your companions house."
"Now what exactly are we looking for?"
>"Well... let's see, let's see... Ah! That's right! In the Xnathous Garden, you'll be looking for looking for the Midan Lily, commonly referred to as the Gilded Lily."
>"It has a coloration and a sheen like gold, with rigid petals. It shouldn't be hard to spot or take, since the groundskeeper is blind as a mole, but it weighs quite a bit, so keep that in mind."
>"Now, the house you'll be going to used to belong to Tela de'Terra, but now Sanctus lives there. He's not so fond of strangers, but just tell him I sent you, and he'll give you what you need."
>"What you need being manticore's venom sac. He keeps lots on hoof, for whatever reason."
>"While you're doing that, Rosa and I-"
>"I never agreed to this."
>"...I will head to the Temple of Farsight and get you some Farseer's powder. Not a simple task, since the priests guard the stuff like it's gold, but I'll find one way or another to do so."
>"Alright! Now that that's settled, let's get a move on, no time to waste!"
>With a high energy you wouldn't have guessed she possessed from your first encounter with her, she pushes you and Brutus out the door.
>"Once you've got what you need, meet back here. Good luck!"
>She scampers of with a skip in her step, before getting rigid and assuming sterile march.
>Looking at the map she gave you, you see that Sanctus' home and the Xanthous Garden are equidistant from where you are now, and in the same general direction as well.
>The only question now, is where to first?
Ask brutus what he'd like to do first: sneak a literal gold flower past a blind groundskeeper? Or deal with a grumpy unicorn?
We just need to give an explanation for the house visit, so I guess that one should be easier.

Yeah, let's see what Brutus thinks.
To the gardens I say.
>>29044395 >>29044462
>>29044434 >>29044468

>You figure that the house visit should be easiest.
>Just give an explanation, get what you need and leave.
>The garden doesn't sound much more difficult to be perfectly honest.
>You'd be fine with doing either first, but maybe you should see what Brutus thinks.
"Hey, Brutus. Which of these would you like to tackle first?"
>"Well, as easy as visiting this Sanctus fellow sounds, I'd like to spend as little time as possible with a manticore's venom sac in my bag."
>"So if it's all the same to you, I say we go get the lily first."
"Very well. Off we go then."
>The streets are surprisingly lifeless as you walk through them.
>You pass by the occasional guard, sometimes a mare or stallion going about there business.
>The guards give you funny looks, and the citizens avoid eye contact all together.
>Strange, and altogether disconcerting.
>You aren't complaining though.
>Soon you reach the mercantile district, which is equally lifeless.
>There are no open stalls, simply sterile, albeit beautifully crafted, indoor businesses.
>You wonder who shops here in these lonely stores.
>"Bit strange, innit? You'd expect a city like this to be full of all sorts of hustle and bustle."
"Bit strange indeed. Although, I suppose with fewer ponies around, our job get's significantly easier. So I'm not complaini-OOPH!"
>You are bumped into and nearly knocked over by a filly, dressed in a what seems to be a silken cloak that has clearly seen better days.
>The filly takes the hit a bit harder, seeming dazed by your accidental encounter.
>"Hey there, little filly, are you alright? You should really watch where-"

>Guards? Are they talking to you? Or to the filly?
>"STOP RIGHT THERE. You two! Hold her down!"
>Before you have time to react, Brutus picks her up and throws her over his back, much to her chagrin.
>"Thank you, citizen! Now, if you would, hand her over."
Well what do we do? Hand filly over? We hardly know what's going on in this situation.
Who is this filly? What's her race?

Ask the guard what she's done. Did she violate their mothers? Did she go fiddling with some locks, and now they're going to have a real gay party?
By all means I would normally hand her back immediately but since you hinted that there's more to this...

What has she done, sir?
>>29044685 >>29044770

>You take a look at the little unicorn filly and wonder what she possibly could have done to warrant such a response.
"Who is this filly?"
>"Who she is isn't important, just hand her over."
"Well, what did she do?"
>"Also not important, now hand her over."
"Well, I don't think I can comfortably place her in your custody if I have no idea what she did in the first place."
>"...You aren't from around here, are you?"
"And if I'm not? I still need to know what she did before I give her to you."
>"If you must know, we caught her attempting to break in the back door of a jewelry dealer, not too far from here."
>"The little bugger had just busted through the luck when we stumbled upon her."
>"And not like you would know, but this isn't the first time we've had to deal with her for something like this."
>"So if you would kindly hand her over, we can all be on our ways, and I'll forget all the lip you just gave me."
>You look back at Brutus. He's still holding the filly firmly on his back, but he doesn't seem sure about what to do."
>And honestly, now that you can see the pleading look the filly is giving you, neither are you.
>This all seems rather circumstantial.

What do?
I think Scribe strikes me as a fairly lawful guy.

I think we should turn her over. Even if she is a filly, breaking into a jewelry store multiple times just isn't okay.
Seems she can't explain herself. Hand he'd over to the law and wash our hooves of the situation. Apologize for the intrusion and be on our way.
Please understand, this all looks rather suspicious. She is, after all, just a filly. And jail (or a broken home) is hardly a place where a foal can grow up into a good pony if all they learn are bad examples.

Ask the filly who she is. I've got half a mind to offer to take her back with us to Aurus. But who knows, maybe this girl truly is a little shit.
>>29045008 >>29045067
>>29045076 >>29045087

>This whole situation seems rather suspicious to you.
>Then again, you have no idea whether or not this filly is actually the thief these guards claim her to be.
>Certainly you've never heard of children having to resort to such acts before, or of any being so skilled as to be able to break into buildings.
"Young filly, what is your name?
>"M-my name is Bella, kind sir. And I promise, I've never done anything so mean as try to break into a store!"
>"I would never steal anything, never ever! I don't even know what a lock pick looks like, or how to use one!"
>She sounds sincere.
>But still, you've always been a pony of lawful intent. You still don't really know anything about this situation.
>And honestly, despite their rough demeanor, you see no reason why these guards would lie to you.
>Then again, even if they are right, jail is no place for a filly to spend her days. The kind of ponies that spend their time in prisons would just make her worse.
>Or make her bad, assuming she's done nothing in the first place.
>You should give this one a little more thought...

Justy wanted to be sure. You wanna wash your hooves of her and hand her over, or vouch for her?
I still think I'm more willing to trust the word of the guards over that of the filly.

A more emotional choice would be to try and take her home, but I'm still gonna go with the law on this one. Hoof her over. Just maybe "accidentally" be negligent enough for her to run off.
Oh? Then what was she actually doing, then?
Lean in close so the filly can whisper into our ear, if she doens't wanna tell us out loud.
I like the idea of a clumsy hand-over, giving her a potential escape. We sure as hell don't need a new daughteru on this quest, that was what poisoned me off Alchemy.
>>29045477 >>29045524
>>29045524 >>29045618

>You are more inclined to take the guards words over the filly's.
>But maybe you should hear her out first?
"Well, Bella, since you say you weren't stealing anything, would you be so kind as to tell me what you were doing?"
>"Look, I don't know who you are but if you don't hand that filly over RIGHT NOW, I swear I will-"
"Hold now, Sir guard, I just want to hear her side of things.
>The guard huffs and puffs, but he seems able to restrain himself.
>"I-I wasn't doing anything. I was just trying to go home, a-and these big meany guards started yelling at me for no reason!"
"Home? Where do you live?"
>"I, uh... I live in... I..."
"Now, now, what kind of filly doesn't even know where she lives. If you can't even tell me that, how can I trust you didn't do any of the things these guards said you did?"
>"I didn't steal anything!"
"I'm sure you didn't. But I think just to be safe, you should go with the guards. Maybe they can help you get home."
>Of course, that's not what you're going to do at all. Picking her up from Brutus' back you prepare to give her to the guards.
>But then, through some miraculous and altogether unfortunate force of nature, you trip!
>Oh woe! How could you have bumbled so foolishly.
>You watch as the filly 'escapes' your grasp, and ducks between the legs of the guards.
>She ducks down some alleyway, and disappears, the guards hurriedly giving chase.
>Brutus seems to find the whole scene amusing.
>"Smooth, Ghost Scribe. Let's just hope she wasn't any kind of real trouble."
"Children only wind up trouble if raised improperly. I'd do it myself, but I hardly have time to raise a child."
"And besides, she seems plenty capable of handling herself."
>"Definitely. Now let's get a move on, before anymore wayward foals find their way into our path."
"Right. To the garden.

Pausing for the night. be back tomorrow!
here's a bump at nine.
At ten
page 10 bump!
sorry i couldnt post tonight bump
9th boop
History is exciting
you deserve better then me
what a whale of a tale.
Orich & Weathervane a cute.
Orich is alright. His character is kinda interesting. I think Weathervane only became someone we give a shit about because he is a trap, not who he is as a pony. So personally I don't care much for him, I'm more intrested in other characters.
Agreed on both counts.
>You continue to make your way to the bizarrely silent streets.
>You find it easier to take the side streets, as you notice most ponies in Negra seem to prefer ducking down side streets and alleyways.
>A strange habit, but you're sure they have good reason for it.
>More than once, you find yourself crossing paths with a summoned spirit.
>Sometimes Ifrytes, sometimes Ramurans, all initially suspicious of you, but quickly bored when you pretend not to notice their existence.
>If Golet were here, you'd likely have been found out already. As is, you have a hard enough time keeping Brutus calm.
>Each time a spirit passes, you grow a bit fearful, worried he might draw his blade.
>Without fail though, he pulls out a straight object, tightly bound in a blanket.
>He holds it close to his chest, muttering something to himself.
>As you get closer to the garden, the spirits begin to saturate the streets with their presence, their masters likely not very far away.
>At this point, he refuses to put the object away, clutching it with a deathly grip.
>His muttering has grown louder and you can just make out what he's saying.
>"Through remembrance, you give me strength. I am a rock. I am an island."
>He repeats this line to himself over and over.
>It's a tad worrying, for a few reasons.

Hey folks! Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Like really, I'm sorry. Unbelievably so. Anyway, what to do with Brutus? Let him be, or try to calm him down ourselves?
Hey Brutus, you doing alright, bud?
Pretty much this. If he doesn't mind us asking, what's he holding there?
"Brutus, you're acting weird. Please stop acting weird because it's attracting attention. Just follow my lead."
That's pretty insensitive. Don't say this.
Do not say this.
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>>29056142 >>29056153
>>29056230 >>29056261

"Brutus? Are you doing alright?"
>"I, I-I, I, uh, y-yeah. I-I'm fine."
"You don't sound fine. Breath, Brutus, calm yourself."
>He tries, but his breathing turns to hyper ventilating.
"Now, now, let's try to focus on something else. Why don't you tell me what you're holding there? Why do you hold it so close?"
>"Th-this? It's, i-it's, uh, something v-very important to me."
"Why? What is it?"
>"I-it's a straight sword. O-or, rather, a broken straight sword. It belonged to my great-grandfather."
>He's starting to calm down a bit. Talking about this thing clearly helps him stay level.
>"M-my mother used to tell me that no matter where I was, as long as I held this blade close, I'd never be alone."
>"T-that if I held it close to my heart, my great-grandfather, my grandfather, even my father, would always be with me in spirit."
>"I never know whether to believe that... but it's always helped me up to this point."
>"Huh. Would you look at that. I've stopped shaking."
"Then what your mother said must be true after all."
>"I suppose so. Now let's go, before I start to panic again."

>You hurry through the ever increasing crowd of spirits, the air around you fluctuating between chilly, sweltering and electrifying.
>It's remarkably uncomfortable, but you are done with it soon enough.
>The flow of spirits comes to a grinding halt around the entrance to the garden, something both you and Brutus are relieved about.
>But no sooner do the spirits stop that you are accosted by something else: the brightness of the garden.
>You can't name any flower in this garden, save for maybe sunflowers, but it more than lives up to the name of Xanthous.
>You both have to stop and allow your eyes to adjust to the sheer amount of yellow around you.
>While you adjust you hear a voice, creaky and old.
>"Hello? Who has come to visit my garden?"
>You see an old mare, dressed all in yellow to match her flowers.
>She is blind, as you were told.
Forgot to say, thislady might not be okay with us just waltzing in and taking a flower from her. feel free to say whatever you want to her. Or continue to be the lawful, honest guy you are. Whatever works for you.
Greet her and tell her that we were sent by Vivian Crowe and Rosa Thourne to collect a Gilded Lily.

"Hello, miss. I and my companion have come to visit your garden."
"We were sent here by Vivian Crowe and Rosa Thourne, to retrieve a Gilded Lily."
>"A Gilded Lily? A Midan Lily, I suppose you mean?"
"Precisely, miss. And we would be very grateful if you could provide us with one."
>"Well, I would be delighted to."
"Thank you! I very much app-"
>"But I won't."
"Beg pardon?"
>"I said I won't. I have no reason to give you one of my flowers."
>"And if Vivian and Rosa are in such dire need of one of my Lillies, they can come get one themselves, rather than laze about, wasting their talents like I know they do."

Well, being straightforward didn't work. Wanna try to be sneaky? Or be even more straightforward?
She might be blind, but perhaps she's a summons-master. We might get toasted by an ifrit if we try to steal one. I'd say we negotiate further and see if there's any garden maintenance or other thing we can do to get the lily.
Perhaps there is something we can do for you in exchange?

Ask Brutus if it'd be fine if we offered both his and our service to try to get in her favor.

If yes, ask her if there's anything we could do to give her a reason to give us a flower.

If no, let's think some more. Ask Brutus for his ideas as well.
>>29056944 >>29057038
>>29057151 >>29057170

>You decide to confer with Brutus for a moment.
"What would you say if I tried to offer our services to this mare in exchange for a lily?"
>"What kind of services?"
"You know, just general garden stuff. Taking care of a garden this large and...bright, can't be easy for a mare her age."
>"Especially once you take into consideration that she's blind."
>"I may be blind, but I'm certainly not deaf. It's rude to whisper among company, you know."
"Er, uh, s-sorry, miss."
>"Don't let it happen again."
>"Now, I was listening to your little offer, and if you want one of my lilies so bad, I suppose I have something you could do to earn one."
>"As I'm sure you inferred, caring for a garden of this scale is incredibly difficult."
>"I used to have no issues tending to every individual plant myself. but now..."
>"In any case, I've had to rely on some rather unfortunate crutches these last few years to keep my garden alive."
>"And one of those crutches is a special kind of mulch that is provided to me by a rather surly stallion by the name of-"

>A small squeaky voice pierces your conversation.
>And attached to that voice is a ragamuffin of a filly.
>She rushes up to the mare, hugging her leg tightly.
>"Oh? Why hello, my precious Bella! What have you been up to today?"
>"Come now, don't give me that. I'm your Nana, I know you far too well to-Oh, where are my manners?"
>"You two, whatsyernames, this is my grandfilly, Bella."
>"Say hello to the nice stallions, dearie."
>Bella looks at you, and upon recognizing you and Brutus, she gets a little pale, though she maintains her smile.

Well, well, look who showed up. React as you will.
Sorry, who's Bella again?
Well how about that? Excuse me little filly, what exactly were you getting up to that would have guards chasing you?
Well, she's not a criminal right now. Not only that, but we don't have much evidence or reason to call her out, so...

"It's nice to meet you, Bella." Then offer our hoof to shake. When we get the chance, ask for the name of the stallion, we didn't catch it the first time.
The filly.

Read nigga, read.
I've been reading, I'm shit with names.

>You're tempted to call her out on her antics earlier, but you don't possibly see how that could benefit you..
"It's nice to meet you, Bella."
>Still nervous, and a bit sweaty, Bella calms down enough to say hello back.
>Odd, since she had already greeted you.
>Her nana picks up on it though, with her seemingly super-pony senses.
>"Bella, what did you take from these two."
>"Don't lie to me Bella, you know how I hate lying."
>"Nana, I swear, I didn't take anything!"
>"...From them."
>"Well then why exactly are you so nervous, Bella?"
>Bella seems to be out of fibs, having lied herself into a small corner.
>"Because..., b-because they helped me get away from some guards..."
>"Oh did they now?"
>Bella looks a bit defeated now, her lips pouty and her eyes big.
>"Yeah. I was trying to get into Mr. Rough Diamonds store, and some guards saw me and I ran away."
>"I ran into Mr. uh..."
"Ghost Scribe."
>"I ran into Mr. Ghost Scribe and Mr. Brutus and Mr. Ghost Scribe helped me get away."
>"And how did he do that?"
>"He pretended to trip and drop me."
>She puts a small smile on her face.
>"Hehe, yeah, it was pretty obvious."
"And here I was thinking I was clever."

>"Bella dear, can you do Nana a favor."
>"Sure, Nana!"
>"Be a dear and get me one of the Midan Lilies. Be careful not to pull too hard, and don't strain yourself carrying it."
>"Got it, Nana."
>She scampers off to go find the flower.
>"Hmph. I'll deal with her poor habits later."
>"Consider this a thank you from me, for keeping my grandfilly out of prison. She's a hoofful, but we're all we have left."
"What about that mulch you needed?"
>"Don't worry about it."
>You hear a grumbling and a rustling that seems to come from the plants themselves.
>"Quiet yourself, you'll get what you want soon enough."
>"Sorry, the plants can be a bit... impatient. now, If you don't mind my asking, why do you need a Gilded Lily?"
It is an ingredient for a potion or somesuch. Pardon me, but may I ask you name?

"We're using it to make a potion, of sorts."
"In any case, I should be thanking you Could I have your name so I can do it properly?"
>"My name? Well, you can call me Nana Daisy. Or just Daisy, if that's more comfortable."
"Well thank you, Daisy. I appreciate you allowing us one of your flowers."
>"The least I could do, honestly. But you said you were making a potion, yes? You don't strike me as an alchemist, or even a brewer."
>"In fact, based on the slight scraping I've been hearing, I take you for... mercenaries of some sort, perhaps?"
>"Would you mind telling me what kind of potion your making. What it's for?"
Don't ask me, ma'am. I have only been tasked with gathering the ingredients. I believe one of those more learned scholar types said something about a medicine.
Lenna Ton'berri asked me to get the ingredients to heal someone at the castle.
Its for a medicine, I believe. As for who and what it does, well I wasn't told.

If you don't mind me asking, why does Bella "break into" jewelery stores?
I would rather leave that out.
>>29058229 >>29058267
>>29058394 >>29058590

"I couldn't tell you exactly what it's for, ma'am. I've only been tasked with gathering the ingredients."
"It's a medicine I believe, but that's the extent of my knowledge.
>"Hmm. You know, Sanctus Harmonia is the one who created the Midan Lily. He wanted a way to preserve the beauty of the flowers he cherished forever."
>"The end result was something like an organic metal, not dead and not quite alive. He hated them, but couldn't bare to destroy what he had created."
>"I've been caring for them ever since."
>So Sanctus likes flowers, does he? Might be useful to remember.
"I hate to pry, but if you don't mind me asking, why does Bella "break into" jewelry stores?"
>" Honestly can't tell you what reasons that filly has for doing what she does. So far as I know, she's never stolen anything other than food."
>"She just breaks in and never takes anything. She says its for practice."
"Practice for what?"
>"I can't say. She's a funny one, she is, sweet as cream though. Considering the trollop her mother, my daughter was, and the ruthless brute her father is... well, I'm just glad she hasn't turned out much worse."
>The plants around you begin to churn and grumble again, as Nana Daisy gets a somber look on her face.
>It quickly lifts as her grandfilly comes rushing back, potted plant on her back.
>"Nana, I did it!"
>"You certainly did, my little treasure! I'm so proud."
>Using magic, she lifts the plant from Bella's back to Brutus' saddlebag.

Anything you'd like to ask/say, or are we ready for Sanctus' house.
Thank her for the flower and bid her a good day. Tell Bella to be good.
Fell asleep at my keyboard, so I think I'm gonna pause for the night. See you tomorrow!
Say there's other ways to get things than stealing it. And if she wants food, best to not try to get it from the places theives normally steal from.
I bet the little one would make a great private investigator, or perhaps a good spy for the kingdom should she be of a patriotic bent. I'd say we advise her of this, then continue onward.

Goodnight, Morami.
>>29058633 >>29058670
>>29060163 >>29060436

"Thank you for the flower, ma'am. And thank you too, Bella."
>"Go give him proper thanks, Bella."
>Bella bashfully steps up to you, and quietly thanks you.
>You think of something and stoop down to whisper to her.
"You know, somepony of your talents could find many ways to get things that don't involve stealing."
"You could be an investigator. Maybe even a spy! Don't things like that sound better than stealing?"
>She looks away and nods slowly.
"I'm glad you think so. Try to stay out of trouble, all right?"
>She nods a bit faster this time and returns to her Nana.
"Thank you again."
>"Safe travels, Ghost Scribe, Brutus. I hope whatever you need this for turns out well."
>After another exchange of thanks, you and Brutus head of towards the cities residential sector.
>The streets contain a bit more in the way of other ponies. Their behaviors are the same though.
>Everypony avoids everypony else, stopping only to enter their homes.
>Spirits here are sparse, though they are still patrolling the streets.
>The two of you find it easier to ignore them this time though.

>You soon find yourself standing outside the home marked on your map, on some side street by the name of Enterprise.
>You look at the door, rather shabby in it's condition.
>There's a knocker on the door shaped like the head of a lion, the ring held firmly in its mouth.
>You grasp the ring and knock, a sharp loud sound, that reverberates up and down the street.
>What few ponies there are around you look at you, some in fear, others simply in curiosity.
>You pay them no mind though, as someone has answered your knock from behind the door.
>"Who?! Who is it?! And what do you want?!"
I am Ghost Scribe. I, along with Brutus Softsword, have been sent by Vivian Crowe and Rosa Thourne to collect a Manticore's poison sack from this adress.
>>29062974 >>29063004

"I am Ghost Scribe. I along with my companion, Brutus Softsword, have been sent by Vivian Crowe and Rosa Thourne to collect a Manticore's poison sac."
>"Vivian and Rosa? ...Give me a moment."
>You hear locks and chains coming loose and tumbling open.
>The door opens and you are met with a stallion of tan coat and brown mane.
>He seems disheveled, his mane dirty and unkempt, his eyes shifty and bloodshot.
>He looks you and Brutus over, and seems to mull something over in his mind for a minute.
>"...You two seem fine. Come in. I said come in! Be quick about it."
>You and Brutus hurry yourselves into his home, moving into what must be his living room.
>As he closes all his locks and sets the chains back into place, you look around at his furniture.
>Nothing out of the ordinary, all kept clean and in order, in opposition to Sanctus' own appearance.
>It all seems to be covered in a thin layer of something. Possibly a spell, to keep the dust and dirt out?
>"Don't touch anything!"
>"We weren't."
>"Everypony always touches something, and then I have to spend the rest of my day putting it back in order."
>He walks in a circle around you both, standing in the center of room.
>He gives you and Brutus another once over, lingering his gaze on you.
>Specifically on your false horn.
>"Now how did you two know Vivian and Rosa again?"
Through Lenna Ton'berri. Sent here to gather ingredients.
(What can I say, this anon's good!)
To the point is best for now.
>>29063434 >>29063494
Sorry about delay, had to run unexpected errand.

"We know them through Lenna Ton'berri. We were sent here to gather ingredients."
>At the mention of Lenna, his eyes twitch, and you see a flash of what you think is anger.
>It's gone as soon as it appeared though and he begins to mutter.
>"Lenna, Lenna, Lenna, little miss White, too good for her friends."
>"Little Miss Ton'berri, too good for to say goodbye. Tch."
>"You said ingredients. Ingredients for what though? A potion I would assume. And surely you wouldn't come to me first."
>"No, she'd have told you to save me for last, or something like that."
"I assure you, she said nothing of the sort."
>"No use lying to me boy. You and your friend reek of falsehood."
>"And I refuse to give you anything until I know what's being made."
>"So why don't you tell me what it is she's making."
>You wonder if that's wise. He doesn't seem to be all there. No telling how he'll react.
>"I don't like that look on your face. What's the matter, cat got your tongue?"
>"Or are you just to stupid to know what it is she's making? Is that it?"
>"Well then why don't you show me what's in your bags. I can make an inference on ingredients alone."
>"Hurry up now, I'm not getting any younger."

Tell him directly, or show him what we have so far?
Why not both?

Tell him we need to make medicine, and show him the flower. He may get pissed at it, but he shouldn't destroy it according to Nana.
If he is so certain that he was "picked last" as it were, then surely once his mind is set nothing anyone else can say will convince him otherwise.

Tell him its for medicine for someone part of the court in Aurus. If he doesn't seem like he'd blow up or something, then we can say its for the King.
This works.
I think we should keep the part about the King secret, still. Even if he does end up not blowing up.
>>29064051 >>29064156
>>29064186 >>29064261
>>29064264 >>29064326

"Actually, I am well aware of what is going to be made. It is to be medicine, a healing potion, if you will."
>"Medicine? For who?"
"For a member of Aurus' high court."
>"Aurus..., I haven't been there in nearly a century. How things must have changed in my absence."
>"Or perhaps, they've stayed the same. But I digress. Now go on, you've told me what you're making, but I want to see those ingredients."
"Right, of course. Brutus, could you give me the flower."
>His horn aglow, Brutus unlatches his bag, bringing the Midan Lily forth.
>He floats it over to you, and you snatch it from the air, holding it in your hoof.
"This is actually all we have so far."
>Sanctus stares at the flower in disbelief, his mouth slightly agape.
>His expression quickly turns to one of anger directed an nopony in particular.
>"First Lenna sends her errand colts to my door, and now this."
>"Are there any more failures I'm to be reminded of today?"
>Sanctus, sir, are you al-"
>"Of course I'm alright. I don't need some young upstart guard like yourself fawning over me."
>"Now where was I..."
>"I believe you were asking the day if it had anymore failures to remind you of."
>"Hmph. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care less what happens to the higher ups in Aurus.
>"But follow me, and I'll see what I can do for you."
>"And don't touch anything!"
>You and Brutus follow Sanctus through his living room, to a large, open room at the back of his home.
>There are all sorts of things in this room. Staves and bottles filled with all sorts of mysterious liquids.
>And unlike the rest of the house, everything is covered in a thing layer of dust.
>"Bah, just a moment."
>You see his horn glow a deep green, and a magical wind blows through the room.
>It blows all the dust away, and seems to lift a weight from your forehead.
>In a controlled panic, you reach up.
>Your false horn is gone.
What to do? Our horn is gone. We are exposed!
He's a master green mage so he probably already knew.
Take a deep breath to calm ourselves. We must keep a level head. If he gets aggressive we'll have to defend ourselves and escape but I doubt it will come to that. We've lived among unicorns our entire life, this is nothing different.
"Ack! Sir, without that false horn, in this town, I'm as good as dead. Can you replace that before we leave?"
I think we should keep calm and not mention it until he does and not ask for it back until we are ready to leave.
>>29064756 >>29065041
>>29064841 >>29065089

>You take a deep breath to calm yourself.
>You decide that your missing horn isn't that big a deal.
>And you're glad to see that you are affirmed in this decision when Sanctus turns to see you.
>"...What? No big attempt to hide who you are? No show for old Sanctus?"
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."
>"You know exactly what I mean. That insult to my intelligence you called a horn."
>"Let me guess: that was Vivian's doing?"
"How did you know?"
>"Call it a lucky guess."
>"In any case, it looks like I don't have any Manticore poison sacs. Not up here anyway."
>"Well, then what are we supposed to do? It's not like we can just walk into any old store and-"
>"You are very much starting to get on my nerves, Brutus. Now, as I was saying, I don' have any up here."
"That would imply you have some elsewhere."
>"Indeed I do. Not exactly convenient to acquire, but they're there."
>"Where exactly are they?"
>A sinister smile snails its way across Sanctus' face, reaching up to his ears.
>"I'm so very glad you asked that."
>His horn glows once more, and another wind blows through the room.
>What's odd, is that this time, it seems to be coming from... below you?
>Before you can look down, you find yourself looking up.
>Sanctus is getting farther away... OH SWEET MERCIFUL STARS, YOU'RE FALLING.

>You attempt to right yourself, placing your legs perpendicular to where you think the ground is going to be.
>Despite the state of sheer panic you're in, your armor does not activate.
>Why isn't it activating!?

>As you continue to descend, your speed and fear growing exponentially, you swim through the air and meet up with Brutus.
>You grasp each other firmly, hoping that your bodies together might be able to soften your landing somehow.
>A light begins to make itself clear form the end of the tunnel.
>You close your eyes and brace for impact...
>And find yourself landing quite softly, on a massive pile of feather pillows. Weird.
Let's have a look around the room.
Immeditely separate ourselves from Brutus in as much a professional manner we can muster after only scant seconds ago fearing for our life. Scan our surroundings, look up from where we fell, realize we either have a fear of heights or are quickly developing one.
>>29065261 >>29065376

>You separate yourself from Brutus, neither of you acknowledging the vice-like hug you had both been a part of.
>For how far down you are, it's surprisingly well-lit.
>Actually, you don't know how far down you are.
>Looking up through the opening you came in from, you see that it's roughly... twenty feet?
>A fall, but nothing crazy.
>In fact, you can still clearly see the top of the entrance.
>If you didn't know any better, you'd think you were developing a fear of heights.
>Actually, that's probably exactly what's happening. You still haven't fully recovered from that nasty fall you and Captain Lily took.
>Not mentally at least.

>You look around the room. Four walls, typical of most rooms.
>Each wall bearing a torch.
>And on the wall in front of you, a door.
>Simple enough.
>"Hello down there! Now, if my memory serves me right, you should have landed on Tela's old safety pillow pile."
>"If I'm wrong, you're probably sitting down there, writhing in agony."
>"The lack of pained groaning tells me otherwise though. Give me an answer if you're alive and capable."
Yes! We're fine! May I ask where exactly we are?

"Yes! We're fine! May I ask where we are?"
>"I would think it's obvious. You're in my basement. Or old Tela's basement, rather."
>"He used to keep all sorts of things down here. To my knowledge, they're still there."
"And I'm guessing among those things is some Manticore poison sacs?"
>"Precisely. The old timer placed tons of preservation spells on everything in this basement before he died."
>"Didn't want a single thing to go to waste. Can't say exactly where they are, but do enough wandering around and you're sure to find them."
>At this Brutus raises an eyebrow.
>"What do you mean wandering around?"
>You can practically hear Sanctus smirk.
>"I mean precisely what I say. The whole basement is a maze. For security reasons, mind you."
>"No telling where each door will lead you, and believe me, there are quite a few doors."
>"And don't worry about me losing track of you. I'll be able to keep track of your location through a series of listening tubes Tela set up."

>You look to Brutus, and he to you.
>Neither of you are quite pleased about it, but you have to do what you have to do.
>The King's life is at stake and if you have to do a bit of basement crawling to get what you need, so be it.

>"I take it by your stoic silence that you're about to head through the door?"
"Yes, we are."
>"We're prepared for whatever lies beyond."
>"Oh, I highly doubt that. But it's good to have a bit of optimism. Good luck, you two."
>"You'll need it."

>You hear the hole you fell through close.
>All there is to do is step through the door.
>You turn to Brutus. He's just as anxious as you.
>"After you, Scribe."
"Well, if you insist."
>You reach for the handle, slowly opening the door.
>You don't know what lies on the other side.
>But what ever it is.
>You'll be ready for it.
Judging by the fact that this is a cliffhanger, good night, Mora!
All right guys, that's all for this thread. I need to take a break for a little while to do other stuff and get my figurative house in order.

I'll be back after christmas. I hope you guys have a happy holiday, and that you'll be here when I come back.

In the meantime, feel free to discuss what awaits in the basement, or just ask me general questions.

I appreciate you all.
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Goodnight, and have a merry Christmas, Mora! I'll be eagerly awaiting your return. Provided I survive what's sure to be a rollicking argument of a family get-together.
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