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Lewd Sleepover #11

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 233
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Last thread:


FuckFace McGee
Insanebow Dash
No paste yet

Thanks for getting me hooked on this song, faggot.
Hope I did this right
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>That pic
I wanna know what is in that glass
A green where Anon stay over Vice-Principal's apartment when?
I want her to put a butt plug in him and spank him with a ruler
Greenys writing one where he goes to her house
bump for writefags
Nah I want one where she just wants to be treated normally, not like a teacher. Bit of slap and tickle
>was writing before he died
I've been clean of smut greens for almost a year, and now I'm addicted again. Send help.
Moonshine of course
bronon pastebin
I shall return soon enough.
I must be a ghost.
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>That pic
I really don't want to continue the creepy Sunbutt story now. That sweet sweet tender neck is for caring and kisses, not abuse
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If I have to make another thread, I'll remember
Sorry Oct.
What's the bin address?
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"Pinkie we're in your friend's house."
>"I know~"
"But, this is your friend's bed."
>"I know~"
>She puts a finger between your lips.
>"The only important but here is my butt Nonny."
>She then slaps her own ass.
>"Come on you know you want to~"
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We need more of this!
Green when?
I want to stealth fuck Pinkie while at a sleepover in Twilight's house.
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In her parents bed.
Insanebow has left us and the rest of you only make me miserable.
Insanebow is ded? Fuggg.
The beginning of the end.
Glad to know I'm doing such a good job
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>stealth fuck Pinkie
Nigga, if I ever had the chance to be balls deep in Pinkie's big bouncy bubble butt, I'd make sure the entire world knew
those hands look familiar...
...And those nails.
>Implying you don't want to feel the thrill of almost getting caught as you slowly slide in and see Ponk cheeks become red as she tries to cover her moans with her hand trying not to wake up any of her friends.
>Ponk will never tell you that Rainbow is a heavy sleeper and actually puts your dick against Rainbow's cheek then pokes her with it leaving a smudge of pre-cum on her right cheek.
>You will never hear her giggle in laugher.
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Fuck. Never even noticed that.
Fuck it, new headcanon:
>Pinkie believes in her heart of hearts that Discord wants to secretly do harm to his newest "friend", Fluttershy
>She cuts a deal with Discord: Whatever plans he had with Flutters, he'll do with/to her instead
>Discord tells her that he planned to make Shy his secret fuck buddy, but the truth was he just wanted Shy to teach him how to be a good friend

Don't get it twisted, secret sex with Ponks would be awesome, but I know me, and I'd probably be unable to control myself.
I'm not a screamer, but I am a very loud grunter.
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Yo, I am back! And I come with a shit ton of updates.
Continuing from last thread.

>You are Twilight Sparkle.
>You’re walking back to your tent with Sunset, quietly.
>Right now you couldn’t think that clearly. No matter what you thought of, a single thought about Timber would always spring up in your head.
>It was frankly getting annoying. The blushing, the way you sway your hips when he’s around, the way your core gets warmer.
>It’s just so annoying, but at the time you love it.
>Right now, you just feel tired and a good sleep was what you needed.
>Hopefully no nightmares, tonight. You doubt it.
>You finally reach your tent and enter.
>You and Sunset change into your pajamas, you respectively wearing blue with bright yellow stars. You always loved the night sky and the celestial bodies.
>Sunset had her usual colors of red of yellow-orange.
>She had been tapping away at her phone the whole night, disturbing you from slumber slightly but you actually couldn't sleep.
>Your mind was swimming with thoughts of everything.
>It was hard to just close your eyes and just stop.
>You felt a familiar warmth enter your core as you thought about him.
>The butterflies in your stomach grew ever stronger with each thought.
>You need to stop, Twilight. Focus on other things, you think to yourself as you cross your arms in your comfortable cotton bed.
>You sigh slightly as you hear the slight tapping of Sunset's phone.
>Maybe a talk with her will clear your mind.
>Your eyes scan the bed of Sunset. You saw a small smile on her face, illuminated by the blue light of the phone.
>You thought again about interrupting her, maybe you should let her be.
>You stare for awhile, just watching Sunset smile and chuckle slightly from what you could assume were witty messages.
>You didn’t want to disturb her.
>You turn back around on your bed, now looking at the light blue tint of the tent.

>You sigh heavily closing your eyes again. You breathe in and out slowly, trying your hardest to relax yourself.
>Yet as hard you try, sleepiness did not overcome you. So you lay staring at the tent walls.
>You let out another sigh. This time you sit up in the bed, thinking about finding your phone.
>You rummage through the little desk beside your bed and find your phone as well as some earphones.
>You put the tiny earphones in your ears as you lay down again, phone in hand.
>The phone shines brightly slightly hurting your eyes, but you quickly adjust to it.
>You tap the music app bringing up the different artists and albums you enjoy listening to from time to time.
>You needed something relaxing, something to drift you into sleep.
>You flick the several artists stopping at the perfect one.
>You click on the album and lock your phone, going back into the blue darkness inside the small tent.
>The music soon swells and fills your ears.
>You find yourself snuggling up to the pillow as the sounds take you away.
>You close your eyes, a subtle tiredness now creeping up on you.
>You finally feel the drift of sleep taking you.
>You smile lightly before finally drifting away.

>You awake to find yourself deep inside a blue ocean, right where the sun shines brightly on its surface.
>Whales of different sizes, schools of fishes, swordfish, even a group of dolphins swim to and from where you floated.
>You felt peaceful; the sea blue tint of the ocean filled your heart with hope and love.
>You see a hand coming from the top, out of nowhere.
>It beckons you, calls to you. You feel the need to swim to it.
>You slowly swim upwards, the dolphins below you swimming gracefully alongside.
>You reach a hand and sweetly connect with the hand from the surface.
>It pulls you upward.
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Hey guys, here's the updated pastebin

Will start work on my next post here in a minute, may be out tonight, or maybe tomorrow

On the upside I managed to get 1/4 of my collectibles moved today and the Giants won their game so things are going pretty good

>You’re now no longer in the ocean. Instead you stood in a pier, overlooking a grand green blue beach-side.
>The slight salty smell of the nearby sea fills your nostrils.
>Behind you the sounds of a mass of people, teenagers and young adults screaming in joy and laughter.
>You turn around to see your friends smiling at you, beckoning to you. Waving their hands and laughing.
>You smile at them feeling a happiness you rarely felt before.
>You notice the sunset approaching, casting a beautiful light to the sea and pier.
>The lights of the pier are turned on now, showing off the brilliant multicolored neon.
>You look up to see the slowly moving Ferris wheel, filled with beautiful purple pink neon lights.
>You make your way to your friends as they walk on ahead of you turning around to beckon you nearer.
>You follow them until you reach the small line for a roller coaster, your friends slightly ahead.
>They smile and talk as you silently smile.
>You take a breath as you examine your surroundings, the smells, the sights, and the wonder. It’s all so beautiful to you.
>You turn slightly to see a familiar face.
>The auburn tint of his skin, mischievous smile and the ruffled green haired paired along with a beanie.
>Your heart skips a beat, your smile grows a bit wider, your face flushes.
>Your attention catches his eye as he smiles at you.
>This causes your knees to get slightly weak, as you sheepishly smile back at him.
>He makes his way to you, drink in hand.
>He tells you of the beauty of the sea at night, the neon lights.
>You just stood there, smiling, taking in the greens of his eyes.
>You laugh along at his jokes as the line draws nearer to you.
>You see your friends make their way inside the small cart of the roller coaster, each cart being seated by two.
>He laughs slightly as he lets you take the seat first, then he sat himself next to you inside the small cart.
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>A warmth fills your cheeks as you feel his arm wrap around your shoulders.
>You smile as the ride operator fastens the seat protection right before the ride begins.
>The boy next to you smiles at you before the ride starts. You can’t help but smile back, a smile filled with genuine happiness.
>The ride slowly chugs along in the beginning moving up a big slope before the adrenaline hits and the cart flies through the tracks.
>The sea winds hit you as the speed ranks up, the cart twisting and turning.
>You hear the cries and laughs of your friends in front of you. The smiles on their faces are heartwarming.
>You shout out in a joyful tone, the green haired boy following you along.
>You both laugh heartily.
>You snake your left hand to his before the ride slows down again before the final drop of the slope.
>A boldness growing inside you.
>Your cheeks grow ever redder as he grabs your hand with his, intertwining the fingers and making your heart skip a bit.
>He turns to you again, warm green eyes you could get lost in.
>He leans in to you as you also lean forward.
>You feel the tender lips on yours as you sweetly kiss the boy.
>Soon the cart reaches the zenith of the slope.
>You break the kiss to turn ahead before the cart drops down in a fury sending you both on another wild ride.
>Your hand in his, you both drop down the slope for the final time in the ride as you twist and turn in a high speed.
>You laugh and shout out again, a hollering for fun.
>Soon the ride ends where the line started. You see your friends make their way out the cart, hair frazzled and knees shaky from the adrenaline.
>Their smiles on their faces brighter than ever before.
>You make your way out the cart, your hand still intertwined with his.
>He leads you to your friends, leaving you there for a second, kissing you sweetly on the cheek before making his way off.
>Your friends look at you with cheeky smiles as they declare their fondness for you.
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>The yellow and red haired girl of the group walked up to you and hugged you tight, a warmth filled your heart.
>The yellow and red haired girl smiled brightly at you, a smile filled with the warmth and shine of a thousand suns. You felt brighter just witnessing it.
>You feel a tap on your shoulder as you notice the green haired boy behind you.
>He stood there, smiling at you, two ice cream cones in his hands.
>You smile as you take one, thanking him.
>He shrugs it off with a sheepish smile asking you for your free hand.
>You take it with a smile.
>He wants to take you somewhere.
>You turn back to your friends, all smiling and looking at you. They wave you goodbye for the meantime, sending you kisses with their mouths and waving their hands high in the air as they laugh.
>You wave back as you let the boy lead you away.
>You enjoy the ice-cream in your hand, a tasty multicolored ice-cream.
>The boy leads you to a silent lone bench overlooking the grand sea and in plain view of the red sunset.
>You sat there, looking as the sun descended into the horizon, a deep orange red overtaking the horizon’s sky line.
>The rest of the sky now filled with countless sparkling lights.
>Your hand was still intertwined with his. You felt him getting closer, you shifted closer as well.
>You lay your head on his shoulder, watching the stars twinkle with beauty.
>You thought of nothing else, nothing that could change or harm this moment.
>All that you felt was warmth and happiness.
>Nothing could make you feel better.
>Your other hand was free from the treat now.
>You look back to the green haired boy as he looked up at the sky, entranced by the many stars.
>He noticed your eyeing of him, and soon turned to meet your face.
>A flush was fully apparent now as the boy leaned closer to you, his warmth ever so closer.
>You feel the softness of his lips on yours as you intertwine again.
>Your heart beats proudly in your chest, your hand moves to caress his warm face.

>You break the kiss, looking up at each other.
>You slightly bit your lip, anticipating the next wonderful kiss he would give you.
>You stayed there with him for a time, kissing him sweetly and looking at the stars.
>Everything felt so right.
>He left for a second kissing you on the cheek and exclaiming he would soon be back.
>You sat there on the bench for a while patiently waiting.
>After a minute or so, something felt different.
>You wondered what was taking him so long.
>You turned around to notice how empty the place was.
>The neon lights were still on, but you could see no one. No screaming kids, no shouting teenagers.
>It was deafeningly quiet. A chill ran up your spine as the air grew colder.
>Dread now filled you as your heart sank.
>The pier now seemed terrifying instead of inviting and warm.
>You made your way through the area, shouting out for anyone.
>For your friends, for the green haired boy, for anyone.
>No one came.
> You made your way to the end of the pier, the air grew ever colder making you shiver violently.
>You shout out again, for anyone.
>You felt something growing nearer to you, a dark presence you’ve felt before.
>You grew terrified, you didn’t want this.
>A dark purple aura enveloped the floor near you.
>You stood standing in shock and horror.
>Out the purple aura slowly arose a figure.
>Dark purple wings of a bat outstretched as the figure grew out of the ground.
>It didn’t face you.
>The figure’s feet finally lifted off the ground, and turned to face you.
>It was you, a dark twisted version of yourself, tainted by the power of magic. Pale purple skin and haunting green aura around the purple eyes that betrayed what looked so familiar to you.
>A twisted horn grew from the figures forehead.
>A torn purple tight dress fit the figures form snugly.
>You saw it smile at you, with a fierce creepiness.
>You could not move, you were entrenched with fear.
>The figure floated toward you, giving a sinister laugh.
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>You wanted to run away, but your feet stood there shaking in fear.
>The figure was near you now; you could feel the breath from her.
>”Such a pretty little thing…”
>”It’s a shame you cast away such power… a shame that you cast me away…”
>The figure grabbed your face, her small hand filled with long cracked fingernails that threatened to cut your face.
>"I bet you miss me, don't you?"
>She frowned in a sarcastic pout, but soon the oppressing dark smile returned to her face.
>”But that’s okay, my little Twilight… I don’t hold grudges…”
>The figure’s fingers found their way to your lips slowly parting them.
>You cried softly, sobbing in fear.
>The figure gave a smile full of evil as she bent forward and kissed you.
>You tried to fight the figure’s advancements but she was too strong.
>She bit your lip hard, drawing blood.
>Soon she broke the kiss to laugh out loud in a demented way.
>”Such a pretty body…”
>The figures hands made their way through your body, exploring it.
>It stopped to handle your butt roughly, kissing you roughly again.
>Another hand snaked its way your crotch, making its way inside your purple shorts.
>You could only let out a tear as the figure bit your lip again sending a shiver of pain through to your spine.
>You wanting this to end. She stopped biting you to give another evil grin.
“S-stop… pl-please…”
>You finally managed to make words before she grabbed your face again with her free hand, some of the jagged nails scratching your face slightly.
>She continued with her other hand to rub the sensitive parts of you, sending low moans from your mouth.
>”Stop? I think you’re enjoying this aren’t you… you enjoy me. Secretly you wish I never went away… that the power you held never went away… but I’m still here, my little Twilight… and I’m deep inside of you, just waiting to get out.”
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>She laughed an evil laugh as a tear left your eye and flowed down your cheek.
>The figure inserted its fingers deep inside of you making you moan out again.
>The embarrassment and shame was fully felt by you but the figure kept going, twisting its fingers inside you making you feel every twinge of pleasure, hitting all the right spots.
>You couldn’t take this any longer.
>”You enjoy this… this power…”
>The figure repeated these words in your ear as she finger fucked you, making you whimper and cry.
>A growing heat grew in your core as you felt it coming.
>Waves of pleasure hit you as she dug deeper with her fingers inside you, sending you over the edge.
>An orgasm overcame you as your knees shook and waves upon waves struck you, a powerful orgasm.
>Your eyes went to the back of your head, the figure continued to pump her fingers into you, over and over.
>You felt the figure bite your neck hard, sending you over the edge again.
>You felt yourself floating now, your eyes closed. Something was changing inside of you.
>You now felt pain, and immense pain as you opened your eyes wide to find the figure gone and you floating high above.
>You looked at your hands to find the same jagged fingernails and pale sickly purple skin.
>Your heart sank ever further as you knew what you had become.
>And in that moment your deepest fear took over you.
>You screamed out covering your eyes.

>You sat up from the bed, soaked in sweat and screamed out.
>Another nightmare.
>Your heart was beating loudly; sweat now lining your body.
>Next to you, you saw Sunset leap out of her bed and strike a defensive karate like pose.
>She was clearly half asleep.
>You were breathing heavily but you regained enough composure to remove the covers and cover your face to wake you up fully.
>Sunset did the same, shaking her head and putting a hand to her head.
>“Twi? What was that?!”
>Sunset asked you in a worried tone.

>She made her way to your bed where you sat, your hands still on your face.
>”Are you okay Twilight? Another nightmare?”
>You nod your head to her question, refusing to speak at the moment.
>You feel tears welling up as you try to fight it.
>Your hands leave your face as you look at Sunset.
>Her warm, worried face sent you over the edge as you burst into tears grasping her into a desperate hug.
>Sunset quickly hugs you back giving you as much comfort as she can.
>You sob into her neck, not saying anything.
>”Hey, hey, it’s okay Twi…”
>Sunset says quietly patting your back smoothly.
>You continue to sob into her for a while before you regain composure, enough to speak again.
>You sniffle loudly before you speak.
“I, I had such a horrible nightmare…”
>You sniffle again, stopping your sentence there.
>You look at down at your hands. You feel like you’re about to cry again, but you suck it up.
>”Hey, it’s okay, don’t worry… I’m here.”
>Sunset just takes you in for another motherly hug.
>This time the hug makes you feel so much better. You calm down in her arms. Sunset slowly strokes your messy hair.
>”You’re gonna be okay, Twi. I promise you…”
>You lay in her arms for a long time, in her soothing embrace. Sunset always knows how to make you feel better.
>You stop sniffling as you regain full composure and get back up again.
“T-thanks, Sunset...”
>You avert your eyes from hers a bit awkwardly, now feeling the embarrassment of your outburst.
>”Hey, I’m always here for ya.”
>Sunset gave you her typical warm smile to you.
>You smile back as you both begin your morning routine.
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>Soon enough you and Sunset are ready for the new day, both dressed nicely and appropriately for the outside activities that were sure to fill your day.
>You brushed your hair looking at the small mirror before turning to Sunset, just before she left the tent.
“Hey, Sunset… uh let’s not mention this to the girls… I, I don’t want them to worry about me…”
>One hand touched your other arm as you stare at Sunset pleading slightly.
>Sunset just smiles and nods before leaving you in the tent.
>You look back at the mirror making sure you look somewhat presentable.
>You smile slightly, leaving Spike sleeping in his little bed and making your way to the camp.

>You are Anon.
>Currently you sat inside a small boat with Derpy and some other guy whose name you always forget.
>The boat sat still floating in the placid lake, no wind to sail the boat.
>Derpy tried her best to blow some wind into the sails as the other guy just sat splashing the water.
>This was becoming quite irritating, especially considering you were stuck in the middle of the lake with no wind.
“What are you doing, Derpy?”
>Derpy again blew her hardest at the sail, though quite feebly.
>She proceeded to look sad and shrugged her shoulders at you, not saying a word.
>You put a hand to your head and shake in an annoyed manner.
>You look back toward the lake and nearby dock, taking the sights at least.
>You are really fucking bored right now.
>You sigh loudly before speaking up to the two inhabitants in the little boat.
“Can you hand me that row-“
>Before you could finish your sentence you felt the boat move below you with a great amount of speed.
>The speed caused you to fly out of the boat and into the lake water like a trout.
>You splash in the water like a kid trying to learn how to swim, considering how shocked you were.
>You finally regain your composure to hear screaming from the campers.
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>You turn around to see the small boat crash hard into the brand new dock and destroying it with a loud crack.
“What the fuck!?”
>You manage to shout out as you swim as fast as you could to the shore of the lake.
>You reach the shore and walk out completely drenched and out of breath.
>You hear Rainbow Dash scream out.
>She sat on her knees and shouted to the sky and pounding the ground like her entire world was just ended.
>You see Sunset come up to you with a worried look on her face. She helps you up.
>”What just happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, just winded. On account of that, I have no idea what the fuck happened. One second we were still in the middle of the lake, the next I was flying in the air and the boat crashed into the dock."
>You look at the dock, which a lot of you spent time on, now, just a pile of destruction.
>You finally catch your breath and join the girls near the dock.
>You see Applejack consoling Rainbow who was now in denial that the dock was destroyed.
>”What are we gonna do?” Sunset put her hands on her hips, still a worried face on her.
>”Well looks like we’re jus’ gonna have to fix it.” Applejack responded to Sunset still patting Rainbow’s back.
“Fuck me…”
>You put your hands to your head, already feeling the massive headache coming on.
>You start to notice something in the water. A purple shiny dust-like substance was permeating through the water where the boat crashed into the dock.
>You’re perplexed by this so you decide to ask the girls.
“Uh girls, what the hell is that?”
>You point to the substance in the water .
>The girls look with confused faces, trying to figure out what exactly they were looking at.
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>”Could it be... magic?” Sunset brought it up to the groans of the other girls.
>”Oh please don’t let it be, we’ve had to deal with enough magic in our lives.” This time it was Rarity to groan about it.
>Twilight didn’t speak up; she just looked uncomfortable at the whole situation.
>”What if it’s the Spirit of Everfree? Just like Timber said!” Pinkie spoke up and made spooky noises which scared Fluttershy more than you thought it would.
“Now hold on here guys, there could be a perfectly normal explanation to this.”
>You’re not about to resort to magical properties, but then again with these girls it could be anything.
>”Well it doesn’t matter, what does matter is getting back to fixing this stupid dock.” Sunset finishes the conversation along with a long annoyed sigh.
>The girls all start to leave the dock leaving you and Rarity.
>”You’re absolutely soaked, darling.”
“Yea, I need a change of clothes…”

And that ends the batch of updates. Will see if I can write more sooner rather than later but we'll see.
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Updated my pastebin.
This green is going to take a fucking long time to complete.
>Present time
>You are Anon
>And what The Actual Fuck just happened
>AppleJack just kissed you
>It took you a second to really register that
>But shit
>She kissed you
>Sure it was on the cheek
>And she said it was just for luck
>But was that really something girls did
>Or was she into you now too
>Don't let it be that
>Please no
>What kind of life were you leading now where you actively hope incredibly attractive girls wouldn't be into you
>Is this what it feels like to be a movie star
>She didn't say anything about getting in on the action or even mention your kinda date you talked about yesterday so you were probably just reading too much into this
>At least you hoped
>Now back to the task at hand
>Thinking of a way to un-fuck things with Pinkie and Trixie
>Could talking things out really work
>Sure, you weren't against talking things out
>Hell, you were usually pretty good at running your mouth to get out of tight spots
>But that was mostly by being witty, sarcastic, or just down right bullshitting your way out of bad situations
>That wouldn't work here
>And even if it did that would be literally the worst idea ever, bar none
>And you hadn't been doing too well on bullshitting your way out of problems recently either
>So that just left you with wit and sarcasm
>Oh, and the truth
>Yeah, let's not forget about that
>The awkward, kinda messy, and clunky truth
>That filled you full of confidence
>And how were you going to explain it to them
>Hell how were you even going to get them to talk to you
>Sure Applejack said Pinkie would be willing to talk to you
>But last time you tried to talk to her she'd locked a door between you and started crying
>So you kind of doubted it
>Then there was Trixie
>And you knew for a fact she was less forgiving than Pinkie
>And let's not forget Dash too
>You took a deep breath and looked down at the almost spent cigarette in your hand
>You really didn't pack enough smokes for this
I'm not complaining, I love this thread. I check it often and follow all the stories. I'm just curious...is there some secret rule that this has to be EQG greens? I would really love some hooves. If it is a rule then just ignore me and keep up the good writing!
C'mon burnout gimme more!
welllllllllllllllllllllll... To be honest, there's nothing about it, I personnaly just think it's easier for people to write EQG stories
>element of nicotine
<no smokes>
Dafucks going on here?!?!
Pretty much this.
Even though it may not seem it, subtle things like hoove instead of hand, mane instead of hair, and the developing of a character can be noticable, yet change the entire story setting/planned route.

For example:
>She lays her hand across your chest while the other wraps around your back.
>In return; you stroke her hair and lock fingers with her free arm.

Would become:
>She lies her foreleg across your chest while the other nudges its way behind your back.
>In return; you stroke her mane and grip her free foreleg with your remaining arm.

Sometimes having fingers/being human offers a bit more 'dynamic' options a horse wouldn't seem possible.

I like EqG and the show, but I'm not writing as hooman because 'lol ez faggot, shit tier taste', just seems the best applicable.

Vice versa for the AiE guys. Comes down to personal pref, I guess.

Hope that clears a bit up!
I didn't say he was out, just that Anon didn't have enough smokes to deal with this shit

By my math he should still have around half a pack, maybe less, but around there

Also will start work on the next post tonight when I get off work
harry ap plaase
EQG is fine. I can get my hooves fix elsewhere. I understand what you are writing is from the heart and i love it anyway. Keep up the good green!
Dammit, get your ass back in here!
8th bump. Come on guys!
Tonight I'm gonna write a story, keep the thread warm for me.
Bumping until green
I had a dream where I was in her office while she dress like that.
I think thread is kill.
What the fuck is happening!? The last thread was blooming with greens and now it's a ghost town. What gives!?
Everyone finished their story or died
I was hoping for Insanebow to show up but haven't seen him in the past 2 threads
Sorry for not posting was tied up with blackfriday stuff at work all day yesterday

Will work on getting my last few posts out over the next few days, promise

don't let this thread die!
Insanebow Dash did popup once in the last thread I think.
Though he's probably kill.

You're are only hope! Don't disappoint.
Unless JB, DG, Octave, or GS come back.
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Does Pinkie not like hands?
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So I've hit a block on writing my current green. I have a lot of other ideas right now swimming in my head for other threads, but I'm hoping to hit my stride again and get back to finishing the current green.
In the meantime I hope I'm not letting anyone down by putting this thing on hiatus.
Typing up the next post now, will get you guys at least one more post tonight, maybe two
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>As you take the last drag off your cigarette you feel something start to well up inside you
>A small but indignant voice
>You listen in to it
>It's yelling at you
>Fuck this self-pity shit
>You're Anon Yancey Mous
>And you were a lot of things
>But you weren't a whiny little quitter
>Did you quit when people said you'd never make it as a football player
>Fuck no
>Did you run away when Sunset turned into a demon and started doing all kinds of crazy evil shit
>...yes actually
>But then you turned your ass around and ran back towards certain doom to save your friends
>Even made a clever little Evil Dead reference on the way
>So were you just going to sit around here and mope like a bitch just because you fucked up
>So what if you fucked things up royally
>You were a fucking burnout
>That's part of your fucking job description
>So now you're going to suck all this shit up
>And you were gonna go out there and take Applejack's advice and talk to the girls like adults and sort out all this shit
>Because damnit you weren't gonna lose Pinkie and Trixie over this
>They meant way too much to you for that
>You're actually out of breath
>From an inner monologue
>You might be smoking too much after all
>Problems for later
>Okay, now you just need to think of how you were gonna do this
>You grab your phone and pull your playlist back up as you pull out another smoke
>But unlike before now you had purpose as you cued up the next song
>Okay phone this was eerily appropriate, but perfect for what you needed
>You set your phone down and begin thinking up a speech
>You weren't exactly captain of the debate team
>But that wasn't gonna stop you
>You'd even get down and beg if you had to
>There was only one thing you knew for certain
>You weren't going to lie to them
>And that wasn't going to make this easy
Woo! Go fuckin' get em anon!

Okay full disclosure, I think I may have thrown my back out and I'm in a fairly decent amount of pain, I can barely focus on writing so I'm just gonna get drunk and go to sleep and work on doing some posts tomorrow between Thanksgiving shit

Sorry I can only muster out one green post today guys
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
About to start working on posts, but fair warning, that back shit I mentioned last night, according to by doctor and nurse Aunts. may be a herniated disk. So I'm working against a fairly decent muscle relaxer while I type. So we'll see how far I get before I'm out of it
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This bump was structurally designed to draw attention to all of the lazy-ass bitch-made niggas who couldn't be bothered to do more than click a mouse button a couple of times.

>If you were going to tell Pinkie and Trixie there was one thing you couldn't leave out
>Or rather someone
>Rainbow fucking Dash
>She was the proverbial giant monkey wrench in this whole plan
>A monkey wrench with a great ass
>You couldn't NOT tell them about what happened between the two of you
>Well you could
>And honestly that would boost your chances of success up by a decent margin
>But so would the chance of Dash getting just as hurt as Pinkie and Trixie and then turning this into some Jerry Springer ass shit
>And as much as you loved you some Jerry Springer ass shit
>It was a form of art best enjoyed from afar, not experienced first hand
>Plus Dash was the only one out of the girls willing to hear you out so far
>So you had to figure out a way to do right by her too
>Which now brought up another monkey wrench
>How did you feel about the girls
>Cause seriously you weren't prepared for all this fucked up love parallelogram bullshit
>Until yesterday your entire romantic experience boiled down to a few drunken make-out sessions
>You never thought anyone actually liked you or had crush on you
>Much less had been harboring feelings for you for LITERAL YEARS
>But now here you were with two girls who'd done just that and another who's decided she may kind of like you
>Yeesh, you miss when your hardest mental dilemma was figuring out if Rarity was flirting with you last night
>And thinking back you never really got an answer to that question
>But that wasn't why you were here
>You spend the next several minutes thinking up ways to explain what happened, why you did what you did, different apologies, counter arguments
>You basically squeeze every bit of usefulness out of your paranoia as you can
>Okay, this is probably the best prepared you were ever gonna get
>You start pumping yourself up
>It was just about time for you to do this
Nice dude.
Waiting to see how Anon un-fucks this.
Hope you're okay irl n' all.
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>lewd Sleepover
A year ago or something I wrote a green about a sleepover. Something about lewd sleeping bag sex. I doubt anyone here remembers that thread, but I have it somewhere if anyone is interested.
YES, please.
What I'll do is slowly edit each part to try to get it as close to perfection as possible.
I'll also use my writefag name to see if anyone remembers it or who I am.
>Be Anon
>"Aww, did you forget your sleeping bag, Anon? That's okay, you can share with me! There's plenty of room for both of us..."
"Uh, no thanks Fluttershy, I think that I will just go home right now before-"
>"No, no! I insist, how would the others feel if you had to leave our sleepover!"
"But Fluttershy, your a super amazing hot teenage girl and I am an adult, I don't think we should be doing that."
>"But Anon, what if we were in a very cold place in the middle of nowhere and... we were going to freeze to death! Would you still not share a sleeping bag with me?!?"
"No... of course not. I would share, but this is just a sleepover, I'm not going to die."
>"Oh...okay, if you insist."
>20 Minutes later you and the girls are watching the television when the weather report showed up.
>"Tonight there will be a massive snowstorm that will last until tomorrow morning, the storm is quite extreme and it is expected that all the powerlines in the region will stop working due to the storm."
>A look of terror dashes across your face.
>You're trapped! And you're going to freeze to death because you forgot a sleeping bag!
>Then you realise that this means your gonna have to share with somebody.
>You turn to face Fluttershy, and she has the most evil looking, pervert face you have ever seen.
I think I do remember this green from somewhere
I haven't seen this but I do want the rest of it.
yeah, it's been a looong time.
It's still on Desu Archives I'm pretty sure.
>Everyone looks towards you, they know that you forgot to bring a sleeping bag.
>"Anon, what are you going to do without a sleeping bag?"
>"Yeah, we don't have any blankets left either to keep you warm."
"I don't know, I suppose I could just run back home before the storm hits..."
>Celestia looks at you with sympathy.
>"Anon, going outside in a snowstorm is dangerous, especially without any warm clothes."
"But Celestia, how am I going to keep warm, the power is going to cut out, I'll freeze!"
>"Hey Anon, if you don't mind... you could sleep... with me..."
>Everyone looks at Fluttershy, and she blushes.
>"Uhh, Sugarcube, you do realise what you just said sounded like..."
>"Anon's also an adult and your only 17."
>" But.. Anon's, still in School, why would that be a problem?"
>"No excuses Fluttershy, you want to obey the law, right?"
>"Well... um... alright."
>While the conversation took place you just stared at the floor, horror could be read on your face.
>Celestia notices this and giggles.
>"I guess since I am the only other adult here, Anon will have to stay... in my room."
btw the story is called Sleepover at Celestia's. The prompt of the thread this story originally was posted in had fluttershy wanting Anon to sleep with her in her sleeping bag.
>Celestia just said that you could sleep in her bed with her.
>To make matters worse, this is your SCHOOL PRINCIPAL.
>Your face immediately turns red.
>Before you are able to say anything your friends too seem to be in a state of shock.
>Applejack and Rarity look absolutely shocked.
>Rainbow Dash is trying to hold in her laughter.
>Twilight looks embarrassed.
>And Fluttershy... well, she looks very angry.
>You quickly turn back towards Celestia, who is blushing.
"Umm, s-sure. If your... okay with that."
>"Good, okay... Alright everyone you have stayed up long enough, time for everyone to go to bed!"
>Rainbow Dash snickers as she and the others go into Twilight's room. Fluttershy is the last to leave, and quickly gives you an evil look before she closes the door.
>"Well Anon, I suppose we could stay up a little longer, we are mature adults are we not?"

>You nervously sit down and turn the TV on.
>"Would you like a coffee Anon?"
"Yes, thank you Principal Celestia."
>"Please just call me Celly, we are not a school right now!"
"Sure Celly."
>"Silly Anon!"
>Things are just getting more awkward.
>While your watching a poorly made action film Celestia goes to the kitchen.
>"What kind of coffee do you want Anon?"
>"Just a cappuccino please Celly."
>She brings your coffee over and puts it on the table in front of you. She then sits down on the couch right next to you.
>Perfect timing too, as there is a romance scene in the movie. Celly moves dangerously closer.
>Right when you think she's about to kiss you, the TV turns itself off, as well as the lights.
>Saved by a power outage! Never thought you would see the day you would be glad the power turned off.
>However, your little victory is short-lived, as it starts to get very cold.
>"oh well, I guess we can finish our coffee and then head to bed.
>Anon nods and takes a sip of his coffee.
>"So Anon, how are your grades going?"
"You already know that Celly."
>"Yes, but I want to hear it from you."
"Well, I did pretty good in every subject, but I am still thinking of joining the army when I leave school."
>"Are you sure that's all?"
"Well, every subject except... Sex Education..."

>You blush and Celestia smirks.
>"Well Anon, I supposed that you are good enough to join the army, but what will your fellow soldiers think if they heard you failed sex education!"
>Immediately you gulp, you realise what she is saying is true.
>If you don't cover this up, your fucked.
"Wha-...What am I going to do?"
>"Well, I might be able to do you a favour, and make you redo the test."
>Immediately your face brightens up
"Thanks Celly, this is going to help me a lot!"
>Wow, that was close, for a second you thought she was gonna rape you their, but she was actually trying to help!
>"Your welcome Anon, well, I guess its time for bed."
>Celestia heads upstairs and you follow.
>She opens the door to her room and you look inside.
>It was massive!
>Never before had you ever seen such a large bed before.
"Wow Celly, where did you find a bed like this?"
>"Oh, it was my parents before they..."
"Oh, uhh, sorry I didn't know..."
>"It's alright Anon, you didn't know."
>Celestia then begins to take off her clothes.
"HOLD ON THIER. What the hell are you doing."
>"Getting into my pyjama's of course."
>You stare at Celly's amazing breasts, you never knew they could be that big.
>"Umm, Anon? Are you okay?"
"What..errr, yeah I am fine sorry."
>You take off your shirt, and notice a blushing Celestia.
>She then goes into her walk-in closet to get changed.
>You have no idea wether you should be glad this is happening or not.
Oh fuck! i do remember that thread!
No one ever did the gilda story i requested.
I think I remember someone requesting that.
It's been a long while, hasn't it?
>You slip into the bed, luckily that the bed is huge, so you won't be pressed against Celestia's ass.
>Celly's closet door opens, and you see Celestia wearing the most sexy lingerie you have ever seen.
>"What do you think Anon?"
>Nods Head.
"It's uhh, really good."
>Celestia giggles and slips into her side of the bed.
>She immediately dozes off.
>Well at least it's going better than you thought.
>5 Hours later
>You had the worst nightmare ever.
>However you just woke up, and you see Celly having a bad dream too.
>You move over to her side of the bed and try to wake her up.
"Celly, are you alright?"
>Celestia slowly wakes up, and blushes when she opens her eyes.
>"Hey Anon, what time is it?"
"It's about 4pm in the morning."
>"Oh, okay. Hey listen, I want you to know what happened in my dream."
"Uhh, sure."
>"Okay this is going to sound crazy but, I was dreaming that I was all alone in a blizzard. I was crying my sister's name, and she didn't answer. I called Twilight's name she... she didn't answer too. I cried out for every person I knew. However, when I cried out your name...you...you replied. You came by my side and comforted me....."
"I had a similar dream. I was all alone and was crying for help. I ran in terror from an unknown danger, then I found you, outside in the snow, crying. And then I-"
>By then Celestia was moving ever closer towards Anon's face. Before Anon could finish they started to kiss.
>After a few seconds of kissing they stopped. Anon started to blush, and Celestia turned away.
>"Sorry Anon, I... I shouldn't have done that."
"No.....it's alright....In fact I.....enjoyed it."
>Celestia turned back towards Anon, and they kissed again.
>Anon started to lift off Celestia's bra. While Celestia started to remove Anon's pants.
>Anon stared at Celestia's massive tits. Before he could grab them Celestia stopped kissing Anon
>"Welcome Anon, to your Sex Ed Revision!"
>It's about 4pm in the morning.
My head stopped running for a second as I read that, 4am mate
kek thanks for pointing it out.
I'll fix it in the pastebin version.

"Okay Celly, where do we begin?"
>"Well first of all, we need to talk about the woman's menstruation cycle."
"No no no no no, let's skip that, please."
>"Okay, what do you want to revise first?"
"How about what the boobs do?"
>"Okay, the Female Breasts-"
"Use their proper names! Not some fancy word!"
>"Alright then..."
>"The tits are used to to feed the mother's... slut's babies by feeding them her milk. They are...ahhh! also... VERY SENSITIVE.
>Anon started to grasp Celestia's giant boobs.
"Alright teacher, what's next?"
>"Next we have the vagina... I mean cunt. It is a very vital part of the sexualllll AHHH!!!!!
>Anon had already pulled down Celestia's panties and had started to finger her.
>Anon stopped and starting kissing Celestia.
>Anon pretended to reach his down towards Celestia's cunt, however he smacked on of her ass cheecks instead.
>He kept kissing her so that she wouldn't yell when he smacked her.
>Eventually Anon needed to breathe so he stopped teasing her.
>"Don't you ever fucking do that again! Do you know what it's like to be teased like that!"
>Anon just laughed.
"Sorry teacher, I guess I will have to get punished now!"
>Celestia grinned.
>"Okay Anon, your next lesson is masturbation, since you already know how the female masturbation strategy works, let me show you how a man masturbates.
>"First we need access to your dick.
>Celestia pulls Anon's pants off, and starts playing with his penis.
>"Oh Anon, what a fine example."
>Anon blushes as she starts to wank his cock.
"Fuck, that's really good Celly, keep going."
>After a lot of wanking Celestia starts to suck Anon's dick.
"Oh...keep going! Keeping sucking you bitch!"
>However, Celestia stops.
"You little bitch, you got revenge didn't you."
>Celestia laughs, and positions herself above your dick.
>You continue to fuck until you both cum at the same time.
>Exhausted, you both fall back to sleep. Cuddling naked in each others arms.
I'll continue tomorrow (tonight if you live in murica)
>The next day, the girls wake up after their exhausting party.
>Immediately, Rainbow Dash looks out the window.
>"Looks like we are going to be stuck here for a while."
>Meanwhile in Celestia's Bedroom, Anon is waking up.
>You remember what happened earlier that morning, but you don't care if she was the principal, she looks real cute right now.
>Celestia eventually wakes up and looks surprised, then she immediately blushes, obviously remembering what happened.
>"Well Anon, it looks like you have passed the Revision Test."
"Are there going to be more tests?"
>"Oh yes, but before we get to those we need to do some more theory."
"Awwwww, come on!"
>"We can't always do practical activities, besides, I am a school principal and your training for the army, we won't have enough time."
"Fine, I suppose a little theory will do me good for the exam... Celly? what does the exam consist of? Is it the same as the one I took previously, or is there some practical work in there as well?"
>Celestia rolls her eyes.
>"Of course there will be some new practical work in the exam. However, it might be something you might not expect."
"Exactly what are you up to?"
>"You'll see Anon, you'll see."
"Well, I don't know about you, but I was thinking of a little bit of practical work before breakfast."
>Anon and Celestia start a very long make out session, which is then interrupted by Twilight entering the room.
>"Aunt Celestia, when are you and Anon coming down for break-"
>Twilight is shocked at seeing the two of you naked and kissing. Her mouth drops and she passes out.
"Uhh, whoops."

>"Oh shit, what are we going to do?"
"We could wake her up and blackmail her into not telling anyone."
>"How are you going to do that?
"Well, let's just say that one day I happened to overhear a certain conversation between your niece and Mr Flash Sentry. I was so intrigued that I had to record the entire thing."
>An evil look appears on Celestia's face
>"Okay, but we need to change into our clothes before Twilight wakes up again."
>You and Celestia quickly get changed and Twilight wakes up as soon as you put your pants back on.
>"Uhh, AHHH!!"
"Hey Twilight, I know that this is very weird and awkward, but if you DARE to tell ANYONE what Celestia and I just did, I will release this tape."
>You pull your phone out of your pocket and play the recording.
>As the recording goes on Twilight's face gets paler and paler, until she can't listen anymore.
>"Okay, okay! I promise to not tell anyone!"
>"That's good, you wouldn't want your scholarship to Canterlot University to be... cancelled."
>"N-nooo Princess-I mean Principal Celestia!"
>"Good, now go back to your friends, Anon and I will come down to breakfast shortly."
>Twilight heads back downstairs.
>You and Celsetia sit on the bed.
"Phew, that was close,"
>"Yeah, it was."
>After a few seconds of silence, Celsetia finally speaks.
>"Anon, there is something you need to know."
"Yeah sure, what is it?"
>"My sister, Luna, will probably eventually find out."
"How, how will she-"
>"She and I swore to never hide secrets from each other. But do not worry, she will never tell anyone."
"How do you know that?"
>"Oh, let's just saying that I can do something that will shut her up."
"Okay, we better head downstairs for breakfast."
>"You're right, I could use some cake right now."
>Celestia laughs and you both head down the stairs.
>When you and Celestia head to the dining room, the girls have already finished breakfast.
>Twilight looks at you nervously, and luckily nobody saw her expression.
>Rainbow Dash is smirking.
>"Hey, what took you guys so long?"
"Uhh, we both slept in."
>Nice lying Anon.
>Rainbow looks dissatisfied with you, however she is gives up and continues talking with the others.
>You and Celestia sit down when Applejack starts to talk.
>"Hey Anon, and uhh... Celestia, We are sort of trapped inside your house miss, there is snow covering the entrance, and we could be stuck here for a few days.
>You are fine with this, as this means more opportunities to have "practical activities" with Celly, but then you realise that you could be stuck here on Hearth's Warming Eve!
"I suppose that we are going to have to wait until the snow starts to melt, right?"
>"That's right Anon, put don't worry, we can still have a massive party while we wait!"
"But Pinkie, where are you going to get party supplies from?"
>"From my party canon, duh!"
>And then out of no-where Pinkie pulls out her party canon and is about to launch it.
>"NO PINKIE! Not here!"
>But Celestia's warning is ignored, and a giant flash of light is seen and a boom is heard, and the spaghetti is starting to fall out of your pockets.
>You shove the spaghetti back into your pockets. You face the dining room, expecting the normal boring party decorations with all sorts of really unhealthy food.
>However you are surprised to see Hearth's Warming decorations all over the room.
>You run towards the Living Room to find a tree, and you are genuinely surprised.
"Pinkie, how the hell did you shove all that decorations in the canon, as well as a freaking tree."
>"Oh Anon! Everybody knows that you can put almost anything up a canon!"
>You are confused, but you don't really mind. This means you can have Hearths Warming with your friends.
>Just before you are about to start breakfast the lights turn on, and there are shouts of joy among the girls.
>Twilight immediately turns on the TV.
>"Today in other news the snowstorm at Canterlot has finally stopped, however heavy snowfall is predicted to fall later this afternoon. In other news a rabbit charged for murder has been-"
>Twilight changes the channel to Discovery Family to watch some cartoons.
>You hated that channel.
>But never mind that, you were going to be here for another day!
>Celestia looks troubled and finally speaks her mind.
>"I hope Luna is okay, as well as Sunset."
>Sunset was originally coming to the sleepover but she was needed somewhere else. Before you could ask her where she just said: "Very, very far away".
>You always loved Sunset, even though she probably never would go out with you.
>At least you have someone better now.
"Where is Luna anyway?"
>"She had to attend some family business, I hope she found a place to stay!"
>Hours pass and the friends and the Principal exchange jokes and stories. They also watch cartoons and play video games. Around lunchtime Anon decides to have a shower, and wash his pants.
>You like to have your shower warm, especially on such a freezing day.
>While your in the shower you think about your parents, and how much you miss them.
>Ever since you came to CHS you have enjoyed your time their making friends, trying to get away from the stress at home with your adopted parents.
>Luckily you were able to move out once you turned 18.
>You had always planned to join the army, so that you could get away from home for as long as you want. But now, you're starting to have second thoughts.
>Celly loves you dearly, and you don't want to die and leave her alone.
>You'll have to talk this over with her later.
>You're just about to finish your shower when the door starts to slowly open and a head peeps around the door.
>It's Fluttershy.
>"Oh, sorry Anon, I thought that you were finished-"
"GET OUT!!!!!"
>Fluttershy quickly closes the door.
>You turn the shower off and dry yourself with Celestia's towel.
>It's nice and soft, and smells of cake.
>You wrap the towel around you and open the door.
>Fluttershy is waiting for you.
>"Hey there Anon, sorry I scared you back there, however I did get a nice view of your... dick, and I would like to see it again."
"Fluttershy? Are you trying to be seductive?"
>"N-no..... Umm, yes maybe."
"Well I'm sorry Fluttershy, you're a hot chick and all, but our relationship would be illegal."
>"Well, I can wait until next year!"
"Well unfortunately Fluttershy, I happen to like somebody else, so you can forget it and find somebody else to share a sleeping bag with!"
>Fluttershy looks heartbroken.
>Maybe you were too harsh on her.
>But before you can try to make things better, she runs off in tears.
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>You quickly run back downstairs.
>A crying Fluttershy is being hugged by Applejack and Rarity.
>Rainbow Dash and Twilight stare at you angrily.
>Celestia also doesn't look impressed.
>uh oh, this isn't going to go very well
>"Anon, can you explain what happened to Fluttershy?"
"Umm, I dunno Applejack, I don't think you would understand."
>"Well, I think I would understand."
"Well, maybe you would Twilight, but I still doubt it."
>"That's enough Anon! Why are you keeping this a secret from us! Did you hurt Fluttershy? What is there to hide!"
>"Enough Rainbow! Obviously Anon doesn't feel comfortable talking to any of you, so I will talk to him privately"
>Oh boy, this aint gonna be good.
>Celestia takes you into another room.
>You both sit down on the couch.
>"Anon, why is Fluttershy so upset?"
"Well, before we had some... lessons last night, Fluttershy was obviously trying to hit on me, and of course I would of liked to do it, however she's too young and it would be illegal. So I don't want to get into any trouble.
>"Okay Anon, that seems reasonable, however why is she crying now?"
"Well, let's just say that she walked in while I was in the shower, and I got mad at her."
>"Why are you such an ass Anon!"
"What? Aren't you mad too?"
>"Of course I am, but you shouldn't have treated her that way. You're an adult now Anon, you shouldn't treat her that way."
"Yeah, I regret the way I treated her, I just didn't want to make you upset or jealous."
>"That's alright Anon, however you should apologize to Fluttershy."
"Only on one condition"
>"what is it?"
"Stop embarrassing me in front of my friends! If we keep up this suspicious behaviour, they'll start to suspect something!"
>Celestia laughs.
>"Okay Anon, but first you need to apologize to Fluttershy."
>You nod your head, and head back into the other room.
"Alright, I need to talk to Fluttershy... Privately."
>Fluttershy stops crying and turns towards you with the most fake smile.
>Damn, you went too hard on her this time.
>Rarity is reluctant to let Fluttershy go, however she manages to let go.
>Fluttershy slowly walks towards you.
>You grab her hand gently and lead her upstairs where you won't be heard.
>You close the door and lock it.
>Fluttershy looks nervous, but you can see a tinge of red in her cheeks.
"Fluttershy, I know that I have been hard on you recently, but I don't hate you, I-I just..."
>Fluttershy looks up, and that's all that's needed for you to shut up
>"Anon, I know how you feel, and I'm sorry that I am annoying you, it's just that I... really, really like you, and I won't get in between you and Principle Celestia.
"Wait, how the fuck do you know about that?"
>Fluttershy's face turns red and immediately turns away, you pin her to the bed and turn her around so she's facing you.
"I am going to ask again, how the fuck did you find out?"
>"I...I spied on you."
>Before you can reply Fluttershy speaks again.
>"I did it because I was extremely jealous that you got to sleep with Celestia, and I wanted to make sure that things were kept safe, however I couldn't get into the room..."
>You just stared at her and laughed.
"You stayed up the entire night? Jeez, your a desperate pervert."
>Fluttershy laughed as well, then quickly looked towards the floor shyly.
>"Anon, I know what I did was wrong, and I am sorry for acting in a weird way, b-but I think I know what I can do to repay you."
>Fluttershy gets off the bed and grabs your shoulders, she makes you sit on the bed, she then immediately kneels towards you.
>Fluttershy looks up with large, cute eyes.
>Fuck, you don't care anymore.
>You nod, with approval.
>She pulls down your pants, and starts sucking.
>She starts really slowly, probably from the nerves.
"Hey, can you go a bit faster... Yeah, much better!!!"
>You know you shouldn't be doing this, but as long as you finish up quickly, nobody is going to suspect anything.
>For about a minute Fluttershy chokes on your cock.
>You eventually allow yourself to cum, and she licks you clean
>"Did you like that Anon?"
"Fuck yes, I am so sorry I have been pushing you away, I will never throw you away again."
>"Thanks Anon, if you need me ever again, I will always be available."
>You kiss for a few seconds, before heading back downstairs.
>Celly is there waiting for you
>"So, have you both made up?"
>"Yes, in fact I think we have become better friends than before."
>Celestia smirks.
>"Oh really? How close do you think you are now?"
>You immediately gulp.
"Uhh, probably at least 10 times as close, however still not as close as we are."
>"That's a good answer, remember that we have more lessons tonight."
>Hell yes. you can't wait.
Work bump
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>You stop your pump up session just sort of going into your football chants
>Okay confidence officially maxed
>Sure yours usually only tops out at a 7 of a 10 scale
>But you're still feeling good as to be expected about this
>You walk over towards your phone and go through your speech one last time
>Speech was a strong word
>It was more of a summation
>Or an outline
>Sure you'd put in a lot of work thinking up what to say
>But you could only plan a conversations so well before you get the other party involved
>Or parties as it were
>And since you still had no idea if the other parties would talk to you that made this more complicated by several magnitudes
>So there were a few gaping chunks in your mental outline of what you were going to say that just read as "Wing it" or "Apologize" or "Apologize HARDER" or "Protect you balls they might take a shot at you"
>But you were still feeling optimistic in spite of all of this
>Which was a foreign feeling to a natural pessimist like yourself, but you were rolling with it
>You pick up your phone and kill the music
>It was time to put your first step of your plan into place
>You flip through your contacts
>You're looking for something that wasn't there before
>You find it in the R's
>Rainbow "Sexy Beast" Dash
>You can't help but chuckle at her flair for naming
>She wasn't wrong
>You start typing up a message
A: "Hey Dash it's Anon, you know where Pinkie and Trixie are right now?"
>You put down your phone as you wait for the reply and give yourself a once over
>You wipe the back of your hand against your lip and are glad to see you're not bleeding anymore
>Unfortunately there was no way to check your reflection so you settle for running a hand through your hair
>Your phone hums with the sound of a text
>RD: "Y'know when I gave you my number, this wasn't the kind of thing I had in mind"
>You roll your eyes
A: "Trust me Dash, I would much rather be flirting and sexting but this is important" you assure her
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Yes I am back

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had to go work black Friday with what I thought was a herniated disk, left 2 hours into my shift to go to urgent care, got x-rays, three different perscriptions, and two shots in the ass, then had lunch with family, passed out on pain meds, then had pathfinder until last midnight....it was a rollercoaster of a day

Good news: There a 50% chance I don't have a hernia and I'm working on another post right now

Bad news: These meds for me fucked up and not sure if I'll have the energy to finish and post it tonight

But I continue to lurk dudes

>You wait for about a minute before your phone buzzes again
>RD: "What makes you think sexting is still on the table Flips?"
>Oh lord
>You regret ever letting Pinkie and Trixie tell that damn story
>Even if you manage to fix all of this you have a feeling she's never gonna let you live that down
A: "Maybe I'm just being optimistic, I mean I didn't hear you deny that sexting was still on the table" You text back jokingly
>Your phones hums again with Dash's reply
>RD: "Well let's just say I'm not gonna start sexting until I get that answer you promised me"
>Fair enough
A: "Well if you can tell me where Pinkie and Trixie are I might be able to get you your answer here in a little bit."
>Well there you go
>No going back now
>Time to nut up or shut up
>Your phone buzzes with Dash's text
>RD: "Well Pinkie and Trixie are with me in the living room, but they're acting weird. Not weird like before either."
>Well that didn't exactly fill you with confidence
>But you knew that Pinkie had been off crying not that long ago so you kind of expected this
>But the fact she was with Trixie of all people right now wasn't a good sign
>Especially if they were both acting strange
A: "Alright, just keep them there for a minute. I'm heading your way in just a second"
>Now's the time
>You stuff your phone back in your pocket
>You start rocking from side to side
>You slap your face
>You feel the pain as you connect with where Limestone hit you but you ignore it as you get in the zone
>You keep rocking side to side as you start muttering to yourself
"What time is it? Game time. What time is it? GAME TIME!" You growl "Are the dogs in the house? Woof Woof Woof. I said are the dogs in the house!? WOOF WOOF WOOF!"
>It was on!
>You head out of the garage and into the hall
>You are laser focused
>You feel your phone buzz in your pocket as you round the corner into the living room to find Trixie, Pinkie, and Dash all looking at you
The silence is heavy
>has drugs
>dosent offer any
good to have you back
They gave me Vicodin, I ain't offering that shit, if I have any left I'm selling that shit
Kek, in buying if you're selling
Fuck man, as eager as i am for this story, take it easy. I've fucked my back up before and know that feel.

That said, as a fellow Pathfinder player and fa/tg/uy I'd love to see someone with talent (ie: you, sure as fuck not me) tackle a "The Equestira Girls play Pathfinder" with anon as the GM, i think burnout boy would make a fine gamemaster personally
Late night bump
[Hope they last]
Clororx Bleach
Turkey morning bump
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> tfw almost all the writefags disappeared from this thread.
>tfw you chase all your loved ones away with your own horrible personality
It's just like real life.
>tfw editing your old story gives you year old nostalgia.
I might make a new story after I finish the new version.
>Hours passed. Then all of a sudden, there is a knock on the door.
>Twilight opens the door.
>Luna is there, and she has managed to dig her way to the front door.
>"Hey Luna! You dug your way in? Jesus!"
>Celestia starts to talk with Luna, you decide to get her a hot chocolate, after all, she must be freezing.
>you quickly make one in the kitchen and bring it to the front door.
"Hey Luna, you must be cold. Here, have this."
>"Thanks Anon!"
>She then kisses you on the check, and then joins the others.
>Celestia notices your blushing and smirks
>"Well Anon, looks like Luna has finally found someone."
"But, ain't I with you?"
>"Yes, for now, first I have to have a talk with Luna, then tonight, you will have to make a decision."
>Celestia giggled than went to talk with Luna again.
>You don't know what she's up to, but you sure as hell know she won't dissapoint you.
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I haven't left, just been in a med induced coma, will work on a post when I get home, it will be up tonight or tomorrow
Check em
Good I'm glad you didn't get greedy and overdose
I wasn't really talking about you, you've stuck around for a good long while. I was mainly talking about Insanebow, Greentext Savant, Octave, and Junglebuff Anon. Also enjoy your coma. Here's an appropriate tune for you.

Not really
Everything ok man? No rush though, you got a great green going write when it feels right.
Goodnight bump
>page 7
>page 5
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>one shot at a time
But y
patience my friend.
This isn't a new story btw.
I wrote this a year ago, and have decided to edit it to make it better.
You can find the entire story on desu archives. There are also other sleepover stories in the same thread.
>For the rest of the afternoon you play Super Smash Bros with Rainbow Dash and Twilight.
>It is surprisingly easy.
>"God damn it Anon! why did you always have to play as Ike!"
>You just ignore Rainbow Dash and start to chant.
>Twilight is not amused.
>"Anon, please just play as a different character, we have changed our character every game."
"That's only because you guys need to get gud and don't know a good enough character to defeat the glorious IKE!"
>You start chanting again and Twilight just rolls her eyes, however Rainbow Dash is just getting more fustrated.
>GOD DAMN IT ANON! why do you have to..."
"What was that Rainbow?"
>"why are you..."
"Sorry, can you speak up a little?"
>"FINE, you're...better than me. However, I bet you can't defeat a Level 9 Bot!"
>You gulp externally.
"Sure, I could do that."
>"Are you sure, sure?."
>"Okay then."
>You change the bot levels to Level 9. However, when Rainbow is not looking you quickly go into the rules and change the launch rate to 2x.
>You of course, play as Ike.
"Alright, I am ready."
>After 4 minutes of launching enemies into the air you see a very shocked Rainbow Dash.
>"Dude, I like Ike now."
>You laugh.
"It's WE LIKE IKE! Not I like Ike!"
>Everyone starts to laugh.
>You quickly look at your watch.
>Bed time, or Study Time for Anon and Celestia.
"Hey guys, I am pretty tired."
>Applejack yawns.
>"Yeah, I am too. I supposes we'll all hit the hay."
>There are more groans of agreement, except from Celestia and Luna.
>"Me and Luna are going to stay up a little longer."
>You think about what those two might be up to.
>Fluttershy approaches you and pulls you closer to her.
>"Hey, umm... If it's okay with you...Would you like to sleep with me tonight?"
>The other girls start to stare.
"Ah, no Fluttershy, I think it's going to be warm enough to sleep on the couch tonight."
Page 8!! Pump
I will finish this damn story. I promise you guys
Daily reminder that Ike is best fighter on brawl.

"Yeah it's me." You say plainly preparing to start giving your dynamic opening speech
>Or at least you were
>But damn
>They were giving you some real weird looks
>Not like you weren't expecting that
>But you'd expected awkward uncomfortable looks and maybe some disdain
>But they looked way more shocked than anything
>Did they hear you in the garage or something
>You may have gone a bit too ham on psyching yourself up
>But you didn't think you were that loud
>Luckily Dash finally decided to speak up
>"What happened to your face?"
>Oh right
>You'd been punched in the face
>You had totally forgotten about that
"Oh this, it's no big deal." You say trying to play it cool "Why? Is it that noticeable?"
>"Yeah it is." Trixie says reaching into the bag by her chair and pulling out a small compact before walking over to you
>You look down into the mirror
>You had a bruise the size of a small fruit right on your cheek
>Sure the punch had hurt, but you didn't think she'd hit you that hard
>Shit you may have to thank Maud for stopping Limestone from going off on you
>"What happened? Does it hurt?" Pinkie asked stepping in and cupping your face in her hands so she could get a better look at your bruise
>This wasn't going like you'd planned
>You'd expected them to ignore you
>Or yell at you
>Or tell you they never wanted to see you again
>But here Pinkie and Trixie were checking to see if you were okay like you'd been carted off the field after a game
>This kind of threw off your plans a bit
"Yeah it's still a little tender" You remark dumbly "But that's not important right now." You insist
>You needed to get back on track
"Listen, I know a lot happened last night and I know you're both probably still super mad at me and you have every right to be. But right now we need to talk about this so please just hear me out."
>There's a pause where Pinkie and Trixie stop hovering over you and look to each other
>"Okay" "Alright" They say almost in unison
All I have for now, going to try and get all the anime, sentai, and Kamen Rider series I lost when my harddrive died from my friend so I may or may not have time to work on another post tonight

We'll see
>"It's about 4pm in the morning."
>in the morning
Funny thing is I made that mistake last year, and someone pointed it out.
I'm a failure[/spoiler[
>Fluttershy is disappointed, but she doesn't complain.
>She walks back to her friends and closes the door to Twilight's room.
>Only you, Luna and Celestia are left in the Family Room.
>"Anon, you aren't actually going to sleep on the couch, right?"
>"I agree with my sister, you shall sleep in our bed."
>"Well yes, me and Luna have always shared our bed together."
"S-sure, if thats okay with you."
>"Okay Anon, you go upstairs, we will be up in a minute."
"Hey Celestia, can I just talk to you for a second, privately?"
>Luna goes into the kitchen.
"What was the decision thing you were talking about earlier?"
>"Oh that, the decision was who you were going to sleep with tonight."
"You made me think I was going to decide between you and Luna!"
>"Yes, it was pretty funny when I saw your reaction!"
>Celestia laughs, and Luna returns from the kitchen.
>"Here, I brought some coffee!"
>The three of you drink your coffees.
"Thanks Luna."
>"Oh, its not over yet Anon!"
>You grin, and lead the two of them up to their bedroom.
your story is about to finish, I want the lewdest ending with trixie, inspire yourself, watch like 3 hours of hardcore porn or something like that, I had an accident today and can't do anything else but try to destroy my pants with the migthiest of boners the world's ever seen (I can't even fap since I'm wounded in both my arms and legs, this is ridiculous so help a bro out)
>You open the the door to Celestia's room wide open, before closing and locking the door.
>Luna and Celestia giggle and head into the walk in closet.
>You quickly get out of your clothes and hop into the bed.
>You are just lying there for about 10 minutes when the closet door opens.
>It's Celestia in her sexy lingerie again, and Luna is wearing a bra and panties.
>Immediately unzips dick.
>"Heyyy Anon, are you ready for some fun."
"Fuck yes."
>Celestia and Luna both look at each other, than quickly look back at you with smirks on their faces.
>They jump on the bed and start fighting over who goes first.
>They keep on wrestling, until eventually you pull them both away, and use both of your hands to pull both of their underwear off.
>You start fingering both of them.
>"Ohhhhh, Anon. My sister didn't tell me that you were this good!"
>You start fingering faster
>"Holy Shit!!!"
>They both cum at the same time
>They then both take their bras off at let you touch their breasts.
>Luna's are definitely bigger than Celestia's, however Celestia's nipples are really sensitive.
>"Fuck, Anon, stop playing around and fuck me already."
>You laugh, and the position Luna over your penis and start to fuck her.
>"AHHHHH, keep going!"
>Celestia puts her cunt over your head, and you start to lick.
>Eventually Luna cums again and you switch positions, licking Luna and fucking Celestia.
>After Celestia cums, the sisters pin you to the bed. Celestia grabs your cock while Luna gives head.
>You have never exprienced anything like it before.
>They go faster by the second and you can't take it any longer
"Fuck, I am gonna cum."
>You then cum all over their faces.
>"Well, did you enjoy tonight's lesson Anon?"
"Why even ask, of course I fucking did, I don't know if I will ever have an experience like that ever again."
>Luna and Celestia both laugh, and they cuddle your body and you both fall asleep, unaware that just like the night before, somebody's watching.
Page 10 bump
Have a link to a bunch of Kamen Rider series, maybe it can help.

>blueberry pajamas
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>i want to be annon so hard right now
Dubs have confirmed
Another save
Thanks I'm still rebuilding my collection

I'm not going to make any promises, but I may whip up a simple smut after the canon ending for you my fellow afflicted brother

I would love to try that, but I can't say I have too much in the way of ideas for how that would go

Working on another post while still doped up on the muscles relaxers so no idea when I'll get it posted
Burnout needs to make a kamen rider story for some board on /mlp/
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I actually write a Kamen Rider crossover fanfic

The other series in the crossover is RWBY
Yes, I know my taste is shit and I feel bad

will post a link if anyone is interested
As a fellow anon who reads pony greens and watches RWBY, I'd be interested. Especially in what weapons you'd give everyone.
here's the link to my profile, the top 4 stories are all my RWBY stuff, I need to get around to getting rid of the older stuff

you are my anonymous hero
Everybody I know ranks the RWBY volume 2>1>3>4 (Including me)

I'm actually incredibly furious they are ruining a brilliant man's magnum opus.
depends on what you're ranking it on, if we were doing only on fight choreography then I'd agree with your rankings since without Monty we'll never get fights as good as the first two seasons

but if we're going off of animation/story quality then I rank it 4>3>2>1, I liked Monty and met him briefly in passing at RTX 2014, but he had terrible taste in Anime and no idea how to do a cohesive story, for all the terrible cringey moments in RWBYthe story has gotten better with Miles and Kerry working to follow Monty's goals while still making better plot focused decisions

Shane's letter pointed out a ton of terrible ideas I'm really glad never happened because they made no sense or were so terribly edge-lordy weebs I may have dropped the series

But hey I'm just some guy who writes bad fanfiction and smut, so what do I know right
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Currently reading your other stories and liking what I read. I can't wait to get to the Spitfire one, Wally and Artemis are one of my favorite couples. Off topic, but I'm psyched for Season 3 of YJ
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Glad you like them, my fav to Write is Year of the RDCP but Kamen Rider Hunter is a close second especially after doing the second chapter

I'm a little embarrassed of the Young Justice one, it's been years and I fear it hasn't aged well

Though I do look forward to finally getting season 3, I badly need to rewatch the whole series again since it has been so long
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Does the sleepover have to be in EQG or can we have a situation like >pic related?
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Is kill?
The next one I read is the ArtemisxWally one. I've binged the whole series three times this year and wrapping up a 4th so I'm excited af haha
Nice, I had to leav work early tonight because of my back so I'm current too doped up to write for for shi....but I don't go in tomorrow so I hope to get something don

Also what alll of my stuff have you read I crave feedback
Write it
All write fags are welcomed
>TFW no qt loli rich gf.
I know I'm super interested in that story... Bring it!
Celestia Anon, where can I find your pastebin?
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>mfw I have a short story story that I want to write for this thread
>mfw it's been a month that I have been drowned in work
and again
page 9
Its been 2 days...i think this is dead
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Fuck this.gif
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No die

>You blink
>Three times
>What the fuck!
>It was that simple
>Apparently Applejack hit the nail on the head
>You owed her one
>Maybe two if you counted the kiss
>But now wasn't the time to be thinking about that
"O-oh, okay great. Well, um, first I..."
>"Wait." Trixie says holding up a finger then turning to where Dash is sitting "Dash do you mind leaving, this is kind of personal." She says with a slight edge in her voice
>Oh yeah
>This is why you did all your planning
"Actually..." You say letting out a sigh "Dash needs to stay for this"
>"Excuse me?" Trixie says looking obviously a bit mad
>Okay, now this was the kind of thing you'd expected
>And you'd reached what was easily one of the messier parts
"Listen guys, there's a lot I have to say and apologize for so I'm gonna be entirely honest with you." You begin to explain "And so that's why Dash is here, because before everything that happened we..."
>"Oh my gosh!" Trixie seethed "You mean you two..."
"No, no we didn't" You interrupt before Trixie can get ahead of herself "I mean we kissed and we dry humped but that was it."
>You weren't gonna mention the thigh fucking
>Sure you were being totally honest here, but it was basically dry humping anyway and you were pretty sure only Trixie knew what it was by name anyway
>And you weren't going to explain to Pinkie what it was while you were trying to save your friendship
"And the thing is she may have also kind of confessed to me earlier too. So that's why she is here"
>"I can't believe you" Trixie growls hitting you in the chest
"Ow hey" You say catching Trixie's hands before she could hit you anymore "Listen, I may have done some stupid shit last night, but when Dash came onto me last night as far as I knew you and Pinkie were just my best friends and I was single." You say a bit sternly
>Trixie takes a second to calm down before huffing a bit "Fine..." She says as you let her go
>Well that went about how you expected
can we not die
Yeah plz don't.
>bumper crops.
Live, damn you, live!
bumpity bump
I know the fact that you're still writing is more than i can ask for, but shit man, i was gone for 9 days and only 5 posts? And while we're on the subject, how's your back?
Wait what? You have more shit to read? What the fuck? Where can I find this? Your paste only has the lewd sleepover green. Don't be fuckin hold out on me, man.
Sorry, my back has not improved and I'm in the process of finding out what is wrong with it, but yeah I've been spending most of my days knocked out by muscle relaxers so I haven't gotten much done

all my non-green related stuff can be found here>>28969951
Be warned It's mostly RWBY related
yes my taste is shit, I know and it hurts me
Don't let it die
Such is the fate of a dying general, bumps after bumps. I hope burnout gets better soon so this won't die completely.
Bad story prompt specifically designed to act as a page 9 bump:

Admins from CHS and CPA have week-long trip to try and mend fences and hopefully build friendly relationships after Friendship Games fiasco.
Thread posts: 233
Thread images: 46

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