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Princess Applejack

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 522
Thread images: 38

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 149! One more and we unlock the Super-Apple skin for the fighting game!
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>Thread 149! One more and we unlock the Super-Apple skin for the fighting game!
But the super apple skin is just her normal Skin Recolored!
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Here is full archive of the stories in condensed, easy-to-read form with all chatter in-between removed.
Check out the pastebin here:

Curious what happened last time?
Check out the previous thread here:https:/desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/27896537
You are completely new and have no idea what is going on? There is a wikia with an overview of all characters, a complete timeline, previous thread recaps and explanation of the various concepts used in these stories!
Check out the wiki here:http://princess-aj.wikia.com/wiki/Princess_Applejack_Wiki

Confused about when a character first showed up or who they are? Want to know when an arc started?
Check out character notes and details here :

Check out the 'Princess Applejack: Re-Cut Edition' here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15cv3kqExr_vOM0JkUh4dqnvVKxJ5Z-P1KHwE8Z7aG0k/edit?usp=sharing
And finally, while most of the thread is very much clop free, we have a pastebin in case you're feeling a little more naughty with your writing, find it here. http://pastebin.com/u/PrincessAJAfterDark please upload any like it to a pastebin so they can be added out of thread.
And above all else, enjoy your stay at /paj/!
Does this still count as a First for Badass AJ if he posted in the middle of the threadtree?

Cause damn I love that AJ.
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everyone back to the base, pardner.
And of course the Glimgalmbomb happens again just at the start of a new thread, this is going to be fun.
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Holy shit, the last thread is at page 10! I didn't even upload the pic, I was so worried it would sink.

Pinkie Prophesies!

>Shiny wants a good shining,
>Pinkie can't find Waldo
>Diamond Tiara wants to be little filly boom,
>Luna wants to know how bright moonlight is,
>Celestia should not coach swimming lessons,
>Dash gets mixed up with Hyphen,
>The CMC learn a valuable lesson about when to cross the street,
>Cadence is singing about free love!
>Shaking fanservice!
>Holy shit, the last thread is at page 10!

And now it's on the edge, and probably gone by the time I post this.

>Tia? Gotta question.

"And I have got a restraining order, start listening to it."

>Ah' serve the ponies, the ponies don't serve me.

"That sounds really nice until you realize you're talking about litigation, then it kind of sounds all dictatory."

>Well, since ya' brought it up, Ah' do have some concerns about our judicial system. Most notably... do we actually have one? Ah' have literally never seen a judge pony. Ah've seen everythin' from street sweepers to guards to police, but never a dang judge of any kind. Do we not, like, have juries or anything?


>We don't, do we?


>Ya'll just sentence every single solitary pony, be they purse snatcher or resurrected being of chaos.

"...it's all I get to do anymore."

>DANG IT CELESTIA! Our justice system is a mess and it's all yer' fault.

"Let me have this!"


"I hate you! I wish I was never born!"

*Runs off crying*

>That mare, more like a dang filly.. Wait a minute... get back here and help me do the paperwork to fix this gaddang it!

It went up 9 again.

Guess the janitors caught on.
I was cooking/fending off ants in my kitchen.

Thanks for the cover.
>fending off ants

>this is as noticeable as cooking

Do you live in Australia or something?
I kinda wanna put a saddle and bridle on her and ride her around now that she's big enough. Would a princess cowpony get off on being ridden in full horse tack with a crop and spurs or would she be more likely to buck you off and kill you?
No prob.

Seems I jumped the gun though, old thread slid back up to 8. Heh, even when she's can't get up anymore, it's hard to kill Applejack.
Think about how that worked out in the show when someone tried to ride her.
Quinty quints don't lie!
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Check Em.png
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Hooo baby. I'm sorry, I must check your quint 5s.
Yeah but that was in a totally different context. You can't tell me she wouldn't at least be a little curious about how it would feel to have a more reasonably proportioned rider that's not trying to literally enslave her, but is just doing it for a little fun, on her back. Maybe a kind anon would start to inadvertently tap into some of her latent horsey instincts by scritching her ears and feeding her sugar cubes and she'd eventually cave in to his polite requests for a pony ride. It'd feel strangely good and natural to her, and while the first ride would be bareback over time she'd demand the addition of the saddle, bridle, and spurs.
Have we ever seen anyone actually commit a jailable offense, stoneificiation notwithstanding?
Fuck off with your retarded riding fetish
>some of her latent horsey instincts

Then she'd just kick you off and stomp you to death.

Domesticated horses are waaayyyyyy different than wild horses, and took generations to be to the point where they're trainable to actually tolerate being ridden, a horse like her with no evolutionary breeding that allowed for such a thing wouldn't have any predisposition naturally then 'make it dead'. There's a reason old cowboys had the term bronco buster.

You're also probably barking up the wrong tree with who would find that fun, she'd just call you lazy and think you wanted to ride her because you didn't want to walk.

Dash might be into it if you could convince her it was strength training.
>stop trying to have fun and liking what I don't like
>When I said she did this before, I meant we had her in the snow trying to do this shit before.

I just did a quick scan, she never tried to do anything in the snow in the two stories I found with her out there, she just stared at the city both times. Was there a time when she used magic before I'm not aware of? She never seemed to want to do anything with it, she was just being conflicted and unsure, as opposed to what she did in that story, which was actually try to do something.
AJ enjoys farm work and hard labor. It wouldn't be hard for a clever anon to goad her into allowing herself to be ridden.
>It's at the very, very end of the catalog, which means it would have been the next one to be bumped off if the janitors hadn't arrived.

Damn, that's kind of awesome.
Honestly, I'm more confused what changed. She was still in I don't want to go mode when she was seen last, what did she see that made her think she has to do this now?
Mornings, thread
Same, anon.

Jetset never really considered himself weak. On the contrary, he viewed himself as two-thirds physically apt, one-third shades. Any good agent needed their gadgets, and to give what his job entailed, Jetset had his special shades. They gave him insight, knowledge, courses to take, a plethora of possibilities for every outcome.

But that didn’t mean his body could keep up with what his shades fed him, when they warned him to dodge this way, go there, or duck that- sometimes he just couldn’t meet the demand, and he suffered for it. And he cursed himself.

He was faster now as opposed to back then, his teleporting ability saw to that, but still not fast enough.

So without his shades, having to rely on instincts long since dulled over was probably why he was having a hard time against this ‘test’ his princess had arranged for him.

Namely, the purple dragon that had just finished dodging one of his strikes for the umpteenth time.

That, by itself, wasn’t so annoying… it was the fact that when Spike did duck around him, that pistol, Charity, was up in a blink, and more often than not pointed directly at his head.

“That’s, what… twelve? Thirteen? We’ll say fourteen, Jet-man, fourteen times you’re dead.”

>Then pull… the damn… trigger.

As he always did, Spike lowered his firing arm and shook himself, exhaling.

“Last thing I wanna see is your brains splattered all over this place. Virtual or not, that shit can traumatize, and I’ve already had my fair share of traumatizing moments, thanks. Besides, I’m supposed to be learning how to be less shooty and more resolute, and look! Every time, every single time I could’ve, but I didn’t! Claw’s not even on the trigger, admire that trigger discipline for a moment, I know I am. So, you know, by doing this, I’m learning some resolution, like ‘Tia wanted. The good resolution, of not shooting.”


There was something mocking in the way Jetset narrowed his eyes at the dragon, chest heaving with enervation.

>Wow… Spike, that’s….

The climb back to his hooves was long and arduous, but he made it, briefly wishing he had his shades so he could analyze Spike’s movements; he knew they were a form of martial arts- Jeet something- but for the life of him, he couldn’t catch the flow.

>…thats not at all what she meant.

Spike blinked.

“Um, yeah, she did? Look, either way, the only reason I’m not shooting you now is because gray matter is gray matter and I don’t want to see-”

>That’s exactly it, you don’t want to see.

The voice drifted over Spike’s shoulder just as the image of the Jetset before him faded like the morning mist.

And there it was, the chance to disable Spike entirely was there, as well as the urge and the longing… a simple grab-and-twist, down in one… but he didn’t, and not because Spike had yet to tag him with a bullet.

But because his Princess believed in him.


>She said you can’t be hesitant, that you have to be resolute… Come now, do you really think our Princess so basic as to give such a simple-minded lesson? Hesitancy and resolution, that’s just the basis; we have to dive deeper than that. The hesitancy the Princess spoke of stems from your own mentality, Spike, inside that jumbled up train-wreck of process you call thought.

A single shove sent Spike stumbling forward until he whirled around, his firing arm more taught than before.

>With that gun there you don’t have an ounce of hesitancy- in fact, you’re probably worse than I am in most cases from what I’ve heard and read. You possess all kinds of wrong hesitancy and none of the good kind. You don’t hesitate and shoot first, and then… and then you have the audacity to feel bad about it afterwards? No, you don’t get the right to feel jaded when you act without thinking. Like right now, the reason you haven’t shot me yet isn’t because you’ve suddenly become less ‘shooty’, a shift like that doesn’t happen in the span of hours- trust me, I know- but because you’d feel bad about it, because you consider me your friend. And to shoot your friend would weigh on the conscience of someone like you like an anchor, give rise to doubt and hollow thoughts. That’s where you can’t be hesitant, don’t you see?

Jetset had closed the distance between them while he spoke and once again pushed Spike, who again stumbled, this time frowning and rubbing at his chest.

“Hey, man….”

>You were given that gun and the privilege to protect… without anyone ever showing you how to properly deal with the aftermath of protecting in the first place. It’s not always going to be perfect, it’s not always going to be pretty… and you know what, sometimes you wind up hurting who you were trying to protect in the first place.

The two of them shared a single, solemn look of understanding.


>So you have to be sure that when you make the shitty call, and trust me, you will make that call more than you’d like, you have to own it. And you, Spike, you don’t own shit. Reckless as all hell, you complain and you shutdown and you mope and you turn into a brick, after nearly every single incident you either caused or didn’t cause. That’s not owning, that’s being owned.

Another shove, punctuated with the word ‘owned’, caught Spike unawares and he fell over completely.

Jetset towered over him, glancing down with eyes that not even a Manticore could match in ferocity.

>That’s what she meant by not being hesitant. If you’re going to walk this road, walk it smartly and without regret, or else find a new road. Because you know what? If you, or anyone else, ever threatened my Queen’s life, I would take you down, permanently, and not even lose a wink of sleep over it. Probably forget about you the next morning. I’d have to, because friends make the absolute worst enemies, and after you see them off to the next world they tend to linger like a bad aftertaste. See, I made my peace a long time ago, however terrible it used to make me feel. And if you want to continue wielding Charity without a constant cloud of doom lingering over your head and the heads of others then you need to do it t-

The bullet skipped past Jetset’s face before the piercing bang that followed brought him into a stunned silence. His cheek split from the friction, from the blistering heat of that near-fatal shot, and he blinked down at the dragon still on his back yet pointing a smoking Charity directly at him.

“Nice dodge.”

>Not nearly nice enough, that hurt like hell.


“Well, take solace in the fact that I won’t miss again, so you won't feel anything next time. And I won’t feel sorry for it either. I’ve hesitated enough, givin’ this thought, and I’m resolved to end you.”

>You say that, but that doesn’t mean you just start offing ponies left and right while you laugh against a backdrop of fire, either. That’s the other extreme.

Chuckling, Spike flipped himself upright, once more settling into that fighting stance that caused Jetset’s right eyebrow to twitch.

“You don’t gotta worry about that, Jet. Killing left and right like it’s as easy as breathing, that’s your bag, ain’t it?”


“No, I think with what you just helped me to see, I’ll be fine. Shoulda known ‘Tia would pull something like this….”

>In essence, we both need more self-control before we cause a war-level altercation. You, my angsty little dragon, need two parts the help with that, while I only need one. I’m already comfortable with doing what needs to be done to protect who I need to, I just need to do less-

A scaly elbow caught Jetset squarely in the chest and he gagged, swiftly pivoting to the right to avoid the following knee strike that Spike flowed into.

“Do less what? Talking? I’d say so ‘cause it can’t be good for your reflexes. C’mon, let’s move on to the next part of my training.”

>…Right. The next part….

A silvery cloud of magic snatched Charity from the dragon’s side where it soared neatly over to Jetset and flipped, pointing right back at its owner.


“Hey, what’re you….”

>The second part is something a simulation can’t teach, I’m afraid. My Princess was right, this weapon here… it's your crutch. Think back on all the altercations you’ve caused by whipping this gun out first and doing something asinine….”

The instant Spike made a move, Charity magically armed herself, freezing the dragon mid-step.

>You’re growing far too fast with this gun, and when used in combination to illicit fear and respect, that just breeds a bad case of hubris….

“Jet? Give me back my gun, right now.”

There was some form of consideration behind Jetset’s eyes as he gazed at the gun in his hold that caused Spike to scowl with a growing anger, his scales bristling.

“I said give her BACK!”

Birds from the surrounding trees took off at the dragons fierce yell and one could swear they saw tiny curls of green flame escape the sides of his mouth.

All it made Jetset do was blink, his magic hefting Charity high into the air, the muzzle still pointed directly at its’ owner.

>I gave up my shades, Spike. I gave them up for two reasons… to ensure the survival of someone I care about, and… just to see if I could manage without them. I feel like I’m missing a vital piece of my being if I’m honest, but I can’t deny I’m learning to rely more on myself, which is always a good thing.


>So I’m going to do what we all should have done a long time ago. I’m going to hold onto this gun until such a time as you ‘unlock’ yourself, as I can only imagine Charity here is the very thing that’s been holding you back all this time.

Not a single bullet had been fired but that didn’t stop Spike from looking shot.


“You… Damn it, Jet… don’t… don’t make me hurt you!”

Jetset’s response was quick, so quick Spike had barely finished speaking.

>Could you? No, would you? If no one is going to set you right, then I will, I don’t give a damn about your feelings. You want this crutch that spits metal back? Fine, but how far will you go to achieve that? Would you hurt me? Could you live with yourself afterwards? Maybe you’d contemplate suicide, or just spend months crying in that crying corner? Remember when I said friends make the worst enemies? Yeah, I’m that bad after-taste, Spike.

The rage-fueled trembling that continuously shook Spike from head to toe gave way to an exhale that shot a plume of roasting fire from his nostrils.

And then he was marching forward, determined and paying no mind to the weapon trained on him from above.

“Well, remember when I said I wouldn’t feel sorry when I shot you again? I was lying then. I’m not now. I’m going to get Charity back and then….”

>And then… what?

For a long while there was silence, a silence so loud it caused Jetset's ears to flicker... until the most tired, yet sincere smile surfaced over Spike’s face.

“And then… I’m gonna go check on my big wheels.

>…Excuse me?


“Yeah, they gotta be delivered by now, I figure. Probably stop by the Gee-See afterwards, get to work on some actual club activities.”

>Actual… club… activities….

“Yup. I got a surrogate family there, but we don’t hang out nearly as much as I’d like… Maybe… less explosions, more laughs…?”

>What about unlocking yourself?

“Considering the opposite, I really couldn’t give a changelings chitin anymore. Seeing you dangle Charity over my head like you are… it makes me feel smaller than a two bit diamond. And it’s not like I can scare you into giving her back, you’re not afraid to die and you’re definitely not afraid of me. Kinda just… drives the point home that ‘Tia was trying to make. Charity draws the fear, and the respect, and the power, while I draw….”

Spike shrugged.

“I’ll get ‘em when I get ‘em, those traits. For now, if they wanna laugh, let ‘em laugh. I’mma focus on turning Charity into a symbol of protection, like she always should’ve been, like she was meant to be. I don’t want the ones I’m supposed to protect to see her and be all like ‘oh Faust who’s he gonna accidentally shoot now’ or something like that. Gotta make it positive, you know? Want them to get behind me, not run away.”

>I see….

“Yeah, so, gird your loins, I guess, you and me are gonna do the rounds until I get Charity ba-”

>You pass.

“-aaaa- wait what…?”


Like a meteorite, Charity fell from the sky, and right into the hand Spike unconsciously held up. Confused, he glanced from her to Jetset, who issued a shuddering sigh.

>I said… you passed. Barely.

Even if that didn’t make sense, Spike’s hold on Charity increased ten-fold, until his knuckles turned white, like he was afraid his inability to understand would somehow get her taken again.

“I- are you goofin’ me right now? I don’t get it, I didn’t do anything.”

>Precisely. I don’t have time to explain, mostly because my own therapy is due to start soon, but if you were smart enough to pass, then the ‘how’ will hit you later on. Just… take it easy. Save as many as you can, make that weapon an extension of your help, not your need for respect.

“…I will.”

>Now start walking, that way. You’ll come across the simulation’s exit in about ten minutes.

“Right, I… oh wow, I almost forgot we were in a simulation….”

>I didn’t, then again my sense are sharper than yours, or it may be a side-affect of wearing my shades for so long… Anyway, get going, and tell my second Princess that I’ll be seeing her soon.

“Sure you don’t want me to stay? In case you need help?”

>No, you’re needed elsewhere. Until I get back, I’m passing both the Alpha and Omega into your care, alright? Think you can handle that without putting a bullet in it?

“…ha. Somehow, I think I’ll manage.”

>We’ll see. Good luck, Spike.

“Same to you, Glitch.”


It took a little longer than it should have for Spike to disappear from Jetset’s sight, but the dragon kept pausing, glancing back over his shoulder before continuing on.

>He’ll be fine… don’t you think?

A previously hidden figure stepped out from the tree closest to the agent, sniffing quite haughtily as they approached, leering after the long-gone dragon.

‘Fine is subjective, and you know I abhor subjectivity. I find it unprofessional.’

>You find everything unprofessional, ma’am.

The golden maned mare with the withered gaze of a hawk nickered most affectionately.

‘Well, not everything, Jetset. Your entire little speech to Spike, that was very professional. So professional, actually, that I seem to recall hearing it once befo- oh! Wait.. that’s right, didn’t I say almost the exact same thing to you when you were younger, back when you were all petulant and hardheaded? Yes, yes, I do believe you even threatened me when I took your shades away….’

>It’s a possibility, who knows. My memory isn’t so good nowadays.

‘Must be all that glitching headfirst into walls.’

>Very funny.

Just stuff we havent arrested
>Breaking and entering-Flash and Fizzle
>Assault and battery-Multiple
>Attempted murder-multiple
>impersonating an officer-56
>bioterror- technically Fawntine Futuristics
>inciting a riot-technically Fuzzy and the buzz
>Piracy-The fucking pirates

stuff we have
>attempted coups
>attempted regicide
>attempted murder by nobody on gov officials
>child trafficking
>and sugar smuggling
You forgot about the Apple Counter fitting... or did I never actually post that story?
>impersonating an officer-56
Damn Daniel, I forgot all about that.
Finally! And it's a pretty decent bit if CD too.
>Spike finally gets some decent stories

At last!

Thank you.
An interesting bit of introspection, but what I'm most interested in is the mostly unsaid implications.

It's interesting Spike is above JS's level like that in straight up fighting, to the point where he repeatedly defeated him, and it makes me wonder if JS was letting him to make a point or if Spike got a bit better recently. More interesting that it was JS giving the speech to let him know what his problem was and what Celestia meant, however, with the uncertainty at the end I'm not sure if he was off the mark, due to it being a repeat of what it was to him.

VERY interesting to finally see why JS is so able to go to neck-snapper mode so easily, and why it never really seems to bother him, and it gives context for why he mentioned to AJ that 7's inability to do it was a weakness. His test is going to be a curious one.

Glad to see Spike just wants to go out and hang out again, that was nice to see, and it's nice that he offered to stay and help JS out, but I'm more curious as to what his next move is going to be, so I'm glad he left.

Overal, very well done, and plenty to grow on.

The staff of the castle watched in awe, every one of them catching flies as the rolling, massive tank rolled by, weapons pointed straight down at the retreating pony in front of it.


In response, the tank's weapons popped out, and a missile or two joined the previous rain of bullets that tailed the pony just far enough out of reach it couldn't hit her.

"Oh, Ah'm sorry, that wasn't the stop button? Let me try this!"

A freeze ray coated the path in front of her, leaving a thin sheen of ice that sent the pony wobbling and sliding down while flipping over right onto her chin.


"Whoops! Let me help ya!"

A massive mechanical arm snapped out...


And flicked.


She was little more than a blur as she rocketed forwards, spinning all around in massive looping curves before slamming headfirst into a wall.

"Wow, look at how protected Ah' am!"

>Oh, yer' gonna need protection alright. But ain't no force on earth gonna stop me from tannin' yer' hid... WAIT N-

One more flick and the previous ramming into the wall became a ramming through the wall.

>... ya' told me ta' put the bomb in, granny, ya' warned me, but Ah' didn't listen.

"Oh hey, what does this button do?"

I think he meant in the show.
>It's interesting Spike is above JS's level like that in straight up fighting,

It kind of makes sense, since he can at least go somewhat toe-to-toe with 42, even if 42 is better than him on most days. When JS tried to fight her, she oneshotted him and left.










>Is this karma!? Is this us being punished for our deeds!? Is this the gods telling us what we did is wrong!?

"We should double check."


"We should double check right now. You know, just to be sure. It might be unrelated."



>...is very scientific. Let's go test that out right now, in the broom closet.


"Twilight? Why did you shoot two of my staff?"

So Spike's problem is he angsts a lot.

You know what? I totally buy that.
No no, it's that he has a hair trigger, THEN he angsts. Either don't have a hair trigger or don't angst, we gotta have rules here.

>So, just to doublecheck, changelings are still awful, right?

"The worst."

>The worst of the worst.

"So worst, it's worse."

>That's accurate and clever, you should put that on a newsletter.

"I think so."

>But, despite that, that doesn't mean everything they make is bad.

"Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

>That's also smart and clever, and accurate. So that's why it's okay we don't feel bad about liking these things.

"They're likable in spite of the changelings, not because of them."

>Really, they'd be just as likeable if they came from a unicorn, if not more so.

"Accurate and brilliant, and not racist."

>Not racist, accurate.


>...but these things are so cool!

"They're AWESOME!'

>Oh oh! Show me your senior prom again!

"I can't, the orbs are one time use!"

>Damn it changeling who understands supply and demand! Your wisdom in economics is bullshit!

"What do we do!?"

>Buy more?

"Buy more!"

>But they still suck!

>>bioterror- technically Fawntine Futuristics

Is there such a thing as 'accidental bioterror'?

Cause Cordy wasn't exactly intentional.
The only thing more powerful than racism.

Umm... I don't think there has ever been an accidental case of bioterror, so a term hasn't actually been made for it to specify.

>Alright, time to give her a piece of my mind. Depresslestia is dead and she’s staying dead! Now is time for actionlestia, super edition! I’m going to get my letter if it’s the last thing I- Applejack! There you are! You ran by so quickly before, we didn’t get a chance to talk, is there something you have for me-


The pony ran under her, flipping her over onto her face once again. Hot on her heels, a massive machine rolled overhead, barely managing not to crush her with the massive tank treads the princess just barely fit between. In the span of ten seconds, it was over.

>…or you know what maybe I’ll just burn everything to the ground, that sounds nice too. Keeping my options open, that’s what I’m doing.
Well they damn sure made the Fusers.

And then tried to keep them secret.



'My beag demabs to be straid again...'

"No and if you promise to never say that freaky omelette thing again I'll take you to a doctor."

>Tier nanny!


>I do not know, I heard one of the angry catbirds say it before they stopped being angry.

'Thab's tyraneeg...'

>This is what Vekir said!




'My beag...'


>VEKIR SHALL NOT...wait...are we-?


>...Vekir wonders why you didn't just say that is what we were doing in the first place.


'...sheb's righ', yuh din't.'



>Oh no, Dog of Watches, you have blown a gasket!


I want to chain princess appelhoers to the floor and fuck her marepussy.
Jesus, I forgot all about that...
I actually don't?
You drink too much Infusion at once you become a Not!Splicer
The show
Human trafficking Dash selling fluttershy
Breaking and entering Dash multiple times
Attempted theft rarity
Attempted coup and kidnapping-who do you think.
Mind control is probably illegal-twilight
I could go on but on phone.

“Um… here?”

The entire desk shook when he laid the sack down in front of her.

Under any normal circumstances, the soldierling would be furious that any would ever interrupt her official paperwork in such a manner. This, she had to admit, were not normal circumstances.

No matter how she wished it somedays, a massive sack big enough to smother a Queen full to the brim with bits wasn’t dropped on her desk everyday.

Unfortunately, it was uncommon for a reason, and the change also posed a lot of unfortunate implications.

>…who did you rob?


>Oh, I see, you ‘found’ a sackfull of bits on the floor or something. For humor’s sake, which cart did this just so happen to be next to?

“None of them.”

>Alright, humoring continuing… why, oh why, did you put a giant sack of bits on my desk, and where did you get them?

“Aren’t you supposed to tax stuff when I make a lot of money selling things?”

The helmet clad changeling blinked stupidly, staring openly at the strangely innocent looking face.

>…wait a minute… are you-

“Salesling. That’s apparently my name now?”

>Ah. Interesting choice?

“I didn’t pick it.”

She chose not to question that.

>So you actually managed to sell those memory orbs?


>How much?

“All of them.”

She looked over to the giant bag that was making her desk creak and groan, and decided that made sense.


“Did I do good?”

The edge of her desk gave up the ghost, and shattered.

>…I think I need to call the Queen on this one.

Odd to say that regarding a changeling...

>Did I go too far with this? I think I might have gone too far with this.


>…On second thought, not far enough.


>Monopony? Really? But nobody ever wants ta’ play that with me! They say it makes ‘em wanna eat ponies. Literally. Ah’ saw Shiny bite Mommy once.

“And that’s precisely why we’re doing this.”


“Nothing, sweetie, nothing! Let’s just start playing, it’s going to be a long game after all! Yes, a long… long game, that give aaaammppllee time for certain someones to get up into all sorts of naughty business! Someone like, say a son of mind and a daughter in law.”

>Shiny and mommy don’t do anything naughty!

“That’s the problem.”

>Wait, what?

‘You’re confusing her.’

“It’s a fair trade, because they confused me!’”

>Ah’ feel like Ah’ need ta’ call not-mom to translate.

“Yes! Call her here, and then she can be further away and stop keeping them from doing what I said!”

>But not-mom is the one bein’ naughty most times!

“Again, that’s the problem!”

>…so confused. Maybe Ah’ oughta call Eighteen, she can-

“No! Not that one, leave that one there!”

‘Okay, now I’m confused.’

“Multiplication, darling! Multiplication!”

‘How does that-ohhhhh… oh honey no, you-‘

“The math checks out!”

‘This is terrible.’

>…Ya’ know, we usually wait ta’ get crazy till after the game starts.

Them eating the cake was also illegal.
Even if it wasn't, that was pure dick move.
>She's rooting for her son to bang 18 for more grandbabes

Well, I'm pretty sure he'd get scarred for life if he ever learned that.

All the rents are fucked up.

>Ahhh, snickerdoodles, Shiny is gonna get mad I got his wife drunk.

“I can’t shee! I’m blind! Shave me monkey god!... hee hee, shave. Not what uh meant!”

~You would see better without the lampshade.~

‘How drunk is she? She’s just kinda fuzzy, not slurring hard like she normally does.’

>I’d say she’s just drunk enough to do something regretful, but not drunk enough she’d forget about it the next morning, the worst kind of drunk!

~Do not worry, Shining Armor’s first wife is with you, so anything regretful she does will not bother him, and he will want to watch, if my movies are correct.~

>They’re not!

~My life is a lie.~




‘Why would you swing from the chandelier like that!?’

“I like flyin’!”

‘You have wings!’

“OH MAH GOSH!... I can fly!”




>Ohhhh, that’s gonna make her less pretty.

~Fortunately, love means he will still want her even if her face is smashed up and ugly… or is that wrong too?~

>No, that one’s accurate.



~…that is fortunate.~


>Inb4 Chrysalis never changed her thread 1 policy, and it's still "I'm the Queen and you give me money.
Now that would be a dick move!

>Will you please drop that stupid ass toy?


>Okay, no, you will not get used to denying me what I want! That’s a cycle that will not become a thing with us, do you hear m-



“Heh heh.”

>Don’t fucking do that!

“Honestly, I’m still waiting for you to say it was all a joke, your butt-phobia.”

>It’s not a fear, you fucking nimrod! I just… it’s weird, touching back there….

“I used to bite you on the tail. Literally, I did, all the time, I gnawed on that thing like a chew toy.”

>You gnawed on my tail, not my ass, pervert, two totally different things. Although now that you make mention, you could stand to do that more often, my tail’s feeling neglected.

“I’ll get right on that after we get this doll back to my hivemate. Want to split up here, cover more ground?”

>Nyet. There’s only one kind of splitting I like to do and it involves flesh and a paper-thin, freshly sanitized scalpel, pervert. We have other things we need to be doing, and returning the doll of ass-fetishist is not one of them.

He stared at her.

She stared back, eyebrows pulled together in the most demanding scowl Twelve had ever seen, which was quite the feat considering all the sneers he used to get back in his job-hunting days.

“…He’s important to me, Screwloose.”

>I’M more important.

“He’s also one of the holy trifecta of younglings who every other changeling swore a long time ago to help and defend whenever the need arose. You can fuck up the Queen all you want and walk away laughing, but toss even a balled up piece of paper at the smaller three? The resulting war would give birth to the Element of Death or some shit.”

>…You’re joking. Right?

“Who really knows?”



She layered another two levels of heat into her glare, determined to beat the changeling across from her through stare alone.

It was a valiant effort that was summarily defeated when Twelve rubbed his cheek against hers.

“I’ll give you a two-hour long hoof massage afterwards, no breaks.”

>…Tch, son of a bitch. I expect some lip service with that massage, too….

“Hey, my pleasure. Now, you go that way, I’ll go this way.”

>How will I know I’ve found the little cockroach?

“He’s small. Think mini-changeling.”

>He won’t… like… try to grab my… my you-know-what, right?

“If he does I’ll know where to find you based on the screams, at least.”

>Fuck you.

“Working up to that. Slowly but surely we're working up to that.”
You'll get in that booty, soon enough.

Now she will soon have her dream:

A lemonade stand that she has haphazardly scrawled 'Embasey' on.
Too damn cute.
Yay! Finally got my SL stuff, a whole thread later.

I love this pair.

>Honey? I’m home!

“Hello, dear! How was work?”

>I fought a giant fillyscout with superpowers. You?

“Ugh, the kids were so unruly today! Screaming, trying to get out of their desks, one of them even tried to go home! It was a madhouse, I just don’t know what made them act up so bad!”

>It’s a mystery. But you kept them in check, I take it?

“Of course.”

>Naturally, you are the best teacher in ponyville after all.

“Oh, only in Ponyville? Well, someone doesn’t want to make me feel happy.”

>I like to build my compliments up slowly, if I just hit it the hardest at the very start then everything afterwards is going to seem disappointing.

“Metering expectations, you are going to be a good guard!”

>The greatest, no doubt… so how have the demons been?

“Actually? Weirdly quiet.”

>Oh, that’s good.


>Not good?

“Not good.”

>What does it mean?

“It means… well, maybe keep on your hooves, mister captain of the guard.”

>Ah. Lovely.

“By the way, did you get a uniform?”

>For the captaincy? I got a purple helmet, I guess, I don’t like it though.

“Put it on.”

>What? Why-ohhhhh.


>…At attention, soldier.
>The soldier is his knife
>His knife is an actual knife, but it's made of bone
>The bone is literally that, it's fully boned.
>Just like she's about to be.
>Implying that's not exactly why she'd do it.

Still Chrysalis! Wakka wakka!
>Demon plotting

As in all things, I blame Foalington.
18 would probably be all for it.
She did change the policy, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to buy the guns.
Taxes are a thing and if she gets the city off the ground she will be needing it.
>She did change the policy, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to buy the guns.

Oh right, they did that. She's actually been GIVING them money.

>Taxes are a thing and if she gets the city off the ground she will be needing it.

She's actually getting in some rather solid economic standing and some legit reasons other countries would want to trade with her. Aside from novelty and energy even.

She's got some good ideas.
The problem with her is she always could have made her own country, and it wouldn't even have been that hard. AJ was willing, if not desperate to get her out, Shiny and Caddy eventually would have done whatever it took, and it's not like she didn't have ample reason to leave.

She just doesn't want to.
Well, she has a lot of legitimate reasons to not want to. She's currently not very liked, has little in the way of allies, her army is unmatched but they are finite, and require preparation. Sure, canonically, Changelings with prep time > Pony army with prep time, but what about when they're they one getting sneak attacked because they're just plain not capable of keeping up due to lack of numbers?

Then there's the matter of instability, a reasonably fear they're invasion prone, and a lack of economic foothold and stability. Oh, and also the small matter they need ponies for FOOD. Literally! They can't grow their own, or hunt non-sentient species. They're the only ones who can't, even. Relying on Shining for love only goes so far when he's a hundred miles away.

Then there's the matter of immigration, challenges to her rule, and a whole host of other things on top of building an ENTIRE KINGDOM from scratch.

And, finally, of course there's the personal element of never wanting this, objectively the best time in her entire life, to end. She's happy now, actually happy, and loved now, ACTUALLY loved, so of course leaving all that for the aforementioned problems seem daunting.

But, apparently, she's doing it, so we'll see how it goes.
Oh, watchdog, Vekir has been on an adventure, she didn't remember that shit.

That's on you.
>canonically, Changelings with prep time > Pony army with prep time,

That was always the weirdest part of the wedding story to me.

She literally is all like "HEY! You are, FOR SURE, going to get attacked, there is GOING to be something going down on THIS DAY, get your fucking army primed up and ready to fight!"

Then they do, and are so on edge they flip out when they see TWILIGHT.

Then it happens and they totally get their asses royally handed to them, it's not even a contest.

It's so weird they included that.
Well they couldn't have them win. What the fuck would their new toys do?
Goodnight thread
Night anon
Bloomberg bloo blooo, goodnight to you.
Morning fellas!
And what a morning it is!
Could have had them put up a fight and have the other side when during the fight.

>Ahhh, crap.

"Sir? Aren't you going home?"

>Shiny sense is tingling.

"Shiny sense?"

>Shiny sense. It says I'm needed back there.

"Didn't you just come from there?"

>It never ends.

"Oh... well, why aren't you leaving?"

>I'm also needed back at the Empire. My Shiny Sense is going nuts right now. I apparently need to be in two places at one here, everything's going wrong everywhere.

"Well, that's unfortunate."

>That it is.




>So if I stand here long enough, one of them will balance out.

"Is... is that smart?"




"...So, did you catch the hoofball game?"

>I'm more into OnO.

"You're dead to me."
>TFW you got too many bitches with too many problems

>Where did everyone go?

Even for a sudden giant monster attack, the city had become strangely barren extremely quickly.

"Maybe they're all getting ready to see Trixie's show."

>You're doing a show today? When did you announce that?

"Trixie didn't, they're just getting in line so when Trixie announces it they can be the first to buy before it sells out."

She didn't know what it said about her that she just rolled her eyes and moved on. It probably wasn't healthy how little it bothered her, in hindsight.

>Seriously though, where did everyone go?

"Maybe towards the giant crowd?"

The mayor blinked, looking all around as best she could, but seeing no sign of this supposed crowd.

>What the heck are you talking about?

"Over there, on the other side of town, there's a crowd."

>How could you possibly know that?

"Trixie knows when there's a crowd."

It said even worse about her than before that she didn't even question that, and began to mosey on over to the direction the mare had indicated.

Sure enough, as predicted, the mass of ponies she recognized from every single gathering or song number, complete with odd duplicates she never wanted to question, were lying in wait. All gathered around with their backs turned to her. She wasn't used to this side of them, and she quite didn't like it.

"All of these ponies, and none of them are looking at Trixie!? What madness is this!?"

>Alright, so what exactly is going on that-

~Mares and Gentlecolts! Listen to me! Are you tired of these constant monster attacks? Are you tired of the world almost ending? Are you tired of being afraid!?~


Every drop of blood drained from her face, and she couldn't tell if it was the voice or the elated cheers that followed that caused it.

~Well, so am I, and I'm sick of it! It's clear our 'leader' isn't capable of stopping this on her own! It's clear that we cannot stay as we have been! It's time... for a change, and I'm the one to bring it!~

When she finally saw the one up on the podium, every drop of attention of the crowd rapt on his smiling face, her heart sank.

~That is why I, Filthy Rich, am running my campaign for mayor of Ponyville!~

>...Oh, fuck no.

That HoC story from long ago with Filthy is finally coming back around! Let's do this!
>Times up with the presidential election



Her declaration was met with the same response all the other supposed ones had been.

A brand new attack to bring her pain.


"It's got all kinda buttons in here!... OH MAH GOSH!"


"There's a smoothie maker in here!"


"Really! It even comes with apple flavors!"

>That's... huh.



"The chair has a massager, it vibrates!"

>Whoa, seriously!? Ah'd love that for me!

"It does! It's even got different settings! This is amazing!"

>What else does it do?

"It also does this!"

Twin flat disks popped out of it's back, and started to rumble.

~If you wanna be my lover!~

>It's got a dang speaker system!?

"Yeah! Ain't it awesome!?"

>How much is in there!?

"There's like, eighty buttons Ah' haven't pushed."


"Ah' dunno, let me check the calculator."


"....What does 'field too long' mean?"


"Oop! Found the wind machine!"

The air around her roared, and the thought of Applejack's hooves remaining on the ground where they belonged were but a distant dream.

>DANG IT TWILIIiiiiiighhhhttt...

"This thing is cool."
Aw hell, this is going to be fun.
>Twilight ended up spending the entire budget on it
Damn it Applejack!
The... the one from Partyland?

Mother of god.
>Partyland is coming back
>PL storylines are coming back

We... we can't escape it, can we?
>Five nights at Pinkies gets the surprise sixth night

>I'm telling you, it's not like that!

"I'm telling dad."

>Look, we all have what we like and don't like, we shouldn't be judged on that!

"My peacetrotter is doing it now, and I've got a freaking marefriend. It's infecting the others."

>Well, sounds like the problem might be with you, not me. That's what it's looking like.

"This is officially a problem."

>Look, I don't even know why you're so worried, it's not like she's saying anything negative.

"She's not saying anything at all, I'm noticing. Why is that?"

>Because her voice is too pure for this sinful world.


>I mean, that's what I've heard. Not from her, because she won't talk to me, even though I've triple checked and everything is functioning fine with her auditory stuff.


>It would just mean more from her, you know?

>Guard 1
"Guard 2"

>...So, uh... should I report this?

"To who? Who could you possibly report this to?"

>Someone. Anyone. A mechanic, the IT guys, my freaking mother, someone.

"Quit being such a pansy. It's not that bad."

>It's not bad, it's just... uh...

The Peacetrotter lifted it's sign a little higher, and it's optic lights flickered on and off as it looked to the guard. Slowly, she pointed to every letter on the sign, reading 'Peacetrotters ARE for Waifu', complete with a little winking face.

>I just have no idea how to react to this.

"Just do what comes natural."

>...hey baby, how you doin'?

~Oh myyyyy.~

>That... that's the first time that ever worked. I think we're in trouble.

"There's clearly a point we should have stopped and we crossed it... but let's keep going and see what happens."

>...So, uh... you doing anything after our shift is over?




>...I'm afraid, but curious.
>Theyre reciprocating

Oh dear...
But not to the one who actually wants them.



~Look, my Peacetrotter is asking for this, not me, so can you get an attachment that-~


~This isn’t as weird as it sounds!~


~Okay it is.~
>Cue DT realizing they look like her mom.

The vomiting will never stop.
File: BLAAARGH.png (304KB, 1117x919px) Image search: [Google]
304KB, 1117x919px
Diamond Tiara! Now vomit-propelled! Because the rocket booster slot in Sexy needs to be occupied by mini nukes!



>No, it really is! This is the worst thing that could happen!

‘Incorrect, the worst thing is that she would die.’

>This is worse than that!


>YOU FOOL! Don’t you see!? She’s going to… going to-!

~Loooovee is the greatest thing in the wooorrrlllldddd~


“Across Equestriaaaaa~whycan’tIstop!?”

>It’stoolate~Looovvveeeee across the wooorrldddd!~

~When looove touched the heart of mannyyyy!~

‘It can change the heart of anyyyy~’


“HELP! Loveeeee~”


It is clearly Twilights fault. AJ said as much.
She didn't want to build it, the blame shifter.
She should have known to build it on a budget of 0 bits.
Wasteful is what she is. Granny would've done it with two pieces of string and some spit.
I chuckled most fucking heartily.
>Crystal Guard

>I’m not even going to ask what’s going on in there… but I am a little sad they didn’t invite me.

>Alright, this will make me the best weather captain, ever! For sure this time!

“Swimming lessons?”

>Brilliant, isn’t it?

“It’s nice that you’re doing something for the kids, but… what does that have to do with being a weather captain?”

>Water is wet.

“That’s factually correct, the second best kind of correct.”

>And rain is wet.

“Also correct, factually.’

>So, obviously if I can train fillies to swim well, then I can train everyone else to be good at moving in rain! It’s practically the same thing!

“I’m not clever enough to see the problems with that.”

>Come, Derpaderp! We shall teach fillies to swim today, and through the rain tomorrow! We have to pace ourselves, don’t want to overload them on the first day.

“But I don’t know how to swim.”

>Oh, thank goodness, I don’t either.

“Then… then why-“

>Because we’re both pegasi!


>So I figured we’d… wing it!



“…you are the best pony in the world.”
>She's still trying

Points for tenacity.
You're not gonna the greatest anything If you quit.

Greatest failure is still a great.

>And that’s why friendship is good~!


>Oh come now, I broke out the entire musical number for this! There was a symphony!


>Well, I just don’t know what else to do here!


>That simply won’t do!... oh! I know! I’ll call Spike!

“THAT… oh hey, I know him, maybe he’ll be able to-“

>Let me just ring up his gun real quick!


>Spikey-Wikey?... Oh dear, he must be out of range, he normally answers right away. Oh well, I suppose I can just track him real quick.

“Track him!?”

>Oh yes, I can track his movements thanks to the enchantments on his gun.

“Why does he have a gun!? That guy is friggen tiny!”

>Oh don’t be silly!

“He’s not tiny anymore?”

>No, he’s still that, it’s just that how would he be able to shoot the enemies of Equestria without a gun? He is part of the A-team after all.


>Please, like that’s surprising. Diamond Tiara was one, and she’s still in grade school!


>I assume they wouldn’t let her skip class?


>Look, Spikey-Wikey is more than capable of taking care of himself! Why, he’s more likely to put someone else in the hospital than anyone else, like that time he shot Seven.


>He’s a changeling.


>Glad to hear you think that!


>Maybe I should listen in to his conversations again, that might help.


>Oh sure, now you think it’s weird, but I didn’t hear any complaints when I made sure he didn’t kill surrendering ponies!

Oh shit, she is just old Twi.


“…so what’s it like living with a bunch of mares?”

>What do you mean? It’s nice.

“I mean… how do you keep up?”

>Patience, and a lot of headache medicine.

“Look, we’re both stallions, you can stop beating around the bush with the second hoof innuendo here, how do you manage not to die of exhaustion from all of those mares in the bedroom? Do you have to alternate nights? One at a time? Stamina spells? Cloning? How the fuck do you manage to, well, do that I guess?”

>Ohhhh… you poor soul. So naïve to think I actually get that.


>It’s true! I haven’t actually had sex in… oh wow.

“Buullll, I’ve seen how many are after you.”


“…and not even a bl-“

>You have no idea what I would give for a good ‘shining’, but you know what? My wife didn’t even do that before, she hates it.

“So… so you have all those mares, ones who are political, solidiers, princesses and a Queen, and-“

>And not a single one.

“…I’m so sorry.”

>Don’t be, I’ve gotten so much more already than physical, I’m at peace with it.


>Yeah, I’d still hit that with the fury of an exploding sun if she’d just get in the mood for it.
There was a Brohoof left unsaid, I feel.
>Exploding sun

Freudian slip, Shiny?

She could use her Bubblehorse.
>Lightning Dust

>You’re sure this is accurate?

There was a curt nod, the singular jut barely visible on the one hidden away in the shadows of her room. With it, a near imperceptible hoof pointing straight to the folder laid out on her desk.

Her tongue rolled around in her mouth, cheek bitten ever so slightly in a mix of anticipation and worry as she trailed over the every picture and script laid out within.

>You’re absolutely sure, without question, she caused this.

Another, jutting curt nod was all she received in turn.

>I’m serious here, if one line of this was misheard, if one of these pictures was just at a bad angle, none of this will work and it will come back on me hard when I try to use it. I’m not going to lie, it’s tempting, but it’s tempting because it’s too good to be true. And not to put too fine a point on it, usually when something is too good to be true, it isn’t. I can beat her, but I can’t do it with lies, I can’t make stuff up, that will just take me down in the end. I can win now… if this is true. So unless you’re one hundred percent, totally and utterly accurate to every single angle, word spoken and action taken, don’t even show me this, I don’t want to be implicated. If you are…

There was no assurance made, no confirmation taken, not in word, in twitch of body, or in instance.

When the light suddenly turned on, and the corner of the room that had been bathed in shadow lit up with illumination, completely barren of any presence, she felt she had her answer.


The door opened up, and a frazzled looking, fresh cadet raced inside.

“Yes ma’am?”

>When Rainbow Dash makes it back to the city, inform her that she needs to come to the Wonderbolt headquarters, and quickly. We have something to… discuss.

It was time to make her move.
...Ahhhh, shit.

Damn it Dash!
>MM in trouble and might get ousted
>All the royals now on the brink of having a law passed to call them out
>Dash now about to get kicked out permanantly
>FS might actually end up arrested
>AJ is about to die by AB in a tank

She tempted fate and then was cocky about her living without consequence, whatever comes next she deserves.
You forgot
>Celly is going to burn it all to the ground.
>Applejack finally snaps, and starts chasing after Applebloom, running over a ton of others in the process.
>Among those others, Celestia herself, who was out to demand her letter. After being run over, she decides to just kinda sit there, and lament burning everything to the ground.
>The SA/PP/Cadence/18 party continues, until Shiny senses Celestia needs him and floats off. Yes, floats. No asking how.
>They continue to party after that, and are soon joined by Maud! Also, licking happens. Don't ask.
>The Embassy continues to harass JJ/Acty.
>The changelings can't make money.
>AB senses Aj is after her, and tells the other CMC to run after she herself does.
>SB and SL do just that, in the other direction.
>The fillyscout reaches her final form, GOLD MODE! The super, ultimate, greatest power who has ever been easily and quickly defeated.
>Long story short, Domshy wrecks her, and turns her back to normal, leaving her with no memory of what just happened. Domshy understands she was just inexperienced, and says she'll wait to add her to the harem when she runs off.
>But it's not over yet, because the moment Domshy let's her guard down, she's attacked! By who? None other than Discord himself!
>The battle is on, with Domshy deflecting or absorbing all of Discord's attacks, strangely never using her magic to stop anything physically trying to hit her. He ends up pretty much reshaping the landscape with massive bombs and explosions, none of which land on her.
>The hint why this happened comes when a hit if finally landed on her, but not from the chaos god, but rather Rainbow Dash!
>She knocks her into the ground, where Harry is waiting, who uses a sledgehammer to rocket her right into the sky, where 77 is waiting to finish the combo!
>With stabs. He stabs her.
>Dash is not happy, since she's not sure that's not actually Fluttershy, and just wanted her incapacitated.
>But no fear, she's not hurt, or even bleeding. In fact, she's so impressed, she offers to add 77 to her harem and show him such wonders. Interestingly, when he turns her down, she completely accepts this and just moves on.
>The battle is about to reach it's peak, with Discord about to summon a final 'something' that will destroy her, but he's cut off by the real Fluttershy! Who, even more shockingly, actually lets Domshy go, and even thanks her for helping out!
>Reluctantly, Domshy does so, even though she thinks it's a trick. And with that, the day is saved! Minus all the craters and destroyed fields, of course.
>Also, 77 thinks he should arrest either Dash or FS for, even despite them saying they'll 'turn themselves in', and it's only when Dash reminds him Discord is right there that he thinks better of it.
>The day is saved!... Or is it?
>Back at Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity won't leave Moondancer alone. Shockingly, she actually doens't care about the party, which is what Twi thought was the problem, but more thinks Twilight brings chaos everywhere she goes, which is kinda proven when the rabid Aj runs by.
>Scootaloo makes herself sad.
>Lyra and Bon hug.
>CC takes credit.
>Luna finally grows bored of the foursome's dreams and wakes them up, cue massive hangover pains, which she takes great pleasure in. Fortunately, 29 cures them with mind magic. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on himself, and Luna needs her amusement somehow.
>Afterwards, the foursome make it back to Ponyville, and... well, they react as expected to all the damage, and MM's attempts to find answers and learning that 77 is the new guard goes as well as could be.
>As does 29's attempts to get cured by Zecora, who just wanted him to eat a spider.
>While Celestia is preparing to burn everything to the ground, it's Shiny to the rescue! How? Chucking Two at her, and having her give Celestia a letter.
>It works, and she gets back on her hooves and hugs are shared.
>Afterwards, Two has to get back to her grandparents, lest Shiny incur the wrath of Granny time.
>Shiny and Celly part ways, after a touching moment where they say they'll be there for each other.
>Zanta, the Diamond Dog with Honeyheart, the nurse, finishes killing all the 'nasties' and burying them, leaving the nurse shellshocked. But sadly, this kind act seems to have a sinister undertone, as he insists that she take him to the Crystal Empire now, and his reasoning for why is unclear.
>Applejack finally catches Applebloom! And... she just kinda hugs her really hard, and apologizes for letting her get this bad, and promises to never leave her alone again. Nothing is going to ever hurt her again, nothing.
>Ab is not appreciative, but is unable to stop being dragged off.
>Beneath the caverns of Mount Canter, a strange creature is carrying a seemingly sentient book. One which seems quite bitter about something.
>The Staff continue to have wacky adventures.
>32, JJ and Acty get a strange visitor, an actual changeling! One who even more strangely needs actual embassy work done! He needs a license to sell his memory orbs in Canterlot for market testing.
>Most shockingly of all, they actually get it done, and efficiently at that! 32 celebrates by cutting all all innuendo and just enjoying his win.
>Applejack demands the guard drop everything to watch her sister.
>Fuzzy and the Buzz keep you educated.
>Time Turner's house got turned into a blue box that's bigger on the inside.
>42 makes herself sad.
>Surprisingly, the memory orbs are a huge hit in Canterlot!
>Pom goes over the after-mission briefing, and when he finds out some peacetrotters may have been fried, he realizes he doesn't know where they came from, or how to get in contact with whoever built them. He instead resolves to go see some old friends.
>Shockingly, he's not the only one worried about the peacetrotters. There's also some concern from the machines themselves! Each one has been growing a personality, and the wounded one is afraid of 'dying'.
>AJ abducts Twilight from her mission to befriend Moondancer in order to build her a giant mech to protect Applebloom. Big ideas, way too much firepower, unreasonable expectations and so very much Smacking ensues.
>SP and 41's wrestling match got weird.
>88 and Lavan finally just ask if 32 was checked out, find out he was, and realizes he's in the crazy embassy. They're off!
>55 has something amazing to show braeburn! A clay that burns a bright red light that lasts a long time! What's he using this for? Fireworks? Selling it? Showing it off?
>Nope, he uses some designs for paper lanterns Ingrid showed him and has accidentally created signal flares, and he wants to give them out to everyone in case they get lost in the desert, like an unfortunate pair of mother and daughter did before. Though the two survived, 55 was devastated he didn't find them sooner, before the exposure and heatstroke got bad, and now wants to give a way anyone lost can be found, day or night.
>Braeburn, understanding, tries to nonetheless insist he can't save everyone. 55 actually agrees, and says he understands. Back in the fire when his old hive was stuck in trees, he tried to catch as many of his hivemates as he could. He couldn't catch all of them, but he caught some. But, more importantly, his Queen didn't try, and she didn't catch any of them.
>Breaburn stops arguing, and when 55 goes off he asks if the changeling is out to save as many as he can. This actually confuses the dim ling, and he wonders if Brae was listening. The point of the story was he doesn't have to catch them all by himself anymore.
>When he flies off, Braeburn understands, and agrees, and says all of Appleoosa will help, and be there to catch him too.
>Sweetie Belle meets up with Babs Seed!
>One of the guards waifus his peacetrotter. The peacetrotter insists PT's are not for waifu. Also, the guard has issues with the PT getting shined.
>Flitterneeded to stretch.
>Nightlight is feeling old.
>Blueblood and PJ learn a lesson, to invite Haymaker next time.
>FS wonders if her friends will be mad, Dash and Discord laugh it off.
>Pinkie releases bubbles into the party, but much to her horror, the bubbles have point one one one percent alcohol in it.
>Which means Caddy is getting smashed!
>Chrysalis is seen again, out in the snow just beyond the Empire. She keeps trying to use her magic on the snow, to make it 'change', but somehow she can't manage it, even with all her power. Though her home is tempting, she resolves to stay, declaring she will have her kingdom, and goes back to trying.
>Twilight finishes the mech! A marvel of weapons, abilities and comfort! The greatest of all her creations!
>AJ thinks it's neat, which nearly breaks Twi.
>What she doesn't think is neat is that Applebloom is gone! Where could she have gone?
>In the mech, is the answer. AB is in the mech.
>And she... is... ticked.
>Run Applejack Run.

As always, if I missed anything, you can yell at me but ha ha! I shall be asleep where you can't hurt me anymore! Point it out and make me the fool, but I will not see it with closed eyes! Who is the fool now?!

God I need sleep.
Sleep deprived or no, we appreciate it.
Goodnight, thread


The book is clumsily thrown to the floor of a cave burrowed in the side of the far larger chamber. It flops open, resuming its purple glow as its ink forms into an illustration of an eye, ink moving to and fro on the page as it looks around, letters forming on the other page.

>You know-being me-I'm not well versed in the romantic doings of mortals, but this is an abysmal first date.




>Oh come on! I know you cannot hear me, but I am forming my ink very hard!

"Master...I have...found."


In the darkness at the fringes of the book's light, something moves. A figure even more thin and skeletal than the pale-skinned creature that took the book slinks forward, pinpricks of white leering out in the darkness.

>...my, quite a land of plenty here, hm? Why is everyone damned near a skeleton!?

'Because I am a skeleton.'

Indeed, as the creature gets closer, a distinct absence of flesh becomes clear. The hissing quiet voice emanating from the former pony seeming to come from somewhere in its rib cage rather than its head, upon which sits a horn marking it as a unicorn.

>That would do it, yes.


The skeleton looks over towards the hunched and pathetic creature, malnourished and frail, all the hairs of its once wild mane fallen out.


'Of course, you have done your duty, and I need to speak with my former co-conspirator alone, so I give you your reward: Walk outside this cave an into the maw of the first creature you find.'

The creature's face splits into a wide smile, highlighting its many missing teeth, tears stream down its face.

"Thank you...thank...you!"

It runs away, whooping with joy that echoes into the abyss...which are silenced mere moments later.


'Hmph, primitive beasts, that one I caught tumbling down here babbling nonsense about some metal head sending a rescue.'

>Good help is very hard to come by these days.

'Agreed, though weak minds are the easiest to dominate.'

>And as I recall, it was me who taught you that.

'It was, it was also you that made me what I am now. But I did not spend so many eons searching this cave for you to place blame, I did it so that finally...finally we can take our revenge!'

>On the ponies who are long since dead? I know the fellow with the hat and beard has certainly died by now.

'Starswirl...yes, but surely there are descendants! Surely above they built a civilization on what they thought to be our graves! We can take it back, destroy it, pervert it, bring about the end they deserve! What say you, Witch? Give me your power and we will wreak havoc anew!'

>Don't wanna.



>'Hmph, primitive beasts, that one I caught tumbling down here babbling nonsense about some metal head sending a rescue.'

That kinda came off like it was supposed to be a "Gasp!" Moment, but not going to lie, it was so forced it was straight-up cringey. That was not a natural conversation flow at all, and was such blatent "oh so scary" exposition it just made the whole thing silly.

Not that guy always bagging on you, and I hope you don't take it personal, I'm just trying to give my honest opinion that line really did not have to be crammed in there like that. It didn't have a puch, didnt make me feel bad, and it didn't make the guy look anymore scary, it made him look silly and very hard to think of anything else than a "dark" character in the worst way, with none of the substance and all of the desperation.

Killing off a morlock in a 'sad' way didn't make him legit, it made him seem needy to try and illicit a reaction. Again, not bagging on you, and I don't mind the Lovecraft OC's, just keep that in mind in the future.
Point, maybe I should cut that line and just have him continue the conversation without even referencing it?

I should note this guy is supposed to think he's far more threatening than he actually is. There's a reason the book-or rather who's inside it- wants nothing to do with him.

In that particular case, the follow-up line actually fits perfectly. It actually also makes the books line seem kind of witty with him being devoured and his only reaction is a sacarsitc snipe, and the skeletor takes it seriously with a smug line.

The conversation does flow a lot better without that line, it doesn't have the feeling like he just randomly decides to offer up information that makes no sense considering the context.

I wouldn't say redo it and delete the line, since it's just a single line and not really worth the effort. It's just important for future stories to keep an eye on that.
The whole thing came off really tryhardy dark and edge for cool, but the last line and >>27973398 makes me think he's just going to take the piss out of that for being so damn cringey, which I am so behind. I love it when we make fun of stupid stuff like that, it's damn fun.
I don't know if I want him to straight up make fun of it, parody like that works better when it's subtle instead of just having them do things and then pointing out what's dumb with it. Now he's got it now where the guy is trying but getting blown off as a bit funnier than if he had just had him saying that.
Morning /pa/ls! P9 Boop!
I want to drown Celestia
She'll go down for an hour? Then be as right as rain of fire.
>Welcome to Not Late Night /pa/ with your hosts the Pink Pony Club! It's during this time that content does matter, but sometimes you wanna go!

"I'm the pretty one <3"

'I'm the grumpy one.'

>And I'm the crazy one! How do you like my new bar?

'...what's new about it?'

"Hey, this one has a pickle barrel and pickled eggs!"

>Thank you! I'm glad SOMEPONY noticed.

'Ugh, you and your damn pickles. Why should I care?'

>Don't be such a sourpuss. Pickles are delicious! Last time my bar got trashed from the shadow Applejack incident, so this is the new one!


'...okay, let me repeat myself. Why should I care?'

"I bet she's thinking this has skit potential."


'I'm not seeing it. What makes you think it'd be good? I swear, this better not be another spin-off or it's gonna look like we're grasping str-'

Cheers Intro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS0VQOHX7lM
This thread loves that song, this is the fourth one with it.
It's an amazing song.
An hour? I thought it was implied to be shorter than that
It's for relaxation, so it will probably depend on how much she needs.
This. She'll milk it for as long as she can.
That means Shining has been spending hours in a bathtub wondering how to bide the time while Celestia floats face down in front of him

>...pshhhhooo... so... you bout done?


>No, gotcha, no. Something happened again, riiiight... well, uh, good thing this bathtub is big enough I can see straight down in it, this would just be awkward if I couldn't see you.


>Right, blub, riiiight.


>...Do do dooooo...


>...badadananaana BAH, bananaana- you heard that song? Yes? No?


>Can't hear too well, gotcha. Soooooo, who whatcha know... onna them days, ain't it?


>One of them days.


>...I'm realizing that I could have easily been replaced by a brick, and don't know if I feel happy or not you chose me instead.


>Right, blub... right...
And the other way around would be Celestia relaxing for a comedy second, before realising Shining is still NOT immortal, and panic-rezzing him, ruining his special super-alone time


If there was ever a word so perfect to describe her entire state of being in that very moment, she could not think of one that embodied more of that perfection than the simple and common phrase at it's most basic. The normality and lack of elegance in the phrasing didn't bother her in the least, for once, for nothing better could put to words what she felt than those four letters.


She was so very, very cold. Her body, her mind, her very soul was cold as frost metaphorically raced through her veins just as much as it physically raced across her chitin in white waves from the endless snow. The haze of film across her sight was every bit as much the result of the blurring white before her as it was the throbbing in her skull that threatened to make it break open at any second now, cracking like the block of ice it had clearly been replaced with when she wasn't paying attention.

Cold was the only way she could describe what she felt, when she looked across endless and near smooth plains of alabaster, and nothing else.

>...It didn't work...

Nothingness, in any sense of the word. No creation, nothing built, even her magic seemed to have been snuffed away like a candle in this very blizzard would be. She had given it her all, she truly had this time, so much that she felt as weak as a drone, and now felt every bit as useless. She had laid on her power, all of it into the plain before her, and nothing had changed.

She had unleashed everything, and yet she had created not a single thing in the snow. The cold had proved more than a match for her fire, and there was no denying that.

Both the fire of her magic and the fire within her soul, outmatched, and now she was left cold. Inside and outside.

>How... how...


She had not held back, the limp weakness in her body was proof enough of that. She had not been reckless, she had been as careful as a sculptor with her magic. She had not done it in halves, as she did with so many other things. She had not done any of it.

Yet she was rewarded with nothing but empty snow.

She had tried this time, really tried, and had been rewarded with nothing but ice in her veins, and the feeling she had been dunked headfirst into a frozen lake.

>I... I...

The chilling reality began to set in, slower than the chill of the wind had. It took longer for this one to make it past her barriers, her strength of mind that made her an impossibility to be pierced by any Changeling Queen's magic. It took longer, but it did not fail as she had.

>...I need...

Her blurry eyes flickered back to that beacon that had called her every moment she had been away, the tempting light that sang to her as it would to a moth. The light raising in the sky, waiting, showing her the way back from whence she came.

Back home.

Back to where her answers lie, even if she didn't want to admit it.

>... I need to get more power.

The chill of the tundra was matched, and exceeded a thousand fold, by the racing of cold down her spine.

>I need so much more... I need it...

With power, she could do anything, be anything.

>I... I...

The call intensified, but her hooves never moved. Instead, she looked on. Her slumped, hunched stance stiffened, and slowly that stance took on one much different.

She rose up, horn that had been low pointing straight to the sky, as her eyes began to burn again. The fire returned, in her sight and in her spirit, as she finally rose back up to the regal, powerful pose she held in her highest moments.

>...I am...

The city called her, beckoned her as it always had.

What she heard this time in that call was very different.

>I am the greatest Queen who ever lived... and I will prove it.
Well at least we'll have a reason for someone to meet Chitty and sunset at the heart.
Relax, she is just being drawn like a moth to flame to her next beating.
I don't know about that, she's smart enough not to try to fuck over the entire Empire, but what exactly she's thinking about clearly isn't well thought out whatever it is.

>Almost there, aaaaaaand-




>Now then, you relax while I finish off these eclairs, I tell you Pastry Puff is on a roll with them, don't you think?


>Ah yes yes, "don't let the cream get to you", but I've seen how you look at them, don't you get coy with me


>*munch munch*Mmm, lovely


>Is that... a grey hair in your mane?


>No dear, don't fuss, let me see for heavens sake



>You ought be thankful your mane floats like that in the tub, I'm just looking out for you


>Ah, no, just the tubs reflection, my bad


>Phew, had me worried you stud, for a second I thought you were growing old on me


>Well good thing you don't have to worry about that, perks of being imm...or...t...


>How... how long have.... you been ....unconscious again?






That was cuter than it should have beem.
Only for all three parties to deadpan, "Not this shit again..."

>Oh, tis another woeful day.

The sly shuffling of the chitinous hooves against floor were as dramatic as they were annoying to any poor sap who had the misfortune of being placed beneath him. The dramatic ling flung the door to his apartment open with a flourish, as grandiose as pretended to be most days.

>WOE! To me, I say, woe! My death is upon me, I can feel it! Mine hooves, they ache! My head, tis so sore! My-

"Ass is talking, so shut the hell up!"


With a fluidity that shouldn't have been possible had he actually been as weak as said, his hoof flung to the side. To anyone living in the room, it would have been nothing more than a ridiculous gesture.



To the raucous group of a dozen or so children only he could see, it was the source of great amusement or terror, depending on where the non-corporeal soap was aimed.

"You deserved that one you wanker-UMF!"


"He just said wan..."

The changelings stare was stern as it was tempting.

"...the W word?"

>There you are.

"Is that bad?"

>Does thou even know what the W word means?

"...No. Do any of you guys?"

The honest shrugs were a sight of both joy at their innocence, and a touch of sadness when he remembered why they all had that strange energy around them.

"Did you see that big monster fight, Mister Twenty Nine? It was awesome!"

He flopped down on the couch, honestly tired despite how overblown he made it seem. Though not as intense as he said, his hooves were throbbing and his head was splitting. It was unpleasant, even if not to the point of death as he claimed.

>Sadly, I missed it. Mine presence was too far away.

"It was so cool! Even if that one yellow alicorn was super creepy!"



"Yeah, she was in all leather and was whipping that monster with a whip-"

"Bloody L, mate! What else would the lass be whippin' her with?"

"Anything! You don't have to only whip stuff with just a whip, I could whip you with a towel."

"Then you're makin' that towel a right whip, aint'cha?"

"That doesn't mean-"

>Children! Do stop fighting!

They huffed, turning their backs on one another and crossing their hooves in annoyance.

>Ugh, I do not even wish to know what unfortunate happening changed such a being of demure into a... one of those.

"It was sexy!"


"Please don't soap me."

>I shall let the off with a warning.



The changeling sighed, inaudible beneath the loud and high pitched laughter of the children. Reluctantly, he leaned forwards, his body letting off little pops as it moved back into place, and with a slight twitch of his hoof he tapped on the floor.

>Alright, the next who has a request, bring thineself forwards so that it might be met.

The most shocking thing that had happened today, and this included the final boss made out of a fillyscout in chaos, was by far when the children stopped and stared.

"But... you just got home, aren't you tired?"

>The happy place waits for no long, bring thineself forwards.

His confusion, already high due to their strange actions, only grew when they all shared a unified, worried look among each other.


"Well, we..."

One of them, a chineighes looking sort who's voice had surprisingly little if any accent, shuffled forwards, but not so close he could reach them.

"Are you sure you're okay? We don't want you to get... tired."

Her reluctance was shared, not verbally but most certainly by the body language of every one of those in the room.



He closed the gap faster than she could react, picking her weightless body up and holding her incorporeal form in his hooves through methods even he didn't fully understand. Gently, he placed her on the seat next to him, and laid a single hoof on her head.

>Does thou really think I will ever tire of thee?

She looked away, her eyes sparkling a bit more than they normally did. He did not need to see the others to know many had joined in desperately searching out anything but the changeling's smile.

>Little Ming... I shall never tire of thee, I'll never send you away... any of you.

"But you're trying to get rid of us now."

A colt had spoken that time, his voice filled with confrontation and spite. Even if none voiced their agreement, the look so many took on said enough.

>Get rid of you? Do not be silly, don't ever think something like that.

Gently, he brought the filly at his side closer to his chest. Nothing physical touched him, nothing was there to do so, but he would forever swear he felt something when her head made contact.

"But we're going to go away."

>No, no child, that's just not true.

Curious eyes of the entire room followed him, and hung there as a weary smile came onto his face.

>Tis like... well, tis like mine cousin, Fifty Six. He's not with me now, is he? No. But... does a one of you believe I wanted him gone?

They, who had seen all that had happened even though they had been unseen, could not deny that.

>No, I simply wanted him to go where he belonged, and it was not with me. It is far, that is true. I miss him, that is true. It will not be every day I see him anymore, that is true. What is not true is that he is too far for me to see again.

He looked to them, every one of their wide eyed faces, and he smiled.


>I do not want any of you gone, I will miss you when we are apart. But... you will be happy. You will be where you were always meant to be, in the place you will find the most joy. What you will find there, I do not know, just as I do not know what mine little cousin is seeing right this moment. But... you will be happy, I know this. I will miss you...

His smile mixed an indescribable feeling, happy and sad.

>But I will see you all again, in time. I do not want to let you go, I do not want you to go away for so long until I see you again, but I will...

They gathered around him, closing in to cover him before he could even move or blink. Their bodies, which had long grown cold in the real world, felt so warm and soft now, like nothing any earthly being could be compared.

>Because I want you to be happy, so I will let you go.

"... we-"

Light beyond compare covered the room. Light that was so much more than just illumination, so much more than the tingle of heat that accompanied every single flash of it. Light came, and it took away his sight.

When it left him, long after the light had gone away, he found that was not all it had taken with it.

>...I know.

He did not bother to stop the tears as he sat there, in a room void and vacant for all save himself. For once, any who stepped in would finally be correct when they assumed the changeling was talking to himself.

It had been a long, long day, and there would be many more ahead of him. And he would complain, he would whine, he would make every little splinter to be a sword stabbed into his heart, he would do all those things, even if he knew it was foolish. He would do it because that was who he was, and what he was. He would face hardships.

But through every one of them, he would eventually get back up.

>I know... and I do too.

For the children were waiting for someone to be there... and they had waited long enough.
Well at least one changeling isn't fucking up, even though they're an egotistical asshole 90 percent of the time.
So many weirdly heartwarming changeling stories.

What happened?
Just need a little light in the life, I suppose?

Still fucking weird he's one of the nicer changelings.
To be fair, 2 Queens who are hopped up on love juice sounds amazing for a final battle.


The pony's forelegs flailed, her vague swiping motions and hitting nothing but the air in front of her that stretched at least the size of a medium house between her and the ground. It was impossible to tell if the red in her face was due to all the blood rushing through it, or the unspeakable rage she let out with every shout. That or the pain of her tail about to pop out, one of them.

"Oh, ya' want me ta' let you down?"


"That don't sound very safe."


"That there sounds dangerous, Ah' better let you down."


She was gone.

Long out of hearing range before even a single syllable more could be said, sent flying by a rapid jerk of the machine's arm. In a second, she was an orange speck in the sky, heading out over the castle barrier, and into the city.

"...wow, this thing's gotta hair trigger on it. Ah' barely even touched it! Should Ah' feel bad about that?'

When the claw recoiled back, she couldn't help but notice more than a few blond hairs still inside of the clamp.

"...maybe a little."



>Princess Applejack can fly!


>...........well now I just feel silly.
>Wait... can I fly?
"Are you a princess?"
>I am in the bedroom.

Can we now stop with the dead children? The implication that Equeatria is literally sitting on thousand of neglected foal corpses isn't sitting well with me. Our Equeatria is shit and dark enough as is.
Yes please and thank you

This is getting neglectfully silly now that I think about it
>Can we now stop with the dead children?

...think we're a little late for that, MM and Trixie and Zecora are using them now even.

That said, it's kind of interesting because they use the same principal as the Changeling's. That is, their HISTORY is fucked up and terrible, and you occasionally have the sad moment here or there, but 99 percent of the time they're used for comedy and good feels. They all have wacky personalities and are nutty, and they even sometimes can surprisingly save the day/make a good plot point to kickstart an arc, and they're all silly and get a good end. Sure, their backstory is awful, but it's rarely dwelt upon, and it's more about where they're going than where they've been.
>Can we now stop with the dead children?

I like them, and they're sweet. I don't want to see them nixed before we get some sillies with them now that the other three ghostbusters can finally see them too, that's already a wasted revelation as it is. Sure, we occasionally use them, Trixie pulled off a funny move to beat Sunset and it was great, but mostly it just gets ignored, and I don't like that. This is cool! MM can see ghosts, even though she's an earth pony, that's awesome to have a unique magic. More of that.

>Can I help you?

Forty Two, as a soldier, was used to a lot of reactions from ponies. A lot of different emotions she, as a warrior of the army who very nearly took them over, brought to the surface.

Which is why this emotion, which was to say no emotion, was throwing her off so badly. When a crystal pony mare walked into her office, sat down, and stared at her blankly without a word said, she reacted as she normally did in one of the many situations she poorly understood.


>To repeat, I would like to know of your grievance, inquiry or otherwise need to be in this room at the present moment so as better to facilitate the resolution of this problem.

Without a word, the crystal pony lifted up her briefcase, and set it down on the desk.

"Good evening. The paperwork has been finalized, and I'm finally ready to begin my services for Her Majesty, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, in regards to the new proposal that has been approved shortly ago."

A single eyebrow shot up, and the changeling found yet another situation she didn't know how to react to. Professionalism.

This was a weird day to her.

>I see, and thank you for your prompt response. However, due to the vagueness of your statement, I am unaware as to the particulars of what service you provide.

"My apologies. My services as the newly appointed Minister of Energy Trade involve all things from coal to fissionable materials to magical storage used in the energy production, importation and distribution of the Crystal Empire."

>Oh... oh, I see, so then you are here in regards to the newest move made concerning the trafficking and usage of Sparklejoule based magical storage and use, and specifically the Changeling's ability to turn it into viable energy sources for public and private use.

She was the very first pony unfazed by the professional words, and Forty Two wasn't sure she liked it.


"Correct. The first order of business will be in regards to the prices and taxation on your end, and we will go from there as to how best to determine it's market value and trade value. If I may, I would like a starting point to determine the energy output, longevity and connectivity of your power source."

>Very well.

Smoothly, she pulled from her desk one of the smaller issue 'love harnesses', one fully charged and ready to go. Finally, she got a reaction from the pony when she saw it.

>As you can see, it's quite potent, and reusable.

"Yes, I do believe it is. This could really shake up the current magical market."


"Do you wish to wait for your Queen to arrive before we continue the proceedings?"

She thought about that, mulling over how hard it's been to reach her today, and how often this problem arose. Finally, she shook her head.

>All things must be approved by her, but I am authorized to begin negotiations on the matter, much as you are to the royal family.

"Correct. Shall we begin?"

>That would be preferable.

Papers upon papers stacked up on the desks on both sides, until there was practically a wall between them.

>Before we go any further, can I just say-

"Yes, I also think it's super weird how you talk, and it makes me uncomfortable."

>Good, so long as we're both on the same page.

The paperwork stacks ended, and the pens came out.

>Let's begin with charging, recharging and rates...
>42 is getting shit done

Best ling.
>Chrysalis wastes time acting like a brooding teenager monologueing alone in the snow
>42 gets trade agreements and taxation done

Queens were, are and always will be a waste of space desu
To be fair Chrysalis was the one who actually secured this trade deal in the first place.

I am sorry mate, but that's not how you spell CADANCE.
...okay, got me there.
As long as we don't turn the Changelings in the equivalent of Saudi Arabians, I'm cool
...we... we have those already.







Calm your niggerself down fampino

By Saudi Arabia, I mean:

>Discover shitload of (energy source) that turns it is in very high demand
>Become fuck off levels of rich from that sole resource
>Build fuck off state power using that sole resource
>Begin swinging their dicks around other nations for nefarious and straight up selfish means
>Become quietly hated but the provider of fucking everyone and cannot be removed
>Fund a terror group or six for the hell of it to shit on the neighbours porch
>Be untouchable because lol all ur energy are from us xDD
I don't think we have to worry about that, since changeling's aren't batteries, they're converters.

Sure, only they can turn love into magical energy, but they can't produce it. Which means it's gotta be a symbiotic relationship. Not-ponies or Non-magic want the ability to turn emotions to keep the lights on? Gotta work with changelings. Changelings want to not die of starvation? Better keep everyone else out of the reach of terrorists and nut up if something comes to wipe them out.

They're not gonna be untouchable, they're gonna have to make sure everyone ELSE is untouchable.
Don't be silly!

Without a queen, who would be Sunset's heavy?
>Stop with the dead children
Yeah, but like, they're not all from the same time period or even the same area. He's got a couple thousand years worth of souls to save, bare minimum.
One of them was even a diamond dog, so it's not like it's just Equestria.

One of them was from fucking PRE-BANISHMENT for Luna, so it's over a thousand years minimum. It's not like Equestria is a hotbed for child neglect(Even though in the show it totally is), it's just that even one a year means he has to deal with over a thousand.



>...Now, let's not jump to conclusions-


>I'm just saying, maybe there's a reason-


>There might be-


>...This is going to end badly, isn't it?

"Why did I even join this damn team!?"
Didn't used to be this way, man. Bu times, they are a chhhaaangling
Gotta earn that caddy love!
I like how that attraction has almost overtaken the fact she's also thirsty for Shiny just as much.
It's more interesting, and while she's had plenty of loving moment with Shiny, her biggest ones are always with Cadence. Both Cordyceps and her mini were focused around her, even.
"Okay!... What?"
'Don't bother, been barking up that tree forever, and I'M FUCKING MARRIED TO HER!'
42's always been the sane one trying to actually advance her species and get shit done. Seriously, in thread 4 she was the only one who cared about progress reports from 2, 18 and 29. It's not really surprising that when Chrysalis somehow stumbles into an opportunity she takes advantage of it.

42 would be a very effective, if uncharismatic and politically lacking, Queen.
She would for sure be shit at the more meet and greet sort of things, but she might be a good pragmatic sort.
Night, thread
Night anon
Morning instead

Way more fun
,Oh my?
Do not abuse the oh my!
She'd do okay. She'd just be super unsettled during it.
Man, I passed out. Drunk writing is harder than I thought, but at least I got a lot farther.
>Welcome to Late Night /pa/ with your hosts the Pink Pony Club! It's during this time that content doesn't matter, and the tipsy writing is real!

"I'm the pretty one <3"

'I'm the grumpy one.'

>And I'm the crazy one! Thanks for joining me at my bar!

"I'm glad I'm here!"

'I think our producer had one too many.'

>We can go on just fine! In fact we can do more shenanigans! I can do super lewd things now and my producer wouldn't care!

"Are you saying I can say poop head and I wouldn't get censored?"

>Yes! Actually, you could have said that normally, but the freedom is there!

'So I can say I'd like to fuck her right in the pussy?'


'In that case, Applejack is a bitch who shou-'

>AHAHAHA wow I wish you two made peace, but that's all the time we have right now, so say goodbye, girls!

Pinkie waves enthusiastically, Cadence does a cute wave. and DT does an unenthusiastic wave.
>>AHAHAHA wow I wish you two made peace


>I'm telling you, it's completely different!

"And I'm telling you, you're full of it."

'Please stop..'

>No! This is important! You cannot confuse a dash with a hyphen!

"It's rather easy to do. Watch, this is a - and this is a -."

>See? Completely different!

"You couldn't even see it! You cannot out crazy me, you just can't!"

>It's not crazy, it's logic. I out logicked, you, because I'm awesome at everything up to and including logic.

"Up to and including bullshit is more like it-"


"What? It's not like any of us can see the child ghosts."


"Child ghosts. Ghosts of children. Apparently there's a ton of them all around us, all the time, and only four or so can see them through some insane story contrivance."

>...They're, like, there? All the time, just... there? Ghosts are real?

"Yes, talking small horse with the ability to fly and move rainclouds with her hooves into bouncable shapes, ghosts are real. Crazy, no?"


"You're afraid of ghosts, aren't you?"

>M-... maybe...


'If there's fillies around, then no more swearing!'


>...I'm never sleeping again.
Why does everyone have soap at all times!?
Never know when you'll need it, obviously.














“AHHHHHhhhoh she walked away.”

>Oh hey, she’s gone. Neat.




>…Do you want to stop hugging-


>Me either.
Working for these assholes has got to be the worst.

The stone architecture she had landed on crumbled around her, little flecks of stone falling loose and occasionally pressing down on her Stetson hat before it rolled free to join the others in the ground some twenty feet down.

She ignored the stares down below, all the questions call up if she was okay, all of the worry, and she scowled.

>Of course ya’ll realize, this means war-

Her words were punctuated both perfectly and in the worst possible way when a rocket shot overhead, and traveled straight to where she knew her rampaging sister to be.

She never saw the explosion, but she felt a shake.

Afterwards, she too began to shake.



File: ACTIVATE IT.jpg (50KB, 545x576px) Image search: [Google]
50KB, 545x576px
Due to what is going to happen in the Empire, it is clearly time for things to ESCALATE in Canterlot.
Apparently. I didn't start that shit. But someone clearly just fired a rocket at Canterlot Castle. Act of War, all that.
“Cantie 2”


They stared, wide eyed and shaking, as the metal head crested over the edge of the castle. The pair, and all the citizens around them, stopped and stared at the titanic shining beast that loomed over all of them, still smoking missile cannons granting it an unearthly mist about it.

When they heard it move, they all jumped.

“So uh… is that a good guy or a bad guy?”

Two streets down behind them, they somehow heard someone ask if the princess was dead when she hit the building.

>Bad guy?

“Bad guy.”

>…Is it City-Gets-Wrecked o’clock already?


But the machine never stepped out into the city, it never got the chance.

Before a single step could be taken, a light shot across the sky, and a missile landed solidly right on the things chest, pushing it straight back from whence it came.

>…That’s new.

“Weirdly new, yeah…”

>Should we run?

“Let’s see where this goes.”

>…I’m game.
...I am so confused!

>Freee looove, trueee lovvee~

“CADENCE STOP! That’s the third cookieloving song! We’re at too many! WE’RE SINGING TOO MANY SONGS!”


“I said it.”

~Pinkie, that’s so unlike you. Are you sure you’re not a changeling?~


~It is accurate.~

‘It’s racist is what it is!’

“Maudy, don’t be racist.”

~Is it racist if it’s true?~

“Yep! Because it doesn’t have to be a lie for you to feel bad!”

‘Like when someone says I’m neurotic and kinda bitchy!’

“Or when someone says I’m really loud and annoying sometimes!”

‘Racism is just that, but you fall under the net it casts.’

“Racism is the funny looking hair of an entire species!”

‘It’s magical, really.’

~Now I know.~

“And knowing is half the battle!”

‘…Did anyone else notice things just got quiet?’

“I assumed Maud didn’t speak out of embarrassment of how terrible all that was.”

~No, I just had nothing to say.~

‘I mean… wait.’


~Princess Cadence has stopped singing… and she is also gone, adding to that.~

“’OH SHIT!””
>Drunk Caddy is loose,


>BZZT! What a lovely day this is!

“What are you doing?”

>The thing, I’m doing that one thing the cool robot does.

“You can’t do his thing, that’s not deliberate I think.”

>But it makes him so unique and cool! He does the thing and it’s weird and fun, and makes him stand out.

“So you’re going to do the same thing.”


“So then, it won’t be unique.”

>But if it’s just the two of us, it’ll be unique still. Two out of thousands is unique.

“What if everyone else wants to do it?”

>Then they’ll have to stop. I’ll ask them, I did it first so I can.

“So then he can ask you to stop.”

>…would he do that? I don’t think he’d do that, he seems cool.



“You’re trying too hard.”


>... Am Ah' dead?

There had been a bright light, a flash of color, and a booming roaring sound. That was all, try as she might, that she could make sense of the situation. There had been all the telltale signs her end had been met, but shockingly, she remained. Still with the feeling of her heart rapidly beating in her chest, still feeling that cool breeze of the ventilation system on her face, still breathing somehow.

If anything, she felt downright pleasant, despite the fact she could still see smoke from her viewscreen, and the odd way she was tilted, it seemed she was in a crater of some kind.

It had been a direct hit, and she didn't even feel dizzy.

>Huh... Guess this here thing is safe...

A strange feeling bubbled in her chest, one she was all too quick to push down, and not think about a second longer. More important and less stomach twisting things needed her attention.

For instance...

>Who in tarnation shot me!?

The machines systems, apparently listening and eager to answer her call, focused in on a single patch of the thick smoke. A single point where it rolled different than the others, a single point where it just looked off.

A single point, that was just a bit brighter than the smoke and shadow all around.

A single point that was very, very loud.

"Freeze, dirtbag! Or is TBDRLIATU going to have to turn that giant eyesore into a red stained pile of giant scrap!?"

>... Ya gotta be bucking kidding me.

Somehow, she knew it would come back to her, someday.

"Well? Are you going to come quietly?"

But things had changed.

She wasn't the same blankflank anymore

>... Eeenope.
Ah finally

The long awaited story wherein Applejack just pummels Diamond Tiara's head into the curb for 2 hours straight, nothing else, just pure Apple-violence directed at worst filly/character

GO DT! Show her that Pink Power!
'The third party consumer model may have one of mine.'

-What!? You ingrate, how dare y-wait, that means I get outta here! PICK ME!-



>Ehhh...no thanks, Primrose.

'...this unit was attempting a joke.'
Dis pony knows where it's at.

Fuck her up DT!
So did DT just unknowingly fire at AB, mistaking her for a threat?
Seems to be the short of it, yeah. Might've been a rocket tackle.

Then AB said challenge accepted.

>I smell cookies.

“It’s a trap again.”

>I know, but… cookies.

“It’s a trap! You know how this place works!”

>It might be Thirty Two making cookies.

“He’s not! It’s never him! It’s never that! It’s always something else! We hear children laughing? It’s a monster! We hear someone calling for help? It’s a pony-thrashing machine! We think that we’re going to the bathroom? Nope! Rabid bear! It’s never what we think it is!”

>But it might be cookies.



>…I’m going to check.


>Oh hey, it’s cookies.


>…A whole room of cookies? The… the walls are made of cookie.


~Hello, deary! Why don’t you come on in for a spell. Oh my, you look so tasty! I could just eat you up…~

... Okay this is getting weird.

>…So what is it you do?

“I study.”

>No, like, for your job, what is it you do?

“I study.”

>Yes, darling, I get that in your downtime you study, but what is it you DO?


>Where do you go when you’re not studying!?

“I go to my house, I go to the library, rinse and repeat.”



>I want to preface, this next question is solely because of your name, but… you’re not a-


>Oh wow, I was going to say ballerina-

“No you weren’t.”

>No I wasn’t. I’m sorry.

Do you think it's, like, Lavan's inner dark thoughts or something?
I have something I want to float regarding Lavan's, but if the house thing's author is going somewhere with it, I'll let him have the floor.
*Lavan's Magic

Whoops, damn touchscreen
What worries me is his author said Lavan DIDN'T use chaos magic.

Which means that's not a chaos creation.

Stalliongrad exists too.

This place is scary.

>Huh. Why is this room so cold and full of workers?



~Da, we know, is very confusing. BUT QUESTIONING IT MEANS YOU GO TO WHIPPING POST!~

>What happens there?


"Is it bad?"

~...You would have been culled like bad turnip.~

>I don't eat turnips.

~No, I... ugh.~

"Is the turnip cheaper? Even if it's bad, you might be able to save some bits-"


>You brought it up!


>Russia analog hates maybegays

>Didn't want another "Canterlot gets wrecked" fight.
>But then I realize it's AB in a mech going all out vs DT with PD's tech.

Totally unrelated, this gave me a pretty nice idea for Spike....

"What do you mean, 'Don't Wanna'?!"

Flop, light.

>Do. Not. Want. To. I used the peasant's way of saying it.

Flop, dark.

"I am well aware of what it means, I want to know what the meaning of this is!"

Flop, light.

>The meaning is rather easy to pick out. I possess a will, I am using that will to answer your proposal negatively.

Flop, dark.

"You're being childish."

Flop, light.

>Says the skeletal monstrosity wanting to seek vengeance on a world that doesn't even know who he is.

Flop, dark.

"We were so close before! The machinations, the plots, they were all coming together at long last, my ascension to godhood was at hoof, the world was ripe for conquest!"

Flop, light.

>You stole me, made yourself immortal-which I told you was a bad idea when I couldn't give you the eternal youth to go with it-, proceeded to make exactly five zombies, then got chased under the mountain by that Starswirl fellow and an angry mob.

Flop, dark.

"...they were very good zombies though, you have to at least allow me that. One was my own mother!"

Flop, light.

>And all the rest probably had a claim to being your father.

Flop, dark.

"Now you're just being crass...but I have an ace up my sleeve."


"What, not even going to flop open and answer me?"


"Aid me in my revenge...and I shall set you free. Yes, I know, it is shocking, but I am ready to free you from the confines of the prison within that tome. You shall be free to wreak havoc and bring forth oblivi-"

Flop, light.

>Do. Not. Destroy. This. Book. You. Cretin.

"...beg pardon?"

>I have slumbered for millennia within these pages, only recently waking up in response to...whatever it was I felt up there. Do you know why it was so hard to find me? No, not your insistence on using inbred cannon fodder instead of your own self, but because I had no desire to be found. I am safe in here, sealed away from the burning touch of creation, free to do as I please within my own little world of paper and ink. So NO, I STILL don't wanna!

Flop, dark.

"...heh...heh heh heheheheheheh!"

Flop, light.

>Your laugh is obnoxious, what is it now?

"Ohhh nothing...just..."

>How in the holy high hell did you manage to make a rictus look smug?

"One of my many talents, like listening. So if I heard you right, you'd do anything to avoid being set free again, correct?"

>Oh...go plough yourself.


>Me and my big mouth.

>>And all the rest probably had a claim to being your father.

Night, thread
Alright, I gotta ask.
Is the being inside the book out of the same batch as Lavan and RED?
Yes. There were four:
>Red hid himself in a diamond
>Lavan got sealed in a meteor and rocketed off planet
>This one ended up trapped in a book
>The last one got sealed away in some kind of giant carnivorous plant

The last one will probably never make an appearance, as the general idea was based off the Bee Queen villain from Gen 1 and I'm not certain I could make that interesting.
>>The last one got sealed away in some kind of giant carnivorous plant

Oh, so you mean Cordyceps? Because that sounds a lot like Cordyceps. And that's mean you wouldn't have to leave out one part of the unholy group.
Morning Guys.
Well, at least this oc foe is a pony... kinda
If the change of pace at least.
I like Cordyceps better as it is, where he's just an anomaly who through some very specific means could have actually managed to one day consume all of creation, and nobody could have stopped him. But unlike the four he mentioned, he's not malicious or a cackling evil badguy, he's just a plant. He has one goal, and it's the only one he was ever hardwired to do, he's not anymore evil than a real life lion eating a zebra, it's all he knows.

>Should we be engaging?

"Assessing... assessing... negative, any current armaments have a less than point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero four percent chance of doing significant or even notable damage to the hull of that mech. It outclasses us in every possible way."

>Never tell me the odds!


>Because I'm a Peacetrotter too, you know. I have the same systems. I see the same stuff you do. I was asking to get a feeling going here. Really, why you gotta be a dick about this?

"I'm doing what I'm programmed too."

>Ugh, your partner just haaaad to get alcohol poisoning early on, didn't he? No personality for you!

"...this unit wished to punch you."
...Can they give each other personalities, or is that opening up a shitload can of worms?
They learn from their environment. They can teach themselves or imitate other personalities if needed by watching others. They have likes and dislikes that can also change.
.... So they are going sky net? Machine teaching machines and making organics obsolete?
Uh, no. They like serving ponies by default. They'd prefer to give up their life to protect others than protect themselves if it meant keeping the peace.


“Princess? Highness? Should we help you out-“


Without missing a beat, she stampeded over the meek guard, leaving him twisted on the ground.

“…I’ll tell the captain you said to hold back.”

Stop running everyone over!

For Fucks Sakes!













"You were thinkin it!"


"...*GASP!* I'm teeeeeeeelling!


... The fuck?
I think this is that mystery pairing again, from last thread? I still don't know who the fuck it is...

>CRAP CRAP CRAP! Shiny’s going to kill us for losing his wife!

“You. He’ll kill you. He knows I want her as close to snuggling range as possible.”

>Well, I want her as close to partying range as possible!

“… Well, I guess Maud-”

>I will gut you like a fish with nothing more than a sharpened potato chip just so I get salt deep in the wound and use your entrails to spell out a warning to the next stupid party pooper who even thinks about trying to throw my big sister under the bus.



‘Pinkie, you don’t have to threaten anyone, I think she was just making a joke.’

>Oh, you know, I think you’re right, sorry Eighteen! That was way harsh of me.


>Great! I’m glad we’re friends.



“Is it okay if I cry?”


‘Thank you for asking permission, the last pony just went ahead and did it. Very rude.’

>But not Teeny! She’s the best.

And that's why Pinkie > Caddybug

>…Do you want to try to fight that-


>Oh good, I was worried I was going to have to go get my gun again.

“But we’re in the middle of the hallway, how would you pull that off? You coulnd’t possibly have the precision if I’m that close to you, that’s not how those things work.”

>I probably could.


>You’re… you’re going to go now, aren’t you? Just to see if I will actually try to stop you now.


>Well… fiddlesticks.




>I wish I could say the same.





>What? Was this not because thine friend, Twenty Nine, did something uncouth with another mare?


>It wasn’t, was it? This was just some stupid matter we couldn’t possibly care less for, wasn’t it?


>What is it, did thou lose a bet? Lose some bits?

“...S-… someone else is running for mayor.”

>Oh wow! Mayor! That must be so big to thee, short earth pony talking to literal royalty!

“…Well you don’t have to put it like that.”

>We really, really do.

“I uh, I’m going to go find Zecora or Niney.”

>Of course! Find someone a little lower down, they will care!

“…You’re kinda a-“

>WE MISSED THE ENTIRE BLASTED BATTLE! All of it! Our one chance to shine against a great foe, and we missed it all because we were looking after some drunks! MAY WE BE EXCUSED FOR BEING A TOUCH IRATE!?


DAMN lulu!

Calm the fuck down!


Step over step, hoof over hoof, she kept walking and-


-still, she felt that sharp jab at the back of her head, of the Diamond Dog behind her giving a well-meaning push of urgency.

>Why... that really hurts, why do you keep pushing me? I’m- ow… I’m going in the right direction….

“Oh, yeah, you are, it’s just you’re too slow, like, damn, speed up, will ya? You’re walking like a newborn pup, like you don’t know your own legs or something. Can you just move? Faster?”

Another push, this one rougher than the others, sent Honeyheart stumbling straight into a tree. Her forehead cracked off the unyielding trunk and when she hit the ground on her side, she didn’t move again.



“Yooohoooo, you okay? That didn't split your melon, did it? Can you… why’s your backleg twitching?”

His questions received no answer and so he reached down, one of his big, lumbering paws gripping the motionless mare by a good portion of her neck and hoisting her up.

She was definitely unconscious, if the way her head swayed limply on her neck was any indicator. And there was a gash running across the right side of her temple, possibly the aftermath of meeting that tree.

Zanta stared, and stared, then he sucked his teeth.

“You ponies sure are a fragile bunch, aren’t you? One bop on the noggin and you start bleeding a waterfall! …Maybe….”


He gave her body a firm, hopeful shake, like it might jolt her awake. When she did nothing but flop around like a marionette doll, he sighed, letting her drop to the ground once more.

“Okay… well, shit. If a shake didn’t work, a kick probably wouldn’t help much either… guess I’m stuck until you decide to wake up again, huh?”

Honeyheart twitched in response.

“Her blood’s gonna draw predators soon… is that cut big enough that she could bleed to death? Not really gushin’ all that hard, but still I- hold on, what’s this?”

Attention diverted just that quickly, Zanta reached for the bag tied at her waste, undoing the knot and peering inside.

“…Hellooooo, what have we here?”

A glittering amount of bits met his wondering eye, and his tail began to wag.

“Don’t mind if I do!”

He flipped one of the coins high into the air, only for it fall straight into his mouth.

“Mmmmmmyes, these coins you ponies consider currency are so delicious, I’m just gonna help myself to a few of these. Orrrr all of them. I mean, we're friends now so you don’t mind, right?”

As more and more bits were tossed back into the diamond dogs gullet, the remnant of a smile touched at Honeyheart’s blood-suffused face.

That welcome orange backdrop was starting to push away the darkness, which could only mean one thing....

>Jet… Jetset….

“Hm? Did you say something?”

Awwww, fuck.
I do NOT wanna, wanna Zanta.

It had been so long since she had needed to do what it was a changeling was born to do.

The shadows in the Crystal Empire felt unnatural to her, it's once comforting and protecting cloak now reduced to a cool feeling on her chitin, one that mingled in perfectly with the cold that still clung to her from the snow beyond the warm comforts of this familiar safe haven. It had been so long, and it no longer felt as it had. Even if she had to admit, there was something feeling right about it all.

This familiar state was one she had worn a thousand times, she knew it every bit as much she knew her favorite disguise. So it was quickly, and strongly, that she realized something was wrong when she made it beyond halfway, and only then it struck her that she had not looked at a single face on her journey.

With this revelation, she could no longer fight back the other unpleasant thought, that this whole action was wholly pointless. She could walk as free as she wanted, she could greet every face she now avoided with ease and with joy, and be welcomed. There was no meaning to the shadows she hid to, there was nothing there to hide from.

And yet, she did not emerge. She remained cloaked and hidden, and off to the castle she continued. The faces below her remains as her presence was to those very souls, a mystery.

She had no reason to hide, but it just felt... Right, with what was coming.

>Things... are going to change.
Okay, I don't know if he's evil-evil, but lets just say I am now super uncomfortable he has an unconscious body near him.
Yeesh, between this guy and Skeletor, our new crop of villains are pretty...varied.
Chrysalis what the fuck are you doing

Stop being creepy

>This might be bad…

The machine before her was not untouched, it had all the scorchmarks and burned looking metal plates on it to prove her beloved TBDRILATU’s blast had gone true. What bothered her was not the question of if it landed, but of the fact it seemed completely unmoved.

She had laid into it with one of her bigger rounds, not her best she would admit but she certainly hadn’t held back, and it didn’t seem bothered in the least. This thing, whatever it was and for whatever reason it had to crush the castle, seemed able to take hits unlike anything she’d ever seen.

Well, almost unlike anything. There was one particular memory that seemed awfully familiar right now…



It took her an embarrassingly long second to realize her communicator was causing the noise, and held no shortage of embarrassment when she pressed down the button to answer it.

>Yes, mommy?

“Put a little more flair into this! We need poses for the magazine covers, honey, you need to put some oomf in it!”

She didn’t bother questioning how her mother had seen what type or lack of poses she struck, or if she had actually seen them at all or was merely assuming.

>I… well, it’s hard to do the ones you gave me while holding TBDR-

“Yes yes yes I know it’s hard for you to do it holding your toy, but that’s why you’re my little darling! You can manage it for mommy, can’t you?”

>…Yes mommy.

“Good! Now, make sure you go through them all, we want some variety! I’m so proud of you for succeeding!”

>But I haven’t yet.

“Well then, time to fix that!”

The comm cut off, and her response went unheard.

>…Okay, mommy.

She struck the pose, just like her mother had asked.

>I’ll make you proud.
The sad part? She's not any worse than on the show....
>Welcome to Not Late Night /pa/ with your hosts the Pink Pony Club! It's during this time that content does matter, but wouldn't you like to be distracted from the heat?! Now for our main segment...THE DREAM BAR!!!

Cadence walks up to the bar.
"Twice of the usual tonight."

>Two glasses of strawberry milk coming up.
Pinkie pours the glasses and slides them over.
>Hard day?

"You bet. The hubby was giving me a hard time for getting him a power drill as an anniversary present. He was hanging around the garage a lot, so I thought I was being thoughtful by getting him a tool that he needed. Then blah blah blah stop keeping me in the garage. Like sheesh, he should stop hanging around there then. I was only trying to be helpful."

DT wearing an old lady-like grey wig sits on a stool nearby.
'You sound whipped. Back in my days, mares were mares and knew how to work their stallions.'

"What should I do?"

'Just give him a good chariot to work on. Stallions love Chariots.'

"Know any good chariots for sale?"

>Actually, I know somepony who has an old sports chariot and is trying to get rid of it. Do you think he'd be interested in it? It's a Charger or something.

"I don't know. A part of this feels like I'm using stereotypes to drive my decisions when I should be-"

Life in the dream bar~
That's a good thing at least, eh?
I feel like this actually was cheers dialog, and I've never seen the show.

>Uh, Granny? Granpa? I think there’s somethin’ goin’ on again…



>No, I mean besides you stranglin’ Grandpa, I think there was an explosion.

“An explosion of hate!?”

>Regular kind.


>But it might-

“Save your words, nothing can save the cheater now!”


>But Granny, he’s turnin’ blue!






>Oh hey, Auntie Pinkie was right!



>…Half right. Guess whatever’s outside will have to wait.

>Marital problems

And high up in the list of shit I never thought I would see in LNPP
>Wanting DT to get her ass kicked
>The filly NOT going on a childish revenge rampage
>The one who's trying to STOP what she thinks is someone attacking the castle with a fuckoff mech without letting them into the city
>The one who's NOT in the thing that can tank a missile and feel like she got a massage treatment, but is instead sitting there all squishy out in the open
>That DT

Clearly the badguy in this situation!
Yeah sure, I'll cheer for the bitch in the secret cabal that's only going to make shit worse with the Titanic Cunt.
Yeah, that's the spirit! Glad you turned around. Show DT that pink pride and cheer for her!
Pink's for dinks.
You clearly need to rethink, for the best is pink!
It takes less than a blink to link the stink of dink to pink.
You earn a wink you silly little mink now stop being such a fink and stop the jealousy of the prink of the coats soft as mink and away you shall slink with your mind out of sync of the love interlink for you're just not ready to be in the cinque of the fanatic lovely ponies of pink.
>These are actually actual words with real definitions.

Language was a mistake.
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well shit, alright then.gif
1MB, 300x225px
I'm dying over here.
Your kink in your think is that pink is worth going to the brink of seeing a shrink whole put your words to ink whilst into his couch you sink, sure as Q goes *Tink*.
Your doublethink is as unsteady as a slipping skink in a wet sink, did you really think such a silly hoodwink could make anyone believe such a twink?

But we're getting too out of sync, and we've used all but the kitchen sink and at this rate are going to end in the precinct.

Fuck it, let's just have a drink.
Yeah fuck it, I'm in.
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You hear that? Pinks are Dink approved!
Mel Brooks endorses the Pinks. Flamethrowers for everyone.


Sing along.
>Pink pink. Pink pink pink PINK. PINK. PINK~
>Pink pink. Pink pink pink, Pink. Pink. Pink~
>Pink pink. Pink pink pink pink pink.
>Pink pink pink pink pink. Pink pink pink, pink pink.

I'm too late, but damn it, I put the effort to make this image and I'm going to use it.
This might be the no-sleep talking, but fuck it.


"Now that I've gained your alleigance-"


"-I can bring your powers to bear on all that oppose me-"

>Literally no one because no one knows you exist.

"-and lay waste to the world above!"

>Like how you waste my time with monologuing.

"Millenia of sleep made you far too catty."

>Call it waking up on the wrong side of the rock. Now I assume you have some kind of plan to get us out of this damnable mountain, yes?

"Of course I do, I have spent years plotting the perfect plan to flee from this prison! We start by gathering a specific kind of mushroom-"

Several Hours Later...


>Yes I suppose we could do that. Or...


>We go through that doorway that just kind of appeared in the rockface over there.


'Ohhhh no, I've learned my lesson, no going off half-cocked into dark places!'

-Or fully cocked for that matter!-

'Not a bit of cocking to be had, unless you'd be with me.'

-Well I mean yes, we could probably go at it from different sides maybe and...-

"...yes, we could just go through the magical door to the domicile of a pair of he-whores, that is also a valid plan."

Frankly at this point I'd believe them to be amental match for Skeletor here, he'd probably get so frustrated at the innuendo, he'd go priss stomping back into the cave.
And it all comes to keikaiku

Brilliant, Lavan
Quit pointing the bear!
...good luck there.
Mostly because we have a literal Bear now...
Okay, now I'm interested.
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It took me a while, but I tweaked with Cadence, and made a set for LNPP in the Sims.
Huh, fit the sw5 and everything. Neat.
>No hooves

That impulse out of the way, this does fit weirdly well.

Now make them pose. Or is that something the sims can't do? I want the grumpy one pose!
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For some reason, Pinkie tends to make this face a lot. I'm guessing it's because I gave her insanity as a trait.

I probably could. I just need to pick a grumpy interaction and take a picture of the result.
>If this bitch don't shut the fuck up...
>DT's stare

the... horror...
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I'm actually more creeped out by Cadence's air-head stare.



Explosions, chaos, the roar of battle mingled with the thunder of every blow they waged against each other, two powers of vast magnitude collided against one another, and turned the courtyard behind the castle into a place of broken stones, and broken ideals. Two combatants, each with only one thing on their mind, bring the other down.

One strained herself, feeling the full weight of every attack dodged. Every time a ball of electricity was flung her way, she felt the hairs on the end of her leg stand up when she moved just out of range. When globs of strange green goop flew in her direction, she heard the slap as it splattered against the ground, and smelled the pungent remains as it oozed out on the shattered ground. Every movement that her rocket launcher pulled her to was deliberate, calculated and planned, and any slip of them could mean her end, and she knew this.

"We can do this, TBDRILATU, it has to have a weak spot, it just has to..."

She struggled, and she fought.

"It has to.."

The other one, not so much.

>Holy guacamole, literally!

The filly within the tank was downright giddy as the treat in question was poured over the nachos the machine had provided, an errant hind hoof of hers tapping on the buttons without a care while she did so.

>This thing's got everythin'! OH OH! Gimme a smoothy!

A cup slid down into a previously hidden compartment, and she watched with no shortage of glee as it filled up with the frozen treat.

>Now we're talkin'!... Awww, friggen apple flavor. Meh.

She still sipped at it anyway.

>Ya' know, Ah' might'a been too hard on Applejack, this here thing is cool! It's got everythin'! Well, almost everythin'.

She sadly sighed, wondering what her friends were currently up to at the moment.


>Probably havin' fun without me, cause their dang family ain't overprotective jerks who were ignorin' jerks up to now! Pick a road at least, right?

The machine rumbled ever so slightly, but she doubted it had anything to do with any sort of agreement. Absently, she shielded her eyes from yet another flash, and only now noticed her hoof had still been tapping on buttons throughout her rant.

>Er, yer' not shootin' her with anythin' dangerous, right?

Up above her, magical lights spelled out words that seemed to hang in the air, projected from odd symbols on either side of the wall.




>...Oh. Yeah, don't Ah' feel like the horseshoe here. But ya' ain't doin' anythin' that will... ya' know, break her, right?

~Affirmative, all weapons systems are designed from the ground up to be non-lethal and incapacitating. All weapons have a point zero zero one percent chance of accidental death, and this must be compensated to further reduce that chance with every attack.~

>Ah' understood none of that, but okay! Huh, why did Twilight make everythin' non-lethal?

~The creator's thought was that she would sooner chop off her own hoof than let Applejack drive anything that could be used lethally when she barely understands her own toaster, let alone the intricacies of a missile targeting system.~

>Kinda insultin'. Applejack knows how the toaster works, ya' push it down and the bread becomes toast, it ain't that complicated!

~Do you know how the coils work?~


There were no words to answer her, and she felt strangely okay with that.

>Well, so long as Ah'm not gonna kill her or nothin', it's fine.

She rubbed her hooves together, spilling a bit of her nachos and smoothie to the floor.

>Ya'll had fun makin' me feel bad, huh? Well, now Ah'm gonna make you look bad! Ain't nobody gonna think yer' that great when Ah' kick yer' keister!


Happily, she kept slamming down on random buttons, not even sure if they were doing anything.


~The cannons are firing already.~

>Ah' just always wanted to say that...

Outside, another barrage dodged just barely left the pink filly exhausted, and panting for breath.

Another blast against it's hull, and not a scratch on it. Whatever this thing was, it was durable, far more than anything she could use this close to the castle could pierce.


She shook, her stance stumbling as the weight felt heavier than normal for some reason.

"I've got to get it far enough away I can bring out the heavy artillery... but how?"

She mulled over her options. She could run and hope it gave chase, but it would be just as likely it would go back to where it had been going before she pushed it back, towards the city.

She could try to push it, but it was surprisingly fast, she might run out of weapons long before she reached the edge of the city,


"...worth a shot, I guess."

Her hoof reached up, and tapped the magical communicator on her ear.

"Pennydrop... it's time."

Now, all she had to do was stall.

Stall, and hope the next blast wasn't her last.

>OH MAH GOSH! This has the new Zoom and Rageious movie! It ain't even in the theaters yet! This thing is the best!

She just had to hold on, and pray...
Same day as what?

It's been a while since Chitty hit, she had time to make a fucking crime empire and everything. We had time to setup the meeting and Pinkie had time to do a party and everything.
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So I decided to make Pinkie teach DT how to drive. It was going fine for a while, but at some point they both got out of the car and DT just runs away for what looks like about 3 blocks. She just bolts it and leaves Pinkie behind.

The bar over her head eventually leveled up meaning she increased her driving skill while running away from Pinkie. I want to emphasis that she was not in a car, but leveled her driving running from an immobile Pinkie. I don't think that was suppose to happen and it just glitched out, but it happened.

It's actually TBDRLIATU
"...Rocket Launcher In All the Universe"
I've made that mistake a good number of times in my own stories before I finally caught it. A little funny seeing someone else make that exact same mistake.
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I also tried to make Cadence cook mac and cheese. Considering that it's black. I don't think it turned out well.
We don't directly mention it, we mostly just have shit happen and fill it out that way.

Chitty was lying half dead for who knows how long before she got fixed and walked her ass to wherever, SN got treated for her head wound, MM got drunk and isn't drunk...

Yeah, time is weird.
>DT lost her mind

Bound to happen, and that's Hillarious.
Hey, at least no eldritch horrors popped out!
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I decided to make Cadence failing at mac and cheese into a gif.
It fits so perfect...
Well, how else would a horse drive but by running?


~Fuzzy and the Buzz special report, 97.1~
~Is this thing on!?~

“Top story as it’s happening! A giant machine is currently wrecking half of Canterlot Castle!”

>Is it Tuesday already?


~IT’S GOJIRRAAA!... He’s early!~

>While we cannot determine presently who is piloting the thing or what their intentions are, we do know that Princess Applejack had arrived at the scene earlier and tried to fight it. Sadly, she was proven ineffective, went running, and got smashed.

“Oh my gosh, Fuzzy! You should sue her for copying your typical date night.”


~My system is perfect!~

“But have no fear, because Diamond Tiara, the disbarred A-team member who has recently joined up with a third party to continue protecting Equestria, has engaged her and is joining in the fray!”

>An adult doing so badly, so much so even a child could step in and match if not do better? Buzz! I think I’ve found the source of your dating problem!


~I’ll take it from here, loser. You go park my big wheel.~

“We’ll keep you up to the minute as progress develops, so stay safe and stay cool out there!”

>In the meantime, we’ll be playing the Monster Mash. We don’t know why, it just sounds appropriate.

~It was a midnight smash!~

Once again, I'm fucking dyin.

>Guard 1
“Guard 2”


“What!? Are you crazy!? That’s the princesses little sister up there!”

>Yeah, and she’s gonna get her ass kicked!

“Nuh uh! That annoying little bitch is going to get HER ass kicked!”

>You take that back! Pink pony power!

“Oh, here we go, let’s bring race into it!”

>They’re both earth ponies! One of them just so happens to be the superior color.

“Fuck you!”

>Fuck you, DT for the win!

“Fuck you, Apples are best!”




~…shouldn’t… shouldn’t you guys be evacuating or-~


~You’re busy, I’ll wait… will spider legs help? It’s literally my main thing, it’s all I’ve got… no? Okay, I’ll just wait…~


“And that’s pretty much why I’ve never spoken to my cousin again.”

>WOW. Okay, wow.

“Hey, your wife is the princess of love, I thought you’d understand!”

>What part of what you just described was love?

“We held hooves afterwards.”

>I repeat my question, with more sick this time.


>…Do you hear rumbling?

“It’s probably my broken image of you, jerk!”

>I also feel rumbling.

“It’s probably all my past dreams being shaken!”

>I also sense rumbling.

“It’s probably my sense of self worth, crying!”

>Annnd.. there’s rumbing.

“It’s me, my name is Rumbling.”


“No, but I ran out of similarities.”


“Fiiine, you should probably go check that out.”

>…Ehhh, tell me more about your cousin.

“She’s gotta GREAT A-“

>Or maybe suicide, that's an option too...
Don't tempt Celly like that, SA. It's not nice.

>…Is it unstallionlike if we cry?

“It would be more unstallionlike if we didn’t.”

>All that work.

“All that rebuilding.”

>All that endless mixing and forming and smoothing and plastering and resettling…

“All that work…”

>All… that… MONEYYYYYY!




Well, glad someone is seeing a bright side!

>ATTENTION! All changelings, gather!

“We’re right here.”

“Where else would we lovin’ go!?”

“We have no life! Aww, now I’m sad.

>Good. Now that you’re all here, I have a mission for a good number of you.

“You’re not the boss of us!”

>A mission where you are able to make money.

“Whatever you say, captain! How high, captain!”

“Finally! More bullets for the guns! They made terrible boomerangs.”

“Mines still hasn’t come back. I wonder if they’re enjoying themselves, wherever they are…”

>More specifically, I require drones.

“…Aw, fudge packers.”

“You leave Jugglejack out of this! Even he doesn’t deserve this! I mean, I’d trade with him, I’d happily put him in my place, but he doesn’t deserve it!”

“Well, it was a nice run, but all good things must come to an end… and in this case I meant my head still being attached.”

>To clarify, you drones may rejoice, your unique skillset is about to become a commodity.

“If this is about how much we bleed when splattered, it’s the same. Just… trust me on this one.”

>To clarify further, in this particular case, you drones are actually more useful than infiltrators or soldiers.

“…come again?”

“How!? In what possible way!?”

>Our newest joint venture with the ponies has called for us to start producing and storing Love-Magic for distribution, allowing others who might not have the ability to use or properly store magic the freedom most unicorns take for granted. We are going to be converting and selling love-magic to the general populace, and charging them both for the conversion and the distribution. The rates have recently been set, but we're by far lowballing the potential demand, so those might go up as need arises, but for now, we need lings to convert and store our clients love.

"But we can all do that!"

"Yeah, and we infiltrators can drain way faster than any drone, we should be better than them in this, like we are in everything else!"

"And we soldiers can use it better for attacks and magic, way better than they can! Also as in every other way with them!"


"Don't deny it!"

"What makes drones so special?"

>You drones, unlike our infiltrator class or soldier class, are uniquely able to store large amounts of Love-magic, and burn through it more slowly. Infiltrators can drain it faster, and Soldiers can use it better, but we’re not looking for speed or magic usage, we’re looking for quantity and quality, and as our living batteries, you excel. In this venture, we need converters to change love into magic, and give it away to be sold. We’re being paid by the sparklejoule, so you are ideal for getting the most out of it with the least burn off.

“So… so…”

"What you're saying is..."

>So, congratulations, Drones… you’re now the most useful in the hive, and you’re going to get paid.

“…I’m out.”








"There is no crying corner big enough."
>Those two annoying maybe-gays let loose a potential villain
Hey, now I have a more valid reason for hating them besides them disliking 32

Technically that was Lavan's magic?

Not their fault it's trying to kill them.
42 really is killing it.

Guess she's the new "Most Applejack" of the group.
>Most Applejackish
>AJ just turned AB into a killer mech

Not the best compliment

>... Huh. This may sound a touch odd, and perhaps I am going soft in the head after all, but... Strangely, I feel at peace. Thine passage of my charges, of my own choosing or not, has made me feel... what words can describe it? Is there such a word for what is in mine heart? Can a changeling, one who feasts on emotions of the heart, ever truly know that which is within me at this moment? Do I understand it? Am I capable? Has one who has roamed the world so wide ever truly know what it is to remain still? Do I, a changeling, a being of war, understand peace? Am I even capable of it?... Is any soul truly capable of such? Am I at last united with those so different than myself in a way so comical. Are we the same... when we do not understand? I do not, and yet... I am at peace.


>Huh, that normally ends with-



"Niney! Stop with your well meaning but mostly ineffective interpretive dance and come with me, we have butts to kick!"


"Come on already!"



"... Whoops. You uh... Closer to the door than I thought..."


"... Is it-"


"Zecora first?"


"Right! Got it, lets go!"



"Wow, that rolled back at the worst time."


"... You know what? I'll let you go at your own pace."

You know? I actually feel kinda bad for the guy, I really do.

What the fuck is wrong with me?
You have a soul?

>CRAP! Okay, just find the biggest crowd, they’re bound to be in there!

“Wait, what?”

>Trust me, Waldo loves big crowds! It takes forever, but we can find them so long as everyone stays completely still!

“… you forgot we were looking for Cadence, weren’t you?”



‘Waldo was a pony in a checkered outfit Pinkie would follow and try to find in a massive crowd.’


‘It was fun.’

“Who could possibly think trying to find a single pony in a crowd is fun? What’s the appeal? Oh, look! I looked at this spot in a crowd, and now I have won the game! This is truly the most fun of things! Who finds that fun?!”

‘My little sister.’


‘I like breaking things myself.’


‘Rocks, normally, but occasionally I move out into other areas. Mostly things filled with calcium, they make good cracking sounds when broken.’


‘Especially when wet by some kind of internal substance.’


‘I am referring to-‘

“I got it, I think.”

>Good, then let’s get back to looking!

“…you two are scary.”

‘No, we’re Pinkie and Maud.’


>Laugh at her jokes.


>Thaaat’a girl.

Damn, guys...
You do not fuck with a Pie sister(Even though she's not Maud Pie so she's not actually a pie so I have no idea why she's called that)

I seriously debated all day at work if I should into the wiki these when I got home, and I'm now juuussst drunk enough to operate a computer and make silly choices that I will probably wonder about later.

>Time Turner
“Pokey Pierce”

>This is so freaking weird… should I call someone?

“Yeah, strippers.”

>GAH!... Why are you still in my house!?

“I thought we were going to get freaky. Is that not happening?”


“Aww, come on, what happens in the box stays in the box! Or in your box, I should say.”


“I meant that in the sense you legally own the box.”


“And also because I want to mount-“


“Okay, okay, I can take a hint, I’m going. Not coming, to clarify, going.”


“Alright, alright…”


>…Well, thank Faust. Now that he’s gone, I-.... wait, what the heck is a stripper? What.... what would they strip OFF? There’s nothing… I mean, they… crap. WAIT! COME BACK, I HAVE TO KNOW!
Vinyl will take off her glasses.

Ohhh yeeeaahhh~
>42 really is killing it.

To be fair, she probably could have been 'killing it' for a while now.

Way to delay that punch, punchbug.
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God damn it. This is why I take so long with my own arcs. I keep doing silly things. I took my screenshots and turned it into a story. Image very related.

>Welcome to Late Night /pa/ with your hosts the Pink Pony Club! It's during this time that content doesn't matter, and my producer is trying something out using the Sims 3! Now for our main segment...MY NEW SET:NO HOOVES EDITION!
>So what do you girls think of my new set?

'...Don't know. Something about it is weird. I can't put my hoof on it. Plus this is a tacky couch.'

>Well what do you think Cadence?

"I like it!"


"Yeah, it's a nice couch! Something about this set makes me feel...I don't know. Magical!"

'That's because you got a horn on your head. You're already magical. Also you have bad tastes in couches. It's not big enough to fit us and a guest.'

"C'mon. It's a lovely two seat couch that's perfect for cuddling. Cuddle me!"

'Um, I don't know if I can reach-'

DT cuddles Cadence on the couch.

'...okay. I guess this is pretty nice.'

>...I want cuddles too.
It's... glorious.
>DT cuddles Cadence on the couch.

Caddy's just spreading the love everywhere now!
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I decided to redo it with text bubbles. Just to make it more reader friendly.
Wow, up close that the lot more, well, intimate.
good job.
Does get an odd feeling she needs an adult, right?
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Ah, well I did things for my own amusement.
That is way funnier than it should be



But... why
I was about to say stranger-danger, but DT is clearly the one all for it, so I'm lost here.
I added this to the wiki.

I don't know why I did it.

I might have a problem.
>Spoiled Rich
"Silver Spoon"

"Don't you think this is too dangerous?"

The prim and well dressed mare didn't even bother to scoff, the entirety of her attention focused squarely on the tiny dot of light rising up into the sky from the hidden launchpad on the edge of fillydelphia. The smile never left her face as she saw it ascend past the clouds, it's long journey having only just begun.

"I'm serious here! This is really dangerous! She could get really hurt here!"

>Pfft, maybe you would have been, but my dear Diamond Tiara is much more, shall was say, reliable? She'll handle it and come back having done nothing short of perfection!

"She's risking her life here!"

>Nonsense, she's having such fun. You can't tell me she doesn't enjoy this.

"It's not about what she enjoys, it's-"


The cold, dismissive inflection to her voice was enough to freeze the filly's tongue solid in her mouth, leaving her voiceless when the older mare finally looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

>While my daughter might just love the bits out of you, I would like to point out that we share quite the different views on things. She likes cinnamon tea, I like camomile, she likes to sleep on cotton, I like silk, she likes you...

She didn't need to finish.

>I'm glad we could clear that up! Now, if you don't mind, I have a few producers who are waiting to see the show my little darling is going to put on, they're talking movie deal~!

She sang with a slight screech as she shuffled past, hopping from hoof to hoof with her crooked noise pointed to the air, never once even glancing at the filly who's eyes were pointed straight at the ground, and remained there long after the elder mare had left the room.

"...she hates cinnamon tea."

Spoiled Rich could not have possibly heard her.

Even if she had, she probably wouldn't have cared.

>Harry? I have bad news. I’m not going to sugar coat this, so brace yourself. Recruitment is not going well.


>Well you don’t have to be like that about it.


>I know I’m a changeling and you’re a bear, I can very clearly see my own species, and I’m well aware that somehow my reputation is on the level of a mauling animal, but this is a problem for us.


>No, not me, you clearly can’t do the lone hero stuff anymore, it hasn’t exactly worked. We need more recruits.


>I don’t know how we’re supposed to do it, I was asking for suggestions.


>Suggestions besides where I’m supposed to stick things.


>Also suggestions besides what I’m supposed to suc- you know what? Nevermind, I’ve got this. I’ll figure something out.


>No, really, you go do whatever it is you want to do, I’ll fix this somehow. Shooo.


>…You want to watch me fail, don’t you?


>It’s almost like I’m home again.
You might as well just tell her to be another character entirely.
Damn if, man! Do you want to summon cuck guy!?
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>I did things for my own amusement.
and because pink threesomes gotta start somewhere.

Also one last shenanigan.

How she had got here, she had no idea. Where she was going, she had no idea. What she was doing, she had know idea. Why she was doing it, she had no idea.

She knew very little at this moment, in general.

All she knew was that right now, everything was wonderful. Somehow, more so than it had been just a bit ago. She had been laughing, having fun, enjoying herself with her friends and loved ones, and then it just became better, and she had to go somewhere. Not a single thought in her head where, just somewhere.

>Love is in bloooommm…

The song from her wedding had been the first thought into her head when she thought of something wonderful. She missed it, and she could realize that even with the handicap of a fuzzy brain. She missed the thrill of being a newlywed, when anything and everything was possible. She missed that first dance as a wife, finally wedded to the stallion of her dreams. She missed that carriage ride out, that wonderful song growing quieter behind her, and the endless possibility of the future ahead. It had all been so wonderful, so magical.

She just wished it could have lasted, just a little longer.

But no, the Empire had returned soon after, her honeymoon cut short, and her life as a princess sealed. What had been merely title now became endless responsibility, and that had never changed. She had become a princess, a real one, in an instant.

And yet, it felt like only now did she understand it.

>A beautiful bride, a handsome groom…

Only now did she get what that meant, what she had to do, who she had to be, not just now but always.

>Loveees in blooommm…

And for that reason, she kept walking.

To where, why and when it would end, she didn't know she just knew to keep walking. Walk, and never look back.

Not even to see the glow of green eyes, watching her in the darkness.
Goddamn it Creeplyis! 42 is getting shit done and you're being a creep!

>So, just tell me if this is racist right away. No holding back on me here, be blunt if I’m being racist, but really I want to know, and I’m trying to be considerate, but this is a very delicate and needy matter, so I’m going to try to be tolerant but we both know that’s a tricky thing to do so I’m going to do my best but by all means get me back in line if I go out of it…


>…Can you make me a voodoo doll-


You just can't win sometimes


The searing, bright light that began flashing in front of earth-pony called Rusty caused him to shield his eyes with one raised hoof while cursing under his breath.

A simple tug on the rope secured to the harness that kept him plummeting to cold, hard earth far down below caused him to slide several dozen feet lower in an instant, right next to the younger stallion he was working with.

The same stallion who was supposed to stick his nose into the open panel at he side of the needle-like spire of metal instead of dully gazing out into the landscape.

>Faustdammit, KID! That's the fifth time I catch you spacing out on me, so I can only assume are high on or coming down with something. Either way, we rappelling down and you're gonna call in sick for today! Got it!

Rusty felt the need to raise his voice, both to make himself heard against the whipping winds and to shake the younger stallion out of his stupor. It worked, for Azure twitched so hard Rusty feared he might drop any second.

„N-no, that's not it! I am just... uhm... this whole... THING here, what we are doing, it got me thinking.“

The dusk-coated stallion hanging from his harness just above the younger, sky-blue one stared at him with a kind of intensity that made clearly made him uncomfortable.

>Alright... Apparently it's important enough for you to daydream about while we are easily 500 hooves up in the air, so I am all ears now. What got you thinking, kid?

Azure heaved a big sigh, squirmed and brushed one hoof over the other.

„W-well... it's like this. Baltimare, Fillydelphia, Manehatten, Vanhoover... even Los Pegasus. They all used to have really bad parts in their cities, right? Couldn't even walk out alone during the day without being harassed or having to see utter despair. And, like, almost overnight, all those rundown buildings, shady characters and hopeless folks just... changed, y'know?“


Rusty further narrowed his eyes.

>Nice round-up about the latest news in Equestria. Also, I've heard this over a dozen times already. So, yes, I am aware that happened.

The sharpness in his co-workers voice caused Azure to gulp.

„Right! Ah... An-and, all of the sudden, factories, stores and company-funded housing pops up all over the place. The same weirdoes with their scary looks and gang tatoooes which sued to haunt the streets are suddenly working as nightguards or in an assembly line at full shift work or whatever have you in the same, now refurbished buildings. And, no matter where you look, you see EVO glaring back at you in big, black letters.“

Somewhere, right beyond his deep, furrowed brow, Rusty felt a headache brewing. Rubbing his hoof above the spot didn't really help with the pain, but at least it kept him from smacking the kid across the excited-looking face.

>Haah. And may I ask why you chose now, after weeks of re-education and multi-week courses, to question the very company you are now employed for, kid?

Azure was hasty to wave his hooves defensively, a move that caused him to drop a bit further down. After hastily securing his rope again, he was quick to recover and talk, much to Rusty's amazement.

„Don't get me wrong, I am grateful! I used to live in one of those bad parts of town. Didn't even have a future ahead of me apart from hoping I'd not get shivved for wearing the wrong colors. But, now look at me! At this!“

The younger stallion pulled a complex schematic from the utility belt on his waist, waving it back and forth. The same, almost completely indecipherable schematic Rusty had been working with for the last few weeks.

„I am working in engineering! I am working on strange, electrical devices and structures almost daily, and I am expected to know how to install, repair and maintain them continuously with a completely waterproof eight year contract! I just think it's so WEIRD-”


>-for all of this to come out of left field?

The younger stallion just nodded sheepishly at the interruption, and the older one sighed and slipped further down along the rope towards the other.

>Look, kid, I get you are curious and just a little apprehensive. You used to be a hood rat, right?

„Yeah. White Cross Squad, back over in Balty.“

The dismissive wave and shrug Rusty gave Azure was wounding, and just a month back, the younger stallion would've taken it as a reason to start a fight. Not anymore, though.

>Mh, never heard of 'em. But I am one of those intimidating weirdoes you spoke of. Not going to go intodetail, but let's just see I saw and was forced to participate in some pretty messed up stuff before someone way, WAY up above me in the foodchain had a sudden change of heart.“

The older stallions eyes cut over to Azure.

>Sound familiar somehow?

„...Yeah. Yeah! Just, one day, it was all about establishing our turf, beating the snot out of anyone moving in on us and, well, ya know, trafficking stuff for some uptown fellas with more numbers. The next, those mares and stallions in suits are sweeping the streets, recruiting and waving bits and contracts around like it in some glorified Hearth's Warming tale.“

The analogy caused Rusty to snort bitterly.

>Heh. Was a bit different on my side... Got the crap beaten outta me by some weird mares that just turned up without any warnin' and started throwing around fellas I've known for being some of the baddest badasses I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. Ya know, I thought that was the end, they were some hired neck-snappers sent by somepony we pissed off. They walk into the boss' office... and then, they just walk out, and the boss was a whole new mare. Started investin' in legit sources, cleaned up the place, got rid of the trash... and now I am here.


For a moment, both hung in there air, not exchanging looks or words, both trying to make sense of this strange new world they found themselves in, swaying in the stiff, cold breeze whipping all the way up there where they were hanging.

„So, what do you think is going on?“

>What is going on? Well, hurm. Paperwork checks out, everythin' got the official seal of approval of the city and princesses, taxes are bein' paid and a whole ton of new jobs with okay payment are provided where there just weren't none before. So, I think...

The stallion allowed his gaze to sweep from the schematic depicting a highly complex wonder machine of electrical engineering to the tall, red-and-white spire they were working on, so tall they had to mount a flashing, red warning light to alert passing pegasi to its presence.

Finally he turned his head, looking across the wide, wind-swept landscape of Equestria all around. He swore, in the distance, he could see another tower like this one pierce the heavens, quite likely bearing the bold, black letters of the new and expanding EVO Corporation on its side as well.

>...someone's changing Equestria, kid For better or for worse, we won't know 'till later. But there ain't anyone gonna bring it back to the way it was before. Either you swim with the stream or you will drown trying to struggle against it. See, only the wisest and stupidest of ponies never change.

For a few, quiet moments, they both just hung there, two earthponies from a terrible background, brought into the grind of modern civilization.

>And I firmly belong into the latter group of ponies. NOW GET BACK TO FRICKEN' WORK, YA SLACKER!



I want to kill off Sunset Shimmer

For good
And she hasnt made an appearance in, what, five threads now. Your point?
Very interesting...

>Perimeter secured, nothing short of a propelled projectile will be able to reach the city.

“Scanning… both combatants have a lot of those.”

>Scanning… that’s perfectly obvious to anyone noticing said projectiles flying, 91429, thank you for your useful statement.

“Scanning… error, you seem to have forgotten the name designated to me by my partner was honeybuns, Peacetrotter who’s designation is still just numbers.”

>Scanning… error, Peacetrotter 91429 has accidentally deleted the data proving my partner chose to hold back out of fear he would give me a name as stupid as-bringing up examples… honeybuns?

“Scanning… large amounts of denial detected, advising caution.”

>Scanning… auditory sounds from one point oneeightsixfive meters to this unit’s left seem to be causing pain to all who hear it, advising cessation of the cause, preferably with a long stabbing object.

“Scanning… no such object detected, but there is a huge tool in the area.”


“…No comeback found?”



“…Adding fact to database, Honeybuns is an amazing name. Preparing data transfer delivery system.”

I'm weirdly into the idea Sunset is so bad at everything she fixes parts of Equestia by failing.
So all of those weird Peacetrotters look like this >>28007816 old, cranky bitch, right? Shouldn't she have a bit of a problem with het image being used like that? Even more interesting, are they speaking in HER voice?
Meanwhile, her former teachers break everything by trying to fix problems.

- One mare takes over entire criminal empires to fund giving someone power armor, but creates a a whole new business sector while doing so.
- The other one tries to save her sister by putting her into a supermech, which promptly rampages and causes part of the town getting wrecked.

>Sunset and Chitty is fixing the world in an attempt to destroy it


They might just have the crooked nose, no other pony has it.

Can't copywrite infringe on a biological quirk.
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Due to the name similarity, I can't stop imagining the Peacetrotters as Protectron lookalikes
>Sweetie Belle
“Babs Seed”
~Sweetie Doll~

At some point, Sweetie Belle had to wonder how she ended up here.

It wasn’t everyday she was in the middle of Canterlot Park, watching her leather jacket clad, sorta-Crusader friend circle around a doll version of herself, both of them wielding switchblades they had found underneath one of the park benches, between the bags of bottles and weird smelling grass the rebellious teens of city’s rich snobs had left.

This was a really unsafe park.

Any one of these would make this one of her weirder days, but somehow, none of them were the weirdest part of the spectacle.

“Your butt is mine, gonna tell you right…”

That went to the singing as both swung around said switchblades.

~Shouldn’t show your face in broad daylight…~

At some point, she should have gotten an adult, but she just couldn’t look away.

“I'm telling you, on how I feel, not gonna hurt your mind, cause I shoot to kill.

The doll version of herself crooked a hoof towards the brown filly, daring her.

~Come on, come on, lay it on me, all right...~

She answered with a swipe, one the doll easily dodged.

“I'm giving you, on count of three, to show your stuff or let it be...”

The swipe was returned in kind, and just as easily dodged.~

“I'm telling you, just watch your mouth, I know your game, what you're about…”

The Doll suddenly froze, a smile crossing her stitched lips, and she pointed to the sky.

~Well they say the sky's the limit, babe that’s just not really true, cause my friend you have seen nothing, just wait 'til I get through...~

She dove forwards the moment the filly was distracted, furious swipes forcing her back. With every swipe, she danced.

~Because I'm bad, I'm bad - come on~

Unconsciously, Sweetie found herself joining along.

>Bad bad - really, really bad
~You know I'm bad, I'm bad - you know it.~
>Bad bad - really, really bad
~You know I'm bad, I'm bad - come on, you know~
>Bad bad - really, really bad
~And the whole world has to answer right now, just to tell you once again who's bad...~

With her attention on the knife, it was easy to land a surprise blow that landed on Babs’ cheek, sending her sprawling to the ground. She rubbed the spot, glaring up at the smug doll before she spat to the side, and got back up, her switchblade back at the ready.

“The word is outm you're doin' wrong. Gonna lock you up, before too long! Your button eyes, gonna set them alight.”

She charged, forcing the doll back with bold, wide swings.

“So listen up, don't make a fight. Your talk is cheap, you're not a mare. You’re just a clone, can’t hide toy brands.”

The faux filly riled up with rage at the insinuation, just as Babs wanted.

“You say the sky's not the limit, and I agree that's really true, but my friend you have seen nothing, just wait 'til I get through...”

Abruptly, she swung her hoof, and dirt flew right into the filly’s button eyes. Following behind it was a series of blows and shallow swings of the knife. This time, Sweetie was much more cheerful as she sand.

“Because I'm bad, I'm bad! Come on!”
>Bad bad - really, really bad
“You know I'm bad, I'm bad - you know it!’
>Bad bad - really, really bad
“You know I'm bad, I'm bad - you know it, you know”
>Bad bad - really, really bad
“And the whole world has to answer right now!
>And the whole world has to answer right now!
“Just to tell you once again…“
>Just to tell you once again!

She smirked as the doll struggled to get up, tears on her body getting worse in the attempt.

“Who's bad?”

The doll spat, stuffing coming out of her torn mouth, and it was her time to glare up at the filly who smugly adjusted her leather jacket.

~I can change the world tomorrow, and I could find a better place. If you don't like what I'm sayin', then I’ll fight to change my race...~

She suddenly dropped down, her hind legs kicking out in a dazzling breakdance move that swept the other filly’s legs out from underneath her. Before she could give a single response, the doll struck her in the side, proceeding to kick her across the park one blow at a time. Behind her, Sweetie Belle followed, fearfully chanting along.

~Because I'm bad! I'm bad! Come on!~
>Bad bad - really, really bad!
~You know I'm bad, I'm bad - you know it!~
>Bad bad - really, really bad!
~You know I'm bad, I'm bad - you know it, you know!~
>Bad bad - really, really bad!
~Woo! Woo! Woo!~
>And the whole world has to answer right now
Just to tell you once again...

Mid kick, Bab’s hooves latched onto the limb, fighting back against the pain in her winded chest long enough to bring the fake-filly to the ground, and go rolling. There, they fought for dominance against one another, rolling and slashing as one after the other made it on top, all the while Sweetie struggled to keep pace.

“You know I'm smooth - I'm Bad - you know it!”
>Bad bad - really, really bad!
~You know I'm bad - I'm bad baby!~
>Bad bad - really, really bad!
“You know, you know, you know it - come on!”
>Bad bad - really, really bad!
~And the whole world has to answer right now!~
>And the whole world has to answer right now!
>Just to tell you once again-

(MY WORD! Children, you’re getting too close to the road!)

But...I swear there was an image making the Fawntaine bots look like that...
The pair, and the filly trailing behind, abruptly paused on the edge of the park, just in time for a cart to roll down the street not two steps away from their current location. A gentlemarely sort of unicorn shuffled up to them afterwards, looking down her well groomed nose at them as she adjusted her monocle.

(Look what almost happened, you could have been hurt! What do you have to say for yourselves?)

They separated, awkwardly shuffling while looking to their hooves.

“We’re sorry.”

(As well you should be! I’ve half a mind to tell your parents!)

~We’re really sorry.~

(Well, see that it does not happen again, or I shall be calling the guard to send you and your rough playing off to the court for a bit of cool down, would you like that?)

>No ma’m…

(Well, since you have been so respectful, I suppose I can let it slide right now. Here, have some candy, much more fun than playing on the dirty ground!)

She floated each of them a lollipop, before nodding with work well done.

(Now play safely children!)

She left, with a smile, completely missing the glare the doll and bright haired filly gave one another.

The moment she was out of sight, they both pulled out their switchblades once more.

>Who's bad?
All I see in my mind is pic related with Spoiled face in a maid outfit.
I felt bad when Dollestia got torn apart. I know I will feel bad if Sweetie Doll gets cut up. But, between the Peacetrotters and the dolls, I guess we have a streak for unwanted things gaining a life of their own, to the chagrin of the originals.
I'd tap that. How much for the fleshlight upgrade, good sir?
>in between Chrysalis being creepy, plots to take over the world and a mech on a rampage, here's a filly gettin into a knife fight with a doll

Yeah okay.
We made Equestria into a pretty fucking weird place huh

>And that’s when I found out what those noises in my parents room were, and I haven’t stopped crying on the inside since.


>…You’re not even listening, are you?

“It’s just, everything is shaking… a lot.”


“And you used to be the captain of the guard, sooo… I kinda am waiting for you to-“

>Listen, right now, my wife is currently having the time of her life in a party just though that portal. She is happy, she is cute, and she is doing good. This? This is as much denial for me as it is anything else. I need this to just resolve so that I can go back to showing my wife how good a job she did, how proud I am of her, and how much she means to me and I want her to be happy. I keep waiting for the bombs to just stop so I can say screw it, and go home.

“…They’re not.”

>I know.

The castle shook again, and this time the light fixture nearly dropped.

>And it hurts.


>So any minute now, I’m going to break, I’m going to charge into that, and I’m going to have to miss the party. Until that point, I’m going to wait, and I’m going to hope beyond hope it will just stop, and I can leave, and go home.

Four more shakes went off, and the whole building rattled.

“It’s not-“

>I know.

He sighed, suddenly looking much older.

>I know… and I’m going.

He tore away, running full tilt into danger, just like he was expected to, just like he should have done already.

“Phew… was worried he was going to tell me to go with him.”
That's what you get for being a melodramatic wannabe-brooder shiny
That's brooding? He wants to go party with his wife, not exactly my chemical romance.

>…Are thou going to stare at me all day?

“You were a jerk to Trixie!”

>We don’t care.

“Trixie does! Trixie really does! That whole mess made her feel awful! And then it made her feel like she actually had to choose between helping her friends or learning something useful! And then it just sucked!”

>T’was just a test. Honest.

“Well, then it was a dumb one!”

>Thou art a dumb one!

“Nuh uh!”

>Thou are dimmer than the moon is bright!

“What does that even mean!?”

>Tis opposites! As bright as the moon is, that is how not bright you are!

“That’s even dumber than your test! The moon isn’t even bright!”


“Look it up yourself, the moon just reflects stuff, it’s not bright at all!”

>That is the most absurd thing we’ve ever heard!

“What are you talking about!? You know it’s not producing any light! How could it!? It’s a floating rock! You were on it, what part of that was making light!?”

>…It just was!

“Let’s look it up then!”

>FINE! And when we prove thee wrong, we shall make thee clean out our chamber pots with a toothbrush-



“So, about the chamber pot thing… you do know we have toilets now, right?


“It’s just, that’s really unsanitary, and someone has to dump that for you, don’t they? Even Trixie wouldn’t make them do that, and she once made two colts pull her with square wheels... they totally deserved it though.”


“This is important stop for a second.”


“…Trixie will wait.”
That actually says something when magical horses that fly and shoot lasers out of their heads and beings who can warp reality is the starting point.
...It's beautiful.

Somehow, the CMC-adventures are still magical.
>WE SHALL GO AND KILL THE GODS THEMSELVES, AND REMAKE THIS WORLD IN OUR OWN PERFECT IMAGE!... But first, holy shit we have to clean this place up, it's a pigstye.

"Right? I was just thinking that."

>I mean, holy shit!


>Then the god and ruin and all that jazz.

"That afterwards. Gotta clean it up first or we have to do it later."

>Ugh, and I do NOT want to do that.


>...we're the best villains.

"A fucking plus is what we are."
I already know that I'll love the final confrontation.

>Sunset Shimmer and Chitania! For your evil, nefarious deed you shall be punished!

"Oh you mean like bolstering Equestrias eceonomy, creating tenthousands of jobs, revitalizing the real estate market and advancing the technological level of our civilization?"

'Because we did that. All of that. Plus, we punched everyone who was being an asshole.'

"All of them."

'Every single one.'

>Well, maybe you didn't only do bad... but you still trying to destroy God and end us all!

"What? No! We just want to smack Celestia's mother for being a jerk!"

'Yeah. Seriously. Thousands of years in charge must've made her snap. Constanly picking on random folks forbher own dark amusement. And why else would she allow bullshit like thousands of dead children to roam the land without being allowed to pass on! And what's with the constant soap attacks, or disabling her own daughter from HAVING SEX?'

"Dick. Move."

>...Welp! I guess that makes us the bad guys. Only one way out of this one!


I'd like it better if it was the opposite.



"Damn! They used that fucking tool to break our weapon!"

>SHIT! Well, no matter, we have the schematics and we can build it bigger, better and stronger! It'll have no weaknesses to stop us!



>Pfft, broke them in one hit.

"Pathetic. Should I finish them off?"

>No no, let them watch... when we become gods. Now, let's do the badass walk off.

"I fucking love the badass walk off!"


~...So where are they headed this time?~

(Other half of Equestria.)

~How long do ya' think it'll take them ta' fix most of that?~

(Given their track record, like a week?)

~Huh. Should I be proud of her?~

(This whole situation is confusing.)

~Think they're gonna catch on?~

(Do you keep letting them break your cheek?)


(Then never.)

Fuck that bullshit.
I giggled
I actually liked this one better, but I kinda wish it had >>28012126's lack of self awareness, it's funnier when they don't realize they're doing it.
>And why else would she allow bullshit like thousands of dead children to roam the land without being allowed to pass on!

I hate being that jackass who nitpicks a joke, so feel free to think of me like the annoying little shit I am, but it's not they aren't ALLOWED to pass on, but they don't WANT to pass on. They reject going up out of resentment and distrust, and it's only when they feel fulfilled and trust again that they let themselves move on, most times completely unconsciously, they could go at any time if they wanted.

The ghostkids are sad because what happened made them not even think that what was next was going to be any better, so the Ghostbusters have to show them that someone can care about them and there is something better waiting.
Shut up, Faust is awful and Hitler.
(What does it say that they're doing what you couldn't in a year?)

~What's it say they're doing what you couldn't in a thousand?~

(...I'm going to take a bath.)

~Can Ah' come too?~

Man, Applejack sure is a shit.

Can we just change this thread to be about the REAL heroes, nobody's got time for Appleshit.

"Soooo closing the door now, yes?"





>I got an idea! What if I jam this broomstick into the space between the door and the wall while you go get 32?

"Acty I don't know if that's a good idea, what if a cave monster comes along and you can't pull it out?"

>Nah, I can totally pull it out, you know I can.


>If it makes you feel better, I'll just put in the tip of the broomstick so I can pull it out easier.

"Just the tip?"

>Just the tip, I promise.

"Ok...I'm not sure though."

>This isn't our first time, you can trust me.

"Yeah, I trust you Acty!"

>See? Here, you can even kiss the tip for good luck!



'...I don't even.'


'Kind of grateful you don't actually speak right now.'
Holy shit, I cant' remember the last time someone actually made that joke.

Is that a good thing or not? We usually only do it when AJ's being entertaining but imperfect, which she really was during the leadup to the mech being realized.

Sadly, the statistically fourth or fifth best pony that ever happened to the changelings. I'm legit not joking, Acty is crazy high up there.
>Acty is crazy high up there.

That's not actually hard.

I just wish AJ was higher.
I'd say she's a bit higher for helping secure that deal.
Ehhh, maybe a bit.
What's more impressive, bribing and then riding a giant changeling into battle, or convincing a fuckload of terrified and disenfranchised lings to join with a populace that hates them and fight back against unkillable zombies?
Night, thread.

>Doo doo doo doo doo da doo~ Oh wow that song just won't get out of my head.


>Fuzzy and The Buzz really know the best songs to play.


>No clue how I can hear them anywhere I go, but I appreciate the convenience!





>Oh jeez, what is that supposed to be!?

"Release me you nonsensical catamite!"



>You're a skeleton.

"Congratulations, you have eyes!"

>Wow this is not what I was expecting, I was more ready for something-

"Less impressive?"




"Look into my eyes and know true fear!"

>Uhhh, sure, you're terrifying.

"Ha! Excellent...now keep looking."

>Er, I'd rather no-ooooo...

"Keep looking, keeeep looking...now open the door."



"Excellent, I have succeeded!"

'Congratulations, you had to use mind control to outwit some idiot prostitute...apparently one catered to a guard fetish.'

>That book is mean.

"You don't know the half of it, mortal."
Now, see, this might seem like a funny situation, Until you realize as someone who slept in the ballroom, his mental block should actually be top rate.

Stealth power!

"Now, my mind slave, you shall answer my every question regarding this strange place I find myself in!"


"Excellent, first...are we in the cellar of a bordello, what is this place?"

>This is the changeling embassy, we are in Ambassador 32's wine cellar.

"Ahhh, of course, changelings. I should have known! Changelings, ambassadorial ones, yes. Yeeeees. Changelings."

'...you have no i-'

"I have no idea what those are."

>They are bugs that have the power to shapeshift, can fire laser beams, mind control ponies, and feed off love.

"...I'm sorry, what!?"

'That's a new one...these better not be related to Breezies, I was almost certain I didn't leave s breeding population last time.'

>Breezies are still a thing.


"Very well, moving on! Where is this embassy located?"


"Ahaaaa, so we've returned to the city of my defeat! Then it shall be the first to feel my wrath! The wrath of-..."


"...I'm not telling him my name yet."


"Because names...have power! If you know my name, then you will have power over me!"

'That's not how anything has ever worked ever.'


'You just don't want him to know your real name.'

"It doesn't matter! Mind slave!"

>Yes, Master Twinklejinx.


'Heh heh heh~'

"How'd you-you put name on your cover, didn't you?"

'Spine actually.'

"Ugh, is it too much to ask for a LITTLE cooperation here?"

-Acty! I got him! He's coming!-

"Blast, the prostitute's companion! You! No one was ever here, certainly no one named Twinklejinx that was a skeleton!"

>Yes, Master.

"When your companion comes, snap out of it!"

'And he means come as in arrives not-'




"Also shut that door!"

Ka-flee part deux!



-Acty! Acty I...awww!-

>Oh hey JJ, I was just, wait what!? How'd it get shut!?

-You must have pulled out early.-
They're suppose to speak very politely, well mannered, and sound kind without sounding condescending. When they attack, they always say to their target "Please, forgive me."
They'll also say stuff like "Excuse me," "Pardon the intrusion", and a lot of use of the word "Please," so even if they're speaking in Spoiled Rich's voice, they'd sound like the total opposite of the way she speaks.

That's my minor nitpick. Peacetrotters aren't suppose to sound robotic. They were made so that it would be easy for even kids to interact with hence the polite speech. Then again I can also write off the robotic speech for being a product of their environment.
I feel like this was all a setup for that joke at the end, and I strangely approved.
>A skeleton loose in the city

That's going to be short
Look on the positive side, when they set him on fire it will be mostly ineffective
> Flash

“This sucks.”

>ANALYZING... STATEMENT FACTUALLY CO- Hrrrngh... haah. Yeah yeah, I've heard it a hundred times before already. Just keep walking, okay?”

It was a long, arduous journey back home from the middle of nowhere in which the chaos-empowered pseudoalicorn had dumped the bumbling duo of Fawntaine Futuristics, Flash and Fizzle. And although their walk back had begun with groaning, complaints and cursing at their bad fortune, the unlikely team of a cybernetics-enhanced pony and a gene-spliced dragon had fallen silent except for the occasional banter over the last two days.


>I can still hear you. Enhanced senses, remember?

“Wish ya had enhanced walking, jackass.”

The cause of said silence wasn't, as one might hope, somber reflection upon where their life was going and what they had done wrong to end up where they were now. No, it was because Flash Sentry's surgical upgrades began to malfunction more than usual.

It began as an idle twitch, the limbs and parts of Flash's face beneath which wires, machinery and conduits ran through causing an uncontrollable tremor. Then came the sparks, as badly insulated wires wasted more power than necessary to counteract the diminished input. And finally, just yesterday, Flash found himself rendered mute for several hours as whatever projected his voice from his mind to the outside world ceased operation.

>Mh? What? Low power suppl-ERROR ERROR, RE-DIRECTING POWER FROM SUBCORE! ERROR, HARDWARE NOT FO-ffffff... error... e-erro-rrrrrrrrrrr...


As such, it didn't startle the white, adolescent dragon all that much when he heard a crash that signaled the augmented falling flat on his nose. What did cause alarm was the fact that his partner-in-crime didn't get back up afterwards.

“Oi, what's wrong this time?”

When no response came forth, Fizzle turned the prone stallion him over with one clawed foot and a scowl.


“Hey, I asked you what's wrong, Flash. Don't tell me your voice modulator is acting- Oh shit!”

The sight of the stallion breathing quickly and flatly, a rivulet of blood slowly rolling down from his nostrils and ears was what sealed the deal. Fizzle was officially panicking.

“Oh damn, oh fuck, that's NOT good. That is NOT. OKAY. Heyheyhey, don't you fucking die on me, dude, not cool!”

Fizzle had the best intentions when he bent down and attempted to lift Flash Sentry. It was only too bad that he miscalculated just how much MASS those artificial limbs accounted for, resulting in him dropping the spasming stallion after only lifting him several inches up.

The resulting reintroduction between stallion and ground prompted a wet, gurgling noise to come forth from the pony's throat, shortly followed by bloody foam.

“FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUUUUUUUUUUCK! Yeah, no, FUCK. THIS. You're not gonna be on MY conscience, asshole! FIRE!”

And as if on command, the roaring, liquid flames started pouring from the dragon's claws, which he used to messily tear as many artificial parts away as he safely could. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't nice, and it ended in a limbless, flopping torso of a pony... but it was a limbless torso he could carry.

Which he promptly did, cursing the whole way, as his feet and wings took him at a staumbling, graceless sprint down the long, winding path at the end of which he could see a small hill with rolling grass. And just beyond, the tiled rooftops of several buildings.

“Hey, Flash, fucking stay with me, you fuckwad! FLASH! FLA-”

>Shutting down.


Whatever Flash Sentry may have thought or wanted to say didn't really matter anymore, as he lost the ability to think seconds later. Sadly, that meant that neither he nor the dragon carrying him noticed the silently blinking, red light in the shredded remains of the stallion's artificial limbs left behind.

Oh shit, we're finally getting thier followip!
Would you rather we let Chysalis do work and have 42 get her ass kicked?
Probably how we are going to do it except trying to paint AJ as the good guy for no other reason than she is applejack. And then beat them both.
This is funnier, but if it starts becoming intended for them to fix things then they will fail
But 42 likes getting her ass kicked, because that means she's fighting, and she loves fighting.

And Chrysalis would hate doing work, so we're forcing her to do something painful to her but useful.

It's win win!

>Does anyone actually know what’s going on!?

“Something unwise, probably.”

>Well obviously! I mean what else!

“Something really unwise?


“…Someone who’s really dumb?”


“What? Do you think it’s smart to attack the place where Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Flutteshy live, where Discord has been frequently seen, where there’s an army with robots inside, and where the last two ponies to defeat a giant stomping monster are a teleport away, in addition to the fact it’s a city of unicorns mostly.”



>…I’ve got nothing.

...That is the perfect "Supposed to sound like a bad OC" name ever.

Bravo, man.
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Aaaaand saved for future use in response to bitching posts.
Now that's a smug AJ.
>Ya'll ain't got nothin' on me, ya' know it's true.
Damn, where was it last night? Would've been perfect for->>28012459

Or did that post inspire it, thereby being a good thing?
"nuh uhhhh we're the gooood guys now uwuwuwuwuw"

>Probably how we are going to do it except trying to paint AJ as the good guy for no other reason than she is applejack. And then beat them both.

Truly we are the worst thread who cannot even write their main character as good and properly justify it
That's why we need to kill Faust, by killing the creator of the show in effigy, we will gain her powers!
>Rarity ya' ain't got shit on me, Ah'm fabulous!
I fucking love her face, man. That smug is beautifully wonderful.
>Hey, hey Twilight? Twi. Twiiiiilight.


>Ah'm horny now.





"Ha ha! Okay, that was good."

>Darn tootin'! Now get in the bedroom.


>Ah' was serious.

I'm conflicted, a part of me says nuu, but the rest of me is saying all hail Princess Rape-lejack
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Post Again~


I know we traditionally do the whole trollpost thread header thing with the milestones, but I'm temped just to say let's use that one instead.
You know, I kinda agree. Just feels more personal if we use that instead.
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Whatchu talkin bout Anons? I was sick during the 100th but I had one done for the 50th.
>That kitty mouth

Now I can't tell if that's supposed to be Two or not.
I think it's because we used the troll header for anniversaries, not milestones(except thread 100)

But I agree, we should use the new one instead.
Thread Ghost provide double dubs in this moment of Truth.

...we love you too.
Oh oh!

Are you going to get a chance to color it before the thread goes down? That would be amazing.
You know what I think is neat? We've seen Schmoe's progression over two years. Makes me happy that he stuck around.
Oh I wish I could, but I suck with colors...
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>mfw think about how much more fleshed and weirdly likeable all the "bad guys" are in this thread
>Compared to Applejack, Shining and Celestia, all of the Mane 6, but especially how Applejack just isn';t writeable or can generate that subconscious hype and nuanced depth you feel in the threads when large stories featuring the "bad guys" show up
>tfw depression kicking in over multicoloured horse fanfiction on a Turkish pastry imageboard
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Now in color!.png
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It's a rush job, but it'll do!
Is it that time already?

Fucking A1, anon.
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Woooooooooooooooooooo~! Thanks Anon!

She could feel the fire.

Not around her, the weapons on the behemoth she warred against were oddly bereft of the normal flares of flame and smoke and concussive force that rattled her bones. She didn't feel the fire as she narrowly dodged it's attacks as she had intended, but from within every time she had to move.

This was tiring.


TBDRLIATU roared again, his volume almost as much as her own. Her next shot, a concussive payload that could easily have toppled over a chunk of the castle, did little more than shove the monstrous thing back a few scant meters. It landed hard, but stable, back and upright and proper in no time at all, and with yet more of the seemingly endless compartments popping open to allow volley after volley of thin, electrically charged wires to lash out at the small filly with cutting edge precision.

Her speed was all that aided her, it was the only thing that kept her from it's lightning charged reach, just as it had been the only thing that kept her from so many other of the unstoppable attacks the thing had tried to rain down on her. Or, as she found out soon enough, around her.

>Oh oh! What does this button do?

Gas leaked out from tiny, near imperceptible tips jutting out of both ends of the mech's neck. The filly had only a second to react to jam her hoof into the emergency compartment on TBDRLIATU's side, popping out a thin mask that was latched around her mouth quicker than even the cameras trailing her could follow. Even with all her speed, a slight wisp had made it into her nostril. Not enough that the effects could bring her low, but just enough she could smell the pungent flare of sleeping gas. Had so much as one more flick gotten in, she would have been out like a light.

"What is this thing..."


It's tech was insane, someone had crafted a lot of care into every facet of this thing's creation, someone had put as much effort into making this thing a force to be reckoned with as she put into her beloved weapon herself.

It only stung a little to realize that even with as much effort she put in, it wasn't enough.

"I need to use..."

Even the cocky filly winced at her own desperation when the thought of using her Castle Crusher had settled in. It would work, most likely. It had been powerful enough to rattle even Chitania, and knock her down for a time, so to use it on the machine should be enough to tear it to shreds. This thing couldn't possibly be as durable as the Titan.

Could it?

It was a moot point, she knew. Even if she had another one on hoof to use, which she didn't, to use it this close would mean annihilating that thing, herself, and the entire castle around her. It was called a Castle Crusher for a reason, after all.

So long as she was this close to so many lives, so long as she was atop such an unstable platform dangling above the side of a cliff, using something like that, or anything near it's power, simply wasn't an option.

It was just really, really tempting.

Instead, she had to keep stalling, had to keep fighting, and wait.

>How's it feel, Diamond Tiara?

In the control room, the redhead idly tapped button after button, barely even paying attention to the monitors displaying all sorts of likely important information. She cared only about one thing, watching the little filly who had tormented her so dance.


>Ya'll made mah' life a wreck, ya' know. Ya' always rode on me, always picked on me, always seemed ta' say whatever ya' want and do whatever ya' want, and Ah' just had ta' take it. Ya' never got punished, ya' never even got yelled at. Ah' got punished iffin' Ah' so much as yelled when Ah' got mad, but you? You got ta' do whatever you wanted, and yer' daddy would still buy you whatever stupid thing ya' wanted. You could treat anyone however ya' wanted, and you picked to insult me and make me feel like... like Ah' wasn't worth anythin'. And then you got yer' big fancy weapon and yer' big fancy deals and then ya' weren't just richer than me, ya' didn't just have a cutie mark when Ah' didn't, you were even so strong Ah' couldn't do nothin' against you. You always thought you were better than me, cause Ah' wasn't as rich, or a blank flank, or whatever ya' thought up in her mean head...

Her eyes trailed away, hooves still tapping on the console even if she could no longer see what effects she was producing with the actions. She looked down, and to the side, to where the previously blank flank had changed.

>But that ain't true anymore, is it?

A three color shield was on it now, and even if it looked a little odd, it was hers.

>Ya'll ain't so rich ya' can do whatever to me now, ya' ain't got a cutie mark ta' wave in mah' face....

Her head snapped back, and she slammed down on the biggest, reddest button she could find.


Outside, even the normally unflappable egomaniac felt a chill go down her burning spine when she saw the red eyes of the machine glow an unearthly, terrifying red color, and heard the screech of metal mix with the twinkling sound of magic as a long spire rose from the thing's back.



She hadn't even pressed a button, didn't touch a single thing on her beloved rocket launcher, and all the same two more jumpjets snapped out to join the two already loose, and ignited. She was pulled away at such breakneck speeds that had she not been strapped to the thing she would have likely either fallen loose or ripped her foreleg off trying to hold on.

It was just barely enough.

Diamond Tiara felt a tingle on the tips of her hooves, and where it had touched felt oddly numb afterwards. She couldn't feel a thing on them, and it didn't take two guessed to figure out why.

She banked low, just in time for the beam of red light to swing overhead and carve a path in the area beyond. Strangely, there was no gouge left in the stone or ground beneath the beams rays. It passed by as ineffective as a flashlight, even if she knew that it was anything but.

>Who's the blankflank now!?... Not, you, cause you gotta... look, Ah'm not good at bein' a jerk like you, so, NYEH!

The control stick to aim the beam was waved about as wildly as Granny off her medication and welding a switch at some ruffians. The filly within the safe and comforting confines of the mech had the time of her life, smiling all the way as she did everything she could to catch the errant little filly outrunning her in daring maneuvers.

She couldn't stop the laughing when she saw Diamond Tiara's panicked face, teeth clenching in concentration as she tried to stay ahead of the endless beam. The laughter grew louder, almost painful, when the more risky but necessary stunts resulted in her scraping against ground or wall to steer clear.

>Can't do nothin'~

She sang amidst her bouts of laughter, until finally, it grew too much for even her to stand.



Playtime was over, and with a roll of her hoof she made a complete circle around the flying filly, forcing her to stop in the air. She could do nothing but stare on in fear as the gyrations of the gun produced a funnel of light that trapped her in the middle, hanging in the air as that red cackling energy made all but the mech staring straight at her impossible to see. Nothing in her world existed but red, and a tiny little circle of reality in the middle.

>Can't get away now, can ya'?

One hoof held up her cheek, while the other made lazy circles that grew more and more shallow with every twist. The funnel closed in, illiciting a terrified panic from the filly trapped within, and her space grew more and more claustrophobic.

>Don't worry, Ah'll catch'a before ya' hit the ground... then Ah'm gonna draw stuff on ya' while you're on the ground.

Closer and closer it went in, until her hooves and her hair were practically glowing with the energy. A few rolls more, and it would be all over.

Applebloom smiled like she had never smiled before.


She hadn't expected the stubborn filly to give up, but she sure didn't expect what came next either.

"I'm not going down like this!"

She had expected her to fire off a couple rounds, at best. Do something brash but ineffective, that's how she normally did things.

"If I'm going down..."

What she hadn't expected was for her to point her weapon straight at her, and fly.


The speed she'd held before didn't compare, not even close. The near dismemberment she had suffered was nothing compared to the way her lips and eyelids flapped back over her face. The determination she'd had before, nothing in comparison to the snarl on her lips as she rocketed straight towards the mech's cockpit.


She rolled her laser again, trying to close the tunnel in time and neutralize the filly before she could get any closer.

She was too late.



In the blink of an eye, the filly was directly in front of her, there was a bright light, and everything went black.

Every single monitor went black.

>...U-uh oh...

She looked to every single one, hoping to find some daylight, some sign of life, but there was nothing.

>What did you do?

Not a single bit of color anywhere to be found.

>Uh... robot thing? Are ya' still there?

It hummed to life, words of affirmative displaying across every one of the blank screens.

>Is... is she dead, is everyone... dead?

It went quiet for far, far too long.

>Robot thing?

Her heart completely stopped when the words came back.


>...So, where is she?

It still had not restarted when she saw more words come to life.

-Directly in front of us.-

>Huh? What?

-Please clean camera monitors.-


Outside, on the ground directly before the behemoth of magic and metal, the filly managed a smile as she looked up at her foe, now covered from tip to bottom in a thick, oily black liquid.

"Fooled you... as if I would let myself get beaten by a loser like you."

The smug look didn't quite have the impact she had been wanting, owing much of that to the fact one of her forelegs and part of the cheek next to it was completely limp and unmoving. She had only been grazed, just barely, but she couldn't feel a single bit of anything where she had been touched.

“It doesn’t matter…”

The systems in place to clean the machine were already going their full speed, slurring of as much of the gunky substance as it could to allow it to see again, but it would be far too late.

She could already see the light in the sky.

“Because now, you’re going to see what I can really do.”

The light growing brighter, and coming straight for them.

“Mommy… watch me, I’m going to make you proud.”

She gave her beloved rocket launcher a light kiss, and spread out her forelegs.

“Watch me… while I kick her-“



Her whole body was violently shoved aside just before the light could come down, and the explosion visible clear to from the edge of Canterlot reached the sky.

Twisted, a little hurt, and a lot annoyed, the filly just barely had the sense of mind to get back up, and glare at the smoke surrounding a sphere of light where the thing had landed.

“You… biiiiii…”

Her head throbbed too much, and she stumbled, crawling with everything she had in rage towards the centerpoint.

Dramatically, all the smoke and dust was blown away, that sphere of magic now humming with a power that made everything shake. The stones on the ground floated up, the air became charged with arcs of electricity, and a song of power seemed to be sang from nowhere at all.

In an instant, it all burst, an explosion that created a pillar of light that reached clear to the sky, to draw the attention of anyone who might have missed it. With this eruption, something new had formed, something had arrived.

Above them, the mech had cleared off one of it’s cameras just in time to witness the birth.

>Awww, horse apples.

In the smoking crater, standing exactly where Diamond Tiara had been not a moment ago, stood that new rebirth.

Princess Applejack, enclosed in mechanical armor, and brimming with power.

~…Ah’ did not see this coming.~

The filly struggled to crawl no longer, and instead fell to her knees, and screamed to the sky.


But the princess paid the screaming pony no mind, she cared not for the new body or the new state she was in. All her attention was focused on a single, solitary thing.

The machine before her.

Or rather, the naughty filly within.

~Ya’ll still have a chance to apologize.~

A filly, who held no fear at all.

>…Bring it.

One thousand years later, the battle between sisters had begun anew.
I haven't even read the story above me, I just wanted to get this out so we could unlock.

>...Yeeep, I'm done.


>I'm done. nooope. No more of this.

"What... what does that mean, exactly?"

>I'm going swimming.



~Oh wow, the princess has been under there a long time!~

~She's like, the best swimmer ever!~



>...dubbg charr... gobba jubbst stayyb dubb herbb...



>...ab leabst bobody cahn seeeb mee crybb...
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Nice one, Applejack. Didn learn nuffin from history. You truly are the most dense of horses.

And this is why >>28016713 is right.
>Applejack steals DT's power armor
>Is now going to fight AB in a giant, neigh invulnerable mech
>We're about to go on break

It's almost as if cramming action scenes in for the fuck of it makes for shitty character development.

Fuck this, I hope the skeleton wins. At least with him you know where you stand.
>Shiny wants a good shining,
Oh how he does>>27971137
>Pinkie can't find Waldo
Do not question it, or maud will kill you. >>28003530
>Diamond Tiara wants to be little filly boom,
NOPE! APPLEJACK! >>28016838
>Luna wants to know how bright moonlight is,
and cries. >>28011606
>Celestia should not coach swimming lessons,
Because drowning! >>28016876
>Dash gets mixed up with Hyphen,
And out discord's discord >>27983626
>The CMC learn a valuable lesson about when to cross the street,
And who's bad! >>28010441
>Cadence is singing about free love!
Among other things! >>27985815
>Shaking fanservice!
ALL OF THE KINDS! >>28001611

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED, thread 149 edition!
>>We're about to go on break
>/pa/ is a television show
>Tune in next week to find ouuuuuuut....
It's so much fun to rile up the more thin-skinned of you guys
>It's almost as if cramming action scenes in for the fuck of it makes for shitty character development.

This is actually been pretty damn amazing for AB's character development, we've had her confront a LOT of things in that mech, and DT even got some pretty impressive stuff with her mom.

Applejack's not got hers yet, but she hasn't actually fought yet, so I'll reserve judgement.

>Nice one, Applejack. Didn learn nuffin from history.

So... you're saying that Applejack should have gotten five other ponies and THEN fought her?

History is kinda weird on this subject.
And now I have my inspiration for what I'm going to be doing NC stuff with next thread.

>Is it that time already?

Thread 150 is coming up, and we never get into arguments on anniversaries, gotta purge the system before it comes around.
I am expecting a prophecy for EVERY MAJOR CHARACTER. I demand some variety out of the next thread!

Excuse me what

>...he's not back.


>You said he would come back.

"This is all really weird for me."

>I shot my husband, and he's not back.

"I uh... w-well, at least you don't have to worry about him cheating on you!"

>...I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

"Little late for that."

>...I want my Shiny back.

"He's kinda deadish."


"Well, you shot him, so uh..."





"OH SHIT! Caddy! You're breaking the fourth wall!"



"Stop! Stop it! You don't know what you're doing! You're outside of reality, you're in NC! You don't know what will happen if you break it further! We could spill into canon! We could cause a retcon! We could have a crisis on infinite Applejacks! SO MUCH COULD HAPPEN! Cadence you have to stop!"








>AB is kicking DT's ass
>Uses stun ray
>DT covers mech in oil or something so it can't see
>That thing she summoned up higher and Spoiled Rich watched fly finally arrives
>AJ thinks it's bad and pushes her out of the way
>It's power armor.
>Now it's AJ in power armor VS AB in a mech
I want to shake it up a bit and give it to the people.
I'm gonna need 8 prophecies all together and one of them is required to be fanservice.

Post a single prophecy for a main character until we have 8.
>Twilight needs to go back to the future!
Applejack develops an actual character!
Damn it I'm super pissed off. I was writing a story where some Peacetrotters recognize DT as the one who saved them from being scrapped and intervene to help her, but I guess it's too late now. Now I got to figure out how to patch up a plot hole why they don't rush in to help. This is what I get for falling asleep before I can finish writing.
>Pinkie Pie learns she's actually Pinkie Danish!
Dash can outrun almost anything, but she can't outrun time!
>Celestia wants to know why SHE'S a princess, again?
Ahhh, sorry. Thread was sinking and I had to finish up to end on a satisfying cliffhanger that would lead into AJ's next arc.

...FUCK, that's perfect. That cannot be topped, it just can't... but I can try!

>Shiny fanservice!
The CMC are stuck like glue!

Dude stop.
Fluttershy wonders just how rare Rarity really is!
Chrysalis abdicates her crown, chaos ensues as every remaining Changeling battles for the Right To Rule.
...You know what? Let's bump it to 9 so that AJ gets a real one. Consider it a gift for 150 threads of best Applehorse.

>AJ wonders what Ponyville has been up to.
I'm not an avid fan of the 'lings and this seems like it would be just awesome, thought probably too big just a one-shot. Makes me wonder what would happen if Chrysalis did give up her crown and just decide to rule with Shiny and Caddy.
And to thee, I give to you!



You made it happen, /pa/l's, enjoy it.
File: achievement_149.gif (10KB, 425x78px) Image search: [Google]
10KB, 425x78px
Pinkie Preview
>Applebloom and DT fight, but Applejack comes in to intervene wearing power armor.
>AJ wonders what Ponyville has been up to. Twilight needs to go back to the future. I learn I'm actually Pinkie Danish! Dash can outrun almost anything, but she can't outrun time! Celestia wants to know why SHE'S a princess, again? Fluttershy wonders just how rare Rarity really is! The CMC are stuck like glue! Find out what happens next time on thread 150: The Time Warp...and of course Shiny fanservice!
Wait, so is applejack just shoved inside power armor that's meant to fit a filly, or does the power armor somehow compensate for the difference in size?
Thread posts: 522
Thread images: 38

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