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Pony Transformation General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 489
Thread images: 166

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Human becomes pony. Stories and art. It's pretty self-explanatory.
Any type of transformation into ponies, gryphons, dragons, minotaurs, changelings, etc., whether OC or canonical, is fair game.

Previously on PTFG,

Day At The Spa by Fauvra - New & Complete

2-[(1R,6R)-6-isopropenyl-3-methylcyklohex-2-en-1-yl]-5-pentylbenzen-1,3-diol by Spacewolfe:

That's No Pone by Commie Horse:

Welcome to Los Pegasus by Blackbox:


Archive of over 200 stories, as well as additional links and materials:

Unrated TF image dump thread:

Below are some suggested writing prompts.

>A pill of questionable legality is now available. Taking one results, over the course of a minute or so, in a complete transformation into a little pony lasting twelve hours. The caveats are twofold: First there is no way to predict in the appearance that will result, pegasus, unicorn or earth pony; stallion or mare. Secondly taking two pills within a day renders the transformation permanent.

>Twilight is giving you a choice: To become a copy of a pony from her world in every sense except for memories and be paired with another anon, or to be said other anon. She has to see how humans react to being ponies and the mating potential of humans and ponies... you know, for science.

Awful /soc/-type chatter's in #ptfg on irc.rizon.net

Previous Thread:
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Anyone got a good TfTg into Mrs. Cake?

I know there is one pastebin thing out there, but I can't find it. Got anything?
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This? http://pastebin.com/Wk8pwS0u

Yep, that's it. Thanks!

Anyone know of any others where the anon ands up with Mr. Cake post-tf?
I don't think that's been written.
Any good human to pony stories with MC involved? Pretty broad I know, but i love the idea of mind change, so if anyone has any suggestions/recommendations that are specifically focused on that aspect that'd be awesome.
Here's one, http://www.fimfiction.net/story/110068/the-scratch
>that fic
>those digits
Thanks, reverse-Satan
I like that story so much
It's a pretty good story.

Just finished reading it, wow, great suggestion bud. Really well written and good TF progression. Thanks a ton!
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You might also want to check the google doc for anything marked as mental changes, mind control, mind alteration, or mind wipe.
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I like to think that that's a Star Trek redshirt.
That OP sure looks nice in color
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It certainly does. I'd love to see a coloured version of this image too.
After I ink and color Flutterbat here >>27809941, I'll go about inking and coloring Saffron Masala.
Oh, also- if anyone wants to, they're free to use my art as a greentext/story prompt. Hell, I'd be ecstatic if you did.
Sweet. Looking forward to seeing these.
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Get your act together, ptfg
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I'd choose to be a Twilight clone over Discord. That would be pretty cool, particularly if there were selfcest involved.
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Pinkie is the most pornographic horse.
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Does this guy draw anything other than TF? I really like his art style but TF is literally the only thing I've seen him draw.
Assuming you're talking about the image in the OP, he does, this is his non-TF DA account:

That's a penis
I'd love to see a transformation spell turning really badly on a group of people because of one odd 'target' for the spell, it turns out this particular spell target actually had no subconscious desire to be a pony and had a hidden 'psychotic and murderous' personality sleeping under a shroud of innocence. The other who were transformed have now to fend off the evil, horror, eldritch demonic abomination whom was their friend.
While the others are ponies. Of course.
Indeed, it would play on themes like guilt, regrets, ambition and reality dissonance.
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Flutterbat done. Masala next.
That's awesome
Not any more it's not. Pony transformation has a way of sort that kind of thing out.
Wondering why a sizeable portion of what gets posted here is just tgtf and not just tf
So one guy turns into Discord and choatically torments his former friends, now pony victims. Could be fun.
Because everyone wants to be a mare!

Even better.
Make that one guy turns into Eris, and I'll be all over that in a heartbeat.
It's always been like that right from the start. I do feel a little sorry for those who prefer simple pony tf without any added fetishes, but personally I'm into it.

Ever better.
I can dig tgtf, it's fantastic. But too much of one thing gets old if that makes sense. I dunno, I guess I'm just bitching when I could do it myself.
But the real question is whether or not those torments are lewd.
So one person becomes Eris, and then proceeds to mess with her friends. Gimme a couple of hours, I have a idea.

godspeed my friend.
The short answer is 'because fetishes' which probably doesn't come as much of a surprise.

It's definitely worth considering, though, that probably 3/4 of the characters we've met in MLP have been females, and consequently they have the lion's share of appearances and dialogue. Meanwhile, although 'there are no girls on the Internet' isn't entirely true, PTFG is still overwhelmingly male (I wouldn't be surprised if Spacewolfe were the only grill).

Naturally, people are inclined to draw and write about what they're familiar with, even if they don't staunchly intend for it to be TFTG. I know I'm in that boat - the TG aspect is just an unintended side effect when I decide on a human type and pony for a TF - yet still close to 3/4 of what I've drawn in the past year has been human male -> mare.
>tfw you want to finish a story but you don't have the motivation
fuuuuck but I promised that I'd finish it
What's the story?
Adjustment, it was one of the first things I wrote and it was garbage. I've been wanting to re-do it because I liked the concept but I've completely fallen out with it.

Link to the original?
You should do a recolor of this for /bat/. Maybe do Echo.
I've taken the original chapters down now. They weren't anything worth reading anyway.
Variety is good. Particularly when there's such a wide array of species to turn into.

I could see that being a part of it. Sexual situations are certainly going to be awkward in a new body.
It was an enjoyable story. I'd certainly like to read the revamped edition.
Waiting and seeing what you'll come up with...
Yea sorry guys I was gong to post a first part today but I spent way to long at my girlfriends house and was only able to do a quick outline of the story hopefully I can get something tomorrow
>tfw you want to start writing but you know you're complete shit at writing
Give it a go. Don't give up before you've even tried. You'll only get better with practice.
Putting down the first word is always the hardest part, and that mindset certainly doesn't help.
Here's the thing: if you're serious about writing, write 250 words tonight. Close your browser and set aside a half hour to write. You did essays in primary school that were longer; it's not a lot at all.
If you don't like how it comes out, toss it; no one will be any the wiser. And moreover, you won't have wasted much time at all.
But chances are, as you're putting down the first few words you'll start to get more ideas in your head - nuances of the characters, settings, some basic story direction, that you'll be eager to expand upon.

Hell, you already understand the correct usage of your/you're; you're honestly better off than half the writers on Fimfic already.
Speaking of writing, I might try my hand as well. Might be fun, so if anyone has any ideas for me feel free to suggest something. I'd prefer if you keep it male to mare, and have mind change be an element. Other than that, free game really, so fire away if you have any ideas for me to attempt to write!
Buttons Mom?
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All this talk about Eris reminds me of a shitty picture I drew ages ago. Enjoy.
I'm so happy you've made a Flutterbat tf. Looks great!

Possibly, I'm not too familiar with the whole Button's Mom character though. Might be tough to incorporate personality change aspects to that, unless you can like link me something to base it off of?
>have mind change be an element
it too much to ask for another "Sombra's slutslave" story?
Good luck with that.
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Seems like good advice. I'll give it a try.
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All good suggestions. I think I'll try my hand at the Buttons Mom suggestion (having now familiarized myself with the character and story regarding her) or maybe veer off and do something with an Octavia TFTG as I have an idea for that, so keep your eyes out for that within the next few days! If it all goes well maybe I'll continue to write and knock the Wereponies and slut slave suggestions too!
Sweet. Sounds good man.
Sevenpaperplates drew a new thing,
Is her bite infectious?

I'd let her Flutterbite me anyway.
Once I get my mouse working I think I'm gonna write something. Anyone have any ideas they want to see tried? Mind you, I'm definitely not the best at writing (As in, I'm complete shit) but I'm guessing any writing is better than nothing.

Maybe to start do something simple like a guy to one of the main six. Pretty open ended so you can throw some of your own elements in there and develop your writing skills should you wish to continue. Just a suggestion.
Yeah, maybe something much simpler like that would be a good idea. What length so you think is good for a story like that?
I'd hope so.

You could probably knock something like that out with 1,000 to 2,000 words, somewhere in the middle usually makes for good tf stories. Obviously opinions may vary and you could go up or down in size depending on subject and the amount of content you have, but personally I think that's a good starting number.
Alright, thanks.
Woohoo, we've got writefriends!
There were a few ideas given in response to >>27828743 and tf-sential mentioned wishing to see writing relating to his art.

If you're still looking for requests I've been waiting for a good male to Mrs. Cake TFTGAP for a while.
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Elephant in the Room when?
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Five months ago so don't get your hopes up. I miss him too.
Idk if you guys like EQG stuff, but there is this:

It's okay. Something about that guy's art style always seemed off to me.
Same. I can't place what it is, but I just can't really get into any of his art. I blocked his tag on Derpibooru just for the sake of his stuff not clogging my watched image list.
>can't be the little mare

Fair enough, it's not for everyone. It is fun to look at for sure, but not something I can really get into if you catch my drift.
>Sombra's slutslave
What about transformation into Queen Umbra, the slutty tyrant?
Here, think I'm gonna go with this guy's
Idea. Should be out sometime soonish, considering it's gonna be pretty short. Gonna write it all then post it in the thread. (Once I post it I'll have a trip on).

Ohhh, I like that. Have Sombra brainwash her into thinking she's his slutty queen. I might have to take that idea and run with it...
>not wanting to be the brainwashed slut
>not wanting to worship that cock by showering it with gentle kisses
>not desperately hoofing your dripping wet pussy at just the thought of him pinning you down and rutting you
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Here's my shitty attempt.
>You were Anon, and before you set your best work yet.
>You had been baking for quite a while now as a hobby, but it wasn't until one of your more social friends was hosting a party that you had been able to use your skills.
>You weren't sure if it was normal for cakes to be at those kinds of parties, but considering you had never really been to any before you weren't going to question it.
>Only two more hours, and then the party would start.
>Only two more-
>You heard a crash as you clumsily knocked the cake down onto the floor.
>The cake that took you almost four hours to make.
>You were pretty sure that everyone in your apartment could hear that one.
>Oh well, you needed to work.
>You got out all the supplies you needed and got to work.
>You add in butter and sugar to your mixer, turning it on low as you put in the eggs.
>You fumbled with the tools you had grown so accustomed to as you started adding the flour, baking powder, and salt.
>You felt a sharp pain in your crotch as you continued.
>You ignored it, chalking it up to dehydration, and continued.
>Around halfway through the process, you felt the bones in your legs... Shift?
>You had no idea what happened, but it was damn painful.
>And you could barely use your fingers at this point-
>You glanced at the clock.
>Only an hour left.
>Actually cooking the cake took forty-five minutes, and the drive to the party took five.
>Against all logic, you continued.
>You didn't care if you died, you were finishing this damn thing.
>You rushed through the last portions of the mixing, and prayed that you didn't fuck anything up.
>You quickly put your cake in the oven (Thank christ you had turned it on earlier).
>You walked, awkwardly, over to a chair and sat down.
>You had no idea what was happening with your legs, but you really needed to see a doctor.
>After you were done, of course.
>You could finally rest after that mess.
>Actually, speaking of mess...
>The mess from your original cake was still on the ground.
>You really needed to clean that up, actually.
>Didn't want to drag in ants.
>God knows how bad they would be if they got into your cabinets.
>Getting yourself back on task, you grabbed a broom and threw away the main portion of the cake, grabbing a washcloth from your sink to clean up the remnants.
>Bending down to clean up the mess, you heard a sickening crack as a sharp pain came from your back.
>You screamed like a girl.
>You weren't even going to lie, that sounded exactly like a girl's scream.
>Well, more like a woman.
>Suddenly, you were brought back to reality by the stabbing pain in your back.
>Oh yeah, you almost forgot. Your spine hurt like all hell.
>In fact, you could barely stand up properly.
>This would make getting the cake to the party much harder...
>You glanced over at the oven.
>It was finally ready.
>You quickly got it out of the oven and started walking to your car.
>No time to ice it, or let it cool down.
>Twelve more minutes.
>Your whole body suddenly started tingling.
>You didn't care, you were getting to your car.
>Thank god no-one saw you on your way to your car, you probably looked ridiculous with the way you were walking.
>You had no idea what sick disease you were stricken with, but your skin seemed to be turning... Blue?
>It wasn't even as if it was cutting off oxygen access, it looked too light of a blue to be that.
>You shook your head and started your car, brushing a pink hair from your face.
>You were going to get the damn cake to the party.
>As you started driving, you felt your fingers tense up even more, drifting together.
>Fuck no.
>Of course this happens as you're driving.
>You, painful as it might be, manage to keep your dexterity for most of the drive.
>Your vision starts to blur as you approach the party.
>Your fingers fuse together as you stumble out of the car, your clothes tearing off of your now out-of-proportion body.
>As a cold breeze goes over you, running through the blue hair covering your form, a shiver runs down your spine (Which, luckily, no longer hurts) as you realize that somehow you were now a woman.
"Fucking fantastic."
>Yup, that definitely was not your voice.
>Giving up on walking normally, you bring it out of the car.
>Fuck. Oh yeah, you were on all fours and had no fingers now.
>You had no way to get it to the party.
>You got this far, you weren't turning back now.
>You, somehow, managed to get the cake from the car to your back, your... Hooves? The word came to mind for some reason... Seeming oddly dexterous for their looks.
>For some reason you found yourself thanking 'cartoon physics'.
>Your vision blurred further as you slowly trotted towards the party, your mind becoming fuzzy.
>Whatever was happening, it was not good.
"What in Celestia's name did I do to deserve this..."
>You whistled a tune as you trotted in the direction of the party.
>Sliding the cake off your back and onto the table, you happily walked over to Twilight, the mastermind behind this party.
"Sorry, but it's not my best quality. There was an accident just two hours earlier. I know you and me both wanted the best for Pinkie, but I just couldn't do it fast enough.
>"It's fine, I'm sure she'll love it all the same. I'm honestly amazed you managed to scrape something together in such a short time."
"It's really no problem. I would never let down a friend."
there ya go
Pretty good, Anon
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They still fuck, but they used to too.
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Not bad. Thanks Anon.
One thing that was lacking was any mention of motherly hips.
Got a pastebin?
I'd have expected Princess Celestia (and the stallion) to have higher standards than that.
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tfw flutterbat doesn't exist to bite you and make you a batpony slave

Nice job on this bud!
Thanks anon.

Only critique is same as >>27839941
Gotta have mentions of motherly hips and ass when dealing with Mrs. Cake.
I don't think Fluttershy would keep slaves.
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Hello ptfg i'm open to requests if there are any. Keep in mind that i'm a storywriter so no image requests plz or i will leave you thoroughly displeased.
Contagious TG followed by lots of lewd happenings?
Good to see you again. There were a few ideas posted further up the thread, maybe one of those?
It's been a while since i've written a lewd so sure
Maybe! Good to see you too.
Rereading Five Score. Was the main character's name always Dave? I could have swore it was Anon.
It used to be Anon, yeah
Why'd he change it? My immersion is ruined now.
You're right. I think it was changed to make the story more palatable to the fimfiction audience.
quit complaining shitlord maybe he's just a transdavid
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Hell yeah.
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iirc, the author didn't originally think a proper character name would matter because he was prettymuch writing chapter-to-chapter for PTFG.
He wasn't planning for it to be an incredibly long story, or to write for a broad audience.

That didn't pan out as expected.
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A temporary, recurring transformation into a pony. The exact trigger is unknown. While transformed the victim suffers a compulsion to act cute and snuggly, enticing onlookers to pet them. With their defences lowered, the pony can spread the affliction onwards.

Any writers want to take up the idea?
Umbra's a slut of her own free will. Brainwashing is a weapon in her arsenal, not employed against her.
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This is such a well done one.
There's too many TF stories trying to be serious with mindfuckery and shit. Any comfy greens?
will bake for you next time i sit down.

literally just came here to do this.
i am going to write a more comfy green because i saw this thread and had an idea to write. so i'm going to write it.
What's the idea?
very slow transformation caused by exposure to equestria after he gets to equestria, makes the best of it, goes throughout his day with his left hand being a hoof. or as he grows different hair, like as if it was like hormone replacement.

of course this will evolve greatly as i write this and i get more epiphanies, what i write may or may not be something like this.

but that's the basic concept. nothing intense, really SoL, lighthearted.
Sounds like a good idea.
it's an outsiders idea, not an idea coming from the veterans of this general, which i hope will be a breath of fresh air, which i get a hard on for when i find them in my generals, personally.
>tfw you have no dick and you must fap
I wish Pony Samsa /Wishmaster Samsa would come back.
We all do, anon. We all do.
Keyboard Masher?
Yes. I wish to see this.
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"OW! Jesus Pinkie!"
>Pinkie let out a hearty "What?!" through the sound of your hand
>You try and fail to break your hand free of her mouth.
>This has to constitute a consequence.
>You yank your hand out of her mouth with a grimace.
>You see a bit of blood on the bite mark trailed its way across your fingers, ending at the last portion of your pinkie finger.
>Even your high school class ring has a scratch on its gem.
>Which means that Pinkie's teeth are harder, and sharper, than a gem.
>You've literally just been bit by the jaws of life, you realize… As the perpetrator runs off to do other Pinkie promises.
>You know what! You're not going to her birthday party!
>That'll show her!
>You squint your eyes, shaking your head in light confusion on how you could have possibly come up with a tamer revenge scheme.
>Since you've gotten here, though it doesn't take much to punish these ponies.
>You spill their chocolate milk, you can almost hear the angst white teen music playing in the distance, and the razor blades coming down on their hooves.
>No use cutting yourself over spilled milk.
"But muh chocolate" you say, pseudo arguing with yourself.
>You would cut yourself over spilled chocolate milk, you realize.
>You also realize, that you're not getting anything done, and that you've been staring at your blood soaked hand for about a minute now.
>You decide the best course of action is to move out of your current position, and into some other position that would benefit you greater.
>A radical idea, but it's worth a shot.
Go on
>After a couple of gasps at the seemingly ridiculous realization that you have moved more that twenty feet, you've made yourself comfortable in the waiting room of the local hospital clinic thing that ponyville setup after Pinkie Pie tried baking muffins.
>that horse is the incarnation of riding in the danger zone.
>You fumble around in your pockets, looking for a pair of sunglasses so you may finish your overplayed thought gag.
>Nobody in this waiting room would get why the asshole in the corner that's losing whole organs in the hole in his hand decided to put on a pair of sunglasses.
>But damnit you'd find it funny.
>You give up, with a light feeling of unfufillment, finding that you have no glasses to put on.
>After a couple of successful waiting operations, the nurse was finally considering weather you should live or die.
"Jesus about time."
>"she just smiles blankly, like an airline pilot.
>You wipe your blood soaked hand on her coat, and she jumps a little.
>Lets get this over with. You have to-
>Actually, you have nothing waiting for you.
>You're actually financially supported by Princess Celestia, you tell her bullshit about earth, and you basically get a slip that says 'Go Crazy, Bucko.' and then you go get drunk and try lighting ponies on fire.
>Not a bad life, so far.
>Twilight went up pretty well.
>but most of them are flame retardant, for some reason.
Don't even think of stopping this
>After a bit of sowing, you deem nurse Redheart a-okay.
>You throw your left thumb up, and you turn out the door, and back to your home.
>You down some cereal and milk, and fall asleep at the late late hour of about three thirty P.M.
>When you wake up, you're very well rested, and It seems Rarity had let herself in to shake you with her perfectly white hoof.
>You don't want to get up. And Rarity must've silently left by the time you woke up. the clock reads 8:34.
>You stretch, in an effort to greet your morning.
>You use your right hand to get yourself some cereal, and you silently eat it while listening to the radio
>Opting to stay in your clothes from the day before, you walk out while singing 'Handlebars' by the Flobots to yourself.
>After you really wake up, your question yourself on why you thought Rarity was in your house.
>Was It the smell?
>You don't know.
>by the time you got to the third verse of 'Handlebars' you were at twilights library, ready to better yourself and read some.
>A white pony on your left opens the door for you, and you walk in, Twilight isn't present, so you 'check out' a random novel for yourself, and you use her bed as your area of study.
>The covers shuffle below you and twilight comes up from the bed, a bit disgruntled.
>You conclude that you've actually woken up in the P.M. Hours, and it is actually Friday night.
>You look her in her shocked and disgruntled eyes.
"Welp, sorry."
>You throw off the covers, and Twilight's levitation grabs you on your left hand and jerks your body over, to the point that your hand was about two inches from her eyes.
>After a bit of contrived Twilight Brand Babbling, you kind of really wake up from the state you were in.
>You notice, the pony following you around was… you, in a way.
>Because your left hand was now cloud white, and about the size of Twilights hoof.
>With a bit of deduction, you conclude that you now have a hoof for a left hand.
>You didn't notice this all morn- evening.
>You can really go that long without using your left hand? You question.
"Impressive." you say, in response to your previous thought.
>"Indeed" twilight says nearly dragging yourself into the depths of her library.
So far so good. Soon Anon will collect the full set of hooves.
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Borrowing a stallion's dick is always an option.
I was thinking she would be the ruler, no Sombra. But you're the writer. However you want to do it is good.
Took up a Sunburst TF sequence during Bronycon for some emergency funding. Expect that soon.
Sounds good.
Is it Flurry Heart's doing?
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On an unrelated note, I just read and enjoyed your Draganon story.
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I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Would you accept her offer? What chaotic transformations do you expect would result from it?
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Also, a joke.
"Stop sending gifts to children in Africa. It's depressing getting a tamagochi that outlives you."
>You've made way to your room and tucked away for the night.
>Like a good bedbug.
>In the morning, you're awoken by the sun scratching your muzzle with it's yellowish color rays.
>Tired, you stretch your hooves and legs, making a couple small cracking noises as your joints, stiff from doing nothing all night return to existence and working order.
>You're still in the hive, far away from home.
>You sigh and roll on your side, staring into the mess of the paper cups, papers, books, and on the other end of the room you occupy and take as yours, a blackboard, covered in chalk writing, diagrams and charts with equasions sporadically laid in-between.
>When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.
>And you feel like it's visible on you.
>With a couple lazy morning trots, you're in a bathroom attached to your quarters.
>Staring at you from the mirror, a tall, sleek black chitinous creature with two fangs slightly overhanging from the top jaw, a long name covering the left eye, in the messiest state of existence hair can have.
>Not to mention a long horn, curved and crooked in multiple places, with a crown visible on the edge of your reflection.
>Two ears tucked beside the head and a tired expression.
>With a low hum and flash of your horn, you levitate up a mane brush.
>Mane brush.
>Hair brush. How silly, equestrian colloquialisms in your earth vocabulary.
>Yeah, you miss home.
>Home? What is home?
>A place where you hang your cat?
>No wait, that's not it.
>A place where the loved ones are at or a place where you lay your head?
>Home, where is it?
>Everywhere or nowhere?
>You're getting philosophical again, you must be really hungry.
>You finish brushing your mane, and a minute later you're off to pick up breakfast in the local cafeteria of the hive.
>Soon later, you're carrying a cup of soy love, as you found the name for the complex chemical mix is between the cooks, personal, and everyone else except the bureaucracy.
>And a minute later, you're in your room, sitting in front of the board, staring at it, with a chalk levitated in your magical grasp, along with your breakfast.
>What's this one about again?
>Right, space connecting rips.
>You continue to write with the chalk, math flowing.
>An hour later you stare at the board and erase all of it with a sponge.
>It doesn't make sense.
>None of it, actually.
>A stable tunnel through the both universe bubbles wouldn't be possible to occur naturally.
>Both spaces are expanding and definitely not at equal pace.
>The tunnel would be stable for ten minutes at most.
>But this one has been running for weeks!
>Why does this one hold?
>The energy going through the spaces must be feeding it.
>Or the points are truly moving at an equally fast pace.
>It gives you a headache.
>Frustrated, you throw the chalk against the board.
>The chalk hits the board with and audible click, leaving splatter marks on the green board.
>When you're about to erase it, you get an idea.
>What if it's not a single tunnel?
>The six of you made six holes.
>What if there are multiple tears, but they anchor the single one?
>The main stable tunnel is made stable by tears around it, the rips holding the two universes together!
>You levitate another chalk and get to work.
>Around ten chalks later, you're at a filled board.
>You look back at your work.
>Yes, this makes a lot more sense.
>But why are the anchor tears stable?
>Why are the five tears holding the sixth one?
>No, the energy required per second would be ridiculous.
>Something else is keeping the tears open and in a stable and traversable state.
>A divine intervention, something is supplying energy required.
>Such power levels are ridiculous, even with fusion available.
>Well, small scale fusion.
>Something the size of a F class star though, is a completely different story.
>A large sized star, could probably sustain the link, but not for too long.
>You get a paper and do some of the basic math involved.
>A couple months at most, but the star would be destroyed in a nova afterwards, destabilizing the tears.
>Or worse, if the star were to collapse into a black hole, it'd get endlessly fed with energy particles from between the universes, accelerating the black hole's decay, and ending in a mega explosion. Kind of an explosion that makes hair stand even when you think about it.
>Either way, the tunnel defies logic and science, well the logic and science you are aware of.
>You'll see tonight, the readings will come in eventually.
>And once they do, you'll have a more solid idea.
>For now, though, you still have a quantum superposition book to go about.
>And a theory about a universe connecting tear.
>Sounds like normal morning.
>When you finally get off the books, the sun is about to set.
>You yawn, and look around, the same old messy room, with the same old messy inhabitant.
>You fix your mane, and trot out to grab dinner.
>A cup of soy love later, you're sitting on one of the numerous terraces, staring into the horizon, with an ashtray and an almost finished cigarette.
>A messenger drone catches your attention.
>”Miss Regia, would you please visit the control room?”
>Right, the probe.
>You take one last drag from your cigarette, squishing the butt into the ashtray, accompanied by a small supplement of sparks.
“Lead on.”
>You follow the drone, the much smaller creature swirling in a mess of respect and fear.
>Oh yeah, you can also scent and hear emotion expressed by others, feelings dwindling in the air.
>You don't make much use of it, mainly because books don't have feelings.
>You should definitely get out more.
>A good half an hour later, you're at the mission control center.
>It's bustling with life, filled with anticipation, and a load of ponies and other creatures.
>Your friends are there too, happily enough.
>You take seat by Miro.
>”Ay, Non! Came to watch the show? They say the probe is about to exit hyperspace.”
“Nice. And we've got the front seats for the action. I bet you your entire cigarette packet that there's going to be a big star next to the rip.”
>Miro offers you her talon and you bump it with your hoof.
>You look up at the many large screens.
>Probe ETA -20 SECONDS
>And all sorts of other diagnostics.
>What's more interesting, though, is what the main probe camera is showing.
>A swirl of silver, purple and white on a black background.
>You've read about this.
>The hyperwaves.
>The layer the probe is using is dense in energy radiation and some sort of a gravitational shield is deflecting it, the particles lose energy by photon emmision, showing lights in the characteristic colours.
>Not only it looks fancy, but the swirls can show and reveal the various field compositions and densities in the surrounding space.
>Rad, literally.
>You watch in ave.
>The ETA slowly counts down seconds in what feels like centuries.
>Soon, you'll know..
>And you're pretty sure no mathematics or physics can prepare you for what lies ahead.
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And that's it.
Have fun, PFTG.
Who wouldn't want to see that in their reflection.

>>A place where you hang your cat?
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I wish to be the music horse.
Pretty amusing story. I hope to read more of it soon.
What do you guys think about 2nd person stories? I'm writing one in 2nd person right now, but I don't want to go too far in if no one likes that format.
They're pretty good. You should definitely continue.
Second person is the norm around here so I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Good, glad to hear it. I'm newer to the community so just wanted to make sure. Thanks for the quick responces!
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So what are you working on?

Pretty early on, but something to do with the whole "Our Town" episode. Figured it's a fun subject that hasn't really been touched upon from what I can see in the PTFG doc.
That sounds promising. There's certainly untapped potential there. I've only seen one related story and that was a pretty bad one on fimfiction.
Not only did she turn into a pony, but she turned into a Russian too!

cyka blat
Would that be a dealbreaker?
what would happen if someone played a song that turned people to ponies over, say, a stadiums PA system?
The world's largest ponification party.
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Have something absurd
>After a moment of being attached and tied down, twilight turns on a device of sorts, and all sorts of seismometer data piled onto the floor.
>You were trying to come up with a sarcastic comment, but twilight had silenced you with a gag of sorts.
>she took a ruler to your head, measuring your proportions, comparing them to the original data that was taken upon your arrival to equestria.
>Then she had taken a simple hoof to your forehead, and started rubbing it, you felt her go over a goose egg of sorts on your forehead.
>Your brain stops writing things down, and soon the gag is removed, and you try for a sarcastic comment, but you care to little to even try at this point, because you just wanted to sit in and jam to some music.
>Twilight lets out a harumph, mostly due to the fact that you really didn't want to hear you had to the count of five to live, or something along those lines.
>Twilight likes telling people about what she finds, but it seems that her friends don't care either.
>"What I found was-"
>She went on anyway, which means you have the obligation to be in the same room as her for the next twenty minutes.
>"Active magical based alpha particles, I call them, or AMBAP, for short-"
>You started feeling the same feeling as when you were hypnotized at that stage at the Dallas fair.
>"So going among this algorithm I can deduce-"
>Change. Yeah, that's pretty apparent.
>"Already grown one centimeter in either direction-"
>you close your eyes, scratching your hair with your one hand.
>"Does this make sense to you?"
>You shake your head, and Twilight deflates slightly, but she's used to being shot down, and she begins to compile her thoughts in laments terms. But you have places to be, and you push open the door with your Rarity hoof and get on home.
>Twilight tries to get your attention on the way out, but you're not having it. So you ignore her and leave, with the book you were going to read in your right hand

anons real gineric; will change
>You open the door to your house, and after a bit of exercise, you're in your comfortable, plush seat, accompanying you is your record player, playing equestrian swing and rock and roll music reminiscent of the music from the forties.
>You silently bob your head while reading up on making potions that mostly require Pegasus feathers.
>After you get done reading the hefty 102 page book, you place it on top of your growing stack of read books on the side of your chair.
>Your eyes ache after reading alchemy 101, and you turn in for the night, at about 3AM.
>Hey, maybe you'll actually wake up the nex-
>Your eyes open, and it's the next morning.
>You eyes go right down to your left arm-hoof-thing to access the damage.
>The hoof's fur has climbed up to your shoulder, and the bones have moved to accommodate the likes of a hoof.
>And you find it hard to move it left, unable to follow the range of a human arm.
>Emotional panic begins to well up in yourself, but you swallow it down by putting up the illusion of not caring.
>You blink twice, and walk out the door, and to sugarcube corner.
>Insecurity wells up in you as more an more ponies turn their heads to look at you.
>You shake it off as you see the building coming up.
>You have a feeling of immediate doom, and for some reason you really, really want to know what's happening to you.
>You turn around briskly, and head in the direction of twilights, suddenly found with the urge to know why you're mutating like you are.
I wonder how Pinkie would react. Will we be seeing a 'Congratulations! You're becoming a pony' party?
I'm loving this so far, keep it up.

There are a few places where I get tripped up by your phrasing, but the story's good, it has a good progression with a bit of mild suspense - fun to read. I look forward to your intrepid protagonist coming down with a full-blown case of pony
can i have some examples? i'm really used to writing much, much more detailed, more relaxing stories, but i toned it to normal levels for this write.

normally i'm like this

so if you highlight some examples, i'll probably be able to remedy this.
Depends. Would I be able to understand her or would she only speak in moonspeak?
Language won't be an obstacle because you're going to be turned into a Russian pony too.
Final deal breaker would be the whole communism thing.

Being a pony?
Being a Russian?
Being a Russian pony?
Being a dirty communist?
Better dead than red.
Being Russian doesn't mean being communist anymore, m8
Hey, I had to make sure.
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>Better dead than red.
Right. Wouldn't want to end up as a bad OC.
>accidental haiku
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Are there any second person Rarity TF in that archive?
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In short, no.
The only story I can think of involving TF into Rarity is Five Score, but I think that would be third person. There are also several stories where the TF is caused by Rarity.
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Sure thing! I apologize in advance if this gets rambly - my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders tonight. Ask questions if anything isn’t clear.

>Then she had taken a simple hoof to your forehead, and started rubbing it, you felt her go over a goose egg of sorts on your forehead.
>You open the door to your house, and after a bit of exercise, you're in your comfortable, plush seat, accompanying you is your record player, playing equestrian swing and rock and roll music reminiscent of the music from the forties.
[from the linked Pastebin, ln 86] >A voice to your left startles you, but does not leave you scared after, the voice was reserved, but slightly sad sounding, normal, reserved, like a perfectly drawn circle.
These sentences feel a bit long-winded when I’m reading them because commas register as only the briefest of pauses; they break up clauses but hardly even register to that ‘voice in your head’ you hear while reading. Significant subvocalized pauses are accomplished with things like em dashes, semicolons, periods (full stops) – things of that nature. That being said, the problem here ISN’T that the sentences are long in their own right. The problem is that you’re putting in a speed bump where there should be a stop sign, and trying to barrel onto a thoroughfare doing 60 in a school zone. These sentences should be broken into two sentences, ideally with a full stop separating them, because ultimately, they can stand alone as two sentences with their own subjects & actions. In a way, they’re two independent ideas. The break can also be accomplished with semicolons and em dashes, especially semicolons when the two ideas are very closely related. For more info, read up on comma splices: https://www.uvu.edu/writingcenter/docs/handouts/commasplices.pdf
e.g. >Then she had taken a simple hoof to your forehead, and started rubbing it. You felt her go over a goose egg of sorts on your forehead.
>Since you've gotten here, though it doesn't take much to punish these ponies.
I wanted to point this one out because it resembles a comma splice; however, both the clause before and after the comma are subordinate clauses. In effect, simply swapping the comma for a period won’t work because of the presence of the subordinate conjunctions ‘since’ and ‘though’.

>Your brain stops writing things down, and soon the gag is removed, and you try for a sarcastic comment, but you care to little to even try at this point, because you just wanted to sit in and jam to some music.
[from the linked Pastebin, ln 54] >You quietly pick one of the small structures up, and place it in front of what you assume to be the master of this house's pet, curled into a ball on the floor, right in front of where you were laying, providing you with comfort.
These sentences are largely grammatically correct, but they don’t flow well with most people’s subvocalization because of their sheer length. I struggled with this exact problem late in high school and into uni – I couldn’t meter my sentence length. As a rule of thumb, I try to replace commas with periods as much as I appropriately can, and try to limit overarching sentences to 3-4 commas at most. Of course, this isn’t an iron rule by any means; lists are a noteworthy exception. It really applies to sentences with big, meaty clauses that usually have nouns plus verbs.
e.g. >Your brain stops writing things down, and soon the gag is removed. You try for a sarcastic comment, but you care [too] little to even try at this point. You just wanted to sit in and jam to some music.
>You've literally just been bit by the jaws of life, you realize
Sometimes you can also remove commas – thereby aiding the flow of sentences – by shifting clauses around. I don’t know why but this kind of thing distinctly reminds me of the Critical Reading SAT (a standardized test section in the US).
e.g. >You realize you've literally just been [bitten] by the jaws of life

>You see a bit of blood on the bite mark trailed its way across your fingers, ending at the last portion of your pinkie finger.
>She went on anyway, which means you have the obligation to be in the same room as her for the next twenty minutes.
I got tripped up by tense changes a couple of times, and unfortunately there’s no surefire way to get around them aside from careful editing.
e.g. >You see a bit of blood on the bite mark trailing its way across your fingers, ending at the last portion of your pinkie finger.

Aside from those things there were some little errors that I only realized on the second readthrough.
>she begins to compile her thoughts in laments terms.
should be “layman’s terms” – things of that nature
If I were explicitly tasked with editing this or just an even bigger Grammar Nazi than I already am, I’d call attention to them, but you know the rules of capitalization, contractions, all that good stuff. I don’t need to tell you what you already know… I would hope.
Also, take all this with a grain of salt, particularly because greentext, second-person, and stream-of-consciousness are all very unique beasts that frequently break the traditional rules of grammar. In mimicking thought processes, that’s going to happen; thoughts don’t have perfect grammatical constructs. Damned if I don’t love William Faulkner, but it’s certainly not on account of any grammatical rigidity.
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All that said, no one reads a story and says it’s good because it has good grammar.
I mean,
there are people who actually like Finnegan’s Wake.
You have a good story idea going, and that’s what really matters; this is all just me doing my best to help you become a better technical writer if you’re serious about writing. It’s a good skill to have… and trust me, there are a lot of people out there who lack it. So keep up the good work, maybe reflect on some of this, and I hope to see more from you in the coming weeks!

Yes but nobody reads a shitty story with lousy grammar and says anything about it at all, ever.
>there are people who actually like Finnegan’s Wake.

You are so fucking stupid you don't even know the story's name.


calm down idiot, there are people who do not realize not having an apostrophe in the name is actually important.
What are you complaining about? He's trying to help.
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I'm sorry it took so long.


“Shh, Rose, it’s fine. It’s just a movie!”

“I-I know, b-but…” I sniffed in heavily, the horrible sound of coagulated snot coming from my nose. “I c-can’t… I want him to make it.” I cried into Lily’s hooves as she held me tightly, rolling her eyes at my blatant over reaction. I knew how this movie went, and had never cried watching it before, but for whatever reason, I was affected ten times more than I usually was.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Lily sighed as she stroked my mane. I could tell that she was getting tired of my overreaction, but I found it impossible to stop the flow of tears or emotions, no matter how hard I tried. “Rose, he lives, remember? It was a packet of sauce, look!”

Lily pointed to the screen and I lifted my head up, watching as the main character stopped pretending to be dead and looked up at his friend that had “stabbed” him.

“See?” Lily said and I nodded, tears still dripping down my cheeks. It was a comedy movie, and I was reacting like this? I just didn’t get it, and neither did Lily. My mum was giggling at my reaction while Luna sat, blank faced as she watched the screen. The initial shock of profane language and gore in the movie had kept her silent, but now, she was silent because the movie had engrossed her so much that the only sounds she let out were laughs.

“Oh, Rose, I remember when I was like this.” My mum sat down next to me and placed a hand on my head. “I was about… six months into my pregnancy, and your father took me out to see Star Wars for the fiftieth time. I’d seen it so many damn times, but the scene with Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader made me cry like a little baby!” She chuckled at the memory.

“Y-you were l-like this t-too?”
I had happily returned to helping out my mum in the garden alongside Lily again, to my relief. Luna and Lily both agreed that I should still take it easy, but that wasn't going to stop me from putting in at least a few hours of gardening a day. Out of the garden, I still enjoyed the time I had spent with Luna, playing video games and talking about Equestria, but I felt I belonged out there in the dirt. Feeling the cool soil beneath my hooves, the smell of plants and flowers, and the cool fresh air on my fur, it was exhilarating. It filled me with a sense of life, the feeling that only Lily had been able to give me until I found this. I could tell that Lily felt it too, as every day, she walked back into our room with a content smile plastered on her face. She would lie down and rest in my hooves as she regaled me with the day’s events, no matter how minor. I sat and listened, smiling as she spoke, only speaking to ask questions or reply to hers.

It was weird, but I felt content. I enjoyed working the field with Lily and my mum. I enjoyed relaxing in the cool of the evening. I absolutely loved falling asleep next to my beautiful fiance every night. I knew a lot would change when Lily and I went to Ponyville, but I was getting more and more eager to return to my old life as the days went past. I only hoped that Luna took me up on my offer to come stay in Ponyville for a while once we got back. Maybe she could even meet Bonnie and Lyra!
Memories of my life in Ponyville had been returning quite rapidly over the last week. I remembered how I met Lily, how my feelings for her grew until I eventually started dating her. I remembered Bonbon and Lyra, as well as a few other friends that I spent time around. I remembered Minuette, a Unicorn that had moved to here from her home city of Canterlot to avoid the snobbish attitude of high society. Carrot Top, a local farm pony that I met through Lily who helped her grow her flowers in perfect condition. These were only a few of the friends that I had met, and couldn't wait to meet again once we returned.

“Rose?” I felt a hoof nudge my stomach. “What're you thinking about?”

“Huh?” I jolted, Lily bringing me out of my train of thought. “Oh, uh, not much. Just Ponyville.” I smiled at her. After the movie had finished, and I had sufficiently cried my eyes out, we had come upstairs and I was now lying in bed with her.

“I really can't wait to see all our old friends again.” I added.

“Yeah, m-me neither.” Lily said, averting her eyes.

“Hey, what's wrong?”

“I'm just… kinda worried, I guess.”


“Our friends. I mean, for all they know, you passed away, and I spent the next few months shut away from the world until Discord turned up and…” Lily scrunched her muzzle, trying her hardest to fight the tears away. “What if… What if they don't want us back? What if they don't accept us?” the panic was rising in her voice. “What if… What if they think we're zombies!?”

I felt a strange urge to panic along with her rising in my chest, but I forced it down and closed my eyes.

“I d-don’t think our friends will hate us, Lily.”

“What if they're scared of us? What if they-”
“Lily, please!” I begged, some force in my mind almost pushing me to panic as it had before. “Calm down, okay? There's no point in focusing on the negative ways they could react, but if you like, we can ask Luna to have a talk with them before we show up. It'll give them a chance to process what's going on and they won't simply freak out the second they see us.” I put as calmly as possible, a struggle in its own right.

“Okay…” Lily conceded and dropped her head to my chest again. I breathed a sigh of relief, silently thanking my brain for not sending me into a panic like it clearly had wanted to.

“I love you, Lily. Our friends love us too, and I'm sure they won't be freaked out by us. We just need to take it slowly and be understanding. It's not every day that your two best friends, both presumed dead, come back into your life. We have to understand what they're thinking and give them time, right? Then they’ll accept us.” I said, almost trying to convince myself.

“Gosh, Rose, you're so smart.”

“No I'm not, I'm just… I dunno, but I'm not smart.”

“Whatever you say.” Lily giggled lightly and hummed as she rested her head on my chest. “Goodnight, sweetie. Love you.”

“I love you too, Lily.”


“Bonbon, please!”

“No!” The cream coloured earth mare screamed, backing away from me. I took a tentative step toward her only for her to leap backward in fear, stumbling over her own hooves and falling to the ground. “G-get away from me you freak!”

My heart stung at that single word. The absolute animosity and hate in her tone chilled me to the core.
“There it is!” I heard a call from behind me and swiveled around to see Lily, running at full steam from a group of ponies. Right at the front of the pack, levitating a spear in her magic, was Lyra.

“Lily!” I called out and galloped at full speed toward my beloved. I ran in between the mob, splitting them off from Lily and standing my ground against them.

“What are you doing!?” I shouted, my face contorted with confusion and anger.

“Rose!” Lyra stepped forward and brought her spear down. “You’re just as bad as her. You’re a freak of nature and you need to go back where you belong! In your grave!” She leapt forward, faster than I could react, and plunged her spear into my side. I instinctively cried out but stopped when I realized that although I had been wounded, I didn’t feel any pain from my injury.

When I looked back up to my assaulter, I noticed something peculiar. She wasn’t moving at all. Was this a…?

“Rose!” A panicked voice called from behind me. I turned around to see Lily stumbling back to her hooves. “What’s g-going on? Why do all our f-friends hate us?”

“I… I don’t think they do. I think this is a dream.”

“A d-dream? But… But you’re here? Wait, are you really here or am I just dreaming you are?” Lily said, her face half way between scared and confused.

“I don’t know. I think I am, but I guess you could just be dreaming that I am me? This is some M. Night Shyamalan buckery going on right now.” I joked, earning me a much needed giggle from my nervous marefriend. “If it is a dream, then… Well, I guess we can’t expect Luna to turn up to every one of our bad dreams.”
“You can for this one.” A new voice said and we spun around to see Luna, her - now usual - mane missing, replaced with the ethereal one that she had first showed herself to me with.

“Luna!” We both called out in unison and ran toward her, hugging her tightly. I looked up at her, relief flooding my mind. “S-so this is a dream?”

“Yes. What you two are sharing right now is called a Unity dream. When two ponies, usually those in love, have similar wants or worries, the magic in our bodies let’s us have shared dreams. I see the two of you definitely have the same worries.” She said glumly as she looked around the frozen dream. Lyra was motionless in front of us, spear thrust forward in her magic, while the angry mob behind them bared their teeth and shot hateful glares forward.

Almost like dust, their images began to blow away, reducing them to nothing but colorful clouds drifting in the dreamscape. Luna’s horn began to glow, collecting the dust in her magic before it seemingly disappeared. She breathed out and smiled at us.

“Are you alright?” She asked us.

“I-I guess so. I didn’t… I didn’t think I was that worried about this.”

“Sometimes, our dreams play tricks on us. Your worries are amplified in your own mind, so it makes sense that your dreams would appear so aggressive in theme.” Luna frowned before smiling slightly. “That, and you both seem to have a natural tendency to panic easily.” She added with a giggle. I tried to giggle, but the memory of the dream was too fresh in my mind.

“Our friends… Do they know of us? You know, the whole… being alive again thing?”

Luna nodded.

“They do, and I can assure you, they do not think of you as what you fear they do. You might have some ponies who are put off by your re-appearance, but in time, I am sure they will come to realize that you’re the same ponies they knew back then.”
“But…” My heart sank at a particular thought. “We’re not. As in, like, we’re not the same ponies. I know who I am, I am Rose, but tiny bits of Alex are still there.”

“Honestly, I think you and “Alex” have more in common than you think. You seem to think that now you’re Rose again, Alex doesn’t exist, but he does. He isn’t you, and you aren’t him, but deep down, you are the same in spirit. Ponies grow and change, Rose. You may have changed from who you were a little, but it is no different from you growing up, learning from your mistakes, and becoming a better pony as you would have if you stayed in Equestria.”

“I… I dunno, I still feel like ponies are going to think I’m all… different.”

Lily sidled up next to me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Rose, you’re you. No matter how different you think you are, and if they have a problem, they’re gonna have to go through me first.”

“Thanks.” I smiled at her and nuzzled against her neck. “Uh… Luna?” I said, turning back to her. “Would you be able to give us a little more of a… relaxing dream?”

“Of course.” She nodded, her horn lighting up, the vision of a quiet looking coffee shop appearing before us. Chairs and tables began to appear and we sat down after an apron wearing pony arrived and pulled the chairs out for us.

“Luna?” I said, looking back to the princess, who was now stepping away from us. “Thank you.”

“It is no problem, Rose. I’d do anything for a friend.”


this chapter sucks and I am sorry

It's not a bad chapter
thanks b0ss, i've seen the issues you've highlighted when i was writing... mostly in the form of too many commas when writing.
Glad to see you're still around.
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You should post that here by the way, or at least link to the new chapters as they come out.
I'm trying to build up some word count first before posting it here, I'll post a couple chapters tomorrow maybe.
Got it. Things are taking shape nicely from what I've read so far.
It's very short and took me a month to write. It's Crapper than what I should have produced.

Ayy, glad to see you back here and writing again.
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I can't believe you saved that.
I need to draw something competent for once.
Yeah, go for it.
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If everyone turned into Rarity she would be Commonality.
When everyone's a Rarity, no one is.
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The sweltering summer heat left a faint shimmer in the air. Rivers of fresh sweat ran down my face, back and arms. The summer months were when most of the work had to be done, but unfortunately it was also the hardest time to work. The other workers on the farm had spoken their praises about working further north, I found myself wishing that some of that cold weather could come south.

I grunted and gripped the wooden handle of the shovel, as a particularly devious clump of dirt obstructs my way. My palms started to burn slightly, the prickly feeling of the old wood guaranteeing that I’d have at least a few splinters by the end of the day. I grunted as the earth moved aside, a menial task for a menial person.

The farm owner had been complaining about the quality of the soil for weeks by then. He sent me out into the fields with only a busted shovel and told me to fix it for him. It amazed me how this man had managed to run a farm for so long, with so little knowledge on how to run it. Maybe he was just naturally dense, a lot like the soil I was forced to dredge through.

It was a miracle that anything grew out in those fields. The only source of water was a dirty little stream down by the road. One that often had garbage and various shopping carts thrown into it by local rowdy teenagers. Everything else was run down or coated in a fine layer of dust, demonstrating the disuse of most of the equipment in the sheds.

I was one of the few workers at the farm. There were three others who I rarely spoke to. We didn’t have much opportunity anyway. In-between preforming basic tasks for the land owner and collapsing into bed from exhaustion, there wasn’t any time to discuss things between ourselves.
And much like every other day, I ruined my hands out in the fields until sunset; only stopping once to get something to eat. Afterwards I carelessly tossed the torturous device back into the rickety shed and dragged myself back to the small bunkhouse that we were provided. It was only marginally better than the shed, to be honest.

The shed didn’t have any beds in it though, and unlike the shed this building was inhabited by the only other souls for miles around. They were all seated around the table playing cards. I ignored them and moved to my area of the house, a small bed and drawer awaited me there. On top of it was a picture of me and my longtime girlfriend, Lucy.

We were both smiling, her shimmering black hair and green eyes looking fantastic next to my rugged appearance. We had been forced apart by circumstance, with her going to a prestigious university. While she was gone, I tried to find some work nearby but was unable to. I was forced to settle on a job further south.

A pang of pain hit my chest, and I quickly placed the photo back, face down.

I slid my phone from underneath my pillow and cycled through my messages. I liked to keep in contact with my family. I never had much to talk about with them, but they always kept my spirits high with mundane stories about their own working week.

I scrolled past the last message I had received from Lucy.


Finality. That was it. The end of all that work and time. I couldn’t let go, she was the only thing I looked forward to during my breaks away from the farm.

I slid the phone back and curled up on the uncomfortable mattress. I could have drifted off into a happier place, but instead it sent me hurtling back to reality. The scene played over in my head over and over, the hurtful words, the distant behavior. It took a week for her to say it, but things were on life support well before then.
It made me feel pathetic, worthless. Keeping a photo around of somebody who wanted nothing to do with me; even when the relationship had already facilitated it.

I slipped my phone back under the pillow and curled up on the covers. I didn’t feel like eating.


I tossed and turned through the night. The bed was uncomfortable and so were the cheap blankets. Eventually I grunted with frustration and slipped off onto the wooden floor. I was still wearing my clothes from earlier having not changed. The only sound was of the other’s heavy breathing. I envied them.

With a sigh I tip-toed out of the empty door frame and out into the moonlit fields. It was a full moon that night, big and bright. The lights were still on in the farmhouse, I slipped around it and out across the dirt road. Just up ahead was a singular tree on a hill, weathered and aged. With what little time I had away from work I often sat under it and let the day roll by.

A cool breeze rolled by as I let myself down and leant against it. I felt unsettled for a reason I didn’t know. My hair stood on end and my stomach rose inside my body. The wind picked up slightly, ruffling my messy brown hair. I scanned the area; watching the sparsely laid crops swaying in the dry fields.

The lights in the night sky began to blur and smear the black void with an orchestra of color. A strong hand gripped the hair on my head as my heart began to pound in my ears. Without moving a muscle, I felt like I had run a marathon. At first I panicked, was I having some kind of heart attack? MY legs felt like jelly as I attempted to crawl away from the tree and to the house for help.

The dirt scraped my knees, but for all of the pain I felt I made no progress, leaving me wallowing and croaking out for the attention of those already fast asleep. My limbs fell back to the ground, numbed and useless. My organs rose inside my body, as if I had suddenly taken off into the air.
Sick welled up in my throat as my body felt many sensations, none of them appropriate for my time or place.

Darkness encroached on my vision, my body burning into embers as I passed out.


I stumbled into nothing. My weakened body tumbled over once more, leaving me sprawled out on a hard floor. The acidic taste in my mouth and the moisture running down my chin indicated that I had expelled some of my stomach, but I wasn’t sure when. In fact I couldn’t remember much of anything.

My clouded vision cleared ever so slowly along with my other senses. I could feel the wind again, and the feeling of dirt under my clenched fingers. My breathing came rapidly and heavy as my brain caught up with my battered body. Still disorientated I tried to stand, but fell back onto my ass during the process.

Surrounding me was a blurred landscape, and a purple blob that seemed to be moving to and fro frantically. I struggled to understand the speech I could hear; two voices rung out, one naïve and childish, and the other of a young woman. I clenched my eyes shut as my retina burned; that couldn’t be right, it was night when I fell asleep.

Did I fall asleep? What was happening?

I rolled onto my back in an attempt to control my continuing nausea. It helped little, forcing me to gip as my throat convulsed. My hearing cleared slightly.

“Is he okay?” a young boy asked.

“I don’t know Spike, just give me a moment!” the woman responded, obviously distressed about the situation. A flare of panic filled my head, maybe I had been drugged and kidnapped by malicious forces! Malicious forces that recruited at a very young age.

“He doesn’t look so good.”

The woman sighed, “I know Spike, give me some space. I’m going to get him inside before somepony sees.”

I barely had time to ponder the strange phrasing as I was suddenly lifted off the ground. I flailed for a moment, but couldn’t feel the arms of anybody to carry me. By this point I was seriously freaking out (inside my head, of course) about the entire situation. My captors didn’t seem to notice my distress, and happily dragged me indoors. While I was glad to be out of the sun, I wasn’t so happy at the potential to be thrown into somebodies torture dungeon.

I was dragged onto something much more comfortable than the dirt, which relieved some of my very real and very rational fears.

“What are you going to do with him Twi?”

“Well, I suppose we should try to wake him up first, and we can go from there.”

“But Twi, he’ll totally freak out if he wakes up and sees us!”

“How so?”

“You said he was from somewhere far away right? So what if he’s never seen anything like me before!”

The woman chuckled, “Spike, I doubt he’ll be that scared of you. You only just reach his knees!”

“Just saying,” the child grumbled, “Don’t blame me when he starts breathing fire, and shooting lasers out of his eyes!”

“I don’t think he can do that.”

“How do you know? I’ll be in my room until the rampage is over!”

The woman tutted to herself. I could hear the scuttling of what sounded like claws and the door to the room slamming shut. I still couldn’t find the energy to peel open my eyes and hop out of bed, presumably before taking whichever kidnapper was still in the room in a headlock, followed by a heroic escape.

My mind was racing as I fell into slumber again.

I felt a sour taste in my mouth from sleeping for too long.

The sheets were much more comfortable than I was used to back on the farm, seemingly knitted from actual wool. The pillows too, they didn't have straw in them, that was for sure, but actual feathers that didn't poke into the back of my skull. I felt a sinking feeling. It was obvious that I wasn't back in the bunkhouse, but somewhere else entirely. My first thought was that I'd been in some kind of accident and rushed to hospital, but the smell of wood and burning candles put that theory down before it could really begin.

So just where the hell was I? I had some kind of mask covering my eyes. Malicious kidnappers certainly wouldn't have put me into a comfortable bed. I could hear a door opening to my left, and the sound of hard shoes on the wooden floor. They intruder didn't seem to want to talk, rather than just wait and observe me.

I realized that they didn't know I was awake. I did have a mask covering my eyes after all. I elected to wait and see if they would give away anything about my situation, which they eventually did.

"Hm, this creature seems to be a heavy sleeper," the woman from before mumbled to herself, what followed was the sound of rustling paper as she scribbled something down.

Creature? That didn't sound right. Was she observing me? Had I finally lost my marbles, and been kidnapped by aliens? While in reality I was laying in a ditch somewhere? I decided to test the waters a little bit, reaching over and waving my arm at whoever was in the room with me. The woman gasped, "Are you awake? Can you understand me?"

Biting the bullet, I slowly arose from the comfortable bed and peeled open my crusty eyes. The room was odd, with strange, tiny furniture and wooden walls that almost looked as if they were ripped directly from a tree, grain and all. The windows were warped like I had walked into an M.C. Escher painting. Books covered many of the surfaces that remained free from other clutter
I glanced to the left, catching a brief glimpse of a moving purple blob before I shut them tight again. The creature gasped slightly and stepped back, a loud clopping, not unlike a horse followed. In my mind, I was thinking of ways to escape the situation, but in reality I was closing my eyes and hoping that I'd wake up back in my shitty bunkhouse. I gripped the sheets until my knuckles turned white.

"Where am I?" I asked, not expecting any kind of response.

The creature seemed surprised for a reason I realized shortly there-after, we somehow were speaking the same language. "You can talk?" she (I presumed it was a she anyway,) asked with wonder.

"Of course I can talk! Where am I?" I repeated.

"You're in my home, the Ponyville Library, located to the south of Canterlot, which in turn is the capital of Equestria!"

That was certainly alien to me. Wherever I was, it wasn't anywhere near my home. It's hard to describe what I felt like at the time, a creeping sense of dread, the sinking feeling in my stomach, or the feeling of injustice I felt having been taken away from everything I knew. Why, of all people, did it have to happen to me?

"Do you feel okay?"

What a stupid question, "No, no I don't." I shook my head and like tearing off a bandage, gazed upon the visage of my captor for the first time. It was a horse, a small, purple horse with multi-coloured hair and a little horn poking out of it's head. I briefly wondered if I had suffered a case of major head trauma, and reached out to touch it. I griped the thing's cheeks between my hands, it's fur was soft and most definitely real.
"Do you mind?" it mumbled. I backed away, pushing the sheets from my now sweaty body. Thankfully my clothes had been left intact; the only thing worse than what was happening, was the same but me being naked. Let's be honest, all things considered I was handling the situation with a masterful grace that future me can only look back on with wonder. I was really far gone.

"What the hell are you?" I asked to the talking purple horse.

She raised a brow, her face surprisingly expressive. "I'm a pony, my name is Twilight Sparkle."

"What kind of name is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"My name is Gerry. Does everybody around here have a weird name?" The room was silent for a moment as she mulled over my question, a sour look crossing her equine features.

"There's nothing weird about it Mister!" she scolded, "That's very uncalled for!"

"Woah! Sorry, I mean, I don't know anything about this... place." I stuttered. A tense silence settled over the room for a moment, before she smiled and nodded.

"Okay, apology accepted."

Just like that? I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth but... anyway. The mare smiled at me, showing off her pearly whites before pulling a scroll of parchment from under the bed using her horn. By this point I had given up trying to rationalize what I was seeing, but still, seeing this little horse break the laws of gravity and cause something to float towards her left me gawking, open mouthed. She didn't seem to understand at first, but blushed when she realized I was staring at her glowing horn.

"Holy shit! How are you doing that!" I had exclaimed, scrambling on my hands and knees to get a closer look.

"This?" she responded hesitantly, "it's just some levitation, magic!" she explained as if it were the simplest, most boring thing in the world.



"As in, lifting things with your mind magic?"
"Well, of course."

"And there are other horses than can do this?"

"It's ponies actually, and yes, there are lots of unicorns here in Ponyville."

A silence hung in the room, as Twilight shifted uncomfortably in place.

"Where the fuck am I?" I sighed, falling back onto the bed. "Is this hell? Did aliens kill me or something?"

"I can't say I've heard of this "fuck" word before. Oh! This is an amazing opportunity to learn about your culture!" the purple only said, hopping from leg to leg like an excited child. "What's it like back home?"

"Can we save the interrogation for later please, I seriously need to get my bearings here!" I shouted. Twilight jumped as my volume before meekly backing away from the bed. "I'm sorry, but... I need a minute."

"I understand," Twilight muttered almost solemnly, but it was evident from her expression that she didn't understand why I was so upset.

"No, you really don't," I pointed out. "You've never seen anything like me before have you?"

"Well, certain literature mentions a race of bipedal creatures matching your description, but they're thousands of years old! There's never been any evidence of them actually being real."

"I said seen, not read, you've never even seen a human before!" I ranted, becoming increasingly tearful along the way.


"So where do you think I came from? I didn't just pop into existence right now, I'm twenty-two years old! I had a life, a job, a family!" I sobbed slightly. "And now I'm stuck in some fucked up town full of talking magic ponies! I'm never going to see another human again am I? I'm going to fucking die along in this shithole."
The wall that held me back had come crashing down in spectacular fashion. It was fairly humiliating to sob openly in front of her like that, but by that point I didn't care, I just needed to get angry at something, anything, to make me feel a little better about myself afterwards. There were no villains or evil wizards, just a force I couldn't understand or comprehend, one that had decided to bring me to another planet, hell, another universe.

"What the hell am I going to do! I don't know anybody, I have nowhere to go! I'm just some freaky, lanky fucker surrounded by magic quadrupeds. And no amount of well wishing, or apologizing is going to fix that bullshit!"

What was I meant to do? I didn't know anybody except her. She clearly didn't know how to react and I was glad, her silence spared her from another one of my little rants. I jumped out of the bed and pace the room, gripping my skull tightly between clenched knuckles. I felt a deep, rumbling headache approaching in my future.

I ran out of gas eventually, gasping and collapsing onto the bed once again and staring at the ceiling. Like a tipped over jug, I'd let out my water all over her nice wooden floor.

"I'm sorry," the mare whispered. "I had no idea."

How could she?

"If you feel like talking just... shout okay?"


The door clicked shut, and despite the circumstances I immediately felt regret. I needed to talk to somebody, so badly, but I'd laid my cards on the table, and now I had to sit alone and pout like a grounded child. Despite everything my pride kept me from running to the door and begging her to come back.

I rolled over and looked at the window, I needed to take my mind off things. I walked over and looked through, finding a tranquil view of a small village, it still shocked me to see other ponies walking the streets each one more vibrant than the last. I gasped to myself as I saw a winged one take off from the ground, waving goodbye to another.
I dried my eyes on my shirt and continued to watch, fascinated. Would I ever be able to fit in here? Everything was so different and fantasy like, how could a tall downer make friends in a place like that?


Still not happy with this rewrite, but whatever. I'll stop here for now to make sure I don't clog up the threat with my shit. The TF part is still coming up. There are more chapters up on Fimfiction right now than in the pastebin if you want to read ahead.
Looks promising
I'll wait for the rewrite
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Added to the google doc.
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>You trot to the door with a smug look on your face, ready to give one hell of a lecture on the history of transformations.
>You magically open the door.
>"Hey Twilight!"
>You deflate slightly, but not much.
"Oh! Hey Pinkie, is it your day off?"
>"No silly! but I have a promise to complete, so I came here!"
>You squint slightly, a little done with pinkies unplanned shenanigans.
>Whatever, you think…
"What is it?" you say with a mask of attention.
>"Rarity's going to be gone for a few days, so don't try to get anything from her until then!"
>That's it?
"Anything else?"
>She goes through a very strange combination for her pinkie sense, and you turn to start rummaging for your umbrella hat.
>"Woah! Uh… I mean… Anon's on his way here to wonder about his slow and maybe deadly pony transformation!"
>You turn to her. And squint.
>"Which reminds me! Thanks for reminding me Twilight!"
>She stops, and she just stares at your soul with her unforgivingly happy eyes.
>You just continue with no regard for her last sentence.
"Impressive, did you get that from your Pinkie sense?"
>you just a hoof out, rolling it around in a gesture of questioning.
>"No, I just kinda assumed that one…"
>Oh!... That's… You don't even know.
>"Well, I'm off to Fluttershy's to polish her boots! See you then!"
>Not a single period in her entire side of the conversation.
>You're impressed.
>ready to give one hell of a lecture on the history of transformations.
That's something I would listen to.
>On your way over to Twilights library, you see pinkie pie pass by… waving her head back in fourth as if she's broken into song.
>But all you hear is the sound of an instrumental as pinkie passes, so.. You suppose- that Pinkie's song voice is broken.
>"She's all yours!" she shouts out when she gets about one block behind you.
>Oh… Okay…
>You start, and fairly crash hard at rapping one of Eminem's earlier songs.
>Walking to the door, you start thinking of what to say. But the door abruptly pops open, and a more than excited twilight pops her head out.
>"Ah! Anon! I think you're here for some context?"
>You look down upon your hoof, which had begun going down to your waist at that moment.
"Y-yeah, please."
>You stuttered more out of distraction, more so than embarrassment or anything along those lines.
>"Well, it's caused mostly by a form of subatomic particle, with a catalyst of DNA."
>Your head jerks up, mostly- you thought, these ponies knew nothing about science… especially DNA.
>Oh, right.
>This might be because of the Princess's conversations with you.
>So they might not all be bullshit.
>"These types of behaviors are not unorthodox in bipedal organisms, as appropriated in the Shishniwah Colonies in the early 1300s, which were colonized by equestrians around that time, as when the natives, which had looked much like you, anon… but were much- much more uneducated…"
>She paused, and you noticed, that you had taken a seat in a desk, and she was reading off of note cards.
>You wonder for a moment on how you had simply blanked on that, but she continues.
>"ahh- where was i… right, they- err… /comingled/ with the colonizers for a year or so. And after that month, all the anon looking natives had succumbed of a strange disease. and it is written in great adventurer 'north seas's' journal that they had all transformed into ponies, all in spans of about weeks after comingling with the settlers!"
>Oh, by comingling she means sex. Neat!
>"They Had all started at the crotch, showing more and more equine styled nethers."
>She Draws a huge, accurate Horse Penis on the chalk board, fully erect.
>You now know what she does in her spare time.
>accidental sexual genocide
>"After that, it had moved down until they're along the lines of ancient Human Satyrs!"
>She flips the board over, and in a moment she had a very detailed half you half horse on the board.
>With a Greek style posture, complete with another horse dick.
>You really tell celestia a lot about humans, don’t you?
>You wonder what they know about the Beatles.
>"Then From the nethers, approximately when the tail is four inches long, it would move from the waist to the top of the head, until they were then quadruped!"
>"Okay! Things to prepare for!"
>She brings up her cue cards.
>"If you happen to become female- which may or may not happen! Your going to experience female levels of arousal, which is much, much more intense than males whom undertake these transformations!"
"Only who go through these?"
>"Yes, anon… most mares only experience the level of hormones present constant in transformed ponies during the spring time. It's quite debilitating during finals week, to be honest."
>Okay, hoping for male!
>"If you happen to become a unicorn… it'll be unprecedented!"
"At this point, I just hope that my lower half transforms before my top."
>you look around the room, and lean in a bit.
"How long do I have, doc?"
>She looks at you and comes closer… after a bit of examination she simply states- "About Three Days and fifty minutes"
"Ah, so about Tree Fiddy."
>"Wait… what?"
>And with that, you walk out the door.

ALSO, EDIT! Month = Year.
This is pretty neat
>"Only who go through these?"
I think your grammar broke down slightly around this point.
Pacing seems off. Vocabulary and word choice are spot on.
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Poor guy
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Did this weird fetish stem from you guys reading too much Animorphs when you were younger?
Courage the cowardly dog here.
Dino kangaroo episode for some reason.
Got scarred for life after that one Spongebob episode
At first it was just TG, too much Ranma 1/2
Then I discovered Deviantart
I never read it but the pictures on the cover certainly caught my eye when I saw them in the library.
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is this why you don't play dungeons and discord
It's what happens when you roll 20s.
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fuck having your plot, I want my own big, squishy pony butt
fuck you, now everytime I'm sitting I imagine having a big squishy pony butt

why must you torture me so
>tfw you will never feel your toned flanks squish into your seat
>tfw you will never look at your toned glutes flexing under your thick hips in the mirror
>tfw you will never feel your fingers sink into your pudgy, bouncy butt
forgot image that wasn't antroshit
>tfw you will never have the plump and juicy pony booty
>tfw you will never strut down the street, each trot jiggling that bouncy bubble butt
>tfw you will never feel a pegasus slide a wing down your thigh, or have a unicorn telekinetically pinch your perky cheeks
>>tfw you will never feel your fingers sink into your pudgy, bouncy butt
I don't think you've quite understood how this works, Anon.
make me
I'll only stop when you're needily squirming in your seat, desperately wanting a pair of those generously thick pony hips

>tfw you will never have an earth pony smack your well-upholstered rump, and feel the shockwave jiggle the entire cheek
>tfw you will never feel your tail swish over your thick breeding thighs
>tfw you will never savor the needy gaze of just about every stallion you walk by, completely absorbed by the sight of your pudgy pony padding

>not wanting the last thing you do with your hands to be enjoying the funner bits of your pony anatomy
you savage
I'm almost there
>>not wanting the last thing you do with your hands to be enjoying the funner bits of your pony anatomy
Yeah, that sounds okay.
>those hips
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>tfw you will never place a hoof below a buttcheek to lift it up, before dropping it and letting it jiggle in place
>tfw you will never gratuitously stretch in public, showing off your perfectly perky butt
>tfw you will never have a special somepony who knows how to appreciate your assets, and spend an entire night just playing with your plot
>tfw they will never gently shower kisses over your behind, or gently massage your glutes with their hooves, or firmly press a hoof into your plump rump, or wrap his forlegs around your backside and snuggle into that juicy tush
I approve.
>You're sitting for minutes, the sensor delay after the ship exited hyperspace became unbearable.
>So you've asked for ashtrays and now, you and your friends lie against each other, staring at the control screens, with smoke of burning tobacco in the air.
>When the comn silence finally breaks down, you all eagerly listen to the reports.
>”Sensors detect a star, the tear is in close proximity of it. The star has no planets or any other structures in near proximity, that's not an definite answer, though. We have multiple gravimetric anomalies, five exactly.”
>You're knee deep in reports, hearing the information that jumps and skips and hops through the air between the mission controller and their subordinates.
>But a clap of something light against your lap catches your attention.
“Did you come prepackaged with fortune-telling?”
>You chuckle.
“It's all mathematics.”
>”You proposed something on the basis of a couple weeks worth of reading and implications from what you heard?”
>With a small chuckle you reply.
“Probably. I could also be wrong. But that's life, you know?”
>Now it's Amy's turn to be amazed. The buffalo leans out of the large chair she got, mainly because of her buff constitution.
>”It doesn't make sense, did you do it alone? You were never the study type.”
>”Girls, Girls, Non, or Regia, whichever you all prefer had got intelligence that she's a walking chemistry factory of hormones and pheromones. Give her a break!”
“Hey, I'm actually fine,” you say, but the conversation between tour friends continues on.
>You stop paying attention to their rambling, and instead light another cigarette, watching the screens.
>It interests you a lot more.
>You continue staring into the mess, the ponies, changelings and all sorts of other creatures running about below you, with you and your friends seated at the observation deck of the control room.
>Well, observation… more like press, but this mission as all the others to the tears have been kept as top secret.
>And from what you have read on the Equestrian Space Navy, there's nothing easier than hiding a vehicle launch.
>Funny, how a constitutional monarchy can advance to a world controlling power.
>Well, constitutional on paper.
>The Senate of Territorial Leaders that's supposed to be martingale for Princess Celestia, the Fuhrer of the Equestrian kingdom, is a mere puppet for it, and all efforts made by Verita to get actual power to the Senate have been all fruitless, so she rather tends to her “children” as she describes her drones, which she finds far more important.
>So it's more like enlightened despotism.
>Hit and miss, that's it.
>The Equestrian history is interesting.
>Sadly, no one gives the slightest bit of care about it.
>What can you do?
>Those who don't know of the past are doomed to repeat it's mistakes.
>Like all the Bond villains.
>Heh, shoot first, ask never should be a standing to go by if you decide to take over the world.
>You internally shake your head.
>”What're you smirking at, Regia?” You hear from your side.
>Right, Ann.
“Nothing, just was internally pondering something.”
>”You haven't changed a bit, then, always a bit of a daydreamer.”
>You chuckle, waving your hoof.
“I reckon we have seen enough for now, I doubt something interesting will happen,” you say and get off the chair you've been siting on.
>”Yeah, I guess you're right. Want to hit a coffee y'all?” Ann proposes, when you're almost at the door.
“Sounds good with me. How about you guys?”
>”Non, for crying out loud, when will you stop calling us guys?” Fifi steers the conversation off course, floating slowly above the rest of your friends.
”When you will stop calling me Non. I thought we haven't gave up yet on returning to normality yet, right?”
>”Well, some of us haven't, but all things considered 'some of us’ currently applies only to you,” Andy takes the control wheel of the conversation for a change.
“What do you mean? You don't want your normal life back?”
>”Normal life? Look at us all, Regi.” Ann says.
>”I can fly, I have a kickass look, and these talons are fucking awesome! I got into business, something I couldn't have done back home!” Miro says, flapping her wings enthusiastically.
>”I got bigger and stronger, I can continue my mechanical tinkering all day I want, something I could never have done back home with medicine on my back.” Amy says, throwing off the happiest smile youve ever seen on your friend's face, the sweetness of the emotion lingering in the air.
>”I have almost finished a medical school! Something I've always dreamt of,” Ann says, smiling with the same colour as Amy.
>”The drug control laws are much lighter out here regarding Mary. I can open a proper business I dreamt of, I can do what I wanted, but couldn't before. Who gives a shit I'm a cartoon horse from the waist down,” Milia proclaims, standing on the tail of the group.
>”I'm a pegasus, free like the wind, and I got almost the entirety of nursing exams behind me! I am the only one of you who finished what they started home, and I'm happier with it than I ever was, because ponies actually appreciate it. Aren't you happy?” Fifi, still flying over the group says, and your all friends look at you.
>When you don't answer, they start asking you, their questions molting, melting and all creating a mess of sounds and their emotional scents.
>You pull your ears by the side of your head, and lower down, under the stream of questioning from your comrades.
>Their eyes feel like they burn into your shell, their questions internal, or said, bombarding your ears.
>At one point you can't take it anymore.
>And without a word and with a mere flash of your horn, you disappear off into the light swirl of your teleport spell.
And that's it.

Moar on sunday.
Poor Regia
She will get better.
Dem hormones.
What are they watching? Hot Fuzz?
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That is exactly what they are watching
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What fun activities would you do with a transformed pony who has been placed in your care?

any other thoughts would rely on the pony they TF into
Read phone books
Making prank phone calls? I like it.
Watch Top Gun
This remind to my idea about a TF story about a person who has a friend who becomes a pony and has to help him to adapt to his new life.
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>"Okay brochacho, one more time. Where's Raspberry?" a disheveled man asked
>Sitting across from him, tied to a chair, a seedy-looking man scowled
>"Fuck you, dude."
>The standing man, Teddy, pursed his lips
>"I really didn't want to do this." Teddy groaned, "I'd hoped you'd tell me what you did with her easily."
>Teddy stood up and walked around behind the chair
>BZZZ, he turned on a razor and began to shave his victim's head
>"I'm giving you one more chance to tell me where Raspberry is."
>"I got nothing, man!" he shouted
>Teddy grabbed a cloth and stuffed it into Jack's mouth as he shaved him bald
>Teddy then grabbed a box-cutter and put it to Jack's scalp
>Teddy drug it around, drawing a few designs absentmindedly in Jack's scalp as Jack's muffled screams bounced around in the basement they were in
>Teddy pulled the gag out and looked at Jack
>"Where's my fucking pony?" he asked again
>"I gave her to Juarez! He's gonna get her out of country and auction her off!"
>Teddy sat down, breathing heavily
>If there was two things he loved more than little Raspberry, it was extended interrogation and manhunting
>Also curling, Teddy loved him some curling
>"I want you to tell me everything, Jack. Who, where, when, what, how."
>"They'll kill me man."
>"If you don't tell me, I'm going to kill you." Teddy looked at his watch "7 weeks from now after I make you doubt the existence of whatever god you pray to."
>Jack sat quietly
>"You have two minutes to talk before I start taking toes." Teddy got up and grabbed a pair of bolt cutters
>"Shit! I'll talk!"
>"Then start!"
>"I only know where I bring the ponies to, after that Juarez picks them up and takes them to the airport."
>"Where do you take them to?"
>"..." Jack seemed hesitant to answer
>Teddy picked up the bolt cutters and set them on the ground, open
>Jack's exposed big toe sat in the waiting jaw of the bolt cutters
>"Tell me now, Jack."
>"I take them down to the old mall on the eastside, they load them in the truck bay."
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>Teddy smiled
>"I'm gonna head out and check your facts. If I die out there, you're going to starve to death in this room, if you lied to me, you'll wish you starved to death in the dark." Teddy got up and left Jack in the darkness of his basement with the light off
>He grabbed a crowbar on the way out and got into his car
>"Oh boy, here I go killin' again." he said to himself as he started the car
>He backed out into traffic and made his way to the old mall
>A lot of childhood memories there
>Rather than scout the place out, Teddy went on in, intent on killing everyone he saw, he just operated like that
>He didn't follow rules or anything, but he had a high standard of morality and a high intensity of punishment in which he was the judge, jury, and executioner
>Teddy smashed the glass door leading into the derelict building
>He travelled through to the old Ross and into the back of that
>Teddy hadn't yet seen anyone
>Then he spotted the loading bay, where trucks would occasionally drop off shipment to the mall
>He listened carefully
>A diesel engine was idling nearby
>In the next bay over in fact
>Teddy's heart stopped when he heard it revving and start to leave
>He jumped down and looked into the street
>There were empty cages, and a truck driving off
>JUH E7D, Teddy spotted the license plate
>A white Ford brand truck
>No labels
>F-750 with a cargo chassis
>Teddy frowned, if he didn't catch this truck Raspberry was gone forever
>He sprinted across the mall back to his car and sped out to the exit
>He followed after the truck and pulled up next to it at a stop
>He got out of this car, grabbed his car shotgun
>Aimed over the roof of his car at the truck
>He fired a big ol' slug at the driver and blew his head over the inside of the cabin without him ever knowing he was about to be shot
>He climbed up the side of the truck and shattered the door window to open it
>He pulled out the passenger and threw him in his trunk
>Teddy opened the truck up
>No ponies
>>No ponies
There's the problem with this story.
One of the best themes for pony TF in my opinion.
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I hope you guys are ready to bump, lest the whole of /mlp/ transform into Starlight Glimmer.
They can make an equine do crazy things.
>Ranma 1/2
And yet there's no pony TF using the Ranma 1/2 mechanism. Except this one shitty picture. Disappointing.
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>isnt pic related
totally not realistic m8.
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master is having me put down
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These ponies sure do worry a lot. It was a decent chapter, the dream was good.
(It's nice to think that Ponyville is prepared in the event of zombie incursion.)
Quite right.
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Needs a Chilean General's cap.
With his characteristic question mark cutiemark stolen, the transformed Anon is only recognizable by the vulgar language he spews.

Nah, /mlp/ has enough generals already.
>Nah, /mlp/ has enough generals already.
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>You're gonna miss being able to play musical instruments.
>And typing, you won't be able to type anymore.
>Definitely no lewd things.
>You look down to your remaining hand.
>This thing has done a lot for you.
>A smile creeps up upon your face, knowing that you've got three days to be sort of human again.
>You'll be a different thing entirely, so it's like… as if this body dies and your consciousness will be transferred into your pony body.
>You bring your hoof to your face, and touch your cheek with the interior of your hoof.
>It's alien, Indescribable almost- you notice that your hoof is much more sensitive than your face, which is strange.
>It's going to be a trip to walk on these if they're more sensitive than a dick tip.
>The feeling is very reminiscent to the crest of your foot, which you walk on regularly.
>You don't know, you'll see how it goes.
>You find yourself back at sugarcube corner, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is playing on the stereo and record you provided.
>'A Little Help From My friends' is playing, you note- and it causes you to laugh as it's nearly what you needed to hear.
"Get by with a little help from my friends."
>You smile.
due to minor inconveniences i cannot do more writing tonight.

All good, familia. Nice mini update.
>You're gonna miss being able to play musical instruments.
>And typing, you won't be able to type anymore.
>Definitely no lewd things.
I'm pretty sure ponies do all those things. But it would take some relearning after the switch to hooves.
Some horrifying intermediate stages here.
Come back tomorrow
>When you reappear, god knows where, you want to scream.
>You slam your hooves against a red carpet, swearing in ways that are probably a multiple federal offenses, worth a couple centuries in prison.
>You're in the throne room.
>”What is it, Regia? Something the matter?” You hear from behind yourself.
>It's Verita.
>Wasn't her shell supposed to harden? She was on the ceiling.
>Now, she's behind you for sure, judging by the voice.
>”I sense distress fear and sadness, I'm sure it'd help you to talk out.”
>You turn yourself around and lay your eyes at the changeling Queen behind you.
>If Verita looked royal and regal before, now she looks like the empress of the entire universe.
>Godlike in look, fear and respect shining from her, and those eyes, with the most burning and ambitious gaze.
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Hail Verita
>A large crown, a slim and elegant body build, and a tail spun into a large helix, with the mane flowing from below the crown that takes up a lot of space on the head, in a very similar way to the tail.
>Not to mention large insect wings, elegantly laid on top of a dark green backplate.
>All of this in a black hard chitinous concealment.
>Amazing, and fear inducing.
>You want to reply, but you stutter.
>A slight second later, you recollect your courage.
>”There's nothing to be afraid of, Regia.”
“W-why do you look like this now?”
>”I grew older and wiser, and so my shell reflects that, just like an old man has white hair. Unlike someone old, though, I'm still verily in my prime and will stay that way for centuries.”
>Your mouth is agape.
>You never thought you'd hear such a kind and caring tone from such a formidable creature.
>”Now that I opened myself to you, I hope you will do the same. Please, tell, it'll make you feel better.”
>You sigh.
>If it'll make you feel better, then it's worth even trying.
“I'm not sure. All my friends are really happy out here, all of them found something that fills them, makes them happy, something they enjoy, and now when talk came down to returning home, they just seem like they forgot what's like being home,” you want to continue, but Verita interrupts you.
>”And this is not home? This isn't a place where you sleep, eat and meet your friends?”
“Home is where the heart is, and my heart is with my family. This isn't my home, and as much I'm thankful for it, this isn't home, it's a house.”
>”I see. So you want to return to Terra to say a goodbye? To finally feel satisfied that you've left your past behind?”
“Past? What do you mean?”
>”That man, the human being with whatever it was is no more, you, just you, your mind, your soul, that's what's now, what you were is the past, nothing else. Why keep holding to it, when it serves no purpose other than to eat your wings and prevent you from soaring up high?”
“What if I don't like this? What if I'd be happier back home, back with my boring life, back with my boring days.”
>”That is a load of fucking bullshit, and we both know that.”
>You slam your hooves against the ground, lower down, push your ears beside your head, expose your fangs and sharp teeth, and make a loud hissing noise, like an angry cat.
>You jump in surprise at your reaction.
>But you quickly regain composure and continue speaking, even if your voice is cracked up.
“And what if it's true? What if I want to go home, and pretend that this all was a tetrahydrocannabinol induced vivid lucid dream, what if I do want to just see my family again, mom and dad, what if I do miss them all despite whatever the fuck I am or how many hormones and pheromones are inside my bloodstream?”
>”Calm down, dear, I know what're you going through, but you need to shape up, or,” now you interrupt Verita for a change.
”You know what I'm going through?” You repeat, your voice breaking under the circumstance, but you continue. “You have no fucking clue. I lost my future, my comfortable certainties, those I hold dearest to me,” with each word you come close to tearing up.
>When you're about to continue, and break for sure, Verita comes closer and wraps her hooves around you, into some sort of an equivalent of an equine hug.
>The warmth and comfort, the loving embrace strikes you harder than the emotions a minute ago.
>Instead of speaking aloud and with all the trained might and certainty she usually possesses, she gently speaks, almost whispering in the volume, kindly into your ear, whilst continuing to keep you wrapped up in her limbs, seated down on the red fuzz of the throne room carpet.
>”Shh, it's fine. I miss my family too. I miss them all so much. I miss my three siblings, I miss dad's smart talks, mom's cooking and kindness. But I have to move on, because if I didn't all of my drones, children, would stop with me. And with us, more would crash down, and I just can't let that happen, it is my responsibility. You're just like me, save for the drones. You have five friends that look up to you, as someone who knows how to navigate this minefield, leading then to promised land. If you stop and crash, they will as well. They're your responsibility, they're your family in absence of the one beyond the universal veil, and just like they are to you, you are to them.”
>You don't say anything in reply, nor Verita does.
>The silence speaks louder than a thousand words.
>It is just you, and Queen Verita, which seems more and more like an aunt, and a complete silence.
>Not an awkward one.
>Not a silence that begs to be destroyed with even the slightest noise.
>It's a soothing calm, something desired and wanted.
>And soon, it promotes sleep.
>You lean into the slightly larger changeling's hooves, supported lightly, you're soon carried to peaceful slumber, with the sweet smell of support and something else, sending you into deeper and deeper sleep.
>That's exactly what you needed.
And that's it. Have fun, PTFG..
That gives me a rather weird boner
>all of them found something that fills them

This was a really nice update.
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Transformation into a sea monster pony
Here's some transformation.
Shoo bee doo
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Sea ponies won't save you.
Here’s something short I wrote to get my creative juices flowing. It’s a bit different from anything I’ve done before, and it’s pretty fetishy. That being said, enjoy.

>You are Anon.
>The first semester of your junior year in college is almost halfway done.
>And you’ve almost gotten used to your new dorm room.
>There’s nothing too bad about it; after all, you can’t complain about not having a roommate.
>But the room next to you is home to the noisiest people on planet Earth.
>You can never get any sleep, and it’s starting to take its toll on you.
>Tonight is especially bad.
>There’s at least five people having some kind of party in there, and it’s awful.
>You decided to give them until you went to bed before you had to be that guy.
>And as you step out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth, you notice that they’ve quieted down a bit.
>It’s just quiet enough that you can hear your door click shut.
>You turn to face the unassuming wooden door, and it doesn’t look tampered with.
>Nothing in your room is out of place, either.
>You sigh and sit down at your desk to do one last bit of homework before you sleep.
>But your hands refuse to pick up the pencil.
>Your grip isn’t firm enough to keep it from falling out of your grasp.
>You look down at your hand and watch it ball up, and as you watch in horror, your fingers fuse together.
>The skin hardens slightly, and light blue fur grows all along your arm.
>On your other arm, the same changes are taking place just as fast.
>You kick off your pants and watch the same colored fur travel up your legs.
>You stand up shakily, but as soon as you are upright you fall back down.
>You look back and see that your legs have completely changed shape.
>A tail covered in long teal hairs sprouts from your lower back, and your ass starts to plump up.
>Your boxers tear as your rear keeps growing, and their tattered remains land at the base of your back hooves.
>The bones in your arms shift like your legs did, and you quickly find that now you couldn’t stand on two legs if you wanted to.
>So you have to settle with a stance better suited for your equine limbs.
>Suddenly, though, a pain in your groin distracts you from your front legs.
>You look behind you and get a view of your back end in the mirror.
>Your dick and balls are pulling up into your body, and you let out a small cry.
>A large slit forms where your dick receded, and you see the skin around it darken.
>You can only yell again as you survey the reflection of the horse pussy between your legs.
>You see two spots beneath your pussy puff out and form equine crotchtits.
>But, in the mirror, you quickly notice your head is changing too.
>As the fur spreads across your torso, your ears are also moving upwards, becoming more pointy and, once they make it to the top of your head, covered in fur.
>Your hair grows out and takes on a teal color to match your tail.
>The fur travels up your neck and you notice your nose pushing out within your field of vision.
>Your grit your rapidly changing teeth as your face forms a muzzle.
>You close your eyes as you feel them grow, and groan as your organs move around inside you.
>And, just like that, it’s over.
>You crack one eye and slowly turn your head around to look in the mirror again.
>A light blue pony with distinctly feminine features stares back at you.
>Your mouth opens a bit in shock, and you let out a gasp as you hear a knock on the door.
>It opens without waiting for an answer.
>Wasn’t your door locked?
>A tall, imposing figure looks down on you, and you realize how small you are compared to him, at about eye level with his waist.
>As he moves closer to you, you try to back away, but you trip over your clumsy new hooves and fall on your ass.
>He scoops you up in one arm, and you can do little but flail your legs and squirm around as he carries you out of your room.
>Much to your surprise, he approaches the door right next to yours.
>He knocks twice quickly, then twice slowly, and after a few seconds, the door opens.
>You can see inside the room fairly well.
>It’s about the same size as your dorm room, but about a quarter of it is occupied by a small pen.
>There’s someone sitting in the corner on his phone, and he only gives you a small glance when you walk in.
>Someone else is writing down notes in front of a mad-sciency array of test tubes and beakers.
>Another person is sitting at a desk with two monitors in front of him, both playing videos of a different empty room.
>You recognize one of them as yours.
>The man who’s carrying you drops you down into the pen, and the dividers are just tall enough to keep you from escaping.
>”The mare is secure,” he says to the guy in front of the lab kit.
>You somehow gather the courage to speak.
“Wh-Who are you?”
>”Shut up!”
>The man at the desk, who is sitting right next to your pen, is glaring at you with anger in his eyes.
> The presumptive scientist whips around.
>”Matt, please calm down. She can talk if she wants to, as long as she isn’t too loud.”
>”Alright, fine.”
>He turns back to you
>”I’m Chris. That’s Matt on the computers. Tyler is the one in the corner, and Ryan brought you here. I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but please save them for later.”
>He picks up a small syringe filled with a clear liquid and walks over to you.
>”This is to make sure there weren’t any problems with the change. I promise it won’t hurt a bit.”
>Something about this terrifies you.
“I-I feel fine, really.”
>”This experiment has a lot of unknowns. You could be slowly dying through irreversible organ damage right now. It’s for your own good.”
“I think I’ll take my chances.”
>His expression darkens.
>”You don’t have a choice. Ryan, hold her down.”
>Ryan extends both arms to pin you down and you snap at one of his hands, your teeth hitting their mark.
>”Ow! Stupid horse!”
>He comes at you again, but this time you can’t react fast enough.
>All the squirming in the world doesn’t make a difference as Ryan keeps a firm hold on you and Chris advances with the syringe.
>”Please, hold still.”
>He injects the liquid into your neck, and Ryan lets go of you after all the fluid is gone.
>You slump to the floor, defeated. Chris runs a hand through your mane.
>”Good pony.”
>Two quick knocks and two slow knocks distract you from your defeat.
>”And it looks like your new roommate is here too.”
>He unlocks the door and another man comes in, this time carrying a cream-colored stallion with a short, light pink mane.
>He is unceremoniously deposited right beside you, and Chris injects a similar fluid into him before he can react.
>”Nice work, Mike. Everything should be good to go.”
>Matt turns back to the computers and opens a pair of new windows.
>Charts and numbers appear on both screens, and they are updated every few seconds.
>”Nanomachines seem to be working.”
>”Yep, nanomachines. They’re to measure your vitals and do various things.” Chris says.
“I thought you said they were for fixing damage?”
>”That’s one of the things they’re doing.”
>Everything about this operation makes you very uneasy.
“Why did you turn me into a horse?”
>”You’re a pony, not a horse. And it’s complicated. Suffice it to say that you are part of an experiment.”
“So I’m a lab rat?”
>He pauses.
>”Not entirely.”
>Oh, how reassuring.
>You look back to the stallion who shares the pen with you, and he seems to have recovered from his daze.
>”What’s your name?”
>Behind you, you can hear someone tapping away at a keyboard.
>And even though you were nanoseconds away from telling him, you can’t seem to remember it.
>You frantically search your mind only to find that you don’t know your name.
>Growing enraged, you turn back to your captors.
“What the hell did you do?”
>”I kept you from ruining the experiment.”
“I’m not an experiment!”
>Before Chris can say anything, Ryan stands up.
>From his seat right by you, his form towers over yours.
>”Yes hell you are! Your name means nothing. Your life means nothing anymore. We will do with you what we want, and right now, that is finishing an experiment. So be quiet.”
>”Ryan, sit down. Don’t frighten them. But, sadly, whatever lives you had are effectively over. If you cooperate with me, however, I’ll try to ease some of the hardships.”
>Chris’s words are somewhat reassuring, and you take a moment to look around your pen.
>Aside from a small bowl of water and a fairly large bed, there’s not much.
>You walk over to the bed and lie down.
>From the desk, Matt resumes typing again.
>”Yo, Chris, we’re ready.”
>Chris looks over at you apologetically.
>”I’m really sorry for what’s about to happen.”
>He presses a key, and after a few seconds, you start to notice something bubbling up to the surface inside you.
>You start to take in a few more of the stallion’s features.
>He’s definitely bigger than you are, and his body is a bit more toned.
>But most of all, he’s kinda cute.
>Okay, pretty cute.
>Gorgeous, even.
>Maybe irresistible.
>He looks up at you and you can see a hunger in his eyes.
>The way his eyes pass over every inch of your body ignites a fire inside you.
>You feel an alien sensation shoot through your body as your pussy winks at him.
>You can see his stallion cock flop out of its sheath.
>It’s all you can think about right now.
>In a lust-fueled haze, you get up, turn around, and raise your tail.
>Primal pleasure shoots through you as you feel him jump on top of you.
>These feelings grow tenfold when his dick pokes at your waiting folds.
>With a thrust, he slides into you, and a moan escapes your lips.
>The feeling of being fucked is like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
>Even the slight pain of your hymen breaking is offset by the waves of pleasure coursing through your veins.
>He starts to thrust in and out, repeatedly and rhythmically.
>Moan after moan escapes your lips as he plows you, hilting deep inside you and then pulling his thick length back out again.
>The only thing you can focus on is the pleasure.
>The only thing you /want/ to focus on is the pleasure.
>Each thrust sends another tidal wave of it all through you and eats away at the part of you that thinks it isn’t natural and it shouldn’t be happening to you.
>You don’t spend much time thinking about it.
>In fact, there’s not much to think about at all.
>As the stallion on top of you picks up his pace, thoughts begin to leave your mind.
>Your courses and classwork become hazy, before slipping your mind entirely.
>Why would you go to school? Ponies don’t need school.
>Your friends’ faces and names begin to fade from your head, one after another.
>After all, you don’t need friends. All you need is a nice, big stallion like this one.
>Old childhood memories become harder and harder to remember with each quick, deep thrust into your dripping cunt.
>They didn’t seem like the the pasture you grew up in anyways.
>Still, that annoying voice inside your head remains.
>It keeps talking about humans and someone named Anon.
>Why would you have a name when all you need to do is breed?
>Lucky for you, it’s going away.
>But with one last burst of effort, your mind is flooded with its emotions.
>Fear. Anger. Disgust.
>You can’t give in!
>Oh, god, why can’t you remember anything before you were a pony?
>You turn to look over at the nice man whose name you can’t remember.
>He smiles.
>”Oh, don’t worry, Anon. You’ll make an excellent broodmare.”
>Your eyes widen as the stallion hilts inside you, and you feel the head of his dick flare up inside you.
>With that final burst of all-consuming pleasure, your eyes roll back in your head and you let out a loud cry.
>The voice is drowned out by waves of orgasmic pleasure that leave you convulsing.
>After just a moment of this, you can’t even remember what that voice was saying.
>Was there even a voice?
>You don’t care about anything but your orgasm.
>And as the first rope of stallion cum shoots into your womb, new memories fill up where the old ones left.
>You can’t remember much other than smells at first.
>You know what your mother smells like and what the pasture you spent your foalhood in smells like.
>You know the somewhat odd smell of the nice stallion that feeds you and gives you head pats.
>And, above all, you know the smell of stallion.
>Stallions fill your mind even further with each spurt of seed and each wave of pleasure.
>You don’t usually pay much attention to what the nice stallion says to you, but you don’t need to be told that you’re a broodmare.
>Being fucked by a stallion and having his foals just seems right to you.
>As the stallion pulls out of you, any sentience that was left quickly disappears.
>You turn around and sniff the air around you.
>The smell of your bestial sex is thick in the air.
>The nice stallion smells like he wants to breed with you, too.
>You turn around and raise your tail, and a dribble of cum moves down your leg.
>”I think she turned out just fine.”
Aww, yes
>You hear strange noises before feeling the familiar sensation of a stallion pushing himself deep inside you.
>It does seem a bit smaller than the last stallion, though.
>You feel the nice stallion’s small hooves grab onto you as he thrusts into you.
>You can barely hear the other humans around you.
>There are a few quiet sounds like the ones you heard before the nice stallion started breeding with you.
>Soon, his thrusting starts to quicken, and the pleasure from his breeding builds more and more until, with a loud whinny, your walls clench down on him.
>You always want more of that feeling.
>The nice stallion thrusts deep inside you and fills you up with his love.
>You whinny again, relishing the pleasure that it gives you.
>He pulls out of you slowly, but you still need to be bred more.
>The nice stallion pats your mane.
>”Soon we’ll get you some more stallions, once your foals start making money. Who wants the next turn with Anon?”
>Another stallion pushes inside you and you exhale.
>So many stallions want to breed with you and have your foals.
>You love serving your herd like this.
>You love being a broodmare.

And with that, it’s done. Hope you enjoyed this bit of green. This was my first attempt at major mental changes in a TF, so please let me know what I could do better.
Also, I put it in a pastebin. Link is http://pastebin.com/NybTq2pg
Very nice story. I do feel sorry for the mare having her mind tampered with like that, but she'll be well taken care of.
Technically it's alright, but I detest identity death.

Also, the money motive is shit but I guess that's to be expected of a simple fetish fic.
And I've added it to the google doc,
And while I'm thinking about it, if the writers of the new stories from this thread will supply pastebin links then I can get those added too.
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If identity death is so awful why do you never hear it's victims complaining?
>"Hey Pinkie."
"Hey Pinkie."
>She parroted what you said when you were-
>"Yeah, I know…"
"Not even beginning, pinkie, get me some whole milk please."
>"Yeah, it's no issue, let me get that- oh wait! Here."
>She reaches under the counter and grabs you a cup prefilled with milk.
>Beatles and whole milk… nothing quite like it to lift the spirits.
>"So- how's the whole 'one-of-us' thing going?"
>"hoping for unicorn?"
"Yeah, probably… hopefully I can imitate hands with magic to some degree."
>You look down to your hand, which doesn't look any different.
>Lucy in the sky with diamonds comes on, albeit with less bass than you remember.
>You smoothly word the lyrics, closing your eyes and nodding your head, showing off a look reminiscent of a drunk person who's lost himself to emotion.
>"I wrote something along the lines of this song back about half a year ago."
"Elaborate, Pinkie."
>She begins telling you about a long drawn out adventure to Yakyakistan, home of the Yakyakistan yaks hoofball team.
>By the time she gets to her involvement with the band, the room had cleared out a bit.
"So, the wonderbolts miraculously saved you, then you made a band called 'The Pinkles' where you toured the world as a sensation…"
>"yeah! That!"
>You really wanted to call bullshit. But the pony in front of you is not above saving the world. So anything can happen to such types.
>so you go with your instinct.
"Jesus it's like someone read a history book and said 'fuck it! We'll do it live!'
because the people whom are victims are written by writers who don't have the god damn common courtesy to make their smut realistic
>"Moreso clawing for money."
"Welp. Good talk, Pinkie."
>"Oh, yeah~ hey anon, you coming to your Congratulations-you're-no-longer-a-degenerate-party?"
"Human's aren't degenerate!" you snap back.
>"Oh. Okay. Then are you coming to your Congratulations-you're-becoming-a-pony-party?"
"Yeah, sure- if it means free cantaloupe and cake."
>"Sure does!"
>You turn and walk out the door.
>Where do you eat?
>What do you have to do?
>Oh, twilight might want to monitor you.
>it'd probably be better than having her chase you around staring at you with a pair of binoculars.
>You turn, and look at the nearest bush.
>And, as plain as day were two lenses about three inches apart.
"If you want to watch the becoming-a-pony thing you should ask, it's not like I have anything better to do."
>The binoculars go down, and a Twilight in a military helmet comes out, twigs breaking as she does so. >"Really?!"
"Why are you even asking for confirmation, Twilight, it's not like my sarcasm is difficult to spot. Geez."
>"So you mean what you said?"
"Yeah! YES! Watch my lips Purplesmart!"
>"Oh! Okay! Thanks for this opportunity to-"
>You tune her out.
>people turning into pones
pick one
its not like whatever could possibly cause vast and sweeping changes, such as complete and total species change, could be incapable of mental changes as well
not an argument. you can have realistic reactions even though the situation is unrealistic, the reactions and actions are what makes the unrealistic bits believable
Wow, you're setting an ambitious target for the transformation there.
This is true
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You're probably kidding, but because they're dead.
>You're probably kidding
You caught me.
Still, it could work well enough in a tf horror story.
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Why this shitty fetish is still a thing
Because everyone wants to be the little pony.
It's more than just a fetish, you know.

I once considered one like this where someone started as a filly who had nightmares and eventually realized they'd been tf'ed from a human.

They'd work at bringing them back.

It ultimately would have turned out they'd previously been a vile rapist like the guy in Zephyr's Tale who had been tf'ed as punishment.

The filly decides to kill off that personality for good.

It had dramatic potential but was too grimderp and depressing to actually do.
So it's just a fetish if I want to transform into an anthromorphic warplane.
But it's something more if it's a pony I want to transform to. Yeah, right.

no1curr there's plenty of other places you can go be retarded.
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> Chrome's reaction after anon's pic
I really like the deductive element of it.
>A pony wakes up one day in a world ill-suited for quadrupeds.
>Use clues from their surroundings to work out their previous life.
>Potentially they have the opportunity to go back to their old form and must decide whether to chance it.
There are totally non-fetishistic ways of writing about transformation into a pony. You can find plenty of examples here and on Fimfiction.
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That's hardly a reason to hate horses.
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If fillies are outlawed only outlaws will become fillies.
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I'm excited for this.
Do you guys have pastebins that can be listed in the next OP?
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>You will never look down to see your pink poofy pone tail sprouting and pushing through your pant-leg, while your ass is slowly growing, getting bigger, rounder, and bouncier

I just don't know what to do anymore
You could keep painting that amazing mental image for the thread
Or masturbate, it helps to kill time
I should really write something sometime.
I'm really good with this stuff.
The only issue is that it just makes me sadder that it's not really happening to me.
We could be sad together
At the very least, we would gain a new writefag and that's always good
i haven't posted it yet, mostly because i like posting complete stories, but whatever, i'll paste it.

>after some time

Do it, Anon
Okay, hit me with a writing request.
Nothing heavy with actual story pls. I just like writing various changes in various situations in detail.
write a lighthearted story about an anon whom transforms into another thing every hour
Anon during the day
Little mare during the night
He is... The Weremare
>anon turns into big-assed Mrs. Cake
>makes sweet, passionate love with Mr. Cake
rolling for booty booty rockin' everywhere
but I'd be fine with generic butthorse
If you're willing to write something fetishy: A guy is cursed with a needy mare vag. The more sexual he gets with it the more he transforms. Needless to say his resistance doesn't last long.
New thread
Initiating self destruct sequence...
What stallion makes the transformation possible... if you know what I mean?
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