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Equestrian Dungeon: Dolman Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 524
Thread images: 42

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Welcome to Equestrian Dungeon, the sequel to /mlp/ Tower. As in the last rendition of the game, the goal will be to get to the end of the segment or floor. Along the way, you will be able to keep items you find (and mischeviously bring along) in the Inventory, as well as work with a set number of players, dubbed "AnonPones," in the thread. AnonPones are created when a player joins the game. There are multiple interactive objects, such as switches, levers, giant metal springs, and the occasional undead or mechanical monstrosity that's out to kill your party. There are also many traps scattered throughout the floor, such as flamethrowers and bottomless pits, that also harm or kill your AnonPones. You have no floor diagram, alas "Flying Blind", and you will rely on
>Greentext parts of the story
to move along.

Version: 2.0
Recent updates: Tons of new content, modified the effects of update 1.5.

For new players: Post the nearest three items to your LEFT excluding computer accessories, then post what race you'd like to be (Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn).
I'm not fighting. I'm just taking a ring.
Deflect ring with shield and make it hit the Grapple master
Equip the Stoneguard Leggings
Go back and go to the second door
There were 5 doors remember?
gnaw off Krono's right wing
Run over and stab the sproutling with the Royal Spontoon.
Then leave because I want to do this uninterrupted because I wanna use the ring against the other enemy by reflecting it with my shield so leave please or don't interfere
I will, I will. After I take the ring. :^)
Swing my axe as hard as possible into Useless's skull.
Head over to Suitcase and check out the first left door
Friendly Reminder we have a New Discord Chat!

Now with 100% More Actual Dungeon Discussion
100% less Erotic Roleplaying
100% less complaining
and 0% Deleting your posts in chat over stupid shit!

Join today.

SEE, Because I'm trying to do this and your preventing me from doing so >>27787195
Explore my surroundings
Correction: Just check out the hexagon.
I will loot a ring off of that ring caster, I swear to god.
Uh, no your not
Why not?
Can't really do that.
I had it way before you.
And Sunset a shit m8
Because that was the agreement, your getting nothing from this battle, if you want to fight then go find another battle.
>Can't really do that

Except I can, And I am.

Because you keep banning me and Manhorse, and keep deleting our posts over dumb shit, So fuck you and your chat.
...I said "I don't get EXP", I didn't say "I won't loot the enemies."
There's a difference, you see. This isn't like the last one, where I just plain old broke it. I only said that EXP won't be a thing.
Deal with it mate
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Why do you think I made the chat :^)
Well, if you do that, your getting involved in the battle and getting EXP so... Checkmate
Because you're a whiny bitch over being fucking kicked out of a Discord group
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>Jack Frost inspects the hexagon. Where has he seen this before?

>Morky deflected the ring from the Ring Caster, and projected it into the reaching hand of the Grapplemaster! The enemy fell from the ceiling, temporarily stunned. {CRITICAL!}

Yes, I remember.
>Kars entered the next door in sequence. Inside, she found a pile of metal.

>Useless started gnawing at Krono's right wing.

>Suitcase attacked the Sproutling with the Royal Spontoon! He almost cut the fellow in half! {CRITICAL!}

>Krono attacked Useless with a deliberate blow to the skull via the axe! He was temporarily stunned.

>Ember examined the first door to the left. This was the same door she entered this room through.

No thanks

>Akinzer and friends pile into Floor 1 of the Super Dungeon. Here, they find a lone wooden door straight ahead.


Jesus fucking christ guys, could you simmer down?

The Grapplemaster couldn't move!
The Ring Caster is idly standing by.
The Fire Warden slashed at Morky with its fire sword, but was blocked by his Medieval Shield!
The Sproutling harvests some energy from the earth! It's trying to heal itself...
That only happens when I attack the enemy. I didn't attack the enemy, I just took a ring.
Besides, if I fuck off, I won't get EXP either way.
Call the Ring Caster a faggot, before checking out the right dankness.
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I'm not being a whiny bitch, I'm offering a better option for people who actually want to discuss the fucking dungeon and not just bitch and make passive aggressive comments about others in the group.
If you don't want to join, that's fine, but don't come bitching to me when starlight starts banning you and deleting your posts when they throw you under the bus as well.
Double crit the bastard. Death from above on Grapplemaster
Examine door, check for traps
Cut the Sproutling into two using the Royal Spontoon.
"Cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it." -Morky 2016
a kick to the midsection is just what Krono needs
>Implying I do that to others
I'm going to assume I equipped the leggings
Attack the pile of metal
Time doesn't equal quality. Your discussion channel is erotic roleplay and every idea we posted has been deleted, along with a ban.
We did it better. Get cucked.

Humor me; how do you expect a group to function?

Let's start this shit off right; kick the door off the hinges. I'm using that wood.
Use this chance to decapitate the fucker with a quick neck slash.
Manhorse. The last thing we need to do is make Cheese Edition v2.
Oh, and speaking about that, I would be worse off either way.
So remind me again why you are involved in Morky's argument?
He's not, he's just being the cunt he is.
Remind me again why you are in everyone's arguments no matter what it's about?
Remind me again why do you even care to reply to my post?
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Well as you said in the discord:

"It worked, I made you mad for no reason"
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Second left door then
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Keep crafting
What the hell did I do?
>There, please not that I'm more angry at Kars and Krono compared to Akinzer and Manhorse.
Why are you mad at Krono?
I thought you we're the one who started the argument. But I was wrong.
>Jack Frost investigates the darkness to the right. Here, he fond a lone wooden door to the left.

>Morky cast Death from Above on the Grapplemaster! It writhed in pain on the partially shiny floor! {CRITICAL!}

>Akinzer examined the door. He tried to open it when a Paratrooper Skeleton suddenly dropped from the ceiling (and almost on his head!)

>Suitcase attacked the Sproutling with the Royal Spontoon! He slashed the plant into fourths.

>Useless couldn't move!

You did.
>Kars attacked the pile of metal with the Silver Chariot! It bonced backwards as a skeleton came out of the rubble!

>The 2.5th Manhorse totally ignored the Paratrooper Skeleton as he kicked the door open! Unfortunately, it bounced away and disappeared.

>Krono seized the opportunity, and slashed Useless's neck quite severely with the Bat-tle Axe! It is not looking good.

>Ember opened the second door to the left. Here, she found darkness to the left, and darkness to the right. There was also a wooden door to her right.

The Grapplemaster came back to its senses as it scaled the ceiling again.
The Ring Caster cast a ring in Morky's direction! Watch out!
The Fire Warden slashed at Morky with its fire sword! Parts of his mane were singed.
Kars suddenly attacked a Dense Skeleton!
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic fist! She now has a fist marking on her chest.
A Paratrooper Skeleton suddenly attacked Akinzer with a bony drop-kick, but missed!
You won!
Suitcase gained 20 EXP.
Open up the wooden door.
Flip the switch.
Attempt to disable the Paratrooper Skeleton by slicing it's bony arms off
Use my hooves to push down Useless's head and jump over him, then when I'm behind him, use the blunt end of the Bat-tle Axe to bash his balls.
Punch him in his thick skull.
Tackle the spook
Wait for Ring Caster to cast another spell so I guard with my shield up
Hello darkness my old friend.
Go to the right darkness
I should probably be more specific
The dense spook
attack with a flurry of hoofs
(23)JAF-1/7250 Sa Ha Pa s^A d^A,O Ea Eb Po Hb Eg (E: Frostfang, Power Bracelet, Metal Wig) (KOs: 2)
(15)STC-1/3099 Ac Sc Oc Hc Vc Rc (MrC)(E: Royal Spontoon, Vest, LED Lantern, Wooden Vest) (KOs: 2)
(14)KRO-0/2530 H2 R2 T1 (MsC)(E: Bat-tle Axe, Leather Armor, Offensive Patch) (KOs: 5)
(9)MOR-0/1208 La Sa Sb Ya (Gl) (E: Short Sword, Medieval Shield, Stoneguard Armor, TNoLM) (KOs: 1)
(10)EMB-1/1514 Ac Sc Oc (Di)(E: SP/TW, Leather Jacket, Medigun, Hoof Mittens)
(10)USL-1/1445 Ac Sc Oc (Gi)(E: Nothing)(KOs: 1)
(5)T25-0/437 Ha Ova (E: Nothing)
(6)RUI-1/504 Sa O^a Ra (Sb)(E: "The D", Offensive Patch)
(5)KRS-1/418 Ac (E: Silver Chariot, Crystal Bracelet, Violet Charm, Stoneguard Leggings)
(3)AKI-1/150 Ba (E: High Frequency Blade)
>Jack Frost opened the wooden door. Here, he found a wooden door to the left, a wooden door to the right, and more darkness ahead.

>Suitcase flipped the switch. A wooden crate and a hidden door to the left suddenly appeared!

>Akinzer attacked the Paratrooper Skeleton with the High Frequency Blade, and smashed its arms off with the power of resonance! {CRITICAL!}

>Krono literally ball-bashes Useless to the point where he's having trouble standing up.
Warning! Useless has low HP.

>The 2.5th Manhorse attacked the Paratrooper Skeleton with brute force! The enemy's skull turned and turned.

>Kars attacked the Dense Skeleton with a tackling maneuver, and was able to knock the enemy down to the ground!

>Morky is guarding.
The ring was dispelled.

>Ember moved to the right. Here, she found a passage to the right, and more darkness ahead.

>Useless did his damndest to deal damage to Krono, but he was losing too much blood in too short a timeframe.

Enemy moves coming in the following post.
The Grapplemaster reached out for Morky!
The Ring Caster launched a ring in Morky's direction!
The Fire Warden cast Flame Breaker on Morky, forcing him to drop his guard!
The Dense Skeleton shoved Kars off of its body, hurling her into the wall.
The Paratrooper Skeleton attacked Akinzer with a bony kick! He got the spit knocked out of his face.
Roll back then reflect the ring at the Ring Caster.
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Cut off the Paratrooper Skeleton's legs so It can't kick me.
>I want the ring
Anyways, check out the wooden door to the left, and pray to Lawsmen that I find a Ring Caster.
Take a swing at the Dense Skeleton's right knee.
That should cripple it.
Go to the right
He's stumbling. Grab his neck and slam him to the floor with my body.
never give up
never surrender
focus and punch at Krono's throat
Now to finish him.
Spit on Useless, then use my axe to break his back legs.
>Nothing to the left
>Nothing to the right
Just fucking end me.
What do you mean "nothing?"
Keep on crafting for now.
Literally a wall and empty space to each side.
Then what's behind you?
Look behind you?
Just make something up, a few people seem to do that Advanced/Manhorse
I am leaning on the goddamn wall behind me. There is nothing, unless i can take a wall or three with me.
Not saying your them, just saying they did that
No offense
Well, fuck. Lawsmen, can he just make three items up? Well, last thing. ANYTHING BELOW YOU.
>Morky rinsed and repeat the ring refraction technique. It worked once more, stunning the Grapplemaster! {CRITICAL!}

>Akinzer attacked the Paratrooper Skeleton's legs with the High Frequency Blade, but sliced off a little bit of its kneecap instead.

>Jack Frost opened the wooden door to the left. Inside, he found a switch with the spiral symbol on it.

>Kars swung at the Dense Skeleton's right knee with the Silver Chariot, but was only able to make a divot in the enemy's leg!

>Ember turned to the right. Here, she found a wooden door to the right, and another wooden door straight ahead.

>The 2.5th Manhorse finishes off the Dense Skeleton with a body-slam at its weakest hour! This kills the skeleton.

>Useless striked at Krono's head while he stuck at his back legs. You can only guess who won that one.

>Ruin continues crafting... (3/8)

How about in front of you, not counting your computer 'n stuff?

The Grapplemaster couldn't move!
The Ring Caster fired a laser beam at Morky! He was slightly phased by the attack.
The Fire Warden summoned a line of fire in Morky's direction! It hit him once.
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic fist! The taste of blood filled her mouth.
You won!
Krono's prize is: A Wooden Crate. Take orexchange?
Akinzer and The 2.5th Manhorse gained 9 EXP.
It's a hardwood floor.
Flip the switch.
Hopefully finish off the Grapplemaster with Death From Above
What's inside the crate? And if it's just the crate, then why do I need a crate for storage if I'm going Supah?
Gotta keep crafting
Go though the doorway in a defensive posture in case I get jumped.
Acute chain the divot on it's knee
The straight ahead door please
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Another wall.

I'm just gonna move to a different room real quick.
respawn in front of entrance to Super Dungeon
Make a solemn vow to get stronger and beat Krono next time
Enter Super Dungeon
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it's okay, Just remember Don't lie about the items
>Jack Frost flipped the siwtch. Suddenly, a Chilly Eagle and a Fire Warden dropped from the ceiling!

>Morky attacked the Grapplemaster once more with "Death from Above!" He nearly kills the enemy, but not quite. {CRITICAL!}

It's just a wooden crate. And I don't know. Luck of the draw?

>Ruin keeps crafting... (4/8)

>Akinzer carefully moves through the doorway. Here, he finds a BarrelBot and a Security Camera guarding a wooden door to the right.

>Kars cast Acute Chain on the Dense Skeleton! One of the two attacks landed.

>Ember opened the wooden door straight ahead. She found Morky battling monsters to the right, and a wall to her left.

>Useless enters the Super Dungeon.

The Grapplemaster clambered back up to the ceiling.
The Ring Caster launched another ring at Morky! Watch out!
Fire Warden A slashed at Morky with its Fire Sword! He felt the flames near his belly.
Jack Frost was suddenly attacked by a Fire Warden and its cohort!
Fire Warden B summoned a line of fire at Jack Frost! The fire hit him twice.
The Chilly Eagle lobbed an ice-ball at Jack Frost! He was knocked back a smidge from the blast.
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic kick, but missed!
Dead period starting now for the next ~3 hours.
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In a kind tone, Ask the barrel bot "Hello, May I please pass through the door you are currently occupying?"
Cast Za Warudo, of course.
Oh hi Morky.
Go back and go right
Deflect Ring at it's creator
Keep crafting
Loot the parachute off the skeleton.
Well I guess since we can't upgrade the inv in Supah, exchange the crate.
so this is the Super Dungeon
go straight ahead
Wait a second, how come Jack, the strongest of us all, had trouble fighting Manhorse who was only level 4. But I took down Useless pretty easily, and he was level 10, only 4 levels away from my level. How the hell does that work? I know it's not just the levels that matter, but I don't think Manhorse's equipment brought him even close to Jack stat wise.
I'm genuinely surprised as well
Well, all I can say is...
I'm not the best. Levels can only do so much for you. Either that, or the rolls just helped Manhorse more.
I have an excellent time managing skills and attacks after playing so many RPGs, and I pretty much could avoid most critical combat with ease.
It also had to do with my two spells, Heal and Offense Down, which pretty much leveled the playing field, if not giving me an advantage in the end. Not only that, but my equipment is finely suited to tough out enemies, due to the extended length of it's creation.
TL;DR, skill, along with more than 30 turns of crafting.
Maybe it's because Jack literally quit
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Even so, it was balanced for eight hours before that, and would have continued even longer if he didn't take a leave.
Topping that, a single piece of Stoneguard armor, whether be it a chestplate or leggings, individually make up the power equal to an entire set of iron armor.
Adding on to that, the Fuel Sword is literally Energy Sword 2.0, but different in it's aspect. The stats are huge on those things.
All of these elements mixes up a pretty fair fight. Also, none of you use all your spells, like jeez, come on.
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>Pic somewhat related even though it comprises of a shit crossover thing for some reason
Jack was practically spamming spells. I don't use my spells much because they are either a stat down which would basically do nothing, a chance of stunning, a small chance, or healing spell which we don't need since we have a dedicated healer A.K.A Ember.
Which reminds me.
Open the crate that dropped in front of me.
Yeah, we're all trying to discuss stuff on the new discord. We do have a couple goals set, like Ray Gun by the end of Floor 1 and dedicated roles; Tank, DPS, Stealth, Mage. I've already marked down 100% tank plans, it relies on minimum crafting and maximum "fuck every sign of life". A medigun/medic would be fucking fantastic, considering the situation we're getting into.
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You're going to wanna join the new discord, everyone who is in the super dungeon is there and we need to make a game-plan, Here's the new invite.

Hey why don't you name it to Supa Dungeon?
Can't use it, Discord crashes whenever I use it because of RAM problems.
For roles, Jack would be the dedicated Mage from his vast amount of spells and their power. Tank... I'd say you if you make an entire Stonegaurd set.
Stealth could possibly be Akinzer, he does have a High Frequently Blade for damage which would probably be multiplied with a stealth attack and he is currently pretty light.
DPS would probably be someone with duel knives which do large amount of damage, elemental weapons for lasting effects like poison.
I would be the Medic, but my damage is pretty high and speed is good, so I'd like to stay as an offensive player when I'm not crafting bombs or making potions.
If we wanted to join your discord, we'd ask, your putting it up for attention because you wanna fit in and be cool, have a purpose her, but your getting annoying.
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No, i'd like to legitimately talk to the people from the dungeon without having my chat deleted.

You're trying to make yourself seem superior to me by projecting onto me harder then a fucking PowerPoint presentation.

If you don't want to join the chat that's fine, But don't belittle me for offering the option to others.
Morky please. He didn't say that everyone should join in his Discord. How was he in anyway looking for attention?
Yeah, everyone in the game is a craftsman, so with limited /s_inv, it should be interesting. Jack left, so it's just us five to talk about the roles.

Jesus Christ, how many things can you whine about until you run out of tears? With that logic, you can fuck off with your discord link too and delete it faster than Starlight deletes real discussion.
I forgot about Jack bailing... I have no idea about who should be the dedicated Mage then.
When did I share my Discord link?
Never, I have never shared mine.
...I'm fucking disappointed.
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Starlight has, and since you seem to have their cock so far down your throat from how hard you suck it, i'd say you're basically a part of them now.
When the fuck did Morky ever make one?
I'm not even in her fucking mess of a Discord, I left because it was shit.
So before you spew bullshit, thinking your high and mighty, I suggest you stop
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Whatever you say, Buddy.

You can belive whatever you want, but don't try to insult me for trying to give people an option to actually talk to others in the dungeon.

As you said yourself, Starlight's Discord chat was a shitshow.

So if you don't mind, I'd like to make one that we can actually talk in without being babysat.
I came here to have a good time, but no.
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Quit being a dramaqueen, Jack.

Just ignore them, there is still fun to be had if we can just stop arguing.
all this discord app needless drama
who brought up the idea of using it in the first place?
they deserve to be lynched
I'm pretty sure it was a mod or an anon that did some shit right before a mod fucked shit up.
But the person who decided we should use it was Kars.
>Glimmer makes a discord chat
>Things go well for a bit
>Suddenly people make ideas
>Glimmer doesn't like them, thinks they're too overpowered, and removes them all
>She continues to do that until now

I should get a medal, I was banned 16 times for posting ideas or statements she didn't like.
Are you trying to imply I deleted ENTIRE FUCKING THREADS worth of ideas?
Knowing you, yes. You probably did.
Lawsmen, please come back.
Excuse me.Why the fuck would I even do that?
That's fucking stupid.Even I have standards
Shit nigga, krono is packing heat
Remember when you said why I hate you?
Can you see now?
I only started acting like this after you came to my chat to "Make ammends" and then left by calling me and manhorse a fucking faggot because we refused to use your chat.
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He's right, you know.
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From what I've seen, you hate Manhorse and everything he does just because he's Manhorse. You think his ideas are shit because they use a certain unimportant item or because it affects someone in some way that does nothing and affects no one. I'm just a lurker and I can see this.
>Implying you aren't just one of us without a trip
Fucking hell.Even I have to admit this is right.
This. This and only this.
>random anons have managed to figure the problem out instantly
Give him a medal. No, really, someone needs to hand this man an olympic medal.
voice of reason
suitcase is best pony
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>Someone doesn't agree with me so it HAS to be someone I know personally

10/10 observation there sherlock
I blame the illuminati
>Implying I ever said it was you or Manhorse
You forgot to mention that Manhorse is also at fault,not just me.
Hell,anyone can be blamed.
Are you trying to imply that Manhorse is perfect in every way,shape,and form?
Nice projection, I didn't say that either.
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Jesus, wait a minute.
Hey, I stopped. I took my hand away from the bait and I'm sitting in the time out corner, waiting for you to continue
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When you're gone all we do is wait for you to get backplease don't leave us lawsman, you're the only thing keeping this thread from exploding
Hey I'm just here enjoying the drama
It's honestly fucking hilarious
do other cyoa/quest threads have this much arguments when to OP is gone?
Maybe, it's possible, I'm sure they do.

We're just worse
No, because one player can't change the entire game by destroying shit. CYOA's run on votes, but this has multiple player characters and only one person can control each one. With this, one person could fuck everything for anyone, but in a CYOA it'd have to be the majority to decide to fuck shit up.
Uh, he never implyed that. As you can see in >>27789548, you said exactly, word for word, ">implying you aren't just one of us". He commented on what you said, he never said your accusation in any way.

Actually, yes. Yes, I have been picture perfect lately. You went out of your way to go into my personal space just to throw a few more insults, so not only are you fully at fault, but you're also a hypocrite who relies on your "enemies" to stay relevant.

Well if you don't want this to happen, how about stepping in and doing something about it for once?
Oh thats REAL fucking funny coming from you.
So let me get this straight
You are implying that everything wrong about dungeons is my fault.Every single argument is started by me and me alone.
You are also implying that you did nothing wrong.
Am I correct?
How did he get even close to implying that? He just said a shitton of arguments go on when Law is gone.
Just forget about it okay?
I want to play the game now.
I think I got everything out of my system
Because when I have dead periods, I CAN'T STEP IN AND INTERVENE. They're called DEAD PERIODS because OP CAN'T POST THEN. Therefore, the quest is DEAD for that period of time.

I'm going to ignore the fire and keep going with the games.
Please do
>Comes back to check out thread for the first time in awhile
>See's the shit storm argument
>Sees Laws having a break down
>Stares in complete utter shock
Hello friend, how was your vacation from hell?>>27789757
That's not what I mean. You don't need to constantly be here, but you could at least set a policy or choice if people are arguing on an item, and if it's a meaningless circlejerk, a simple 'stop' will do. You know this shit doesn't need to happen, and you have the power to shut everyone up, so don't get pissed about it if you know what to do.
>Akinzer tried asking the BarrelBot nicely to move out of the way. It booped in a fashion that he took as no.

>Jack Frost cast Paralysis Ω!
The Fire Warden couldn't move!
The Chilly Eagle was not affected by the attack!

>Ember left Morky's room, and turned to the right. Inside, she found an idle Grapplemaster.

>Kars attacked the Dense Skeleton with the Silver Chariot! The enemy was losing metallic mass with each penetrating slash she made!

>Morky batted the ring back to the Ring Caster. It hit the enemy with dulled effect.

>Ruin continues crafting... (5/8)

>The 2.5th Manhorse tries to steal the parachute off of the Paratrooper Skeleton, but he looked away for a second, then looked back and it was gone!

Okay, you'll get the Allergy Pill instead. Take or exchange?

>Useless entered the room with everyone else.

Posting /inv. Please clarify what should be moved to s/inv.
Cast levitation Beta on the two ballbreakers, and slam them into the Eagle.
Open the crate that dropped down to my left.
What did the monsters do? Are they just sitting there in the room, not sure what to do or did you forget?
look around the room
Keep up the good work!
Slash at Ring Caster with sword
Please remove as much of this list as you can:
Stoneguard Chestplate
Stoneguard Leggings
All the Iron, since there's no inventors there.
Electrical Parts from BFG 9500
All the EARs
Laser Pistol
All the Cells, along with all the current materials being used for the latest recipe of more Empty Cells.
Fuel Swords

Poof, like I was never in Dungeon. Did I miss anything I made?
>No inventors
Fucking excuse me.
I'm still a thing.
Shit, I mean swap it to Super, not delete it.
First of all, not your choice
Second, we're capable of crafting
Third, you're trying to get rid of things that are equipped
Vinyl Plush
Pipe Bomb
Computer (?)

NOW I'm good.
You didn't make the pipe bomb
Did you even read my post.
Leave me some stuff to work with, sheesh.
Remind me again why you're trying to get rid of shit that people have equipped
Remind me again why there are "no inventors"
Remind me again why deleting iron is a good idea
Remind me again why the pipebomb and plush are being deleted
Remind me again why ANYTHING is being deleted
Morky, you have a Bag of Gunpowder.
Jack, you have plenty to work with.

Super players need all the help they can get. Calm down, we'll trade on the next boss.
Listen, I think the best course of action is that what's in the normal stays in the normal, you'll have to craft your own stuff in the super from what you can get your hands on.
What they said.
Why the fuck are you even taking shit out of the normal game?
You can't do this,
Enemy loot is disabled in Super.
He just asked for transferring inventory.
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>Jack Frost slammed the Ballbreakers into the Chilly Eagle with Levitation β! The enemy took serious damage! {CRITICAL!}

>Suitcase opened the wooden crate to his left. Inside, he found... An Oyster!
Oyster added to the Inventory.

They just forgot what to do for a sec. They're all good now, though.

To be fair, this game could easily be run on /qst/. The only problem is the one that we brought up against "Questmaster," and that ws that this game contains a significant number of events and items that belong to MLP. To be specific; the badges, some bosses, and other things like that. It's safer to run it on here than to risk deletion on /qst/, in my opinion.

>Useless looked around the room. He saw the BarrelBot and the Security Camera standing in front of the door, and Akinzer and the Manhorse standing before them.

>Ruin continues working... (6/8)

>Morky attacked the Ring Caster with the Short Sword! He drew blood.

Yeah, Ember's right. You can't pick and choose.

Can this be resolved over Discord, please?
>pic related

The Grapplemaster is reaching out for Morky...
The Ring Caster fired a laser beam at Morky! He felt the burn before he could hear it.
Fire Warden A cast Fire Breaker on Morky! His body is starting to turn black.
Fire Warden B cannot move!
The Chilly Eagle launched icicles at Jack Frost! They all missed.
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic kick! She came into contact face-first with a wall.
Manhorse, just leave the Metronome and Box Cutter, thanks.
Anyways, cast levitation alpha on the Chilly Eagle, and slam it into the Fire Warden.
Carefully open the Oyster, without harming it, to see if there is a pearl inside, if so, take the pearl out of the Oyster.
Correct me if I'm wrong,but doesn't Jack use the Iron for stuff?
And doesn't Kars have the leggings,and Morky have the chestplate?
And you didn't make the plush,or the pipebomb
>Yeah, Ember's right. You can't pick and choose.
Hey I'm right!
Go ahead and obtuse chain the GrappleMaster
attack security camera
Yeah,I would gladly take it to discord,if the others are willing to.Oh and can you please put the discord in the OP?So we can take arguments there.
Anyways,attack the Dense Skeleton
> you can't pick and choose
> please select what to transfer
I said "as much", so whatever items are unequipped from that list I need for this floor.
I don't have any gunpowder
I have the Stone guard armor, short sword, glimmer badge, and the medieval shield

"Creepy bastard"
Slice off grapple's arm
I doesn't work like that. Just pick three.
There's a difference between a need and a want, learn it and come back
In your inventory. Holy shit, I shouldn't have to explain myself every single turn, ALL the information has been provided to you, and if you need reconfirmation, you can fuck off, because you obviously didn't read anything.
You said before my shit wasn't needed. Here's the chance to measure your dick on that.

Discord link cause why not.
At this point I believe you are spewing shit out just to prove yourself right.
Okay, fuck, let's stop. Manhorse, just read my post, and let's not.

It was pretty good. I went to a place. A peaceful place. A place free from human disagreement and fighting. There were hot tubs, body pillows as far as the eye can see, and hot pockets galore.
>Jack Frost slammed one enemy into another with the aid of Levitation α! Both enemies lost a little bit of armor and finess.

>Suitcase finds that there is no pearl inside this oyster. :(

>Ember cast Obtuse Chain on the Grapplemaster! Two of the four attacks landed.

>Useless attacked the Security Camera with brute force! He grabbed ahold of its dome, and quickly let go afterwards.

I hate it when I contradict myself.
Gotcha, on their way.

>Morky attacked the Grapplemaster with the Short Sword! The arm quickly retracted to its owner.

Ember suddenly attacked a Grapplemaster!
Grapplemaster A reached out for Morky once more.
Grapplemaster B latched itself onto the ceiling.
The Ring Caster fired a laser beam at Morky! He's starting to feel some sort of electric shock now...
Fire Warden A is charging its next attack!
Fire Warden B cannot move!
The Chilly Eagle swooped down and clawed Jack Frost in his forehead! He began to dribble blood.
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic fist! She's seeing stars...
Useless and company suddenly attacked a Security Camera and its cohort!
The Security Camera fired a beam at Akinzer! He felt a burning sensation tingle through his hooves.
The BarrelBot fired its shoulder cannon at Useless! He quickly fell to the floor in a daze.
Sorry mom
Cut off the Chilly Eagle's right wing.
Welp, explore the new pathway to the left.
Warning! Morky is low on HP!
My honest thanks, Lawsmen.
With that all locked up and secure, I need to sleep. Expect some good shit in tomorrow's session.
Look for wherever the ring caster is shooting from and bat the next laser or ring at his shooting source
Uh Lawsmen
Why are the pipebomb and plush even going?
Why is the iron going?
Why are the stuff that WE HAVE EQUIPPED going?
And shouldn't we have a second opinon,like the WHOLE DAMN PARTY?
>heavy sighs intensifies
Anyways,acute chain the skeleton
Keep working
Point, made.

The normal dungeon should vote and the super dungeon should vote what stays and goes, since he's taking stuff from the normal dungeon inventory
Continue to attack...
What grapplemaster am I attacking?
Attack GrappleMasterB
This.Why can't we have a vote?
I've actually got the pipe bomb already. Using it in making my gun.
Honestly Manhorse is one of the two people who always send the thread into a shitshow with each of thier posts.
All three of you had full access to these items before and did nothing with it. Sorry to ruin your plan of delaying everything, but it's going to a cause that'll use it to it's full potential. Your personal game won't change in the slightest.
Attack the barrelbot
He does acutally have a point.
This isn't fair.A vote is needed
Full honesty though, I feel like out of those two, he's the only one not trying to.
Well if we touched it you would have had a bitch fit saying "IT'S THE BAR INCIDENT PART TWO! EVERYONE GRAB YOUR WEAPONS WE'RE GOING TO KILL THEM!"
It was fair when you had it collecting dust in the inventory, and it's fair now. Get over it, the deed was done already.
No,it isn't
Stop trying to make it sound like it was.
Besides,we could have used that iron.You aren't the only one who can craft shit you know.
attacked the Security Camera again
and /bio
>Jack Frost attacked the Chilly Eagle with the Frostfang! the majority of the poor bird's icicles fell off like powder.

>Suitcase explores the new pathway to the left. Here, he finds a lone switch in the middle of the hallway.

...Not yet.

>Morky does his best to imitate Z-targeting the Ring Caster.

*massive hurrahs*
1) Ruin is using the pipebomb
2) Vinyl plush is leaving because Manhorse was calling for it to leave.
3) All of Manhorse's iron is going. No one else's.
4) Your leggings that you "equipped" aren't going. I thought I put that in the last post, but I took it out.
5) Because you're subhuman creatures that don't deserve a say in the dungeon.
But seriously, what would you like to vote on?
>Kars cast Acute Chain on the Dense Skeleton! One of the two attacks landed.

>Ruin keeps working... (7/8)

>Ember attacked Grapplemaster B with the SP/TW... But missed!

Grapplemaster A is trying to take Morky's shield away from him!
Grapplemaster B is reaching out for Ember.
The Ring Caster fired a laser beam at Morky! He tried to reflect it, but his shield wasn't capable of doing that! He took more burning damage.
Fire Warden A unleashed a massive fire wave on Morky! He's in critical condition!
***Warning! Morky is in critical condition!***
Fire Warden B couldn't move!
The Chilly Eagle lobbed an ice-ball at Jack Frost! He's slowly getting colder and colder...
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metalic kick to the face! It's starting to look a little disfigured...
The Security Camera is making a beeping noise!
The BarrelBot flung itself into Akinzer, taking him to the ground!
I was going to make the short sword a long sword but I was trying to figure out how to but I cause I can't because your a greedy bastard
I'm a mare remember?
Anywho flip the switch in the middle of the hallway.
Teleport to Morky real quick, and cast heal up beta.
Block all attacks from enemies while backing out of the room and slamming the door, rushing over to Ember, taking a quick puff of magic healing dust then head back
Finish the gun, and vigorously shake it like a homeless guy on a subway!
attack the Security Camera again
/stats and /bio
Let Morky use my medigun,then continue to attack the Grapplemaster
>your a greedy bastard
That couldn't be more true
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You ignored my action, and then hit me with a barrelbot

Wow, Rude.

Anyway, Attack the barrelbot.
Those terms are fine for me.
You still have a small pocket of iron.
>I'm a mare remember?
you keep saying that but Lawsmen doesn't think so
>greedy bastard
Coming from the guy who tried to steal then break that amulet when someone else put it on
He's taken more stuff from everyone than I have, it was one amulet that isn't even used!
Attack the dense skeleton
Love it when you play the victim card,makes you more like Keemstar
Where are you even getting that from?
You of all people should know.
Can you guys shut it for once.
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Well, I stopped replying to them because i'm done arguing now, I just want to play the game, if they want to argue or discuss anything with me, I made a discord for that.
Remember when you said to stop advertising the discord?
We all know you have a discord,shut the fuck up about it.
Hey uh,can you make another link?
I want to join.
Welp, looks like we're done here for tonight. Thanks for shitting up the thread assholes! See you pieces of shit tomorrow! Maybe, we can sink this ship even further! Not like we're at rock bottom already!
g'nite suitcase
why not come join in on some awfulness here >>27760093
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>Suitcase flipped the switch...

>Jack Frost quickly cast Heal β on Morky! He recovered some much-needed energy.

>Morky dashed out of the room to get a burst of fresh MediGas from Ember.

>Ruin finished his gun!

(23)JAF-1/7250 Sa Ha Pa s^A d^A,O Ea Eb Po Hb Eg (E: Frostfang, Power Bracelet, Metal Wig) (KOs: 2)
(15)STC-1/3099 Ac Sc Oc Hc Vc Rc (MrC)(E: Royal Spontoon, Vest, LED Lantern, Wooden Vest) (KOs: 2)
(14)KRO-0/2530 H2 R2 T1 (MsC)(E: Bat-tle Axe, Leather Armor, Offensive Patch) (KOs: 5)
(9)MOR-0/1208 La Sa Sb Ya (Gl) (E: Short Sword, Medieval Shield, Stoneguard Armor, TNoLM) (KOs: 1)
(10)EMB-1/1514 Ac Sc Oc (Di)(E: SP/TW, Leather Jacket, Medigun, Hoof Mittens)
(10)USL-1/1445 Ac Sc Oc (Gi)(E: Nothing)(KOs: 1)
(5)T25-0/446 Ha Ova (E: Nothing)
(6)RUI-1/504 Sa O^a Ra (Sb)(E: "The D", Offensive Patch)
(5)KRS-1/418 Ac (E: Silver Chariot, Crystal Bracelet, Violet Charm, Stoneguard Leggings)
(3)AKI-1/159 Ba (E: Katana)
>Useless attacked the Security Camera once more with brute force! He's not doing much...

>Ember attacked the Grapplemaster with the SP/TW! She slammed its hand, and it pulled back.

>Akinzer attacked the BarrelBot with the High-Frequency Blade! He sliced off a little bit of the robot's top antennae.

>Kars attacked the Dense Skeleton with the Silver Chariot! She slashed and hashed at the enemy's ribcage, to some success.

Grapplemaster B reached out again for Ember.
Fire Warden B could move again!
Fire Warden B is guarding.
The Chilly Eagle launched icicles at Jack Frost! Two of the five icicles thrown actually hit him.
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic drop-kick! She started crying, it was that bad.
The Security Camera fired a beam at Useless! His tail started to singe...
The BarrelBot is reloading its shoulder cannon!
I'm stopping here for the night. PLEASE take arguments elsewhere as to not clutter the thread and the board.
not much is still something
keep bashing the security camera
Charge at Ring caster, bringing the sword to it's neck for decapitation
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Continue to attack Grapplemaster B
Teleport back to the Chilly Eagle, and stab it in the face.
Now that the/d/eviant EAR is complete, help Useless fight the camera!
Dragon titties.
That's oddly specific
What would Ember say?
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Going to sleep bump
Could I exchange for EXP?
Hey, I know this magic spell that brings the thread to Page 1.
>Useless attacked the Security Camera with brute force! The dome began to unscrew.

>Morky charged at the Ring Caster, and slashed at him with the Short Sword! The enemy was nearly pinned to the wall, but not quite.

>Kars attacked the Dense Skeleton with the Silver Chariot! The dent grew larger.

>Ember attacked Grapplemaster B with the SP/TW! It quickly retracted its hand once more.

>Jack Frost attacked the Chilly Eagle with the Frostfang... But missed!

>Ruin joins Useless's battle by attacking the Security Camera with the EAR 7+! It started to light up like a firecracker.

>Krono recieved 50 EXP from the fight!

Grapplemaster A stole Morky's Medieval Shield!
Grapplemaster B reaches out for Ember once more!
The Ring Caster launched two rings at Morky! Watch out!
Fire Warden A summoned a line of fire in Morky's direction! It hit him twice.
Fire Warden B guard-lunged at Jack Frost, stunning him for the next turn!
The Chilly Eagle swooped down and physically attacked Jack Frost with its talons! He felt the pain, but could do nothing about it.
The Dense Skeleton attacked Kars with a metallic kick, sending her into the wall once more!
The Security Camera fired a beam at Akinzer! His mane started to turn a shade of black...
The BarrelBot fired its shoulder cannon at Akinzer! He was knocked back to the far wall.
Warning! Morky is low on HP!
Well, wait out the stun?
attack the security camera again
Oh. 50 EXP. Well, I can't complain. It's still EXP.
Enter Supah, then run to Akinzer and attack the BarrelBot.
Square Chain the Grapple Master B
Continue attacking the dent in its knee again
>Jack Frost waits out the stun.

>Useless attacked the Security Camera again with brute force, this time taking the machine down with him! There was a nice mini-explosion and stuff.

>Krono joins the battle by attacking the BarrelBot with the Bat-tle Axe! A slash was made.

>Ember cast Square Chain on Grapplemaster B! Two of the three attacks landed, shoving its hand back a little more.

>Kars attacked the Dense Skeleton's knee dent once more with the Silver Chariot, but accidentally pierced its skull instead! This kills the baddie. {CRITICAL!}

Grapplemaster B un-latched itself from the ceiling, seeing as current methods were futile.
Fire Warden B is charging its next attack!
The Chilly Eagle lobbed another ice-ball at Jack Frost! His body began to turn a shade of white...
The Security Camera was destroyed!
The BarrelBot flung itself into Useless, pinning him against the back wall alongside Akinzer!
Kars defeated the Dense Skeleton, and gained 40 EXP!
Struggle free of the BarrelBot
Attack the Barrel
Jesus fuck
Loot the dense skeleton,then go to the next door:Door 3
Wasn't I already white? Anyways, stab the Fire Warden before he gets any ideas,
Obtuse chain grapple master
Axe slash the BB's back.
Look around where I am
Slam into the BarrelBot.
>Useless was able to get out of the BarrelBot's sinister grasp(???) and tackle it shortly afterwards. The sound of junk cracking and breaking was all he heard.

>Kars moves to the next room in sequence. Here, he finds a switch with the hexagon symbol on it.

I thought you were a shade of blue. Oh well.
>Jack Frost can move again, and in doing so, attacked the Fire Warden with the Frostfang! He prevented the charged attack from being used! {CRITICAL!}

>Ember cast Obtuse Chain on Grapplemaster B! Two of the four attacks landed!

>Krono attacked the BarrelBot with the Bat-tle Axe! The sound of crunching metal resonates from within this room.

(23)JAF-1/7250 Sa Ha Pa s^A d^A,O Ea Eb Po Hb Eg (E: Frostfang, Power Bracelet, Metal Wig) (KOs: 2)
(15)STC-1/3099 Ac Sc Oc Hc Vc Rc (MrC)(E: Royal Spontoon, Vest, LED Lantern, Wooden Vest) (KOs: 2)
(9)MKK-1/1159 Ha Sa Pa Sb (E: Large Screwdriver, Sunglasses)
(14)KRO-0/2580 H2 R2 T1 (MsC)(E: Bat-tle Axe, Leather Armor, Offensive Patch) (KOs: 5)
(9)MOR-0/1208 La Sa Sb Ya (Gl) (E: Short Sword, Medieval Shield, Stoneguard Armor, TNoLM) (KOs: 1)
(10)EMB-1/1514 Ac Sc Oc (Di)(E: SP/TW, Leather Jacket, Medigun, Hoof Mittens)
(10)USL-1/1445 Ac Sc Oc (Gi)(E: Nothing)(KOs: 1)
(5)T25-0/446 Ha Ova (E: Nothing)
(7)STL-1/826 Ac Sc (E: Crystal Bracelet, Silver Chariot, Violet Charm)
(6)RUI-1/504 Sa O^a Ra (Sb)(E: "The D", Offensive Patch)
(5)KRS-1/458 Ac (E: Silver Chariot, Crystal Bracelet, Violet Charm, Stoneguard Leggings)
(3)AKI-1/159 Ba (E: Katana)
/inv - http://pastebin.com/BiJ2ZYpE (still needs to be sorted)
>Mikrokek woke up alongside Ember on Floor B8.
-High Frequency Blade (E)
-Vinyl Plushie
-Laser Pistols (35)
-EAR 4
-EAR 5
-EAR 7+ (E)
-Fuel Sword
-Computer (?)
Total: 9/15
If there's anything I'm missing, let me know.
>The 2.5th Manhorse slammed into the BarrelBot, totally fucking its shit up.

Enemy movements will follow.
Grapplemaster B slashed at Ember with its giant claw! She was knocked to the floor.
Fire Warden B is charging its next attack!
The Chilly Eagle launched icicles in Jack Frost's direction! All five icicles hit him!
The BarrelBot was destroyed!
You won!
The 2.5th Manhorse, Akinzer and Useless gained 22 EXP.
Krono and Ruin gained 11 EXP.
A wooden crate appeared next to Akinzer.
Hm. White coat, blue mane is how I see myself, but hey.
Anyways, throw a spinning Ballbreaker at the Fire Warden via Levitation Beta.
>(7)STL-1/826 Ac Sc (E: Crystal Bracelet, Silver Chariot, Violet Charm)
>(5)KRS-1/458 Ac (E: Silver Chariot, Crystal Bracelet, Violet Charm, Stoneguard Leggings)
>Starlight is still there.
Open the crate.
Also, Supah Inv is missing Leather Armor, Offensive Patch, and the Bat-tle Axe.
now that the path to the door is clear
open the door
Try to cut its hand off
Grapple Master B's hand
Speaking of that,how would I look?Like that ponyfied Ember Starlight posted a while back?
Press the switch
Most likely
Attack GM B
is there a seperate pastebin for super dungeon inventory?
>Jack Frost chucked a Ballbreaker at the Fire Warden, knocking it to the floor and once again preventing it from using its special attack! {CRITICAL!}

Fixed all of that.

>Useless opened the wooden door. Here, he found two wooden doors to the left, one wooden door to the right, and darkness to both the left and the right.

>Ember attacked Grapplemaster B with the SP/TW, preferrably in a cutting motion! She cut its hnd off, and it started bleeding everywhere! {CRITICAL!}

>Kars pressed the switch. Suddenly, an Angry Sign and a Chargin' Skeleton dropped from the ceiling and began to attack her!

>Mikrokek attacked Grapplemaster B with the Large Screwdriver! He bore another hole in the already bleeding enemy's body!

No. It's posted in-thread.

Grapplemaster B took damage from the bleeding!
Grapplemaster B ran around the room like a headless chicken!
Fire Warden B was stunned for this turn!
The Chilly Eagle swooped down and physically attacked Jack Frost... But missed!
Kars was suddenly attacked by a Chargin' Skeleton and its cohort!
The Chargin' Skeleton slashed at Kars with its jagged sword! This caused the poor pony to start bleeding. {CRITICAL!}
Kars is now bleeding.
The Angry Sign attacked Kars with an edge jab, punishing her a little more.

Agh, thanks for catching that. She shouldn't be there.
Finish off the Fire Warden with Frostfang
Holy shit I'm getting fucked up
Attempt to tackle the Angry Sign then stab its face.
Oh and since Lone isn't here,rename the Sishkebab to "Magician's Red"
Open the crate next to Akinzer then follow Useless.
Uh Jack,if your not busy I could use some help
Cut the other hand off of Grapple B
I believe I mentioned the Generator, but other than that everything seems in place.
Now, turn the Laser Pistols into one by carving them with the Sword, and begin to turn the reflective barrels and the old shit into an intense thrusting system. With an entirely iron casing already on the pistols, turn it into a double barrel for the new weapon. Now, use a little bit of iron to make two wires, two outputs, and a case to hold it. Now, form all that together; put the outputs in the double barrel, wire it up to a cell-based charge in the hollow back, and now we have the Super Shotgun. Stick the Laser Cell in there. This should be fun.
Oh, sure. Just let me get this EXP t- eneies.
Uh no you didn't
Can you fuck off from taking anything else?
Besides,you are already in the super dungeon.
Are you killing me when i'm asleep again?

What's my current situation?
...What did I just say a few hours ago, glimmerglammer?
You're obviously not using it.
Well Jack could use it
Morky could use it.
Maybe even Suitcase
What are yo-
Open left left door
Don't worry about the generator. We already got a charger.
>Jack Frost attacked the Fire Warden with the Frostfang! He sliced off a finger of the enemy.

The policy is 2500 posts, so OK.
>Kars attacked the Angry Sign with the Silver Chariot! He poked a hole right next to its mouth.
Kars took damage from the bleeding.

>Krono opened the crate. Inside, he found... A Wishbone!
Wishbone added to Inventory.

>Ember slashed at the bleeding Grapplemaster B with the SP/TW... Somehow! It kept running.

>The Manhorse is combining his weaponry... (1/10)

You're still breathing. Doing OK on HP.

>Useless opened the first door to the left. Inside, he found a BarrelBot guarding a wooden crate.

Grapplemaster B took damage from the bleeding!
Grapplemaster B kept running.
Fire Warden B got back up, and cast Fire Breaker on Jack Frost! He could feel the burn in his bones.
The Chilly Eagle lobbed another ice-ball at Jack Frost! He's starting to feel a little chilly...
The Chargin' Skeleton slashed at Kars with its jagged sword, but missed!
The Angry Sign bashed Kars with brute force! She was knocked back a wee bit.
Cast levitation alpha on the birb, and throw it at the flaming jail person
Open the crate that poofed next to me, if that's not an option, just follow useless.
Go to Useless and use the Somersault Of Doom (S.O.D) on the BarrelBot.
bash BarrelBot
What policy?
Create more holes in the Angry Sign
Throw sword at Grapple master using levitation
Pew pew at barrelbot!
Pause crafting, kick a hole in the BarrelBot.
Lunge at the Grapplemaster's legs and grab them
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Vinyl is best pony.
Ember is best dragon
Stab GM B again
You w0t?
Then are you sad that Manhorse took the Vinyl for a pocket pussy?
>Jack Frost threw one enemy at another again withe power of Levitation α. Both enemies clash against each other, and the scraping of metal was heard.
Warning! Jack Frost is low on HP!

>Akinzer is following Useless.

>Krono immediately attacked the BarrelBot with the SOD attack! He nailed the top of the enemy's dome, but didn't harm any of its internal mechanisms.

>Useless attacked the BarrelBot with brute force! He pinned the enemy down!

The policy I made up to annoy you.
Never mind, just ignore that little bit.
>Kars attacked the Angry Sign with the Silver Chariot! Another hole was created.
Kars took damage from the bleeding.

>Morky cast Levitation α on the Short Sword, and stabbed the hiding Grapplemaster A with it! He has finally slain the monster.

>Ruin fired the EAR 7+ at the BarrelBot! It was shocked to the core! {CRITICAL!}

>The 2.5th Manhorse takes a break from crafting to kick over the BarrelBot, then boot it into the wall. It was totally trashed.

>Ember swiped the Grapplemaster's legs out from under him, making the enemy trip and bleed out on the lukewarm floor.


Ember defeated the Grapplemaster, and gained 50 EXP.
Morky was hit by the two rings from the Ring Caster!
Warning! Morky is low on HP!
The Ring Caster fired a ring at Morky! Watch out!
Grapplemaster A was defeated!
Fire Warden A is charging its next attack!
Fire Warden B cast Fire Breaker on Jack Frost! More burning ensues.
Warning! Jack Frost is low on HP!
The Chilly Eagle launched icicles at Jack Frost! Three of the five icicles launched hit him.
The Chargin' Skeleton is guarding.
The Angry Sign attacked Kars with an edge jab! Another cut developed on his chest.
Warning! Kars is low on HP!
Run over to Jack,healing Morky along the way
...He took the plushie, dumbass.
>The policy I made up to annoy you
Anyways, pet the mini-Vinyl, before casting heal up beta on myself.
Take my shit from the monsters back and bat the ring with my shield back at the ring caster then roll back to avoid the Fire Wardens attack and raise my shield to block any other attacks that may come my way

I know, I wasn't sure what the actual name was. He can still use it as a pocket pussy.
Smash, bash, and throw BarrelBot in the trash
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>implying it's that kind of plushie
Anyways, I had a great idea for your shield. If you don't want me to mess with it, that's fine.
Reload/shake EAR, look for another door.
Slice off the edges of the Angry Sign
1. He could cut a hole in it and what not
2. It's just a prank bro
3. Sure, let's hear it and I'll decide if it happens
Right, start looting the parts from the Camera/BarrelBot.
Side attack on the BB.
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Okay, this is more of "This is more useful when you aren't doing DFA" or maybe you can make some sort of new tactic, but I thought of putting spikes on your shield. They help you defend, and if you ram into an enemy with it, well...you can guess what happens. So, it would be a defensive and offensive tool, and it isn't totally OP!

Something along the lines of pic related
Maybe not so many? I'm not sure, I'll think about it.
Ehm. >>27794866
Teleport to Kars
This better?
Note to self: Healing Kars next turn
Lemme think boi
I was just giving you a few pictures. Give you your thoughts or suggestions whenever you want to.
Well, first one, has more damage if shield bashed maybe.
Second one, has a little more damage then a regular shield bash due to the spike.
Problem is, I'm sure this will raise a problem with my custom attack
Open the crate the barrelbot was protecting
Oh, yeah, you stand on the top bit.
Well, you can just flip it upside down, you know, the part that the spike won't be on.

It's quite simple, really.
Oh yea, good point. But don't you think if it's not a flat surface and it's a dome, that it will be hard to run on? I dunno, we can ask Laws what it looks like
Well, I hope it's one of those circle shields, because that would make the problem not possible.

Most of the time, the backside of the shield is really flat.
>Ember heals Morky with a puff of the MediGas while running to Jack Frost's location.

>Jack Frost cast Heal β on himself! He recovered some much-needed energy.

Morky tried to move 4 times in a turn!
>Morky obtained his Medieval Shield from the Grapplemaster, then guarded.

>The Barrelbot was destroyed! Everyone involved gained 11 EXP.

>Ruin finds a lone wooden crate in this room, but nothing else.

>Kars attacked the Angry Sign with the Silver Chariot! She bore another hole in the sign's front.
Kars took damage from the bleeding.

Sorry, but that's not possible.

>Mikrokek teleported to Kars.

>Akinzer opened the wooden crate. Inside, he found... A Fork!
Fork added to Inventory.

It's not flat, but it's not a dome.

The Ring Caster fired a laser beam at Morky! He felt a much stronger burn.
Fire Warden A unleashed a fire storm upon Morky! He took massive burn damage!
Warning! Morky is low on HP!
Fire Warden B cast Fire Breaker on Jack Frost again! It had less of an effect this time.
The Chilly Eagle didn't attack this turn!
The Chargin' Skeleton slashed at Kars with its jagged sword! She was bleeding from another cut...
The Angry Sign attacked Kars with brute force! She was shoved into a wall.
Warning! Kars is in critical condition!
Teleport to Kars, and cast heal up alpha on her.
Death From above on Warden then guard with shield
Attack Angry Sign
Open crate, Loot it
Heal up Jack and myself,then run over to Kars
Thanks, cutest dragon!
Alright I'm back, oh am I still in the main menu? Get out of there and find the party
go back one room and open the right door on the left
We got supah and normal.
You want normal?
I just realized that I might be able to modify an EAR to work like a better Medigun. As long as I can modify it so it can shoot Healing-Gas™ as well as electricity, it can work like an Über charged version of the Medigun. Fire the Gas, then it could shoot out electricity and that could give it an extra boost and kinda work like the Defibrillator. Either that or it might be possible to convert the Gas into energy, which an EAR could then fire.
Open the crate the BB was guarding.
Where are you currently in?
Supah is basically EQ: Hard Mode
I'll join normal seems like you guys need help
Do you want to go into the roster for Supah Manhorse, Ruin, Akinzer, Useless, and me. or the one for the main game? Jack, Mikro, Kars, Ember, Morky, Suitcase, and Fruit.
As much as Super sounds tempting I'll say no
Attack Sign
If dead,go for the spook
Forget about the others
Oh uh your welcome.
Not that I only healed you because I like you as a friend or anything.
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>inb4 Jack ends up deflowering Ember and Kars before the next boss
>Jack Frost cast Heal α on Kars after teleporting to her. She recovered some desperately-needed energy.

>Morky cast Death from Above on the Fire Warden, then guarded with his shield. Never fails. {CRITICAL!}

>Mikrokek joined Kars' battle by attacking the Angry Sign with the Large Screwdriver! He left a giant divot above the enemy's right eye.

>Akinzer just opened the crate...

>Ember heals Jack and herself, then assists Kars. They both recovered some lost energy they needed back!

>Springtrap returns to the normal game.

>Useless opens the second door to the left. Inside, he finds an idle Security Camera.

>Akinzer beat you to the punch.

>Kars attacked the Angry Sign with the Silver Chariot, ripping it into pieces and stuff.
Kars took damage from the bleeding.

The Ring Caster fired a beam at Morky! He took electrifying damage.
The Fire Warden cast Fire Breaker on Morky, forcing him to drop his guard!
Warning! Morky is in critical condition!
The Chargin' Skeleton aptly charged into Mikrokek with its shield, knocking him into the wall!
The Angry Sign was destroyed!
Teleport back to my fight (Chilly Eagle and Fire Warden B), and stab the eagle.
Say, Lawsie, is Vinyl just hiding in my mane most of the time?
Inspect Ring Caster and deflect any of his attacks with my shield and make them hit the Fire Warden
Go through the first door on the left
>and Kars
Yo what?
Attack CharginSkel

And just a little suggestion, separate the dungeon and super dungeon actions, e.g.

[ Dungeon ]
>JF did blah
>Morky did blah

The Skele attacked JF!
Warning! Morky is in critical condition!

[ SupaDungeon ]
>Manhorse did blah
>Ruin did blah

BarrelBot wants to fight!
Aren't I with Fruity?
Run at full sprint to Morky and blast him with Medigun
"Yea, yea, thanks doc"
stare at security camera
Zap the camera
So I flipped the switch... ...did anything happen?
I meant the crate in the room ruin entered, not the one I just opened you clown.
Otherwise, if there was no other crate, attack the security camera Useless is staring at
God damn it, I forgot enemy loot is banned. Either way, there's a few things I want to do, so our armory is up to speed.
Remember the Generator? It was powered entirely by fan turbines, but why have an individual source? Make two holes in each EAR (except the one Ruin decked out), and make an in/out wire (basically four wires). The cell will power the fans, which will pump the turbines, giving the cell back more than it puts out, making it have unlimited ammo, but you would need to wait a little bit once it gets low.
[Floor S1]

>Krono leaves and re-enters the room he is currently in.

>Useless stares at the Security Camera. It stares back.

>Ruin fired the EAR 7+ at the Security Camera! The result was shocking.

>Akinzer attacked the Security Camera with the High Frequency Blade... But missed!

Useless and company suddenly attacked a Security Camera!
The Security Camera fired a beam at Ruin! Part of his mane was fried.

[Floor B8]

>Jack Frost teleported back to his fight, and attacked the Chilly Eagle with the Frostfang! He almost tore the enemy's right wing off, but not quite.

>Morky inspects the Ring Caster again while guarding.
Ring Caster - HP 95. It casts rings and shoots charger beams, big deal.
Resistance to electricity, fire
Weakness to ice

>Kars attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with the Silver Chariot, slicing off some of its ribs.

That's a good idea.

>Ember heals Morky with another puff of the Medigun.

Now it did.
>Suddenly, an Angry Sign, a Plunderseed Vine, an Ice Scout, and a Fire Warden drop from the ceiling! This is a bit too much for Suitcase...

The Ring Caster threw a ring at Morky! Watch out!
Fire Warden A attacked Morky with its fire sword, but he blocked the attack with his shield!
Fire Warden B summoned a line of fire in Jack Frost's direction! It hit him twice.
The Chilly Eagle didn't attack!
The Chargin' Skeleton is guarding.
Don't you hate it when your posts don't send because of the captcha, and you find out about it an hour later?
Bat the ring back and continue to block with the shield
Stab the ill eagle some more.
(say that out loud)
You forgot my action again >>27795342
Attack Chargin' Skelelel
Give Morky another dose
Do you need my help or?
"My hair!"
Fire moar
Slice more of the ribcage
Not right now, I can survive if I play my cards right
Hit the security camera
Try to crack the lens
Slice up the camera
Go to where the battle currently is and attack the Camera with a quick mega chop.
>Don't you hate it when your posts don't send because of the captcha, and you find out about it an hour later?
if captcha even loads at all
I can't count the number of times I type a reply only to have to refresh because captcha decided to shit itself
Occasionally the captcha just doesn't show up, by I still get the tick showing that I'm not a robot, so I don't even have to do the captcha.
Uh, uh...
Just sit there and hope we can work things out.
[Floor S1]

>Ruin fired once more at the Security Camera with the EAR 7+! He zapped the enemy out of existence.
The EAR 7+ is low on juice.

The Security Camera was destroyed!

You win!
Ruin and Akinzer gained 11 EXP.

[Floor B8]

>Morky batted the ring back at the Ring Caster while continuing to fight. It took its share of damage and hurt from the blast.

>Jack Frost attacked the Chilly Eagle both physically and verbally. The effect is exactly as you'd expect.

>Mikrokek attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with the Large Screwdriver, but couldn't get past its shield.

>Ember gave Morky another dose of the MediGas.

>Kars attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with the Silver Chariot, breaking past the enemy's defenses and right to the ribs!

>Things are looking grim for Suitcase.

The Ring Caster fired a beam at Morky! He's becoming numb to the beams.
Fire Warden A is guarding.
Fire Warden B cast Fire Breaker on Jack Frost! He feels a scorching pain around his horn!
The Chilly Eagle isn't attacking...
The Chargin' Skeleton aptly charged into Kars! She's pinned against the wall once more...
Ask the Fire Warden how his day is going.
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go back out and open door on the right
"Hey, Vinyl, look."
Cast levitation beta on the two enemies, and smash them all around the toom.
Bring the sword into the cut on the Ring Caster's armor I made earlier.
Go for the pelvis
Backstab CharginSkel
Run over to Suitcase and defend her
Follow Useless.
Shake it!
Work on Super Shotgun.

Last recipe for now; take the EAR 4, with it's brand new regeneration built by the time we get to this. Now, build a small iron box, and have Akinzer cast Beam Alpha into the box, or it's potential energy to cast it, or the formula condensed into a semi-physical form-- whichever way it works out, have it in the box. Now, install it into the gun. Remove the automatic stop and output; with this magic, we won't need it. Use them to secure two barrels, one to the cell and one to the magic. This would complete the system.
As for the weapon itself, when fired, an extreme amount of power will burst out of the rifle, firing a mixture of a magical ray and a shocking property. The point of it is, due to it's high conductivity, the gun will direct most of it's damage onto one enemy, and begin to spread out and shock nearby enemies for sub-damage; compare it to controlled shrapnel. This'll be known as the Tesla Rifle.

To recap, The Inventor To-Do List:
>Super Shotgun (1/10)
>EAR Improvements (?/?)
>Tesla Rifle (?/?)

>Super shotgun
>Pic related
So your stealing weapon ideas now?
That was the premise; Super Dungeon = Nightmare Mode, so why not pay a tribute?
Although, this one shoots pure lasers, so it's technically better.
I could tell you he may have been inspired by DOOM to make that weapon but I don't think you know what inspired means.
[Floor S1]

>Useless opens the door on he right. Inside, he found a pile of bones.

>Krono is following Useless.

>Ruin slowly recharges the gun...

The power of Beam will burn through a lot of stuff, and it can't really be contained without mirrors or high-level shield spells. You're trying to play with a wildfire here.

[Floor B8]

>The Fire Warden raises its sword up...

>Jack Frost tossed the two enemies in his room around like pinballs to the amusement of Vinyl and himself. The Chilly Eagle could not withstand the attacks.

>Morky attacked the Ring Caster with the Short Sword, trying to replicate the cut he made earlier in the enemy's armor. He was not very successful.

>Kars attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with the Silver Chariot! She slashed right through the enemy's left leg. {CRITICAL!}
Kars took damage from the bleeding.

>Mikrokek fatally backstabs the Chargin' Skeleton, proving once again that screwdrivers are savage. {CRITICAL!}

>Ember will fight the monsters off on Suitcase's behalf.

The Ring Caster fired a beam at Morky! He's relatively unphased.
Fire Warden A latched onto Morky's shield, and is hitting him through his defenses! He takes a definite beating.
Fire Warden B launched a wave of fire at Jack Frost! It hit him three times.
The Chilly Eagle was destroyed!
The Chargin' Skeleton was destroyed!
Kars and Mikrokek gained 55 EXP.
Kars has achieved Level 6!
Warning! Kars is low on HP!
Warning! Jack Frost is low on HP!
Warning! Morky is low on HP!
Stab the fire warden.
"Chill out, buddy!"
Laugh at my awful joke
>pile of bones
scatter the bones
Death from above onto the Ring Caster then block with the shield
Get stats of my weapon
Look around
On second thought
I'll just imploy the secret technique
Grab suitcase and RUN AWAY
My baby!
She knows the J- Dungeonfag secret technique!
Whince in pain and go to the fourth door in sequence
Jack she knows of the technique!
Let Ember pick me up so we can escape.
Shoot bones
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This Is Totally Not Good.jpg
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Jesus, you probably could have just said "Warning! Everybody's fucked!".

Anyway, the melting point of iron is approximately 2,800 degrees, so that beam would have to be strong as all fuck to take out actual iron. Would the material we were working with be different, modern shit like stainless steel, then we would have had a problem. But, if the beam really does hit the 3,000 mark, and you really are doing some maximum levels of fucking with me, I have a plan; the reflective barrels in the old Laser Pistols. Get those and begin to lay them out, spreading them into a VERY thin layer, zapping them a little bit with a spare EAR to bend and meld them. Boom, we can hold Beam Alpha.
Is this somehow related to JoJo?
Did I somehow do a JoJo unintentionally?
The secret technique of the Joestar family is running.
So I'm a JoJo now?
Okay...which JoJo?

Oh, and Lawsmen, remember the captcha?
>Jack Frost attacked the Fire Warden with the Frostfang! He almost chopped its neck off...

>Useless tried to scatter the bones, but they turned into a Chargin' Skeleton before his eyes!

>Morky slammed onto the Ring Caster with Death from Above, then quickly guarded! {CRITICAL!}

>Mikrokek finds nothing of value inside this room.
Large Screwdriver - ATK +7
Nice in ice.
Weakness to fire, electricity
Resistance to ice


>Kars enters the fourth door in sequence. Inside, she finds an idle Ice Scout.
Kars took damage from the bleeding.

>Ruin fired at the Chargin' Skeleton with the EAR 7+! The enemy's shield broke!

It's not taking out the iron; it just can't be contained.

The Ring Caster fired a beam at Morky! He got hit again...
Fire Warden A is charging its next attack!
Fire Warden B cast Fire Breaker on Jack Frost! He didn't feel it anymore.
Warning! Kars is in critical condition!
Expect slower service than normal.
Shield bash Ring Caster into Fire Warden and block
Chop off the FW's head, then teleport to the room Suitcase and Useless ran out of.
"More for me."
>can't be contained
>without mirrors or high-level shields
But wouldn't this cover it, according to the notes described? Also, I meant the reflective material laminating the inside of the iron box.

Keep working on the Super Shotgun.
Pew pew!
Talk to Ember while she's carrying me.
"Jack just went in there. Should we help him?"
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>Nice in ice.
>Kars finds an idle Ice Scout.
Go to Kars and attack Icecout.
Why exactly?
Drag suitcase over to Kars and heal her
....Why Useless?
Suitcase and Ember.
Glimglam, explain.
Hit Chargin' Skeleton's legs
Break some bones
(The skeletons, not mine)
"Well Kars is currently bleeding to death so..."
"That's probably a better idea."
Focus on not bleeding out
Get a picture of Ember Jolyne
Plus you two's personalities
>Morky shield-bashed the Ring Caster, breaking it apart and generating a mini-explosion!

>Jack Frost attacked the Fire Warden with the Frostfang, then moved to the next battle...

It would, albeit the charge would diminish over a few turns.
Wait, weren't you making something else earlier?

>Ruin fired the EAR 7+ at the Chargin' Skeleton once more, but to no avail.
The EAR 7+ is low on energy.

>Mikrokek joined Kars' battle by attacking the Ice Scout with the Large Screwdriver! A bit of its shoulder armor was chipped off.

>Suitcase is healing Kars again...

>Useless attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with brute force, but isn't getting anywhere.

>Kars took damage from the bleeding, but not AS much.
Keep attacking scout
Hm. Go back to my original fight, and finish off the FW
Put pressure on Kars' wound I guess.
Shake! Use shield spell on useless
Attack the Chargin' Skeleton
keep trying
the Chargin' Skeleton will eventually fall
just like all the enemies that came before
now hit, scratch, buck, bite
show no mercy
Yeah, I said a few times to work on the Super Shotgun, but it didn't get counted because of the corrections to the recipe. I'll work on it this turn.
Now, Beam relies entirely on heat, meaning I could insert a source of fire connecting below the box, along with also hooking up the turbine generation, making a sort of supply that would also create a magically infused laser generator when the mass of the spell runs out.
awsmen come back
Chop Fire Wardens hands off
Let Suitcase take care of me
How many gallons of blood did we all lose so far?
>Mistaking leather for a dragon
Obtuse chain the Ice Scout in Kars' room
Did the Ring Caster explode or my shield?>>27797215
I think we're done for tonight
Lawsmen, when you come back, tell me who is best pony.
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
what the fuck.
Dude I have to come back into existence to tell you to stop.
Where have you been!
MvM,Redsun, a Hospital, lots of places.
Sounds like fun
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Player Dungeon Remix.jpg
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Spending all my nights, all my posts going out on the thread
Saying anything just to get you off my shit
But when the morning comes, I'm right back where I started again
Trying to forget you is just a waste of time

Lawsmen come back, any kind of fag could see
There was something in every post about you
Lawsmen come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't post without you

All night long, wearing a mask of false importance
Trying to keep up a smile that hides a tear
But as the sun comes up, I get that empty feeling again
How I wish to God that you were here

OP come back, any shitposter could see
There was someone behind every post made by you
OP come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't post without you

Now that I put it all together
Give me the chance to make you see
Have you used up all the text in your post
Is there no HP for me?
Is there no HP for me?

Anon come back (ohhh god), even all the mods could see
There was something in all the threads made by you
Anon come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't make this thing work
I was wrong, and I can't post it...

Anon come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
OP come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't deal with this shit
Lawsmen come back!
What is the picture about?
The band who originally played Baby Come Back, except edited to be 20% more autistic.
Could you possibly do more band edits?
Sorry for not coming back last night, my internet went to shit and I couldn't post for the rest of the night.

[Floor S1]

>Ruin recharged his weapon while casting Shield α on Useless!
Useless' body was enveloped by a 3-hit physical shield!

>Akinzer attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with the High Frequency Blade! He sliced through a few of its lower ribs.

>Useless attacked the Chargin' Skeleton with everything he had! It didn't do much, but it's better than nothing.

>The 2.5th Manhorse drops his other project to start working on the Super Shotgun... (1/10, part 1)

The Chargin' Skeleton is circling around Useless in a clockwise fashion.

[Floor B8]

>Mikrokek attacked the Ice Scout with the Large Screwdriver! A CLASH was heard, with paint flying off the enemy's shoulderpad.

>Jack Frost realized he had already finished off his other fight.

>Suitcase applies pressure to Kars' wound.

>Morky stabbed the Fire Warden directly in the motherboard with the Short Sword, slaying the foul enemy! {CRITICAL!}

Too much.
Kars took damage from the bleeding, albeit not as much.

>Ember joined the fight by casting Obtuse Chain on the Ice Scout! Three of the four attacks landed.

The Ring Caster.

The Ice Scout slashed at Mikrokek with its frozen blade! He was instantly transformed into a popsicle! {CRITICAL!}
You won!
Morky earned 150 EXP.
Jack Frost earned 100 EXP.
Morky has achieved Level 10!
Morky realized the power of Levitation β!
Morky's max HP rose by 10!
Go to Manhorse and help him craft.
Use whatever's left of the gauze to cover Kars' wound.
Tackle the Ice Scout then bash its head in with Medigun
intercept the Chargin' Skeleton's path
Throw it off balance with my own counterclockwise circling and periodic headbutts as I come around to possible vectors of attack
Man,vacations to St.Augustine sure are great
Continue to not bleed out
I probably owe Suitcase a huge favor
Oh, and keep working.
[Floor S1]

>Krono is helping the Manhorse craft... (1.5/10)

>Useless vectors and head-butts the Chargin' Skeleton at his first opportunity! He knocked the skeleton over, quickly and quietly.
Useless took a hit on his shield for doing that.

>The 2.5th Manhorse keeps working... (2.5/10)

The Chargin' Skeleton is circling around Useless in a counter-clockwise fashion.

[Floor B8]

>Suitcase covers Kars' wound with the Gauze.
Kars eventually stopped bleeding...

>Ember used the Medigun as a weapon to attack the Ice Scout! For the most part, it worked.

[Heal α: Heals a single target by 6-10 HP. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Shield α: Deploys a 3-hit physical shield around 1 target. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Paralysis α: Paralyzes a single target for 3 turns. Success chance: 70%. Recharge time: 3 turns]
[Shield β: Deploys a 3-hit magical shield around 1 target. Recharge time: 4 turns]
>A wooden crate dropped behind Mikrokek's location.

>Kars has stopped bleeding.

The Ice Scout is guarding.
Continue helping Manhorse.
Hug Suitcase in gratitude then sneak up on the Ice Scout for a backstab
Punch the fucker in the face
Put Kars on my back, join Ember's fight and impale the ice scout using the Royal Spontoon.
keep a distance of Chargin' Skeleton
circle around Clockwise
Find a vulnerable place and use obtuse chain
Patriotism Intensifies
If I'm still a popsicle, scream for help and shield a on Kars
If not, attack Icecout
On second thought,let Suitcase carry me
[Floor S1]

>Krono continues helping the Manhorse... (3/10)

>Useless rinses and repeats, casting Obtuse Chain on the Chargin' Skeleton! Three of the four attacks landed.

>The 2.5th Manhorse continues working... (4/10)

The Chargin' Skeleton went to attack Useless, but missed and killed itself by running into the wall.
You won!
Useless gained 15 EXP.
Akinzer gained 7 EXP.

[Floor B8]

>Kars does nothing.

>Ember attacked the Ice Scout with the SP/TW! She punched the enemy square in the face, and it fell off its shoulders! {CRITICAL!}

The Ice Scout was destroyed!

You can't move!

You won!
Ember gained 30 EXP.
Mikrokek gained 15 EXP.
go back one room and check darkness on the right
Keep going.
In-game nap for health
I believe there is a fifth door.
Go there
Help Manhorse build
Look around for a crate
Someone pls HALP
Actually,break Mikro out with rapier slashes.
[Floor S1]

>Useless checks the darkness on the right outside the room he was currently in. Here, he found a wooden door being guarded by a Circuit Breaker.

>The 2.5th Manhorse keeps working... (5/10)

>Ruin is helping The 2.5th Manhorse build... (5.5/10)

[Floor B8]

>Kars broke Mikrokek out of his frigid prison with the Silver Chariot!
Mikrokek has been freed!

>Ember opens the last door in sequence. Inside, she finds an idle Fire Warden.

>Morky eyes a crate behind Mikrokek.
There isn't one in my room? I thought you said there was when I first entered
Did anyone remember to loot the guard?
Mikro,carry me.I'm tired
Procced to go on Mikrokek's back and sleep
Which one?
Karry Kars on my back and open the crate behind me
Give a quick heal to myself,then acute chain the warden
attempt a sneak attack on Circuit Breaker
Meh, see if the Ice scout has anything useful on him.
Search Fire Warden and Grapple master for anything?
[Floor S1]

>Useless attacked the Circuit Breaker with brute force, tearing and ripping at the enemy every chance he got!

Useless suddenly attacked a Circuit Breaker!
The Circuit Breaker cast Spark!
Useless was not affected by the attack.

Yeah, that's right. I forgot about that one.

>Kars tries to go to sleep...

The only guard you have fought so far on this floor.

>Mikrokek opened the wooden crate behind him. Inside, he found... A Sponge!
Sponge added to Inventory.

>Ember quickly healed herself, then cast Acute Chain on the Fire Warden! Both attacks missed.

>Suitcase tries to loot the Ice Scout, but to no avail.

>Morky tries to loot the Fire Warden and the Grapplemaster, but to no avail. He eyes a new passage to the left, however...

Ember has encountered a Fire Warden!
The Fire Warden cast a line of fire at Ember! It hit her four times.
[Floor S1]

>Useless attacked the Circuit Breaker with brute force, tearing and ripping at the enemy every chance he got!

Useless suddenly attacked a Circuit Breaker!
The Circuit Breaker cast Spark!
Useless was not affected by the attack.

[Floor B8]

Yeah, that's right. I forgot about that one.

>Kars tries to go to sleep...

The only guard you have fought so far on this floor.

>Mikrokek opened the wooden crate behind him. Inside, he found... A Sponge!
Sponge added to Inventory.

>Ember quickly healed herself, then cast Acute Chain on the Fire Warden! Both attacks missed.

>Suitcase tries to loot the Ice Scout, but to no avail.

>Morky tries to loot the Fire Warden and the Grapplemaster, but to no avail. He eyes a new passage to the left, however...

Ember has encountered a Fire Warden!
The Fire Warden cast a line of fire at Ember! It hit her four times.
Teleport back to the fight I teleported out of, and cast za warudo on the group of enemies.
Go to the left passage

So there is or isn't a crate?
Try to grab the warden's head and head bump it
Go help Ember with her Fire Warden
Attack the Circuit Breaker with a barrage of hoof strikes
'your circuit is already dead'
Join up with Jack and impale the angry sign at his fight with the Royal Spontoon.
"Hey, suity, want to try a combo attack?
Shoot the circuit breaker!
[Floor S1]

>Useless attacked the Circuit Breaker with hooves all around! The enemy doesn't really know how to react to this...

The Circuit Breaker attacked Useless with an electric karate-chop! He was knocked to the ground.

[Floor B8]

>Jack Frost teleports back to the room with four enemies idly standing by, and casts Paralysis Ω on all of them!
The Angry Sign couldn't move!
The Plunderseed Vine couldn't move!
The Ice Scout couldn't move!
The Fire Warden was unaffected by the attack!

There is a crate.
>Morky entered the passage to the left. Inside, he found a room with six wooden crates strewn about the small room. Looks like he's hit the jackpot!

>Ember tried to head-butt a robot! This doesn't bode well with her or the enemy.
Ember took damage from head-butting the enemy.

>Kars is doing her best Iron Knuckle impersonation.

>Mikrokek is helping Ember with the Fire Warden!

>Suitcase joined Jack Frost's fight by attacking the paralyzed Angry Sign with the Royal Spontoon! He almost bore a hole through the sign's resilient metal.

Fire Warden A cast Fire Breaker on Mikrokek! He felt a searing pain on his left side.
Jack Frost and friend encountered a Fire Warden and its cohorts!
Fire Warden B cast Fire Breaker on Jack Frost! He felt a burning pain on his right side.
Warning! Jack Frost is in critical condition!
The Ice Scout couldn't move!
The Plunderseed Vine couldn't move!
The Angry Sign couldn't move!
"Time to ride the lightning!"
Shoot circuit breaker with EAR
Open the one in the room behind me then go on and open the rest

New thread?
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