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CurseQuest: An adventure /CYOA/ Thread #8

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Thread replies: 187
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>Back from hiatus edition: I really need to stop doing that.

Welcome back to Curse Quest! If you have no idea what's going on you can catch up here: https://www.anonpone.com/curse/

Last thread: >>27284503

Last time on Curse:
>We made it into Sol city, and went seeking out some answers as to where to find the first of the five relics we are looking for.
>Bottle Cap got arrested, where he met a mysterious informant, who told him where to look.
>Meanwhile, Basil and Laccolith made dinner, and headed back to the boat.
>When they came back, Basil snuck up to a window, and found Laccolith's father inside the church.
>Lithy vacated the area, heading over to the prison, where they met up with a now released Bottle Cap.
>Then our party headed north, to the great forests, where the Dryads supposedly have the relic.
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>Before we start, let's check up on our Party.

>Laccolith has passed out, after overworking herself and driving all night.
>Dorchadas is asleep, because it is currently daytime.

>And last we left off, Archie had cast a rejuvenation spell, returning his skin.
>Unfortunately, he has been moving and talking via magic for several centuries.
>And now he has no idea how to work his muscles or move or speak at all.
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>That leaves us with Basil and BottleCap.
>Both of whom are in good health, and quite capable.

>It might be wise to leave someone behind to look after the boat, and the rest of the party.
>But then again, you are in a secluded area of the woods with only (hopefully) friendly Dryads nearby.
>So whether you bring someone or not is up to you.

>Alternatively, you could wait until some or all of your party members are rested up/recuperated.
>But if you want to get going immediately, you can.

>Who would you like to play as today?
Good ol' Cap should be the player.

And we should just go there alone. As idiotic as that sounds, let's have a little bit of excitement.
Basil. Both her and cap should travel together. The boat will be fine. Archie is there and doesn't sleep, so he can wake everyone up in case of emergency, which I really doubt will happen in the middle of the forest not known for monsters and protected by dryads.
I second this.
Let's have Basil take care of Archie.
We should put Archie's tongue back in his mouth and make sure he's situated before we leave though. He looks a little uncomfortable.
Indeed. His hind end is up and exposed it seems. We should take care of that first.
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>You are BottleCap!
>Okay, so first things first, you probably should help poor Archie out.
>That can't be comfortable!
>Also, his rump is in sort of an... Awkward position.
>The poor guy looks like he's going to be taken advantage of.

"Um, Archie. I'm just going to- Reposition you a little bit."

>You rearrange him a bit, leaving him laying down and facing the door of the boat.
>You also gently pry his jaw open and push his tongue back into his mouth.
"You just- Stay here and rest up a bit. Wait for someone to wake up or- Oh! Better yet, Basil!"
>You turn to face the changeling with a smile.
"You stay here, keep watch of Archie, and I'll go off and find the relic, okay?"
>"S-Sure! I can look after Archie. But are you going to be okay out there by yourself?"
"Sure I am! It's just a forest, what's the worst that could happen?"

>You hop off the boat, and look out into the forest.
>It's oddly quiet.
>There are several tree house looking things in front of you.
>You can just barely make out a path that goes around behind them all.
>In the tree tops, there are several bridges, looking to be natural, and made entirely out of vines.

>What shall you do?
Go to the nearest door and knock. Some help from locals is sure to help us out.
say "roses are red violets are...
more like purple? crap was that it?
This. And say "have you come to talk with your lord and saviour?"
I think that's how you say it, right?
Okay, after we knock we ask for Zinnia Petal. Then we when we find her we say exactly this "Roses are red, Violets are closer to purple"
It would be funny if we accidentally stumbled on our words and said violets are green.
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>You head over to the nearest house.
>You gently knock, and then wait.
>Wait a second. Now that you were here, you were supposed to say a code word or something, right?
>What was it again?
>Something about that famous rhyme.
>Roses are red and violets are green or something?
>Or was it purple?
>Nah, it was probably purple.
>Or was it?
>You couldn't remember!
>Maybe it was red? Or Blue?
>You couldn't come all this way just to forget the code word!

>A short second later, the door begins to open.
>A very small looking pony greets you.
>She looked to be about the size of a young filly.
>You didn't recall hearing anything about Dryads being so small!
>She would be adorable if not for the look on her face.

"I -uh. Hi?"
>Her mane appears to be a hanging of vines, and her fur looks almost like a thin layer of moss.
>"A pony? What are you doing here? What quarrel do you have with the dryads?"

"N-No quarrel. I'm just here to meet someone. Are you, by chance, Zinnia petal?"
>She tilts her head.
>"I am she. Who seeks me out? State you business."

>Oh wow, that was easy.
>You thought you'd spend forever finding her.

"Um- Ahem. Roses are red, violets are... Uh, closer to- similar to... Darn it, what was it? Anyway. Something something... Purple!"
>She rolls her eyes.
>"Well if you came to recite poetry, at least practice first-"
>Then she stiffens.
>"Wait- It cannot be. You were sent by the order of the sun to seek the relic?"
"I- Yes?"
>Her eyes cast themselves upon the ground, then she turns away.
>"Had you come a week earlier, I could have given it to you forthright. Alas, the relic was stolen, from right under our noses."
Did he sound like an adventurer who constantly talks about and worries for his daughter by any chance?
By who?
Shit she's adorable, resist the urge to boop her.

"Do you have any idea who or what may have stolen it? Don't suppose any convenient clues where left behind huh?"
did she open the door with her "hair"?
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>You narrowly avoid the urge to boop her.
"Stolen? By who?"
>Who else knew about the relic?
>It wasn't-
>It couldn't be.

"Was it stolen by a rugged looking adventurer, who constantly talks about and worries for his daughter? By any chance?"

>"What? No. That's oddly specific, should I be out on the look out for somepony like that?"
"I- I don't know. But if it wasn't him, then who?"
>She takes a deep breath, sighing loudly.

>"A monster. A thief. An innocent mare. All three of these things and none of them."
"What? What does that even mean?"
>"It was one of our own. Just a young'un. Her name was Eidelwiess. Part of our coming of age ritual involves touching the relic, and this year it was her turn. But instead of just touching it, she snatched it. No one knew what to do, and she ran off into the woods."
"Okay, so she can't have gone far, that doesn't sound so bad-"
>"A week later, she came back, but it wasn't really HER anymore. She had changed, grown. All her vines were loose and wild, whipping about. She came, took and uprooted the tree she had grown up in, and left again. Nothing we said, or yelled, or anything really- We couldn't get her attention. It was like she simply didn't care. Now I've heard before that the relic had dangerous power, but we- We couldn't have known it would do something like this."
"Are there any clues as to where to where she went?"
>"Sure, there's a few hundred giant footprints following her out of town, and a missing tree-trunk just a little deeper into the village."

>Well, now what?
>Are you going to have to bring down a monster?
>Could you even do that?
>Where do you even start?
>giant footprints
Giant for you or giant for me?
Hug the sad little pony. Only to realize she has thorns as a defense mechanism.
Anon you can't just randomly hug plant-ponies without their consent. You have to ask first.
It might pay to wait for backup. Let's go investigate the trunks and tracks first.
But it's so cute though.
Hey, don't worry, dealing with these relics is kind of our "thing". We'll do everything we can to get her back that we can. Then cautiously go in for the hug.

I think we should go back to the boat for now and come back with our full party.
>I think we should go back to the boat for now and come back with our full party.
Agreed. Maybe not the whole party, but at least one or two more. See who is up.
Yea, we should get some advice about how to deal with this thing without killing the filly too. Maybe Archie will know something. We should ask the dryads too.
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>Aww, this poor little pony.
>You lean down and try to give her a hug.
>Suddenly, several pinpricks suddenly jab into your fur.
>Vines wrap around you in an instant.

>"Oh! I'm sorry. What is this-?"
"A- Hug? I'm attempting to comfort you?"
>"Oh! I'm sorry. Reflexive instincts! Didn't mean to!"
>You gently pull away, as the vines let you go.
"No no, That's my bad. I should've asked."
>Did- Did any thorns poke you?
"No. I've got thick fur."

>She starts fretting over you, checking you for signs of poke wounds.
"Uh, Zinnia- Please. I'm okay."
>"Right sorry."

"Anyway, I'm going to go investigate. By the way, were those footprints MY giant or YOUR giant?"
>"Uh. Well, you'll see I'm sure. They were certainly larger than even your hooves though."
>You start to leave, heading down the path.
>You turn back to her.
>"If you're seeking her out can you- Can you bring her back safely?"
"Of course! Don't worry, dealing with relics is our thing!"
>"O-Ours? Who else did you bring?"
"Oh right, I haven't even introduced me or my friends, did you want to come out to the boat and meet them?"
>"Uh, maybe later. Us Druids are a little shy. I'm sure most of the village will come out and visit eventually."
"Okay, well, come visit eventually! I'm Bottle Cap by the way."

>You exit the house, and head back to the boat.
>But not before looking around a bit. You get a general feel for the area.
>It looks like down the path is a hollowed out area, you'd probably call it a sanctum.
>That's the type of place where the relic ritual or whatever probably happened.
>Nothing much has changed, Basil is still watching Archie.
>Lithy has rolled over, she might be more awake now.
>Did you want to wait till later? Or go investigate?
>What will you do?
"inventory" the crew, see who's functional and who isn't. This might be a big job so I think we may need Dorchadas and our formerly-skeletal friend for this one.
Be a Lithy waking up to find a sexy stranger on our boat.
Zinnia, can we keep her?
I'm a little concerned Dorchadas will freak out the natives, only a little though. His main disadvantage is that we have to wait until night to bring him. I don't know if we want to be traipsing through the woods at night.

Otherwise yea, let's do what you said.
We can't keep filling our boat with waifus!
But she's so cute, anon.

Though I do think we should ask her to accompany us into the woods and/or ask if she has anything that might help us.
I was also going to mention- Doesn't it seem odd that Archie's a live pony, now? I keep getting the weirdest sensation that we've seen him "naked", isn't that bizarre?

As for you waifu-collectors, I think we've got a really nice herd going already. Harem end FTW? It's only natural for horses after all. Other than Archie and perhaps Dorchadas. But what the hell, it's present date, after all.
And small, how much room could she take up, she probably only eats sunlight or something. Well we can wait and see what happens, I've gotten us ahead of ourselves.
>I've gotten us ahead of ourselves
Actually sounds kinda Caplike.
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>You wonder if Zinnia will end up joining the crew.
>Is there even space for her?
>Of course there is, she's pretty small.
>Wait, you're getting ahead of yourself again.

>Well, time to check on who is functional and who isn't.
>Upon stepping back onto the boat, Basil immediately asks you how it went.
"So, turns out the relic was taken by a young Driad named, "Edelweiss," and she may or may not have turned into a monster and gone missing in the woods."
>"Seriouffwyy!" You heard Archie cry out in dismay.
>You reassert.
>"Thaff Nof Wha I saiff!" Archie says, standing up.

"Archie, you can stand, again!"
>His legs were shaking, and it didn't look like he could manage taking a step, but at least he was back on his hooves.
>Now he just needed a walker, like one of those really elderly ponies.
>Well, technically he was well past that age.
>"Yeff. I almoff hab the tongff under controlff too!"
>"He's been making great progress! He's almost ready to try my cooking, I'm so excited!" Basil cheered.

>So Basil is the same as before, Archie is a little better, but maybe not quite there yet.

>You look up to the darkened ceiling.
"Hey Dorchie, do you think the woods are dark enough for you to stretch your wings?"
>You get a grumble in response.
>Maybe later then.
>Druids would probably be terrified of him anyway.

>How about Lithy?
>You give her a poke.
"Hey Lith. You okay?"
>She mumbles, then rolls over to face you.
>Her eyes are still mostly closed.
>"Hey stranger. What's a stallion like you doing in a place like me..."

>She-She's probably still waking up.
>She rubs her hooves over her face, then sits up.
>"Egh- Weird dreams. Morning Cap, how long was I out?"
"Couple hours at most. Do you need more time?"
>"No way. I'm ready for adventure. You didn't already get the relic did you?"
"Not yet-"
>"Then there's no time to waste. Let's get going!"
So... what were those dreams about?
On second thought you still look pretty sleepy, and I could use a nap too, scooch over.
Is she not even going to acknowledge that we're down one living skeleton and up one hunky stallion?

Well, she is pretty sleepy.
We're in her bedroom still, she hasn't seen his lithe sexy new body yet.
When she does, kiss your waifu goodbye
>implying we're not just as lithe and sexy, and have full control of our bodily funcctions.
Dorchadas however, is still a threat.
Bottlecap is gonna get pretty jealous pretty fast.
Bruh, have you seen his sick gains?
>Adventure slut that loves ancient civilizations
>Implying she want jump on his dick immediately as soon as she meets a real ancient Mesoamareican
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bruh I know bruh, I have bruh. In case SWC or anyone else missed yesterday's /cyoag/
bruh, i was there bruh
I don't understand, why isn't she hopping on his shadow dick after such a display?
honestly bottlecap dosn' t seem like the jealous type. He's too.. go with the flow.

Obviously she's too intimidated
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I definitely saw that paper pone. I laughed pretty hard.

"Oh right, before anything else, I should probably tell you that Archie got his body back?"
>"Say what?"
"He's got skin and everything! Still hasn't figured out how to walk or talk properly yet."
>Although you were a bit worried about what Lithy might think of him.
>It's not like you were jealous or anything.
>So what if he was slim and lithe, and had a stupid, perfect, handsome look-
>Okay, maybe you were a teensy bit jealous.
>Archie leans into the Cabin, with Basil propping him up.
>"Hey Wiffy. Whaf do youf fink?" Archie says, the wind blowing his mane just right.
>You wish you could get the wind to work with your mane.
>How were you supposed to compete with that?
>Lithy stares for a second or two, blinking.
>"Wow. I didn't expect him to be so-"
>"Young- I was aiming for young. Attractive is objectively true as well."
>"I mean, no offense. You are just a few centuries older than me though- Wait, why are we even discussing this? We are an adventuring party, pull yourselves together, everypony!"
>Oh good. Lithy didn't think that way about him. You were just worked up over nothing.

"So, you were saying you had some weird dreams?"
>"Yeah- real weird. Almost felt real. And a little bit scary. Good thing some stallion came along and woke me up."
>She hits you playfully on the shoulder.

"So, are you sure you don't want to rest up a bit more? Just relax and- Maybe scooch over-"
>She stands up, and starts heading for the bow.
>"No time! There's a Driad village to explore!"
>You- You were going to ask if she wanted to spend some time with you.
>Oh well, there was always time for that later.

>So Lithy is going out to explore, no matter what.
>Did you want to wait here?
>Or go along with her, maybe bring Basil?
>Where would you go first?
>What do you do?
Whew, that's a relief.

Let it just be us and Lithy for exploring. Totally not because we want to spend time with her alone or anything.
Totally not because of that. Basil dosn't seem like much of a fighter and she should probably keep an eye on sexy raspberries over there.

So let's make sure we got our gear, ask Archie if he has any advice, and then go back to Zinnia's and do the same.
Bring Lithy, leave Basil with Archie. Maybe Basil can shift into Archie and demonstrate exactly how to move his body around.
That's a cool idea.
The pastebins not in the header or on anonpone fyi, I don't think we have anything important in it anyways
Hoooooold up a second. Realistic and scary dreams that feel weird?

Maybe we should have a talk with her while we explore.
If she doesn't want him, we could take him
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My bad. Here you go. http://pastebin.com/itE0rLxJ

>Well, you should probably get after Lithy.
>It'd be nice to spend some time with just her, though.
>So Basil might as well stay here and look after Mr.Gorgeous over there.

"Hey, actually. Here's an idea. Basil, if you change into Archie, you might be able to show him how to move about. That way, he can just copy your movements until he gets it."
>"Hey! Thats a great idea! Copying a changeling seems sort of funny though."
>Basil changes her look in a green flash.
>You stare at the two Archies.
>Basil-Archie sticks her/his tongue out to match the other one.
"So, any advice before I leave? We are seeking out a monster."
>"If you meetf the monffter: come backf an waif for nighffallf. Waif forf Dorfffchadfas." Archie manages to slur out for you.
>"Come on Cap!"
>Lithy is already hopping out of the boat, and taking in a deep breath of the forest air.
>You start to follow after her, making sure you've got all your gear with you.

>You head over back to Zinnia's house.
>Lithy is off wandering over to where the monster tracks are.
>If you're going to track down a monster, you need to know everything you can.
>You knock on the door again.
>Zinnia opens the door expectantly, an shies away when she sees your gear, especially your knife.
>"I hope you don't plan on hurting any young saplings with that blade."
"N-No. It's self defense exclusive."
>Well, you weren't sure what you were going to use it for.
>It's sort of a blade made for cutting through brush and leaves.
>Maybe not the type of thing to have in front of a Driad.

>Anyway, what sorts of things do you ask Zinnia, if anything?
What is everything you know about the relic and how it can affect things, both fact and legend? How big is it? What does it look like? What happens if we lick it? That last one is key, we have a good chance of doing that when we see it. It's kind of our go-to method of mysterious artifact analysis.
Wanna come adventure with me after this ordeal?
What kind of plant is your plant part? Would you say you're an Oak? Or maybe a Pine tree?
"Is there anything you can tell us about Eidelwiess that might help us, or anything you might be able to give us that would help us bring her back. Would you or any of the other dryads like to come with us?"

Also, tell Lithy not to be rude and come introduce herself.
Anon that's impolite. You don't just go running amok asking dryads what plant they are, nor do you ask about their plant parts.
Dude you can't just ask ponies if their an Oak.. actually that's a great idea. If we know what kind of plant Eidelwiess is, or however that works, that could help. I'm thinking we get to her by attacking or threatning that tree she took.
Are you saying that Cap WOULDN'T say something that stupid? Our Cap?
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"Okay, so I have a few questions for you."
>"Very well. What are they?"
"I need to know everything you know about the relic, and I mean EVERYTHING. How it effects things, how big it is, what it looks like, what happens when we lick it-"
>"That last one seems a little unusual."
"It's my go to method of identifying magical artifacts. You won't believe how efficient it is."

>"Cap, who you talking to?"
>Lithy comes trotting over.
"Lithy, this is a Driad, Zinnia Petal. Zinnia, this is Laccolith."
>"Oh my gosh! Has anyone told you you're adorable!"
>Lithy goes in for a hug.
>Too late. Up goes the vine defense.
>Out come the thorns.
>"No! Why do you ponies keep doing that! Please, give me a warning!"
>"Oh gosh! I'm sorry! I just got so excited! Please forgive me!" Lithy said, her face scrunched up into a sharp vine.
>"It's okay! I'll just have to remember that ponies are easily excitable! You aren't hurt, are you?"
>Zinnia retracts her vines carefully, fretting over Lithy like she had with you.
"This isn't going to become a reoccurring thing, is it?"
>"I really hope not. You are my guests, and I keep responding to affection with violence! I'm being so awful!"
>>B-but you guys were the ones hugging her out of the blue. Why was she sorry?

"So, uh. About those relics. And anything you could tell us about Edelwiess?"
>"Ri-right. Let's see. I haven't heard much about what it can do, besides the fact that it contains a dangerous amount of power. And I'm sure you've heard the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Yep, heard that one before."
>"I really don't know how to use it or what it's capable of though. I heard that this entire forest was grown over a millennium from it's power alone. Before that the entire land was supposedly nothing but desert."
>"Ooh! I'll have to check the sediment deposits around here when I get the chance!" Laccolith chimed.


"Right, so the rest of the questions?"
>"As for how big it is, it's not really that impressive. Sadly, quite small. It weighs as though it were six times the size, however."
>"Ooh. That's a little bizarre. I hope it's not made from heavy radioactive materials. That would be hard to carry around, and we definitely don't have any lead boxes nearby."
"It's probably just magically heavy, Lithy."
>"Right. It usually is." She pouts. Being a scientist in a world of magic must be so frustrating.

>"As for it's shape, it looks like an ancient Neighxican tribal totem. The totem of a rabbit, actually. It's also green, to match it's element. As for what happens when you lick it- Er. Nopony has tried that so far as I know."
>Rats. The most important part is the one thing she didn't know.

"So uh, about Edelwiess. What uh- What kind of wood is she?"
>"I beg your pardon? Do you mean like, what sort of tree did she grow up in? We Driads are connected to specific trees and forests you know. Is- Is that what you mean?"
"Uh- I guess. I mean, you look kinda, all... Vines and moss, and barky? What type of wood are you?"
>She blushes.
>"I- Uhm. That's not the type of question you really ask a Driad. We don't really-"
>She begins mumbling.
>That was clearly the wrong thing to ask of her.
>Laccolith jumped in for you.
>"Right, miss Zinnia, what sort of person was Edelwiess? Was there anything we could say or do to make her stop being a monster? She- She is the monster right? Nobody told me, I'm sort of guessing from context here."
>"She's sweet. Shy, like every other Driad. But brave. Braver than anyone I've ever known. She used to venture out beyond the river, even to the edges of the forest. She would tell us about what the world was like, and made it sound wondrous. The type of thing that made even me want to go see the world."
"Oh, speaking of, after this is all done and said, was there any chance that you wanted to go with us?"
>"Oh, I must decline. I could never leave"


-=-=-=-=-= Pausing for tonight. =-=-=-=-=-=

Sorry again for disappearing for so long. I hope to get back into the game, and keep the story going.
Tommorow will likely be a much shorter session than this, but it will be a session for sure.

Feel free to comment or criticize or really do whatever.
Especially feel free to take your anger out on me for being dead for so long. I'm sorry for being such a bad QM.
Alright, let's go.

....I'd bet you'd have some nice flowers in the spring by the way.
I ain't mad at cha bruh. Thanks for running, glad to have you back. Same as usual, keep doing what you do.
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adorable plant bump
I dare Archie to surprise hug the Dryad.
Basil too
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I want to water her and give her plant food sticks.
Like, shit on a stick?
Don't judge me.
We should boop her by surprise.... only for venus flytraps to start appearing out of nowhere.
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Basil Bump
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wobbly bump
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>You are temporarily still Bottle Cap.
"Never? Why not?"
>"Oh, Driads can't sustain themselves for very long away from their woods of birth. Going on an adventure would be wonderous, but very short lived."

>That's a shame.
>You didn't know why, but you had the instinctual urge to add more companions to your party.

>You thank Zinnia for her time, and you and Laccolith head over to the center of the village.
>After Laccolith stops to chat for a little bit of course.

>You can't see the sun through the trees, but you feel it is just about after midday now.
>You can see a couple of the other Driads peeking out through their windows at you.
>There are three houses excluding Zinnia's that you can see.
>In the distance, there is a large hollowed out tree you think might be a sanctum of some sort.
>Just in front of that, there is a crater where a tree trunk should be, and some hoof prints you haven't really looked at just yet.
>A quick visit back to the boat informs you that Basil is now indisposed with cooking up some Lunch, but Archie is able to walk about now, albeit slowly.

>Who would you like to be, and what will you do first?
Archie. Let's work out some of those muscles, eh?
This. get swol with Dorchie
Yep. Gotta take up on Dorchie's bros only workout program.
I was gonna say check out the fallen hollowed out log.
my vote is for cap, I'm not sure where being Archie will get us.
Be Archie.
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>You are Archie by a vote of 4-1-1
>You are feeling really great!
>You haven't felt this alive since-
>Well, you honestly can't remember!

>You didn't realize what you were missing by lacking all your senses!
>The taste of the air, the smell of the woods, the sounds, the sights!
>Through real eyes and ears even!
>The cold wooden floor of the ship tickles your hooves as you walk back and forth, trying to get the hang of it all over again.

>"Wow, you've pretty much got it! I think you're honestly good to walk again!" Basil cheered.
>You certainly weren't running anytime soon, but she was right.
>You were mobile once more.
"This is great! I can't honestly express how wondrous it is to- To do everything! It's like reopening a whole new world I didn't even know I had shut away!"

>You look over to where Bottle Cap and Laccolith are exploring the village.
>You should probably join them!

"Okay Basil, I'm leaving the boat now!"
>"A-are you sure, Archie? I can't leave the food alone, it will burn. Will you be alright on your own?"
"Of course! I'm very cautious, don't worry. Could you- Um, help me out of the boat."
>You take a few halting steps to the rim of the boat, and Basil comes on over to help.
>She gives a grunt as she pushes you over the side.
>You land as gracefully as a millenium year old corpse can, which is to say on your back and completely upsidedown.
>"Oh goodness! Are you okay?!" Basil holds her hooves to her mouth in horror.
>You pick yourself up and begin hobbling over to meet your friends.
"Never better! Don't worry about me Basil! I'm fine."

>Time to catch up with BottleCap and Lithy.
>But first, you check out the most attention grabbing thing in the little Driad village.

>The hollowed out log in the center.
>It looks to have a nice little door, like the rest of the houses.
>Someone probably lives inside.
>Should you knock? Or did you want to do something else?
First things first, make sure Cap and Lith know that you're here.
Oh, we should knock. I bet Archie hasn't felt the hug of another pony in years, I hope he can contain himself.

In fact we should knock on all the doors and great everyone, just to share our joy with the world.
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>Well, before anything else, you should probably make sure Lithy and Cap know you are out and about.
>You head towards them, enjoying the soft squish of moss and grass beneath your hooves.
>Such a delicate feeling, you never want to take it for granted again.

"Hail, young ones."
>"Archie? You walked here by yourself?" Lithy asked.
"Yes. I'm sort of recovered. To a certain degree at least."
>"Well, this is good! Cap and I are just going to track down a monster, did you want to come?"
"I- I might. I need a second or two. I have a great desire to hug and spread joy to every living being I meet. I just- I've never been so happy-"
>You want to bound around, and leap for joy.
>Look at all the sounds!
>Listen to all the colourful things!
>You think you got that backwards.
>You don't care!

>You hobble over to the tree trunk that is sitting sideways, and knock on the door.
>A tiny dryad opens it cautiously.
>"He-Hello stranger? Did you need something?"
>"I need to express my emotions, and I have no outlet to do so! May I please hug you?"
>"I- What? I don't see-"
>"Too late! You're already hugged!"
>You embrace her swiftly, too swiftly for even a wall of vines and thorns to stop you.
>Instead, they only pull you closer.
>Yes, perfect.
>You start to feel tears well up in your eyes.
"Th-Thank you."
>"Erm- Please- I- Um. This isn't really a normal thing for us."
>The dryad pats you on the back in confusion.

>One hug down, however many more Dryads are around to go.


>A few moments later, you finish surprise hugging the last one, and finally regain control of yourself.
>You figure that was probably a little inappropriate, and the dryads wouldn't be comfortable around you for a while.
>But you desperately needed to get that out of your system.
>The last dryad you hugged was one named Zinnia, who was apparently expecting a hug, seeing as she opened her door with wide arms and a smile.
>It was nice.

>What will you do now?
Aww, that was nice. Okay, let's go track down Edelweiss. Let's see if we can learn anything from the sanctum. Then let's Lithy and Cap in following those tracks.
*let's join Lithy and Cap
I had no idea what I had been missing! This is absolutely wonderful! Let's find that artifact!
We should get some glow sticks, vapor rub and candi necklaces.
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>That was great!
>The soft plush fur, the close contact-
>The warmth of another being's touch-
>Even the prick of the self defense thorns.
>All of it was an amazing experience! You couldn't believe you'd been missing so much for so many years!

>You give Zinnia one last boop before you go.
>Alright. Enough bugging the poor Dryads.
>It was time to get serious.
>You head over to meet up with Lithy and Cap.
>They're standing in front of a hole in the ground.
>"So the monster, Edelweiss, apparently swiped the relic from that sanctum over there-"
>Cap pointed towards a hollowed out tree, a very large one.
>In the center lay a pedestal, large enough for a relic you suppose.
>Even after all these years, you had never actually seen a relic for yourself.

>"And after she took the relic, she came back a week later, and took the tree she grew up in with her."
>Cap pointed to the hole in the ground, then followed the trail of hoofprints away from it.
>The hoof prints looked to be just a little bit bigger than yours.
>"Do you think she's grown at all since then? How are we even supposed to take her down, Archie?"
>Hadn't thought that far yet.
"Never fear child. When the time comes, we shall prevail."
>You just aren't sure how yet.

>Lithy begins heading in the direction of the tracks, looking for signs of where to go.
>Bottle Cap begins to follow her.
"Um, perhaps we should wait till sundown? When we have Dorchadas as an ally to assist us."
>"Nah, I'm sure it'll be fine Archie. Besides, we have an archmage with us! If we find the monster, we'll just retreat. Or steal the relic. Whatever happens first." Cap announced.

>Well, you weren't too sure.
>But they were already wandering off.
>You did still have a fair bit of magical potency, you could probably overpower quite a bit.

>Shall you follow them?
Yea, Let's go. I think we can handle this one without dorchadas, let him sleep in.
Let's get moving then. Wonder how capable Archie really is.
=-=-=-= Pausing for tonight =-=-=-=

I think tonight was just sort of a bad night overall. A terrible night to have a curse, if you will.

My art is taking forever, and so is my writing.
Everything about my ability to maintain a session just didn't exist today.
I'll just have to try harder tomorrow. Sorry about that.

As per usual, feel free to leave a comment/criticism/berate me and insult me as you see fit.

Let's leave some discussion to be done. What do you think Edelweiss is going to look like in her monstrous form?
It's cool man, I for one don't have a problem with you taking a break if you need it. Just let us know when you do and for about how long you'll be gone. You ran 10 plus hours out of the last 24.

>what do you think Edelweiss is going to look like in her monstrous form
scary? Lots of thorny vines whipping around, pointy teeth and a feral face. That or a big bushy overgrown shrub with hooves.
>What do you think Edelweiss is going to look like in her monstrous form?
Completely scary to a Dryad, completely nonthreatening to us. Rar! Am scary! Fear me!
Sorry you didn't have "the spark" tonight. It happens. If it's any consolation it still was fun and looked good from my/our end. Love the character design on Archie, he's a fox. As for Edelweiss, I'm thinking giant plant tentacle monster in pony form?
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goodnight bump
Yes perfect. This is the exact reason why I like this quest.
I want to cuddle with Laccolith.
I want to cook coq au vin (in the Burgundian style) with Basil.
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Hey there bump
Archie you fucking fuck.
No curse tonight or ever again.

Also: Basilfags are the cancer killing /cyoa/

this is also a bump
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>Basilfags are the cancer killing /cyoa/
Who could hate this innocent and beautiful creature?
I wanna hug the bug.
I wanna bug the hug.
I want to fug the bug.
I want to bug the fug.
I wanna tug the bug into a hug.
Shut up, Doug.
I wanna hug the tug into a bug.
I wanna hug the bug until she is nice and snug.
I want to slug that thug Doug with a mug then tug the bug under the rug for a hug while you shrug.
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I wanna hug the treepony
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Don't ever talk to me or my daughteru again.


Okay, let's see if I can actually get something going tonight.

>The party is walking through the forest, following the monster tracks

>Basil is still back at the boat, waiting for everyone to get back and possibly enjoy the food she cooked.
>Dorchadas is still asleep.

>Laccolith is still worried about those dreams she had, but ultimately pushing those thoughts aside and trying to focus on the task at hand.
>BottleCap is focused on finding the relic, the inner machinations of his mind an enigma, as he considers every possible direction he could go to find it, and every possible encounter the group might have when they finally encounter Edelweiss.

>Archie is simply enjoying the scenery.

>Who would you like to play as today?
Bottle Cap?
>thinking about things ahead of time
Changeling detected.

I pick Cap. Ask Lith about her dreams for conversation as we're following the tracks.

You should link the thread in the general, Lis.
Ya. We need to know more about her scary realistic dream.

...or was it just a cover up for what she was really dreaming about? I mean Lithy did say some interesting things when she woke up.
Be Lith. What did she dream?
Ya know. That'll probably be a better idea. She'll probably lie to Cap.
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>You are Laccolith.
>And you are a little worse for wear.

>It wasn't enough that Basil saw your father.
>But he was after the same relics and artifacts as you?
>This just wasn't fair.
>You'd spent all night driving as far away as possible.
>You didn't want to deal with THAT mess again.

>Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Cap had taken over the wheel, and carried you to bed.
>It was mighty nice of him.
>The dreams you had were nowhere near as nice.

>It started out okay, walking through a forest of green.
>Much like this one actually.
>That was just the last little bits of consciousness seeping into your sleep, probably.
>After that though, things got a little intense.
>You couldn't remember a great deal of it, but you knew it all felt real.
>There was a dim purple glow surrounding your vision, but the rest of your surroundings got darker and darker.
>You could sense- Something. You weren't sure what, but you didn't like it.
>Four robed figures were talking.
>One of them, you felt you knew, personally, but you absolutely didn't know how.
>You couldn't see their faces, but the one you felt you knew was the only other earth pony there.
>And you were pretty sure it was a tall mare.
>She pointed at you, and spoke.
>No words came out.
>Then you became aware of a distinct heaviness in your chest.
>You looked down, and found that spell crystal you'd been carrying around.
>You touched it-

>And then were promptly awakened by Bottle Cap.
>You're pretty sure you mumbled something to thank him for waking you up from the nightmare.
>The rest of the morning was short and sweet.
>And now you were here! Following the tracks of a monster!

>The journey continues.
>After a few minutes or so, you become certain that Cap is staring at your butt.
>He speaks up, breaking up your train of thought.
>"Hey Lithy, what were those dreams about, that you were mentioning earlier?"
>What should you say or do?
Tell him the truth, everything you remember. Also flick your tail around slightly, to confirm your suspicions about where his eyes were drawn.
Yep. Lift tail slightly too. For research purposes.
Dem hips good god
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>You give your tail the lightest of flicks.
>Then another, just to be sure.
>Then you turn your head, and try and gauge where Cap is looking.
>You see his eyes meet yours.
>You can't really tell where they were before.
>Better try again.
>You look back, and give your tail one more flick.
>Then you raise it, just a bit, and add a bit of bounce to your step.

>Then you look back again.
>Hmm, it looks like he was staring innocently in every direction except yours.
>How not suspicious at all.

>You decided you better tell him all about the dream.
"It was- Quite a thing-"

>You start explaining your dream in detail, from the dark robed figures to the purple glow around the edges.
>It takes a while to tell, and you almost lose track of where you're going once or twice.
>Eventually though, you finish with a sigh.

>"And these robed rigures, you don't have any idea of their identities except that you might... Know one somehow?"
"Yep, pretty much."
>"And you say the dream ended when you touched the spell crystal?" Archie speaks up, for the first time in a while.
"That it did. What do you think it means- Does it even mean anything?"
>"I'm not sure. If it's causing you nightmares, I'd recommend you sleep without wearing the spell necklace from now on."
"Well wait, do you think it might be some kind of message? Or vision? Have spell crystals ever been used for communication?"
>"Spell crystals have been around for many thousands of years longer than I have. Their full range of uses is still undocumented. Never the less, dark clouds are usually trouble." Archie explained.

>Hmm, you still have no idea what this means.

>You look up, and find that the trail of monster tracks has dissappeared.
>Before you lies a large clearing, where an innocent looking tree trunk sits in the center.
>On top of it, a green glint meets your eyes.
>Is that- A relic?
>"Is that what I think it is? Think we should just run and grab it?" Cap says beside you.
>What will you do?
>dim purple glow
>the necklace turned purple when we put it on
Dibs on the purple totem for Lith!

This one is green, right? Which of us is green?
Greet the tree stump in case it's the dryad. Also >>27541340.
It might be a trap set by Edelweiss.
We shall wait until nightfall so Dorcie can use his natural camouflage to zoom in and zoom back out with the relic.

For right now, let's go back to Zinnia for hugs n' boops.
No Cap, this is obviously too easy. Let's see...
The dryad could be in the stump.
There could be a monster sleeping behind the stump.
The stump itself could be a monster.
There could be a monster dryad right behind those trees.
There could be something up in the air.
There could even be an invisible monster.

What if we didn't notice, and we walked inside the monster already, and we're like, in it's mouth or something.
Not a bad plan, but we don't know that it'll still be there.

This gets my vote, followed by running up and snatching it with Cap.
Our spell crystal Isn't doing anything strange right now is it? How about Cap, he can't concentrate and sense anything can he, since he's connected to the artifacts and all?
I'm split between being cautious and being Bottlecap.
Both, then.

Lithy will be cautious for the thirty seconds it takes to say hello to the stump, and at the end of that time if it hasn't responded then Cap's impulsivity timer will go off and he will tackle the stump and hold the totem proudly over his head.
But will he lick it to identify it's authenticity?
I'm down with this.
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>Cap begins approaching the tree trunk, trying to be all sneaky like.
>You grab his tail and pull him back.
"Hold on a minute Cap. that is quite obviously a trap. We can't just go over there and steal it, or else Edelweiss will know. She's probably somewhere off in the trees keeping an eye on it."
>"Ri-right. Fair enough-"
"Or she could be in the stump, or behind it, or she could BE the stump. Maybe she's up in the canopy! For all we know, the relic could have given her the power to turn invisible. She could be hiding in the grass right in front of us- Or worse, what if she already got us, and we're already in her stomach! Think about it!"
>"Okay okay, I get it. What should we do then?"
>"We should do that thing I suggested earlier. Wait until nightfall, when Dorchadas can swoop in and grab it."
"Yes, that is a pretty good idea. Let's go back and bug Zinnia some more."
>"That's a swell- Oh no." Archie exclaimed.
>"What? What's oh no?"

>"Well, the trail we just followed is gone. We're surrounded."
>The trees you were been walking between are now much closer together, blocking your path entirely.
>vines wrap around them.
>"Lithy! You said she could be hiding in the forest- You didn't say she WAS the forest!"

"Alright- I think I should go talk to her. See if we can sort this out diplomatically."
>"If you take longer than 30 seconds- I'm grabbing the relic."

>You walk up to the tree stump-.
>But you realize you aren't sure what to say.
>The relic glints eerily.
>You take note that your spell crystal isn't doing anything strange.
>Looking over at Archie and Cap, they appear to be behaving normally.
>"Do you guys feel anything? You know- relic-y?"
>You had a hunch that proximity to the relic might effect them, but you would have to guess not.

>"Should I start hacking a new trail to get back?"
>Cap asks, holding up his jungle knife.
>What should you say?
Ugh, I knew it was something like the already being in her stomach one. So close.

Cap, don't cut anything. In fact put down the knife.

Edelweiss? Hi, I'm Lithy. Me and my friends don't mean you any harm. We've been sent by Zinnia to help you. We just want to talk. Can you show yourself to me?
Tell Cap not to grab the relic unless negotiations with Eidelwhatsit break down. He needs to be told this specifically.
Please don't damage the trees in front of a forest spirit, Cap. That seems like a bad idea.

Even if you are a sexy devil.
How are we going to convince her to surrender the relic anyways? I guess we wait to see what she has to say first.

I wonder if she's taken it for a reason or has just been overwhelmed by power. Maybe Cap and Archie explaining what inevitably happens to relic users will help.
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>"Cap, no. No cutting of anything. Put down the knife. Cutting anything in a spirit forest is absolutely terrible manners."
>He shrugs, and puts it away.
"And no running over here and grabbing any relics unless I say so. Don't even move."

>You turn towards the tree trunk.
"Hello? Are you here Edelweiss? My name is Laccolith. We don't mean you any harm, we just want to talk. Could you please come out?"

>The trunk begins to shake.
>Slowly, vines poke up from all around it.
>You start to back away, as the trunk is pushed up.
>From underneath it, a writhing mass of vines begins to emerge.

>You try and stand your ground, putting on a brave face.
>Suddenly, the entire section of ground beneath your hooves is lifted into the air.

>"Lithy!" You hear Cap call out.

>A fairly large face greets yours, swarming with vines for hair.
>Her eyes are colder and fiercer than any creature you had seen before.
>You also notice that her tail looks a bit like a tree sapling. It's the only cute thing about her.
>The rest is intimidating to no end.
>She stares at you, leaving you unsure of what to say.
>Never the less, you bring yourself to speak.

"I'm Laccolith."

>You glance behind you, and see Archie holding back Bottle Cap, trying to calm him down quietly.
>You look down, and see the relic sitting alone on the tree trunk.
>Edelweiss stares into your soul.
>You can very much tell she doesn't want you near her relic.
>How are you going to convince her? What can you say?
>You'll have to get her talking somehow.

>"I- I can't go back. I just can't. I know I made a mistake, but there isn't another way anymore."
>Her voice is deep, but definitely sad.
Why can't you go back? Do you think they won't forgive you? They will. They're your friends and family. And the only mistake you made was a single bad decision. Don't make things worse by making more bad decisions. They want their Edelweiss back.
We spoke with Zinnia, she dosn' t blame you for anything that happened, she's very sad, I think she blames herself.
I feel like there's another part to this story that we don't know. Also, I wonder if she's trapped by the relic now, or can't go back because something happened to her tree after she uprooted it.
Switch control to Cap for just a few seconds so he can blurt out that her sapling tail is adorable.
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>You say it in a hushed tone.
>She looks at you.
>"I- I can't-"
"Why not? Please, I want to help you, and I can't help you unless I know what's wrong."
>She looks over at the relic.
>Then back at you.
>"I- I took this stone. This stupid, green stone."
"And? What happened? Why did you take it.
>"I didn't know I was doing it until it was too late. It was- Calling me? No, it wasn't a call, it was a tug, an urge. I had to do it. Next thing I know, I was running. I broke the village rules, I betrayed their trust."
"Edel, you haven't betrayed anyone. Do you think they won't forgive you? Everyone is worried about you. You only did one wrong thing. It's not too late to make things better. But you can't do that if you stay out here, you have to go back. They want to see you again Edelweiss. They want you back."
>"That's- A lie. Look at me. I'm- I'm not the same anymore. I heard them calling me Monster when I went back to get my tree. I hear them calling me monster every night, in all my dreams."

>You are briefly Bottle Cap.
"I- I don't think you look that monstrous... I mean, look at your tail sapling. It's adorable!"
>"You- You really think so?"

>You are Lithy again.
>You swear you just saw her shrink a little bit.
>Or maybe her tail sapling got a little bigger.

"It really is very cute."
>"Th-Thank you."
>You think you see her appearance change again, just the tiniest bit.
>Her eyes appear to lighten up ever so slightly.
"Listen, we talked extensively to Zinnia. We know for a fact she doesn't blame you. If anything, she blames herself. She's really really sad about what happened."

>"Z-Zinnia is- Really?"
"Yes! Please Edel. Won't you come back with us?"
>She hesitates for a moment.
>Then looks back at the relic.

>"It's nice of you to do this, but I still- I still can't go. I don't think the relic will let me- I just- I can't."
>She visibly softens.
"Help me."

That last "Help me" is said by Edelweiss by the way. I forgot my arrow >
Gladly. How can we help you? You say that the relic won't let you go, do you think it could be convinced to let you go?
>relic won't let you go
It let you go back for your tree. Let's go back again, and we can even take the relic so it doesn't pull you away. When you get back to the village you can see just how much you are missed.

Maybe send one of us ahead to forewarn the villagers.
We have to break the relics hold on you, Cap over there was sent by the order of the sun to collect it, so it can't hurt anyone else. We'll need you to try to let go of it, it won't be easy, just think of how it's taken you from your home and changed you. You can't trust it, it's been lying to you and using you.

Just know that this can all be over soon. I'm going to have Cap take it and put it away, but before that, do mind if I hug you?
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"I want to! Please, how can I help?"
>"I- I don't know. If I knew that, I wouldn't be asking."
>She shys away, then looks back down at the relic.
>A single vine, wraps around it, and you notice her wince as she touches it.
>"I need- I don't know."
>She lets the relic go, and looks back to you.
"Here's what we're going to do Edel. Bottle Cap over there was sent by the order of the sun to accquire the Relic."
>You notice her start to tense up.
"Hey hey- Look at me. It's not good for you. It took you away from your home, it wanted to take you away from your friends and family."
>"It- It let me go back for the tree."
"Right, and now you and the tree are going to go back together. But the relic is going to have to go with us. And you're going to arrive back in that village of yours, and you're going to see how much everyone missed you."
>"But- But how can I get rid of it? It won't let me."
>"Does it talk to you? If so, try and talk back. We need to convince it that it's going to go on a journey with us, and it's going to do great things."
>She moves a vine around the relic once more.
>She gently picks it up, and you see it flash angrily.
>Do these things have their own personality?
>She lifts it up to you, but it's still wrapped up tightly in vines.
>"I- I can't let go." Her voice is the emotional you've heard it so far, full of absolute sorrow.
"Just think about everything it's done to you. You can't trust it anymore. Just know that this is all going to be over soon. We're going to get you home, and once this is all done I'm going to give you a nice big hug,"
>The vines loosen up even more.
>You can see the relic is now sitting loosely.
>You can also see your greedy hooves reaching up to snatch it.
>You steel yourself, refusing to fall under it's charms.

>And knock it aside.
>It falls onto the grass harmlessly, and you reach forward, towards Edelweiss.
>And distract her with a hug before anything else happens.
>And she starts to cry.
=-=-=-= Pausing here for tonight. =-=-=-=

Something something usual speil. Feel free to leave feedback or comments and criticisms as per usual.

I really wish I had more characters per post. 2000 limit isn't enough to describe everything I want to say.
Maybe some day I can start a text quest where I don't have to deal with drawing as well.

What did you think of Edelweiss? Is it really over? Did we actually solve a problem with pure friendship? Do you think it could've gone better or worse? How would you have handled it?

See ya tomorrow
Thanks for running, and goodnight. I'll leave some feedback Tomorrow
>What did you think of Edelweiss?
I liked her.
>Did we actually solve a problem with pure friendship?
Hell yes.
>Do you think it could've gone better or worse?
We solved a problem with pure friendship. No, it could not have gone better.

>I really wish I had more characters per post.
That's what [continued] at the bottom is for.
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Apprehensive Lithy bump
Continue comforting her, tell her you know what it's like to have an enchanted object mess with your mind, and that Cap and Archie are even more experienced with the subject and that all three of you can help her deal with it.

I know what you mean about the character limit. I did some of this kinda thing, and it became second nature to write in a word processor, watch the length, then break into another post if necessary to get it all in. You're doing that now and then, it works alright. I'm loving the story, as usual. Don't sweat the second post not having an image, that's fine!

As for is it over? I'm not sure! That's your department IMO, though it certainly seems that we're doing well so far.
>Be Bottlecap
>Try to resist the urge to hug
bug bump
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Lithy butt
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Unfortunately taking the day off from my quest. Sorry in advance for flakiness and late warning.

>Tomorrow for sure.
's cool, thanks for the notice.
Hot bump
Family issues bump
family mattters bump
Bump bump
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