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Flutterrape - 23/5/16 "Can I really start the new thread?"

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Thread replies: 488
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>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her hoofsteps and attempt their own versions of >rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are lighthearted stories about the ponies failing in their comical attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (Pie, AiE, etc) about story content before posting.

Author List: http://pastebin.com/eG8iY7Wy
Request Bin: http://pastebin.com/rZU1Hbqy
Add for Skype: flutter.priest

Old thread: >>27306276

Thread Archive: https://desustorage.org/mlp/search/subject/Flutterrape/


>How do I start writing?
Writing these stories is very easy. Write in the second person and preface your lines with ‘>’. This is what turns normal text into greentext.

Writing Guides:
Ya done good son.
So I broke my "start the new Flutterrape thread" virginity, how'd I do?
Pretty good, my son.
Pretty good.
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Yeeeah, work that grill baby.
So Brownee, Im sure the answer will make me facepalm and cringe, but what the fuck is that and what did you do?
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You have become OP. Therefore you are now and forever a faggot. Good job.
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Uh, that would be a broken ankle.

I was having another spar with Sunset (the chick I based Sunset on in that story, it's just easier to call her that rather than... 'that lesbian I based Sunset on') and she got me into a position where I really SHOULD HAVE submit.
I'm kind of a dick in these sessions, like I could be getting choked out and she's stressing that I need to tap and such... but I don't like giving up, so I just sort of gurgle and wheeze out "Make me" during it before I pass out...
So in this situation, despite having a damn firm hold on my ankle and in a position where I should've tapped, I kind of... antagonized her and made a stupid joke while trying to think of a way out of it.
But that just sort of made her apply more pressure to encourage me to tap out, but then... *crack*.

Funny thing was (or I think it was anyway) when she let go and people came to check me out, I attempted to lighten the mood a bit by implying I won cause I technically didn't tap out and called her a pussy for it.
She slapped me.

Honestly at this point, if it wouldn't eventually turn into a series where you'd question why he'd keep putting himself through it if it was just gonna end with rape, I could turn so many of these damn sparring sessions into Sunset accidentally injuring and raping Anon stories.
Do it.
Fund it.
I believe in you.
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gud jub kiddo
Literally just said why I didn't want to...
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First time I tried making the thread, I copy/pasted the OP into the same thread like a dumbass.

Be proud you're not me.
Oh Brownee.

At least it's been localized injuries. If what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, soon you'll turn into the T-800.

This chick seems very tough. Just how rough are those tussles?

Maybe I should get injured myself so I get inspired to start this Starlight story.
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>This chick seems very tough. Just how rough are those tussles?
Rough enough that she's broken my rib twice, arm once and now ankle.
Plus a concussion, a few black eyes and several nose bleeds.
I've also accidentally fractured her collar bone... along with the black eyes and nose bleeds and stuff like that.

All in good fun!
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Oop, and broke my pelvis.
Can't forget the thing that started that damn story in the first place.
Wasn't there a story where Twilight was getting progressively more insane as a BrowneeAnon kept doing awe inducing feats while in a hospital bed?
I think Neb did that just to take the piss out of me, yeah.
Imma look for it, cause I wanna re-read it.
Same. Which is why I brought it up.
Aaaaand I give up.
Searched pages upon pages using names and keywords I thought were used, all dating back to the rough time I think it may have started, couldn't find it. I could very well have skipped over it, but with all the story related posts that popped up, I just skimmed them to see if it sounded or looked like it. Couldn't see it though.

So if it was Neb, maybe he's still got it on him. Cause I couldn't even find it searching his name.
...Brownee, what's wrong with you?
So was the wedding proposal from years ago faked then?
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Having a split personality becomes a FR thing, doesn't it
I bet insurance companies just love you.

Gotta say, even if it was, why does that even matter? I get that maybe its sad, but why do any of you even care about this coming to light now? Especially if Swift revealed it in a group chat.

Fuck this place needs some green.
Seems like a rip-off, if you ask me.
Also, there was that one anon a while ago who was talking about him actually being multiple (more than two at least) writers in this thread.

Is anyone original anymore?

Ok, but still...so?
Are people actually getting rustled over this shit?
Thought we were all just here for stories.
That's what I'm saying. It's been done before. Put more energy into writing, people. Or get a new gimmick.

Nah, 'fraid that wasn't me. If it was, then I can't remember when I did it, but it definitely isn't on my Pastebin.

>Why does that even matter?
I think people are just shocked. They'll have moved past it by the next thread, don't worry too much about it.
Don't remember that specific conversation, but Swift was both UV and Anon The Anonymous.
U suk donkey penises 4evar
I dunno, that just feels like a part of our history, that's like hearing the moon landing was faked.
Which it was.
Just kidding.
Something with fillies, haven't seen any of that in a long time.

Fluttershy wants to be inside anon so badly that she feeds him various parts of her (hair, blood, etc) in some sort of food or confection.
I'll do you boys one better.
Special rape double feature!
Stick around kiddos, got to call on the magic of improv.
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>Day train collision in Equestria.
>You are Anon.
>Currently, spending some time down by the local school, tutoring.
>And by spending time, you mean doing community service.
>Ponies and their dumb laws, how were you supposed to know ritualistic slaughter was illegal?
>You thought it would help get Fluttershy off your back, what with killing one of her chickens and sacrificing it to Cthulhu, but it only seemed to inspire her, as she now comes by with more occulty-fetish guesses.
>You didn't need to know what the tribes of Zebrica did to their war captives, how is that even a fetish?
>"Uh, Mista Anon? What's 6x4?"
>You look down to the filly sitting beside you.
>Applebloom quickly scribbles down the answer with her mouth.
>Nope, still looks weird.
"What about you, Scootaloo, have any questions?"
>Scootaloo, balancing a few pencils on her nose, quickly snaps to attention at your question.
>"Hm? Oh- I do Anon, what is the answer for number one?"
>You take a glance at her homework.
>"Thanks! What about two?"
>You internally sigh.
"That would be 14."
>"Number three?"
>You externally sigh.
"It's 39, listen Scoots, you gotta do these problems yourself, or atleast make an attempt."
>Scootaloo brushes you off with a hoof.
>"Yeah yeah, what's the answer to number four?"
>You turn to the third member of your tutoring group.
"Sweetiebelle, how are you faring with these?"
>The white filly looks up from her paper, which is covered in scribbles of her and her pal's cutiemarks.
>"I think I'm alright with these Mr. Anon, it's divison that always trips me up."
>Atleast she has most of the answers correct.
"If you understand multiplication as well as you say, divison should be just as easy, think you're multiplying backwards."
>Her nose scrunches in frustration, and she goes back to her work.
>Turning back towards the other two fillies, you spot Scootaloo with a market in both nostrils.
>The door opens just in time to save Scootaloo from a verbal ruler to the hoof.
>In trots Cheerilee, two new fillies in toe.
>You recognize them almost instantly.
>DiamondTiara and SilverSpoon.
>They both look pretty grumpy.
>"Hello Anon, how goes the tutoring?"
>You look over to Scootaloo, now stupidly flailing her front hooves around infront of Applebloom, making a clicking noise.
"It's going well."
>Cheerilee shoots a look at Scootaloo, the one only a teacher could do, before responding.
>"I see, have they made any signifigant progress?"
"I'd hope so, it is multiplication after all."
>Diamond Tiara speaks up.
>"Well, would you look at that? The monkey thinks he can do math like we can!"
>The two begin laughing in the most obnoxious way imaginable, some spittle even finding it's way onto Applebloom.
>Cheerilee admonishes the duo before turning her attention back to you.
>"Anyways, I'll need you to help these two with their math homework."
"Uh, but these girls hate me."
>The two fillies shake their heads in agreement.
>Just like in highschool.
>"I'll cut a couple extra hours from your community service."
>"Alrighty then Anon, good luck! I'll be back in an hour."
>And with that, she's gone.
>Leaving you alone with five fillies in need of mathematical guidance.
>"Oh, but y-you're not alone Anon."
>You spin around, freaked the fuck out.
"D-did you just read my mind? How'd you even get in here you weird f-"
>Gotta censor yourself for the kiddies.
"You.. you weird friend?!"
>Fluttershy, adorned in tribal war paints and feather headbands, stands before you.
>"Oh Anon, I-I'd say we're much more than friends... perhaps l-lovers?"
>"Look! The monkey found his jungle zigger companion!"
>Fucking Diamond Tiara.
"Look Fluttershy, you already guessed my fetish today, why are you here, and how did you read my mind?"
>Fluttershy slowly begins advancing on you, leaving you trapped at your desk.
>Stupid desks that are attached to their chairs!
>"M-my name is Fluttershy no longer, I am now Flu'ulak Pterodactyl *click click click.*"
"Are those clicks apart of your name or-"
>Flu'ulak Pterodactyl *click click click's* voice becomes something out of nightmares, sounding like guttaral noises from a whole army.
>An unseen force begins levitating you and your filly companions into the air.
>Your clothes are wiped from reality, all traces of them ever existing being replaced.
>Cheerilee walks in.
>"Alrighty Anony-"
>Flu'ulak disagrees.
>Cheerilee also is ripped from the fabric of reality, all memories of her being deleted.
>You and the fillies are raped by eachother pretty much.
>I can't write clop.
>Anyways, the fillies lie in a puddle of shame and semen on the tile floor.
>Flu'ulak rips a the hair from her mane, leaving a gruesome baldspot.
>You take note of how oddly quiet you've been throughout this ordeal.
>Time to make up for lost time.
>Flu'ulak must think your terror is either annoying or endearing, as she returns with her own screams.
>Her voice is no match for yours, and she uses your unsuspecting state to shove her hair down your throat.

You mean...?
>The hair is forced down your throat, fighting all the way.
>Flu'ulak Pterodactyl *click click click* is now a quivering mess on the floor, absolutely leaking with marejuices.
>Your penis feels like it went through a marathon of running on hot coals.
>Your dick burns.
>Flu'ulak slowly raises her head.
>"Ugh... d-did we do it?"
"Are... are you normal again?"
>"I-I don't remember anything... ugh..."
>And with that, Fluttershy falls limp onto the floor once more.
>Here you are, standing in puddles of various ponies' and human cum, naked.
>What a day.
>"So, why is this school here anyways? I could've sworn we had a teacher here, but I can't rememb-"
>Twilight stares at you and the scene surronding you from the door.
"Yes, Twilight?"
>"Your community service has been increased by several decades."
>Well shit.
"I plea not guilty by insanity."
>"That isn't how friendship court works, Anon. Princess' word is irrefutable. Guilty."

>Several weeks later...
>You are Anon.
>Ponyville's new teacher.
>Twilight figured your community service hours would go by faster if you served the community as your job.
>Ponyville also needed a new teacher, since there was never one to begin with.
>She killed two birds with one stone.
>Thing is, the fillies have Stockholm Syndrome from the trauma of that fateful day, and want your dick constantly now.
>You have to teach your math lessons involving your penis in some way now for them to learn anything.
>You also made an effort to never talk to Zecora for the rest of your days.
>Fluttershy has no recollection of her assault, and she was pardoned for the assisted rape of five fillies and one human.
>Fucking friendship courts.
The end.
This has been an absolute mess. I'm sorry you took the time to read this. Anyways, cheers Flutterrape.

>I can't write clop.
When it comes to comedy oneshots you don't really need to write detailed clop, just a few lines summarizing the event followed by a time skip is enough to keep the humor flowing smoothly since the clop isn't really the focus of the story anyway.
I'll keep that in mind my man.
Serious question... How do you work?
I mean you apparently see no problems with your own pain and suffering, does your brain just not know how to properly respond to pain and danger? You seem to have gone a few steps beyond thrill seeking.
Brownee is both mentally and physically preparing himself for the inevitable dimenison-hop over to Equestria,
so he can pump Sunset Shimmer full of sticky semen while she repeatedly breaks his arms.
A lot. A lot of things are wrong with me.

I don't have any... yet.
Makes me sound like an add...
>"Insurnace Companies hate him! Find out why!"

Huh. I coulda sworn it was you. Was just like... 1 post worth, and I'm pretty sure it was about that Anon doing shit despite his injuries and ignoring what Twilight was saying... like fighting a bear immediately after getting out of hospital.
But I can't see it when searching for keywords like that. If I remembered the date maybe, but...

Ah well, whatever, lost in the abyss.

Pain builds character!
Plus it gives me something interesting to talk about myself when others ask, cause im quite boring otherwise.
But yeah, otherwise, just sorta... don't think of consequences and do stuff to have a laugh...

The plan is to be awesome and built enough to be a royal guard, volunteer for Twilight's castle and... yeah, apparently get broken by Sunset unwillingly...
I could take her on!
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>>"Insurnace Companies hate him! Find out why!"

I chuckled
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Does this count as new material for the thread?
Cool Pony, Anon. Why don't you come to the White House?
Twi-Rape is never fun nowadays. It's either too easy because Anon can't do crap against Twilight's magic or the bullshit magic resistance excuse.

It's a problem I have trying to write a Starlight flutterrape story.
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Have no fear, for Twilight now has a new buddy.
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A reminder
Are there any stories about EqG Fluttershy? I think it would be an interesting variation, as Anon wouldn't be able to play the "I'm not a horsefucker" card, and she's a reasonably attractive human(oid).

I read some green not too long ago that I thought was going to be EqG Flutterrape, but it turned out to be plain old clop. Although Anon in the story initially couldn't believe Fluttershy was coming on to him, once she convinced him it wasn't a trick, he dove in dick-first. :\
There are a few. Just Once was a decent oneshot.
I've been reading my own posts from years ago for like an hour now trying to find this story you're talking about. I got nothin', brah, sorry.

But it has reminded me how funny it is to write stories based on pictures...
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I think a found a story for my endgame. Whenever I get around finishing all these others I need to do, I want one set up for whenever I decide to give up...
Nudge, I guess?

I'm EVENTUALLY (PROBABLY) gonna do something with Ms Harshwhinny in a position similar to that of Amanda Waller from the DC Universe, and with her eyes and ears everywhere for super secret government reasons that only the Princesses are aware of, she's gonna develop an attraction to Anon after keeping an eye on him for so long (since he's a potential threat for all they know).
Then she's gonna create a task force made up of various bad and/or bitchy individuals from various locales in Equestria, and force them to work for her through encouraging means of small rewards for task completion, or death for disobeying orders. The assignment is to abduct Anonymous and bring him to her... just cause she REALLY wants to fuck him, and needs complete deniability if shit goes wrong.

I have no idea what characters will be involved, or how the fuck any of that will work out, but I'll get to it when I get to it! Could be some time!
For now I should finish stuff being waited on...
What happened to Slasher science

did he died???? why did he stop writing ??


hes so poetic
Slasher's in the army as a medic, if I recall.
He comes and he goes. He once showed up after like 9 months of nothing, dropped the first part of a multi-part story, then vanished again and hasn't been seen since.

I don't know if he's dead or just busy.
Ah, daddy Slasher.
He'll be back, have no fear.
The [INDEX] will be complete.
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Sounds awesome!
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Rump bump
Got a link?
>"My loyal subjects, I present to you today a visitor from another world!"
>The crowd gasps in wonder, their intrigue apparent on their awe-stricken faces.
>Celestia steps aside as you timidly step forward onto the stage.
>It's a huge crowd of ponies.
>Sure enough, as Celestia said, there are 3 kinds of them.
>Some of them are 'normal', the others have either wings or horns.
>You notice that there are more unicorns in the audience than any other type of pony.
>Probably due to you being in Canterlot, which according to what you've been told is the unicorn capital of sorts.
>Celestia catches you eyeing the unicorns.
>She smiles and addresses you in her calm, motherly voice, as if the crowd wasn't even present.
>"Don't worry Anonymous, their horns won't hurt you."
>She gives you a reassuring wink.
>You laugh nervously.
"H-haha, yeah, it's a pretty horny crowd, isn't it?"
>She stares at you.
>The entire crowd stares at you.
>You just said that into a microphone.
>There are children in the audience.

>"Oh shit, you're back; bro did you go to like, another fuckin' dimension or something?
"Yeah, full of talking horses."
>"Wow, that's gay as hell. Learn anything neat?"
"They're horny."
>You wince as you step past your friend, your open stab wounds bleeding profusely through your ravaged gore-soaked clothes.
"Really horny."

"Also they raped me like a billion times."
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Not that guy, but figured I'd do ya a solid and find a link for you anyway.

>Fluttershy has no recollection of her assault, and she was pardoned for the assisted rape of five fillies and one human.
She was found guilty and has to do service as anons ASSistant
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nice get
Thanks, I made it myself.
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this is a greentext I wrote a little while ago.
I hope it is good enough.
Was all the typos and improper punctuation on purpose because it's Fluttershy telling the story? If not you need to work on that.

Otherwise it was okay, that ending doesn't really fit with the thread though.
it was my first green so...pretty much now I know I will need to work on that, thanks anon.
It's alright anon, we all gotta start somewhere. At least try to make sure you capitalize your sentences in future.
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Good guy Smudgey.
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>mfw reading your story

I've missed you Nebby boo boo

Also looks like we're back. Fucking mook breaking shit
Were we ever gone?
Dang ol' Flutterrape
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I want Church Close to finish his Yandere story
Someon say yandere?
Now I'm interested.
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Hes a Fluttershy thread writer
Are we technically a fluttershy thread?
I mean we are no racist, we accept rape in all forms and colors.
FR is the very first thread I visited on this ride, I've been lurking here for like 3 years now and I still don't exactly understand what's allowed (hence why I've yet to write anything in that time).
But yeah, you're totally a Fluttershy thread. Totally.
Sorry for tripfagging by the way.
Fluttershy tends to be the target of rape charges, and is the go-to rapist for stories... because nobody likes her, which means she'll never find love and has to resort to fucking the ape in town, obviously.

But while she's the usual suspect, doesn't mean others can't follow in her footsteps, so naturally there's other rapists here and there in some bizarro worlds.
Hell, some might even have their Anon enjoy Fluttershy's company while fending off someone else.
Fucking weirdo's.
>FR is the very first thread I visited[...] and I still don't exactly understand what's allowed
Maybe the mods took a second look and saw that theres usually no rape just shenanigans in here.

Unless slasher is around, then everybody was fucked.Literary
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story: http://pastebin.com/iYUrXPfX
prose: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/330114/the-princesses-are-being-ravaged-by-huge-black-c
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>what's allowed
It's already explained in the OP, but here's the tl;dr.

Is a pony making advances on Anon in some fashion?
Is Anon bothered it?

If you answered yes to both questions, it more than likely is welcome here.
Oh, I remember that. I miss him.
Well since I've already got this code on, might as well write something. Hold up.

I know but I recall some peeps being very specific about it, fetish guessing and such.
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Oh I misread your statement as " I still don't exactly understand why its allowed"
My bad
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>fetish guessing
It doesn't explicitly -have- to be a fetish guess, that's just an old tradition of ours. More fleshed out stories are always welcome; be they comedy, adventure, horror, etc. so long as Anon has a pony in his life that won't take "No" for an answer it works.
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Had a good giggle there, thanks for that

Go to the drawthread, It would be extremely useful.

P.S. Don't use the lines on the head if you're not even going to use them as a reference.
I just kinda made those because I was out of it and wanted to contribute something to the thread.
I can make some more if you'd like, though they will all look like the previous drawings.

Come on, Do some more.

Practice is great, but personally, I want a lot more practice before going on and drawfagging for flutterrape.

Well, that practice is going straight to NSFW...

Oh, fuck, wait, Not much more about me, Just draw more, post more, rape more.
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Well, It's a start.

Also, try different positions for the face. Look at some tutorials online for reference.
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Art is difficult to get started with, as its both an expressive and technical craft. Balancing personal style with legitimate talent is hard.

But don't worry, if you keep practicing for a few years you might even be as good as me one day.

But don't hold your breath, I set the bar pretty high.
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>might as well write something.
>Fluttershy finds the Rape Note outside her cottage.
>She uses it on Anon to get forced sex from him.
>Angel gets ahold of it.
>Rapes Starlight)sorta)
>Spike gets it
>Tumblr raises a fuss about possible Cheese pizza
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That's too bad. I wouldn't touch you with a 10ft long pole covered with shit at the tip of it while standing behind a magic proof gate.
This pic always expands my dong for some reason.
Jack be nimble
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Jack be quick
Jack me off
Jack me off with a candle stick
What about Fluttershy's brother?
what about him?
Provides her with a legit example for when she guesses if Incest is Anons fetish.
I'll let you know soon as I catch up with the season.
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Well, while I still enjoy the thought of Fluttershy going lesbian for FemAnon, it could also provide a new member of the Flutter family for some straight rape with FemAnon.
>Day family bonding.
>Be that dang ol' green alien guy.
>Right now your coming "home" from work.
>It wasn't actually your house surprisingly.
>Who would've guessed?
>No, you were heading to the little wooden shack near the woods.
>Also known as Fluttershy's Cottage.
>Never expected the day you'd be saying that but guess it doesn't matter now.
>You're house is flooded and it was better than the street.
>You assume, you're not familiar with the fucking street.
>Like usual, Fluttershy greets you at the door.
>"Welcome home honey, oh I've got quite the pleasant surprise for you! How would you lik-"
"Save it, I've had a long day and I just want to get to sleep."
>"Oh. Oh!"
>Out of nowhere, you're tackled by Buttershush.
"God damn it Fluttershy, we had an agreement!"
>"I-I never signed anything! Nevermind, you can't go up there!"
>Realizing you can easily over power a 90 pound horse, you continue onward to the guest room.
"And why is that?"
>You're literally reaching for the knob as you say this, more out of satisfaction than anything else.
>"B-because he's aleady-"
>As the door opens a horrible odor hits your nose.
>"I told you to knock first!"
>Don't hear that last part as you've already began coughing up all the saliva in your throat.
>Yellowcry pats your back before you glare at her.
>On your bed lays a [insert description here] stallion.
>Instantly you give Fluttershy a death stare.
"Look, I don't care what this is but it certainly isn't my fetish, now tell him to leave."
>She just looks at you disappointed and doesn't respond.
>So with a sigh, you go confront him.
>Really hate it when she gets others to help her.
>Cleanup is always harder.
>The guy hasn't even looked up from his little-
>Strange, but the stench coming back in full force makes you brush it off.

pls be gentle
It's a start, will there be more?
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>pls be gentle

I have only one complaint. Need moar
>Day of "Seriously, Are We Fucking Doing This Shit Again?" in Equestria
>Wake up and find a note in your bed.
>You grimace. Applejack has done it again
>She always steals something of yours and then holds it for ransom until you have sex with her
>You read the note. It's sloppy, but you make it out, and it reads:
>'Have Yur Daughtr. No Poleece. Go to Knote Tree.'
>Sigh and crumple up the note
>You check her room and see that your five-year-old daughter is not in bed
>She's in so much trouble when you catch her
>Run outside and find the famous Sweet Apple Acres Knotty Tree
>There's a note stuck in one of the knots. It reads:
>'Good. Remembr, no polese. Or you don't get a rewrd. Now go to the kitchan.'
>Roll your eyes and go to the kitchen in the farmhouse
>You interrupt breakfast; Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny are calmly eating as you search the kitchen
>"What are ya lookin' for?" asks Apple Bloom
>"Another note I bet," says Granny
>Big Mac spits out a chewed wad of pie onto the table--the note is in it
>"Eeyup," he says as he spits into a napkin
>Read the damp, faded words:
>'Last clu, slick. Find the rewrd upstairs in yur room.'
>You blink and then chastise yourself
>”Was gonna tell ya to go check under the bed first, slick,” says Granny, “but you ran outside like a bat out of Tartarus.”
Old habits, Granny.
>"Good luck," chuckles Granny as you head for the hall
>Go up the stairs; chastise yourself for forgetting . . . again
>Open the door to your room and find Applejack lying on the bed
>She's giving you bedroom eyes, and her mane is let down and resting on her shoulders
>"You did good, loverboy," she says huskily. "Now you get to taste the apple core."
Where's Apple Slice?
>The closet door creaks and you see a pair of emerald eyes peeking at you
Apple Slice, go to your room.
>She pokes her muzzle out and giggles
>"I wrote the notes, daddy."
Now. I mean it, little horse lady.
>Turn to Applejack and purse your lips
Why do you involve her in this? You know I tell her not to help you.
>"She can't help it if she wants to help her momma. She likes to hear my old stories about how I was courtin’ you."
Yeah, as long as you leave out the rape.
>Applejack rolls her eyes and pats the empty space next to her on the bed
>"Come to bed. I've been waiting for this. I know you have, too."
>You roll your eyes at her and start undressing
In a minute. I take it you were under the bed.
>"Me and her, sugar cube. We know you always forget to check under there."
>You do always forget to look under the bed
>You approach the bed now that you're undressed
>Applejack eyes you hungrily, but just when she's looking up at you you sigh at her
You know you don't have to do this whole ransom thing still, right? You won me over and we're married now. You don't have to get sex this way anymore.
>"Old habits die hard. Besides"--she bats your erection and eyes it as it bounces--"I know you love it."
>You smile. Old habits die hard

New episode was okay. I don't like how Applejack was portrayed though. I wouldn't say it was out of character, but it was a stretch to see the pony, who is supposed to be the most sensible of the group, doing her chores in such an inefficient way. But I do find it interesting that the workaholic in her extends beyond the farm.
I'm linking a story I wrote below. It's FR in spirit. Read it; or I'll grow up with serious issues brought on from neglect.
>You approach with your shirt pulled over your face.
>He still doesn't notice a thing.
>Politely tap him on the shoulder.
>He snaps his hairy neck to you.
>Or is it furry?
>Whatever, he snaps to you.
>"I already said I want hayburgers for dinner!"
>Finally he opens his eyes.
>Even through the fabric you can smell what you've just realized is horse bo.
>Nope, can't blame this guy.
"Excuse me your services are no longer required, you'll be payed back eventually, so if you would please..."
>He didn't hear a single word you just said.
>But he's paying attention to you.
>Oh yeah, he's looking you over from head to toe.
>This has happened before.
>You're ready for a struggle.
"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
>He just blinks a few times.
>Then he smiles.
>You were really hoping to just get some needed rest, guess you could handle one horny stallion, but still.
>He's doesn't pounce though.
>"You're real! Like a real human! She wasn't lying, aw yes!"
>He pumps his leg in the air.
>His breath.
>Oh lord, his breath.
>He was different alright.
>"Sorry, let me introduce myself~"
>Looks like he's trying to be suave.
>It just
>Interesting name though.
>"So you're like a human right?"
>"That's so sick! I mean, yeah, that's pretty cool."
>He continues to ask you questions.
>All about humans.
"Alright, listen this has been nice, but can you please get out, I'm really fucking tired and-"
>"Y-You think I'm nice!?"
>You grunt.
>"H-hey listen, I know we just met and all, I mean you don't know me from Adam!"
>He says this proudly, almost like he just told an inside-joke.
>"But would you, maybe, consider I don't know, grabbing some lunch, you know, with me?"
"Yeah... That's not happening."
>It was about then that your patience ran out.
>As you leave, Fluttershy stops you.
>"This is so embarrassing!"
"Whatever. Just make sure he leaves."
>You look back at him.
"Whoever he is."
>"But that's just it! I can't!"
"And why is that?"
Ayy CC I love your shit
Scatfag pls go
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I chuckled, have a pic
>"He's family dear. My sweet baby brother."
>You ignore her pet name.
>She drops her fake concern.
>"He won't go, and he utterly refuses to talk about it."
"Well just kick him out, it's your house."
>"B-but I can't! He won't listen."
>Suddenly you remember how tired you are.
"Aww fuck it, we'll deal with it tomorrow."
>With that, you head down the hall to Fluttershy's room.
>She gasps.
>"Are we finally going to sleep on my bed?"
"I am, you can take the couch."
>Then you slam the door in her face and hop in her bed.
>It was way more comfortable than that couch, with way less fleas as well.
>But it smelled like Fluttershy.
>Eh, it was a step up from her brother.
>Oh yeah.
>That night, you hear some sounds coming from the kitchen accompanied by some horrible singing.
>Woke up like usual.
>Pushed Fluttershy off and ate breakfast.
>But that was different.
>As you ate, the smell of decomposing semen filled the room.
>Recognize it instantly.
>Sure enough. here comes-
>"Chcha, hachichicha."
>Moonwalking in, fedora securely in place
>He peeks at you to make sure your watching then stops in front of you.
>You thought you could handle it, but you were so very wrong.
>Get up and straight to Fluttershy's room.
>She's drooling while sniffing your pillow.
>Grab her by the hair and carry her back.
>She looks around, confused.
>You point to the smelly NEET.
"Kick him out."
>She gasps.
>"How rude! Anon you know better than-"
"I will destroy your cunt sideways if you get rid of him."
>"I'm sorry. You have to go."
>Finally. Time for some.
>"Mmm, naw. I don't really feel like it."
>Fluttershy hangs her head.
"You can tell your friends we went on a date."
>She perks up.
>"Will we?"
"Only one way to find out."
>She sighs and turns to her brother.
>She begins a long speech about how much she loves him, how he's worth more than he thinks and yadayadayada, he's sniffling a little.
>"You really mean it sis?"
>"Of course! Just remember, I'll always be here for you."
>He continues to cry in her shoulder.
>"Th-then, then can I stay for a little longer? I don't have anywhere else to gooooo"
>He starts sobbing again.
>"As long as you need, you're always welcome here."
>Go back to sleep.
>Don't care if you get fired.
>Couldn't bring yourself to care about anything but that horrible odor.
>Lay awake, until the door opens.
>Couldn't be bothered to lock it.
"Go away Fluttershy."
>She just joins you in bed.
>Don't care.
>She hugs you.
>Don't care.
>She undresses and violently starts riding you.

>Be Fluttershy's brother.
>The talk you has with sis is still ringing through your head.
>It really touched you.
>So much, you actually when out for once.
>Not only that, you actually got a job!
>It wasn't anything special, but it's a start.
>It's pretty late, but your so excited, you skip home.
>She's gonna be so proud, you really need to thank her.
>The human too, for not endulging your sinful dreams...
>Finally, your home!
>Feel bad for staying still, but it'll pass.
>Sis isn't anywhere downstairs, guess she's in her room.
>Going up, you hear some strange noises.
>Almost sounds like
>B-But she's screaming.
>You hurry to her room and it goes quiet for a second.
>You peak into her room
>You're packed and gone in 5 minutes.
>Guess you'll sleep on the warm and comfortable street, because the human was
>Fucking Fluttershy.

>Authors note: This was written entirely while at my sister's place and on her laptop.
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>"I will destroy your cunt sideways if you get rid of him."
>"I'm sorry. You have to go."
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>On her laptop
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Make sure she sees it friend.
Shoo, shoo and stay shoo
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Pruny bump
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I need to vent here
I saw the Episode yesterday and also saw the amount of shit it got
While the examples of AJ where somewhere between what and shit, the moral of the episode is quite fitting.
But I guess people who never experienced work life never saw how people got blind for what they do after X amount of years.
It is a meme to hate the current season isn't it
It's a meme to hate every season.
Just enjoy pone as much as you can and to hell with what others say.
It's a meme to hate everything your board is dedicated to. There is a rare time when a few of the related things is great enough to like, which is where the true memes come from, but otherwise the Internet hate machine is a place to hate your favourite thing no matter how good it is.
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Wow, /news/ looks exactly like all that bullshit that gets posted facebook.
>Man gets bitten by snake... IN HIS DICK
>Guy was thrown out of apartment naked
>Bla bla Vape
>Gorilla gets shot after picking up a x year old boy

Some news this are...
>not going to /pol/ for your news

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What is FR listing to currently?
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Im listening to this in the background, a fellow in a skype chat shared it. I think its nice.
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Reminder that you can delete posts.
Delete this.
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Touch mein dick and call me Fuhrer!
/news/ may be a circlejerk of clickbait titles , but theyre not trying to ruin it
The heavy breathing and slight moaning coming from outside my door.
Send help.
Help is on the otherside of the door Anon.
Open up.
thread needs more content
Give me a prompt.
Twilight creates a huge extra building to magic anons dick away and keep it under control for her experiments
it's shit
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So are you :^)
Thank you, I try my best.
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Twilight, reasonable as she is, thought that anon would never give his dick away for human studies.
Since her castle rooms are made out of crystal or some shit expanding them is not an option.
So she need to build an extra building to create the machinery thats necessary to remove and suspend the object of her studies without actually harming anon in the process.

But he still feels what happens to his dick.
Especially the middle of the night.

Since Twatlight can hardly keep the new building a secret she opens a broom store as cover or something.

It really does sound terrible, good thing Im anon and can deny any affiliate with this
Holy shit.
Hold up, I've got like 2 other threads to write for as well.
Anon is racist towards fluttershy for being a pegasis. He only really likes unicorns.
I've read this prompt over twice and it still looks good to go. I bid thee whomever writes it good tidings.
>remove and suspend the object of her studies without actually harming anon in the process.
>But he still feels what happens to his dick.

Why does this seem so familiar?
"Ryu Ogura is bullied daily by three girls at his school. One day during their regular abuse, his penis is pulled off! Ryu is unharmed though, and much to the surprise of everyone involved, his penis still functions as though attached to his body!"

I didn't even knew, how could I have possibly thought my idea would be original when it contains lewd and japan exist
Has nobody seen this?
The problem is too many people have seen it.
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A coco is fine too
Just because it's unoriginal doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see it applied to ponies.

Ah-ha! Twilight Sparkle, I should have known it was you who stole my penis!

No, I'm not impressed that your research proves my penis can be attached to a mare, effectively making her a futanari.

No, I don't want a demonstration.

And I definitely don't want you to demonstrate on Fluttershy.

It doesn't matter that it's not attached to me, I don't want my dick touching her.

Are you listening to me? Get your hooves off of her back!

I'm warning you Twilight, don't you dare mount Fluttershy!

Don't you do it!



Dont please, don't put it into that hole!


Poor spike
Fuckin anonymous, you made me snort beer out my nose.
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Say it, don't spray it.
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>Not wanting your dick to touch fluttershy
no , no , you know what i'm not even going to quote the rest cause it's all obscene , how dare you deny these things , please Anon think next time before you be such an faggot
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"Rarity, do you just not want to admit your friend is a sexual deviant, or?..."
>Rarity adds another cube of sugar to her tea, then stirs it with her magic.
>"Oh, I will admit it. Twilight has major issues with sexual frustration. I just don't care. Darling."
>She sips her tea.
>You grind your teeth and lean closer to her over her table.
"Well I DO! Three times now, THREE TIMES, I have been sexually assaulted by a purple pony nearly half my size and a third my weight- all because she has that FUCKING MAGIC AND I CAN'T DO SHIT TO STOP HER!"
>"Darling, please stop shouting, I'm sitting right here."
>You lean back and cross your arms.
>"Have you tried writing a letter to Princess Celestia?"
"I can't write in horse cuck runes."
>"Well then use this."
>Rarity magics a baggie out of a cabinet and over to you.
>It contains quite a bit of red powder.
"What is it?"
>Rarity waves her hoof, "A powder that temporarily negates the use of magic. I keep it for when Sweetie Belle throws one of her fits and tries to destroy her bedroom. Just sprinkle some on Twilight's horn and- POOF."

(6 fucking hours later)

>"Anoooon~ we've only just begun and I already have to use my magic? Naughty boy..."
>You try to kick Twilight away, but she simply brushes it aside with magic.
"Twilight, get the fuck out of my house! You're a psycho bitch!"
>She pins your flailing legs to the ground, "I'll be anything you want, Anon."
>She made a mistake.
>Only your legs have been pinned with magic.
>Your arms are free still.
>You reach into your pocket.
>Twilight tilts her head, "Getting protection?"
>You smirk.
"Yeah, protection. That's right."
>"Don't worry about that. I don't think you can get me pregnant. But we both know we're going to try our hardest!"
>You grab the baggie and tear it over Twilight's head.
>The red powder plumes everywhere, covering her from horn to hoof.

>"Anon, what the-"
"Got you, bitch!"
>Twilight stops moving.
>Her eyes grow wide and dilate.
>Her body shakes as her muscles ripple.
>She makes a gurgling noise.
>You crawl back away from her.
"Twilight? Are you okay?"
>In an instant, Twilight's muscles bulge like she's becoming some poor knockoff of the Hulk.
>Her voice has dropped a few octaves.
>She is so muscular now, her veins look like they may pop.
>Even her horn now has juicy veins pulsating across it.
>And it's still glowing with magic.
>"Okay? I feel SPECTACULAR!"
>You grab one of your throw pillows from behind you and place it in front of your chest defensively.
>"I think maybe we should get you to the hospital?"
>Twilight takes a heavy step forward and flexes her pumped-up wings.
>"Hospital comes later. First, we need a reason for you to go."
"Twilight, please!"
>She pounces.

(12 fucking hours later)

>You lay in the hospital.
>Three broken ribs.
>A shattered wrist.
>Severe bruising around your neck and butt cheeks.
>Pelvis shattered beyond repair.
>And a now permanently bent penis.
>Rarity sits beside your bed, reading a magazine and smacking her gum while she twirls her mane with a hoof.
"Rarity... Why?"
>Your voice is very raspy from when Twilight tried "asphyxiation foreplay" with you.
>Rarity looks over the magazine, "Why what?"
>You swallow painfully and try to glare.
"Why did you t-tell me that powder was... Was an anti-magic th-thing?"
>She looks confused.
>"Did I? I could have sworn I said it was a magical steroid... Must have grabbed the wrong bag, darling."
>A tear rolls down your cheek.
"You bitch..."
>Rarity rolls her eyes.
>"Yeah. It's kind of my thing."
>Rainbow Dash stops eating from the food tray the nurse brought for you.
>"It really is though."
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>asphixiation foreplay
Dick experiments.
>You stare dispassionately at the scene before you.
>A lesser man would find such a sight horrible, perhaps even mortifying.
>You're beyond such mortal concerns.
>As you watch your flaccid penis float around a vat of green goop you're reminded of an old Chinese proverb.
>' He who gets his dick stolen by unicorns faces many challenges '
>Pretty sure Sun Tzu said that.
>You turn to the ecstatic pony beside you.
"My dick's in that vat."
>"It is, yes."
"Why is my dick in that vat."
>She giggles.
>"Well I needed it for my studies so..."
"So you stole my genitals."
>You look back at the swirling green liquid.
>Every so often your cock and balls will resurface before going back under.
"I miss Earth..."
>"This isn't the best part though, because I managed to extract your DNA from it!"
>Give her a sad look.
>"So I've been playing around with your genetic code, you know, bit of splicing here, bit of megalomania there, I've been doing so much with your junk genes!"
>"Check it out!"
>Twilight flashes her horn at a nearby door.
>A pony walks out.
>Well obviously it was spliced with your dick DNA, what the hell did you think was going to flop out of the doorway?
>The cockpony wriggles around on the floor, letting out cries of dismay every now and then.
>You glance at Twilight.
>She has a permanent grin stretched across her features.
"So uh..."
>"I am -so- going to prison for this!"
>The cockpony starts crying.
>You can imagine what it looks like.
>And what it smells like.
"You're a terrible pony, Twilight, I hope you know that."
>"I'm not -that- bad."
"On the scale of badness you easily top Rainbow Dash."
>"But Rainbow Dash is terrible!"
"She is. She really, really is. Somehow, you're worse."
>Out of the door Twilight had just opened, the sound of a thousand heavy, meaty objects slapping against the ground rises in volume as an uncountable number of cockponies flood into the room, all of them rolling over each other and incapable of walking.
>All of them crying.

>A lesser man would find such things to be incomprehensibly terrible.
>But your spirit wasn't the only thing Equestria tore from you.

Sweet lord the mental images.
Why don't we just take all the cock ponies

And push them into Canterlot castle?
Why don't we just take all the cock ponies

And push them into YOUR MOM'S ANUS?
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Top kek
What an elaborate dick joke.
Alright well fuck you then
And fuck Nebulus too
In fact, fuck all of you
And fuck Flutterrape
I'm going to make my own children's cartoon
Then I'll write my own erotic fanfiction about it
Except it won't be fanfiction
It will be the show
And it won't be a children's cartoon
It will be a porno
It'll just be me getting fucked by five guys

Fuck you, I'm going to eat at Five Guys.
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You have my blessing.
Go forth, Anon.
Make us proud.
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Holy shit this was the hottest thing I read all year.
100 out of 10!
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Sweet dreams, Flutterrape.
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I don't know what I'm doing with my life. New Lyler.
u[stairs window
you can't do anything right can you.
Harsh brah
Don't listen to them priest, I still love you.
Psst, keep the window open, I need to get some of that boipussy
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fuck you do
says dat boi
Oh shit, whaddup!
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I'd say that you did good, but you didn't.
You did enough.
Kudos on the job done, though.
Here is a picture of a horse laying down.
You've earned it.
Had a healthy kek, dont know what got
so riled up
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"Still your hair stinks like yellowquites unwashed cunt"
"And sadly I know her cunt smell to well"
>Fucking hippy ponys
>Fucking cancer memes
>Day trumpets in Equestria.
>You are Anon.
>Triple S,get dressed, breakfast, cynicism, blah blah blah.
>The sound of knocking rattles your door.
>To your surprise, it's Twilight.
>She looks tired and grumpy.
>She moves from the doorway, letting you see outside.
>Fluttershy seems to be slowly riding to your house by unicycle.
>Twilight sighs before yelling.
>"Oh shit, here come that boy."
"You didn't put a lot of emotion in that-"
>Fluttershy responds, the distance making it quieter than usual.
>"O-oh shit, whaddup!"
>You look at Twilight.
>Her face mirrors your disappointment.
>"I'm the Princess of Friendship (tm) Anon, this is my job."
"You gotta wake up at 6 in the morning on the weekend to help your friend do something like this, knowing it won't work?"
"Well shit, you have my condolences."
>Fluttershy is still a couple yards away from your porch.
>She isn't very skilled with the unicycle.
>The poor mare topples over, some frogs hopping out from her mane.
>You sigh.
>Fluttershy finishes her journey to you by crawling.
>You and Twilight watch in silence.
>"A-are cancer memes your fetish Anon?"
"No. They aren't."
>"Oh Neptune..."
>You grumble out some cruses before you slam your door shut.
>Fucking Fluttershy.
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Doing grad school work, and the term "In Loco Parentis" comes up, and a story I hadn't thought about in 3.5 years came rushing back. Man, how times flies.

Hope you're all doing well, boys.
We're doing just fine.
Glad to see you're doing just fine too.
Got any plans for finishing In Loco Parentis?
You'd have to ask Jibber about that one, bromigo.

I think it's done as well, right?
Have some moar?
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Look at this guy.
Good to hear you aren't dead.
Sweet satanic trips writefags.
It also has best poni
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Goodnight good friends.
Good tidings to you all, and thank goodness you're all alive.
Thanks Anon
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Still kickin', fortunately. It's been a wild couple of years, for sure. Glad to see you're still around, Priest.

You're one of my favorites.
But then again, I love everyone.
But you're still special <3
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Theseus... My old rival. We meet again.
...K-Kung Fu fight...?
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What I wouldn't give to have spite anal with Twilight...
Hell, I'll even be on the receiving end for her, I don't care.
Same. Don't know if I would receive though. Maybe suck on it. For her and her alone.
>"Suck my cock, Anon!"
>"Darn, I was sure it would work this time."
"Dressing up as a tiger isn't going to make me want to suck your cock. Twilight. No costume is."
"...Your room, five minutes."
So uh... How about her brother then?
I was going to try and do a little ditty with that. Maybe tomorrow if i get the time.

Basic Idea: Fluttershush's Bro isnt a dweeb like her. And one day Anon gets fed up with Fluttershy's fetishlary and he gives her a shiny new black eye. Word of this gets back to Brother dearest and he pays Anon a visit
>"Did you punch my sister?"
"Yeah, what of it?"
>"Ha, nice, wanna play video games?"
"Fo sho, my furry lil' nigga."

Then you both played video games and laughed about Fluttershy.
>You get invited to the Flutterhome.
>All the chairs have up pointed dildos on them.
>Dinner is a casserole , and it's loaded with ruffies.
>They all drug each other and pass out ass up.
>Just another evening in the Flutterhome for ol anon.
>Fucking Flutter family.
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Well, here's the Flutter-family.
Now we can have rape the whole family can join in on!
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Fuck this hipster shittyassholemotherfuckingbitchniggerasspieceofshitcartoonassfuckingnerdsperginggreenandyellowhairedmotherfucking i had a cool idea before this preview ruined it. Fucking everything thing with that preview, BUT especially
>Fucking Fluttershy
I agree.
The dad looks like a super cool guy though.
The mum is the cute kind of short n' chubby sorta woman, and the dad looks like one of those awesome dads that's always got a story to tell and manages to fit in at parties.

The brother though, ehhh.
I actually sorta wish they went the fat, neckbeard 4chan user route, cause this one is surprisingly bland (in appearance, obviously the episode could say different).
He's a ponified Fabien Larouche from GTA 5. His rape includes you breathing with your asshole, while he gives you a good stretching
He reminds me of my mates dad. Actually kind of a spitting image of him now that I think of it. That old bloke is just fuckin' tops. He took part in some of the violent insanity me and my friends do while drunk cause... meatheads, and he charged my best mate and got his rib broken for his troubles. He was laughing through the pain, we're all still taking the piss out of him for it for apparently being a soft cunt.

If Fluttershy's dad can be that awesome, then that's just fuckin' dandy.
But judging by the preview clip... that's not the case. Damn shame.
And suddenly a lot of Brownee's injuries get explained...
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Man, i wanna see some green about her mom
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Seriously though, from what I saw in the preview, Flutterbrother is a huge fag.
That artist is doing god's work.
Bedtime bump
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So you wanna get bumped, huh?
What in the good name of fuck is wrong with you? It should be rainbowrape!
All ponies can rape friend.
If were up to me, I'd pick Twilight though.
With Twilight, it's always either
>Anon is resistant to magic, making ALL attempts futile
>Twilight's magic always ensures that she gets the monkey dick
>Twilight's magic always ensures that she gets the monkey dick
afternoon bump
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But... We WANT to cum inside Rainbow Dash...

I can't write Twilight in that position. Hell, despite being my favourite, I feel like I can't or shouldn't even put her in the romance position.

No... Flutterrape is the middleground we can all enjoy. Fluttershy is worst pone and too shy to have any decent sense of how to go about things.
This context is the only way I can enjoy her.
Exchange did it decently enough.

However I need more Twirape. I loved The Nightlight and need more of that type...
Rainbow Dash is one of my least favorite characters in any work, ever.
What a fucking annoying cunt.
Why can't you love all the ponies and their raping talents?
Because fuck you.
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Raping talents. Goddamn, this gives me an idea for an arena themed event where ponies prove their raping abilities.
>Fillies and Gentlecolts, welcome to Ponyville’s own newly constructed RAPE AREANAAA!
>I’m your host, and tonight seems to be positively chalked full of rape, and maybe even a few positive tests!
>Since tonight is the grand opening of the arena, we have an extra special show tonight that will set the bar for competitions to come!
>This show is especially dedicated to the two lovely princess sisters in attendance tonight who have so generously helped to fund the arena’s construction.
>We’re going to be starting things off family friendly for round one, with the lovely and always honest Applejack going up against her big red stud of a brother, Big Maaac!
>After all that hard farm work, we’ll be cooling it off with a nice calming massage compliments of Lotus and Aloe for Soarin.
>After a happy ending of round two, we’ll have a surprise themed mini-round.
>Finally, we’ll be at the round everyone is waiting for with the one, the only, Anonymous!
>Clever, handsome, and elusive, Anonymous has proven a number of times his ability to fend off struggle cuddles.
>The question for tonight, however, is if he’ll be able to do the same for an entire hour in unfamiliar surroundings against wave after wave of sex starved mares!
>We’ll just have to wait and see, as round one is just about to start!
Just an idea for now, I might get around to writing it after I proofread my other story before posting and after I re-watch the entire series for the first time to refresh my memory.
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>It's Anon's turn.
>They wait for him to come out.
>He never does.
>Someone is sent to bring him out.
>He's not in the arena.
>He's at home, reading a book.
>He was invited to attend the rape arena.
>He just didn't go.
>All the ponies are impressed.
>"Such a clever stallion." Twilight moans, a puddle forming under her.
>She's going to rape him one day.
And then they're going to get married and kiss and hug and cuddle every day and her heart won't ever hurt again.
>One day.
>All the ponies are impressed.
This line cracks me up more than you'd imagine.
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>"Hey Anon, wanna follow me down that dark alleyway and then help me smell this bottle of liquid on a rag?"
>Twilight's face when.
Whoa page 10, it was page 6 like 5 mins ago. We're moving fast tonight.

Guess everyone is waiting for the impending Incest that's sure to come up with tomorrows episode.
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10 bump again before bed.
Don't you be dyin' while I sleep again...
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I think I got something you'll enjoy.

>Day Crabman in Equestria.
>You are Anon, the Crabman.
>Life is good.
>Well, pretty good.
>Due to your recent "crime spree" as the pony-police call it, you now have to do some community service.
>300 hours, to be exact.
>Some call your methods impractical, but you are no criminal, those two fiends got what they deserved.
>Your dick in their face.
>And you saved all those innocents!
>"Public indecency" and "attempted rape" be damned!
>Anyways, your parole officer, Fluttershy, is taking you to meet her parents for dinner.
>Not exactly community service, but she said she'd drop an extra 100 hours if you complied.
>Score, you gotta get back out on the streets to protect the innocent.
>Oh, dinner.
"That's Anon the Crabman to you. What do you want, parole officer?"
>Fluttershy gives you a queer look.
>"D-dinner is served~."
>You look down at the gelatin before you.
>Little orange slices stick out at the top.
>Flutterfather attempts conversation.
>"S-so, are you and Fluttershy here... um... a pair?"
>You look up from the now desecrated jello.
"No, I love one lady, and that is lady Justice!"
>You are now on top of the table, striking a pose.
>Fluttershy appears to be scribbling down something in a notebook titled "Fetish guesses."
>She writes "Evil villain" before returning to the meal, and ogling your exposed rectus abdominis once more.
>Flutterfather is clearly confused by your outburst.
>The civilians are always caught off guard, it seems.
>Fluttermommy doesn't seem to mind, though.
"... I'll get down now."
>"Thank you, deary."
>You lean over, whispering to Fluttershy.
"Are your parents always so-"
>"Outspoken? No, I-I've never seen them talk so much to a stranger before in my life!"
>The Flutterfamily is an odd one indeed.
>Suddenly, the door bursts open.
>You are back on top of the table once more.
>You ready your undies for battle mode.
>A blonde faggot steps through the door.
>"Well hello there sir! Has Futterbutter finally found a boytoy?"
>This pony doesn't seem to harbor any criminal intent, so you disengage your underwear.
>"Zephyr! It is very rude to call Anon a boytoy!... Even if I wish it were true..."
"My name is Anon the Crabman."
>"Oh whatever, I just wanted to swing by to tell mom and dad about my new job!"
>The entire Flutterfamily looks starstruck.
>Fluttershy is the first to speak up.
>"O-oh, that is simply wonderful Zephyr! Is it at the Cloudsdale Hair-cutlery?"
>Zephyr looks offended.
>"WHAT? As if I'd ever work at such a boring place! I got a job at the Gay Bathhouse!"
>Flutterpops faints.
>Fluttershy blushes.
>Fluttermother smirks.
>You stand.
>On the table.
>"I just love it there! The patrons are so nice, and they love to tip~!"
>Fluttermom now looks proud, but speaks under her breath.
>"I see his "experimenting" has finally paid off."
>Fluttermom takes her husband off to bed, and Zephyr takes his seat,
>"Oh Fluttershy, you really were right! I LOVE working!"
>Fluttermom returns.
>"Well, now that your father is sleeping, let's talk boys~."
>Both Fluttershy and Zephyr look pleased.
>So this is where Fluttershy gets her rapey desires.
>"So, Anonymous~."
>Her once timid voice has morphed considerably, and has turned sensual.
>This is no mare, but a cougar!
>You operate on the Crabman Moral Code (TM), which includes striking poses, outbursts in the name of justice, standing on tables, wearing a mask at all times, wearing battle-undies, etc.
>However, participating in lewd behavior in any form is strictly forbidden.
>Well, except for public indecency and the ancient art of Crotch fighting, which shouldn't even count as lewd.
>Anyways, Fluttermother is obviously trying to court you.
>A married mare too!
>For shame!
>Also, speaking of such indecencies around her children!
>This is no mare, nor cougar!
>She is a criminal!
>Guilty of the destruction of her family and her prosperity!
>You see only one logical solution.
>You reach for your undies and begin priming them.
>Battle underoos at 50% power.
>Not good enough.
>Fluttermother seems scared.
>As she should be.
>Battle underoos at 100% power.
>You do a triple back flip off the table, putting some distance between you and the criminal.
>Penis status: Erect.
>Sprinting at the speed of Kenyans, you jump, grabbing your legs and pulling them back.
>Your erection stands true, like a lighthouse.
>A beacon.
>A beacon of justice.
>Throbbing with all that is pure in the world.
>Time seems to slow as you fly towards Fluttermom.
>Zephyr looks on with his tongue lolling out.
>Fluttershy watches too, but is writing down "Maternal fetish" in her notebook simultaneously.
>Finally, your crotch connects with Fluttershy's mom.
>Right in her left eye.
>You smile as you bring her to the floor.
>Your trusty lance always aims true, for justice guides it with undying fidelity.
>You topple over Fluttermomma, bringing your knees down on either side of her face.
>Your cock rests on her face, victoriously.
>She's down for the count.
>Fluttershy, it seems, has came.
>So has Fluttermother.
>Zephyr too.
>You raise your hands to the sky.
>At your outbursts, Flutterfather has come back downstairs.
>"H-how'd I get upstair-"
>He sees his children covered in their own cum, and you, with a large erection, ontop of his wife, who is also leaking marejuices.

"And that is how I got actual jail time."
>The Diamond Dog you've been talking to for the past couple hours, just sighs, before turn over on his bed.
>"I hate this place." Is all he manages to mumble out.
The end.
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Yes. Yes! YES!
Who is crabman? I love wanna draw this scene
Disregard that "love"
What if I don't?
I'll draw crabman x flutterbutter & fluttermom lewd and gently fuck your anus, after rimming your ponut tenderly.
So where can I find a picture of crabman
Check that webm.
I just assumed the guy in fishnets and underwear as crabman when writing the green, so base it off that guy.
Who the hell is that and where is this from?
That is crabman, and it comes from some odd Russian movie.
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Does this belong here?
Yes. That is now property of the Rape Empire. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, now move along, citizen. Failure to do so is punishable by rape.
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Goodnight friends.
May pony dreams sneak their way into your sleep.
God damn it Luna, stay out of my dreams!
Hey Twilight, I've got a 1200 page book on Human History, want me to read it to you?
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I rarely ever have pony dreams, but I actually had one a few nights ago. It was actually a small part of a much larger dream. But at the end of the dream Twilight is asking me and another person questions about what we did. And then I woke up.

My most prominent pony dream is actually from months, maybe even over a year, ago. I dreamed I was still in school and Celestia was my principal. I went to her for advice regarding the fact that I was starting to see the grim reaper following me, and everyone was treating it as if it were natural and it meant I was going to die. She did the same, but also explained that it wasn't until I started seeing a black dog with the reaper that he would take me.

I eventually hired some other kids to help me deal with the situation, and then there was an honest-to-god scene transition and we were walking along a road at night eating pizza. We had apparently bribed the Grim Reaper to let me go in exchange for pizza. And then a black dog appeared and said that if we didn't pay them back, we were dead. So we apparently scammed the reaper into paying for the pizza we bribed him with.

Then I went home, my grandfather asked how I got out of that mess, and I fucking turned toward the "camera" and said "Everybody likes pizza." and we all laughed. And then Celestia appeared and said she quit her job as the principal so she could be with me, and started eating pizza too, with her wing wrapped around me like a hug. That's when I woke up.


Any other anons have any pony-related dreams lately?
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Hope you realise we'll be up all night with an offer like that.
>turned toward the "camera" and said
>"Everybody likes pizza."
Holy shit my sides
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Top kek

Sadly I never dreamed about pone
But I few days ago I dreamed about getting cut into pieces and when I start inhaling my own cut-up tongue I woke up in sweat
It was the worst feeling after waking up
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this count as rape?
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Of course not, that is clearly a very enthusiastic rake salesman selling rakes...

...Only rakes
Can I bring that story here and finish it?
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If you feel like continuing it, by all means bring it over. It's rare, but we usually don't mind seeing Anon doing the raping once in a while.
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Just y-you know, if somebody cares about source
flutter bump
>Rapeman is actually the first human to get to Equestria.
>Since he is so slick and mysterious, few know of his existence.
>He meets Fluttershy's mother, and teaches her the rape arts.
>Fluttermom then courts her husband using these techniques.
>Rapeman dies.
>Fluttershy is born.
>Fluttermom teaches Fluttershy the art of rape.
>Anon comes into the picture.
>Both Fluttershy and her family believe he is the reincarnation of the now desceased Rapeman.
>Fluttershy doesn't rest until the truth is revealed, and eventual brings her friends into the mix.
Plot twist.
Anon was Rapeman's illegitimate son, and like all children decided to rebel against his father's ways.
Twist twist:
After getting injured badly in a rape attempt anon retreats into PLOTDEVICE and learns the truth of why rape.
Then he goes out to rape the rapist to break the endless circle of unwanted penetration
I both pity and adore the brave soul who'll craft this epic of trickery and deceit.
It will truly be a tale for the ages.

"Guess I dont need this anymore"
>You take your in mare juice drenched dick and toss it into a nearby bush.
>After one quick look back you walk home, listening to the burning and explosions of the dildo facility behind you.

>A yellow hoof emerges from the ruins
>"This is not over my love"
The Crabman is not actually the Crabman, but is actually Pantyman.
The plot thickens.
The Pantyman is not actually the Pantyman, but is actually Hentai Kamen.
The plot gets hard and throbbing!
"gtfo page 8 edition" bumb
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Only one I could really remember is a dream where I asked Celestia to marry me. We were sitting at some restaurant in Canterlot, and I got down on one knee and proposed. I can't remember what she said but jumped and hugged me. Then I woke up.
The only dream I can think of is a short talk with Twilight in the Treebrary.
But could he defeat "The terror of Rape" Flutterwoman?
Pantyman vs Rapeman.
Flutterrapes Batman v superman
Well, it would have to be Fluttershy vs. Rapeman vs. Anon vs. Pantyman.
of course, all of this ending in an orgy.
>Day pervert in Equestria.
>You are Anon, the Pantyman.
>He who highhandedly brought down the cheating wench that was Fluttermother.
>You are now out of prison.
>Which is good, as you can begin to clean the streets with justice once more.
>You heard many things while in prison.
>Lots of crying, yelling, moaning, etc.
>However, news of another human has arrived in Equestria.
>He goes by the name "Goody Two Shoes man."
>You have faced him and his posse down before, but things have changed.
>He may be stronger since your last encounter.
>You know where he'll be.
>You make your way towards Ponyville's schoolhouse.
>Strutting down the halls of Ponyville Elementary like the perv you are, you finally spot Goody Two Shoes and his gang of miscreants.
>"Miss pony, your bow is not straight and even."
>Applebloom looks horrified as two men approach her.
>"The hammer of god!"
>The men knock Applebloom to the floor with two expertly placed hits.
>She lays there, sobbing.
>You can't stand to let such awfulness go unchecked.
"Is my mask on straight, Goody two Shoes man?"
>You strike a pose.
>You're looking sexy.
>Goody Two Shoes man slowly turns in a mix of horror and rage.
>"It cannot be..."
>Time for another pose.
>Some of his goons start to advance on you.
>You purposefully let them beat you to the floor.
>"The hammer of god!"
>This method worked last time, and you got a little erect from it.
>Their repeated blows are erotic to a pervert of your caliber.
>You let out a moan.
>It seems your plan has worked.
>Two shoes and his men look disgusted.
>Disgusted and vulnerable.
>"You awful man! You dare call yourself a hero?"
>A crowd of fillies and colts gather around the battle.
"Your insults are so humiliating! Continue~"
>Time to act.
"Time for JUSTICE!"
>You bringing sprinting towards your target.
"Spinning fire of death!"
>One of your favorite techniques.
>Once again, it seems Goody Two Shoes man has been caught off guard.
>He will know shame.
>He will know degradation.
>You begin violently spinning, your dick undulating on Two Shoe's face.
>The sheer speed of your spinning starts a fire, and creates a ring of fire.
>The move is so powerful, that Goody Two Shoes man and his minions simply fade from existence.
>The fillies and Cheerilee all thank you and your penis.
>For a normal hero, this may have been weird.
>You are no normal hero, though.
>You are Pantyman!
>Your perversion knows no bounds!.
>On the way back home, Fluttershy was waiting by your doorstep, begging you to teach her in the perversion arts.
>The mare has potential; however, you feel she will only use her power to rape.
>No mare must obtain the hot monkey dock.
>She cried for ten minutes after you refused her offer.
>Not even Pantyman can resist the tears of a woman.
>Erection wouldn't allow it.
>With a sigh, you begin the long and arduous process of teaching the was of the pervert.
>Today was a good day.
>Oh, and the schoolhouse burned down.
>But whatever.
The end.
I gotta find this movie, I'm loving this.
Hope you enjoyed.
This reminds me of Beyblades.
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God bless the recent episode.
This just writes itself.
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G o o d n i g h t
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Milky Way?
God yes I misses you...
On first contact your back is already drenched.
So are your pants
And everything else
Quads of 4's confirm. Contact with Milky is gonna be messy.
But god damn awesome.
G o o d m o r n i n g
I'm up for one quick request if anyone is yearning for one
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This pic is summing up my experience browsing /mlp this week...
All thoses random things rolled into one masterpiece.
probably to late but:
A beta anon having a battle of the mumbling with flutters

>Day lackadaisically in Equestria.
>Be beta Anon.
>You are a huge beta.
>Your betaness knows no bounds.
>Your favorite words are "A-alright" and "Oh."
>Rarity attempts to give woman advice whenever you're together.
>Rainbowdash probably doesn't know you exist.
>Twilight can tolerate your presence, as she was once like you.
>Pinkiepie threw you a party once, at which you silently weeped in the corner.
>Applejack thinks you're similar to Bigmac, and therefore respects you.
>Spike likes playing with your feet while you blurt out apologies for being interesting.
>Alas, there is one pony who has tried to steal your title of Equestria's biggest pussy.
>Your betaness has not only boosted her ego slightly, it has made her attracted to you.
>Very attracted.
>She comes over daily to try to molest you.
>The sound of a ringing bell makes you jump, spilling your bland cereal onto the floor.
>There she is now.
>You open the door of your beta shack.
>"H-hi Anon..."
>Your response is a slight shiver and a short whimper.
>You wish you were back in bed.
>"I-I, um, w-was just w-wondering if-"
>Someone is requesting something of you.
>This is bad.
>Better make them happy as fast as possible.
>Fluttershy looks happy.
>Aw shit, now you gotta do what she asks you!
>What if you fail?
>"O-okay then, l-let's go to the park!"
>You're crying internally.
"A-alrighty t-then partner..."
>You aren't very skilled when it comes to talking.
>You begin the silent trek with Fluttershy towards the park.
>You're sweating bullets in this cool autumn overcast.
>"I love the park A-anon, b-but you wanna know what I l-love more...?"
>Please say bunnies please say bunnies please say bunnies pleas-
>She flies up to your ear and whispers:
>You're frozen in place.
>"S-shocked senseless?"
>Fluttershy squees as she drags you towards her cottage.
>"R-rarity told me it'd work!"
>Fucking Rarity.
>Fucking Fluttershy.
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Then they had unprotected sex because anon wasn't man enough to say that he doesnt want all the filthy leftover animal semen on his dick
I actually found it - did that thing here ever continue or offically announced kill ?
if that's a stupid question pardon me I'm not usually one to visit these threads
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Glad to see other people remember this adorable moment. A shame Fluttershy hasn't really had much of these lately.
The creator came by a couple threads ago saying he hasn't forgotten about the project, but he is wrapped up in the never ending shenanigans of life.
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well that's good to know
Huh, I didn't even know Rapeman got made into an anime. Guess I'll have to turn in my weeaboo card...

Also, page 8 bummmmmmmmpu.
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What if pony was a huge pony
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So, how is everyone on this fine evening?
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It would be awesome if someone makes the same draw with the mane six or any other pony's
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So Flutterrape, how have we taken to the reveals of Fluttershy's family?
At first I thought this would be a link to a fetish, but nah, it's pretty cool.
Since its evening now, I can say...
Freezing my tits off and wondering how I can get myself properly motivated to continue writing since I'm almost a year overdue for producing something.
I could motivate you by calling you a faggot.

Did that work?
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Well Brownee, if it's any consolation, you have real life to attend to. That's more important. Plus getting beat up again by the grill.

I also have to start the Starlight story myself. I have a bit of idea how to start it now. Would you mind if I directly reference your Sunset one?

Just gotta get the ball rollin'.
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Sadly no. Not with the knowledge that we're all faggots no matter what.

>you have real life to attend to.
I have a heart condition Im getting checked!

>Plus getting beat up again by the grill.
She broke my ankle a week or two ago, so that's not on the table for the moment.
... In saying that, I nearly broke my neck yesterday. Kinda super stiff...

Reference as in... just sort of nod to it, or are you putting it in the same universe?
I hold no issue with it, buuuut since I'm most of the way through that second Sunset one (and really have no reason to have not finished it for the second time at this point), don't expect me to counter-reference or build off it or anything.

Unless you finish first and I get a thought of how to slip it in via proofreading, but I doubt it. This story was meant to just be based 3 weeks after the first, and it was kinda done before S6 started...
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Just do what I do; keep a story idea in mind for months on end and tell yourself that you're going to get started on it the moment you get home from work each day, only to find that you're too tired to care every time you walk through the door.

Repeat this until the guilt eats at you to such a degree that you end up writing something rushed just to make the feelings of inadequacy stop, then regret giving the thread something you know isn't your best.

Writing is fun!
Only once for me.

I remember walking through Ponyville and it was a busy day as ponies, unicorn and pegasus were all over the place. Maybe I was caught in the middle of the Summer Sun Celebration. As I made my way down the road towards Twilights Library home, Pinkie Pie arrived shortly with a letter. Apparently Shining Armor was busy researching trying to find a way to bring me back to Earth back at the Crystal Empire. Only clue he gave me as to how I arrived was "located at the Northgate Star" which to this day still have no idea what that means. As I was about to say goodbye to Pinkie she then turned and told me "Just keep on smiling for me, okay? You have to keep smiling! We'll find something soon." and my dream ends there.

I have to say, probably the most heartwarming feels thing to ever hear coming from the Element of Laughter herself.
Looks like a bro, but would probably try to strangle you if he found out you were dating* his daughter. *That's what she calls her overly aggressive sexual attraction.
... I... The episode speaks for itself.
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I shared this many threads ago as a way to bump. And then Brownee turned it into a nudge.

Generally I don't dream, or at least don't remember dreaming each night. Last night however was one of the rare nights where I did dream, and remembered it.
It involved Trixie, and she had herself a large throbbing and leaking dong. With her bullshit OP magic, she'd both overpowered and restrained me. What followed was several positions of getting rekt by her regardless of how much I cried, told her to stop or even requested a turn where I put it in her instead (no such chance).
Of course, her last grunty moan of orgasmic bliss happened to sync up perfectly with my alarm and I'd woken up a sweaty, slightly terrified mess and confused about the incredible morning wood it gave me.

It's weird to say that it was probably the most restful sleep I'd had in some time.
T-that sounds g-gay man, heh...
Lucky fucker.
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>Twilight is in her Tree House of friendship, clopping furiously to her magical colt anime.
>Suddenly Anon kicks down her door with his daily Fluttershy rape complaint.
>As per usual, she ignores him... until!
>She looks at her magical colt book and decides to give Anon magic to fight rapists... really for her own fetish but it he has to become her fetish first.
>Anon goes out and gets back at Flutters, Rapebro, etc. All while Twi watches and clops to the action. (Anon's magical colt uniform is fan service-y to pony standards. Plus he gets raped for awhile each fight he's in.)
>Twilight gets bored because Anon beat all of his rapists and isn't so magical colt anymore now that he isn't using his powers.
>Twilight decides to dress up as Anon's new nemesis, painting herself edgy colors or something.
>She sends villains of the week to try and rape Anon while furiously clopping to the rape/fight.
>As always, she takes things too far and now wants Anon for herself.
>Cue Fluttershy and friends as the Rape Scouts off to save Anon.
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Dude, a potential broken neck is where the line gotta be drawn. Just relax and stay safe, yes? Unless you've somehow gotten worse injuries than that.

I kinda wanted to take place in the same universe. It depends on how I'll make it all go, since I have about 3 different ideas, one is just Starlight alone, one is an attempted rape collab between Starlight and Sunset, and the last one involves Twilight and Moondancer. It'll likely be just a reference.

And yes I like them magic unicorns.
For as long as ive wanted to pony pony, i havent had dreams of anything mlp. The most ive ever done is fantasize kindly scenarios with Fluttershy, or moments with Rarity giving me advice on how to be a gentleman. Recently ive laid in bed thinking on how nice it would be to have a woman -or pony- in my life interested in helping me to my own when i get down.
Then i sadfap to the lack there of human interaction and sexual contact in my life. Further in this fueling my appreciation for the concept of Flutterrape for in her ongoing quest for the hot monkey dick.[spoiler/]
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>Unless you've somehow gotten worse injuries than that.
What do you think this story is based on?

That's the worst I'd gotten in my life so far, and a friend was with me (played by Twilight for that). I broke both arms, a rib, fractured my orbital bone, dislocated my shoulder, bled internally... Was a head on collision cause the other dude fell asleep at the wheel. My head went through the steering wheel. I was out for 5 days.
She broke a leg and shoulder and had a concussion, so I got the worst of it.

But yeah, as for neck injuries... I've had surgery in my neck before cause I did some damage and lost feeling in my left arm. This current incident is just me getting fussy over crutches.

Aaaand yeah, I don't really take much issue with it being in the same universe if you can manage it, but it seems safer and more sense making if you kept it as more a reference or something.
I can't really say I'd be returning the favour in any way at the moment, mostly just cause unless I somehow think of another continuation, this super late sequel for Sunset was just gonna be set 3 weeks after the first, so... What can I really do with that, honestly.
Fucking Australians.
I used to question whether or not you were even human, but now I just accept it.
Glad you're in... adequate condition friend, Flutterrape is always a party with you around.
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I didn't want to believe THAT one was based off a real injury, but you surprise me yet again with your reslience. Though that was years ago, I'm glad to see you okay man. I was recently in a car crash myself, unhurt though.

You don't need to reference my future story. I'm a literal nobody, I just liked your story enough after I entered here and requested a ShimGlim story that it inspired me to try and write my own.

It would be an honor though.

I hope Sunset wins.
>Ugh, the hideous ape wants me...
>Wait, what?! Anon doesn't want me?!
this was a fantastic one, I'm surpised it didn't get more attentetion
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Pretty much.
God damn it's fucking quiet in here today
This entire thread has been a slow one, even the stories posted barely got any comments.
Next thread will be invigorated, we just needed a little break.
Page 10 bump, surprised the thread didn't die already
Do you ever realized you cum here everyday to check out Flutterrape's bottom?
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...Wait wha-



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You son of a bitch...
Goodnight and sweetdreams boys.
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Good night, Anon.

Sleep Well.

Good Night FR. I love you.
Priest, I wanna stuff your boipussy
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Sleep tight ponices
Good night.
sweet prince
no one replied, yet I liked it
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About 64 posts til bump limit, guess I can post my new story. Posting from my tablet, expect some delay between posts as I struggle to copy/paste with this touchscreen.

I did make pic related with this tablet, so I guess it's not completely useless.
>Day FFFFF in Equestria
>Wake up feeling light-headed.
>About to shave, notice there is blood on your face.
>Odd, you haven't even picked up the razor yet.
>Swallow, taste of blood at the back of your tongue.
>That explains it, your nose is bleeding.
>But why...
>Wobble on your feet.
>Eh, maybe you'll skip shaving today.
>Wash your face, stick wads of TP up each nostril to stop the bleeding.
>Having a sneaking suspicion a certain yellow pegasus is up to something, you decide to also skip breakfast.
>Get dressed and head outside.
>Nearly faint at the sight that greets you.

>In the sky.
>Way up high in the sky.
>That's where your house is.
>It's the thin air up here that's making you light-headed.
>You begin to ponder the how and why, although you already suspect Fluttershenanigans.
>You've seen pegasus houses in the sky before, but those were seemingly built completely of clouds, so how is your wood and brick house up here?
>Along with your house, there's a roughly five foot perimeter of your lawn suspended in the air.
>You carefully crawl to the edge and peek under, trying to see what's holding your house up.
>A few feet of dirt under your house, and...
>Just clouds.
>That's all that's holding your house aloft, nothing else between it at the ground.
>You're now certain Fluttershy is behind this.
>Fucking haxxy pegasi. They ought to be fined for breaking the laws of physics.

>But what's the point of lifting your house up into the sky?
>So high in the sky, you can't even see individual ponies on the ground.
>So high up, you can see all of Sweet Apple Acres in a single glance.
>So high, there are clouds floating below you...
>Feeling dizzy, you back away from the edge while telling yourself you're not afraid of heights.
>Standing up, you press your back against the wall of your house, while looking around for any sign of the yellow pest.
>By this time she should have already been knocking at your door.
>You take a deep breath and shout:
>No answer.
>Lifting your house off the ground and floating it on a cloud was crazy enough, you really hoped this wasn't just a small part of a bigger plan.
>But you knew when that horny mare gets an idea in her head, there's no telling how far she'll take it.
>Hoping to find some way back to the ground, you begin inching your way around the side of your house.
>And then you see it.
>From where your backyard once was, now extends the biggest goddamn bridge you've ever seen.
>This is the second time you've nearly fainted today.
>This thing must be at least 50 feet wide.
>Carved from solid stone.
>Shitting in the face of physics, it has no pillars supporting it.
>Like your house, it is held up by just tufts of cloud where you would expect the pillars to be.
>Extending so far into the distance you can't tell where it leads, the opposite end is hidden by clouds.
>Seems you've got two choices.
>You could refuse to play Fluttershy's game, go back in your house, and wait for her to give up and come to you, whereupon you would demand she put your house back where it belongs.
>OR you could see where this bridge leads.
>Of course, that must be what SHE wants you to do.
>Hey, if you're lucky you could flag down a passing pegasus along the way, get a ride to the ground, and not even have to deal with Fluttershy today.
>Maybe Fluttershy has nothing to do with this, and you'll find a way down at the end of the bridge!
>You try to keep optimistic thoughts like these in your mind as you start walking across the bridge.
>After all, you really didn't want to be up in the clouds longer than you had to.
>Not because you're afraid of heights.
>You just didn't like how the thin air was making you light-headed.
>At least that's what you tell yourself.
>And it's definitely NOT because you're curious as to what kind of strange fetish attempt this could be leading up to... s-stupid.
> youtube.com/watch?v=sBBGJZk-6vw
>Ugh, how long is this stupid bridge, anyway?
>Looking behind, you can just barely see your house.
>Looking ahead though, you don't seem to be any closer to the end of the bridge.
>While you were walking, there were a few times when the clouds had parted to reveal..
>More bridge.
>Stretching ever farther on out of sight, more clouds preventing you from seeing where it ends.
>All this time, you haven't seen a single pegasus fly past.
>Nor have you heard anything, except..
>Rapid A flat major arpeggios?
>You stop, shake your head, and listen again.
>Just the wind.
>Must be an auditory hallucination from skipping breakfast and breathing this thin air too long.
>Better keep moving.
>Just as you start walking again, a pink and yellow blur flies past you from behind, spiraling around the bridge.
>At the height of a loop it stops in midair and unfurls, revealing you-know-who.
>As Fluttershy drops to the bridge with a heavy thud, you notice that she looks much different from the Fluttershy you're used to.
>For one thing, she's huge.
>Not Flutter-hulk huge, but there is a major increase in muscle mass.
>She could give Bulk Biceps a run for his money.
>But the most striking differnce is her wings.
>She now has EIGHT of them, and she stands with each pair unfolded slightly more than the one before it, keeping all 4 pairs on full display before you.
>Twilight Sparkle must be the one responsible for this new form.
>That purple princess had a knack for polymorphic spells.
>And while she usually refused to use them for "frivolous" reasons (i.e., most of Rainbow Dash's requests), she seemed to have no problem using them to facilitate Fluttershy's fetish attempts.
>You've had just about enough for one day.
>You step forward and are about to read her the riot act, but before you can get a word out you are nearly knocked off your feet by her booming voice.
>"Fool! You face the mightiest friend in all Equestria! You face me! Fluttershy!"
>She accentuates this by lightly fluttering her wings.
>This motion is accompanied by a tinkling noise and a metallic glint shining on her wing tips.
>It is only then that you notice, draped over each of Fluttershy's wings are various pieces of jewelry.
>Are those necklaces?
>No, not ordinary necklaces, they look somewhat familiar..
>You can now see that they look like the previous forms of the Elements of Harmony.
>Extremely crude imitations of the Elements.
>Some of them have symbols that don't even match the mane six's cutie marks.
>Original Elements, do not steal?
>You shake your head in disbelief.
>Fluttershy mistakes your dumbfounded expression for admiration and continues;
>"Long have I sought the penis of legend... scoured have I the furthest marches, East and West!"
>"Now my search brings me here, to you!"
>"Your hot monkey dick is forfeit to me!"
>She then calls over her shoulder;
>"Fly, Enkidu! Fly, my faithful companion! I said fly!"
>Nothing happens.
>You stare at Fluttershy.
>Fluttershy gives you an embarrassed glance, a bead of sweat rolling down her brow.
>She then calls over her shoulder in her normal voice, "Pretty please?"
>A moment later, Angel Bunny hops out from behind Fluttershy.
>His fur has been dyed green, and he dosn't seem very happy with the situation.
>He glares at Fluttershy, then looks at you and shrugs.
>Fluttershy sheepishly turns her attention back to you, and still in her normal voice asks;
>"So um, Anon... Are battles on big bridges your fetish?"
>And with that, you NOPE yourself over the side of the bridge.
>Before you hit the ground, one thought goes through your head;
Why did I even come to Equestria in the first place? I should have just stayed home and played Final Fantasy...

And with this story posted, I am taking a break from Flutterrape to participate in the Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta
I'll be doing a Natural run with BERSERKER RISK, cheer me on @TwSpPuNu
And if you enjoyed this story, please pledge a few sheckels to Child's Play in my name. (Tweet @ff5forfutures #pledge)
I have another completed story ready to go, I'll post it when I celebrate my #victory over Exdeath!
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oh my god, you are alive
I come back to the thread on the off chance something important happens and I see this?

Why would you do this to me Flutterrape. I thought what we had was special.

Not this.

Not like this at all.
Go back to your grave faggot
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>and her heart won't ever hurt again
This is not a big comeback thread, write green, or forget your trip, you enormous, cock-gobbling faggot. Everyone remembers, your dramas, and other faggyness. Write green, to achieve redemption
I like this guy.
Gewd stuff there, priest.

Umm, okay? Don't worry, I'm real good at FF5! Also, I'm gonna get a head start and play up to the wind crystal, so I can get my first job from Gilgabot the minute the fiesta officially starts. And unless I'm feeling really comfortable with the jobs I get, I'll probably skip Omega and Shinryu. I'll be back cranking out delicious green before you know it!
I'm stealing this to use as my new Twitter avatar. If that's okay with you.
>Not based FFVI

I hope you die again faggot
Miss ya bby

>Skipping Omega and Shinryu
I'm gonna cockslap you nigger
Mr. Raritan!
Now there's a trip I never thought I'd see again, welcome home.
You best have some green ready, it's been too long.
Flutterrape's been quiet without you around.
Goodnight everyone, may good dreams nestle their way into your mind.
y-you too...
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There's a time and a place for a trip, and that's when you have something to contribute to the thread. You're not UTV, you don't have secret admirers that are just waiting for you to put your trip on and post shit. This isn't fucking facebook where you come in and tell everyone how you feel about something, this is /mlp/, horsefucker central, and unless you have some green to throw at the starving hordes of readers perpetually moaning moar, get the fuck out and stay out until you do.
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Coloured version.
dog, I doubt this happens in real life, but if it does, you need to fucking chill and tap. if sunset accidentally kills you she could face serious reprecussions. don't be a fucking bitch.
thats not how you spell elves anon
Requests anyone?
Clean my shoes.
Walk my dog.
Make my dinner.

Thanks, friend.
Rarity notices Anon and Pinkie are friends so she tries imitating her to get Anon's affection.
What do you want for dinner?
Your dong.
On the double, friend.

>Day floor tiles in Equestria
>You are Anon.
>Currently spending some quality time with a great pal of yours.
>"So, Nonny, which of these cakes looks better?"
>Ol' Ponkasaurus Rex.
>Looking both of the cakes over, you deduce they are practically identical.
>You shoot her a queer look, and she begins giggling.
>You laugh right with her.
>She really beings out the inner child in you.
>But... when and how did she even make them? The two of you have been hanging out all day.
>Silly Pinkie...

>Be the fashionista with style and class, Rarity.
>Anonymous' soon-to-be princess.
>You watch your lover from a seat in Sugarcube Corner, using your new clothing line as camoflouge.
>Macaroni may be fashion from years passed, but you feel a revival is in order.
>Besides, it's a little free advertisement, right?
>It'd be a sin against all things fashion and everything you stand for as an artist to pass up such an opportunity!
>For Anon, however, you'd give up your whole career just to be his bride.
>You catch yourself eyeing his firm yet plump bottom before returning to your soliloquy.
>Oh, how you wish to be held in his strong arms, as if you were some precious heirloom, always to be cherished.
>How you yearn to sit in his lap late at night, listing to piano jazz and drinking expensive wine as you chat and make dresses.
>How he'd propose, you'd leap into his arms, he'd take you to a balcony made of marble, overlooking a beautiful beach, and you'd give him your virginit-
>"Rarity? How are you?"
>You are yanked away from your daydream by the one you were daydreaming of.
>Fate is a cruel temptress, as is her sister, Love.
>Pinkie waves at you from behind the counter.
>"Hiya Rarity! Wanna have some cake with Nonny and me?"
>Anonymous seems to be hanging out with Pinkie.
"O-oh, of course!"
>You can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as you slowly but elegantly make your way over to Anonymous' stool, taking a seat next to him.
>How he'd propose, you'd leap into his arms, he'd take you to a balcony made of marble, overlooking a beautiful beach, and you'd give him your virginit-
Reminded me of this.
>"So, uh, how goes the dressmaking buisness?"
>You smile, and begin telling Anonymous of your passion.
"... And the piece adorned upon moi tête is the magnum opus for the whole line, which is called "Fashion of Ages Past!" Do you like it~?"
>Anonymous simply nods before turning to Pinkie, effectively making you third wheel.
>This is both an annoyance and a relief, as you may now be able to find out what makes Pinkie so charming to Anonymous and not you.
>It only takes a few minutes to find the answer.
>Anonymous likes Pinkie because she is Pinkie.
>Anonymous would like you if you were Pinkie!
>She is loud, fast, hyper, funny, and...
>You see her fake out Anonymous and take a bite from his cake, which they share a laugh about.
>She takes what she wants, no matter how small.
>You politely excuse yourself from the bar and swiftly exit the restaurant, making your way back home.
>Inside the confines of your boutique, you let out a little squee.
>Okay, a large squee, and you begin to do what you do best.
>And Create you shall, for you will be the architect of the grand temple of you and Anonymous' love.
>Nothing will make is crumble, and it will be beautiful.

>Be Anon.
>After a day with Pinkie, you're pretty much exhausted.
>You make your way home as the sun slowly sets, shooting a lovely array of pink and orange across the sky, mixing with the incoming blue and eventual darkness of night.
>Slamming your door, you collapse onto the couch.
>Stairs are an obstacle you don't want to face right now.
>Why your conversation of which chocolate milk was superior led to a race around Ponyville, you honestly don't remember.
>The latic acid setting into your muscles reminds you that it happened, though.
>You set a mental reminder never to race Pinkie.
>A knock on the door makes you groan.
>You're gonna have to answer that, aren't you?
>Another knock states you're correct.
>With a weary sigh, you rise and answer the door.
>... Huh.
>Last time you checked, cannons could not knock on door-
>The canon goes off with a loud boom, a white canonball flying directly into your stomach, bringing you to the floor.
>The canonball then proceeds to pin your down with it's hooves.
>The canonball is Rarity.
>"Hello, my prince~"
>She wears what appears to be a very poofy wedding gown, covered in a multitude of different colored fabrics.
>Some ballons are also tied to strings at her midsection.
"M-my prince?"
>The look of a predator smiles down at you.
>You are the prey.
>Wait, you're much stronger than this little pony.
>You begin to fight your restraints
>Annnddd magic.
>Rarity begins slowly moving about your foyer, swaying her hips as she does so.
>Y-you're not looking.
>"You know Anonymous, you always dress so gentlemanly, you're polite, chivalrous, et cetera, et cetera."
>Her eyes meet yours.
>"I always thought we were destined to be together."
>Rarity begins advancing on you.
>"However... It seems you didn't know had feeling for me."
>With a magnificent jump, Rarity leaps out from her dress and land atop you once more.
>Magic begins to manifest on the buttons of your shirt.
>And on the fly of your pants.
>"So, here I am, to make you see the error of your ways."
>The unbuttoning of your shirt seems to make Rarity impatient, and she rips it open with her teeth.
>"A couple hours ago, I would have said that this type of play was uncouth."
>"A friend taught me otherwise."
>She begins to lightly pepper your exposed torso with kisses.
>Oh Anon, how ever will you get out of this one?

>The clock strikes midnight, and your tail wiggles.
>Followed by an eye twitch, hoof itch, stomach grumble, and teeth chatter.
>You are Pinkie Pie.
>And your Pinkie sense is telling you Anon is in trouble.
>You are Anon.
>Rarity has begun to caress and lovingly lick at your nipples.
>Your pants are also off.
>This situation is very odd.
>"You know, I always thought that we'd make love on a balcony overlooking a beach with pristine white sand, but this is nice too, isn't it honey~?"
>Your mouth has also been magicked shut.
>"Oh nevermind that, the idea was farfetched anyways. How would rosepedals fall upon us at the beach anyways? Silly thought."
>What is this girl talking about.
>"As much as the foreplay is described in my romance books, I feel a yearning for something more... thick~"
>Muffled throat noises are all you can manage.
>"You have saved yourself for me, right my love?"
>The magic around your lips deteriorates.
"Uh, nope. I've banged a whole lot of girls. Tons of women- er, mares. Stallions too."
>Rarity makes a look of mock shock.
>"Oh dear, there's no need to lie, we'll learn and explore each other's bodies together."
>Rarity turns around and presents you with her horse vagina.
>She sits on your face without so much as a warning.
>"Oh~! Being unladylike is exhilerating! I can see why Applejack a-acts like this all the t-time!"
>Normally you'd probably be into stuff like this, but it feels wrong.
>Like, an anvil fell onto your pelvis or something.
>Rarity's vagoo leaves your face as she falls over with a flop.
>A comically large bump begins growing from her head.
>An avil rests on your pelvis.
>You pass out.

>You are Pinkie Pie.
>You're plan didn't work that well.
>You leave the scene with your party cannon.
>Flee to Griffonia with Gummy.
>Never return.
>Rarity and Anon eventually recovered from their injures, got married, and had a ton of centaur children, because satyrs are dumb.
>The end
The end.
And as for you...
Lewd as heck dude.
But sure.
Yeah, that's where I got that from.
I personally don't agree with the headcannon that Rarity is a whore, I think her saving herself for her "prince" makes much more sense.
Kuja gonna fuck yo life.
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Goodnight everyone.
Sweet dreams.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
My pony virginity I pray to keep,
If I get raped before I wake,
I'll fuck that pony with a rake.
And so, every morning another mare arrives at the local hospital with a rake-ponut related accident
Welcome to Rakeman Enterprises.
We sell rakes.
Only rakes.
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>You wonder into Fluttershy's house
>Fluttershy's various fetish attempts have finally gotten to you
>In this you havent been able to wank off without thinking of her
>Thinking of her only in the slightest, as she's come close to your fetish in many a guess
>Finally making it to her room you loom over her
>She rests in her bed sleeping
>You grab a handful of her long lush mane and take a gentle whiff
>It smells kind, like her
>Your erection grows, and now with her hair in hand you start furiously masturbating
>Pic https://derpibooru.org/1175600?scope=scpe8c04e2c1c254a91b34399596df943e84c9ae9ac3
>After a moment of motion, Fluttershy is miffed and she wakes
>She gasps at sight of your cock in her face
>You know her desire to taste you
>You might even let her have it one day
>But not now, that would ruin your moment
>Your fetish
>With your free hand you bring out your pendulum
>Waving it in front of her eyes, moaning words through you words you put her into a trance
>Pic https://derpibooru.org/1175599?scope=scpe8c04e2c1c254a91b34399596df943e84c9ae9ac3
>Having her gaze into the eye of your cock awaiting its climax
>Coming close now you lean in, pressing the head of your penis to her lips
>Fluttershy parts her plush sumptuous lips for you to enter
>Only pressing the tip, you cum in her mouth
>She swallows without hesitation
>Leaving no mess
>Satisfaction reached, and that trance still in effect you put her back to sleep with no recollection of this night

Pics are too lewd to post.Gonna do a little bit more.
Well sir, I can't refute that argument
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>Be Anon
>Next morning in Equestria
>You've done your routine and are eating cereal now
>You are also at your couch looking at the newspaper for job openings
>Being the only human makes keeping a job hard you should start a worker's unionyou're a minority now
>As you read and munch, your expected visitor arrives.
>Three knocks and then she enters
>"H-hey Anon, I s-saw you through the window, s-so i decided to c-come right in."
>You expect this kind of shit out of her
>And in expecting it, you dont stop chewing your mouthful of cereal and just keep reading the paper before you
>Fluttershy trots over to you on the couch and sits next you you getting cozy.
>Already prepared for this, you move the extra cup of coffee and cereal bowl over to her
>She is about to graciously thank you for it but stops as she watches you push it over the edge of the table letting it fall to the floor and crash to pieces
>She doesnt say anything
"Clean it up, if you want to stay here a second longer."

Bonus 1/2
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>Without hesitation she rushes to your closet for cleaning supplies
>As of this point you've found a job you can try for today, so now you just watch Fluttershy sop up the coffee and sweep the shattered porcelain.
>Fluttershy finishes the duty and throws away the shards in the kitchen trash bin
>She trots back over to you very nervously
>Whatever stunt she thought she was pulling seem to have been forgotten.
>Now she just looks up to you
>You tap your watch and look to her expectantly
>After taking a minute, she speaks up
>"I-i wanted to t-tell you that i woke up with a funny taste in my mouth... I wasnt sure where it came from, it seemed familiar... like... s-semen... I-i know you dont like when i talk about my.. adventures, b-but its just occurring to me that... i really dont like how it feels in my mouth... so wh-what im trying to get around to is...i-if your fetish is oral sex... i-i'll have to offer something else instead."
>She's blushed, and uses her hair to cover her face
>You want to be angry, but you cant actually help but laugh at her
"I dont have a fetish, Fluttershy. Get out of my house."
>She sighs and leaves.
>Further satisfaction swells inside you
>You can not only get her back with this
>But you can even get some enjoyment out of it
>And the best part is that you wont ever have to find yourself actually
>Fucking Fluttershy

Bonus 2/2
I like your style, but Anon breaking his own shit seems kinda dumb.
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I think I can relate.
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>Fluttershy starts only raping those Anons who get dubs
>How fucked are you?
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I'll be fine; I never get dubs.
Sometimes I want to vocaroo something. Something lewd. Life is hard. But I only sound anything like pony when horny. Fuck.
I've been on /mlp/ for years but never posted in one of these threads. Anyone got the story/stories that started it off? Went to the archive but the oldest threads still in the archive seem to be devoid of content.
Archive mentions "stalkershy.png", anyone have that?
Holy. Shit.
I need to be a strong man and not fap. I NEED TO BE STRONG
I'm equally interested in the story and image.
Ask in the next thread though.
Also, bump limit achieved.
Don't worry good flutterrrapecitizen, I'm working on proof reading through a story as we speak. About half done.
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Not sure I appreciate that sarcasm, so I'll show you! Im just gonna open this story right now and finish it! I'm 600 lines in, I'm sure there's at least another 300 to go!

........ Oh hey, new episode today isn't there.
So I'll assume that nobody is in the process of making a new thread and go ahead and make it.
New thread, Rapee's!

Noone will ever read this post.
Thread posts: 488
Thread images: 174

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