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MLPFEMTORPG -- Money and bitches

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treasure hunt take 2
Flaming 8/6 (8/6)
Pryce 9/5 (9/5)
Novelus 6/6 (6/6)
Observer 7/6 (7/6)
>Golem 5/5 (5/5)
>Nail Beast 4/4 (4/4)
Shei 6/7 (6/7)
>Pheo 4/4 (4/4)
Flow 10/5 (10/5)
Amy 7/5 (7/6)

Last time on HQ...


The tomb was guarded by two members of the Sons of God - the larger alicorn was the armor of Lady Hardspine, while the smaller was not identified. After a rough fight, Shei was left near-death, but Hardspine hesitated, waving her weapon at the party as if to shoo them away. The party retreated, apart from Pryce and Flaming, who remained behind.

Aboveground, Dania, V&T and Rus Tea brought Wireframe and Blessings back, unharmed, while Observer fought with Tricycle, a part-skeleton horse demon on a magitech tricycle decked out with skeletons tied to spiked wheels. Observer subdued Tricycle, who then prostrated himself and changed his tune completely, going from "I'll eat all of you" to "Thanks for accepting me onto your crew!"

About 45 minutes have passed, and you stand in the barracks. Between Amy, Renee and River, everyone has been healed substantially. Wireframe and Blessings lay with three beds between them, while Onion sits on the middle bed and plays soothing guitar music.

Through the window, you see the demon known as Tricycle pacing around outside in the badlands, next to his bike. Volkama has explained to you what happened - he attacked with a landripper, the same kind that Banana Splitz had in Circadia. The landripper held back while Tricycle had boarded the ship, then Tricycle changed his tune and offered to join you to be spared.

"I trust no demon, let alone one who confesses and repents when faced with overwhelming force. Should we spare and keep this 'Tricycle' demon, iit would only give him ample opportunity to slit our throats in our sleep. Should we cast him aside, he gets away without retribution and is given the opportunity to strike back with greater force," Volkama explains.

"I dislike getting involved in your petty quibbles, but as I've confided, I would like that contraption of his... and now that we're re-united again, if we bum rush him, I've doubt we could crush him before too many of you died," he adds with a smirk.

Flaming and Pryce stand in the hallway beyond Hardspine's chamber. Pryce notices that Flaming has tripped to the stone floor, her back hoof caught on a tile.
Pryce glides through the halls of the ruins past the chamber of the knights, staying behind to explore more put of curiosity after seeing the one's armor fitted for an alicorn frame.

"Hold on, let me get that."
Pryce says forward to Flaming as he comes up behind, horn glowing as he pulls the tiles apart on the ground to free her hoof.

Amy sits like a dutiful guard dog next to Shei. She continues to glance at him with a worried expression. He was very hurt, and she only made it worse.

"I think we should let him stay with us," Amy chimes in. "For a demon, he sounds pretty nice. And, I really want to see if we really CAN make a demon change. He can be a test!"
As Shorthorns lays upon the floor of the hallway, her eyes begin to blink rapidly, her teeth grinding together and her heart racing as Pryce helps to free the hoof.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" She cries out in a brief moment of panic, turning up and looking all around the hallway as she poises her horns in all direction, on edge for half a minute as she re-survey's her surroundings.

"I... I... where's..." she stops and stammers as she moves to lean against the chain linked fence, catching her breath. She looks up at Pryce, ears flat. "Pryce...? Did... did YOU see all that just now?" Her head turns down towards her conch she'd received in Fantasia, having fallen out of her pack and landed on the tile.
Pryce hovers down to the ground as Flaming settles.
"I just came from the last room after making sure that tomb was fine. Why, what you see?"
Flaming rubs her head, trying to shake it as it seems to ache. "Agh... my head hurts..."

She looks down at the conch, leaning down to pick it up with her cloven hooves, "The conch, it called out to me, it took me away from here... did I really just fall over?" She frowns, "It seemed so real."
Shei sits in the barracks having just recovered thanks to Renee. He listens to Volkama explain the recent happenings. "Erm.. I have other business to attend to Volkama. Isn't Observer the one who spared him, I rather not sully our agreements by meddling in his affairs. What Amy says seem like a fair sentiment."

Shei stretches his legs and stands up. "I really should be going. Are you coming Amy?"

Shei-sher is about to leave the barracks and be on his way back to the dungeon.
"Where did you get the conch?"
Pryce asks, looking down at it.
''I whole-heartely agree, Volkama. I cannot trust that demon after attacking our ship when only Observer and Zjetya were here to defend it. I saw we deal with him now, Observer can analyze and get all the knowledge she needs from it and we end it, take its bike, have a coffe break in the afternoon and then we fix the ship and depart. A perfect plan for the day

Amy stands up quickly. "Are you sure you're okay?" she asks with concern. "I kinda want to meet this new friend first."


"You hafta at least give him a chance!" Amy objects. "Are you just gonna kill someone who's not attacking us?"
Flaming sighs. "It's called a Caller Conch, and it was from Mr. Friendly, back in Fantasia after we beat the Master. He said it was from Vir-can, who was trapped in their Colosseum. I've been waiting for it to do anything since we left... it did just now." She shakes her head, groaning, "It was awful. I felt like my head was being blasted in the inside by one of those loud Pony horns, but it worked." She smiles slightly, putting the conch in her pack again and pushing her hooves up on Pryce. "I saw him! Vir-can spoke to me just now, he told me so much,"

The buffalo begins to speak so quickly she can barely seem to breathe, "About the buffalo that destroyed those tapestries, how they're in Zha, how Buiwong is somehow corrupting them, how it ties into what's happening here and Mariposa, and then I was cut off, and..." she stops, pausing to take in a long, deep breathe."
At the far end of the hall is a staircase. Each of the rooms in this hall is a dusty old office, well-kept by skelepony housekeepers. The rooms hold little of note, mainly books and faded paintings of stallions and foals, suggesting the offices were owned by mares with families.

"I find our ship is crowded enough as it is," River protests. "Demons eat and drink only for the taste, so resources aren't an obstacle, but I think we have enough demon horses romping around here," she leers at Volkama.

As Volkama returns River's glare with a condescending smile, Renee raises her hoof. "I'm just here to keep everybody alive, so I'd like to think I'm a good neutral party here -- who shall stay this time and who will go back into the tomb? In either case, whether we kill this..." she groans and chuckles, "idiotically-named demon, or spare him, we really ought to consider who we'll want for our second foray into the tower."

"Ooh! Ooh ooh ooh oh!" Box says, raising his hoof, "I still haven't gotten any treasure yet, I wanna go! I'll cheer you on when your bones are horribly broken so they don't hurt as bad!"

"Well, of course Box is coming with us," Amy says with a giggle. "But, I think Rusty should stay behind to make sure the demon doesn't mess anything up for now. Renee should come with us for healing still since I suck at it," she ends her sentence rather dejectedly.

"Shiny can make his own decision, but I don't want him to get hurt," Autumn adds, rubbing Spitshine's head with her hoof.

She then proceeds to bounce outside and talk to Tricycle.
''Why but you two barely just returned and are already leaving?'' The sheep pats Shei's head
''I'm sorry I was not there to help at the time, but you had Amy with you. thankfully''
''He WAS attacking us. Amy''

"WAS!" Amy shouts back as she leaves the room happily. "You gotta put the past in the past!"
"Yes, I feel fine now. Just a little sore along my back. But it'll be fine. I'm a little curious too about.. er Tricycle."

"Again I don't want to meddle in Observer's affairs. If you do anything, just please omit my name from the discussion."
"To be forthright I'm glad you weren't. It was quite an embarassment."

"Okay. Box then will be joining us. Renee would you please? We could certainly use a healer after I demonstrated how dangerous these places can be. I promise not to be so hasty the next time we find an old mare's grave."
''Well... Wireframe is safe, maybe I'll be needed there
''Demons do not, you know...''
''Very well then...''
''Tehehe...Well now I truly wish that I was there now...''

"Oh yeah! Where IS Wirey?" Amy asks, concern growing in her voice. "How is she?"
As she chats with Pryce, she looks back around the old, timeless offices, then pulls on Pryce's wing to move on towards the hall where Hardspine and her lady in waiting were guarding their tomb. "Let's go back, Pryce, I don't think there's much more to see here and we shouldn't go farther without a bigger band of fighters. The others are headed up."
Name fix
"Come back safe, ball of puff!" Rus says with a nod.

"Thanks," Wireframe wheezes. You hear River muttering bitterly as she watches Amy and Shei head out.

Rus nods, dabbing at the drool leaking from Wireframe's jagged cheeks with a rag. "I shall not disappoint, small horse."

As you reach where Tricycle paces in the badlands, he wheels around with a groan. "Hey! Urgh... I need more time to decide! Don't break my concentration. Joining you would put me on the track to surpassing the Accuser, but there's my previous contract... and I HATE NOT BEING IN CHARGE! GAH!" he stomps his hoof. "I need more time to grind my thinkin' gears!"

"I get dibs on the coolest armor you guys find. I'll probably steal it first anyway," Spitshine jokes as he sits tight on Box's head.

Renee grunts, re-tightening the wrap around Wireframe's head which keeps her jaw in place. She then follows you out, giving you a stern look.

As you return to the chamber, you see Hardspine sitting on the tomb. Where there was once empty space visible in the broken chunks of her armor, now you see rapidly-growing vines ushering forth from within, grotesquely forming the shape of an alicorn, who is now about three times the size of an adult one. She holds a whetstone and a long chunk of the skeletal tail of the dragon that lay in the chamber. She grinds the tail-bone into something resembling both a spear and a flail.

Meanwhile, you see the smaller knight sitting nearby, wearing the matrimonial coronet. Around her shoulders is draped a shawl made of bear fur, complete with a hollowed bear-head helmet. The outfit is much too large for the small knight, resting awkwardly on her, as though fitted for a stallion to wear.

"Well, can I at least introduce myself?" Amy asks with a congenial smile.

"My name is Amy Thest," she goes on without waiting for an answer. "I have a demon inside of me! Or... something..." she trails off awkwardly. "I just... wanted to make you feel like you had something on common with someone..." she says, still very awkwardly/shyly.

"Your name is Bicycle, right?" she says, shaking off the awkward (literally, shaking her head vigorously. "Who's this Accuser guy?"
''Rus Tea and River are taking care of her right now. No need to worry, she is in very good hands''
Chuckling, he waves at them ''Aw, you do care about me!''
With that, sheep out
Flaming, with a hoof still occasionally rubbing the back of her head, turns and looks to Hardspine as she prepares her weapon. Part of her realizes that, if these spirits could have talked, they likely would have by this point, but still feels the point to compliment the handiwork of a warrior.

"That looks very sharp. I'm sure it'll do you well in battle." She turns to look at Ameixa as she wears the outfit she had donned earlier, chuckling. "That looks much better on you than it did on me... though the rest of the outfit is pretty silly. It's too big." She looks up at Hardspine again, lowering her head.

"I... I don't know how much you know outside of this tower, Lady Hardspine, but, I was just talking with someone and am trying to piece a few things together. Does the name Buiwong mean anything to you?"
Shei-sher follows Amy out with Renee and Box in tow. Shei wears a nervous smile as Renee begrudgingly joins the party.

Outside Shei-sher, with a bemused expression, watches Tricycle run his cycle in circles. He takes out Pupil to ask what in Fantasia is that thing.
[1d10+1] Appraise

"I think he is referring to a rank. Not an actual person. Demons adhere to a hierarchy of power, The Accurser being the bottom most rung.

"So he's not even at the bottom?" Amy asks, stifling her own laughter.
Shei chuckles at the mention "Now that I think of it, Tricycle is a fitting name for our new friend."

"Oh, it's Tricycle?" Amy laughs. "I thought it was Bicycle. Well, maybe once he joins us, he can get promoted!"
Tricycle groans and rolls his skull, as he has no eyes to roll.
"It's TRIcycle, er-- gah! No, it's neither of those! That's a stupid nickname they put on me to keep my cool down! I'm making my own name goddamnit, no matter how many villages I gotta run down to do it!"

His interest peaks. "The Accuser... the strongest demon in all the lands! Every PROPER demon's dream is to crush him beneath their hoof and take his place! I guess that's your goal too, huh? Well, you should know I heard that he's in Tartarus... and that he's a she! But it's just a rumor."

The only response is the steady grinding of the stone against the tailbone-flail. Neither knight even looks up at you.

>Handicap (Doesn't know his own name, "Tricycle" is a moniker applied by other demons)
>Rank: Fiend
>30/60 HP
>An easily-spooked coward who has torn through the Southern Basins for fame and profit. Terrified of death, he seeks to strike a name for himself that will live in infamy. Incurable head trauma suffered as a mortal has caused him to forget his real name.

Renee, Box and Spitshine flank you as you head in. The layout has not changed, and you find yourself familiarly in the storage room. There are a new set of skeleton guards in the rooms and halls, but they do not attack you, instead standing at attention. As you make your way down the stairs, down the chasm with the miners, and through the prison, you are not attacked or acknowledged by the creatures there, including the Hoarder, who curls up in the corner of its prison.

Finally, you reach the end of the long hall, and stand at the door leading to Hardspine's chamber. There, you see Flaming attempting to speak to Hardspine, who sits on the tomb she was guarding, fashioning a spear-flail hybrid out of a piece of a dragon's tail-bone.

"Well, I think you'd make a great new friend, Mike," Amy says as she grabs the demon to hug him.

[1d10] for friendship bonding!
"That's a lot to hear in such a small time. ...I don't much much about how Vir-can acts, but I'd be cautious of any calls from the divine. From personal experience, there's usually more than they let on."
Pryce says a little sternly, but seeing Flaming's near hyperventilation, he softens his tone and puts a hoof on her shoulder to help console her.
"He must trust you greatly to speak with you through that, I'm sure things will be fine."

Pryce looks down the hall, turning away from the tugs to head to the staircase.
"I just want to take a short look. That one knight back there was an alicorn, and things look less ruined the deeper we've gone. It'll be fine as long as we don't touch anything."
''Ah, Flaming there you are. Wireframe is safe now back at the ship, thankfully she will be fine...uh, where is pryce...''
He leans closerto whisper ''Also who is that with the strange spear''
"Oooh I made an error, I was thinking of the hierarchy backwards. The Accuser is the highest rank, Wraiths are the lowest. Or hrm.. but then again Demons are spoken of with a rhetoric that reverses that high/low dichotomy, so the lowest is the pinaccle of esteem but th-" Shei begins murmuring to himself before saying "Bah! to dust with the semantics. It does not matter."

"umm.. Thats all good and gaff TRI-cycle. Would you care to join us. We're about to explore a dungeon."
She shakes her head, letting Pryce's hoof rest on her shoulder to calm the young calf. "No, it's different with Vir-can, he's not like angels. He's a strong, he's honorable, I know anything he would risk to tell me in his imprisonment is worth listening." As he complements her, she flattens her ears.

"W-well... he didn't seem all that impressed with me. I didn't act very strong once I was in front of him."

She looks up, poking on Pryce's chest, "But he was trying to tell me something important about the youth of the buffalo! We were talking about how Buiwong was weaponizing children somehow, and how Mariposa would suffer the same fate and... and then we got cut off, some young voice in a bright light turned him off. He was warning me of something but, I just can't piece together what he meant yet."

As both knights leave her comments to be, Shorthorns sighs and lowers her head. "I figured as much... until later, then."

When she sees Dania coming up from the entrance, she smiles with glee, looking to Pryce, "One moment, Pryce, I'll be right with you, Dania came back!"

>Will be following Pryce this round

She turns to Dania, sighing, "Phew, thanks, Dania. Both her and Blessings did not look like they were doing well, they needed the rest. Pryce is just up ahead... did you see Shei on the way up? Is he okay?" you notice she's given up the wedding gear you gave her before, now on the small knight in the middle of the room.

She looks up at Hardspine, "That is Lady Hardspine... a noble hero who's spirit is trapped in this place. SOMEPONY had to go and disturb her tomb, and she did not like that... but, she's settled down now." She blushes, "She... was the owner of that wedding stuff we found. I kind of had to give it back. Sorry... I don't think Shei liked the joke very much."
"What kinda punk-ass name for a demon is 'Mike'!?" he protests, wiggling out of your hug after a few uncomfortable seconds. "Look, I still have to think about my contract with Banana Splitz, he won me fair and square, and even a demon's still good on his contracts! Go kill something while I think about it more, damn it! My mind is fancier than the highest magitech, so it's gotta... it's gotta grind in peace! Or something. Shit! I hate standin' around..."

He turns away in frustration.

The staircase is surprisingly tall, and grows darker as you head up with only your flame. At the top of the stairs you reach the remains of a large study, or perhaps a library. Less well-kept and more ruined than the lower floor, many bookcases are crumbling and shattered, with the books gathered in small piles around them. You cannot tell how large the room is, but you hear faint warning growls of monsters in the darkness.

As Hardspine continues to whittle at the dragon tailbone, a black carapace-like crust begins to harden over the breaks in her armor, concealing the growth of the vines inside. It makes a sickening crackling sound as she methodically grinds the tail-tip into a vicious point.
Shei looks on vexed by amy hugging a Demon. "uggh.. she's hugging again." He says to himself.

"Whatever you say, Pike," Amy says as she lets him go. But, then her mind processes all the information. It takes a while, but she gets there.

"Wait," she says at last. "Banana Splitz? You don't wanna get involved with him. He's bad news. And, I don't mean that in a good for a demon kind of bad news way. I mean, he's a big meany jerk who will find a way to cheat you. He'd definitely cheat a demon if you let him find a way. Heck, the last time I saw him, he was trapping demons in mortals or something. He'd probably try to do the same to you. You'd be much safer with us."

She pauses for a while longer. "But, I get not wanting to go back on your word. That's a big no no for me too. But... I mean, if the other pony is a cheater, then you're not the one at fault. I'll give you more time."

Amy turns to let Pike think about it more, heading to the dungeon.


Amy giggles with her typical 'hmhmhmhm' giggle. "You're so cute when you think too hard," she says, giving Shei a hug.


However, she quickly lets him go. "Wait, what's wrong with me hugging Pike!?" she asks in an offended squeak.
Before leaving up towards to follow Pryce, she turns to give Hardspine another long stare as she sharpens her weapon, a little disturbed at the growth going over her armor to fill the cracks and hide the vines.

She looks to Renee and Spitshine, pointing up towards the next room, "Pryce is on up ahead, follow me, quickly!" She shouts at the goo pony, before stopping to ask, "Shei is alright, right....?"

Heading up into the stairwell, she runs up fast to catch up with Pryce, not wanting to be alone in the dark without the fire lit from his magic. She sticks close to the group, legs on constant alert to jump or dive should yet another skeleton guard attack them, but is relieved when they manage to reach the top of the stairs with no incident.

She looks around the library, groaning. "Oh. Books. Shei would love it here..." as she begins sniffing around the dusty old place, taking in an inhale of dust and sneezing over some of the ancient tomes.

"ACCHOO!! *sniff* some of those maids should come up HERE instead, this place isn't very clean." As creatures sound out from beyond the safe glow of Pryce's light, Shorthorn's instincts take over, charging over to the side of the alicorn. "Everyone, stay close! We're not alone in here..."

[1d10] Perception, trying to sniff out the enemy.
"Children?! I wish I could have stopped him back then... Don't worry, he won't get away with any of that for long."

Pryce glides up with his flying horseshoes to keep silent on the ascend, holding near the door as he enters the library.
"Amazing, the deeper we go the sadder it is that its all in ruin. Maybe some of these books are still decent."

As growls come forth, Pryce's horn glows defensively, not wanting to be caught of guard. His magic attempts to form in simple orbs hovering around him, not wanting to strain his magic. And flame-less, to not turn this into an inferno.
>Homing Magic [1d10-1]
Shei-sher is enraptured with TRI-cycle's histrionics. "Ah, well we wouldn't want to keep you then Mr. TRIcycle. I wish you an enlightening ride while you ponder keeping a promise to an amateur brigand with a den of drug fiends. Contracts are very important, though even his bastard foal had enough gumption to leave him. I'm sure you'll make a wise decision toodle loo."
Shei says before leaving toward the dungeon.
Shei-sher's amused attitude with Tricycle comes back to being irked "Nothing. You gave me a hug, then Tricycle was served seconds. It doesn't bother me at all if your hugs are just another helping for anyone with an appetite."
As you head back into the dungeon, you find the old route you took to Hardspine's chamber now guarded by a fresh set of skelepony guards. Yet when they see you, they do not attack, but stand at attention as you pass. Down the stairs, down into the chasm, through the prison and up to the final hallway, you are not attacked by anything, even the Hoarder who waits in the corner.

Soon, you reach the door to Hardspine's chamber; there you see Dania, Renee, Box and Spitshine. Hardspine sits on the tomb, sharpening the bones of a dragon's tail into what looks like a flail/spear. The smaller knight sits nearby, wearing the headdress that Flaming found, as well as an ill-fitting shawl made from the hide of a bear, complete with a helmet made from its skull. The openings in Hardspine's armor are now caked over with a disgusting black carapace.

Flaming sniffs out at least five distinct scents of monsters, amid their growls and the faint dripping of saliva, or blood.

Pryce fails to gather any orbs.

You remain in the barracks with Onion, River Spring, Volkama, Wireframe and Blessings. "I could not help but lip-read a snippet or two about a bounty? Those naive children think they can trust a Fiend to honor any sort of loyalty or friendliness to them. But I think you and I know there is room for but one demon-horse around here."

"Amy?" River quips.

"Me!" snaps.

"Sup?" Amy asks everyone as she approaches them happily.
"Oh good we caught up to you. You got here without trouble I presume?"

Shei-sher enters the room greeting Dania and the rest. He takes extra care to behave respectfully around the skeletons and sons of God. Shei-sher stands before Hardspine and bows his head "Thank you for sparing me."

"We should find Flaming and Shorthorns. They might need us." Shei-Sher continues onto the next room.
"I think I understood PART of what Vir-can was trying to tell me, those buffalo that Ichimonji told me about, the ones that ruined our tapestries for a stupid tent? Buiwong made them do it, corrupted them. Not sure why, but, that's what I've gathered. They're in Zha, I hope we can catch them before it's too late. What I can't figure out is how that relates to Mariposa..."

As Pryce readies his flames, Shorthorns growls and stops sniffing. "Five... around us. They'e drooling, and they smell of blood. Which means, unlike the skeletons, they're living. Watch my back..."

Tired of showing weakness, Shorthorns keeps her stance ready nonetheless but eyes the exit. "Pryce, we're outnumbered. By a lot. I say we back slowly for the exit, come back when we outnumber them."
"Grh, come on."
Pryce grumbles at his failed spell. Looking back out towards the growls, Pryce holds his javelin-arrow at the ready.

"Didn't the attack on Zha come from Mariposa? That's a link there, but I'm not sure if that's what he would be talking about."

Pryce stands by Flaming as she mentions the scent and drool of the unknown creatures.
"If we back into the staircase, they won't be able to surround us. But maybe, I have an idea..."

Pryce pulls off his bracelet, and hovers up a bit into the air. Holding it in his telekinesis and levitating it out a bit away from them, he attempts to conjure up some meat for these creatures to feast on.
>Hat Magic [Assorted meat] [1d10-1]
Flow just finishes sharpening his claymore when Volkama speaks to him. He picks up Schlangenschwert and begins sharpening its blade as well.

"If you want in on the bounty, just ask. And don't mention it to the Ecclesians on-board. I'd rather not start accumulating another price on my head. Core. Whatever."
He looks at the others.
"Who else knows? Anyone else want a piece of the prize?"
Then back at Volkama.
"I take it you had a plan to take care of our target?"

Vice starts rummaging through Flow's bounties.
>"Let's see here...it was the one with that weird contraption, right?"

Amy cracks a little smile. "Are you jealous?"

"Shei..." she pauses, not sure what to say. "I can't not hug ponies. It's just a part of me. And, no, there's NOTHING wrong with that!" Amy adds quickly and indignantly.

She gives Shei a kind smile. "But, there's something that I won't give anyone but you..."

She kisses Shei on the cheek. She pulls away quickly afterwards, blushing. "Was... was that good?" she asks awkwardly, looking around in every direction.
''Yes I did see Shei and he was quite fine, Renne was there for him. There was also a small affair with a minor demon but that is dealt with now''

He follows her gaze, staring at Hardspine with curiosity ''That 'somepony' was either Shei or Amy I'll assume...''
He chuckles ''Oh its fine, it was just a silly prank...did you get a good reaction of ofhim though? Eehehe''
His curiosity turns into worry as he walks away with the others, glancing back at Hardspine ''Huh...''
''Yes, nothing attacked us this time...I wonder why...So, have you dealt withthe motorcycle demon?''

"I didn't do anything!" Amy shouts indignantly from across the room where she is with Shei!
Shei blushes too "Amy!" He yelps and then with a hushed, impertinent tone "We have company."

>"Was... was that good?"
"..y-yes.. but I still don't like you hugging."
Renee doesn't return your greeting, shuffling her front hooves worriedly as she eyes the distance from Hardspine to the exit. Box bounces up and down in small hops, clearly excited as he faces the chest. Spitshine waits on top, rubbing his hooves as he watches the tomb as well.

You retrieve one tiny scrap of meat.

"A seventy-thirty split, I naturally receiving the seventy, shall suffice. For me, I can concoct a bubble which will prevent his escape. I shall have to concentrate on that, but I can provide a bubble for one other as extra protection during the fight."

"I'll help," River suddenly says. "Those other bastards won't give me even a look or the time of day, except when they want me to heal them, and then they run off to go be idiots elsewhere. I'm sick of being their bitch, I want to actually do something!"

Onion nods at you. "Say the word, colt, I'll be there."

Vice retrieves the bounty, but it does not have the demon's name on it, but the silhouette is definitely his.

>Inspire critically succeeds, will activate on the first turn of the fight.

Hardspine sets down the whittling stone and slams the tip on the ground next to her which shakes the room. She stands to her full height, no longer limping or slouching as earlier. The smaller knight stands next to her, looking quite tiny next to Hardspine. The smaller knight adjusts the oversized bear coat and straightens the matrimonial coronet on her head, drawing her chime from her shield.

The two stare ahead at you, expectantly.

"Goddamnit, where the fuck does everyone keep going? You people are like a herd of archcats and twice as hard to keep track of!" Spitshine gripes.

You head through a hallway up two sets of stairs, and reach where Pryce and Flaming stand in a very dark room, which looks like a library, but it is so dark you can see nothing of it. The warning growls of several monsters warn you that it is very densely populated.
Pryce sighs at the minimal magic,but still glad it worked even slightly. With the meat held in his magic, he tosses it out towards the growls.
"Maybe they're just hungry. If we feed them, they might not attack."
Thinking a moment, he tries to conjure up some more.
"Might need a bit more, just to be safe."
>Hat Magic [More Meat] [1d10-1]
>taking place earlier before leaving up to follow Pryce up
"Phew.... that's good. He was looking REALLY bad when he left, I was sc...uh, wondering, about him. He WAS the one who sort of busted open the tomb, so, I guess he is sort of to blame, but still..."

Her eyes pop wide open, "Wait, a demon was up there?! Was it defeated swiftly, it didn't damage anything did it?"

"I think what made the cloud and the angels attack Zha Arlakane is different, but there's a connection here, for certain."

As he mentions the staircase, she flattens her ears, and grins, "That might work... numbers don't mean as much if they can't get at us from every angle, and if they're big they might not even fit more than one at a time! Let's go for it..."

She watches as he pulls out the one tiny scrap of meat, wincing as she looks at its puniness. "I... don't think that'll be enough for all of them, but that just means they might fight are the harder for it." She notices the petrification still affecting the alicorn, wincing in shock as she whispers shouts, "Pryce, part of you is still turned to stone! We should fix that before we start anything else, don't you think? Quick, to the stairwell, toss them the meat."

[1d10] Backpedaling to the stairwell, facing front and trying not to agitate them as she makes a slight retreat.
Shei-Sher sneaks up behind Flaming Shorthorns and utters "Boo" in her ear
oh wait rolling to scare [1d10]
''I HIGHLY DOUBT THAT, AMY!'' he shouts back
''Oh dear...'' he starts to slowly back away
''that Shei...He never changes''

''It...Damaged the ship quite a bit, but I am certain Observer will fix it with no problem and with our assistance. It has been subdued however.''

"Well then later, in private, we can practice more on the lips to get your mind off it," Amy whispers in Shei's ear in a manner she hopes is seductive. She can't help but release a giggle fit afterwards.


"What... does it want from us?" Amy asks, staring back at Hardspine.

"Hi!" Amy suddenly bursts out loudly, breaking the silence, waving energetically at Hardspine.

[1d10] for waving!
"I just wonder what it could be. All we'e seen here is the dead."

"I'm what?"
Pryce questions, looking over him until he sees his affected leg.
"I didn't even notice... Using these shoes to move after getting rolled over by the log, never felt it hinder me. ...Maybe I should fix that if there's another low tunnel we have to pass through."
Pryce's horn glows white as he tries to cure away the growing stone on his leg.
>Mantra of Purity [1d10-1]
At the sudden sound of a goat whispering in her ear, Shorthorns' fur stands on end, her haunches ride up, and in a scattered scream unbefitting of a warrior her status she closes her eyes and wails, "AIEEEEE!" At the sudden scare in such a tense moment.

Her rear legs pull up quickly and buck hard behind her into the new threat coming at her from behind. "MOOO!"

"But, I didn't!" Amy whines. "It was all Shei!"

She points at Shei like a child passing the blame.
Flow starts sharpening the Kukuru Claws.
"No can do, Mr. Volkama. Even split for everyone involved," he stows away his claws and sharpens his daggers, "I'll be willing to give you a slightly larger portion, but nothing outrageous as that. Everyone else, I hope you're all ready for a fight."
He spawns Trapper, who gets to work preparing the weapons.

Vice looks for a price on the demon's head.
"Hm.. o-o-okay." Shei walks along to the next room with stiffened movement. Almost like he's waddling again.

"I heard you devising a plan with Pryce I think it's a fine idea" He says to Flaming

Shei stays behind them at the stairs. He tasks Pheo to release a flare of light into the room for them to see the fiends hiding in the shadows.
>Blinding Flare

Meanwhile Shei-sher gets to fixing Pryce's petrified legs [is that right? his legs]

Shei quickly takes out a flask and some tools from his bag to get to work on depetrifying.
''Fine fine, Flaming told me it was him...But it doesn't mean you haven't done the same!''
Pryce hovers up out of reach as Shei starts pulling out tools behind him.
"What are you doing back there?"
He says, accusingly.

Amy giggles with a combination of excitement and amusement as Shei walks away.
The smaller knight shudders and leans forward, coughing and touching its throat. "What band of senseless idiots stumbles upon our home..." she mutters. You can barely understand her through a thick, ancient accent.

"Children... do demons run about, unchecked in your time? Or have we been awakened in a time of peace? Has Tartarus' seal been destroyed, or do the demons fall from the sky, as they did in the infancy of our organization?" she asks. "And why do so many idiots run about in our home?"

Pryce and Shei finally remove his petrification as he gains one more piece of meat.

Shei feels two front teeth wriggle as Flaming kicks the shit out of him. He loses 3 hits.

"No, wait, you fools!" an elderly voice shouts.

As Pheo lets out a blinding flare, the room lights up. In the center of the enormous room, amidst a pile of broken bookshelves, rests a black mass like a burnt puddle. Several corpses wearing Ecclesian clothes rest at its base. From the puddle stretches five long necks, each culminating in a head like a mixture between wolf and crocodile, each with several sets of golden eyes.

In the background, you see a figure that Pryce recognizes as Sir Holy Hours of the Accorsian church. He wears a purple septagram necklace and has a silver case around his front arm. "YOU BLOODY IDIOTS! I almost had it..." he swears as he jumps backward.

Growling and shrieking in the sudden light, the heads extend toward you.

[1d10+1] [1d10+1] [1d10+1] Pheo
[1d10+1] [1d10+1] Pryce.

Trapper flourishes Blessings' sword-handle, producing a silver blue blade.
>Effect: Cannot use weapon skills, but receives +2 bonus against demons

The price reads 1,000 but does not mention a currency. "Ee can have a slice of mine," Onion offers as he gets up.

Onion, River and Volkama follow you out into the badlands. You see Tricycle a distance ahead, standing at his bike in thought. He does not notice you yet.

"On your mark, sir," Volkama says, grinning as his horn begins to glow.
Shei-Sher reels back and holds his while whining in pain "HNNNNN!" He tries not yell. You can see his eyes welling up. "Whyyyy.."
File: why.jpg (12KB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
12KB, 480x360px
forgot pic

"Yeah, sorry, I'm pretty stupid," Amy laughs, scratching the back of her head. "But I haven't died yet!" she says proudly. "And that's saying something, because there's a lot of demons out there. Like a loooooooot of demons," she laughs.

"The demons are coming form the sky. It kinda opened. Something about some bad guy named Buiwong. I think Tartarus is still closed though. That's good, right?" she asks hopefully.
"Curing your petrification. A thanks would be nice."
''Well now, calling us idiots is not very polite... But sadly, this time is not one of peace. There are still demons plagging the world. and the reason why us 'idiots' are here, is that we are adventurers, exploring this ancient place...I...Apologize in behalf of everyone here if we disturbed something, Lady Hardspine''
As Flaming bucks the hell out of Shei, she gasps as she hears his voice and turns around, eyes bloodshot and heart thumping. "SHEI! W-what are you doing?! You scared the blazes out of me, what were you thinking?! This is NO place to be scaring me!" She cries in a huff.

As light suddenly fills the room courtesy of Pheo's light, Flaming gasps at the sight of the five, monstrous necks swinging down to attack them. She looks between each of the five monstrous heads in turn, then to the pony having hidden in the darkness. "What?! Who are you, what are you doing here?"

As the heads begin swinging down, Shorthorns picks up her pace, aiming for the head that successfully attacks Pheo, jumping up to head-but it. "We-we need help, it's too big! Somepony needs to go grab the others, and fast! PHEO, can you fly quickly enough?!" She asks the phoenix.

[1d10+5] Applying Charge to first attack against the head that rolled a 9 to Pheo
Flow brandishes Schlangenschwert and hoists it on his shoulder.
"No need for banter. Just a quick and easy kill, got it?" the goo instructs the others, looking primarily at Volkama.

As his little hunting band approaches, Flow nods to Volkama and Vice.
Vice nocks a Frostbullet Arrow, and looses it at Tricycle's bike.

He then motions for Trapper to rush forwards with the sword Blessings gave him.

And he focuses on himself and River.
>I Dream of Strength: Flow
>Vision of Grandeur
*Forgot to specify, All or Nothing as the attack
Pryce takes a reflexive hover-step back at seeing the scene revealing, looking on to the figure standing behind the creature.
"Hours? What's going on here?"
Pryce questions quickly, with some shock in his voice at the sight of the corpses before the beast as well.

As two heads rocket towards him, Pryce tightens his grip on his javelin-lance and throws it forward at them, hoping to spear one and knock it off course.
>Javelin Toss [1d10]
Followed by a flash of fire behind him as he tries to form a sword quickly for defense after tossing his only weapon.
>Conjure Weapon [Sword] [Great, Single] [1d10+1]
>Before the attack
"I had it taken care of myself."
Pryce spits (not literally) back.
The two knights recoil as though punched in the stomach. "An unfamiliar name, but a scenario too familiar."

She turns toward Amy in particular. "You, who reek of the scent of demons, are infected with a demonic fusion, such as us are. What cruel joke of God is it to bring imps such as you and the goat as our successors?" she pauses, lowering her head.

"Answer me this: is it your wish to war with demons, to cast them from our homes and country one by one, to live each day in a thankless task of reclaiming our world, as we once did?" she asks.

You jam your javelin into the neck and conjure a sword, but the beast snares you in its jaws, crushing you and slamming you against the ground, before spitting you out.
>Pryce 0/4

It comes in for a second bite. [1d10+1]

You bash back one of the heads. Two rush at you in return. [1d10+1] [1d10+1]


The arrow lodges itself and explodes in the engine, sending it toppling and rippling with electricity. An instant later, a square bubble forms around the bike. "WHAT THE--" Tricycle stammers, then whips around. He kicks Trapper as he rushes forward, knocking the goo back. Trapper nearly dissolves, but River quickly heals him.
>Trapper 5/1

You buff yourself.

Onion begins a riff. [1d10+2]
Volkama's horn glows. [1d10+2]

Tricycle growls and shoulder-charges the bubble. [1d10+3]
Shei-sher grimaces

"Ba-a-ah! Whatever! I forgive you! Theres no time" He says all so quick.

"Holy Hours! What brings you to this wretched crevice in Fantasia."

Shei's eyes dart about the room for something they could use toward their advantage.
Shei-sher runs into the room to get a better look at things and see if its a puddle of water the monster is arising from [1d10+1]

He carries Pupil to analyze the beast
[1d10+1] Appraise

Pheo tilts its head at Flaming quizzically and then pecks swiftly and repeatedly along her cranium before flying down the stairwell to gather the rest of the party.
''Erm...I am a sheep, not a goat, I know both are similar but come on now...''
Pryce has momentary joy at his magic pulling through, but is quickly cut out as he's crushed and slammed into the ground.
He groans as he tries to stand up to defend himself from the second strike.
>Recover [1d10]
Flow charges right after Tricycle and slashes at his hind legs with Schlangenschwert.
He also tries focusing on himself and Volkama.
>Vision of Grandeur

Vice nocks another bullet arrow and looses it at Tricycle.

Trapper, now mad that he nearly got killed so easily, goes in for another attack as he clenches his teeth, getting madder since he can't say mean words.
She growls angrily as she charges her head, glaring at him. "And here I was WORRIED SICK about you, you jerk! I should be the one forgiving you! Which I don't!""

She watches Pheo start to fly off, she shouts, "Good phoenix, thank you!"

As Pryce struggles to stand, she gasps, worried for the warrior as the other head looms in. "Pryce, move! You have to get up!" She shines with a bright light, casting over their leader. As she does, she maneuvers away from the heads, jumping and bobbing to avoid their chomps.

>Prayer of Salvation, Automatic to Pryce
>"Holy Hours! What brings you to this wretched crevice in Fantasia."
change fantasia to Huoli
since my phoenix is down rolling to get up, and am keeping the same action for shei

[1d10] to get up
Flaming growls, stomping a hoof, "Who is this pony and how do you two know him?!"
"He's from the church... Before, he sent us out on the mission that brought us all together..."
Pryce slowly responds.

"I think they're referring to Shei. But... I don't know why him specifically."


Amy frowns. "I don't want to war with anyone. I just want peace. But, if someone tries hurt someone I care about, I'll tear them apart. And, I care about a lot of folk."

"But..." Amy looks down, almost sadly. "I don't hate the demons. I... pity them. They all just seem so... sad. So lonely. So full of hate and greed and desire."

Amy sits down and weeps softly, tears rolling down her face. "I know what that's like. It's... terrible. I've never been happier since I've stopped living that way. It's... not like anything I could have imagined in my old life. There's such an emptiness in the demons. It's pathetic. It's sad. I can see it in their faces - in the way they act. I felt it once too."

Amy looks up at Hardspine through her tears. "Everyone keeps asking me to hate and kill demons like it's so easy and simple. How can I do that!? How can I hate something so sad? I just want to help them. I want them to be more than they are. I know a lot of them are bad and they'd hurt my friends, so I'll hurt them if they try. But, so many ponies are the same way. Why should it be any different? Why can't I at least TRY to help them all?"
''Oh, it must be Shei then... Silly me..''

''Amy...I think what you want to do is noble and very kind but... They are demons, it is in their nature to be like that...It is like Trycicle said, the dream of all demons is to just rule over the other demons, stomp the weaker ones under their foots...They are not like us'' the sheep puts a hoof in Amy's shoulder to comfort her
Before Pheo can escape the room, the creature bites down on her wing and nearly severs it, slamming her against the wall.
>Pheo 0/3

The head continues to gnaw at her wing. [1d10+1]

Pryce gets dragged along the ground, the creature's teeth making several long gashes around the legs.

The two heads crash into the bookcases as they try to bite Flaming.

>The Beast of Bile
>68/90 HP
>Weakness: Ice

"You bloody meddling idiots! I'll bet Galton sent you, didn't she? That cur... she's sent enough to die in this accursed tomb. Nothing but death lies in here, except for whatever that statue guards. Now LEAVE!" he barks as he begins to undo the case around his arm.

Two heads try to take a bite out of you. [1d10+1] [1d10+1]

The bubble around the bike pops, but another one quickly replaces it. "Running low here!" Volkama warns.

You and Trapper wail on Tricycle mercilessly. He tries to spin like a breakdancer and sweep your legs out. [1d10+3] "Hey, guys, be reasonable! We can work this out! I can hook you up with some serious babes and tech, j-just let me talk to my boss!" he stammers.

He coughs as a shockwave ripples from Onion's guitar and hits his face.

The small knight coughs with laughter. "I refer to the despicable black mage, the one whose heart has been hardened, tempted with the power of demons and young, foreign gods."

Hardspine gasps and appears to stumble at your words, the weapon drooping from her hoof.

The small knight is quiet for a while. "Then, perhaps you are not the fool I imagined. No. You are a bigger one. In a time long before yours, there was one who spoke the words you did. Our Founder, who held the seal of Tartarus and disappeared into its trench."

"Princ...ess. V-Vinland," a quiet, guilty voice seeps form Hardspine's armor.

"As she waged war with demons, something turned in her heart. The traitor found sympathy with the creatures who threatened the innocent, and she snuck into Tartarus to soothe the guilty upon whom our Judgment fell. We dared not stop her, in the fear that she may be right. And now she sits in the deepest Layer of Tartarus as a result, her soul providing sustenance to those imprisoned inside - whether innocent, guilty, wicked, pure, demon or mortal."

"...Is that what you want?" the small knight asks.
Novelus stands silently, glancing at Amy
Flow hoists his sword in the air and brings it down hard on Tricycle, using the weight of the blade as well as his strength to force the skeleton to the ground.

Vice nocks another bullet arrow and looses it at Tricycle.

And Trapper makes another slash at Tricycle.
Pryce stands up, kicking off the flying horseshoes so he can have proper footing in the fight. He quickly stumbles after from the gashes in his legs, but he toughen's through the pain.
>Recover, Instant Auto from Prayer

"We came to investigate a source of angel attacks. What are you doing here Sir Hours?"
Pryce shouts back as Holy berates Shei.

Taking a moment brief from the attacks, Pryce tries one more time to conjure a barrage of magic, in the form of arrows this time.
>Homing Magic [Arrows] [1d10]
Flaming yelps as the two heads crash into the book-cases, running about them to dodge, jumping about the necks like fallen tree-trunks as she spots the one nibbling on pour Pheo.

"YOU!" She growls, jumping up to dive down on the head gnawing on the Phoenix, intent on making it let go so it can retrieve help. "Let him go!"

[1d10+3] All or Nothing on the head biting Pheo

She looks to Holy Hours, "Are you insane?! If we leave now it'll swallow you whole! We have more on the way..."
"Leave? Holy Hours I think you are gravely underestimating the predicament you're in."

Shei-sher moves close to the pool the Monster is submerged in. He puts his hooves on it and says "Chabreg, howling voice of the snow make this body freeze!"

>I Dream of Alchemy+2
[1d10+2] to make the pool freeze

Pheo caws in pain as he lays on the floor.
[1d10] for Pheo to get up

"I... can't... accept that," Amy says slowly, thoughtfully, and quietly.


"Why did no one go after her!?" Amy asks desperately. "Wasn't she your friend!? Didn't you have ANY trust for her!? If a heart - a pony's or a demon's - can change just one other heart, then that's something. Then maybe that other heart can change another. Why can't it keep going? We aren't alone! That's why we have friends!"

As she talks, tears begin streaming down her face. But, Amy continues to furiously stare down Hardspine. Her body steadily turns blacker and blacker as she talks. "But you let her go by herself," she says with a soft fury. "It's your fault she's trapped. She was your friend and you just locked the door behind her."

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" Amy shrieks in equal parts fury and grief. "I would have followed her to the end of the world. There's no place a friend like that could go that I wouldn't follow."
Onion, River and Volkama stand aside as the three of you absolutely trash the weakened demon, reducing him to a mangled puddle of guts and bone. His body turns gray and cracks, desiccated, eventually crumbling to ash.

"That's a NO," River viciously laughs, stabbing at the ash with glee. "I could get used to standing behind someone while they kill something... I'd forgotten how good it felt!"

The bounty poster begins to glow, with the illustration filling out in colorful detail. The number at the bottom lights in gold.

Volkama adjusts his tattered robe and scoots over to the bike, examining it eagerly. Onion plays a victory lick.

"I'm getting revenge," Hours growls as he removes the case from around his arm, revealing a large jagged drill with a crank on the side.

Hours jumps at the beast and drives the drill into its chest, spinning the crank which sends the drill into a hissing whirl. [1d10+5]

The heads bite your front and back limbs, playing a brief tug-of-war with you before spitting you out.
>Pheo 0/2
>Shei 0/6
The heads shudder and slow as frost creeps up their necks. They struggle weakly, unable to move.

You try to smash the frozen necks, but end up with a headache as a result.
>Flaming 5/6

The smaller knight gradually starts to hyperventilate. "S-stop... talking like that. How could we face the people of our country, the Gloom Empress, the children, if we turned and waited on the filth of demonkind as servants? How could we have... they are the enemy! It is all that we could ever do, to fight them... and she became one of them! She turned her back on the friends we've lost, the comrades we've lost... the children we've--"

The smaller knight turns away.

Hardspine tightens her grip on her spear, then brings her hoof to her chest in salute.

"In this tomb... lies what you can use... to aid the world, as she did. If you.. want it, then a final request, I ask... defeat me."
>Hardspine is the speaker of the final line of dialogue
He takes a step back ''I assume this is something she will have to do alone then?...Defeat you?''
Flaming grunts as her head makes contact with the frozen head, grunting as she bounces off harmlessly, rubbing her horns in pain as she gets up. "Oooooow....."

She shakes it off and looks at Shei as he's ripped apart by the other heads, but gasping in shock as the ice flows into the pool and up their necks, freezing them effectively in place. She smiles, thrilled with this situation. "Shei, you're a genius!"

She quickly runs for the hallway, looking at Shei and Pheo with pity at their torn up states but steeling her heart. "Just wait right there, I'll grab everyone, then we'll smash it into little pieces!"

[1d10] If needed, rolling to race down stairs back to Hardspine's chamber to see to the others
"What happened here?"
Pryce asks, looking up as the heads freeze.

"After this thing is slain, you're going to tell us what's going on."
Pryce readies his sword, slicing at three of beast heads to leave through them in their inhibited state.
>Cleave [3 heads] [Fire] [DC5, Crit 9+, Crit Fail 3-] [1d10+1]
As Shei-Sher is tugged from both ends he had touch the water effectively freezing it and causing the Beast to drop him. "Use me as your chew toy.. I'll.. show you." He grits as he tries to get up

pheo to get up [1d10]

Amy's eyes lighten up, grateful for the offer and opportunity presented to her. "I... I would love nothing more."

However, the request to be defeated causes Amy to frown. "I'm sorry," Amy responds with forlorn resolution.

Amy looks between the smaller knight and Hardspine. "If there's anything you want to say, say it now," she says as she readies herself for combat.

>Prayer of Enlightenment for Homing Missiles
Flow puts Schlangenschwert back in its sheath now that he's sure that Tricycle is dead. Vice does the same, while Trapper makes wooshing sounds as he swings Blessings' sword around.

He takes the charcoal he was given and squeezes it so he could light the bounty.

"Fantastic work everyone. Quick and easy, like most jobs should go."
He smiles.
"I never thought I'd see the day when I'd take this job again..."

The satisfied goo turns to the others.
"There's another demon inside the cave over yonder. If you want in on the bounty, we can go get it."
He turns to Volkama.
"I'd return the bike to the ship if I were you. Observer might find it very useful."
The smaller knight contemplatively looks between you and Hardspine. "That is the tradition of the transference of power, or it was, in our time. Should you assist your ally, then I shall do the same for mine."

Hours' drill sends chunks of ice flying, one of which nicks at your shoulder.
>Pryce 3/4
"Pay attention to your surroundings sometime - you may learn something," Hours scolds. He jerks his head at the chewed corpses laying at the base of the demon.

He continues to spin the crank on his drill. [1d10]

You get up.

As you run downstairs, you see Amy and Dania conversing with Hardspine and the smaller knight.

The small coal incinerates the bounty, and within a minute, a fat sack of coins appears on the ground before you in a coil of green flame.

River bites her lip and looks at the money. "How many ways is that going to be split up? Six, seven eight..."

Onion nods. "I'll strum where you point."

Volkama gratefully smiles to you. "We've struck quite the profitable economy, no?" he laughs.

Hardspine and the smaller knight look to one another.

"Lady Ameixa... wearing Sir Ryukhin's armor," Hardspine says, gesturing at the bear cloak and headdress. "Never fooled me. You could never... pass as him."

The smaller knight, Lady Ameixa, bows in shame, removing the coronet. Hardspine stops her and pushes it back on. "But it helped when I missed him."

Ameixa's helmet trembles as she nods and steps back, leaving a wide arena for you and Hardspine.

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