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Bat Pony Thread #245

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 502
Thread images: 120

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"Big mangoes, strap-ons and pretty eyes" Edition

Last bat: >>27218589

>Bat Wiki:
>Writers pastebin:
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>Image Archive (Cloud):
http://derpy.me/cheeki_breeki (hot stuff)
>Thread Archive
>Bat wiki
You had one job.
Bat ponies are objectively the best ponies desu
I don't get it.
poner get
More stories incoming
>Bat Wiki

shut up
Are you really going to take a harmless joke that negatively.
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3/10 needs more mangoes.
Awesome, the greener the thread the more earth we save. Greentext helps fight global warming.
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People are so strung up sometimes I swear.
>You are blueberry
>A bat filly
>But ponies call you blue,for short.
>Yesterday you had the most amazing night of your life
>You slept with the nicest colt you'd meet
>You did much much more than just sleep but that doesn't matter now..it was incredible
>You look around yourself and see sandstone snuggling next to you holding you tight to keep warm
>Sun is slowly rising above ponyville and it's getting warmer by every passing minute
>Sandstone is still asleep next to you
>Well time to wake him up
>You close up on his ear and..
>"Wake up you silly it's daylight!!"
>He jumps out from suprise and fear but after a few seconds he recooperates and calms down
"What's wrong blue what happened"
>"Nothing you silly it's a beatyfull new day it was time to wake up"
"Oh..right sorry i'm still tired from yesterday..even though it was beatyfull"
>"I know i know..come on let's get up now and head somewhere"
>"Sugarcube corner would be nice we could get some sweets"
"Sure i'm all up for it"
>You both get off from bench and start walking toward sugarcube however you see a note on the floor
"Hello,this is your parents writing we saw you two last night you were really cute having your first time,if you have any questions feel free to ask any of us-mom and dad"
>You both blush at this and take the note with you
>"Haha..they were watching us that's a bit creepy"
"Yeah figures having your own parent watch you weird"
>You continue along the way and arrive at the sugarcube corner
>You walk inside and sit by a table
>A pink pony with a messy mane and a cheerfull look on her face walks up to you
"Hiya! welcome to the sugarcube corner what would you two sweeties want!"
>You think she is the element of harmony or something..
>"Well i'll have a um blueberry cupcake"
"And i'll have a chocolate one i guess"
More of our two little sweethearts.
>Be Daylily
>Put a mango in ur butt
>call Tulip over and tell her to put her butt against yours
>ponut to ponut docking
>push the mango out of your ass and inside Tulips ass
>She struggles to take it all in but you keep pushing and forcing it in
>As it finally slips in Tulip orgasms and her filly fluids feel good spraying against your marehood
>Then it's Tulips turn and she poops the mango into your butt from hers
>It feels nice and makes you fill up lewdly
>the two of you poop the mango back and forth into each others anuses for a while as you mangoswap anally, while spraying each other with maregasm and fillygasm juices to form a big unifluid puddle on the floor
>afterwards you both show off your gaping lube dripping raw ponuts to each other before going to bed
>And that is the kind of a dream Tulip just told you she had
>"Daylily is there something wrong with me?"
>Tulip begins to cry and you pat the bat while thinking you should try putting a mango in your butt

These two are going to grow up sexually twisted
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>scene of the crime
Echo put that down you don't know where that's been.
She knows exactly where it's been.
What if in Equestria saying that bat ponies love mangoes is like saying that black people love watermelon.
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Posting bats
So the truth?
bae ponies
Sexy famalama

>happy loving sex

my favorite
>be Dailily and return to assmango
>Find bat eating mango lewd
>blush and explain it has been in ass and fillyass
>pony who is Echo says she knows and wiggles her eyebrows
>your ass starts to sweat loudly
>Night Watch sues you for copyright violation
>your ass opens up and your mind follows
>Echo says Bueno
>soon enough be on a sex sling with Echo hoofing your anus

I'm sorry
Such life in Hollow Shades
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Even if I love Yuzu, I would suck Mistake's tiny nipples.
The things I would do to those blouse bazookas and heavenly flat Plains.
>be speck
>be dressed as mango
>selling mangos with echo
>you stand ringing a bell in front of the stall
>you seen many ponies come and go some stop and buy mangos
>its getting late but you see daylilly
>you stand in shock you nervelessly smile
>she buys one mango
>you know what shes going to do to it
>you feel sick
>you wave as she leaves
>echo come over "pretty good day right?"
>you get out of the mango suit "yea" you say weakly
>you vomit
>"sweet Luna speck are you OK?!"
>"yea im fine its just what daylilly does with those mangos we sell her."
>"oh yea its gross."
>you go home
>later that night you see a mango on the counter
>you puke
And that's why she has ptsd towards mangoes
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And when she sells drugs to little bats it's not gross?
Very pretty eyes!
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I want to suck on those juicy mangoes
Don't do screee kids, even the first shriek can kill you
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I like when my batpony is posted by other anons!
Here, there´s an unfinished Frostbite with socks!
Your drawing style is cute.
I'm just gonna go out on a limb and consider Scree to be Meth laced with Fentanyl and Mangoes.
Thanks! I try to reach the skills of the artists I stalk...

I spend so much time doing sketches. Then I take a lof of more time to digitalize these. I could upload so many things but I´m so lazy...
Yup, it's adorable
I do it adorable cause I still dont draw lewd well... yet
How about
Derpibooru => "cute porn"
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I should then focus in that kind of artists...

Do you have someone in mind?
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Thanks! That´s so much material to learn and enjoy!

Here, have an onld happy Frostbite!
"Right! two cupcakes for you two blueberry and chocolate!"
>The pink mare is awfully cheerfull for some reason
>She jumps around the counter and apparently to the kitchen
>A few moments later she brings you two cupcakes and pops a random question
"Oh! are you two on a date or something,that's soo cute you are on a date right?"
>You and sand both respond in unison
>"Not really.."
"Oh right i see well enjoy your meal and that'll be 4 bits"
>You check around but you don't have any money on you
>And neither does sand
>"Uhmm i don't exactly have that kind of money with me"
"The pink mare looks at you sharply but then cheers up"
"Alright,i'll let you two go this once but only because you'd make such a cute couple"
>She runs back to the counter pretending this never happened
>You slowly start eating your cupcake
>"Hey so uhm where do you live sand"
>He takes a bite out of his cupcake chews it up and then speaks up
"Hehe,wanted to ask ya the same thing"
>"Not a problem,well i live with my mom here in ponyville we have a small house"
"Hey so you are a bat right"
>"Yeah that's true why do you ask?"
"Well,most of the bats live in hollow shades don't they?"
"So..what makes you come here"
>"Oh it's a long story..well you see i wasn't born in hollow shades"
>"I asked my mom about this once..in short when she was pregnant with me they moved from shades to ponyville"
"Really? why's that"
>"Well apparently they wanted to start a business here and it didn't go too well in hollow shades"
>"As you might know bats like mangoes..and we were trying to sell different kinds of fruits"
>He chuckles a bit
"Oooh i see that's pretty interesting"
>"Yeah i guess that's just how i came here"
>"And way i met you was quite silly..i was in heat and everything"
"No no it's okay..it's not like we can control our emotions"
>"But mind if i tell you something sandstone"
"No not at all go ahead"
>"I kind of..like you..what i said last night wasn't just passion"
>"I really do like you"
>He blushes and remains speechless for a few moments
"F-for real?"
>"Yeah..sorry for bothering you with my confession..ill just go now"
>You eat the rest of cupcake and turn to walk away
>But something stops you
>You turn away and see sandstone hold you with hoof on your back
"Hey now..don't go it wasn't a bother and if anything you're the first filly i met that didn't want to tease me"
"Or just use me for...release from heat"
"I like you as well you're cute and nice..and even though our first interaction was a bit awkward"
"it was only because you were in heat nothing but hormones you silly"
"Don't go stay with me"
>You are shaken from the sudden emotional overflow and you start to cry
>But not tears of sadness tears of happiness
>You turn around and hug sandstone holding him tightly
>He is suprised at first and then hugs you back
>"I might be too young to say such things but i love you sandstone..i love you"
"Awh i love you too blue i love you too"
"Come on now let's go together around ponyville and maybe then we can go over to your moms house"
>"That sounds like a wonderfull idea let's go then"
>You both trot off into ponyville

More bat foals! and there's gonna be more later on
Luv cute little batties.
Indeed, cute bat filly.
Oh by the way i forgot to add
For anyone wondering if the story is continuation to the main one well in a way it is.
But it isn't from where we left it
The setting is morning after our little ones had sex
Rather than from where parents left off.
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>tfw Daylily refuses to lend you the nice outfit some stallions in town are talking about

Pretty good route to go with, rarely you get to see tuff happening after all the wham bang thank you mam
D'awww adorable
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Extremely sexual
I think they're using the wrong orifice.
Accidental kissing during a battle for the mango leads to awkward situations, especially if you get your fangs stuck.

You'll need some seriously dolphin levels of muscle control to pull that off.
Really? Never been a problem for me.
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years of shoving huge objects into Sirocca's anus, mate
>tfw you will never engage in vaginal tug-of-war with your best girl friend
W-Well, it sucks I think?
So which bat knows where it's at?
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You need to check the window.
>Global R15: All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
>/mlp/ R1: This is the destination for all (undelined btw) cartoon/anime pony related content on 4chan. (Note: This rule has been changed to accommodate Filly Funtasia, and does not override previous rule clarifications that ban certain threads.)

Bat horses belong
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Leave him alone.

> >>27308019
"So if I may ask how are your parents like"
"Are they nice or do they bug ya about things"
"Before you answer let me tell ya about mine,they want me to help out a ton around the house I mean I like to help but it does get exhausting you know"
>"Yeah I get you but my mom always tries her best to protect me"
>"She cares for me even bathes me..but she keeps reminding me that I should become independent "
>"I guess she's sorta right I need to look after myself more."
"Really your family soylunds awfull nice"
>"That they are we bats care about each other"
>He chuckles
"Figures with how nice you've been and all"
>"But hm your parents don't force you to do something you don't want,right?"
"No,of course not but they do like me to help out"
>Time passed as you were having smalltalk
>You eventuqlly arrive at your house
>You knock on door but nobody answers
"Hey look a note"
>sandstone point at the note on wall
>The note reads following
"Hey,If by any chance you and your little " friend" come home the key is under doormat-signed mom"
"Your parents are weird they levlavr notes everywhere.
>You reach for key
>Then you put the key inside door lock and with a twist and a click it opens
>" Yeah..unusual parents."
>You walk in house and sandstone follows
>"Get comfy and feel free to look around."

I'm on mobile so I can't type more
But I felt like making a tiny update so here you go.
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That's a bat idea
This saddens me greatly
fucked up anatomy
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Why are bats so cute ????????
>Midnight Blossom recolor

that bat got bella triggered

she finna whipped out her mango and red drank and got turnt with that bitch ass unicorn

been a cultural ambassador nawmsayin
that comic is so wrong...

bats don´t get triggered. They beat the shit out of anyone who talks shit about them.
>tfw night watch will never perforate my anus with her fangs
Reminder that Vito literally stole someone else's art once and recolored the pony in it to look like his special waifu.
What do you do when you have a bat day?
He walks around the house,checking everything
>"So uhm do ya like it here..my parents should be home soon i guess"
"Yeah it's quite nice"
"So uhm do ya have anything to eat"
"Something that isn't sweets?"
>Sandstone chuckles
>"Oh that..hehe well uhm i don't really know how to prepare food"
>"We do have raw veggies though if you want that"
"For real? a filly who wasn't teached to cook"
"Well that sounds awfull silly"
>"Yeah..never really had a need to only thing i mainly eat are mangoes"
>"Go figure i'm a bat pony"
"Oh right bats and mangoes thing,yeah haha.."
"Well if you wanna learn how to cook you could watch me"
>"Yeah i'd like that"
"Right..let's go then"
>Sand walks over to kitchen and you follow him
"Alright. So what i do when my parents aren't home is a simple vegetable soup"
"With some noodles ofcourse"
>"Wheat noodles right?"
"Yeah not really sure how you guys call em' over at hollows"
"So anyways first we need a cooking pot and some water.."
>He looks around the kitchen taking a pot out of shelf
>Then his horn lights up and he levitates the pot up to the kitche sink at same time turning water on
"Right,i got water a pot and now we need veggies"
"Hey blue could you go fetch me some"
>"Sure no problem"
"Oh and get me a knife too i'm going to have to cut those"
>"Yep right away"
>You take a knife out of a drawer and bring sandstone some carrots
"You only have carrots?"
>He asks with a weirded out look in his eyes
>"No no not at all i got lot of other veggies just uhm didn't know what to bring"
>"Since we're having a soup and all..mangoes wouldn't be fitting"
"Gee you bats are silly mangoes don't go in everything and everywhere"
>You scrunch and look at him
>"Y-yes they do! mangoes are the best"
"Oh i see sorry if i offended you i didn't know bats loved their mangoes so much"
>You calm down after he apologises
>"It's oki..i got a little carried away there..sorry so what are we gonna do now"
"No problem blue it's all good"
"So now.."
>He levitates the knife and takes it to the carrot chopping it to pieces
>He takes the pot filled with water and puts it on the stove
>He then magically lights up the fire and lets the water heat up
"So you see now we have to let the water boil and when it does we'll put in carrots and.."
"Where are they.."
>"Whatcha lookin for?"
"Noodles ofcourse!"
>Oh right..noodles you totally forgot about those
>You open a drawer and take them out handing them over to the unicorn next to you
"Thank you sweetie"
>You blush at his comment
>"Aww no problem you're cute too"
>You playfully boop him on the snout
>He then lifts the dry noodles and chopped up carrot at same time and puts them in boiling water
"Right and now we just wait.."
>You stand there idly with him
"But don't forget to stirr it ocasionally"
"That is fairly importnant"
>"Right i gotcha..i sure am hungry though and it's smelling delicous"
"Oh belive me it will be delicous! when my dad makes it is atleast"
"I think it should be about done now.."
>The fire suddenly dies down and only slight ember is left burning behind
>He levitates the pot off the stove and carefully walks toward the table with it
"I assume this is the living room right?"
>"Yeah we eat here"
"It's pretty big you know one large table 8 chairs"
"And you claim to have a small family what gives?"
>"Ehehe..my parents just have a lot of money it's a family business thing"
"Oh i see"
"Care to bring some plates while i set everything up?"
>"Nope not an issue"
>You walks over to the kitchen and take two deep plates
>You carry one in your mouth and one in your hooves
>"Hwhee you gwoo"
>You leave one plate for sand and one for yourself"
>You take a seat right next to him
"Alrighty i'll pour the soup for you and you tell me when it's enough"
>He lifts the pot and levitates it over to your plate
>Then he slowly starts pouring the soup into your plate
>You wait until it's half full
>"Alright that'll do"
"So little? but i thought you were hungry"
>"You silly we just ate cupcakes not long ago i don't have a massive appetite.."
"Ohh right i totally forgot,well thanks for reminding me"
>Sandstone however pours himself a full plate of soup
>You wonder if he's going to eat it all
>"Hey so do you unicorns use utensils or do you eat like with mouths.."
"Well uh...is that an issue?"
>"No not really just.."
>You walk over to the kitche and bring two spoons
>"I'm kind of used to eating with spoons"
"I don't really know how to.."
>"Not an problem i can show ya come on"
>"You have to grab the soup with the spoon and then bring it to your mouth"
>"However to avoid getting burned you have to blow on the soup a little bit that should cool it down enough"
"Oh right i see"
>He levitates the spoon and takes a little bit of soup on it following your instructions he blows on it and then puts it in his mouth"
>It looks a bit silly way he does it..not a sophisticated pony at all
>Well you have time to make him the way you'd like him to be
>Even though you love sand regardless the way he acts
"Hey blue are you alright you look a little bit away"
>"Huh sorry i got lost in my thoughts happens a lot to me"
"Yeah i getcha it's hard to stay focuses somethimes"
>You and sand continue eating your soup for a while happiness evident on your faces
>Then you hear the doors opening
>And hoovesteps
>Not one pair but it appears to be two pairs of hoovesteps
>Who could it be right now..
>Best hope it's your parents and not something worser.

Just watched the new episode got damn it was cringy awfull stuff
Have some more foals still waiting on pic one anon promised though.
laptop crashed yesterday... won´t be able to draw fillies. Sorry.
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You jelly because you can't kiss her butt
Despite vito being a fag,i'd still fuck rosewood.
Sexy poner.
Even though she isn't a bat
Fuck off. We're not your personal army.
I enjoy your story, even if there are grammar and punctuation errors. Keep going.

Enjoy the mothpone thread talking shit about you, then.
now for something not lewd, come on and slam and welcome to the jam

>You’re Tulip and this is an exciting night! Matron what’s her name is taking you and the other orphans out on a little field trip to the woods and Daylily is coming too
>You loving nuzzle against her leg as you all keep walking towards the area with the fire pit so you can all roast marshmallows
>You look behind you and Daylily where all the other orphans walk since the two of you are the ones leading the group with matron whatever as the last one in line, keeping sure no orphan little pony wanders off
>You show the other orphans your tongue and then nuzzle even more lovingly against your unofficial sister’s leg, almost making her trip and fall over
>Yeah, look at them rolling their eyes at you in jealousy and envy, you’ve got the best sister ever! And they are going to see it too during this trip!
>You starts chuckling to yourself and Daylily gives you a worried glance
>”Are you feeling ok? You didn’t accidentally eat any weird berries? You’ve been rubbing yourself against me for the whole walk and giggling to yourself, and making all sorts of other weird noises...”
>The other orphans all look at you and laugh as you puff up your cheeks and blush because you feel offended
“I wouldn’t do that I’m not a foal...”
>”Ms. Daylily, do you see the area we talked about?”
>Daylily glances back and answers that mare who runs the place you live in
>”Yeah, it’s just up ahead”
>Suddenly all the orphans rush past you and Daylily, some running and some flying while all laughing excitedly
Who cares? This is not a moth thread, this is a bat thread.
>”Children please-oh they’re just so excited...”
>Matron Midnight...yeah that was her name, Midnight rushes after the other foals who’re being total babies, running off like that and-
>”Are you sure you don’t want to run after them? They might take all the good seats around the fire pit”
>Daylily makes a good point, you rush after all of them, flying as fast as your little bat filly wings carry you
“Wait up!”
>You arrive to the clearing with the fire pit and long big logs that make up the seats around it and quickly spy with your batty little eyes a perfect spot for you and Daylily
>You quickly fly to it and place your teeny tiny tushy on it and just as you’re about to tell everypony you’re saving a seat for Daylily another little filly, an even younger one than you sits next to you
>”C-can I sit here, it’s so close to the pit and I’m feeling a bit chilly...”
>You stare at the filly with a crossed scrunch on your face
“Can’t you be warm somewhere else, my sister Daylily, that cool adult that’s with us, is going to sit next to me”
>The filly’s lower lip trembles and she looks like he’s about to cry...s-she must just be doing it to get pity, it’s not like you made her feelings hurt r-right?
>Suddenly a hoof lands on your head
>You don’t know why, but the tone of voice Daylily speaks your name in makes you tense up and beads of sweat form on your face
“P-please take a seat near the fire, I insist”
>The filly seems surprised and suddenly very happy, and then she scoots away from you
>”Umm...i-if I move over like this she can fit next to us if you really want to sit with her...”
>You give the filly a smile and scoot over a little bit yourself so Daylily can sit down between the two of you
>”Thanks, that’s very kind of you...I’m sorry but I don’t know your name”

>The filly introduces herself shyly and Daylily gives her mane a playful rustle as you look at the two with an unimpressed look on your face
>This little minx better not be thinking ‘bout stealing your sis
>Suddenly you wrap your hooves around Daylily’s waist and hug her while staring down the other filly
>She stares at you for a short moment and then glances at Daylily who just shrugs
>Matron Midnight manages to light the fire and almost by magic the pile of woods in the fire pit turns into a full blown bonfire in a matter of seconds
>”All right children, hold still and I’ll give you each your sticks and mallows”
>One of the young colts digs out a fruit from a small bag he had with him
>”Miss Midnight can I try roasting a mango?”
>Midnight raises and eyebrow
>”I...don’t think mango tastes good when it’s roasted”
>The colt tilts his head
>”Can I at least try?”
>”Well I...”
>Midnight looks at Daylily now
>”Have you ever had roasted mango?”
>Daylily nods
>”Yeah, but I have no idea what it tastes like because I was bleeding heavily from my gums, from being thrown at a rock by a bear, when I had it”
>Various gasps ring out from around the bonfire and even more questions about why she was thrown at a rock by a bear
>Daylily shrugs
>”I accidentally threw him first during a playful game of wrestling, then we just kind of took turns throwing each other at big rocks until he chipped a tooth”
>Midnight look a bit worried
>”Remember children, don’t...don’t throw each other at rocks”
>”Ms Midnight?”
>Midnight and daylily look at the young colt who asked about the mango
>”I dropped the mango into the fire...”
>He hangs his head in defeat and another colt pats his back with his wing
>You grab the bag of candy and the stick you’re handed and then pass the rest onwards and soon enough everypony has their mallows and sticks and the roasting can begin
>But after a few roasted marshmallows there’s a loud howl and a timber wolf jumps into the clearing from the dense woods
>You and all the other orphans let out a shriek of fright and quickly gather around Matron Midnight who stares at the beast in fright
>”A timber wolf, out here!? How is that even possible, quickly children gather around me, Ms. Daylily you-“
>But daylily has suddenly launched herself at the timber wolf
>She grabs its throat and...laughs?
>Every pony in the clearing minus her stares at her as she holds the timber wolf down, much to it’s displeasure, and gives it a...noogie!?
>”A timber wolf! An actual Timber wolf! You don’t know how much I have longed for some action...”
>The Timber Wolf tries to swipe its claw at Daylily and she stops noogying the wolf’s head and grabs it before breaking it off of the wolf, and not just taking it off but actually breaking some of the wooden logs and twigs it’s made of into small splintery pieces
>Now matron Midnight and a few orphans cringe, and one faints
>”Ms. Daylily please get back, it’s dangerous!”
>The wolf tries to bite Daylily and you hold your breath as it appeared as if she was almost bit, but Daylily just forces the timber wolf to the ground with a yelp and repositions herself so she’s facing all of you now while struggling...well, more like holding the wolf down while it tries to break free
>”Oh this one’s not even a full adult yet, I can handle it”
>The Timber wolf slips free and dives with its maw open at Daylily, but she grabs onto its jaws with her hooves
>”You don’t know how much I have wanted to do something like this”
>She rips the lower jaw off of the timber wolf
>Its eyes go wide and follow its lower jaw as Daylily tosses it to the side and matron Midnight faints, a few of the young colts try to grab her but collapse under her weight
>You cringe, that’s probably a detail she would not want to hear, she’s always a bit paranoid about her weight, even if she’s no fat at all
>”Come on wrestle with me a little~”
>Daylily on the other hand looks more like she’s playing with a dog than wrestling a wolf
>a dog that’s scared for its life and desperately trying to swipe or shake Daylily off of it...
>You...find yourself feeling bad for the timber wolf
>Daylily knocks the other claw off so it scatters into random pieces of wood no longer magically being held together, and now the timber wolf is missing its front feet and its lower jaw
>It turns around and tries to escape while yelping but Daylily grabs its tail by her teeths and pulls it back to her
>”Come here I know you can put yourself back together, please put up some challenge, I have a lot of extra energy I need to work out~”
>She is so happy about fighting this wolf her voice has become sing-a-song-y
>The filly who sat next to her pokes you to draw your attention
>”S-she’s scary...”
>There’s a thud as Daylily executes a pile driver with the timber wolf while laughing sweetly
>You take a knife in your hoof in anticipation for the incoming
>Sandstone levitates a spoon not wanting to hurt anyone or anything that comes
>Two shadows are peeking..
>They are whispering something to each other
>And then they walk into the room
>Much to your suprise it wasn't murders or a monster
>It was your mom and dad
>You drop the knife and sandstone loses the magic grip on his spoon
>Your mom is firs to speak up
"Well..looks like you and that little colt got along quite nicely"
"And is that soup i see?"
>She walks over to pot and takes a sniff
"Yeah that's nice. a colt that can cook tell me what is your name little one"
>Sandstone's face expression indicates shock for a few seconds
"Uhm..my name is uh sandstone"
"That's a quite nice name i guess you met my daughter her,blueberry"
>"Moom i prefer to be called bluee"
"Aww you're so cute when you try to fight back"
>She ruffles your mane
"Well you shouldn't be staying all alone at home"
"Why don't you go outside and have fun?"
>"Oh but we did already we went to sugarcube corner and everything"
"Ah i see..but why don't you and sandstone go watch a movie together"
"I know you don't have the money but here."
>She hands you over 20 bits
"That should be enough for food and for the tickets"
"Just don't go watching adult movies be good you two"
>"Uhm oki i guess..do you want to go sand?"
>You gulp, this is bad, if this keeps up the other orphans won’t think she’s super cool anymore!
>Daylily looks at you while holding down the timber wolf who’s exposing its tummy and submitting to her
>”Hmm? Don’t worry Tulip, you’ll all be saved soon, just need to apply a bit more justice on this evil creature who tried to attack all of us”
>Daylily cracks her neck and grins at the timber wolf who looks frightened and starts to play dead
“Don’t you think you’re maybe taking it a bit too far?”
>Daylily looks confused and suddenly the other orphans join in
>”Yeah you’re the evil creature!”
>”Stop hurting the poor wooden doggy!”
>”Somepony pull me out from under Ms. Midnight, her butt is smothering me!”
>”Shut up I’m so envious!”
>”Somepony get the guards and make her stop hurting the timber wolf!”
>Daylily looks like she’s panicking now and she appears a bit sad
>T-this was not what you had in mind! Why are they ganging up on her?
>Well you do feel bad for the poor wolf but she was just protecting all of you
>You start to feel angry at the other kids and walk out from the group and between Daylily and them
“Shut up you buttholes! She was just protecting all of us!”
>You glare at the other orphans while they just glare at you
>Well some of them do, some of them hang their heads and say sorry
>”Shut up Tulip you’re just protecting her because she’s your sister or something!”
>”Yeah the poor-“
>Suddenly the timber wolf nopony was paying any attention to roars out and quickly gets up, and dives straight at you
"Yeah sure why not a movie would be alright..but it's still not dark there's some other places we could check out before"
>"Well ponyville isn't that big..but what did you have in mind?"
"Wanna have a walk through town centre? and then we could have a nice walk through the park"
>"Yeah that sounds nice enough"
"But uhm why are you pushing us out misses..uhm"
"Right right,well you see i and blue's dad have something "special" to do surely you understand"
"Ooh i see..well i guess blue and i will be leaving then"
>"Yeah come on! let's hurry you slowpoke"
>You grab sandstone by the hoof and yank him out of house
"Hey what gives why are you dragging me around"
>"Well you're being sloww come on"
>He finally cooperates and begins walking at your own pace right next to you
>You walk together toward the town center
>After you arrive there you look for nearest bench and walk over with sandstone to it
>You sit down on the bench and sandstone does same
>"Hehe quite the memories eh..on a same bench like this behind school"
>"You and i..did things only adults do"
"Yeah..was a great night that'll be in my head forever"
>"Hey..we have a lot of time to pass"
"Ehm what did you have in mind"
>"Well we could you know do filly things..and maybe play together?"
"Sure why not let's go over to school playground?"
>"Mhhm oki but first i want something from you"
"Really what is it?"
>"Cmere sweetie"
>You bring your face closer to sandstones's
>You put your lips on his and give him a passionate long kiss
>He appears to be suprised at first but responds and kisses you back
>You stay in a kiss until you start running out of breath
>Then you break the kiss and takes a few deep breaths
"Yeah i love kissing with you blue"
"Oh heck i love you"
>"I know sweetie,i love you too"
>"Come on let's get moving now"
>You get off the bench and walk toward the school playground
>You close your eyes and prepare for the worst, but a very loud sound of something breaking makes you open your eyes again
>And you find the timber wolf on the ground before you, except there’s nothing where it’s head is supposed to be
>Instead there’s pieces of wood all over the place and Daylily’s hoof down on the ground in the general area where its head would be lying if it still had one
>Suddenly Daylily grabs you into her hooves and starts to check your body while fussing
>”Are you ok it didn’t hurt you anywhere did it I’m so sorry I didn’t finish it off right away are you hurt here or here or...”
>She takes notice of the very surprised look on your face and gently puts you down while blushing furiously
>”I mean, are you hurt?”
>She...she was this worried about you? S-she cares so much about you...
>You break out into crying, from various reasons, and Daylily seems confused and worried again as the two orphans who insisted that the timber wolf dindu nuffin agree it actually was doing sumthing
>matron Midnight suddenly wakes up and looks around
>”Oh my Luna it’s a bloodbath...”
>And faints again as Daylily cautiously extends her hooves and you jump in for a hug because for some reason you really want one
>You’re unsure why you’re even crying but it feels both bad and good
>Soon enough some guards came over and gave Daylily a talking to once again, but you’re feeling at the top of your world because while trying to get you to calm down Daylily promised to let you come over and sleep with her to make you feel better
>So you showed your tongue at the other orphans again and then nuzzled against Daylily who did not seem so energetic after the guards said some stuff to her that you didn’t hear
>You and sand greet the fillies and colts but much to your suprise
>Some of them give you weirded out looks
>And some of them give you the "i know what you did last night" look
>It's awkward honestly..
>However you and sand do manage to find a couple of foals to play tag with
>A good few hours pass it's getting evening now
"Haha that was tons of fun we really need to do this more"
>"Y-yeah but quite exhausting"
"Haha and you are calling me slow!"
>Sand says with a teasing voice
>"Oh shut it you"
>You playfully punch him on the shoulder
>You and him then head over to the park
>You walk with sand through park
>The calm atmosphere combined with trees is really relaxing
>Especially after how much time you spent playing
>Sure makes a pony very tired
"So uhm if i may bring this up your parents are nice but.."
"I didn't really get to talk to your dad your mom was kind of leading the whole conversation"
"And i didn't get to say much"
>"Yeah they're not usually like this i dunno maybe they're tense about something"
>"Really i got no idea.."
"Well it's getting fairly late we should probably head for the movie now"
"Don't wanna be late do we"
>"Well i'd rather stay here with you in the park and relax for the entire night.."
"Aww i'd do the same with you blue.."
>"But ofcourse our parents wouldn't want us getting lost or end up k-kidnapped"
>"So we should just really go to the cinema"
"Eh i guess you're right..let's go"
>You turn around and head toward ponyville
>"Heyy so where was cinema again"
"You don't know your way around ponyville? oh gee alright i'll guide you,follow me."

All for tonight from me,more tomorrow as always
Leiffer is back,hi leiffer i like your daylily/tulip stories.
Hi fillyanon, you too
Your stories copulate! How cute.
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I like Daylily going full Ivan when she has too much energy.
>sometimes when she fights with an adult timberwolf she goes full psycho
>she giggles and salivates as she pounds the poor
>she crouches down to the wolf's ear, heavy breathing, grunting and chuckling like an insane rapist
>she licks it's ear as she breaks the wooden ribs one after one, humming a happy tune and occasionally laughing like a mad bat
>when there is only a trunk with a head left, she takes the timberwolf's leg, bite the wood to make it smooth and uses it as a dildo
>the last sight of the dying monster is a bat pony pleasuring herself with it's leg
>after the climax she sticks the wet wood in wolf's anus to make him alive again
>the timberwolf uses the magic to keep his body together and runs away, shitting pinecones
More lewd scenes incoming?
I feel bad for that little filly who wanted to sit near the fireplace.
>be bat
>eat mango
that mango could be your friend, bat
But what if bat eat mango and bloat into a big mango?
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Why did TheHands nuke his bin?
because bin nuked him first
>Be mango
>Bat just consumed you
>but she forgot to chew and now you're going through magical journey of this bats's insides
>First you go through her stomach where you get broken down by acid
>You somehow survive and go to bats's small and big intestine
>You feel the bat running somewhere
>You then realise the bat is going to toilet
>You get shat out along with feces
>The bat looks at you amused that you aren't broken down
>They are about to flush the toilet
>You want to stop them and beg them not to
>However they don't appear to hear you and flush
>You end up I'm sewer system and die a slow mango death.
>Such is life as a mango.
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I don't know, all his stories are archived though
Dead man's hand joke, noice
>be speck
>be in bed
>your sleeping
>while all the other bats are up
>your not nocturnal
>you work in the day with your best friend echo
>you love echo
>you want echo to be your mare friend
>only if she knew your feeling for her
If Echo will shove a mango into Speck's anus, then yes
Heh,if you feel like it go ahead
I like to see green that isn't my own.
>be futaspeck
>have huge throbbing cock and giant balls

that's all i got
>you go to Siroccas bedroom
>your futacock finds it's way to your daughter's anus
>she screes in discomfort as you pound her tailhole
>you finish, flooding her bowels with your thick semen
>your cock slips out of her ravaged ass
>time for bed
Kek,short but gold.
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Gentle Shade.png
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Is this a milf bat?
I don't think she is for sexual. She is too busy to take care of HeartBeat to be for sexual.
>You follow sandstone to the big building that would appear to be cinema"
"Right. Here we are let's go inside"
>You walk inside closely following sand as to not get lost
>You walk to the cashier and ask what movies are currently on
>There's quite a few things to watch like daring do's adventures
>Turns out they make movies out of those as well not only books
>You and sand however decide for a romantic movie not really feeling up to anything animated
>And not like your parents would allow you to watch horror or thriller
>"Hey sand what are we gonna eat and drink though?"
"Uhm i'll have one medium sized popcorn and same size of soda"
>"I'm not really hungry so i'll have medium soda and small popcorn"
>The total cost was 18 bits you got two left over
>Maybe you could spend them on something
>You head into the hall #4 the projection is about to start
"Well you seem to be quite the quick learner blue"
>"Hehe just like you"
>You walk over to your seat and sandstone follows seating himself at seat next to yours
"Alright,now don't speak much during movie it's not nice"
"Ponies paid for the movie and they want to enjoy it they don't want a filly blabbering"
"That's what my dad told me anyways..i'm just telling ya what i've been teached"
>"Haha.. well you're the one speaking"
>He doesn't say a word afterward and the movie begins
>30 minutes in you want to use opportunity for something..
>Something you always wanted to do with a colt
>Something couples everywhere do to show love to each other
>And no it wasn't a kiss. You could do that everyday.
>Sand seems to be pretty interested in movie
>Turns out romance was a good idea he likes it
>That's good for you easier to make the move
>You slowly lift your hoof and move it over placing it on his
>You then gently take your hoof into his and hold it tightly
>He doesn't respond however there is a blush on his face
>Hehe figures why
>The ponies in movie a young mare and a stallion are kissing
>And not regular kissing they appear to be putting tongues in each other's mouth
>While moaning sensually
>What a weird way to kiss
>He finally seems to react
>Much to your suprise he takes a grip on your hoof as well and holds it
>You thought he'd reject it at first finding it strange or something
>You whisper to him not to alert others watching the movie
>"What's the problem sweetie too lewd for you?"
"N-no not at all.."
>He's actually visibly sweating now
>But you are just feeling warm..
>On outside and on the inside
>That's...a very familiar feeling
>As the movie ends and credits roll ponies start leaving the hall
>You stay with sandstone for a little bit and keep his hoof in yours
>Well..might as well go all way through with this
>But not here..it wouldn't be appropriate
>Not inside the cinema
>"Hey it's over let's go sand"
"W-wha oh right..s-sure"
>You let go of his sweaty hoof
>He really likes ya..it's nice being in love
>If this is what love feels like..you never want it to end
>You walk outside the hall and out of cinema
>After you're outside he finally speaks up
"W-what you told me..d-do you really want it?"
"I-it wasn't just a heat thing at time?"
>"Hehe no silly..my emotions might have taken over me then"
>"But i wouldn't be so close with you if i didn't genuine love you,would i?"
"I guess not.."
>"Well it's getting dark everypony is heading home"
>"We should probably go as well..don't want our parents worrying about us"
>"Yeah ofcourse not.."
>You are cooling down
>A slight breeze blowing over your fur
>It's a warm night but it is colder than day
>"Well uhm guess i'll be heading home now."
"Sure blue,see ya tomorrow as well?"
"There's a lotsa things we could do"
>"Hey...i-i kinda wanted to ask you a thing"
"W-what is it?"
>"Wanna kiss like p-ponies in movie did it?"
"Well uh"
>His face becomes red from blushing
>He mutters out something inaudibly
>"What didtcha say i didn't hear yaa"
>You lean in toward him to force him to speak up again
"Y-yes i do blue.."
>"Nice~ come on let's go now"
>You lift off to air and fly over to park safely landing on top of a maple tree
"Uhm i have no wings i can't get up there.."
>"Oh right you're an unicorn..well can you climb?"
"I don't really know how to.."
>"Hmm well i could try to pull you up.."
>Sand walks over to the tree
>"Alright good now try to uhm close up your hooves to me yeah"
>Sand tries to reach up..but you are too high in the tree
>Well maybe he doesn't know how to climb
>But you do!
>You gently flutter down from tree to sand
>"Alright..we'll do it like this then"
>You grab him with some effort and start climbing the tree
>It's difficult as you aren't a strong filly
>An earth filly would be much stronger
>But you manage to hold him and get to top of tree
>"Phew..that was tough.."
>He continues on your sentence
"But we made it! well you made it..you're pretty amazing blue"
>"Aww thanks for compliments sweetheart"
"You are the cutest filly after all
>He boops your snout
"But..what was it you wanted again"
>"A special kiss.."
"Oh right.."
>He closes up the distance between your mouth and his
>And for once he actually intiates the kiss
>He locks your lips with his
>Based on what you saw this should be fairly simple..
>You try pushing your tongue inside his mouth but..
>Awkwardly enough you manage to mess up and end up wrangling his tongue with yours
>You both panic for a second and try to break the kiss
>But your tangled up tongues don't allow for that
>Uh..you have to stay calm
>Luckyly both of you are here in the tree where nobody can see you
>Really awkward situation..
>You try to untangle your tongue and sand does the same
>With collective efforts you manage to finally untangle your tongues after several awkward minutes
>You take a few moments to recover from the small shock
"Well uh..that wasn't anything like they've done"
>"Haha not at all..maybe we should hold off such things before uhm we get older"
"Yeah..that was really weird"
>"UHm well i should be heading home now.."
>You unfold your wings and are about to take off
"Hey wait up how will i get down"
>"Oh right..well same way we got up i guess"
>You take sandstone into your arms and spread your wings taking off
>Unfortunatly you can't keep both him and yourself in air
>And you slowly crash down
>He falls off you and you end up rolling on the floor from impact
>Luckily none of you are hurt..or atleast you don't feel hurt
>"Are you feeling fine sand?"
"Yeah i'm ok..just uh a bit dirty now"
>"That's fine we you can take a bath tell your parents you were playing with me or somethin.."
"Yeah they'll be wondering what i'm doing out for so long
"The movie ended a couple of hours ago.."
>"Well see ya tomorrow sand"
"Bye blue love ya!"
>"Haha you too cutie"
>You both part ways and head to your homes

Remember never let your bat fillies french kiss
Or else you could get into an awkward situation like our little foals had.
cute and unf
Too busy to be a parent to be sexual huh...boy once that pressure cooker blows there'll be sauce all the way to the walls and ceiling. Or so I pretend reality works.
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Echo smug face.png
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>You see Tulip, when you hold spear like gun you are of shooting stabs

>You see Tulip, when you set yourself on fire timber wolves will not be of bite from fear of catching fire
>You see, Tulip, when of use your wings in fights too, you punches of nuts six time harder and faster than just with a hoof
That's nice as long as it isn't brown sauce
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uh um.png
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>Well maybe it's time to tell her.
>That's it you're gonna do it.
>You make yourself get out of bed and go look for echo
>You will probably find her at the shop selling mangoes again
>She's silly keeps forgetting this isn't hollow shades,ponies here don't exactly eat mangoes a bunch
>Well whatever..you still like her just the way she is
>You walk outside your house and walk toward the shop
"Oh hi speck came to work?"
>"Yeah..and echo..i-i kinda wanted to tell you something"
>You blush a bit
"Well what is it"
>"C-come with me so nobody hears us here"
"So speak up you silly stop being so hesitant it's no big deal is it"
>"It kind of is..."
>You blush and get the words out slowly
>"I love you echo..and i want you to be my marefriend"
>You keep silent awaiting an response from echo
>Millions of emotions are shifting in your head while you wait for her to speak up
"Speck i..."
"I..love you too"
>Echo walks up to you and hugs you
>She then whispers something into your ear
"I'm glad you admitted your feelings"
"I didn't think you'd be the one to bring it up first i was gonna do it"
"But it's okay now..you admitted how you feel and that's all that matters"
"Wanna do a little something after work~?"
>She takes out a mango and points at her bum
>"Uhm you don't mean to"
"Yeah..i do speck yeah i do"
>"Well alright..i do need to release some tension.."
>You work the rest of day with echo selling mangoes to passing ponies
>The day passes fairly quickly and you made a total of 130 bits
>But when you do all calculations
>Turns out the profit is 50 bits
>Cut that in half for echo and you got 25 bits of profit today
>Not too bad at all.
>You take a mango and head over to echo's house
>She left way before you,told you to take care of paperwork today
>Figure she was busy setting something up
>You lift off and fly over to her house
>You land down and knock on door
>You hear hoofsteps as the door creeks open
"Oh hi there speck"
>"Hi echo i came as we agreed"
"Yeah i bet you did~"
>"S-stop being so lewd already"
"You got the mango?"
>"Yeah here you go"
>You throw the mango over to echo
"Sweet we're gonna have a good time with this one"
>You enter echo's house and walk over to bedroom
>Echo goes to kitchen she washes the mango throughfully
>And then she walks into the bedroom with you
>You lie down on bed awaiting her
>She locks the door behind her
>And then she jumps on you mango in her hoof
>You woke up the next morning with pieces of mango in your bum
>You had a wild night,echo sure is a magical pony that's why you love her.
>You plant a kiss on your lover's lips and let her back to sleep
>You slowly creep out of bed walk over to kitchen and take a bite out of a mango
>Sure tastes nice.
>You go over to the bathroom and take a dump pieces of mango flying out as you do
>You walk over to the living room sit down on coach and contemplate what the hell were you doing last night.
>Freaking echo,you really love her.

Oh my god i'm so sorry,i just had to it was fucking tempting me the entire day
We'll get back to our regular filly schedule tomorrow,goodnight /bat/ i'm out.
10/10, would shove a watermelon into a gaping Speck's anus for keks and giggles
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Is there a do it for her shop of Mia?
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A quickie.
Woah. This is dank
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Is she whe lewdest bat?
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Thanks filly anon I was going to finish it but got side tracked also more just general speck stories to cum
I'd like to impregnate Arrhythmia's ass.
let her sit on your face first
>Be some bat pony.
>You are in a dream.
>In your dream, you are at a table, with an empty white plate in front of you.
>You stare at it, wondering what will happen.
>A bright light flashes, and shines down on you.
>You look up at the light, and you see something descending from the light.
>It was a blessing from the heavens; a giant mango was slowly floating down to your plate.
>The coloring of the skin was a perfect gradient of Green to yellow, and yellow to red.
>You could smell how sweet it was, even though it was still a long distance from your nose.
>It landed on the plate, just begging to be eaten.
>The light slowly faded away, and now it was just you, and one giant, juicy mango.
>As you slowly move your fluffy head toward the plate to take your first bite, everything slowly cuts to black, and you wake up from your dream.
>You slowly open your eyes and lift your head from the damp, dirty ground from where you have slept.
>You look around, wondering where your delicious mango has gone.
>You then remembered that it was just a dream, and now you have woken up from your dream back in to the harsh, cool darkness that is your reality.
>You quickly fix your large, pink mane before standing up and yawning.
>"What a wonderful evening it is today," you say to yourself.
Your stomach begins to growl.
>"I need to find something to eat," you thought to yourself, "I'm going to find the biggest, ripest, most juiciest mango I can find."
>You slowly start to flutter off in search of the perfect mango for you to feast on.
>You are Heartbeat, and you are hungry for mangos.
Should I continue, or should I stop?
>You are Heartbeat, and you are hungry
keep going!
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HeartBeat birthday.png
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Alright then.

>You flutter silently through the Everfree forest in search of a mango tree with the perfect mango.
>The dark ambiance of the forest at night sooths you as you go about your quest.
>For a few minutes, this whole quest felt pretty straight forward; Fly through the forest, and complete your objective.
>That was, until you ran in to a problem.
>"Do mango trees even grow in the Everfree forest," you ask yourself out loud.
>You expected some mystical voice to answer you back, but it didn't happen. (Obviously)
>You float down to the floor of the forest and ponder on what you should do at the moment so you don't end up going on an unintentional wild goose chase.
>Just moments later, you came up with an answer.
>"I know," you shouted at yourself, "I'll just go ask someone in Hollow Springs if they know where mango trees grow."
>You scree in pleasure of your knowledge, kicking your little hooves up and down in the air.
>You begin to fly back to Hollow Springs and-
>You scan your eyes at the area around you.
>You have forgotten where you have came from.
>You scream and begin to panic, flying up and down and around in circles until you eventually crash land face first in to the ground.
>You knock yourself out cold, and you slowly begin to enter another dream.
And I don't know where else to go with this. Someone else pick this up if you want.
>hollow springs
its hollow shades
>Not knowing about the Hollow Shades Hotsprings
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How big is Hollow Shades? As big as Ponyville? A small village?
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The size of a large Indian Reserve.
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The size of centralia.
More like Night Watch. Or maybe Grey Mouse...
Who is best bat writer
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The one who writes about bat.
If those two had hot Lebanese coitus together who'd win?
Hey,fun question /bat/
How good does a story have to be for you to read it
Like,how high are your standards
As long as I enjoy it I'll keep reading it, never drop stories without giving them a chance no matter what they might be about
I'd say Night Watch, she is more experienced
Which bat is the cutest mare and which the cutest filly?
Mare echo or speck
Filly heartbeat
>heroine addicted bitch selling drugs to bat foals
she was never cute, you know
Florence, Heartbeat.
Night Watch and Ivy
Pom Pom, HeartBeat
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I'd say TheHands. His first story about Mosina was awesome.

but he is dead ;-;
>Crimson Devil
Hard to tell who is the best one, there were more writers who made great but short stories.
>You lift off and fly home
>You knock on door a few times but no response comes
>"Uhm..it's me guys..blueberry"
>You hear hoovesteps coming toward the door and it opens
>"Why are the doors locked.."
"Come inside dear"
>You trot inside and sit down at table
"Well you see as i told you after you and sandstone left we didn't want anyone to disturb us"
"We were busy with well..you already know what we were doing"
>"Adult stuff?"
"Mhhm yeah let's just say it was that"
"But enough of me how was your date with sand"
>"H-hey it wasn't a date we were just..uh"
"Oh come on don't lie to me i know you are in love it's obvious on your face"
"The way you made love with him wasn't just heat"
"You sensed something special about him and he felt same for you"
"That's called love..you might not understand now but you will when you get older"
>"R-right i guess i do love him.."
>"Oh have this it's your money after all"
>You drop two bits in your mom's hoof but she insists you keep them
"It's alright blue you can keep them i won't mind besides you ought to start saving up"
>"Thanks mom.."
>"So anyways i kind of got lost in ponyville for a second but sand was there to show me the way"
>"We went to the town centre"
>"And then we headed to cinema we watched a romantic movie and uh"
>"I..took his hoof in mine and held it while watching the movie together"
"Aww that's so sweet i used to do that with your dad you know.."
"Anything else you two did?"
>"Well..you won't tell anyone if i do tell what else i have been doing"
>Your mom puts on a serious face before speaking up
"Honey..i saw you have sex and i didn't tell anyone i don't think this is that big of a deal."
>"Well..we saw ponies in movie kiss with their tongues"
>"So we decided to try that too.."
>"We went up in a tree and well"
>"It didn't work out at all..our tongues got all tangled up and yeah it was weird"
>"But it was pretty sensual having mine and his saliva mix together"
"Haha..oh that i didn't do that as a small filly only when i was older than you"
"About a year older i got into serious dating then"
"Had a few crushes over the years but it was nothing serious"
>"Right..well i'm feeling a bit sleepy so if you don't have anything else to ask..i think i'll go sleep"
"Well that would be all of me unless you have some juicy details"
"Did you two do something more intimate?"
>"No mom,the best we did was that kiss"
"Oh i see well goodnight sweetheart"
>She kisses you on forehead and sends you to your room
>You happily walk over to your room and lay in bed thinking about events that unfolded today
>You close your eyes and drift asleep
>You slowly enter the dreamland
>You are now located in hollow shades..your former home
>You almost forgot how this place looked like..it's nice and dark here
>The sunlight doesn't hurt your eyes
>And despite it being night you feel like being active
>Strange atmosphere in the place it awakes something in you..you always thought that bats were supposed to be like all normal ponies work at day
>And sleep at night
>But you feel motivated to move with all other bat ponies being active
>You lift off from ground and take a look around yourself you can see bats everywhere of all sizes
>Young fillies like you and adult mares like your mom
>You try to run up to one of them and touch them but they all dissipate on touch
>This isn't real..it's just your dream..
>But you know this is the place you want to be at
>But not alone this is the place you want to be at with sandstone and your parents
>Hollow shades..the place where bat ponies live
>You are awaken by chirping of birds
>You rub your eyes and try to wake yourself up
>You see sandstone tugging at you and telling you to wake up
>How did he even get in your house..
>Your mom walks into bedroom
"Oh finally awake i see..sandstone came to me and said he wants to see you so i let him in"
"It's about time you wake up silly it's midday"
>"Oh..must have overslept.."
>You get out of bed and hug sandstone then you walk into the bathroom and close the door
>You look into the mirror and into your eyes
>They're different from ones that sand has..
>Or any ponies in ponyville really..
>Well either way..you won't bug yourself over this now
>You have a beatyfull day ahead of you to spend with sand and you're going to make best of it
>You brush your teeth clean your face
>You then brush your mane as well to look at pretty as possible.
>And walk out the bathroom only to met by sandstone's concerned look
"A-are you alright blue you've been in there for a while i got worried"
>"I'm fine sand..thank you for caring come on let's go now"
>You exit the house with sand and head out into the town yet again.

I-i'm not bad right you guys?
Here you go more fillies as per usual.
Nah, you are good, you have some grammar and punctuation problems, but I enjoy your stories.
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I wish I could write some story about him.

Anyway, have a bat.
He seems pretty happy for a guard pony
That's because everyone has a gay time in the guard.
>be random bat guard
>stand out side luna's bed room
>you hear her mouning
"oh yes tia harder"
>you smile
>your going to go home and jack to this
>casual public sex is something normal in Equestria
My dick can't get harder
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what a qt
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>be echo
>be watching tv with your ploosh
>your in your pjs
>your tired
>your mom comes in your room
"time for bed my little bat"
>she picks you up and turns off your tv
>you drop your ploosh
>tears well in your eyes
>your mom looks down at you
"whats wrong echo?"
"i-i dropped my ploosh" you say to your mom
>she picks it up in her mouth
>she puts you in bed wiping your tears away giving you your ploosh
>you snuggle up in your bed
"i love you echo" your mom says kissing you good day
>she turns out your light and shuts the door as you fall asleep.
Mr. Batsy is the best plush.
That was adorbs.
Eggo's ploosh
should just join them
Do the wiggle
Gloom Wing the brutal batty
She is everything but brutal.
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She is stained with the blood of her victims.
They don' call her Gloom for nothing
Oh noes she kills a filly
Gloom sounds pretty mean
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What if i do take a nap
She is a clumsy and romantic poni, not mean.
nip marks all over your body
I want to pet her tummy romantically
> not licking her long legs for hours
You miss the best part
I like your taste
Where can i buy bat horse plushes?
Night Stitch is an option - https://lunarshinestore.com/collections/plush-toys/products/night-stitch-plush-toy

And sometimes BronyCons Security Batpony mascot sometimes pops up on Ebay, but for the most part you'll either have to commission one or make your own.
Ooh cute! Is that made by someone in this thread?
We don't have plushie makers here, there was one guy a few months ago who made a Night Watch plushie

bat plush
Noyjt Woch a kyutee
>Once you are out of house and walk a good distance past sandstone speaks up to you.
"Look blue,i know something's bothering you..don't lie to me i saw the way you acted this morning"
>"It's nothing..let's just go have a drink or something"
>He puts a hoof on your shoulder and stops you
"I can't help you if you don't want me to..tell me what's bugging you"
>"Ugh..okay sand but only because i trust you"
>"Let's go over to sugarcube and have a milkshake"
"Yeah sure."
>Both of you walk over to sugarcube corner seat yourself down and order milkshakes
>The pink mare is suprisngly gone and instead you are talked to by the older mare
>You think she runs this place or something
"Hi little ones i'm misses cake"
"The young happy mare you saw was pinkie pie she paid for your cupcakes,nice of her."
"So what do you two want"
>"Uhm i'll have my favorite milkshake a mango one if that's possible?"
"Sure,and for you little one?"
>Sandstone stops for a second and thinks
"Ehmm i'll have..a blueberry one i guess"
"Alright you two i'll get you this in a second"
>She walks away to get your milkshakes presumably
"So comofortable enough to tell me?"
>The mare comes back and puts your milkshakes on table mango one for you and the blueberry one for sandstone"
>She walks again over to the counter and seems to be distracted by other things
>You sigh
>"Alright sand..look i..i had a dream about something"
"Go on"
>He gives you a curios look and drinks a little of his milkshake
>"So there is this place called hollow shades..bats live there bats like me"
>"My mom and my dad."
>"I dreamed of it i went there and it felt so natural..to be nocturnal"
>"Maybe i wasn't born to be up at day like everyone else"
>"But i was just raised this way it' s been natural to me"
>"Even though it's probably all way too true"
>"I have different eyes different night vision than other ponies"
>"And my wings aren't the same as that of pegasi..i just never gave it much thought"
"Oh i see..so you miss your home?"
>"In a way i guess i've only been there for a short period of time as a very young foal"
>"We moved to ponyville very shortly after"
"I see..so uhm would you want to go there someday?"
>"Would i! Nothing in world would make me happier."
>"Except for maybe living with you.."
>You nuzzle against his face
"Aww thanks ya blue"
>You drink a little bit of your mango flavored milkshake
>Sure tastes nice you love mangoes
>"No problems ya silly!"
"Hey thanks for talking with me about what troubles ya"
"But we can probably make it a reality i can talk to mine parents and you can talk to yours"
"and perhaps we could make a trip to there"
>You smile as he says those things even though you know it probably can't be real
>"Yeah..it would be nice"
>Awkward silence settles for a few seconds
>You look into each other's eyes for a few seconds but find it funny and break into a laugh
>"Ahaha..i can't stay serious for one second with you"
"Oh really? well let's get really not serious"
>"Ooh what did you have in mind"
>Sandstone takes out a feather and tickles you on snout
>You giggle and..
>You cutely sneeze as the feather blows away from your snout
>"Haha..that was fun"
"See,cheer up don't be gloomy you silly"
"And don't worry about hollow shades you'll find those out one day"
>You both drink rest of your milkshakes and walk up to to ms cake
>"So how much will that be in total"
"Well normally it's six bits but i'll make it four for you two"
>"Awfully nice of you"
>You pay up 2 bits you have left over
>And sandstone pays 2 for his milkshake
>You wave goodbye and exit the corner
>"So where should we head next?"
"Well i showed you most of the ponyville right?"
"But we've never been to apple acres we could go there"
"And maybe see if apple family has something for us?"
>"Sounds delightfull but um where is it"
"Haha..oh come on i'll show you"
>Sandstone heads toward a mud road and you follow him
"It's this way should be about 10 min walk"
>"Doesn't sound bad let's go"
>You both walk on the road getting your hooves all muddy in process
>"Awh i'll have to clean my hooves after this"
"Don't sweat it i'll be alright."

Here we go,more batties.
Sorry for not getting around to it earlier,i've been reading creepypastas all day.

this story is sweet like thick syrup
>You, Tulip, is currently having a blast at Daylily's house once again, drawing a picture with crayons
>just playing around while Daylily does whatever, you haven't really paid much attention to her because you are having so much fun
>Suddenly Daylily calls to you from her kitchen, just in time too since you were starting to feel a bit hungry
>But as you walk towards the open doorway to the kitchen and pass by the cleaning cupboard it suddenly opens up and something pulls you in
>You almost scream, but before you do you notice to your surprise that it's Daylily, but wait isn't she-
>Daylily signs for you to stay silent and then whispers into yoru ear, telling you to not go into the kitchen, she heard "it" too
>Your blood runs cold as you stare at your spooked big sis, she seems a bit...off...but if she is here then who...what...
>The voice of Daylily calls you again and you hug her, burying your face against her coat
>But then you suddenly remember
>how you did see Daylily walk past you from the corner of your eye and into the kitchen not too long ago as you were busy drawing
>You keep your face buried in the coat of...something, too afraid to let go and see what it might be while the hoof that pats your head feels cold and all you hear is the raspy breathing next to your ear as you let out a frightened whimper while you pray Daylily finds you as she keeps walking around her house, calling out to you...
Oh shit.
Why are tripfags the worst people on the internet

Delusional cringe-inducing fucks every single one
dont be jealous
It's not our fault that your general is so slow
>teddy bear is here
>he is horny
moth is dead, not just slow
>be heartburn
>its rainy and cold
>your huddled up under a bench
>your freezing
>you need to find somewhere warm
>you start walking around
>you see one house with its lights on
>you run and jump to see in the window
>you see echo
>shes watching tv
>you open and climb through the window
>echo screeeees
>you screeeeee
Fuck off.
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>she stops sceeeing
>so do you
>she just stares at you
>you tilt your head
"Are you ok?" You ask
"Yea are you?"
>you don't know what to do or say
"Now that I'm inside I am" you say
"Well duh why were you outside in the first place?"
>you lower your eyes and lay down
"Hey what the matter are you sick or something?"
>echo walk over and shuts the window
"Now why were you outside?" She asked
You answer fearing she'll throw you out into the cold "I-I'm homeless" tears whaling in your eyes
>you hated that word you hated being homeless and alone
>you start crying
>puting your face in your hoovies as you began to sob
don't ask us if you should write more or not, just write
>you sob into your hoovies
>your eyes start to hurt
>echo lean down
"your homeless thats terrible how could a cute foal like you be homeless."
>you look up tears still roleing down your face
"cause my mommy and daddy didn't want me."
>you cry harder cause you realize no one loves you
>all of the sudden echo hugs you
>you stop crying
"hey don't cry it'll be ok why don't you stay with me to night?"
"R-really?" you wipe your tears with your hoof
"yea i mean it im not letting you go out there to freeze death."
>you jump on to her hugging her tight
>she hugs you back
>you go wide eyed you've never had a real hug before
>you close your eyes rest your head on her chest
Thats all for to day ill write more this weekend hope you all are enjoying
To be honest, it's a generic 'a homeless foal finds a new home' story
I mean, it's not bad but already made many times
I technically make plushies. But it'd be pretty pricey for me to jump into them at this moment due to other projects consuming my spare time.
>tfw you will never bust Heartburn's face open with a pair of knuckle dusters after you catch him spray painting the batarchy symbol on your garage door (again).
Kill yourself
Well go open a halfway home for misguided bat youth then, ya hugboxing faggot.
... what?
Bat is not for being sad or hurt
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Absolute nonsense
well thank you for the feedback at lest ill try to make it interesting and cute
for any anons wondering why heartburn isnt be betten and homless is cause i dont like eather of those ideas for my stories i like cute and sweet bat not beat him cause he took one fucking mango out of the other hundreds i know my idea generic but once its done it will just turn into a bunch of hearburn one shots and randome hearburn stories but ill try and spice this story up
>be anon
>bat thread
>thinking what say
That pretty much sums up 90% of what the thread is now.
No one knows what it's like, to be the bat pony
To be the fat pony
To be the hat pony
To be the cat pony
To be the mat pony
Or all of those at once
A fat mat bat cat in the hat?
Or if you're a writer;
>Be bat
>Day x in hollow shades
>Wake up eat mango
>Keekee bat noises
>Masturbate then go back to bed
>Be Tulip
>Day sexual tea party in hollow shades
>Wake up eat mango
>Keekee bat noises
>Masturbate then go back to bed

>Suddenly the door to the cleaning cupboard opens up and you instantly fly into the hooves of Daylily
>And then you look back to see what's in the cupboard
>It looks like a mangled bat pony, mostly skin hanging off of its bony body and wings with holes and tears in them
>But the scariest part is the face, where there should be eyes it has extremely large buttons stitched onto their place and its mouth is filled with sharp needle like teeths as it grins at you and speaks up in a voice that now only sounds slightly like Daylily's
>"dOn'T Go inTo theEe KiiiitchEeeenN, I hhhEaaaarrrD it Tttooooo"
>You scream and hide behind Daylily as whatever it is takes a step towards the two of you
>But Daylily does not move, instead she too takes a step towards the being and extends her hoof to-
>She grabs one of the buttons and pulls it off
>The being stops and stares at Daylily with confusion, and then looks down at the button Daylily is holding
>The monster then touches the area where the button used to be attached to and suddenly lets out a loud scream while looking horrified
>Daylily simply tosses the button over her shoulder as the creature turns to dust
>You keep looking at the pile of dust and the button from behind her as she grabs out a dust pan and a brush from the cleaning cupboard, cleans up the remains, flies to her window and pours the dust out before returning to you
>"Come on dinner is done"
>You just stare at the button on the floor
>This...this is not how scary stories are supposed to go right?
>You tried to ask Daylily if she knew what that thing was, but she had no idea
>It feels good to have such a brave and dependable big sister
>You wonder if she's not afraid of anything at all
>at some point during the dinner Daylily goes to get something from one of her kitchen cupboards, but suddenly lets out a scream and jumps back
>You quickly fly to her and hug onto her neck with your hooves while peering into the cupboard to find...
>There's a bunch of black ants raiding her sugar supply, phew you were worried the monster might have come back
>But Daylily takes a few steps backwards while staring at the ants until she's backed up against the wall, and still tries to put some distance between herself and the cupboard full of ants
>You look at her face and find that she looks frightened
"Daylily...are you afraid of ants?"
>Daylily gulps and nods nervously
>"Give me that chair so I can throw it at them, p-please hurry!"
>"Hurry I can see them starting to move this way!"
"They're just ants..."
>"B-but my myrmecophobia..."
You're actually pretty good. Maybe you should get a name or something?

It was I, leiffer
Well duh nobody else writes daylily that good.
Not me not anyone else.
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Guys Im working in pic related and I can´t decide a proper name for this stallion...

Suggestions? (yes, this is Frostbite´s father)
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Make Batmerica great again.
you saw what I did!
Growth Projections
Steady Growth
Upward Trend
Bluesky Thinking
Synergy Synergy
Corp McGraphflank
Shiny Shekel
Bluesky Thinking sounds good. I gotta make the bio and I think it would involve business and stuff
oi vey!
Wall Builder


Great Maker

Great Maker is a good option too
Golden Trumpet
Wanna play with my
>Both of you head to the acres and after a short while you see a barn
>And a small house as well
>You walk toward the house and knock on the door
>A orange mare with a cowboy hat opens it
>She gives you a strange look before asking what do you two want
>"Ehm we sorta came for apples here? could we maybe get an apple?"
"An apple? sure i guess we got that.."
"But why would you want apples?"
>You had something in mind to do with apple..
>But not like you're going to tell it to a random pony you just met
>"Eh we need them for an apple pie,yeah."
"That's alright,now normally i'd charge you but you two are foals"
>She continues
"So i figure you don't have any money?"
>"You'd guess right.."
"And you're a bat how come you came for apples don't you only eat mangoes or somethin'"
>"But that's wrong we bats eat a variety of fruits and veggies including mangoes!"
"Right right didn't want to hurt ya feelings"
"Hold on a second"
>She goes over to grab a basket of apples
"Here take those"
>She shoves them into your hooves and closes the door after her
>Sand was silent through this entire thing
"I expected more friendliness from them.."
>"Yeah figures.."
>"Well uhm we got our apples let's go now"
>You and sand leave the acres and head for ponyville
>It's getting darker now but you're sure sugarcube corner still works
>You walk toward the shop and much to your satisfaction it's indeed open
>You walk in and greet the pink mare again
>Guess it's her shift or something
>"Hi there pinkie pie!"
"Hiya sand and blue you guys came for anything?"
"Actually we did yes..me and blue wanted to ask you to make us a pie?"
"A pie i guess i could but it's near closing time"
"And it would take a while to bake..unless your unicorn friend here can do fire magic?"
>"Can ya do it sand?"
"Well i haven't been experiment much with my magic but i'll try.."
>The pink mare smiles and cheerfuly heads to kitchen beckoning you to follow her
"Great! and now you wanted an apple pie right?"
>You hand her over the apples and she carefully counts them
"6 apples that'll be enough for a pretty big pie"
"Unless you guys wanna keep some?"
>"Ehm i wanted to keep two but if sand wants big pie then it's ok"
"Nah it's chill blue keep them if you wanna"
>You grin happily
>That's exactly what you wanted.
"Alright you two so first we're gonna need flour then sugar,water,an egg"
"Our apples,and some salt not a lot just a little."
>She then mixes all the indegredients together it looks pretty complex
>Baking must be difficult..
"Oki that's our raw pie now we need to cook it"
"However ovens would take too long so i need your unicorn buddy here to quickly cook it"
"A-alright i'll try.."
>Sandstone sparks his horn and a small flame comes out
"No no that won't be enough focus more on the flames see if you can get it to work"
>Sandstone closes his eyes and focuses on creating fire
>Then a small flame erupts from his horn and burns with an ember flame
>The pink mare puts pie on a metal plate and places it above sandstone's head
"Don't worry little one just keep the fire up"
>Sand stays focused and keeps flames going for a little while
>The pie looks almost finished pretty quickly,but now his horn is sparking and you think he's running out of magic
>Suddenly the fire dies down and he opens his eyes exhausted as if he just ran for 20 minutes
"S-sorry pinkie i can't keep it up i'm tired.."
"It's oki little one the pie is baked enough and mhmm it smells delicious"
"You two mind if i have a slice?"
"You two mind if i have a slice?"
>"Not at all thanks for helping us bake"
"No problem but you two should go home now it's getting dark"
>"Yeah you're right..come on sand let's go"
>Two of you leave the sugarcube corner with pie in your hooves
>Each of you take a slice and happily eat the warm pie filling tastes of sugary apples
>It's pretty good.
To anyone actually keeping track of this from the start,thank you i enjoy writing this and i have great time developing their charachters.
Forrest Drumpf
I read and save this story in our archive, it's enjoyable.
Do you have pastebin?
>one night some lost ants made their way into a strange, warm hole
>it was a slightly swollen and open Daylily's butthole
>she played with herself when she was in the mountains
>too bad she didn't think about sticking her buttplug in the proper place before falling asleep
>from that night she has myrmecophobia
Rate sucker?
Because bat puns.
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tfw you will never have a colony of ants live inside your body and treat you as their ant queen for providing them a safe home

I enjoy it too
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>"tfw you will never have a colony of ants living inside you"
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not very effective.gif
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These were not ants, but batasites. They crawl into bat intimate places, whisper bat puns in French and giggle every time when you try to get rid of them.
No i don't,but i did consider making one just didn't get around to it.
Lazy as fuck,also i'm drugged right now so not exactly being myself.
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You make that?
Cus it's real good.
This is not how to ant-man
Or laugh in that french honking laugh, making other bats thing your nether bits are queefing strangely

Hon hon hon hon
Uh, the OC is mine but the art is someone else's.
Contemplating writing a bit, dunno if it'd be interesting, though.

askfillyrarity's art-style, from the looks, right?
I just got it from a random art anon.
Follow the words of Shia Lefufu
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I edited a bit the mane color and some shades. I´m about to work now on a milf bat oc.
So what is his name?
I´m in a dobut between Bluesky Thinking and Great Maker...
I'd vote for the first one.
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Nightlight polishing her spear.png
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Oh right guys, there´s Frostbite´s mother. She needs a name and I need suggestions about colors...
>Coat color
>Mane color
>Eye color
I'd leave her colours, so her daughter is similar to her. Maybe add a lighter strip going through her mane and tail.

For her name? I really don't know, what is her talent?
For CM: it looks a bit too detailed (or maybe this pencil doesn't fit here?). Try making it larger and less detailed, like https://derpicdn.net/img/2012/11/26/164198/large.png
Yeah that´s what I´m gonna edit now.

She´s an accountant and she loves the ledgers.

I´m also editing the cutie mark as you said.
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Frostbite s Mother.png
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edited version
Call her Mediana
In consideration
Cougar Alert
Anyone else remember Nick?
The kid who made Aux. Must have been about four years ago. Some say he still lurks these threads.
It's finally happening (Echo dakimakura)
http://67.media.tumblr.com/04b2b87b798bd4b997a2a18ea3358529/tumblr_o75e2bdScX1uygxreo1_1280.png (Anthro)
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Got someone in the draw thread to draw Lucky Shriek.
Oh boy.
I remember him he was annoying
No shit he was annoying. He was 15.

Unrelated, have a wip I dunno what to do with
Seductive batresses on the prowl
Hollows needs to hurry up his ass and write more inn bats
>your stomach grumbles
>echo looks down at you
"You must me hungry"
>you shake you yes
"Come on I'll get somthing to eat" you both go into the kitchen
>you look around the room is of modest size you sit down at the table
>echo presents you with a bowl of mango cut up so you can eat it
"So what's your name?" She ask sitting across from you
"Heartburn" you say quietly
"Well heartburn I'm echo so how old are you?"
"7" you say quietly as you eat
>echo just kinda looks at after you said that you don't know why
"Your only 7 years old!" She exclaimed
>your ears go flat against your head you start shaking fearing what she's going to do to you
>echo notice you shaking
"Hey it's ok don't be afraid you surprised me I'm not going to hurt you ok?"
"Ok" you sqeak
>you finish eating the mango you yawn
>echo put both the bowls away
"Looks like someone's tired" she says looking down at you
>you nod your head
>she picks you up you've been picked before but you were beaten when that happened
>but this is defrent
>your taken to a bed room
>she puts you down
"Heartburn you want some pajamas to sleep in?" Echo ask going threw her dresser
>you don't know pajamas are but you assume you seep in them
"Yes" you say
>echo wakes over giving you a pair of pajamas that have mangos on them you put them on
>you feel warm and cozy you yawn agin
>echo comes back with pajamas on as well
>she puts you bed and lay next to you
>the bed is the only real bed ever laid in its nice and soft and cozy
"Good night heartburn" echo says to you
"Good night"
>you fall asleep
Stupid phone sorry for all errors
>another unfinished anthro sketch
it's shit
>you had been with echo for few weeks now
>you loved it with her you had a home a bed a mom
>you never called her mom you didnt want her to get mad and throw you out
>you wake up one morning seeing echo next to you
>you reach out and hug her
>she wakes up
>you reach back not knowing how shed take it
"hey there cutie you ok?"
"yea m-mommy'
>fear washs over you
>please dont yell please dont be mad you thought
>echo just kissed your head
"hey i have a suprise for you too day"
"really what?" you exclaim
"youll just have to wait and see"
>you were excited
>you went through you day normaly
>then you and your mom went to a buliding
>the sign read hollow shades adoption center
>your eyes went wide you start to back away
"no no no please no i dont want to please no mommy" you say tearing up
"heartburn no its not llike that im adopting you im not giveing you away"
"y-y-you p-promise"you say scared and crying
"yes baby dont you worry mommy loves you" she kiss you wiping you tears away
>you grab your mothers hoof
>you both go into the buliding and into a office
>theres a pony there youve seen she hands your mom papers
>you sit quiet as fills out the papers
"all right heartburn you sign here" say
"oh uh um i cant write" you say looking down
"thats ok baby" she writes what looks like a bunch of lines to you
>after a few more papers your mom is given a fancy piece of paper then you take her hoof and leave
"well heartburn im your mommy now how do you feel"
"r-really i have a home and mom"
>you hug her and never want to let go
the end
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Mischevious double bat bump
It was ok
tiny butt
She had a difficult time giving birth.
I tried to make her a fine body... for a big butt I´m already making another bat
Frostbite did not want to get out... it was comfy inside
>Tulip is in heat
>it's a strong one
>it's not easy to find a good place to take care of her when you are in public place
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Jasmine mango 80s.png
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>There's a new strip club in hollow shades.
>Instead of take clothes off they put clothes on.
>They all dress up as mangoes.
>Bat stallions become diamonds.
>Lots of sex happens.
>Bat horse accidentally inflates into mango, wonka style
What could go wrong?
>Be bat mare
>Find bat pone wonka meal flavour gum.
>Chew gum
>Appetizer: Mangoes.
>Main course: Mangoes.
>Dessert: Mango sherbet.
>Feel funny.
>Notice your whole body has turned orange.
>Begin swelling full of mango juice.
>Begin new life as an immobile mango juice dispenser.
>Constantly have to "dispense" mango juice to avoid bursting.
>Pones from across equestria come to taste your bat mare mango juice.
Some one should make a picture of this
I'm sure Vito would do it.
Yeah baby, slide that mango costume on nice and slow, unf cover up your whole body in clothing that's so hot
Remember the hyper futa cock night watch? No pls
Why immobile? Coca Cola pony can walk.
He's bringing about the era of inflation fetish.
I want to drink mango juice straight from the mango juice bat.
But violet couldn't
That sort of setup would be qt.
I'd drink mango juice bat's pee to make her walk again.
And then you got these nerds.
don't be a normie, Cell
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atomic boner.png
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>Be Mango Juice Bat Pone.
>You've been immobile for months and feeling very uncomfortable.
>Most ponies either come to look at you or drink your 'juices'.
>You can't remember the last time you showered or even walked for that matter.
>Maybe chewing this gum was a mistake.
>But you've swallowed it now so your just gonna keep making juice.
>Suddenly a green ape-like creature came from who knows where. Hearing about your juices.
>Your not going to get into details but he begins drinking straight from your 'tap'.
>Before you know it you begin deflating to normal size.
>The ape-like creature smiles at this and gets you back on your feet.
>You try walking but you quickly topple over.
>You would have crashed if the ape-like creature didn't catch you.
>"Hey, easy now."
>He picks you up and carries you in his arms.
"Thank you- uh-"
"Thanks Anon..."
then Anon runs around while squeezing her, shooting juice at other ponies

But yeah cute
Go on.
I'd change months to days.
>you pee every now and then to keep the pressure low
>but it's not enough to get rid of the mango juice that keeps you immobile
>now a small mango river goes through the Hollow Shades
So the thread will reply to sloppy seconds shitposts directed at someone but not actual drawing/writing.
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Ok first off:
>one off
Second of all:
English please
listen shitpost

not write or draw
I don't think you know what shitposting is...
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[confused bat noises]
Write more, this thing is interesting.
Vito stop. You're the only artist left now
This guy again. Got the beginning fleshed out, gonna post it later today, probably get lynched for featuring characters not necessarily centric to the thread (i.e Echo or Speck).
>if someone likes something I don't like, it must be Vito!
nice scapegoat, mate
Would I be wrong, though.
You lost me
I dunno, you're whiteknighting pretty hard, even if you're not him.
People want me to continue this so I might as well...
>You rest easy in the cradle of Anon's arms.
>Your legs feel so weak after being neglected for so long that they seem like twigs ready to snap in a coming breeze.
>You quickly cringe as Anon presses down on your stomach causing excess juice to spill on his white shirt.
"You didn't have to do that."
>He smiles.
>He carries you into the bathroom and sits you on the toilet as he starts up the bath.
>You watch as your stomach begins to slowly swell again.
>You try emptying into the toilet but it only seems to halt the expansion.
>Anon looks at you before placing you in the hot bath.
>You had forgotten what hot water felt like, being a living mango and all.
>You look up at Anon.
"You didn't have to do this. I would've been fine on my own after you emptied me."
>"Oh really?" Anon says point at your stomach now bobbing above the water.
>He pushes down on it and you blush as your excess juice flushes into the bath water.
>You decide it's best he stays with you. Because of the swelling of course.
>Not anything lewd or sexual at all...
I only see a triggered guy who whines too much over something that people actually like

>wake up in the morning with Juicy snuggled up to you
>go make breakfast for both of you
>take a clean glass and stick it under Juicy's tail
>she squats down with a blush on the face and silently relieves herself
>soon the glass is filled with fresh mango juice
>enjoy the breakfast with the best drink pony in Equestria
This anon here.
This isn't me just in case it isn't obvious.
We know
But I like the name "Juicy"
Would she continuously leak mango juice during sex?
Well then here it be known that "Mango juice pone" will now and forever be called "Juicy".
>people actually like
This is now an inflation/piss thread
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Frostbite s Stepsister.png
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Hello guys it´s me again. I finished my 3rd and last oc for a while. Need names for this one too!
Bat whore/10
Here's the pastebin.
I'll try to write more later.
You are very not nice.

Good Night
Night Kiss
That´s just his opinion...

These are good names!
>You eat the rest of the pie and head to home
>"Hey sand,wanna come with me?"
"with you?"
>"Yeah why not i'm sure your parents won't be worried"
"I don't know blue..they might get really worried"
>"Oh come on don't worry bout that let's go"
"Well alright i did want to sleep at your place once"
>"Great let's go"
>Sandstone and you head over to your house and knock on the door
>Your mom opens the door and gives you a worried look
"Where have you two been for so long and your hooves are muddy.."
"Are you hurt did anyone touch you?"
>"No mom..me and sand are ok we just went to apple acres to get some apples"
>"But the road was muddy and there was no other way around.."
"Well you two need a bath and don't make me force you to do it come on now"
>Suddenly your mom grabs you and sand by back on fur and carries you in her mouth over to bathroom dropping you in bathtub
>Sandstone protests at this
"H-hey put me down you aren't my mom"
"I might not be but you are my daughter's coltfriend and you get same treatment as her"
>He scrunches in annoyance but keeps quiet
>"Heyy stop bugging sand mom"
"Be quiet you got all muddy and you know i dislike mud in my house"
>She takes a shampoo and dumps generous amout in tub
>She turns on warm water and let the tub fill with you and sand inside of it
"Good,you two have a bath now i'll go make you some dinner"
>She walks out of bathroom and closes door leaving you and sand alone
"Uhm guess we have to take a bath now blue.."
>"Yeah my mom is usually really nice but she hates anything muddy.."
>You start scrubbing mud off sandstone's hoof
>He is a little suprised at first but he scrubs your hooves in respond moments later
>"Mhhm that's nice.."
>"You know i usually have my mom clean my throughfully unless she isn't home ofcourse"
>"This might be a little direct but you know why i brought the apple"
"Why blue?"
>"Well um..i wanted to try putting inside my fillyhood"
"Ooh so the water is perfect opportunity,you are wet it should slide in easy"
>"Y-yeah..but i can do that alone maybe we could mate underwater?"
"Do what we did underwater..?"
"That's pretty strange thing to say"
>"Come onn it could be fun sand don't you want to experiment and have fun?"
"Ofcourse i do.."
"But it sounds a bit risky"
"Well water could get in there and shampoo.."
>"You silly..fluids come out of those places all time when we're excited why is that strange"
"Well uhm ok we can do it then doesn't sound that dangerous.."
Sorry for tiny update,feeling pretty sick today..but i'll get lewds done tomorrow hopefully.
Thanks for the update, get well soon, Anon.
Sorry, I was trying to meme.
you want my blonde bat to be a whore?
What if she is a pure virgin?
She's a cutie. 10/10 would bang.
Not a virgin but still with not a perverted mind...
Table Dancer?

I want to hit that with my penis
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I've finished a pic for PiE, so it's time for Daylyl.
Tomorrow I'll try to make a sketch, but now it's bed time.
Nighty night, /bat/.
Do bat ponies like baseball?
Said I'd deliver, so, lemme deliver.

> Dancing lights of twilight fell through the hairline crack in the window.

The shifting rays of faint light fell upon one occupant of this building, laying at rest – you. For all the luck in the world, you are one of Princess Luna's Bat Ponies: be it mare, or stallion, of indecisive appearance. Despite all of this, there is one thing that holds your very being together – your talent, your cutie mark; which is a stunning red lantern.

Shockingly, to this day, you still don't know what it means – but you might find out in due time, as one always believes.

You have served honourably in Princess Luna's own guard, for eight years of your life, and only recently were you promoted to the rank of Sergeant. But, the rank means nothing, in ill regard – as in comparison to Princess Celestia's own guard, which is almost entirely straight-forward – the Night Guard is fairly ritualistic.

One such ritual is what most non-commissioned officers, those whom have attained the ranks of Corporal and beyond, refer to as the Pilgrimage. Accompanied by a low-brass commissioned officer whom is frequently a Lieutenant, the Pilgrimage takes aspiring Corporals and Sergeants on a quest to at least two major Bat Pony settlements.

Some of the bats partaking in the ritual Despite this common-place ritual, few have been returning – and no word of deserters has been held from Hollow Shades, or a thestral city in the Badlands known as Esther.

Patrols outside of Canterlot reported two whom attempted the Pilgrimage – Corporal Serene Essence and Knight-Captain Nightshade – to be missing.
> But, fortunately for yourself, you already know who you're going with.

It's an officer by the name of Midnight Vanus.

He's a Knight-Lieutenant, as you recall from the convoluted rank structure from Princess Luna's actions prior to her banishment. It's remained in place over all these years, oddly.

Yourself and Knight-Lieutenant Vanus have been good friends for some time, and you know you'll both return safe and sound.

Internally, you wished for more time to mull it over, though your eyes crack open gently and glance around.

All other bunks are occupied, and you nuzzle your face back into your pillow, hoping to lie easy a few more moments of shut-eye...

… it seems that someone else has other plans, as you feel a sharp strike upside your head. It's nothing of a sword, and nothing of a bludgeon – just a hoof.

Wincing, you lift your head up, now alert – face to face with the stallion you've been paired with. Green eyes, dark blue mane and tail, both short-cut, and a near-black coat. It's an uncommon variety – you can't care to mull it over.

“Come on, Solas,” he utters – nothing more than a whisper on heated breath. With his hoof, he helps you out of bed and to gather the most basic essential of all guards – the spear and scabbard.

It feels like you're sneaking out, and you remember your bootcamp days – sneaking out and going out to the market for mangos and other delectables.

… That really doesn't seem as bad as this.

Vanus leads you astray from your thoughts, with little more than a push and a shove. Sooner or later, you find yourself on the cobblestone street outside of the barracks.

The cool air burns at your lungs for a moment as you begin to recognize the ever-present cascade of snowflakes. You hear the doors lock behind you.
> Vanus is a bastard.

Or not. He comes back up on your right side, after shutting the barracks door back upon lock and key.

You hear him murmur for a moment, and crane your neck a bit to listen to him properly.

“... guess they always said … early bird catches the worm, Solas … your Pilgrimage might be the shortest one yet...”

You shake your head negatively, finally coming to grasp with the world around you, and what was happening.

The first measure is leaving Canterlot – but by the time Vanus starts moving, you come to realize he has a map in the back of his head for things like this – he's zig-zagging through alleyways and the sorts. It seems like he's even lost in the excitement – he leaves you behind for a moment or two.

The thestral stallion recovers from his mistake, however; and in no time the two of you have left Canterlot. Now out of the not-so-bustling dusk capital city, he sheds his saddlebags. You didn't recall him having them –

A cloak is thrust upon you. It's furry and warm to the touch, and you find yourself removing your scabbard and securing the cape around yourself in a few moments due to winter's chill. Aside from the events of Nightmare Night, of which you were heading the Princess' carriage.

The guard whom had your position at the time had gotten ill, and it seems they thought you were the only suitable replacement...

Fond memories aside, you'll ignore the appearing saddlebags in favour of warmth; securing your spear upon yourself.

He nudges your side with a hoof to capture your attention again, and the two of you begin to walk again.

“Come on, that was just the short stretch. I – didn't bring the map. . . but, I know exactly where we're headed. Same places that Serene Essence and Nightshade were headed. Hollow Shades, and Esther.”
> You had only been to Hollow Shades, not Esther. Neither of the two places were necessarily common on your “go-to” list, as well.

You bite your lower lip for a moment as you trail behind Vanus, before speaking up. “Why Hollow Shades and Esther?”

“Why? Esther is a stunning city of architecture and rituals. Some say it bares a chunk of the moon that bore Princess Luna during her false imprisonment, by her sister,” Vanus replies curtly, before carrying on. “Though, Hollow Shades is a common capital for everyp0ny of our descent. It's a go-to sight, and some of the more formidable guards retired to the city...”

You hear him trail off, turning your gaze to your muzzle and breathing outwards. It reminds you of foalhood nights in the winter – seeing your breath for the first time in the stark winter air. You shake your head and carry on with Vanus.

His green eyes shift and bounce around – on the alert for what would be any sudden movements, or perhaps simply taking in the sights.

You follow his gaze for a moment, noticing the soft groves of evergreens following the mountainside of Canterlot as you trail down the winding pass.

It's beautiful.

Instinctively, you ruffle your wings slightly, the tendons rubbing against your sides comfortably; and the rims flexing to find comfort under the cloak once more.

“I think we're going to be able to make it, honestly,” Vanus replies, matter-of-factly.

“... yeah, I think so, too,” you cut in; starting to feel the determination that runs rampant within his veins. It's a starting fire of adrenaline – well-sourced and outgoing altogether. Despite this abrupt jumpstart to your evening, you wonder –

Just what did happen to the others whom set out on the pilgrimage?


Alright, there's my little slice of writefag attempts for the night.
I miss the original bats. What happened?
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Thought I'd write a bit before I hit the sack.
>You take note how tender and careful anon is being with his hands.
>For objects so large, it's amazing how gentle he can be with them. Cleaning the dirt out of your fur.
>You scrunch once more as Anon squeezes the more juice out of your body.
"You know it's very uncomfortable to be forced to... ...to..."
"Yeah, let's call it that..."
>"Would you prefer if I waited until you we're heavy balloon?"
"No, not really."
>You don't really fancy being immobile again.
>The fact you didn't burst, was a feat in and of itself. Let alone the sheer amount of pressure the juice exerted on your body.
>You slowly trace the faint stretch marks near the bottom of your stomach with your hoof.
>In the bath it almost felt like you had regained muscle in your weak limbs.
>Sadly, they were so weak that Anon had to use one arm to prop your body up to stop you from drowning.
>"So I just have a couple of questions."
>Your ears perk up intently at this.
"Uh, ok."
>"So, first off, how did you become... ...this?"
>He points to your mane and coat. Both of which are bright orange.
"What about it?"
>"Well, normally bat ponies have very grey-ish tones. Whereas your coat and mane are very bright colors. Even for a normal pony."
"Well, uh, it just came with... ...you know..."
>You point to your stomach.
>"Ah." Anon says, nodding in agreement. "So, I gave you my name. What's yours?"
>You pause for a second.
"It's Juicy..."
>"Huh, how fitting."
>You scrunch up now noticing the connection.
"Hey Anon, I had a question for you?"
"How did you drink that much juice? Nopony could drink that much juice."
>"Oh that's simple."
>"You ever heared of masturbation?"
"Anon! That's-"
>"No. That's not what I meant. It's the other way round."
>Be Anon.
>After long last Juicy had finally fallen asleep.
>It took a while but you finally got the little bat pone to her bed.
>"Hey Anon?"
>You look at Juicy her eyes still showing a sense of sleepyness.
>"Could you sleep next to me? Just for tonight?"
>You pause for a moment.
>Not like you had anywhere else to sleep.
>You crawl into bed next to her.
>"Thanks Anon. For everything."
"Your welcome."
>Juicy then presumed he adventures in dreamland.
>And it was a peaceful night overall.
That's gonna be it for tonight. See you tomorrow /bat/.
Nice, waiting for more.
Most bat ponies like to play with bats and balls so probably


Not bad for a non-green format

still surprisingly cute
What are your opinions on transformation fetish?
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what even
The thought of becoming a little bat mare turn you off?
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Are pictures of cute fillies still common currency?

Also any requests?
I'll get writing then
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r63 heartbeat.png
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what a cutie
Draw Gloom Wing
Is that you, BatDesu? Please draw more Fairylights.

more cute fillies doing cute filly things
In progress, nice trips

I am not BatDesu, sorry. But I can draw Fairylights if you want me to

You got it
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mfw this post.png
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Panne pls
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cute Panne caught peeing
That's a nice looking bat
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I smell Nightwatch
That's funny, a few minutes ago I've put freshly cut black elderberry flowers in the flowerpot.
And they've already wilted and died in her presence
That's not true, Night Watch smells like freshly cut spring flowers.
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Fucking Japs, give me back my sides
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Robin Hood.png
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Hollow Shades
when I drew that , I though that bat pony was Stoic5's oc *derp*
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cheering Pom Pom.png
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Basically it is Stoic's OC, but /bat/ decided she is too cute to be only a background pony in his comic and we gave her name, colours, special talent and blindness
"Nicee..just stay calm and relax we'll do this slowly.."
>You reach for his horn with your hoof and slowly start to rub it until he fully relaxes
>You continue and his expression slowly turns to pleasure
>"Like this dontcha?"
"Y-yeah..keep going"
>You continue rubbing his horn while using your other hoof to take his hoof into yours
>You then guide his hoof to your wings
>"Well you know what to do now don't you?"
"O-ofcourse i do.."
>He leans in and brings one of his hooves to your wings
>He then slowly rubs up and down on your wings touching sensitive spots are you teached him before
>"Ah~that's relaxing..you're such a good lover sand"
>He mutters a few words out
"T-thank you"
>You look down at his crotch and see his growing erection
>Good it's about time too
>You take your hoof off his horn and push him away from yourself a little bit
"W-what are you doing"
>After he's pushed away from your wings you close up to to him and touch his erect colthood
>"I'm doing that."
>You take it into your hooves and stroke it a few times
>Sandstone is about to mutter up a response but you put a hoof up to his mouth and keep him silent
>"Mhhm nice..now let's get a little further"
>You take your hoof off his mouth and point his colthood at entrence of your downer lips
>You are now very wet with anticipation
>You stroke him a few more times..
>And then suddenly the door is opened
>It's your mom.
"Are you two done-oh!"
>"You blush from intense embarrasment and back away from sandstone
>He backs away as well to the other side of bathub
>Your mom backs out of room slowly and slams the door shut
"Y-you didn't say your mom would be coming"
>"I-i didn't know that she would be coming she said we're left on our own.."
>"S-sorry for the incident.."
"I'm not mad it's ok but gosh that was embarrasing.."
"A-and it's not like it was that big of a deal sex is a natural thing"
>"Well we're clean now aren't we.."
>"Let's just uhm go talk with my mom.."
>You both exit sandstone dries himself and you off with towel carefully drying your wings as well
>Magic sure is usefull
>You walk out of bathroom and into the living room your mom awaits you there
"Soo what were you two planning there"
>"Oh well you know uhm.."
"It's ok i caught you mid act it's ok. I won't berate you or teach you about those things i'm sure you're aware of it already"
>"Y-yeah we are.."
"That's good.."
>She sighs and speaks up in a motherly calm voice
"Just..lock the door next time ok?"
"Please don't let this happen again"
>"Sure mom sand and i will be carefull next time.."
"Well good thing is you two have cleaned yourself and are no longer muddy"
"But really you are in dire need of mane brushing come with me to bedroom"
>You and sand follow your mom into your bedroom
>She takes out a brush and brings it to sandstone's mane
>He's a little suprised but doesn't resist
"Your mane is all ruffled little one not as straight as that of my blueberry"
"So this might hurt a little but don't worry it'll all be over fast and you'll be beatyfull!"
>She begins to pass through his mane with the brush
"Shh stay calm"
>He utters a few small cries of pain but the brush passes through his mane smoothly after first couple of times
"There we go you're clean and brushed now"
"Do tell me don't your parents take care of your mane?"
>"Well they do but uhm my mom is always busy.. and dad is at work"
"Hmm well busy parents can be a bit of an issue indeed."
"There you're good to go now just don't go rolling around in mud or it'll happen again"
"And you don't want to go through pain again now do you?"
"N-no ofcourse i don't"
"Good,now it's your turn sweetheart"
>Your mom takes brush to your mane and starts making passes through it
>It stops a few times and it's mildly uncomfortable
>But it goes smoothly most of time making your mane straight and nice as it always is
"Great you two look beatyfull now take a look"
>Your mom hands a mirror to you and sandstone
>Sandstone's reaction however leaves much to be desired
"H-hey! I look like a girl now!"
>"Oh come on silly that's not an issue now none of the other fillies will try to take you away from me"
>He giggles at your protectiveness
"Haha i guess you're right but i'd never leave for another filly even if they asked me to"
>"Glad to hear that i love you too"
"Come on now you two stay out of trouble ok?"
>"Ok mom we'll try our best"
Honestly i feel like i'm getting burnt out..i do have tons of idea where to go with story and all
But i just need a break i really need something else to write about for a short while.
Sure thing, you are doing great, but we can wait for more bat filly.
Can you give us your pastebin?

What do you mean by "original"? All bats are still here in the thread.
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>kee... kee... keee.... eeee...eee....
TFW you'll never have the joy of scratching a batpony's ears and head.
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>raised brow
>trying to ignore you
>asking you to stop
>trying again to ignore you
>annoyed screes and kees
>pillow attack
>tfw you will never annoy Moonlight with simply staring at her when she is studying.
that's cute and lewd at the same time
Has anything been done with Aux lately?
Would hunt ghosts and paranormal entitties with
Uncomfortable cute!
Any suggestions what should inspire next in the lives of Tulip and Daylily?
>Tulip's heat
>Daylily is sick
>continue the spooky story
>officially adopt Tulip and that cute shy filly
I got a green idea!
You,anon shift bodies with a batpony for a day.
What bat? A mare? It will end with hours of masturbation and riding BatmareAnon in both of your holes
Masturbate all day, the end
Well,would detailed masturbation followed by anon trying to function as a bat work?
But of course!
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>"F-Freeze! Who are y-you?"
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Eventide_Ins 5.jpg
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Don't get hooked up on [ [ M ] ]
Holy shit, little battie, what happened to you?
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Mangoes (and other fruits) are like drugs for some Bat ponies
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Silly bat, that's not how you eat a mango.
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You can also eat it with your other end

If you know what I mean
>Tulip asked Daylily if she can get a spanking
>Daylily agreed to that strange request since they both know it's not a punishment, but... a thing for other purposes
>Daylily took her over the knee and slapped her butt hard for several minutes
>sometimes she "accidently" slapped her lightly on the tailhole and the slit, making the filly squeal and moan
>Tulip was on cloud nine and quickly reached her limit
>her body went stiff, then a mango shot from her butthole during the orgasm
>astonished Daylily saw the fruit flying through the whole room
>she didn't know if she is more ashamed for sexualizing a small bat filly, or aroused to know that Tulip shares a lot of fetishes with her
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>Be a random bat pony minding your business
>suddenly hear the sound of glass breaking
>Look at the source of the sound just in time to see a mango flying at you at high velocity
>get knocked unconscious by a rogue mango
>implying bat pone wouldn't eat the mango mid-flight.
>You are anon
>Or you think so anyways
>You woke up today and everything feels rather unusual
>You haven't really looked at yourself in mirror today
>Not like it matters ponies don't like you either way
>However you feel really small
>Almost like you height dropped dramatically
>And you're walking on all four..
>Why are you walking on all four again
>You try to stands up but it doesn't work and you fall to ground
>Deciding to see what's going on you walk over to bathroom and look yourself in mirror
>No that's impossible how could have this happened to you
>You are a batpony a batpony mare of all things
>What the hell how did this shit even happen
>Fucking twilight is to blame for this god damn she's going to get hers
>You angrily storm out of your house and toward twilight's castle
>You storm beside guards who try to stop you but you just push them out of way
>You walk into princess's chambers
>You then make a demonstration stomping her table down to splints
>"What the hell have you done you little shit!"
>"Why the fuck am i a horse now huh,what the fuck i was a human yesterday i wake up today and i'm a fucking bat horse?"
>Her response is suprisingly calm which forces you to relax for a second
"Calm down anon. I have no idea why this happened to you it's not me who made you a batpony"
"And besides aren't you happy you always wanted to be a pony?"
I dunno,just trying something anything
try it somewhere else

Post more, maybe that transformation thing can be fun.
it has its own thread
>"...this tastes like filly and ass".
He has a point. I guess...
Yeah..it was fun trying though just to see how you guys would react to it,testing the waters you know.
Right ill lurk the thread for other ideas then.
That's like saying "don't write AiE or Flutter Rape stories because it has its own thread".
That double standard though.
Honestly I'd say who gives a shit and do it anyway, if you won't do it, I might. Process of the change and all.
Sure,if I don't put anything up for a day feel free to take over.
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Sorry I didn't make it, but I had some stuff to do. Hopefully tomorrow I'll deliver a sketch.
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This bat looks like a mix of HeartBeat and Lullaby
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more sleepy bat
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Good night, bat thread
New bat goes here
Thread posts: 502
Thread images: 120

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