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Super Pony - Power Ponies CYOA

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>Oh look, another text-based CYOA, what's with this one?
Glad you asked.

Welcome to Super Pony, a CYOA taking place in Maretropolis, a city where the forces of good and evil are at a constant struggle.
You play as Easy Ride, also known as Road Rage, and this is your quest to get back at Boomerang for sending you to prison and subsequently ruining your life.

Catch up on this and other CYOAs here:

Last time:
>Helped Voltage make her stun gauntlets.
>Had your shower interrupted by Sludge for the second time.
>Accepted Sludge’s job to visit the scientist who turned him into a super.
>Invited Voltage and Tinker along for the ride.
>Went on a quest to find a fire starter/extinguisher at The Hunter’s mansion.

Thanks to Bath for the art this week!

Let’s get going, shall we?
>You pull out of the main city, the large skyscrapers of Maretropolis falling behind you.
>This area, known to many as millionaire’s row, is probably full of rich superheroes.
>Luckily, each mansion has a good few acres to itself, the rich ponies preferring to be loners rather than have neighbors.
>Likewise, each mansion sits at the top of its own hill, a long driveway leading up to it.
>Now the problem is finding which one belongs to Mister Glenn.
>Fortunately, this main road sits completely empty save for you and your bike.
>Slowly driving along the line of houses, you come upon a gate that catches your attention.
>The gate is made of gold, glowing lightly with the last few rays of the sun.
>Turning your eyes to the top of the gate, there is a rather morbid depiction of a wolf’s paw caught in a trap.
>A red button and speaker sits to the left of the fence, but the perimeter doesn’t seem to have any other surveillance.
>The fence stretches around the whole property.
>The driveway is probably a good two or three hundred meters long, and uphill the whole way, ending at a circle.
>A water feature sits in the middle of the circle, the fountain spraying water a few feet into the air.
>From this distance, you can’t see much, but the mansion appears to be two stories tall, many large windows on each floor.
>The driveway stretches off to the right of the house, but you can’t tell where it leads.
>At the back of the house, you see dense foliage.
>Right now, however, the fence blocks your path to the mansion.
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>but the perimeter doesn’t seem to have any other surveillance.
It would be good to check for (secret) security
Lets hide the bike and walk the perimeter.

Yeah, for some reason I think this guy probably has plenty of hidden cameras.
this is a super who love traps and allows people to try and steal from him, so it's best to keep our helmet on for the night vision
Maybe he doesn't use a lot of cameras so he can get a sick kick out of looking at the victims of his traps in person like some kind of weirdo.

Either way that's most important is that we watch our steps. for pitfalls,snares traps and triggers. Maybe we should use our magic since to see if he's using any orbs to power some of these things then we might get an idea of were the major traps are.
>Assuming that there are cameras that you don’t see, you decide to keep your helmet on, switching on the night vision.
>Looking more closely, you do find something suspicious.
>Each of the fenceposts has an ornate metal circle near the top, each with what appears to be a gem inside.
>Peering more closely – with your helmet obscuring your face, of course – you spot a camera iris inside the black sphere.
>Now knowing you’re being watched, you stash the bike behind a nearby bush, doing your best to obscure it.
>Next, you take the time to walk along the perimeter, doing an inspection of the property.
>Along the fence, most of the run up towards the house seems to be impeccably-mowed grass lawn, with few hedges, trees, and flowerbeds along the driveway.
>The front of the house has two doors. One central, very-important looking double door with an arched doorway above it.
>The other is a much smaller
>The left side of the house has no main floor entrances, only
>As you come around to the back of the property, you can no longer even see the house.
>Your view is obscured by a garden that looks more like a forest.
>It’s fairly close to the fence, it would be just a few seconds’ run.
>At one point, almost perfectly in the back of the property, appears to be an entrance to the forest.
>A thick canopy of trees, bushes, and other plants covers the back of the house.
>Each plant is groomed impeccably, but the trees are planted closely together, their branches interlocking, casting darkness over the back of the house.
>Moving on to the right side, a small cottage sits on the side of the forest, a simple rock building, surrounded by a small garden of flowers.
>Interestingly, you see no garage.
>The left side of the house has no main floor entrances, only

So the front lawn is obviously full of hidden traps and the backyard forest is where he'll be in his element. I've got a really bad feeling about this lace.
>no garage
Underground maybe?
This cottage sounds interesting. Why would that be there? Can we sense anyone inside?
Nothing. I meant to nix that but forgot.
One of these days we're going to remember we can't see shit through walls.
Let's be super careful since one again this guy is trap master
Good thing they don't make windowless cottages.
>You close your eyes, looking at the cottage with your mind.
>It’s made of stone, and all the windows are closed, so it’s pretty hard to see through.
>You don’t think you can feel any ponies inside, but you’re not sure.
>However, a patch of flowers surrounding the entrance glows a faint blue in your mind’s eye.
>You do another onceover of the property, this time looking with your mind.
>The fence looks pretty plain all the way around.
>You’re fairly certain the fence is not trapped.
>The grass around the front of the house looks odd.
>While grass typically glows a faint green, brighter spots grow a bit more common the farther up the hill you look.
>It’s difficult to distinguish between the normal grass and what you assume is a trap.
>They’re not perfectly interlocked, however, you think you might be able to reach the top if you were careful.
>The hedges along the driveway glow particularly brightly.
>Around the back, however, you don’t see any oddities leading up to the forest, but you can’t see anything apart from trees from your location outside the fence.
I say we go through the back and keep our mind peeled.
Hmm, front has traps for sure, but the back is far too easy to not be a trap itself.
I think I'd rather brave the danger we can see than the unknown.
I second this.
>Deciding to go through the back, you hop over the fence and into the lawn.
>Closing your eyes, you begin your trek into the forest, carefully looking around you with your mind.
>The trees grow very closely together in this forest, almost keeping you in a single path.
>Just like you had seen from the outside, the branches of the trees intermingle, blocking out any light.
>Fortunately, you don’t need light to see.
>Branches sway around you, the trees rustling against each other and your own hoofsteps on the dirt the only noises.
>But bit by bit, you make your way into the forest, constantly on the lookout for traps.
>Soon, you come to a crossroads, one path leading to the left and one leading right.
>You can’t see far down each path, as they curve soon after.
>The left path is covered with a scattering of fallen leaves, which glow faintly in your mind’s eye.
>However, they glow dimmer than the ones still on the trees.
>The right path, however, is barer, the dirt path is plainly visible.
>However, you catch a brown shimmer in the dirt about twenty feet down the path.
If there's a trap then it means we're going the right way. Not like we can't go back.
Take the right path and try to figure out what it is and how it activates.
left path might has rope traps or pit fall trap hidden among the leave making our mind's eye hard to find the trap, while right path might has a net trap to fall on us when we trip the wire, so I would say go right but keep an eye out for trap with night vision on
>You head down the right path, being careful to look out for any other traps you haven’t seen yet.
>While you don’t see any, you quickly come upon what you believe is the trap, stopping just in front of the shimmer.
>A fairly long stretch of earth shimmers brown, about seven feet long.
>You think you could jump that, if you wanted to risk it.
>Of course, you’re not sure how this trap even works.
>Opening your eyes and flipping on your night vision goggles, it looks like a pretty unremarkable stretch of earth.
>You figure that your vision isn’t going to tell you what this trap does.
No, but tossing a rock, twig, or dirt might.
I would say Indianan Jones it up if we brought our chain, but cheack if the tree branch can even sapport our wight
>Reaching up to a tree, you snap a low hanging branch off and and toss it onto the soil.
>It lands straight up, sticking in the dirt.
>It sits there for a moment, unmoving.
>As you go to trap something heavier, the earth shifts.
>Mud crawls up the length of the wood until it’s completely covered in earth.
>Then it begins sinking, the dity twisting and turning as it pulls the stick downward.
>Soon, the stick is entirely gone, a couple bubbles rising to the surface.
>Then the earth becomes still once again, returning to its indistinguishable state.
>You turn your gaze upwards.
>Since the branches are interlocking, there is a pretty large tree branch halfway across the mud.
>Your eyes flit between your chain wrapped around your barrel and the branch, an idea forming in your head.
>Should you go for it?
Been itching to do this since we got the chain.
Go for it.
As long as we can get it down.
>Pulling out your chain, you wrap it around one of your hooves so you don’t lose it.
>Next, you swing it a few times to build some momentum.
>Then you let it go, and throw it at the branch.
>It clatters as it flies through the air before wrapping around the branch.
>You give it a couple tugs, making sure it won’t fall.
>Happy that it’s secure, you back up and get a running start.
>Holding onto the chain, you swing over the pit, being sure to keep your tail and legs tucked so they don’t brush along the ground.
>You land happily on the other side and pull the chain in.
>It brushes against the ground, and you reel it in quickly before it can be stolen from you.
>You brush the mud off of it and wrap the chain around you once again, feeling a bit like Daring Do.
>Continuing along the winding path, the forest grows darker still.
>You figure you must be getting close to the house by now, the yard wasn’t that big.
>As you continue, little flecks of white silk line the path.
>Examining it more closely with your night vision, you find that it is most certainly spider webbing.
>Being careful to avoid it, you soon come into a fairly large clearing.
>At the other end is the house, dim green in your night vision, with a door at the bottom.
>However, a giant spider web stretches across the clearing, blocking your path.
>Looking up in the web, you see a small sack, distinctly pony-shaped.
>Closing your eyes, you look at it with your mind.
>A light green glow comes from the sack, a pegasus mare suspended upside down.
>Her body moves ever so slightly as she breathes, she seems to be asleep.
>Casting your mind’s eye about, you find a massive spider resting in a tree at the edge of the web.
>Opening your eyes again, you look at it with your night vision.
>It’s staring right at you.
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Wow this guy tame a giant spider to keep intruders out of his house, let burn some of its webbing to get trough
Oh god what kind of hellhole does this guy run? I think we're gonna need to take it up with authorities that this guy is effectively murdering people unless by some miracle this thing doesn't kill it's victims.
We need to be really careful not to torch the girl and preferably the forest.
“Oh sweet Celestia”
>Your eyes widen and your fire flashes up in an instant, ready to burn that spider along with the whole forest
>But you stop yourself, you need to think before you act.
>What kind of hellhole is this guy running?
>Somepony seen as a hero wouldn’t be murdering anypony, right?
>You turn your flames to the web, being careful to keep your torch far away from the mare.
>The area of the web hit by your flame melts, falling to the ground in globs.
>As the center melts, most of the surrounding web shrivels up, falling to the ground in black strands.
>Unable to support her weight any more, the mare’s silky bundle crashes to the ground.
>It begins wriggling, muffled sounds coming from it.
>The spider, obviously unhappy with its web being destroyed, flings itself from the tree, right at you.
>It barrels into your side, knocking you to the ground with its massive weight.
>The spider rears up on its rear legs, trying to follow up on its successful strike.
>Its fangs aim for you, poised to bite.
How big is this thing?

Bring your hooves up and give it a burst.
Oh god, roll out of the way!
Throw a grenade in it's mouth.
Should we really kill it? Would scaring it off with fire be enough?
Should we consider this thing to be his pet?
ya it's keeping intruders from entering his house
Well given how a fire grenade doesn't shoot shrapnel I figured it would only burn up its insides a bit. I mean this thing was made to eat up supers who try to break in so I assume it can take the hit.
It's probably reinforced inside and out.

Also its a spider so I kinda don't care if it dies...We should get a giant pet scorpion.
There is nothing wrong with spiders.
>This thing is about one and a half times as big as you, and most certainly stronger.
>But if there’s anything you know, it’s that spiders don’t like fire.
>Most things don’t.
>Right now, you need to get into a better position, fighting from your side isn’t the best idea.
>You roll to the side, the certainly venomous fangs falling to the way side.
>However, in your roll, you find yourself underneath its hairy leg, which comes down on your chest.
>It doesn’t hurt much, but you weren’t expecting the strike, so it certainly surprises you.
>The spider rears up once again for another attempt at biting you.
>You put your hooves in front of you and give it a burst of flame, which hits it right in the belly.
>It immediately recoils from the flame, retreating away from you as it makes an odd screeching noise.
>You give it another small burst, and it scuttles away, climbing into the tree and rushing away from you.
>You get back to your hooves, shaking the dirt off your backside.
>Other than a little red mark on your chest, you’re fine.
>Muffled calls for help continue to come from the mass of silk.
I’m going to pause for the night, so thank you all for playing and I’ll see you tomorrow.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Free the hostage.
Free her
Try to burn off the silk without getting whoevers inside.
>There is nothing wrong with spiders.
Their gross, creepy and keep sneaking up on people. Everything is wrong with spiders if they didn't have an important role in the world I would call for a spider genocide.
You're gross, creepy and keep sneaking up on people but I don't want you dead.
Tink get a gf yet?
Well guess what you are too and I want to see you burn in a divine fire!

Burn unholy creature burn!
No Res.
Be back in a month
Hurry the fuck up and get him one then.
Free the pony that is currently stuck by a giant spider. Then burn the forest!
Ya, maybe we shouldn't burn down a giant forest and give ourselves away.
I don't think smoky the bear would approve of us wiping out the forest.
Don't worry someday we'll get to go all out but not today.
Rip OP. I guess he died by giant spider
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Slow ride
>You walk over to the silken bundle, turning off your night vision and lighting a flame.
“Hold on, I’ll get you out of there, don’t move.”
>Her body tenses up, but she otherwise stops her wriggling.
>Bringing the flame close to her, the silk begins to shrivel, blackening and shrinking.
>The pony shies away from the heat, instinctively trying to back away, but you continue, careful not to burn her.
>It falls off of her in wispy strands, eventually revealing the pegasus mare’s mint green fur.
>She has a straight bubblegum pink mane, curving slightly at the end.
>Her eyelids remain squeezed shut until you remove the flame, all the silk gone from her body.
>She opens one eye a little, squinting at the brightness of your fire.
>A bit shakily, she stands, unfurling her wings and cracking her joints.
>Then with a flap, she springs at you.
>Her front hooves and wings wrap around you, placing you in a tight embrace.
>The suddenness of her advance catches you off guard, sending you to the ground for the second time.
>You let out an involuntary breath as your back lands on the ground, the mare on top of you.
>”Oh thank you, thank you, thank you,” she repeats, burying her face into your chest fur.
There-there wintergreen everything is going to be ok.

So how'd you get stuck here, better yet still interested in getting what you came for?
No problem. What's your name?
How long has she been in there and why was she here in the first place?
>she here in the first place
Come on dude that's a non-question she wanted to steal shit like us.
Or it's the super's sidekick who got caught in a sticky situation
>this nigga
>having a sidekick
Better safe than sorry.
He's retired.
Sidekick/apprentice/annoying little niece/diehard fan... your pick
If it was soupy I wouldn't be surprised but I think anyone else who actually worked for him would be to competent to fall for his traps because they would know the safe routes.
>You pat her on the head, stroking your hoof over her mane.
“There there, wintergreen, it’s going to be okay.”
>She pauses, looking up at you with her head cocked.
>”How did you know my name?” She asks, bewildered.
>”That’s my name, actually, Wintergreen. How did you know?”
“Lucky guess, I suppose. How long have you been here?”
>”I’m not sure. I think it’s been about a day, maybe less. I’m pretty thirsty.”
“Are you a super? Some sidekick who got caught, apprentice, this guy’s fan?”
>She shakes her head.
>”No, just an ordinary pony. Sure would be nice, though.”
“Why are you here? Come to steal something?”
>She nods, loosening her grip around you and hopping off.
>You stand, shaking yourself off.
>”Y-yeah,” she begins, but pauses. “You’re not going to take me to jail for this, are you?”
>You wave a hoof dismissively.
“Of course not, that’s not my style.”
>She lets out a sigh of relief.
>”Oh good, then yeah,” she begins again, turning sideways onto you, revealing her cutie mark.
>Her cutie mark depicts three cups in a triangle, one of them tilted, revealing a red ball underneath.
>“I actually heard that this guy had a skeleton key in his house. While I’m good at picking locks, being sneaky and stuff, it would be really nice to have, you know? Plus I heard this dude’s got some serious riches that he just keeps in his house! So I figured, who couldn’t do with ten, twenty, thirty thousand or so extra bits? So I snuck in here, but saw the giant spider web. I got all freaked out and froze up. That’s when Shelob back there came and jumped on my back. Next thing I knew everything was dark and I couldn’t move.”
>She scuffs at the dirt with a hoof, “So yeah, then it was hanging upside down until you showed up.”
“So then the real question, are you still interested in getting what you came for?”
>Her smile turns into a smirk, and she eagerly nods.
>”You bet I am.”
Well it looks like you and I are walking the same path. We can tag along, but you have to listen to my callouts.
Well, seems like we have a common goal Winter.
What do you think about teaming up?
“Well then, seems that you and I have a common goal, Winter. How do you feel about teaming up?”
>”Oh would you let me? I would love to! Teaming up with a super…”
>She trails off, losing herself in her romanticizing.
“You have to listen to my callouts though, I don’t want either of us ending up caught, and I’m sure you don’t either.”
>She brings her right hoof up to her head, saluting you.
>”No ma’am.”
“Good. Now let’s get going,” you say, turning towards the door.
>”Alright. This’ll be no problem,” she says, reaching for her side.
>”Oh dammit, that’s right, he took my kit!”
“What’s that?”
>”It’s a little pouch I keep all my stuff in, lockpicks, a knife, some bolt cutters, that stuff. Some time after I woke up, Hunter talked to me. He said that I’d gotten myself into a “sticky situation” and I should “hang out” for a couple days before he took me to jail. He must have taken my lockpicks with him.”
“It’s fine, we’ll figure something out.”
>You walk up to the door in front of you.
>It seems like a pretty innocuous door, from your glance over.
>Even your magic doesn’t reveal anything. It seems like an average door, at least on this side.
>However, you jiggle the handle, but the door does not move.
We could melt through the lock with our fire.
Ayyy one more for our harem.
We should be careful once we reach the loot.
Anyway, what kind of door is it? Is it metal? Wood? Can we melt the lock?
What does Winter think of it?
>holding someone bound for a few days with no food or water
There has to be a law against this. We really need to talk to the authorities about this guy.

Are there any windows around? An easy solution would be to melt the lock/ hinges but I'm not entirely convinced there isn't something waiting for us on the other side.
Did he say where he put your kit at?
>There has to be a law against this
For rich heroes like this guy and boomerang they typically find a way around it because of really badass lawyers or bribes.

I think the victims have probably told the cops about the maltreatment but they obviously didn't care as long as nobody died and they were trespassing on privet property anyway.
>they were trespassing so it's okay that they get swallowed by quicksand
And ponies say villains are scum.
>You look over the small section of exposed wall.
>There are no windows that you can see.
>You look upwards, squinting through the tree canopy.
>You think you see a stone outcropping just above the trees.
>It might lead to a window, but you can’t see it from here.
“Well Winter, when we get out of here, we’ll be sure to talk to the authorities, I’m pretty sure keeping someone hostage for a few days isn’t exactly legal.”
>”Well thanks –“
“Road Rage.”
>”Oh, you’re Road Rage? Wowee, it’s really nice to meet you in pony.”
“Likewise, you say, not paying attention to her comment as you begin inspecting the door.”
>The door is made of some kind of carved wood, with a metal plate holding the handle and lock.
>You can’t see the door’s hinges from here, so you wager that it opens inwards.
“Hey, could you take a look at this?” You ask, waving her over.
>Winter trots over, looking into the keyhole.
>”This lock looks pretty simple. I think it’s a deadbolt. Simple cylinder lock, it wouldn’t be a problem if I had my stuff.”
“Did he say where he put it?”
>She shakes her head.
>”I just know he took it inside with him.”
“Anything I can do?”
>”Unless you have a tension wrench and a pick in those saddlebags, I don’t think so. Course, you do have those nifty fire powers of yours.”
"I know, the door would be no problem, but I'm just worried about something behind the door."
>She looks over the door once again, giving it a little kick in passing.
>"I dunno, it's your call."
think you can fly up there?
>we’ll be sure to talk to the authorities
Like Easy Ride would bother talking to the cops and as if they would listen to us. Screw that shit.

Let's just melt through the lock already.
Melt the hinges.
>You can’t see the door’s hinges from here
So? It's not hard to figure out where they are.
Yeah, let's not open the door that could or could not blow up our faces. Really, who knows? This guys is willing to keep a pony hostage with no food or water. Maybe he has a gun behind that door?

Probably a trap gun connected to the door by wire.
The hinges are in the wooden part so we'd be setting the door on fire.
Break lock with fire and be ready just in case something happens.

I don't think were going to be flying out of here with our new friend seeing how she's been trapped down here with no food or water.
She probably doesn't have the energy to carry us both.
>You mentally smack yourself in the face.
>Like you would ever bother with that nonsense of talking to the cops.
>The cops are never going to listen to you, anyway.
>Come on Easy, what’s gotten into you?
>Shaking your head, you get to work.
“Look out Wintergreen, I’m gonna melt the lock.”
>She nods, stepping out of the way.
>While she’s been trying to keep up an air of confidence, it’s obvious to you that she’s pretty exhausted.
>A day without food or water’s probably not going to leave you with a lot of energy.
>Stepping forward, you take a torch to the lock, being careful not to set the door on fire.
>As the metal turns red, the wood begins to heat up, smoke coming from the area around you’re heating.
>You jump as you hear a snap on the other side, followed by several dull thumps as several objects slam into the door.
>Managing to finish the job, you test the door, and find that it now opens, albeit awkwardly.
>The door handle is still red hot.
>Opening the door a creek, you check inside.
>The room inside is unlit, and has a rug lying right in the entrance.
>The floor is carpeted.
>Turning on your night vision, the room has a decently high ceiling, but you can’t see anything else from here.
>A small length of rope sticks out underneath the door.
>Hanging from the doorknob, you see a thin wire hanging from the wall next to the door, still glowing faintly.
>It seems that while melting the lock, you thankfully snapped the wire.
What hit the door?
Feel around for anything. What kind of room is this?
flick the rub up.
remember that everything might be a trap including his own home
This should be our way in but we should still be careful and watch our step. While in theory it should be clear of traps until we get inside the building I think this guy is a nut who just likes making traps for traps stake.
We can take point and have winter stay behind us.

Ask if she did some research on this place and if she was able to find anything about the defences inside.
On a side note.
If I had to take a guess on where winter's tools would be I would say either the guy kept them on his person, dropped it in his personal bedroom or study or its some place nearby in a safe or chest for confiscated crap.

But given his theme as the Hunter he might be the batman type and has it on display as a trophy some place...because he's a fucking nut who gets off to this crap.
>You push the door the rest of the way open, but you’re met with resistance.
>The door keeps getting caught on the something underneath it, preventing you from opening it fully without using force.
>You push on it, sliding it out of the way.
>It seems to a net made out of rope, balls giving it enough weight to be propelled.
>You turn your flames towards the rug, not trusting it at all.
>Everything is a trap here.
>It burns easily enough, revealing a stone floor underneath.
>A square right in front of the door is raised barely an inch, just enough to be noticeable.
>You’re glad you caught it.
>As the rug burns away, you turn on your night vision.
>Directly in front of you about halfway up the wall, a cannon sits above a shelf, pointed directly at the doorway.
>You continue to look about the room.
>It seems to be a sort of art room.
>All sorts of paintings of noble ponies and griffons hang about the walls of the room, mostly of ponies.
>Their eyes seem focused on you, which makes you uncomfortable.
>Smaller pictures and various antiques sit on a shelf just ahead, on the far wall.
>You notice three lightswitches on the wall next to the door.
>The right and left hand walls only have two switches each.
>There are doorways on the left and right sides of the room.
Warn Winter about the pressure plate. Proceed inside carefully. Don't hit the lights just yet.
This guy doesn't give a shit about art. This was done purposefully to get inside people's heads. He's a weirdo who likes fucking with people. Let's look around and see if we can find the artifact were looking for.

The switches are probably trapped. It's a personal gallery and unless this place is that big it probably doesn't need multiple switches for the light so they'ers probably a master some place.
We should rely on night vision for now. But if winter needs to see we can probably make a small light for her.
Let me guess
You get the right combo for the switches and the doors open. Get them wrong and you get a shot to the face, a tendon swiped, or some other nasty thing.
“Winter, there’s a pressure plate just inside. Be careful.”
>”Heard you loud and clear, Road Rage.”
>You take point, stepping carefully around the pressure plate and placing your hooves on the carpet.
>As you move carefully through the room, Winter flutters in, her wings beating lightly.
>You keep your flames low, giving Winter just enough light to see.
>Once inside, you investigate to the left and right doors.
>Both ways lead into a long, straight hallway with wood flooring, a long thin rug stretching down its length.
>At the far end, you can see the foyer, moonlight pouring in through an open window.
>A rather large staircase leads upwards to the second floor.
>On the right side, you see three entryways on the right hand side, two doorways leading into another room.
>The third entrance is closest to the front door, and is another hallway leading off to the right.
>There is a double doorway on the left side, which looks fairly important.
>In the nearest door, you catch a glimmer.
>Squinting more closely, it looks like a glass display case, though you can’t see the contents from here.
>The left side of the building mirrors the right, but the nearest door on the left is closed, and there's a single door instead of a double door.
>You hear the sound of hoofsteps coming from the left side of the building, and duck back into your original room.
We are not alone in this building, use the mind eye to see who is there and what is in the display case.
>the foyer, moonlight pouring in through an open window.
On the first floor and through the forest?
>hoofsteps in a griffon's house
Oh geeze. We can't afford to be dodging into rooms blindly. If they come to us our best option is to ambush them.
The forest is at the back. You're seeing to the front of the house.

And the foyer is two stories tall.
>If they come to us our best option is to ambush them
And then what this guy won't stay knocked out forever. Or do we just drag him along and get info.
>You close your eyes, examining each side of the house.
>While it’s not too clear, you do see some shiny objects in the few display cases lining the walls.
>You can’t tell what they are from here, though.
>What really interests you, however, is that pony.
“Pony coming, if she comes in here, we ambush her,” you whisper to Winter.
>She’s an earth pony, glowing a light yellow, wearing a traditional maid outfit.
>She walks along the rug now, her hoofsteps muffled by the carpeting.
>As you look over her with your mind’s eye, you catch something odd.
>Her maid outfit glows black and white atop her coat.
>As you continue to watch her, she opens the previously closed door, trotting inside and shutting it behind her.
Let's try and go into the display case room. But open the door carefully and watch for more presser plate traps.
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Can I get a map?
The cloths might be enchanted with something, let carefully head to the display case.
Maybe we should steal our self a maid's outfit.
Or tripwires
Or something above us
Or anything really
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It's potato and a bit hastily copied, but here.
I'm going to pause here for the week. Thank you all for playing, really.

So, I have my last finals of the year coming up this week, and that's gonna be good and bad.
The good is that I'll hopefully be able to run more.
The bad is that I'm probably not going to be able to be as consistent with times and schedules. I'll try to keep you all informed this following week, and I'll see you all around soon.

As always, if you have any questions, be sure to ask.

Godspeed my friend!
night link
soo... are you pausing or stopping?
It means I'm pausing for the week, like I do every Sunday.
Something else I forgot to mention.

You will never ever see a firearm in this game. They do not exist in Equestria or Maretropolis.
You may see cannons that shoot projectiles, like a slime cannon or firework launcher, but under no circumstances will you or anyone else have access to a gun.

It's mostly because this is a superhero game, and guns tend to trivialize everything, and I don't want that kind of stuff in this adventure. A better QM could probably manage, but I decided long ago to exclude them from this world.
>We're going to face a battle maid
Just like in my chinese cartoons
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