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Slave Pony Thread-We aren't breaking the rules so fuck off

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 525
Thread images: 122

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>What is this thread about?
This thread is centered on stories about ponies being enslaved. Every kind of theme is welcome.

>I want to write my own story but I'm new to writing.
Check out these guides:
pastebin.com/g4VpEg4f (clop specific)

>Where do the writers hang out?
Head over to www.rizon.net/chat with the channel name #slavepone. If you're ever having a writer's block or need advice, that is the place to go!

Useful Links
ALL Slave Pony Stories: pastebin.com/cqLCYveb
COMPLETED Slave Pony Stories: pastebin.com/82rCVh4j
Recommended Stories for New Readers: pastebin.com/c6hd0P9Q
Recently Updated Stories: pastebin.com/k7SmjQww
Pastebin: pastebin.com/u/SlavePonyAuction
Thread Archive: pastebin.com/S5m7bEab
Thread Template: pastebin.com/ny0npNFS
I made a pastebin for my story with an update to what was already there, for anyone who wants to check it out:
Remember to check the chat is the thread is down for info guys.
Don't forget to have a discussion here too.
New thread bump. For the good ole days.
Yeah. Right now nothing much is going on in the IRC. Just us being angry and frustrated. Feel free to hop on over if you like, it's not like you HAVE to be a writer to go there.
I still say we should make a thread on /qa/ and use it like a normal general, next time we're deleted.
Forgot to post the update here as well:
>When you awaken you notice two things
>Number 1: your morning wood could cut diamonds
>Number 2: Someone is in your new house cooking something that smells amazing
>You are left with a decision to make: go down stairs and eat the delicious food while you’re still at full mast or deal with your erection and then eat food
>Fuck it, that food smells too good.
>Go downstairs to find Moondancer using that forehead-penis magic to make pancakes
>She turns to greet you
>“Good Morning Ano-”
>She stops when she sees the tent you are still pitching
“Fuck you, this is my house. I can walk around with as many boners as I want!”
>“Is at least a minimal level of decorum too much to ask of you?”
>“Alright, fine. There’s more important things to deal with right now anyway. About my… organization.”
>This topic is not for a hungry anon.
>Hungry anon requires food before any other conversation
“Eat first. Faggotry later.”
>And so you ate together in silence
>Food eaten… check
>Morning wood… receded
>Good to go
>You look at Moondancer
>She’s clearly thinking about how to say something
>You say it for her in the single best impersonation of her voice ever
“Oh Anon, I’m so afraid that you’ll put a stop to the illegal horse thing going on in your basement! How will I ever begin to cope?!”
>She stares at you
>Clearly, she is shocked by your crazy good impression.
>She looks down starts visibly shaking with anger
>She takes a few breaths and tries to calm down
>“Look, I can’t do it alone.”
>Is this going where you think it’s going?
>“I can’t keep OPFAG together and running without help. I can’t own property or manage my own finances, and I may be smart, but this whole organization is so hard to coordinate and maintain. Incog and I founded this together, and now I need somebody to take his place. He seemed to think that person would be you.”
“And if I call bullshit?”
>“He said to give you this.”
>She pulled out a sealed envelope with your name on it and floated it over to you
>You open it up and find a short message in his handwriting
>’Do it you faggot- Love, Grandpa’
“Aright, I’ve done stupider shit for stupider reasons. Why the hell not?”
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>"This thread's a den of autism which, by existing, makes this board a worse place to be."
>"The mods realize this and want want it gone."
>"I know! Let's spam it constantly, shitpost in other threads, and start circlejerking about how we're brave soldiers fighting a fucking war against Scruffy! That'll change their minds!"

Will you people take the fucking hint already?
>We aren't breaking the rules so fuck off edition
Best edition.
Seriously Scruffy, fuck off.
Hows /sun/ doing these days?
>breaking no rules
>actually have content coming out regularly
>Getting deleted for literally no reason
>Bitching about us when NTT still exists as a shambling corpse made up of the same image dump and endless bumps with nothing else worth talking about
Maybe you should think about things before you post, friendo.
We took the hint. We then proceeded to tell Scruffy to go fuck himself right up the ass.
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>shitposts to bitch about shitposting
That OP makes literally no sense.

"Fuck shit yo o' meter"
It say's "Fuck shit UP o' meter"
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>Implying the mods use the rules to judge whether they should nuke a thread or not.
You don't know about the fuck shit yo o'meter? Dude how long have you been living in that cave?
NTT doesn't take over other threads, friendo.
>breaking no rules
Global rules 6 and 8, buddy. If you weren't breaking any rules, you wouldn't be consistently banned. So, do you want to start the countdown until you guys start screaming HOLD THE LINE or should I?
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this guy gets it
Fuck shit up o'meter
for when you need to measure the amount of shit to fuck up
We aren't violating GR 6 and this is the first instance of violation of GR 8
Plus, GR 8 is a bad rule.
>Rule 6: High quality posts are important.
Again, I pose NTT as an example. How is that ok when we aren't?
>Rule 8: Complaining may result in deletion of a post and a ban
Notice the word POST. Also, this still doesn't justify our initial nuking.
We have quality stories that are consistently updating. And if you're going to start touting around rule 8 all the time, then just nuke the entire site because it always happens.
Because ntt is so hq, go back to your trash heap.

If you don't like something filter it, shit posting is GR 3 and 6.
I'm not referring to mine actually.
Check out Fire and Sky if you want real quality.
Mine is just some shitshow with an asshole who wants to see what happens.
fire and sky and a deal is a deal are fucking great
Small update before bed
>"Really? That's it? You're just on board?"
"Sure, Grandpa seemed to think it was worth some time."
>"Well then..."
"So... what do miss penis-on-head-horse?"
>"I'm just going to be ignoring that, we need to go to the grocery store."
"Cool. You know how to get there right? I never lived in this part of town and only really came here to so Grandpa. So I have no idea where I'm going."
>She looks unsure
>"Yeah, s-sure, I can get us there."
>She's lying through her teeth
>Probably afraid to admit to you that she doesn't know
>This is going to be an adventure
>You grab your keys
"Let's get some motherfucking groceries!"
>You get in your car and turn on the radio
>Generic sounds are blasted through the speakers
>Not the best, but Moondancer is clearly not a fan of this music, so you can deal with it
"Just tell me when and were to turn ok?"
>"Got it... heh..."
>45 minutes later
>You and moondancer are hopelessly lost in a very bad part of town
"We're lost Moonie."
>"I know that, I admitted we were lost about 15 minutes ago when we drove past all those people getting arrested."
"Well fix it."
"Use that penis on your head and magic us a way out of here!"
>"It's not a penis! It's a HORN."
*Knock knock knock*
>There is a large ape knocking on your window
>"Ey Mane! You los ou here or sommin?"
"Relax! I know exactly what to do!"
>You pull out your ghetto camo cd and put it in
>You always keep it with you just in case you needed to blend in
>Irrythmic jungle drums begin to play and you roll down your window
"I don't speak jive very well but you wouldn't happen to know how to get to the high way would you?"
>"Sheet mane, yo jus take a right up at dat next light and go straight fo bout tree blocks then hang a right and you be headin straight fo it."
>You roll the window up and look over to Moondancer
"Did you understand any of that?"
>She shakes her head
>"I think he may have said something about a lion?"
"I don't know man. Let's just keep wandering until we find it."
>You didn't make it to the grocery store that day.
My handwriting isnt THAT bad
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>My story isn't in the OP's pastebins
Guess i'll read stories then
More homeless anon when?
We're having a bit of chaos, mate. Sorry if it's not fixed. I'll go yell at the powers that be and maybe we can get a more up to date pastebin with our OP text.
oh shit vadkram's alive
I was just using the template I could find. I'm sorry.
Nah. Just noticed my pic in the OP while browing the threads, thought id pop in see how things are going. And boy howdy is scruffy having a field day with this one.
you know it bruh
Thanks but even for writers that don't have a pastben. We always see their posts anyways because of desustorage thread archives
Nah don't worry
I only got 1.8k for the moment
I'll write after i'm done with homework of this week
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Btw, I'm OP's friend from the previous thread:
And he got banned!
Looks like a mod joined the game.
When will the 4chan revolution happens?
Na I think that's just all janitors can ban someone for on their own.

Janitors can't ban.
i thought they could but only for 24hrs
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I've said this many times, Scruffy. Meet me IRL for some legal mutual combat. I want to get your blood on my Twilightlicious shirt.
>implying this isn't the beginning
This. Scruffy, I challenge you to an Agni Kai.
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previous thread

we are as much show related as any other thread on /mlp/ so go fuck a cactus dear haters
Well shit. I'm not looking forward to this.
No, Janitors can send ban requests to mods, however, followed by a temporary 15 minute ban as that is pending.
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reminder that slavery is show related and on topic discussion
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reminder number two
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thanks C:OPFAG read you last green and was really good, hope for futures updates soon

The grandpa Incognytus was one awesome bastard
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>tfw he's based on my actual grandpa
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Because some people seem to be more than idiotic maybe we should change the template a bit:
This is a thread about PONIES from the show MY LITTLE PONY in subjugation to Anon or other PONIES in either EQUESTRIA or earth like in EQUESTRIA GIRLS. Subjugation as seen in THE SHOW and deviations of that. Other EQUESTRIAN creatures like GRIFFONS, or VILLAINS are also acceptable!

But since people seem to be completely retarded "Totally not Slavepone General" should work aswell...

Also half of the active threads are far less show related then we are. I could give a lot of examples but people might see that as offense to those threads, which is not my point.

Despite the fact the finding, torturing, killing, reviving, torturing and killing Scruffy is a lovely topic we should stop this and the "We will never surrender" posts. Not because they are wrong but because they are off-topic.

I'll start with this:
The last episode was about Trixxie, who magically enslaved Ponyville, and Starlight Glimmer who magically enslaved an other town. They even talked about slavery!
What if those two reformed villains go back to their old selfes like discord did because of Lord Tirek. The reason could be because they feel left out, not trusted, not fitting in.
They could even summon a magic resistant Anon (with Doritos and Beer) since Portals to Earth have been seen in episodes...
wadaya think?
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>This is a thread about PONIES from the show MY LITTLE PONY in subjugation to Anon or other PONIES in either EQUESTRIA
Maybe he's deleting you guys because he doesn't see why there needs to be multiple threads for the same fetish. There's already another thread for this shit, and it DOESN'T get scruffed every other day.
If you're referring to SiM, they've been getting scruffed as well. Also the main focus of the two threads is different.
Then why ban the OP on the grounds of 'Topics must be show-related'? If we're show-related then that's a BS ban.
>There's already another thread
Are you talking about SiM ? Because we are as close too them as "AnonFilly" is to "Princess Applejack". Maybe should learn a bit more before posting shit.
Also, didn't they get nuked recently anyway ?
We got scruffed repeatedly back when this bullshit started. One of our writers started a thread for his CYOA, which hit bump limit and died a peaceful death. We then restarted SiM, which so far appears to have avoided further attention.
>they've been getting scruffed as well
>Also, didn't they get nuked recently anyway ?
They only got hit when half the board got hit. It's been almost a month since they were deleted. And I'd say you guys are as close to each other as the Anonfilly and Transformation general are. Which is another pair of threads that should merge, if you ask me.
Probably ban length? Each rule has its own standard ban length, whereas writing a custom reason and ban length would take more time, and could probably get appealed easier.
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What I am wondering is... if the mods don't want this thread, why they let it go in 200~300 posts then delete it?
What does it mean? Are they just having a laugh over this thread?
The way I see it?
Its just one faggot mod deleting this thread over and over.
It went to 200~300 posts because he took a nap.
Enslave all pones again?
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Of course.

You want us to delete again?
Fine for you
This seems most likely. The deletions continue to land in one timeframe; what probably happens is that particular Janitor wakes up, sees our thread, nukes it, and doesn't look back until tomorrow. Some days he can't be bothered to be scruffy, so we live for a bit again.
No, fuck you.
I'm pretty sure you haven't read any of them so piss off.
Somehow forgot to update the pastebin. Fixed now; also, here's a short update.

> Sticking to the coast at least alleviates the nervousness that being over open water would bring with it.
> Unfortunately, it brings on an entirely new problem:
> It makes you abundantly aware of just how massive the trip you are undertaking is.
> Miles and miles of coastline drifted on by, a seemingly endless parade of icy cliffs and frigid beaches.
> Already it'd been well over six hours in flight, and there was barely a hint of warming temperatures - the cold still keeping a firm grip on the land beneath and the plane above.
> Between yourself and Anonymous turns were being taken actually handling the controls, making sure neither of you got too tired early on.
> Though it's not entirely fair.
> More often than not you're forced to stay and help with navigating as best you can - picking out what few landmarks you think you can.
> The narrow passage at the north of the Celestial Sea had been passed by some time ago, and the first peaks of the mountains north of Manehattan were now appearing at the edge of the horizon.
> Giselle had tried to busy herself as best she could - bringing coffee up to the cockpit and once offering to take over in your spot for a while to allow you to stretch your wings.
> A nice thought, but unfortunately not something that could be.
> You understood why, though.
> Nervousness radiated off the griffon so thickly you were surprised she hadn't started molting.
> Despite your earlier reassurance, it was obvious her mind was anything but settled and Giselle desperately needed some way to keep herself distracted.
> A moment of inspiration had you put her to work improving the crude map that you'd created earlier.
> While you hadn't had the time (or the need) to alter it then, now it wasn't entirely ridiculous to claim the need for a decently accurate map.

> Of course Giselle probably knew even less of the Equestrian eastern coast than you remembered - but it was something for her to focus on, for a while at least.
> As you fly on, however, a different kind of nervoousness begins to build up in you - familiar, tingling sensation that warns...
> "What?"
"I need to open one of the roof hatches a bit, stick my head out."
> Across from you, Anonymous gives you a confused look but nods a go-ahead.
"Giselle! Come on up here a moment."
> The griffoness appears as you are wrenching the hatch open; immediately the roar of the engines grows deafening as the thunder of passing wind is added to it.
> Even just emerging for a moment into the raging slipstream, however, is enough to confirm your fears.
> Signalling Giselle to join, you shift off to one side and allow her to squeeze her feathered head out through the opening as well.
> Her eyes go narrow against the wind, but you can tell that if not for that they would be wide with realization at what you are feeling.
> Pulling back in - Giselle wordlessly latches the hatch, saving you the trouble - you sink back to the seat.
"So. Storm?"
> "Storm."
> Her head bobs in agreement.
> "Maybe even the same one we arrived in; we might be following in its path south."
> Anonymous curses softly.
> "How close?"
"Depending on local windspeed... I'd bet we'll see the cloud formations inside of half an hour, hit the bulk of it within the hour. You have that map, Giselle?"
> "Absolutely."
> She vanishes for a moment, but returns with a surprisingly-detailed evocation of Equestria's eastern coast.
> You can't help but notice she's put at least as much detail into the coastline of the Griffon territories, if not more.
"Right. By dead reckoning I'd guess we're about here-"
> Your hoof lands on a spot just south of the mouth of the Celestial Sea.
"-and, as we're on a roughly south-southeast heading, I'd say our storm is somewhere here."

> Circling an area roughly in the middle of the gap formed by the Griffish isles, Manehattan, and the peaks to its north you glance to Giselle for confirmation.
> "Sounds about right to me. I don't know exactly how weather patterns flow in Equestria, but I'd guess it's rolling south along the barrier formed by those mountains now."
"Before... everything happened, we didn't even work storms out there; all the planned weather was routed inland. If something came down from the north, we just kept it from drifting overland."
> "Hah, figures. We've always been more keen seafarers than you ponies."
"Anyhow, I think you're right about where it's going now. It could potentially get ugly as it meets the warmer air on the coast, though - weather down there depending."
> Anonymous grunts, his voice far clearer in your headphones.
> "I wish I could get a proper weather report relayed, but there's no way my radio is reaching anyone now. So, odds are you're right and we're in for a ride if we try and push down through that."
> "It's never the easy way, is it?"
> Glancing between yourself and Giselle, you raise an eyebrow.
"Consider who you're saying that too."
> "Hah! Okay, fair point."
> "So, what are our two options for diversions?"
"If we backtrack North-East now, we can circle around to find the pass in the mountains and make a break for the Crystal Empire; I can ask for refuge."
> "What about the isles?"
> You're ready to explain that no, neither the unicorns nor griffons there probably wouldn't want anything to do with you - and then you remember.
> There's a griffon with you now as well.
"...can you negotiate with them?"
> "Probably."
> Giselle tugs at her own collar.
> "They'll be happy to see me back. Less happy to see you, but that's always a risk."
> "Plus, if we go that way we can just find a quiet cove to set down in for the night. There's a chance we'll still have enough fuel to get to a proper airport after that.

> Nodding at Anonymous' comment, Giselle sounds confident - but you hesitate.
"I don't know. The fighting's all over, but showing up with me..."
> "Hate to say it, Spitfire, but from my end of things I can say the same of Crystal Empire and their princess. They're sitting up in their fancy palace blocked out of the world, holding grudges that not everyone stayed together when it got bad."
> Giselle tilts her head as she speaks, and while you know she isn't really trying to hurt you it stings in your chest even so.
> Sucking in a breath, you nod.
"I'm sorry. I'm letting old business from the war ruffle my feathers."
> Shaking her head, Giselle chuckles.
> "I understand. It's hard to let things go sometimes, isn't it? And you're right, flying into the Crystal Empire with a griffon and a human - especially your owner - could be... tricky."
> You nod agreeably, and for a moment there's the briefest touch of a smile on Anonymous' face at the moment between the two of you.
> Then he's all back to business.
> "If I can interrupt for a moment ladies, I think I can see the clouds appearing on the edges of the radar. That gives us not too long to make our choice, so I need you to call it."
I waited for Lurk to finish his sudden update to begin releasing my thoughts:

I now am recognizing a thousand million of people being like 'lurk da best' and 'fire and sky be purrfekt'. But mine not. K, I confess I'm jealous, perfect, but instead of thinking 'why dont'cha like mein green' i thought 'how is F&S so overrated?'. That led me to a question: What does F&S have that my usual green not? Well, I'd seen a difference:

>He opened the cage.
>Hinges squeal as the cage door pulls side.

Notice the difference? Yep, of course: the first line is just some shitty words, compared to Lurk's Fire And Sky's line 40; 'rich language'. That's the difference. I tried something like that but went too overboard really. Now I'll base myself on F&S's high quality and begin to make something decent. BTW I'm already beginning with that.

Also, I'm not saying that I'll just go and copy F&S's ideas or any other thing that comes to your heads. I'm saying that Lurk is an example worth following and that there's new green I'll be making this week to see if I can do better. Keep up the work Lurk, you're doing wonders.
Srry forgot to add: I'm refering to HOW, not WHAT.
Quality prose is nice but you are completely missing the point. It's the content of the story that people like. It takes skill to write good characters and create good emotional drama without forcing anything like most writers try.

Also he updates and has a pretty decent running story. You've always updated with maybe two blocks of barely readable material and then drop it. It takes time to build a following no matter what you write, so expecting people to ask 'ferb when' after you threw down 500 words 5 threads ago is ludicrous.
What happened to the homeless anon story? I wanted to see where that was going.
literally nobody cares
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>not making progress
The Crystal Empire sounds boring.
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>tfw still waiting for Skittles to update
>tfw you know it won't happen but you refuse to give up hope
My objective is to get better, people caring about it or not. It may sound like I'm bitching, but I can say that's not my intention.
And yes, I know I had dropped more than 8 stories, in which 6 were only for practice. They were intended to end that soon so, well... I'm planning to ACTUALLY be consistent about something, and ACTUALLY make it good. I invisibly lurk the Writefag's Guild for help on something.

>implying i give a shit about you not giving a shit.

I know that feel bro.

I never gave up hope so I chose to continue it. Went pretty good, until I dropped it... Shit. but anyways, time for the dead to arise.
bumpie bump
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>skittles gets adopted by another anon
>Not me though I'm lazy
Will you continue writing? I really liked your story.
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I literally got banned for writing it (posting from mobile at the moment). First time I've ever been banned for anything on 4chan... really don't understand that.
>I never gave up hope so I chose to continue it. Went pretty good, until I dropped it
Continuing someone else's green is never a good idea. Sorry m8 you just didn't do skittles justice.
wow that sucks
The fuck? What was the reason?
GR 5&6, not sure how I was in violation of either...
So scruff is banning our writefags now?


Anon, mind pastbin-ing that story, i would like to read it more then ever now.
>But but we're not violating GR6!
>Banned for GR6
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>Claims of being wrongly banned for alleged violations of GR6 are wrong because they were banned for alleged violations of GR6
The only reason you're even in this thread is because you know NTT is dead as unicorn Twilight, your thread is literal cancer, you have one or two writers who update one or twice a month at most, and vomit the same images over and over because there is nothing new.

No matter what you do just know this, our thread will always be better.
Probably not, I've pretty much lost my motivation in it, which kinda sucked i guess, just haven't been wanting to write as much as drawing. The ideas I had for each of the scenarios probably weren't going to be as good as I thought either,

If you want, I could just say what my plans were for each of the characters if you wanted to know, and leave it to your imagination to fill in the spaces
Please don't spoil Vadkram, maybe in a few months you will get the interest to return and continue the story.
Procceed in thine act, homosexual.
No point antagonizing them. it's become obvious that it's nothing but some silly social justice issue.

ignore them
This thread will be somewhere.
fuck you i love fire and sky
you dont have to try to dissuade other writers
spitfire best fire
fireking is returning to his usual shitposting and will be updating regularly soon
cmon man don't hold out on me like this.
I think your problem is that you are just too autistic
Honestly for me, the biggest reason I don't look forward to your green is because English isn't your first language which makes it difficult to read. It doesn't mater how interesting your stories are, if your vocabulary is limited, and your grammer and punctuation are off, it just ruins it for me.
So what happened to A Deal is a Deal? Is it died?
I agree that theres way to much 8
but 6 is retarded. just look around you. shitposting everywhere everythread everyboard. the only reason that garbage exists is an excuse to ban people. its like GR3
Sim is faggotry, but the reason its not deleted seems to be entirely related to the fact that it's a cyoa. there is so much off topic and psychopathic garbage in those threads, and generally theyre nothing but bumps. we're not going there. Sim is a trash head as far as readers go, even if some of the content creators are good. SPG is autistic enough about a deal is a deal's laura. we don't need their main CYOA shit shitting up the thread.
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not sure wtf you are talking about
SP General best General
need less arguing
need more green
need less scruffy

Back to work!
>your little slave pones will never grovel at your feet and lick your boots with a "welcome home, Master!" after a hard day's work
>they'll never take turns sucking your dick and rubbing your tired feet while the other one cleans and cooks you dinner
>they'll never make the cutest little squeaks and squeals as you playfully smack their rump with your riding crop
No, just in a coma. It'll be back after I finish up some other stuff and get over the scruffy blues.
>tfw no qt slave mare to put my dick in
>pone slavery is finally declared illegal
>pones are all located and forcibly deported back to Equestria
>no pones allowed to stay on Earth
>your pone slave starts to tear up and looks up at you wide-eyed, trembling
>"W...will they take me, too, Master?"
>there's loud banging at the door
>it's the authorities come to take your little pone slave away
>she hides behind your legs and starts to hyperventilate
>authorities knock in your door, grab the pony, put a leash on her, start to drag her out of the house
>she desperately clings to your leg with all her might as she's pulled, but her grip is quickly loosening
>she enters a full-on state of panic and hysteria, screaming and crying, kicking at the authorities while doing he best to cling to you
>you have no choice, it's the law
wat do?
>lie down
>try not to cry
>cry a lot
double suicide
Con't from pastebin: http://pastebin.com/amhMYf99

>Berry shrugs and turns her attention back to her beer.
>"Fine. She's our friend."
>"Shut up, Fluttershy. No one cares."
>"Don't care."
>This is weird. Berry isn't normally a surly, pissy little shit of a drunk.
>No, pretty cheerful, usually, until she's walked into the same wall three times because "EXCUSE ME MISTER, I'M TRYING TO WALK HERE" has no effect on drywall.
>"Hey," Fluttershy whispers, prodding your thigh with her hoof. "Play."
>You hit the button before Flutterpone pokes you again.
>Berry is glaring at you.
>Meh. She's probably pissy because the rum is ALL YOURS!
>You would cackle maniacally, but you were raised better than that.
>No talking during the movie, and yes, maniacal laughter counts. Normal laughter is okay.
>You chuckle and swirl the bottle around for Berry to see.
>Well now, apparently you have to amend the rules a bit.
>Ooooor throw a pony out on her ample ass.
>Choices, choices...
>Meh, you can't be expected to make choices sober. They might accidentally be something logical, like getting a new job.
>You stretch forward, grab one of the small glasses and hold it out to Nuttershy. Not quite in front of her, but close enough that you hope she'll actually notice it.
>Her eyes never waver from the screen.
>Well, questions are allowed, too. Were. You'll see.
>Probably not. You brace for another jab.
"Want me to mix you -"
>She licks it.
>And again.
>Then whines when her tongue finds the glass empty.
"Okay then."
>Looks like a yes.
>You set that glass down - to the side of the rest. (Pony spit does not a good mixer make.)
>(Actually, are you sure about that?)
>(Not like you've tried it.)
>(Probably not, though.)
>(Yeah, not trying that.)
>(Not sober.)
>You pour a measure of mango rum into all three glasses, killing off the bottle.
>A valiant and truer companion there never was.
>You toss it over your shoulder and grab the next bottle.
Hey people, just got back from the temp ban. The lying sack of shit banned me for calling him Hitler, with the staple don't break rule 3 reason.

You monsters.
Abuse isn't really a big theme in this thread. You want SiM.
>wat do?
>you have no choice, it's the law

Nothing? Say goodbye I guess.
>not whipping out your katana, doing a 360 and killing all the cops before grabbing your loyal little slave mare and moonwalking out of there to go hide and make a new life for yourselves innawoods

lol nice
>not mention of being done.

Oh wow the sjw's are just abusing the report button lol. I look forward to more later
What if the little slave mare likes being whipped?
There's no such thing as a slave that enjoys being whipped by her master.
Then you give her what she wants. In excess.
Literally not true, ever seen a BDSM video?
I don't disagree, but what does the green mean?
They're faking it for the money.
whatever man, if you cant except that there are shit genes out there that like it that's your thing.
I personally think we need to exterminate them, but that's just my inner /pol/
>Fluttershy's focus is squarely on the the movie as you work The Magicks.
>Berry's is on you - and keeping her frown from bringing shame to any of the other characters from 2000 AD.
>A little bit of mango rum, a dash of coconut... hmm... oh.
>How could you forget?
>Everything uses Sprite.
>Somehow, Berry's expression gets even angrier as you hand Fluttershy her glass, the little mare taking it between both forehooves and lapping from it like a dog.
>You grab the next glass and slide - NOPE, BAD IDEA. Flutters starts to lean as you move away, nearly tipping her glass over.
>Apparently, you are LOAD BEARING and Fluttershy cannot sit up on her own.
>You knew she lacked a spine, but that seems a little extreme.
>Instead, you are wave Berry over and gesture to the glass - let it never be said that you are not the most Merciful and Generous of Men - but the mare shakes her head.
>Ungrateful swine!
>Stubborn girl won't abandon HER chair even for mango rum.
>You should have expected shenanigans when she made a little flag and taped it to the back of the seat.
>She stretches as far as she can. You stretch as far as you can - without tipping over the meltypone.
>Somehow miracles happen.
>The glass ends up in her hoof.
>No spillage.
>Praise Thor.
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Well, we found the source of the problem: >>>/qa/519709
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as I thought...

pic related to the argument in this thread
I checked the thread and it seems to be what looks like a mod apologist or one of the mods/janitors is defending blanket deletion, so everyone go say fuck you to scruffy.
>tfw no pony slave to force to eat my cum
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can I interest you in one?
one of these or an other?
Don't they take credit cards? I want both Ponk and Luna.
I'll take the minty green unicorn. She seems the type that would eat my cum with great enthusiasm.
So long as you fingerbang her to oblivion, probably.
Slave doesn't get to cum unless master says so.
even the joy of drinking our cum? Its fun to spoil them once in a while.
Of course she'll drink my cum, she's just not allowed to cum herself without permission, I don't care how horny and excited she is.
Your no fun.
>you will never edge your little slave mare for hours as she begs and cries for permission to cum which you deny her repeatedly
Now now, that doesn't mean she'll never get to cum, just that she has to wait until she has my permission. After all, slave's pleasure isn't important, only master's is, but I'm a benevolent master. I have to keep my toys wanting to come back for more, after all.
you say that as if there is somewhere else they could go.
She could end up being disobedient and schlicking herself when she thinks I'm not looking if I don't give her a proper seeing to every once in a while. We can't have that, now can we?
please continue your discussion anons, this is turning me on
>and schlicking herself when she thinks I'm not looking
That's what a chastity belt's for, Anon. She's a slave, she shouldn't GET a choice in the matter.
That could get messy when she has to pee and I'm not home.
They have holes for that, Anon.
What's she doing pissing without permission anyway? She should be saving that up for her Master.
>saving it for master
What... what do you mean by that, Anon?
She only gets to pee when I'm watching.
Is it piss fetish time again?
skittlesfags detected
piss fetish is top-tier fetish when slaves are involved.
>>only 100 dollars
damnit. sun or moon. sun or moon.

feeling sorry for derpy. she's going stir crazy. ponies do not belong in stalls
god damn it not this shit again, you fucks are the ones that drove away SkittlesAnon.

>suddenly your vision shifts to a place you don't recongnize
>Its dark and with only the moonlight that shines through the large windows and the monitor radiating a bit of light
>The monitor shows a countdown on the lower left side
>a red expressionmark can now be seen on the top
>your vision turns around once more
>there is something like lines of dark purple dots flowing to the center of the room
>gathering in the midst to a dark flame that seems to levitate above the floor
>with a fizzle some sparks drop out of the dark flame and fall to the ground
>then everything returns to normal

>You succesfully summoned the spirit of a dead writefag.

I-is it s-safe t-t-to come out?


Wait someone calls for green!
>not wanting your slave mare to piss in your mouth on a regular basis
What are you some kinda faggot?
I guess I am. screw dicks and piss.
>Equestrian suicide rate rises 100%
Its always piss fetish time in SP general
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>You should get dressed for this Event.
>You take our your best clean T-Shirt and a washed Jeans and slip in your Jacket.
"Keys check, money check, cellphone check, time to go!"
>After leaving your house you get into your marvelous 15-years-old-car and head for your destination.
>Once you found a parking spot you walk the few last steps towards the main entrace, the tension rising with every step you take.
>You can see people gathering.
>It's already quite crowded with people. Some wear suits other are quite casual. A guy with a fedora.
>There sure is some cash walking around tonight, but you are prepared and have your sinister master plan. Wait for the guys to blow away their money und grab a cheap Pony.
"Perfect!", you whipser to yourself.
>The doors open and you follow the stream of people to the stage.
>After a short while the spotlight turns on showing a guy in a white sirt behind a lectern
>"Good evening Ladys and Gentleman! I welcome you to another Auction!"
>The people hush while the auctioneer stares into the crowd.
>"What a lovely audience we have today!", he says with a bright smile.
>You could swear there are Dollarbills in his eyes...
>"For starters we got this beutiful blue pegasus! An exelent flyer of light weight, loyal and hardworking!"
>"Please place your bids!"
Fireking = SkittlesAnon confirmed.
Goddammit, what next? Is Ling going to talk Sunburst into pissing Anon's bed?
Someone should make a slavepone game where you can either be in the business of buying and selling slavepones, or trying to run your own business using slavepones to achieve maximum profit. I'd play the shit out of that.
But anon, mares don't have dicks...
goddamn I sure hope so, unf...
>Age: Average
>Weight: Light
Top tier slave operation right there, 11/10 would buy from, nothing sketchy at all.
but anon, what's the pony's age gender?
You have to remove her central nervous system to find that out.
I want a pony to pee in my mouth while I remove her central nervous system.
And humans who developed an emotional symbiotic bond with their ponies cannot ....i dont know... accompany them to Equestria?
I'm guessing after decades of enslavement humans proooobably wouldn't be welcome on the pony's homeworld.
Maybe the ponies could petition the equestria and earth governments to allow periodic visits between the two for ponies/masters that had developed strong bonds/feelings of affection for each other.
>Implying they can stop us
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>ponies/masters that had developed strong bonds/feelings of affection for each other
Pfft, like that would ever happen.
>Hehe just as planned...
>You look around to see some bidders quite worked up already. Perfect!
>After a while the first Pony is sold for 1500$ and the happy owner leaves with his new pet.
>The second Pony to be sold is larger, a dark blue mare with wings and a horn.
>"And sold for 3100$! Thank you, Sir!"
>The buyer walks towards the stage hands over the money and takes his new Pony by the leash back into the crowd.
>Right next to you. Which makes him the center of attention for a brief moment.
"Ahem!, Ladys and Gentlemen our next Pony is this beutiful pink mare!"
>You look at the mare next to you, she sure is beutiful.
>She looks back at you and your eyes meet for a faint moment before she looks back on the ground.
>So much sadness in her eyes.
>The guy who bought her doesnt seem to concerned about her, with the leash in his hand. And the other hand scratching his chin while he looks at the pony on the stage.
>Another one?
>>"1750 Dollar! Please come to the stage again!"
>While he starts to move towards the stage again his ponies gaze meets yours again, with a expression that screams "Help me!".
>But you are not here for that.
>The next pony to be sold is a minty green one.
>This one seems strange, almost happy.
>50, 70, 100, 130, 200...
>"1000 DOLLAR!!"
>Everybody looks at the guy who suddenly raised the bet by 800. A dude with an odd smile on his face that weirds you out.
>>"1000 for once, twice aaaaaand SOLD! Congratulation, Sir!"
"Two weirdos, perfect match...", you whisper to yourself.
>The auctions continues for over an hour and the crowds get smaller and smaller.
>Time to make your move!
>"And before we have the Grand Finale for today we have this beuty!"
>Did he just whiper an "again"? Must be your mind playing tricks on you...
>It's quite late and you are tired.
>"For this pony, strong in body and mind the starting bid is 150$!"
Skittles probably would have an aneurysm if forcibly separated from her new master.
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Is there anything more heart-crushingly adorable than a pony earflop? I think not.
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Poor baby, I'd take her home and give her lots of treats and belly rubs and cuddles to make her feel better.
We need more of this so badly.

No. Especially with that nervously inquisitive look on the next page, followed by realization of where she still is trapped...
>Odd. All the other started at 50.
>You hear some hushed mumbling in the crowd.
>The pony on the stage is a grey mare with short hair and mane green eyes.
>"Do I hear 150?"
>Most of the other pones looked sad but this one has an angry expression.
>"150? Anyone?"
>No biders, this is your chance!
>You raise your hand.
>"The young Gentlemen bidded 150 Dollar, do I hear 200?"
>The auctioneer is suddenly grinning from ear to ear.
>"150 once, twiceandsoldcongratulations! Please come forward!"
"Yes! And only 150!"
>The people make room for you while you move towards the stage, some look a bit worried.
>Once you reach the stage the auctioneer heads towards you yanking the Pony behing him.
>"The Money?"
"Here you go."
>"Here is you pony, have a nice evening!"
>He hands you the leash and thus the deal is concluded.
>You are now the proud owner of a sentient Pony.
"This is going to be fun!"
>inb4 Anon gets dommed hard by his "slave"
I'm okay with this.
but if you are not strict you wont get her to obey. she wants to go home and no ammount of tummy rubs and carrots are going to change that. You can however, get her to like you if you hold her against her will and do subtle nice things after first completely constraining her.
>implying I wouldn't find a way to get her home on the underground pone railroad
and then she gets executed
your idea is better than the possibility of finding humans and ponies dying together for the terrible pain of living apart

A romantic and stupid end
Anon would be too afraid of her to do anything about it.
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>>While he starts to move towards the stage again his ponies gaze meets yours again, with a expression that screams "Help me!".
>>But you are not here for that.
But I do !!

A guy appears behind the crowd, pulling a revolver from his jacket and shattering the head of the last buyer in a flash of glory and gunpowder, amid the shouts and chaos 4 people more start shooting with semiautomatic Uzis sprayed in red stained alabaster walls, ponies, paralyzed by fear and blood on their manes end up falling to the floor covering her small head with its hooves, finishing the symphony of bullets and death they contemplate the masters of this free slaughter.

Take easy!

We will not hurt ..

We are the good guys
>You are now the proud owner of a sapient Pony.
>This is going to be fun!"

My laughter is such that it can not hold
I would rail that pone
terrified sad little slave pone is for rescuing, not sexual
Would you want to be a slave pone if you had a loving master that doted on you constantly and took excellent care of you?
That depends. Would we fuck?
I mean, if the alternative is being a worker for an uncaring (at best) or sadistic (at worst) owner who just wants profits or pleasure from me, absolutely I'd take the caring one.
You'd be a mare, and your body would have needs, but he wouldn't force you to fuck. He might try to warm you up to the idea on several occasions by trying to finger you, etc, but there will never be force or restraint involved.
And he'd be attractive by human standards, no fat sweaty cheeto dust laden neckbeard.
Is it odd that the concept of fucking a guy in a female body doesn't bother me, but also doesn't turn me on? I would be all up on that.
I'm kinda the same. If I'm a mare and crave a good dicking now and then, and have a non-repulsive master that's willing to oblige me, what's the harm?
No, not really. Same deal here: If it's the way I've always been, then it's not 'wrong'. At the same time, it's not something I can really imagine so I can't say it appeals either.
>The morning after the terrifying expedition into the tribal lands
>You awake earlier than normal
>Your stomach begs you to be filled like a slutty whore
>Similes are hard when you're hungry
>You'll try again later
>Food first
>You go down to the kitchen and see that moondancer is just now arriving there as well
>She looks exhausted
>You open your mouth to greet her and she immediately cuts you off
>"I am in no mood for your shit right now. I got a call last night about a runaway that needs to be picked up and I just got done setting up the meeting. In total, I got about 2 hours of sleep. Please, just give me this day."
>You move closer to her with a gentle smile and start to pet her hair
"Moondancer, if I do that, then the communists win. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
>As you walk away to eat breakfast you hear Moondancer mumbling something
"I couldn't hear you. What?"
>"Grumble grumle grumble-there."
"Moondancer, are you having a stroke? All I hear is a bunch of garbled mumbling."
>"I need your help to get to the meeting."
"Do we get to use codenames?"
"I'll be Count Chocula and you can be Captain Crunch."
>"Anon, what are you talking about?"
"With my vampire powers and your pirate ship, nothing will stop us from serving a balanced breakfast of freedom to all the ponies of the world!"
>"Anon, listen to me: I just need you to drive me to the park, hold my leash and let me handle this meeting. Ok?"
"Don't worry, Crunch, I've got your back."
>"Don't call me that."
"Sorry, but if I didn't it would compromise OPFAG's opsec."
>"Just eat your damn breakfast!"
>You Salute
"Crunchatize me, Captain!"
What if you were a stallion and your master wanted to stick his tongue in your ponut every now and then? Would you let him rim you?
>After breakfast you go up and shower
>Once you exit you hear a knocking at your bedroom door
>You walk over and answer
>It's Moondancer
"But you knocked."
>"That doesn't mean I want to get a face full of your dick!"
"It also doesn't mean that you DON'T want a face full of my dick."
>"For the love of- UGH!"
>She turns away from you
>Giving you a full view of her butt
>Lol horse butt
>Wait, she's saying something.
>"Anon, are you even listening?"
"I'm sorry, I was giggling at your butt. What was the question?"
>"I asked you if you had my leash or not."
"Look, I'm not here to judge you for your fetishes."
>"Not what I meant! I can't be out on public property without a leash. Do you have it?"
"Negatory captain."
>"Whatever, I'm going to shower. It should be in the study on Incog's old desk. Just don't forget to grab it, ok?"
"Aye aye."
>She leaves and you close the door
I've heard it said that having someone eat your ass feels pretty good, so I guess I'd give it a shot.
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>Once dressed, you head over to the study to find that leash
>Room's cool as hell
>The walls on either side of you are lined with books on shelves
>At the back of the room sits your Grandpa's old desk, with a small box on top of it
>Feeling educated as fuck just standing here
>The books make you feel like you're forgetting something but you have shit to do, you'll figure it out later
>You go to the desk and look at the box
>It's labeled with your name
>You open it up and find something absolutely beautiful
>Your grandpa's old .45 revolver, a holster for it, and 5 or 6 boxes of ammo.
>There's a note at the bottom.
>"6 bullets..."
"More than enough to kill anything that moves."
>Man, this gun brings back memories.
>Your grandpa taught you how to shoot even though your parents never liked the idea that much
>"How else is the boy supposed to keep the Queen of England out of his fucking face if he can't shoot?!" Your grandpa would shout
>You think back to the many nights that you spent with him, shooting the bird feeders out of his neighbor's trees
>No free handouts you stupid nigger birds
>You remember when you first showed grandpa the scene in Metal Gear with Revolver Ocelot and how hype he got
>How he grew the same moustache that Ocelot had because of it
>Good times
>Your good times are interrupted
>"Anon? You find it?"
"No. Where in the study?"
>"Check the desk, second drawer!"
>You look, it's there.
"Got it."
>"Alright, let's go! The contact is waiting!"
>You load the gun, don the holster and put your jacket on over it
"Alright, let's go Captain. Remember... stay Crunchy out there."
My ex-girlfriend was pretty obsessed with eating my ass. It does feel pretty nice.
Ok. So the actual saving ponies and shit begins soon. next update but our heroes also need to deal with grocery shopping too I swear it becomes relevant! Regardless! Any thoughts and criticism is welcome, I don't expect this to be actually good this is the first green I've ever put any effort into. I can't learn if nobody slaps me and tells me when I'm being retarded. Thoughts?
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>not fucking her until she's so lost in pleasure that she doesn't know where she is, let alone being able to feel sad about where she isn't.
>not keeping her stimulated with toys and fuckings that she becomes adickted to it.
>not sexeing to the point she wouldn't want to go back home even if she could.
you don't deserve slave pone
Thanks for the content, will read it over and give critique when I get off work in a couple hours.
I can slap you and tell you that you are retarded if that's your fetish, but honestly I found everything to be pretty good. Good job for a first green.
If you were captured and enslaved by a race of aliens, would you EVER get used to being raped and stop thinking about getting home?
That is not my fetish. That's my learning style.
what is your fetish?
horse pussy[\spoiler]
Wait! Am I the clone? Or are you?
I don't think that really counts as a fetish around here, since it's pretty much the norm.
Well if Stockholm syndrome started to set in and they to care to ensure that i PHYSICALLY enjoyed it I'm site my mind would come around eventually.

Brainwashing is a powerful drug
If we're going to be like that then I guess I'll give the real answer:brainwashing/mind control
>not piss
Well I'm not anti-piss. I just don't seek it out.
How would you react if pone got scared and peed in your lap?
Push it off me and get a towel.
Depends on the pone. I'm not into stallions, so I'd probably be upset if it was a guy. But a good mare? it might get me places.
>it might get me places.
Are you saying your crotch getting covered in warm mare pee would give you an erection?
I'm saying I'd use it as a mode of transportation.
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>I'm saying I'd use it as a mode of transportation.
Are you high anon?
>not riding the mare piss to valhalla shiny and chrome
>Not using pressurized piss to get around
It's like I'm surrounded by faggots
This anon, gets it
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He wants to ride a pretty pony to save on gas, obviously.
Pone is too small for human to ride.
Pone is like piss rocket. Faster than motorbike.
This thread has gone to weird places.
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I reject your reality and substitute my own.
Purely platonic mare piss
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Nobody likes a tease.
stallions do
look up "teaser mare"
you're welcome
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Oh shit.
Why do this to my heart?
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Touche, but I actually didn't have to look it up, anon.
>pic related.

Luv u too. It's the thought that counts, though I wish you could appoint an heir or something.

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This strangely reminds me of a certain youtuber.
The world may never know.
I actually don't know who that is.
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Oh hell what's going on!
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Be careful.
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That gif is more bloated than the average black american single mother with 7 kids.
I would blame google.
Do we need to make the line?
Don't tell him to nuke us!

I remain concerned.
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You heard him brothers FORM A LINE!
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judge cal.jpg
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so that we may be executed in an orderly fashion?
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End of Rine?
Guys, I just got word that SkittlesAnon was permabanned...
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Huh. Well, it took a day longer than I thought it would.
We require proof of this claim
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Kindly explain why the living shit he was perma banned
The dubs and sequential order humbly request proof.
Don't start saying that shit unless you can give proof.
Citation fucking needed.
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Hey Scruffy ,We don't plan on leaving this thread General and were not going anywhere basically cut off one head two more appear so in short Fuck Off
>pone refuses to move from chair
>sit on pone
>anon 1 pone 0
Sitting on ponies is my fetish.
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At least we aren't nuked yet, right?
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Mare is for whipping. Mare is never not for whipping.
This is worth kekking, Now it's worth keeping reading. not gonna f-


Good thing it's a no.
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Mare is always for whipping.
Why you gotta be so mean, anon?
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It's their fault for being mares. Mares are for whipping.
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Is mare also for riding?
Is that it? We just had a few comments deleted? Cool. Maybe a new era of prosperity is dawning for slavery.
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Mare is for whatever Master says mare is for.
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No, only disobedient mares are for whipping. Good mares get minor words of praise to reinforce their good behavior.
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What do if mare likes whipping? How punish?
Your latest updates have amused me much among the irresponsible hilarity of Anon and emotional mortification of Moondancer to time since I read a story where the characters had such good synergy, keep it and do not stop
Withhold whipping, obviously.
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Pone is for winning.
Thank you. I'm currently working on the next update. Not sure when it will be ready, I'm not confident enough to give a time for that yet.
>ponies being treated like horses
This is so my fetish.

NO. NO NO NO. None of these things are what mare is for. Mare is for FREEDOM.
Mare is for White Knight Rescue.
Stallions can go die in a fire.
Why such hatred for stallions? They can be qtz too.
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It's my fetish too, so have a stupendously strong saddled stallion steed.
Nope spoiler](: [/spoiler]
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Skittles when?
>that spoiler
>that picture quality
>that fucking banner at the bottom
Everything is wrong with your post sir.
Because he sucked the dick
"He's a faggot Ling"
this makes me sad
Thine determination shalt breed it's own fruits soon. We know, it is near. Thee and us hast to keep holding on until we hath what we want.

I know that feel bro
>pony whines that you are too heavy for him and is scared

What do?

Ride or do not ride?
Ride. Pony's discomfort is not our concern.
RIDE. ^:)
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>Stallions can go die in a fire.

Stallions are also people!!!

everyponies need be protected!!
Ride him twice as hard for backtalking.
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Just call ling, the RV of freedom may take out a few walls, but by god it'll be there
Stallions make good riding slaves. Mares cannot carry their human masters, but stallions can, even if they struggle.
The struggling makes it even better.
Has anyone done a story like this?
>stupendously strong saddled stallion steed for seed
Saved for next OP pic in case we get scruff'd, cuz we're getting near.
I kinda want to write this but I'm just not gay enough.
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>this makes me sad

Here, have a good end to cheer you up:

>Luna's owner get's mauled to death by a rabid pack of animal rights activists or whatever.
>She ends under the ownership of a far kinder master.
>Her new master tries to change her from miserable emaciated mare to happy healthy moonhorse using a combination of actually feeding her and expressing some form of caring towards her and other similarly extravagances she had previously been denied
>It works and after a while of recovery Luna is no longer a battered skeleton waiting for death.
>On the contrary, she's a cute horse of regular weight waiting to fill her master's every whim.
>Like nice long horsie rides and shit, because what else are you going to do with an equine?
>Oh yeah, there's also a WHOLE lot of fucking, don't worry.
>Her displays of obedience and loyalty to her master elicits affection in kind, leading to her getting a whole lot of affectionate ear scratches and reassurances that she's a good pony.
>And Luna was happy.

I might be.
>Not wanting to write about Don Quixote and his trusty pony steed.
>Not wanting to write about Big Mac struggling to be the knight's warhorse.
>Thinking it's gay to have a horse that can backtalk his master, can barely carry him, but is loyal enough to tilt at windmills anyway.
I wouldn't be a slave. I would be dead.
I have a terrible temper, I'm extremely stubborn, bull-headed and sort of stupid when I'm angry.
I probably would never stop fighting until I got myself killed.
Does anyone have an isolated clip of terry bogard's 'are you okay?' lying around? It's actually a pain in the ass to find one alone and I need it for reasons.
You masturbate to some weird shit.
But moonhorse is not for white-knighting.

> Moonhorse is for tormenting continuously all the while just keeping out of sight, never letting her know who her Master is but only that his appearance heralds misery.
> She is for sensory deprivation to remind her of a millenium alone and for constantly whispered hisses in her ears that this is her own fault.
> For sleep deprivation and random punishments without pattern or reason.

> And then, when there's nothing left but a fearful, quivering wreck, you reveal yourself and take the role as a stern but caring master who 'rescues' her from the torment.
> You reward and cherish her... so long as she obeys.
> And she does obey.
> Even when she's so weak she can barely stand, she rises and puts the tack on herself.
> She staggers to your side and gives herself to you entirely despite what it costs her.
> Because she knows you love her.
> Because she knows it could be far, far worse.
> Because when you lean over, hug her in your arms, and whisper that she's your lovely little pony, she knows she is.
I don't judge you for YOUR fetishes!
I wish to ride the moon horse.
Last update before bed. We meet the runaway tomorrow alongside grandpa's best friend: the mysterious red victor.
>Turns out the park you're meeting at is just over a mile from your house
>There are a couple joggers and two families with kids around but it isn't too busy
>One guy is running along the path all around the park
>Moondancer points over to a particularly isolated set of tables
>"Over there."
"Copy that Cap'n."
>"Would it kill you to take this seriously?"
"I'd rather not risk it."
>"Ok, now when we meet them just let me do the talking because this is..."
>Moondancer starts rambling about something or another and you zone out a bit
>"...and I know that you think your little jokes are funny but sometimes it's really hurtful and..."
>How can she manage to make illegal trafficking so boring?!
>"... and I can't even decide if I like the dreams or not because I wake up and have to change the sheets but I always just feel sad when I think about liking it..."
>Jesus! She's still going! There's no end to it!
>"... So then I'm crying because I'm alone and I need love but who would want me?! I'm just the fat nerd who wears a sweater to hide her body-ACK!"
>You're startled out of your stupor by some bald retard running straight into Moondancer and falling on top of her
>He kneed her right in the side of the place with those horse boobies
>You know the ones
>Horse anatomy is not something you've studied
"You ok there?"
>He puts his hands on Moondancer's side and head as he pushes himself off of the ground
>Moondancer cringes in pain and lets out a small pained squeak
>Ok, this is starting to be less than ok.
>"You retarded ass horse! Get outta the way when your masters are moving!"
>He pulls a leg back to kick her while she's down and she curls up in fear
"Woah woah! What the hell? You can't just do that!"
>"Why the fuck not? Your retarded donkey fucking tripped me! Needs to learn its place."
"Look, if you kick her, she's going to the hospital and YOU'LL be paying for it."
>"Hey fuck you man!"
>He slams you against a tree
>You feel something odd poking against your thigh
>It's clearly coming from outside your... pants...
"Oh for fuck's sake there's kids around! Don't be like this!"
>He blanches
>"Sh-shut up, you don't know nothing!"
"I know that you're getting a stiffy from kicking my pony and holding me to a tree. Also, about that..."
>You knee him in the groin... hard
"You really shouldn't be rubbing your junk that close to other people's knees, that shit's begging for disaster."
>He's on the ground and writhing
>Maybe this whole illegal trafficking thing isn't so boring after all.
>You go check on Moondancer.
>Engage terrybogard.wav
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiQgM0Odwts (note: I couldn't find the voice clip alone)
"Are you okay?"
>"I'm fine, thanks. Let's just hurry over to the spot so that we can get done with this."
>She's bruised up but she should be ok.

Just out of curiosity do any of you other anons actually ride real horses?

I do.
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Yes, but no fatties allowed.
You have no idea how often this shit happens IRL and how enraging it is to witness these fucking landwhales who see no problem with subjecting a horse to the torture of carrying their disgusting mass.
Used to. Got in as part of a group that rented time with horses owned by a barn, but the group got to be too small to continue with the contract and I wasn't in a financial position to go alone. At least I could be certain the horse was still cared for, since we never owned it in the first place.

Pity though, it was actually fun. They're pretty cool creatures once you learn your way around them, figure out how they work emotionally, and learn the personality. Probably helped that we weren't always responsible for cleaning up the shit/maintaining the stalls/medical stuff, though.
Gorgeous mares, Anon.
Why deleted? Did anon post porn?

I'm deeply concerned for the well-being of actual horses that anyone in this thread is in regular contact with...
It was just horses, that's it.
A guy standing next to, and then sitting on, a horse.
Can also confirm, literally just real actual horses being trained to do real actual horse things
I'm not cruel to the horses I ride and train in any way, Anon, and I'd never intentionally harm them. This thread is pure fantasy for me.

Not sure why my post got scruffed, but I can't reupload the image, says it already exists. Check the archive if you're curious I guess.
Holy shit that anon is fucking nuts...
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Pone enslaved by pone. Tragic, really.
Working on it. Probably not updating tonight. I may have more for you tomorrow.
>implying you have a choice
Well if you want shitty boring green, I can deliver a lot faster.
That's a sexy looking whip. I'd love to give a pony a few stripes with it.
>"What's up, master?"
>"You know what you fucking did. Assume the position."
>"W...what position master?"
>"Bend your ass over the bed. You've earned a few stripes."
>"Stripes? Neat! Ah always wondered what it'd be like to be a zebra!"
>*continued whipping*
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>Guys, now we know that scruffy actively reads the thread!

This means that Scruffy read my post @ >>27256890 and didn't respond.

Scared, ham planet SJW scum confirmed.
That means he refused an Agni Kai (>>27257247). That dishonourable bastard!
why was this deleted?
What exactly was deleted so much?
Your puns make me cry hungry tears for not getting that cereal.
That is a cute fluffy pone, 10/10 would collar and cuddle.
4chanX motherfucker
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I laughed until I saw the picture
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>Dead writefag

go away Adolf
Listen, I understand you limp dicked faggots can't go a week without being deleted or self-destructing under the weight of your white-knight fantasies, but could you keep your shit in your own thread?

I get that you need a boogeyman to collectively bitch about, so that the sad state of your own thread is the fault of someone other than you and your laughably juvenile heroic fantasies but the fact remains that no other thread is raiding you.

So keep your mewing to yourselves, and don't post in other threads just because a troll swings by.


An anon whose thread was visited by a hysterical SPG poster
We didn't authorise that visit, and if you weren't such an asshole about it, I would apologise.
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>Plebs get visited by superior SPG-Masterrace
>Plebs mad
>and don't post in other threads just because a troll swings by.
You would do well to listen to your own advice.
Did you just unironically call us the master race? You realize how hilarious that is, given that we spend all our time trying throw down masters and free slaves.
Yeah, it's not quite I Eat Pieces Of Shit Like You For Breakfast, but it's close. He crit failed his heroic speech roll.
We have 62 posters to your 43. We're better than you.
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My chinese picture books say yes.
I was silly to think the post count was mostly green.
>One Direction outsold Metallica this month
>One Direction is a better band
This is you. This is how retarded you sound.
>comparing SiM to Metallica
Fucking delusional much?
>I don't know how analogies work
>I don't understand reductio ad absurdum
>I took a freshman philosophy course at community college
>look how superior my degenerate fantasies are to yours
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>Get kicked out of SiM after a twenty post long philosophy "debate."
>Come to slave pone to start another one.
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>pic related

>I can't address arguments
>I am uncomfortable with the thought that other people might think and behave differently than me
>All this faggotry.
I remember when SiM and SPG were friends.
I'm assuming it's just one shitstirrer and everyone in both threads keeps taking the bait.
We need a name for this guy.
You literally have no argument other than >muh opinion
Your analogy was shit. Metallica is god-tier, One Direction is garbage. You're trying to say SiM is god-tier, and SPG is garbage, which is wrong. Shouldn't you be fapping to some kitten crush videos or something? Fuck off.
>Get an idea for a story
>Be super motivated
>Write up at least eight posts of green
>Realize the premise makes no sense or is just plain uninteresting
>Lost motivation
>Eventually scrap the entire story

FUCK! Why is it so hard to just write a good story!

Knock it off, you faggots. I came here to read stories about slavery and laugh at Scruffy, neither of which involve arguing over which pile of shit is the better pile. Here's a hint, at the end of the day, they're both still shit.
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>posing a straw man argument
>people point out that my entire argument is based on a fallacy
>get asshurt and say that they didn't address my argument
Get a load of this faggot over here
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No, the point was that the faggot who claimed that SPG was better purely by number of posters was raising a fucking retarded argument. Hence analogizing # of sales to worth. It's a fucking retarded to assume that threads with more posters are better than threads with fewer. That's what I was mocking.
But that's not the argument posed
The better analogy would have been the number of songs produced by each group.
I love taking bait to see where it goes. It's lead me to some fun discussions before.
No, that would be a comparison of amount of green produced. Posters make a more apt comparison to consumers by far.
Have you guys considered the possibility that Scruffy is false-flagging in both threads to turn us against one another??
ITT: People are incapable of ignoring bait.
I hadn't considered scruffy, but I was assuming false-flag.
I think I can see where you're coming from but you still have the problem of the fact that your argument is a straw man at best.
I won't even tell you that SiM is shit, I never really felt the need to check it out that much, I found this thread first and it filled that slot on my browsing but I think your argument would be easier to defend if you picked something more similar to our scenario here. There are far more factors at play in the music industry than here because we are a very narrow slice of the population, whereas the music industry is affected by the vast majority of the population and their whims.
That's not how an analogy works, though. It isn't a perfect 1:1 comparison. An analogy isn't a allegory. In effect, an analogy is a pill you take for your headache, an allegory is a comprehensive course of treatment.

The argument presented was that raw numbers of posters are a metric for thread worth. I disputed that by bringing attention to a situation where a larger group supports something that we all understand is objectively worse than something with a, currently, smaller audience.

I get what you're saying, but that critique isn't doesn't fly.
That bald freako is shit , harassing and touching the property of others, where are the police when you need him?
I see what you're saying anon, and I respect your skills in argumentation but I don't think any amount of discussion is going to resolve this dispute. Truce on the grounds of understanding each other's points but disagreeing?
Fair enough.
Your argument is valid and conciliatory enough for both sides to reach an agreement, once accepted everyone will follow his way and respect the principles of another
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Did...did people just come to an amicable conclusion to an argument on 4chan? I think...I think I've had enough internet for one day.
And when was that exactly?
I only know two cross posted green. One was hated here (Jack), the other one (by Oilbird) was welcomed. Also there was a small autism outburst when someone tried to merge the threads.
It's 10 in the morning, anon.
Its 6pm on the other side of this rock.
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Look man, I just woke up. Mistakes will be made when I've been awake for 30 minutes so far.
>Central Time Zone
Flyover pleb.
Wait, people posted one of mine? Which one? I've been avoiding that because I figured everything I wrote was 2edgy4you guys.
I know Escapade did, and you guys ran him out because of comma usage.
There's a reason I'm going to college, it's so that I can get the fuck out of wheatland
It had nothing to do with crossposting green and was a general respect between the two. There's a lot of readership crossover. Maybe not now that neither thread has any content, but there was in the past.
That was such bullshit, we've got plenty of writers whose approach to grammar is loading punctuation into a shotgun and firing. Escapade got ran out because of where he posts.
sry maybe I remembered wrongly
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Hi Oli,
humble greetings from your Sister-Thread! I hope you are doing fine.
>neither thread has any content
dafq you are talking about?
this thread is only 2 days old and contains a lot of green
Not as much as it would have had in our glory days.
I don't know. I like both threads and think both are pretty good at their own thing. Is that too much to ask?
Hey guys, I just noticed something... we've nearly made it through an entire thread without getting nuked. Is... is the scruff war winding down?
>muh oppression fetish
what thread are you talking about?
hush you fool!
>dat pic
That's the perfect shape for a very particular e/d/it.
That's what Tasers are for, to give the fat and useless a heart attack.
We would have more if it wasn't destroyed everyday.
Nah I wanna bet the fuck is just waiting for the next thread, we just need to pump it with green so we stay on schedule.
Welp, now that we've hexed the thread and guaranteed that we'll be deleted, what thread do we attempt to move into next?

I'm thinking AiE or Technology.
Eh, although AiE does accept PiE content now I'd rather we Technology. They're nicer over there.
That's not a bad idea.

I'd be down to clown with Tech.
This is something I ran into when I was learning to write. The best advice I got actually came from a small interview with Steven King when he was asked if he had an idea journal. He said he doesn't keep them, because he'd write down ideas that are bad and he doesn't know it at the time. If an idea stays in his head, then it's probably worthwhile. He described it as 'bad ideas are like coffee dregs and they'll float down out of memory in time. The ones that stick around are the ideas worth doing.'
Sounds good.

Do you know anyone on The Technology thread? Can you post over there about a potential move?
>Can you post over there about a potential move?
Give me a second and I'll handle it.
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Not everything you dislike is bait, anon. We've discussed this before, and it's good to have a backup plan in case we get scruffed.
How about we not fag up the entire board and just stick here? Half the anons won't be willing to move anyway. All going to a another general will accomplish is starting another civil war and pissing off even more of the board.
Having options is good and I think Technology would be fun to collaborate with.
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We finally got back on track and now you want to mess everything up again?

u fo real nigga?
How many of our greens would actually fit there?
>u fo real nigga?
Yes. Like said we've talked about this before, so lets make some loose plans in case things go wrong.

>Having options is good
Agreed completely.
Adding elements of pony incredulity to our stories wouldn't be hard. Also, since humans often end up dominating it'd give a reason for that.

You could even work in stuff about how tech can set you free. It's win win.
>You could even work in stuff about how tech can set you free. It's win win.
That's actually pretty good. They've got some smart writers over there that could do tons with that. We're also pretty savvy on editing, so we could help them out with that too!

The more we talk about this idea, the more I like it.
what tether themes could we cross post?
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>Someone cracks a joke about takibg over yet another thread.
>People actually take him seriously.
What is WRONG with you people?!
It's a good idea. And it's not about taking over, though we have the numbers for that. It's about options.
it's not a bad idea
Maybe ponies are enslaved from another race and humans can use technology to help free them. Work some HFY in there?

In case we get scruffed its good to have friends and other places to go.
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Damn I dont have the Image from Fight Club anymore.
The Stahp one. Take this instead.
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Or...here's an idea. Since we AREN'T getting deleted, why don't we just stay here and avoid ANOTHER multi-thread shitstorm?
Maybe that's why we shouldn't piss off SiM.
There's nothing saying we HAVE to do this, but if we have to it's good to know we can and have a plan.
>Maybe ponies are enslaved from another race and humans can use technology to help free them. Work some HFY in there?
That's pretty solid, HFY is usually pretty fun. Technology is pretty smart about tech, duh, so they could help out iron that side of it while we focus on the hero.

But what if we do get deleted? This is just one idea, but it seems like people like it.
So we've got an HFY: Technology is Freedom story. What else could we cross post?

>Maybe that's why we shouldn't piss off SiM.
This isn't about SIM, it's about US.
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guess the reason we didn't get hit was because he doesnt need to anymore
plz stop
Do you have a better idea in case we get deleted. Maybe I don't want to go to tech, but I want our stories to go on so that means we should just take tech. They'll like it cos they get more stores. Everybody wins.
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Our past attempts showed us how great it works.
Okay, I think we've figured it out. If we go down we go to Technology: >>27200574. Those of you that threw out prompts, thanks, and feel free to get them started. You can cross post them here and Tech, but I think we should wait a bit.

Good talk, guys.
this is some silly shit. I'm not going anywhere
don't worry anon, we'll have a place for you once this thread gets burned. /spg/ sticks together.
I got one day out without checking /mlp/ and this thread has +200 replies in one day and a half
What happened? Did we win again'st the angry mod?
No, we're moving to Technology.
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Alright, I have a slightly LESS retarded question for you guys. Once your move fails again, who would you like to see more of, Celly or Lulu?
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This is like picking which county we let refugees into. No one wants them yet they need somewhere to go.
>Let's just take over another thread guys
>Who cares if they haven't even agreed to let us in
>What could go wrong?

This is the short cut to getting everyone pissed at us, you retards.
Yep. Check out the thread. We've got a couple story ideas, and Technology hasn't complained so we're a go.
So... where is that?
See: >>27274848
>and Technology hasn't complained
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>Technology hasn't complained so we're a go.
>hasn't complained
Their thread is hollow, they won't care. We do more green than them, so they should be happy were moving.

They'll get over it once they start getting green again. Our story ideas are great.
again I would like to remind:
>They're the jews of /mlp/, they go where they aren't wanted, shit up the place and then leave while jerking themselves off over how superior they are.
Can I ask why Tech? Isn't that thread about future builings?
Why are we moving now that the thread hasn't been nuked?! What the hell?
See: >>27275091

We've got the numbers, and we've got some cross over story ideas. Check out the posts above.
We're almost at autosage, so we can start the move then or we can wait until we're deleted. I mean, if we're already going to move, may as well do it now.
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>SPG circlejerks about how you'd never rape a pony.
>Other thread's screaming no.
>But you guys are going in anyway!

I'm running out of reaction pics. No means no, assholes.
I don't think we should move at all to be honest. Last time somebody tried that, it started a shit storm.
If we need too wait we can but I think if we're going to get nuked we shuold just go now. Like everyone said they get green and we get a new home. We have numbers we can do it.
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Nothing is going to happen. We're not moving to another thread. When this one dies, someone will make a new one. Nothing will change.
Dude, we shouldn't just go and invade other threads. That will only make us look worse. We already have a mod/janitor against us, lets not start a conflict with some other thread.
Exactly. This anon gets it.
I get your hesitance, I do, and I'd rather not mess with another thread but it's good to have options. I'm not saying we have to move right now, we can wait and hold off until or unless we get pruned. But at the end of the day, we should have a plan and this is a good one.

We've got more posters, we're the better thread.
Because some people are assholes and like shitting up our thread's name in other threads.
No one wants green that doesn't come from their existing writers.
Every general is a closed circlejerk catering to a specific fetish and theirs is not slavery.
They don't want our green, even if it means having a dead thread.
How do you not get this?
Seriously, stop fagging up other threads.
Nothing will change unless we make it change so we should be ready to change. Tech will be our new home so we should get ready to do that. Our green will help them and us and we all win. Maybe not now or today but someday and soon. SPG can do it!!
Dude. Don't start shitting up other threads, people are already uneasy don't make it worse with your faggotry. I'm not moving and I can't speak for any of the other writers but they've been fighting to keep this thread around longer than I have, so I doubt they'll be moving either.
It's a done deal, though. If we fall, we're moving to Technology. We're the better thread, so we need to make sure we keep going.
Wow you have succeeded in trolling the entire spg. People actually think this is serious. Good job
You're moving to Tech. Go write Tech. Include slavery if you have to, but keep SPG out of it.

He's pissing off everyone else. Even if he's not serious, he's making us look bad.
Just because you disagree with someone, anon, doesn't mean they're trolling you.
The problem is that some people have had and tried similar ideas before and I really don't want that shit to happen again.
Guys, fuck off with this talk of invading other threads like some kind of fucking refugees. We're slave pony general, we stay slave pony general. Our thread has lived almost to the bump limit, I think it's safe to say we're gonna be just fine. We don't need to go full autist and make the entire rest of the board hate us.
If at first you dont succeed we can try again. I admit our first try wasnt good but we can do it. Our stories are good and people will want them we just have to show them.
Exactly, this is something we've discussed before and I think it can work. We need a backup plan in case our thread goes away.
Start another one.
There. We have a plan. Wasn't hard, was it?
Because that worked so well when the mods attacked us. We need to be real and ready.
Hi guys! This is the Tech thread here telling you to kindly keep your non-related shit green to yourselves. We have nothing to do with you, and we like it that way.
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It will all be fine and even if we dont move now at least we have a plan to move to a thread with for stories. Tech will take us one way or another and it will be okay. Stay strong spg we will make it even if we have to take it.
Yeah. Sorry about the retard. We're not coming over, he's just being a huge faggot.
You made to 500. Congrats slave poners.
Build wall
It's literally one guy stirring up shit. We don't want to move either
We would fucking LOVE to stay out of your non-related thread. Report the shit out of any faggot that posts SPG there.
>We've got more posters, we're the better thread.
>will take us one way or another and it will be okay.

Maaan, when my characters use this logic, you guys call me an edgy faggot.
Thanks familam, I appreciate it. I hope you guys can get yourselves back on track.
It may be obnoxious to autistic to post green in another general, but it isn't against the rules, anon. I'm on the fence with this whole move thing, but randomly reporting people doesn't help.
new slave pone thread when?
I'd say it falls under quality of content if the green is completely unrelated to the thread. If the green IS related to tech, then it isn't a SPG green, is it?
Yeah, and we might agree that QC is important and that people should post in the appropriate generals but that's not against the rules.
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It's off topic. GR3
It's also an invasion. GR4
It's harming the quality of the thread. GR6
It's spamming If done en mass. GR10
And role-playing and non-stop discussion, of course.
we might wait and see if someone has content to write
I've got a shiny dime that says we get deleted tonight.
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and for a brief moment in life was worth living

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all this migrating to other threads
Dude, the other one is just a new SPG thread. Just don't bug tech and we're golden.
changeling dick
such beauty <3
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its like seeing history been written the archives... finally
this is the last post.
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