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>good continuity
Looks like someone has no idea what pacing is
I don't think he's eating the same shit I'm eating.

In fact I think he's in a completely different restaurant than me.
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Man that guy is such a shill. Always agreeing with Jim and saying nice things. This thread totally makes sense.
Why do we even pay attention to this jaded Faustfag?
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Is Murrisson and that EquestriaDailyX frogposter some buddies or same person? They both piss Jim all the time.
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So rude
I'm just baffled as to why Jim uses Twitter. If I had his job I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

To be honest, I don't have his job and I still don't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
It's funny how you say that like it's supposed to be an insult. Funny, yet sad.
>Murrison makes threads about him AGAIN

I'm gonna mail that fucker my dentist bill, this cringe ruins the teeth
nah, the frogposter outright hates everything
>Would rightfully criticise the garbage to come out most of the time.
>Suddenly praises a completely shit episode from top to bottom.

And people will still deny that Hasbro buys away any criticism.

Pacing has literally nothing to do with continuity.

The episode was objectively great.
It is an insult.
Faust's writing was cringey and she is a my way or the highway difficult to work with cunt.
And hasbrofags are pathetic idiots who like Twilight being an alicorn.
It wasn't. Fan favourite characters can't make episode objectievly great because they appeared. Writing was trash and waifufags just rate it blindly.

Which fan favorite characters? Cranky? DJ-Pon3? Or do you count Trixie? The last one is fairly popular I'll grant you, but nowhere near as popular as members of the mane6.

And are you seriously suggesting over 80% of /mlp/ are blind waifufags for one of these fan favourite characters? That seems utterly absurd.
>It proved Trixie's comics as not part of FiM's continuity

Haha what a delusional faggot.
The end times truly are upon us.
Why did Kylo Ren just randomly shout out TR-8R's name at the end of the movie? Seemed kind of out of place if you ask me.
Most here are Twifags. Along with Glimmerfags and Trixie fags and even Sunfags who get to see Celestia, there is no way that episode oculd have been rated on fair merits as Spike episode. Derpy+Vinyl gained favor of those who like these kind of pandering.

I see no good reason why overall good depiction of Trixie along with poor depiction of Twilight and mediocre depiction of Starlight would grant this episode anything but 7/10 at best. Premise was on based on OCC characters who shoudn't even be learning this message in the first place.
Spike episode was abysmal, you fucking retard.
>Most here are Twifags. Along with Glimmerfags and Trixie fags and even Sunfags who get to see Celestia
Maybe. But as much as 80% of the population? I find that very hard to believe, Dashfags for example have a 24/7 general, so they account for a sizable portion of the board.

>poor depiction of Twilight
Most oldfags would disagree with you, Twilight used to do this kind of stuff all the time back in S1.

Personally I think that's what's driving up the score, had the characters been introduced 5 years ago this could very well have been a great S1 episode.
>I hate the episode because of Ember
Stay delusional faggot
Just ignore neo-/mlp/. Spike never has and never will have a good episode. What's more pathetic is how people liked the spike one but hated the Trixie one
The funny part is that MurrMurr called Jim out on that last tweet and Jim APOLOGIZED TO HIM because he admited to having taken his frustrations on him.
>Ignore facts, acquire pink safety-bubble
Holy fuck anon, what's next? You demand we call you by your preferred pronoun?
Nice implications. Sorry you burdened by your shit taste, you can't see things how they are.
Go back to ponychan you fucking faggots
>says the guy who doesn't like S1-type stuff
>actually thinking the shitty ember episode was worthy of being season 1.
>S1-type staff
I didn't know S1 had shit writing with forced character reactions, as well as an absolutely terrible use of characters. Thanks for letting me know.

You're welcome.

In reality it's just your taste that's objectively shit, though.
Why is it that this season is bringing out more salt than usual?
Thank the freakin god I'm not the only one. Getting tired of Trixie/unicornfags run up the score on an average episode at best. And forget what's happening at EQD.
Fuck you, it was far better than that shitty spike episode.
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>giving a fuck about murrison
But facts says otherwise, my little special ed class friend. You may chose to believe whatever silly tales you made up in your head tho.
You forgot your cheeky unicorn ^:)
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Tfw I like this weeks episode and season 6 while laughing at autistic fags complain over a kids show thinking thier opinions matter
>Polls that are fixed by shills matter.
This season is clearly going nowhere.

Starting with the fucked up opener and the episodes that follow no theme or anything at all.

It's just a filler season and it shows.
>80% of /mlp/ are shills
nigga das cray cray
>What are proxies?
Even worse.

Useless on strawpoll? But sure, let's assume a group of shills went through with the huge amount of effort to skew the poll.

>Out of all the posters on /mlp/, only 79 were interested in rating the episode
Now THAT is a fucking retarded assumption.
>Starlight got introduced as a permanent addition to the cast.
>Spike got a dragon friend and grew as a character.
>CMC figured their place out
>Starlight befriended Trixie
>Soon Dash will join the wonderbolts
That's 7 episodes in.

Also, the very concept of a "filler season" makes no sense, stop spewing buzzwords.

I could agree with you on the lack of theme though, but then again the only season that had any underlying theme was S3.
He apologised to frogposter and even defended him. Is he also our hero?
Good question, he's just another opinionated faggot in the fandom.
Jim is such a beta pussy, apologizing to a dumb autistic cunt who will never learn anything.
>starlight is a legitimately shit character
>Trixie is a shit character
>spike is a pussy ass bitch

How the fuck is that even remotely relevant to your previous statement?
And rainbow dash is a faggot who needs to get pregnant next to a stallion, the proper place of a female
Just reset your router, refresh the page and vote again.

Doesn't work on strawpoll.

Kill yourself, cuckfag
>I could agree with you on the lack of theme though, but then again the only season that had any underlying theme was S3.
Great Galloping Gala
Twilight's friends writing letter to Celestia
The keys and the friendship Journal
Starlight Glimmer's stalking of Twilight.

I feel like EQD and /mlp/ can only rate anything as 0/10 or 10/10. THis episode was a solid 7/10 due to clunky secondary characters and using too many of them in the first place.

Spike was 9/10 due to well adjusted characterisation of Spike without making any forced half assed motives of him becoming a forced hero in the last 30 second. His success was caused by his diplomatic personality and won thanks to his new ally. There were no pandering, no out of character momnets nor any non essential characters who only shown for 5 seconds (like Fluttershy in Trixie episode)
Are you the same whiny faggot who threw a tantrum the other day because Jim Miller paid attention to Murrison instead of you?

It works for me.
Fuck you fucking fuck. Rainbow dash is a bitch who needs to learn her Place
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>Educating Glimmer
>Proving that Twilight can take on Celestia's previous role

>No theme
Sparkle is a bitch
S4 had a clear theme of opening the box. It was quest driven.
S5 had no theme, while S6 seem to focus on Starlight and her "assimilation" into an official Mane7 character.
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Cry more. Your tears sustain me.
Season 5 sucked. Season 6 has a theme but it's a stupid theme. Season 4 should've been the final season. It would've been a fine ending to a good show that had some ups and downs
>Great Galloping Gala
Not a theme, one episode with minor off-hand remarks towards it in two episodes.
>Twilight's friends writing letter to Celestia
Eeeh... Not really a theme. "Lessons in friendship" is arguably a theme, but they don't really adhere to it, even in S1. It's almost as prevalent now, really, with ponies like Starlight and the CMC still learning more about friendship.
>The keys and the friendship Journal
Right! The keys were S4, not S3, my bad. The journal was toyetic, nothing more.
>Starlight Glimmer's stalking of Twilight.
Not a theme, a tiny easter-egg.
I don't know if I'd call the journal toyetic, kids fucking hate books
>I dun like things!

You can always stop watching right now, head home to ponychan, and pretend the show stopped after S4.
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Hello WonderRed93
Stay mad forever.
>if I was in you
Why does the director of this show even talk to these autists??
I think the Journal was aimed at a slightly older audience, not necessarily brony-old, just older than 3.

He's the most autistic of all.

I think this asshole is Soundmonkey's backup account.
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Annnd there it is. The triggered bias and rage.

We get pal. You hate dragon dick all over your waifu. No need to go death con 10 everytime the name is mentioned.
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Literally every single episode gets that same spread of 10/9/8/7, unless it's horribly shit like Princess Spike or something.
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This guy admitted that he has autism so he is literally autistic. I think Soundmonkey was another account of Illustrous Q or Hn Snork.
not him but it was a good episdoe man it just went right
>starlight character development
>good Trixie portrayal
>twilight being an autstic idiot(this one's plus minus honestly)
this, just look at recent Equestria Daily post. Even the shills are tearing the episode apart. Theres like one or two postive review.
Not Illustrious Q but I think it was confirmed that both him and Snork were the same.
His other confirmed backup account is Null44, but the faggot protected it after Horse News ripped him a new one.
>the episodes that follow no theme or anything at all.
just like season 1 good god you want those forced box or tableshit? are you literally fucking insane or just an autstic retard?
Season 01 didn't had a following theme because hasbro FORBID the writers from doing that so the series could be watched in any order.

The restriction was lifted after that. How new are you to not knoe this?

Theme =/= overarching plot.

See: Friendship report.

His another-another burner account.
HN Snork is pretty annoying. Never seen a guy who reply to any negative comment on EQD or any show staffer twitter account. It's like he's literally getting paid for damage control.
Dat tweet
>there is no way that episode could have been rated on fair merits as Spike episode
What a load of shit. As if he doesn't get multiple threads a week full of people obsessing over him and talking about how he should be praised by everyone. As if there isn't detailed discussion over his role in every single episode he has a speaking role in. People loved it because they love Spike and are happy he was treated as more than a useless child. Quality has nothing to do with it.
haha oh wow
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> Jim
> Murrison

so... ?
>Good continuity
>Not understanding that these are largely mutually exclusive
The episodes story arc could've been 30 seconds long and that wouldn't have effected continuity.
Oh look, it's yet another "everyone who disagrees with my opinion that everything past season 2 is shit is a shill or an autistic brony" thread.
Go back to derpibooru ItsThinking.
U mad.
> Murrison and Jim Miler are having a friendly chat about Batman: The Animated Series right in this moment.
> They look like two old friends discussing old cartoons.

The fuck is going on. How 2 guys can be so fucking different andf then keep making these fucking 180ยบ turns all the time.
>giving a shit about fandom drama.
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Explain how Gauntlet of Fire was good. Ember was shit, Spike was boring, the writing was dull and the jokes fell flat, the plot was cliche and could be seen from literally half way across the globe, the only thing it didn't do wrong was shit on Spike, but that the fact that 'oh they didn't treat this one character like shit, 10/10' is the actual mentality of some deluded autists here makes me lose faith in this board.

Also explain how the recent episode was bad that isn't 'muh pandaring' because that shitty ass Woona episode last season was much worse and there were nowhere as near much assdamage as I've seen in this one thread.
My animation school in the first year taught animation through both the creative and animation-as-a-business theory. We learned how to storyboard from existing scripts, we learned how the background artists operate, we learned how the writers collaborated etc. This was so that we as animations could understand the other arms of the show's production team so we could better collaborate with them.

When we learned the business theory of animation we learned how to create memes in our shows. We learned how to use social media to maintain contact with fans and create hype. We learned how to spot trends and reference them in the shows. They showed us how to create blogs on tumblr, pages on Facebook, and how to interact with people on Twitter. The lecturer asked us to create a Twitter account, and then would throughout the year pretend to be a fan and ask about our projects. She would grade on how we responded. We didn't have do the twitter thing if we didn't want to, but it was extra credits for not much work so why the fuck not? This was all was taught to us so that we might create content that would allow studios to make money from the production. All of the above were considered useful tools to keep a show relevant, thus to keep it making money.

Spike is garbage dragon tier. He will never have a good episode.
It was an ember episode, he was the dragon Lord at the end
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