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CYOA - Just Another Day ch. 28

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>Ponyville seems to be a hotbed of excitement these days. Between the dragons roosting in the mountains, horrid monsters wandering out from the Everfree Forest, ancient ruins discovered deep in the earth, and the ever-presenting of all-out war between the Equestrians and the Gryphons, it seems like everypony looking for fame or fortune is flocking to this town.
>It is an age of knights, adventurers, dark magics, and destined heroes.
>You are none of these things.
>Your name is Pot Luck, and your daughter's just been foalnapped!
>Or at least you normally are, but right now you're actually August Longhorn, master rancher and amateur investigator.
>With the help of the Royal Guardpony, Sweet Heart, you were able to track down the home of the key witness in the case against Berry the Changeling.
>But she's missing!

Archives: http://anonpone.pineapplecomputing.com/anotherday

Characters: http://pastebin.com/RVB0Hjqp

>"No sign of any maids in the house," Sundance reports as your team of adventurers (and one miner) reassembles just outside the aforementioned house.
>"How do you manage to kidnap somebody in broad daylight?" Azura remarks with a hint of disbelief. "I mean, even if this maid wasn't some stalwart heroine, you'd think she'd scream for help or something."
>"No sign of blood at least, so she's probably not dead...yet," Longshot adds. He then turns to you. "Well August, Pot technically left you in charge - what do you suggest?"

Input action.
Ha, I forgot we were best cow.
Right now our only lead seems to be the broken back door.
We should head out the back and check for a trail or clue.
Check the door. If a pony broke it in then chances are they might have left hoofprints on it from bucking it. I can't remember how it's broken, I assume completely busted.
Checking the back door is the obvious lead, is there any chance a neighbor could have seen things? Or are they all out?
It's good to be back here, even if it is just going to be a while
Are we sure that she was kidnapped?

>Clues and leads were in short-supply. In fact, you can't even be 100% certain that this was a kidnapping, though it's too much of a coincidence for it to be anything else. You don't break locks when ponies are cooperating, after all.
"Longshot, could you please take a look at the back door and see if any clues were left behind?" you politely request of your friend. "And Miss Sweet Heart, could you possibly go around the neighborhood and ask if anypony has seen anything suspicious lately?"
>"I'll give you a helping hoof!" Rough Diamond volunteers. "Come on, toots; always wanted to play detective!"
>In an eagerness known only to Rough Diamond, he encourages his new 'partner' with a firm smack against her flank, which clangs loudly due to the armour plates overtop.
>Sweet Heart turns several shades of red before hastily scampering off, if only to avoid any jokes from the others.
>"Probably should've warned her about him," Sundance murmurs under her breath.
>After a good fifteen minutes, Longshot returns with his findings.
>"Door wasn't brute forced - the lock was picked manually, albeit a bit crudely. Found some dark strands of hair wedged in lock, as well as some strange particulates on the ground and door."
>Longshot holds out his hoof, showing you some speckles. It reminds you of sand, except more shimmering.
>"Looks like some kind of dusting," Sundance comments.

Input action.
>dark strands
Check the uniform for stray hairs to compare.
A crystal pony? That's probably silly, but I dunno.

"Do we know if this maid is dark-maned?"
>"I checked the uniform earlier - it's got some long reddish strands and short white ones. Nothing dark on it," Azura reports.
>"So whoever left the dark hair was probably the one who man-handled the lock," Longshot adds.
>You wind up waiting a short while but soon Sweet Heart and Rough Diamond are back from their canvassing of the neighborhood.
>"Not much out of the ordinary," Sweet Heart answers.
>"But one pony did report seeing a blue-cloaked Royal Guard walking through the streets earlier," Diamond adds.
>"That's odd," Sundance remarks.
"How so?"
>"Blue cloaks are the Inner Guard - the hoof-picked elites. They wouldn't be wandering this far out from the castle," she explains.
>"It means nothing," Heart insists with a hint of indignation, "he could've just been walking home or running an errand for the Princess."
>"Or an errand for Regal Horn," Sundance replies.
>"It's a coincidence, nothing more!" Heart snaps. Clearly she's still sensitive over the idea that Royal Guards might be involved in this affair.
>Before the argument could continue much further, your attention is draw to a strange light that suddenly appears above your head. It flickers for a few seconds before materializing into the shape of a rolled-up parchment, falling gracefully into your awaiting hoof.
>You unfurl it and take a quick read of it.
"Oh, it's from Spectral Prism. They've got Berry back at his place. He says if we can get the maid to Berry, he can 'sniff out' the truth," you report.

Input action.
Well that's good at least, but we're still short one maid.
If the trail's run dry here then we might need to head back and discuss how to proceed.
Someone else might recognize that powder, or maybe Prism knows a way to track someone from a hair sample.

Sounds good

>Without any further leads, you decide it's best to regroup with the others and put all of your heads together in order to get to the bottom of this. You gather up and head back to meet up with Pot Luck.
>On the way back, you show the strange sparkling dust to Rough Diamond, figuring perhaps the miner might be able to shed some insight.
>"Looks like a mineral dust," he comments, examining the sample closely. "But I can't say for certain. I'd need a closer look and something that could let me see things but...bigger, you know? Like a zoomed-in view of it."
"You mean like a magnifying glass?"
>"Yeah, one of those!" he exclaims. "Any idea where I can get one of those?"
>"Ahem," Sundance grunts, motioning her head towards the Shimmering Optics Boutique before them, home of all things lense and lense-related.
>"Oh right..."


>You are Pot Luck; entrepeneur and worried father. Despite your success in freeing Berry from his prison, you know that this mission is far from over. It likely won't take long for Horn to realize that Berry's 'death' was anything but, however with everything happening at the castle in preparation for the gala, you've got some breathing room.
>You convene with August and the others in Prism's extra-dimension bedroom, where Berry is still resting from his faked death.
>"I can't say for certain, but this looks like a quartz dust," Rough Diamond says, now examining his evidence with a magnifying lense. "Odd to see that here in Canterlot given you ain't got any mines nearby. Whoever left this behind spends a lot of time underground."

Input action.
The only place I know of that it could be from is the old mines. Who would have access to them?
And why would they take her there?
Gotta pause for a bit. Hopefully can resume at work.
Well there are caves under the city, aren't there?
So far the only suspects we know are the Royal Guard Elite and someone that spends time underground. Unless the elite has some underground teleportation device like the ones we found. Then that's just unfair.
Could Horn be paying Diamond Dogs to fake a kidnapping? Probably something he wouldn't do, but unless there's a secret underground base his guards spend all their time in or something...
Should be good to resume for a while. I hope.

>"Could be diamond dogs. They enjoy the dirty underground and don't have much in terms of scruples," Sundance suggests.
"That's...um, some rather unflattering generalizations," you remark.
>"Some would just call that straight-up racist," Longshot adds.
>"I-ghh-tch-wh--! I am not racist!" Sundance eventually staps back. "I've worked with diamond dogs before - we've gotten along just fine."
>"Sure sure, we believe you," Longshot replies.
>"I'm just speaking from experience!"
>"Racist experiences."
>Now Longshot must've figured he was safe since he's sitting on the far side of the table from Sundance. However, she just slams her hoof into table with enough force to drive the edge straight into Longshot's unsuspecting belly. It knocks the wind right out of him and into next Tuesday, leaving the unicorn gasping on the floor.
"Could diamond dogs be involved?" you ask Sweet Heart, taking it as a serious consideration.
>"It's possible. We might not have mines but Canterlot has plenty of sewers. And supposedly there's crystal caverns deep below the city," the guardpony explains. "But if there are diamond dogs down there, it could take ages to search the sewers on our own."

Input action.
Does the crystal caverns have quartz in it? It doesn't make much sense for it to be found in the sewers. Also how long was the hair we found? Was it mane length of coat length? I never heard of any diamond dogs with long hair.
Still, the neighbors said they saw a blue caped guard, not a diamond dog.
Does Prism have a spell to passively scan the underground or something? It might be worth checking out.

How are Wine and Airy doing?
Who would know the sewers better?
Now would be a good time for Heart to reveal her previous assignments in sanitation, if she had any.
>Does the crystal caverns have quartz in it? It doesn't make much sense for it to be found in the sewers.

If the sewers are in any way involved, it would be to transport the maid to wherever she's being held.
Yes, which is why someone who knows them would be handy.
It would be very useful to find any points where the sewers interact with the caverns.

"Could the hair have come from a diamond dog?" you ask Longshot.
>"It's short enough to be hair from a paw. If a diamond dog was the one picking the lock, it would fit. A most ponies use either magic or their hooves and mouth to do lock-picking, so they tend not to leave hairs behind."
>"But what about that blue cloaked guard?" Azura asks. "If diamond dogs are involved, what would one of them be there for?"
>"Diamond dogs tend to stick out," Sundance answers. "A Royal Guard casting magic in town, like perhaps an invisibility spell, wouldn't draw as much attention."
>"I still can't believe you think the Royal Guard is invovled," Sweet Heart huffs.
"You can't discount the possibility, but it could just as easily be a guard acting on his own," you offer to Heart as a possible alternative. "Now we're still waiting for Aireanna and White Wine to get back with passes to the gala, but getting to Celestia isn't going to matter much if we don't have hard evidence."
>"We'll keep looking for the maid, even if it means you have to go to the gala empty-hoofed at first," August reassures you.
"Hey Prism, you think there's any magic that might help us in this search?"
>"Yes, I've been pondering that," Prism replies with a quick nod. "A divination spell might be useful, but they have trouble working underground. All the dirt and rock tends to get in the way of proper detecting the target of the spell. Still, in conjunction with a proper guide and some other means of tracking, it could be sufficient."
>Prism then glances over to the slumbering Berry in the nearby bed.
"He did say he had a good nose," you muse to yourself. "Anything we can do to help wake him up?"
>"Some food might stir him awake," Prism suggests.

Input action.
Tell him Honey Oats is here to see him
If the divination spell failed then we'd at least know that looking underground was the way to go.
And I'm assuming he means regular food for Berry, but if not I guess we need to rustle up some positive emotion.
Pet the sleeping changeling? Scratch his ears? What works on Wispy? Was that on him.
"Oh, um... well I could go to the kitchen and make something for--"
>"I mean changeling food, not pony food," Prism interrupts you. "He needs positive energy - feelings of affection and stuff like that. He's probably gone weeks without a proper feeding, he must been starved of energy."
"Plus you zapped him."
>"Plus I zapped him, yes."
"I, uh, suppose one of us should do something to offer him love... and stuff," you suggest.
>You glance out to any volunteers and notice everypony is staring directly at you.
"What? Me?"
>"You know him better than anyone else," Prism explains.
>"The only thing I love is violence and margaritas," Sundance remarks. "And Longshot only loves himself."
>"Hey! That's not true at all."
>"Maybe if you stopped touching yourself at night and got yourself a marefriend, ponies would believe that," the pegaus replies.
"O...okay then," you mutter in defeat as you slowly get up.
>You're still not sure what to do, though. Do you just stand next to him or something? Wispy always gave you a hug when she was feeling peckish. You're soon standing next to the bed, where the changeling is still seemingly out cold.

Input action.
A hug is a good start. Maybe some nuzzles.
I-It's not weird if it's with a friend.
Pull him up so he's sitting up, sit down, hug him, then start thinking and worrying about Wispy.

It's for a perfectly good reason
Remember that Berry did nothing wrong
Cuddle him?
Give him a hug and say 'everything wil be alright'

"So...what do you guys think I should do?"
>"I dunno," Azura says. "Maybe try hugging him."
>You have your misgivings about non-consensual hugging, but you remind yourself that this is to help Berry as well as Wispy. Surely they wouldn't think too much about this, and your friends won't give you a hard time.
>Or maybe they will. They'll probably all have a good laugh.
"I guess I can give that a shot. Do you think maybe...like, little spoon or should I go big spoon?"
>"You seem like a big spoon kind of pony," Azura answers.
>You carefully climb into bed alongside Berry, sliding up alongside behind him.
"Is he reacting?" you ask.
>"Nothing yet," Azura says. "Try moving closer."
>You shuffle a bit closer to him.
>You shift in unti you can feel his back brushing up against your back.
>"Maybe try putting your hooves around him."
"Okay, I'll try that," you murmur as you begin to wiggle your hooves around the changeling's figure.
>He's a lot firmer than you imagined. He must work out a lot.
"How's it now?"
>Azura hops out of her seat and walks over for a close look. "Still nothing," she informs you. "Try moving your hooves lower - it looks like your trying to strangle him, not cuddle him."
>You sigh and roll your eyes, shifting your hooves a bit further down. Goodness this changeling is warm...
>"Keep going..."
>You start to fluster a bit as your hooves trace further down Berry's frame, until you're straight to feel the contours of his hips.
>"A little more..."
>Now you can feel thigh.
>"Ha...gaaaaay..." a weak murmur comes from Berry.

Input action.
Very funny. Can you hear me Berry? Are you okay?
>Well I don't see you conplaining
Azura likes gay guys, that's a thing.
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You okay?
Accidentally rub his sheath.
It's working! Squeeze harder! Make him FEEL it.
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tfw Pots face when Berry turns around

>You can't help but feel a little bit awkward as Berry, along with everyone else, shares in a quiet and restrained chuckle.
"Y-you're awake. H-how long have you been--?"
>"Since about when you flopped into bed. I'm not that heavy of a sleeper," Berry replies, though making little effort to move from his current position.
"You're been awake that whole time? Why didn't you say anything?"
>"Cause this was funnier."
>He shifts his hooves to overtop of yours, keeping them pinned in place as the changeling wriggles into a more comfortable position against you.
>"Mmm, this is nice," he chuckles playfully. "You're surprisingly comfortable. No wonder the ladies like you."
"C-could we get back to the matter of saving Wispy?" you stammer, trying to keep any awkwardness from poking its head out.
>"Oh, right," Berry mumbles. He lets out a tired groan and slithers out of bed. Though awake, it's clear he's still a bit tired and weary.
"You okay?"
>"Just a bit tired. I'll walk it off," he insists. "So what'd I miss? You find that maid yet?"

Input action.
No, hit a snag there. We think she's been kidnapped.
+1 changeling for the orgy party

Unfortunately, the maid's been missing. Maybe kidnapped, even. We know the elite Guard are involved, and that they've been underground.

"We might've hit a teensy-tiny little snag in that plan."
>"Maid's been taken and you have no idea where she is?" Berry asks without hesitation.
"Well we think it's underground."
>"Azura brought the maid's uniform so you can try getting a scent from that," August adds.
>"He can do that?" Azura blurts out.
>"Isn't that why you brought the uniform?"
>"Oh, y-yes. That's exactly the reason. And nothing else..."
>"Lemme see it," Berry says as he drags himself over to the table. The uniform is set down in front of him and the changeling begins to examine it closely. He takes a few careful sniffs at first, then buries his muzzle into the pile of clothes and inhales sharply. "Hmmmm...I detect a bouquet of self-consciousness, with a hint of wide-romanticism and repressed father issues, laced with an aftertaste of fresh jealousy. Young and fertile...and probably a few weeks shy of her estrous cycle."
"Never knew you could tell so much just from a sniff," you remark in disbelief.
>"My job required me to scout out viable targets. A good sniffer is an important tool in the trade," Berry answers, taking a hint of pride in his abilities.
"You think you can track her down with that?"
>"Perhaps, if the trail hasn't gone too cold," Berry says. "I just need a starting point."
>"Maid's house seems as good a place to start as any," Sundance says. "Though we might still be out by the time the gala starts, so you should stay here Pot."

Who shall you send with Berry, and who should lead the team?
Fuck, who's on our team? I can't remember.
I'd suggest Longshot, since he's a tracker too. Berry seems cool headed enough to reign him in.
Longshot and Wine. Tracking and social poise.
I was thinking Longshot should go with Berry too, for the same reason. Who else though? Probably Sundance if they end up in a fight, and it sounds like she intends to go anyways. Maybe Heart?
We also don't know how many gala tickets we'll have yet, so there's that to consider.

Gah...you're right. I forgot to take that absence of information into account. I'll have to fix that.


"Well I suppose Longshot should go with Berry."
>"We should should probably consider how many gala ticket we'll have," Prism reminds you. "I mean, we don't want to arouse too much suspicion, so it's unlikely we'll have more than...six, at best? Airy, Wine, and myself, plus a guest for each."
>"It might be a good idea to have a few in reserve in case things at the castle go...sideways," Sundance suggests.

New information. Hopefully that'll help you make a more informed decision.
Well how many do we need at the Gala?
Wine, Airy, Pot and Prism are necessary I think.
That leaves two more slots. Who can we bring that won't be out of place? August? Diamond? Heart?

Heart would fit in best, but unless she accepts the reality of guard corruption she might get in the way at a crucial moment.
Welp, I'm going to have to call it a night here. Hopefully this survives 'til tomorrow.
Night Innkeep

Gives more time for others to post since I'm finding the choice for who should go where kinda tough.
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What does this quest need more of ?
Berry, Longshot and Diamond sound good for the tracking group.
We know Diamond and Longshot can fight decently and Diamond has experience underground.
I'm thinking Airy, Wine, Prism and Pot are fine for the Gala group.
That leaves August and Sundance as our backups, to serve as a distraction or knock some heads together if necessary.
Heart I'm not sure about. We don't exactly control her. I suppose she'd be better with the tracking team than at the gala though.
At least that way she's more likely to see proof of corruption.
*this little filly bounces up and down repeatedly* more story more story more story more story!!!!!!!
Here's a (you).
>hopefully this survives
Of course it will
Well, I think I'm set to get this session started.

Supporting this one.

"Okay, how about Berry takes Diamond, Longshot, and Sweet Heart with him; White Wine, Aireanna, Prism, and myself will go to the gala; and August and Sundance will stay here in case of emergencies."
>Sundance gives you a surprised look, "Wait, you're leaving me behind?"
>"Ha. Sundance got picked last. Bet that's a first," Longshot chuckles.
"I'm going to be walking into the middle of a castle filled with guards under the command of a pony who will, knowing my luck, gladly order them to pound me into a fine paste if he catches me," you explain to your friend. "I'd really feel more comfortable knowing that I've got some muscle on my side in such an emergency. So it's either way here in the wings or...go to the gala with us."
>"I... I understand," Sundance sighs in reluctance.
>You make a mental note to perhaps figure a way to make this up to her later.
>"Say, Pot," Berry draws your attention with a nudge of his hoof. "I know you're comfortable with the whole changeling thing but others might not but I uh, I could... I could really use a top-up, if you catch my drift. I don't really want to impose on you since you already take care of Wispy and stuff..."

Input action?
You mean like another hug? Or, what?

Dang, she did intend to go
give the man a bug

Galas usually have dancing. Maybe she wanted to do some more?

"What you mean like a hug?"
>Berry gives you a deadpan stare.
>"I need some love, for pony's sake!"
"Oohhhh, that. Right...um, so...hug then?"
>Berry buries his face into his hoof.
>"I can't do you."
"I could put on some socks or maybe some music..."
>"You're too anxious right now. I need nourishment and you're a triple-pressed espresso right now."
"Oh, um...who would you prefer then?"
>"Uhmmm..." Berry taps his chin for a second as he looks everyone over. "The cow or the blue one," he finally decides, pointing at the two in question.
>"What? You can't drain me! I need that love!" Azura snaps back.
>"That sounds scary..." August adds, looking equally reluctant. "T-take Azura. She's an adventurer."
>"Oh hay no, take the cow! I'm sure she's stuffed so full of love!" Azura shouts as she points at the rancher. "Look at her, she's practically overripe with love."
>"Hey, that's not nice!"
>"How was volunteering me nice?"
>"I tried to compliment you!"
>The two continue shouting back and forth at one another with no end in sight.

You might need to step up with an executive decision.
If they're arguing this much, they're going to become anxious too.

Take a moment to calm down, and see if Berry finds Pot to be less like coffee by then.
Azura can do it. She can picture Berry as Prism if it helps
Picking Azura or August right now doesn't seem like a good idea if they're both already so opposed to it. As in, its not going to make them very happy to just say 'you're fucking Berry because I say so.' Nor Berry too, for that matter.

He can transform, sure, but does it really change things if they still know who he really is?

Maybe there's some way they can all work together to passively feed Berry, like a cuddle pile.

Or do what >>27223218 says and just take a moment. Element of Generosity and all, Pot can handle it.
I'll go with trying to calm down
Can he take a little from each instead? That makes it teamwork!

>As you watch the two bicker back and forth, you sigh inwards and roll your eyes.
"I think the milk's been spoiled, so to speak," you remark to the changeling.
>"Yeeaaahhh...angry love hits me like whiskey. Gets my blood up," Berry nods in agreement. He looks to you again and ponders his options. "Tell you what, take a few moments and calm down. You might have to suffice, I guess."
"Gee, way to make a stallion feel wanted. You must be a hit with the mares."
>"Just close your eyes and think of somepony you care about a lot."
"Just be gentle."
>You take some calming breaths and try to think of somepony special. At first you think about Wispy, but that just starts to sadden you...she's probably all alone and scared.
>Okay, somepony else. Maybe White Wine. You care about her a fair bit - her welcoming smile, her teasing little jokes, the way that she and Cutie Swirl...
>"Woah! Not that kind of thinking!" Berry suddenly shouts.
"What do you--OH SHIT!"
>You glance downwards and suddenly notice your daydreaming was having an unintended side-effect. You quickly shut your legs together and cover yourself with your hooves.
>"Oh my~"
>"Perhaps all three of you should just split it," Sundance suggests.
"Y-yeah, we should do that," you quickly nod.
>"I suppose I can live with that," Azura mumbles in agreement.
>You, Azura, and August promptly gather together next to Berry, once again following his instructions and be very careful about who you think about - less sexual and more emotional. A moment later you feel a cold chill run through and a sudden fatigue as though you had just sprinted across town.
>Berry lets out a rather satisified-sounding belch.
>"Ahhh, that hit the spot."


>"Ooo...I'm going to need a moment to lay down," Azura murmurs as she staggers back to her seat. She rests her head down on the table, eyes half-open and glazed over slightly.
>"Sorry, I might've taken a bit more than I had intended," Berry apologizes, his voice and step now full of vigor. "Pony love, ya know? You just can't sip at it."
"I think we'll be okay. Just need to catch my breath."
>"Hey...you didn't give me a job yet," Azura comments, tiredly raising a hoof. "Where should I go and do stuff?"

Assign Azura a task?
The Gala team's all full...how good is she at sneaking?
Backup up or maid duty, depending on how sneaky you can be.
I thought we could bring 6.
Oh yeah, we just have 4 now.
How good is she at dancing?
Oh yeah, I misread that. If she thinks she can pull off some upperclass mingling thhen she'd be a decent edition.
inb4 we find out her relatives at the Gala
We might even be able to squeeze Sundance in if we can convince her to have a bit of fun.

>Would Azura be better on the maid-hunting team or the gala team? Or perhaps in reserve?
>If you ask her to stay in reserve, you realize you'll probably never hear the end of her complaining. She's not the type to sit idle, nor take the indignity in silence.
>Perhaps on the maid-hunting team? But she's never really gotten along with Longshot. Leaving the two of them on a mission together might cause trouble, especially if their egos start butting heads.
>That leaves only one real option...
"Would you like to join us at the gala?"
>"WOULD I?!" Azura gasps with a sudden jolt of vigor. She quickly calms herself down, trying to maintain an air of indifference. "I mean, I suppose I could, if you really need me there."
>Just then, you hear a knocking at the door, and in arrives Airy and White Wine.
>"Tickets scored," Airy reports full of triumphant swagger. "You would not believe how many dicks I had to suck to get these, so don't thank me too hard."
>"Well, if I get two as well, then we'll have six in total," Prism adds. "Given we don't want to arouse suspicion, it's best if we arrive at the gala in pairs at different times. So...who is going to be who's 'plus one'?"
>"Going stag!" Airy and Wine blurt out in unison.

Seems to be a disagreement once again. Input decision
It's kinda necessary that we use all the spots we can get, you two.

Do we want to try and bring Sundance? If so then we should pair up with her. I don't think she's going to dance with anyone else in case we actually end up doing any. Otherwise I guess we'd pair up with Wine. As for the others, that kinda seems like a thing they'd decide themselves. unless they're just going to disagree again.

Predicting that Azura will want to go with Prism right now
How well does Airy get along with Azura, really?
We can bait her with a "well since you two want to go alone, I'll just be Prism's date for the night then!"
Actually, all three would probably approve of that.

Whoever goes with Wine might meet her father. And all the family drama that entails.
Whoever goes with Prism might meet Celestia herself. But be more likely to meet Golden Horn too, and whatever guards he has with him.
While Airy's plus one is probably going to be involved gryphon policics...

Though since we don't really know for sure that Airy's and Wine's possible problems will need talking to get through, or something high profile, Azura might be a good fit. Like it or not, she isn't exactly a talker.

I would have Pot accompany Prism and Airy take Azzy with her.

Could we ask what went on with how they got their tickets first?
Second being Prism's date

"What's with the sudden desire to go alone?" you remark.
>Given that neither of them strike you as the 'stag' type, you're a bit suspicious of their request.
>"No reason!" Both once again respond in unison. They exchange nervous glances.
"Well, um...Prism do you have any--"
>"I'll go with Prism!" Azura shouts as she zips over to the unicorn's side. She promptly hooks her hoof around his and smirks at him. "Maybe you can introduce me to the Princess later."
>"Well, um... I suppose that's perfectly acceptable," Prism replies.
"Well hold on, this is just about going there initially," you remind them. "We can meet up again once we're inside."
>"Oh...right," Azura murmurs.
"How about I go to Prism, Aireanna takes Azura, and White Wine can go stag."
>"Yes!" Wine cheers under her breath.
>"I can work with that," Airy shrugs.
"After we're inside, we can mingle and swap partners if need be, or split off and do your own thing, just bear in mind that I might need your help with things. We still have to figure out a way to get alone with the Princess."
>There's a round of nods and agreeing murmurs.
>"I guess it's time to see about getting ourselves properly dressed for the occasion," Prism suggests as he leads you aside. "I can probably alter and loan you one of my old suits if you'd like. And I've been thinking it over, and it might be a good idea to use a slight...colour altering spell to help keep you from being noticed at the party. Now I've got some nice tunics in green, blue, white, a few black ones, one with some nice gold trim. Any particular preferences?"

Input response
Wait, if there are six tickets, then no one should go stag. Am I missing something?
Well what will Prism be wearing? We'll have to match outfits or something won't we?

That said, a colour change should be necessary. How about...cyan and white? We could take a black suit.
Will we be playing assistant again, or think up another backstory?

Prism, Wine and Airy all have a ticket each. That ticket lets them bring 'plus one' guest if they want. They each still have to go, because those tickets have their names on them.
So we still have six ponies that could go. Why would we want less? I don't get why we're only taking five when we could have had six.
The Gala is a social event, with the point of getting a chance to talk to the Princess without the commander or Pot's brother interfering. They won't know Pot's coming, but they will find out pretty easily what we're there for if they see him. So we don't bring anyone that would attract too much unwanted attention.

Sundance won't know the first thing to do, August is going to turn some heads since cows aren't common.
Longshot could go, but they'd decided he'd be better off helping Berry track down the maid. Diamond and Heart too, especially since Heart doesn't want to believe the guard could be behind all this.
Now that you mention this, I remember it from the last thread. It's just been so long I forgot.

Change our coat to deep red and we'll wear a white tunic. Prism should wear black.

Red with white sounds good.

"Well if you ask me, if we're going together, we should try to coordinate our outfits," you suggest.
>"Heh, you're right. I hadn't even thought to consider that. Granted, I usually just let one of Celestia's dressmakers pick my outfit when I needed to get dressed up so I've never really given it much thought."
"Oh Prism, how are you ever going to meet a girl if you don't learn to dress to impress?"
>Prism flusters briefly for a moment. "Oh, I-er, well... I don't think that's really something we ought to be worrying about for tonight," he replies.
"No reason we can't kill two birds with one stone."
>You try to ease his nerves with a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
"How about I wear a white tunic, and you wear a black one. And you think we can turn me red for the evening?"
>"Red should be plenty easy," Prism replies. "Just be sure to avoid getting wet during the evening - water can make the colours runn."
>The unicorn heads over to a wardrobe and pulls out some clothes, levitating a pile over to you.
"I suppose I should get a cover name for this evening," you add.

Pick a cover ID.

How about we pick a story first, then make a name to fit?
Big Brian?

"How about...um, Crimson....Blaze?"
>"That name sucks," Azura shouts from the far side of the room, still sprawling across the table. "And anypony that uses it sucks."
"Okay, we'll scratch that one off," you mumble back. "I guess I can do with...Crimson Cauldron?"
>"Good enough, I guess," Prism replies with a shrug of his shoulders. "Any complaints from you miss?"
>"I think it sucks too, but it's tolerable," Azura replies.
>After a quick change of clothes and a little application of magic, a now crimson red Pot Luck in a frilled white tunic was ready to hit the gala. Alongside you is Prism, adorned in black and, for a change, with his colourful mane slicked back.
>While you wait for the ladies to get ready for the evening, you're approached by Sundance.
>"You look...presentable," she comments in what you assume to be her best attempt at a compliment. "Listen, if you need my help, Prism will use his magic to signal for me. You can decide on a panic word if you want, as well. And...um, be careful in there. I know it's a gala but believe me when I say that you won't find a more back-stabbing bunch than inside a castle."

It's almost time for the gala. Any final preparations you wish to make?
Does she want to come with us?
Check in with August and go over the plan once more with Berry and the maid team. Julia's been pretty silent so far too.

Should we make a letter for the Princess in case we can't get enough time with her? That seems like a good backup plan.

Speaking of plans, what should we do in case any one of us gets discovered? Call in Sundance? In this case, the panic word/phrase should be something no one would ever normally say. Like "Pot's brother is a nice pony"
It might be worth asking if she wants to come along. Since Wine is without a partner, there's a spot open for her if she wants it.

"Would you...like to come to the gala, perhaps?"
>Sundance is taken back for a moment. She gives you a skeptical look for a moment, though it's better than the immediate 'no' you were expecting.
>"Pot, we're trying to go for 'inconspicuous' here," she explains. "'Big, one-winged mare' is the exact opposite of that. Now go check on the others and make sure they're all set."
>You shrug your shoulders and heed her words, trotting over to Longshot and Berry.
"You both all set?"
>"Well I'd like a few more swords and maybe a bundle of high explosives, but I'll make do," Longshot answers with a confident grin. "We'll head underground, let Berry sniff his way about, and see if we can bring the maid back here in a jiffy."
>"I still think we should bring some Royal Guards with us," Sweet Heart remarks.
>"We don't know who we can trust. I'm still not totally convinced on you, to be honest."
"Okay then, good luck with that."
>You give them some encouraging pats on the shoulder.
>Realize you've been neglecting one member of the team, you carefully reach into your saddlebags and take Julia out.
"Hey there, how are you holding up?"
>"I've been bumping around in your saddlebag all afternoon, how do you think I'm holding up?" she replies.
>"Well I suppose I can't complain. Ain't got legs to get tired after all, and it's not like I can do much on my own. Am I at least going to the party?"
"I see no reason why not."
>"Excellent - I could use a chance to rub metaphorical elbows with the current ruling class. And if you ever need help with Regal Horn, just let me know."
>You're not sure what kind of help she could be, but you figure you can use all the help you can at this point.
"You know, worst case scenario, I could just sneak you someplace in the castle and leave you for Celestia to find. You could try to convince her in my place," you offer as a suggestion.
>"A letter might be received better," Julia suggests.
"That too."


>Soon, it feels as though you've got everything in order, or at least as much as you can given how little you know of what to expect. White Wine, Aireanna, and Azura soon join you, now wearing eloquent gowns, save for Airy whose attire seems to more resemble a formal military uniform. One in which she seems to be extremely uneasy with wearing.
>"By the gods I hate this thing," she grumbles as she adjusts the tunic. "Feel like a goddamn peacock with this."
"Where did you even get that?"
>"Borrowed it from the delegation folks I talked to," Airy explains. "And believe me, they'd have me wear something even worse if this wasn't so short-noticed."
"Now remember, the panic phrase is 'my brother's a swell pony,'" you remind the others. "After which, Prism will signal for Sundance who will come in and...I dunno, save us or something. I guess it depends on how bad the situation gets."
>"Just try not to do anything too crazy or disruptive," Prism adds. "This gala is an important part of the summit between the Equestrian and Gryphon representatives. Things are already pretty tense and we don't want to upset things any further."
>"And if you see a bird that looks as old as dust, stay the hell away from him!" Airy warns.
"Who would that be?"
>"The Gryphon Emperor. I don't want you ponies causing an international incident."


>With everyone prepared, your team groups into pairs and head out, making sure to space your departures enough so that it doesn't look like you're traveling together. The city streets of Canterlot are quite busy for the evening with extra guards patrolling the streets and vendors staying out later than usual in hopes of catching ponies on their way to the castle.
>You approach the castle gates along Prism, who seems to be just as nervous as you're feeling right now. You fall into line with the other nobles and dignitaries slowly making their way to the gala, though the security check at the main gate goes slowly.
>"Tickets please," the guard at the checkpoint requests.
>Prism promptly presents the pair to him, which the guard checks just as quickly. He glances between you and Prism and then waves you through.
>"Have a good evening."
>"Okay, that's good, we're in," Prism whispers to you.
>He leads through the doors and into the castle, following the line until you reach the stairs leading to the grand hall. Just then, though, Prism stops dead in his tracks with a nervous look on his face.
>For a moment, you wonder what's gotten into him but then you look to the top of of the stairs and see why. Standing at the very, adorned in a flowing violet gown was Princess Celestia herself, greeting every guest coming in. And standing right alongside her, was a unicorn dressed in military attire. It was Regal Horn...he looked just like the action figure back in Prism's room.
>You're not able to linger for long as the ponies behind you in line nudge you forward, step by step closer to the Princess.

Input action.
Stand a little straighter, look like we have every right to be there.
We might not be able to talk to the Princess with Horn so close, so we'll just have to get by without notice.
Which will be hard with Prism next to us. Can we move on ahead?
Could we pull him asode for a moment? Duck into a bush or something?
Celestia is going to ask questions when she sees Prism

>Oh god, it's the Princess. She's standing there and greeting everypony one by one. This wouldn't normally be so terrifying if it weren't for the fact that she's standing next to the pony you want to punch in the snout more than anything in the world.
>That and he could probably have you killed in a heartbeat. That is also a problem.
>"Shit, it's Regal and the Princess," Prism whispers to you.
"I know, I'm not blind."
>"What are we going to do?"
"Act casual. Horn won't recognize me...I hope."
>"What about the Princess? She's going to see me. I'm not ready for this."
"Maybe we can duck out of line and just bypass all this."
>It seems entirely possible; surely some ponies would rather be at the party than shaking hooves with the Princess. You casually glance to make sure things are clear and then you grab Prism and side-step out of the line. Without missing a beat, the ponies behind you in line close rank, making the gap disappear.
>Now you just need to slip away.
>"Spectral Prism, is that you?"
>And you've been spotted. More importantly, everyone in line stops and stares at you as the Princess pushes her way past the dignitaries and over to you and Prism.
>"I, um...g-good evening, your majesty. You're looking well and--"
>"Oh Prism, there's no need to be so formal," the Princess tries to reassure him. "I wish you had told me earlier you were planning on coming, I would've prepared a proper welcoming for you."
>"That really isn't necessary, Princess."
>"Do not be so modest, it is unbecoming of you," Celestia continues. She stops, though, and looks to you. "And who is your friend here?"
>Judging by the way Prism's mouth if hanging open with a faint 'gaaaaaaah' sound coming form it, he's hung up on his words.

Input response.
"Oh I-I'm just a friend of Prism! The ticket said there was space for a plus one, so he decided to bring me!"

Then use an arm to bring him close and smile while whispering for him to play along.
Hit on her. "Is that your radiant beauty or just the sun?"
I think I'm going to call it a night here. Will try to resume tomorrow.
Uhh...pretend to be Prism's date? No, that'll just mean they'll take notice when we move apart.

Divert attention form us?
Start with >>27225732
and say "Prism agrees. Look, you've rendered him speechless!"
then >>27225716

Cauldron's the name, Princess. I'm just a friend.
bump in case
Would have been a great time to sneak in wearing a dress with Sunny in a suit bump
Right, best to get this show underway again...

"Just a friend - Crimson Cauldron's the name. Prism was so nervous about coming back here on his own, so he brought me along for moral support," you explain as you set a hoof around Prism's shoulder.
>Wasn't too far from the truth, really, so it's not as though you're lying to the Princess.
"I mean, look at him, your radiance has practically rendered him speechless already."
>"Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry," Celestia apologizes, looking a bit sheepish for a moment. She glances to the line of nobles who are all looking at you with growing impatience. "Perhaps this is a conversation best saved for later. Why don't you take Prism inside and I'll try to find him when I can."
"Of course, your highness."
>Thankfully, it seems as though all parties want to avoid any public conversations at the moment, so you hastily usher a still slack-jaw Prism along. Your own nervousness begins to subside as you put more distance between yourself and Horn. On the bright side, it appears as though nobody knows who you are.
>You and Prism both breath a sigh of relief when you reach the grand hall. Inside are scores of well-dressed ponies and gryphons, tables topped with decorations and snacks, and on the far side are several musicians provide entertainment. The air of aristrocracy is so thick you can almost cut it with a knife.
>You and Prism had been the last to depart so your friends are somewhere out there in the sea of turbulent egos and snobbery. Now you just need to start figuring out how to get the Princess alone, or perhaps find your friends first, or maybe just grab some food...

Input action.
Time to sample what rich ponies eat.
Might as well check out the food, counts for attempting to find the rest of our party as well.
food sounds good. Might give us a talking point if we need one.
>You and Prism had been the last to depart so your friends are somewhere out there in the sea of turbulent egos and snobbery.

Azura is providing about 20% of that herself.

Let's talk with Prism about how locking up during a conversation is the WORST POSSIBLE way to go about things
Try the food, and look around the crowd while doing it.
Maybe we can charm the pants of some gryphon for info

>No reason you can't take a peak at what the rich and elite ponies of Equestria dine upon, if only to get some ideas for new dishes. You and Prism casually make your way over to a table filled with appetizers, led by the growing hunger within.
>"My word, it's a veritable who's who of pony and gryphon aristrocracy in here," Prism comments as he appears more concerned over his surroundings than the food.
>You, on the other hoof, are more interested in the tiny quiches arranged on a larger platter. Probably made with quail eggs and expensive aged cheeses.
"Ooo~ Bite-sized. They're kinda cute when you make them tiny," you chuckle to yourself. "It's like making food small suddenly makes it more appealing."
>"There's the Duke of Trottingham... the Lord-Admiral of the Fleet... the Imperial Chancellor..."
"Hey Prism, you wanna talk about how you kinda froze back there with the Princess?"
>"Hm? What? Oh, right... that."
"Kind of important to not act suspicious."
>"I'm terribly sorry, Po--I mean, Cauldron. I wasn't expecting to see her so suddenly and to focus on me directly. I was expecting maybe some casual indifference or a brief 'hello' but to have her come right up to like I was some long awaited--"
>You set a hoof on his shoulder to cease your friend's ramblings, lest her attract more attention.
>"I...I don't know what to do. I keep telling myself to act casual and then I just lock up again..."

Input words?
Well, we got through it, but prepare yourself now. She does seem to want to talk. We can possibly use this to our advantage.
Calm down Prism. I think she just misses her friend, so act like her friend. There's no need to overthink things.

"Just... calm down, Prism. I think she misses her friend, so all you need to do is be that friend and stop over-thinking things."
>"Stop overthinking things?" Prism snaps back. "Do you have any idea how much my brain thinks in any given second? I think about 124.5% more than the average pony per second!"
"Can you actually measure that?"
>"Even when I try not to think about things, my brain subconsciously thinks about them. It's already run through about fifteen doomsday-level scenarios of conversations with Celestia since we entered this room and I literally can't make it stop!"
"Maybe you should get a drink. To calm your nerves."
>"Y-yeah, that's a good idea. A drink. Uh...what should I get to drink?"

Input suggestion?
Don't overthink things, it'll just make you freeze up. The princess clearly wants to treat you on friendly terms, so let her.
He doesn't have a crush on her, does he?
Positive thinking is a thing you know.
Control the direction your thoughts take.
I mean, aren't you happy to see her again? Wouldn't you actually like to talk to her?
Something light.
Enough to soothe his nerves some, but we don't want to risk him getting drunk.
What's at the drink table? Wine? Cider? Spiked punch?
Though if they have small bottles of drink we should swipe one or two. Could come in handy as a bribe, or for something else.
>He doesn't have a crush on her, does he?
Oh Anon

It seems implied a bit but I could just be retarded

"Just...something light for now. Maybe they have some wine around here."
>There's plenty of servants trotting about the hall with platters of food and drinks up for grabs. You opt for convenience and grab a goblet from the tray of a passing servant. You give it a quick sniff and it seems innocuous enough for Prism.
"Here, just have this."
>Prism doesn't hesitate and drops the contents down his throat in a heartbeat, which is followed promptly by a hacking, wheezing fit.
>"That... that was gryphon ice wine..." he groans once he regains his footing.
"That good or bad?"
>"Very strong," he answers.
"Just try and keep thinking positive, okay? The Princess clearly wants to keep things on friendly terms with you, so go with that. And if anything, we can perhaps use this as a way to get a word in with her in private."
>"Right, right. Of course. This isn't about me," Prism murmurs, more to himself than anything. "I think, I think I'll be okay. Just as long as I don't over thinking things too much again. Perhaps I should get another drink. Keep the nerves calm so I don't think about the Princess crushing my entire world with one well-placed word."
"Maybe we should try mingling a bit," you offer while turning your attention to the other guests.
>Quite a few ponies milling about, young and old, some politicians, some businessponies, some military. You do notice quite readily that most of the gryphons seem to have congregated on one side of the room and all the ponies on the other side. Not much intermingling between the two it seems.

Input strategy?
Not surprising. People tend to talk to people they know at these things.
Don't suppose Prism knows anyone here who's not fond of Regal Horn?
Might be worth chatting to them, see if they haven't heard any rumors about him.
Say hi to the gryphons. Not much of a summit if nobody is even trying to interact with each other.
Talk to the gryphons. Maybe we'll find Airy in there too.
Can we see Azura and Wine in the pony crowd? We could bring Airy to them, that might encourage the groups to start mingling

And get Prism a glass of water. Dont want him getting drunk so soon.

"Maybe we should just lay off the drinks for a moment, just in case," you suggest as you ease Prism away from the beverage table.
>Last thing you need is a worried drunk shooting his mouth off. Plus you need him to be able to signal Sundance in case of an emergency.
>You still don't see any sign of White Wine or Airy and Azura; hopefully they're somewhere in this mess.
"Say, is there anyone we might be able to talk to that isn't too fond of Horn?"
>"You mean aside from most of the gryphons?" Prism replies. "I'm sure you can find one or two ponies that find his methods a bit harsh, even Celestia will agree to that on occasion, but outright dislike him? I don't think so. Horn can be a pompous ass most of the time, but he knows how to handle nobles in conversation."
"Well...let's try chatting up some gryphons then, eh?"
>You scan the crowds in search of a certain blue unicorn that should stand out quite easily, or at least spot some possible gatherings of birds you could chat up.
>You see a group of young gryphons chatting up near the wine table; they seem a bit lively and relatively welcoming.
>Near one of the windows was a collection of older gents all adorn in military garbs. They seem to be as watchful of the crowds as you are.
>There's also some rather veteran gryphons furthest in the back, appearing to be the best-dressed and most important-looking of them all.
>And somewhere in the midst of a larger crowd, you spot something that looks like a pink mane.

Input action.
See if we can find the pink mane again. Is that Azura?

We could also ask the younger ones if they've seen Airy. Maybe even break the ice with some drinks

Should we split up? I don't want to lose Prism when we don't even know our way around.
I don't see much gain in splitting up really. We're largely waiting for an opportunity at the moment anyway.
I agree on talking to the younger griffins.
Pink mane would be either Azura or Sunlight. Got a feeling it's probably Sunlight, somehow.

I'll go with talking to the younger griffons.

>The younger gryphons look like the most welcoming of the bunch, at least by gryphon standards. Plus maybe they might have seen some of your friends.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, enjoying the gala?" you greet as you swoop in, making sure to keep Prism along with you.
>Can't be losing track of him now, lest you want to fend for yourself in this sea of unfamiliar faces and lurking threats.
>"Well no fights have broken out yet, so I suppose you can consider things going okay, if a bit on the boring side though," one of the male gryphons answers. "Though with the way that Lady Rockbeak has been going through the ice wine tonight, the peace probably will be short-lived."
>There's a round of laughter from the other gryphons, so you make sure to chuckle along out of politeness.
>"I don't believe I've ever seen you at any of these events before," one of the lady gryphons remarks as she regards you and your friend.
"Oh, well I'm not usually invited to these kind of exclusive events, but my friend here is Spectral Prism."
>"Ohhhh~" a few of the gryphons coo at the mentioning of the name.
>"The eccentric court Wizard, correct?"
>"Um, yes. I suppose that's an accurate description," Prism chuckles in his embarassment. "Now I'm trying to find an... associate of mine. She's a gryphon - gray-tipped feathers. Goes by the name of Aireanna."
>Almost all of the gryphons go wide-eyed all of a sudden.
>"She's here?"
>"I thought she left forever."
>"Wasn't she exiled?"
>"That's just a rumor."
>"It's been years... why now?"
>"Does the Emperor know she's here?"
>"Forget about him, does Tyrest know?"
>"Her mother is going to have a fit when she finds out."
>You start getting an idea that Airy's dislike of gryphon politics has some more personal reasons involved.

Input action.
Guessing they haven't seen her then.
Who's Tyrest?
Ask if they're talking about the same Aireanna we are
She was with us, but she seems to have gotten separated.
It's probably not the same Griffon, Airy is pretty down to earth.

shit she's gonna kill us after this

Except the will be no after this, since this is JAD's swan song...

"I'm going to take that as a no, you haven't seen her."
>"We are talking about the same Aireanna, right?" Prism asks, still in a hint of disbelief. "Aireanna Steelfeather."
>The other gryphons nod in unison.
"And who's Tyrest?"
>One of the gryphons is just about to answer but his mouth hangs open in silence, and he just stares like a frozen animal at something just past you.
>You glance over your shoulder.
"Oh, hey Airy. There you are."
>"Hey Cauldron, Prism," Airy replies in a firm, polite tone.
>Her gaze is still locked with the other gryphons, who all slowly begin to back away from her.
>"Anyways, I was wondering when you two were going to arrive," Airy continues as she guides you away from the other gryphons. "I seem to have lost Azura, though. Some military ponies were talking military stuff so she started getting all 'yeah well I've done this and such' with them. Noble ponies appear to love hearing war stories about as much as gryphons, apparently."

Input words?
Well let's go find her then, shall we?

Then ask her what the heck the other gryphons were talking about
Do you always have this impression on griffons?
Sooo... You're reputation apparently proceeds you, huh?
Who's Tyrest? Could he, as well as her parents, cause us problems?

"I didn't know you had such a reputation in the gryphon aristocracy."
>"And I'm betting what little you heard can give you a pretty good idea that I'm not too fond of it and would rather keep myself as far away from it as possible," Airy replies, clearly in a hurry to move the group away from the congregations of gryphons. At least the ponies weren't casting glances at her and whispering amongst themselves.
"This Tyrest isn't going to cause a problem is it?"
>"Tyrest?!" Airy blurts out, the feathers along her neck suddenly fluffing outwards. "You saw him? He's here?!"
>She suddenly ducks in behind you, warily casting her eyes about.
"I...um, no. I just heard his name get mentioned."
>"Oh. Oh thank goodness. Don't scare me like that," Airy says with a heavy sigh of relief.
"Would he be a problem?"
>"What? No. No of course not. Cause if he was anywhere near here I would be out the door so fast like you wouldn't believe," Airy says with a nervous laugh. "Could we please change the subject to literally anything but me?"

Input action
Okay. Who's Tyrest?
Seen any of our other wayward friends?

"Okay, who's Tyrest?"
>You notice Airy's left eyebrow twitch a bit at the mentioning.
>"He's... just a guy. Great guy. Well, knight technically. Knight of the First Order. Makes him very important. Super important. Far too important to waste time at silly galas like this one. Hey look is that White Wine over there?"
>At first you're a bit skeptical that Airy actually spotted your friend, but as the gryphon shoves you across the gala hall, you eventually do notice the familiar face of your friend amidst a crowd of conversing Canterlot ponies.
>Though when she notices you and the others approaching, she looks to be stricken with panic too, almost shaking her head frantically and trying to wave you off without anyone else noticing.

Keep approaching or change direction?
Let's loudly yell "WHAT'S WRONG"
She's in the middle of something, lets look elsewhere.
Turn 360 degrees and walk away from the wine horse.
Make a loop around her crowd and see what we can pick up.

So turn around in place and keep walking right towards her?
Dodge drama, try somewhere else
Are you unfamiliar with the moon walk?
It's a meme you retards.
You can still vote with memes. It should be countered.
Well why not just say so in the first place?

But no matter what weird walk Pot does, he should do it like it's a completely normal thing. No matter how many stare
Doesn't need countering when it means "go away"

>You might not always be the most observant pony in the world, but you like to think you know when a pony is telling you go away.
"Hey, let's go find Azura shall we?" you announce to your friends and quickly change course.
>Luckily, everyone is too absorbed in their conversations to notice the two ponies and a gryphon suddenly veering off in a new direction.
>However, in your haste to redirect, you didn't take into account where your new direction was taking you and you wind up bumping straight into another gryphon.
>And he's a big gryphon too, well-aged with musty gray feathers, and looking quite regal with enough gold jewelry adorning him to sink a boat.
>"Oh crap..." Airy murmurs under her breath. She freezes on the spot for a moment, almost as if hoping the other's vision was based on movement. But such was not the case as he beams brightly upon setting his squinting eyes on Airy.
>"Lil' Aireanna! Oh I thought I'd never get to see that face of yours again! Come here you little rascal and give this old turkey a hug!"
>He didn't give Airy much option as he promptly swings his surprisingly powerful limbs around her, giving her a generously affectionate squeeze that she awkwardly tries to return but can't even get her arms around his bulk.
>"H-hello Emperor Sparrowhawk," Airy nervously replies. "I'm...glad to see you still doing well."
>"Not if these wiley sycophants have anything to say about that. HA!"
>He finally releases Airy, much to her relief, though now she looks even more anxious than before.
>"Um, well...Emperor, I would like to introduce you to a few of my...um, friends. This is Crimson Cauldron and Spectral Prism."
>"What a pleasure to meet you both," Sparrowhawk says as he seizes your hoof and gives it a vigorous shake. He leans in closer to you and smirks. "So, has she been giving you as much trouble as she has the rest of us? Haha!"

Input response.
Oh no, Airy's no trouble at all. Quiet the opposite really.
Something like that
It seems like this guy would appreciate friendliness.

Well that depends on your definition of 'trouble' doesn't it? I'd say things have been manageable so far.

So, Emperor, how do you know Aireanna? She never got the chance to tell us much about you...
Must step out to do some errands. I'll probably be back in an hour or so.

False alarm apparently. Back to the JAD-ness.

"Oh, she's actually far from being trouble. She's helped me out of a few binds in the past, and she's always been willing to lend her expertise."
>"Yes yes, that's definitely the Airy I know. Can never let things just be...always gotta get involved or shake up the status quo. You would do well to keep her close cause whatever you're doing is working. Heavens know I've tried my darnedest and she still goes off to find her own way."
>He lets out another deep, boisterous laugh as his arms wraps around your shoulder, hugging you up tight against the feathers of his neck and upper chest.
>He smells quite dusty...
"So Airy never mentioned she knew you so well. How do you two know each other?"
>"Oh hey, have you tried the shrimp cocktails? Or the ice wine? Or anything that doesn't involve having to talk about me?" Airy interjects, smiling nervously as she tries to deflect things elsewhere. Sadly, all she gets is being hugged in with the opposite arm, leaving both of you pressed against the Emperor's chest.
>"Don't be so modest, Airy. Why she's practically been part of the family since the day she was born. Her mother was set to be wedded to my fourth son, Gavron, but alas he fell and passed away far too young. But even without the marriage, I had always seen the engagement as gaining a daughter...even if she did wind up marrying that cloaca-sucker from the Goldfeathers..."
>"That would be my dad," Airy adds just to keep you up-to-date. "He's never exactly been popular. It's why I don't carry his name."

Input words?
Ah, I see. That sounds like a shame. Are you still close with Airy's mother, at least?

It would be wise to be on good terms with the Emperor. He might just save us from trouble later.
Sounds like good thinking to me
Think it would be a good idea to talk about Wispy a little?

Like her name and how much she means to us, specifically. If we ever need to declare our grand reason for coming here, maybe he'll be able to persuade Horn to hold off on us for a little while. He seems to be the type to hold family, blood or otherwise, as an important thing.

"Do the two of you still keep in touch at least?"
>"But of course. Her mother sits on the Third Order Council and she's always been able to make the meetings less of a bore. Why this one time, the House Lord from--"
>"Could we not talk about how my mother literally rammed a guy's walking stick up his ass?"
>"You said it, not me."
>Airy groans and rolls her eyes.
"Your politics are really...um, interesting."
>"So Crimson, mind if I pick at your brain for a moment?" Sparrowheart begins as he starts sauntering off, with you and Airy still hugged to his chest. "You seem like the sort to be up and straight with what they think. No offense but you ponies seem to love dancing with your words. It's like trying to nail jelly to a wall some days. Now the Griffish Isles have always been the hotly contest piece of land between our two great nations. I think it's changed hands like...at least twice since I've taken the throne. And now that we have it again, your military leaders are all up in hooves over it again like we're desecrating it and molting all over it. They say they want to take it back because of some insult we committed when we took it over, and we say we took it over as payback for something they did, and so on and so forth. Tell me, Crimson, how much do you really care about who owns what piece of land? Does your life change drastically if you're tax coins are going to me rather than Celestia? These disagreements feel like such a battle of egos at this point, I sometimes worry that the ones who are suffering the most are the ones that are being dragged into the middle of it. What do you think of it all? If you were in charge, what would you propose?"

Input words?
Well, Emperor, I believe its a matter of pride. Those arguing over who should have their name on what aren't exactly the same ones living and working on the land itself. And their opinions are important too.
It seems like a kind of trivial matter to the farmer who his coin goes to if his food is still going to the same ponies and gryphons he always has been feeding.
But of course, that farmer might really care about that.

Could we ask for a little more info about who lives on it? Best case, everyone sits down at a big table and talks it out like a bunch of adults instead of acting like children.
What were those insults? What did the gryphons do?
If those reasons had some credit, maybe its worth getting more details on.
If not, then maybe it really is just a bunch arguing about their bruised egos.

Has a point. What do the ponies/gryphons living there think?
Calling it a night. As usual, will hope to see you folks tomorrow.
Well, being honest with you, I think neither Equestria nor the Griffish Isles need the land, and that this is really just pride at play.
Politicians posturing at each other and paying no attention to the ones being caught in the crossfire.
If I were in charge I'd want a permanent solution. A grudge can simmer for decades, and come back to bite you when you least expect it.
With that in mind I'd suggest two things. The first is splitting the land.
That would probably lead to a lot of arguing over who should get what, but if an agreement could be reached it would solve the problem.
The second would be a vote. Let the residents decide among themselves who they are better off answering to.
If they did that then any attempt to take the land would be an act against not just the will of the authority in charge of it but also the people living there.
Whoever did so would be undeniably an invader acting on self serving reasons, and politicians don't want that kind of reputation.
>you did this so im taking it back
>nuh uh, you did this BEFORE so its ours now

the pettiest of squabbles, but thaaaat's politics!
Now all we need is a couple of Skeleton brothers and then this will get solved.
"Seems to me to be more about pride than practicality or even what's in the best interest of the folks who live there."
>"Couldn't agree with you more there, lad," Sparrowhawk replies with a mournful sigh. He pivots on the spot, directing your still-pinned gaze towards a pony in the distance. "That gentlecolt over there is the Archduke of Trottingham. Contrary to what his title might suggest, his family hasn't lived on the island in three generations." He then turns about and directs you to a gryphon. "That is the Highlord of the Griffish Isles. His family hasn't set a talon upon the island in four generations. I'm quite certain he wouldn't even be able to find it on a map. And despite all that, both insist that the island should belong to them by ancestral rights. Nobody who lives on the island is even in the room."
"I'm guessing neither of them is interested in sharing?"
>"Better luck convincing them to part with their tails."
"In my opinion, I think you should let the inhabitants decide who they want to stay with. If you keep fighting battles over that island, eventually there's not going to be anyone left to actual live and work there. I know the farmers might not care too much about politics, but you can't expect them to tolerate being fought over like some toy between two children."
>"Let the inhabitants decide? Now that's rather interesting concept. It's like what those ponies of ancient times used to practice. What was it called again?"
>"Democracy," Airy answers.
>"Catchy name to it. You know, it's crazy enough, maybe it might work."
>The Emperor goes silent for a second, clearly considering things, then he starts chuckling to himself again.
>"Okay, question number two, my dear Cauldron, do you know if Airy is seeing anybody?"
>"Y-Your Highness! I'm literally right next to you!"
>"Well if I wanted sarcasm and deflection I would've asked you directly. What do you expect an old bird to do?"

Input response.
Airy isn't seeing someone so much as she's seeing everyone.
I'm not nosy enough of a pony to pry into her private affairs...
That said, she's the kind of girl who's 'up for anything'.
Why just the other week I recall her being accompanied by two strapping pony travellers...

"Oh I wouldn't really know about that. I mean, she's my friend but I don't pry into her personal affairs too much."
>"Well you should! Far more interesting than most of the shit that happens around here," the Emperor chuckles back.
>"Seriously, your Highness, I haven't been...worrying about that sort of thing."
>The Emperor starts shaking his head, going 'tsk tsk' under his breath.
>"I know you're young, but you have to keep your future in mind; not keep living in the moment," he says, taking a more nurturing undertone. "Have you spoken with Tyrest?"
>"Could we please not talk about that?"
>"Airy, please. I think you owe him that much."
>"I don't...he'll get all emotional on me. You know I don't do that stuff," Airy pleads in response.
>"Please. For me? It'd mean so much to me if you go over to him and--"
>"Oh god, you mean he's here? In the castle."
>"He's out in the garden," the Emperor replies as he gestures his head off in the general direction. "Airy, I'm an old, old bird. Don't let me die with this thing still hanging over my head."
>Airy let out a quiet whimper and then finally nods. "Okay, I'll go do it..."
>"That's the spirit," Sparrowhawk says as he gives you both a tight squeeze. "Now if you'll excuse me, I smell a roast with my name on it."
>As the Emperor releases you both and heads on his way, you're finally able to get a few decent breaths in. You'll be smelling old bird in your nostrils all night now. However, worse than that, though, is the look on your friend's face - the kind of look that screams 'please god kill me now.'

Input words?
Need a quick fuck as a pick-me-up?
Need a few drinks before you keep that promise?
Sorry about that Airy.
Would now be a good time to ask who tryest is?

"Would you like a drink perhaps?"
>"Yes. Very yes."
>You quickly lead your friend over to the nearest source of liquid courage, where upon she wastes no time in finding the strongest one of the lot and taking a mouthful of it.
"Do you need to be alone for this?"
>"No, please don't leave," Airy says, reaching out and grabbing your hoof as though you might run off otherwise. "I'm definitely going to need a friend, if only to make sure I don't run away again."
"Is he why you left the Gryphon Empire?"
>"Yeah. I mean, not entirely but he definitely represented what I wanted to get away from," Airy explains, grabbing another drink but thankfully nursing it more cautiously. "Tyrest is a Knight of the First Order. That's like being a celebrity in gryphon society. Gryphons get raging hard-ons for their military heroes and the First Order Knights are the kings of the roost. Anybody who's got a statue of themself in the capital has been in the order or at least been closely associated with it. And Tyrest was one of those pretty-boy types that you put at the front of the parades to make everyone feel extra patriotic."
"And your relation to Tyrest?"
>Airy takes a long sip and sighs. "Tyrest and I...were involved. We were supposed to get married."
"Supposed to? What happened?"
>"I realized one day that I didn't really love, and that the Empire was not the future I wanted for myself. So I ran off and didn't look back. I just...might've realized all that on the same day as the wedding. Like, two hours before the ceremony was supposed to start."

Input words.
Well on the bright side...its easoer to handle than annulling the marriage later?

I can't imagine he would have taken it well. And judging by Sparrowhawk's reaction, he seems pretty beat up about it. Like it did a really big number on his confodence. Then again, we dont want him to keep clinging onto Airy for the rest of the night

Kinda gotta take his side on this then. You should really apologize for doing that. Not for not marrying him, but for running off without saying anything.

"Yeeeaaaaaah...while I can understand not wanting to get married to somebody unless you're absolutely certain, but I think the situation could've been handled better."
>"You think I don't know that?" Airy snaps, though more out of self-directed frustration than annoyance at you. "But I mean, he's Tyrest. The guy is made of stone. It'd take way more than me to do any damage to a guy like him. Plus he gets so much tail, he's probably forgotten about me already."
>You give your friend a disapproving frown.
"Airy, you're avoiding the issue," you warn her. "You might've felt justified in leaving, but he still had to find out the hard way. Have you ever even communicated with him in any way since you left?"
>"Um... no?"
"Oh Airy," you sigh. "You need to fix this."
>"Shouldn't we be worrying about saving Airy."
"We can do both," you insist as you start pushing your friend towards the garden. "You are going to make this right, even if it does mean he gets to yell at you for a little while."
>"Now you're starting to sound like the turkey," Airy groans whilst rolling her eyes. "Fine, fine! I'll get on with it. Probably going to be a waste of time my anyways..."
>The two of you head towards the exit to the gardens. Out in the clearing near a fountain was a well-groomed young gryphon, sipping casually at his wine while staring out at the evening sun. He was definitely the 'pretty boy' that Airy describes, with a well-defined build and disciplined posture, a beakline that looks as though it were chiseled from stone, and feathers so white and pure it was likely polished marble.
"Dayum, he is handsome," you remark.
>"You can have him if you want," Airy jests.
>You give her a nudge forward again.
>"Okay okay, I'll go."
>With a sigh, she slowly walks over to the other gryphon. You stay by the doorway, though you could possible move closer to hear what they're saying.

Stay put or no?
Let's get a bit closer. Airy did say she wanted us near by, so I don't think she minds us eavesdropping.
I think we'd be okay moving a little closer
Is there a convenient potted plant to hide behind?

>As the garden provides lots of foliage and shrubbery to casually stand behind, you see no harm in carefully sneaking a bit closer so you can hear what's going on.
>You've got to provide moral support for your friend, after all.
>Plus you're really curious.
>You keep out of sight, but it's easy enough to hear.
>"Um...hello Tyrest," Airy begins. She sounds as nervous as you expected.
>"Surprise~ Ah-heh-heh...heh."
>"Yes. I am definitely surprised."
>Either Tyrest is really holding himself in or he normally sounds as dreary as a lump of granite.
>"Sooooo, how have you been?"
>"You abandoned me at the altar in front of hundreds of the Empire's elite. You crushed my heart."
>With how monotonic he sounds, you wonder if he's reading off a cue card held in the distance. You quickly glance around the corner to see and confirm that it is still just Airy and Tyrest standing by the fountain.
>"Yes, well...I got scared, and I realized that while I care for you a lot, I wasn't in love with you. And I frankly hate living in the Empire and wanted to get as far away from it as possible."
>"And so you left, cutting virtually all ties with it."
>"Hm. That does sound like the emotionally extreme reaction that you are prone to do," Tyrest states plainly.
>"Hey! I don't--" Airy stops herself short. "Okay, I suppose I deserve that. Well, I just want to say that I am really sorry for the pain I've caused you. What I did was wrong and it hurt you, and I'm sorry."
>"Your apology is satisfactory. I appreciate that you've taken time to acknowledge my feelings."
>"Okay then. I'm going to go back inside then," Airy says as she starts backing away towards the door.

Input action?

I guess he's literally made of granite or something...
I gotta ask how Airy and... that... were ever an item.
Like, how does sex work with a rock?
Ask Marble.
Well, alrighty then.
That was easy?

>Fortunately, you're standing close enough to the path back to the gala hall that you're able to quickly step out and block Airy's path before she gets any further.
"Airy, what the hell was that?"
>"I think it was an apology. And he accepted. Job's over. Goodness that was easier than I thought. I should've done that years ago."
>You frown bitterly at her.
"You call that an apology? He barely even reacted it. You may as well have been reading him the weather forecast."
>"Oh? What you mean all that? Pfft! He's always been a bit of a stiff; it's a part of his charm. Okay, yes, he is a bit more stern than he usually is but he's gotten older and wiser, so of course he's a bit more rock-like."
"You left him at the altar and he's barely even twitching. I've seen people mourn a dropped sandwich more than this."
>"Hey, if you want to try talking to him, be my guest. I've upheld my end of the bargain."

Input response.
Are you SURE he's fine?
You know him better than I, but seriously, that was fuckin weird
Well then, our turn
Blarg. Gonna have to call it a night here.
Somehow, I think you know that whatever that was, it wasn't what it should have been.
If you ever cared about him, you'd make sure he was okay.
This may sound random, but I thought of a good motto.

"Sore and bored? Come to the Sword and Board!"
I like it.
Pretty good! And hey somebody's asleep at the switch, I should have been made aware that JAD was running again. Lousy slackers.
Innkeeper whined about it in /cyoag/ for days.

This is the swan song, BTW. Once we find wispy it's game over.
So if it ends when we save her, then what about everything else that we missed? Like getting Sundance to feel emotion, or adventuring and looting?
It's over, anon
Finished, Anon

For what it's worth, I'm not entirely certain what I'm going to do when this story arc finishes. I'm not sure whether I should just retire from cyoa's altogether, take a break from JAD, try something else altogether, or just keep going but at a slower pace to keep from getting overwhelmed. I just don't know yet.

Anyways, thats all I have time for cause it be cray cray at work.
You could always try running AirJAD again...
I'd just say go at a slower pace.

JAD could also be a pretty good sandbox rpg adventure kinda thing too. We have some interesting companions by our side and you created an interesting world to explore.
Occasional runs of JAD to finish our quests (Cyborg for Julie, etc) would be nice.
I do not endorse this idea. JAD is perfection, airJAD was definitely less.
Maybe alternate between this and whatever other quest you have in mind?

AirJAD's failure was not with its idea, but with its players that kept arguing. Actually, I think that was just two guys.
It was a LOT more than just two people. Everyone in that thread was doing nothing but arguing, really.
Really then? Those arguments always seemed too repetitive to me to be more than a few people.

So much trouble just because of the color pink...

Taking another stab at an airship cyoa is certainly in the possible options. Preferably a fresh start; I'd simplify most of the systems and make the goal of the game a lot more straight-forward. Also had a silly idea for the general atmosphere of the setting - Twilight Sparkle runs the piracy business, the Bureau Of Organized Piracy. It's just an idea in development at the moment, though, since I need to focus on finishing this story arc first and foremost.
>the Bureau Of Organized Piracy
That got a laugh out of me.
I'd wonder what type of piracy Twi would promote.
Are they acting against a foreign power?
>Welcome to BoOp. How tuft are ya?
Ya we got a lot of unfinished plots still, like our competition with velvet saddle and the other restaurant, the reason behind the unexpected ghost attack in the forest adventure, the elements of harmony, the mention of the growing monster attacks, the other changeling scavengers, Sundance's past and emotions, shenanigans with Azura, learning more mysteries about our father's involvement in the world, King Sombra, the talking gem, and so on.

What could possibly be done is to end this all happily and then start a sequel later where the main character decides to adventure around the world with his companions. We shouldn't jump the story too far ahead in time where Whispy is old or something. A month or week in the future could be good.
Don't forget whatever the heck Heart does with all the dildos
This. I like this:
Provided of course that continuing this storyline isn't a living hell for ya. It's just so comfy!
Okay, assuming things don't go sideways on me all of a sudden, I think we can start a session.

"Are you sure he's okay? I mean I'm no expert in gryphon social norms but that all seemed really friggin' weird to me."
>"Hey, if you want to go poking your pony nose into this, I ain't gonna stop you," Airy replies as she gestures towards Tyrest.
"Oh no, I'm not cleaning this mess up by myself," you firmly state. "You are coming along and you are going to do this right! If you ever cared about him, you'll make see this through!"
>"You can't--!"
>Airy's protests are cut short as you start shoving her back towards the fountain. She tries to dig her feet in but the sort soil is no match for your earth pony strength.
>"Airy. You seem to have return," Tyrest remarks as he notices the two of you approaching. "Might I ask who this pony is that appears to be forcing you here against your wishes?"
>"This is...um, Crimson Cauldron. He seems to be think that our previous conversation was not a proper resolution to our past history," Airy explains.
>"I'm not sure what more there is to discuss. I have expressed my perspective of the situation and my reactions to it, she expressed her regret over her responsibility for the situation. I acknowledged her apology, she acknowledged my feelings. The situation appears to be fully resolved."
"Has anyone mentioned you are really taking this weirdly? She left you at the altar and you're acting like she forgot to bring home eggs."
>"That's absurd. Airy was never even responsible for bringing home food - we had an errand runner for that," Tyrest replies.

It might take some effort to get Tyrest to open up more. Input strategy?
Kiss him and see what reaction that gives.
Is he the kind of individual that takes everything literally?
No, I was making an analogy. I mean your reaction seems severely underwhelmed. You didn't seem upset at all at what Airy did, and now you're forgiving her without so much as a raised voice.

Do you want to talk about it more?

"Jeeze, do you take everything I say literally?"
>"I can understand what a metaphor is, Mr Cauldron. I spent several summers in my youth under the tutelage of some of the Empire's finest poets in order to cultivate my skills in oration and caligraphy."
>"Just a warning, gryphon poetry tends to be about as grim as he is," Airy whispers into your ear.
>"My point is, we have no grounds to make a proper comparison because Airy's never forgotten any eggs, thus I've never had need to be upset about her with it. And even then, there's little reason to allow feathers to ruffle over eggs or other food items - I know she would never do so out of spite or malice."
"Still doesn't explain your whole 'thank you for acknowledging my feelings' shtick you just pulled," you counter, trying not to mimic his stoic tone too precisely.
>"What purpose would dwelling on the past serve? I see no value in discussing it beyond what has already been said - why should I bring up or reminesce over how I was left standing in the Grand Cathedral for hours, in front of legions of my family, brothers-in-arms, the cream of the Imperial Elite, and even the Emperor himself. Hundreds of eyes just staring...judging...disappointment in every feature..."

Input words?
Well, I applaud you for moving on, I just wanted to make sure that Airy really did apologize properly.

I'd hate to have you still mad at my good friend.
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91KB, 960x720px
"Welp. Hours, eh? Phew. I just wanted to be sure that the situation's behind us all now and since it's clear that 'tis, let us return to enjoying the gala..." then sneak off. It appears that if we really bring this fully back to the present, it might be more involved than some simple apologies can resolve.

Also, check'd!

"Well...then that's good. I'm glad to hear that you've been able to move forward and aren't harboring any ill-will towards my friend."
>"Ill will would be petty and unbecoming of me," Tyrest sternly remarks. "I am a Knight of the First Order - I stand as the embodiment of gryphon nobility, honour, and fortitude. We do not succumb to such child self-indulgences. Even when you're left as the laughing stock of an entire city, your name thrown about like left-overs to the pigs after a feast. Nothing but humilation and pitiful isolation to provide cold comfort as you slog through your duties day after day, only to be welcomed home by cold, uncompromising silence..."
>You start sensing something is a bit amiss when you notice he's not even talking to either of you, rather just staring off in the distance. You also notice something else coming from his eyes.
"Um, Mr Tyrest, are you crying?"
>"I am not crying!" he snaps, his voice quivering ever so slightly. "I am a Knight of the First Order - we are masters of our body and soul. We do not cry...even when your heart has been trampled underfoot and left to wither upon the cold and wind-swept peaks of the mountains...abandoned to the cruel fates by the only bird you have ever loved..."

Input action.
We should push Airy forward to hug it out.
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712KB, 320x240px
Earlier you said everything was said, but it appears that you never talked about how you felt. Bottling up emotions like that would be akin to drinking poison.

>You've seen enough ponies wallowing in their ciders to know where these train tracks are leading. This is a bird who is going to be in need of care and support very, very soon. And in an effort of support and solidarity, you selflessly push Aireanna forward.
"Perhaps it's time to put titles and expectations aside, and focus on what's really needed - honest and open discussion," you say as he keep pushing.
>"DontyoudothistomenowPot!" Airy tries to frantically fight back but its too late. As soon as she's within arm's reach, Tyrest suddenly lurches forward, throwing his arms around her and erupts in a shower of tears.
>"Oh why did the fates do this to me?!" he blurts out. "I had always been faithful and loyal to the gods and the crown...how could they forsake me so?"
>The knight continues to sob, loudly and uncontrolably. Thank goodness you're all out in the garden where most of the guests can't see or hear you.
>"I...um, there there..." Airy replies, nervously patting the much-larger gryphon on the shoulder. "This wasn't about gods or karma - this is all just me. Me not being more honest with myself and with you."
>"By the gods, I've been so alone! You can't imagine how hard it's been without you!"
>"It...it hasn't been easy for me either. But, I mean, you're Tyrest. I had to literally fight off other girls just to get near you. How could you possibly not find somebody else?"
>"You don't understand Airy - being stood up at the altar made everyone question me. They questioned my honour, my status, my nobility, my...my verility even. That no girl would leave me if there wasn't something terribly, horribly wrong with me. You've seen how they gossip - those hens ate me alive!"

Input words?
Are Knights not allowed to truly feel, then?
To express emotion beyond stoicism?
When one denies acknowledging their emotions, good or bad, they only become weaker for it. Each hidden emotion is like a weight, stacking until the strain is too much to bear. Eventually, you'll break from it if you don't let go.
I think we should stay quiet.

This is Airy's time. She needs to be shown the consequences of her actions.
Wow. I'm at a loss. I think Airy's gonna have to sink or swim on her own, here, because we've simply got no experience with ruining someone's life to this extent. I suppose we could sort of come up behind and group hug with them though, to show support?
Shit, Gryphon hens be crazy.

Let Airy take care of this first, he needs to hear it from her.

And if she's not helping enough, ask him what they said. He's clearly never got a chance to tell anyone about it before now.

Does this mean male gryphons are called cocks? Tyrest is a real soft cock, on the inside

>As much as you would like to weigh in on this situation, offering some advice of your own on loss and abandonment, you figure it's probably best to stay on the sideline. This is Airy's problem to fix and she needs to handle it on her own rather than running away again.
>Still, you can't help but wonder what kind of life a knight must lead if he feels like he has to keep himself in check at all hours of the day.
>Might be plenty of fame and glamour to it, but you'll take your inn and tavern any day of the week over living that kind of life.
>"Come on, Tyrest, you can't let little things like that get to you," Airy tries to reassure her former flame. "Sure those hens probably dragged your name around in the dirt a little bit, but what gryphon noble hasn't these days? They latch onto everything and anything. What you need to do is get back on that saddle and show the Empire that you're just as strong as you ever were!"
>"I don't...I'm not sure," Tyrest replies, trying to hold back more tears. "It's been so long. What gryphon would be interested in this mess? Who can I try to help understand me if not you?"
>"Who says it needs to be a gryphon?" Airy says as she gestures towards the gala hall. "Whole room of mares who'd love to get a taste of gryphon charm. And you can bit...expressive aroudn them - ponies dig all that touchy-feely stuff."
>"Th-they do?"
"We are all swirling cauldrons of over-heated emotions," you remark.
>"I...I guess, maybe," Tyrest nods slowly.
>"That's the spirit! And listen, my leaving had nothing to do with you...well, mostly nothing. I mean I did realize I wasn't in love with you but that's equally on me. But that doesn't mean you have to be alone; there is plenty to love about you, and I will more than happily attest that you are plenty verile."
>Tyrest manages a weak little chuckle.
>"Hey Cauldron," Airy suddenly turns to you. "Think you might be interested in playing a little wingman for this fellow?"

Input action.
>Now I know he's just getting his confidence back, but we do have our own business to attend to, Airy.
Still, we can help out for a while. But being a wingman won't do much if we don't know what to help with. What's he got? Let him try out some lines so we can see what we're working with.
We DO have our own business here, but I guess a little help won't hurt too much
>come to talk to Sunbutt about freeing our daughteru
>End up being a wingman for a gryphon noble
Well this took a sudden turn. Not that I'm complaining though.
Afraid I'll have to call it a night here.
Goodnight Innkeeper
I appreciate you continuing the quest btw, it's good seeing my favourite quest back
Well, there's other things we came to see to, but we can't say no to a matter of love.
We could definitely play wingman. Might be a tall order, though; in the middle of the Gala it's going to be hard to find a pony with depth, and he's clearly looking for some depth.

We should ask him what he's looking for; tell him that we could help him find someone interested in some quick fun, to get his confidence up and see how he enjoys ponies. Or, we could look directly for something more serious, in which case we'd probably want to steer him away from most of the nobles and towards some of the more fun members of the party. Wonderbolts, Elements, or non-noble common ponies would probably be his best bet.
Lets introduce him to Azura :^)
That's a good idea.
If he stil has trouble after all that, ask him if he'd mind trying stallions.
That would open up his options considerably.
I have the utmost confidence in Azzy, I swear
Yes, let's tell him that she likes to get her horn sucked.
Beaks can't do that
In all honesty, I don't think Azzy would be into him. We could do it for the giggles though.

Though he might be into that mare with the gun we met a long time ago. She might be in the gala too.
Well of course not. She's got a mare boner for Prism, and they aren't alike.

But it might help.
Sure, play the wingman, but be prepared to shear off into a private consultation with Celestia if the opportunity presents.
Feeling good enough to run today, Innkeep?

Gonna try.


>Playing wingpony to a despondent knight...
>Well, crazyier things have happened to you. If anything, this is remarkably tame. Hopefully this won't distract you too much from your mission of devising a way to get a private meet with Princess Celestia.
"I'd be honoured to help you out," you say as you swoop in alongside the gryphon. "The first thing you need to keep in mind is setting realistic goals. We're not here to find you your soulmate, we just need to get you believing in yourself once again."
>"I will admit my...uh, confidence has been rather shaken lately," Tyrest replies.
"So for now, don't worry about believing in yourself. Believe in me that believes in you."
>"That is a rather...roundabout method of pep talking," Tyrest murmurs with a raised eyebrow. "But I suppose there are a lot of thigns of your culture I do not fully grasp, so I shall endeavor to put my faith in your confidence."
"Great! Now let's get into that gala hall and find you some mares."
>You take lead and guide the knight back towards the hall. This would be a lot easier if you knew more than four people here (one of which is a stallion and another is the ex). Still, you're advertised yourself on confidence so you can't show weakness now.
"Now the first step is identifying what you're looking for in a partner."
>"To be frank, I have grown somewhat jaded of the elites. They speak of trivial matters and squabble over the imaginary, more concerned with pomp and pagentry then they are with substance. And few seem to really appreciate what it means to be a knight of the Empire. I want a pony with...with substance, honesty, integrity."
>He sighs to himself.
>"I want Aireanna but that's out of the question. Perhaps I should not aim for a replacement..."
"I see...I see..."

Any strategy in mind?
Well Azzy is looking less like a good fit now, she wants the reputation and all that stuff that comes with being upper class. Wine would be good, but she isn't completely like what he wants.

Introduce him to one of the staff?
inb4 pot is his perfect match

>honesty, integrity
Is that another Element of Harmony I hear?
Maybe he'd like to meet our little guard pony lady. Failing that, one of the servant ponies?
Yeah, but Heart isn't here. Maybe we could introduce them later, if he hasn't found anyone yet.

"Ah, I've got an idea!" you exclaim.
>You quickly start scanning the crowds for any sign of the mare in mind. Eventually you spot her - White Wine, clad in eloquent silks and jewellery..
"I'll introduce you to a friend of mine," you explain as you lead Tyrest along. "She's a lovely dear - polite, funny, and ever-so-caring, but also not looking for any relationships right now."
>"Then what purpose will this serve?"
"Confidence, remember? Think of it like a sparring partner. Somebody for you to practice your charm and wit with."
>White Wine seems to be on her own at the moment, perhaps having retreated to a snacks table to get away from others. When she sees you approaching, she doesn't wave you off this time around, greeting you with a warm smile.
>"Good evening," she says as she gives you a quick hug. "Sorry about earlier - I was stuck in the sidelines of a dreadful conversation involving my father and the last thing I needed was him to notice I was still there and drag me into it."
"No trouble at all," you reply. "But I was hoping you might be able to help my new friend here. This is--"
>"Tyrest Ironbeak, Knight of the First Order," the gryphon introduces himself, making a rather showful bow before the lady.
>"Ooo, a knight, you say? Cauldron, where do you keep finding these folks?"
"Tyrest here is nursing something of a bruised heart and he could use some help."
>"Ohhh, you poor dear," White Wine instantly melts in sympathy. "Come here you." She gives the gryphon a warm hug, which catches him by surprise. "Why don't you let me take it from here."
>She gives you a playful wink.
>"Now, how about we get some drinks and you can regale me with some tales of the Empire - I've always wanted to learn more about it."
>White Wine hooks her hoof around the gryphon's arm and begins leading him away. You get the feeling that he's going to be in good care for the evening.
>Except now you're on your own.

Input action.
Huh. I thought she had half a mind to settle down with Pot.
Facehoof. She wasn't meant to take him for the whole night. That means one less to help out.

Where's Prism? Or Airy for that matter?
Scan the room, see if Celestia's split away from her guard-dog yet. She'll recognize us from the bathtub visit pretty quick if we can get her to sit down with us for a short confab. She needs to know that there's evil afoot.

Of course, she might blow us off like with Twilight/Crysalis too, but that'd be a pretty bad batting average.

>Hopefully White Wine will be able to help Tyrest with his emotional burdens, though that does mean she'll probably be rather busy. Well, you can always pull her away for a few minutes if you need her expertise. You've still got the others.
>You're able to quickly regroup with Prism and Airy.
"Any sign of the Princess or He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named?"
>"Yes, she's been mingling with some of the crowds," Prism reports. "But I'm afraid he's been at her side pretty much the entire time."
>He gestures off to the far side of the room, where it's easy to spot the Princess standing tall over the other guests. And sure enough, Regal was alongside her.
>"Hey isn't that--"
>You spot what Airy is just about to point to - it's Azura. And she's walking up to the Princess. Azura's about to have face-time with the Princess.
"S-should we be worried?"
>"That our self-absorbed loudmouth of a friend is about to chat up the highest power in the kingdom? I'd be a little concerned that she'll do something uncouth," Airy replies.
>"The Princess is used to all sorts of ponies," Prism answers. "I doubt Azura will do anything that would offend Her Majesty. I think."

Input action.
What about offending Regal?
I'd say we watch what happens, while working out some sort of distraction that will send Regal running off to attend to. Prism is uniquely qualified to consult with, on this. If Azura's approach ends up somehow successful, keep whatever we come up with as a plan B or C.

"Let's just stay back and watch. Maybe she'll surprise us."
>"If you say so," Prism sighs.
"It looks like they're talking."
>"Celestia doesn't look annoyed yet."
"Just be ready to signal Sundance if things go sour."
>"Wait a minute, is the Princess--?"
>"She made the Princess laugh."
>"What about Regal? How does he look?"
"Like somebody just pissed in his morning coffee."
>"So normal, basically."
"Princess is still smiling."
>"Azura's smiling too."
"And now the whole crowd is laughing."
>And just as suddenly as it had come, the Princess parts ways with Azura and heads off to mingle with other ponies at the gala. From what you can see, Azura looks quite pleased with herself, almost giddy even. As Azura trots off, she spots you and the others.
>You quickly look away so it doesn't look as though all three of you had been watching just now.
>Azura trots on over, smiling triumphantly.
>"Guess who's got a horn and just called a 'wonderful delight' by the princess? That's right. Me!" she declares boastfully. "Aaaaand I just got personally invited to the after-gala tea party. Try not to let you jaws slack too much in awe."
>Prism suddenly lets out a loud gasp.
>"Oh my gosh, this is brilliany!" he exclaims. "The tea party! It's perfect!"
"I don't follow."
>"Oh it's just this little thing she does after big galas where she invites a bunch of guests off to a little tea party elsewhere to unwind and relax in private."
>"Regal doesn't attend them. I mean, he occasionally pops his head to check on things but he never stays for them. All we need to do is keep him away and--oh...wait..."
"Wait, what?"
>Prism's joy suddenly starts to fade. "The tea party. They're...um, a mares-only affair."

Input action.
I can rock a dress pretty well, but I'm not sure I could actually convince the Princess that I'm a mare
What about the ponies that makes the stuff for or serves the the tea party?
...time for Hot Buck and Sun Waltz to make an appearence?

Well Julia counts as a mare right?
Heh, about your horn being a 'wonderful delight'.....
I thought the flavor was closer to "Cotton Candy" but I could see why the Princess got them confused.

Similar flavors and all.
You sure? I'm pretty sure it was blackberry jam.
I don't actually recall. Just guessing based on Azzy's pink coat color.
Azzy's horn jism tasted like blackberry
It's blackberry jam.
I have no idea how you guys remember this stuff.
It's been like a year.

"Well, I suppose I'll need to find a way into the party," you ponder, tapping your chin in thought. "I mean, I can rock a dress pretty damn well but I'm not entirely sure I can pull off the mare routine convincingly."
>"Plus we're a bit lacking in spare dresses," Azura replies. "And you sure as hay ain't taking mine. The Princess complimented me on it, so she'd recognize if somepony else tried to wear it."
"And I bet you couldn't stand it if I put it on and wore it better than you."
>"Yes--I mean, no! I mean, shut up! There's no way in Equestria you'd look better in this than I would."
>"We could try getting into the other part of the castle and see if we can find some dresses in the guest quarters," Prism suggests. "Bit tricky though - they'll be guards patroling the halls."
"Do these parties have servants working them?"
>"I believe so. I've never been to any of them myself, obviously, but I've seen the servants go in," Prism explains. "You're not thinking of trying to disguise yourself as one, are you?"
"Why not?"
>"I, guh...um, I... I guess you have a point," Prism sighs reluctantly. "It's just if we get caught and all."
"Yeah, I imagine Regal wouldn't like that either," you mutter reluctantly. "Still, you know the castle, you think we can find a change of clothes?"
>"Yes. Yes I believe I can. I hope," Prism nods in response.

Which option will you pursue? Disguise as a mare or as a servant?
I say we be a servant.
I say butch mare.
It'll be horn's business to know those going in aren't threats, and that includes servants. And Celestia seems the type to recognize a new face, unless we give our name and she decides to play along. That would be the best scenario.
But being a guest would give us more flexibility getting in, I think.

"A servant might be trickier, but it's probably easier for me to play the part," you eventually conclude.
>"Okay then. Just follow me then. If anyone asks, I'm showing you the way to the chamber pots," Prism instructs.
>You follow your friend out of the gala hall. When the guard at the exit asks Prism where you two are headed, a quick response of 'to the chamber pots' gets you a quick wave through. It's an easy enough stroll through the halls at first - you pass by other guests on their way back to the party, as well as the occasional couple using the quiet halls for more intimate conversations. Signs on the wall point off in the direction of the chamber pots.
>Prism stops at an intersection and glances about quickly. Once he's sure the way is safe, he gestures you to follow again and the two of you head down a different hallway, hastening your pace a little.
>"In here," Prism whispers as he uses his magic on a door to bypass the lock. "This is the servent readying room," he explains, though it's fairly apparent when you see various lockers and stacks of folded uniforms. "Grab some uniform and get changed. I'll hide your suit."
"Here's hoping they don't check for ID," you mutter as you grab some clothes and start changing out. The servant uniform is fairly straight forward with a white shirt and black waistcoat. You fit on some cuffs along with the bowtie. In a few minutes, you're looking quite dapper and ready to wait on some royalty.
>"Now the important part is to just...follow along with the other servents. With so many extra hooves in for the party, a new face probably won't go unnoticed--"
>"Hey, is somebody in here?" a voice calls out from the hallway. The door starts creaking open...

Better act quickly!
Shout "I'm not decent! You can't come in!" or "No one's in!"
Or we could hide in a locker, or in a laundry basket.
Well Prism has to, at least.
Just needed to change our uniform.
Scream "Oh god bees! Anything but the bees! Ahhh!"
That's not going to keep them out, it'll make them come in.
Pretend to be busy 'entertaining' a guest, that should make things awkward enough for them to stay put.
Knock this guy out and take his shit.
What would 'entertaining' Prism involve?
"Just helping a guest, please give us a moment to get our clothes back- Uh, just give us a moment wouldn't you?"
Applying for the position of Royal Horn Polisher

>Do you shout something? No wait, that might not help at all. Hide? Not enough time. You just need something quick that would present a viable enough excuse to make somebody stop asking too many questions.
>Only one surefire option comes to mind.
"Just play along," you hastily whisper to your friend before throwing your hooves around him and embracing him in a deep and passionate kiss.
>Prism goes tense for a moment, but thankfully refrains from panicking. You lean more into him, caressing your hooves all across him as though you're in the midst of trying to disrobe him.
>"Oy oy oy!" an angry voice shouts, followed by pounding against the door.
>You break from the kiss and put on your best 'oh dear' face as you look to the castle guard standing in the doorway.
>"Knock it off, you two!" he scolds. "This area's for castle staff only!"
>"Oh dear. I'm um, I'm really terribly utterly sorry about this!" Prism begins apologizing profusely. "You said this place would secluded!"
"You were supposed to lock the door behind you!"
>"That's enough!" the guard shouts again. He steps between the two of you. "You, back to the party! And you-"
>He pokes you in the chest.
>"You know the rules. Get back to work before I report your sorry ass. Where's your area anyways?"
"Oh, uh...the um, after gala tea party."
>The guard sighs and rolls his eyes.
>"Oh of course," he groans. "Get your butt up to the tea room and get yourself sorted out."
>You grab the last of your uniform just as the guard starts shoving the both of you out.
"Where's the tea room?" you whisper to Prism.
>"Stairs at the end of this hall, go up a floor, follow the halls first left, second right, last door on the right."


>With Prism being ushered back towards the gala hall, you are left to your own devices to find your way up to the tea room. Paying careful mind to the instructions, you eventually manage to find your way to your destination.
>The Tea Room is a rather lavish chamber with a large open room adorned with paintings and fine art, numerous pillows for guests to lounge in, and even a bar set up in the corner.
>There's about a half-dozen similarly dressed ponies milling about getting everything in order.
>"Hey you," a voice calls out to you.
>It's a rather large stallion near the bar, cleaning glasses and tea cups with his unicorn magic.
>"You must be the new guy, right?"
>You quickly nod.
>"Well, just remember to follow the lead of the others - make sure all the guests needs are attended to. Plenty of water at the bar here if you're feeling parched, and the adjoining rooms back there if you need a breather. Now do you want to handle the drinks, the food, or the chatting?"

Input words.
Food. It's our area of expertise, and I'm afraid we'd get caught out if we have to talk too much.
We know food best, but chatting could get us closer to the princess. The sooner we do what we need to the sooner we can leave.
But rushing to make an appointment might backfire on us too if we don't have the proof of the missing maid to back things up.
I think we should do food first, then find someone to cover so we can get to chatting up Celestia when the opportunity presents itself.
I'm not putting it past Horn to recognize us as soon as he pokes his head in.
Too bad we didn't bring the aphrodisiac powder. We could have spiked a drink and given it to Horn and/or our brother

>"Yeah, probably a good idea for you to stick with the food since you're new at this. You are new at this, right?"
"Umm... y-yeah. Sorta. I mean, I have experience handling food and drinks."
>No reason to lie, especially since the kind stallion seems to be taking the time and effort in order to make sure you're ready for the after party.
>"Just make sure to stay calm at all times. Some of the mares can get a little rowdy after a few rounds so don't be surprised if you still get the odd request here and there," the stallion continues explaining. "Anyways, the main dishes for the party are fruit salads, yogurt parfaits, mini eclairs, scones, shortbread biscuits, and the chocolate fountain is still getting set up over there."
>He points to the various bowls and plates being set up along the bar and on nearby tables. There's quite a bit of food for an after party, but there's also a lot of seats so it's likely going to be a full room.
>"Now do be prepared to still handle the occasional drink or take time to chat up the guests - things can get a bit hectic and we always wind up a bit short-hoofed as the evening drags on. And of course the big rule - don't speak with the Princess unless she addresses you first; and do whatever she asks no matter how far it goes outside your normal duties. Got it?"
>You promptly nod.
>"Good. Any questions? We've still got a little while to go before the tea is ready."

Input words.
What's your name?
How many mares are usually here?
So it really is just mares that come in then? No one else at all?
How many other servers are there? It seemed like quite a lot for just a small party.
How often will the food need to be replenished? And does the Princess have a favorite treat or tea?

"I don't think I ever caught your name."
>"Double Shot."
"How long have you worked at the castle?"
>"Lemme think...started bartending the parties on the side about twenty years ago. Five years after that I was moved to assistant manager of the wine cellar, then became head wine manager about another seven years after that. Now I handle all the boozing in the castle, and I'm the only pony alive that can make a Bloody Mary exactly the way the Princess likes it."
>Pretty good credentials, but that's to be expected from castle staff.
"How many guests do you expect to see here tonight?"
>"Ya never know - could be a hoofful, could be dozens. The Princess just tosses the invites out over the night and sees who shows up. I think our record was forty-two in one evening."
"And...all just mares?"
>"Well there's the odd stallion on some occasions, but Celestia says she likes to use these events to give the ladies a chance to relax and unwind from all the rigid pangantry that goes on in the conventional gala."
"And how many of us are there going to be?"
>"Usually a dozen total, but expect to take shifts covering the floor with four or five resting in back and the rest working the floor."
"Anything else I should know about the Princess?"
>Double Shot chuckles. "More than I have time to explain in one night, lad. I've got everything already organized, you just worry about bringing it to her. Oh, and since we've got some time, you're free to have a bite and a drink before the after party starts. Might I whip you up something? A little liquid courage helps get over the newbie jitters."

Could we see how the Princess likes her Bloody Mary?
Yeah, lets get a taste of how the princess likes them.
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i'm getting a hitman vibe from all this sneaky peaky

"I'll take one of those bloody mary that the Princess loves."
>Double Shot gives you a cheeky, confident grin. "Don't think you'll be able to learn my secrets just by tasting it," he cooly reminds you. "But since this is your first time, I'll go gentle with you."
>Using his magic, the veteran barkeep starts pulling out the ingredients in a flurry. Unsurprisingly, you can barely make out what's happening with how quickly he's able to prepare your drink. Before you can even realize it, a tall glass filled with the bright red concoction sits in front of you.
"Thanks," you reply before taking your first sip.
>Your mouth is immediately blitzkrieged by a barrage of flavors, all vying for dominance and yet alost enhancing one another - a tingling sweetness, a hint of saltiness, a sting of sour, and with a savory undertone.
"Wow. I can see why the Princess loves this," you give your compliments.
>"Not a problem," he answers, giving you a reassuring wink before returning to his own work.
>You've still got time until the party starts. Looking around, there doesn't seem to be too much work left to do, not that you have any idea what needs to be done still. There's some other servers all similarly dressed just lounging and chatting over their own drinks. You can't help but notice that all the servers are stallions, and a good mix of the three races.

Input action.
Why do I get the feeling we're a part of the menu?
We should probably keep to ourselves for the most part. Don't want to get caught out before the party's even started.
>reassuring wink
>all the servers are stallions
>Azura is invited

We're not in a room of gay strippers, are we?
Of course we are.

>You can't help but shake the feeling that this is going to be something of an unconventional party. After all, how many tea parties have a fully stocked bar included? You try not to think too much about it, though, as this is still your best bet at getting a word with Celestia without attracting the attention of a certain angry-looking guard commander.
>Speaking of guards, a few stop by at the door to check in on things. You quickly turn to face the opposite direction, occupying yourself with your beverage while Double Shot chats with the guards.
>You sit idly, sipping away at your drink and watching the minutes tick by. After some time, though, Double Shot suddenly whistles for everyone's attention.
>"Okay, ponies, grab your things and get ready, we've got in-bound," he announces.
>Though not entirely sure where to go, you decide to follow the lead of the others and plant yourself near an unoccupied table with food items on it.
>After a short delay, the doors open, and a stream of mares starting milling in, chatting and giggling amongst themselves. It's a diverse crowd in both age and race, with even a few gryphon ladies in there.
>Within the group, you spot Azura. She seems to be chatting with another guest, but when she notices you standing at a nearby table, she smiles knowingly.
>The mares begin to spread out, some taking seat amongst the pillows, while others head to the bar, and a few begin to peruse the food choices.
>"Well hello there," Azura greets you, though obviously feigning ignorance. "And what delicacies do we have here?"
"Just a selection of fruit salads and parfaits."
>"Looks tasty. What would you suggest?"

Input response.
A fruit salad would be my choice. It's nice on occasion to start with something sweet.
Either a fruit salad or the yogurt parfait. Something light to start the evening off with, the heavier deserts can wait after a few drinks are had.
The blackberry fruit salad specifically :^)

"Well as the evening is just getting started, I think the fruit salad would make for a good light snack to start things off," you suggest as you gesture to the small bowl of fresh fruits, both exotic and conventional.
>Some of these fruits must cost a fortune to bring in.
>"Sounds like a wonderful idea. Do bring a couple bowls to my table," Azura instructs before trotting off.
>You just know she's enjoying the opportunity to boss you around.
>You grab a small tray and begin loading on the fruit salads, along with some orders you receive from other guests.
>Just as you're about to set off, though, you hear the doors swing open again. This time, everyone pays notice as the Princess herself strolls into the room.
>"Good evening my esteemed guests," she greets them all. "I'm so glad to see you all here, and I do hope you enjoy yourself. Just remember, no more rules and formalities in here."
>With that, Celestia takes off her crown and tosses it over her shoulder, where it snags and twirls around Double Shot's horn like a game of horsehoes.
>As she passes by you, she glances to your tray and smirk. "Do bring one of those parfaits for me," she instructs before continuing on her way.
>The Princess takes a seat near the center of the congregation. You notice that Azura carefully scoots herself closer to the Princess, whether for her benefit or yours is a mystery.
>Either way, you take the opportunity and start delivering the snacks to the many guests. Somepony turns on a music box (much like the one you saw at Prism's home, albeit larger), providing some pleasant background while everyone is chatting away.

Input action.
Act casual, get the bowls of fruit and parfait at the table. Get Azura to butter up Celestia before making a move or an attempt for a 1on1 session.
Lets give it a little time before we make a move.
Let everyone get comfy and tipsy.
Is there some way we can get a message to the Princess? Slip a note under the parfait? She recognizes us, I think. Amd make sure it has blackberries on it.

How are we going to get a message to Prism in case things go bad though?
I'd say wait and see what Azura does. Bring the parfait and fruit in the meantime.
>How are we going to get a message to Prism in case things go bad though?
If things go bad we'll have to trust Azura to carry the message.
Failing that, running and screaming sounds good.

>You wish you had something you could write on as you might've been able to slip a note to the Princess. But then again, that's presuming the Princess even believes whatever you write. Plus there's no way to do that subtly here and the last thing you need is to look out of place.
>For the time being, you'll just have to put your trust in Azura to help you along.
"Here's your salad, madam," you say as you set the last of your deliveries down, which happens to be Azura's salad.
>"Thanks," Azura chuckles. "I like this one, why don't you have a little seat here and keep me company."
>She uses her magic to tug on your bowtie playfully, easing your closer to her. You quickly glance about to see if this is 'unusual' but it appears some of the other guests are plucking servers for company as well.
"O-of course, I would be happy to," you reply as you set your tray down and take a seat next to Azura.
>The soft velvet cushions feels luxurious; practically like heaven for your butt compared to the hard seats back at your inn. Azura suddenly cozies up right against you, sipping at her tea and giving you a playful smirk.
>"I'm rather tired, do you think you could feed me the grapes?" she asks.

Input action.
Of course. We should plan to have revenge later.
Absolutely madam.
We won't forget this though.
Pot will remember this

>Now she's just twisting the knife. And she knows it, too.
>You can't do anything but smile back and play along.
"I'd be delighted to," you reply, forcing out a smile.
>But you're going to remember this. You'll find a way to get back at her.
>Azura giggles playfully, leaning over and opening wide...awaiting her treat. You drop the first one into her awaiting maw, which she chews making overt mews of satisfaction. As you continue hoof-feeding the grapes, you glance over to see what Celesita is up to.
>She seems to be in the midst of conversation and tea with some of the other guests.
>"Having fun?" Azura asks in a low whisper.
"Time of my life," you reply, once again through a forced smile.
>You don't see any good opportunity to approach the Princess, so you're forced to continuing biding your time by feeding grapes and other berries to your friend, much to Azura's continued amusement.
>"Ahhh, this has been the perfect evening," Azura says, suddenly falling over and landing her head square onto your lap. She lets out a content sigh, staring up at the ceiling. "I should come to Canterlot more often, don't you think?"
"Have you been drinking?"
>"Just a few glasses of wine...I think. They were big glasses and I think somepony might've been refilling them," she answers. "Who do you think is prettier, me or the Princess? And be honest~"

Input action.
Fishing for complements, milady? Who knew you held the opinions of a humble servant in such high esteem?
You and the Princesses are in classes of your own, surely. Her with her cake enhanced flanks, and you with your impressive...horn. Flavour.

We'll play her game so hard we come out the other side
"It's a traap!"... Not really but hoo boy, what a question. "I think the princess is one of the loveliest alicorns on the planet. And you're one of the loveliest unicorns." Continue feeding her while waiting for a chance to scarper off and deliver Celestia's parfait.

>Now that's just an unfair question, but that's probably why she asked in the first place.
"Oh come now, what do you care what a humble servant like myself thinks?"
>"Maybe I'm feeling all lonely and neglected," she replies, playfully pouting at you.
"Well I think you should stop fussing with comparing yourself to others and merely revel in what makes you so special," you answer before dropping a blackberry into her mouth. "Yes, Celestia is a very lovely alicorn, but you are an equally lovely unicorn in your own right. And it's like the old saying, you can be the sweetest peach on the tree, and there will still be a pony who prefers an apple."
>"Hmmm... a bit of a cop-out answer, but I'll take it all the same," Azura chuckles before suddenly reaching up and booping you on the snout. "You make a good lackey, you know that?"
"I'm thrilled to have your approval."
>"As you should be."
>Just then you catch the words you've been waiting to hear.
>"Excuse me, could I get a refill?" It's the Princess! Now's your opportunity to get closer.
"Pardon me, duty calls," you excuse yourself.
>You hop back to your hooves and rush over to the Princess' side with your trusty tray.
"If I may take care of that," you say as you take the empty glass.


>But just as you're about to speak further, the lights in the room suddenly dim and the door is kicked open. A half-dozen Royal Guards rush into the room, taking up position in a wedge formation in the center.
>"Your Majesty, an emergency has just come up!" the lead guard exclaims. "We need you all to stay calm and in your seats."
>There's gasps and whispers amongst the guests while some of the staff secure the doors leading in.
>"What's the emergency guardpony?" Celestia asks while gently pushing you to the side.
>"A situation most dire, your Majesty," he answers. "A large number of guests have been taken hostage! We must act quickly if they are to be rescued."
>Just then, the music changes pace, turning into a faster and more upbeat rhythm. Several crystals hanging from the ceiling begin to emit bright, colour beams of light that flash across the room.
>And the lead guardpony grabs hold of his armour by the collar and suddenly pulls on it, causing the entire suit save for his helmet to crumble to the ground, revealing a tight body and an even tighter speedo.
>"Now who wants to get rescued?" he shouts out as the guests erupt in cheers and applauds.
>The other guards quickly follow suit as the music grows louder, mares cheering on their new entertainers.

Input action.
we took the servant costume over THIS?
Guess this answers why it's mostly mares.

Getting the armor could've been a bit hard.
This is an awesome development. Though it does reduce our chances of a meaningful meeting with the Princess. Attend to her food needs and try to be her special one, maybe she'll take us somewhere private...
Do >>27289021
I guess?
In fact we should take advantage of the fact that Pot's Plot gives us at least +2 to Princess Seduction, and perform our own version of the dance for her as we tend to her.

>Ooooooh goodness, it's one of those kind of parties.
>That answers so many questions.
>You stand there in slack-jaw surprise as the party carries on. Some of the guests get up and join the 'guards' with some dancing. It's hard not to get a little hypnotized by all the gyrating flanks.
>But you promptly remind yourself that you've still got work to do, and you've got a Princess to try and speak with.
>You take the empty back to the bar where a full glass of a Bloody Mary is promptly given over to you. Given that you didn't even need to relay anything to Double Shot, you suspect that this is the standard process for the evening.
>You return to the Princess with her new drink. She seems to be taking in the sights of the dance, though more from a spectator's position rather than getting actively involved.
>Well, she's probably done these parties a hundred times by now. If you've seen one hot stallion in a speedo, you've seen them all.
>You give the Princess her beverage, and you're just about to take the chance to lean in closer to speak when...
>You feel a firm, feather slap against your backside.
>Thank goodness the dim lighting hides the fluster that got knocked straight to your face.
>You spin around and see one of the guests, a young and attractive pegasus, giving you a playful smile and some 'come hither' eyes. She hooks a hoof around yours and pulls you towards where all the others are dancing.
>"Aren't you getting a little...hot in all those?"

Input action.
Your trying to entice us and that's all the description we get?
Nothing's ever easy, is it. Have we been "claimed"? I was hoping the princess herself would tag us.

Oh well it might hurt our chances with her later if we refuse this guest now, so I guess we need to dance with our new friend for a bit and try to pass her along to someone else at some point so that we can return to the business at hoof.
Gonna have to call it a night here.
Yes, no? Maybe?
I don't know?

I suppose it would be inappropriate to turn her down, considering. Might as well try to dance a bit before seeing if we can escape after a little while.

Night Innkeep
Damn, I missed this one.

Look to Azura, see if she can get us out of this.
If not, accept her offer to dance, but keep the clothes on. It's the only thing stopping us from getting wet, and spilled drinks are expected.
Then see if we can switch out with another server.
Maybe just a little. Care to help me take them off?
ooh. This
>came to talk to Princess Celestia
>played wingman and then about to get involved in a giant orgy
I envy Pot's rockstar life.
So they ARE strippers then? Now to figure out if they're all gay...
So what happens when Horn steps in? Does he spectate? Join in the dancing? Join in for the 'service'?

Does this mean Double Shot has a speedo under his uniform too?
Gah, suppose I should get this session under way.
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>It'd be a lie to say you're not a little tempted. The pegasus standing before you is quite lovely no matter how you cut it with her slender, sky blue figure accented by the flowing emerald gown she wears.
>She bats her eyes at you again, though her eager grin suggests that she's ready to pounce at a moment's notice.
>You feel almost like a mouse trapped by the housecat.
>Glancing back to Azura for a brief moment, if only to look for help, you notice that she's far too enthralled by the gyrating hips of the stallion before her.
>You check on the other servants to see what they're up to, and sure enough, many of them have tore away some of their garments revealing similarly skimpy outfits.
>Wait, you don't recall putting on a skimpy outfit.
>You perform a quick check on your own uniform - there's no seams for a quick tear-away.
>Shit. You're wearing a normal uniform. Just play it cool...
"Maybe just a little. Care to help with that?"
>You flash a playful grin back.
>"My pleasure~" she coos back. Using her wings and a surprising show of strength, she rips the front of your coat open. Thankfully nobody notices the buttons flying off in every direction.
>You're quickly pulled into the mass of dancing ponies - a proverbial mess of swaying limbs and grinding flanks. Your partner keeps close, pressing her hips against yours.
>At this rate you'll never get near the Princess.

Input action.
Best to just wait for an opportunity rather than try to force one. Just don't get to drunk or preoccupied.
be the biggest tease in the room
pot's got the balls to attract every mare, and hopefully the princess
I'm worried we'll be roped into something we can't get out of assuming we're not already.
Might as well try and >>27300645
Think we could get her to down a few more drinks then switch ourselves out when she isn't looking?

And, just checking, is there a pole in the room?

>Well, no reason you can't try to enjoy yourself a little bit. After all, if you get too tense and anxious, then it'll make it easier for somebody to realize that you're not quite who you're supposed to be.
>Not that you don't make a good stripper/servant to begin with.
>You throw away your concerns and start dancing your heart out, keeping pace with the playful mare that roped you in. You'll still need to get away from her at some point - nice as she is, you do have a mission to complete.
>With all the passion and energy bouncing around the room, it doesn't take long before you and everypony else are working up a sweat. You see your opportunity though when you notice your dance party starting to slow down a bit.
"Looks like you could use a breather and a drink," you offer.
>"Oh yes, I suppose I could," she says with a weary sigh. You help her off to a nearby seat. "Don't suppose you could fetch me a drink?"
"But of course."
>Now that you're able to get some distance between you and her, you quickly head to bar to get that drink. Rather than deliver it yourself, though, you find the nearest free servant and give it to him.
"Could you take that over to the mare there," you ask. "I need to take a quick break."
>"Sure, no problem."
>Free at last. Good thing too cause all that dancing is making you hot and sweaty. These uniforms do not breath at all. No wonder everyone else stripped out of them.
>You check on the Princess and see she's still sitting at the far side, enjoying the show and her tea.

Input action?
Sneaky sneak over to her hugging the wall.
Or take an empty tray and walk right over.
Now or never. Carry something over to her. Another teapot or something similar.

>It's now or never, you figure. Everypony else is suitably distracted by all the dancers that you should be able to make it across without further distractions.
>You just need a convenient-enough excuse to go over.
>Much to your surprise, Azura casts a glance back in your direction. She smirks to you and then lets out a tiny little spark of magic. It's not much, but the tiny bolt zips off to the her side, hitting Celestia's tea cup and knocking it over.
>Clever girl.
>You've got your opening, so you grab a fresh teapot and trot on over to Celestia, who only just now notices that all her tea is now soaking into a nearby pillow.
>You're soon at her side, pouring fresh tea into her cup.
>"Why thank you. Such prompt service," Celestia replies. She takes a sip, keeping her eyes on you for a moment. "I can't help but notice you're still mostly dressed," she muses idly. "What's the matter? Feeling shy around so many mares?"
"Well, um...no it's just that--"
>"Dance for me. I want to see you shake that tail of yours."
>She gives a playful smirk.

Input action.
Well, if the princess commands, who are we to disobey? Let's make it saucy. See how dirty we can get before we aren't allowed to continue.
Pretend to be a little embarrassed, then do a dance good enough for her to request a 'private showing'
We're going to tell our grandkids about this moment.
When they're old enough, anyway.

And wait for Azura's jaw to drop.

Why wait for grandkids? Tell Wispy. She'll probs be disappointed by the lack of blackjack though....
Welp, might as well make it good

>Given that you're job is to maintain cover until you get a private audience with the Princess, and there's nothing that'll blow your cover faster than disobeying the aforementioned Princess in front of everybody.
>Plus how many ponies will be able to say they danced at the Princess' orders?
"Well, I...uh, if that's what the Princess wants," you reply, putting on a bit of feigned embarassment.
>You take a few breaths to calm your nerves, slowly stepping away from the Princess, letting your hips sway side-to-side with the beat. As you rear upon your hind legs, you let your coat slip down, exposing bare shoulders as you glance back and flash a teasing smirk to the Princess.
>She hides a quick giggle behind her hoof. You've certainly got her attention.
>You continue to sway with the music, gliding out of your coat and letting it fall into your hoof. As the beat picks up, you start twirling it overhead.
>Some of the other guests notice your dancing and start cheering you on, but you keep your focus on the princess. With a flick of your hoof, you send your coat soaring over to her. She catches it with her magic; a now more playful smirk adorning her royal lips.
>The belt slips off you next as you continue to capitivate the Princess. You tease her further, folding the belt over and slapping it against your flank with a nice loud 'crack.'
>A little hip gyrating helps free you from your trousers and a few kicks send them flying off to some other part of the room. All you've got left is your waistcoat and bow tie, which is more than enough keep the ladies enticed.
>As you continue your dance, working slowly back to the Princess, something flies across the room and smacks you on the face.
>Something soft and smooth.
>Upon closer inspection...it's somebody's panties. And judging by a familiar pegasus winking at you, you've got a sneaking suspicion as to whom.

You'll want spectacular for a finisher to wow the princess. Suggestions?
Princess lap dance?
With a rose in the mouth.
And ask if her highness would like a more 'private' showing
Oh hell yes this
I can't believe this is a thing that's happening
JUST do it
And put on the panties?

>You quickly glance about the room for a little extra spice for your routine. Luckily, there's some nice floral arrangements scattered throughout the room, so you help yourself to a rose before carrying on with the show.
>Holding the rose between your teeth, you slow-dance your way over to the Princess, flashing your most devilishly playful smirk and a quick wink.
>She looks rather captivated, watching your every motion with those ageless eyes of hers.
>Now who can say they've given the Princess a lap dance before? To be honest, you're not sure if you'd believe it yourself, but here you are, gyrating your flank before the Princess.
>You let your tail skirt across her legs, flicking it upwards for a moment to catch her on the chin. She wanted to see you shake your tail, after all, so you give her more of that, grinding your hips up against her.
>Suddenly, a playful hoof smacks you right on the cutie mark. When you glance back at the Princess, you see her grinning mischivously at you.
"Nuh uh uh, look with your eyes not with your hooves," you tease, wagging a hoof at her. "At least not with everyone else watching," you add in a quick whisper.
>"Oh, aren't you just a naughty little thing," Celestia teases back. She suddenly uses your own coat and hooks it around the back of your neck, pulling you in tight and close to her; close enough that you can still smell the Bloody Mary on her breath. "Maybe you should come up to my room and give me a more...private showing."
"Mmm, if that's what Her Majesty wishes."


>There's hoots and hollars as the Princess rises to her hooves, still keeping the coat hooked around your neck like a leash.
>"You go Princess!" you hear someone cheer on.
>You're left with little choice but to follow in her step as the Princess leads you out the room like the leashed puppy that you are.
>Just as you leave, you spot a very jealous-looking pegasus in the crowd.
>As Celestia leads you through the halls, you try to keep your excitement contained. As much as you want to start spilling the beans now, you want to keep waiting until you're actually alone with her.
>It's a surprisingly long walk through the halls and up a lengthy set of stairs until you finally reach what you presume correctly to be the royal bedchambers. A large ornate door flanked by a pair of guards greets you at the top of the steps.
>"I'm going to need some privacy. Why don't you wait at the bottom of the stairs," Celestia instructs the guards, who promptly nod and head to guard the base of the stairwell.
>If only you didn't have a mission to carry out. Oh, and White Wine. Can't forget about her.
>You're lead into the Princess' lavish and opulent bedchambers, where a roaring fire provides warmth and a sprawling bed lays before you.
>"Why don't you make yourself comfortable on the bed while I slip into something more...comfortable," Celestia instructs, again not giving you much opportunity to say otherwise as her magic tosses you onto the bed.
>The Princess disappears into the neighboring room, leaving you to sit idle for the moment.

Input action?
This might just be paranoia talking, but there's a chance Horn's gonna come in with the Princess somehow. I won't put it past her to recognize a pony that looks suspiciously like the friend of her ex wizard is also a servant for her after party.

Take Julia and put her under a pillow or in a drawer. Just in case.
Then loosen the bow tie and unbutton the waistcoat, and lie in a seductive pose with our butt facing the door she went through. Pretend to admire the view through the window, or something.
Do we have to talk about Whispy immediately? Can't we bang Sunbutt AND THEN talk about our daughteru? I mean, Pot isn't gonna get another chance like this like ever
That depends on if Innkeep is going to be nice enough for us to pitch our application for Royal Horn Polisher first.
But I wanna bang her too
I agree with the posters asking that we use Julia as our plan B. I think, for now, that while it is our sworn duty to recover our missing adoptive daughter, part OF that job, right now, is to get laid by royalty.

Therefore I put forth that daughteru-rescuing be relegated to afterglow pillow-talk status.

Conveniently place Julia somewhere with a whispered explanation so she knows what's up, then have a good time.

>You wait patiently on the bed, wondering how best to broach the subject. You could just be direct about it, but you could also wait to see where this leads.
>It is awfully tempting.
>But the Princess might not like the idea of being deceived into...whatever she has in store for you.
>In the meantime, you decide to loosen your bowtie and coat. No reason you can't be comfortable. Checking your pockets, you pull out Julia.
"How you holding up?"
>"Damn Pot, I might be just a crystal but that dancing was enough to make me sweaty."
"Y-you could see all that?"
>"Might not be able to see but I sure as hay could feel it. Like sitting next to a sexy fire."
"Heh, thanks."
>"Well time to put on your gameface cause we got a Princess to convince," Julia reminds you. "Speaking of which, heads up cause she's coming back."
>You quickly tuck Julia under the nearby pillow and resume a lounging pose, spreading across the bed with your flank pointed towards the Princess.
>"I hope you weren't waiting too long," Celestia muses as she strolls back in, now freed from the cumbersome jewelry she normally wears and instead a silken robe drapes across her figure. A pair of champagne glasses floats along with her as she sits down next to you. "Care for a drink?"
"I would love one."
>The Princess smirks. Then suddenly she throws the glass' content into you face.
>"Ha! I knew it!" she exclaims. "I thought you looked familiar."
>In a moment of confusion, you glance to your hooves and notice the colour dripping from your face and hooves, like paint washing off in the rain.

Input action.
Sheepishly laugh and ask what gave us away
"Ah you're a perceptive one, your highness! But before you banish me and lock me in a dungeon in the place that you banish me to, let me explain WHY..."

Then TL;DR her the scenario and why we had to do this to reach her, and what's up with Horn etc.

Naturally, leave the offer of ourselves open too, as we aren't a tease.

"Can you guess what I'm here for?"
Well I was expecting the disguise to wash off anyway.

"So I guess you don't want to bang then, Princess?"

If she says no, then skip right to the summary of the situation.

>Not much you can do but let out a sheepish chuckle and grin like the fool you now so visibly look like.
"Bit of a waste of good champagne, don't you think?"
>"I suggest you start explaining yourself - first you appear in my bath, now you're showing up at my parties. It wouldn't be so much of a concern if Regal Horn hadn't warned me about possible assassination attempts tonight."
>And just in case the severity of the situation was somehow lost on you, Celestia pulls out a rather ornate dagger out from behind her back, aiming it squarely at your throat.
"Woah! Hold on a moment, I'm not here to hurt anypony!" you yelp as you raise your hooves into the air. "I'm here because your guards arrested my daughter!"
>"Arrested your daughter?" Celestai replies, understandably confused but thankfully less suspicious now. Her dagger returns to her side for the moment. "This is...certainly an unorthodox manner of petition a case. Normally one has a lawyer draft an appeal. Wait a moment, you are the one that was raising a changeling; the one that my operative investigated. Why would she be arrested? The report was most favorable to her."
"Ask your Guard Commander, Mr. Horn. He's the one who ordered it, along with rounding up all the changelings near Ponyville."
>"Well...yes, he said that the actions of the changeling Berry showed that his hive was still hostile towards the crown and needed to be pacified. I allowed the changeling into my home to negotiate terms of peace and he used it as an opportunity to attack my subjects."
"But what if Berry didn't do it? What if he was set up?"
>"Why in Equestria would anyone frame a changeling?"

Input words.
Because someone with an agenda doesn't want them integrated into society
"Ever since my daughter was kidnapped, my friends and I have been investigating that very thing! We've been using Prism's magical talents to ferret out information, and it appears that someone very high in your guard is using his position to destroy any possible peace between changelings and ponies. I wouldn't even be surprised if Horn himself isn't involved. For one, we have the disappearance of the maid who was allegedly attacked. She went missing just before we were going to use her to magically divine the true name of her attacker.

There are simply too many coincidences involved for this not to be an involved plot, and access to your highness has been restricted to such a degree that the only way for us to bring these things to your attention was for us to infiltrate the gala and see you directly.

I fear that if you turn us over to Horn, him or those under him responsible for this plot will take steps to ensure the truth is never revealed- And that me and my friends will suffer as a result. Please, your Majesty, entertain the possibility that you have a quisling in your guard apparatus, who is working against both of our goals. Help me and mine to find not only my daughter, but those truly responsible for the palace maid attack- And the maid herself- Before this gets any worse!
Pretty much these.
Mention the testimonies of Valiant Heart, our brother's little rant after he punched us in the gut, the witness report by the missing maid's neighbour and all that as evidence.
At the very least, it will keep her attention.
And mention the element of charity, if need be.
Okay, gonna have to call it a night here...
Gnite Innkeeper
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Night Innkeeper, it's been fun
Because they consider changelings enough of a threat to do anything to avoid peace.
Berry may have just been acting when I met him. He might not be nice at all.
But even if that's the case, I know he isn't a fool, and only a fool would openly attack someone in the castle and then just go to bed.
As for the maid he supposedly attacked? She's disappeared, shortly after one of your inner guard was seen near her home.
Man, I wish I didn't have to stay up past 1am to play this quest.
offtopic, but how is pot's inn kept lit up?
candles, despite everything being wood?
glowing rocks that could offend julia?
Lanterns and candles I'd guess.
Oil lamps?
Will we get to see the shenanigans the others get up to trying to run the Inn while Pot's absent?
That might be a cool sidequest or mini story idea kinda thing, IMO
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