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Is there a worse writer than him currently working on the comics?

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Is there a worse writer than him currently working on the comics? Or even the show?

I mean, forget taking time out of a toast to appreciate writers with actual talent to force an agenda that focuses more on earning social justice brownies than actual quality writing, but why hamfist two characters that have never shown any sort of gay relations into a diversity slot that ruins the friendship dynamic of the Mane 6 instead of something obvious and non-intrusive like LyraBon?

Previous thread
Why don't you guys join IDW as writers?
>Shining Armor have gotten married
What is grammar?
Because I probably make more than them.
I would just so I could take the spot that Illustrious Q wants.
>Gay people have kids.
Anti-science as fuck. Sorry but unicorn magic cant do that.

Because I liked Season 4 and 5, so I fully admit I have shitty taste.
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I'm just saying, Lyra and Bon Bon act a lot closer than friends. You can prevent ruining anyone's ship by just making their gayness canon. It's not like there are people who don't ship them.
I'm lazy as shit but post the other caps from last thread too for all new anons to rage over.
You guys don't seriously think it's that easy do you? I mean I'd love to do it honestly.
>making same sex couples canon
You've already gotten Star Wars, Fire Emblem, Steven Universe, Legend of Korra, and a fuck ton of other shit. Leave this show alone.
You give a finger, they take the hand. They won't stop until there's gay people in EVERY show.
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>unicorn magic cant do that
Is Q even a writer?
Ted Anderson didn't have any experience before joining.
You don't remeber in Magic Duel where it was stated that transgender magic was impossible?
She stated only the highest level unicorns could do it.
Well fuck I'd sign up of I wasn't in college.
Does that imply there are Unicorns who were more powerful than Twilight at the time? Because she was just bullshitting her way through that by pretending to have a stronger amulet and even with the alicorn amulet Trixie apparently still couldn't do it.
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why are there so many faggots at IDW?
I don't think they ever said anything about its plausibility or difficulty. I think they just left in the air.
No, he does it for free because he thinks if he praises IDW enough he can get a job there.
Assuming the spell is scalable you can work around that.
1. Cast the spell on a single cell
2. Extract the now male DNA
3. Grow some balls on a rat
4. Perform I.V.F. as normal.
I think most of the stuff he's written has been pretty good. Pinkie&Luna and Pets micro are some of my most well-liked issues, Rarity & Babs Seed was quite good as well, easily above average for the comics.

What happened to that Lindsay guy who wrote the RD micro way back when? Or whomever wrote that godawful AJ & Pinkie Pie FF? Do those still work on the comics.

If those are out, I'd say Thom Zahler (of "Night of the living apples" fame) is worse.

Is the second part of your post even a question? What the fuck am I reading?
i cant think of any modern sitcoms without a gay couple.
I just want my OTP to be canon. I don't care about this SJW shit.
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the entertainment industry isnt the place to push your fucking political ideologies you fucking cancerous tumor pile of shit; especially not in kids shows.

go castrate yourself jeremy.
Unicorn magic cant make cutie marks appear.
>OTP to be canon.
Me and Twilight.

When it comes to casting that particular spell? Almost certainly, Twilight is a generalist, not a specialist.
An excellent example where we see this in action is the protective bubble spell, Twilight can barely maintain a bubble around her house, while her brother who's far more specialized at the spell can cover the entire capitol and maintain it for days.
>posting as though you're talking to him in real time and not a screencap

Why do people do this?
either that or echo chamber about what a faggot he is. whats the point of either?
I wouldn’t give a fuck if it came about naturally and didn’t feel forced. The problem nowadays is that they’re pushing this shit so hard that almost always feels forced.
I like what they did in Project Horizons, with every unicorn having a certain frequency that they can cast spells at.
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Didn't you know the entertainment industry is literally liberal in its very nature?
Besides, denying basic human rights to even the smallest outlier minority would be very unAmerican :^)
>homosexuality is a human right

When will this meme end?
its always forced. PR faggots get emailed by these idiots and together push the idea on the owners, who then either tell them to fuck off or give in and force it onto the creators. once its in the show, everyone pats each others on the balls for a day like they made the world a better place.
>denying basic human rights
he can suck all the dicks he wishes. no one is going to stop him.
Sounds hot.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are basic human rights.
What authoritarian are you to deny that?
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I want to fuck a horse because it makes me happy? Should I be allowed to fuck a horse?

Nice digits but what the fuck is that image trying to convey?
Horses can't consent, and as such you're taking away the horse's happiness. Do as thou wilt, not taketh what thou want.
Absolutely fuck all. It's a site that generates a brain based on whatever name you enter into it. You can see the address at the bottom there.
According to bestialityfags, yes.
The horse can "consent" in a way as to make such a pursuit morally fine. According to them. In fact a handful of states have yet to outlaw such pursuits so go to town as the saying goes ;^)
>Horses can't consent
Who are you to say, bigot?
My dog humped my leg. Consent.
They have the brain capacity of a heavily retarded child who's undergone a lobotomy. Can that kid consent?
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>Horses can't consent
>There are people who still believe this lie
So retarded people can't have sex? Why are you denying them their sexual freedom shitlord?
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have a read, friend.
>Mentally handicapped arent allowed to have sex.
Not true, but close enough. Pretty much the only time it even can be not forced is when the writers have lived under a rock for the last 20 years.
LGBTfags who are against incest are also hypocrites.
Technically taking advantage of an animal's biological functions without it having the cognitive sapience to understand its own actions isn't specifically consent, and even could be tantamount to abuse because it's a sapient human being willfully taking advantage of an animal that doesn't know any better.
>liberals will make fun of southerners by calling them inbreeding hicks

>they don't see the intense irony and hypocrisy in this
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If you're retarded enough, you can't legally have sex. It's just how it be.

I guess he really liked horsing around.
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is that kind of like drunk humans having sex?
Not to mention inbreeding doesnt take effect for generations. The whole
>it isnt allowed because of child birth defects
is bullshit when a women over 33 is more likely to give birth to a fucked up child. I can bring up gays and aids.
Straight people get AIDS too. Anal sex is just more likely to transmit it. Do you not want some of that sweet ponut, Anon? What are you, gay?
Not at all drunk humans are louder. I should know, I live directly under my parent's bedroom.;_;
Who said animals don't have the know how to consent? If a horse walks up to an anon with a huge boner I'm pretty sure it knows what it wants. What determins the amount if awareness tou have to have to know better?
That's oppressive and bigoted! Why should other people have to make those decisions for them? We should start a movement! I mean it's 2016!
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I'm sure the animals are glad to have you here speaking on their behalf, considering they lack the ability to speak for themselves.
If you put a tarp over a horse's head, it will think it's dead, and wait there until it becomes actually dead from dehydration or the like,

That is not smart enough to consent.
You cant define what consent is.
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You're speaking in their behaf too you fucking mong.
>Straight people get AIDS too
its possible, but since 95%~ of carriers are gay males, its not likely.
Except that when everyone's drunk off their ass, nobody can consent. And if both parties are equally wrong, then neither one can really be held liable.

Interesting, except that it's totally wrong, because plenty of shows and films have gay characters who were always there and always gay.

Well technically yes, but the defect is beneficial to society, as the gays can raise the orphaned children of others, and won't produce any of their own, which is a good population control.
>I get to decide what's good and bad for others

Sounds bigoted. I bet you're literally Hitler.
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permission, approval, or agreement; compliance; acquiescence:
He gave his consent to the marriage.
agreement in sentiment, opinion, a course of action, etc.:
By common consent he was appointed official delegate.
Archaic. accord; concord; harmony.
That's not really why gay people get more AIDS. During sex, the "active" has a bigger chance of passing the virus and the "passive" of getting it. Gay man pass AIDS frequently because thay can act as both, getting the virus as the "passive" and passing it as the"active".
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>Gays raising children

Just stop.
And Marriage used to be defined as something that only men and women do but bigots like you who did that were defeated.
wow, theres literally nothing in there about sapience. how interesting.
>Horse has boner and wants my ass.

Consent faggot.
Children dont have the power to consent to be adopted by gays. Why should it be allowed?
All this talk about human on horse action is giving me the most inappropriate boner.
I'm not, though. That would imply I'm working toward their benefit. I'm just stating facts here, and fact is animals don't have the same cognitive functions as humans do. They do not understand the idea of consent, therefore cannot agree to it.

It would otherwise be exploiting their biological functions to coax them into a sexual act they do not understand
Well, yeah. I talk the talk, but I'd fuck a horse. Where the hell do you think we are?
Anyone remember how Whitley talked about representation in comics? Anyone ever read Princeless and notice how a lot of the dialogue seems ripped verbatim from popular Tumblr circlejerks?

This is a man who does not have a single amount of nuance in his body, who genuinely believes that "For the right reasons" is an excuse for behavior. A man who does not care how, why, or to what benefit a gay character is put into the franchise, just that it is, confirming that he sees them merely as checkboxes so he can make himself feel good for "supporting" these progressive causes.

Honestly, I'd encourage everyone send Hasbro strongly-worded emails about this person. He's clearly not thinking with the franchise's interests at heart. You really have to click through Hasbro's site to get to where you can send an email, but it's worth it.
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>They do not understand the idea of consent, therefore cannot agree to it
not by legal terms in certain areas, but then again no one gives a shit what society defines as acceptable do they? when my dog grabs my arm and shoves my hand into her pussy, im pretty sure i can deduce what she wants, as well as assume that she gave:
>permission, approval, or agreement; compliance;
as well as we were in:
>agreement in sentiment, opinion, a course of action, etc.:
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I do love it when retarded claims get BTFO'd by reputable sources.
An animal can decide wether or not it wants to do something. I'm pretty sure that's consent.
>claim was 95%
>turns out to be only 75%
he sure showed me.
Be warned, the pay is terrible.
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Why, does it trigger you /pol/?
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What impact does he have on the franchise as a whole? He writes for the comics, that no one even takes seriously or considers canon? Ha!

>Let's get this fucker fired for thinking differently from us!
Is basically what you're saying. Same song and dance about Ted Anderson, you memetic ideologist fucktards just want to get your way over petty bullshit.
Today I learned that 67% = 75%, who knew?
They don't have the power to consent to being born into shithead families either.
>claimed heterosexuals represent only 5% of carriers
>turns out they account for a quarter of all new infections

He actually did.
>75% is not a significantly large number

Gays make up 2% of the population and 75% of them have aids. Gee. I womder of there's a correlation?
He ships FLUTTERSHY AND RAINBOW DASH. Together. That is enough to give you pause.

Not to mention he's feeding into the Rainbow Dash is a tomboy with rainbow mane so she has to be a lesbian stereotype that Faust hates.
False. 67% of new AIDS diagnoses were gay men, but 67% of gay men do not have AIDS. Learn to read.
>people don't know how to read a simple pie chart

The chart is of new infections, not carriers you idiot. It's showing that gay males account for 67% of all new infections per year.
They started it. SJW's have been fucking us over for years. It's high time we gave them a taste of their own semen.
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ill be careful.
>Gays make up 2% of the population
>Want to be represented in 100% of the media
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> taste of their own semen
Did it happen in the show? Is it likely to ever happen in the show? Did he even do anything with that at all in the comics? Until it does, I really don't give a shit about what he believes.

And as far as I'm aware the only fucking SJWs have done with the show was get Derpy censored, yet she came right back and even had an extended part in an episode dedicated to the fandom at large.
>they didn't consent to the first family. Therefore they have no say in the second one
I've stopped caring at this point.

Pretty much this. I want to do to them what they've been doing to everyone else for years.

Don't care. I don't like it and I want it gone and will complain until it either is gone and if that does not happen I will shitpost about him at every opportunity.
>implying a fucking baby cares whether or not it has two daddies
If you don't cut them off now they'll infect the whole thing. You need to draw the line at some point.
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Can we go back to the actually thread topic at hand?

3.5%, more depending on location.
GodDAMN but /pol/ is dumb!
>yet she came right back
>as muffins
>the less derped ordinary horse
He'll care once he realizes his parents are degenerate fucks and probably pedos to boot. He'll off himself by the time he's in his teens.
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>utah near the bottom
finally, a decent reason to be in this shithole.
>in an implied norm

WHAT? How can it be implied when it IS the norm?
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>99% of the population is just an "implied" norm
Do these people live in some fantasy world where there's like only 100 straight people puppeteering everything and everyone else is gay or something?
>My interpretation of an anecdotal experience defines de facto consent
But what are these legal terms in certain areas? I'd love to see some citations.
And you're arguing from emotional appeal bringing up whether society thinks it's right or not. I'm not arguing the morality of the act, I am literally saying an animal cannot intelligently agree to participate in a sexual act with a human who can intelligently assess the situation and make intelligent decisions on what to do.

An animal can be compelled by heat/estrus to have the urge to breed, and an animal can attack someone if it feels threatened.
They don't believe that the majority is the norm. It's a standard SJW thing, just like being upset at being called a SJW and inserting their politics into children's cartoons.
Utah people are like the nicest and most wholesome people in the world. No surprise.
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>the only fucking SJWs have done with the show was get Derpy censored, yet she came right back
You seem to be suggesting that SJWs are not worth handing their bullshit back to or responding to the behaviors of, and yet the very reason Derpy did make a come back and was singled out as an obvious fan favorite was because of the substantial negative response to SJW pieces of shit bellyaching her into censorship. The fan base spoke and they got heard.

When you just sit back and don't tell these people to go ride a dildo made of broken glass and die, things get taken from you and You Don't get them back. There is no limit to how much these people will shit things up if they are given no opposition to doing so.
>queer kids
Which ones? The show targets men in their late teens-20s and little girls younger than 12. They arent thinking about gay political shit.
>But what are these legal terms in certain areas?

>I am literally saying an animal cannot intelligently agree to participate in a sexual act with a human
and im literally saying they can. i dont think you understand what the word consent means, even though the definition is right up there and the meet every criteria in the literal definition of the term consent.
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You'll be dead!
Homosexuality is present from birth, so little Sally might feel weird about being a dyke, if what he's saying.
And? can you provide a reason as to why this would harm the animal? If I'm blowing a horse I don't think it's gonna be a major issue.
>the same way straight ones do.
This shit tries to sell toys. I imagine the gay wedding toy set wont sell much.
>sexuality is present at birth

Sexuality doesn't develop in your prepubesant years.

Have you never taken an anthropology course or is this the new shit liberals are teaching nowdays?
>I just want to do it just because
Nice apathetic response. Have fun circlejerking against your "sworn enemy" like all the other tribalistic faggots that ruin this site.

Nice slippery-slope fallacy! We're hitting all the angles in this thread! :^)
Whitley has no position of importance, not even Jim has any power despite agreeing with him. Hasbro holds the power and they aren't going to approve shit that won't make them money.

Another slippery-slope fallacy, coupled with the need to "get back at them". You're no better than the leftist fucks that ruin shit you like. All extremists are a detriment to society.
>Homosexuality is present from birth
"I'm sorry ma'am, your baby is a faggot."
>Making a tomboy like Rainbow Dash canonly lesbian
I mean the dyke jokes are one thing, that's just us being us, but they do realize how fucking destructive this could actually be right? You're basically telling a kid who barely understands how sexuality works that you can't be a tomboy an heterosexual.

Oh, wait a minute, I forgot that confusing a child about their gender and sexuality is perfectly fine so long as it isn't cis and straight.

Source cited.
The hilarious thing here is that in your attempt to argue us away from our viewpoints with our supposed fallacies, you not only used a fallacy but also presented an extremist view of extremists even though you mean to be a moderate.
>is this the new shit liberals
As someone who was forced to take plenty of sociality courses in university I can say yes, literally everything is a social construct, your penis doesn't actually exist.
>le all sides are bad meme

There's right and there's wrong. Stuff either works or it doesn't there is no middle ground. Centrist are the worst.
>slippery slope is a fallacy
its not though. if people push for something and then get it, theyre going to push for something else. especially when what they want is simply to get people to do shit they want them to do for the sake of them doing it.
A lot of comments here when the post was admitted.
Well, it's one thing to think that "X happened, so obviously Y is next!" and another to realize that once you open a Pandora's box you cannot close it.
As long as we're citing wikipedia then:
>In common speech, consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal or desires of another.
>one person
>the proposal or desires of another
I don't believe animals can technically be considered people. They cannot give vocal informed consent, and whatever "body language" you cited earlier was not brought on by the animal intelligently deciding it wanted sexual gratification.

Also, the article you linked doesn't mention any connection between legalized bestiality and animal consent.

I'm not pointing out any moral reasons why it's bad, no where did I imply it harms the animal.
>inb4 "well if it's not hurting them then what's the issue?"
That's not at all what I'm arguing and diverts the point onto moral issue.
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Reminder this was allowed to be printed and sold.
As long as we're citing wikipedia then:
>A person is a being, such as a human
>a being
>not exclusively human
gee, i guess animals fit that definition too. it sure is fun to be a cherry picking asshat isnt it?

>whatever "body language" you cited earlier was not brought on by the animal intelligently deciding it wanted sexual gratification
even mice can relate cause and effect, but nice try.
>I don't believe

Nobody cares what you believe. What matters is what's true.

Gays are a mental case, and they know it.
Would have been the case if I merely pointed out the fallacies, but I posited counterarguments to why they are wrong and you failed to address them. Ergo committing "fallacy-fallacy" ;^)

And this is black-and-white fallacy assuming there can only be two potential outcomes. Not to say only the middle-ground is always right, committing a fallacy myself, but then again what you're responding to isn't arguing facts in this case as I'm only voicing my dissent on the behavior being showcased here.

Where's the evidence that they are going to actually push for forcing gay relationships into the show? Or that even if they do it will for sure succeed? I'm seeing a lot of claims that "this and that WILL happen" and yet all the evidence given by the people in the last thread show that Hasbro is in no way required nor even likely to follow up on Whitley's ideas.

What's the threat here? How do you and several other people assume it's going to happen? Are you a time traveler who came back from the future to warn us?! :^O
I'm gonna be perfectly honest, he's not too terribly off course. Lizard people are always the bad guys. We need more lizardfolk heroes instead of just generic beast. Tolken fantasy bullshit.
>Why are superheroes created by white middle class dudes for white middle class kids white?
>Where's the evidence that they are going to actually push for forcing gay relationships into the show?
It's in the original fucking post asshole.
If you seriously believe that liberals won't swallow everything they can get their hands on I will gladly point you to the rest of the entertainment industry.

You're not stupid. You're just delusional.

This happened. We have every reason to be worried.
I hope they give us something that indicates Dash is straight.
>Where's the evidence
wheres the evidence theyre not? so far we have at least one individual claiming its something he would like. its not unreasonable to assume he will attempt to get it accomplished in some way.
therefore, it is not unreasonable to discuss pushing back against such ideas.
Yes, let's continue to use wikipedia. I do particularly love getting caught in their hyperlinks sometimes.

But I'm the cherry picker? What about the whole other part of that sentence you stopped at?
>that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood

Under the hyperlink for "personhood", we have conveniently a section specifically regarding animals.
According to this, there's actually only a handful of countries (not including the US) and a select few animals legally qualify as "persons".
>the only male friends in the show
>make them gay
That cheapens the relationship a lot.
Reminder that the mane 6 are all white, heterosexual girls.
I fail to see anything in that section that constitutes your point. All it is is people debating about what the criteria for person hood is. Not the actual definition.
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>Twilight isn't a qt asian girl
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What more is there to say other than he's a cuck?
>horses can't consent
>gays aren't under the influence of a mental fucking illness when they take it in the ass
As a bleeding heart registered Democrat, I agree with you 100%. And I'd like to supplement your with a reminder that they're also all liberal. So just as SJWs cannot claim that they're a multiracial band of genderqueer trans pansexuals, /mlpol/ cannot claim that any of them wouldn't vote liberal all the way down the ticket. Headcanons be damned.
Some faggot using social media as a soapbox? I'd hardly consider that evidence, especially after I've repeatedly pointed out how Hasbro isn't going to follow through for the reasons stated in the previous thread: it's a danger to their profit for a low payoff.

Or you'd know this if you weren't an illiterate retard who would read and comprehend a conversation.

I'm assuming this is still carrying from my dissent against extremists earlier, in which case I would remind you that I am in a position to dislike both sides of this spectrum for much the same reason: both want to control the rights of others and create an environment that specifically caters to people who share their mindset.

In the case of the liberalism in the entertainment industry; yes I am well aware of the prevalent ideology they subscribe to, I mentioned it here: >>27192153
However, unless it's directly affecting me or my life I don't care what they do in their spare time. They might create propaganda movies to push their agenda? I'm a freethinking, independent American, I'll just not watch those movies. I can't stop the masses from doing so and I wouldn't want to, because that would be encroaching on their freedom to be mindless sheep by their choice. I'm going to come off like a massive fedore-tipper for saying this, but I don't care because that's perfectly within my freedom to do. And you can bet your ass I will stand against anything that would take that freedom away.

>Star Wars
>My Little Pony
What we have here is an irrelevant conclusion. We aren't discussing Star Wars, Star Wars isn't owned by Hasbro, and no one from the Star Wars production team works on My Little Pony (as far as I'm aware).

>wheres the evidence theyre not?
Can't "prove" a negative. The claim is that they will, so the burden of proof is proving that they are going to.
I want to fuck Vanilla!
Everyone was so worried that he was going to try to fuck the white woman, no one was prepared for when he tried to fuck the white man.
If you keep giving them what they want you're not gonna have any freedoms left you fucking assnugget.
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>Or you'd know this if you weren't an illiterate retard who would read and comprehend a conversation.

>Where's the evidence that they are going to actually push for forcing gay relationships into the show?

You didn't ask for proof Hasbro was going to go along with it. You asked for proof that SJWs would push for it. Read and comprehend your own sentences jackass. Say what you mean or shut the fuck up.
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Lots of good quality caps left out from last thread, reposting so that new anons get get a fuller picture of just how big a faggot this writer is
The fact that Star Wars isn't Mlp is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is nothing is sacred to these people. They don't stop until they drive out the opposing side through cultural engineering and stigma. Likewise we're gonna do the same to them. They started it, we're finishing it.
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Have you considered taking the fight to them? To tumblr and twitter?

So us horsefuckers can have your /mlp/ back?
>28 posters
>170 replies

Guys I think we have a problem.
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I'm banking on a Trump presidency to cause a cultural shift. Until then, I'm staying here with your degenerate ass.
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Before getting too worked up over Whitley and what he says and does, we should take a deep breath and remember that this is the man who unironically owns a black person for the soul purpose of furthering his own career.
Someone pls alert Hasbro of this gay.
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>making a mane 6 gay

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Pretty sure RD has been from the start, at least from as early as Griffon the Brush Off where the first really noticeable adult joke was.
It makes zero fucking sense to ship her with a mane6 though, least of all Fluttershy.
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And that's it from the last thread, don't think anything new worthwhile enough to post has come up.
What the fuck am -I- personally giving them? Rights to representation while not buying into their shit? This slippery-slope fallacy sure gets dragged on to assume it's anything more than idiots from either side that refuse to ignore shit they don't like and promote shit they do like.

>You didn't ask for proof Hasbro was going to go along with it.
Yes, I did actually but you neglected to include the part in that quote:
>Or that even if they do it will for sure succeed?
And then I followed up with what everyone was fucking talking about in the last thread as to why Hasbro wouldn't do it:
>I'm seeing a lot of claims that "this and that WILL happen" and yet all the evidence given by the people in the last thread show that Hasbro is in no way required nor even likely to follow up on Whitley's ideas.

There is no contrary evidence that Hasbro will that wouldn't be based in assumptions and speculation. It's a financial risk they're unlikely to take.

>They don't stop until they drive out the opposing side through cultural engineering and stigma. Likewise we're gonna do the same to them.
Being a hypocritical shitter only adds to the further degeneration of society. You are part of the same problem. You and your kind push for the same authoritarian control on what rights people should have. For fuck's sake, you even get offended by the politically correct shit they do, the same as they'd get offended at the politically incorrect shit you support.
>Pretty sure RD has been from the start
Since I've already forced you to disavow the very words from your own mouth I'll just consider that an absolute concession on your part, that you are wrong about your point and about your core views of the world.
You'll have to note where, as I've been arguing multiple points throughout this thread.
>people should stop assuming characters are straight
>stop assuming something common is common
hes gone full tumblr. soon he will be demanding we ask each pony for their pronouns because assuming theyre she/he is offensive.
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He'll be like...
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It really is like he can't comprehend how showing normal relationships is at least a LITTLE different than showing gay ones
Does he not know that wedding also sells toy lines and shit? Is this guy baiting or just for real?
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He's pretty for real.

>You're just assuming Rainbow Dash is straight


The guy isn't even consistent, they give him a perfectly good lead for a LBGT relation if he feels such a hard on before but apparently he doesn't want to work with because background ponies aren't enough.
I dont get it. It has to be a main character for some reason. And two who wouldnt even have good romantic chemistry.
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>too bad Faust wasn't there to hear the proposal of two of her characters munching on each other's carpets

Though to be fair if she browses /mlp/ she's likely seen way worse ideas
>"Rainbow Dash has rainbow-striped hair because of her name and because she is very interested in sports, specifically flying. She is a tomboy, but nowhere in the show is her sexual orientation ever referenced. As we all know, there are plenty of straight tomboys in the world, and assuming they are lesbians is extremely unfair to both straight and lesbian tomboys."
>-Lauren Faust
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>you shouldnt assume theyre straight
>you shouldnt assume theyre gay
i know one thing i can assume. jeremy is a fucking dumbass.
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and of course he finds the time to shill her his comic
She doesnt like the association of Dash being a lesbian. So I hope that makes her straight in Lauren's eyes.
can we please have faust read his shit comic and tell him its godawful and a poor representation of the feminism she represents?
The princess one? oh god. Is that his main thing he tries to shill? I imagine the pony ones sell better.
See >>27193793

She doesn't like Dash being gay because rainbow stripes and tomboy, she doesn't mind (or even refute) the possibility that she is.
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>not wanting lesbo pairings in a fandom where we only draw them as lesbians

Smh guys

It's about not wanting SHIT pairings, PinkieDash > FlutterDash.
Can't we just say she's bi and be done with it?
Why wouldn't they though?
I'm serious there's a guy who keep going "he ships dash with FLUTTERSHY" as if its a crime but it ain't the worst ship. They had history and all that.
Anything being made canon is never fun.
So is your outrage in this thread just because of his choice of ship?
not all friends have to be fucking each other. get the fuck out of here JJ Abrams.
Well duh but I'm just saying.

If you're offended just because of the choice of ship it's pretty fucking autistic.
im not the anon you were replying to, but id prefer all that political bullshit stay out of kids shows. its like when you see those fucking stupid videos on youtube of parents recording their children parroting shit they dont understand.
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They do. Literally every month.
>http://www.comichron.com used for source, can't find individual copies listed so we'll compare them to mlp trade paperbacks

>Princeless Vol. 2, 529 copies
>MLPFIM Vol. 1, 672 copies

>Princeless Vol. 3, 616 copies
>MLPFIM Vol. 7, 2722 copies

>Princeless Vol. 4, 512 copies
>MLPFIM Vol. 8, 2307 copies

>Princess Vol. 1 (reprint), 375 copies
>MLPFIM Vol. 9, 1816 copies

Though admittedly this really shouldn't come as a surprise, it's fucking MLP. People will buy and love it based on the name alone. Though it does make his disappointment rather confusing.
the fact people are buying into princeless at all disturbs me greatly.
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>friendly reminder
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The cuck needs to be gassed.
Someone should remind him that heterosexuals are over 98% of the population
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Jesus fucking Christ, is this for real or was there some sort of punchline that got cut off?
nope, only panel after that is her telling him to fuck off pretty much.
>kids questioning their own sexuality
Why do I get the feeling that Jeremy Whitley probably has child porn on his hard drive?
I don't know why but usually loser SJW neckbeards have child porn and I'm usually right about 80% of the time. To me Jeremy Whitley seems to be the type of person that is probably a pedophile.
It's like a sixth sense to me.
I wouldn't want him near my kids.
>Implying you'll ever have kids.
I'm just saying.
Usually SJWs have illegal porn on their computers.
It's a pattern I notice far too often among SJWs.
>Implying Hasbro will want to get big representation of homo in their stories when it can cause controversy in less LGBT accepting countries and treatens sales of their franchise
how do you have this information?
That's a big assumption, Anon. I dislike him, but I don't think he'll pull a Jared Fogle. If he did, he would've been fucked by now.
Obviously no. I can't prove that Jeremy Whitley is a pedophile because I don't have any evidence to prove it. But I will keep my eye on him if he posts any questionable tweets on his Twitter page. If he does post a tweet that will raise some eyebrows then it won't be the first time I'll see an SJW reveal his or her true colors on the Internet.
Sarah Nyberg and Alison Rapp both come to mind.
Wow. What a massively shitty, clueless comic.
SJWs are all driven by guilt and the satisfaction it brings. Its why theres so much public shaming, cuckholding, attention whoring and suicides in the community. I would be worried too when SJW names children their cause.
Finally he speak with sense. LGBT should be as aknowledged as any Shining/Cadance pairing. Making LyraBon a hidden pairing in the closet while teasing them is very hypocritical of Hasbro. Is like making all characters white to not piss off racists, do they really want the money of homophobes?
>if they dont put fags in their show, theyre homophobes
flawless logic bro.

Jeremy pls

Oh hey. A thread about this.


He/she/it blocked me for that 1 tweet. No joke.
>muh safespace

>Dissent in my echo chamber? Not on my watch!
>Hey look, Hasbro. Everyone is agreeing with me. This means my ideas are exactly what everyone wants.
Oh shit all is lost
He has wife and a kid. He's just too libtard for this board who comes mostly from /pol/.

>I don't want to see a fag in my show because they bother me and enjoment of entire show
>i'm not a homophobe
cool story /pol/
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>this thread

This is why I'm okay with /pol/ owning guns. The higher probability of suicide is worth the slight chance they go Sandy Hook on some kids.
>I got blocked for pushing my agenda on someone else's twitter stream.

What agenda would that be then?
>All tweets posted here are the ones nitpicked so Murrison-tier babbus can get mad at it instead of the ones where he actualy explained yourself.

Ya'll cats are bigger pussies than the one that shat out Godzilla, how do you get triggered by a literal tumblrtard?

This guy will never leave the IDW staff?

Oh wow.
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hilariously enough was giving this rant to an LBGT who disagreed with the idea of forcing it in a kid's show
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Obviously doesn't seem to grasp still that you can have your friend's back without being sexually involved with them


>Silliest thing you want
Still means you want it, and enough apparently to make a tweet preaching about it
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Of course, so you should obviously just block them to avoid hurting your feelings

Stop pulling shit out of your ass, that is not remotely what he meant and the drama is dead and he will keep working at IDW. You lost.
I don't see anything contradictory in the post to Jeremy's tweet

Being blind is a tragedy, but you'll get over it, maybe look into some image-to-audio reader programs?
>But has her back the moment others do

Rainbow IIRC usually has her back BEFORE others do

>Cutie Mark Chronicles
>Hurricane Fluttershy
Immediately comes to mind
Don't worry guys, based Hasbro isn't going to let that happen.
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How the fuck is this shitstorm still going? Does he not know when to quit? Even I would have stopped posting on Twitter by now.
>how Dash will give her shit
>but has her back the moment others [give her shit]
>reading comprehension
Well no shit. Her whole friendship trait is LOYALTY.

A romantic relationship between them would be completely destructive.
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Fair enough statement about SU, albeit I think a monogendered species was a more clever way of introducing the concept to kids

The upper parts I don't think ring true though, judging by Marvel's performance. They've gone full on support of representation for months with their re-launch of all their titles, All-New All-Different, with tons of minorities given starring roles and it was doing worse than their old line within a few months. Marvel's sales are almost as bad as they were in the 90's, I think the claim that appealing to those desiring more diversity pays off is incorrect by these results
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Sure, we need nore progressive shit in the show, the sales would be a lot better if they allow the LGBT culture in the show
This guy's thinking explains his low comic sales. It's retarded.

And it's kind of a dodge to say SU has gay characters. They're all feminized rocks. There are no gay people in the show. As of yet anyway.
Why should we give a fuck if they are being taken advantage of though? If they are that retarded they'd probably have fun.
I say we give him what he wants.
Stick two characters in who's job it is to kiss each other and yell we're gay we prompted.
Who the fuck is this?
*when prompted.
One of the writers for the MLP comics.

Wrote the most Friends Forever issues (including a pretty bad 'fix comic' for Dragon Quest though he's written a couple good ones like Pinkie/Luna or Rarity/Babs) and the 2nd most mainline comics so far, all of which I consider to be pretty bad (you ever see that meme of Twilight saying 'they did the wrong thing for the right reason'? that's his). Is easily the most PC of all the writers on the staff and occasionally pushes it in his work.

With Katie Cook leaving there's a good chance he may become the new head writer
the straight agenda
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see, heres the thing. theyve already established that love is a widely accepted concept in many forms in the brotherhooves social episode. anyone remember that? that a "sister" is a loosely defined term and that really anyone could join in on the social? the grandpa was all flirty with big mac even though he was most obviously a male?

so all the hints are there for adults to nod and wax their dicks over. but thats not good enough, because what he wants is them to have it be as obvious as spike slapstick, have the gay characters in front of the camera for 22 minutes, be perfect in every way, and then preach a message directly to kids about how normal and acceptable it is.

but its not normal, and it will never be normal no matter how hard he cries. normal is whats common. normal is something that doesnt need to be pushed in society because its already abundant. thats what the word normal means.
and you know what? its okay to not be normal. accept that youre not normal and be comfortable about it. i could preach to him about zoophilia all day, does that mean i want winona to have a relationship with AJ in the show? fuck no, nor would i ever hint that this would be acceptable.

the irony with these fucktards who go on and on about acceptance is that they are usually the biggest bigots of them all.

Wasnt Dumbledore confirmed gay after Harry Potter finished publishing? saying pretty much that gays are normal people and bringing up their sexuality isnt warranted.

This guy whitney likes pulling this shit out to the front.

Make a background pony. Say caramel or something is gay and it'll be fine.
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People like Whitley hamfist this shit in and turn it into a "Big Deal". They take an established universe and then tumblr it up for personal progressive points. Just so they can say "I'm the guy who put gay characters in X". They have zero interest in the actual characters. They're just abusing the show to make a personal, political statement that has nothing to do with the original message of the show, and that's fucking disgusting.
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>"I'm the guy who put gay characters in X"

That's all he wants. And man, if you're against it, he wants to hurt you.
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I was able to contain my rage up until this point but goddamn... fuuuucking fucking fuck with a fuck. We need to round up and lynch all these sjw fuckos
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Does this picture trigger you? Just wondering...

Thank God for the free market, Hasjew is sure to nix any of this degenerate SJW propo tier garbage.
>Hasjew is sure to nix any of this degenerate SJW propo tier garbage.
Based Has-bro.
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The leftist cucks never quit, gotta admire their tenacity. They will push their agenda until there is no one left to push said agenda on.

>that pic

This is the end of the SJW writers in the comics?
Surely, the cucks ITT lean closer towards the right? Those are the insufferable cunts pushing their agenda down everyone's throat and attacking random twitter comments, aren't they?
seems more moderate or libertarian.
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Don't you know? This is the #MasculinitySoFragile general.
>implying they'll ever admit they fucked
Just let capeshit die already. Should have died 20 years ago.
Homosexuals are humans, so they have rights. Homosexuality isn't a "right" any more than being black is a right.
one is an act. can you guess which one?

Trick question, the answer is neither.
Sexuality of any kind isn't an act, it's simply an attraction or lack thereof.
Animal fuckers are humans, so they have rights....
The whole reason rape is such a big issue is that humans have the emotional depth to make it an issue. Have sex with a horse, and it's not going to cry itself to sleep over it. Maybe if the horse wasn't into it and you physically forced yourself on it (unlikely, since it's a horse) it could get traumatized, but not kicking you to death is pretty much the horse equivalent of consent.
I'm in favor of legalized bestiality. Your move.
You're a sick degenerate who should be euthanized. Your move.
i hope you mean zoophilia.
Bestiality is the act, zoophilia is the paraphilia itself.
How is that any more an argument than me saying anyone who posts on the internet should be euthanized? Your mentally ill opinions about who should be euthanized for disagreeing with you aren't going to convince me of anything.
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Yes there are were powerful unicorns than Twily at the time.
zoosexuals distance themselves from bestiaists due to some key differences.
what are these "key differences"
Zoosexuals are probably those aroused but not currently fucking an animal.

Beastiality is the act of fucking an animal.
to sum up as simply as possible: a zoo treats their companion as a loving husband might treat a wife where mutual satisfaction is paramount, while a bestialist treats an animal like their personal sex slave where personal satisfaction is all that matters.
So Zoo treats its pets as equals? Seems hard to do considering that the significant other is mute and/or illiterate in understanding first grade communication
if youre incapable of understanding even the simplest of visual or audio queues, i suppose it would be.

I find that notion very hard to take seriously.

"normal" people don't even have such a ridiculous distinction, whether you love your wife dearly or if you hate her and beat her daily, she's still your wife regardless, in both cases you're married, one husband doesn't consider him a wifesexual or somesuch.

I get the feeling this is another one of those women/womyn things, or another special snowflake minority with a made-up and self-proclaimed sexuality like bigendercasual or whatever.
it was just an example. technically theyd be your pet either way, even if you consider them more like companions.

see >>27192276 for a typical zoophile example.

Definitely bestiality.
Get fucked Xai. Go back to circlejerking in cytube and enforcing hypocritical fucking rules as a mod on /pone/.
How can a creature that lacks the mental ability to understand what consent is make a conscious and informed decision that isn't driven by biological instinct?
Why would a mature creature whose sole drive is biological instinct need anything beyond that to verify its consent?

If a mature creature were to physically display a willingness to participate in sexual activity with a human being, and in the aftermath neither was left worse for wear, where is the crime?
>biological instinct
you mean the reason humans have sex in the first place?
People gets riled up over things they have no power over.
>it's a 65 unique IP thread, no one give a fuck
>IDW forum doesn't exist, no one will hear your asspain
>EQD will only push over the LyraBon shipping further with promotion of LGBT agendas
>DHX will make more LGBT teases until Hasbro finally canonise them
This is your future and most bronies will be happy.
>most bronies will be happy
yes olde majority without evidence
>Hasbro will explicitly show something in MLP:FiM that has the potential to damage their bottom line

I don't have a problem with those kinds of characters being shown in media, but you've got to be shitting me if you think they'll pull something like that.

They're a company first and foremost, profitability determines the course of action.
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I don't think people care about a Lyra-BonBon being a thing or not. At least there's a solid base for that. Plus they're background ponies, so what the fuck can go wrong. The fact that Hasbro still pretends they're friends is comedy more than anything. They even added them to the official Valentine's card, with a cheeky "or if you're just friends" wink wink nudge nudge.

The problems begin when this dude wanted main characters to become openly lesbian just as a statement. These characters have been developed a lot, but contrary to popular belief, they have never shown any romantic feelings for each other. You will not find something like attached image for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Of course, that's the fucking problem, because this twat Whitley doesn't want a lesbian pairing in the background that's subtle and realistic. He wants a lesbian couple that is as on the nose and in your face about it as possible, for no other reason than so he can flaunt it around in circlejerks and echo chambers for personal social justice points. Pray to god that assholes like him don't hijack the show for a short, personal joyride around tumblrtown.
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It's the principle of the matter that they do not have the intelligence to understand the situation.

And yet it keeps getting brought back to ethics and legality. I haven't brought up any sort of moral indignation nor cited any of the laws specifically against it, so why would I address your question of where the crime is being committed when that has nothing to do with my position?

>Implying that's the only reason humans have sex
What is recreational sex?
Which isn't to say that some animals don't, but rather that they lack the intelligence that humans do to know the difference.
>Implying procreation was the only biological instinct I was referring to
What is Fight or Flight in a threatened situation?
Basically "if it doesn't run or try to kill me, then it must be consenting" is flimsy reasoning, as the only creature 'intelligently' interpreting the situation would be the human.
>The fact that Hasbro still pretends they're friends is comedy
every female ive ever met leans on their fellow female friends and shit constantly. the only people who think these two are fucking each other based solely on how they interact have literally never seen two female friends interact in the wild.
>What is recreational sex
fulfilling a biological need to release endorphins into your brain.
it certainly isnt for reproduction, otherwise abortions wouldnt be the latest fad. guess humans arent as fucking smart as they imagine themselves to be. ^:)

Are you seriously suggesting Lyra&Bonbon are acting like normal girls, while the mane6 don't? Or the CMC?

If those are what you define as normal, what's wrong with essentially every other female in the show?
some male friends punch each other every time they see each other, but not all of them do. my point is its a social norm.
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>fulfilling a biological need to release endorphins into your brain
AKA a secondary reason to have sex?

>otherwise abortions wouldnt be the latest fad
Whoa there, goy, womyn's bodies are theirs to decide how to treat them. You wouldn't want to come off as muh-soggy-knee-stick would you? Now check your privilege and never reproduce! :^)

>guess humans arent as ****ing smart as they imagine themselves to be
All the more fun to dance the ruse cruise tango with.

Oh and also hi :3

It's hardly a social norm when no other female characters in the show does it. The mane6 never gaze longingly into each others' eyes when they're at the café, the mane6 never swap saddlebags, the mane6 don't show up on Valentines' day cards, etc.
That's remarkably self aware for a marvel comic.

Gotta appreciate they irony in them wasting two pages pointing out the exact same thing.
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The level of cuck apologist rhetoric in this thread is astounding. God Emperor Trump can't get elected soon enough.
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>unironically using the word "problematic"
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Oh shit, he argues that Fluttershy wasn't attracted to Sombra. That she was just showing interest as with the butterflies and small creatures. Damage control and denial is real.
>Discord is Trans meme
... I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm sure he can gender bend at a moments notice what with being the god of chaos and all, but Fluttershy is clearly attracted to him in a "cis" way, as a good Celestia-fearing citizen of Equestria. She want the non-Euclidean D :^)
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This is cancer, you need to stop.
Contact Hasbro:


Contact IDW:
[email protected]

Whitley shouldn't get away with all of this.
Do they need it? If so, why?

If ethicality isn't your hangup, then why point out that they can't understand the situation as humans do?
Nope, apparently she's also bisexual or even a lesbian. Because fuck respecting straight or cis identity. Anyone should be bisexual and trans.
See, one of the things that bugs me about the gay characters in SU is that they're all female (you know, for that "I included strong female characters AND strong gay characters at the same time!" double credit).

Female homosexuals receive considerably more widespread acceptance in western society than male homosexuals (for a multitude of reasons) and always have. I mean I'm not saying that the whole monogender species thing is necessarily the wrong way to go but it wouldn't have hurt to throw a couple of gay guys in there somewhere.
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Umm, am I supposed to be mad about this? Seriously, is the page wrong or something?
You had a gay couple and lesbian couple in Sailor Moon 20 years ago already.
I think Fostgitt art should be banned, tho.
I know but that was Japanese and the english dubs changed it and made them relatives instead of homosexuals. Which ironically made their interactions, regardless of how much they tried to edit them feel kind of creepy.
I can't even tell how bad of a writer he is, maybe if he actually put writing first rather than attempting to proliferate his political ideals, we could get an accurate reading of his creativity and skill level.
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These 2 fags were gay even in censored versions.
Wow. It took one google search to prove this image was full of shit. You're just as bad as the SJWs.

Shame anon. Shame.
This is what I see when I googled 'fair definition'
I think more to the point is not so much what the definition of 'fair' is

but more so that Jeremy thinks a 'strong likable female character' constitutes a turbo cunt who throws a bitch fit over semantics, ignoring the intended compliment entirely of a guy who's just trying to do a good deed.
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He just cut the screenshot off before it showed the archaic definition for fair. Fair did mean 'a beautiful woman'.
Is Jeremy Whitley our Anthony Burch?
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Shiggy diggy

Someone upload this to derpibooru pls.
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Umm, it's right there in the second definition under adjective (which is how "fair" is used in the phrase "fair maiden".) Which the comic rather accurately jokes about.

Yes, "fair" can mean beautiful woman as a noun. Not denying that.

It's called mean-spirited comedy. The nice guy tries to swoon the woman only to get verbally bitched slapped because he's using out-dated cliched phrases improperly like a doofus and she ain't having that shit.

Comedy is subjective, so I understand if I'm like, the only one here who was on the floor laughing.
But it also DOES means beautiful, meaning that comic was full of shit.
Fluttercord confirmed!
I realize it's meant in humor but, you're right, I didn't find it as funny in context. It's not just trying to swoon, he's risking his life (and IIRC the dragon eats him next panel) and she's completely cold to that. Which, doesn't mean it doesn't work for a character but when it's a character that the author wants you to relate/sympathize with it falls flat.
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i made a new thing
respect the thing
But it also DOES mean blond hair and light complexion and ALSO explicitly means not dark, meaning that comic was not as full of shit as you think it is.
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Wait are you serious? He gets eaten by the dragon?

Awesome! That's some Invader Zim/Rocko's Modern Life/Courage the Cowardly Dog mean spirited-ness right there. Gotta check that shit out now!
The 'joke' was that the stupid man said something offensive out of ignorance by calling a black girl white. But he didn't call her white, he called her beautiful. The comic takes place in a medieval setting, and the archaic definition of fair means beautiful. The comic is completely full of shit.
Apparently ponies cant be heterosexual.
>9/10ths of population is female
Is he baiting? And having a long, deep friendship isnt grounds for romantic lesbian couple.
That was when SM was dying anyway.
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This one I could agree with

Batman's greatest love is Joker
The dumbass got it wrong

The Joker is the one with the loveboner for Batman, not the other way.
This senpai

Confirmed for never reading Batman. He'd rather watch 10 babies burn in acid than kill his precious clown
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It's true, Joker > current Robin > Gotham > Dead Parents > Talia/Selina is the canonical order of Batman's love interests
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>inb4 mayor mare
Because it's not arguing whether it's right or wrong to fuck an animal.
It is literally saying "animals do not have the same intelligence as a human being, therefore cannot 'consent' in the way a human can".
>Implying that's the only reason humans have sex
>What is recreational sex?

To be fair, recreational sex is still driven by biological instinct, the difference is simply with intent, but no matter how you want to spin it in your mind, the foundational reason that you desire sex in the first place is to pass on your genes, regardless of your sexuality.

Certainly characteristics or disorders that effect this biological drive (Zoophilia, Homosexuality, Asexuality, Pedophilia, ect...) also with hold the same standards biologically, the difference being something is effecting the mechanisms behind correctly identifying the mate one must sexually meet with to procreate. This obviously most likely originates in the brain, and can be due to a myriad of reasons.

While you may be correct in saying there can be other reasons for humans to have sex, such as somebody with a very dysfunctional sex drive wanting to please their partner, even though they have no desire to have sex, certainly the vast majority, enough so to classify anything else as a disorder or abnormality, do in fact have sex because there is a biological desire to do so.

As for fucking animals, I think the answer is pretty straight forward, if no harm, be it physical or behavioral, comes to the animal from the act, and no harm also comes to the human committing the act, I see no reasonable reason why this matters at all. Of course if negligence or abuse is suspected, each case should be investigated thoroughly on an individual basis, as with any other crime, the scenarios are very contextual.
>As for fucking animals, I think the answer is pretty straight forward, if no harm, be it physical or behavioral, comes to the animal from the act, and no harm also comes to the human committing the act, I see no reasonable reason why this matters at all. Of course if negligence or abuse is suspected, each case should be investigated thoroughly on an individual basis, as with any other crime, the scenarios are very contextual.

Holy fucking shit I thought /mlp/ literally advocating the fucking of animals was just a meme. How the fuck do you even prove 'no behavioral harm comes to the animal'?
Animals display observable behavior, if an animal has been abused or suffered from some sort of traumatic event, they will display certain sighs and symptoms that point towards potential abuse, some of which very often include changes in the regular sorts of behavior that we would expect a certain animal to exhibit.
>I see no reasonable reason why this matters at all.
That's rather dismissive, but I'm not arguing from a point of whether or not it harms the animal. That would be a moral issue, and as I've stated a few times already I'm really not arguing from an ethical point of view.

Let me compare this to my belief that lolifags are by the very definition paedophiles, "attracted to the youthful appearance or image of a person or persons" not to imply that I have some moral indignation against lolifags as long as they stick to 'art' and not fall into 'real-life' expression, it is only art and not real life after all.

Similarly, though not entirely, zoophiles/beastfags jump through hoops to validate their fetish, but rather than 'attack' them for it I don't actually have an issue against it as long as it doesn't fall into the oh so generic definition of "abuse" you defined there.
I'm merely pointing out the fault in the logic that animals can "consent" on a level relative to a human, and anything otherwise is decided by subjective interpretation.
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>discussing actual LGBT issues and human rights
>not discussing the fact this little shit doesn't care about them and is just SJWing the pony comic to be a NY liberal fuckface at "white males"

We're not mad at SJW because they're wrong, we're mad because they're fucking racist, sexist assholes who will drag society backwards into censorship, communism and cultishness. You don't have to reinvent the wheel every time an SJW fascist fuckface pretends to be hard right, do not take "lol gayz r abomination!!!" as a serious opinion. Do not let the SJW set the tone of any argument, ever, because they will set it to "hysterical" and grin at you like a baboon while nothing gets done. It's the same smug-shit killing the rest of the liberals - their opponents are never just wrong, they always have to be stupid and backwards, too.

This writer doesn't give a fuck about gays and we all know it. Why? Because he's a writer for FUCKING MY LITTLE PONY.
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HN article when?
This guy is really an attention seeking retard.

I bet if they had the hearts and hooves episode with the CMC today, he'd be triggered that the CMC didnt think that Cheerilee might be a lesbian. He really doesnt care that little girls dont care.
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How many sales does the comic get? Because IIRC it's less than 20 000. A drop in the bucket.

Now if you had argued that it could weaken the whole brand outside of the comics as well, I would agree.

>tfw Bobby is shitting himself over the fact that MLP is still selling gangbusters over his personal favorite comics (TMNT and Transformers series)
He said he didn't watch Gauntlet of Fire, so I'm waiting for an explosion in a few days where he does. Among other things, he'll be pissed that Ember is only given the title because Spike got it.
The thing that kills IDW more than anything is that their original series don't sell for shit. Licensed stuff is all they really have, despite them promoting original series stuff.
oh yeah. That'll be fun.
Can't wait for the thinly veiled racism implying that they're less than ponies because they don't live like them, but at the same time Spike spreading his message was bad.

Then again Whitley would probably be confused that the plucky princess actually worked together with the male and relied on him, just like he relied on her. He probably wants Ember to rant at Spike for a while, then get the scepter herself.
Then he'll complain that the other female dragons didnt even make it to the scepter room while other male dragons did.
Wew lad, Appledash is a better pair.

They can't even get this right.
I dunno who irritates me more, people that go out of their way to push the whole LGBT thing or people that even care what sexual orientation a person has in the first place.
Arent they the same people?
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>modern definition
>what does archaic mean
you illiterate shit, theyre using olde english, and even in modern times it would be a matter of context.

No, if they didn't care they wouldn't push the LGBT agenda, participating in the SJW or /pol/ community takes active effort.
you said the people who do care about the orientation, not dont care.

/pol/niggers don't push the LGBT agenda, they actively push against it, but do actively take an interest in other people's sexual orientation.
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I don't care if your gay or not to be honest fampai-alampai I just hate SJW cunts way WAAAY more than I hate /pol/tards. (not the anon u replied to btw) Aryanne is a qt tho... :)
>implying applejack would vote for a democrat
>implying rainbow dash would vote democrat
>implying twilight sparkle would vote democrat
>implying rarity would vote democrat
>implying implying implying implying implying
inb4 his next comic will be a Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash friends forever comic
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because it's clearly not true.
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All this drama over a little girls show...
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Serious question, when will SJWs stop? When will counterculture stop them. I don't mlp to be another casualty in their war on all things wholesome and decent.
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>"fair" in "fair maiden" is not an adjective
>refusing to relax over a joke
>getting this butt-hurt over an unsuccessful comic

Jesus christ are we this petty now?

The comic even goes on with the examples (fair as the new fallen now, fair as the moon, fair as the lily) in context to other archaic uses.

Nice try.
>Is there a worse writer than him currently working on the comics?
Katie Cook is still working on the comics
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I want Faust to rip him apart.
>out-dated cliched phrases improperly
It wasnt used improperly.

And yeah, comedy is subjective. Which is why his comic sells like shit. His writing is shit.
> and even in modern times it would be a matter of context
i don't mind if the shows cast is large enough, because then it would accurate to reallife. How many people are gay again? Around 4%? Meaning in a cast of 50 people, there could be 1 gay couple. And MLP has a lot more than 50

I personally wouldn't mind even forcing a gay couple in the show or more IF it is written realistically at least.
Lyra and Bonbon. There you go.
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Jeremy is just a Ted Andersen 2. 0

anyone defending Shitley is in denial
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did he buy the shirt?
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>It also helps that I'm a straight cis white man

Way to check that privilege!
What a bitch.
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It is a relevant term right now, and even if you're an SJW jackass who doesn't think that shoving your token minority representation bullshit down people's throats while screaming YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE counts as PC, then you still have to acknowledge that PC was a relevant term in the 90's, which wasn't that long ago. What a fucking moron.
The comic sales dropped to the 12-15K range.

For the record, 2 years ago they still were around the 30K range.
The comic sales began their drop when Katie Cook wrote the infamous Reflections saga and the staff began acting like entitled retards who only liostened to praises and openly attacked whoever disliked their work without even trying to understand why they were disliked.

How many comics will sell the next Whitley comic?
Too many. This right buggering cunt needs to stop making """"""""""""""""""""art"""""""""""""""""""
We'll find out next week I think, the next FF (Luna/CMC) has him writing. Remains to be seen whether its biggest issue is mediocre writing or a bad handling of characters (he often solely focuses on giving one character the attention in a FF, like with Spike in #14 or Blueblood in #26) but I don't see an opportunity to preach about anything with this one.

I think the preview is out

>art by fosgitt

Gonna to be shit
Comic writers are literally adult basement dwelling safespacers

They do all their work from home, the only time they leave is to attend cons
Comic will sell poorly because of the art, not because of the writer

He called her white, you stupid cuck. The beauty standard of the times was pale blonde chicks. Fair means beautiful BECAUSE you are white. Get a fucking education.

>I think the preview is out

yes, they are
>Whitley textwalls
>Fosgitt QUALITY

Who buys this shit?


EQD and shill Q that probably buy 2 to 10 copies
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>Late-night rope course action
This is an euphemism for bondage, right?

The faces are so cute, especially the fillies, but everything else is so awful.

>This is an euphemism for bondage, right?

Just look celestia face in the credit page, she just want more underage horse for her harem
Christ, that one's eyes are warped

HN article NOW
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>Project Horizons

I can't wait for the storytime of this, the drama will be glorious
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>still beating herself up over this
>resolved in season 5
Pretty hilarious because we've got a writer who doesn't watch the show paired with an artist who doesn't.

Actually really, she solved this problem in particular with fillies and colts in early S2, and was done completely with it by S5.
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Did you even read the thread? And that anon's point still stands. SJW humor is pretty fucking shit.
>Old English fæger "pleasing to the sight (of persons and body features, also of objects, places, etc.); beautiful, handsome, attractive," of weather, "bright, clear, pleasant; not rainy," also in late Old English "morally good," from Proto-Germanic *fagraz (cognates: Old Saxon fagar, Old Norse fagr, Swedish fager, Old High German fagar "beautiful," Gothic fagrs "fit"), perhaps from PIE *pek- (1) "to make pretty" (cognates: Lithuanian puošiu "I decorate").

You're an idiot.
You know, I don't care that much about the drama, the SJWs and everything else around all this...
However, I really do wonder if depicting gay characters is "good" for children.
I know kids aren't dumb, they can make the distinction between fantasy and reality, yet they are still extremely easy to influence, if they believe that something is cool, they'll mimick it.
Now, it's not an entirely crazy stretch to imagine someone shoving the idea that gay is cool and kids just imitating it to be cool.
Can you imagine the confusion that would bring, at an age where sexual identity is still mid-development?

I dunno, maybe I'm delirious.
No, if a kid see a gay couple, they might get wierded out or grossed, but not think its cool. From my expeirence kids are grossed out by every form of affection between two people, straight or gay. But you cant be conditioned into being gay.
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No he didn't, he called her beautiful in his own words. The knight obviously doesn't give a shit about what her skin color is, but the princess makes a huge deal out of it anyway. Hilariously, it's the princess who's a racist bitch there. What point was this comic trying to prove again?
>But you cant be conditioned into being gay.
The SJWs will goddamn try their hardest. It's one of the few times that I'm glad to be living out in the sticks where the local culture is about a generation or two behind. Feels good.
>The SJWs will goddamn try their hardest.
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He has really... interesting tastes in comics
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Back to /pone/ with you.
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I met Jeremy Whitley in person and talked to him for a while. I have a strong suspicion any of this talk about equality or whatever is just a political smoke-screen for the fact that he kind of likes the idea of lesbians.

Seriously. Get over the extremist politics and just look at the guy. He's writing comics for a children's IP, and then he got drunk and let it slip that he thinks Dash and Fluttershy should fuck each other. That was a totally non-calculated move that he's trying to spin into something else. I don't think he has anything against white people, heterosexuals, or men - and granted I'm not saying a lot of feminists aren't hate speakers because they definitely are. I'm just saying I think Whitley is trying to be politically correct about liking lesbians in public.
Y'know... that sort of makes sense. Raven headlines lesbians. Princeless is full of them. He constantly says he has Steven Universe on his mind, he thinks the utter mess that is Korra was a masterpiece...

I don't think he has ever commented/written anything feature MALE gays. Just women. Besides his extreme hard on for blacks, I think you're onto something with a lesbian fetish.
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Reminds me of a certain someone, really...
>I'm just saying I think Whitley is trying to be politically correct about liking lesbians in public.

Is this a thing you have to worry about being shy with at a Pony convention? I highly doubt anyone would castrate him for admitting to liking girl on girl publicly to a bunch of ponyfags
Liking lesbians only as a fetish is something that his particular in group fucking hates. If he can claim to like them for more than just that it gives him more points with them.
Fuck. Two panels setting up for a solid joke. Stupid shopkeep trying to sell sexy lingerie because she doesn't get the girl is being a soldier.

Man. What she should have done?

"Don't you have women's armor that, um, protects a little more?"
"Oh, yes, of course! But we just call that armor. You should fit into a piece for, what? A thirteen year old boy? Let me check the back."

Boom! Endearing dialogue! Our hero is being underestimated AND we have a gender joke! Fucking soliloquies, man. They don't belong in character dialogue. Write that in a box as your character's personal thoughts.
>admitting youre into clop
hes not larson. he cant get away with being based.
Well imagine it's a guilty pleasure. Like, let's suppose you know people in your personal group who thinks you shouldn't think lesbians are sexy, but damnit you are a dumb primate and you can't get over the fact that four boobs are more than two.

I am honestly not seeing a guy who is super sensitive about racial stratification. I am seeing a guy who likes lesbians and who gets encouraged to do stuff with minorities because people - probably friends of his - congratulate the moral virtues of doing it.

Just that typical human stuff. Honestly, it probably started off as shippers getting on his case, but he misinterpreted and now he can't back down at all because once you pick up the "diversity" banner you're kind of stuck with it. It would be insanely rude to put it down once you grab it.
I've heard Ted Anderson had some friends at IDW who helped him get in. I don't think it's as easy as just signing up.

Probably katie cook

As hear writer they can invite writer and artist to work in the IDW comics, that happen with ted and fosgitt.

With Whitley as the new head writer we will have new writers and artist in the IDW pony comic staff.

Be ready for a new wave of SJW writers and artist after the main comic #42

Fucking kill me
>writing constantly preaching SJW shit
>sales plummet
>no one can figure out why their new and improved diversity promoting LGBT positive comics arent selling well
Is he confirmed new HC?

Without Katie cook, Jeremy and Ted are the only is the only option that IDW have.

The best option georgia ball(writer of the celestia microcomic, gildaxrarity FF and more) already leave the staff after that shitty comic that she work with fosgitt. The original plan was Amy Mebberson but fosgitt is cheap and quick(and lazy) as fuck and Bobby choose him for that comic
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