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Princess Applejack

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 30

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 134! We're gonna wreck Canterlot some more!
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Here is full archive of the stories in condensed, easy-to-read form with all chatter in-between removed.
Check out the pastebin here:

Curious what happened last time?
Check out the previous thread here:https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/27091818
You are completely new and have no idea what is going on? There is a wikia with an overview of all characters, a complete timeline, previous thread recaps and explanation of the various concepts used in these stories!
Check out the wiki here:http://princess-aj.wikia.com/wiki/Princess_Applejack_Wiki

Confused about when a character first showed up or who they are? Want to know when an arc started?
Check out character notes and details here :

Check out the 'Princess Applejack: Re-Cut Edition' here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15cv3kqExr_vOM0JkUh4dqnvVKxJ5Z-P1KHwE8Z7aG0k/edit?usp=sharing
And finally, while most of the thread is very much clop free, we have a pastebin in case you're feeling a little more naughty with your writing, find it here. http://pastebin.com/u/PrincessAJAfterDark please upload any like it to a pastebin so they can be added out of thread.
And above all else, enjoy your stay at /paj/!
First for Pinkie!
>missed it by one blasted minute
I'm sorry sexy hooves... But work keeps pulling me away at the wrong time...

You'll get it next time, Anon. Next time...
>But work keeps pulling me away at the wrong time...

Tell me about it, I just got a text from work today and am going to have zero time for any writing tomorrow, period.

...Which means, hey! At least the Chitty VS Celly-Battle is either held off for a day or someone else gets a crack at it, small graces?
>t least the Chitty VS Celly-Battle is either held off for a day or someone else gets a crack at it, small graces?

YOU HEARD HIM BOYS! If you want to crash that fight, RAMMING SPEED!

I'm joking, of course. Come on, we wouldn't half-ass it, or if someone did we'd point out they were half-assing it. We're a collaboration but we've got respect. Just be fair and not complain if it's good, but not 100 percent the direction you wanted, and it's cool.
>Just be fair and not complain if it's good, but not 100 percent the direction you wanted, and it's cool.

Oh, obviously! I'd never say "You can't add here", the whole point is that it's a biiig world, and that means a lot of other stories are going on right now. Someone wanted to join in? I'd dance with it.
So appropriate, considering.

13's gonna limit break her this thread, I just know it.
So long as we don't do that AU thing. Damn, that was harsh. Just imaging her like that, when Chitty just wanted to spend a day with her...
I could fuck up everyone emotionally, really soon, I have an Idea on a picture and its sure to mess with some people who didn't live deprived childhoods.
Wait, childhood? What would-

Oh believe me, I'm looking at reference material right now and I'm finding gold, heart wrenching gold, and I'm even finding more ideas too.
It bothers me that 2 seconds after what you just said it hit me what you are talking about. I know the exact moment you're talking about, and that scares me.
Do you think using 'that line' would be too much? Oh who am I kidding of course it will be too much but that's what I want! Mwhahahahaha! I'm crying while laughing cause it hurts me just as much.
I don't mind you doing this, so long as in the story whatever this is all over, 13 hugs the shit out of her mom. Seriously, I want to see some Mega fucking hug when this is all done. I want to see her a hug so hard she actually makes you feel it. I'm going to need some hug when this is all over is what I'm saying.
So, essentially, you are asking for some Two level hugs?... I want that too.
Pinkie Preview Prophecy

>AJ and I can really rock the naked apron look.
>Rarity shows Dash the power of a wet towel.
>Twilight reveals her powerlevel.
>Fluttershy cracks somepony's back.
>Berry Punch rushes in to save the hooch!
>Good thing Cheese Sandwich brought in plenty of foil!
>Applebloom runs into a Bison from Bisongard who can help!
>That was fast fanservice!
You know, I'm not sure what I want out of all this. The end game after this whole mess settles down I mean. I mean, I'm not sure what I want this to end up with resolve wise. It's obvious the writer has a plan, so I don't think I'm going to mess with it too much, but honestly I'm not quite sure what it's going to end up with, or even what I want it to be. I know I want AJ to come in and show off and actually grow as a character, but other than that I'm honestly not sure. This situation is very odd, you don't see it a whole lot of other writing. Most has it very clear-cut who's the good guy and the bad guy is, and their actions they go through feel Justified. But in this particular case, is all a result of a misunderstanding and nobody is really in the wrong save some side characters we don't really focus on, but nobody is in the right either as they are all willing to escalate the situation, except the two who got caught up in all of this who had their own agendas that they could try to stick to, but just didn't manage. I admit it's unique, but as a result it's very hard to see how this is going to end. This one is a puzzle.
>AJ and I can really rock the naked apron look.
I feel like giving that one an 'Oh myyy~' would be cheating..
I'm just hoping for growth on both sides. Ponies need to understand that this whole mess really should not have happened, and that it could have been avoided if they weren't looking for a fight, but...

I think that at the very least, Chitty needs to understand she made this hard for herself, but they have completely justified reasons to act like they did. It's not racism when you literally wrecked their entire damn city.
Ah, a classic...
2 things
>I want AJ to show off and actually grow as a character
She has been growing but having her show up to solve this in anyway is waifu-wankery.at this point. Rarity has to unfuck herself or Dash could stop trying to hold on to her bro card and say they started it.

>except the two who got caught up in all of this who had their own agendas
who is that? Who are you placing in the right? JJ and Acty?
Pardon, and so far she always truthful and holds up her end of the deal. She's to blunt to lie, and so far has had no reason to cheat someone out of their side of an agreement.

Plus, they were racist to lings before she wrecked the city, its racism AND hate for prior injustices. You can't lessen that no matter how hard you try.
>She has been growing but having her show up to solve this in anyway is waifu-wankery.at this poin

Maybe not solve it, but we are setting up her doing something that is not like it just came out of nowhere to make her shine.
Yep, wrecked the city, then...
>Stopped a meteor from killing them all
>Is 1/4 of the reason everyone is not a mushroom
>has not directly fucked with anyone who didn't fuck with her first since the initial city smashing
>has lived there mostly peacefully for months.
>everyone who didn't have problems with lings to begin with have gotten over it and like her to a degree because of toys. And her accidental cleaning up of crime in Baltimare.

But no, it isn't racism.
If you're thinking Bambie, its not Bambie.
Not Bambie!? Then what the fuck is- oh... OH! Oh... Noooooo...
>who is that? Who are you placing in the right? JJ and Acty?

Dash and Chitty, actually. They were the only two who actually made an effort to de-escalate the situation. Seriously, Dash tried to tell them to take it down a notch, and of course the other one obviously just outright said if they could do it later. Dash had her own agenda of just backing Rarity, I got caught up in the middle.

Okay, so she keeps her end of the bargain... why would any of the city folk think that means she's trustworthy? Or just plain not a horrible monster that stomped their city?

They're completely justified in what they did, you can't pin this one on racism
Yes you can, also >>27137015
Yep, because she is so in the mood to hear that "13 is her only child" right now. Which is the information AJ has received. And she thinks her relationship with her is fucked anyway so trying to use that will fall on deaf ears.

Stop pretending you know. It is making preemptively feel.

So neither since Dash fetched the guard to shoot her with no explanation and Chitty didn't take a dive when everyone kept hitting her.

And with them attacking 13, 32, and JJ.....their reason was?
I don't remember the meteor thing, but the mushroom things preserve preservation, nobody knows that PD shot first in not - Philadelphia, she's lived mostly peacefully but they have no reason to think that she's doing it willingly, and even the guys that don't hate the Ling think she's horrible. The guards, Shiny, even the princesses all don't like her. And they're quite public about that too, which as we've seen with the other Lings is quite deadly to public images. They hate her, they are open up hating her, and they made a show about hating her earlier this day in story when the sunset thing happened. It isn't racism.

The toys are actually a good point, as they depict her being something else completely. If anything it would probably make her reputation worst to anybody who met her and saw she was nothing like a comic.
>. Which is the information AJ has received.
Not true, we just left her when her pregnancy started, Chitty might have revealed something else that she can use to connect with hee/bribe her maybe, not sure where he's going with that.

Still, it's obviously more than just her knowing 13 is her only kid.
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>The toys are actually a good point, as they depict her being something else completely.

Oh really? I see a monster here that breathes fire, smashes buildings and tanks. I see a monster that battles other monsters here and in doing so also wrecking the city and fighting the best Humanity can throw at it.

I still loved him more than any other Superhero that I new and I grew up in a house filled with DC and Marvel. Your argument is invalid cause she's exactly the same thing.
>And with them attacking 13, 32, and JJ.....their reason was?

13 was with her mom who they were attacking and was pissed off at them, 32 was running around smashing their heads in and stuff for revenge for what they did before, and JJ looks exactly like the two changelings they were just trying to kill.

Actually? The funny thing is despite not actually being capable of their own racism, the Mechs are being racist, they just haven't updated their software to not be racist yet
Partyland. if it hit would have been an extinction event.

Guards-very racist
Shiny-she hurt 2 also he had issues with bugs before
Princesses-We still are working on having all the mane 6 not hate Chrysalis at the same time. I'm sure the other changeling queen is getting unbiased opinions from them.

We made jokes about that with fans coming up to her, some liked her still others did the "not like the comic" reaction.

It was clearly going to I'm sad because no large brood. It is good for later but shit for right now.
>I still loved him more than any other

I detect feels here and I feel with you man... Zilla bros.
We also had 88 in the comedy sideplot being attacked while pursuing a thief because she was a bug.
I just meant that the toy line is directly connected to the comic book, Chitania's Chrushers, and she acts super different there. More Leonardo than the Chitty we love.

You actually bring up a good point with your image, you remember that really terrible Hanna Barbera cartoon of Godzilla? Imagine if that's the only Godzilla you knew about, then you watch the original 56 movie, and you got to talk to that Godzilla, or possibly even 89 Godzilla, or God forbid GMK Godzilla. Seriously think about meeting the Godzilla comprised of dead Souls right after you watch the cartoon, and actually being able to talk to the guy. That's the result of whoever actually meet her nowadays and only knows her from the toy.
I don't know if I should find it as surprising, or not at all is surprising how many other people in this thread love Godzilla like I do.

That said I kind of agree that people would probably be a little off but if they only knew the super cheesy Godzilla from the cartoon or that first crappy American remake that isn't actually Godzilla and I will fight anybody who says it is, and then met the one from vs. Destroyah. Or, I guess a better way to put it would be if they only knew the Gamera from the seventies movies and then they met the one from vs. Iris.

Part of me likes to think they would actually like her more though, she's like the better version of all the things they supposed to like about the comic.
Now don't take that to mean I don't like Godzilla, one of my greatest regret is not being able to have her do a back and forth volleyball thing with giant boulder against a giant lobster, and please don't say that to mean and I don't like Chitty, or would want the version from the comic to become the regular version, I just meant it would be a change of expectation, like meeting your favorite actor and learning they are huge jerk. Cuz she is a bit of a jerk, let's not mince words, it's one of the reasons I like her, but she is most certainly a jerk.

Just saying, expectations at all.
I actually liked the Hanna Barbera cartoon, it was probably BECAUSE it had Godzilla and I don't remember much from it. I also watched every Godzilla, and the only one I abhor is the American one in 98... But yeah, I can see your point.

Still though I'm so entrenched in the Monster Movie camp and Chitty just happens to be there next to Godzilla and Gamera in my heart. You won't sway me, but I can see your point.
>le to have her do a back and forth volleyball thing with giant boulder against a giant lobster
... I want this. I don't know why I want this but I want this.
Rewatch it, Godzilla mostly takes a backseat to Godzooki, who is really annoying, and sometimes he doesn't even fight. It's really low budget and it shows. Don't know what you think I'm trying to sway you from, I love Chitty too, I think I would love her less if she actually did it start acting like Leonardo. Or, literally any of the stock Heroes that make up those team stuff. Just giving an in-store perspective of what might happen if somebody who only read the book met her.
HOLY SHTI! I just realized that Cordycepts was basically Biollante! I'M GUSHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW!
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Forgive me but...

No dear God no.

I don't say this because I don't think that would be cool and all, but with how our battles go, the final fight would take up like 6 threads. And that's it we tried to go shorter than the movie.. That was a long fight. I really loved it, but holy shit it lasted forever.
But its perfect! She has a kid! Kidnapping scene! We can have a Sombra "CRYSTALS!" joke mixed in! I mean we have pretty much everything!

13 going up to her... not-mom... huh wow thread ghost that's uncanny, and then get imprisoned... damn thats twice, by Cordy Space Chitty!

This shit just wrote itself! My god we can have entire spin of threads filled with Chitty Monster Movies!
>Spin off threads
We will get to that at some point, I'm not sure if that would be a good thing or bad one at some point.
Wait, wouldn't that be Space Spike-zilla?
Tecnically it would be space 88 as it was her cells that was formed into the nuke. None of SZ'a cells left the planet.
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Bite me!
Wow... that hair in the last segment...
Not the anon you replied to, but okay.
If I had a decent Camera I'd make Paper Pones Too!... Actually wait, I could just have them plastered across my walls... Oh... Oooooh.

You have just given me an Idea that will bring me much joy. Thanks Anon, are you perhaps PP Anon?
>tfw I can't into art
>tfw I will never have a pletora of paper pones plastered across my walls and desk in cute little scenes.
I have discovered indescribable suffering, pity me.
File: Never Sleeping Again.png (135KB, 433x506px) Image search: [Google]
Never Sleeping Again.png
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Ah, figured, here for you. This is an experimental style for my "No Sleep" Pinkie Pie. Its for another one of my many side projects of mine.
She looks like she's seen some shit
Oh yeah, the whole premise of the project is that Luna has vanished into the dream realm and all the nightmares are running around unchained and despite Celestia's best efforts they are spilling out uncontrolled into the dream scape. Ponies are seeing some REALLY dark shit and are being messed up by it, and as the nightmares grow in strength and intensity some of them are even slipping out into reality causing even more distress. It's just one of the many Equestria's I have running in my head.
I fear for them all if that's what you got cooking up in that noggin joe
Goodnight thre-... oh. Sorry Ponks.
>What has been seen...
>Oh cupcakes...

>Ya’ wanted ta’ talk to me, misses Sapphire?

“Yes, Two? I have some… questions about this character you’ve been drawing?”

>Which one? I gots a whole buncha them! That one’s a doggy who can fly, like Auntie Applejack’s wants to! She’s always jumpin’ up at the spider changeling who tickles who I’m not s’posed to hang around with.

“…I have several questions, but I will save them for when I have a bit more drinks in me. No, I’m mostly concerned with this picture of… Mommy? I thought the Queen was your ‘not-mom’.”

>Wha?... Oh! Nahhh, yer’ readin’ it wrong, that’s Momsie!

“And… this is different?”


“I brought this on myself. I just have to keep reminding myself I brought this on myself.”

>Nahh, Momsie’s a character in stories not-mom tells! She ain’t mommy or not-mom!

“And these tales are… appropriate?”

>Huh? What’cha mean?... Oh! Is it cause she’s too awesome?

“I’m not sure if you’re messing with me or not.”

>No foolin’, she’s the best!

“You know what? For my sanity, I’m going to call this cleared up.”

>Didn’t ya’ want to ask me stuff? I’ll tell ya’ all about her!

“I was going to, yes… however I also realize that I’m not being paid to be a psychiatrist, so we’re just going to leave it at that. Have fun back home.”

>…This is confusin’.

“Welcome to the first step towards adulthood, it’s all downhill from here.”
>Implying 2 hasn't seen way more shot than you.
She is good at her job, she makes some of us forget she was adult sized in a small group of the last of her nomadic species that was shrinking daily. Chrysalis celebrated going 6 months (their time in the ballroom at that point) without a death.
>Lightning Dust

>This is my chance…

The gods above must really like her after all, she couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity.

>Alright, troops! Pegasi scouts report seeing Titan activity over in this area, and bonus for all of us, our currently on hiatus commander happened to be in the area! Which means we’ve got a lot of innocents, a lot of possible destruction, and you know what else we have?... A chance to redeem ourselves after the shitshow that was this things first pass at the city, isn’t that right!


She barely hid the shudder of pleasure at them saying that to her.

>Formations like we promised, team! We’re the Wonderbolts, and even if we might’ve redone how we do some things, we still know how to put on a hell of a show, isn’t that right!?


>Mobilize, and move out!

This was her one shot to show the world she was the one best suited for the job.

She would not let this chance slip by.

>Dash fucked herself over helping Rarity

Of course.
This just made me think and realise somethings about Two, either of which are not happy or nice, but while both are kinda sad the other of these has a very disturbing implication.

>Hey, Tia? Gotta question.

“And I have so little care for it, I might just punch you. You see this golden shoe? It’s about to be red.”

>Try it, and the only color it’ll be is brown after it finally gets pulled free of yer’ giant ass.

“I find it so cute you think you can take me.”

>Don’t tempt me. But seriously, about this whole “Dragon Lord” thing?

“Yeah? What of it?”

>Do we like, talk with him?


>So we’ve got this possible relation and emissary to the dragon kingdom, and even though we know exactly nothin’ about dragons, we don’t ever talk to the guy. Why?

“Because he is a maaaasssive asshole.”


“That’s pretty much it.”

>…Yer’ diplomacy needs work.
But he IS an asshole! Also we could do much better than Canon when it comes to dragons! Hell the Diamond Dogs have their own place in our universe why not make a better thing for dragons
Could do something where they learn, but rewriting Torch because he's a
Dick would be weird.
Shhhh, no more fears, she got her happy ending, lets just enjoy her dealing with being silly.
Who the hell said we had to even keep Torch ya goof, we're so far off from Canon I think we can rewrite history for our benefits at this point. We only followed Canon to a certain point, we never even opened the box as far as I remember, why not make our own thing. Also he only seems to be some kind of glorified baby sitter, which might explain his mood.

All the other big dragons are probably doing there own thing and we can capitalize on their absence in the video.
But that implication is still there and that's gonna drive me nuts!

>Well, that was worth the time.


>Toooottally worth getting electrocuted.

“I know…”

>All that saving the ponies thing really helped.

“I get it.”

>And look at how many saved you! They totally didn’t just take one look at me and run!

“They’ve got reasons.”

>The hospital bills will just be diplomas of intelligence, that’s what it is!

“Free healthcare, actually.”

>This was all totally worth it!

“…I get it.”



>…hey, Acty?


>I just say it because-

“I know.”





>Works every time-FUCKING HOLES!
Damn, JJ, can you be more of a nagging wife?
He's not his coltfriend!

... He's his husband.
Fuck the implications, she's happy now damnit.

She is happy!
But it implies there could be more!!!
More happy? I'm down with that.
Not happiness, more lings! But if you want more happy Two, I could draw one, I'm currently doing cute pones
>Not happiness, more lings!

You said it, not me.
Well of course we have to keep him, he's in the show!

Still, we could probably do something with other dragons.
Out of context but OK, I walked into that. Lings equal love and Mallys
Do you see Glimmer and her Equalist anywhere? Nope as far as were concerned she doesn't exist and Torch doesn't have to either. We're canon up to a point, we don't use the show as a guiderail for everything
This. I'm actually of a mind to make our own Dragon Nation. Council of Elder Dragons or something, nearly or just as old as Celly but with all the grump that she seems to be lacking.
Did you seriously just ask if we wanted more cute 2? Come on.
Please don't call them Equalist, It reminds me of Korra and on the brown notes it ended on. But I agree, the show is a guide rail but not something we should rely on all the time. We're so different from Canon that we have out OWN non-canon stories.
>We're so different from Canon that we have out OWN non-canon stories.

Perfect reasoning, that fact alone gives us plenty of leeway, we can do our own thing! Honestly I saw we use the show as an example of what NOT to do instead of what to do, more than anything.
>reminds me of Korra

>use the show as an example of what NOT to do
Couldn't have put that better myself, I still think Flurry is an abomination.
Gib cute Two, would also like cute ponies in general though.
Actually Double Diamond and Party Favor showed up in the stinger of 88's little side arc.

So like, if Glimglam does show up, she's probably got access to the Dream Valley

>…My boy, do giant beams of light normally shoot up out of Canterlot like that at this time of year?

“You know, dunno! I’m never around at this time, I might be missing a heck of a party!”

>Ah, yes. A party. There is quite the party going on up there, possibly?

“Could be!”

>And the roaring?

“It might not be roaring, it’s reeealy faint, and sound carries pretty well most days. It might be something else!... Does kind of sound like roaring, though!”

>Yes… familiar roaring…

“Oh hey! It’s the train to Canterlot, it’s finally here! You can get on and leave!”


“Er, Sire?... Idris? Trains here.”

>…I don’t like that color, I think I’ll catch the next one.


>Tell me a joke, please.

“Okay, why did the chicken cross the road?”

>An old one, I admit, but I’ll bite. Why?

“Because he knows when it’s smarter not to be on that side of the street.”



>…H-heh, good joke… goooood joke.
>mfw we did flurry heart better before we even knew flurry heart was going to be a thing
Did you just imply that Two was in the same category as that Abomination?
>Category: Child of Shining Armor and Cadence
On that barest of categories you are spared my wrath, but only just. Two is not "better Flurry Heart" she is Two and don't you ever forget it.
Two is quite overrated tbghwy familiam
She is, but she is basically this threads kid so we treat everything she does as precious.
>Not going up to help your wife

Asshole! This is why she likes 56.

I will burn you both! but you're both right, you won't face my wrath but she is our kid and she's better than MLP:FIM's kid. Biased parents and all that.

“But why not!?”

The Queen remained smiling, even as the desperate pony pulled on her tail in order to stop her long gait. Her shorter legs proved inadequate, unable to even slow her down as she continued on to wherever she was going.

>Sorry, Twi-bright, can’t do it right now.

“You’re still not telling me why. I’d love to hear it, since this is kind of a big matter that needs addressing right now!”

>Can’t do it, Twi.

“Why not?”

>Ehhh, let’s just say some more pressing matters have made themselves known. I might have time to talk to Thirteen later, but now is more important.

“What can be more important than this?!”

The stride at last came to a sudden stop, resulting in Twilight’s face ramming itself into the back of the hole ridden leg. A changeling suddenly rushed up, did a series of seemingly random gestures, and only when Chrysalis gave him a stern nod did he rush off again.

“…I have several questions.”

Chrysalis tapped a hoof to her chin, thinking over something she would not share, before she looked down to the pony hanging off her.

>…Hey, Twi?

“Y-… yeeeah?”

>You’re not going to like what comes next.

Suddenly very worried, her grip could no longer hold on to the tail, and when the Queen started walking again, she found all thoughts of the Titan lacking the hold they’d had before.

“Okay, you’re not allowed to say stuff like that. That’s against the rules. You are breaking the rules right now.”

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I just thought of something, when /pa/ is all said and done, I can honestly say I spent some of the best YEARS of my life here with all of you. Enjoy.
>I’m allowed to say it if it’s honest.

“That’s worse, that is way worse.”

>Sorry, it’s the truth. You, Caddy, Eighteen, you’re not going to like what comes next.

“Okay, fine, I’ll bite. You’re going to do something I’m going to hate… why? If you know it’s bad, if you know it’s going to make everyone mad why not just avoid it? See, that’s the glorious thing about seeing when you’re going to mess up, you can avoid it! Why aren’t you avoiding it!?”

The Queen’s walk slowed and her emerald eyes unfocused, looking distant and off to a place that only she could see.

>…Because I have to, for…

She didn’t finish her sentence, but she did continue her stride.

>You might hate what comes next… but it’s for the best.


The Queen didn’t pause or slow this time, instead rolling her head back and looking over her own shoulder.


Her fangs glinted when she smiled, and she threw back her head.


“What does that even mean!?”

The changeling didn’t answer her, continuing on to whatever destination she had been heading to, moving so quickly Twilight had to struggle to keep up. Only when she was far enough away, did she whisper under her breath.

>It means... this is worth it.

She never stopped smiling.
Oh my god.


Oh yeeeees... but now because of certain discussion a few threads ago I am, ashamedly, suspicious now.
Where are you going, little Two? Where are you taking your marchmalley friend to? Is it a place I can come, or is it very far away? I don't worry you will come back... In my heart you will stay.

Fly away, little Twozz
Now that is mother huggin adorable.
That just screams

>Off on a magical adventure
The only thing moe important than a Chrysalis plot, Two being adorable!
You did this specifically so I would hea the Nyan Nyan song, didn't you?

You monster
I'm not gonna lie, it popped up on my playlist when I was just getting to start it.

>Oh, dear…

He could see the smoke from here, if he listened close he could still hear the roar of that beast in the distance. The monster was out there, and she was loose again.

>PJ, wait…

The changeling who had been stealthily moving behind him paused, hoof lifting off of her gear on her legs.

“I wasn’t doing anything.”

>I’m sure. But, if I may make a request, perhaps reconsider going out there and fighting?

“Me? Fight someone like that? Don’t be silly, that’s crazy. You know me, I stick to the road I come out alive on at the other end.”

>Oh, so you wouldn’t do anything crazy?

“No promises.”

He didn’t look back to her, so he couldn’t have seen her hoof inch back to the gear.

>I know, and I would rather you stuck to that road, if you could this time. I know you like to go off on your own path.

“You know, Haymaker’s probably heading out there, he might need a dramatic last minute save.”

>You’re not all that concerned about him, don’t lie. We both know he’ll be fine.

“This guy, spends a week with me and thinks he knows me. Old you isn’t totally gone, is it?”

>…No, I suppose not. I’m still prone to do something reckless, you know, and think I know best on occasion.

“Do you?”

>Yes, on occasion.

She paused, waiting for him to turn around. When he didn’t, her hoof shot down.

“Be right back, just need to go to the little filly’s room. Try not to get into trouble.”

KLINK, into the wall her hook went, and soon she was off.

>…No promises.

He finally turned around, and started walking towards a certain room.

>I hope Spike will not be too irate at me…
Oh god, I needed this today...
Two makes any cloudy day bright.
Damn straight!
most of the time, I'd agree
however, today? all I see in that picture is my cat holding a ball of string as a kitten, and given that I had to put him down today it just makes me sadder.
Today kicked my ass, uppercut me into the air and strapped me to the ceiling fan, so believe me when I say the brightest part of my day by far, is getting to say INTO THE WIKI IT GOES!

You made someone's day, my man. I hope that gives you a smile.
Psst, don't forget >>27138507
Ho shit, almost did. See, that's what I get for being literally running around since I woke up. I haven't stopped.


>...No, absolutely not.

Her chin stung, her head felt like it had just been placed between two crashing carts, her fur was covered in dust and rubble and her jaw felt likely to fall off at any second.

Even with all that combined, she had exactly one emotion on her mind.

>No, no... no.

Her hoof pressed outward, and every pony around scattered as nothing short of half of a building lifted off her frame.

As lacking as it was for a royal to do, she twisted her neck until her spine popped, and she spit out a wad of whatever unsightly dirty substance had gotten into her mouth.

>I am not, most certainly not, going to be blasted aside again.

She'd had quite enough of the changeling Queens and their tendency to shoot her, and her horn burned.

>Absolutely not.

The sun above quaked, as if in fear.

>I said I was going to get myself off my ass and do something for once.

As well, it should.

>I meant it.

I want it animated.
I would animate a crap ton if I had a tablet, seriously would.
>Celly is back
>She is going to wreck some bug ass.

>these two getting into the action
Okay, I wasn't hype before but I sure as fuck am now.
... wait, really? Why? Neither of them are particularly good at fighting, and it's not like PJ ever actually managed to get her before.
You just know PJ is going to try that again. You know, that. She doesn't care that it never works, she's going to try it.
That's pretty much why, because they're not very good but they're still going to try to do what they can with what they got. That persistence is endearing.
Okay, that's great.
Goodnight, thread
>Trying to write silly wrestling story
>Fucking Chyna dies

Hey, Schmoe here, guys I kinda need a helping hand here. I'm working on something, another one of the many side projects and headworlds going on in my brain, and I need some... opinions. Now normally this wouldn't be much of an issue but it involves something that many of us, me included, despise with a passion. Anthros.

Now I do human all the damn time, I have no issues with humanization. What I can't stand is the almost completely human Anthros, which we commonly know as Furries.

However, 'Anthropomorphic' Animals have existed in cartoons since forever and have usually never bothered us before. I mean look at SWAT Cats, Ducktales, or Rockos Modern Life. That's never bothered us before, most of us loved those shows, Disney's Robinhood also never bothered me much even when I learned of the sick fucks known as Furries. Zootopia did a pretty good job as well staying clear of the Furryside I think. The reason I bring this up, is because I think I have figured out how to make an 'Anthropomorphic' pony without getting into Furry Territory.

Now I could go to the draw thread and deal with the shitposters and probably not get anything useful or I can ask you and I feel I can get better feedback from my /pa/l's than other Anons.

So would anyone be willing to lend me a hand sometime later today?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Eh. Why not. I am in your timezone and will be home around 2pm GMT.
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Sweetness, have a Fluttershy.
Oldfag reporting in.

Have Shiny, Caddy, and 18 all fucked yet?
Nope, if we give Shiny a bone, we have to give everyone a bone, and Faustmom will not be pleased
D'awww, what a Lil cutie pie. I wanna hug it
Daw, now she and Two and had that adventure together.
And I am sure plenty of Anons will gladly critique and inspire you once the other timezones get up
Not an anthro lover, but sure. Just hope the mods don't freak.
Imgur link would solve that
Shiny and Caddy sex counter 3
Shiny and 18 sex counter Idk 1 maybe (did we have them fuck in 18's arc)
18 and Caddy none
Threeway None

Literally every date gets interrupted by something. To the point that every restaurant they liked in the empire caught fire on the same day.
>(did we have them fuck in 18's arc)
It was from the same page, so yes probably.
That is adorable!
I experiment quite a bit, some much so that I never actually refine anything, but there are so many different styles and such that I wish to try or already have in my brain. Yesterday, I was just working on different types of diabetes fuel.
>Berry Punch

The light outside took her breath away. She knew what this meant, and what was coming. The devastation that would follow could destroy all that was important to her, if she let it. She had to act now, push away her fears, stand up and be the mare she knew she could be, and wobble over there as fast as her drunk legs could take her.



“OW!... The heck!?”


“…I’m not sure what to take away from this.”
It means you're a hoochie mama
...see, now I wanna see Lyra in a hoochie mama shirt looking utterly confused. Thanks for that.
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Standard Pone.png
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Schmoe here,

Alright I think now is a good time to post this, I hope you guys can help me.

>Pic related
Is your normal pone standing up, with fore legs spread out. Nothing added, nothing changed, just normal and pure pone.



And this, this is what I've done. Ten changes in total and technically you would only need eight of them but I need numbers 8 and 10 in that Equestria for story reasons.

1. A slight thinning of the neck for the shoulders, this is to allow a bit more space to work with considering clothes and such.

2. I added the previously mentioned shoulder, also to give more room for the previously mentioned clothes and such. Its not even that much of a shoulder and more like a... meaty protrusion I guess.

3. I thickened the arm slightly, just a bit. I wanted to keep as close to the original length and width of a pony's foreleg as possible but I added just a little more meat on it for reasons.

4. This is the wrist about where the hoof would connect, and it bends in the way ours would. You will notice that the wrist thins just a smidgen but it is almost as thick as the rest of the arm. This was done for the simple fact that I think a thin wrist would be to close to the Furryside.

5. Here, we have the big game changer, the real thing that makes it 'Anthropomorphic', the hand. As you can see, its a four digit hand, and compared to ours its a bit stunted in the middle, again for reasons but those will be mentioned in number ''6.''. I wanted fingers for utility, four is to many and too Furry as far as I'm concerned. Two was not enough though for what I needed and it really didn't look... pleasing to the eyes, so I stuck with three fingers and a thumb.

6. If the hand is putting you off, I have a saving grace for it. When clenched into a fist, the top of the fist acts just like the bottom of the forehoof of a normal pony. This is so, beacuse in this headworld of mine, ponies are able to switch from Bipedal to Quadripedal at will. For utility and cause biped all the time is just toooo Furry they can switch at will, more about that in "8." So to put into words... When going on foot is just too slow, when its time to get going, they gotta fist it.

7. I added a tiny bit of lengeth to the thigh, just incase, to make up for the added length in the arms.

8. This is completely optional, but I need it to be story wise, you will notice what looks like a bit of a knee down there. It's not a knee, but actually a smll protrusion caused by the biological mechanism that lets a pony switch between the two movement types. I've figured out a "gear shift" basically. It would allow for moving on all fours like normal, but when 'shifted' allows bipedal movement and more human like leg movements, such as bending at the knee or crouching. I just couldn't stand the sight of them constantly sitting down to get low. I have a diagram, if needed to be seen to believe, ask if ya want it.

9. Added just a little bit more length to the lower leg for the same reasons as I did to the thigh, to offset any length differences caused by the arms.

10. This one is also optional, but one I find astetically pleasing. I've segmented the hoof, to give a more heel and toe thing. BUT-BUT-BUT! It doesn't actually stick out that much, more like how the shoulder is a slight protrusion, its more or less just to fit the boots I desighed for these ponies and to allow some tippy toe action.

But besides that, there are no changes to the torso or facial structure, Its all still the same. I might go with a different style of drawing them but its mostly pure pone.

So whatcha think?
Oh and I forgot to mention something. Up until roughly 600 years ago in this Equestria's timeline, they were still normal ponies, all this is the product of magically accelerated forced evolution.

They would have been normal pones and might even have evolved to look more 'horse' like in the distant future normally, but the conflict they are having in this world is causing the ambient magic in Equestria, which is semi sentient there, to cause them to evolve to better stand a chance against their foes.

I have so many worlds using this design, from the 'original' headworld that it spawned from, to X-Com Equestria and a few others.
I see what you're going with so far, very reminiscent of what that one tumblr artist does, Velvet or something

I'm debating if it would be better to go leaner in the leg, as that might make it look less cartoony than what you are going for, but also look in general smoother, which would make for more dynamic action or movement scenes.

That said, with the fingers it might go uncanny, so I might be trying to fix the sphinx by cutting off the nose, as it were.
wish I could chime in, but I know nothing of drawing...



>Are you going to do anything about that!?

“About what, student?”

>Seriously? We’re playing that game now!? You just… aren’t you going to go do anything!?

“We have not a single clue what thou is speaking of.”

>You’re playing ignorant now!? Really!? Really, after… that!?

“Hm, we are hearing excuses. Does thou wish to leave? We warn thee, we do not know if thou shall be taken back, if that is the case.”

>Oh… ohhhhh, oh, Trixie sees how it is!


>Trixie sees right through you and what you are doing, this is the test!

“Indeed, if thou runs off, thou fails. We art quite clever, are we not? And no, this is not one of those cases where if thee runs off we accept that thou has moxie, we’re quite serious. We don’t have time for quitters, so if thee makes up such an excuse and leave, do not bother returning.”

>… but Trixie lives down here, you don’t.

“Thou knows what we mean. We’re being serious.”

>...R-really? You’d fail Trixie and kick her out for going up to that?

“We would.”

>T-…Trixie does not believe you! Her teacher is no doubt wishing to run off herself, Trixie shall call your bluff!

The alicorn locked eyes with her, unamused, and Trixie waited. And waited. And waited.

She felt herself begin to itch with discomfort, tail flickering back and forth as the unease began to set in, but Luna never so much as twitched.

The Alicorn’s gaze remained hard, and unwavering, and it was only after the fifth minute, that it hit the unicorn that the princess was dead serious. Her eyes kept drifting back over the lunar mares shoulder to the city of Canterlot, and she felt ready to burst.

>...You're serious...

With just a look, Princess Luna said it all.

>But... b-but...

"What will it be, student?"


Blowing raspberry’s all the way, she ran past the shocked alicorn, using her hat as best she could to hide the tears in her eyes and tearing off in what seemed the opposite direction, back towards the town of ponyville, and more specifically the train station far away.

The stunned mare watched her seemingly run away, honestly befuddled at what had happened. Confused, she looked over her shoulder, but again saw nothing, just as she hadn’t after waking up from her nap.

“Huh. We suppose our training really was too much for the poor mare.”

Shrugging, a little hurt but mostly unbothered, the princess of the night returned to the nap the unicorn had so rudely woken her from with her screaming.

“At least we can sleep easier now…”
>magically accelerated forced evolution.
This is... acceptable. I've never seen a halfway decent explanation other than, "this is just how they are/have been hurr durr", but you've actually come up with something almost believe able.

What kind of threat are they facing that could cause that though? I'm a bit curious.
You are for sure going to have to 'tweak' the faces, otherwise you'll end up with that uncanny valley of Palcomx, but other than that I'm not sure what I would fix.
Interesting, I might have to search out this Velvet, if only to see what not to do if its gone a bit to far. Also, I thought making the leg leaner might closer towards Furry Territory than I'd like. As for the cartoony look I do have a few styles I can use, I just thought using canon pone would be easier on you guys.

You don't have to know much about drawing, just tell me an opinion. Furries have kind of smeared the good name of proper 'Anthropomorphic' Animals, telling me if you think its good or not would be enough for me I can always work on it. Especially if you ask questions, it might get me thinking and such.

Thanks, and its near constant invasion by my OC race and their cousins the Daimond dogs. I've named them the Iron Wolves. It's all to put them on even ground, but they're still fighting a predator species that is a good deal larger than them on average.

Drawing styles can take care of that, but I meant things like making the eyes or snoot smaller, or moving the ears up or to the sides.
I'd like to see this diagram please, how does this shifting of yours work?
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''Gear System''.png
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Here you go.
Holy shit, that looks like it would hurt!
>OC race and their cousins the Daimond dogs
"Diamond" I then A. Not A then I.

Iron Wolves huh? Sounds neat, I take it they're easier on the eyes than the Diamond Derps.

And I have to agree, that does look like it would be painful, wouldn't the bones be scraping against one another?
Emergency bro tier returns!
Oh dear god no, I wouldn't put them through that! Its a painless shift, and the only down side is that it takes a few seconds if you haven't trained for quick shifts. The Guardsponies can do it like flipping a switch and there is this little move I imagine Applejack doing that's just amazing.

I imagine her being grabbed from behind to be held in place while another comes to get at her from the front. Shifting the legs back to Normal and just raising them up and bucking them in the face. I imagine the scene so many times while listening to some action music.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to indulge me, I really appreciate it!
On the Iron Wolves things, I will note I once thought of introducing hyenalike cousins of D-Dogs as essentially a henchmen race to camels but since I scrapped the camels I scrapped the Gnolls too. I always wondered how a cousin race to the Dogs would be received.
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Well, I have this one unfinished sketch for the Iron Wolves, this is what I have for them. If you think I can do them justice based on my Wolves, I could take a look at some Hyenas for ya? And Camels you say? That's interesting.
I feel like you wanted to do the floof on the neck but all I see is a really out of place beard, you might want to work on that.
Yeah, when I work I usually just draw on stuff and erase if i see something I don't like, its unfinished caused I didn't like the beard-look and decided to take a break and Its just been sitting here on the pile waiting for me to get back to it. I'll fix it at some point.
I was prepared for cringe but honestly its not that bad.
This domino effect is insane.

Also Luna is a horrid teacher, even when she cares. go learn from someone better....oh wait they are all to busy.

I fear for Trixie, her broness will get her killed one of these days.
Hi my name is Broxie?
Trixie is Trixie. Regardless of whether or not she is being a bro in the clutch, tsundere, or openly pining for her senpai.
I get the joke
>Lucky Strikes

>HA HA! Back to work, boys! We’ve got some fighting to do!

“Why are you so happy about this!? Why would anyone ever be happy about this!?”

‘She’s doing it again! She’s doing it again for fucks sake!’

“We’re gonna get our asses kicked!”


“Why are you happy!?”

>Because now we get to show everyone how much we’ve grown, isn’t that fantastic!?



>And maybe we’ll get some hazard pay and you can start chipping away at the mountain of debt you owe.


“You are a very easily swayed stallion.”

‘H-he legally has dibs on my wedding night…’

“…You are a very, very easily swayed stallion.”

>Dibs on my wedding night

Oh myyyyy~
Oh my god, yes.

These are the best parts of any day.

>Hey, Spitty?

“Please don’t call me that. Please just… look, you have the innocence of snow on a mountaintop that even the very concept of dirt heaves thinking about all the walking it would take to reach it, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, but that is not a name you want chasing you for the rest of your life. That is the kind of name that ends with punching. There will be so many punches in the future that you will accidentally put every boxing match out of business. Please, for the punches.”

>Huh. So I should call Forty Two Spitty?


>I thought ya’ said it was bad-


>I don’t think she’d get it though-


>Shiny doesn’t like it when ya’ shake me…


>…why does that make sense ta’ me?

Sides busted
>Inb4 the pic of them bumping into each other
>Friends over her sempai

That's how you know it's real.

It's alright if you don't notice her, Sempai... her friends will see her every time.
>Tree Hugger

>...Whoa, is it just me, or is there like... lights in the sky?


>I am getting some majorly harsh vibes here.


>Just, so much bad chakra and mojo, you know?... Whoa, I just did a kind of rhyme. Must be from hanging with Zecora all the time.... whooooaaaaaa-


>Everyone's going to die someday, my fellow pony, you can't outrun the reaper.


>No, names Tree Hugger... heh, I get what you mean, I'm just playing.

"...Would you take offense if I said I hoped she ate you first?"
Too think... we could have had 32 as a stoner in jail and then him and Tree Hugger could have had good vibes occasionally... just woooooah.
>Implying he doesn't still get chill all the time.

Bet she's down for casual free love too,
INTO THE WIKI IT GOES! And thank god, FS needs some Wiki love.
>32 actually fucks someone
I can dig it.
Can't wait for the next Installment, I've had Godzilla on the brain since the conversation earlier!
Another installment tonight for sure!
Man all these things, first the heartcrushing AU pic, then the "Secret One", my many many side projects. Man I'm doin so much right now! ...Gonna take a break, maybe I might get the ''Secret One'' done tonight. Woot Woooot for Epic Battles Royals~
... more art! I love more art! CAUSE THERE'S MORE OF IT!
Joe, do you have a pony drawn in that Anthro style you got? It all well and good too see a sorta blue print but do you have one done? I think I could give you better feed back if I could see the 'finished product'.

They might as well have fired at an earthquake, for all the good it had done.

'Well, that didn't work!'

A twisted scrap of metal hit the ground with a furious clank, sputtering out on the wreckage of stone that was Canterlot's only barrier between the city on which it stood and an endless freefall down the side of a cliff.

(Why did ya' think that was going to work?)

The pegasi didn't so much as land as plop next to him, coming in too fast from avoiding the beast to bother with such things as safety.

'I don't know, it just seemed like that would be the best option!'

(That was really the best you could think of?)

'Well, it's not like that's working!'

As if on cue, when he pointed a solider let out a pained scream, wailing as he flew through the air sporting a fresh, ugly looking hoofmark on his side. All around the beast that had raised him up, blasts from all side rained down upon her black hide like a storm, any who could still stand pouring on whatever magic or bullets they could bring. They covered her, in fire and spell and metal, from hooftip to horntip against her chitin.

It did nothing, not even delay her before she reached another, and struck again.

'Damn it.'

As much as it pained the newest Captain of the guard to see his soldiers laid low in such a way, it pained him even more when he realized why it was so humiliating.

'They're just...'

The Royal Guard held formation, they held strong and fast against the torrent of power they could not even stifle, they remembered their training, provided coverfire and tried to get the wounded out when it was clear enough and they would not endanger themselves. They paid attention to where their attacks would spray, kept a mind for any civilians who might get caught in the crossfire, and so much more.

'They're doing everything right!'

Nothing pained him more than having to admit that, and accepting it just wasn't enough.


They simply didn't have the firepower to put her down, she was hitting too fast and too hard, she wasn't distracted or swayed by anyone attempting to draw her attention, only focusing on one at a time and rapidly striking them with a force they would be feeling for days if not months to come. She was fast, she was durable, she as powerful, and her rage was too focused, they just didn't have anything that packed the punch needed to bring her down.

(So, what're we going to do then!?)

His lips felt dry, and the words on his tongue felt toxic to say, only the fact they hurt to hold in kept him from keeping it to himself forever.

'We just have to hold on, until...'

It clearly tore him apart to admit this, worse than any creature or thing back in his adventure could have, and the last words came out with a miasma breath.

'Until the princess comes around, and stops her. We just have to keep the damage to a minimum, and let her fix it.'

A hoof had to steady him and hold him up, lest he slump down in morose defeat.

(Hey... look, sometimes, you just have to accept there are badguys that are just too powerful. Sometimes, the only thing that can actually knock a monster on their ass... is a bigger one.)

That hoof had it's job cut out for it, when he bent inwards.

'The guard are supposed to make sure that never happens. We're supposed to bring in the monsters...'

He winced, listening to yet another of his soldiers land with a pained smack on the side of a building before rolling to the ground in with a pained groan.

'Not just give them something to hit.'

(Thought you guys were just supposed to protect the normal folk.)

'We are.'

(Well... don't see them getting hit, do you?)

It was a small, tiny little grace he gained when he looked around, and she was right. The citizens had fled, and now the only one getting battered was the sworn protectors of the city.

'...it's something.'

It wasn't much, but it was a little something.



Unlike what came next, which proved to be a something on a whole other level.

One hoof going down, straight down, was all it took.


The breath left him, his pirate companion, and ever guard even remotely nearby when a shockwave of dirt and stone rolled out, battering those nearby with brick and dust. When it ended, there were far fewer ponies on their hooves, and far fewer still who could get back up again.


The Titan threw back her head, and roared. She roared in triumph, in victory, and somewhere in there, relief.


She didn't look to him with her bloodshot eyes, but somehow, everyone present knew the voice had her attention.

~You want to pick on someone!? Try someone your own size!~

'Ohhhh no.'

She couldn't fly, anyone with eyes could see that. She had no weapon, that was plain for all to see. She had nothing, but her own consequences be damned attitude.

It hadn't worked yet, but that had never deterred Rainbow Dash before.

~You want a fight? Bring it over here, let's see what you've got! I'll show you what happens when a rainboom goes right under your tail!~

She was obviously bluffing, as she looked less capable of flying than a one winged sparrow, but she stuck to the lie, stomping up to the mare without a single regard for the muscles visible beneath blackened, scorched chitin.

~You feel like letting it out? Come on, over here! Come get your piece! Come on, take it, you don't want them...~

Something that Pommel, nor Daw, nor any other soldier or civilian below, passed between them when the Titan looked over to the pegasi.

~I know why you're mad, I know you don't care about those guys. You know who you want, and it's not them... Come get it.~

She stood there, forelegs wide, defiant, daring the Titan to hit her. More than that, she seemed to expect it.

Seemed to want it.

~Come get what you really want, take it out on someone who can take it, make it all better, and then... st-~


Rainbow Dash had been expecting a hit that day. She had been welcoming it, when the Titan's hoof had snapped up and shot forwards.

She had not been expecting a force that made her whole neck fight with everything it had to keep her skull from being ripped clean off her shoulders, and sent her into a world of pitch black darkness, and dreams filled with pain. She had not been expecting that.

Nor had Chitania.


What had been in that beam of white that struck her in the chest, she could not describe. Dash, even with all she had felt, had not even been grazed by the beam. She had only been struck by the sonic boom and outward rolling of hot air surrounding the lightning fast blast, not the full body of the attack.

That was reserved for the poor chestplate that suffered yet more magical abuse. It did it's job, what little it could, to keep that strike from boring a hole right into her heart, to aide the Chitin below and keep from tearing the Titan in two. What it did not do was keep her firmly planted on the ground.


Nor did it keep the jolt of pain shooting down her body every single time she struck a building on a journey across Canterlot.

The beam had been focused, aimed with precision, and she met mostly street on her path through the city. The odd building she hit were clips, edges that could not be avoided, a piece of an empty abode on the way that proved to be too direct in the path. The beam had been planned, and it had not been fired lightly. It had struck, and it had struck true, and sent the Titan flying.

Clear over the edge of Canterlot.

Those lucky enough to be at the corner would forever remember the day a tiny black speck spun through the air, roaring like a flipping lion, and landed hard inside of Everfree forest.

'...I don't feel so bad now.'

The guard, the citizens, all present let out a sigh of relief, as their most favored princess descended from above in a beam of light.

"Oh, Dash... I'm so sorry."


She gently summoned the magic to lift the pegasi, cradling the limp body as best she could.

"You picked the worst possible place to stand. An inch or more to the left was all it would have taken for you to avoid it, but an inch or more for me... I'm sorry, but when I saw her about to attack I couldn't let her hit you, she would have caved your head in like a grape. I did not want to cause you worse pain, but... it had to be done, she had to be stopped. I know, in my heart, you will forgive me."

With all the grace of a mother, and the elegance matched only by her ethereal mane, she levitated the mare over to the nearest guard.

"...Is Rarity alright?"

Without even needing a glance in his direction, everyone knew who she spoke to.

'She was the first evacuated, ma'am. She's... in rough shape. Whatever Chitania did, she didn't do it lightly.'

The princesses head nodded slowly, keeping her gaze on the rubble all around.

"Why did she do this?"

'From what I could hear garbled out of about a half dozen screaming ponies, she was causing a scene, Rarity tried to force her to leave, and... this.'

"So much... for something like that? It doesn't seem like her."

'...Doesn't it?'

The princess gave no response to his rhetorical question, but not for the reason he thought of.

Instead, her entire focus was aligned with her eyes that raised to the sky.

"Captain?... Get your fellow guard clear."

'...Son of a-'

There was no fire of teleportation in the sky above the clouds, no sign of magic used at all. Even with that truth staring them in the face, the object above had to be some sort of the most deadly of black magic.

Nothing else explained the fact her wings weren't moving.



Everyone watched in horror as the Titan rained from the sky like a monster rain, directly on top of the Princess of the Sun's head.

Those same eyes watched in confusion as that same princess vanished in a blink. Not the magic of teleportation, but of simply never having been there at all. Something else remained in her place.

"Did you really think you were the only one who could use illusions and sneak attacks?"

A voice, in the exact same spot it had seemingly coming from, and something else.

Something rapidly beeping.


Then exploding.


(Can nobody do this quiet!? Where's princess fuckin' ninja when you need her!?)

Their ears were never going to stop ringing. No matter how focused and contained the explosion had been, they all still felt a shake from it down to their hearts, and felt legs that had barely stood at all once more crumbling under their own weight.

(Any chance she's actually fucking dead now?)

Though there was no chance anyone at all could have heard her, somehow, she knew that roar was for her.

One swipe of her hoof, and the clouds of dust rolled away.

Just in time to see the massive wall of stones directly above her. Stones that, as impossible as she found them to be, seemed familiar.

"Oh, and by the way?... Yes, this is for punching me with the castle."

No matter where she looked, where she searched, she could see hide nor hair of the sterling white body, which left her nothing to charge, nothing to attack, and nothing to punch before the attack could come.

She could only roar when they all rained down.

'...You know, maybe the princess fixing it isn't so bad.'

Something about those rocks exploding one after another, as if they had been laced with detonators, made him smile.

'They know how to make it look good.'
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>Thinking she needs wings to fly

Someone hasn't been watching his monster movies.
...C-celly's getting a real fight scene.



And she's finally getting off her ass!
>The world's unluckiest streak continues


Though I will admit, I dunno if she was actually gonna punch Dash retarded right there, this might actually be best case scenario.
>Rainbow Dash
>She has bigger balls than any dragon
>she also probably should've been all "WHOA WHOA! Hold up, stop shooting her, this was our B! Our B, mare!"
My most favorite scene ever, it brought me so much joy!

Element of Loyalty would lie like a little bitch to appear on 'right' side with all her friends instead of telling the truth.
I do have one, but its not exactly the same, the 'knee' bit isn't there, neither is the segmented off. I'm also not entirely happy with this one but yeah here ya go.


>her wings weren't moving.

About time someone finally figured that little tid bit out about the wings.
>Element of Loyalty would lie like a little bitch to appear on 'right' side with all her friends instead of telling the truth.

She actually didn't lie, she's just not throwing Rarity under the bus. That she was willing to let Chitty beat the shit out of her when she can barely see straight already just to calm her down is a point in her favor.

She doesn't want her friend to get reamed for this one when she can't defend herself, she's too loyal, but she also can't let Chitty rampage, she did at the very least a 'you're not a piece of shit' path.
>"Oh, and by the way?... Yes, this is for punching me with the castle."

I didn't say she lied, just that she would lie, read man. And she needs to be hit with a bus, it will knock the black shit right off of her.
It happened

Chitty has become the Hulk
I'm going to put my pain into your soul!
Celly can legit take her so this isn't a surprise.

And the narrative has already been spun that Chitty was the one starting shit and rarity was the one being reasonable (meaning Appul pone is even less likely to talk it out). Dash is too loyal to toss Rarara under the bus and Rarity isn't going to take a status hit saying she poked the monster. unintended I know, but bitch should have started with saying "SUNSET" instead of getting her "insults for posh pones" thesaurus out. Because vaguely shouting at four people and gesturing in a general direction that all four of them are in, doesn't cut it.

So to recap, Chitty should lose to Celly, AJ swooping in to stop everything has become more contrived, and Rarity and Dash aren't saying anything, which means this won't come out until Sunset surrenders to AJ, if they even believe her.
You know it's kinda stupid that Chitania only ever deals at most broken bones and minor concussions to ponies.

Yeah, I get that we've got a sodding PG-13 rule or whatever, but DAMN does it drop the tension when the worst you can think is "oh nooooo, they're gonna be in hospital in a month with non-fatal/critical injuries"

Not even any shattering of bones? Neuromuscular damage? Internal bleeding? Punctured innards?

I'm talking about the regular joe getting blattered across the place, guards and ponies alike.

Not even a "Dude, you nearly killed those guys holy shit"
Spike, 42, and anyone from Pom's adventure have more confirmed kills individually than Chitty without her flashbacks. She just has six unnamed gryphons, 1 dragon, and she didn't even kill varry.

When she is fighting an alicorn or Chrysalis, yeah she isn't going to take them out, put the guard, the run of the mill lings, and the nobles that she has been fighting recently. In truth she should have killed someone in at the very least this fight, she won't, but she should have just based on strength difference.

We won't let her kill because we need Celestia and co. to forgive her so she can go full good guy.
Speaking of Celestia, she (and Chrysalis) racked up a ton of kills with the monsters from under Canterlot.
>to forgive her so she can go full good guy.
I thought we were not doing the bad bits from the show?
>Changelings in general
>sunset twice (going to be three times)
>Flim and Flam (getting there but don't matter enough to finish)

If we were not doing the "bad bits' from the show we would have chucked the lings into the everfree like AJ wanted.Failing that, would have had Shiny make the empire bug free, Failing that, left 32/BB to rot, Failing that would have killed Sunset/left her to rot, failing that....you get the point.

Our good guys have a deep well of forgiveness, under circumstances in which they hold all the cards but still. Your wish for her to just squash someone under her hoof so she can be "irredeemable" are gonna fall on deaf ears just like the ones that want us to kill HER.
No one wants her to be full good guy, we just want the good guys to get their heads out of their plots, off her case and stop treating her like a bad guy and just a neutral party.
Full good guy was a poor choice. More antiihero that sides with our guys when shit happens, and does her own thing the rest of the time.
Much better, and I agree Anti-Hero suits her much better, like Godzilla. Saving the day by taking out the big monsters and stomping half the city flat most of the time.
So here's a thing.

Now we're the kings of the caverns
Oh, and we live our lives with glee
But when nearing the top
We are having to stop
And turn our tails to flee!

We wish to be like you, ponyfriend
And trot into your towns
And be just like the colts and mares
We're tired of skulking arounds

Oh ooh be do!
We wish to being like you-ooh-ooh
We wish to walk like you
And talk like you, too-ooh-ooh!
You'll be seeing it's true-ooh-ooh!
Strange ponies like we-ee-ee!
Can be learning to be like somepony like you-ooh-ooh!

We don't wanna fool you, ponyfriend
We'll make a trade with you
Shield us from the power
Of the daylight hours
So we can be like you!

Please give us the secret, ponyfriend!
C'mon, be telling us what to do!
Save us, no deceivin'
From the sky's foul demon
So we can be like you!

Oh ooh be do!
We wish to being like you-ooh-ooh
We wish to walk like you
And talk like you, too-ooh-ooh!
You'll be seeing it's true-ooh-ooh!
Strange ponies like we-ee-ee!
Can be learning to be like somepony like you-ooh-ooh!

[Ms. Colstly]
Now you all may think it ridiculous
That a mare of such magnificence
Would ever dream
She'd like to team
With the likes you fine folks

But with Fawntaine science thinking
I've a theory, no mere inkling
We've got desire
To bring you higher
But the plan I have needs you

So ooh ooh
Help me help you-ooh-ooh!
I wanna make it plain
I feel the same as the lot you!
Oh how lovely to have a fleet
Of you Morlocks on the street
And you'd learn to do
Like we ponies do-ooh-ooh-ooh
You'd to be
Like somepony like meeeee~!

[Brass Pommel]
"...well they certainly share our species' love of song, need to make a note of that.
Pretty sure there are typos but I wrote this at like 5AM on my phone and it's a rough draft.
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Ooooh yes
This is amazing
I effing love song numbers and that one just makes me happy
Thaaaaaank you
I'm actually thinking about singing this.
We should do it in choir
I'm thinking a capella with myself, if I can pull it off.
May write a Be Our Guest spoof too. Maybe This is Halloween as well.

I'm sad I could never really get my original idea for them of 'Villain Songs made innocent' off the ground.
Wow, that's pretty catchy
She'd be more like the first thought, true neutral, if we go Godzilla.

Even when he was saving the day, Godzilla was rarely a good guy, just out to kick ass and protect his turf. He was never good unless we are talking about Vs Megalon and his Zone Fighter moments.
And what song is it supposed to be?
>Zone Fighter

Think its Be like you.

Jungle bookz
it's "I Wanna Be Like You"

From the new Jungle Book movie, which was surprisingly good.


“Still no customers?”

>Still none. It’s been so quiet here recently!

“Well, that’s what happens when your major client leaves for another city.’

>How did Miss Rarity get so rich anyway?

“Being the friend of a princess probably has some monetary gains, I guess?”

>Before that.

“…Extra services to her rich clients?”


“Oh please, it’s not like you could tell, she’s always white!”

>Oh ho! Snap snap, sister!


>…Wow this is boring.


>Maybe we should-




“…Were you going to say-“


“What did I tell you about that!?”

/pa/, apparently the Kaiju Capitol of /mlp/
This cannot be denied and I am proud of it.

“Sire? Mr King? You uh… you okay?”

>Smashing my boy, why do you ask?

“Don’t want to press, but you look worried.”

>Myself, King of all Griffons, worried!? I should carve out your tongue for insinuating such! I should have you boiled alive in insult! I should have you drawn and quarted! Ripped to shreds by wild diamond dogs! Eaten by-

“I have foil.”


“Lots of tin foil.””


“To protect my head.”


“Aluminum foooooilll!”

>That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard-

“I am more than willing to share.”



>…I accept your gift of apology.

“Never doubt the power of aluminum foil! I wrote a whole song about that… didn’t end well, have no idea where the lizard ponies came from.”


“…By the way, that diamond dog line was super racist-“

I can hear it...

Damn it, I was going to see that later too, now this is going to be stick in my head until I do...
She's done way worse in the past. She used to put crime lords in comas.

In fact, she cracked Spikezillas skull when she first fought him, before he knew king fu. I'd question why she suddenly doesn't have them spitting blood.. But we know why.

Sunset bitched 13 out for it last thread.
>I'd question why she suddenly doesn't have them spitting blood.. But we know why.

>Sunset bitched 13 out for it last thread.

Wait now you lost me

How did Sunsets little "KILL THE FASCISTS REEEEE" talk to 13 put Chitty into Kittenpaw mode?
Thats exactly what I got from that comment too.

Cut my hair for the first time in 6 years and holy hell my head feels so much lighter its trippy. I kinda wonder now just how much hair weight AJ lost when she got her mane annihilated, and wither or not she's had that kinda giddy swaying your head around thing I got going.
Trixie EP Tomorrow, will she finally be friends!? Hope their are bits we can use, even if its just non canon.
She's not putting her IN 'limiter on' mode.

She talked 13 into taking it OFF.

>Crystal Guard

>Okay, there was an incident on the fifth floor, we know it was a changeling, and to them I say, you’re coming with me.


“You have stumbled into a world you do not understand! “

“For the one who committed such a crime was visible to all, seen by many, and lies in this crowd!”


“You have been felled by your blind eyes that can see, foolish pony!”

“We are one, the last Hive! The greatest of our kind, by default!”

“The best kind of fault there is!”

“Who shall you claim has done it, pony! Choose wisely, for if your hoof points wrong, the mockery shall never end!”

“You swim in a sea of masks, pony! Lift it if you dare!”

“And with it, lift away your own mask, your own face you see in the mirror, and see what really lies beneath the façade you put on for all to see!’”

“Choose one of us, pony! CHOOSE!”

>I know it was you, Forty Six! I was just trying to be nice so not everyone knew you wrecked the damn toilet with a spray that frankly seems biologically impossible!


>And I’m not ‘Pony’! My name is Shatterhoof, thank you! I have a name! I have an identity! T-that you guys still don’t know I’m more than just a pony… That… that really huuuurrrrttt! BAAWWWWWWW!

“…A part of me knew we were all assholes.”
-Various Guardponies-


>Fire! Fire everything! Throw your spears, rocks even, just keep firing at her!

(Swish Swish Swish)

>Careful, you idiot! I said at her, not around her!

-Sorry, sir! I'm doing my best!-

>...Who made that man a Battle Caster?

-I did, sir. He's my cousin.

>Who is he?

"He's an Asshole."

>I know that! What's his name?

"That is his name, Cap. Asshole, Major Powdered Asshole.

>And his cousin?

"He's an Asshole too, Cap. Battle Caster, First Class, Glistening Asshole.

>How many Assholes have we got in the Solar Guard, anyhow?


>...I knew it, I'm surrounded by Assholes... Keep firing, Assholes!
I still don't get it. Please explain for stupid people
Sunset convinced 13 to get Chitty to stop holding back, and go full out, balls to the walls, Monster Movie Marathon on their asses.
Oh I haven't seen that movie in at least eight years, great reference! I did a "HAH!" in public and people are looking at me.
Wouldn't that mean people are dying left and right? Or is she so skilled that she can somehow soften her blows to be non lethal despite her RAGE?
1, chitty is so skilled with her power he can effortlessly play a violin even when pissed off.

2, 13 hasn't reached her yet, she's still likely holding back.

Don't take this as fact as I don't know what he's planning, but I think the reveal is going to be 13 unconsciously mindwhammyed her mom so she never killed anyone to keep them from looking bad. Chitty isn't trying to not cripple anyone, 13 just brainzotzed her so she wouldn't.

And then Sunset came in...
Probably maybe, and what do you think shes been doing all this time?
To be fair, Sunset also thinks this is plot to get Chitty now too.
I know I've seen the movie before, but I can't remember what movie it was in. Can someone enlighten me please?

>…Should I ask-


>I feel like I should-


>This seems ask worthy-


>At the very least it’s wondering worthy-


>Maybe inquirable-


>…Why do you have a bunch of-


>Fine, you know what? Fine. Just tell me why you look like you got punched in the face a lot.




>…Did you just seriously imply the Crystal Soldiers, my army, finally managed to get some solid shots in with you and not get beaten to shiny bits because they threatened a bunch of dolls of my wife?

“They also have dolls of you in there.”


“And one of Chrysalis, weirdly.”


“I still saved her. I’m not sure what that says about me emotionally, but I did it.”


“…I think I have a problem.”

>No, you don’t.

“I… don’t?”

>No, you know who has a problem? The ponies that tried to beat up fake versions of my wife.


>Forty Two? If they bring them out, get the dolls to safety… I will handle the guard.


>With punches.

das cute
>Finally get a punch in on her
>The method pisses Shiny off.

Seems about right.
>Colstly Employee

>...Well, that's probably not good-


"I need something with enough firepower to wipe out a whole city!"



>...Is... is this related to the fact Queen Chitania is on a rampage?



"I mean, yes. That is what I am doing."


"This is super important-"

>We do perform background checks-

Pffft, liberal ass Equestria. They just want only the government to have weapons that can nuke a city, that's all!
Sorting through my piles of doodles, might find some neat things I did for /pa/ but never put up! Gonna take forever~

She could hear the cheers.

Far and wide, they were cheering, celebrating the spectacle before them. More than any gathering or event before, she heard them cry out in elation. She had never heard something like this, had seldom been present on any occasion that would bring such a crowd joy, but this squashed the paltry few she had seen.

Chitania could hear them cheer, but just barely.

Even as loud as they were, the sounds of magic and explosions so grand in her ears nearly blotted them out.

"If you want me to go easy on you, you only have to ask."

The princess, as proper and pacifist as she was, had a mean side it seemed. She was more than the simple beams of magic, much more than she had ever let on. The tales of her being the head of a school that teaches such wonders were true, it seemed.

She knew this, from nothing if not the sheer variety on display.


Her whole of a chitinous body bounced against the ground, flung away by a steel projectile of twisted metal driven right into her face. Her flight only stopped in the embrace of a water fountain that shattered under her weight, and there she remained. Not of choice, but from the hold of the ice that covered her body in it's entirety as a spell was cast to freeze her solid.

She shook, a time long ago yet again flashing before her vision and seizing her heart. Her weakened muscles strained, leaving massive cracks all along the entirety of the clear substance.

"Oh, you wanted out? My apologies, let me help you with that."

The ice broke, but too late. Her brief gasp of air was taken from her as a ring of fire danced down all around, a tornado overcoming her and surrounding her on all sides. In the center, she felt the burn, but was not singed.

Not until the ground beneath her shot outwards, taking the shape of a hoof, and forcibly shoved her into it.

"That better?"


She roared with a fury unmatched, a single swipe of her hoof more than enough to destroy both that which held her and scatter the fire to the winds. She was free, injured though she may be. The inferno that had been was nothing compared to the heat in her head as she snapped from side to side, looking for any sign of the princess that tormented her so, but found nothing.

"Over here!"

She didn't even bother to look at the 'Celestia' who stood behind her, instead idly flicking a rock backwards into the ponies head. A rock that passed through harmlessly, while detonating yet more, far less harmless explosives.

"Would you believe that actually was me, and I can just turn myself into explosions? I could, you don't know me."

The wild beast snapped over and roared again, throat burning as she stared down the 'princess' that taunted her.

Or rather, princesses. Three of them, in fact.

"Oh, and this is my sister, Cellybobelly!"

The illusion waved, the one beside her scoffed, mocking looking put out at having not been included.

"Oh dear, she looks like she's upset."

Her response was an incomprehensible, gargling roar.

"You know what you need?... Hugs!"

She tried to summon her flame, a ring of green curling around her and ready to carry her off. She only made it about halfway before something very, very large struck her in the back of her head, and shoved her into the embrace of the illusions.

The eruption could be seen clear from the castle.

"I'll have you know I'm really mad now, I loved that statue. Hm, does that mean it's narcissistic if it was of myself? Bigger question, do I care?"

A black meteor struck the earth where the voice had originated from, landing so hard a fissure spread along the entire city block.

"No, I do not."

The Jack In the Box sporting the visage of the princess almost seemed amused at her frustration.


"Well now, look what you've done! You've cracked my entire street with that little stunt. Do you know what I'm going to have to do now?"

She didn't need to further that rhetorical question, the changeling had an inkling.

"I'm going to have to get rid of the whole thing."

She could hear the strain in the princesses voice, but only barely over all the twinge of satisfaction laced through it. She kept her word to the letter, and the entirety of the street lifted. It did not stay up long.

Nor did it come down as easily as it had gone up.

"Have you had enough yet?"

The eruption of ground came, but it did not come with the thunder it had on previous days.

The Queen Changeling was panting, she was slowing, and she was barely standing.

Barely, but still standing all the same.


Standing, and defiant.

"I'll take that as a yes."

The magical spell was quite effective. A spell to immobilize and restrain, to jolt the body's natural functions and bring them to a halt with spells alone, and finally she felt the poor chitin had been struck enough that such a spell could not be broken by force. It was a magnificent spell, and she knew it would do it's job beautifully. It only had one catch.

It had to hit her.

"Oh dear."

That proved impossible, when the green flame came, and the tall changeling vanished.

"You're getting faster with your teleportation? Impressive. Now... where did you go..."

Strangely, no matter where, or how far she looked, she could not see her. She could not hear any screams of fear from those who saw her elsewhere, could sense no magic of a changeling bend. As far as she could tell, the Queen had simply vanished from the face of the earth.

"That's not good..."


She descended from the clouds, glowing with a luminescent, untouched luster. Softly, she landed in the previous spot where the body of the changeling had been, searching far and wide, but seeing nothing.

"Well, I suppose she's simply fled! The Great Chitania, running away like a little filly in a thunderstorm. It's almost cute. I suppose there's nothing to do now but walk away. Such a pity, I was looking for a real challenge."

Her taunt went unanswered, and likely unheard.

"Oh my, really? That was just a bit of fun, did she really just flee like that? Oh ho, I must be getting back on my game... or she's grown quite soft in her time here. Queen Chitania, growing soft... who knew?"

Nothing answered her, not even the crumbling of rubble.

"...Well, shoot!"

In a flash of light, the princess vanished, and soon another from the sky took her place.

"I guess she actually did run! That's not good, Chrysalis's teleportation is even longer ranged than mine is. While I doubt she's even in the same ballpark, let alone league, she could have gotten quite far... so far that I suppose even this isn't going to work!"

Again, light consumed the princess's being, and yet another took her place.

"I've been making a fool out of myself for no-"

She never saw it coming.

A hoof, covered in emerald fire, vibrating with the force of the unholy roar of the being that wielded it, struck true. Right into the chin of the alabaster princess, with all the force she could muster. Celestia felt the full force, the full power, of the blow, and back she went.

Back, but not away.


Chitania's jaw nearly hit the floor.

Unlike Celestia's, who remained squarely above ground.

"How did you possibly know that I was there!? That makes no sense!"


The changeling could not have spoken if she wanted to, her mouth hanging open simply would not close. No explanations of how the eyes of a changeling worked, how illusions held no love. She did not mock the princess for not knowing there were two forms of uses for their telltale green flames, and that a filly could hide in rubble quite easily.

She said nothing, nor tried to strike again. Her hoof hung there, limp, as the princess steadied herself after her stumbling.

"Oh please, are you really so shocked? While I'm more than sure that little attack of yours could have crackedthe jaw of any one of my soldiers, I'm a bit sturdier. Really, compared to how you hit me so long ago, the scant two blows you've done have been child's play!"

Slowly, her hoof lowered, until it hit the ground.

The changeling did not think she had been holding back, she had fully intended to put the Princess down, if not for now then for months to come, perhaps worse in her rage. But the princess still stood, she had not fallen, she had not been felled, she had not gone down. She was alive, awake.

And there was nowhere to hide.

"Well, if that's how you want to argue... here is my rebuttal."

There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when the beam hit her. Right in the face, right in the chest, right in her entire body, it hit her, and it sent her flying. Away, through the town that the princess had taken such care to leave as intact as possible considering the circumstances, and straight into what had to be the world's hardest, angriest wall.

Or at least it felt like that.

"Have we finally had enough?"

She hadn't, in fact. Chitania had every intention of getting back up, getting back in the game, and taking another swing. She knew it was pointless, if one punch hadn't done it, it would take a million more to do what needed done. She had no plan, save punching the princess a million times more.

It was a plan she liked, truthfully.


She knew her chances were, if not impossible, remote, but she was not quite ready. She couldn't quite give up, go back, and retreat. She didn't care if this was her last stand, and with every new arrival it certainly seemed planned that way, she couldn't die on her back.

She shoved the crumbling stone wall off as best she could, and with shaky bending black legs, she rose.

"...Very well. If it is to be like that, so be it."

She saw light.

Wonderful, yet horrible light.

That part was not what surprised her. What she found shocking was the fact that the light did not go away, it hung there, as if frozen in time. As much as she thought that shocking..


The voice in her head took her breath away.

~I'm sorry... for what I did to you.~
>More art
>Chitty on the ropes

Everything awesome is happening!
>Chitty getting beat down

This is doubly funny if you remember that, last thread, Chitty wasn't even getting touched by anyone else, and now she's getting beat black and blue, and Celestia just shrugged off her retaliation.

That said, I feel a change a coming...
>"So, Chitania, what happens when someone doesn't die when you hit them?"
>"Your plans have no faults in them, and are glorious."

She's going all out too, damn she's pissed.
>Two rolls on the ground going Wabba. Spitfire does not question it, nor should you.
>Sweet Note is wrecking it in the fight
>13 goes through the crowd to meet the one who supposedly shot first, never attacking, and never needing to, because everyone who tries to attack her 'slips' or has some other misfortune happen.
>After interrogating him, she gets no answers, he just tries to shoot her a whole lot.
>She finally accepts she's not going to get anything out of him, and with one little push, she sends him on an adventure. An unlucky adventure where everything goes wrong until he's plopped out on the street in pain. Afterwards, she realizes it doesn't matter if Sunset was right, everyone wants her mom dead anyway.
>Luna is probably screwing with trixie
>Twilight asks Chrysalis to ask 13 to ask Chitania how she did the heart thing with Sunset. Chrysalis tells her no, but is proud of her.
>Celestia, with Dollestia, decides to buckle down and really get at being a princess again. She can't confront Sunset yet, so in the meanwhile, she's going to try to reconcile her problems.
>First off, fixing Jetset, after pointing out she's been a terrible teacher.
>Shiny tries to help the others with their addiction problems. When they up all the stuff he does, he thinks the better of it.
>Batmom and Dadling decide to go out to eat. They choose poorly.
>Rarity is being used as a punching bag while Chitania wails on her, Sunset taunts her, and she can't fight back.
>56 bonds with the Nightgards over spices.
>Featherweight and a reporter argue over who has to cover the fight.
>Spitfire thinks it's too quiet, Mane-Iac fixes that.
>The changelings keep doing whatever it is they're doing. Even they don't know.
>Actarius decides to go out and help the others, much to JJ's annoyance it does not end well.
>32 watches as he's mostly shot because everyone wants to shoot JJ.
>Rarity stops Chitania for half a second with cabbages.
>Spike and 77 talk about carpet
>the Thief escapes 88's grasp!
>Rarity keeps trashtalking to keep Chitania's attention, all while getting the marshmallow beaten out of her. But it's proven to be a ruse! As Dash finishes what she's been doing unseen, and gets the last of the crowd out of harms way, leaving only Rarity, Chitania, Sunset and 13 behind in the bar!
>Which Sunset and Chitania both knew was happening, because of the less blasts shooting her, but nevermind.
>Sunset mocks her on that one, of course. And then points out that this just means Chitty doesn't have to hold back.
>But Rarity has a plan! Her whole idea was to get all the ponies clear, stun Chitania and Sunset, and then leave, trapping the four inside the building which is currently surrounded by the royal guard! They and Dash are just waiting for Rarity's signal. If Chitania wants to fight, she'd put her own daughter in danger of the building collapsing, and has no bartering chip. Rarity admits it's cruel to leave her and Sweet Note inside to be used like that, but sees no alternative. Her plan has worked flawlessly so far!
>And now it's not working at all!
>Realizing that her previous blasts, no matter how much she forced it, didn't even make the Titan blink, she decided to dig deep, deep, deeeeep down into her new alicorn magic, to hit Chitty with everything she has!
>One little problem... she can't control it.
>She accidentally taps too deep, and is completely overwhelmed. Her entire body lights up with magic, and she's about to explode!
>As a last ditch effort, Chitania grabs her, and Sunset tears off, fearing for her own life and just barely remembering to grab 13 and Sweet Note on the way. 13 begs for them to go back, but they won't.
>Outside, Pommel has gathered the Royal Guard in an impressive perimeter, and think they are ready for anything. Knowing that Rarity's signal will come any second, Dash claims there's no time to explain what happened, and to wait.
>They wait for about a second before Sunset breaks out, running full tilt and screaming in horrified terror at the thought of dying again
>Then everything explodes, and a light shoots up into the sky.
>Surprisingly, most everyone is fine! The blast was mostly contained, and everyone should make it out okay!
>Except Rarity, who's limp body is tossed in front of a shocked Dash.
>Chitty's fine, by the by. Scorched, but fine.
>And angry, very angry.
>And even more angry after Celestia bolts down from the sky, and nails her right in the head, sending her THOUGH Canterlot's floor, and out the bottom.
>Chitty responds by punching her into a building.
>Then Pommel tells everyone to shoot her already!
>29 is reluctantly forced to check things out.
>Fuzzy and the Buzz aren't letting the end of the world stop their show.
>AB, SB and SL's train is out of control.
>Cadence freaks out seeing 2 in her wedding dress, until Two fwooshes smaller, then she finds it cute, then freaks out when 18 implies she will have her own kids someday. It's a mess.
>Pommel laments how bullshit it is that the crazy stuff only happened this century
>Fancy and Fluer are going to investigate the light
>Chitania is very angry
>Nurse Redheart is going to go help
>Sunset finally stops running, and lets 13 and SN drop. The latter two are worried that the explosion actually managed to kill Chitania, until they hear her roar.
>Sunset snaps at 13, asking her if she finally believes what was said before, 13 can't deny it.
>Sweet Note tries to intervene, but gets shoved aside, and Sunset presses further, and 13 breaks further down.
>After 13 sees Celestia attack her mom again, her mind is made up.
>13 turns around, and starts to head towards the battle, declaring that if they want a fight, Chitania can bring it. Because she's not just her mother, she's Queen Chitania...
>"...The Titan"
And, as always, if I missed anything, gimme a heads up.

Sorry for the delay, you would not BELIEVE the shit I've been through for the last few days, have not even been able to get on the internet! I'm behind on so much shit! But /pa/ needs a recapping, so when I finally am back, I am back baby!

Again, sorry for how late this is, but couldn't be avoided, so lets all pray the next will be back near the top like it should be.
Holy shit, you're alive!

Was worried, man.
Well, that's a relief. And thanks as always for your work!

Now if only we'd get some LNPP, I could stop worrying about him too...
I was JUST thinking that too.

Thanks again, these recaps help even with a pretty direct main storyline, if only to remember the comedy classics of Two going "wabba" a lot.
Thanks for the update, man. These help beyond belief.
>Celly no-sells a punch to the jaw

It's just like my Wrestling, but with lasers!

>...I feel like I'm missing something.

"All is well in the Empire, ma'am."

>Hmmm, but that feeling is still there...

"Should we send a message to our allies in Equestria?"

>Hrm, that may be a good ide-



>Ah. There it is. Why, Two?



'It sounded a lot better in my head.'


'No it didn't, Ah' just said it cause the real reason is silly.'


'Inflammable don't mean not flammable, by the way.'



>I mean... fire.


>...Go get the fire.



>Heh, a regular never ending adventure around here.

'...So why do we have inflammable stuff near the-


>Craziest place in the world.
It's been busy on my end trying to be productive like buying household necessities, cleaning/vacuuming, laundry, making a counter-offensive against the roach infestation. When I'm done, I end up not wanting to do anything afterward, so I end up chilling playing games instead...or procrastinate on my own story. I keep telling myself I'll keep working on it, but it eats up a lot of my brain power to continue my plot, so it ends up making me less motivated to continue. I'm procrastinating, but it's quite a productive procrastination.

Man, I'm in this odd position where it's very noticeable if I don't post anything for a few days and it ends up looking like I disappeared, or kidnapped.
Meh, so long as we know Liam Neeson hasn't claimed another victim, I'm good.

>’Tia? There’s a question Ah’ wanna ask.

“Really? A question? From you? Oh, no, no, no- not you, dearest Applejack! I would’ve expected this type of virulent behavior from Rarity or Dash, or even that Morlock from way back when, but you? Why, I don’t think I ever would have guessed you yourself would one day have a question! Shall I run to stop the presses? Alert the media? Call a council meeting?”

>…We don’t have a council.

“Then we need to make one, posthaste! This is a stupendous occasion and a question from you is one I’m sure will require the ears of many wisdom-fueled ponies so that we can all put our heads together to form some sort of suitable answer to whatever surprising query is burning at the forefront of your mind! Because, to be truthful, little one, it keeps me up at night, it really does, knowing that you have so many questions and so few answers….”

>Ah’d almost prefer y'all jump out the win-

“Because with so few answers, that just highlights all the areas I’m failing in, so you stay here, my dear prodigy- stay here while I make haste to form this council of ponies who share a likeminded goal of answering the staggering pile of questions an honest mare such as yourself might have! I shall return!”


>…’Kay. Ah’ was really jus’ gonna ask where she wanted her shipment of solar fudge, buuuut... yup, there goes the delivery mare, took too long. Ah well.
You know with all these things she missed it you think she didn't memorize that cake schedule by now. Just to be sure.
>/pa/ Anons are Taken by Liam Neeson
>Taken Two that snow covered cabin in the mountains

Best Thread joke ever, cause Best Thread.
I see you keep escalating this further and further, dear /pa/l

Why, let me help you with that!
We make our own songs, have our own artwork, own canon, own meta... it's getting big
>Further escalation
Oh lawdy! Still hype.

... unless it is that whole, we have to have her kill somebody because we need a reason why he is less sympathetic because otherwise we might have to have our main characters acknowledge their faults thing. That would be pretty cheap.

Seriously, don't go full Korra.

Never go full Korra
I guess it's a joy, or horror of it.
Goodnight Thread
Morning, anon.
And good morning to you too!
I'll take early morning silly for 500, Alex.

>Do you know what a ‘Tribble Fluffer’ is!?

“No! Do you know what a “Yakistonian sheering” is!?”

>No! What about a “Sea Serpent Swimmer”!?

“NO! Mareovingian Brushing!?”

>NO! Sparkle Bristler?

“NO! Junebug-“

>NO! Cropping-

“NO! Diecast-“



“How old is her terminology!? I studied history and haven’t heard of half of these continents!

>I studied linguistics and I don’t even understand half of what she’s saying!

>…We chose poor majors in school.

“Not our best idea.”

>What do we do!?

‘Servants? We have decided to change it up, forget the FireFly Flutter and go instead for a good old round of the Platinum Plushing!’


“…Scale of one to ten, how likely is it she’s asking for sex?”


“…How likely are we to actually-“


“Yeah yeah…”

>... so, options?

“Pretend neither of us speak equestrian?”

>That’s so fucking stu-

‘Citizen? Are thou finished fluffing the goosefeather yet?’

>Ego autem non intellego te!


>Yay linguistics!

‘Quod est finis!’

>Have cutie mark

>still study for something else

Interesting implications...
More interesting than it should be. There's something to look into later.

>Verily, what an idea such as this was!

“Oh stop.”

>To race towards the sound of battle, the endless strife the lays low those sworn to fight against the darkness was a brilliance unmatched! Look upon those faces, do they not scream relief that civilians such as walked towards the place they had barred off?


>Hark to the sounds of rubble befell, to the amusing noises in kin to that of a hammer against hard plastic, hark I say and listen! For we have chosen well.

‘Twenty nine, she asked you to make it stop. If you do not, then I will bop your top. This yammering needs to come to an end. Do it, for your dearest of friend. Your words are as uneeded as they are immature. So cease it before your mouth I immure. You’re putting a strain on our unshakeable alliance. So in return, we ask your silence. Your words though flowery send our emotions down south. So do me a favor, and shut your mouth.’

“…what she said.”

>…Sorry, I know you mean well.

“I forgive you.”


“You need forgiveness hugs?”


“You get the forgiveness hugs. Zecora, give him forgiveness hugs.”



Hugs do fix everything !

>…Ah’ think Ah’m learnin either really bad examples, or pretty good ones.


~S-she’s pretty!~

‘Then why did you want to punch her?’

~I was just trying to punch you!~


~I don’t want punches!~

‘I think he wants the punches.’


~No sire no!~







~That is not what I meant!~

‘I think it’s what he meant.’





>…Yep, good ones, Ah’m learnin the goodies.



42 is gonna die if blood loss..
>Restaurant Owner






“…Were you at least insured?”

>… *SOBS*

“So much for my last paycheck.”
... I see nothing wrong with the lessons taught.
Nah, Two, having someone else beat up people who got the better of you while you sit there like a smug brat is a fiiine lesson.
...isn't it?
Yeah sure, why not? Hell while we're at it, let's have Shining Armor beat Quicksilver Sash up for being better at Rock'em Sock'em Robots than 42 too.
>the joke
>your head

>Well, I can’t say I saw that coming…

His hoof, no matter how far he dug, could not get the ringing out of it.

>Really, how did she even manage to pull that one off? I wasn’t aware Chitania had a warhead shoved up her gigantic… hmm.

Thoughtfully, his hoof tapped his chin.

>…I should not have done that, now my chin smells like ear wax… what was I thinking about? Oh! Right!

His eyes cut over, to where the rubble was currently underway to become more rubble, but worse somehow.

>Now, if I was a wise ling, I would laugh at the idea that the prissiest and most proper of the princesses who looks like she would shriek if covered in mud would even be capable of such an attack. Really, what fool would think that, out of short white fashionista and tall monster known far and wide for her destruction of all things, it would be the former that nearly blasted us all to smithereens. I would have to be quite stupid.

He looked left, and right.

>…I’m not, it was clearly Chitania, ponies who are not listening to me.

With a same thoughtful tap of his chin, he trotted off. Where, he didn’t know yet.

>Probably away from the battle, because holy shit! Explosions! Why is every battle in this city a war!?
You don't get it, do you? The joke isn't that shiny beats up guards...

It's that his problem he gets when someone hurts the ones he loves is acting up again, and still nobody can see it.
Is... is he being sane or not?
Hey, at least Rarity will probably-ohhhh right... shit.
That's kind of lame. Isn't he supposed to have bare minimum two truest of true loves over there? They can't see that shit?

Doesn't make 42 any less of a cunt tho.
>Crystal guard

>Ah hah!

"Crumbles, I swear if you come up to me and say you have another moronic idea for an invention-"

>Electric hoofwarmers are a good idea, damn it!


>But no, that is totally unrelated to my brilliance! Instead, I have figured out how to beat the stuffing out of you, and noyogurt my ass hoofed to me by the captain!

"... That sounded off-"


"Is that a me doll?"


"Where in the name of love are you getting these things!?"



>They got crazy stuff over there.

"I... Need to look into things."

>But no matter! The captain won't be angry if I punch a you doll, or threaten a you doll! You're doomed!


>Annnd, better save it because here comes the PUNCH-




>...did you just-

"I couldn't let myself fall into enemy hooves, it's what me would have wanted."

>... Uh-

"Do not worry... I shall be avenged."

>This says very unfortunate things about your self image-

"I don't think, I punch. It's my thing."


... That's unsettling.
No, they even made a joke out of it and believe him incapable of non self defense violence.

Chrysalis picked up on it instantly and was painted as insane for saying that anything was wrong.
That's the thing about love, it makes it hard to see the bad parts of the one they love...
>Finally come up with creative, not OoC, and fulfilling plot point that will allow the Guard to fucking FINALLY have the upper hand on Punches McAutism AKA; 42
>It gets turned around by Shining Husbando
>Guard becomes punching fodder again


And I thought I could've effected some kind of tangible change in the canon

That's what you get.

No anon can bring down the Punch Waifu, all shall be laid low.
It would have ended either way because eventually 42 was just going to preemptively get all the dolls and returned them to status quo.

You want 42 to lose, make her have a beef with AJ. We'll bitch the whole time, but Appluwaifuism will push it through
Oh quit, I just couldn't resist the setup of Shiny going apeshit on the guard, it was too good an opportunity to pass up!

What, did you want us to leave your gag alone or something, and just keep repeating it?
yes. Thread 200 should have been about her confronting the doll factory only to find out the guard are making them themselves and therefore she can't stop it.

Time had simply ceased to be for Chitania.

She could see the light cascading off the horn of the one who had spent the better part of the last few minutes making her the test subject while trying out all the wonderful spells she had accumulated over her massive lifetime. She could not turn away, or even blink to shy away in recoil from the oncoming pain, could do nothing else but stare into the oncoming rays of light like a filly trapped on the traintracks with no way out.

In spite of that fact, with what very well might be her end forced into her eyes and she left without it, she couldn't see it. Her eyes were focused away, seeing what wasn't there, yet was so perfectly visible to her.

~I'm sorry.~

Even with nothing before her but the visage of the princess, she could see her.

Her daughter was there, even if she was nowhere near where they actually were.

~I'm sorry... for what I did to you.~

Desperately, she tried to call back, to speak to the voice in her head as she herself was being spoken to, but somehow, she couldn't manage it. Her magic was too raw, too unsteady. She couldn't speak a single word in return.

~I know we've never really gotten along....~

She couldn't deny the words, no matter how much she wanted to.

~I know we've never really thought the same about things.~

She couldn't beg, nor plead, only receive.

~We just never really understood each other, I guess... I know that now. You have your own way of doing things, you don't see things like I do. I wish... I wish you weren't quite like you, that maybe you were a little different, but I know it now.~

She couldn't speak of all the things she would throw away, if only she would listen.

~I know, and... I don't hate you for it.~

Nor could she speak, when her heart seized tight, and her breath was taken away in hope.

I would like to have had some permanence to it, some tiny tiny glimmer of hope that 42 can infact be donked by the Guard.

Not shot down immediately and status quo resumed so quickyl

~I... I'm not going to lie to you. You deserve that, I guess... but the truth is, sometimes, I've wondered if the world would be better off without you. If it was when you were gone, and if you should have stayed that way.~

Nor could she speak, when that hope grew dim.

~I know, it's cruel. You've cared for me, long after when most queens wouldn't have. You protected me when I needed it, you looked out for me and raised me as best you could, you were... you were a good mom, sometimes. But...~

Or, when it all but went out.

~...but when you hit me, I think I finally saw what everyone else saw. I think I finally just saw the monster you could really be, what everyone else called you and knew you to be and I wondered why. Why then?... I didn't wonder for long. I heard your mind you know, when you hit me I mean. I think that's when the best of my... mind finally kicked in, and I heard you. I think it was then that I figured it out, even if it took me forever. When you did that, you were thinking only of your mother. You thought about her, and you seemed like you understood her, and that's why. So I thought, if the good part of you, the part that played a cello for me when the storm came to tell me you wouldn't let it sweep me away, if that part was you... then the part I saw must have been what we... become, when we move up. Before, I turned you down every time because I didn't think I could ever measure up to you, that I couldn't be what you were. When I ran off.. it was because I thought I might become you. Right then, I wondered if the world would be better... if what we were ended right there.~

She sat there, as time passed without moving, still as the dead of night as she nursed the long sense forgotten wounds. The regret of that night had never left her, even to this day. The remorse was still there, and worse, it had never grown weaker.

Hearing those words did not reopen any wounds that had healed, merely stoked ones that had never gone away.


~...I was wrong.~

They hurt a little less, at that.

~I was wrong, because of what I found out today... I know I'm weak, mother. I'm weak, and pitiful, and small, and I can't fight or act or ever show my power like you do, I'm everything you should hate, everything you should want to hit, I should have been smashed the moment you saw I was nothing like you wanted, but...~

Something, a feeling akin to a feather across her mind, brushed past her consciousness.

~But you did this for me.~

Chitania didn't know what was happening, why the feeling was growing, humming in the confines of her skull until it felt unnatural, and uneasy. She didn't understand it, but she felt it.

Right to her very mind, she felt it.

~Sunset, I think, believes I restrained you, that I put something in your mind to keep you from hurting anyone, that I made you hold back. She really thinks that I made you less of what you were with my mind, and my powers. She thinks I took away your claws...~

Like a light switch in her eyes had been lit, she saw it.

~She doesn't understand you, anymore than I did. She doesn't understand... that I could never have done that to you. She doesn't understand I've never been able to hold down your mind, nobody has, I've never been able to restrain what makes you... you. I can't. You're too strong, in more way than one. She doesn't understand...~

She felt it, she saw it, and she knew it.

~What you would do for me.~

She understood, as much as her daughter did.

~I don't know if you knew you did it, or if I inherited this from you. Some part of me, what I can do, had to come from you. That part had to be there. Buried, atrophied and withered it may have been, but still there. You used it, whether you meant to or not. Some part of you did what I could not, what nobody else could... it made you stop.~

She did not regret it.


~But mother... I don't want you to stop, not anymore. I don't want you to be hurt like this, I don't want you to be beaten... I don't want you to let them kill you. I don't know why they did it, I don't know why now or why with me or why they would do... such things, but they're throwing everything at you, they don't want you to stop, they want you to... end. No matter what happens... I don't want you to go, not anymore.~

She felt a fire hidden away become alight again, a power strapped down that buckled under the pressure, a roaring inferno that begged to consume the world. All of it unleashed, under the gentle embrace in her mind.

~I was wrong, when I thought you were a monster. I was, and they are. I'm glad you didn't... do that, let loose, for me. But... holding back when you might die... I can't let that happen. Because even though I don't understand you, I don't agree with you for some things, I do know one thing...~

She felt the magic flow to her.

~You love me, and... I love you too, mom. And... I don't want to leave again.~

She felt the love.

~Go show them... the Titan.~

She felt the POWER.

~Please don't leave me.~

>...I won't.

The beam before her was frozen no longer, the speed of the world at last matching the speed of her mind, as the connection was severed. The magic cast by the prime Princess of Equestria was unleashed in full, and charged right for her.

It hit nothing, but stone. It had passed harmlessly... from between towering legs.

"...Oh dear."

Even though time had resumed for the rest of the world, Princess Celestia felt it slowing down as she looked up... and up... and up... and up...

And up some more, just to finish it off.

"Ohhhh... dear."

Above her, the black frame blotted out the sun.

Far and wide, they could witness again her massive black form, feel the rumble of her hooves, see again the power...

Hear the roar, of the Titan.

"...I was wondering when she was going to do that.
Yeah sure nice thinking

Instead of "Piss ponies off because you're smacking them around and ruining their home insurance policies"

You've gone to "Drawn the eternal and righteous fear and ire of all ponies because you're turning them into a gorey mess left and right"

Good job

Goooooood joooooooooob
>Everyone thought 13 nerfed Chitty with her mindzotz
>It turns out, Chitty nerfed HERSELF with the latent abilities that 13 herself inherited almost certainly completely subconsciously, FOR 13, Titan powers included.
>13 just TURNED IT OFF.

Well, I did not see that coming.

I think it's more
"I'm glad you tried not to kill them and you're not a monster, but they're seriously fucking out to kill you stop holding back already you're going to die."
Two, seconds lateur

"Oh dear god they're all dead why did i do this, is that a ponies spleen-oh god it's still moving what did I DO
Well, I mean, she knows why she did this, because it looked like Celly was going to shoot her dead.

She was going to shoot her.

And Sunset convinced her this is one big plot to deadify her mom. Which it really, REALLY looks like it is.

Not like she had an option B besides "Turn off her mom's self-nerf." remember, this-
>Instead of "Piss ponies off because you're smacking them around and ruining their home insurance policies"

That's not what she thinks is happening, she doesn't think they're mad. She thinks Rarity just tried to fucking nuke her ass to kibble and then everyone just shot her a whole bunch.

She's not even saying kill anyone, she's just not letting Chitty let the kill her.
Chitty's almost for sure not going to kill anyone, as narrative wise that would be a dead end, but she isn't holding back against Celestia this time, which puts Celly in an unfortunate station that she can't hold back either.

I think this is setting up two demi-gods beating the shit out of each other... and hey, so long as we don't have a giant threat pop up out of nowhere, we can say we did it better than BVS!

This is the most heartwarming limit break ever.
>"...I was wondering when she was going to do that.

I get the feeling this is going to hurt Chitty a lot...
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I don't know who to root for.
No, she kicks outta your weak ass gag at ONE, boy! Your time is up, Punchbug's time is now!

I kid, Punchbug isn't John Cena she isn't nearly as charismatic.
She is more, baron corbin. Squashes lower card even with mid, but can't take the ME
Ew, I wouldn't wish that comparison on even Punchbug...that man has a frowny face for a tummy.
That's a legit question, actually.

Celestia isn't trying to kill her, she just wants to neutralize her enough she stops breaking and exploding things. She's under the impression that Chitania started this and is going on a rampage, which is a reasonable thought considering that that is literally exactly what Chitania does, and the last time she did it like this it was nearly a disaster that ended with a lot of graves, and instead merely just ended with a lot of wrecked homes. Even still, she's still asking Chitty to give up and not hammering her without asking, and will likely take her in, but due to Chitty shreking her before she can't afford to hold back.

Chitty isn't doing this to be pissy, she's doing this because she's convinced they want her dead and she doesn't want to die. Surrendering isn't an option because it will almost certainly end in her death, and it's reached the point she can't even hold back anymore because she's just plain losing that way, she has to go all out no matter how dangerous it is because the other option is be killed by princess nukes. She saw what happened with Rarity, and that one did some damage, she can't wait for Celly to do worse if she gives her the chance. This is a matter of life and death after being betrayed.

Both have very legitimate reasons to wreck each other like it's the wedding night of two nuclear bombs.

...who the fuck do I root for!?
This is all a comedy of errors...well more like a tragedy of errors, really.

Sounds like our thread in a nutshell.
Root for AJ to come out and slap everybody, hard.
>that man has a frowny face for a tummy.
my sides.
Psh, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm rooting for Chitania getting fucked up. That's pretty much it.
AJ not here yet, so don't root.

You're a long hater and need to sit on a pinecone
She's just an OC. Not like I have any real reason to like her.
Who's AJ?
I usually lurk so I'm coming out just to say one thing. Rarity is a shitter, and I hope she gets punished for starting shit.
Good morning, thread
Lauren Faust could be posting in this thread RIGHT NOW
And morning to you too.
>implying she wouldn't rage quit when she saw all the princesses
I legit think aj as a princess would hurt her.
I'm actually wondering I'm actually wondering if this mean she could have been a powerful mind magic wielder if her mom hadn't focused primarily on teaching her strength stuff.

Chittys mom only focused on making her strong physically, who knows what she could have been if she had training with magic.




"...I owe you fifty bits."

>I told you so!

"Alright, alright, don't rub it in!"

>TOLD! YOU SO! Huge monster! Big as fuck! She ate me! ATE ME!



"...So are we going to fight that-"


"Even though-"


"If you get eaten again and come back from a western themed adventure with another mare, I'm leaving you."

>Fair enough. If you get eaten by her and come back from a sky-city themed adventure with another mare... we'll talk about it.

"Pffft, ha!"


"But seriously, do you have a bomb or something-"



>Oh riiiiiight, she can do that!

"Wow, cannot believe we actually shot at her."

>Right? Doesn't the previous hour seem suicidally reckless now?

"At best, it was an exercise in futility."

>Completely ludicrous of us to do!

"Very shortsighted, which is weird for me. I work in stocks!"

>And that's supposed to be different how?

"Ho ho! Clever wit, my boy, clever wit."

>...Seriously though-

"Yeah that was fucking stupid and she could have stepped on us."

>We have made terrible choices.

"Ap up up! SHE made terrible choices."


>Thank god it was Chitania.

"We'd probably get arrested otherwise."
I love these two.
>Fair enough. If you get eaten by her and come back from a sky-city themed adventure with another mare... we'll talk about it
okay, I giggled

>Welp, to recap: Got duped into giving a thief a very rare comic book, was completely outclassed by said thief, and no one is going to believe that he got away in a zeppelin disguised as a bunch of clouds. Good memories are NOT being generated.

"That does not please me."

>Huh? Oh hey, Lavan, how's it going.

"I cannot find my old friend, and I almost allowed an animal uprising to occur, not a good time."

>Seem like things are pretty shitty all around.

"Yes, there's much of a commotion going on down in the city...also it's very damaged."

>Must be tuesday, am I right?

"Is it tuesday?"

>...y'know I'm not sure, I don't really keep track of days much.

"An oddity, this pleases me. So what IS happening in the city?"

>Aw someone probably spat in Aunt Chirty's soup or something, such a hot head.

"My head is hot as well, I would like to meet her, we may compare heat."

>Ohhh no, dude, you do NOT want to get involved with her shit.

"Why not?"

>She'd totally want to fight you.

"But I have done nothing to her."

>Doesn't matter, you got power, and that's reason enough. Bitch would kill you as soon as look at you.

"Oh...well I would definitely not want that. Coming back from death is one of my least favorite things."

>You...can't die?

"I can die, but I return each time, but I return...lesser in mind, angry and feral. It took a long time for me to be as I am now, dying would restart everything."

>Damn, so yeah, let's avoid that by avoiding-



"Very well...so what will you do to retrieve the comic book?"

>I gotta fight nerd with nerd, Lavvy, nerd with nerd.

I love how 88 gives no fucks about any of this, and just assumes it's Chitania wrecking shit.
>"I can die, but I return each time

Huh. How does that work, with what he previously said? He's supposed to be based on the nothingness from the beginning of time, which means he's composed of some kind of Nothingness or anti-magic or some other silliness. He also said that every moment, the universe is trying to unmake his not thing and remake it with actual stuff in it's place, and he has to fight against it. But how would he be able to do that if he was in a 'dead' state? Wouldn't he be unable to overpower the reality that wants to remove the traces of the nonexistance that existed before existing happened? He'd come back, but wouldn't he come back as a being who is now composed of the same pieces of reality the rest of the universe is made up of?

Furthermore, wouldn't such a state make it easy for Faust or whoever to redo him enough he's not in pain or whatever? Or, worst case scenario, he gets 'filled' with the pieces of the universe he previously was the antithesis to, and the empty spot he had previously inhabited in reality is simply filled up and redone, which means he ceased to exist.

This floating firemonster made up of the stuff that was there before nothing was there doesn't make any sense at all!


There was no fear in her eyes.

It was a rare day that those beneath her held no fear as they looked to eyes so massive either could easily consume them if only they had teeth. Normally, such confidence was reserved for the foolish Queen who arrogantly believed their power far surpassed her own, even in this state. Only they, her peers, had the ego to believe that her might of Titan Form could easily be overcome.

Or so it had been, before today.

"Really now, what took you so long? I never thought you one for the dramatic reveal, never really seemed your style. Or perhaps it was simply seeing how long you could last before resorting to your singular note of impressive magic? If so, bravo, you certainly lasted longer than expected."

The hoof that fell was like a bomb striking the earth, kicking up a bevvy of what had been the ground before leaving in it's wake a crater that could easily be filled and work as a swimming pool for no at least four of the royals.

It never even came close to touching the alabster princess, who quickly rose up to a more equal eye level with the titanic form.

"Now now, don't take it so personal, I've had my fill of battle for the day, thank you."

A singular, sharp eye locked onto the princess, twinkling with an emotion the princess couldn't quite place her hoof on, even if she could guess somewhere close.

"Yes, I'm sure you're thinking all sorts of mocking things about your power and how terrified I must be to see you in such a state and so on, I get it. By all means, imagine me shaking in fear at your oh so unbridled might, but in the meanwhile, perhaps indulge me with a little conversation? It's been far too one sided for our time together. Grrrraaagghhh this and roar that, I just fee like you and I aren't connecting on a meaningful level."


In annoyance, the hoof swung again horizontally at the princess, another strike easily dodged. Even without so much as glancing a building, the entirety of the street in the wake of her swing swayed and rumbled, tiny hairline cracks becoming apparent on building and items on the street alike, every streetlight bowing away as if recoiling in fear.

"See? That, exactly that. I feel like we're not really connecting..."

She swiped again, with all the gusto of attempting to swat an annoying fly, and once more everything in the path of her shockwave that needed no touch cracked and bent. That twinkle returned, albeit different this time, when she saw the concern on the princess's face.

"Oh fine, so you've figured it out. Bravo, oh Queen Chitania, you've managed to put together that I'm rather weary of seeing my infrastructure budget skyrocket because you decided to punch in the general direction of anything that is shockingly less durable than someone who shrugs off enough explosions to wipe out a city block. You are correct, I'm only talking to you out of fear that you will destroy my entire city at this rate before I can deal with you, you're a fountain of wisdom as to the intricacy of how my mind works."

The hoof rose up again, but it did not strike. It hovered there, obvious in it's intent, but unmoving just yet.

"Of course, stroking your ego is what calms you down. I see why Chrysalis so loved you as an aunt."

Tellingly, the hoof twitched.

"I don't even know how to take that... but very well, you have so proven yourself to be far more than my attacks can fell without causing a dent in my treasury that would take years to repair, and my attacks failed to bring you down. Congratulations, Queen Chitania, on being too much of a stubborn rock for me to break with my magic. Are you going to stop, or is this really the finale of our wonderful time spent together."


Weary eyes cut back and forth, looking for any sign of something amiss in the situation, never leaving the princess for more than a brief second.

"Your paranoia is as pointless as your grandstanding, if I had another trick up my shoe, I would have tossed it out already before you become far to large for me to knock down without reshaping an entire city block in the meanwhile. But very well, if you are so unsure of my sincerity, why don't we take this to any other location? Your choice, of course. Anywhere you wish to go, I'm more than happy to follow."

All attention snapped back, and with it returned the snarl along black lips.

"Really? You're going to take what I said like that? You were the one acting like I've some trap hidden in the city just waiting to spring on you. I'm only suggesting that if you feel so very weary that I've something lying in wait, then by all means, lets yourself and I head to any location you would feel more comfortable with. You've seen quite the places in your travels, I'm sure there's a location you'd rather be."

The snarl intensified, and every single muscle went taut.

"No?... Well then, I suppose it's unavoidable, we will have to... what in mother's name is that-"

As it had so many times before, everything changed in an instant.

As it had those many, many times before, the change came without warning, without regret, and in a sea of fire.


Her cries could not be heard over the roars. Even Chitania's own howls, booming though they were, became easily drowned out by far louder, far more powerful...

And far more literal booming.


One after another they came, raining from the sky like weapons cast down from an angry god. All of them powerful enough to shatter even the most sturdy of structures, all of them leaving behind an endless curtain of fire and smoke, never ending as they battered the unfortunate section of city that the princess had chosen to place the Titan in her calculated attacks. One after another, they came.

Down from the sky, they continued to rain.

"No, no! No no no!"

And rain, and rain, and rain. No end to the spears that brought their flames, their flashes of light and ear destroying sounds, they kept coming and leaving behind a trail of smoke back from whence they came.

Even without it, Celestia knew who had done this. She did not need to see the telltale connection to know exactly who had brought such devastation to this spot in their attempt on the life of the changeling Queen. Only one, was foolish enough to try to fell the Titan.

"What have you done..."

Her growl and the words with would never reach any ears, too low to reach over the red hot eruptions of every missile fired. Her eyes glared, and she felt nothing but scorn as she called unheard to the airship beyond.




If any could actually see inside, nothing could have possibly confused them more.

Buttons being hammered, every switch being switched, every single 'danger' label being disregarded as the impressive and massive weaponry of the airship was turned against the one their attacker hated more than any in the world, all while a poor, futile soul desperately tried to pry them away before they could destroy everything.

Those who knew Pennydrop would not have been shocked, had they seen her unleashing such a terror upon Canterlot.


They would have been floored, had they seen it was her who was fighting to drag away the Griffon Queen from the controls, only to be shoved aside and rebuked with every attempt.


{She dies today!}

The second that Chitania had landed in a section uninhabited by any ponies, no doubt the result of Celestia's well controlled attacks that sent her flying, the mix of fowl and beast had wasted no time, and started looking up what every single weapon she had was capable of.

When the form of the Titan had rose above the cityline, she had tossed all of that to the wind, and fired with everything she had.

The Titan would die on this day, that she swore.


Even if she had to break all of Canterlot into pieces to do it.

...Wait, hold up, this is fucking up PD'S plan.


But she stopped Celestia from talking to Chitty...


I'm confused.
You know what I just realized?

This is everything we THOUGHT was going to go down when AJ confronted Sunset and Chitty, but that one god resolved without any massive damage. Now, a simple disagreement snowballed into everything that could have been and more.



PD's gonna end up blamed for turning that place into rubble. That's fucking poetic.
Well it seems less like they don't so much die as diffuse and put themselves back together later if Discord's explanation is anything to go by.

I think the answer to this problem wasn't possible until Lavan came along, being somewhat lucid and all what if someone tried to heal them rather than fix them?
Kill, I'm not exactly thinking well today. Bit sick.


>Ok, we figured thisb out

"The canon-omicron told us what we have to say, what we have to do, and we can diffuse this as painlessly as possible!"

>Geezse, finally we can get involved in all this-




"...Back offscreen?"







(Vekir has it! Hide under these cushions, then we cannot be seeing of the coming crashiness! If we cannot be seeing it, it is not happening! Vekir's is working!)


(Vekir feels like you don't hear her sometimes...)


-I have an idea!-

Heroically, from the very back of the train, a massive frame charged forwards, a winning smile plastered all along his face.

'A... buffalo?'

-Bison, actually!-

'Whats the difference?'



-Ha! Just pulling your leg. Nothing actually. But no matter! I have a plan to end this!-


(Is it hiding under cushions? Vekir has that covered-)


The bison smirked, and trotted over to one of the doors.

-It's simple, really, there's a perfect way to get out of this in no time flat! Learned this one back in Bisongard, so everyone get ready to follow my lead!-

>Wait, yer from-

-All together now!-

With a single, flowing movement, he opened the door, and leapt out of the speeding train.

~...I don't think he meant the same thing we were thinking.~

(What for is fuzzy tunnel skulker barking? What is bison who is bufflo's plan? Vekir missed it.)

>Well... that was somethin'...

Slowly, she trotted over, and closed the door.

>Back ta' screamin'?

"After you."

>No no, all ta'gether now...


(Vekir misses all the fun stuff...)
"Shadow Pinkie"
>Welcome to Not Late Night /pa/ with your host Pinkie Pie! It's during this time content does matter, but...something's not right...

Shadow Pinkie appears before her.

>Oh...it's you.

"Yep yep. Little ol' me. Though it's pointless to single me out because I am you."

>You're not...no...You are me and I am you. I'm talking to myself.

"Then you already know what's currently happening us."

>Yeah. We blew our own mind and now it's reconstructing itself to accommodate our new realm of thinking.

"Yup. Now where does that leave us?"

>What do you mean?

"What is our truth? We can decide what is our truth is now. Everything we know has been cleared off the table...do you want me to go away? Am I something that shouldn't exist?"

>Ha, that's silly because we're becoming one and the same. It's what we're suppose to be.

"so we shouldn't be rejecting each other."

>But I gotta admit. The power is nice.

"The never ending hunger not so nice, so for now-"

>Stay sealed.

"Until this part of me is needed again."

>"and I can show my smiling teeth at the nightmares."

The two walk into each other and merge. They're enveloped in a pillar of light.
>I am myself. My true self.
Pinkie emerges with a horn and a pair of wings.
>Oh I haven't seen these in a while.
She shakes herself making the horn and wings disappear.
>Sorry this took so long. Accepting yourself can take a while and the perceptions of time can be funny, but I think you, the audience, have waited long enough.
Pinkie takes a bow.
>so on with the show.
She smiles disappearing into the darkness.

When I was a grown mare and the sun was going down...
The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown~
Awww, that was nice. Nice callback and everything.
...Well, that was dark. Funny, but dark.

Well, that was nice. Charming, but nice.

My emotions do not know what is what.
>Embracing your inner darkness, PP style!
Healing them would be like killing them, wouldn't it? You're healing someone by reparing what's broken and in pain, but his whole body is pain.


"Was that your-"


"Huh. Weird ass timing."

>It was, wasn't it?

"Was yours as big as that?"


"Awwww, no need to feel ashamed, I knew there were ponies out there who had a little bit bigger than you were packing, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

>That's not helpful-

"Like Shining Armor! That guy is PACKING!"


"Oh please, I've seen like, two super tall ponies fawn all over him. It probably ain't because of his interesting personality."

>I have reconsidered my earlier statement.

"Worried they'd try to make me go with them instead?'

>More worried I'd pick them instead-



>...Is that supposed to happen?

"Wow, the princess sure doesn't fuck around anymore."


"I mean, my word, this beast sure has earned the scorn of our princesses, hasn't she?"

>Save the proper speech for the parties.


>There you go.
>Somewhere, DT just got a mareboner

>I just know I'm going to have to clean this shit up somehow...
>They literally just send him out with a broom and a mop after the city gets wrecked.


Please do this.
>Lucky Strikes


"I... was unaware Canterlot had a missile defense system, good on them."

'Be prepared!'

>We're gonna level the fuckin' city at this rate!

"Again, you mean."

'Cause that totally happened.'

>What the fuck are they thinking!?

"Boom makes monster go dead."

'There's a logic to it, you have to admit.'

>Damn it... we can't even get close to help out at this rate!

"Because we could totally help where a giant bomb couldn't."

'I sting like a bee, not C4.'

>There's got to be something we can do...

"Not get killed!"

'So simple, we do it every day. We're experts at that.'

>...I've got it!

"Well, some of us are experts."

'Some of us need refreshers every now and again.'

>Follow me, lads! I've got a plan!

"Unless you're running off to get a monopony board, you-oop. He's gone."

'So... should we follow him?'

"Would he notice we didn't?"

'Not before it was too late. Should we anyway?'

"Ehhh.. why not, we got nothing else going on."

'I'm pretty sure a great many ponies died with that as their last words.'

"I'll say something cooler if we're about to die. Like... ha ha! That tickles!"

'That's a good one, you should stick with that.'

"It is, and I will!... We should probably follow him."

'Into the eye of the storm, we ride!'

"...Fuck you."
No, we shall not.

We shall send him out with a toothbrush and a dustpan.

"You do not look happy."

It was fortunate their relationship had progressed so very far since the day Discord had effortlessly defeated her and tossed her into the ballroom, otherwise the alicorn saying that to a smiling Chrysalis would have seemed odd.

>Heh, just waiting for the big reveal, it's going to be fun.

"She says, unaware of how much that makes me want to let out a screaming goat noise in terror."


"It's a biological mechanism, not a stereotype. Unlike you saying unicorns can't dance. We can so!"

>No, I said unicorns can't dance as good as earth ponies. Do you have evidence to refute this?

"Not with me, but it probably exists!"

>Nice to see you being scientific about this.

"I'm a unicorn first, a scientist second."


"Don't you use my sudden mutation into another species as a way to drag me into semantics."

>Fine, I'll just use it to prove you can't dance.

"I am a fantastic dancer!"


"...So, really, is this going to be bad?"

The changeling's smile wavered, but never left.

>Just remember I forgave you for letting Chitania out of the ice.

"Ooooooh, shit..."

Her horn flashed, and from nowhere, a mop and bucket materialized in the unicorn's grasp.


"I don't know if you laughing at that makes me more, or less worried."


"More it is."
God I love these two's chemisty. Making them friends was a wonderful idea.
>Welcome to Not Late Night /pa/ with your host Pinkie Pie! It's during this time that content does matter, but I have a backlog! Now for our main guest...APPLEJACK!


>Galloprade is suppose to hydrate you and quench your thirst, but don't you think it just makes you want to drink more?

"That's because it tastes watered down, but has just enough of the flavor to make you want more. It'd be nice if there was a more concentrated version."

>Huh fair point...


>...I thought you were going to go on long story about-

"Oh, come to think of it. There was this time me and mah cousin Peach were-"

>Nope too late!

"But waterboarding was-"
AJ wakes up.
"involved...oh well. She did learn that holding your breath doesn't actually work out though."
>Avoiding a Peach Story

I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed...
>Waterboarding Peach

That is somehow the least terrible thing to happen to her in a while and that's fucked up.
>TFW got my fix

Never know how much you miss something...

>Twi and Chrysalis shooting the shit

So surreal when Chitty is getting right now.
>Getting nuked

I seriously deleted "hit" because it didn't feel severe enough and then forgot to replace the word.

FFS, me.
You know, I'd wonder why they didn't come out and do some shit, but then I remembered the whole Twilight's lab thing during Cordyceps.

FFS Twilight, why would you build that?

>So are you going to-


>Well apparently I have to check this shit now!


>Just making sure!


>Oh, now you're telling me what to do.


>This is going to go great.

>Welcome to Fireside /pa/ with your host Applejack. It's during this time that Ah' fix things in my sleep.

Rarity grumbles.
>What was that?

"I said I'm still mad."

>About what?

"You were harsh about my writing."

>Oh you're still on about that? Ah'm sorry, Rars. Ah' didn't think you'd take it so hard. Ah' was giving an honest opinion.

Rarity pouts.
"You should have been more gentle about it, plus you were just saying that to change the subject."

>That reminds me...so Ah' found out we don't have hot water.

"You just...yes Applejack. As I tried to tell you last time, the water heater is no longer working and it was the hardest working water heater in Canterlot. It got damaged a good while back and the request for a new water heater kept getting pushed because you were allocating the funds to agriculture. It was being held together by duct tape, but you laid off the pony in charge of maintaining it, so we have no hot water now."

>What was it even damaged by?

"What wasn't it damaged by? The Robot Invasion, the Gala, Cordyceps, the dolls. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if somepony said the water heater got overworked because somepony was drowning themselves in hot water."

>Ah' don't suppose Twi would be willing to fix it?

"I think she's working on something right now, dear."

>Ah' can think of a short term solution where at least WE could get hot water.


>We could get Spike to heat us some hot water. We'd save money.

"Huh...I was kinda expecting you to make Blueblood fix it."

AJ rubs her chin.
>...He did damage it during his attack didn't he?

"Oh dear."

>We'll give him some of Twi's books and let him at it.

"I should have known this would happen."

>Another problem solved. Thanks for joining me on...the Fireside.
>Funny story is there
>All I can focus on is the cute pic

Man, they are dicks to BB in this.
To be fair, he kinda deserves it all things considered. At least this is lighthearted and funny with the dickatry.
>Restaurant Owner



>That did not come out as I intended.


>...I'm not taking it back.

Too bad, you get nagged.

Relationships are all about compromise after all
No, they're about finding someone that you click with, if you cant click, don't dick. Fixing one another and compromising never works, it just makes you hate one another
He was the one who broke it in the first place. You break it you fix it.
Goodnight Thread... wait its 6am already~!? GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING EQUESTRIAAAAA!
Go to sleep Anon!
>PP Good morning Vietnam series
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I leave for another year and you guys are still here


~Fuzzy and the Buzz they're waking up! 97.1!~
~Gotta get up, gotta get going, we're gonna see a friend of mine!~

"That's right, we crawled out of our beds and are coming at you in the light of dawn!"

>Don't worry, we didn't wake anyone up on the way out, those were empty.


~I still have my action master doll and that's all I need!~

>But we're not just waking up alone, we've got a special guest here with us! Say good morning to the one, the only, the prime party pony herself, PINKIE PIE!

"You can't see it, but there is so much confetti."

'That's what she said!'


~I don't know what to do with this, but I love it.~

"So, Pinkie, what did you come on the show for today? New song with the record label as catchy as Smile Smile Smile?"

~It will never leave my head.~

>Maybe an upcoming celebration that's going to blow our minds?

~Everybody dance now!~

"Got a huge announcement on Partyland March 2?"


'Nahhhh, none of that you guys, I just wanted to warn you about the bombs that are landing near you. Be careful you all, and I have to get back to work on the dream stuff!'



"That happened."

~I have SEVERAL questions.~

>What do you suppose she meant-




"That's a good question."

>Buzz? Ah, crap, we fell asleep in the recording booth again.


"That we did. Wanna play our listeners something to sooth them while the whole world explodes?"

>Absolutely! Let's here a new hit from an up and comer to sooth the sounds of war, Razzle Dazzle!


~This is the best time!~
>Fuzzy and the Buzz crossing over with LNPP

I never knew how much I wanted this until now.
They fit each other weirdly well, they're both mostly disconnected sidestories that are almost 100 percent comedy, in fact I don't thing F&B ever did anything not-comedy, and they're both filled with sporadic unexplained silliness.

They go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

>It's time.

If there was ever two words that could come from the Queen of the changelings to set Twilight on edge, those were certainly up at the top.

That Chrysalis said it when the trio of Cadence, Forty Two and Eighteen were trotting up only made it far, far worse.

(What did you need, Chrysalis?)

{And can you be fast, some of us have to actually do work. You know, paperwork, that thing you rub your ass all over most days.}

~I'm sure her Majesty has a good reason for calling us.~

>Yeaaahh, I do.

All three stopped dead, frozen at the strained words coming from the normally powerful friend of theirs.

{Oh dear love, what did you do?}

(Eighteen! Let's not jump to conclusions!... But on that note, did you do something? And if so, what was it, and how much is it going to cost?)

~Alternatively, where is the fire, time is a factor.~

>Well, on the positive side, it's none of that. But... not better.

Twilight knew today was going to be a bad day.

>But to explain, first I need to-SLAMMA WHAMMA!

She switched gears for that one move, and strangely that alone. Kicking the door she had been leaning against in and sliding into the room in the same smooth motion, before returning to her serious look.

The stallion inside was not amused.

'Must you do that all the time?'

>It's a habit I'm trying to break. But, sadly, we have no time to discuss who does or does not look awesome kicking a door in, because there is something everyone needs to know... would you all come in?

One by one, they filed in, each one of them openly, deeply concerned as to the look lacking all of the jovial fun she normally wore on her obsidian face.

Stuck behind his desk, Shining Armor went as stiff as stone, and cut his eyes over to the tall Queen.

'What, ah, what's going on?'

>Everyone? There is something you need to know, about... Shiny.


In a second, he snapped up, sending what had been a deep worry in the other mares to a full blown panic.

'Chrysalis, can we talk about this first?'

>I'm afraid not, this really has to be said. I know, Shining, but you'll have to trust me.

His normal reluctant acceptance when she asked that was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was magic on his horn, and terrified eyes that kept looking over to the other four.

"W-what are you talking about? Is something wrong with him!?"

>I'm afraid so...


He tried to summon his bubble shield to separate the two of them from the other four, but to no avail. Power, ironically power he himself had provided, shattered the sphere before it could form.

This did not help their mood one bit.

(Shiny! What's wrong!? Why didn't you tell me!?)

{Or me! Or anyone! This isn't like you!}

~I'm sure you have your reasons... but are you sure they were wise?~


With all of them pressing forwards, he pleaded with his eyes for her to stop and take it back.

She just kept going.

>The thing is, there is something really wrong with him, and it needs fixed...

Even while the others looked on with horror, he kept trying to summon his magic, kept throwing more power her way in a desperate attempt to silence her and make her stop.

The others had all but been consumed by this point, thoughts of all the possible things that could be wrong with him already flooding their minds, everything from an old war wound that had become more serious to a thought that made Twilight question if she should start punching now. The thoughts grew and became more and more sporadic and serious, and every attempt to silence the Queen made it so much worse.

Until at last Chrysalis spoke again, and every one of them screeched to a halt in body, and in mind.

>...and it's pretty much my fault that it happened to him.
...That's actually kinda brilliant, Chrysalis.

Gonna make you look like a right asshole, but as far as saving Shiny goes, it'll work.
Oh yeah, we're still going strong.
>Playing the bad guy because its the only way to help him and still let everyone keep their personal image of him.

Damn. That's actually really heartwarming of her.
And people say she's the worst... Shame on them...

Still is
>Welcome to Not Late Night /pa/ with your hosts the Pink Pony Club! It's during this time that content does matter, but I fell asleep! Now for our main segment...REUNION!

"I'm the pretty one <3"

'I'm the grumpy one.'

>And I'm the-
DT and Cadence tackle hug Pinkie.

"We were worried about you! Are you okay?"

'Do I need to kill Discord? I can do it. I usually get what I want somehow.'

Pinkie laughs
>I'm fine. There was a lot of introspection, but the problem is resolved.

'So you ate Discord. I knew this would happen eventually.'

"Don't worry we'll pool our resources together to make sure it looked like it was an accident."

>No no! I merged with my shadow. We're good now.

"So no cravings?"


'Can I still kill Discord?'

>Sweet, but not necessary.



>But I'm so happy you girls cared!
Pulls them both for a hug.
>You all definitely have a place in my harem. I bet somepony is shipping us right now!


>That's all the time we have now, but I'll see everypony later! Now excuse me while I check on a radio show!
Starts pushing a party cannon.
Fuck you, yada yada ling hater, yada yada yada.
Yay! More pink crew!

The only screen time DT gets anymore.
Here and strong, mane.

Doing a good something for someone else doesn't automatically take away your bitch card. That takes many occasions of doing a good something. And maybe she'll always be a bitch, but a more likable one.

Yeah, DT fell of hard for some reason. Why is that?
>Yeah, DT fell of hard for some reason. Why is that?

Lack of Spike and 77 screentime, both of them are way lacking in it too, and they were her main go-to guys to chat with. With 42 spending more time Empire-wise, the Gunclub hasn't really been meeting.

More importantly is the recent shakeups and Gwen/PD, her Cabal, having fun and being locked away for a bit in their airship. With the focus primarily on Cadence and the Empire at the start of the Reveal arc, an arc that didn't actually affect her in any way and AJ/Chrysalis solo at the end, she didn't get a chance to shine, and couple that with the beach arc only focusing on two groups, neither of which she's a part of, and then the Sunset revival mini not mattering to her emotionally or otherwise, she just hasn't really had anything story wise to do, since like I said Spike and 77 all but vanished for a while, so she has nothing for sillies.

She's just not connected to the grander story. Or at least... she wasn't, before now.

Perfect time to bring her back and show what she learned in the meanwhile...
>Perfect time to bring her back and show what she learned in the meanwhile...

With PD and Gwen getting into the fight, it's all but assured she's going to show up eventually.
Well, she is kinda the worst, that's why it's so heartwarming when she can put it aside and still do what she thinks will work best even if it costs her because she wants Shiny to be okay.
>Just what we need, another mass-destructive ball of REEEEEEE to de-escalate the situation

Shes been a likable bitch for ages, you guys just choose to ignore all the other times shes been nice.

She is NOT the worst, she's not the best or even close, but she is not the worst. You think this heart warming? How about the time she basically said I'm not losing you again to 77 when he was thinking of going down there when they were going after Arana? That not heart warming enough for ya? How about being nice to 56? All the Momsie Stories with Two?

She's been likable for ages, but some Anon's just use her as an easy target, why? Cause "She used to be a villain and I don't like her personality! Those are good enough to justify using her as a punching bag again and again!"

This far in, using her for that is basically beating a dead horse. It's been done so much it's not funny anymore, It's stale and almost routine, like dead end job routine. All I can honestly say is, eventually this is not gonna be entertaining or engaging its just gonna be "Ugh, they're fucking her over again? Skipping."

Stop being Asshats, she's not the worst. She has her good side, its the side you keep punching, but its there.
>She's been likable for ages, but some Anon's just use her as an easy target,

Well to be fair, when was the last time she was really portrayed as unlikeable in the actual story? We don't even really rag on her anymore, she was pretty much the heroic antagonist of the Apple Crazy arc, and then had a bunch of fun during the Beach arc, and now she's doing a good thing for Shiny.

We don't even really punch her anymore, she made it out of the Beach Arc without getting injured even!
>How about being nice to 56?
Will an archiver please find me this story? I really want to a reason to smile at Chrysalis with a 'good job' type of nod.


She could see the smoke from here, if she concentrated she could even feel the subtle rumbling on the ground with every rapid strike. Someone was laying everything they had on Chitania, and wouldn't stop until she was a pile of dust.

>You really think that's going to stop her?

She couldn't stop smiling at the thought. It was already too late, Thirteen had reached her. It was all over.

"What are you planning?"

Her head lolled to the side, barely even caring to look at the one who had brazenly stomped up to her. The mare she had known for less than a day made herself known, no matter how little of a care Sunset gave regarding her, and how little the earth pony could actually do to back up her brazen looks.

>Me? I'm not planning anything. I'm just trying to make sure Chitania makes it out of this alive. Isn't that what you want too? I thought you wanted her to survive.

Sweet Note gave a little huff, gripping her bag a little tighter in her hooves, feeling the weight of the brick she had stashed away inside of it for just such an occasion.

"You know I do, but that-"

>Actually, just to clear this up, I know literally nothing about you. I have no idea who the fuck you are.

"You know my name is Sweet-"

>And just to press this point in, I do not give a fuuuuuccckkk. You're a hooker who traded professions, kinda. That's all I care about.

Her cheeks puffed out worse, that weight suddenly very tempting, calling to her.

"Listen you, if you somehow made it so she gets attacked-"

>You'll do what?

The weight's temptation left her, both figuratively and literally, when it was pulled away by magic.

"...Friggen cheater."

>Don't. Give. A. Fuck.

Left with little else to do, the mare stamped her hoof, and looked away.

"You gotta sleep sometime, tight britches. I'm not gonna let Chitty-"

>You realize you're just food to her, right?



For the first time in the conversation, it seemed that the one without magic had managed to get one over on her. Her smile flickered, even if it remained despite that.

"Oh please, ya' really gonna give me that look? She dropped down outta nowhere and grabbed me up here, and I'm not thinking she's my prince carrying me off. She was looking rough when we started, I know what she wants. I'm not doing this cause I think she's my best buddy."

Brazen hooves clopped against the stone until she was so close, she could see the twinkle of amusement in the other mares eyes

"But she's the best thing that ever happened to me, so go ahead, think this is me just lookin' out for my own interests. Ain't the truth, but if it makes it easier for you to think about it, fine. Just assume I'm looking out for the best moneymaker, the best job, and the best client I've ever worked with, and likely anyone else in my line of work ever has! Now you just think about that, and you remember that right now, I ain't sure if you're working for her best interests any more, and if you're a problem that needs dealt with. You think about that, and how someone like me would act."

She had hoped for, at the very least, some kind of intimidation to sink in, or at the very least anger at being challenged.

She was left with nothing but a smile, and a hoof brushing up against the fur on her chest.

>Let's just put it this way... I didn't want this to happen, and it's in my best interests if our shared little 'Chitty' makes it out in one piece and in fighting shape. What's happening here isn't important, at worst it's a very annoying roadblock, and do you want to know why? Well...

She leaned in, whispering in the offset mares ear.

>I'm going to make her more powerful than you could ever imagine. We're going to do things nobody ever thought possible, and I need her to do that, as much as she needs me. We're going to stand taller than any Titan Form could ever reach... together.


A patronizing hoof tapped the shocked mare on the cheek, keeping her from looking away.

>And to do that, she's going to need some food every now and again. Now, it's fine if it's you. You've worked with her, you know her and you love all those little 'perks' she gives you, don't you? I'm totally fine with it being you. But if you have a problem with this, well... it wasn't my idea to make the deal, after all. She came to me, which means she needs me for this next step. You, on the other hoof?

The smile that had been so listless grew outright manic.

>You're replaceable. Everybody loves their favorite restaurant, but never forget, there's competition right down any street... and they would love to have your favorite customer.

"She... she wouldn't get rid of me."

>And neither would I!

Her hoof switched up, flinging across the mares shoulders.

>Listen, Sweet Note? I think we got off on the wrong hoof here. Truth is, you liking Chitty? That's invaluable. You know how many others like you would sell her out to the royals, location or otherwise, for a fat stack of bits? I'm better most of them.

"Well, some would..."

>Ahhh, don't be like that. But you? I've bet you've been offered a time or two, no? Even if they were, oh, 'covert' about it?

She looked away, suddenly very unsure.

"Yeah, sometimes."

>Never sold her out, did you?

"No! I'd never-"

>Say no more, I believe you. Let's just clear something up right now, kay?

That foreleg tightened, drawing her in close to hear once again.

>I'm alive because of her, okay? I'm actually, honestly alive. So why don't you just trust me and my big old prodigy of a head to get her out of this. Or do you think you could, instead? Got a plan all at the ready?

She said everything when her eyes found the plume of smoke very, very interesting.

>Exactly. So sit back, stay ready, and we're all getting out of this alive.

She pushed off, trotting on her way towards the sounds with a joyous sway to her.


>Unless, of course, you'd rather go join up with the other Canterlot Elite? I'm sure Chitania has funded you enough you've got the bits, and they so love a turncoat so long as it looks like it's over to their side, Discord can prove that. Would you rather go with them?

Sweet Note hesitated, honestly thinking on that for just a single solitary second.


The answer came quickly, and definitively, after that.

>Good. Like I said, you and I? Right now, we've got the same goal, try to remember that. Who knows? Maybe we'll be the best of friends soon enough. Chitty likes you, there must be something of interest. But for now, hang back. I have a wonderful idea to try!

With a wild cackle, her limp trot turned into a full on bouncing run, charging all the way seemingly away from the battle, but no doubt to some place of interest.

"If... if it'll work, then I guess..."

She didn't trust the mare, something about her felt uneasy, like a whole lot of other ponies she had seen in her lifetime, and they had never ended well.

But for now, she had no other options. She didn't like it, but if it got Chitania out of danger...

"I guess I've put up with worse to survive."
Is it this one? https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/24574722/#q24595657
Sunset is genuinely terrifying, because I believe everything she's saying.
>Evil Applejack with an army of robots VS Evil Applejack Student with a giant monster she's gonna trick out VS Applejack

This is gonna end well...



That doesn't sound the least bit appealing to me but I've be proven wrong through writes before.

Although I'd be overly hype with a simple
>AJ VS Sunset
More like

>AJ cries in a corner, jamming the gun into her mouth while Sunset parades around with Chitania holding up a "FUCK YOU ALL WE'RE FAR MORE LIKEABLE CHARACTERS THAN ALL OF YOU"
Nope, farther back man. Waaaaay back.
You're shit, shut up, sit down or fuck off.
...gonna need some specifics.
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I am starting to second guess Sunset. She either has a very long running scheme that's nearing Death Note complexity or she's slipping down the affably insane slope while making surprisingly effective crap up as she goes...

Not sure what'd be worse either
I think that first meeting between her and Sunny pretty much set the bar that crying or pleading won't work.

At this point, I figure AJ's done with crying and, while she'll most definitely try to reason with her maddened student again, there will be no tears. And AJ'll succeed in the end in dragging Sunny back home. Whether Sunny is conscious or with her legs un-broken depends on her, however.
First 40-50 threads I think.
Well, she for sure doesn't have a long running scheme, or at the very least it's in it's infancy, since she JUST

>Figured Chitania could be worked with
>Felt she got betrayed by AJ and crew
>Learned about Discord's involvement
>Decided to go with Chitty to get at Faustmom
>The Rarity thing just happened and she wasn't expecting any of it

She probably already has an idea how to make Chitty her own pet Kaiju to sick on the ones who fucked her over, and that's what she means, but no way is she already in progress to a plan when she just came back to life TODAY in story.
Wow, a LOT more specific man... like, waayyyy more specific.

I'll take "After arc ___"
>when she just came back to life TODAY in story.
That's just what I mean. The speed at which she is adapting to this new situation is intimidating. It's like this new direction and persobality was waiting inside of her all this time
Not that guy but I wish I could help, because I really want to know what about this moment is going to endear Chrysalis to me. I mean, I'm already biased towards 56 in the first place but still.
>And AJ'll succeed in the end in dragging Sunny back home.

That sounds like one of those 'cool' things to do that would actually be really fucking horrible if anyone went through with it and did them.

Like, holy shit, Sunset's like "I want nothing to do with you and go fuck yourself!" So Aj knocks her out or breaks her legs or forces her to go with her... that just seems like when you take a step back it'd look really fucked up.
Just saying, we've managed to make stuff that sounded/looked really horrible come out really good.

That's just the power of our collective writers. I may bitch and whine from time to time about certain things but the ones who write usually pull through. Case in point, Rageylis. My God, Rageylis.
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I feel like this needs to be posted whenever someone gets told to shut up and sit down
>no bantz allowed

Oy vey

>This... is weird.

"You really gonna keep poking that stuff?"

The stallion ignored her, continuing to prod the wreckage that had once been his favorite mexicolt restaurant. Occasionally lifting a piece of shrapnel up and spinning it around, before placing it back as he found it.

"Oh wow, wasn't serious. What are you even doing?"

>Something's... off.

"Yeah, there's a fuckin' monster wrecking the city and you're over here."

>I can't help until the bombs stop falling, in the meantime though...

Yet again, he picked up a chunk of building, examined it with all the care of one looking under a microscope, and then placed it back down.

>Something's off.

"Fine, I'm listening."

>...I don't know what it is, exactly.

"Then this is a wonderful use of time!"

>I'm serious, Jackie. Some of this stuff...

He picked up another piece, this time displaying it to the mare.

>It's bowed outward weird.

"Oh, like it got exploded or something? Holy shit! There must have been an explosion or something! How did we miss that!"

>That's not it...

Slowly, he put it back down, and this time it was himself that rose up.

>Is Captain Rainbow Dash or Princess Rarity awake yet?

"Nope. Former is still konked silly and the latter ain't getting up for a while."

>...Stay here.

He knew she was going to ignore him, even before he started running.

"What'cha looking for?"

>I need answers as to what went down in there.

"But all the fancy ponies were evacuated."

>They were... but someone saw it.

His determination, and his speed, only grew stronger.

>And it sent her running off screaming...
>And AJ'll succeed in the end in dragging Sunny back home. Whether Sunny is conscious or with her legs un-broken depends on her, however.



"...Why are you suddenly a cavepony-"



>That am racist, me ungajack live in burrow. Not like dirty cave. Be nice.


>That am bone of racism. Me break. You're welcome.
I used to have sides before I read that. Now, I am sideless and better for it.
"Alright, fine! I'm home! Now what!?"

>Stop bein' a jerk.


>Stop it.




>Bad baconhorse. Bad. Bad baconhorse, no. No bein' a jerk.




If it went that way, you'd hear no complaints from me. You might hear some laughter but other than that, natta.


No matter how much she jammed, or slammed, switched, flicked or pressed, the buttons only flashed and gave off tiny lights of red, and beeps that screeched in protest. The rumble and shriek that had blanketed her airship so far had grown still, and silent.


"Because yoooouuu..."

A furious hoof swiped her claws away, grabbing hold and physically holding her as steady as possible to make sure not a single note of her words was lost.


If the missiles hadn't already, the screech would have ensured her ears never stop ringing.


>...I thought you said this thing was fully loaded with weaponry?


>I'm still going to file a complaint, I said I wanted it fully loaded, I didn't say I wanted it kind of loaded. Whoever works the customer service is going to get an earful.

Even with her ears stinging, she could hear the mare's mane ripping when she pulled on it.


>I'm not going to lie, I'm actually confused.


>Not about that, really now. I'm actually more confused as I thought we were on the same page on certain matters. For instance, I was sure we both wanted Chitania dead. Is that not the case? I'm going to take back certain promises of skiing if it is not the case-

She felt it before she heard it. A subtle shake, near imperceptible to all, only barely noticed.

Another followed it, and another, and another.


When the businessmare mashed her hooves into her face, a realization slowly dawned on her, and like the sun rising on that dawn the dim world became a little more clear.

The magical screen before her, previously filled with nothing but smoke, shifted. The waves of endless black that had covered it's view wavered as if the view was going out, despite it's crystal clarity.

The world shook again, and again, and again, and the clouds grew thin, and the light shined through.


Above even the endless flames on the ground, the massive crater filled with rubble, the wrecked shells of buildings that surrounded her, two lights, as stark an emerald as they were bright, lit up the darkness of the smoke.

When the first sweeping tower of obsidian swung out, it was all but expected.

When the massive, still shining white fangs parted the cloud with it's breath alone, she knew what to expect.

When the monster emerged, and the roar shook the world, the Queen knew where it had all gone wrong.

>...not enough?


>I wish you had told me that before I started shooting her.

In remorse, the pony only slammed her hooves to her face harder.

>Please tell me there's something else we can do because Pennydropshe'scomingrightthisway!

The beast lumbered towards them, easily shattering any wreckage of a building still standing in her way, charging with nothing more than a powerful gait as she honed in on the one who had attacked her so.

The world shook with her cry of revenge, and there was no way to take it from her.



Only when she could finally tear her stricken hooves from her face did the limb reveal one final, hidden and untouched button.

"Well... at least I get to show it off.

With one smooth motion, she slammed that hoof down.

It was met with nothing but silence.

Click click click, the button went, and still nothing happened.

The Titan would not be denied...

With a roar, she charged.

"...well fuck."
Damn I love these two.

Bringing the comedy!
>That am bone of racism. Me break. You're welcome
This has got to be one of those rare comedic gems that you will carry with you forever.
Okay, we definitely need more humor like this in the main story, Gwen was a treat.

Ungajack is a fountain of wisdom.
>side-series of Ungajack meeting with the rest of the cast and the original 'Jack
>they can't tell the difference sometimes
>solves problems the medieval way
Cliffhanger? I'm feeling cliffhanger.

>Are ya' sure this is the best time fer' this?

"Why not? What are we missing, really?"

>Ah' was just really hopin' ta' get to this ASAP.

"So? What, where is Sunset going to go? We've got alllll the time in the world."

>Ah' guess there ain't nothin' pressin' happenin, but still. Ah' don't like it.

"Oh hush and help me bake some more cookies."

>Ah've got several questions as ta' where these aprons came from...

"Really? That? Not the oven or baking material? I'm crazy and even I think that would be priority 1."

>Just sayin' aprons are about bein' clean. Why do ya' think Ah' took off mah' hat?

"Woaaahh, going weird places. I just brought them because we can ROCK the naked apron look."

>We're always naked.

"Yeah, but now you're totally naked."

>...Did you know Ah' was gonna take off mah' hat?

"Did you know that it's not good for you to lick raw batter, but really, really fun?"



>...So, we got time?

"Allll the time in the world."


>Mmmmmyeah... back in my Queen's shadow... Feels like a return to home, a return to normalcy and- hold on... wait. This doesn't feel right, this patch of shadow feels a bit uneven. Easily solved! I'll just... mmmmngh... there we go! All is right!

And the secret agent curled up even deeper in shadow, nestling and smiling a smile both secretive and alert. For he was ready to spring forth at a moment's calling, ready to aid his queen whenever she gave the wor-


>Are... are those missiles...?

He burrowed deeper into that darkness.

>...Yeah. She's got this. Totally. Go, Queen, wooooo...
Already?... Okay!


"That's right, something's wrong with Shiny, and it's all my fault. So, I have to... is it just me, or did it get really hot in here?"


"Uh, Twilight? You okay?"



"Why is there music?"


"Twilight, I don't know how to tell you this, but lightning. You're covered in lightning."


"There is lightning and now your hair is standing up and ohhhh kay I need to take some steps back."


"Twilight I think you're taking this the wrong way-"










>And that's why Not-Mom has a tattoo of Auntie Twilight's hoof on her face.
No no no! Different Era Applejacks~! Renascence Applejack, Cavemare Applejack, Future Applejack, Medieval Applejack, etc. Solving issues in the method of their corresponding Era...
50's Mobster Applejack.
>Am makin ya an offer ya can't refuse.

"W-why... Why would I refuse f-free apple pie?"

>That's right, ya don't.
>different era Applejacks
Really? C'mon, as if we don't have enough spin-offs to our series, man. SOMEONE FUND THIS SHIT.
How about a series of NC stories, sorta like "Tales of Interest" but focused on different kinds of Applejacks solving problems their wa- OMG!!! ASKING CELLY QUESTIONS!



>So I went around asking what eating carpet meant.

“Oh. Did you now?”

>Yeah because, oddly, you seemed to find something funny that I didn’t entirely get.

“That did seem the case, yes.”

>Well, after nearly getting Charity shoved up my dragonhole, I found someone to explain it to me.


>And I hope Ms Cheerilee gives you a Rusty Hoof.



“…Okay, just what in the hivemind is that?”

>Just know it involves a fork, two slices of ham, a pat of butter, and barbecue sauce.

“Is it… I'm confused, is... is she going to feed me? I admit it's not the most appetizing of meals but-”

>Butt is correct.



"...I'm half sickened and half curious."
Just going to put out, Vimes Pom is best Pom.

>GRRAAAAAGGGHHHH-what the fuck is that-


>OH SWEET FUCKING LOVE MY BACK- hey, wait a minute... this is actually pretty good! I feel... great!

"Oh um... yes, I saw your back was out of alignment, so I just had to help. Just a little something I do on the weekends... I'm Fluttershy, by the way, have we talked?"

>No, I don't think you or I have ever had any meaningful interaction. I also have not spoken with the pink one.

"Well, nice to meet you!"

>You know what? With how great my spine feels, you too.

"...So I'm noticing the explosions-"

>That airship shot at me and your friend tried to explode me.

"Oh. I'll have to talk to her about that. Would you like to discuss it over tea?"

>Ehhhh, sure..


>By the way, why aren't my hair things working right now?

"Oh, because this is all just a dream, and you're just kind of stunned because a missile hit you bad."






>So, tea?

"Tea would be lovely!"
oh god what if this becomes canon and Chitania literally learns how to punch reality into submission
Faust would literally hold no power
>42's face when she sees Chitania prove herself to be the true master of all things punches
>Faust and Chitty get into a reality warping punching match
>This ends in a 1-1 match with the show

If he didn't react, he could have kept playing them. They hadn't believed her the last 10 times she said there was something wrong with him, why would he think they would listen to her now?

>Ohhhh, my head... what happened?

"Chitania exploded you, somehow. I have no fucking idea how, but she exploded you."


>Nobody, whatever you did to contain it, good job!

"...Right... contain it... oh! Did my plan work?"

>No, she just punched us.

"But how did she defeat the towel!?"

>The.. the what?

"The towel darling, the wet towel!... Don't tell me you didn't follow my instructions to the letter?'

>I... think you might need to lie down.

"Oh bother. Here, let me show you.

"I don't think that-"


"...Did you just whip off my wings?"

>Now imagine that, but it's Chitania's head.

"Holy shit, I uh... need to retract my previous statement. Good going."

>I should say!

"Now how do I put them back on?"

>...Put them back?



'She's dead?'

"A tragedy, really."

'Well, that was fast. She's been awake fer' like, a minute.'

"A tragedy..."
Wouldn't future AJ just be an older alicorn AJ?
Previously she just said "There's something wrong with him and he's acting weird and I don't know what it is"

This time she actually DOES know what it is, specifically, and if she said it they might at least humor her enough to look, and if they did they'd find she's right. Eighteen or Forty Two could literally see it if they knew what they were looking for, they just can't wrap their heads around the thought to check.

That and if Cadence asked "Is this true?" you just know he couldn't bold faced lie to her face, he'd crack then.
Unlock check!
>AJ and I can really rock the naked apron look.
Well, Pinkie certainly thinks so. Ohhh myyyy~>>27191369
>Rarity shows Dash the power of a wet towel.
>That was fast fanservice!
Rarity learns the hard way why these two being connected is a bad thing.>>27191952
>Twilight reveals her powerlevel.
>Fluttershy cracks somepony's back.
Chitania cracks reality right back. It's weird.>>27191846
>Berry Punch rushes in to save the hooch!
Lyra is confused. >>27149874
>Good thing Cheese Sandwich brought in plenty of foil!
It... helps? >>27159187
>Applebloom runs into a Bison from Bisongard who can help!
He's... helpful?>>27179103

right up to the towel, that could be their canon interaction when they get up.
Yeah, although how far in the future would be fun to mess with, hear some stories from the future, see how jaded or happy futurejack is, etc.

Kinda puts me in the mindset as our futuretwi from way back.
>Boy, it sure was weird when everybody became a chicken, that was some good times.

"Did that happen or are you just saying stuff until someone finds it interesting enough to listen to you?"

>...Ah' should'a got me a harem when Ah' had the chance.
>AJ asks herself questions
Talk about the ultimate fucking irony.
"Well, Ah' mean, Ah' could still do that, who'd ya' have in mind? Stick ta' guys first, we'll talk about the... other thing later."





>...B-... Blueblood?

"Is he seriously the only canon male we got with real development?"

>Sides Spike and Shining?.. yeah...

"Well... shoot."

>...there's Big Mac-


>Twilight did it, it's not weird!

"Is that true or are you just desperate?"

>...Which one would freak ya' out less?

"That's... a good question..."
There's... Soarin? Soarin' is there.

Who's feeling Applesoarin?
They have never talked ever. The above was listing the only males she HAS talked to.
Soarin does like pie... Maybe some apple pie?

They were-

>Yeah yeah, hold up a second... wellll?

The mares leaning forwards over the edge of the pool looked back to him, unamused.

"We got what we wanted, sure."

>So that meaaaanss...

'It means we don't regret the last couple hours.'

>But it means yooouuuu...

"Didn't have a terrible time, we suppose."

>But it means you goottttt...

'A little carried away when she laid on top of me and started making out...'

"It's not gay in a threeway!"

'Still sisters...'

"Doesn't count in a spa, that's the rule!"

>Yeah yeah yeah, but it means youuuu gooottt aaaaaaaa...

Both heads flopped forwards, and started hitting the pool edge.

"'...We got a happy ending."'


'That stallion was on my back a bit ago. He was on my back and I loved it. This is my life.'

"I actually didn't let him get away at the ending. What a wise life choice."

>Alright, you can come back now.

Their distraction worked, I never saw the two shapes coming.

>...wait, wha-

Their hawk like grips closed, and the world grew small...



Keeping your cool a thousand feet above the air isn't easy... but he managed it.


Cooler than the icecaps.

>AHHHHH-OOF!... Oh hey, cloud bed, been a while since-


{Shit is going down right now, and we NEED to know we're getting screentime in this!}

(This shit is serious, and it's our time to shine!)

{The new us, she means!}

(With development!)

>Er, I have no idea who you two are-



>Oh... okay-

(Introductions are out of the way! Let's get to it!)

>...Pretty much how this is going, isn't it?


The silver maned fox didn't give a damn, he could see it in her eyes. She just climbed atop the bed and put her chest to the mat. She was ready.


It seemed there was some trouble in paradise.

{Why do you get to go first!?}

(...seriously? I thought that would be obvious.)

{No! It's not! I want to go first! I don't want to go after he finishes up with you!}

(Well, I reeeally don't want to go after you! I mean, wow!)

{Why is it worse for me!?}


{Oh, right. Only one... still!}

(We could fight, but then we might run out of time, and then he might not get to... you know.)

{But... but!}

(Seconds or no screentime, your choice!)

{...Fiiine, but I'm getting ready.}

The war was over. The victor triumphant. The loser... shuffling next to her, in the same position.

(There we go! Now, let's get that scr... that screeee... haaaa... that screenAH! AH!)

She stopped talking after that.

>...So, Soarin? You-nng- know Rainbow Dash?

{Oh yeah! Had a whole thing with her.}

>A thiiiiing- thing?

{Nahhh, not this kinda thing, I meant a storyline.}

>Neat! So-hah- you do hoofball?

{I love hoofball!}


{...How much longer till my turn?}

>Does it really matter?





{Yeah, I pretty much just want you cause DAMN, you a stallion.}

>...I just wanted a friend to talk to...
Annnd, das bump.

Reminder we got unlock, and if you need things summed up in a sentence

>The battle against Celestia heats up as Chitania unleashes her Titan Mode, and Gwendolyn fires everything she has to try to take her down!
You forgot to do the thing.


Gotta do the thing.
If he doesn't awaken, someone else may get the first in the NEW THREEEAD >>27192560
Thank you. I've been out and about for a job interview all day, so I have no idea what happened today.

Who has awakon me from my...well actually I wasn't asleep, but I heard the call!
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I think he meant SciFi future, Hover carts and shit
Pinkie Preview
>The battle against Celestia heats up as Chitania unleashes her Titan Mode, and Gwendolyn fires everything she has to try to take her down!
>I nervously explain to AJ that it's simply my Pinkie sense. Harry the Bear goes a little Dirty Harry. Moondancer is pretty much a hermit in Canterlot. You know nothing Bon Snow. Doctor Whooves is not an actual medical doctor. Donut Joe comes back from lunch. The Crusaders rub their buts together to try to think of something. Find out what happens next time in thread 135: Applicious...and of course exposed neck fanservice!
Does anyone else besides me wait for the predictions before closing the thread?
Aye. It's what feels right.
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