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BABScon Hype + Planning Thread

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Thread replies: 93
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BABScon is just around the corner.

Planning on going? Want to meet fellow anons prior? Need to plan shit in advance? This thread is your new home.

Play nice y'all.
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I just live a few hours away in Fresno but I hate fun and am poor.
I live minutes away in San Mateo County and will be unable to attend all but the last day. Fortunately, the MAS/RDP panel is on the last day.
I can't be the only one, right...?
/mlp/ is too obsessed with his "non-brony" beliefs, no one should see your power level even if that con is made exclusively for pony related interaction
It doesn't matter if it's the last pony convention ever, they will never go there because
>everyone has pony merchandise
>muh fedoras
>so much cringe
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It's a little late to just decide on going now, hotel room wise.

Poor as in you don't want to use up your credit cards buying custom plushes ore poor you can't even afford a one day pass, cause they're like 20 bucks?

Getting on a 12-hour flight to San Fran next Thursday.

If anyone wants to hang and drink at the con, I'll be around in a black shirt or hoodie with a white pone logo on the back. I'll be one of the hosts at the Overmare Studios panel as well.

I have to force myself from packing my bags from the hyp.
>live 40 minutes away by bus
>no horsefucker friends to go with
What do you even do at a con?
Coming in the evening of the 21st

Gonna spend all weekend harassing TheLostNarrator
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I'm from the San Jo, wouldn't miss it.
East coaster here, PA to be specific. Way too far to get to BABSCON, and seeing how all my friends dropped out from going to Bronycon this year, I think my con going days are over.
glad to be going to what is likely to be the last con where old-guard show staff (the ones who gave a shit) attend. Should be a fun last hurrah for the fandom. Besides the 2017 movie, but still.
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o shit someone made a thread

If any of you are/were planning on going but are dealing with rooming or lodging problems and need a place to stay, hit me up.

I've got a room at the main hotel and will be offering room shares for very cheap or straight up free depending on your situation.

Reply if interested I guess.

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Keep an eye out for a drunk cardboard box
I want to fug that pole strippin horse
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wish i'd seen this before ordering my room, fuck

i'm a faggot for suggesting this, but we could have an unironic horsefucker meet, without the shitty "hurr i'm on 4chan" shitlords. Watch some 4cc, smoke some and maybe drink.
There's going to be a /mlp/ party hosted by the Horse News folks. Feat. Strippers and Booze.
I will take you up on this. I just decided to come and am ordering my ticket now.

Do you have a skype we can chat about this over?

my skype is weimtime007
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Anyone going to Ruby Skye Saturday night?
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I'll be definitely going. Got drafted by a fellow horsefucker to DJ for the /mlp/ room party. I expect lots of autism, horse dildos, and soul-shattering cringe. But it should be fun.

Riding a greyhound all the way from Texas up to Cali-forn-iyay next Wednesday. I'll be bringing all my Tracy drawings with me in a big folder, so if anyone wants any just come talk to the skinny black guy with an afro.
Woot what day and time are you getting there?
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According to my Greyhound info I'll be arriving in San Francisco at 7:05 AM Friday morning. From there I gotta find a way to get to the con space, which looks to be a short taxi ride away.
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Where and what day?
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Glad to see you decided to go after all. Nice.
I still need to either find someone to room with and go halfsies on or something. The only problem with that is my flight gets in at like 2:00 am Friday morning and I don't know where I could stay that night. I'd rather not pay for an entire hotel room just for me.
I'll be arriving Thursday night.
Also ye I got Skype. I'll add you in a second...

We got the hookers for Friday night. I think some folks will put up another party Saturday night as well, but most of us will be in the late night COOL KIDS panels that Chelis and other HN folks will host.
Jesus Christ, I can barely put up with a 5hr greyhound ride. I can't imagine a trip that long.

Best of luck fellow Texas bro.
The bus has wifi and power outlets. That's literally the only reason I'll be able to survive it. I'm most likely gonna work on music on my laptop and watch ponies while also shitposting on /mlp/ about the trip.
Also I guess anyone else that may be interested can directly hit me up on Skype...

Get hype!
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why does time pass so slowly
babs bump

I'm sorta nervous about DJing the room party.
As long as you know what you are doing and are confident in that you have nothing to worry about.
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No worries man you got it. All those years doing that Fractured Frequencies Radio show will pay off.
>mfw DJing pony music for half-naked strippers in a room full of horsefuckers
>mfw dropping the needle on Equinus Vaginus

Is anyone attending any of the panels? Is anyone here on any of the panels?

My first year at this con.
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>not wanting to meet up with horsefuckers irl
Bronycon horsefuckers party room 2015
Your closest BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station is about 5 minutes from the "Temporary Transbay Terminal" (which is where I'll bet that Greyhound bus drops you off) and will take you directly to SFO airport. From the airport is a short cab ride. From downtown SF to the airport is about a $35-40 Uber ride, no idea what it is by cab.
Alright bitches, listen up

I got the suite for 4 days, i got the (gee bill) 2 strippers, and i got the amazing autists who are bringing the booze

HN and /mlp/ are gonna take care of ya and wet your wistle

Now! they want to know what you want , so to make things easier for them, here is a form so they can take requests for booze


Also, ill be bringing theese buttons as well, so all you need to do is show me that you have been blocked by Ocucka Jack and you get a button

Also, ill be around look for the fat mexican in sunset shimmer merch

skype is louisros1990 if you want to join the >skype group we already have
shit dude I'm fuckin hyped
I want the PFC to leave
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Now is my time to shill the /mlp/ BABScon chat where all the cool kids are at. The official planning doc is also in the chat. If you got any questions, feel free to ask.
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>tfw live nowhere near a horse con
>tfw I'll never manage to go to one before the fandom dies
I-it doesn't h-hurt I swear ;_;
won't be going to BABS but im going to EFNW in May. anyone going to be there?
omfg Woot, will you MC for my set?! I think I'm playing Friday night.
Not to be rude or anything but...who are you bro? Do you do music or somethin'? Are you playing mainstage or the party or what?
(Additive Subtractive)
Hah, you're a huge faget.

But no seriously good to hear from you. You doin' the room party? If so yes I'll MC for you.
also yeah I'll be mainstage this year but I'll def be at the party.
Awright. Congrats on mainstage m8. Don't think I'll be MCing though. I'll be at the party Friday night.
See >>27067776

I'm on the PABS panel Saturday evening, Overmare Studios panel Sunday morning.

First time I DJed live my hands were shaking bad. It gets better with time though, just chill and pretend you're practicing in your room.
Aight, I'll hit you up at the con my dude.
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Page 9 hyp bump.
maybe another one...?

I need a small loan of 150$ for tickets.
Drink and buy merch
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I expect to see a video of this.
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Is this the last BABScon? Seems like lots of things are dying out these days
no, BABS 2017 is going to happen. It's just, when it does, there won't be a single writer from season 1 or 2 still on show staff. If they do go, it'll be a "mlp seasons 1 through 4" convention, not an mlp convention, if you know what I mean.
That's a shame, it really does seem that this whole fandom is on its last legs, at least from my perspective. You guys have fun, looks to be a blast with the people that are attending
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I live in San Jose, so I may drive up for a day. I dunno though, I went to the first BABS and had an okay time. I have no friends to hang out with.
Join us brother
I live in Oakland and I got a pass for Saturday to help out some friends.

I'll be wandering around as it'll be my first pony con.
Play anons to the core!!!!

I got my /mlp/ scarf from scarfanon a couple of days a go. You bet your ass I'll be sporting it!
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I'll be wearing five /mlp/ jerseys throughout the con and a scarf of course.
one more week
I'll be going this time around too. I've never been to the bay area proper, but I have family that lives in San Jose that I visited a few years ago.

It's also going to be my second time ever going to a big convention ever; we don't have a lot of conventions where I live.

Planning on hanging with anyone from AiE who decides to show up. I know that Flutterpriest and Anonpencil will be there for sure, so that'll be fun.
hope you have fun
I want to go
There's gonna be autism
Of course. That's a given
Nyxcon when?
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So Greg released a babscon hyp video
How is the con with video coverage? Are livestreams still a thing like in 2012? Is someone gonna record it? Will you leak it?
I kinda wanted to go, but figured it'd be too much money to travel from canada when i'm tight on cash as it is.
No fun for me, shame I really wanted to drink with some fellow horsefuckers.
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we'll just party with you from a distance <3

>his panel starts right as mine ends
thank fuck, never thought i'd get to see this guy irl

that's like believing a fucking dubs thread.

No live streams this year. Some Mane Hall panels will be recorded, but otherwise panelists are on their own if they're wanting a recording.
bring cameras I guess
Hell ya
It's shit like everything else is. If anything, I rather storm the building naked fucking my Rainbow plush jumping hump and down in the air like a gorilla.
Yall mothafuckas need strippas
you bringing them?
When you host it
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