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Coltquest Thread 26

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Thread replies: 584
Thread images: 47

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Previous Thread:

>A cannonball busts through the side of the ship, and a few of the pirates as well as Ruby and Emerald are sent down to investigate the damage.
>After checking that the shot didn't cause any major damage, Emerald uses the opportunity to go onto the deck.
>The battle has gone onto the enemy deck, and Emerald sees Joyride firing spells.
>Emerald spots a pony doing suspicious things with a glowing green torch object, and shoots the sailor with a magic missile.
>He hits, the sailor shoots back, and Joyride downs the sailor.
>Emerald sticks around until the melee ends, and then is sent below.
>Ruby convinces Emerald to see what is happening on the other ship.
>Emerald sees the Captain talk about recruiting some people.
>The captain does, and a party to celebrate the successful raid happens.
>Emerald learns a little about the new recruit, sees some of the treasure they found, and then goes to bed.
>Emerald spends the next few days practicing with his knife and learning how to use a light spell.
>Emerald overhears the Captain and Joyride talking. Apparently they are being chased by three warships, and have to go through a undead infested strait to escape them.
>Emerald writes Sensoria and Hope a letter.

Continued next post...
Margarita, hah.
Also, is there a significance for why more ponies are getting jammed into the op pic? I mean it's cute as fuck n all. I just wondered if there was a reason for it.
Ha, look a Guill being a huge faggot in the corner, struggling with his homo feels.
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Emerald goes to find Joyride.

He sees her on deck. She looks very focused, and is walking along the entirety of the rail, staring over the side and into the distance.

Emerald is sure she is trying to spot any undead, and he feels a little anxious about approaching her.

From behind him the new recruit walks by, and he heads directly for Joyride. Emerald gets closer, he kind of want to see what happens.

"Hey there, honey!" Quicksilver says, walking along beside her.

Joyride gives him a raised eyebrow, but returns the greeting normally.

"I don't suppose I could borrow a dress from you could I?" Quicksilver says, boldly.

"Oh?" Joyride replies, her eyebrows still raised.

"Sorry about being forward about it, but you are the only lady on the ship. I sorta met a guy here but he says he is straight. Can't say I believe him though, so I think I might try a little game of pretend." Quicksilver says with a sly grin.

"Oh~! I see!" Joyride says with a toothy smile. The two exchange knowing looks with each other, and Joyride says he'll show him some stuff later.

Quicksilver almost skips away, and Emerald feels a little better about approaching the unicorn now.

"Hey lil' perv. What's up." Joyride says, continuing her vigil around the borders of the ship.

What does Emerald do?

(Yeah, I kinda like Margarita Vargas. I might steal that for something. The random name thing makes everything a bit harder though, I think I should have waited another day to start the thread.)
You usually post with an image, so it should be fine.

The only problem I forsee with it is, it might be a bit confusing for us for a while, and archival purposes it might fuck things up.

Like the archive on anonpone.
Fic, we didn't get a letter back from Sensarita, did you mean to do that?

Just say you were mostly seeing what she was up to. And ask her if the things in the water are really gonna be that dangerous.

Are they like zombie whales or something?

Damn, quick is pretty kinky. I have to admire that.
Ask what she's thinking, and if she thinks pikes on the rails could be helpful
His trappyness will never be on par with Emmy.
Emmy is the one true princess.
I do agree with that, we are the trap king and we will not be usurped anytime soon.

I also kinda can't wait for the layout to go back to normal.
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Emerald asks if spikes on the railings would help against the undead if they were to attack.

"Possibly. They might get stuck on the pikes and damage themselves. It wouldn't do anything to dissuade them though. The undead are usually mindless and most don't feel pain." Joyride says, looking over the side of the ship again, "Plus I doubt we'd have the time to get the entire ship covered before we got through the strait."

Emerald asks what sort of undead she thinks might appear. Asking jokingly about undead whales.

"Don't laugh now, that's certainly a possibility. I don't know what we might face. I really don't have a clue. There are so many different creatures, constructs and combinations that could attack it's hard to counter." Joyride remarks, biting her lip.

What does Emerald do?
Hey, Joy we have a plan to bail just in case things go south right?

They're is no way I'm going down with the ship.
I hate to say it, but it sounds like we might need a contingency plan to bail, hopefully things won't go that bad.

Ask her if she thinks we might need to bail. I'd really hate to leave all the other crew members to their own fate, but we might not have a choice if we are looking to stay alive.

It's a bad sign when she even seems to be worried about it, and like iv'e said before, it is a bit worrying when 3 warships even avoided it.
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Emerald asks if they have an escape plan.

"Of course. I like the Captain and Bo, but I ain't going down with the ship. Make sure your stuff is all packed, alright? We may need to bail at any moment." Joyride says, turning towards him, but not looking directly at the colt.

What does Emerald do?

Make sure if we have to escape Ruby is coming too.
wut are you looking at?
I'd like to take Bo along but he'd probably say no anyway. Guess I'll have to find a new husbando when shit it's the fan.

Let's go get packed and warn Ruby.

Of course, Ruby is coming too, she can cook.
Go find Ruby and tell her the plan.

Maybe after that we could see about talking to the captain, maybe we could help impress upon him how bad of an idea this could be.
Dang. Anonpone didn't say this cyoa was live!
I think it might be because Fic can't use his name right now.

The only reason I knew it was live is cause Fic posted in the CYOA thread.
And Im just a faggot that checks the catalog once in a while
Tell her that has to be something we can do where we don't have to abandon them. We fought the navy and won surly we can't give up now.
Agree to get packed. Then go look for Bo.
Oh my mistake, well either way, a nice anon posted in the CYOA thread.

I almost want to talk to him and see if he won't try to talk to his dad, but the captain does seem pretty set in his decision.
Look for Bo and agree to pack.
...one ship of sailors is not the same as a undead hoard. Don't be stupid.
Let's brew up some potions this time.
We could always ask about that, though I get the feeling she might not have access to her ingredients right now.

We shouldn't just simply give up on them Joyride. Not After everything we did to help them raid that ship.
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(Dang, I knew I should have waited... Maybe everything will catch up when the names go back to normal.)


Emerald nods, and hurries off to find Ruby. She is of course, in the kitchen. Emerald tells Ruby of the situation, and asks the chef if she can be excused. He gives a grunt and a nod, and the pair go downstairs and immediately begin packing their things.

Emerald can't decide where to put his bag. He thinks near the door might be the best bet, but having at the bed might be okay as well since they'll start passing through the strait around the time they'll be wanting to sleep.

Ruby sees Emerald paces back and forth, placing it at both places and makes a small chuckle. Embarrassed, Emerald decides to leave it by his bed. Ruby copies him, and then says she's going to go back up to the kitchen. Before she leaves she gives him a punch on the arm and says that everything will be okay.

Emerald then decides to go see if he can find the Captain or Bo to see if they can still avoid this path. Emerald finds Bo first, and after discussing it with him he confesses to Emerald that Joyride's reaction concerns him as well, but the Captain is the Captain, and what he says goes. Bo even tried chatting about it himself to his father, but he didn't relent.

Emerald tries to discuss things further, but Quicksilver comes up from the side and asks if he can speak with Bo for a moment, and they walk off. Emerald, a little curious because of the previous conversation the new recruit had with Joyride, tries to follow, but they just go to speak about some sort of actual business involving the replacement of some of the boards on the side of the ship where the cannonball hit.

Emerald goes back to his room and sits on his bed. Unsure of what to do. He is pretty sure he won't be able to do much to help, but he still has a few hours before the enter the strait.

What does Emerald do?
Could potions work on Undead? Like the slippery one. We could make them slide right off deck. Give Joyride a positive grin.
Brew Potions and help board up the ship.
Check to see if Hope has responded yet.
Probably not or at least mainly because we don't have enough supplies to cover a whole ship. let alone one of the sides.

Also, it seems the way to kill undead is a lot harder in this world than in others.

See if we can find some pitch and oil perhaps we could burn the undead without setting the ship ablaze. (And keep the flame from dosing out.)

Do an Int check to think of good ways of deterring the undead from the ship. We are familiar with the ship enough now to probably think of some defense plan.
>(Dang, I knew I should have waited... Maybe everything will catch up when the names go back to normal.)

To be fair I'm surprised as well that you started today. Given that it's April first and all.

Find a secure location that you and Ruby can defend yourselves if the undead get on board.
If you tried to use your name maybe it'll show up after today is over?

Could we consult with Joy about making a distraction? I don't know what the undead are drawn to, but maybe make a distraction so big that we can sail by unnoticed?
That probably wouldn't work because the fire would have to be so hot that it incinerates them really quickly.
The undead would just keep climbing the sides otherwise and would be flaming zombies and skeletons.

Which is a bitch to kill.

Sorry if I'm being a downer.

Think about Bo, Emerald. He's been so nice to us. We can't just leave him here to die with the others. We have to take him with us if we have to leave.
A few hours?

Maybe we can share a moment with Bo, if he can take some time off....

Come up with a plan to blast the undead from a distance with magic missiles and use the light and push spells for those up close.
If he'll come with us I say we take him but I don't think he'll abandon his dad.

Let's see if we can get intimate with Bo again. This might be our last chance. So let's make our goodbye be memorable for him. Emmy goes snoo snoo on him.
Damnit guys, don't think that way. Everything will be fine... We just need to come up with a good plan.

Think about Bo and Ruby. Use into to come up with a plan to keep them both safe. We don't want to lose anyone. Not now.
Care to suggest one?
We should ask joy if she knows a spell to make us into a grown mare and has some hair dye.
Then we'd look like sunset for Bo.

Sunshine. Sea. (Sunset is probably her sister.)
I'm sorry anon but the ship is fucked once the undead gets here. They are really tough to kill in this world.
But Bo said that we didn't have to be her for him. We should respect his wishes.

Emerald thinks about his knife skills from the course of the past few days. How does he feel his skills are standing especially with a fight coming soon.
This would be for different reasons. kinky reasons.
Not actually trying to be her.

He might like it.
I'm trying, but honestly it's pretty hard, especially since we don't seem to have too many tools at our disposal, and we don't know exactly what we're up against.

Other than the idea for explosives i'm stumped.

I don't wanna give up on the idea of the ship coming out in mostly one piece.
>I don't wanna give up on the idea of the ship coming out in mostly one piece.

Neither do I.
Think if we could use our box pushing skills to form barricades and traps on board the ship.
I think it would be a nice gesture for him, but it's hard to say if he would like it or not.

Things might be looking grim for that.

Tell Ruby to get a big weapon that she can use and help us cook some potions in the kitchen. We might not be able to kill them, but we might be able to slow them down.

Hey FicFic how will the battle system for this will play out? Will we have a score or crew health bar for how well the ship and crew are doing or will we be left in the dark and have to guess?
We need to either plug up that hole below deck or seal that room off as that's where the undead will first come in.
Let's go talk to Bo and tell him our fears. Invite him to come with us if the battle looks to be lost.
(Seduce him if we have to, I don't want to see him go!)
Check to see if Hope has replied back and think of a plan. Use a mix of perception and intelligence to come up with something.
Can Emerald recall any books or papers on the undead? I'm sure his step-parents researched it some.

Let's go talk to the captain and plead our case. Perhaps only go in the strait far enough to make our pursuers think we are sailing through it and then turn around and sneak back out.
Did the undead get you FicFic? Or still working on post?
Search the ship for thing we could use as weapons or traps if we have to.
I wonder what a bad end undead Emerald would look like?
If these crazy faggots get they're way we'll find out.
Does the ship have harpoons? We could use those on them. Heck let's take some of the row boat oars and turn them into makeshift pikes.
Which ones?
The ones trying to fight an ocean filled with undead.

But to be honest, Lich king Emerald would be kinda cool.
>Lich king Emerald

Like Death Knight Arthas?

it's been about an hour and 30 mins. Do you think QM went to bed?
I think he got drunk.
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(Last for the night.)

Emerald thinks about what the best way he could fight the undead could be. He unsheathes his Dagger of Subtlety and looks at it, swinging it around like there is a skeleton in front of him. He isn't sure how much good a dagger would do considering it sounds like they have to be smashed to pieces for the magic to wear out. Maybe he should find a hammer?

Emerald then puts his dagger back and thinks about some potions he could make... If he only had the components for them. He is sure he can't find most of them on the ship.

Emerald sighs, and his mind starts to wander. For some reason, it stops upon Bo, and Emerald wonders if Joyride would let him come along if the escaped the ship in the case of things going south. Emerald hops to his feet, and starts to walk around the ship, half of his thoughts on where good places to hide would be and the other half on trying to spot Bo.

After walking the ship a few times and not spotting the zebra, Emerald stops and asks one of the pirates if he's seen Bo.

"Think he went to go get something out of one of the storage rooms." The pirate replies, tapping his chin.

Emerald goes looking around, the closest storage area he can find, but just as he is about to turn the knob he hears Quicksilver's voice.

"Now now, I can see how much you are blushing, Bo... And that's not the only place where blood is rushing, is it?"

Emerald quickly peers through the keyhole and sees Bo on his back, with Quicksilver sitting just below his chest... And he's wearing a light blue sundress.

What does Emerald do?
>tfw OP fapped and fell asleep
I'm really tempted to just interrupt them.(Dressing up as sunshine was our idea first!)
Night fic.

It looks like we're gonna get a show.
lol wut a fag

Lets go find a hammer and smash Qu-- ahem to use it to smash the undead.
I'd see if we can join in.
Do perception check to see if we are alone and watch to see what Bo does.

Let's walk in there and talk to Bo like we don't notice anything. (Heh, that will make ol' Quicky a nervous wreck for sure.)
It's probably locked, you'd have to be careless or super excited to forget to do that.
Emerald check the time and see how many hours we still have.
But, I don't think Bo we expecting to get laid.
It's probably open.
Well Bo just went in there to get something. It might not be locked yet.
Emerald check the door to see if it's locked.
This. Oh man the look on their faces would be priceless!
I suppose you guys do have a point.

It'd be funny, but i can't imagine they'd appreciate it.
Okay guy's try to keep this bumped tonight and I might post something special tomorrow.

-Psker out!
>but i can't imagine they'd appreciate it.

You are most defiantly right. But I'm feeling rather Jealous and selfish right now.
I've been wanting Emmy to be the pitcher for a while I think this twink might just be that chance.

I say we play along and dom the new guy.
Sounds great.

I want to join in if i'm being blatantly honest, but I don't wanna be annoying and intrude. I'm conflicted.

If we could swing it that way, that'd be pretty awesome, but I don't think that'd work for us.

I guess we'll see what happens.

Emerald roll a will check to decide on the course of action. (Given that the door is not locked of course.)
Hey, FicFic do you have a uncensored version of that idol Emerald was holding from last thread?
You know the thought occur to me. We alwaysed assumed Bo was Bi or gay. but apparently when Quick Silver and him went off to the beds he apparently told the pony he was straight. Does this mean he's only gay for Emerald?
Oh yo, I never thought about that. Damn.

It would appear that way.

Then that might mean Quick Silver is trying to seduce him.
Emerald do a perception check or int check. We know that Bo has sex with a male, us. But he apparently told Quick Silver that he was straight. Does that mean he's only interested in us? Also wonder if what Quick Silver is doing is what Bo truly wants.
This does make me wonder if the biggest reason he's attracted to us cause we remind him of Sunshine? This certainly does raise some questions though.

I wonder if we should interrupt then for Bo's sake.
I say wait a moment and do a perception check, then go from there.
We should walk in and put that slut in his place.
Between our legs.
If we do walk in on them, I think we should refrain from acting like we know what's going on. I think in this case it might be a good idea for Emerald to feign ingnorance.

Unless Fic wills it, the chances are that QS isn't gonna be down with an improptu 3some.
Then it's our prerogative to prevent this. (Bo will likely be grateful later. Even if he probably wont be right now.)
To add more to that, since Fic said that underage stuff is just as taboo there as it is here, it might very well be a bad idea to let Quick know that we know, that he a hoe.

And that we got fucked by Bo, that too.
We could just lie and say we're a wizard who can change shape.

Sunshine did it all the time so Bo could back us up.
That'd be funny, but that bluff would fail if Bo didn't go along with it.

Agreed. I do not want to see him get harmed or endangered by us.

However if Bo has tuned QS down by saying he's straight then that means he's not openly Bi or might even suggest that Bo is only interested in us. Aparently he has a thing for boy's in drag and QS is using that to seduce him.

I feel that as Bo's (Lover?) friend that we should interrupt this prior to being seduced he likely didn't want this.

I think we should knock on the door and say we are looking for a hammer. That will establish innocence on our part, help us find a weapon, and save Bo from QS seductions.
>t this prior to being

as prior to being seduced
Actually, if you ask me kids are more likely to just walk in rather than politely knock.

Strange thing is, I actually thought Bo was ok with the idea of banging QS i'm surprised at the turn of events. I guess he didn't realize he was being hit on.

But it probably would be wiser to knock first.

What's happen to me. When we first started this voyage I was the one advocating that we keep our relationship with strictly professional. Something changed as when QS started hitting on him my reaction was "Not my husbando!"

Now that I figured out what it is QS is doing to Bo be my reaction is pretty much this:

What did you do to me FicFic?!
You've become just as fond of him as the rest of us.
Goodnight bump, hope to see you guys when i wake up.
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Hello Everyone, Psker here. Over the past couple of days I wrote two clopfics involving Emerald Jewel on Easter based on the fanart by the anon that does a great job in doing them.

Some of you have read this some have not in either case read and enjoy!

Here's the first story:

Emerald the lusty Bunny:

Emerald Jewel wakes up one morning to find a set of clothes by his bed. Running his hooves over the bunny ears he asks Joyride why the clothes, it’s not Fetish Friday after all.

"No lil’ perv it’s not. Today is a holiday." She answered with her all too familiar grin.

Emerald places the bunny ears on his head and ask which one it is.

"Why Easter of course and to celebrate you’ll be dressed as a little Bunny."

"A bunny?" he asks.

"Of course lil’ perv, it’s spring and what do little bunnies do best?"

Blushing, Emerald slips the rest of the clothes on. The fabric feeling very tight on his rear. He wonders where it is she even get’s clothes like this.


Joyride grins widely at the Colt. "Very nice lil’ perv. The clients are going to love a little bunny like you today." she gives Emerald a firm pat on the rear making him blush harder.

"Of course we are not done yet."

Before Emerald could even ask, an aura of magic gripped his penis and started to stroke it. Making him gasp and pant.

"That’s it my horny lil’ bunny…" She muttered softly as she started to pull the panties aside…


With the panties pulled aside, Joyride stopped her magic making Emerald moan in response.

"Is my lil’ pervy bunny ready for his little puffy tail?" she said, blowing her hot breath onto his anus causing it to flex.

Giving another low moan Emerald nodded.

Joyride grinned even wider, and lifted up a box previously unseen.


Opening up the box. Joyride lifted a silicone plug that ended with a puffy tail.

Lubing it up she carried it over to his rear. Emerald watched with lustful anticipation.

She gave Emerald a wink and started to push it in.


Emerald gasped and moan as she continued pushing it in.

She added her magic to stimulate his penis and rear to help the colt accept the little puffy tail plug.

"We’re almost there lil’ perv…"


The tail plug popped into place in his anal ring. Emerald catches his breath and giggles softly.

Joyride smiled and playfully touched the fluffy tail now sticking out of his rear.

"Now my Easter day slut, it’s time to make your cute bunny tail bigger."

"B-Bigger? Ahhh!" Emerald gasped as the tail plug grew bigger both inside and out.


Emerald Jewel shuddered as the toy finally stopped expanding.

With a final burst of magic the tail is turned from black to a fluffy white.

"There, we’re allll done." She says licking her lips.

"So, is my randy little bunny ready for Easter?"

"yes…." He answers, lustfully.

"Good. The first client will be here soon, give your bushy tail a good wiggle for him when he comes in."

She turns and starts to leave but stops. "Oh, and perv. Happy Easter!"
Even if the whole wizard lie doesn't work I'd kinda like to see if we could get QS to fall for it.
And the record seems to say that Emerald is pretty good at lying.

It could work but nothing bad would happen if it didn't. As long as we don't say were here to fuck them both...at first.
Even though I really want to.
Stay and watch the show
the second story:

Emerald’s Easter Gift:


Emerald panted softly as Joyride watched and grinned.

"My my! lil’ perv, it’s still morning and you are already horny. What ever could it have been to put my little filly into such heat?" She said, with sly sarcasm.

"I… ah! I-I don’t know… I was eating breakfast a-and—"

"That’s right, perv you were having breakfast and became horny. Could it be that I gave you the Easter Day special?"

"W-what’s that?!"

Joyride grinned wider and her magic lit up. "Oh not much, just a couple of lust drafts and few potions that makes a pony sensitive to touch. Mix it with eggs and it’s rather tasty and you can’t tell the difference until it kicks in."

Emerald felt something grip the tight fitting panties making him catch his breath and look to see her magic pulling on it.

"So perv, I think it’s time to celebrate Easter ’the right way’!"

Emerald erupted into a series of soft moans as the fabric was pulled aside.


Emerald gasped as his body prickled at the sensation of his panties being pulled aside.

"Heh, if you thought that was something. Just wait. What I’m going to do next will make you droool." Joyride leaned forward and gave Emerald a gentle nip on the ear. Emerald moaned loudly as it felt like a thousand needles of ice pricked his ear followed by a wave of fire that spread all over the pinna. Joyride gave a light chuckle as it flicked rapidly in response.

It took several moments for Emerald’s clouded mind to take notice Joyride’s absence and looking back he saw her returning back with a box marked "For lil’ perv. Don’t open till Easter."

"Ruby, tried to get a peak inside the other day before I shooed her away. Heh, that filly has a feisty streak in her…" she sat beside the shuddering colt and set the box before both of them.
Carefully she opened the box and pulled out a bushy bunny tail connected to a round knob. Emerald’s eyes went wide and shivered as he recognized what it was.

It was a butt plug that ended with a bunny’s tail.


Emerald gasped as he saw the bunny tailed butt plug lifted out of the box.

"Like it lil’ perv?" she grinned widely watching the beads of sweat forming on lust crazed colt. "It goes well with the rest of your Easter clothes. Now you can be a little slutty bunny for Easter!"

She lubed it up and hovered it over to his rear. She teased his hole of few times with the tip and causing him shake violently. "I bet it feels a like a little orgy back there, doesn’t it? I have to say I’m a bit envious."

She pulled the plug away. "Let’s see how loose you are!!"

With a firm shove she pushed the whole thing in.



Emerald writhed and moaned as the fluffy tipped toy was shoved inside him.

"Hmmm, not as loose as it seems. I guess I should send more stallions your way lil’ perv. Bo will be back in port next week, perhaps I can arrange a little get together some time." She raised an eyebrow and gave Emerald a Cheshire grin.

Emerald only moaned in response.

"There, now with that settled. Let’s take care of this little problem." she gripped the butt plug and started to give it a twist to make it go further inside him. With every turn of the knob came another soft gasp or moan from Emerald’s drooling mouth.

"How’s the Easter Day special lil’ perv? You like it? Can you feel the prickling of the skin, how every touch makes you pant and moan for more? Sunshine Sea liked it and I can already tell that you love it more than she did." She whispered, with every word giving another twist.
"And to think you were planning on sneaking out to see Hope this morning." she chuckled and gave his rear a firm swat. "You naughty little Colt, you didn’t think I wouldn’t figure it out? Why if you did, you would’ve missed out on my Easter Day gift."

With one final twist the toy’s wide girth slipped past the tight puckered ring and went in with a firm pop.



Emerald shook and shuddered about. Pre dribbling underneath him.

Joyride snickered as Emerald’s lust fueled wiggling caused the little bunny tail to swish back and forth.

"Now, hold still lil’ perv I want to get a good look at it." With the assist of her magic she steady the colt long enough to critically examine the butt plug embedded inside him. "You know, it’s a bit smaller on your butt than I thought. How about we make it bigger." With a burst of magic the toy started to grow in size.

"Ooooohhhh~!" Emerald’s eyes rolled back for a moment.


When the tail tipped plug stopped growing. Joyride gave it another careful examine.

"You know lil’ perv, I think a white tail will look better on you." With another burst of magic she turned the tail from black to white.

"There all done." Joyride gave a light clap and smiled gleefuly at the sex driven foal. He was as horny as the bunnies he resembled.

Emerald panted and gasped, the ’Easter Special’ running hotly through his system and the butt plug in his makes him feel on the verge of a rutting frenzy.

"Uh… ah… i-is this the E-easter guh… g-gift?"

"Let me tell you a story lil’ perv..."

"When I was a filly my family gave each other gifts on Easter, of course Easter was called something else back then, I’ve kept the tradition alive with my partners over the years. I would give them a surprise gift and they would in turn give me one as well. Some were rather… sexy and others were simply nice. So lil’ perv I decided to give you your first Easter Day gift from your mistress."’

"I hope you like it."

Emerald shivered and panted as she gave him a light pat. "Well, my little randy rabbit, you look like you are about to pounce and rut the first that comes through here. Well no worries lil’ perv. The gift will be here soon…"

Emerald grunted softly with a glassy look in his eyes and nodded.

Joyride grinned and left the room.


"Hello Joyride, how’s Emerald doing?"

Joyride smiled as she cleaned off the remains of breakfast. "Oh he’s doing quite well. In fact when I told him at breakfast that you were coming he was so excited that he could barely control himself."

Hope Blossoms blushed and giggled softly. "Well it has been awhile since I’ve seen. I thought coming here would be a nice surprise for him."

"I thought so too…" Joyride’s grin grew a little wider knowing what awaited her.

"So, uh… where’s he at?"

"Oh he’s in his room, he wanted to surprise you"

"Oh. That’s very sweet of him. I think I’ll go see him now."

"Be my guest."

As Hope Blossoms walked down the hall to Emerald’s room. Joyride listen carefully, grinning ear to ear.

"Oh my! Emerald! oooh! Ah~!"

Joyride put the dishes in the sink. With as much of her concoction that’s running through Emerald, he’ll be a sexual powerhouse for the rest of the holiday. And knowing Hope, she’ll enjoy every minute of it. Yes quite the Easter gift indeed.

"Happy Easter, Emerald Jewel."


Emerald use your INT to piece together the clues we have.

Quick Silver was hitting on Bo at the party and left to tour the ship. Then days later Quick Silver mention that a pirate claimed to be straight but he suspected that was not and got a dress from Joyride. Now we see him in said dress suducing Bo. That means Bo was not pursing a relationship with Quick Silver as he told him he was straight, therefore they did not have sex during the tour. Could this mean that we are the only male he's interested in? Think hard on all this.

Emerald, do a perception check on the two. If Bo has told him he was straight (therefor likely not interested in him) and now Quick Silver is trying to seduce him, should we not intervene before this get's too far?
What do we do, we were told that Bo was getting something from storage, we could just call aloud and ask if he needs help finding what he is looking for.

Dang it, if we had heard Bo say no this would be so much easier.

Try the door knob. is it locked?
>Now now, I can see how much you are blushing, Bo... And that's not the only place where blood is rushing, is it?

Chances are he did and we missed it by a few seconds. At least that's what QS's line seams to infer.
I say we give them their privacy. Nothing more awkward than having to stay on a ship with two people you caught having sex.

Maybe we should leave and go ask Joyride if she knows of any ingredients for those potions on the ship, or something.
It'd be amusing, but it'd be kinda hard to prove we are a "wizard" if he,(and he probably would) called us out on the bluff.

Good stuff dude, gonna write anymore anytime soon?
But we are a wizard, we know magic.
We're just in training.

If we show off a few spell he'll believe it.
Maybe... And he could, and probably would ask us to turn back to "normal" then.
By that point, we should be bullying him into submission and telling him to get on his knees.

As fun as it sound's I think that wont be necessary. All we have to do is barge in there looking for a hammer. No need to bluff as he'll stop as soon as we make our prescience known.
Anon, I don't think that's gonna work you goofball. As funny as the thought is.

It was strangely foolish of him to not lock the door, maybe he was gonna do it after he thoroughly seduced Bo.
Who cares, its a fun and creative solution. It doesn't need to be necessary.

If we can bluff a dragon I think we can trick this huge tool. Besides it doesn't matter if it works or not because just coming into the room gets the job done in general. So why not try.
open the door and go in Emerald.
I mean, it does sound kinda funny, but like it said, it'd feel foolish to get caught bluffing. I guess that doesn't mean we can't try it...

As for the dragon we had a good hand for bluffing, so to speak. We gave him something upfront,(our necklace) and promised him more.

Now if we would of managed to do so without giving him anything upfront,(barring the fact that our necklace teleported back to us). That would of been even more impressive.

I'm not too concerned about what we try, though one hangup I do have with trying is I don't wanna look like a liar infront of Bo.
Do you guys think we'll ever be able to earn Emerald's cutie mark? I wonder if Fic has one planned for him.
Probably when we go far enough for Emerald to decide what he wants, he doesn't really have any talents besides maybe his silver tongue
I'd say that he might have a shot with alchemy, or even magic, he seems somewhat adept at both of those.
Thinking about Emmy all grown up gives me tingly happy feelings. It's strange to say the least. I wonder how much hotter he's gonna be then.
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older Emmy...
>Thinking about Emmy all grown up gives me tingly happy feelings. It's strange to say the least. I wonder how much hotter he's gonna be then

Someone should draw that. Perhaps giving a seductive look.
>Good stuff dude, gonna write anymore anytime soon?

Maybe. If I feel inspired. Clop is not something I'm used to writing. (I usually write grimdark stuff.) I have written a few other Colt Quest things for some of the Images I posted on DB. Not much though.

I'm glad you liked it!
It'd be awesome to see, but it's hard to make characters look "older" but damn if i don't wanna try now.

Well I would say it was good for not doing it often enough. But if you want to do sfw stuff that'd be ok with me too personally.
Adult Emmy should be Dick Grayson hot, less fuccboy but still enough to be corrupted into one
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Hmm, so like his shorter hairstyle that he had before the wore the "sapphire" disguise?
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I suppose with the whole Easter thing being themed around rabbits, excessive lewdness really isn't that far of the mark when you consider the phrase "fucking like rabbits." Plus, you know, Spring and all
He'll grow up to be a muscled, chiseled, manly hunk of a stallion, like Snips in the Slice of Life tumblr. So he'd lose all his cutesy trappiness, much to Ficfic's and every other trapfag's dismay :^)
That's good right?

You shut your whore mouth. I like hunky stallions, but that's not why I like Emerald.
I was imagining that adult Emerald would look a bit less effeminate but have an air of lusty seductiveness about him.
That doesn't sound bad, but I like to think that he's still gonna be fairly effeminate in looks. Cause that's how I like it.
Maybe, i like to imagine that he eventually grew up and had to start dressing himself like a boy again but is still into erotic roleplay, sometimes getting into fucked up orgies with both mares and stallions
Emerald would probably be quite the power bottom when he get's older.
I like this thought alright. But he's always gonna be somewhat girly to me.

I like to imagine he likes to switch, depending on who it is.

You know what would be really cool. If someone like Breaburned drew an older teen/adult Emerald Jewel.
Does he even do pone stuff anymore?
That would be pretty cool, but I can't see it happening.

He's still working on that comic with spike and shining armor, i'm assuming he's got his plate full with balancing things in his life.
I don't like this. Emerald try the knob and if it's locked knock on the door. If they ask say that we were looking for a hammer. (Or that one of the pirates wanted to challenge Quick Silver to a round of gambling.)
The gesture is appreciated, but you probably could of waited till it was at page 9 at the least.
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Alright, tried my hand at making an older Emerald, wasn't too sure what to make the CM, so I didn't make one.
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There's a bit of junk visible, should I put it behind a link?

Here's another version too.
It feels like he's mising something, can't really putmy finger on it
Other than a CM that I was too lazy to think of? I'm not sure.
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I don't know, it fells like he could look older
So I failed to make him look like an adult? Is that what you're saying?
Not really, he does look old but i feel like we can take this further
Well i'm not gonna make him old man, or middle age if that's what your implying. I was going for adult Emerald.

My apologies if that comes off as blunt.
Hey it's allright, not gonna cause a hissy fit for that
lets burst in and save Bo!

Looks good. Emerald in his late teens or early 20s.

I didn't really notice anything so I doubt the mods will either.
I like shorter haired emerald. Trappy but not too trappy.
Pretty much what I was shooting for.

It's a lil bit of pony anatomy,(a sheath) wasn't sure if that'd get me in treble with the mods. I'd really hate to not be able to post for a while.

I thought it was a nice medium. Even though i'm a sucker for long hair, the shorter hair does give the "trappiness" a nice medium if you ask me.

I think the shorter mane version looks a little better. The huge mane on the other makes it seam a bit top heavy.
>It's a lil bit of pony anatomy,(a sheath) wasn't sure if that'd get me in treble with the mods. I'd really hate to not be able to post for a while.

I understand how you feel. But I think you are safe this time. However if you do get banned and want to post some art, just get in touch with me at Derpibooru. I'll post it for ya.
I guess in that case I like top heavy,heh.

Thanks for the offer. Hopefully it doesn't come to that. I like to post for the story prompts too.

I'd probably just end up posting it to derpi, or waiting till i could come back. And if you saw it on derpi, you are absolutely free to post it here.
Good work.
Danke anon.
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This is what I sort of imagined an adult Emerald might look like.

At least one version of a future Emerald.
Pretty rad familia, and don't think I don't see those leggings.

Warrior Emerald. Awesome!
What does Tegusa mean?
>With convenient enough outfit to hide the cutie mark
Nice, looks kinda mature and kinda adventurous
With a sprinkle of fuckboi
>Future Emerald.

You have piqued my interest,I mean you already had it, but not it's back in full force. Tegusa, what does it mean??

Apparently we had fairly different ideas for an older Emerald.
>At least one version of a future Emerald.

Why do I have a feeling that there's one where adult Emerald is hooker.

Emerald does it for free.

This Emerald looks awesome. No he looks like one who's ready to reclaim his family name and remove his evil step-parents.
Looks more like a pirate to me.

So a Harem slave then?
I told the little colt that he could fuck 3 zebras, and he did it! the absolute slut!
A bit to masculine.
Silly anon as if he's not still a hooker as an adult.
Good one.

Could be a bit girlier but I like it. He kinda looks like Meryl from MGS. No spell book?
Drat, I can't see what his cutie mark is.

I ain't going to spoil the cutie mark bruh.




>Tegusa, what does it mean?

Nothing, just typed something random.


Had you guys gone one way, it could have been a real possibility. I can draw another possible one of many I might add future Emeralds if you don't mind waiting for it instead of a story update.
I would rather save alternative future emeralds for the end of the story
>I can draw another possible one of many I might add future Emeralds if you don't mind waiting for it instead of a story update.

Sure I can wait for another future Emerald.
Oh so you already have that planned? I can't wait to see what it is, I feel like there is quite a few things it could be.

You're just trying to throw me off to your true game aren't you fic?

Why what way would we have to go to end up with that Emerald? You're just making me more and more curious now.

I would love to see more future Emeralds, but at the same time I want updates...
>Had you guys gone one way, it could have been a real possibility.

I'm really curious as to what that was. Also I'm not to sure we can fully rule out Hooker Emerald as his future just yet.

Anyway I'm game for one more future Emerald but then we should probably get back to story.
I want to be an adventure and a hooker.
Is that an option?

The also sword is a little confusing seeing how we don't even use melee.
>At least one version of a future Emerald.

I bet there's one where he's a mage. isn't there.
>adventure and a hooker.

So probably like one of Joyride's older partners.
>Still wearing the necklace
I thought he would get rid of it at some point
don't worry, he is still the same fuccboy deep inside
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QM can you try drawing him dressed as a prince? This whole quest keeps giving me Fire Emblem vibes
Sunshine was a badass hooker and apparently a hero too.
He would make a pretty prince.
Well in this timeline he didn't part with it. It's likely due to the fact that it's the only thing of his real mother's.
Considering it's a keepsake from his mother, I doubt he'd wanna part with it unless he had a really good reason to.
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Guess what happens in this future.
Oh my god, I think i just popped a boner. No offense Fic, but this version of Emerald is way hotter.
Either emerald goes nuclear or spent WAY too much time with joy
Joyride Jr.
I don't suppose you'd have a ref where you could see more of him? I'd like to give it a try if you want.
I kinda like this future actually.
And our spell book looks awesome!

I think we might be somewhere in the middle of those two futures,in my opinion.

I can imagine that this future ends with this Emerald coming across another runaway colt and taken him in.
Wouldn't that be something?

Damnit Fic, now i'm even more worried about our choices. It's like when you play a game and try to get a certain character unlocked by taking a certain path in the story.
Emerald the Betrayer end
Why would you say that?


That's Marth from the Fire Emblem series, also thanks
he's wearing Joy's mantle
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We need someone to keep track of our karma, we need to get that best ending with hope as our wife
Don't forget the big shit eating grin
Well he did say he wants a mantle too, that doesn't mean it's hers. If that tickles you that's fine, I just don't like to think about something so bleak.

We must ask Joy if we can fuse with her sometime, I fucking wanna see her reaction.

How do you keep track of something so intangible?
If this is the Emerald we get from hanging out with Joy too much, i'm all for it. The only thing is though, I like the thought of him being more reserved but still pervy as fuck. Whereas Joy hardly uses tact.
I'd rather have the joyride ending. We could marry everyone then.

>Whereas Joy hardly uses tact.
I'd think Emmy would be a classy slut like Rarity.
As a side effect from hanging out too much with joyride she becomes a lot less slutty

Colt Quest Ending: Joyride's new heir.

After months of consideration Emerald finally decided to take Joyride's advice and embrace his sluttier side. Joyride was more than happy to help.

In the years that followed Emerald became a master of magic and knowledge Becoming a powerful partner at Joyride's side. His most useful tool being his own body.

He eventually gave up on seeking vengence on his step-parent and cast aside his Jewel name. That was for a weak scared colt, someone who was too prudish or stubborn at times.

His step-parents would be dealt with by others in time and the Jewel name was left into the pages of history as their lands were absorbed by those more powerful.

Hope and Emerald eventually grew apart as she didn't like the changes she saw in the colt. Whatever happen to the innocent child she once knew? She eventually got married to a stallion selected by her father.

The time eventully came for Joyride to go on and told him her secrets. Which he not only accepted but embraced as his own. Reuniting with Ruby she became his first partner and would trevel together for many years to come...

A thousand years later and many partners later Emerald encountered a foal by his house having ran away from his parents. With a sly grin, he took him in to his home.
That's not to say that Hope couldn't be in that ending too, she's just have to not mind us being a slut.

I can live with the Rarity comparison.

He becomes a sexual energy succubus.
I want to find a spell that lets us eat cum for energy now.
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Emerald jiggles the doorknob loudly and asks if Bo is in there.

Emerald then opens the door to see an embarrassed looking Bo and a rather ruffled looking Quicksilver.

He is still wearing the dress.

Emerald asks what was going on, as if he didn't actually know.

"Uh... Err..." The zebra starts with a stammer, "Quicksilver was just um... Modeling one of the uh, dresses we got from the other ship for me! He's so silly, isn't he?"

Bo pats Quicksilver on the back, and he gives a rather humorless laugh.

What does Emerald do?
I honestly thought this was Fic at first. Either way I like most things out of that idea, some I don't.

But it was an entertaining thought none the less. It's a fairly well thought out idea too.

I wonder if Joy would know of such a thing.


It might be a good idea to do just that yourself, you guys~! <3
She probably invented that type of spell
Give 'em a bright, eyes-closed kinda innocent kid smile and tell Quicksilver that he's silly. Like we're some dumb kid that doesn't know what's actually going on.

Then ask if we could talk to Bo for a moment in private

"But I thought that was one of Joyride's dresses?"
Tell Bo the captain wanted to see him.

And then when we get out give him a knowing smile. And then ask him if everything was ok.

Do what ourselves? Try to get the best ending?

I would think that'd be strictly a succubus thing, but it would be amusing to ask Joy about.
Tell him that's funny too. Though ask if we can help model as well.
Compliment Quicksilver.
I'm ok with this as long as we give QS the toothy grin as we leave the room.

I want to see the look on his face.
QS looks pretty shit in that dress.
Tell them that we are looking for a hammer we could use on the undead and then ask Bo if he could help us find a big one that we could use.

Once we are then out of Quick Silver's sight ask if everything is okay?
Guys the only way we can stay with Bo is if we let the rest of the crew die, including his father, and save him. We need to let him find somebody else. We can still be friends with benefits.
No need to be rude, can't blame the guy for wanting Bo. And it might of been slightly underhanded, but it's not like he date raped him or anything.

I don't think QS is bad, just maybe a bit thirsty.
Do a good ending now
I don't want to do it to be rude.
Just be sly and knowing.

And I really want to see Emmy use the grin on someone.
tell them that we only need Bo for just a few moments and then they can go back to dress up.

Once far enough away, Tell Bo that we need to find a big hammer and make it clear that we know Quick Silver is seducing him. Ask him if he's okay with that? if he says he is then we'll agree to let them be.
I wouldn't exactly call the one he just made a bad end, more a neutral one
I would definitely say neutral too, but depending on how you look at it, it could even be bad.
Tell Bo if he wants to bang the new guy he should work in a way to get us involved next time.

Leaving us out is not cool. The guy is total slut he can take two stallions at once.

That was my intent for it to be neutral. I wouldn't expect everything to benefit from Emerald embracing Joyride's way of life.

If it's any consolation Ruby and Emerald do become lovers during their adventures together.
It might be fun for to be involved, but we shouldn't feel like we have to be in it either.
>Ruby and Emerald do become lovers
I'd ship that.
>implying becoming Joy 2.0 would be a good thing
She is literally dead inside, a loner who lost all her friends over the years and tried to fill the void inside her with sex until even that became boring to her, spending the next of her days drinking and lamenting over losing someone she legitimately cared about, this ending is far from neutral

I was partly inspired by the way Fallout New Vegas structured it's endings. You could save the Mojave and yet the results could still be mixed.
Her problems are her own thing.
Emerald would probably view and do things differently. And he defiantly has more restraint so I wouldn't worry about the sex thing.

They're still not the same person.

But unlike Joyride, Emerald was raped and abused repeatedly as a child. Joyride's lifestyle is not inherently healthy for someone with that kind of baggage.

Mention that modeling is no big deal. We've done it before. Ask if Quick Silver needs help.
m8, Emerald is a fucking timing bomb of repressed emotions, he may not be as fucked up as Joy but he sure as hell has potential, just because he can think logically it doesn't mean he is in peace with himself, he clearly has his own inner demons he still needs to fight, which can only be faced when he have someone there who cares about him, while Joy is a good friend i don't think she is the best with that

Ask if we could borrow Bo for just a moment and then once away ask him if he's alright as we saw what he was doing and was concerned.
(okay hot coworker who i studied french with that one time asked if i wanted to join her and a friend for drinks. No offense guys but I'm so there. I'll see you guys tomorrow.)
I guess I consider it neutral in terms of multiple things. By someone elses hands,(hooves, however you choose to phrase it) the step parents eventually get gone. And Hope goes away too, which isn't a good thing if you were rooting for her being with Emerald. I'm assuming the going on bit means Joy died,(I shudder to think about that).

I do agree that the whole being almost ageless for a while could present a slew of problems in itself, but it would depend on how he handled them.

As far as i'm concerned the biggest problem with this scenario would be, becoming too much like Joy. Which I doubt he'd 100 percent become like Joy. Similar to her in regards but not completely the same.

But he does get to become a strong magic user like he wanted to be, and his parents get out of the picture either way.

Aw, bye Fic, have fun!
Okay. Night Fic! (Could you start earlier tomorrow to make up for it?)
People get over their baggage dude.
When we'll have a breakdown when we get to it and I'm sure we'll have a shoulder to cry on. Maybe Ruby I like her.

I don't blame you. I'd leave too.
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I do agree that issue should be addressed sometime. Not sure when exactly, but sometime.
Okay fanart time!

Please more of this!

QM still needs to explain how this fourth wall thing works, is Emerald nothing but an avatar or does he have a mind of his own? Are we THE colt or are we an unknown force influencing the colt?
Maybe next Q&A? Of course we can always ask Joyride if she has learned anything else about it since last time.
I think we are just the unknown force influencing the colt. I'm only guessing though.

So many loose ends to tie up, so little time.
>So many loose ends to tie up, so little time.

I think we should make a checklist of lingering plot threads.
Oh yes please draw this!
That'd be nice, but at the same time, I can't imagine we'd realistically get to all of them. With that said though, this is still a good idea.

I'd like to try and get around to it tommorow, but we'll see.
>I'd like to try and get around to it tommorow, but we'll see.

I will look forward to your rendition of it. It might need several alts to do it justice.
Several alts? I wasn't planning on it. I mean, there might be a couple at the most.

Well depending on the pose a no clothes variant might be juicy. (Of course i'm not trying to dictate how you should draw him.)
Do as many alts as you feel it needs. I'm just expressing my earnest interest in seeing it.
Were you thinking he'd look like this? >>26966433
while dressed like this? >>26966259
Cause i'm not sure what else you would mean by it'd be juicy,haha.

And your expressions are appreciated.
A seductive trappy pose by Joyride Jr. No clothes variant would show off all his girly male bits as he give sultry wink with his make up colored eyes.

That's what I meant by juicy.

However Joy 2.0 as Marth would be cool too...
Oh ok, I gotcha. It's a lovely idea, but we'll see. I have so many things I want to do it's not even funny.

It's kinda daunting.

And a lot of them are just random projects not related to Coltquest.
Well good luck on them all then. And draw whatever you want.
Thanks, I really do like that Joyride Jr. Emerald, like holy fuck it might be approaching unhealthy levels.
>I really do like that Joyride Jr. Emerald, like holy fuck it might be approaching unhealthy levels.

Me too. *quietly drools while imagining what's underneath his clothes.
That's not to say that I don't find vanilla Emerald attractive anymore. Far from it.

It's just, Joyride Jr. version has a certain flare,(hah) for me that's hard to resist.
>That's not to say that I don't find vanilla Emerald attractive anymore. Far from it.
Of Course.

>It's just, Joyride Jr. version has a certain flare,(hah) for me that's hard to resist.


( To be frank this is not really the future I want for Emerald. But this is so tempting...)
For me it depends on the severity of an ending like that. But it's hard to resist the thought of an Emerald that looks that bangin.
I like the Joyride ending that anon made up. But I would edit it a bit.
But maybe it's because I ship Emmy and Ruby together.

But anyway I think it's possible to be a classy slut and a powerful magic user. While not exactly being like joyride even with the immortality thing. And the sexy outfit.

Besides if there wasn't wouldn't that mean were riding on a big-ass railroad.
>For me it depends on the severity of an ending like that.

Of course an ultimately that's probably the reason I would likely pursue a different ending than this. But it's certainly cool to fantasize about, draw art about, write about....

In any case knowing ficfic he'll probably make that ending satisfying for the most part.

What edits did you have in mind?

Wasn't what? The possibility factor? If FicFic is showing preview versions of Emerald future I think that alone is evidence this isn't a railroad.
I wonder if Emerald would have piercings under his clothes....
And I don't think Fic railroads much. So we can probably get a mostly good ending, where we mostly get to have our cake and eat it. Or at the very least end up maybe missing some chunks from a mostly complete cake.
I'm not personally fond of piercings past the ears. But that's just me.

I'm not either.

But I can't help but imagine that this Emerald would likely have some down there. Probably affixed with some sort of pleasure talisman or charm.
Meh, I guess I think. I would mainly just add a bit more of Emerald personality into it.

Like, I don't think Emerald would lose contact with Hope and they would keep sending letters to each other as she grew older and he'd probably do that with his other friends too. He's just not the distant type and would probably surround himself with a ton of people so he'd never feel alone. Emmy is a bit more of the warm and cuddly kind of guy to me.
And he'd also be a huge whore but that's a given.

Mainly it would just be a bit more wispy washy I guess. But that's just what my idea of what he'd do. Even if he was a bit more joyride like.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make it seem like Fic railroads a lot.
I just felt these future versions endings seemed a bit too simple. But it's not like we've made a whole ton of decisions so who know what he could look like.
I just think he wouldn't be so straightforward. as joyride ending or adventure or hooker, etr.

I like that idea.
Hmm that's a neat idea actually.That'd make me more receptive to the idea, but not completely.

Which makes me wonder when Emerald is gonna get so see some Joy cooter.

Well we only get to see what he looks like, we don't have much context behind what he had to do to get there. We can give halfway educated guesses. But unless Fic tells us directly, we won't know till we get there.
>Meh, I guess I think. I would mainly just add a bit more of Emerald personality into it.
>Like, I don't think Emerald would lose contact with Hope and they would keep sending letters to each other as she grew older and he'd probably do that with his other friends too. He's just not the distant type and would probably surround himself with a ton of people so he'd never feel alone. Emmy is a bit more of the warm and cuddly kind of guy to me.
>And he'd also be a huge whore but that's a given.
>Mainly it would just be a bit more wispy washy I guess. But that's just what my idea of what he'd do. Even if he was a bit more joyride like.

Fair enough. I had to rush it to get it out before the next post. So yeah it could for more of Emerald's touch. What I wrote in the end was my interpretation of what the image implied and it's consequences thereof.

You are more than welcome to write your own version. In fact I would enjoy seeing what differences there would be.
>Which makes me wonder when Emerald is gonna get so see some Joy cooter.

Perhaps when there's a slow moment in the narrative. (And anons arn't whining for time skips) We could suggest Emerald to sneak a peak.
I probably will make some fan stuff when I find the time.
I'm just a bit busy right now. I'm running my own quest at the moment.
>I'm running my own quest at the moment.

Oh? and what quest is that?
I'm honestly surprised that he hasn't already seen it. Like really surprised.
night fellas! Keep this thread bumping!
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Would you rub this belly?

Sure. With my dick.

Oooh, Nice! Hope you draw more some time.
>Emerald finally gets a peak at Joyride's cunt
>The thousand year old eldritch horror, beyond any mortal's comprehension, sends Emerald into a craze

>Insanity checks
>Insanity checks everywhere.
Tell Quicksilver he looks kinda cute/nice in the dress then ask if there's another one for you to wear

Hey, maybe you could draw another version of future Emerald to kick things off today.
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>"Truly, this is, the darkest cuntgeon"
>Tell Quicksilver he looks kinda cute/nice in the dress
It's not nice to overcompensate him anon. It won't make him prettier.
I kinda like the idea of playing naive to what they were actually doing and also being nice to Quicksilver, if Bo didn't want it he now has an out but if he did want it we would be a bad friend to chase away Quicksilver.
Hey, could someone color this as if he's going super saiyan?
>asked if i wanted to join her and a friend for drinks.
>to join her
You don't have to lie to us, Fic. We all know you're gay. :^)
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I did what i could
Awesome! Thanks man.

Could someone color this panel?

No, she actually is a woman.

But she wasn't always a woman.

Anyway, I didn't end up getting home until like, 3am, so I woke up kind of late and now I have to do some errands. I'll update later today when I get back.
Seeya later fic. Hope you had a good time last night.
Hey, maybe you could draw another version of future Emerald to kick things off today.
That's Awesome! Thank you.
Np dood.

Would you be willing to color another?
I can't promise you anything, but you're free to shoot me the link.
How about another one with Hope in it.


Hey, Could the future Joyride Jr. Emerald pic be colored?

That most definitely deserves color too, no doubt.
Indeed it does. The other future Emerald was colored so why not. It's earned it.
>But she wasn't always a woman.
Chaser scum reeeeeee
Nah man das cool, good luck m8
She is fairly attractive, though i'm not sure if she'd make good "waifu" material or not. She seems rather aloof.
She struck me as a griffon version of maud
Not a bad coloring job. Colors seem a bit muted though.
If I had to guess, that's because of the method they used to color it.
Great Job! Excellent shading and coloring. You even added a bit of a background! Nice! Thank you.
I got lazy and put one of those light effects that you would get when your'e inside and you look out. I was really struggling to think of a background for the part where you could see outside.

And thanks.

Would you be interested in coloring this one please?

Very nice.

On a vaguely related topic, I wonder if Hope likes fillies or just colts or just Emerald?

Your Welcome. Lazy or not the color job was really good.
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So with coloring hair like that, do you guys think I should refrain putting the harder lines in the hair like I do, Like this the image attached.

Or keep the harder lines in the hair like the image I quoted.

That one's next.

Probably colts primarily.

I wouldn't say good, but i'm flattered you feel that way.
I think the harder lines are good for close ups and softer lines for those further back.
Cool, that's actually what I was thinking too.
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This was actually hard to do cause I cause it was hard to just stick with one color scheme. I might even do multiple color schemes. You guys are free to suggest some too. No promises i'll use em, and that's nothing personal.

How about one where Emerald's clothes are red.

With the earring gold.

Could you do a version where the clothes are a lighter shade of blue and there's a slight hint of makeup on his face?
Oooh! Awesome!

Ah thanks! You did a good job. I look forward to the alts.
Wow, apparently I had my brain temporarily not function while I was writing, I meant to say; it was hard to do cause I had a hard time just sticking with one color scheme.

You were probably just distracted by Joy Jr. over there.
I was getting pretty hungry too. I actually went and got some food and after I get done eating i'm gonna do some more coloring.

Though Joyride Jr. is pretty distracting too.

Some alts of Joy Jr. or of something new?

There was other things I wanted to get done tonight but it looks like that's not gonna happen now. Such is life.

I was gthinking a cranberry color for the mantle with a white rim and gold earring.
I liek dis
Do you have a more specific blue you'd like? Also, what do you mean by hint of makeup?

Oh and thanks by the ways guys, I forgot to say thank you.

Azure or French Blue. The makeup part was that it feels like there should be a hint of that on his cheek. (Since he's in full trap mode with the eyeshadow.)

You're welcome.
I wonder where FicFic is? I feel like he should've been here by now...
When the hell did you all start calling him ficfic
When a anon figured out that he was the same artist that did Golden Brisk on tumblr.
Why did you change the earring back to silver?

Also what'd ya fix?
For fucks sake.

Er, I didn't mean to change the earing color, all these versions are confusing me and all the layers. I fixed some bits that should be red, and changed his glove thingers to match his mantle color instead.
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I'm terrible at coming up with color schemes.

Hopefully this is more or less what you had in mind.

Pretty much. Thanks!
No problem senpai.

Could you color the next one to resemble Joy's clothes/mantle?
I forgot there is a word filter for that.

Green and such.
not as good but i was working on my own that happens to be this
I still like it, and hell, that book looks pretty snazzy.
>not as good but i was working on my own that happens to be this

You confuse me...?
I like it!
Man, where is FicFic or that fanartist dude?
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Alright, I should probably cool it with the color schemes after this. I think I might try to come up with a different color scheme than the first one I made, it feels like too much of the same color. Good color schemes are pretty hard to make apparently!

I think you're confusing two different people for the same person anon.
My coloring is not as good as the other Anon, but here is what I've been working on.
Well if either of you are interested in coloring more could you do this one?


or this?


I'm not sure if the last one has been colored before or not. But I don't think it has.

I think it was still a good job.
I think you did just fine dude.

Unless I decide to just get an hour of sleep tonight before I have to work, I don't think i'm gonna get anything more done tonight.
I'm just translating colorfag #2's post, I'm neither of them.
That's fine. You did a good job today. Thank you very much.
Oh, uh well, just pretend that was directed towards the right person then.

I could do them tommorow, maybe if work hasn't killed all my energy.

And thank you.

Your welcome.
Well I guess the QM is a no show tonight. Maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow.
All these beautiful colorings. I'd give you all blowjobs if I could.

Anyway, here is another possible ending for Emerald, though considering the path you have chosen I don't seem it very likely anymore.

Sorry it took me so long to do stuff today, I'll get at least one update out. Tomorrow I only have a few more errands to run, so it should be a bit more active.
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>though considering the path you have chosen I don't seem it very likely anymore.
You better fucking tell us how we get the cyborg ending nigga

Oh man I'm not sure if I could write an epilogue for this one... Emerald fashions Ironman Esq Mage Armor powered by his mom's amulet to go after step-parents?

Nigger April Fool's was 3 days ago get the fuck outta here with that cyborg shit

April Fool's day was marred by a messed up ui here.

That was the April Fool you idiot
Hope was worried that Emerald might get hurt on the way to school. So she got him some power armor to be safe.

"No bully will bother me today!"
F-fic, that's lewd.
I'd rather give you the head.

How'd last night go? You know with the hot coworker.

I'm glad you liked the coloring, good color schemes are hard to make.

I can't even imagine how what kind of path we'd have to take for something like that.

Are you usually this lewd?
Could we get abducted by aliens? There would be plenty of probing and possibly tentacles.

I know it was. But it still wasn't that great.
I do love me some tentacles.
I think it was poking fun at moot having gotten a job at google recently
I would probably find it amusing if I knew what that was.

Cyborg? Nope. Nor is it an iron man suit, though I don't want to explain it just in case you actually do end up coming by it.


No, I'm only lewd when I want to show my appreciation.

As for last night, it was great. I ended up at her house for a while and I stroke her hair and she even let me hold her hand. I probably could have convinced her to let me give her a kiss, but I didn't want to overstep my bounds.
Christ how new are you

Since November.
Anon stop, you're embarrassing yourself
Well your lewd appreciation is appreciated.

Holding her hand is basically second base. Nice.

There's always next time to heat things up, are you guys gonna start dating now? Or at least try to hang out more. Not that I want you here less, but real world relationships are important.
Just do me a favor and don't post in any other thread/boards until you've lurked for a while.

I don't know man. I'm really confused about it. I've asked her out before actually, and I never really understood her answer. When we discussed it she sounded really hesitant about it, mostly because of her being trans and all.

But I've had other people say that it's pretty obvious she likes me, so I don't know what the heck the deal is. Guess I should just ask her again. Maybe next time I see her.

Also, speaking of seeing me less, I should probably mention that at the end of April I'll be moving, so Coltquest might go on hold for a week or two.
>she even let me hold her hand

Not that I want you here less
>tfw papa fic leaves us because he's too busy with the missus
Maybe she's just nervous about the whole thing and she doesn't know if you'll fully accept her? It's hard telling when you can't read other peoples mind.

Well as much as I hate to say it, when you move it'll be a good opportunity to get a week long break from the quest, i'm astounded you've gone this long and are still going strong.

I'd love to talk more, but i'd think you wanna get back to the quest now, i'm rooting for you dude.

It'd be a sad day indeed. I'd try to be happy for him though. As much as it'd suck to have that happen,(the being gone part, not the happy part).
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(Sorry about only one update today. More tomorrow.)

Emerald gives an innocent giggle, and then comments that Quicksilver is silly, and that he looks quite nice in the dress.

Quicksilver gives an appreciative nod at Emerald, and then gives Bo a sly look. The zebra returns a nervous look back.

Emerald asks if he can show off some dresses as well.

"I-I don't think-" Bo starts, but Quicksilver cuts him off by saying,

"That's a wonderful idea!"

Quicksilver rushes over to Emerald, and after pulling him into the room and closing and locking the door, he shows Emerald the piles of dresses that he assumes Joyride gave to him.

Emerald slips one on, and strikes a pose in front of Bo, who just sits there rather dumbly. As Emerald switches clothes, he sees Quicksilver go into a sexy pose for a quick second, and to a regular one, and then to an erotic pose again.

Emerald has to admit he seems quite talented at this, and he attempts to copy Quicksilver's methods as he goes to get changed.

This cycle continues for a few minutes until Bo suddenly stands up and says, "I uh... I gotta go err... Help. Stuff."

Bo steps away, tripping over a box and then fumbling with the door before finally getting it open and quickly darting out, slamming the door behind him.

Emerald sees Quicksilver give a huff, and turning he sees a slightly angry look on his face. The look disappears as he looks down at Emerald and says,

"Well, wasn't that fun my dear? Best run along now, looks like our little fashion show is over."

What does Emerald do?
Agree that it was and ask if he knows where a big hammer might be at.
Ask if Bo is the sailor he wanted to impress.
Go after Bo and see if we can talk to him. (He's horny right now. If we can get him alone he can make out with us.)
>Bo suddenly stands up and says, "I uh... I gotta go err... Help. Stuff."
>Bo steps away, tripping over a box and then fumbling with the door before finally getting it open and quickly darting out, slamming the door behind him.

Well this proves he's doesn't want Quick Silver.
>Emerald slips one on, and strikes a pose in front of Bo, who just sits there rather dumbly. As Emerald switches clothes, he sees Quicksilver go into a sexy pose for a quick second, and to a regular one, and then to an erotic pose again.
>Emerald has to admit he seems quite talented at this, and he attempts to copy Quicksilver's methods as he goes to get changed.

Some fanart of this needs to be made!
Why stop, quicksilver, when we could have our own fun.

Get under his dress and get some D.
>"Well, wasn't that fun my dear? Best run along now, looks like our little fashion show is over."

Ask if we could do some more dressing up. There's still some clothes left over. We could see who can be prettier.

Say it was fun and ask if we can do this again some time.
I kinda want to let him know that we know what he's up to. But at the same time I don't. Hmm i'm conflicted on this.

Take off the dress,(it would be amusing to leave it on though) and go see if you can't find Bo. He's either shaken up or popping a super hard boner right now.

At the very least we can go see if he's ok.

Joy never struck me as the type to wear dresses much. I guess she did for that party, but that's the only time iv'e seen her in one.

As amusing as that'd be, I can't imagine that'd go over well, not everyone there wants to nail Emerald.

Ask if he can teach us how to do poses like that. (This might be a great skill for future clients/lovers.)
Lookit the little shit. He makes it work. I love it.

We didn't warn Bo though, so better chase him
Go look for Bo and talk to him.
Or that he was overwhelmed.

Quickly thank Quick Silver saying we should do it again some time and hurry after Bo.
Why are people trying to cock-block Quicksilver?
>not everyone there wants to nail Emerald.
That's heresy anon.
Also, I think he would like the aggressive approach.
He's pretty thirsty.
Because Bo told the clearly gay and flirty Quick Silver that he was straight. Not Bi, but straight.

That means we might be the only male Bo wants.
Bo is Emmysexual.
I guess it was a zealous attempt at making sure Bo is ok.

I don't think he'd be into Emerald, if i'm being honest.

And I hate to be a stick in the mud, but I don't think he'd take too kindly to us trying to hit on him.
We could always have joy size him up and see if she could get a threesome going on between QS, Bo and Emmy.
Then we'd even make some money.

Given our past with Bo I think he probably said the was straight to get QS to leave him alone.
I've actually done that before. Some guys come on too strong.
That doesn't mean we should go out of our way to screw over Quicksilver. Bo is more than capable of telling Quick to stop by himself.
Yeah, he did that already.
And guess what, the cock hungry faggot wouldn't stop.
Why do you think QS put on a dress and jumpped Bo?
What do you think would've happened if we left them alone?
Could work, but I doubt it. But that's just my opinion.

I was more in favor of letting him sort this out himself, but it seems QS is really going for gold here.

He was straddling him, rocking back and forth. Pining him to the floor. Even if he did say no how long would he have lasted?
Doesn't matter. When Bo turned him down he should have stopped.

Clearly he has no respect for his boundaries.
And that's why we interrupted before things got too far.
And the seasoned pirate beat the shit out of the wet behind the ears sailor.
Well night fellas. Try to keep the thread alive til' tomorrow.
Keep the dress on.
I like it.
>I kinda want to let him know that we know what he's up to.

Just say politely that we're not sure if Bo likes his advances and don't overdo it. That would be a friendly way of letting him know without tipping our hand too much. At least this will make QS think twice about us.
If we can stay tactful about it, then I see no harm in saying something like that. I just wasn't sure if I wanted him to know that we know. Sometimes it's better to play stupid.

I actually wanted to suggest that too, but I think that might be a bit embarassing for Emmy.

And with this I hope to see you guys tommorow.
I gotta head out, keep the thread alive will ya?
So we're angling toward Joyride!Emerald, right? That seems like the best possible end.
I know that's what I want.
I like using magic and getting laid, also immortality would be cool.

We'd just need to be better at managing our life.
>a bit embarassing for Emmy
I think after being mistaken for a girl so much he'd just get jaded to it and start wearing what he likes.

If he likes the dress he should wear it. Besides it would be a waste to let it rot in joy's closet. Screw what others think.
It's pretty.
would be funny if they ended up dressed as JoJo characters and started posing like them
For story and character reasons I'm shooting for Warrior Emerald.

For Lewd reasons I desire Joyride!Emerald.
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Emerald thanks Quicksilver for letting him join in on the "fashion show". He says that they should do it again some time, and that he hops he can teach him some moves.

Quicksilver chuckles, and waves Emerald off as he goes out the door looking for Bo. He finds Bo up on deck, frantically supervising some of the pirates do their work, much to their confusion and bemusement.

Emerald is a little hesitant to talk to Bo in front of others, so instead waits for him to finish up some duties. Emerald follows him back to the same store room that Quicksilver was in before, and Bo stop in front of it.

He puts a hoof on it, takes it off, puts it back on, and then slowly opens the door. After he glances inside he let's out a sigh of relief and enters. Emerald quickly follows, and sees Bo rearranging things inside the room and greets him.

Bo jumps and turns to the startled Colt.

"Oh! It's just you Emerald. What's up?"

What does Emerald do?
You seemed uncomfortable around that other stallion.
Was he, uh, trying anything funny?
Ask if he's okay. We saw that Quick Silver was trying to seduce him. We were concerned so we intervened. Ask if he's okay with Quick Silver's advances or not.
Ask if he can help us find a big hammer to fight the undead with.
Tell him about Joy's plan of nope'ing the fuck out if shit gets bad
Tell him that if things go bad Joy plans on taking us and Ruby to safety urge him to come with us if that happens.

Awesome so are we playing this afternoon or is this a one lunch post?

Shut the door and lock it. Tell him we need to talk.
Ask him if he's ok. I hope we didn't make his bone too hard with the "fashion show".

Ask if the thirsty stallion trying to presser Bo into things he didn't want to do. Or would rather do with us.
Lock the door and ask Bo how he's feeling and ask about Quick Silver's advances. Tell him also our concerns about the undead and urge him to come with us if the battle is lost.
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(Just this one, and then errands for a little bit. But not nearly as long as yesterday. I should actually be back pretty quick.)

Emerald, unsure of how to start, decides to broach the subject by asking if he can borrow a hammer.

"Of course, we got a spare in here somewhere I think..." Bo says, rifling through one of the nearby crates.

As he does so, Emerald hesitantly asks if he is okay with Quicksilver's advances.

"I don't know what you mean, he was just having a fashion-" Bo says, turning around to hand him a hammer, but then seeing Emerald's incredulous face and stopping.

"I don't know. I don't want to talk about it, alright?" Bo says. Emerald takes the hammer from Bo, and he closes up the crate.

Emerald mentions that Joyride has a plan to escape if something happens on the strait like she thinks it will, and urges heavily that he come.

"What? I'm not leaving my father behind, and he is certainly going down with the ship if something does come up. And don't try to argue with me on that point." Bo says, holding up a hoof as Emerald opens his mouth, "His my only family. I'm sticking with him."

Emerald grimaces.

What does Emerald do?
Fine die then we're sure no one else cares about you anyway!
Run to our bedroom to sulk and cry.

Tell him that it would hurt badly to see him die. We have few friends and don't want to lose him. We care about him a lot. Urge him to at least think it over.
Tell him if he's so certain to stay on the ship then ask what can we do to help defend it? Make it clear that we are doing this because we care about him that much.

But if you die you'll never see us again Bo.

Let's try seducing him, tell him if he's willing to go down with the ship then we should do something 'special' for him. Subtly remind him of what he would lose if he were to perish while enticing him to have one last round of intimacy with us before the battle begins.

(he's somewhat aroused, so it should be easy to do.)
Then tell him if he does not wish to leave with us, then encourage him to be careful and safe. Tell him to fight like the brave and strong pirate we know he is.

Give him a kiss for good luck.
Use Int or Perception to persuade him to reconsider what he's doing.
It's nice to see him being loyal to his father, let just let him be
Tell him that we don't have a family! Tell him how we are alone with only ponies like Joyride, Ruby, and you as friends. Tell him how we've been on the run from evil ponies that want to abuse us. How he's one of few that's been so nice to us and that we care about him so much that we don't want him to die! Try not to cry while telling him this.

Look sad and sigh. Tell him that we hope that he at least think it over if such a thing would occur. Tell him that it's very brave and nice to be so loyal to his father and mention that we wish we knew ours. Encourage to be safe and not die as that would be painful to us. Then Ask if there's 'something' we can to do to help 'calm' his nerves and blow a little steam. A strong pirate like him should deserve something.
This. I like this.
Could we ask him if there is something he knows that would really deter his father away from going through the strait?

But the thing about trying to change this path though, is it's hard to say if it'll end up being something we only regret cause we could end up losing Bo and all the crew.

Then again, Joy wanting to take on 3 warships in itself seems a pretty risky thing too. I know she knows her shit, but I don't think even she is that good. Maybe, I don't know.

I think i'd rather just tell him that he's brave for wanting to stay with his father and while we don't completely understand where he is coming from,(seeing as how we don't know our parents) we sort of understand in a way. We say this while we give him a heartfelt hug to emphasize how worried we are.

We like him and we would rather not have him go but, let's not guilt trip him into listening to us. There's nothing wrong with showing some sadness, but let's not get too dramatic.

I like the idea of having some intimate time with him, but I can't imagine this'd be the most ideal time. I think the chances for an interruption is too high. But i'm just going off my gut feeling for that.

Who knows, maybe we are getting worried for what ends up being almost no big reason.
This. Definitively this.

Tell him that we'll try to understand. Explain to him that we never knew our parents so we don't know what parental loyalty is like. But do know what friendship is and we would hate to see him get hurt or worse. We care about him a lot.

Ask him if there's anything he like to do with us before we enter the strait. We can make him feel better after what just happen. It can at least take his mind off things.
Sigh and give him a hug. Tell him to please be safe. We are worried about all this.
I do really wanna know why he's so shook up about QS hitting on him, there is obviously more to it than we saw.
Dang it! I have to go now for D&D night. Please don't mess this up guys.

Fair enough to be honest.
Let's take the hammer and get ready for the undead.
>fighting undead with a hammer
I now desire Emerald cosplaying as Clementine
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Emerald tells the zebra that he doesn't want him to die, and that he should come with them. He is one of the nicer people he's met, and that means a lot. If he dies then they'll never see each other again. He asks that he at least think about it a little bit more than he did.

Emerald tries to be understanding, and not to be emotional or cry, but he thinks these things come out anyway. Bo looks extremely uncomfortable and says,

"I'll... I'll try, Emerald."

Emerald wipes his nose and his eyes, and then asks if there is anything he can do to help prepare when something happens.

"It's not like we aren't doing anything to prepare. We are checking our weapons, and our scouts and lookouts are on full alert. There isn't much more you can do, I think, besides keep watch as well." Bo says, patting Emerald on the head.

Emerald clutches the hammer he has and holds back some sobs, and Bo strokes his hair once more before walking out the door.

What does Emerald do?
Realize we're asking Bo to abandon his family, friends, home, and way of life just so he can travel with us and be our fuckbuddy.
Tell him to be careful
Go back to the bedroom and take a nap.
Emmy is probably really tired now.
Oooh, almost had the waterworks there.

I guess now all there is to do is ponder somethings about asking him to abandon his only family and possibly, his way of life,(at least for a while) that's not exactly fair to just expect him to just agree with us.

Go find Joy now I guess, i'm not sure how far away we are from the strait but i'm also not sure of how much we can actually help at the moment.
I think there is a difference between not needlessly letting yourself die on a sinking ship if undead start to board and take over and abandoning your friends, family, and home. Everyone is going to start running if shit hits the fan.

Besides were only leaving if things get really bad or unsavable.
I guess i'm under the assumption that the captain is going to metaphorically fight tooth and nail for his ship, going as far to go down with it. We'll see though.
We're asking him to do that. I'm trying to bring up the idea that we don't really have the right to ask these things of him. That we're trying to force him into a relationship with us just like Quicksilver.
Oh shit, well there's the bump limit, speak now or hold your peace till next thread.
>That we're trying to force him into a relationship with us
But we're not asking him on a date were asking him to not die with the sinking ship.

I think anyone has the right to tell someone that their life is important and they shouldn't just let themselves die.
Besides it's not like were going to knock him out and force him along.

Now that we said our piece there isn't much we can do now.
Yeah, it's up to him to decide when the time comes. And hopefully he won't even have to make that decision anytime soon.
So the preassure we were applying and his discomfort was a figment of our imagination? Are we going to extend this offer to anybody else or are we just going to leave them to die in the worst case scenario? If he chooses to stay will we leave him to die?
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(Last for the thread! Dang, that was fast. Must have been all that fan art! Might try to get another future Emerald possibility up just for the fun of it though. I really want to do some of the more fun ones, but those would be TOO spoilery.)

Emerald suddenly feels rather tired after that emotional display, and decides to go take a nap. It's probably a good idea anyway since they'll be going through most of the strait at night.

While he lays in his cot he wonders if he was being selfish by asking Bo to come with him. Did he do it for Bo, or for himself? While pondering this, Emerald falls into an uneasy sleep.


Emerald sits bolt upright, and awake for some reason. The colt looks around the room, but nothing seems to be out of place, he isn't sure what woke him up.

What does Emerald do?
But we like it when you spoil us. But are vague about it,it's like teasing. Alright fine, save those for later I guess.

If we are being honest, it was for him and ourselves, not just one or the other.

Go see what's going on, is it oddly quiet?

Later Fic, when is the next thread?
If he really really wants to stay, we won't have much of a choice. As much as that'd really suck.

A day or two. Wednesday at the earliest, but it depends if I have enough time that day. I don't like to start threads unless I can get 5-6 updates out in that day (which is about my average).

Oh also, I should mention I'm going to Emerald City Comicon, so I won't be updating Friday very much.

Anyway, how about a Q&A?
Bo is his lover and friend, Emmy obviously cares about him even if its mostly sex, Bo is currently going through something a lot of people around here go, he is unsure if he is gay or not because he find traps hot, as as his friend we kept a legit faggot from taking advantage of the situation by cockblocking them

Well that's cool, even a general ETA is nice, thanks.

Fuck yeah Q&A. I'm kinda glad this isn't gonna run too long tonight, I didn't get any sleep and i'm tired as a garbage.

Yeah I'm up for it. Just makin' dinner and enjoying my "Sunday".

Let's AMA this shit up.
I wanna know how the 4th wall stuff works more specifically. With us making suggestions to him, is it something he thinks of on a subconcious level?

Was there any inspiration for Joyride Jr. Emerald, or was that just mentally mashing together Joy and Emeralds physical traits? His outfit looks like hers, but also different.

What about Pirate Emerald, was he inspired by someone or something in the story?
To add to that, are we gonna find out what the amulet is for, and why Emeralds mom gave it to him?

>I wanna know how the 4th wall stuff works more specifically. With us making suggestions to him, is it something he thinks of on a subconcious level?

I'm keeping that vague on purpose.

>Was there any inspiration for Joyride Jr. Emerald, or was that just mentally mashing together Joy and Emeralds physical traits? His outfit looks like hers, but also different.

I guess you could call it a mashing together of their physical traits, but Joyride Jr. Emerald isn't Joyride. He still has his personality, albeit warped and "corrupted" by the time he has spent with her.

>What about Pirate Emerald, was he inspired by someone or something in the story?

Pirate Emerald?
>I'm keeping that vague on purpose.
You damn tease, ok fair enough.

>I guess you could call it a mashing together of their physical traits, but Joyride Jr. Emerald isn't Joyride. He still has his personality, albeit warped and "corrupted" by the time he has spent with her.
I just meant Joyride Jr. as a description of how he looks like her.

>Pirate Emerald?
You know, the first version of future Emerald you posted? >>26965943. He just looked like a pirate to me, but I guess that's not what you were going for?
Joy isn't being completely honest about what happened to Sunshine is she.
I'm pretty sure it has something to do with portals.

Hopefully yes.


Oh, no, that was meant to be more... I would say, noble-ish and squire-like.


I feel like I'm being vague with all these, but the best way I can answer those questions is with both a "yes" and a "no".
>Last for the thread!
But I want to know what woke up Teary Green

I guess we'll go with the classic "Ruby?"
Oh I see. My mistake then, thought he was a pirate.

Alright if you don't mind more questions, some of the characters like the Pecan family,(Giles and Praline for example). Will we get to see them again in the story?

How many future emerald ideas do you have? I think you said a lot before? Would a lot at least be in the double digits?

Oh, are we ever gonna get a cool method of transportation, like an airship. Or are we gonna hoof it most of the time and get teleported around on occasion?

Have you thought about making some Cameos in the background of characters you like? Any from some CYOAs?
I'm pretty sure i had more questions than this, but of course I can't think of em. And anymore I can think of are plot related.

>Alright if you don't mind more questions, some of the characters like the Pecan family,(Giles and Praline for example). Will we get to see them again in the story?


>How many future emerald ideas do you have? I think you said a lot before? Would a lot at least be in the double digits?

There are a lot yes, and there is a reason there are a lot.

>Oh, are we ever gonna get a cool method of transportation, like an airship. Or are we gonna hoof it most of the time and get teleported around on occasion?

Hadn't thought about that at all. An airship would be fun...

>Have you thought about making some Cameos in the background of characters you like? Any from some CYOAs?

I've thought about it. But it really depends on the character in question.
Favorite background pony?

And there IS a right answer.


But as for actual pony... Hmm... I'm not sure. I'm not quite as rabid as some people are about their BG ponies, but I like Derpy, Ms. Peachbottom (obviously), the deer from the comics... Hmm, I'm sure there are more.
How many "endings" are we locked out of already? How many have we made significant progress on? Percentage wise.

Have you even intentionally posted as an anon in the quest?
Zecora's not a background pony, familia. She's not a background prop, she's more a secondary character. Background pone are the ones that stand around and don't speak. Derpy's an exception.
>How many future emerald ideas do you have? I think you said a lot before? Would a lot at least be in the double digits?

>There are a lot yes, and there is a reason there are a lot.

Oh my god, that might mean that Emerald finds a portal or some other means that let's him see alternate dimensions.

Emerald was a very indirect cameo in Buttquest, and they said the only reason they didn't see him was cause players didn't make the choice to go there.

Is there any Emerald endings you really didn't like,(like they were too sad or something) that you only made for the sake of fleshing out the story. Being vague or even a yes or no is fine.

Well for cameos they could just be visible in the background or something, idk it was a little suggestion cause people like seeing their characters in other peoples stuff. Or you could totally ignore it, doesntttt matter~

>How many "endings" are we locked out of already? How many have we made significant progress on? Percentage wise.

Technically... TECHNICALLY, none. I suppose in some ways you can still get the endings I thought of before, but you'd have to make giant changes in the quest, and they wouldn't be the same endings I initially imagined.


Oh, let me look for the name of that pony I'm thinking then. In the mean time, I guess any of the female griffons. They are all hotties.


>Emerald was a very indirect cameo in Buttquest, and they said the only reason they didn't see him was cause players didn't make the choice to go there.

Whaaat. I want to know what it was. Also, what is Buttquest?

Was there anything the players did that surprised, impressed, or disappointed you?
Emerald checks the time. How soon till the straits or are we already there?
Well I think he said we are at least pretty much locked out of one, that cyborg, robot looking Emerald.

I don't know if you should let us have that much power Fic, sounds confusing.

It's a CYOA, I read it on anonpone. https://www.anonpone.com

His daughter? I think was the one actually in the story.
>I guess any of the female griffons. They are all hotties.
Griffons are pretty special, huh
So in the course of this cyoa what things have you learned and what advice would you impart onto others?
Buttquest was Hijacker's meme quest where he took a bunch of "kids" of popular CYOA characters and made a quest where they worked together to molest the princesses

Aurora Dawn was the child of Emerald and Sundance from JAD. She was very against the antics of the others because both her parents were rape victims. Emerald must have been quite the lady killer, because Sundance in JAD is totally against any form of intimacy other than killing.
Here's Butt Quest
Aisu, you whore! Go back to Greg's streams
I still wanna make a one shot selfinsertish picture and maybe a little story to go with it, would that bother you?
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I don't understand your mouth words. I just like griffons
Thread is almost dead, Bye Fic, seeya later!
It already bothers me, anon
Not me.

>Was there anything the players did that surprised, impressed, or disappointed you?

This isn't my first time at the CYOA rodeo, I've learned to roll with the punches. I guess the accusations of railroading? I'm not really sure what I did to deserve that. I didn't feel like I was railroading.


>Well I think he said we are at least pretty much locked out of one, that cyborg, robot looking Emerald.

Nope, you actually aren't, but like I said it'd be a longshot. You guys haven't gotten to the point where it starts really.


>So in the course of this cyoa what things have you learned and what advice would you impart onto others?

There are two ways to do quests.

>So in the course of this cyoa what things have you learned and what advice would you impart onto others?

For the case of my kind of CYOA, plan ahead, but not TOO far ahead, because those plans will probably change. Also, worldbuilding is very important, because peolpe will ask about potentially anything and everything.

Also, to that guy who asked about my favorite BG pony. I found him. His name is Special Delivery, and he is a sexy bitch.
We're not actually controlling Emerald with the amulet right? Is it more like subconcious suggestions?
If you could have a crossover with another cyoa which one would it be?
We're controlling him in some way.
We've made him have sex with several males while calling himself straight to Ruby.

>Griffons are pretty special, huh

It's more that before I was a ponyfag I was a furfag for birds, whatever that's called. Like, not bird women, but bird birds. And spiders. And not like, driders, but spider spiders. Don't ask me why because I don't understand it either. A muffet is fine though.


Aww... I would have liked to have seen that.


Go ahead bruh.
Is it possible to get more involved in the war? I know some have suggested going back to the diplomat and try to be a spy. Would that even work? would it lead to a bad end? Or would he just laugh and ask to bow and suck him like a good submissive pony.
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>Special Delivery
Unusual choice. Respectable, he's got a nice color palette; very similar to Faust's OC, actually. Still wrong though. :^) Correct answer is Berry Punch
Cream body, Red Hair?

Hmm... Good question. Damn, I don't even know if I can decide.


Yes. Anything is possible in my CYOA. Do you see that mountain? You can climb it!


Acceptable, but only if it is "party animal fuck anything while drunk and forget it the next morning" Berry Punch.
How Lewd will the wasps be when we get there? (Mind Altering venom? Ovipositors, Sticky Ooze, Parasitic Larva, etc?)
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This guy.

Will it be possible to save the ship and crew?
Yep thought so, good choice.
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>And spiders.
Y-you like those nightmare borne little fuckers? We are now enemies. We'll settle it with katanas at dawn.

Man, you guys are just trying to spoil everything? The first three.
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Don't lie to me Todd

So how do you choose which choices/suggestions by the players get selected?
We're just curious. Stop making a story that I wanna know more about then,(please don't actually do that).



Dawn? Good, then I can still get a good day of work in afterwards.
Will Quick Silver actually be willing to teach us erotic poses? or to do another fashion show with us?

By consensus. Granted, I'll combine some choice/suggestions if they are similar enough.


How do you keep track of all the lingering plot threads FicFic?

Golden Brisk cameo when?

I wanna read through the threads again and write down questions I have about things for next time we do this, but I keep forgetting to do so.
Do you keep an active schedule of what each character is doing? Or do you come up with something for them to be doing when we run into them?
Five more minutes or so, and then I need to go. Love ya all.


If you can convince him, yes.


I have a notepad file I keep all that stuff in. It's dead useful, since these thing can get really scattered.
Sorry, I'm not ficfic.
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>"party animal fuck anything while drunk and forget it the next morning" Berry Punch.
I'm not wild on that headcanon Tbh. My imagining is that when she was younger she was more like that, but now that she's older and has a kid she's mellowed out some. I used to writefag you see, so I've thought about her in case I needed a personality for her.

I like imagining that she's a chill sort of lowbrow lush. The relaxed girl who you'd love to share a drink with and not know just where the night will go. But can still have a hot temper and be an impulsive, horny MILF pone at times. But hey, that's just the autism talking.

Again, I'm not the QM.

>Golden Brisk cameo when?

Maybe someday, but he won't be an actual character you interact with probably.

>I wanna read through the threads again and write down questions I have about things for next time we do this, but I keep forgetting to do so.

Feel free to.


>Do you keep an active schedule of what each character is doing? Or do you come up with something for them to be doing when we run into them?

Sort of, yes. It's not super detailed or anything, but each character has their own agendas and such they are working on.
Meant to direct that at Fic, my bad. And didn't mean to doublepost.

>MILF pones

Oh, I like pretty much all of them too.

(i.e. Mayor Mare, Ms. Harshwhinny, Ms. Peachbottom, that one fashion designer one from the Coco Pommel episode, etc...)
So how much time till the ship enters the staits. Since Emerald took a nap....

If you could write an episode of Mlp what would it be about?
Alright, I'm going. See ya next thread, bruhs.
Night Fic! See you on Wednesday?
Adios compadre.
So will Hipsanon do Fanart of the Quick Silver Emerald fashon dance or of the Joyride Jr. future?
So will Hipsanon do Fanart of the Quick Silver Emerald fashon dance or of the Joyride Jr. future?

Found you, yes?
Anon are you using google translate? What makes you think that's me?
Because I remember you mentioning doing self insert art once before.

I have good memory, yes.
It's getting late, and I have a headache. And no answers to your questions. And you might be mistaken.
I could be, but I feel confident. Yes.

Hope you feel better.
Well I'm back from D&D night. Looks like I missed some stuff. Too bad there was no Lewds with Bo. Darn it we need to bed that guy again before it's too late.

Get up and look around the room. Keep the hammer by your side.
>a form of intimacy
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I like griffons too.
Get up and go find someone.
Go and find a place to practice our hammer.
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