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My Little Progress : Technology Isn't Magic - Thread 20.1

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 493
Thread images: 136

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TS: I can't really believe your story Anon, buildings with over a 100 levels? Flying boats bigger than Ponyville? And yet there's no magic in your world? Please.
>Growing tired of Twilight's berating, you go out into the world to prove her wrong.

That's the prompt that started it all. So what is thread about? It's about Anon bring human science and inventions to Equestria and a disbelieving Twilight.

Thread Story List.
previous thread: >>26897830
Hopefully this will stay up.

Summoning writefags

Magic gtfo

>will be posting soon
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also, the OP image needs anon in a nice brown cardigan and plaid sportcoat
Obligitory pastebin : http://pastebin.com/KvQKUKGi

and now

We set off our next notable moment 2 weeks from last chapter
>your sitting in you new workshop, full of molding and conceptualizing equipment made for you, from blueprints you made.
>they work aight' you aren't a very good engineer, or scientist; but even the average humans back home know things that can revolutionize other places
>your explaining your thoughts to twilight now
"that’s the beauty of it, really; back home what was taught in school was considered 'useless knowledge' in real society, something that is only known for posterity, and to promote critical thinking-"
>twilight tries to make a connection, saying "so- its like, uh, like knowing how and why and when the apple falls from the tree… that doesn't relate to the fact that /the apple is falling from the tree…" the lightly says, not sure in herself
"precisely!" you say, qualifying her statement
>you have these talks all the time, mostly while your working on something new.
>now that you have all this swanky equipment for inventing, you can now start making shit
>your starting with something important and easy. Something all should have.
>a ball bering
>your placing these small rounds of *ehem* 'rail rock' in around crevice and placing it inside a fixed wagon axle. You are almost done with one wheel.
>things are quiet now, so you conclude that twilight has gone elsewhere
>she's pioneering a whole physics esque course on flying for pegasi.
>vey impressive.
>you place the wheel on the wagon axel and an hour later you've done the same with the other. And in a moment you lift a large wagon bed with a geared pulley system and successfully place the wagon on the wheels, and then you bolt them together with a metal ratchet and the lag nuts, you made both of those two days ago.
>now time to call twilight in.
"TWILIGHT! COME HERE PLEASE!" you shout down the crystal hallway
>a blast of cold air rushes into your shop
>is your furnace really that hot?
>huh, guess it is.
>anyway; you see twilight trotting down the hall, looking like she broke something
>"what? Whats wrong? What do you need?"
"eh, oh- just your attention, that’s all" you say nonchalantly
>you pause, before opening the door expectantly
"step into my office…" you say.
>"oh! Right!" she chirps, before walking into your shop
>"whew its hot in here-" she says before summoning a hand fan
>she's sweating now
>horses have sweat glands? Cool. Maybe you could make deodorant or something along the lines of that
"here, get under this cart" you point to the heavy set cart
>"i- uh- I'm certain I won't be able to pull that cart."
>she points at the full steel cart, supported by a steel and wood set of wheels, the cart itself is loaded with ingots.
>she's gotta know the abilities of ball berings though
"just; just try it, for a friend, please-" you say exasperated
>"*sigh* okay, anon- I will, but if I break my back it'll be you paying for the 20 unicorns having to combine themselves to fix it!" she says frustrated
>she gets under the cart, and you strap in for the show…
>she throws her all into it, and she starts literally galloping across your shop
>it’s a big shop.
>"woahoahoah!" she stampers out
>she's having a hard time stopping that much weight.
>'needs friction based brakes' you add on the list of additions
>after a bit of fucking around, she's able to stop the wagon with magic.
yeah they deleted all the roleplaying threads and some other stuff which this did not fall under but yeah
It's a good thing you showed up, I was worried that when I made the thread that none of the writers would notice and the thread would die a bit more permanently.
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There is no death, only chaos.

Seriously, the board is a clusterfuck at the moment.
I said i'd be back Monday, didn't I? I try to post atleast three slices of green a day. I don't post or write in bulk so you got atleast stability
how would twilight react if she ever finds out that anon used spike as a lab rat?.
Like putting him on a machine and see how many G he can withstand.
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>There is no death, only chaos

As long as I'm standing, Chaos shall not prevail
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We go no where until I see Cuntlight get punted to the crystal kingdom.
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Well, I'll repost the last thing I wrote today.

>Applejack told you everything…
>”And that’s what happened sugarcube.”
>You can’t believe what you just heard.
>It’s impossible!
>To learn that Twilight just felt like using your vision to stalk you?!
>What kind of friend is she?!
>Both Big Mac and Applejack let out gasps because of the language you used.
“You won’t get away with this you bitch!”
>”Sugarcube! Please calm down!”
>You ignore Applejack and make your way to the castle, running around at the speed of sound.
>Well, fast enough to compare yourself with Olympic athletes.
>Got a castle to go, and a cunt to kick!
>Applejack follows behind.
>”Anon! Don’t do anything you will regret later!”
“No can do Applejack. This time she went too far!”
>”Please sugarcube! You don’t understand! Violence solves nuthin’…”
>You keep ignoring Applejack and see the ugly castle in the distance.
>There she is!
>If she knows what’s good to her she will run…
>But seriously, you’re going to do unspeakable things to a powerful being.
>Perhaps…you should calm down and think through about what you’re going to do?
>You recall that ‘special alone time’ you were having in Applejack’s shower, and you also recall how your eyes hurt during that session.
>Nope, you can’t forgive her.
>She probably told Applejack what you were thinking at the moment. Applejack would never forgive you if Twilight opens her mouth.
>The thought of Twilight spying on you gives you nausea.
here he is>>26909375
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>Your ‘so called friend’ did awful stuff to you, and now she’s gotta pay for that!
>As you approach the castle, you’re immediately blown away by the very same pink aura from three weeks ago.
>Seems Twilight didn't disable it.
“Oww…my beautiful body.”
>Applejack walks through the force field without any sort of struggle.
>You slam your fists agains the force field.
>”Oh sugarcube, I know you’re upset…” Applejack says in her motherly tone from the other side of the bubble, “but I’m sure Twilight had good reasons at first.”
“Yeah right…what kind of friend would spy on her friends?! I’m not a guinea pig Applejack!”
>Applejack sighs.
>”I know sugarcube, look. Twilight loves her studies so much and she gets too invested into them sometimes, she probably didn’t even think at some point that she was doing wrong.”
>You raise an eyebrow.
“Seriously Applejack? I’m pretty sure that creeping on me while I’m showering is not ethical at all! If I did it to any mare I’d probably be in jail.”
>Applejack squints.
>”So, just like you do when you give my haunches not-so-innocent looks?”
>Goddamnit! She knows!
>”Be glad that Bucky McGillycutty and Kicks McGee haven’t met your groin for now Anon. I’ll just go talk to Twilight…and we’ll talk about that small issue later okay?”
>Uh oh.
>”Now please, could you go back to Sweet Apple Acres? Forget this whole thing and try to calm down?”
>You grunt in an annoyed way.
“Applejack, what Twilight did was horrible! I'm not gonna let it slide just like that you know!”
>You spot a window that just closed.
"I know you're there Twilight! My eyes are MINE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!"
>”Sugarcube, please. Ponies are watching you.”
>You grab a rock and throw it to the force field in blind rage.
>"You're just wasting your time sugarcube..."
"Twilight! Lower your shield! I just want to talk. Trust me; I won't hit you...hard!"
>Twilight increases her spell and blows you twelve yards away from her castle.
>Applejack shakes her head.
Yeah but he's just reposting from the previous thread, Twilight hasn't yet been punished
>>”Be glad that Bucky McGillycutty and Kicks McGee haven’t met your groin for now Anon. I’ll just go talk to Twilight…and we’ll talk about that small issue later okay?”

It's kind of fucked up that she mentions this.
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That's it for now. I'll continue Nova Rohan 1.0: http://pastebin.com/e2t7AygZ (169 pages long...shieeet.)

>Celestia thinks unicorns wouldn’t be able to get past her puzzles.
>She’s wrong.
>The other sections are unicorn/pegasi proof. But you know how to get past them.
>After all, it was you that helped her make these new secret chambers a long time ago.
>You rub your hooves and keep moving.

>Many hours later, back in Nova Rohan.
>”Well, what are your thoughts?” Anon asks in reference to the play you just saw a few minutes ago.
>”I loved it Nonny! It was actually great! That diamond dog knows how to act!” Pinkie Pie says.
>Anon chuckles.
>”Yeah, back when he was a pup the others bothered him because all he wanted to do was become an actor and not a digger.”
>”I still don’t get something Anon…”
>”What is it Spike?”
>”I was wondering what that Bane guy tried to say. Is it "a big guy for you" or "extremely painful for you"?”
>Anon chuckles.
>”The latter of course, although Alexei entoned it as big guy for you.”
>”Another question; who were Smee, Maimen, Doktor Pavelleer, Button-Lee and-“
>”The friends Spike…the friends Pavel got to bring.”
>”They weren’t his friends right?”
>Anon nods.
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>”Well girls, I have to say goodbye for now. It’s getting late and I’m supposed to do something with Moondancer. Hope you enjoy the city! But before I go…”
>Anon takes golden cards out of his pocket and gives them to all of your friends.
>”What are those sugarcube?”
>”Those are V.I.P. passes for the luxurious hotel that is in the middle of the town. You can stay there all the time you want!”
>Your friends cheer.
>”I can have my very own room as well?! This is amazing!” Spike says, “thanks a lot Anon!”
>You look at the floor, feeling left out because didn’t give you a card.
>Anon lets out a chuckle.
>”What’s the matter Twi? Did you actually think I wouldn’t give you a card?”
>Anon takes a platinum colored card out of his other pocket.
>”It’s the penthouse Twi. Enjoy it.”
“WHAAA-?! Are you serious?!”
>Anon nods.
“T-thank you Anon.”
>”Your stuff is already there, some pegasi flew to my house and took your things to your hotel rooms.”
“Really? When did that happen?”
>”While your friends were out sightseeing and when you were planning the wedding details with Moonie of course. You two were inside your tiny little world so I went to the hotel and asked for the guest of honor cards. I talked to some of the bellboys there and they went to get your stuff. That way poor Mac and Spike won’t have to carry your stuff all the way from the hotel.”
>They both let out relieved sighs.
>“By the way Twilight, there’s a hidden gift for you in the penthouse. I wonder if you are able to find it.”
>You stand up to give Anon a warm hug.
>”You’re welcome Twi…”
Thanks for the repost, since the last thread vanished before I could read it. I assume that was something to do with /mlp/'s latest and greatest happening?
Interesting to see you continuing the old story. Will keep tabs.
>"Anon, that shit's retarded. You can't build a tower that high without magic!"
"Fuck you, Twiggly Piggly! I can build THREE!"
>Anon proceeded on the long journey to prove Twilight wrong
>He took years hiring people, making blueprints, making the mechanisms required to make this project
>But he finally did it
>...66.7% complete. There wasn't enough funding for a 3rd tower.
>He finally proved his species' might without magic
>Twiggly gets jelly
>Twiggly tries to defeat Anon at his own game
>Twiggly tries making one of these silly "aeroplanes" that he keeps talking about
>follows Anon's details to a T
>Actually discovers that, holy shit, it actually works
>She gives Muffins the plane to fly into Anon
>Misses 100k percent, and hits the two towers
>Not only is Muffins dead, but Anon cannot be proven right
>HEADLINES: Skyscraper made Without Magic!
>Plane Crashes into Anon's Twin Towers!
>Princess Twiggly involved?
>Shit, the attacks merely brought attention to Anon's success!
>Also Twily is now registered as a terrorist
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Where were my sides when Neigh eleven happen
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that was wonderful
I've always wondered where the picture of Cadance and Luna came from.
...this is going to take some time to get used to..
Man what a great gre-
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you'll never know evil laugh evil laugh
I'm so glad to see this get continued.
its from some animation where the cutie mark crusaders become kidnappers, or something like that
Found it.
God damn that guy has a blatant rape fetish
I ain't complaining.
I need more from writefag_is_kill
my loneliness requires this
I need my cyber-Spike fix.
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To the concerned mod and or mod supporter
When did 4chan get so caual.....
When did mods not suck dick? I always wondered that myself. Best I can come up with is always.
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yeah for as long as i've been on the site most of em did.
Can anyone tell me what it was?
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Dicuss the show? When has there been anything to discuss about the show.
idk apparently there is a twlight clone now sounds so much alike.
uh i guess there is a baby godpone now also.

and luna and sunbut did a thing!
I have something. Was busy with /ptfg/ and easter, please don't hurt me.
heory of everything
>"Before, many scholars theorized that the universe consists of many magical layers, and we live simply on the top of them. Sort of like an onion. But only now have we been able to explore this further, and find many interesting properties of the individual sublayers."

>"The main layer we live on is simply the overlay for the space below. Layers below our one have been labeled from Alpha, the one directly below, to Delta, the one closest to the magical core, which is currently inaccessible by any means."

>"Thinking these layers have been used just recently with the extensive technological advances, would be foolish. Unicorn magical abilities, while not as strong, certainly affect the magical backdrop of the universe. Either by increasing the density of the layers, or by decreasing it, thus affecting the thaumic radiation that leaks through from the magical core, to the normal world. Many spells utilize this mechanic, but each spell is dependandant on the abilities of the caster."

Practical Usage
>"Alicorn magical abilities have the strength to pierce through the main space, and enter the subspace layers below. Though from all the avalible written material, we've concluded that the highest level casters have abilities to pierce only the Alpha layer and utilize that for travel. With the introduction of high power electrical supplies, and large concentrators and generators, vehicles have been able to go as far as the Delta layer, though these endeavours can be hardly classified as portable. The current state of the devices allow for travel over light speed relative to normal space for speeds measurable towards two C or twice the speed of light at Delta layers. It has been proposed that speed to ten times is theoretically possible, though there is no material currently avalible to survive the tidal forces present at such speeds. Now, with the broadened usage of space travel, this way of traveling long distances in a short time, labeled as "Subspace" by manufacturers of spacecraft, has become increasingly popular."
Layer explanation
>"Each subspatial layer has different compression rates and speeds, with each "pierce" to the lower layers requiring half the speed of the vehicle for travel. Such speed loss isn't present while resurfacing, though. It is advised to slow down as close to the speed limit as possible, before resurfacing completely. Below are present rates and explanations for each layer. The layers have been sorted by their compression rates, from Alpha being the lowest and Delta the highest. More on the compression rates below."
>"Basic magic layer. Tidal forces are low, and so is the speed limit. The compression rate is one."
>"The layer directly below, it's easy transfer from Alpha, made it popular in travel. Compression rate is two."
>"Military used layer, requires highly priced devices and technology to access. Allows high speeds with a relatively low trade-off in the way of danger and tidal forces. Compression rate is three."
>"The final compression layer currently mostly unutilized, mainly because the tidal forces are too strong, and materials able to withstand such pressures are extremely expensive. The compression rate is four, and as of this date the highest possible."
Compression Explained
>"Each layer, in addition to allowing higher speeds "compresses" space between point A and B, relative to the normal space. That means the deeper one goes, the less distance they have to travel to travel further. When put into equation it looks something like this.
S=V / L
>Where S is the distance needed to travel, made up of V, the distance between point A and B is divided by L, which is the compression rate of the layer. From this equation, it's obvious that the Alpha layer has no practical usage except for scientific research. Why is that is subject of future research."
Subspace layer structure
>"Thinking the layers are separate from our universe completely would be wrong. In fact, they affect one another in many ways. One cannot pierce the normal space whilst in the sphere of influence of a gravitational field. Many waves in the magical space are made from star explosions, pulsar rotations and many more influences. Magical sublayers leak energy onto normal space and allow for strong magic and spells. This way, scientists and engineers have been able to create sails from contained magical energies, that utilize these waves and allow immense saving of chemical fuel."

>"This is interesting and all, but why don't we give this to the techies? They'll make something good with that knowledge. Requesting approval to send this document to the financial department for future bantering usage."
That's it.
Pastebin here

It includes even the last delivery. If i could HTML in pastebin, I'd make sure they'd stand apart.
currently, there are just paragraphs.
If you have any Questionbs related to my logic, be sure to question. I'll happily write them out into short stories/greenanswers
Goddamn do you go in depth with your theories on how magic works. How do you do it?
I legitemately have no fucking clue. Read a LOT of Sci-Fi novels and seen a lot of movies, imagination is key.
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>magical layers
>like an onion
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Someone noticed! That feels great. Mostly unintended, but it serves it's description purpose.
>that look of palpable disgust when she says "europe"
I miss PeteQ's science Rainbow Dash story.
>Rainbow Dash
Pick one.
I'd choose science over topcunt any day.

>in a moment you clear out your thoughts.
"well, how is it?" you say, thrusting your arms out to your sides and walking forward looking towards the ceiling.
>gotta be flashy, that’s paramount to this whole operation
>she looks stunned at what you did. She flashes out of the wagon and teleports in your face
>you stop her
"nope. Is all in an invention called a 'Ball Bering," it rolls like a bunch of smaller wheels inside the larger wheels- slowing friction." you coolly say in your professor-anon voice.
>she's stunned as you pick up the spheres on your table and show them to twilight
"see… That’s all you need to make a 6 colt job a 1 colt job" you smirk
>"can I tell applejack? I think she'd be happy that a cart that pulls this well exists now." she says
"well, I don't see why not. But she can't have one ye-"
>"why?" she interupts
"well, safety, twilight- you have to be concerned for the operators" you lean in
You continue " a job can't be done properly when everyone's in the hospital, now can it?"
>"yeah, I guess your right. How are you going to do that?" she questions
"that’s easy! Just copy more human inventions!" you say with a chuckle.
>"o-oh, okay; that’s reasonable." she pauses for a moment "Really; thanks anon… for. For all of this- I mean-" you cut her off
"woah, its fine. Its what humans do. Rely on each other's spoils to make their own- I mean. I would be /bored/ otherwise, and what fun is that? I mean, that would be the day when I become bored!" you say.
>10 weeks ago you were bored as hell
>lets push that to the back of your mind.
>you really don't want to make any brakes right now.
>lets go for a walk. Maybe you can find that infamous "inventor colt" with the time glass cuitemark.
>hey, maybe he's made some stupid shit like dehydrated water or flameless fireworks
>you stop her
>you really
>you continue
roleplaying, get trashed
not sure if protest or not.
whatever. ban the green; but that's about as effective as outlawing crime.
Hey newfag are you even aware of how greentext stories are formatted here?
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thank scruffer for this new meme.
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living the meme, senpai
i'd run that up to [r9k] re[s4s]es before declaring something as drastic as a new meme.
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>anons will go out of their way to find "you" in green
>10 minutes later
>you got an icecream cone and you think you didn't catch the pink on the way to this bench
>pinkie's good company and all. But you just want to chill.
>and you've never been able to just 'chill' with others around.
>like an introvert I suppose
>and god damn is this icecream magical
>you finish your ice cream and head out to a chill spot on a hill to drink what you assume is magically flavored enhanced water
"don’t ask me, I just work here" you say before going bottoms up on this little glass of water
>noice. Tastes a little like mountain dew and punch put together
"not Bad" you say
>in a moment you get up, and bring the *ahem* magical water back to sugarcube corner
>now, to find that stallion
>actually; I'm gonna go to see what pon3's on about

Gonna fastforward. Unless you wanna see an anon - Pon3 subplot be explored. Not on the agenda. But its whatever
Do whatever you feel works, I'll be reading anyway.
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Dawww he thinks he's people!
Second person is generally the convention for greentext stories.
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Reminds me of that prison herd story Mythd wrote
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That ended with Anon becoming Captain Planet.

Didn't mind the story of the ending, just wish it wasn't so rushed.

If you thought Mythd was going to stop being ridiculous and nonsensical at the very end of the story, you've stuck your dick in one too many toasters.
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That sounds like a trainwreck... you got a link?
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>That ended with Anon becoming Captain Planet.
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>That ended with Anon becoming Captain Planet.
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sounds glorious
from this link >>26923797
is the story called
Anon's prison herd
& Anon's Prison Herd Continued (Ending is rushed) if you only care about the ending, its on the second part
It was glorious
hey eyecancer, you got any plans to continue your CYOA?
Would anyone be interested in a star wars crossover with this premise? It wouldn't be too heavy of a crosspver, just some minor things like Anon making droids or something.
A robot maker anpn souns cool, i'd be done for that.
Yes but I'm lazy. Also the update is shit. We don't like shit
ponk is way too small in that picture.
Yes but still so huggable.
Well hopefully it gets to state of not being shit.
Hopefully it does
Okay, going to start my SW crossover. Keep in mind that this is my first green, be gentle

>You're Anonymous
>And it's been a year since the day it happened
>The day everything you stood for was stamped out like a burning cigar
>You remember it as clear as yesterday
>Everyone in your cruiser panicked when they heard the Separatist Council was murdered on Mustafar
>You managed to get away in one of the sheathipedes with your personal battle droid escort before the Empire arrived
>That didn't make much of a difference, as before you arrived to this system, your engines were damaged by pursuing fighters, whom since have left you for dead
>At the time you didn't know much about this place, other than the fact that there was supposedly a separatist factory located here
>When your ship landed, or, to say, crashed, there were no survivors
>Well none that were battle droids
>You were going to miss B-3R
>Maybe you could go back for him when you find that factory

>The rest is but a blurry mess in your head, and is no longer important
(Insert long edgy backstory of your life in horseland, might do later)
>What's important is that this purple little shit of a horse is calling you out
>She claims that technology such as spacecraft and simple speeders are impossible to make without 'magic'
>"I can't really believe your story Anon, buildings with over a 100 levels? Flying boats bigger than Ponyville? And yet there's no magic where you come from? Please."
"If you think I'm lying, I can assure you, there is no magic where I'm from. Before you summoned me I worked with a large organization dedicated to making these things you call myths
>Oh, and the ponies think they summoned you on your arrival
>Apparently, when you crashed here in a nearby forest, the pony before you, Twilight Sparkle, defeated some giant goat thing in a fight
>At least they don't have to know about the crater in the forest lying in which is your destroyed sheathipede
>Twilight snickers
>"You know, you've told me the same story a million times, about the 'See eye ess' and their technological advances. What makes you think I'll believe you this time?"
>Now's your chance
"If you aren't going to believe me, I might as well just walk out of this damn castle and prove it to you myself!"
>Before she can say anything, you turn around and start walking
>"Do you really think you can actually do anything out there? Without any help? Fine! I'll be here waiting when you come back to grovel at my hooves about how I was right, and that you were wrong all along!"
>You ignore her, and as you exit the castle you can hear the door slam shut behind you
>She was right, to a degree
>You'd need help

Opinions? Should I continue?
It barely started and its already shit ^:)
jk, go on

Also pone will be the npc's or the bosses? i ve been thinking what if they were the bosses, but knowing /mlp/ no one would want to read about anon hurting their precious ponewaifus
i like it so far.
openly i will say i think the opening of "twilight says it's impossible so i'm leaving" is stupid at this point like you don't have to do it.

also if you are doing SW and saying he has the remains of a ship then he should be able to not start off at steam power like other stories and shits.
i mean literal space magic lvl tech and all.
2nd part is wrong thread, fug...thought i had posted here

good thing i didnt waste quads at least
Yeah, that was sort of what I was thinking. I was going to have him take a train to Canterlot or Manehattan or something and do some things before heading back to the everfree, and starting there.

No, I'm not going to do the generic 'building muh base in the everfree', although the forest will play a part in the story. Expect an update soon
I'm fine with bases it makes sense for him to let's say build something close to the wreck because fuck hauling heavy shit around or horses asking questions.

also i'm a lil of a sw nerd and i'm just gonna say the seps were not all bad guys they just got used the trade federation was slighty evil in a imperil sense but compared to allot of the other starwars semi empires they were pretty passive aggressive nothing like any of the human based empires.
Yeah, I honestly like the separatists loads more than any of the other factions. They had the same motives as the rebels, if you think about it. If they weren't played like a fiddle they would've won the war.

But about the base thing, a lot of stories I've read with a similar premise to these, the protagonist always builds their base in the damn everfree. Annoying after a while.
Oh yeah i totally agree with the comparison of seps to the rebels in a way they were more pure than the rebels the rebels canon wise just wanted to reboot the old republic which was not to far off from the remnant empire or empire in general also they pretty much funded there whole movement from allowing drugs and slaves to sold on the outer rim basically.

the empire technically at least enforced laws.

Well shit, now you're on scruffy's hit list
oh shit now you are too!
>The sun isn't large enough to sustain Equus in an orbit in the Goldilocks Zone.
>Celestia and Luna increase the density of the sun and the moon to counterbalance each other and keep the orbit stable, and keep the planet habitable
See yourself to a mental hospital.
Have a nice vacation

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no exit.gif
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I guess you'r-we're fucked now, aren't we?
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you forgot your picture there freindo.
I should do a slice without the word "your" or any of it's conjugations just for scruffy
will start green at 6
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>If you were going to let anyone in on your plans it'd have to be someone you trust
>An old friend, whom you met sometime after you first arrived
>But before that happens, you'll need to eat
>Getting your ass kicked out of the castle before breakfast may have not been the smartest idea
>Come to think of it, all of your bits are in that castle
>You're not unfamiliar with exploiting peop- er.. ponies habits
>Maybe Rarity would lend you some bits for a meal and a train ticket...
>You'd be sure to pay her back though

>You are Rarity
>And you have been working your tail off on this project
>A ruby encrusted dress fit for a queen
>Well, more like a rich entrepreneur
>Only problem? You're out of rubies
>You hear somepony enter the boutique
"Come in!"
>To your surprise it's Anonymous
>You haven't seen him here in months
>Maybe it's important?
>"Hello, Rarity. Can I talk for a minute?"
"Sure, darling! What do you need?"
>"It's Twilight. She's kicked me out of the castle because she doesn't believe that the technology of where I came from is possible, at least without magic."
"Wait, what? You're kidding, yes? Twilight isn't somepony I know that would do such a thing."
>"Believe me, you'd know if I was lying. The reason I came here today is because I need some help, Rarity. If you can lend me some bits for a meal, and a train ticket to Canterlot, I'd be in your debt."
"Hmm... while I understand the situation you're in at the moment may be rough, what happened to your bits? Surely you weren't living off of Twilight completely?"
>"No, not at all, I just wasn't able to get them before I left."
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"Well, I can see you certainly need the bits, I'll only lend you them if you can do me a favor. You see, I'm working on a dress for a client, and it requires an absurd amount of rubies. My stocks are low at the moment, so if you could take these bits with you as well, and grab me a crate of rubies while you are in Canterlot, I will lend you the 150 bits you'll need for the ticket and meal. Consider the favor your repayment."
>"I appreciate it Rarity, although you don't ask for such, expect a form of.. repayment.. in the upcoming months."
"Anytime Anon, do stop by more often!"
>Anonymous leaves the store with the bits

>You're Anonymous
>And you are on your way to see your old friend, Trixie.
>When you first met, you could say she was just as bad as Twilight, on the whole magic matter.
>Ever since you've helped her get back on her fee- hooves, and move into an apartment in Canterlot though, you were able to convince her that the wonders of your past life were in fact, true.
>Besides, she'd probably be amused with your fiasco with purple magic
>Trixie aside, you decide to start thinking of what you'll do once you get situated
>Obviously you'd head back to the old shipwreck in the Everfree, but after that?
>Maybe some of that old tech is still usable. Getting at least some of the systems back online could make a big difference
>If you could get one of the scanners back online, you could possibly find the location of that old factory
>Hell, if that happens, you could practically start a war with Equestria if you wanted to
>Not to get rash, though. That would only be a last resort
>Before you could think of something else, the train screeches to a halt
>The familiar scent of bakeries and the sound of busy streets fills your nose and ears
>Time to find that horse

That's all for now

More soon
Also, pastebin here:

Planning to use Trixie? I was not expecting that. I would love to see her reaction to star wars hologram.
Does my story seem decently paced so far? I know it's my first green but it kinda feels like I rushed the hell out of this. After starting to read the sepnon fic on the sw general I can really see where his stands higher than mine. Suggestions for improvement?

Whoop! never mind, I've still got a giblet planned for this bit. So bare with me; we're gonna fast forward a bit of the day. Skipping pon3 interactions. Lets just assume they met, had some milk, and he got a stereo system an a shit ton of electronica, for science; of course.

>one afternoon later
>your in twilights castle drinking a large jug of magical water
>its silent, as twilight is sitting across from you writing her pegasus manual
>rainbow dash is next to her, and occasionally she will turn to rainbow dash and ask for her input on the problem
>"is this an issue?" she would say before giving the book to rainbow dash
>rainbow'd respond with either a "biiig issue, good thinking twilight!" or a "I've never had that issue before- probably not needed
>and you'd just sit there, enjoying your gogo juice
>great, more addicting magical substance,
>it’s the great Dark Souls summer D of 2012 all over again
>irrational fear of great-clubs, is that a thing?
>after a while they get done with their chapter and look up at you, trying to get your attention
>looks important, better check in with reality
"yeah?" you say quickly
>twilight concisley replies with "tell me about cars- why do they go so fast?"
>one would banepost at something so easy
>but you are no faggot
>okay your quite the faggot
"that doesn't matter, what matters is our plan"
>"what?" she quickly replies
"just a little ritual back in the human world."
>twilight leans in "do tell!" she continues "I love hearing about the human world!"
"oh, its nothing" you say "if someone words their sentence a particular way, its normal for a certain culture to structure their reply in a particular way. Nothing important"
Maybe have stuff happen during conversation.Communication is not just the words you say but what you do while you say it.As it is the characters might as well be standing on a void doing nothing but stare at each other while they read off their lines. This was more of a problem during the Rarity conversation than in the Twilight one.

Also before you switch povs maybe ask yourself "What does seeing an event from this person's perspective add or enable me to do to the story?" and "Can I convey this information through other means?". For example during the Rarity pov section, we learned from her thoughts; that she's working hard on an expensive dress; this dress requires more rubies than she has; she has not seen Anon in months; because she hasn't seen him in months she assumes it must be. In the conversation she again mentions the dress and the rubies, so effectively the only information presented to us exclusively through her thoughts were; that she's working hard; hasn't seen Anon in months; she assumes he's here for important reasons. If you had kept to an Anon pov during this scene you could have still presented this information.

Let's go through a quick walkthrough if how you could have presented this scene through Anon's pov
>walk through door, bell rings
>Rarity calls out she's in her workroom
>Anon enters workroom
>work room is a mess
>discarded design sketches everywhere
>rolls of cloth scattered every which way
>Rarity hair is a bit messy while she's focused on an incompleted ruby encrusted dress
(Do this to communicate that's really working hard on this dress)
>Anon says hello
>Rarity perks up, immediately stops working and says in a surprised tone of voice that wasn't expecting him and that it's been months
>maybe Anon's surprised or maybe not at the revelation
>during the talk she's noticeably not working and focused on Anon because she views the conversation as more important than the dress.
>end scene

So why a Rarity pov?
Page 9
ts lieg yur nt ebin treing|?
Anon reminds me of Maxwell from Don't Starve in the image
Find dat factory
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely put more thought and time into the story when I update it.

Also I did a Rarity pov b/c I didn't want the whole story being told through Anon's pov, and that was just an idea I had on doing that. If anything later I'll rewrite that section.
By the power of the unknown anons, I'm trying to summon a crossover of this!
By summon do you mean you're thinking of writing one?
Just try not to get too focused on rewrites. It's not uncommon for for writers to lose interest rewriting parts they already told.
yeah honestly it's green text not fimfiction if you make a mistake just roll with it and you can always fix it in the pastebin at the end if you want but continuous progress is better than re-writing a old chapter for honestly rather weak reasons.
God the shitposting is getting intense. It's already page 9
I get what you mean, thanks anon(s)

Next dump in an hour or two maybe
Forgot >name
>Thread 20.1

Board's been busy I take it.

>You are Anonymous.
>You are amused.
>The black horse wants to meet with you face to face.
>Something about brokering a peace treaty.
>Her approach to you changed rather rapidly during your talk earlier on.
>Which is strange.
>You’re not a diplomat.
>The constant lies and uncertainty of diplomacy has always been a turnoff for you.
>The posturing and disingenuous bartering...
>You deal with facts. With certainty.
>You weren’t about to put on a fake smile and pretend to be their friend.
>And so you gave her the truth.
>The brutal, honest truth.
>You told her that there was NOTHING they could do to threaten you, that you were in total control.
>You told her that it was well within your power to crush them with barely a thought.
>You said that the only reason they still live is because of your mercy.
>Your expectation was they’d leave you alone, too intimidated to ever bother you again.
>And if you ever needed anything from the horses, they’d be eager to give it to you. Anything to keep you happy.
>To your surprise, that’s when she started warming up to you.
>At least, that’s what it seemed.
>She could be playing at something.
>Something regarding her request to meet in in person.
>You fail to see the importance of a personal meeting.
>Perhaps it’s a horse thing.
>But you’re going out on a limb and assuming it’s a trap.
>She asked you to come to neutral territory, unarmed.
>A reasonable request.
>You’re the dangerous one here, after all.
>But you don’t intend to abide by her wishes.
>As you’ve confirmed before, you’re fully capable of piloting your armor remotely.
>And it has inbuilt weapons systems.
>You’ll neither be present, nor unarmed.
>Unless she’s trying to fuck with you, she’ll never even know.
>Now. How to make a sufficiently flashy entrance?
>You look around yourself.
>Your space elevator is still building.
>A steady stream of locust bots climbs the structure, heading toward the heavens.

>You are Luna.
>You are terrified.
>But you must steel yourself.
>The reasoning behind what the a- visitor said is sound.
>It’s proven its lack of ill intent with lack of ill action.
>No other explanation makes sense.
>You are not strong enough to oppose it.
>You KNOW this for a fact.
>You just don’t feel it.
>Your every instinct cries for you to flee!
>But you refuse to be driven by instinct.
>You are not a beast.
>You are a pony!
>Capable of overruling such base things as instinct.
>Capable of reason.
>And reason tells you there is much to be gained.
>You are not confident that you can convince this creature to help you.
>There is nothing you can offer it.
>You dare not try to threaten it.
>You’ve neither carrot nor stick.
>This is not trade.
>It is not diplomacy.
>It is not negotiation.
>You’re familiar with those.
>No, what you seek is charity.
>This is nothing new to you.
>It’s happened many times before.
>But you still detest the feeling.
>And so, you now prepare yourself to meet it.
>You don your cloak and march down from the camp.
>Ponies clamour around, begging you to stop.
>You press onward, pushing through the dismayingly small crowd.
>All but a few of them are too cowardly to leave the encampment.
>The rest reluctantly stand down at your command, obeying far too slowly for your liking.
>You’re unsure if their disobedience is a sign of apathy or devotion.
>You don’t care.
>Any ponies who’ve remained with you through this entire ordeal, you’ll gladly consider loyal.
>The statue still laying on its side providing a constant reminder of their indomitable foe.
>The ever encroaching metal walls a constant reminder of the inevitability of defeat.
>The spire that rises higher than the tallest mount a constant reminder of the limitless might they face.
>Prince Armor warned you of the morale problem time and again.
>You didn’t listen closely enough.
>The entire force was shaken when you and your sister fell in the first battle.
>The constant state of high alert and persistent failure to secure a meaningful victory sewed unease and despair through the ranks.
>Sending Pinkie away only made matters worse.
>Then when you were forced to retreat, everything started to fall apart.
>Constant mutterings of sorrow and terror filled the ranks.
>Equestria had thrown its best at the foe.
>And they were being mocked for the effort.
>You weren’t there when Shining Armor left.
>Nor was your sister.
>The entirety of the operation was foist upon Twilight.
>Then you called her away.
>The soldiers had no symbol to look up to, no alicorn to guide and inspire them.
>All they had left was themselves, and the constant threat of annihilation from an enemy they couldn’t begin to comprehend.
>It’s little surprise you had so many deserters.
>Between yourself and your sister, you’d brought four legions, TWENTY THOUSAND ponies in all.
>You’re under a hundred now.
>You recognise many of them as your elites.
>The Lunar Lance, seven Earth ponies who have distinguished themselves in armed and unarmed combat.
>Soldiers who you can trust for solo missions in the most hazardous of situations.
>Unless they involve ape cannons.
>The Dark Council, six Unicorns with an affinity for ritual magics.
>Sorcerers who can tamper with the fabric of reality to suit your purposes as they come, be it intelligence gathering, defensive shielding, or illusion work.
>Unless they oppose a being that can see the invisible, pierce any shield with ease, and cares not if it’s being watched.
>And no Shadowbolts.
>You recognise only a few of the remaining soldiers as your own.
>You suspect that a great deal of the other’s are your sister’s elite.
>The rank and file have left.
>Not that it matters right now.
>Not that it matters right now.
>Twenty thousand ponies couldn’t oppose this being now.
>Twenty billion wouldn’t stand a chance.
>You reach the designated point after only an hour of walking.
>The halfway point between your encampment and the ape’s outermost wall.
>There’s no sign of the creature.
>Not yet anyway.
>It said you were to come at your convenience, that it would meet you upon arrival.
>That it would know when you’d arrived.
>Within a minute, you see one of the massive steel walls sink into the ground.
>There it is.
>Wearing the impossible armor Twilight described.
>Standing still yet moving toward you at great speeds.
>The ground beneath it writhes and surges, moving the stationary being towards you.
>It arrives within moments, the very earth that brought it forming into a dark grey throne.
>It sits down upon the chair that only a second ago wasn’t there, without even looking to see where it was or if it had formed properly.
>The strange greyish material that covers the ground continues to move forward, collecting behind you.
>An appendage grows out of the being’s chair and grips one of the now familiar rectangles from behind the creature’s back.
>The limb stretches toward you, growing unbelievably thin as it does.
>You grip the device and read.

>”Please, sit.”

>You look behind yourself and much to your surprise, a throne has been erected for you.
>Not just any throne.
>YOUR throne.
>Sure, some of the details are a bit off.
>And the colour is all wrong.
>But it’s still your throne.
>You rest upon the warm surface, and are mildly surprised to find that it moulds itself to your body.
>When you push against it, it is unyielding.
>But when you sink into it it supports your body evenly, proving comfortable despite the firmness of the material.

>”If we are to communicate in an official manner such as this, it is only fitting that you do so from a seat of authority.”
“How d-”

>You stop talking and write.

“How did you know what it looked like?”

>”Picture books.”

>You can’t tell if it’s being sincere or not.
>The text conveys no emotion.
>The creature sits unmoving, chin resting upon closed claws.
>Lying back in the chair, showing no signs of tension or unease.

“I thank you for your honest approach to diplomacy. Most beings with whom I’ve had to deal choose the most roundabout way of speaking possible. I can think of none who would have proven their point as you did.”

>To choose properly, one must have good information.
>Every flaw or gap in knowledge leaves room for error.
>This is why you founded the Shadowbolts.
>To get good information with no convenient omissions.
>They found more uses over the years.
>Sabotage, reconnaissance, subterfuge, and in a few cases assassination.
>But their core purpose never changed.
>Espionage has served you where diplomacy has failed countless times in the past.
>But in this one instance, there was no need.
>The being you are speaking to was honest and blunt.
>It gave you enough information to be absolutely certain of the best course of action.
>Despite your many misgivings, you are thankful for that.

>”I’m not a diplomat, I’m an engineer. I don’t mince words, it’s a waste of time.”

>An engineer.
>Not a soldier.
>You’d heard mention of that from Spike.
>You doubted it then, and you doubt it now.
>On the other hoof, this creature has been far more honest in its dealings than any other foreign entity you can think of.
>Perhaps if you were to-
>It has shown you the courtesy of honesty.
>You shall do the same.
>You shall speak plainly and in a straightforward manner.

“I had assumed you to be a soldier.”

>”Soldiers are obsolete.”

>Not the answer you expected.
>You’re not entirely certain you understand.
“How could a soldier ever be obsolete?”

>”Our bodies are slow. Fragile. Weak. We are ill suited to nearly all environments throughout the cosmos. Our senses are dull and our hearts fearful. Our lives are precious and irreplaceable. We are ill suited to be soldiers. Our machines are quick. Durable. Strong. They can function nearly anywhere in the cosmos. They can sense things you’ve no words for, and they have absolutely no regard for personal safety. These machines are cheap and expendable. They are far superior. We’ve no use for soldiers.”

>Visions of a previously unimaginable future fill your mind.
>One where war has lost the gravity it now holds.
>Where nations could clash without a single soul being sent to fight and die.
>A time when Equestria’s last soldier ever would pick up their arms for one last ceremony before the idea of a warrior faded into history.

“I’ve been told you are not of this world. Is this true?”


>Spike had partially convinced you.
>It explains so much.
>And you’re familiar enough with the cosmos to know that there are plenty of rocks out there if you reach far enough.
>And while you don’t know how big the cosmos is, you know it’s beyond comprehension.
>It isn’t that great of a stretch of the imagination that there might be a large enough one somewhere to count as a world.
>You still hold some reservations.
>But you’re willing to entertain the idea.

>”Where did your horn go?”

“How did you know? I’m wearing a cloak!”

>”There is no protuberance on the hood of the cloak.”

>You’re amazed you didn’t think of that.
>You’re amazed that nopony else has.
>But what if they have, and they simply didn’t wish to say anything?
>What if-

>”If you’ve come seeking medical aid in that regard, I’m unlikely to be able to help you. I could make a prosthetic but I doubt it would function for magic.”

“There’s no need for that. It shall grow back in time.”
>”You’ve not answered the question. Where did your horn go?”

>You prepare to lie on instinct.
>The words are on the tip of your tongue in an instant.
>The being is largely unfamiliar with you, you could say any ridiculous thing and it would likely be accepted at face value.
>But you’re not doing that.
>Blunt honesty is to be the approach.
>You dare not be caught in a lie.
“I cut it off. I found myself in a position where I could not trust myself to be responsible with magic, and so I made certain that I couldn’t abuse it.”

>”Did you not have any less extreme measures?”

“No. There are spells to inhibit an individual’s access to magic, but they take time to perform. I could easily slip out during the process were I not properly imprisoned. This way I can keep some degree of freedom.”

>”You’d rather cut off a part of your own body, doubtlessly an agonizing process, to keep your freedom? That’s pretty metal!”

>The being has changes its posture.
>It now sits erect, head pushed slightly toward you.


>”Sorry, idiom. Doesn’t translate. I’m saying I respect that greatly.”

>You’ve earned the creature’s respect!
>You’re not used to EARNING respect.
>Being an alicorn, it’s usually granted.
>In fact, it hadn’t occurred to you until just now that this being might not respect you.
>You simply assume it at this point.
>Like is rare.
>Respect is common.

“I value my freedom greatly.”

>After having lost it, how could you not?

“I’d pay a much higher price to maintain it.”

>”Then why did you come here? Were you not afraid that I’d keep you as a hostage?”

“No. You’ve nothing to gain from taking hostages. I came here to offer my surrender and beg your assistance.”

>The being has returned to a very relaxed pose.
>You can’t read this thing at all.
“I can make no promise that none others shall harm you. I only command a quarter of Equestria’s forces, and have no control over individuals or other nations. My forces will be withdrawn. In exchange I ask a few things.”

>”No. This is not an exchange of any sort. You shall withdraw your forces with no expectation of any compensation. I shall hear your plea, but know that I’m under no obligation to provide anything.”

>It’s right.
>You know it’s right.
>You knew before you even came here.
>Blunt honesty.
>Your overwhelming experience with diplomacy keeps calling on you to take a different approach.
>You must constantly remind yourself to use this one.

“Right you are. We shall withdraw. I beg of you to assist us, knowing full well that you’ve no reason to do so. Your occupation of our lands has displaced countless ponies. We’ve been sheltering the refugees in our capitol, but they’ve nowhere to go. Their homes are deep within your walls, their livelihoods left behind. Please, I beg of you, help these ponies. They’ve done you no wrong.”

>”I shall consider it. You wished to ask a few things. Please proceed with the rest.”

>You don’t know what that means.
>In general you’d assume that such wiggle words meant ‘no’.
>You think back to the blunt honesty.
>Even that might have been a trick.
>Apes are well known for-
>There is no way to rationalise away what it first said.
>If it wanted to do you harm it would have already.
>If a consideration is all it’ll promise, you’ll have to accept that.

“We’ve ponies that were critically wounded during our conflict. There is no hope of recovery. I beg of you, save them.”

>”I had no idea that any save yourself and Celestia were physically harmed due to this laughable waste of time. I shall do what I can to mend them, though I must warn you it will likely be crude. I’ve limited information on your kind.”
>You start to tear up.
>Just a little.
>There were times when you were ready to give up hope.
>You were certain that you’d failed them, sent them in to meet a pointless demise.
>You still failed them.
>But maybe you’ve made it right?
>You shouldn’t ask this.
>You should just be happy with what’s happened and move on.
>But none of this has matched your expectation.
>You need to know.

“Why? Why are you helping them?”

>”For the same reason as why I’ve not wiped your kind off the globe. Because I’m not a killer. You may be, but I am not.”

>You don’t care about the accusation.
>You don’t care about the clearly stated threat.
>You are daring to hope.
>You won’t have to attend their funerals any time soon.
>You won’t have to deliver the grim news to their families.
>You’ve made mistakes before.
>Far more than you care to count.
>Yet you’ve not grown numb to the consequences.

>”Have we any further business?”

>”One last things. There are millions of ponies who could use your help. Ponies die every day of disease, organ failure, and injury. You could prevent this. You could be the hero of an entire species. Please, teach us your ways. Teach us how you mended Spike.”


>Your heart sinks.
>Not ‘maybe’.
>Not ‘if’.
>Just ‘no’.

>”I’ve already greatly overstepped my bounds while here. The only rule for contacting an intelligent species is to leave them alone and let the higher ups decide. Perhaps some day you shall have your wish. For now you’re on your own. Have we any further business?”

>This can’t be it.
>There needs to be something you can do!
>The ponies of Equestria are depending on you.
>They need you to free them from their frail bodies!
>You need to save them from their accursed flesh!
>Maybe you can pressure it by-
>The memory of those impossible blasts runs through your head.
>Perhaps you can offer it some of, ALL of the state treasury?
>But Spike said it can just MAKE perfect gems.
>Apes are well known for their love of gold, though!

“I could offer you a great deal of gold. Tons of it!”

>”What would I do with that? It’s not very useful. Not interested.”

>Not interested in GOLD?
>You’re officially convinced.
>It’s not an ape.
>What can you do?
>It doesn’t want wealth.
>It can’t be pressured in any way.
>It can simply take whatever it wants.
>There must be something you can offer.
>You CAN’T lose this chance!
>This is Ponykind’s SALVATION!
>You can save them from age, from disease!
>You... You need to…

>”Crying won’t change my mind.”

>You’re not crying.
>There’s just some dust in your eyes, that’s all.

>”If we’ve no further business, I shall take my leave. Keep the communicator. Contact me whenever you wish, just don’t waste my time.”

>You don’t look at the text.
>You don’t watch the being leave.
>You don’t look at anything.
>You just sit there desperately seeking an answer.
>None come to mind.

That's it. I wrote this while half asleep and it turned out to be mostly rambling. I think I fixed that during editing, but some of the problem might have stuck.

I'm well aware that the consequences of desertion are pretty severe. Let's assume for the sake of fiction that Equestria's military is less strict.
I liked it. Great update as always.

doing good keeping the role, but didn't he already broken the rules?

luna could of offer him knowledge about magic? unless spike already filled that role?
Damn, dude is fucking cold.
Glad to hear it.

>”I’ve already greatly overstepped my bounds while here."

Yup. He blew it, he got involved. This is still mostly defensible as he was forced into this situation. Cybernetically enhancing an entire species is going a might bit further and would be harder to explain away. As for Luna, she doesn't know him well enough to know what he's after.
If by busy you mean there was a purge of like half the threads and this was one of them, than yeah it was busy two days ago.
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>As you step out of the train car you realize that the city is bigger than you remembered
>Much bigger
>Is that a new park?
>Anyway, the last time you saw Trixie, she moved into a home here in Canterlot
>After you helped her scrounge enough bits to get her out of the forest, that is
>The same forest you crashed in
>Back to the point, you hope that Trixie hasn't wasted the opportunity you gave her
>If she didn't get a job to make bits for rent, that would mean she'd be homeless again
>And you didn't come to Canterlot just to get Rarity those gems
>If you can recall, she moved into the two-story on Starswirl Lane
>As you make your way through the city streets, you come upon a sign, with arrows pointing in the direction of certain areas of the city
>The arrow that catches your eye is the one pointing to Starswirl Lane
>You begin walking in that direction
>You observe the surrounding area, taking note of the nearby shops
>You see a variety of bakeries, restaurants and generic market stalls
>One in particular is what looks to be a trading center called 'The Grand Exchange'
>Taking a peek you see a vast array of things being traded by busy ponies, whilst others are behind a counter
>You might want to take a look later
>But now's not the time
>Heading further down the road you come upon a fork in the road
>One side heading deeper into the city, the other being the street you're looking for
>You head down Starswirl Lane, keeping an eye out for the house
>Aha! There it is
>As you approach the house you begin to wonder
>Will Trixie even want to be a part of this? Admittedly you won't tell her the entirety of your plans up front, but you'll still let her in on the situation with book horse
>Reaching the doorstep, you knock on the door
>She better be here or the trip to Canterlot would have been a waste
>Well, not completely. You still have those rubies to nab for Rarity
Is he still dead set on finishing the gate? He could just decide to not do that and live on Equis as essentially a god. He was already worrying about what the Human military was going to do with the Ponies so it's not that much of a stretch.
Good shit man, lookin forward to more.
Wheres the link scruffy dint let me read all of it.
At least shadows are saved
Here's the stuff that was in thread 19. I didn't have anything in thread 20.0 http://pastebin.com/fduR9ESt

Paste also updated http://pastebin.com/430ryWVh
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>After what seems to be an eternity, the door springs open
>"Who knocks upon the door of the residence of The Great and Powerful Tri- Anonymous?"
"Hello, Trixie! I'm sorry I've taken this long to visit you since you moved in..
>"It's been months Anon! Either way, Tr- er.. I'm glad to see you again!"
>"Why don't you come inside? We can talk over lunch."
>Stepping inside of the house you are instantly greeted by a horrid smell
>Did something die in here?
>Taking a look around the place you can tell why
>Trash littered around the garbage bin
>An old, dirty mattress on the floor in the living room
>Has she been living like this the whole time she's been here?
>"You picked a great time to show up Anon, I've just finished preparing lunch. How does fried pinecones sound?
>Looking over in Trixie's direction you can see her taking fucking pinecones out of her fryer
>Damn, ex-hobo pony is crazy
"I-I'm fine, Trixie. I ate right before I took the train to Canterlot."
>"Oh well, suit yourself! Take a seat over here Anon."
>She guides you to her dining table
>You can literally see what looks like the hardened remains of a spilled drink
>Should you tell her?
>Now may not be the best time, unless you want another pony to kick you out of their home that is
>You and Trixie take your seats
>"So, how has it been since you left for Ponyville Anon?"
>She takes a.. bite out of one of her pinecones
>How can she eat that shit
Compared to the rarity conversation this is as big step, you're doing a good job.
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"Yeah.. about that.. It's been fine for the most part, but there's a problem I've had to face recently, which is reason as to why I've come to you today Trixie."
>"Really? What's happened Anon?"
"Ever since I moved in with Twilight, she's always been boasting about magic and how it's how this world is powered by it. Once I told her about the CIS and our accomplishments before I came here, she didn't believe me. Because of this, a heated argument started which ended with me leaving Ponyville, and coming to you for help."
>Trixie finishes her pinecone
>"I'm sorry, what? The last time I met Twilight she seemed like the respectful type. For her to act like that, especially to you, Anon, makes me want t-SQUELCH"
>She fucking burped
>"Uh.. Excuse me?"
>She picks up her second pinecone, and starts going to town
>Fucking horses
"Anyway... the reason I came here is because I was wondering if I could stay here for a few nights until I can head out again."
>She swallows her food
>"Where will you go?"
"That's the second reason I'm here. You know the Everfree like the back of your palm, right?"
>"Why yes, I so Anon. While I regret spending so much of my time there, I am familiar with the area. Are you sayi-"
"That I want you to tag along with me? Maybe I do, Trixie. What do you say?"
>"Why do you want to go to the Everfree in the first place? Why not just stay here with me?"
>You take another look around the room
>Something about the size of a small dog scampers into the other room
>You wonder if you'll survive even a couple days
"To be honest, Trixie, do you want to know how I actually came here?"
>"What do you mean?"
"I'll explain later. Just know that it has something to do with the technology I told you about all those months ago."
>"Wait.. are you saying that-"
"Yes, I'm saying that I wasn't summoned because Twilight beat the shit out of a giant goat on steriods
>"That doesn't answer my question Anon, what are you wanting in the Everfree?"
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>dub dubs
>Well.. you thought you could have avoided this for now
>No point in hiding the inevitable
"Well.. if you're going to be persistent, I guess I'll tell you. In the forest, there is a crater. And in that crater lies a lot of things.. useful to me. I want to take advantage of those items, and possibly make a new place to call home. I AM homeless after all."
>"Then why would you want me to come with you?"
>She may be Great and Powerful but she just doesn't get it does she
>Now might be the time to lay down the hammer about this place
"Trixie, I'm going to ask you a question. Be honest here. Do you actually like living here? With all of this garbage everywhere?"
>She begins to tear up
>"I-it's just been so hard Anon! I've never lived a life in the city like this, and ever since you left things have been falling apart! This place is a wreck, I can never keep a job, and I'm about to be evicted! I-I just wish I could fix things, Anon, but nothing I do seems to work!"
>She knocks her plate of ravaged pinecones and her glass of whothefucknowswhat to the floor and curls up
>Well shit, good job Anon
>You just made one of you closest friends curl up and cry
>Not to mention the poor pinecones
>You need to do something
>You get up out of your seat, and walk over to Trixie
>You begin to console the poor thing
"Shhh, It'll be alright Trixie. If you come with me to the Everfree you won't have to worry about all of that stress again. Trust me on this."
>She begins to calm down after hearing that
>"Y-you mean it? Oh, Anon, if you aren't lying you just made me happier than I've been in a long while, of course I'll go with you! Just let me get some of my personal belongings."
"Well, we aren't leaving yet. We should be fine here for a few days, yes?"
>"I suppose we could stay for a few days; although, the house is a wreck. Are you sure you can handle it?"
"I never said we couldn't clean the place, Trixie. We can get this cleaned up before sunset."
Forgot name

That's it for tonight. Feel free to criticize and whatnot
sorry about the spotty replies, been hyping up for two horse-cons coming up
>"but, I love othe-" you cut twilight off
"its, really not that important, it's like an inside joke…" you say
>rainbow dash says something about an event with discourse, or maybe discord, and twilight shuts up
>twilight pauses before saying "anyway, about the cars…" she continues "because, if you can achieve such efficiency with little rail-balls what can a whole car of human invention be like?"
"well, back home" you trail off; "well, I don't know much, well, there's a way that they make the engines run, they take a fuel of sorts, stuff it in a tube, light it, and theres a bit that comes down in the tube, and the fuel exploding-"
>you notice the hand motions your making are following a pattern of finger into rounded hole created by the connection of your thumb and pointer finger- not really polite. Good thing rarity wasn't here.

part 1 of 2
>that makes you pause
You continue, saying "and then that would propel the piston upward and then more fuel would be entered- and then that cycle repeats causing work to be produced"
>rainbow'd ash looks astonished
>rainbow chirps out "and- so you, you- you use explosions to make your cars work"
"hell yeah-"
>now she's speechless, she's gone, lost in thought of explosive powered wagons
>twilight looks at you and says "well, what else are they powered by?"
"y-you have the air intake, oil for lubrication, dot dot dot; oh, and there's electric powered cars" you say non-chalontly
>she continues "really? Electricity? I thought it could only be used for appliances and such-"
"well, no- electricity is simply put, used to do work- it makes lights, heats things; produces radiation, it does /A LOT/ of stuff back home, not just the blender or ice-cream maker"
>"so its like magic?" she says
"basically, its magic with an explanation…" you say with a smirk
>"cool- so if we could generate electricity, we could have magic for the masses!" she says
"yea, I suppose, but there is a logical explanation, unlike the pony-scat you got going for you now"
>she laughed a little, and looks at you and says
>"we're gonna science the 'shit' out of this"

>great, you've taught little cute ponies how to swear like matt daemon.

now that that bit is done, I can really have fun with this green, lets go to the human world, shall we?
I'm loving trix so far.
also, feedback and story thoughts are always read. but I'm not getting a lot of snything, so I'm gonna flat out ask fot thoughts
I've just come back to 4chan a couple days ago, and have read bits and pieces of your story. For the most part, it's good. You just need to work on your grammar and sentence structure. I'll be sure to read the rest when I have time.
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a lot of it is intentional, unless your putting aside the memespeak. but yeah, I stopped solidly proofreading in one-note and just started skimming it. so that might be an issue.
I'm going to start with the bad because I'm a negative person.

You pretty much forgot that caps exist in >>26941413 for starters.
You often forget punctuation at the end of sentences, mostly those that aren't attributed to a speaker. Beyond missing punctuation you often use it incorrectly; your semicolon use is especially bad. If you don't understand the proper way to use them read up https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/Semicolons.html or just avoid them altogether.
Now for the good.
I can't really offer any suggestions on the storytelling, I just want to see where it goes next. That's pretty good considering you're still setting things up.

Oh. So you're not trying on the grammar. Very well then, I'll comment on it no further.
>just take a left turn and make it a shitfest
just, 30 shitposts a slide. /that's/ what my heart wants. just, a lot of shitposts
You did a really good job of showing of much Trixie is living in absolute squalor
If, in the future, We will have to rotate the planet because the center of it will not work.

Expect more green later today
I cried
I don't know why but the speech of him reminds me of the Elcor of mass effect. The explanation of emotions beforehand so that the context isn't misunderstood, but that's my two cents about that.
Why do I have a name?
4chan April fools tradition I guess?
No page 8 bump
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What if Luna supported Anon in his journey to prove Twilight wrong, and Celestia wanted to stop Anon because she believed that his creations were too chaotic for the good of equestria?

What would happen?
civil war
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I more like the idea of Celestia and Luna both supporting Anon in his endeavors because they both believe twiggle needs to quit conforming so much and just get an open mind.

Didn't we have a writefag that wrote something like this at one point?

>anon goes to equestria
>pic related somehow also goes there with him
>enslave the country because anything that gets within 2km of it is turned into red mist
Make Anon invent the vibrating dildo.
Dickbiscuit was working on story with that as a premise.
I was originally going to have something like that happen in my story instead of involving Trixie, mostly because
>luna best waifu

Now that I think about it I might have a way of including this in my story
>name not showing up for me

Droidnon here
If that's really you then make a tripcode. That's the only way
How about now

It's probably the April 1st joke if it doesn't work this time
It is the April 1st joke.
Just read through the whole story and holy fuck am I loving it, keep the green coming!
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>You are Twilight Sparkle
>It's three in the morning
>You're in your castle, pacing the throne room back and forth
>And you aren't doing so well
>You've been looking everywhere for Anon
>You've felt terrible ever since you let him go
>Why didn't you stop him?
>The only thing you know is that he's in Canterlot
>You have Rarity to thank for that
>While you still don't agree with his beliefs, you're worried
>He's probably sleeping on the streets for Celestia's sake!
>You suddenly stop your pacing
>She could help you out with this
>The dragon jumps out of his bed, scrambling into the room
>He has a rolling pin
>"Twilight! What's wrong? I heard you call my name!"
>He scans the room for what you assume are intruders
"Hehe, nothing's wrong Spike! I just needed your help."
>He slowly lowers the pin while continuing to monitor the room
>"What did you need help with that was worth dragging me out of bed for, Twilight?"
"Spike, I need you to prepare a letter to the Princess! It is of utmost urgency, I assure you!"
>"Does it have anything to do with Anon?"
>He starts to leave the room
"What are you doing Spike?"
>"Going back to sleep, Twilight."
"Why? I need you for this letter. What am I supposed to do, ship this through the mail?"
>He stops, and turns around
>"Because, you've always been rude to that guy, Twi."
>"Every time he talked about his life before you summoned him, you always got uppity because it didn't involve magic."
>What? Sure, you didn't always agree with him, but did you push it a little too far?
>No. Of course not.
"But of course, Spike! All of that nonsense makes absolutely no sense! How are you supposed to have long distance conversations without letters?"
>"As Anon said... from what I can remember he said that the-"
>You're not liking his tone.. he should know better than this!
"Bah, enough of this, now help me out with this letter. After that, you can go to sleep, and I promise not to bother you anymore tonight!"
>He stops to think a moment
>"Fine. But I still think you're wrong here, Twilight."
>Enough of all that
"Okay. Take note, Spike. Dear Princess Celestia..."

More in an hour or two.

Would have made just one post, but couldn't fit both parts on there
>Luna the Iron Hand
Good update, personally I hope Anon comes to find true friendship with one of the world's natives.
You are doing a great job on the story so far droid.
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>"Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle."
>You're Celestia
>And you've just been awoken from your slumber
>Twilight has sent you a letter about a problematic Anonymous. He has apparently left her care at the castle. From what was described in the letter, he apparently left because Twilight refused to believe his fabrications of a world without magic. You share her opinion, and believe that Anonymous shouldn't be doing whatever it is he plans to.
>What's really got you upset is that Anonymous was involved in an incident in the city center just hours before this letter was sent.
>He, and a mare that he was with, were supposedly assaulted by four local stallions. From what information was gathered, they were browsing at a trading center, 'The Grand Exchange'. When they outbid another pony on a crate of some gems, the pony and his friends started to harass them, which turned to outright attacking them.
>You don't believe that one bit
>Anonymous obviously started the conflict
>Such is the way of his kind, you assume, from the actions he's taken thus far
>So logically, you had him, and the mare he was with, one named 'Trixie Lulamoon', arrested
>You were going to wait until morning to see the prisoners, but with the arrival of Twilight's letter, you feel you should do so now
>You head into your bathroom to freshen up
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>You're Anonymous
>And you've just woken up in a prison cell
>You're arms are restrained in shackles, which are connected to a wall by chains
>You remember that you got into a fight with some jackass and his fuckboys after you outbid them on that crate of rubies you needed for Rarity
>It's not like it's your fault, they were the aggressors
>Observing the dimly lit cell, you can see they've also taken Trixie. She seems to be asleep at the moment
>Is she drooling?
>Besides that, there is no sign that your assailants were also detained
>Not to mention the rubies
>Rarity's going to be pissed when you get out of this cell
>If you'll get out of this cell
>What you don't understand is why the hell were you arrested, but your attackers weren't?
>There has to be something going on here
>You can see a window through the door bars
>It's the middle of the night
>No sense in trying anything until morning, when more guards are patrolling the prison
>You let the night take you
As usual, pastebin updated:

More soon
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>It is of utmost urgency, I assure you!
God celestia is a cunt
holy shit
Writefag_Is_Kill, you are amazing. Your story's plot is great, the pacing is wonderful, and it's fucking 8 trillion words long.

If you see your green to the end, I will name my firstborn after you.
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>Or so you thought
>You hear hoofsteps from down the corridor
>Probably just a guardspony
>When the pace of these steps quickened, you changed your mind
>An intruder? Your rescue?
>You got your answer when a certain princess stopped at your cell
"P-Princess Luna?! Oh, I'm in for it now, aren't I.."
>She used to be pretty cool with you, when you were in Canterlot
>Maybe things have changed
>Shit, well, at least you know it's serious
>"Anonymous, what are you doing in here?"
"I-I'm not too sure myself Princess. You don't know?"
>"Not necessarily, Anonymous. I don't have too much time to explain, my sister is on her way at this moment. We must hurry."
>She wastes not one second as she uses her magic to undo the lock
>You were stunned
>Why was she helping you?
>As she enters the cell, she notices Trixie
>"This was the pony that was with you, yes? A 'Trixie Lulamoon'?
>How did she know
>Probably princess magic or some shit
"Y-yes, princess, she was there with me."
>"Very well. I guess she can come along with us, then."
>She then undoes your shackles and proceeds to teleport you three out of the cell
>Her timing is amazing, because at that moment you could barely hear what sounded like a multitude of ponies heading your way.
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>You land a- wait.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!
>You just appeared at the fucking crash site
>In the middle of the damn forest
>She knows, doesn't she
>"Anonymous. Before I came down to the dungeon to get you, I overheard my sister talking to one of her higher officers."
>"She received a letter from her student, Twilight. In it she gave details of your storming from Ponyville."
>That little-
>"While I may have just found out about that, don't think I didn't know about this the whole time you were here."
>She pats the ship with her hoof
"Y-you knew? How? I figured I played it off as some summoning gone wrong!"
>"Yes, you did. Everypony still believes that. Even the one you plan to prove wrong."
>Even if she knows, at least no one else did
>Unless she was lying
>"However, when you came hurling from the sky, I was observing my beautiful night. I happened to notice a shooting star, and continued to observe it. As you began to descend I noticed that it wasn't a shooting star, but what I thought was a meteor."
"When you hit in the Everfree I was excited to investigate. I came to this spot and found not a meteor, but this.. thing. With you inside of it."
>Even though she knows about the ship, at least she doesn't know what any of this is
>Perhaps you could convince her to come with you and Trixie
>"I mended your wounds with my magic before leaving you here, and informing my sister of your arrival."
>So that's how they found you so quickly
>"Anon, I have just one question for you. What is all of this? I know it has something to do with that technology you talked about, but what it is exactly?"
>You take a look around
"As much as I'd like to talk right now, we're going to need to set up shelter. And soon."
>"You're right."
>"I'll work on making a fire. You should work on setting up shelter."
"I believe we already have it."
>You mention towards the ship
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>"Of course! A brilliant idea Anon!"
>You enter the ship, taking the still unconscious Trixie with you.
>Observing the inside, you can see soot, and vines that have overgrown from the outside all over the place
>This wreck is a wreck
>You clear an area in the troop compartment for Trixie, and place her down.
>Damnit, this was going to be hard to explain.
>What would Luna say if you told her you crashed here after losing a war with the largest superpower in The Galaxy?
>Now is not the time to think about that
>Or maybe it is
>You have absolutely no clue at this point
>You hear Luna gasp outside
>"Anonymous! We have unwanted guests!"
>You bolt for the door
>When you get outside you count twelve timberwolves along the edge of the clearing
>You notice that they're approaching Luna, slowly
>Before they can do anything, you yell
"Luna! Inside NOW!
>She stands there, as if paralyzed
>You run up to her and grab her, tugging her in your direction
>She snaps, and runs straight for the ship
>You hope this works
>You pursue, the timberwolves approaching quicker now that you have started commotion
>As soon as you get into the ship you sprint directly to the cockpit, slamming the button for the door
>Luckily, the door still works
>It slams shut before the timberwolves could get inside

I know, it might seem weird to be at this point already, but I wanted to get past the buildup and into the real story. Honestly it hasn't even begun yet. You could possibly consider everything before this post a prologue. What do you all think?
Is the buildup that Celestia and Twilight are complete fucking assholes?

Don't forget that there's an old sep war factory out there anon ^:)
I wanna see anon explain the war and everything to luna and trixs
pretty sure Celestia is a racist
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Thanks for the feedback, anons

As a bonus, I'll be dumping more tonight

>You turn around to a tired Luna
>Oh, and Trixie's awake, too
>Is she always this mad?
>And Luna looks like she's a kid that just watched a horror movie
>They were both looking at you
>Is now the time?
>Luna is the first to speak
>"So, Anon. Now that you've... saved us.. will you care to explain that?"
>She points a hoof towards the door
>o fug
>You need to think of something, and fast
"I.. uhhh..... you see.."
>You're very bad at this
"T-the door.."
>Fuck it
>If Luna has stayed with you for this long, surely she could be trusted.
>You start to explain to them how it works and how you pressed a button to make it close
>Afterwards you begin to retell your story of the Confederacy, leaving out the bits about the war, and how you lost because some guy killed your leaders and shut down your troops
>You did end up telling Trixie about what happened with the prison, and how Luna got you out
>Throughout your story you get mixed looks from both of the ponies, mostly faces of interest and
>It takes you an hour to finish explaining everything
"And that is basically it. After I realized my ship's engines were fried, I used what I could to get into this system's gravitational pull. It is what pulled me down here."
>Trixie is the first to speak
>"Gravitational pull? What's that?"
"A gravitational pull, or gravity. is the force of attraction between two masses. The force is proportional to the mass, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance."
>They still look like they have no clue what you're talking about
>"I don't get it Anon."
>Of course you don't, you're just now learning about this shit
>Maybe there's some information they could study in the ship's central computer
>You'd have to make sure to censor anything about the war, and some of the more dishonorable things the Confederacy did
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>You didn't necessarily agree with the slaving and exploiting of people, but it's what you had to do
"I have an idea. How about I get one of these old terminals back online, so that you two could study this for yourselves?"
>You walk over to the cockpit
>Luna and Trixie follow
>You flip a switch, and the central computer springs to life
>The ponies behind you have a look of wonder on their faces
>You quickly move any information of the war onto an old storage drive that was left in the ship
>Taking it from the computer, it's now free of anything they shouldn't know for now
"You two can look through this if you want to know any more."
>Luna speaks
>"How exciting! I can't wait to study this!"
>She sits down next to the computer
>"Just one question Anon. How do I use this?"
>Face, meet palm
>You forgot about that
>You show Luna and Trixie how to use the computer, which buttons to press
>They were absurdly small for their hooves, so they used their magic to operate it
>Now that that was out of the way, you make your way into the troop compartment
>Walking over to one of the wrecked droids' bodies, you notice something
>It's E-5 blaster rifle is there
>Holy shit
>You just struck gold Anon
>Maybe you'd be able to take care of those timberwolves rather than waiting them out
Doing great so far.
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"Luna! Trixie! Come here for a moment."
>They both trot over to you
>The two trot over to you
>"What did you need Anon?"
"You'll never guess what I found, Trixie!
>You show them the blaster
>They look at it in a similar way they did the computer
>"Is that a-"
"Yes, it is. I think I just found a solution to our timber wolf problem"
>"Wait.. are you saying we'll need to.. dispose.. of them?
>Luna sounded slightly concerned with that statement
>Time to break it to her
"Luna, if I don't take care of them now, they'll sit and wait for us to come out. It'd be easier on us, and quicker for them."
>"I-I understand Anon.. it just surprised me is all."
"Good, because I have a plan. I'm going to create a barrier with these crates, so that the wolves won't be able to easily get to me. When I tell you, hit the big yellow button in the middle of the console."
>You and Trixie move the crates into position
>When serving with the CIS, you never really experience a lot of combat yourself
>You were still trained to use a blaster though
>You ready your blaster and turn the safety off
>You take aim
"Alright. Trixie, step back. Luna! On three I want you to press the button!
>"Okay! Ready when you are Anon!"
>You tighten your grip
>Your heart is pounding
>Luna hits the button, sending the door flying open
>The timberwolves are still here
>The way they react shows you that you caught them off guard
>You begin to unload your blaster, aiming first for the one nearest to you
>You hit him with the second shot, sending its smoking body flying a couple feet
>Luna and Trixie yelp at the sound of the first shot
>You never really told them what blasters sounded like
>They'll get used to it
>After the first few timberwolves fell under your fire, some of the remaining ones decided to charge you
>The others just ran off
>Careful not to have your blaster overheat, you begin to pace your shots
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>You haven't realized how much fun you've been having with this
>Maybe you should tone the laughter down a little
>Wait, you were laughing?
>You forget what you were thinking and continue to fire your blaster, tearing through the oncoming timberwolves
>The last of the vermin falls at the base of your barrier
>That encounter was a little more than you expected
>At least you didn't overheat your blaster

>Rewind an hour
>You're Celestia, and you are absolutely furious
>When you arrived at Anonymous'cell in the dungeon, there was not a single soul present, and the door and shackles were undone!
>Even worse, when you went to tell your sister of this news, she was nowhere to be found! Nowhere!
>That damn monkey broke out of your dungeon and kidnapped your sister!
>You aren't normally one for exacting revenge, but you were going to make him PAY
>As soon as you find him you're going to take your army and dispose of the mongrel
>You'll have your general, Righteous Force, inform the scouts of their new objective: Find the location of Anonymous
>Before you take anything beyond that, you'll need to wait
>Twilight is on her way, via train
>Once she gets here, you'll be able to discuss your plans in higher detail
Okay /mlprogress/

You decide

Bump. Story dump incoming
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>You're Anonymous, once again
>Sometimes you wonder if Droid will ever write in the POV of Trixie or Luna
>That's something that you think will probably never happen
>On a serious note, It's been some time since you've taken care of those timberwolves
>Once they were gone, the three of you went back into the ship for the night
>Granted, it was early morning, you slept until two
>That's what your pocket watch has said, at least
>You seemed to be awake before the other
>Now would be a good time to start some work
>While Luna and Trixie are asleep, you'll start work on securing a perimeter
>You hope the shuttle had something useful in its cargo hold when you left your frigate
>Granted, it wasn't very large, but it could still hold a decent amount of things
>As you exit the ship, you make sure you have your blaster, and that the safety is off
>Don't want to have anything sneaking up behind you while you're undefended
>Reaching the cargo hold, you press the release
>What you find surprises you
>Twenty radar beacons, fully primed and connected to the central computer
>These would be perfect
>Radar beacons alone wouldn't be enough, though
>You'll need to make a form of wall, just enough to keep the wildlife from-
>No wait
>You forgot
>These beacons have a special module inside them that zaps anything that passes between them that aren't in the CIS databanks
>One problem though
>Luna and Trixie aren't in there
>Thank the creator you didn't delete all of that Separatist information from that computer
>With just some minor tinkering you should be able to have Luna and Trixie in the databank
>It's been three hours
>You managed to get your friends into the databank
>You've also set up those beacons
>They'll suffice for now, but later you'll want to have an actual wall behind those beacons
>Trixie woke up just after you began work on the beacons.
>Moon horse is still asleep
>Is she nocturnal or something?
>You're just glad that now you'll be able to detect any incoming life forms, as well as keep them out. To a degree.
activate light-speed drive, create a black hole in a place of the planet.
Activate ship and fly all around Equestria, singing "I can show you the world" to Luna and Trixie
then activate broken light-speed drive, shouting "I can show you ZA WARUDO!!!"
>black hole
>group hug
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>You are Platinum Shine
>You are one of the scouts that were selected for this mission
>You and your unit were dispatched to the Everfree forest
>You don't know what you'll find here, but you're getting the creeps just thinking about this place
>If you weren't careful, it wouldn't be the monsters that'd get you, it'd certainly be the deadly flora
>You try not to dwell on it too much
>Your squad leader, Onyx Shield, only told you that you were going after some ape
>He said you'd know him when you saw him
>You weren't too sure yourself, as the amount of creatures in this forest is absurd
>The journey to the Everfree from canterlot is nearly two hours altogether by flying chariot
>You decide to take a nap until you get there

>One hour and fifty five minutes later
>You're squad is loading off of the two chariots
>Velvet Chaser, Tiny Thunder, and Nimble Force were on the first
>Onyx Shield, Yellow Rock, and you were on the second
>Once you and your squadmates have your gear ready, Onyx speaks up
>"Assuming any of you missed briefing, I'm going to explain one more time."
>"We're here to locate a missing fugitive"
>"He's the human, Anonymous. You all know who that is, correct?"
>"The what, sir? Hooman?"
>Fucking Velvet
>"No, corporal. Human. The thing is basically a really tall, hairless ape. It wears clothes, so it should be easy to see through the brush."
>"We aren't here to make ourselves known. That's the main attack force's job.
"Attack force? Celestia wants to send an entire army after this thing?"
>"From what I've heard, yes. She does. If you were paying attention when I explained it earlier, you would know that the human has kidnapped Princess Luna, and taken her wherever he is."
>There is a collective gasp amongst the squad
>"Yes, you heard me right. It took the princess."
>"Now, unless any of you have questions, I suggest we get moving. We don't have time to waste."
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>You're still Platinum Shine
>Why wouldn't you be?
>You've been patrolling this forest for hours now
>You find something strange
>You haven't encountered a single hostile entity yet
>Usually you'd be attacked by timberwolves, or a manticore, mere minutes after coming into this place
>Whatever's happened here to drive them away, at least in this part of the forest, leaves a bad feeling in your stomach
>Nonetheless, you continue onward, following your squadmates
>Onyx stops
>"Okay soldiers, it's time we stop for a break."
>Thank Celestia
>"I see what appears to be a watering hole down in that valley. Feel free to fill your canteens."
>You're happier than you've been since you've entered this forest
>Your canteen ran empty early on
>You head down into the valley, towards the watering hole
>As you approach the watering hole you begin to notice something odd
>When did the ground start shaking?
>The closer you get to the body of water, the more intense it gets
>You and your squadmates freeze, fearing something terrible will happen
>Well, all of you except for Velvet
>"Velvet! Stop where you are! The closer we get to the pond the more the ground shakes! Can't you see?"
>She didn't stop at all
>Well Nimble, you tried
>She eventually reaches the watering hole, and begins to fill her canteen
>As soon as she stopped moving, it seemed like the water in the pond just faded away
>You and your squad started to run, fearing for your lives
>Except for, well, y'know, Velvet
>How did she make it onto this team?
>That didn't matter though, because by the time you all scrambled into hiding the shaking stopped
>The water was all gone
>In its place was a... door?
i love it all so far man.
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>Admittedly, you didn't want to go anywhere near that thing
>Why is it so huge?
>Are you trying to hide dragons in there or something?
>Velvet moseys on in like she owns the place
>After seeing this, Onyx speaks up
>"I have no idea what has happened here.. or why. But we need to go in there after Velvet."
>As soon as he finishes the sentence the rest of your unit breaks out into a riot of denial
>No one wants to step any closer
>Seeing this, Onyx stands up, and starts walking
>After about ten seconds, your squad gradually starts to follow
>You don't like this at all

>After stepping through the giant doors, all you can see is black
>The floor you step on is slanted, like smooth stairs, or a ramp
"Tiny, think you could shed some light?"
>The unicorn sends forth a blast of energy from his horn
>As it travels further, it illuminates what you now know for sure is a very large ramp, with another doorway at the bottom
>Who built this?
>Travelling down to the doorway, your squad comes upon a much smaller hallway, and a continuation of the large ramp
>Heading down the hallway, your squad ends up in a room, with a large window and some weird tables with buttons
>Also, you found Velvet
>"If only there was some way I could see what is on the other side of this window."
>Maybe you can get out o-
>She's pushing the buttons
>Nothing good can come of this
>She is literally pressing every single button
>As soon as she pushes a particularly large one, you start to hear a large rumbling noise
>She continues anyway, until she hits the button
>The button that illuminates what is on the other side of that window
>And the sight of what was over there was truly something to fear
>Guess what, you're Anonymous
>Greatest Human this planet has ever seen
>As you were putting the finishing touches on a simple water pump coming from a nearby river, you hear a faint beeping noise
>It was coming from the ship
>Heading inside, you were expecting the radar beacons to have caught something
>They did, in a way
>Apparently, they were tracking a distress signal sent from a..


>You just found yourself a CIS foundry!
>You didn't even have to do anything
"Luna! Trixie! You might want to see this!"
>They start to wander over to you
>You told them about the CIS and their droids, hence why they knew about your blaster earlier
>They didn't believe you when you told them about the factory
>This will surely change their minds
>You wonder how they will react to this
"You two will never guess what just happened!"
>"What's happened, Anon?"
"Remember that factory I told you about earlier, Luna? Guess what just popped onto our radar!"
>"So you're saying that now you have the power to make droids? Like the CIS, before you came here?"
>Come on
>You should know this by now
"Yes, that is true, Trixie. If we can get to it though, that is. We'll have to be on the lookout for timberwolves, manticores, or worse."
>"Alright, let me grab a couple things, and I'll be ready."
>She moseys off to grab who knows what
>"Anonymous, what do you intend to do with these droids when we get there?"
>To be honest, you weren't so sure
>You were never that high up in the Confederacy
>Hell, you didn't even have a cruiser under your command
>What would you do?
"Honestly Luna? I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll parade them through ponyville and have them stop at the castle or something."
>That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea
>Well, unless you wanted to scare the locals
>Yeah.. scratch that
"Actually, forget that last bit. Doesn't sound like a good idea. I'll probably figure it out once I have them."
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>"Okay, Anon. I was just curious is all. Just know this: with great power comes great responsibility. I've seen many tyrants rise over the course of my life, and I'd hate to have to deal with another one. Just don't let it get to your head, alright, Anon?"
>"As Trixie said before, allow me a few minutes to get together some supplies that we may find useful on our trip.
I suggest you do the same."

>Oh boy
>Looks like shit's about to get real
>You go into the ship, heading towards the cockpit
>Opening the main console, you upload the coordinates of the distress signal to a multi-purpose device
>Once you do that, you take out the device
>It might look like junk to these ponies, but to you this was a convenient GPS

>You grab your blaster, as well as what food you three have managed to scrounge up
>Time to head out
>Luna and Trixie are outside, waiting for you

"You two ready? I'm reading that these coordinates are nearly seven miles away"
>"That little thing is supposed to take us to the foundry, Anon?"
"Of course, Trixie. It's a multi-purpose device. I simply uploaded the coordinates onto it, and activated its tracking mode."
>"Whatever that means, I hope it's good. Let's get going, shall we?"
>You three begin your hike through the forest

>Two hours later
>You've only had to stop once
>You found what Trixie said were edible berries
>As you were preparing to eat some, you noticed something
>Trixie picked a fucking pinecone off of the ground
>She didn't eat the berries
>She coated her pinecone in berry juice
>She proceeded to use her magic to cook
>The fucking

>You and Luna didn't really have much of an appetite after that
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So where does the trixie and pinecone thing even come from?
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>Back to the present
>About twenty minutes later
>You three came upon a valley
>Your device was gradually starting to beep faster than it has the entire journey.
>You notice what looks like a crater in the middle on the clearing
>Upon further investigation, you find that it isn't a crater
>It's a dried up watering hole
>And at the bottom was a giant, metal door
>The only thing that looked a little odd, was that the door was open
>You could care less though
>You fucking made it
>This was the moment of reckoning

>The three of you made your way down the corridor
>You knew this layout!
>Just at the end of the ramp lies a doorway, on the left
>Down there is the control room, where you can begin your operations
>Before you head down any further though..
>You reconfigure your device, putting it into flashlight mode
>As you made it closer to the doorway, you could hear something
>It sounded like.. voices?
>Who could possibly be down here?

>"Ooooh! I wonder what THIS button does!"
>"Self destruct sequence? What does that mean?"
>There are ponies
>They activated the self destruct for fucks sake! You have to stop them!
>You weren't going to have this
>You ready your blaster
"Trixie, Luna, we need to move, NOW! Follow me, this way!"
>You're now sprinting towards this doorway
>Heading inside, you book it across the corridor, and into the command center
>What you see scares you for a moment
>Just a moment
>You come upon a squad of fully armed royal guards
>What were they doing here?!
>The guardsponies turn around
>"Oh no, it's the human! What even happened? How did it find us here?!
>You were one step away from blasting them right then and there
>If it wasn't for Luna of course
>"We need to leave! Our cover is blown!"
>You count six of them in total
>Before you could do anything, they stop what they're doing, and run right past you
Some guy took an art request and drew Trixie holding a pinecone. It somehow snowballed after that and became A Thing.
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Yeah i wasn't to sure if it ended up in the show or a comic or something i was aware that some guy did a commission but yeah.
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>You had two choices

A) Chase these ponies out of the foundry, blaster in hand


B) Stop the self destruct sequence

>Before you do anything else, you get over to the factory's main computer as fast as you possibly can
>Typing as fast as you can, you get to a screen with the option to stop the self destruct
>Clicking that brings you to a page
>It's asking for the code phrase
>You know this!
>You type 'Confederate Pride' into the console


>You did it
>You stopped whatever those guardsponies were doing
"Luna, do you have any idea what those ponies were doing here?"
>"I haven't the slightest idea Anonymous. If I did I would have told you by now"

>Now's the time
>You turn back to the main console
>You make sure the entire facility has its lights on this time
>After navigating through the menus, you find an option for a total reset
>Doing this would reset the factory to the state in which it was built in
>You hit enter

>The lights flicker for a moment, but then turn back on
>The machines start to whirr and move

>Coming from seemingly out of nowhere is a STD
>A super tactical droid (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Super_tactical_droid)
>"Hello sir. I am Super Tactical Droid designated FI-916 at your service."
>It's been too long since you've seen one of these
"How goes droid construction FI? When will the first batch of B1s be ready?"
>"They are coming off of the construction line now, general. Follow me, if you would."
>General, eh? You're going to like that one
Thoughts on this for now? Suggestions? Going to have a little break from Anon &Tr/una soon
By the way, that's it for tonight. Not sure if I'll write tomorrow or not.
I like it. A lot of tech stories are Anon beating rocks together to cobble up some basic, crude human tech. It's a breath of fresh air to see you guys writing green where Anon is straight-up a tech god with robots and shit.
Ok can ONE FUCKING PERSON make Celestia the good guy? So far everyone's depicted her as evil or neutral.
agreed it's a nice story
>You are Celestia
>You are the good guy
>Anon is making his silly tech
>It improves everypony life
>Everypony wins
>Even Anon, even though he's not a pony
We had a writefag that tried that, Celestia kept the population stupid and felt threatened by Anon teaching ponies, got him put in jail on fake chargers from her secret police, writefag disappeared though so there's that.
She's supposed to be a wise ruler.
She can't just let some weird alien thing run around willy-nilly, building stuff from his world that might endanger her ponies. Especially the stuff with big and brightly colored buttons that just demand to be pressed with no regard to consequences.
Do you honestly expect a pony to simply walk past them and not falling into a button-mashing frenzy, unaware and oblivious to the repercussions of his or her actions?
What if he will notice it and start using this fatal attraction to entrap ponies and... and CUDDLE them! Without their permission! The whole civilization can come to a halt from a hooffull of those diabolical contraptions!
No sane ruler would allow this to happen if he cares about their subjects.
Can I just ask: Which writefag is this? This april fools "joke" really isn't funny.
Droid Anon
I m with this guy...sorta, i m all up for celly being the bad mare as long that there s some history to it

Now for droid anon green: celestia is being evil for the sake of being evil and estabilishing conflict, mostly grasping on straws, randumb beliefs for the sake of history telling and being racist as well, all the while making luna the good sister, who saw him dropping from the sky, gave some first aid withouth knowing nothing about him and never told her sister about any of that, if she had stayed there to protect him until someone found the place and saw that all would be fine then sure, pony princess doing pony stuff...but as its written she s just left the place as if worrying for not being seen...being good for the sake of being good like celly is being bad for the sake of being bad
Now remember, both of them are over 2k years old which means they must have a ton of experience and celestia has at least the double of the experience of ruling, still despite all that they run equestria TOGHETER. i seriously cant believe that they wouldnt communicate over such a crucial matter like an alien coming over, even more considering all they ve been thru as sisters...but no, one sister is jumping in to help and the other is jumping in to comdemn just as bindly, being complete oposites with no real answer for the reader of why
Luna semms like she is also really flushed out too, holding everything back as if she was a powerless being. We saw in the NMM future timeline on s5 ending that she can kill a timberwolf withouth even breaking a sweat, sure she isnt NMM and she didnt wanted to resort to killing, but she just seem like a scared child there
And then there s trixie, if luna is flushed out i ve no idea how to describe trixie, even though tbqh i dropped the green from the post i replied to, where anon finishes shooting some timberwolves and celly swears revenge...very in character...anyway back to the magic mare, besides the introduction post from where she reunited with anon she has been pretty much flat as a character, to be fair she could ve gotten more later on but as it is she s just a poor little mare who s just there for the show, heck even luna aint being as inquisitive, both mares are supposed to like being in charge and yet they just wait for whatever anon has to give/show them before questioning anything, and not even the latter in trixie's case

Honestly to me feels like all this is just ya wanting a green about anon and your two favorite ponies droid, with a story as flat as it could get: x is good, x is bad, neither have any reason to be good or bad so stuff happens because, the end
Still even though i dropped the green there are anons around who seem to be enjoying it, so keep going i guess
I was thinking about a Story where basicly Anon is the bad guy and the m6 are the good ones.
Imagine the typical sunday cartoon villian with an phd
>an phd
I don't think you are qualified to write something that advanced.
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is magic, the force? how can anon even explain the force?
Holy shit yes, keep it up!
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Fuck you and that movie.
>You are Anon
>And guess what?
>You've got a fucking table fan!
>It was the only thing to survive the wreckage of your house falling into town, Wizard of Oz-style.
>It's the only thing you have from your home (which you can never return to) and you've grown attached to it.
>It would have been a shitty situation, but you stole Pinkie's weird hand-crank batter-beater and with a little bit of copper wire and a few magnets, you've turned it into a hand-crank generator.
>You plug that baby into the fan, get a-crankin', and....
>Ponies all around stare in wonder as the head of the fan slowly tracks left and right.
>Mares flinch when the artificial breeze gently sweeps through their hair
>Stallions duck their heads as some dust is blown into their eyes
>You're working up a pretty decent sweat from all that cranking, but you-
>There's a flash of light, and the Princesses stand before you.
>You are accused of witchcraft and are taken to be the Princesses' consorts as punishment.
>You all fucked.

The End.
Don't die on me.
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I can honestly say that I agree with you on the writing of some ponies. Really, I just wanted to involve the princesses to start some form of conflict. I do agree with what you said about Luna and Trixie
Being flat. I'm still getting used to this as it's my first green, but I'll start to think about the characters more and how they would react to certain things and whatnot. And there'll be more with Celestia later as to why she's acting as she is.
Ignore bad formatting on this post.typing on mobile a shit.
>how can anon even explain the force?
It's the Beta version of the warp.
That, makes sense actually.
no, it's turtles all the way down!
Next; (the only bad part bout' writefaggotry is that I can't just read other people's stories without becoming preoccupied
>be twilight for a change
"okay; Moondancer, hand me that clipboard, please."
>Moondancer trots over to the board, and picks it with her mouth.
>can't use magic- might send you back to square one on this research bit.
>Moondancer walks over and tosses up into your waiting mouth.
>at the moment your perched precariously on top of the research material in question
"Moondancer, could you go out of the room and change the frequency to setting six, we're getting a /slightly/ better signal from up here-"
>Moondancer says "okay twilight!" and with that, she trots out of the room.
>in a moment, you look at the readings, and notice that they've lightly spiked.
>"ONLY FOUR?" she shouts back.
"YEAHT! THAT'L DO JUST FINE!" you quickly reply.
>"OKAY!" she says while the meter changes again.
"ANOTHER TWO KIL'S PLEASE!" you shout back
>"OKAY!" she says again.
>your so close.
"TRY POINT ZERO-TWO LESS!" you nervously shout back
>"I'LL TRY!" she shouts back
>almost there
>she comes into the room, looks up at you and says "you know I can't generate more than 234 uni's"
>"yeah, your right, I'd best come help." you say
>now your both in the power room, you focus your magic on the battery and combine to an est. 1021 uni's worth of magic.
"okay- now, that will hold for a while, now to check the experiment"
>you trot back into the room and look at the creation
>you look at the meters
>you look at the frequencies
>you look at /everything/
>it works.
>i'm loving this whole 'science' thing.
>be anon now.
>your sitting on your regular spot on the hill looking at canterlot.
>you've never been anywhere outside of ponyvillle.
>it kinda looks like Minas Terith from Lord of The Rings.
>holy shit that was a long time ago.
>when did the return of the king come out? 2007?
>yeah, probably.
>this ice-cream's pretty good.
>that’s what you say everyday.
>but it really never gets worse, now does it?
>yeah, you have a point there, anon.
>welp. Its about time you return this glass to sugar-cube corner and head back to the castle
>the shop needs a mighty tidying
>how long ago was it that twilight decided to science the "shit" out of electricity?
>well, it was Discord's Sealing then, and now it’s The Moons Return now…
>say, about one and a half months human time.
>she gets fluffy when she doesn't decide to cut her coat
>especially around the neck
>holy shit she's becoming a neckbeard
>you tip your invisible fedora towards the castle, and you get up, and walk towards sugarcube corner
I feel ya, typing 2 posts worth of criticism on phone from 4-6 am sure aint fun
Anyway the more ya write the more ya learn from your mistakes, i wouldnt repost my first green ever for example, no one gets to start with a yak seal of approval, again like i said before simply keep going, ya will get better with time
Holy shit i just got tempted to make a Crossover between LP's OG green and my green. then i laughed and drank some orange soda, just thought id let you know.
>she gets fluffy when she doesn't decide to cut her coat
>especially around the neck
>holy shit she's becoming a neckbeard
Top kek
>your inside the shop now, waiting in line for a refill on your punch/mountain dew stuff.
>you wonder if they sold that stuff by the barrel.
>you get another cup full, gulp that down, place down the cup, finish your cone, place down five bits, and head home.
>you get in the main throne room to see twilight and who you suppose is her sister siting at the throne-room table.
You look twilight in the eyes and say "good morning twilight."
>"anon. you have to see this" she says sternly
"what? You figure out electrons? Cool, we nee-"
>"much more than that-" she interupts
"when was the last time you slept?" you say quickly
>"36 hours, about-" she says before continuing "but that doesn't matter, what matters is this" she says before putting something on the table
>a plastic bottle
"where, where did you get that- DID YOU SYN-" you say before being cut off
>"no. but, we found her"
"who- her" you say before pointing to the other pony
>"no, /her/" she says with emphasis
"FUCK STOP WITH THE PRONOUNS!" you shout, exasperated
>"we found earth." she says slyly
>that takes you aback. You actually stop right in your tracks, and sit down.
"you what, mate?" you say quietly
>she continues "not just any earth, /your/ earth, your dimension, your frequency. We found it."
>"y-you can go home now. We can send you back, there's a portal through that room that can send you back." she says heavy hearted
>"it- it will be open indefinitely, it should have connected to the mirrored surface where you came in.
>the boardwalk.
>its gonna deposit you right back at home.
"its going to be really bad if I go back forever.
>"what?" she says quickly
>welp. You've got some explaining to do
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>You are Luna
>Princess of the Night
>You are still in this.. 'control room' as Anon calls it
>And you aren't sure if you like the direction Anonymous is heading in
>You've been playing this act for long enough now that you seem to have his full trust
>You could leave if you wanted to
>You'll probably stay until you can find out his true motives
>Why would he want a metal army?
>It seems extremely dangerous
>And a possible threat to Equestria
>Taking another look through the giant window in this room, you can see where Anon, Trixie, and that..
>What were they called again?
>Oh right, 'droids'
>You see them walking towards some large gate of sorts
>It slowly opens revealing what looks like some form of metal behemoth
>This thing seems to be loaded with giant versions of that machine Anon was using earlier on the timberwolves
>Four of these things come out of the gate in a line
>If this escalates too far you're going to do something
>You can't sit here while he stockpiles these war machines

Going to start taking my time with these, so that I can bring out some characters' personalities a bit
Happening imminent
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>Oh look, Droid's starting to write more characters, I wonder whe-
>You're Trixie
>The Great and Powerful
>You aren't sure what's going on here, but you trust Anon
>He's brought you this far
>You only wish he'd focus more on that new home he promised you
>You didn't necessarily sleep comfortably in that metal coffin
>You've been walking in this large chasm with Anon and the metal monkey for about five minutes
>It's loud
>And boring
>Is something supposed to be happening?
>The metal human stops in front of some large gate
>"Sir, before I take you to your B1s, I would like to show you something else we have been able to create
>The gate starts to open, slowly
>Some giant metal thing starts to come out
>Why is it floating?
>"AAT model tanks? While I'm glad to have the factory back up and running, are you sure we need these right now?"
>"While you may not think so, sir, I believe these will be quite adequate in helping us secure a victory in the war."
>What did it just say? War?
"What do you mean by war, machine? I was not informed of such a thing!"
>"I don't answer to y-"
>Anon cuts it off
>"It's some fault in its programming, Trixie. Don't listen to it."
>He gives the robot a glare
>"I.. uh.. sir, I believe you're mist-"
>"Unless you want a memory wipe and to be reprogrammed, FI, you should keep quiet."
>The machine doesn't say anything
Bump. More story soon.
i wonder how will the command droid will react to the news of the war
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>One day later
>You're Celestia
>You're ecstatic
>You can finally move forward with your plans
>Some of your scouts returned, the ones you dispatched to the Everfree Forest
>Apparently it took them longer to come back than it should have, because they returned on hoof
>They reported to you that they've found the location of Anonymous
>The place he is staying in is in the northern region of the forest, in a clearing
>The entrance was hidden in the base of a pond
>They said that when they got close, the water started to recede, revealing the doors to what they said was some sort of facility
>When they went inside to investigate, they were supposedly ambushed when Anon walked in on them in some room
>One of the scouts, named Platinum Shine, reported that your sister, and the pony that accompanied him in Canterlot, were with him.
>While they managed to get out of there with no casualties, there's no doubt Anonymous knows something is going to happen
>You need to talk to the higher-ups in the government before you do anything
>But before that, you should meet with Twilight about this.
>You leave your throne, dismiss your personal guards, and head towards the room Twilight is staying in
>Upon arrival, you see that she's lying on her bed, reading a book
>"Oh, hello Princess! I've just been reading this book on finding lost friends! I'm sure it will be useful in finding Anon!"
"Twilight, I'm delighted to tell you that we've already found him. I'd just like to discuss something with you in private. Spike, if you could leave us for the moment, I'd be thankful."
>"Sure thing Princess! I'll be out in the courtyard if you need me."
>Spike leaves the room
>You told Twilight about what Anonymous did in the city, but you haven't told her about what's happened with Luna
>"Twilight. I'm going to tell you something that may or may not change your opinion on the human. Don't be alarmed when I tell you this, my student."
Last line should be black. My mistake.
I'm guessing Celestia's is aware of the existence of the old republic and maybe the clone wars.
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>"O-okay, princess. Tell me."
"After the incident Anonymous caused in the city, he didn't flee. My guards has him locked in the dungeon. Later that night, when I went out to talk to him, I found that he and the pony he was with, named Trixie Lulamoon, were gone. All of the locks to their shackles and the door were undone."
>Twilight jumps off of the bed
>"Why did you have him detained!? You should have talked to him when you could have, and now that you didn't, he's gone!"
"Don't forget that he assaulted some of our local ponies, Twilight. Would you let a criminal go free on the streets?"
>"N-no princess, I wouldn't. You've got me there."
"Alright then. Allow me to continue. After I found that they were gone, I went to inform my sister of this. When she didn't answer her door, I found that she was gone. After some investigating, I concluded that Anonymous was responsible for her disappearance."
>Her eyes go wide
>"He did WHAT?!"
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"Yes, Twilight. I figured you react like that. Now that isn't it, Twilight. I have more to tell, so calm down, please."
>She starts to simmer down
"After I heard of what happened with Luna, I had scout teams dispatched to various locations across Equestria. One of these locations, is the Everfree Forest. In the forest, the scouts found some form of a facility. It's entrance is was hidden in the base of a pond in a clearing somewhere in the northern region of the Everfree. While there, my ponies were found by Anonymous, and fled. Luna, and the other pony were with him."
>"Well, at least we know where he is. Me and the girls can go right now, princess!"
"No, Twilight. That won't be necessary. I want you with me when I march my army to that thing's hideout."
>She looked taken back at this
>"You can't be serious princess! Even if you believe that you have a legitimate reason to do this, why would you take an army?! Shouldn't you confront him yourself?
"Maybe I would, under different circumstances. You told me he left because he wanted to prove his technology right? From what my scouts told me, the architecture of that place is nothing like anything else in Equestria."
>She looks like she's having a hard time coming up with a response
"I'll leave you to think about this. I'm going to schedule a meeting with some of the higher ups in the Royal Guard. I'll come to see you again after that is over."
Taking a bit of a break, so that I can figure out how I'm going to do this next part.
And the droid army indiscriminately steam-rolls over the ponies and Anon shoves a cactus up Cel's ass. The end.
Anon figuring out what his long term goals are? Ignoring the obvious one of proving twilight wrong
Hopefully his other goals include 1) Not going back to jail and 2) not letting the ponies ruin his droid army with some gungan-tier glowing orb shit
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It still hurts Anon
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Sunbutt is going full manipulator.
at least this gives twilight nigger pants a out.
Was gone a little longer than I should have, starting on next dump now.
>You're Anonymous
>And your first B1 construction units have completed basic defenses on the perimeter of the clearing outside your factory
>Now you won't have to worry about anymore creatures that happen to wander by
>You also had a special gauntlet made that lets you do various things with the facility, and have communication with FI
>At the moment, Trixie is attempting to talk to B5-826
>The lieutenant of the small group of droids you assigned to her
>"Now, lootenunt, The Great and Powerful Trixie commands you and your robots to clean her hat and cape!
>She throws her fucking outfit at the poor thing
>"Roger roger, Mistress
>The droid wanders off with her clothes
>Maybe you shouldn't have assigned her that unit after a-
>You grab your blaster, and start sprinting up the entry ramp
>Once you get outside, you see that Luna is already there
>You get to one of the guard posts the top of your mini-wall, and what you see surprises you
>On the other end of the clearing, you see an army
>From what you can tell, there are at least two battalions, or one regiment, of pony guardsmen
>There might be more, though, as the crowd of ponies seeps back into the forest
>Up front, is the princess, who is standing on some form of a podium
>Twilight is at her side
>What was she doing here?
>What were any of them doing here?
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>You call to one of your personal droids, that are on standby
"You, CD-94, come here."
>The droid walks up to you
"CD-94, initiate program 95-28"
>"Roger, roger"
>The droid leans towards you slightly
>You just turned a commando droid into a megaphone
>Is she retarded?
>Before you can say anything else, Luna walks up next to you
"CD-94, stand back for a minute."
>The droid moves a couple feet away from you
>Luna speaks up with that ridiculous canterlot voice or whatever it was
>She returns to her normal voice
>"Anonymous. I don't want any conflict today. Surrender now so that nopony has to get hurt. Do it for me, Anonymous!"
>You're not sure what to think right now
>Both of them want you to surrender, but you're sure as hell not going to just let them waltz on in here and take your shit
>You have a plan
>Luna won't like it though

I couldn't find a suitable image, so have a ponka instead
>In a hushed voice, you push the communicator button on your wrist
"FI, I want you to round up two companies of B1s, each with an escort of B2 droids. I also want you to gather three squads of droideka units. Meet me outside."
>"Roger roger, sir"
"CD-95, back over here."
>The droid returns to its position at your side
>From what you can see, she looks surprised
>Looking to your side, you can Luna looks relieved
>Too bad that look wouldn't last
>Because, at that moment you could hear your droids approaching

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You, my friend, make me shiver with antici--
Goddamn droid you're like a machine at pumping out updates. I hope this pace doesn't burn you out.
Well, I AM a droid after all

In all seriousness, I have the weekend off, with nothing else to do

I keep feeling like I'm rushing the story, and then I take a look at the word count on the pastebin
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>You and Luna move to the gate
>Luna takes notice of the incoming droids, and looks back at you with a face of panic
>"What are you doing Anon?!"
"Securing a future for The Confederacy."
>You and Luna head into the gatekeepers office
>Taking a look through the computer connected to the camera outside, you can see the invaders are close
>You'd say about twenty yards away
>Your droids complete their journey to the surface
>As soon as the gatekeeper opens the gate, you give the order
>The unsuspecting ponies are met with a volley of blaster bolts
>After the first few fall, other dart for cover, where there is none
>It is a massacre
>Somehow the princess was able to cast a reflective ward before any harm could come to her or Twilight
>The unicorn guards are able to take down some of your B1 droids, but the rest of them are hopeless
>One of the earth ponies managed to get close enough to one of the B2 droids to attack it with his spear
>The droid grabs the spear and tosses it aside
>Afterwards, it proceeds to grab the pony by its neck before it has the chance to run away
>It unloads blaster fire on the guard with its other hand
>Luna looks horrified
>At that moment, Luna takes off into the sky, sending your personal escort flying
>You bolt, passing your oncoming army of droids
>Rather than targeting you, she begins to assault your droids
>She destroyed the first company in a matter of seconds
>You made it into your foundry
>As you run to the control room, you see that FI managed to survive as well
"FI, we've got a problem!"
>all dem identical royal guards
anon what the fuck. He should've just told luna to fuck off back to celestia.
Do you believe for a second that she would have just left him?

Honestly it seems like she'd just attempt to fuck him up once she got Luna back
That escalation came outta nowhere fast.

Just like Anakin fucking off to the dark side?
hehe, right guys?


I'll see myself out
Given the droid army at his back I think anon could have tried rolling for intimidation first.

Don't be a fag, either roll with it or retcon.
The whole "OPEN FIRE!" thing seem kinda rushed.
Don't worry, I'm not going back on anything

Well, Anon is a separatist. They don't necessarily negotiate too well, or play fairly.

I might have fucked up with that, but I'm going to keep with it regardless
You could easily make it a day dream.
was set to stun not an option?
>All of this I've got typed up going in the trash

I'll consider it
I do believe the Anon Cons Equestria green did a massive retcon and people were ok with it.
Pick one.
Those droids were made for war, not cuddling.
Really, one of the bigger reasons as to why I did this was because I was having trouble writing two ponies being with Anon at one time. I might do the daydream thing and just have Luna go with Celestia

Either way, there's going to be further conflict
>set for stun
won't be an option
People tend to not mind silly shit being retconed, especially if the silly shit leads to a possible dead end.

She doesn't need to be there all the time for the story to go, maybe give her a communicator or something.
Was that ever finished though?
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>"I am well aware of this sir. I've already instructed the head of the vehicles division to deploy the AAT tanks. I believe these will be enough to repel the attack."
"Holy shit! FI, you magnificent bastard! Maybe I should listen to you more often!"
>"Agreed, sir."
>That smug, brick-headed shit
>Heading back into the main corridor, you can see the tanks from earlier, in all of their confederate glory
>As they pass, you and FI head back to the main computer in the control room
>FI brings up a camera on the screen
>From what you can see, most of the guardsponies army has been wiped out
>With the exception of the three princesses, and some of the guards
>The magic of the unicorn guardsmen seems to have no effect on your droidekas
>After seeing Celestia wipe one out with some form of magic, you conclude that the princesses are capable of taking down simple shields
>The tanks hover out to the courtyard
>Upon seeing them, the guardsponies start to hightail it out of there
>Twilight attempts to destroy one of them, but whatever magic she tried to use bounced right off
>The other princesses try as well, only being able to make dents in the hulls of the tanks
>How come they were able to easily destroy your droids, yet they can't do anything to your tanks?
>Celestia yells something you can't hear through the computer, and teleports the three of them away
>FI is the first to speak
>"We have crushed the enemy, general! However, we just made ourselves know to the larger world. We should expect possible Republic interference."
>Oh, right
>FI was offline during the rise of the Empire
>You still don't know what's happening with that
>Hopefully there are still some confederate loyalists out there keeping up the fight
"FI... did I ever tell you about what happened before the foundry was brought back online?"
>"No, sir. What has happened? Should I be alarmed?"
>This was going to take a while
Okay. Now's the time anons

Daydream, (aka, no ones guardspony husbando gets hurt)

or Continue as is?

You just created a serious divide. Either this can continue like the story Writefag_is_Kill is doing, or you can go with the "stay friends with Luna" version. Both sound interesting, but I wouldn't mind seeing some friendly Luna.
I would have originally gone in a direction like that, but being new to greenfagging I'm shit at writing some characters

God-type, nobler characters like Luna is one of the personalities I just can't write well.
You could always have him pull the dickish wizard move of taking his toys and fucking off back to his tower, and than taking the mountain that tower is on and fucking off with that.
I'm going to watch the poll for another 10 minutes or so before I start writing again.

Seeing what I am so far, I believe we're going to wake up from a bad dream
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FUCK DROID- with all these updates it makes me want to read your green T-T
can i get an option that says:
its your damn story, write whatever the fuck you want that is coherent with the story and in a way that makes you satisfied with you own work

i personally would have preferred a more diplomatic rout with probable backstabbing like you said, he is CIS after all, and taking over equestria, setting up a better seat of power for the new CIS but then again, going this rout, there isnt much space to work with so not the best idea over all, and the fact that this isnt my story so write what ever the fuck you want
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You know in truth a update every few hours is by no means a huge deal it's honestly pretty standard most generals simply lower there standards to not pressure writters.
what the fuck is wrong with all of you FI is clearly best husbando
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>fucking retcon wins by one or two votes
just fucking kill me
By all means, read it. I've read a good portion of yours so far, and I'm liking it.

Okay. Looks like poor Anon just had a daydream. Hopefully it doesn't distract him from the coming events.

Also, have some autism I found on youtube, Anons


FI best husbando
>good portion
man now i feel bad, all i've seen of yours is that you like to post pictures with every update

Yeah.... that escalated a little too quickly. Personally, I think it should be a stand-off, Anon should be able to build up a little bit more, have things get tense, then some sort of third party threat should appear that Anon's forces can fight. Maybe, afterwords, anon can take over equestria, but with at least partial pony backing, maybe due to exposure to Celestia's failings/manipulative behavior. Just throwing a rough idea out there.
Just so you Anons know, I do let some of your suggestions influence my writing.

If you want to see something in the story, go ahead and post it
Probably taken by Celestia's secret police
Why AATs are so fucking sexy?
Probably for the same reason Magriders are.
dem curves
i already spoke my mind
Dubdubs of the truth, thou if ya not sure which route to take the polls are a good way to take an overall look
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>Suddenly, your vision goes black
>You're on the top of your wall
>Taking a moment, you shake your head, and clear your thoughts
>Were you daydreaming?
>Luna, who is now back at your side, giggles as you stand back up
>So everything that happened..
>You have a second chance to prevent war with Equestria?
>At least for now, you conclude
>You press the communicator button on your wrist
"FI, I want you to round up two companies of B1s, and send them outside to the gate. Make sure their blasters are set to stun, I don't want to mess this up."
>"Roger roger, sir."
"CD-95, back over here."
>The droid returns to its position at your side
>Again, she looks surprised
>Luna lets out a sigh of relief
>Was she anticipating your attack?
>You'll never know
>Assuming FI had the droids set their blasters for stun, that is
>Before you head down to the gate again, you turn to see Celestia's army begin their approach
>You activate your communicator
>"FI, one last thing. Before you send them up here, make sure they aren't targeting their leader. I want to... negotiate."
>"Yes, sir."
>Your droids make it to the surface
>The gatekeeper droid activates the gate
"FREEZE! Stay where you are, and nobody has to get hurt!"
>They look surprised at the sight of your droids, Celestia more than the others
>One of their higher ups speaks up
>"Ignore him, he's far outnumbered!"
>Your droids take aim
>blasters are set to stun
Pretty sure those little plasma guns can't stun shit without melting a hole in it.
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"I SUGGEST YOU STOP, AND LISTEN TO ME, BEFORE ANYBODY HAS TO GET HURT! Take so much as ONE STEP, and my droids will open fire!"
>They finally stop
>The pony speaks up again
>"Droids? What in Celestia's name are those.. things?!"
>"Enough, commander. What are you planning to do Anonymous? I don't see how your machines can do anything with those tiny things"
>If only it wasn't a dream...
>No. Stop. It will happen when it's time, but not now.
"Would you like to find out? I thought we were going to negotiate the release of a certain princess, were we not?"
>"What happened to surrendering, Anonymous? Would you be so low as to go back on your word?"
>This horse
"Unless you'd like to take it up with my friends back there, I suggest you keep shut, and listen."
>She quiets up
"Now. I know you want your sister back. It's why you came here. However, I won't just give her to you."
>There are several gasps in the crowd
>One of these comes from Luna
>Some of the guards take different stances, as if they're getting ready for a fight
>Some of the guards take different stances, as if they're getting ready for a fight
>"Oh, really? What kind of sick demands are you going to make, Anonymous?"
"Only a couple, my dear! First and foremost. You are to leave here immediately, and shall not return with the threat of attacking my facility. Secondly, this forest is going to be claimed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which you will recognize as an independent nation. Any and all Equestrian presence here is to be removed, and you are not to return here unless allowed by the Confederate Government
>You are literally bartering for a nation composed of droids
>You wonder how this will work out
>If she agrees to your terms, of course
>There is collective laughter throughout the courtyard
>"You can't be serious, Anonymous! A nation? Composed of a tiny forest?"
>She stifles a giggle
>"While I think your demands are ridiculous, I think I'll find it amusing to see how long your new 'nation' is going to last. I agree to your demands, and my guards are going to st-"
>One of the guardsponies rushes towards you from the crowd
>In less than a second, one of your B1 battle droids fires upon the pony
>He falls to the ground, paralyzed, twitching in some spots
>The rest of the ponies stand there, mouths agape
"Now, this is what happens when you don't listen! You can have your precious princess back, so long as you swear to keep your end of the bargain, Celestia."
>"Of course, Anonymous! Why would I lie to someone like you!"
"Very well. I assume we'll be meeting in Canterlot to make our agreement official?"
>She sits there, as if thinking, for a moment
>"Yes, Anonymous, sure. I'll be expecting you in say.. three days?"
"Three days it is then."
>Before Luna heads into the crowd, she turns to you
>Thanks, Anonymous. For a minute there, I thought things would have to get ugly! I'll.. miss this place. I look forward to seeing you in Canterlot soon enough!
>She teleports next to Celestia and Twilight
>The sisters give each other a hug
"Now that we have agreed on the terms for Luna's release, I'm going to send these droids to see you out of the forest. I wish you a good day, Celestia."
>"Same to you, Anonymous."
>You see various looks in their army
>Mostly looks of fear
>Before they head out, a droid comes out of the foundry with a hover-stretcher (I don't know what these fucking things are called)
>It puts the pony onto it, and joins the rest of the droids and ponies
>They should be back in about five hours
Last half of that is kinda botched, not typed too well. Blame writing a story at three in the morning.
I think this is going to be it for tonight. Probably going to write more tomorrow.
Jesus fuck man that's alot of green. Get some sleep and continue some other time.
Danks mate.
>not cybernetically enhancing an entire species

damn, i wanted to see some destopian-cyberpunk equestria,
>no cops raiding drug dealer hideout on a side of a skyscraper using a howercar,
>no cyborg ponies everywhere, some has more limbs than usual,
>no grey monoliths of recently constructed mega-blocks of almost planet-wide city
>this is not playing in the background:
>cops raiding drug dealer hideout on a side of a skyscraper using a howercar
>cyborg ponies everywhere, some has more limbs than usual
>grey monoliths of recently constructed mega-blocks of almost planet-wide city
>this is not playing in the background
Have you considered paying a visit to the cyberpunk thread? >>26932636
this sounds really worthy of a green all on its own. man if there were green b8 threads still allowed then after Tech Is Magic i'd move onto something like that. i't couldn't be for this thread, maybe a sequel to my green, because where i see my green going (Conceptually) i see it as a possibility that this kind of future could exist.
oh, well, i guess i know which general im going to next.
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You know it's likely for the best that you daydreamed the kill scene because like i told you at the start when you pitched the idea just because he is a sep don't make him evil.
also for future updates if you want you can always have these "daydreams" become a thing every now and then just for when you want to explore a route etc.

not like it would really kill the story and so long as you have fun the lil extra time that's spent writing will not really burn you out if anything being able to basically go "meh i wanna see how that would all play out" would maybe help keep you from being burnt out in the long run.
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It hurt everyone man.
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Battlefront 2 was shit.
Pretty good, but also shit.
>we will never have Star Wars: Battlefront 3
>with space battles and other good stuff from both games
>there will never be sequel to Republic Commando
>you will never get to save Sev
>you will never get to save your brother
Thanks Disney.
I can somewhat understand underfags.
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>There will never be Imperial Commando
>It will never have mind blowing graphics and proper hardcore tactical gameplay
Bump 'cause you guys do normie shit like "sleep."
Once I can get back to my computer, I'll have about 8 posts for the thread. And many images.
Nice. I've been working on my next story dump, that should be ready in an hour or so.
>Battlefront 2 was shit
Go fuck yourself. There were some things in BF:1 that were better, but BF:2 was not even remotely shit. The spaceship battles were godly.
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>Twenty minutes later
>You're Trixie
>And you're in your living quarters
>You're enjoying having clean clothes for once
>Suddenly, Anonymous walks in
>"Trixie. Where were you?"
"What do you mean, Anon? I've never left!"
>"When Celestia and her army showed up outside, I didn't see you anywhere!"
>An army?
>What's Anon gotten you into now?
"Celestia's army?! I demand you tell me what you've gotten us into, Anon!"
>Anon stops for a second
>"Calm down, Trixie! Allow me to explain!"
"You have two minutes."
>"About thirty minutes ago, Celestia showed up outside with her royal guardsponies. They came here after Luna. They thought we kidnapped her or something."
>You might be The Great and Powerful Trixie, but you don't think you'd be able to kidnap a princess
>Especially one that's practically a god
"How does that make any sense? A human and a pony taking an alicorn princess from her home? Why would Celestia lie to her people?"
>You need time to think about this
>"I don't know, Trixie. I'm as confused as you are. In other news, prepare to have your mind BLOWN."
>What did he mean by this?
"Go on..."
>"Before Luna actually left, I was able to do some.. negotiating. Let's just say we have a forest to clean out and organize. Celestia is removing all equestrian presence from the area, and is going to recognize the CIS as a nation in the Everfree forest. In three days we're going to head to Canterlot and make it official."
>You don't know what to say
>It sounds ridiculous, but you'll see what'll happen
"That's.. uh.. great Anon! I can't wait until we leave! One question, though. How are we supposed to get to Canterlot without a chariot? On hooves, it's a very long trek."
>"I was just about to get to that, Trixie. I've sent out some droids to retrieve my ship from the other side of the forest. Once it gets here, it's going to undergo repairs so that we have a reliable source of transportation."
Meh. While I agree that the previous "version" escalated a bit too quickly (could still have been a ton of fun), Celestia is acting even more weirdly than before.

> Filthy Alien attack your kind.
> Escape jail and kidnap your sister.
> Find him obviously preparing something.
> He threaten your army and make ridiculous demand.
> Let's give him everything he want because reason.

Celestia goes from racist & violent retard to completely submissive, without anything really justifying it. No, a handful of golems casting paralyzing spells shouldn't make her shit herself, and when an escaped convict kidnap a family member it feel really weird to be magnanimous with him.
I know, I know. I wrote that part at about three in the morning, just wanting to finish that bit and go to sleep. I'm more than likely going to rewrite that bit in the pastebin after I finish the next two or three posts.
I am looking forward to it.
Decided to add this bit to this post

"You're telling me that that iron coffin is capable of flight? Excuse me for being skeptical, I just don't see how that's possible Anon."
>"Trixie. I've told you this three times now. It has repulsor lifts and engines which allow it t-...blah..blah blah blah...blah"
>You're hungry
>Maybe you could order your robots to get you some food or something
>"And because of this, the ship is capable of flight. Do you understand, Trixie?"
>Wait, Anonymous is here?
>Oh, right, he was telling you something
>What was that again?
"Y-yes, Anon. I get it. Now, I have a couple things to do around here, so... I'll see you another time?"
>"Alright, Trixie."
>Anonymous leaves the room
Bump. Will be back soon
long story short, Trix is still the self centered tumblrina she's always been.
About Trixie. Does anyone think I've been writing her better than earlier?

Just curious
She seems alright to me, I just want more, and to see Twilights reaction to being proved wrong.
There'll be more Trixie in the future. I just want to do some things first

You can expect to see twalot when Anon goes to Canterlot
Also the most important question, does Rarity get the gems Anon won before getting jumped by the pricks and getting arrested, and if they get their comeuppance?
All will be revealed with time, Anon

"well, okay, lets put it this way, say- pinkie pie were to just /up/ and disappear at random, for say, four months; what would happen to her house, her things, her job?"
>"well," she says, "its by law that if a pony is considered dead, but there is no body, her property is gathered up and sent to a warehouse up north were it is assigned a number for the span of one /full/ pony lifetime. And after that if she does not appear or a body that is identified, then the items are sold at auction- her job, well…" she pauses to think- "its really on the shoulders of the employer, but there is a one year job guarantee if, and only if, they've been working for five years." she stops before explaining "one may take her place, and pinkie can be no longer paid, but at any time if she wanted her job back as a baker, she can take it. Unless she has broken one of the Equestrian codes of conduct."
>that’s a mouthful.
"wow," you say "you ponies are a lot more considerate than humans" before adding "our businesses are all ran by a bunch of sheckel robbing jews."
"oy vey" you add, looking at a confused twilight.
>you analyze what you just said, and realize that you really didn't explain anything. And you start talking real fast.
"well, back on earth- you, you, if you were to disappear, you know- gone, poof, humans will take what you left behind like vultures, your car, house, property- if your pronuounced dead, and you have no written will, it goes to the state, and they sell your- no, they sell their stuff to the highest bidder. With the exception of stuff you've paid in /advance/; like services and such.
>you think for a moment.
With a smirk, you say "I've got my storage locker with all my old engineering stuff… I've paid for it 8 months in advance."
You continue, saying "and the gems you have here, they're /VERY/ valuable in my world, its called "earth" over there. So you know."

Wat a mouthful of an update
"so, what I'm thinking is this- I go back to my world, grab some information that I don't know, in the form of books, technology, obviously my computer and the like, and I come back" you concur.
>"well, there's one issue, anon." twilight says.
"what is that?" you say while pacing around the table
>twilight hesitates before saying "only organic or previously organic matter can make it through." >you think for a moment before speaking up.
"that scientifically doesn't make sense, twilight, we're made up of the same things that you say can't go through, it doesn't make sense-"
>twilight looks at you tiredly before saying "its magic, anon; the world doesn't have to explain 'shit'."
>again with the technicolor swearing
"okay, well, then I better take off all my inorganics I have on me."
>"plastics? I don't see anything you describe as /inorganic/… all the railrock tools you have are in your forge…" she says
>you take off your things that wouldn't make it through the breach
>wallet, that's fake leather. Filled with plastic cards
>well, plastic and rubber's a byproduct of petrol manufacturing, which came from old trees from an eternity ago.
>guess the plastic and rubber could stay, probably no metal.
>next, your belt. has a metal belt buckle, no beans.
>your old, long dead phone, self explanatory.
>and finally, your conceal /k/arry.
>you still have no idea why you're allowed to conceal carry in California.
>or why you still carry it in equestria.
>actually, no. you do have a reason, because manticores, hydras, and other scary ass mythical beings.
>its probably so you can sleep at night
>gotta show twilight how to put a baseball sized hole in a watermelon some time
>that shit would be cas-
>"anon" twilight interupts
"yeaht?" you reply back.
>"me and moondancer got you a five celestial pound bag of rubies for bartering over in your universe."
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Have sum drawfagging.

I like the art style.
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>You're Anonymous
>And you're heading to the control room
>If you were going to do anything in this forest, you'd need to clear it of any hostile life forms
>Reaching the control room, you see FI, standing behind the droid manning the main computer
>There are about five of them in the room, controlling various systems
>You approach FI
"FI, I need you to do something for me. I want you to order the captain of first company to send his troops throughout the forest. Make sure they are reinforced with STAP units. Any and all hostile creatures they come upon are to be eradicated, and their remains to be brought back to HQ. After they complete that, I want you to send construction teams to the edge of the forest, and establish a perimeter. The construction droids are to start work on a medium sized wall around the forest, with various border checkpoints."
>"Roger roger, general. I will send them out immediately."
"Good work, FI."
>Not only were you going to have some good eatin'
>You were going to be much safer in this place
>You leave the room, and head to the vehicles division
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What he said.

Will there be more?
hang in there m80
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/r/ing based FI lewds

>The next day
>You are Twilight
>The princesses' castle is in a state of unrest
>And that's putting it lightly
>Taking a peek into the main chamber, you can see a large crowd of politicians and officials
>Apparently, the event with Anonymous has become a very big deal with the Equestrian Government.
>You couldn't blame them. What you saw yesterday was, in your eyes, a marvel of technology
>Metal monkeys, able to walk and act on their own
>And those weapons!
>Just one.. what would you call it?
>One launch from those metal things they carried is able to incapacitate a fully grown stallion
>That both scared and interested you
>What else could Anonymous make?
>What else is in that facility of his?
>You MUST find out for yourself!
>You've got an idea
Edited this a little bit in the pastebin. It's just a little thing, but it's still worth a look.
is this alluding to a writefag?
>48 hours later
>It's the day of Anonymous' arrival
>You, the princesses, and some of their guardsponies, are formed up near the gates of the city
>There is a large crows of ponies behind you
>Turns out, the news of the big scary robots got out, and has been very controversial lately
>You all have been standing here for more than an hour and a half
>Anonymous was supposed to be here thirty minu-
>A pony shouting from behind interrupts your thoughts
>It's one of the castle guards>48 hours later
>It's the day of Anonymous' arrival
>You, the princesses, and some of their guardsponies, are formed up near the gates of the city
>There is a large crows of ponies behind you
>Turns out, the new
>He speaks in a hurried tone
>"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! You might want to see this!"
>He points towards the castle
>"Something resembling a giant, metal beetle just flew up to the rear of the castle! It has landed, but hasn't moved once!"
>A giant metal beetle?
>You have to see this
>Almost instantly after hearing that, the sisters teleport
>The entire crowd of non-unicorn ponies breaks into a stampede towards the castle

Don't have an image for this one
>Rewind two minutes
>You're Anonymous
>Dressed in your fancy new outfit
>It's mostly gray, with blue accents in various places
>You've also got an officer's cap(Think this, different colors and CIS logo:http://militaria-net.co.uk/images/all-ss-reg.JPG), and fancy black boots
>Your cape is a darker shade of gray than the rest of your outfit. It has a blue border, with the logo of the CIS in the center
>At the moment, you, Trixie, and your droid escort, are heading to Canterlot via your reconstructed ship
>Your droid escort consists of two magnaguards, and four commando droids
>For this meeting, you've decided to take add some droidekas to it
>You think that they will impress them the most
>Looking away from the droids, you turn to the front of the cockpit
>Two B1 pilots are flying the ship
https://youtu.be/0DrxzsAbnnU (0:00-0:35)
>You can see Canterlot pop into view
"Pilots, I want you to head for the castle, I will tell you where to land."
>They speak in unison
>"Roger roger."
>It takes you about twenty seconds to reach the castle
>You can see the ponies below, living their daily lives
>Some look up, and notice your ship
>The ones that do spring into panic mode
>You are coming upon the castle
"I want you to take the ship around the castle until I find a suitable spot to land, pilots."
>After the second time around, you see a suitable spot in the back
>It's a large, open area, resembling a hangar
>Inside you see chariots, and various ponies
"Pilots, I want you to take the ship to that hangar, and set it down."
>Again, they say
>"Roger roger."
>Just as you said, they land the ship in the hangar
>After about thirty seconds of sitting there, the princesses, some pony guards, and a crowd of ponies start to arrive
>Did they think you were going to come by foot, to the entrance of the city?
That's all for now. More in a few hours.

Criticism welcome
Good job.
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can't color it right now but there you have a lewd
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Why the fuck would I need a machine to do my petting for me, I can't even do that IRL.

Why is the world so cruel!
Fuck, just realized how badly I butchered this post. Posting a clean version in a reply to this post.
Find an image this time.
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>48 hours later
>It's the day of Anonymous' arrival
>You, the princesses, and some of their guardsponies, are formed up near the gates of the city
>There is a large crowd of ponies behind you
>Turns out, the news of the big scary robots got out, and has been very controversial lately
>You all have been standing here for more than an hour and a half
>Anonymous was supposed to be here thirty minu-
>A pony shouting from behind interrupts your thoughts
>It's one of the castle guards
>He speaks in a hurried tone
>"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! You might want to see this!"
>He points towards the castle
>"Something resembling a giant, metal beetle just flew up to the rear of the castle! It has landed, but hasn't moved once!"
>A giant metal beetle?
>You have to see this
>Almost instantly after hearing that, the sisters teleport
>The guards and the earth ponies started running in the direction of the castle, whereas the pegasi and unicorns flew and teleported away

Fixed. Couldn't find a pic in the setting I have, so have one that's basically the same thing, but in the Crystal Empire
Okay. Now that I've got that done, I'm going to work on rewriting these

Same drill, rewrite will be in pastebin and in a reply to this post

Some of the things I'll be changing are minor., like changing some things in various lines.

The last post will have a somewhat major redo
Damn, Anons.. would be nice if I wasn't the only one bumping the thread

jk pls dun hurt me
Well I'm also around, I just usually wait until page 9.
>Suddenly, your vision goes black
>You're on the top of your wall
>Taking a moment, you shake your head, and clear your thoughts
>Were you daydreaming?
>Luna, who is now back at your side, giggles as you stand back up
>So everything that happened..
>You have a second chance to prevent war with Equestria?
>At least for now, you conclude
>You press the communicator button on your wrist
"FI, I want you to round up two companies of B1s, and send them outside to the gate. Make sure their blasters are set to stun, I don't want to mess this up."
>"Roger roger, sir."
"CD-95, back over here."
>The droid returns to its position at your side
>Again, she looks surprised
>Luna lets out a sigh of relief
>Was she anticipating your previous attack?
>You'll never know
>Assuming FI had the droids set their blasters for stun, that is
>Before you head down to the gate again, you turn to see Celestia's army begin their approach
>You activate your communicator
>"FI, one last thing. Before you send them up here, make sure they aren't targeting their leader. I want to... negotiate."
>"Yes, sir."
>Your droids make it to the surface
>The gatekeeper droid activates the gate
"FREEZE! Stay where you are, and nobody has to get hurt!"
>Most of the guardsponies have a look of surprise on their faces. Celestia looks unfazed
>She was probably expecting something like this
>One of their higher ups speaks up
>"Ignore him, he's far outnumbered!"
>Your droids take aim
"I SUGGEST YOU STOP, AND LISTEN TO ME, BEFORE ANYBODY HAS TO GET HURT! Take so much as ONE STEP, and my droids will open fire!"
>They finally stop
>The pony speaks up again
>"Droids? What in Celestia's name are those.. things?!"
>If only it wasn't a dream...
>No. Stop. It will happen when it's happens, but not now.
"Would you like to find out what would happen if you tried to attack me?"
>"You DO know that any conflict you start here may be considered an attack on Equestria? Make one wrong move, human, and you'll be at war with the worlds largest superpower!"
>You just were
>About three minutes ago
>"Besides, what happened to surrendering, Anonymous? Would you be so low as to go back on your word?"
>This horse
"Unless you'd like to take it up with my friends back there, I suggest you keep shut, and listen."
>"Hmph. I'll listen, Anonymous. Try anything, and you'll regret it."
"Now. I know you want your sister back. It's why you came here. However, I won't just give her to you."
>There are several gasps in the crowd
>One of these comes from Luna
>Some of the guards take different stances, as if they're getting ready for a fight
>"Of course. What else would I expect from someone like you? What kind of sick demands are you going to make, Anonymous?"
"Only a couple, my dear! First and foremost. You are to leave here immediately, and shall not return with the threat of attacking my facility. Secondly, this forest is going to be claimed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which you will recognize as an independent nation. Any and all Equestrian presence here is to be removed, and you are not to return here unless allowed by the Confederate Government
>You are literally bartering for a nation composed of droids
>You wonder how this will work out
>If she agrees to your terms, of course
oh shit nigga
This last rewrite is a little longer than expected. Going to be in two parts

>There is collective laughter throughout the courtyard
>"You can't be serious, Anonymous! A nation? Composed of a tiny forest?"
>She stifles a giggle
>"No. What you demand is ridiculous. Do you expect me to just give you some of my land, right next door to the capital of Equestria? How stupid can you be, Anonymous?"
>She does have a point
>You're trying to dig in, in a place that wouldn't be so good for her nation
>Maybe you could convince her, somehow
>What if you threatened Luna?
>You'd hate to do it, but if it's what will get Celestia to agree, then it's mandatory
"Are you sure, princess? I thought you wanted to have your sister back? As soon as you take one step towards me, or raise just one weapon, she could be a corpse, lying dead on the ground."
>You point your blaster to Luna's head
>Luna turns towards you, a look of fear in her eyes
>You feel like an asshole, Anon
>But, it's what needs to be done
>You're hoping she takes you bluff, because you don't want to shoot anybody today
>Celestia takes a step forward
>"Don't you DARE touch her you.. you BEAST!"
>You remain quiet
>She sits there, as if thinking, for a moment
>She is giving you the look, as though a god was judging a-
>Oh, wait
>Before Luna heads into the crowd, she turns to you
>She doesn't say anything, she just gives you a look
>A look of disgust, like she didn't know who she was looking at
>You wanted to tell her what you were really trying to do, but you just couldn't
>It'd make you look as though you couldn't hold a threat
>She teleports next to Celestia and Twilight
>The sisters give each other a hug, and say some things to each other
"Now that we have agreed on the terms for Luna's release, I'm going to send these droids to see you out of the forest. I expect we'll be meeting in Canterlot, to make our agreements official?'
>She remains silent, staring at you, and your droids for about thirty seconds
>It looked as though she was going to attack you, even after you already handed over Luna
>She finally speaks
>"Yes.. Anonymous. We shall meet at this time, in three days. As you said, the meeting will be held in Canterlot. I.. will see you then. However, I believe this escort you are suggesting is unnecessary."
"I assure you, princess, that these droids will ensure a safe return from the forest."
>"Hmph. As you say, human."
>You see various looks in their army
>Mostly looks of anger, and hate
>Their army, and your droids head out into the forest
>Luna and Twilight look back one last time
>Your droids should be back in about five hours

Now I can continue writing the new stuff.
There might be some continuity errors between here and what I've written afterwords. Just give me time to weed them out.
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How dare you, slave? Get back to work, writefag. No breaks until you feint!
Just wondering. What do you all think about the rewrites? Are they better than what I originally wrote?

use droids to pay back rarity
you had a deal
Pay back rarity with specially augmented B2 sexbots?

T-that's lewd, anon
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technicolor bump
augmented with dragon dildos
This is keeping me quite entertained on my dead night on the cash register, i really need to go back and read these to get some context, keep up the good work!
Thanks Anon. Working on some more green atm.. expect it to be ready in an hour, maybe a little longer

Great job, Anon! Looks really good!

Can't wait to see what's next, if there's going to be more!
this thread or what? i'm not gonna lie to you, this thread /exploded/ after the mini-scruffening.
I can't help but notice that your Separatist Anon doesn't quite see the bigger picture. Yes, he achieved his goal of finding and reactivating the droid factory. A commendable effort. However, that's just one factory.

From what we've been shown, it can produce B1s, B2s, Droidekas, and AAT's. Ground forces. In the three dimensional battlefield, he'll need shipyards to produce warships and the like.

This is, of course, assuming that the Everfree has enough mineral resources to build a shipyard, let alone construct warships to any significant degree.

And then what happens if the Empire manages to find Equestria? An orbital shipyard capable of building frigates to any degree isn't something that can be hidden easily. Even assuming the shipyard isn't in orbit, instead hidden in the Everfree as granted to SepAnon by the rulers of Equestria, a droid army can't stay hidden forever.

It took but a single probe droid to confirm the Rebellion's presence on Hoth. While a Rebel base can be disguised as a smuggler's bolt-hole, a droid army isn't easily disguised.

So now the Empire has wind of a droid army being constructed on a backwater world. A lot of the Imperial military, particularly in the early days, consisted of Clone Wars veterans. The thought of yet another droid army being built won't sit well with them. So they'll invade.

And it won't just be a single battalion or two. They'll bring everything they have in the surrounding sector to bare on this newly perceived threat to Imperial security. And once they find the magic users, they'll perceive it as Force use, Lord Vader himself would want to deal with that. And it can be implied that that means the Five Hundred and First will be there as well.
i wan't you to do one of these with anon in a brown cardigan and a plaid sport coat lecturing a punch of ponies.
can that happen?
And they won't stop at the Everfree. The Empire will lock down the entire planet to prevent such an incident from ever happening again, especially once they ascertain the presence of "force users" (read: unicorns, alicorns, other magical/semi-magical beings). At best, they'll separate the magic users from the others. At worst, Order 66 is a Standing Order.

So, as it stands, SepAnon will have not only ensured the destruction of one of the last bastions of Confederacy strength, but also ensured the capture, imprisonment and/or death of any magical beings on the planet, and if they're particularly unlucky, the enslavement of the pony race. Not to mention SepAnon being executed.

Or I could just be yammering, because it's your story, write how you want it to go. Loving it so far. Keep it up.
The story itself, but i did read the entirety of the thread top to bottom but i want to know what happened in the earlier storie(s)
allied with ponies and make magic fused droids
of course, you could have equestria become either a sith planet or a planet full of jedi. and then you have a place to go after this bit is finished. YA HEARING ME DROID?

Don't read this spoiler unless you want a pretty big part of the plot of my story revealed early.

I'm warning you, anons

I was going to get to that, anon. I'm not shitting you when I say that I've got pics of seppie flagships and the likes that have been in my postpic folder since I've started. It'll be a little while before it gets to that point, but Anon is definitely going to have to deal with outsiders at one point or another.
oh! hold on f4m, i'll update my pastebin 4u
and done, here you go f@m.

It could happen tomorrow m80!
4 am bedtime for me!
> being from the southern hemisphere.
>hemispheres determine time zones
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>not checking the world clock to see where it's 4AM.
>its like you're casul, or something.
>what ring you got bitch?
Pizzafag at your service sir!
>nagging in /mlprogress/

Well, it keeps the thread bumped, I guess
Oh, well that's convenient but it is closing time at muh job so i wont read or post till i get home, but thanks bruh.
Well, like I said. It's your story, write how you want it to go. I'll keep muh autism in check. :^)
ah, have at it, it's not like im glassing my pastebin anytime soon.
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>You let your escort take the forefront, as the door to the ship opens
>They step out of the ship,and make a small formation outside
>You and Trixie step out of the ship
>As you start to make your way, your droids break formation, and form up again behind you
>You're greeted with the thundering sound of horns, being played by guards, who are standing in a formation similar to that of your escort
>Heading towards the princesses, who are standing at the end of the formation, you can't help but notice the looks you're getting from the crowd of ponies
>You see looks of anger
>Looks of fear
>Some have fucking popcorn
>You finally reach Celestia and her sister
>"Greetings, Anonymous! Welcome to the city of Canterlot!
>You can tell she's playing some sort of act
>You decide to play along
"Hello, Celestia! I hope you don't mind my droids here, these days you need to take every precaution!"
They won't be a problem at all! Now, If you'd follow us, we'd like to take you to the conference room."
>She, Luna, and their guardsponies begin to walk in the direction of a corridor

Kinda small, but an update. Might do a little more tonight.

Couldn't find a better Canterlot Palace pic than this, so just deal with it famalams
Fucked up the "They won't be a problem ." line.
It should be green quoted.

Also, I wonder if anyone's taken notice to the filenames of the pics I post..
these are my posts by the way.
"holy shit twilight that’s a lot of cash where I come from." you say, pointing at the bag of gems on the table.
>"really? Because in equestria, they're more common than fire-rock." twilight says.
"you mean coal, twilight." you say sarcastically
>"yeah, I guess. Its just what makes power for the trains."
"yeah, I suppose. Anyway, I guess I'm properly dressed for going back to earth, I suppose." you say kinda heavy heartedly, pointing towards your nice brown cardigan you wear, mostly due to your shitposter's side.
>"right this way, anon." twilight says… before adding "moondancer, you mind grabbing the gems and coming with?"
>you walk down one of those "infinium" hallways that seem to last before and seem to generate an infinite amount of rooms.
>"here's the room" moondancer says, opening her mouth for the first time.
>"Ah!" twilight chirps out before gesturing to the room.
"cool." you simply say, walking in to see a star-gate esque portal
>"see the explanation for this one is written in this journal" moondancer says while pointing to a book.
"okay" you say again, picking up the bag of gems and walking towards the portal
>rubies are carbon, right? Guess were gonna find out.
"hey twilight."
>"yeah?" twilight says
"you like huey lewis and the news?" you say.
>"wait, what?" twilight spouts out.
>and with that, you head into the breach.


feedback is nice.
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>After some walking, you enter a room with a large set of doors
>As soon as everybody, including your droids, makes it past them they are shut, and the guardsponies stand.. well.. they stand guard
>Where they trying to-
>You look forward
>You see a table, with five seats
>Three on one side, two on the other
>"Why don't we have a seat, Anonymous, so that we can discuss the emergence of a.. new nation in the world."
"Very well, Celestia. Let's get this over with."
>You all take your seats
>"So.. first and foremost, I'd like to sa-"
"You can drop the act, princess."
>She remains quiet
>"I figured you were here to talk with me about the creation of your so-called "Confederacy", in the forest? If you want to start a fight, you may as well leave, and we won't have any more to say about this."
>Well, you might as well talk with her while she's being co-operative
"Alright then. What do y-
>Before you can continue, some guardspony barges through the door
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>Right when you are going to say something, the pony is grabbed, and dragged away by some green magic
>Five black, bug-like ponies enter the room
>"Guards! Take care of these intruders!"
>The guardsponies run to confront the changelings
>The one wearing the helmet makes them meet the same fate as the one from before, throwing them into the wall
>"Anon! Do something!"
>Oh, that's right
>You've got battle droids here
"Droids! Lay waste to these things!"
>Your magnaguards spring to life, activating their electrostaffs, and leaping to the position of the changelings
>The changelings are absolutely stunned
>Before the helmeted changeling react, the droids go to town, shocking the changelings with their staffs
>Hehe.. kinda like bugzappers
>The changelings weren't even able to attack your droids once
>Turning around, the looks on everyone's faces are priceless
>Twilight's jaw practically hit the floor
That's probably it for the night. Keep the thread up while I'm gone, Anons.

Paste updated
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For the contributors please only use your name/trip when actually contributing or when answering stuff about the stuff yall made at most, dont want the thread to become a circlejerk general

That s all, good night
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Holy shit things are getting interesting
Please add a scene where a magna guard's head is ripped off, and then after a moment of hesitation it keeps moving.
Fucking. THIS!
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Its a ruse, they wanted to see what the droids can do.

Anon fell for the bait
about how big is the human compared to a pony? if the droid's staff can stun a fully grown human would it be lethal to something small like a changeling?
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gonna place a few sketches i did after reading some of the green in this thread.
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sorry for the grain, it seems my scanner shitted out this morning.
This got me wondering how much would Sun, Moon and Purple Butts get BTFO if an ACU showed up in the middle of Everfree or Canterlot, just for the hell of it Regular ponies would probably just shit themselves and run for cover.

>Anon speaks through the ACU
>Twilight instantly ascended to a higher plane of autism
>royal guards are all but disappeared, leaving only golden armor and spears as a clue that there ever was an army
>Moon Butt snaps, looking at the giant of metal, while trying and failing to comprehend what's happening, searching for words to describe it
>after staring in disbelief, Sun Butt orders everypony to retreat far, far away from the metal beast emerging from what was once an Everfree Forest
[insert dramatic SupCom soundtrack]
You know, all the problems and i mean /ALL/ the problems ponies had with anon where anon was seen as a villain to them could be 'fixed' by them simply by teleporting him to the sun
He or his machines may be sorta invulnerable to magic attacks but i dont think he d have a chance if they decided to do that
>teleporting him to the sun
We have no basis as to whether or not they can do that. Anything saying otherwise is 100% pure fanon.
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fuck that, imagine if anon had found a jaeger complex from Pacific Rim, now that shit would be cash.
>"YOU DID WHAT?" Celestia shouts.
"sent him out, poof, gone- banned… at-least; until he apologizes, that is!" you say with a smirk.
>"my faithful student… there is something you need to know" Celestia says with concern in her voice.
>she continues, saying "anon is the remnant of an ancient species of alien."
>she hesitates. "and they are /known/ for their ability to build, manufacture, and craft /far/ beyond the capabilities and potential of magic"
>she looks more concerned now than when Tirek came back
>you've really screwed up.
>"and, in their ancient times, humans would populate other planets." she stops before continuing "they lived peacefully along us equestrians, building massive constructs that were used as a defence line. And after a while… After they had their fill of peace. They moved along."
>"he, he probably wasn't lying, the- the thing you said, 100 story buildings, no magic. They did that; they did that ten fold with the resources they found within 40 square miles of equestrian soil."
>she looks you in the eyes. Before saying "so, where… did… you… send… him!?"
>that makes your heart sink.
>your teacher just told you that you were wrong. And you just spited one of the most powerful beasts on this planet, in this universe.
>you think for a moment before saying "i- I sent him, to- to the everfree for-"
>she cuts you off. Saying "that’s what I feared. That’s where the humans had dumped all their left over constructs. Right below our old castle" she says
>she finally concludes "I hope were not too late."
"wait. Whats that noise?" you say.
>holy shit
>you found a jaeger straight out of pacific rim. In a base straight out of pacific rim
>this is fucking awesome!
>your 100 stories off the ground having a stroll through ponyville.
>now time to show who twilight's really dealing with.
>she's gonna shit herself when you tell her you made this in an afternoon.
>not gonna lie, you lucked the fuck out

also, >>26980000 love me some quads
if i'm tempted. i might write some sort of battle scene, thinking something like celestia has a jaeger that was gifted to them by the humans, tiwilight and celestia boot up this massive robot to fight anon's massive robot. hoorah
rubies are aluminum
Fuck Technology,
All we need is Magic
make em - actually red diamonds. they just call them rubies. i guess ill have anon be told that by an appraiser or something
You can't Drift in a Jaeger solo without ann extremely strong will and still getting an aneurysm my immersion is broken REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>implying he didn't have (INSERT WANTED WAIFU HERE) with him to do this.

all jokes aside, the reason i didn't two pilot system is that since there is no background, i can't really bring myself to add a character with no relationship to anon in there. lets just say that anon has an AI companion because muh future.
They can teleport stuff around no problem, and for a long range teleportation like this would be just like when celly banished luna, but this yime withouth needing a spell to trap the teleported object for a long time therefore the elements probly woudnt be needed since i suppose traping luna for 1000 years in the moon is what used more magic in the process
Still, if they do need more magic for just the teleportation they could always ask twilight and co to use the friendship beam thingy

Ib4 anon is immune to friendship
Enhanced broin m8
If your little bald monkey brain can compute all the shit to pilot a jaeger, you can do it alone.
>your 100 stories off the ground
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ACUs can teleport too.
Plus, holding a massive ACU still will require some effort. And it's commander might not take it lightly and start shooting that big-ass cannon of his, so you might want to take shielding this rascal into account.
Oh, and will teleporting while you cast your spell disrupt the process?
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Not having the stamina to pet you pony personally.
Magna guards op.
I've posted an update to my story on my bin. Typing this up on my phone. Won't be able to post it until I get to my home pc in about seven hours.
if i had to choose i would pick magic over technology, maybe partly out of being bored with tech and magic just seems novel, but i could easily see golems and constructs going head to head with robots, unfortunately equestrian magic doesn't seem like it could ever compare.
>choosing working vodoo shit over the universal power of mind
some people never learn.
Eh, they raise and lower celestial beings, holding that may not be that big of a deal. Holding it and teleporting could be, but there are multiple high powered princessess for that if its 1 or 2
Also cant say it d be a good idea, it d be probly problematic to have two teleportation locations at once, even if one of them was only charging
So yea while it d definetly disrupt the teleportation attempt maybe it would affect the destination depending how close to teleporting it the princessess were
i believe the sun and the moon raising is a distinct spell all on its own, telling the sun and moon to move, not actually forcing them to move. like telling a computer to turn on.
>Moon Butt holds ACU in place
>Sun Butt holds shield against giant anti-matter cannon, looking more and more exhausted with every shot
>Smart Butt preps the teleportation spell to send VERY far a VERY big and VERY heavy metal thing that actively tries to sabotage her efforts
>it'd be probly problematic to have two teleportation locations at once, even if one of them was only charging
I seriously doubt that ACU's teleportation will somehow disrupt or be disrupted by magic by itself.
But the sudden disappearance of the focus of the spell will surely disrupt it.
>maybe it would affect the destination depending how close to teleporting it the princessess were
I imagine magic teleportation being something like this:
>define the type of teleportation
>define the vict- teleported object
>define the destination point
>supply enough energy to fuck spacetime and push the object to the destination
So vanishing a few klicks away is supposed to fuck the spell up. Not to mention that all the air rushing to now empty space ACU occupied will certainly blow away hue the caster's concentration.
I have a fascination with weaponized teleportation.
Not the obvious/glorious one like teleporting the giant mecha into the sun, but the more cold and efficient one like displacing the pilot's internal organs a few centimeters away.
Or teleporting a small pack of explosive in whatever empty space you can locate inside the armor.
teleportation shielding is a necessity in this case, then.
>implying magic isnt the power of the mind.
"I want you droids to secure a perimeter. Make sure nothing enters this room!"
>All of your droids assume position outside of the door
"So.. Celestia.. when were you going to tell me about these?"
>You point towards one of the fried changelings
>Were those staffs fatal to them? Considering their smaller size?
>You could check when you're done speaking with Celestia
>"Don't push it, Anonymous. You're lucky you're even in this ci-"
>"Princess! Do you always have to be so rude to him? Sure, he's done some disreputable things, but his machines just saved your lives!"
>Is Twilight sticking up for you?
>You find that surprising, to say the least
>Celestia turns to face Twilight
>"Twilight, how can you even consider defending this thing! It threatened Luna with one of its creations!"
>Twilight stops for a moment, taking a quick look at Luna, and back to Celestia
>"Maybe if you weren't threatening him like you were, he would have been more co-operative!"
>Celestia looks peeved
>She's not liking this
>"Enough, Twilight! Now is not the time, or place, to talk abut this! We must de-"
>"Could you at least tell Anon what we're dealing with? He seems to be in the dark about the changelings, princess.
>"Why should I care about what this human knows?"
>Twilight's face begins to turn red
>"I can handle myself, Twilight. Were his machines not here, I would have taken care of the changelings myself!"
>Celestia doesn't say anything else
>She just gives Twilight a disapproving look for a minute
>She finally speaks
>"If you care so much about the well being of Anonymous, you can put yourself at risk, Twilight. Luna and I are going to deal with this elsewhere, and you're not coming with us.
>Luna is only able to speak for a second
>"Sister, wai-"
>In a flash of light, the sisters are gone
>It's just you, Trixie, Twilight, and your droids

Next is going to be a rewrite of the rarara convo. Have a random pic this time
And then Anon gathered his droids, got back in his ship and left with a note saying;
>"Clean up your shit before you have guests around. I'm not cleaning up your pest problem for you.
>P.S. if you changeling bughorses take over, let's talk peace treaties! -the guy with the metal creatures with zap sticks"
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Here you go pal.
moderate kek
Good lord, I cant help but think of Bently before he becomes a cripple.
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The brains .jpg
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Oh good, i'm not alone.
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>Coming upon the entrance of the boutique, you head inside
>The bell rings as you enter
>”Come in! I’m in my workroom, if you need me!”
>Well, you know where you’re going
>Upon your entrance into the room, you can see things are a total mess
>Cloth everywhere
>A wastebin overflowing with what looks like drawings, or sketches
>You see Rarity, working on some dress of sorts
>Her hair is messy, strands of it sticking out in some parts
>She’s wearing those ridiculously big glasses
“Umm.. hello?”
>Rarity quickly turns around, dropping what she’s doing
>”Anonymous? Darling, what a pleasant surprise to see you! It’s been months! I assume you’re here for something important?”
>It’s been that long?
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“Months? I was just in here a couple weeks ago, Rarity.”
>”Are you sur- oh, excuse me, Anon. I’ve spent so much time on this dress recently, that I seemed to have lost track of time! I’m not sure where ‘months’ came from, though. Maybe I just need a break.”
>She stops for a moment
>”You see, I’m working on a dress for some rich entrepreneur, and the way she’s commissioned it, it’s taking up all of my rubies!”
>”Enough about me, though. What’s brought you here, Anonymous?”
“Well, long story short, Twilight and I got into an argument about the technology I’ve worked with before I came here. She didn’t believe what my people have accomplished, and after taking her yammering for long enough, I left. Now, I’ve got nowhere to stay, and I need to figure out how I’m going to get my next meal.”
>Rarity looks at you for a moment, before realizing something
>"Wait, what? You're kidding, yes? Twilight isn't somepony I know that would do such a thing."
"Believe me, you'd know if I was lying, Rarity. If I can just figure out how I could get to Canterlot, maybe I could figure something out.”
>”Why that’s absolutely awful! How could she do something like that?”
>You think it’s working
>She stops again
>”I’ll tell you what, Anon. I’ll give you one hundred and fifty bits for a meal and a train ticket. In return, I want you to take these seventy five extra bits with you to Canterlot, and purchase a crate of rubies. Do that, and I’ll consider us even. Deal?”
“Deal, Rarity.”
>She hands you a sack of bits
>”Now, I’ve still got some things I need to do with this dress, and you’ve got a meal to eat, and a train to catch.”
“I’ll see you later, Rarity!”
>”I hope for the same, Anon. Just don’t forget the rubies!”
>And with that, you exit the boutique.

Finally, I got to getting that re-do done. Continuation of the new stuff soon anons
Holy shit, while I appreciate someone that want to improve everything he did, this is starting to become a fucking mess with all your rewrites inserted in the middle of the story.
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True. I should have thought of that. WHERE'S MY DUNCE CAP?
New bread when?
crispy cooked changeling, but what does it taste like i wonder?
>I've written all 1200+ lines of what I have done of my story in less than a week, and it's all in one thread
When this thread hits page 8 someone should make a new thread.
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Bump limt has been reached.
I'm making a new thread.
New Thread!
Thread posts: 493
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