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Draw Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 454
Thread images: 175

File: Bread Edition.jpg (138KB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
Bread Edition.jpg
138KB, 1000x750px
Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Please be patient with deliveries.

Current Drawfagship Thread: >>Ded

Previous canvas: >>26748403

The OP header image and all other images can be found in our

A list of all the drawfags who draw here can be found in the

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>/mlp/ DRAW STREAM -
#/mlp/drawthread Server Info: irc.rizon.net
An alternate ending of Friendship Games that resembles the ending of the Berserk anime.
In my defense it looked like it.
Requesting Sunset as Spider-man or in this case Spider-woman
continuing the idea, as she more or less feeling her up or in a sexy pose
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8KB, 242x242px
Knuckles anal fisting Rainbow Dash
Anon running away with a burrito blanketed nyx in his arms with an angry Twilight chasing after him
My other sides, please return them when you get the chance.
Requesting Rarity in this situation. Or just trying to make her squishy way to shore.
I'll return them when I get my /d/.
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210KB, 500x500px
May i get my sides now? Ill trade you for my hands.
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There isn't much father and daughter bisexual incest porn. Requesting Rainbow Dash's Dad teaching Dash how to suck dick by sucking a dick himself. Whether or not she participates is up to you. Bonus points if He snowballs cum into her mouth.

Or you could have them both being fucked while they make out with each other.

Whether it's a filly or grown up Rainbow Dash doesn't matter to me.
Requesting human shimmer in a lewd school girl outfit licking a lollipop
Sunset wear a Spider-Man costume please
I just got my sides back. Man you are determined.
I think that's some from the thread. They do want a pic of it
Could someone make an sfw version of this? Something covering her up, like a bikini?
This belongs in nudity edit thread
I fucked that link up,
Requesting Nyx wrapping Anonfilly (both being same filly sized) in a burrito blanket and holding her with her alicorn strength while Anonfilly is shouting profanity at Nyx and just in general being angry about her situation.

Bonus points if Twilight is watching and finding it adorable.
Please and thank you.
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Rainbow smoking a joint while listening to pink floyds dark side of the moon
Rarity and her dad playing Blitz: The League.
I'm sure it's been forever since you last watched the show, come rewatch the S2 finale with us
Jesus Christ, it actually happened. My life is now complete.

Or has been pleased.

The dream is real.
Braeburn pleading with Anon not to shoot himself

Anon simply says
"When you fall hard for a guy and seeing his smile feels like a punch in the gut, just tell yourself that /pol/ would be proud of you for depriving yourself of the only chance at a fulfilling romantic relationship that your permanently flawed brain is capable of processing."

And fires the gun into his head
A pony somehow resisting a dark corrupting goo which is a symbol of the abyss or death, the feeling of emptiness.

His/her pride and love for life allows to remain conscious instead of being a puppet wreaking havoc and rampage on the land.

He/she is describing the 'feeling of the end' and the whisper of millions in anger. He/she plead her/his friend to end him/her before she/he turns to the dark side.
>Ponies in cars in the OP

/r/ more of this
Sunset kissing anon with the spiderman costume like in the spiderman movies , you know... like hanging from a building
Welcome to horse-fame. Remember, you're here forever.
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93KB, 900x900px
Anon cumming inside Rainbow-maned Zecora.
Requesting Vaporwave pone wallpaper.
Made one a while ago.

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10000 hours in Zimbabe Paint.png
22KB, 648x738px
/r/equesting a silver-gray pegasus mare with brown mane and tail. Pic related for shitty self-made reference for color and manestyle.
Rarity tied to a bed, shocked and indignant at her smug little sister gleefully sitting on her face.

If you'd like to include the other two CMC molesting Rara somehow, please by all means, that'd be great.
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she wants the sunny D.jpg
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hope this is lewd enough
I would cum inside Stripes.

>Friendship beam me baby, one more time!
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That face, tho
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life is full of hurdles
and sometimes you eat shit trying to get over them
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100million hours in mspaint
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Luna going up to her room after a long vacation and discovering that Celestia nailed all of her furniture to the ceiling.
This is a sexual thing, isn't it?
Probably Roald Dahl thing.
No, there's enough sexual stuff in these request threads that I don't really have anything sexually unique to add to it. I try to go for comedic or absurd.
a soft bump in the night
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/r/ Twilight Sparkle in a miata
what the fuck
You must be new here.

>shocked by vanilla fetishes

Literally could have been asking for something involving force feeding, scat, expansion, and dismemberment at the same time.
>defending it
what the fuck

How did you find your way here?
>be me
>draw pone
>browse 4chan
>see >>26810530
>what the fuck
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40546__go away kid.gif
2MB, 350x260px
It's almost like you're new or something
>be you
>see reasonable person resonably surprised by request for bisexual incest porn
>wow I irrationally hate this person
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Nah man. You just haven't meshed with the 4chan vibe yet.

Nobody hates you yet. We're just surprised you're surprised by it. Incest is pretty normal here.
>haven't meshed
I've meshed. Bisexual incest porn is just weird.
Ok guy
>tremendously upset
>trivial things
>literally said "what the fuck"
>over bisexual incest porn

kk dood
Man Im shit lazy but i feel this is nice enough to post.

>draw pone
prove it ^:)
slow it down, otherwise noice. not or
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58KB, 1280x719px
my magnum opus est in proficiebam
taking /r/

This >>26816989
We know you dont do /r/ ^:)
requesting an abstract kind of Ponk
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173KB, 1600x2400px
Hi, can someone please color this drawing.

Thanks in advance.

It's fluttershy if anyone is wondering.
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colored i guess.png
249KB, 1600x2400px

Instruction unclear, colored her outline instead.
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mfw I see this on front page of derpibooru and now here
derpibooru link?
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Im a faggot for making this.com.jpg
83KB, 1000x750px
You made me make this.


fix it
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1MB, 1440x810px

Did a try too, forgot I still had this for last thread,
so there. Here you go also OR.
HATE 10-hour bus trips
Not OR, but that's funny
nice job, Satan
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Abstract Pinkie.png
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what is life.jpg
110KB, 1000x750px

What does this mean?
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Taking /r/ I couldn't decide.

This >>26816989
Trixie surfing on a SR-71 Blackbird doing some epic magic shit
Hope you guys dont mind if i combine these 2 ideas
i dont know what this means but i am very curious
I am intrigued, proceed.
Might go through and color later. idk
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189KB, 300x300px
Fluttershy taking lsd and tripping balls
That's beautiful drawfiend.
anon being lonely on hearts and hooves day and Braeburn giving him a kiss
Trixie being an Uber driver (in a 90s model Ford Escort) picking up a human (anon if you must) while looking bored and changing the station on the radio.
Requesting Queen Chrysalis sleeping soundly on a couch/sofa.
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377KB, 1200x1200px
an attempt was made
Scootaloo seeing Flurry Heart flying and getting sad, then she gets levitated by what is revealed to be Nyx.
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357KB, 1200x1200px
not OR but this rocks
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Rainbow laying on a pillow with her butt up in the air, a pony of choice behind her, lavishing affection on it. Kissing, licking, rubbing her face on it, that sort of thing. Behind her there's a line of other ponies waiting for their turn with Rainbow's ass, the next pony in line whining that it's her turn. Rainbow should look like she's loving all the (literal) worship
Anon writing to Princess Celestia feeling lonely.

So she sends Braeburn round with a lot of stallions to cheer him up
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rainbow butt.jpg
372KB, 1691x850px
this one is a little messy, sorry for that
I'll be damned. Did the drawthreads always have drawfags this good?
Carrot Top teaching Diamond Tiara how to garden
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966KB, 1915x1078px
Imalou only shows up when all planets are aligned, >>26819676 delivers pretty often though.
Rainbow Dash pulling off a sick skateboarding trick, then wiping out
Scootaloo shaking her head
Rainbow Dash chatting with a naked Adagio Dazzle nonchalantly
Not looking for a sexual theme here. Adagio just doesn't into clothes.
I kinda wish I had some picture to attach.
Anon crying in Equestria
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2MB, 225x168px
A family photo with Luna ,Anon and their child
pic related
So, Nyx?
Nyx doesent exist
Nice picture thread Anon
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120KB, 800x1170px
gib pointers on how to draw feet. She's just standing cooly with legs spread and the left one are facing us. She's wearing the usual jeans and those knee high boots so some tips on drawing them might be good too
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download (1).jpg
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Twilight or the mane 6 giving hobo anon a spongebath
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Not much going on in /b/ draw thread. Lets see if i remember how to draw pone. Taking requests.
Draw Braeburn kissing Anon

If you don't do it you r gay
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178KB, 940x529px
Ponify at least one of them
Discord and Nyx
Anonfilly being turned into Nyx
Anonfilly wearing Nyx's clothing and accessories

I have tons of requests. They're all about Nyx.
Just a warning DT

Ignore all Nyx requests. The guy is a spammer and should just be ignored
It's not like I'm forcing artists to draw requests. It's optional for them to do it. If they want to do it let them, if they don't that's fine also. But I'm not going to go around telling people to ignore flurry heart requests.

Do a rendition of this art.
I will end you like I did powershy

I'm so scared. What are you going to do? Spam my requests over and over again doing the exact same tactic I do? You won't change anything. If anything you will only encourage and support my cause. So go ahead. Post your edgy navy seals copypasta or whatever it is you plan to do in my name. I'm telling you, it's not going to end.
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226KB, 800x600px
Hah, i remember that faggot. He not posting here anymore?
Did you ever finish that Gilda in Rainbow Dash costume prostitute request?
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279KB, 1280x715px
Doubt it, don't remember, most likely deleted it when i left /mlp/.
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277KB, 900x937px
It was this one I think. It gave me a bonner.
source plz.
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Aah, yeah still have it. Might bother to finish it too. That is if /mlp/ hasn't gotten insanely autistic as i remembered it about 2 years ago.
It's on derpibooru. Search for artist:Discrete Turtle.
I hope you do finish it m80. What insanely autistic things are you talking about? Is it the powershy thing or something else?
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570KB, 358x400px
Thank you
It Was Everything.
A pony singing this to/or a crowd being inspired by this before a battle.

Ah, hopefully things have changed enough that you start enjoying coming here again.
or this song.
Page 9 bump.
Requesting Rarity hanging about her house in her underwear being a slob.
>my great work in progress
We get it. You've drawn here before. Why do you feel the need to keep mentioning it? God damn you sound like a twat.
It wasn't me, I swear. It was another anon.
Miata OR here, this is just wonderful in every way. Color would be glorious, if you feel like it.

An attempt was super appreciated! Thank you!
Golden Harvest angrily digging up carrots that all look like Spike, while Derpy is on fire in the background
>he sketched that out in under 20 minutes
Damn. Thanks, I really like lewd that involves indulging Rainbow's ego. Something really unf about feeding that blue poner's narcissism through lewd worshippy stuff

Wish I could draw/do linework, but I can barely do basic color jobs. I'd give this a shot, cuz I just love the themes of it. Ah well, thank you kindly for this.
>gib pointers on how to draw feet
I want Rob Liefeld to go.
Anonymous and a pony (I can't decide which one would be funniest for this scene) watching Chrysalis approach with her army, having this conversation:

"You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility."
>"You admire it."
"I admire its purity. A survivor, unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality."
>"I've heard enough of this!"
"Also, I want to fuck it."
I have an old request. Never saw it fulfilled because my ass went on a vacation afterwards

I'd like Octavia playing a Cello with Anon following in suit with a violin.
Anyone think they can take it?
Same but requesting Anon playing the cello by using his anus to hold the bow.
That sounds like eternal pain.
You should know upside down satan.
Requesting human stalker Gilda lighting up. Maybe under a bridge or somewhere out of the rain
pony sex changes by Nurse Redheart

Stallion to Mare.
File: your suffering amuses sweetie.png (104KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
your suffering amuses sweetie.png
104KB, 500x500px

Long time comin', but I hope you like it!
Fug, forgot my name and delivery marker. Adding it in here o:
Ha ha, you said comin. Which is what people do after seeing your drawings.
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656KB, 680x555px
This but with Molestia and a pony of your choice
Aww yiss, I hope so
(no homo)

I'm going to sleep now, goodnight drawthread. Been busy with some stuff lately, but I'll do another request from here sometime soon! See ya around.
I would fuck that horse.
File: sr 71.jpg (380KB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
sr 71.jpg
380KB, 1000x750px
I know it was already done, but I liked this request
You can't do that. The request has been filled.

You are in violation of Draw thread Requsition Code 254, subsection 8, paragraph 9, "no drawfag shall willingly deliver a picture that has already been fulfilled by a another, more expedient drawfag"

You will either pay the fine. Or be subject to creative suspension and confiscation of your artistic assets.

Friggin sweet.
Sorry this delivery has been impounded.

Please delete it from your harddrive or will be forced to write you a citation for unlawful collection.

/r/ trixie in a meter maid outfit putting tickets on windshields
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fuck da police.jpg
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MLP Birthday game scenario Request list

That's right im not dad horsefuckers edition

Anon working very hard with photo finish and then equestria and our world fuse together

Anon goes to a Ball and dances with Shining Armor

Anon wakes up from after a long night of drink only to find Tom the Rock laying on top of him to his surprise in a drunken stuper he super glued his privates are now stuck inside Tom the Rock

Twilight Sparkle handcuffs anon and teases him all night long

Shining Armor inviting Anon to Christmas dinner

Anon murdering the princesses with Ahuizotl

Bloomberg (the apple tree) Inviting anon to bed and starts stripping him

Anon kidnapped with rose luck

Anon having sex with Fancy Pants

Anon and Golden Harvest having kinky sex the safety word is Banana

Applejack is anons "Fillyfriend"

Anon married to Princess cadence

Anon having sex with Milky Way

Anon and Octavia lead a rebellion against an evil ruler

Discord lets Anon do his job until the end of the week

Anon having a party with Braeburn

anon smothering apple jack's forehead in a warming embrace
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80KB, 433x403px
You have made a grave mistake
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176KB, 1920x1080px

When I saw the other Sweetie image on your tumblr a few weeks ago, I thought for sure you'd repurposed the original concept and moved on. It's cool that you went and did it, Sweetiedom is fucking rad, doubly so when her sister's the one subbing. Thank you for taking the time to do this, senpai. Now I can stop bothering the poor thread with my request
Quit being so fucking wishy-washy and learn to draw.
File: Finding-Neverland.jpg (34KB, 423x600px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 423x600px
This with Spike and Celestia
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165KB, 700x634px
y-you better stay back.
I-I have a knife, I'm crazy
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94KB, 829x647px
Requesting Art of my OC
Then live in agony knowing there's more deliveries then in this picture and not too long ago everybody knew it
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139KB, 448x400px
Then stop asking you greedy cunt
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244KB, 666x666px
But my OC he is a muse for the artists don't you see? They love to ridicule him or just use him to practice there hard work on every artist knew about the old deliveries before they made there contribution and now after a couple of years I'm back to see what will happen
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659KB, 810x810px

Uh, I thought he just had a Nyx kind of thirst.

After these few months, I'm gonna go out on a limb and
guess Nyx a not very well looked upon OC 'round here, then?

I don't go out of /dt/ often, so there.

Well, that's just prime.
I figured I was going to hell anyways but that's ridiculous.

Shit just got scary yo
So, no?
I mean, c'mon, those reqs can't ALL be shitposters...

What if everyone is a shitposter but the Nyxposters?
Every Nyx poster is a shit poster.
Not every shit poster is a Nyx poster.
I guess that means I can't request Nyx
other way f@m
File: r27_wip1.png (150KB, 578x810px)
150KB, 578x810px
Well, thanks for the free confuse.

I would like to think that, as long as the request
is tasteful and you don't into shitposting and it's a
once-in-a-blue-moon kinda thing (i.e. not spamming requests)
maybe they can be not ignored?


also wip
In the news today: A man detonates a grenade inside a bakery in Belgrade, Serbia, killing himself. No other casualties were reported.
This does of course require that a Pinkie request be made. Funny? Grim? Somber? Cute? It's all up to you.
I have no privacy where I live, I don't want my friends seeing me draw candy horses. I really have more of a propensity for writefagging, I just dabble in digital fuckery for fun once in a while. Still, might be nice to learn some of the basics of CQC (drawing) one day
Anon wearing Nyx's headband, glasses and vest with the vest having noticable tears and stretched with Anon looking at Nyx and saying "What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong nord woman?!"
>In the news today: A man detonates a grenade inside a bakery in Belgrade, Serbia, killing himself. No other casualties were reported.
Holy shit, that shouldn't have made laugh like it did

Requesting Pinkie trying to rob a bank like in pic related, maybe RD as Patrick in this scenario?
Famila, If your background image for your desktop is pone. Make sure it looks cool for damage control.
They dont give a shit. They dont give a fuck.
They dont give a shit. They dont give a fuck.
If they give a shit, they might just give a fuck.
But they dont give a shit. They dont GIVE A FUCK.
So draw pone.
File: image.jpg (41KB, 409x377px) Image search: [Google]
41KB, 409x377px
I request this, with celestia
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149KB, 812x984px
This pic but with Mane-iac
File: WHAT-ARE-YOU-DOING?!?!?.gif (2MB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1000x750px
Lyra and Bon Bon sleeping in bed, spooning in the early morning sunlight. Please nice and comfy

There's not a single pic of this on derpi, and that's a shame
Not OR, but, nice.
seconding this
File: r27_p.png (529KB, 578x810px) Image search: [Google]
529KB, 578x810px

This is nice. I love it.

Fuck. I didn't mean to namefag.
Wait is this just a big anonymous Circlejerk with dynamic ips?

oh my god this is great
thanks anon

>an artist can't compliment another artist

File: sonic the hedge.jpg (172KB, 1600x1800px) Image search: [Google]
sonic the hedge.jpg
172KB, 1600x1800px
Requesting Sonic the Hedgehog's enormous ass cheeks slapping into Rainbow Dash's face by accident while they are racing together. Bonus points if Rainbow Dash makes a Scrunchy face : D.
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Senior who is this Rainbow.jpg
26KB, 355x217px
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300KB, 1747x1414px
Requesting this edgy OC showing off his womanly legs to Anon and Anon saying. "Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Edgelord?"
File: anon and octi.png (442KB, 1280x960px) Image search: [Google]
anon and octi.png
442KB, 1280x960px
This sketch took me way more time than I wanted. I may or may not finish this tomorrow.
We might be getting a new book familia.
Hey friendscan we use your dropbox

>We have a mega upload for this.
I'm not the anon that set this stuff up but any more resources are much appreciated.
Anon in the other thread verified it's missing some pages. Sorry but I'm not the person who scanned it. hopefully they're useless filler pages with random art on them and not any actual information.
pony sex changes by Nurse Redheart.

Stallion to Mare operations.

Bonus if Anon is accidentally changed
File: osaka.jpg (189KB, 800x800px) Image search: [Google]
189KB, 800x800px
Like this, but with Osaka riding a resigned Applejack while other ponies look on in confusion and horror.
The mustache really sells it.
Starlight Glimmer trying to flirt her way into getting a free drink at a bar.
File: This is our mindset.jpg (325KB, 800x566px) Image search: [Google]
This is our mindset.jpg
325KB, 800x566px
/r/ a picture like this with a pony and a furfag. And a caption, This is our mindset
File: Nozomi_SMTIV_Final.png (619KB, 808x1440px) Image search: [Google]
619KB, 808x1440px
Aw come on, Im just trying to make some Sunset with SMT flavor like pic related. Still, anyone? I know the paper isnt long enough so you can expand it when fixing it
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448KB, 1920x1080px
I can tell this is a trap. And I'm still enticed Wouldnt hitting it though
Nice Not OR
Fucking amazing man. Thank you.
Would they even have candy at MLP banks? Would they be using gumdrops, or those foil-wrapped coins?
In the spirit of playing with toys with other toys from other series, requesting Princess Celestia or one the Mane 6 in the slime set from He-Man, or another slime-a-toy thing from some other series.

Dude that's beautiful
File: hooman.png (222KB, 862x1306px) Image search: [Google]
222KB, 862x1306px
i have no idea what im doing
Page 10 bump
Pinkie Pie and her equestria girls counterpart swimming in a pool together.
File: 20160322_214006.jpg (1MB, 2576x1932px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2576x1932px
Potential future draw fag here. How can I make eyes that don't look lopsided or uneven in size?
Stop focusing on it so much, go on with drawing.They aren't going to be perfect
EqG Celestia doing stand-up and telling an Aristocrats joke.

Just keep practicing. You could do some exercises that can help with making ellipses and circles. Remember to draw from the shoulder. Learn to draw with a light touch. Right now you're bearing down on the paper a little too hard. Draw lighter.

I've time-stamped this video for relevancy but I'd recommend the entire thing:


I also have an entire playlist that has helped me:


I still watch these to freshen up on stuff I may have been slacking up on.
File: iKDzFfIyXUayQSAEk_nb8A.jpg (1MB, 3830x2858px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3830x2858px
Requesting a hateful eight poster with these eight characters. They don't have to be in costume or anything. They could just be standing around making a mean face.
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216KB, 532x558px
Appul. Good night.
Thanks for drawing my request, drawfags! They look cute as hell. Chryssy a cute.
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42KB, 394x476px
Equestria girls-ified this one using a character of your choice
Thanks for the reference! I'll post here again after I redraw them
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71KB, 700x378px
Requesting Limestone with Pinkie as germans soliders of WWII at a machine gun nest.

Limestone as the gunner and Pinkie as the guy who feed gun. Limestone trying to be focused, but her sister is just a fucking dumb cunt, doing and saying silly things.

pic related

Nonya not welcome
pls ponify
Older Spike and Gilda fighting some griffins
File: industria_DT.png (65KB, 1600x1200px)
65KB, 1600x1200px
felt like finishing a pic today. yep, one hour in paint.


ow yes~ hahaha
i'd love to color that one!
Luna cock voring Braeburn
Congratulations on doing something, but not much
yeah i'm on a quest for inspiration. ...got any idea? can't find a topic that hangs my brain ;- ;

I think I need some advice. I was enjoying myself, drawing every day, etc. then I got a random request for a commission. We decided on the price and the subject matter (I don't request payment until I've got everything sketched out satisfactorially) and haven't drawn anything since. I had like, three pictures for /mlp/ I wanted to do as well, but now when I look at my tablet I get a knot in my stomach. I used to do commissions, but haven't taken one in probably 3 years.

Your shadows aren't in perspective. I guess that's the sun? It looks like a moon due to the color. I can't tell if you were going for a sunset or a moon-lit type of scene. Your pone has anatomy issues as well. The back ear is showing a lot like the head is turned but we're seeing a complete profile of the head. The right back hoof is too large compared to the other legs. If we want to go deeper this entire image is confusing. is it for a story or just something random? DT standing on a building staring at the sun/moon is a bit confusing.


> I get a knot in my stomach

Perhaps this is because you're doing something that you -have- to do instead of something you -want- to do. Making money is nice but it can muck things up when what used to be a hobby turns into some kind of job. Did you finish the commission already and can't seem to draw anymore?
then draw for free and fun
ow, i'm on the same situation for a while, got a lot of request/commission in waiting, but hopefully i never ask to be paid upfront.
idk, the commissioner's stiuff just doesn't make me want to draw, they don't even know what they want. (like a client who want a site redesign or a new logo with his cats on it.)
if the salary was worth it, certainly.

indeed, posted that on derpi and noticed the perspective. urgh.

Personally I browse derpibooru for inspiration. Not really about plagiarizing others but a shape or an expressions someone used will catch my and I'll want to explore that.

Do you feel that you feel the need to make completed pieces? Sometimes I feel it's better to just have fun sketching random things you see until inspiration hits.
>will catch my

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214KB, 830x723px
I dont think i could ever really make someone pay for a drawing. I dont feel right for it. I'm not even sure how the price system would work. Any drawfags know how one would start doing commissions and such. Most likely never going to do it but I'm still curious. Also taking /r/..
You aren't ready anyway
I know and im never going to be. Mainly because Im taking courses to be an Mechanical engi

But really no /r/? Please..
how 'bout some art of my new autism oc, if you think you can handle the autism overload
There's a couple of things to take into consideration.

You could look into the pricing of other artists that does comissions in a style similar to yours, just so that people don't think you're overcharging.

Then there's the matter of the amount of time you put into a drawing, hourly rate if you will. This is the main reason why artist offer different levels of rendering for different prices ($5 for a sketch and $20 for lineart+colour+shading).

Also, remember to never to comissions for free. You're always going to run into ideas, either your own or your friends', that you're gonna draw for free out of sheer interest. You draw what you wanna draw on your spare time. But as soon as someone has to /ask/ you to draw something, you should probably charge them (money only).

The method of payment is up to you, but paypal is pretty standard as far as I know. It can be a bit scary having to trust people online to pay you, and if you are you could probably arrange something to secure payment. Have them pay half of the cost beforehand and the rest of the cost once they've recieved the image.
No money has changed hands because I haven't started on it. I don't want to disappoint the person and seem like a flake, but I also just don't want to do the picture for some reason.
Yeah. It absolutely killed my motivation entirely.
I was enjoying doing that. Now I feel obligated to do the commission. Like I shouldn't be working on other stuff. I guess I hate capitalism or something.

Anyway, thanks for the advice.
When you can charge $10 or more an hour and make market rates, you're ready. Your art doesn't even have to be very good.
Also r fluttershy drinking cocoa.
Could you draw a feminine stallion being cuddled or hugged by a masculine stallion?
File: Satyr - Zecoras barn Asha 1.jpg (305KB, 731x1500px) Image search: [Google]
Satyr - Zecoras barn Asha 1.jpg
305KB, 731x1500px
Requesting Asha comfortably walking around naked at home.

>>26840687 would you like do this >>26838999 ?
I'm done I dont want to want to live on this planet anymore. This character, Id rather take nyx then this oc.
Little filly of your choice booping a huge, older spike.
>wing covers cutie mark
wew lad
File: Super Twilight 3.webm (3MB, 1080x810px) Image search: [Google]
Super Twilight 3.webm
3MB, 1080x810px
I did a "animation" with a delivery of another drawfag in a dead thread, just for... fun.
Requesting this Maud Pie human crying with a balck eye and with a nose bleeding.
File: k7laBmL-1.png (647KB, 1735x1200px)
647KB, 1735x1200px
Starswirl riding Scorpan to defeat Tirek
Requesting Nyx cradling Flurry Heart please.
Is guts riding zodd here? shit i havent read that far
Yeah, sorry about the mini spoiler. I just wanted to give a rough idea of what I'm asking for. I've actually just got into Berserk myself.
No its alright i spoiled it for myself again earlier, i guess its unavoidable considering its popularity.Where you at? im on volume 4 and ive ordered the next 4.
I'm on volume 19, I've found a site we I can read them all online
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61KB, 620x366px
Thanks i needed that
Also this>>26836626
Guess I just need to stop being so anal about the smaller details and worth about the bigger picture.
Pic related is what screwed with me
Whoops meant to quote>>26836698

That's pretty neat. What is that red thing on the top right?
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2MB, 1200x4870px
>Pic related is what screwed with me

What am I even looking at?

Don't be results driven and just be more about the process. Think of it as baby-steps. Right now you're drawing faces so just learn how the features are placed and perhaps even mess around with expression (pic related).
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269KB, 810x810px
oh wow, awesome, thanx u culd help bro.

aw c'mon I know I suck but reeeally?
It was the eyes part, I don't know how to draw almonds or whatever because I thought this was applicable to all female faces. Yeah I was also thinking about doing one of those expression challenge boxes later when I got more confortable with drawing

Just be patient. This all takes a lot of time.
I'm glad you know about the best japanese show in existence
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174KB, 800x790px
<3 u ^:3
Thanks anon, I'll try to do you proud
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664KB, 1251x1470px
hope you dont mind me filling in some things like eye color and tail style
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386KB, 649x601px
NSFW Request:

Requesting Rainbow Dash is this pose very mad because was circumcised without her consent when she was a filly


Please don't judge me
>Horses don't have foreskin
>Basically demanding drawfag to draw human penis on a horse
You sicko
>Horses don't have foreskin

Yes, they have it

>Basically demanding drawfag to draw human penis on a horse

Can you see any diference between this and the humans versions with horse dicks of kevinsano?
Did you really need to use a real picture? Not a diagram or 2D drawing?
Yes. He really needed to.

And now I am really tempted to spend 50,000,000 hours in MS Paint putting a real picture of a real dick on Skittles there. Just because.
Wait, horsecock do have foreskin? Proof & sauce?
>Implying I'd enjoy anthro porn
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71KB, 1280x720px
I just want a pretty dick like that one

Youtube is your friend.

>Still skipping the question
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Number one horse.png
237KB, 1022x1217px
Hope this works for Flutters drinking cocoa
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133KB, 311x366px
>Drinking hot cocoa with a straw.
File: well how's this.png (74KB, 607x664px) Image search: [Google]
well how's this.png
74KB, 607x664px
Is this better then
>no marshmallows
Are you even trying?
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wit marsh.png
75KB, 630x654px
wit marsh
Top kek
Requesting Sunset's non-magical adventures in bible study.
Or just hanging around with Larissa.
Requesting a ponified (or EQG) version with Rarity and mud. Pinky and cake batter wouldn't make as much sense. Neither would Applejack and apple sauce.
General Hammond: "You just drank a pot of steaming hot coffee."
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254KB, 1191x670px
Nah man, that's cool, I actually didn't expect the request to be done at all. Thanks for the draw!
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930KB, 1440x810px
Sorry, took way longer than I thought it would,
hope you like OR.
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1MB, 794x446px
mfw i can almost intercept commie radio
the zone has many gifts
File: And so falls a god.png (2MB, 1000x950px) Image search: [Google]
And so falls a god.png
2MB, 1000x950px
A pony version of this, with Princess Celestia as Darkseid, Twilight as Dasaad, and Luna as the other mook.
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81KB, 252x335px
or a version of this with Discord as Thanos
The Mysterious Mare Do Well as Spiderman and a pony of your choice as Hellcat
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518KB, 1134x810px
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695KB, 1140x472px
/r/ this movie poster


but with Trixie, Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, and Moondancer

Replace the car with pic related. You can just ditch the words.
File: This is a circlejerk.png (31KB, 619x380px) Image search: [Google]
This is a circlejerk.png
31KB, 619x380px
Thanks, my curiousity is settled.

My man Slamjam <3

You have meshed when you honestly could not give a fuck about worse shit like scat or start to actually like that shit.

You still a flappy newb faggot.
Gay pony crossdressing
File: flutterscoco.png (112KB, 1000x750px) Image search: [Google]
112KB, 1000x750px
Love it, I've tried forever looking for fanart of this fight
Not the requester, but as a fellow colorer/artist those detail lines hurt me in a way that I cannot describe.

Please fix them.

Everything else is fine except for the "laggy/pixelly" nature of those black lines.
Same here, bud. Looks like they're using the binary tool on Paint Tool SAI. Wouldn't look as bad if they made all of them solid, but the breaks in the lines on the hair bothers me a lot.

Adorable style, especially the face, tho.
pony Milky Way laying on her back while two stallions fuck her nipples
e.g. nipple penetration
File: spiky carrots.jpg (165KB, 900x667px) Image search: [Google]
spiky carrots.jpg
165KB, 900x667px

Nice idea. Hope you like it!

not OR but dang, that's nice
and nip pre isn't even in my top 5 fetishes
Nice job ouuichi
how come you don't draw noseholes?
Hey, thank you! :>

Dunno, always thought they looked weird in my style. I like to keep things a little cartoony. Removing them adds to that effect.

I'd draw them in if they were requested by a commissioner or something! Not against them, they're just not in my normal style.

RIP in peace all of my horses, they must be dead moments after the porn

I let the autism consume me. It is a good pain.

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148KB, 632x886px
Cheezus Kuraisto, that's fucking terrifying.
Tatzljack cock voring another pony with tentacles coming out of her urethra like they normally have in their mouths.

If it makes you feel any better, Tatzlponies are inherently non-fatal with their vore.
Utterly brilliant, and thank you for drawing my request.
This may actually work better as a story, have you
tried prompting the writefag thread?

thankx I culd help bro, Glad you liked it.
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beach rarara.jpg
769KB, 1000x1397px
hope you like it
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this board in nutshell.png
335KB, 634x530px
This with higher quality and anons instead of sexually frustrated ghosts .
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large (28).png
479KB, 808x768px
Then nobody want drawn this piece of art >>26843966 ???
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1MB, 2229x2243px
I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Can I get a red line to see what I got wrong?
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221KB, 1024x806px
Has this been done or requested before?
fuck combining them, just draw them in a pile doin it with each other.
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116KB, 987x803px
what a coincidence, anon, I did the same thing with the same request (although it wasn´t dead at that time, I just made a sketch, then dumped it)
but some days later I decided to work on it again and then I couldn´t stop

neat animation
File: redlined.jpg (13KB, 500x300px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 500x300px
>Can I get a red line to see what I got wrong?
it was a different, older request, iirc
OR wanted a ssj2 twi vs tirek pic, specifically.
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lazy rarara.jpg
272KB, 900x675px
the casual lazy hand half way down the pants
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77KB, 550x415px
That's my sexy pony
Awesome work, Slam!
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16KB, 500x300px
>mfw I thought this was a /r/equest.
Im slowly refunding peeps for that; I just draw on my own time now
A sick Nyx wrapped in a blanket being held by Twilight.

Please and thank you.
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sunset spiderman.jpg
37KB, 400x476px
Here comes the Spider-man!
(bwah bwah bwah!)
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192KB, 800x600px
>Anon being shy
File: Capture.png (31KB, 514x135px) Image search: [Google]
31KB, 514x135px
Someone told me to get my work out there more, so I guess I'll post something here. This is half of a request that someone made involving Twilight and my OC. I'll finish it upt another time but here's the progress so far: http://i.imgur.com/vvxD419.png

And a rough sketch of the whole thing: http://i.imgur.com/yh1InHm.png
My only criticism is that I can't give you a hug irl
File: 5338-lauren-1.jpg (1MB, 1479x1890px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1479x1890px
Can one you super arty ponies draw Lauren as a pony? She's mostly an indie music DJ, if that helps.
File: r25_c_wip.png (1MB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1200px
bump with sketch.

<<Another attempt is being considered.

I'm sorry OR, I completely forgot about this one... plz forgive.
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89KB, 980x3400px
Requesting a pony version of this comic
File: lauren-laverne.jpg (36KB, 586x330px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 586x330px
this one might be better to work from

thanks guys
can someone draw my oc?
no, devil
oh so you will? thank.
File: 33329.png (1MB, 1280x1540px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x1540px
here she is.
File: Doodle_sheet_3.png (2MB, 1150x1150px)
2MB, 1150x1150px
am i getting this alright?
What pone would fit with this? Ponk? Mrs. Cake?
AJ's mouth (just the mouth) looks a bit odd. Right now it looks as if the muzzle is in profile, while the rest of the head is 3/4.
In a 3/4-view it should "stretch across" the muzzle over the the left facing side.

Shoulder muscles does indeed wrap around the back of the neck (combination of Trapezius and Deltoids), nicely observed!

Not sure what "human like ass" refers to since it's pointing at the thigh.
File: r30.png (1MB, 1200x1130px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1200x1130px
An attempt was attempted.

Don't know why she's so pouty tho...
damn anon nice
How do i fix it senpai?
Again, not sure exactly what you're referring to. I'm assuming AJ's mouth.
And I'm afraid I'm unable to redline, so it's a bit difficult to show exactly what I mean. I gotta say, though, I'm really diggin' the lines of AJ's mane. Got good flow.

Things that might help to consider:

- Placement of the corners of the mouth. This varies with expressions (which you probably were going for, but I'm just sleepy and stupid), but in a more neutral position the corners of the mouth could be as far back as the corners of the eyes.

-For a style like yours, defining the width of the chin would help to give the muzzle some depth.

-Size of iris. Twilight on the top right looks a bit haunting. I'd make the irises a bit bigger and have them partially covered by the sides of the eyes.
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301KB, 480x800px
This with Sour Sweet
Anonfilly wearing Nyx's vest, headband and glasses as punishment from Twi.
She looks more earnest than pouty in that pic imo, I'm sure she will love it (I wont take credit). ty
File: wrapping forms pinkie.jpg (143KB, 611x442px) Image search: [Google]
wrapping forms pinkie.jpg
143KB, 611x442px

>shoulder wraps around torso

Wrapping forms is how I figure out perspective really easily. Sometimes I'll use a "horse pommel" shape that I can make very flexible for figuring out the body in perspective.

I'm not saying this to be mean but your eyes have always been very off-putting to me but I can't really put my finger on why. I can try to redline if you want.
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102 - FiTORwP.jpg
620KB, 1760x879px

Another example.
Sure. maybe its because i put the tear duct?
Can't bump the Trump.
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108KB, 728x525px
The 5 princesses as the God Hand
Saliva strand from a surprised Applejack's mouth trailing up toward a lewdly blushing Sweetie Belle's, Sweetie on top of AJ
Flurry Heart in the art style of Darkest Dungeon
File: Jesus christ how horrifing.jpg (25KB, 636x357px) Image search: [Google]
Jesus christ how horrifing.jpg
25KB, 636x357px
/r/equesting Twilight studying with Anon
Requesting the most inept pony you can think of's most useless plan to conquer Earth.
What even is that map?
Give me a request and I may get it done, depending upon the phase of the moon.
probably some more correct projection.
Starswirl the Bearded dressed as a Time Mage from Final Fantasy V
>The Cuban population of Florida becomes a 65% majority.
>With an overwhelming majority vote it is decided to move Florida closer to Cuba
>Utilizing a series of turboprops, tunnel-boring drills, and rubberbands Florida shifts south, breaking away from the mainland.
>Increasingly large portions of Australia are given to the abbos for reparations.
>They quickly realize they can sell the land.
>Brazil offers three boxes of wine, a bent pack of smokes, and a whole gallon of petrol.
>The offer is accepted, and the land is immediately transferred to Brazil using technology pioneered by Floridians.
>Much of west Africa quickly follows suit.
>Being better at business than the abbos, the africans manage to get several hundred tons of rum and functioning toyota.
After being pressured into accepting SJW policies from the world at large, the Russian parliament passes a disarmament bill.
>Prime-minister Cyber-Putin's will finally breaks after a near century of resisting outside forces.
>Before the stockpiles can be dismantled he orders them detonated over the motherland.
>Russia dies with dignity.
Your mother must be proud
fuck, forgot my /r/
Been a long time. Started drawing again. Working on a striped horse I never finished, please IC

File: image.jpg (74KB, 589x672px) Image search: [Google]
74KB, 589x672px
I swear I can't draw for shit, so I warn you, this'll be painful.
Tell me about Polandball, why does he kiss the pony?
File: Horseapple.png (22KB, 891x635px) Image search: [Google]
22KB, 891x635px
Requesting an apple wearing a stetson, eating an Applejack under an Applejack tree after a long day's work
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153KB, 1920x1080px
Mrs. Cake is good. Maybe fatpony getting pumped in the second to last panel.
Is that Applejack drink or Apple Jack cereal? A space can make a huge difference.
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2MB, 1200x800px
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634KB, 1300x1000px
As in the horse Applejack. Being eaten by a giant apple.
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109KB, 900x500px
Oh and with an AJ cutiemark like I drew in >>26868186
You really think this might be a good story ? I dunno, seems more poignant as an image.

Will consider it tough.
File: anon and octi.png (299KB, 1280x960px) Image search: [Google]
anon and octi.png
299KB, 1280x960px
String instruments are harder to draw than I thought.
As in, it seems rather complex for a
single image, I meant. Less chance of it
being delivered also, it seems.

Glad someone liked it, I know it's not up to par, but it was late dude... very late. Best I could do.

Hey /ad/, did someone from over there posted
the DT-CT/GH requests from some weeks ago?

Cool beans, guess OR never returned?

Yeah, tomorrow. Probably.


Don't know how I missed this.
If no one delivers by thread's end, I'll see
about adding it to the pending delivery...
Oh I was looking at the other pic I posted of her. Thanks m8
File: chocolate.jpg (314KB, 1000x667px) Image search: [Google]
314KB, 1000x667px
I thought easter was in april
It's called Crowpen Anon.
It runs on a lunarsolar calendar. Depending on the sun and full moons depends on when it falls.
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228KB, 729x686px

Sorry. I had passed out. Long day.

I worry that this may be a personal preference thing so take it with a grain of salt.

Got a few iterations going on but mainly I think it's the eyesize that's really bothering me. I also shrunk the muzzle in the middle drawing. I gave them a more defined jaw line just to see how it would look.
she looks like a raider
Das it mane
This is nice post. thnx
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437KB, 500x500px
Pony vs human dance off
File: internet google.png (416KB, 1086x1080px) Image search: [Google]
internet google.png
416KB, 1086x1080px
I can get behind this
pony Tay dead and another pony crying over her
im right here anon
File: PicardAnon.png (356KB, 600x586px) Image search: [Google]
356KB, 600x586px
Oh my god,
I can finally die happy.
Thank you based drawfag...
Please senpai notice me. \(^-^)/
File: toilet joke.png (255KB, 1280x960px)
toilet joke.png
255KB, 1280x960px
Technically I drew him using buttocks, not anus, but whatev.

Sorry, you won't be dying happy after all.
File: ay.jpg (26KB, 453x500px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 453x500px
Still happy. This will be the last image in my head before I die.
Sweet nuclear christ, can someone find my sides for me?

Yes. I will never complain about more of this
top kek
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carrottop > dt.png
594KB, 1600x1200px
sorry it's messy i was a bit rushed and it's my first time properly using krita, these brushes are difficultttt
not OR but that's a really good style! nice work man
guys, I need some help finding an artist sauce
And if they dont desire to be found?
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55KB, 550x550px
>And if they dont desire to be found?
Just very unsettled/curious as to were I've seen this style before, the lines and character look like someone else but it's not them.
Chockie! Very nice to see you again!
Thanks for the sweet /d/
thank you mate, I knew it was at the tip of my tongue. Appreciate it.
Toppest of top keks, good sir.
my pleasure dude
SFW cute shipping art of Sunburst and Moondancer
beli naisu, not OR but thanks actually!
season 6 bump
one last bump
Could someone give me pointers on how to draw a pony looking up? like as though you were looking down at a pony and it was looking up to you.
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large (8).png
155KB, 647x1024px
foreshorten elements and use these as ref.
File: fyck.png (1000KB, 2000x2000px) Image search: [Google]
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pony bump
>Hey /ad/, did someone from over there posted the DT-CT/GH requests from some weeks ago?
Oh, I'm not actually /ad/. I just got the idea for my request seeing the OP image they used a week or so ago, the Sweetiejack hoof worship thing. Sweetiejack's an oddly appealing ship.

I was lurking there for a little bit though, but honestly I don't know what images you're referring to. All I'm getting from it is something to do with Diamond Tiara; aside from that those abbreviations are flying over my head.
That is awesome. Twilight looks like she's realizing just what she's gotten herself into. Pinky of course, already knows. Or maybe somebody walked in on them. The blue and red tops kind of blend in. Awesome.
>tfw you realize you've been drawing bodies malproportionately the entire time

Bumping this, need it for reasons.
File: everafterhighshit.png (357KB, 1024x941px) Image search: [Google]
357KB, 1024x941px
Here you go, hope you like
Requesting glimmer pulling a cd out of twilights head.
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