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Industria's government (a totalitarian country at the opposite of Equestria) passed an agreement with several countries, the Trans-Antlertic Economical Partnership.
This includes neighbor countries to Equestria, the young republic of Licornia, and Ponyland, so this time they won't get invaded by Germaneigh.
The partnership stipulates roughly an expantionist and supranational right to index all kind of resources regardless the borders, and establish international regulations in favor of private markets.
You have to explain Celestia about it and find a way to avoid world war.
Glory to Arstotzka.
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>Wanting to avoid a war
>Not letting Germaneigh handle it

I will personally broker an agreement between Equestria and Industria that stipulates that the qt blue-haired mare leader of Industria may fart upon my face any time she wishes, and in exchange the Equestrian bit will become the standard currency of the TAEP. We will then filter raw materials and fuel to our partner nations and flood the world economy with high quality manufactured goods packaged with Equestrian cultural norms, until the cultures of the entire planet reflect Equestrian values and all currencies are subordinate to our bit-dominated economy
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Call the world police.
“why don't we declare war against those fuckers?”
Celestia:“they have nukes, Anon. Our magic engineers so far built three of these secret weapons...”

“Isn't the point of nuclear weapons to inspire feart in the enemy so they don't dare attacking? Disuasion?
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"Hey Aryanne, can we borrow you a few rockets, so we no longer talk about these millions of ponies you killed? Okay just one group of scientists? Not even one? We've got many Job offers for them! Come on!"
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>Not gryphons
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>letting Aryanne represent germany
It's like you want to loose again lads.
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>Human in charge of Equestria's military

Peace was never an option.
>look at the documents
>examine everything
>Celestia's looking at me as she's observing the same documents, worried.

"so tell me more. Ponyland is a country that keeps getting invaded because they gave up on thir army"
"They keep getting invaded by Germaneigh, and so they decided to ally with another totalitarian regime"
>Celestia:"Yes but it's not Germaneigh. Honestly I wonder which one between the Krauts and the Commies I should choose to ally with. Anyways I thought it was the kind of problem you Anon should be able to solve, you're a human right?"
"Well it's not like we're at war already"
>Celestia:"Industria always been at war against Equestria. In fact, we never mention them, since they have an important army, and mass destruction weapons. We don't have anything like this."

"Hah. The most powerful, the largest and greatest nation of this world, a multimillenial kingdom, where the equine civilization started is being threatened and held in hostage by a country that had its industrial revolution, killed its gods and drowned in materialism! And you didn't see this coming!"
>Celestia:"We never thought they'd had so vile plans"
"I can't believe it!"
>Celestia:"We had too many wars, and expected world peace..."
>Celestia:"You're the navy seal, Anon, right? the fearless soldier, with 234 confirmed kills in gorilla warfare, were you ..lying to me?"
"This.... is a thing, but the situation here is completely different, this cute and peaceful world you live in is at the edge of disintegrating itself. Germaneigh has nukes. It's a triangular conflict, and these are really complicated... I need to think"
>Celestia:"Right. "
All hail Cargonia.
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Aryanne is actually a very respectable leader, even here in Equestria many ponies agrees that she's doing what should be done for her country, compared to the previous leader Adolf Neighler who pretended he'd invade Equestria and throw over Celestia's old regime.

Aryanne is truly nationalist. She isn't the pony who will sell out her country to some foreign leadership, but instead fight for her people and traditions just like Celestia does, and that's why she's been elected by a vast majority by ponies. Including those who hated Neighler, surprisingly.
Sure, her party has a lot of blood on their hooves, but it was war and not like they had a choice. Every leader did something silly to defend their country's majority... Right. Princess?

>Someone slams the door and get in the room
>it's Bon-bon
>Celestia:"Ah! Agent Sweetie Drops! Where have you been? I'm discussing with Anon about the current threat concerning international treaties we're not a part of! I suppose it's very important"
>she's panting
>Bonnie:"Yes don't change the subject. You!"
>Anon is looking at her "Me?"
>Bonnie:"The Armed forces of Industria have in their possession a portal that leads to the human's world. Is there anything you omitted to tell us?"
>Anon:"Like what?"
>Bonnie:"Something ... Very important perhaps?"
>Celestia is laughing her arse off
>Celestia:"do you think they're going to invade the human world? Watch out, American marines and their 9001 confirmed kills!"
>Anon:"I just discovered Equestria wasn't the superpower it pretends to be today, how could I ... How did they found out about the portal?"
>Bonbon:"You refused to tell us anything, fearing that we, ponies would invade your world or something. We could had secured it. But nope! You didn't listen!"
>Celestia:"whatever happens, even if Equestria was in fire, I wouldn't miss watching humans getting invaded by communist ponies."

>is that really how the world ends?
>"King Anon, you are our only ally in these troubling times."
>You half listen to Celestia as you skim through the brief of the situation.
>"Your small nation 4chania stands between us and Industria. You must join the war effort."
>You sigh and squeeze the bridge of your nose.
"Celestia, my nation can't help you. I'm sorry."
>"King Anon please recons-"
>You raise your hand.
"But I know who can."
>"Please do tell."
"The writefags of /war/ they will help, they know war"
>You pause for a moment for a dramatic effect.
"The scenarios might change and the characters may change too, but /war/.../war/ never changes"
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>Several thousands of miles from there
>On a megalopolis with perfectly aligned buildings, like on a grid.
>zoom into the building with ponies around an office. All dressed in black uniform with a red pyramid on its side
>Kernav:"Alright, so far, how many governments have rartified the treaty?"
>a pony picks a document
>"Arstotzka, Ponyland, the Democratic Republic of Prance, Licornia, Maretonia, Cargonia, and the democratic industrial union."
>Kernav:"Perfect. All those nations advancing towards our ideal of progress...Equestria and Germaneigh will no longer tolerate being excluded, we'll just wait for the popular revolt to come, and"
>a pony's interrupting her
>"Our External security and Intelligence services however reported the presence of a special agent in Canterlot who goes by the name Anonymous. Undocumented creature called a human."
>Kernav:"So what? Equestria is literally a zoo with all kind of decadent fauna, this jungle will be wiped in the decade to come after the revolution."
>"Yeah but according to the report, this Anonymous is some kind of soldier, from a place called 4chania. We have no intel on this topic, unfortunately."
>Kernav:"Are you kidding me? Are you not monitoring their networks? Go on."
>The pony is sweating
>"Alright, hir.. THEY... Sorry, prunouns.. Anonymous describes themselves as hackers, skilled warriors. And they know war. We predict they have an advanced technology compared to ours and will ally with Equestria from what our agents have reported. They have created strong alliances with the officials in Canterlot, and probably with Marelin and the Crystal Empire too."

>big silence
>Kernav look pissed.
>Kernav:"I want this human. Capture him. Dead or alive. Preferrably alive. Execution!"
>Ponies are standing, salute her and run to their positions.

>Kernav's looking at the photo of Anonymous posing with Twilight and the alicorns in front of the Canterlot Palace

"Hi Anon... Bye Anon."
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OP's base isn't a good start. I would make it less /pol/ and more grimdark, and more brainwashed.
One does not simply greentext in Industria.
Ill see if I get some ideas tonight.
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SG:"Anon isn't your biggest problem. He's a joker, pretentious, insignifiant and devoid of magic.
"You want an ally in Equestria.
I am your ally.
Celestia and Luna are old mares.
Just make sure to neutralize Twilight Sparkle.

Without Twilight, I will be able to take the control and lead Equestria to the New World Order, and then nothing will stop us. Nothing will stop the revolution.
I'll take care of Anonymous just like others, Miss President. Alone, I can't just take care of Twiligt Sparkle without your support. What do you think?"

LK:"Miss Glimmer, I'm honored to work with you. I'll offer you Sparkle...On a silver plate. Anon will even have the pleasure to watch you torturing her, for all the troubles she caused to you and your people."

SG:"I just got enough playing the good servant of Celestia. It's time for action."

LK:"every great things comes to those who knows to wait. And never gives up."

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Plot twist: that portal does't lead to the human world but the furry world.
>Industria gets zerg'd by furries
>4PM, President Kernav declares surrenderingement.
no, definitively not inspired for this thread.
keeping this one for a future thread. also i should draw something related to illustrate it better.
>kept following Twilight new friend, Sunlight Grimmer, not sure, whatever.
>I know there's something worth to know about her
>Diamond Tiara might be mad I found a potential source of lulz but that night...
>She's standing in the woods.

>Some strange machine comes down from the sky, like a motorized windmill used to transport non-pegasus ponies., like them.
>Clearly not magic but scary

>who is that mare?
>look at them.
>follow the conversation while observing them.

>What should I do. run out of here? she'd kill me.
>Warn Twilight. She wouldn't believe me.
>Tell Anon about it. He'd go like "pics or get the fuck out you bullied scootaloo bitch"

>The light gray pony's carrying a black suitcase
>Lorelei:"One more thing. Here's a lot of reading material for you elaborated by our most advanced think tanks, intel, and resource engineers, this contains everything you'll need to get the people on your side."
>Starlight is opening the suitcase revealing a bunch of documents, a compact disc, an ID card, and other things.
>Lorelei:"Economical, global, political, social and ecological strategies to use in your case which will help you gain a certain ... Political impact. All you have to do is to follow these instructions, with the correct timings and we'll be on your side for each single point. Also we have our insurance policy you won't betray us from now, or if you get caught, none of these can be tracked to us, it's printed in Ponyland. There's a double agent in Industria in touch with Canterlot who could find a file, mentioning your plans and strategies here."

>Starlight Glimmer is looking at the ponies. Her, a unicorn being more or less their servants now
>Starlight:"... okay"
>Lorelei:"Perfect, comrade, you've decided to stand on the right path of History! Good luck! Gotta go. I've got to meet the Prime Minister of Ponyland, got to brief him a bit some political guidelines too."
>Starlight:"We're the good ponies, right?"
>Helicopter's engine revs up...
>Starlight is moving away back in the woods as the helico is taking altitude, carrying the other ponies before vanishing over the woods.
>i'm still there in that bush, covered with leaves and shit blown by this thing.
>she's standing there for a minute, sitting there, in a very uncanny silence.
>Starlight:"I'm not a bad pony. I'm NOT a bad pony. Our world needs to cha-"

>my tail accidentally touched a dead branch behind me. might've been an insect tickling me. Whatever, fuck.

>Starlight Glimmer is now staring in my direction. at me.
>I must not breathe. Must not move.
>She's looking right at me. Did she see me?
>Starlight:"Get out of here. They're gone, I won't hurt you, don't worry."
>Nice try. I am a rock. I stand on four hooves. I don't breathe.
>Starlight:"I'm waiting. Do you think it's a fucking game? I'm going to shoot at you if you don't show yourself in ten seconds"
>she's looking up in the sky, like, not caring.
>I know she's bluffing.
>she's now pointing her horn on my direction
>Starlight:"3... 2... 1... "
>close my eyes.
>A burning wave of heat nearly heats up next to me, but she missed me.
>I'm still a rock. rocks doesn't move. rocks can't feel pain. rocks are eternal and doesn't breathe, or see. or think. unicorns can feel this. she won't really check and go away. she's going away.
>i've been standing there for a bunch of minutes for now and i think i peed myself. whatever, I'm alive, and know things i shouldn't know.
>but who will actually believe me?
>Must get back home.
>Her attack gave me a bad sunburn, otherwise it looks alright I guess. I stink, covered with dust, leaves and whatnot.
>trot through the streets of ponyville discretely, heading back home.
>nobody's there.
>rush in the bathtub
>stare at the shower's nozzle hanging on the wall for a bunch of minutes
>this isn't even a conspiracy theory, i'm not losing my mind.
>I probably lost my only friend... who should trust me?
>must think
>first thing i'm gonna do is to write down all of this on paper.
>second, talk to Twilight. Or somepony else.
>this evening, my parents noticed something wasn't right with me.
"I'm being just depressed being alone, that's about it. Don't worry."
>she insists that I should talk to her about it, that I should make more friends... Mom. Dad. If you knew.
>look at the newspaper
>look at the pony on the global page
>'TAEP: A solution for peace in Germaneigh and Ponyland?'
>'President Gindlebut and President Lorelei Kernav will be negociating an historical cooperation between...'
>Dad:"What's wrong?"
"I must be tired. going to bed."

>can't sleep. will read something
>must sleep
>keep thinking
>okay i better stop looking at this
>why am i not sleeping
>help me Luna.
>in four hours I'm gonna be talking Twilight about what I heard yesterday
>I must sleep.
Don't tell Twilight anything.
Don't tell anyone.
Open your notebook and write something like, 'Dear Princess Celestia. Yesterday I discovered something wrong going on...'

You will pick the largest knife in thé kitchen, and stab Starlight Glimmer to death as soon as you can.
Aim for her throat.
Do not talk to anypony. Keep it hidden til the last moment.

Your room will be investigated.
Glimmer's apartment will also be subject to a search.
The suitcase's content will be examined.
Glimmers' lackeys will be arrested.
Work alone.
Stay alive.
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