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Princess Applejack

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 506
Thread images: 20

Howdy, partner!

What you see here began as a series of comedy-centric stories with the concept of an alicorn-ascended Princess Applejack trying to change a mismanaged Equestria for the better by humorously interacting with the other, quite lazy, princesses.

Not to mention a whole bunch of Changelings with nothing better to do but cause mischief.

The whole thing was set in motion by this gem:


>So, wait, why am Ah' a princess again?

>Because you seem to be the only goddamn one of those ponies who gets that a Princess need to do actual work regarding maintenance of the kingdom. You know how much city planning or trade negotiations Twilight or Luna have done? Fucking nothing. Everyone is obsessed with the world ending threats they think I should fight, but the minute I point out the free health care I have to work to maintain everyone goes quiet. And don't even get me started on Cadence, who can't even manage a basic meeting with the Equestrian Games representative. Fucking annoying. Go do actual princess stuff, because apparently everyone else got the pamphlets mixed up or something and thinks "Princess" means "Beat cop."


Are you feeling creative? Try your hand at writing a story! No contribution is too small and we love having new folks around.

If you're more artistically inclined give a drawing or sketch a shot. Don't fret too much; it doesn't have to be fancy and we appreciate artwork a lot.

If that isn't your style either, writers always need feedback. So tell us what you liked - and what you didn't - to help us improve.

If you are unsure about anything, do not be afraid to ask. We will gladly bring you up-to-date or explain anything you feel is unclear.

Thread 113! Lets hope this apple isn't unlucky and take a bite!
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103. desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25046878/
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106. desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25301100
107. desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25385359
108 desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25460161
109 desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25529408
110 desustorage.org/mlp/thread25616096
111 desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25673487
112 desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25717170

Here is full archive of ALL the stories in condensed, easy-to-read form with all chatter in-between removed.
Check out the pastebin here:

Curious what happened last time, or just wanna know what happens during an active thread?
Check out the previous thread here:https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25717170
You are completely new and have no idea what is going on? There is a wikia with an overview of all characters, a complete timeline, previous thread recaps and explanation of the various concepts used in these stories!
Check out the wiki here:http://princess-aj.wikia.com/wiki/Princess_Applejack_Wiki

Confused about when a character first showed up or who they are? Want to know when an arc started?
Check out character notes and details here :

We have begun working on a big project to fix up old stories and make this crazy world more coherent and accessible to new readers who don't like the thread format.
Check out the 'Princess Applejack: Re-Cut Edition' here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15cv3kqExr_vOM0JkUh4dqnvVKxJ5Z-P1KHwE8Z7aG0k/edit?usp=sharing
And finally, while most of the thread is very much clop free, we have a pastebin in case you're feeling a little more naughty with your writing, find it here. http://pastebin.com/u/PrincessAJAfterDark please upload any like it to a pastebin so they can be added out of thread.
And above all else, enjoy your stay at /paj/!
First for AJ getting character!
also Sexy hooves



First for my triumphant return... Selfish post is Selfish

Sexy hooves though!
>All in the span of 30 seconds

Damn if she isn't killing it with this spotlight too.

Good to have you back, buddy. Hope when you get caught up, you get some more ideas for AJ art.

Or more Chitty art, you do the best her.
Thanks! And don't worry, once I do, I'll start popping stuff out left and right!
...Dare I dream for the legendary AJ vs Chitania art?

It is but a myth, as the legends have told!
I... have one of those actually. Don't know where it is, but I did draw one ha ha! I could look for it, but I haven't sorted through my pile in ages.
>LNPP anon hasn't been reading the current AJ stories

>Damn if she isn't killing it with this spotlight too.




It started out with a "Eh, I'm just not feeling it right now. I'll catch up later."
>Later comes.
"Ugh, still not feeling it. Maybe a little longer. I'm sure I'll catch up."
>End of the thread.
"...Crap, how did this happen? I guess I'm not reading the thread this time around."
Pinkie Preview Prophecies

>AJ can give some mean apple related advice.
>Pinkie jumps a shark.
>Derpy tries to sneak the jury duty summons to Chitania via paper airplane.
>2 needs to watch out for Heffalumps and woozles or they'll steal her marchmally.
>Watch out for sharknados.
>Babs Seed wishes she was with the Crusaders.
>The Crusaders discover Zonkeys are a thing.
>Encouraging fanservice!
...Well, now I'm just damn hype.

You know, with all he set up and all he examined, I don't know if that will be a problem. He really did pick at her brain with this one.

While it is indeed a little sad, I don't blame him. The setup did a wonderful job examining her mental state, her past, how she feels now and why she feels that way, but it was pretty sad.

The only reason why the kick worked is because of it, but it was heartbreaking to get through.

Still, no doubt this shit is hype.

Like he said, the arc took a big turn early on, and it's been just twists and so much looking into AJ's brain and so many surprising things it's pretty much been the best her character has seen since thread 55 when she rode on a dinosaur to punch a nuke. Nothing that grandiose, I mean, I'm not saying she does any super badass feats, I just mean her character is really getting fleshed out.

There is... one little hiccup though.






>Once a day
>Short, easy to read snippets.

I like this guy's style already.

>H-Hey Twilight…

‘Spike! How are you? All better?’


The dragon looked around cautiously, certain another canvas covered death trap lay in store.

>…no flying machine today? You…you just want to hang out?

He asked, his voice laden with hope.

‘PFT! Don’t be silly! We’re here for Science! Swallow this.’

She handed him a small grey sphere.

>What is it?

‘An antigravity device! See you swallow it, then you can manipulate it directly with your will. It should, in theory, modify the effects of gravity on your whole body, allowing you to utilize a kind of flight based on what direction gravity pulls on you from most strongly!’

>Huh. Ok then.

Taking the pill he swallowed it.

A beat passed. Then two.

>I don’t feel any different.

‘Try to focus. Clear your mind and start with something simple. Like…floating a few meters off the ground.’


The dragon closed his mind, and focused.


Suddenly he shot into the air being dragged chest first into the sky.

‘Spike! No! You need to relax! Try and control it!’

>I <hrk> Don’t think I <hrk> ca-<BLARGHHHH!>

‘Oh gross!’


‘Spike come back!’


It was to no avail as the dragon was dragged off toward the horizon, vomiting all the way.

Back in the lab, spike sat, wrapped in a towel, eye twitching.

‘So….that could have gone better..’

>I was halfway to yakyakistan before it finally came up.

‘Like I said, needs improvement.’

>When it came up I was also a few thousand feet in the air.

‘We got really close this time’

>I hit the ground face first. I can’t smell anything.

‘…Same time next week?’

I feel like some anon got a hold of a monkeys paw.

>Alright, Mister Paw, here's what I want. I want AJ to get some development. Real development! Like Chrysalis gets!
*Finger closes*
>And I want to see some cool magic too! Gimme some magic that's special to her!
*Finger closes*
>And... maybe not be a giant 20-30 post thing? Those take forever to come out. Yeah, just give me nice short ones.
*Finger closes*
>One wish left... man, I wish I knew what I wanted.
*Paw is closed*
>OH! RIGHT! And they come out really frequently-OH GODDAMN IT!
God I love how silly this got.

I really do.
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hey guys, can some one give advice for a good story?
a finished one would be great

Sorry, this is a continuous story, not a prompt thread. There isn't any one all-done story because it's all just continuation of the same universe with a wide variety of characters, arcs and situations. There's no one story all done that we can point to, save Pommel's Adventure(Was that ever pastebinned separately?) because the series is still going on.

If you're looking for a bunch of one shots funnies, the first pastebin link or the pictures here http://princess-aj.wikia.com/wiki/Princess_Applejack_Wiki#How_it_all_started sum up the best at the start, and if you want then you can try to see some more in the pastebin.

But, like I said, there isn't one story to give you, this isn't a prompt thread. There's a ton that are technically 'done', but they keep going after that story finishes. Think DC or Marvel comics.
I still got the pastebin keys laying around here, in case someone can pick up the slack...
thanks anon, gonna start reading from the begining then
Don't you guys just love it when we catch the attention of a New Anon? I love it!
Well, good thing that thing didn't literally turn off gravity, or he would be going 1000 miles an hour.

True story.
yeah....reality is not guaranteed with this series of shorts.
Perhaps I can be of help!
>Jetset on his way back to Canterlot meets up with a most unexpected guest. None other than 56, booty lover himself!
>Jetset, his phasing powers still quite unstable, tries to escape him to no avail, and while being caught he hears from someone else who he would rather not see. Someone most... 'Professional'
>Lavan continues his quest to make everyone crazy!
>After they throw a paper airplane into her eye, Chitty and the others have had enough of 41's and SP's shit, and tie them up.
>29 is worried about 56
>SA lays the bad news on Cadence about their trading partners, while Cadence assures him he probably did all he could.
>Lucky brings up to Chitania that she should be getting paid for her comic.
>Also, Chitty never wondered if she can shrink down.
>Chrysalis is determined not to make things any worse.
>Celestia fills everyone in that they will be having some time off. They all wonder what they're going to do in their time off.
>Luna doesn't know, but she's taking her bed.
>Idris, on his way home, discovers that his two eldest children have stowed away on the airship, leaving Siegfried behind to be harassed by Handydog
>Many jokes ensue about them creeping out him and Gwen.
>DT blows up Celestia's front lawn with her landing, prompting the princess to blow the thing up.
>DT's attemtps to put it back together go poorly, and long story short Spike becomes a bomb.
>The CMC make the giant golem situation worse. Yes... worse.
>Spitfire assures Shiny if they ever get kicked out and she gets elected, she'll let him live in her house. Clearly, Shiny is appreciative.
>7 finds out about the goings on. Finds it unfortunate.
>Sunset finds 29 and crew, stuffs them in a shack to wait out AJ's return.
>Applejack speaks with the tree, pleads and begs it to give her a means to fix everything in her desperation. She asks, and asks, and asks, but it doesn't answer.
>Because it's a tree.
>Eventually it gets too much, and Applejack bucks it.
>That's right, she bucks the Tree of Harmony. She bucks it.
>And it drops an apple. A red, slightly off color, glowing apple.
>Before she can even process how crazy that is, someone speaks to her!
>"Where... are my... changelings.."
>It seems Chrysalis has found her.
>Despite her pleas and attempts to explain, Chrysalis nearly hits her, until Applejack says one particular thing
>"It's not that bad!" and with that, Chrysalis stops.
>She just stops, seemingly no longer caring. When asked why she's not angry, the Queen says she is still really angry, but it's not that bad so she shouldn't make a deal out of it.
>After some testing, Applejack puts together that the apples magic is to make anyone who hears her words believe them to be the absolute truth, even though the apple doesn't change reality itself. Anything she says, Chrysalis will just outright believe and never question.
>She discovers this by telling her that she's not the greatest Queen. Bit harsh.
>Instantly, Applejack's mind is going, and she says to herself that at last she can fix Equestria! She reasons that with this, she can make all of Ponyville, nay, all the world know the truth that the changelings just want peace, and they'll believe it. She even reasons she can make them believe pretty much anything, including telling the changelings that all they want is peace.
>But the Apple can only make you believe it, not change who you are, so Chrysalis snaps back into thinking of all the things she needs to do to become the greatest Queen, which Applejack shoots down every one with her truth apple. Despite this, she never stops.
>When Chrysalis finally asks her what she does need to do in order to be the best Queen, Applejack has to think about that, realizing all the good she can make Chrysalis do if she just focuses her. She ponders, and thinks, wondering just exactly how to make the Queen do what she wants.
>But when Chrysalis pushes her too far, she realizes that the thing she needs to do is make Chrysalis change, and the only way to do that is to stop her from having someone to run back to.
>She needs to get rid of her enabler.
>So, she tells Chrysalis if she wants to be the best Queen, she has to move out of the Crystal Empire.
>"Fuck you"
>It seems that the Apple stopped working, or something to that measure, as Chrysalis brushes off this 'truth'. Applejack stops paying attention to her, now focusing on how to make the Apple work again, and what it's limits might be.
>Chrysalis tries talking to her, but she won't answer. When she gets annoyed with this and reaches for the apple, Applejack snaps, desperate to keep anyone from taking her apple again.
>And by that, I mean she punches Chrysalis with everything she has.
>"That was very stupid."
>Things have gotten really crazy.

As always, if I missed anything, tell me!

Though I admit, the recap can't do all dat dialog justice.

Oh god it's going to end eventually.
Eventually... Maybe... There is a chance... But we're not sure. Could just go on though, that's a possibility
I've got 5 bits on AJ ending the fight via 'truth' apple with little to no damage taken.


>Oh, now what?

"Oh, nothin', don't wanna talk about it."

>Applejack, if you can't talk about it with me, right now, there is literally nobody in the world you can talk about it with. What's up?

"...Spike's talkin' bout tryin' ta' get big again."

>Oh come on.

"Ah' know. But he thinks it'll help if Chitty goes nuts."

>Wow, I hope not. If he does, he's going to start training, and then she'll take it as a challenge, and before you know it everybody will be kung fu fighting.

"Last time he did his kicks were fast as lightning."

>Yeah, that was a little bit frightening.

"S'pecially cause of all that expert timing."

>Maybe we should get some funky Chineigh mares?

"From funky Chineigh town?"

>They're good at chopping mares up and chopping mares down.

"Well, it is an ancient Chineighs art."

>They all know their parts.

"Rarity might be fainting, she might slip."

>At least he'll get some strong hips?


>Well, that threw off the rhythm. What's up?

"Think that'll work on me? Make mah' hips stronger?"

>You... you want stronger hips?


>They're strong enough.

"...Ah'm lookin' in to it."

>Fine, fine.



"...So when are ya' gettin' yer' half of yer' bed fixed?"

>Celestia promised the replacement will be there by tomorrow, and that she's very sorry for blowing it up.


>...Thanks for letting me crash here again.



"...Ah' like havin' sleepovers."


"Nothin'... nothing..."
We got five on a flawless victory for the Appul, do I hear fifteen on bugbutt getting her cheeselegs on the forbidden fruit?
I got twenty that Chrysalis gets the apple and AJ realizes its too powerful to exist.
Twenty on Remove Troof, do I hear anything on Chrysalis being less of a dickhead? Long odds but huge payout, this could be the one folks!
Fifty on Chrysalis giving up and stopping sometime during the fight!
I'm your huckleberry. 50 bits!
I'm going all in with my '100 Internets' on them actually having a peaceful resolution over this.
Fifty on the sudden stoppage and

FIFTY ON THE DARK HORSE! Good luck, anon, the odds are 1000:1!
Oooh... putting some serious dough in now!

Oh that note, what's the exchange rate of Internets to bits?
Gambling! Stop using the computer to fleece anons.
Have no idea whats going on, but 1000 Bits on them accidentally kissing!

If I win, I'll draw it!
>He's learned internet gambling

...that's weirdly cute.
>One post of recap is other stuff
>Two posts is just AJ's story
Why is this so good to see?
You can't tell me what to do!

And we got a huge sum on them accidentally'ing a lesbianism!

Buddy I'm just getting started!
It tickles my pickle, it does!


"...Where do you sleep anyway?"

>Planning to stab me when I slumber, really?

"Would that even work? Wouldn't it like... bounce off."



>I'm also against it on the basis of you stalking me.

"Fair enough?"


"Aren't you going to shoot back asking where I sleep?"

>Third room on the right in the west hallway of the Castle Barracks.



"I feel like I need to arrest you now."


"Because you have clearly been stalking me?"

>Your name is on the damn door.

"Ah. So it is."


"...I need to fix that."

>Trust me, stalking you is by far the last thing on my mind.

"I killed a god you know."

>That just makes me want to punch you and prove my superiority.

"... well?"

>I'm not actually going to.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why?"

>I don't believe you.

"But I did it!"

>Prove it.



he can't prove it right now, but he ca-
oh wait, that would prove Red's NOT dead, just inside primrose's body
fuck, Pommel can't really say he's killed a god and back it up without finding the Widow's Regret and her crew can he?
Or Chitty could just take a look in his head.

But she won't, because fuck him.

>Or Chitty could just take a look in his head.

No she can't, she sucks at that. She really, really sucks at that.

Her just trying to erase five minutes erases a whole month+ of their life bad.
Then have fucking 13 do it.

I don't care that it's going to get him beat to a pulp, he fucking did it.
>Well, 13? Did he do it?

"...Nope, apparently the god he 'killed' is in a robot or something, and he couldn't actually kill it."

'Oh come on!'


'He was dead for a little while!'

"That's not what being dead is."

'Fine! Incapacitated!'

>Ooooo~ You incapacitated something that can be held by those robots I crushed without even looking while so badly wounded I couldn't go titan, ssscaaaarrrryyyy. You're a goddamn wonder, that's what you are.

'It's bigger than that!'

>If I punch that robot, will it get out?


>Then it's not bigger than that, it's a regular robot that is holding in this 'god'.

'...It's bigger than you're making it sound!'

"You missed out on fighting a city sized crab squid thing, by the way."

>SON OF A BIIIIIIII- wait, did he kill that? That actually sounds fucking awesome.

"Nope. Died without mind control."

Fuck you. Just. Fuck you.



Awww, come on man, it's just some humor. Not meant to be taken seriously.

Nobody is dumb enough to fall for that bait.
Guess what? 'Chitania's the best ever and you are lower than dirt' stopped being funny dozens of threads ago.
Serves him right for being uppity. Like that douchebag who wrote Chitania getting beat by Faust. Everyone knows Chitty's gonna win that fight. She deserves it as simply the best character in the thread.
Already blew your load with the 'fimfiction' part, man. Not gonna work. Wait another few threads and try again, but try to mix it up.

In case anybody is coming back after a Hiatus, all you need to know is that he really, really hopes he can drive writefags away. That's it.
>'It's bigger than that!'

Oh myyyyyyy~
Chitty is secretly depressed changelings can't change gender.

It means she can never have a dick to swing around physically as well as verbally.
You say that, but I'd bet you money some asshole like >>25782288 would use it as an excuse for the guard to decide Pommel isn't good enough to be captain and throw him out. His story was one of the few times non-teched up non-Princess ponies managed to actually do something aside from stuff like Dash's bit in the train fight.

Taking that away just for the sake of 'Chitania is superior AGAIN' is kind of obnoxious.
>You say that, but I'd bet you money some asshole like >>25782288 would use it as an excuse for the guard to decide Pommel isn't good enough to be captain and throw him out.

1, that guy is very obviously the "I'm super good at running off writers!" person, who is made of sad and woe.

2, that doesn't make any sense. They didn't know about that when they hired him on, they literally just did it because they thought he would be easy to push around(he was when he left). Where's the logic there?
>Oh, that thing we didn't know about(Still don't know about?) when we voted you captain wasn't as impressive as we thought it was when we didn't know it happened, you're out! Instead we're going to hire on... uh... Actarius?
"You know what, screw it, next time a paper airplane ends up in your eye, don't come crying to me."

>Oh please like that would happen a second ti-"




-Sorry! I wasn't aiming for her, I promise!-



"Oh fine, I'll get it out."





"Hm? Sorry, it's really stuck in there."


"Music, sweet music."



"Itty bitty teeny tiny victories, gotta take them where I can."

>I can ki-

"You can kill me without thinking about it. Yeah, I know."
Sorry but I've had a rough day and while I will not take his bait, that guy is a fucking douchebag and the sooner the character I like is finally free from Bitchzilla the better.

I personally can't wait for her to be better at croquet than 77, able to handle demons better than Cheerilee, and beat 2 at Hyperspace Hyperwars.

Just cuz
>Actually, I was saying I can kind of get the feeling that they're trying to set me off... are they? I mean, is this a test?

"...Yes, it's a test, and every time you choose not to fight them, you're winning."

>But I could win harder if I fought them. I can do that, you know-

"Right right right, kill them without thinking, but this is a moral victory."

>Those are the worst kind of victories!

"Do you really want to have to admit you lost to a pony?"

>I did.


>I did, that happened, I lost to a pony. Lost outright, I didn't win. That happened. I lost.


>What? I can admit when I lose. I lost to my mother all the time. All the time. She used to beat my ass into the ground. The important thing is surviving, getting better, and then coming back with a vengeance! If you can breath, you can get stronger, if you can get stronger, you can win!

"...At what point did this become a PSA?"

>I feel more like I'm bragging that in addition to being above you, I'm smarter than you too. For I know the truth of-



"Erm... nobody, that's the one you were holding. A gust of wind blew it into your face."



>...So it was.


>...I should probably have crumpled that up.

"Huh, you are smart!"


"Little victories."

>It pains me you consider this a victory. You didn't do anything.

"Oh yeah? What's the biggest victory today?"

>...I got to hear my daughter go 'whee' while she rode on my back.



"...Shit, that's good."

Oh god I have to. Forgive me.

>So that's when I told him he had about six seconds to live.

"Your stories are just a delight, I want you to know this. All of these stories? Just the best."

>I'm not even done yet.

"That's how good your stories are, they're so good every other word feels like it could be the ending, and it would be just as amazing!"


'She's not stupid.'

"I have reached the point of wishing for death."

>I'm considering it.


>Very well.

"...This relationship is so damn weird."

>I just... wait a damned minute.

"Oh now wha-OH FAUST DAMN IT!"

Bleary eyed and confused, a chitinous hoof waved to them all.

[...hi? What... ahhh... what, exactly, is going on out here?]

'...pony? Did you not say there was only one other changeling in this town, Twenty Nine?'

"I actually never said anything of the sort."

[Seriously, is anyone going to fill me in?]

'How do you not know what's going on!?'

[I just woke up five minutes ago. This was not this crazy shit six hours ago.]

'Did you somehow not hear the screaming!?'

[I hear screams of the damned every night when I stay over at her place.]


[It's actually kind of nice.]

>Who the fuck are you again?

[How do you not know? How many changelings have an eye patch?]

>...I don't know.

[Have we ever spoken before now?]

>I do not think so, no.

[...Hi, I'm Seventy Seven, you tried to kill me once.]

>My daughter wants you alive, so I'm not going to do that again.

[Splendid! Now... what is with the mob?]

~WE WANT THE CHANGELINGS GONE!... which includes you, I guess? I mean, we don't want to discriminate.~
~We are equal about this!~

[Oh. What did Chrysalis do this time?]

{Our Queen didn't do shit! It was Eighteen! She was posing as Princess Cadence, and doing paperwork!... Which is bad!}
{It's the worst, apparently!}
{Mob worthy even!}

[Oh... ohhhh...]

~...You knew about this!?~




[Is that really what they think?]

'Seventy Seven, go stand with the others.'

[But it wasn't at all-]

'Go stand with them!'

[Oh, fine.]


[I'm coming right back, you know. I have a fiance. This is silly. You are all being silly.]




>What? I like weddings.


>I do. I like them.

'She seriously does.'

"...If it turns out you cry at weddings, I will finally know that there is a true, loving god."

>I admit to nothing.

"...there is a god..."

[So, what are we doing?]

'We are waiting for Sunset to return with Twenty Nine, and then we shall all rejoin the hive. We have exactly thirty three minutes remaining.'

[Ah. And then we're going back to the Empire?]



"You don't seem worried."

[One call to Chrysalis, and I get this fixed. Trust me.]

>That is discouraging to hear her so kowtowed to a drone.

[And since I am so not worried... anyone want to play croquet? I actually came out for some night croquet. That's why I was here before the... mob.]

>I don't know what that is, but I see hammers. I am in.

[You sure? Well... alright, but remember, this is about control, and relaxing.]

>Please. Despite all my power, I am quite in control of my every-





[It's pretty simple, actually. You just lightly tap it through the arches and-]


[It's to relax! You just lightly hit them! Lightly! Not send them clear into the sky!.. To where they will hopefully not hit someone!]


"...This was all worth it."

[Don't chew on the hammer! Come on, be a good sport, I'll go easy on you the third time!]

Jokes on you! I will accept this as nothing short of one hundred percent canon.
Minus the part where 77 already interacted with Chitty when he told AJ he was getting married. Her response to that time was to laugh and insult him.
Shit, that did happen?

Whelp, just make it NC. Nothing about that works if that's the case, and I just missed that story/did not recall it. Oh well, everyone makes mistakes, I'll roll with it.
Happens to the best of us, man.
Y'know, we may have our disagreements, but I'm glad we're not the IDW type of writers
oh god what drama is being cooked up now?
IDW Writers cannot into drama/adventure arc third acts, again.
oh, so they done goofed and made Sombra into a gary stu again?
Even better, you remember Reflections? You remember ol' Good King Sombra?

Guess who gets express forgiven and turned into...?
There's always something, isn't there?
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,,,, actually? Wierdly rare, isn't it? You don't see something lIke that haopen so often anymore..
But...but he died. The show cannon killed him. The creators were pretty clear on that. ...I mean, we're a thread on 4chan. We can tell cannon to suck it whenever we please but...this is a comic. That people pay actual money for.

Quality control? C'mon guys it's not supposed to be a dial you turn down to 2.
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>... should we try to make college free?


>College, you know, them fancy learning places, should they be free?

"Huh... would de-incentivise specialty stuff a little, as we couldn't fund every little one."

>Yeah, but it would be an overall post to the economy if we had less ponies with loans... or changelings.


>Just saying, ya'll can obviously afford to send Two off, and Applebloommaint a problem, but what about when the baby grows up? Or Scootaloo?

"Mmm... point. It would be costly to the taxpayer, though."

>But they'd be getting better workers.

"You mean competition, from the older ones."

>Ain't expecting it to go over smoothly.

"Eh, I'd have an easier time with it over in the Empire, and Ponyville would almost certainly be onboard, it's the places with wealth, like Canter lot you'll see kickback in."

>Ah can handle them.

"If you say so. I'd say go for it."

>Yeah, what Ah was thinking, just wanted a second opinion.


>...it's weird to do work when we are slacking off.

"The fact we pretend to do work when anyone walks in just makes it weirder."


"...king me."

>Fuckin checkers!
Shit, even I'm stunned on that one. Slacking off and still making progress. Wow.
Yeah, only when someone might show up bitchzilla.

"SEIGE" was fucking drawn on

How can somebody typo on fucking DRAWN LETTERS
Doesn't that make it more likely? At least if you type it, technology can tell if you're spelling it wrong. When you're writing it, you have to rely on your own knowledge and your editor to be competent, at least one of you has to be paying attention and pass second grade spelling.
>and your editor to be competen


>Ha? This the robot then, hm?

-Greetings, this unit is designated Primrose, how can it be of assistance?-

>Just stand right there...


-Error error errooorrrr...bzzzt!-



>Alright you don't look so impressive, orepare for a-


>Hey come back! I didn't let you out for you to run away! ...well damn.

"Huff...huff...Chitania...don't...aw fuck. Did you-?"

>Kill your robot to get at your oh so impressive god? Yes.


>Fighting gods is kind of my M.O at this point. This one sucks though, he ran away.

"...you are...SUCH...a bitch."

>And you're beneath my notice, farewell.

"...I hate my life sometimes."
You mean nc right? Ooco is out of canonical order. It is used for when you want to write a story In Cannon that is taking place at a different point on the timeline than the one we are currently viewing. So it actually happens. Usual to set things before certain major events during a different status quo period than whatever is current because what is current does not work for the story you want to tell.

NC is for when you just want to plop something out you think is funny but should not actually affect the story.
Nope, this happened. Pommel accomplished nothing and Chitania is the greatest.

It was an accident.

That was all it was, a simple accident, a simple mistake. She had panicked, she had acted without thinking, she hadn't been paying attention. She had reacted purely on the instinct that there was something reaching for the one hope she had of saving the world and fixing so many problems, and she had acted. It hadn't been malicious, it hadn't been an act of anger to her, it was a snap, nothing more.

That she had put so much into that blow spoke nothing of any feelings she might have towards the Queen, and instead solely towards the gravity of the situation. This said everything about how important this was, how much was on her shoulders, not that she hated the Queen, not that she felt anything that would drive her to do something like that.

Chrysalis would understand. She would understand the importance, even though she never let that weight settle. Even though she brushed off her own responsibilities like leaves on a toy she wished to play with. She would understand the basics, if nothing else. She would understand the fundamental needs that so many were relying on her, and she had to do whatever it took to save the day this time. They were counting on her to come through, and solve this mess with the changelings. And she could, and not only that, she could solve so many more problems, she could solve so many more things, a thousand things in Equestria that needed fixed could be solved in no time, with just a word, with just a speech. She knew her limits now, she knew the Apple was limited, it seemed. Sure, it had stopped working on the Queen, she had not been destroyed, or as she had hoped perhaps the changeling might even have a moment of clarity to realize the truth that she spoke, just like she strives to do always.

But no, either the Apple's power had reached it's limit, or she was simply too good at brushing off any truth, that even harmony magic was not powerful enough.

Still, no feelings of malice.


She would understand that, she would accept that she had no feelings of anger really, it had been involuntary, a snap choice, she certainly understood those.

She had done enough of them, surely, she would understand.

This was Equestria's salvation, this was her changelings salvation, by stopping her she was only hurting herself. Even without the magic to make her know it to be true, she could still explain it. She would accept that it had been an accident, that she was doing this to save her changelings, and she would not be angry with her for the blow anymore.

She just needed to explain it.

When the pang in her chest eased enough that she could look at that anger, that she could tear her eyes away from the welt on the side of the Queen's face, the bruise that she herself had left with her strike, she could explain it.

"I don't know what was so important about this that was worth it..."

She could have, if only the Queen hadn't disappeared in flame.

"But I might as well find out."

She could have, if only Chrysalis hadn't appeared over her, and cast a green glow around her apple. Cast a spell to take away her gift, to take away her victory again. Just like every time before, Chrysalis was poised to steal away her win.

Like before, it hit her, and she reacted.


It was an accident, when she took another swing right at that Queen's frowning face. It had been just as involuntary now as it had been before, every bit as much, if not more.

She very much doubted it had been involuntary when Chrysalis ducked under the blow, and struck back with her own attack.

She doubted that it had been a mistake when the force sent her tumbling over and over, out from the cavern with the Tree.

She doubted it was a look of kindness that bore down on her, looking to that apple with a hungry eye.

She wanted her gift, her means to save the world, and she wanted to take it.

>You.. ain't... taking it!

The next one would not be a mistake.
Fuck bitching, the hype is back!

And AJ is going full Gollum!

Ohhhhh nooooo

AJ isn't going to use that Apple outside of the cavern, isn't she?
So this is pretty much The Last Roundup:Magic Apple edition. AJ feels like she's the only one who can 'save' everyone and has to do it her way, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Only now, she also thinks she can save the whole world.
And also with a megalomaniac villain complicating things immensely
A megalomaniac who she also clearly has some unresolved feelings of anger towards, who she now feels is continuously attempting to 'steal' her victory from her again. To the point she just coldcocked the bitch who could take out Celestia and said "BRING IT!" after getting knocked one herself.

This shit just keeps getting crazier for AJ.
Damn, I haven't been this hype in /pa/ since shit, I can't remember.

What will happen, I don't know, and that kills me!
No. It didn't. Because if the root got crushe that would not release red it would again temporarily kill it until it appeared so where else. It would not run off because that is not how that has been established to work.

Sod off with your bait.
Fine, doesn't change the fact Pommel is a loser that never should have even had lines.
You know the real best part about this?

I genuinely can't tell if this is just AJ being AJ, or if the Apple is influencing her ala the Orb. Her reasoning in all of her internal thoughts is sound, and seems in character. It's always about helping others, being there for them, and saving the world. The only time she ever mentions herself is when someone is breaking down her hard work, which in the show annoys her terrible. Well, it annoys everyone, but you know what I mean.

I genuinely have no idea if the Apple is making it hard for her to think straight, or if she's completely sane, but desperate.
Better yet!
The Apple makes her think her excuses are truth.

>Hmm… maybe you? Orrrr perhaps you? No, no, no, wait, I’m sorry, I’m forgetting about you, aren’t I? How long’s it been since you were used anyway?


>Hush now, pervert, momma’s busy.

And indeed she was, rummaging through a worn leather satchel previously sealed with a rusted padlock.

“…Yeah, I noticed, very busy, but uh... busy with what?”

>Picking the best instrument for the task. Mmmm, maybe the 100mm with the serrated edge—always one of my personal favorites. But then again the 140mm is slenderer, perfect for quick in-out jabs… not to mention that grip is all kinds of sexy in the hoof.

A bead of nervous sweat dripped down the side of Twelve’s face when Screwloose picked up a scalpel with a hooked end that looked absolutely demented in its creation.

The fuck would a scalpel need a hooked end for?

He wished he hadn't wondered. The rather vivid depictions his mind tossed up as a possible answer only served to churn his stomach.

>Ah, Topsy! One of my very best.

She ‘tickled’ that particular scalpel underneath the curve.

>No nicks, always a glimmer in your eye, made separating tissue a breeze… Yes. You’ll do quite nicely.

“Do…? Do for what? Why does that need to do anything? For what reason?”

>Because… we have to celebrate. This is a joyous time!

“Riots, mistrust, indictments, flight of princesses, your ‘best friend’ in the castle… I think I missed the joy somewhere in there.”


When Screwloose’s ears fell back and her tail grew limp, Twelve knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had fucked up something awful.

To date, he had never seen her looking so sincerely heartbroken since that time back at the hospital, when she feared he was leaving her.

But there she sat, fallen back on her haunches, deflated, looking at him with shimmering eyes.

So he did the only rational thing he could think of.



Which was to apologize profusely.

It didn’t work.

In fact, her bottom lip started to wibble.

Hell, she might as well have run him through with Topsy.

She sniffed, then slowly began to draw out a box. A plain white box that she lifelessly flipped open.

“…H-Happy Two Week Anniversary…?”

That was what was inscribed on top of a modest cake in icing as black as his chitin.

It took a minute, the longest minute of his life, but when it struck? It struck hard. So hard that he propelled himself forward, snatching the clown princess into a hug that left no space between them.

“I… I’m sorry—that was so stupid—to think you meant… but you didn’t… you were talking about us—about our anniversary… two weeks. Two weeks together here….”

When she snorted, it was watery, it calmed him, it was what he wanted to hear.

>Two weeks give or take a few days. Point is, we’re in the ballpark.




>…You gonna stop hugging me so I can cut our ca-

“No. Not yet. Probably not for another two weeks. Give or take a few days.”

>…I’m okay with that.
>>Ah, Topsy!
...HA! Clever.
>She never considered if the apple was working on herself
>Because she already assumes she's being honest

I mean I believe what she's saying...
Nah boi, we're cumming inside Applejack tonite!
As much as I'm embarrassed to admit it, when she first showed up I was like "Oh damn it, can't we use someone besides Chrysalis?" But this far in, I'm actually struggling to think up someone who would fit this situation as good as Chrysalis would, thematically or character wise. I'm coming up blank, next best one would have been Chitania, but due to the mind-altering portion she doesn't fit nearly as perfectly.

This is the perfect storm of inversion with AJ being the one with the power over minds in the relationship.

>Is she still struggling with her work?

"Afraid so. She's trying, but... it's just hard for her, you know? It's not as easy as when she was younger. More full of life."

>I understand.

"More eager, more... excitable. More... exploratory."


"More eager to try new things, in new places, on new surfaces..."


"More wild and energy packed and downright insatiable."


"More willing to invite a certain handsome stallion back to her room and ask him to step into her private shower and-"



>...One second.

Swiftly, she left the room, returning back in no time with, of all things, a seat.

>...go on.


>...Did this get weird?


>I feel like this got weird.


>So... no more?


>No more, got you.
Ya' blew it, 42.

>Alright, soooo... I'm going to be going on a bit of a vacation, it seems.

"Do we have to go too?"

>Thankfully, no, none of you have any high enough clearance to be deemed worthy of investigation.


'What do you want us to do?'

>Just go on like normal, this will be all be over in a day or a few at the most.

[Just... do nothing?]

>Just do nothing.


>No 'yeah'?



{Saving it for when you get back!}



>Oh, right. Lightning Dust, you're in charge until I get back!




>But don't do anything I wouldn't do.


>That includes maid costumes!



"I mean, yes ma'am!"

>Dismissed!... this'll probably be fine.


[...We're fucked.]

You can hear him. You can literally hear it when his voice gets listless and all excited.

"Anyone ever tell you that you could make a killing as a bouncer?"

>I've been told I would make a better supervillain, actually.

"...Can't really argue that."


"You'd make a cool superhero."

>That stupid fucking comic says different.

"Awww, come on, it's cute!"

>It is not, it's stupid.

"But it's so fun! I love your catchphrase."

>None of that is mine.

"Get ready to brawl! WE'LL SAVE THEM ALL! It's awesome, hope they adapt it to movies at some point."


"You could play yourself."

>And who would you play, the damsel in distress?

"I'm a stallion!"

>That makes literally no difference to me.

"Wow, didn't know you swung that way. Explains why you went for the female prostitute."

>...There are males?


>Wow, future is weird.

"Erm... I didn't just like convince you to go... looking for one, right?"

>HA! Yeah, right. That'd happen.

"...Saving yourself for marriage?"

>Pffft, little late for that one, already had my br-... my daughter.


>What's your excuse, haven't met the right stallion?

"...I like comic you better."

>She seems like your type.

"Is that an insult?"


"Right, dumb question."
>LD all alone with the bolts
They had his OC lover ritually revive him.
The fuck did happen to SN?
She's safe in an undisclosed location.
Being looked after by... top men?
Top. Mares.
She always did seem like a bottom..
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I saw this not too long ago and remembered that S-Anon made Luna a painter and considering the content... well I thought it was oddly appropriate for the thread ha ha!
Holy shit, thats hilarious.

>... Ahem. Uh, Marey?


>Is that you squashed against me? I can't see, the dark consumes mine vision like-

"Not me."

>Oh. Zecora?

'Nay, it is not me either who's touch you steal, your chitin has a distinctive feel.'


[The great and powerful Trixie is pretty sure she is up against Zecora. It feels... plush.]

'Thank you! It's true.'


{Just accept it.}

>I only brought it up, because thou art rather cold.

{I don't want to talk about it.}

>Be sure, I speak not of just a normal chill, but it is true cold that I feel upon my chitin, the chill I have not felt in... a rather long time.

{I said, I don't want to talk about it.}

>...You should see someone about this-

{I only feel cold because I think I'm low on love, okay!?}

'...Is... is this with truth that my ears do ring? You're actually... a changeling?'
[...Trixie's mind has been bloooown.]

{I'm not a changeling! I'm just being kept alive by a rock infused with changeling powers!}


{MEH!? I... I really expected, like, you saying I'm crazy and shuffling away.}

"It's nowhere near as crazy as the dead orphans."

{...the what now.}

>Oh dear, this is a long story...

{I've got some time.}

>Well, it all started when I got shot...


>Wait, I'm skipping ahead, it's when a filly thought I was Spider-mane, and then thought I was an impostor and didn't know which one was the real Spider-mane, and pulled a gun on me.

{...the funny part is, I'm following you so far...}
That fits so weirdly perfectly...
I'm sorry, funny throwback and all, but I'm far too focused on Trixie grabbing Zecora and being like "Yep this here? This is plush."

56 would be proud.
Have you seen Zecora, man?

She is damn fuzzy.

>So this time, it’s kinda the same device. But as a ring! So no vomiting!

‘No vomiting is good. I enjoy not vomiting for hours on end’

>Excellent! Just slip this puppy on and away you go!

‘Alright ring on finger. Clear mid. Focusing….focusing…’


Suddenly his arm shot out straight and he lurched into the air at speed accompanied by a sickening sound



Concentration broken he fell back to earth immediately his arm hanging limply at his side.


>Hold still! I’ll get let me see…looks like a dislocation.

‘Y-you don’t say!?’

>Ok…hold on this…might sting a bit
Purple magic encircled his arm


‘AHH! OW!’

>Shh…sh… it’s ok now. It should be back in place.


>Yes spike?

‘Screw antigravity. Let’s try something else.’

>…ok spike

‘Seriously…screw this shit with a cactus…’
I am torn between schadenfreude and genuine sympathy whenever Team Ponyville comes up.

Buuut... much more pressing:

What'll happen if Sunset runs out of love juice? I mean, shes far enough that she snuggling up to stranger because shes colf and absolutely NO ONE feels any sort of kinship towards her at this point.
GL makes it look so easy.

I don't think that's an issue, 29 is literally right there. He can just give her some, he doesn't need to like her. He can control it, and how much he gives even, and everyone there sans Sunny likes him, so he's not gonna run low on juice.
Oooh. Right. I keep forgetting Changelings can voluntarily share. 29 did it for 32 the whole time too.

>Ahem, miss Sunset? Is this... getting to be an issue?

{You know, little bit. Getting kinda cold here.}

>If it's that much of an issue, would you like some love from me?


>I have some to spare, it's not a problem. Would you like some?

{...Now, see, now I feel bad, I was going to just knock you out and tell everyone you slipped, and get it that way.}


{That's how I usually got it! I knocked them out then I sapped it! And, I mean, I didn't think he'd give me any, he needs this to live! It's... well, actually kinda nice that he's just letting me have it despite the fact it's his... you know, life.}

>Oh, well... you don't have to know me out? You can just get it from me, it's not an issue. I'm more than happy to give you some.

{See, now I feel bad...}

>So... did you want it? Yes? No?

{...Damn it, why is it always the nice guys? Always with the nice guys, sunny. Damn it... yes, okay, please give me some love. I'll be nice about it.}

>Miss Sunset? I can't see you, the room is too dark, if you could just reach towards my voice and get my hhooooooooooeee....

"...Niney? You okay?"


'...Twenty Nine oh changeling dear, what is that sound I hear?'


[Trixie hears it too, it's... weird. Like someone trying to eat taffy without chewing too hard.]


"...Ahem, miss Sunset? You, uh... you can just grab his hoof, he did it all the time with Thirty Nine, he can just send it right to you that way."


>T-that is what I was saying, yes.


>...But I mean, you don't have tooooooohhhhh... wow...

...I'm not the only one impressed that she just, like, honed in on that, right? You'd figure that'd be hard to hit in the dark, but she was like a goddamn bloodhound.
'S been a while for her, in more than one sense. I fully expected to hear the 'Kirby inhales' sound effect
I legitimately do not know why everyone keeps trying to make conversation with her.

Like, I figure it probably has something to do with this being a once in a lifetime thing, but still.
Next time they see her has 45% minimum chance of being her trying to kill their ass. I would say it's once in a lifetime
That. They are NEVER gonna get another chance like this, probably. With all the ling-fear, they figure this is going to be the last time they see her when she's not fucking their shit up, might as well get your petty niggles out of your system now.
Speaking of which, I forget, were 13 and 32 on friendly terms last time they were together? I was gone a while so I don't know if something happened between the changelings setting out a d things going pear shaped but I have a vague memory of them being on neutral terms at the very least.
Last I recall she didn't like him because she's still "Chrysalis is MUH QUEEN" mode, but I might be forgetting something.

I vaguely recall them talking about whats good for the hive.
Damn, then nevermind, Pommel's still friends with worst ling yadda yadda
She likes what he's doing but not him, last I remember. Because she still is starstruck with Chrysalis(To "Chitty is sad" degrees) and Chrysalis only makes that worse because she is genuinely nice to 13. Since 32 can't go eight sentences without insulting 42 or Chrysalis, she don't like him very much.

Fun fact, 13 still has a little plastic butterfly hairclip in her hair Chrysalis gave her post Chitty-arc.
Actually, another question.

Would Pommel actually apologizing for falling into Chitty's gullet thus making 32 go bonkers help at all? I remember reading somewhere he blamed himself for that.

Give me something to work with here, please, I'm begging you.
As far as her going easier on 32? Fraid not, since he was "HATE HATE HATE" since the start, and they all know that. He chewed her out in front of everyone at the Gala after all.

13 might like Pommel better for trying to take responsibility for that, though. All Pompom has to do to make buddies with her is show he cares about her hive in some way. If she thinks he genuinely does want to help, he gets brownie points no matter who he hangs out with.

If he says Chrysalis isn't so bad, she might even like him.
>Give me something to work with here, please, I'm begging you.

As far assss? What? What are you hoping for here, it should be doable regardless.
Pretty much everything in that scenario so far has been antagonistic, I just want to write something that isn't more argument fodder.
Oh. Thats super easy, just have them joke about 29.

29 is loyal to the Queen as far as 13 knows, even if he does make her mad all the time, and he's 32's friend, but despite this neither Pommel or 13 have had any real interaction with him. They just know him as that really, really, really annoying motherfucker with a huge ego who talks funny. Neither would get antagonistic in that situation since they both at least respect that he is loyal/the only reason 32 is still alive, so the only argument would be what way they could make fun of his fake-ass accent. They might even bond over "Yeah, he's probably not the worst ling... but HOLY SHIT is he an annoying asshole." because neither have seen his 'good' side.

Don't even need to have a jarring segway, he's currently the topic of interest.
Give Pommel a really weird interest, like... I don't know, opera or something.
>I am SUPER into BDSM festish-
>ah! I see you also enjoy shaving weasels!
Good night, thread
Gnight anon. I join you in the wait.
AJ, get the corpse burying shovel. You're going to need it.
Trixie stop being tsun about it and jump his dick already. It is not like you are not going to get it anywhere else.
But will she be able to dig herself out of this mess?
Maybe if she figured to go up instead of down?


"Dub dub."

>You can't do the shark theme when you're underwater, it just plain doesn't work.


~Dun nun.~

>Wait, how are you doing that?

~Dun nun.~

>No, seriously, how? This makes no sense.


>Annnnd, now there's a shark fin.


>This.. this got really weird.


>OW... Did you just bite me!?


>Wha... No! Bad Celly!


>Puppy dog eyes don't work underwater either! OW! Quit it!


>Wait, how did you bite my backside if....


>...Well shit.

>You ain't taking it.

It was like watching a rockslide.

An fitting description, considering her location next to the cliffside, at the bottom of the almost moat like ring surrounding the castle long forgotten. Much like a regular pony at the bottom of an unstable cliff, watching a rockslide come down towards them, she knew that there was nothing she could really do.

It was simply too much for them, too much coming down all at once, knowing that whatever they would do, they would be covered, broken, battered and have everything they hold taken from them. Applejack knew this, she knew that as far as power, the Queen outstripped her. While she was no slouch in the fighting department, she knew that the Queen could simply outmatch her. There was nothing, really, that could be done about the dark figure moving towards her, she knew it.


She was going to try anyway.

She bucked the nearest stone she could find, launching the thing almost as big as herself clear to the Queens face with the intent to knock her away. The changeling never even slowed, merely blasting the thing apart without a care.

"Okay, now I'm really interested."

>I'm tellin' you to get away!

Another, larger rock, bucked with all she had, fired like it had come out of a cannon. It's speed would have given even a rocket pause.

But not the changeling.

"Whatever could that thing do?"

>Get away!

She grabbed hold of the nearest root, yanking it with her teeth until she ripped it clear from the cliff face. She snapped her new weapon around, looping the vine almost as thick as her foreleg until it so resembled the rope she wielded on any other occasion. She lashed out, seeking to tie her limbs together, to bring her low that way.

It was merely consumed in flames in no time at all.

"Well, whatever it is... you clearly need to give it to me. You're acting a bit strange, Applejack."

Nothing was working.

>Get away!


Desperate, she resorted to clumps of dirt, doing as little damage as one might expect from something like that. She turned to pebbles, to the tiny stones, and even turned to attempting to climb the side of the dirt wall when all of that failed.

A simple thin beam of green cut off her escape, much as she knew it could likely have cut off any other part of her had the Queen aimed it lower.

>Get away... it's mine!

She took a swing, a desperate, powerful swing, and hit nothing but air, far too easily dodged.

She could do nothing, as the Queen loomed over her.

"Applejack, give it over."

It was all crumbling, as much as if the walls of rock and dirt around her had collapsed. It was all coming down, the hopelessness, the knowledge she could never escape, could not defeat her if she tried. The powerlessness, the feeling of emptiness knowing that any strength she held would be useless. Even the magic of the Apple had left her, even that had been taken away. She had nothing left, no ace in the hole, no card left to play, no move left unused.


She was going to take it, again. Just as Rarity had taken her victory before, just as so many others had made her efforts nothing more than a waste of time before, she was about to have even this, even a gift from the most harmonious magic in all the world, if not the universe, ripped right from her hooves. She was about to lose everything, again, and there was nothing she could do about it.

>No... no..

She was small again, an earth pony against beings far beyond her power, again. Useless without her harmony magic, again. Just as she had been at the wedding, she was powerless in the face of the changeling. Just as she had been when she was marched in shame after her defeat, she was helpless as the Queen prepared to take everything from her, again.

"What is wrong with you? Give me the damn apple!"

Her hoof stamped down.

She could not.

She would not.

So, she did not.

She did not give.

She took.


She pulled, with everything ringing in her skull, she pulled. Her head flew back as something within her throbbed, and ached, and screamed. She threw her head back as it felt hot, like she was balancing all the fire she still had inside atop it. With it, with that fire, she brought it to her.

"Give me the-"

Words could come out no longer, for they had been crushed.

All that remained was a breathless wheeze as a stone the size of the Queen's entire midsection rose up from the ground, bursting up like a flower breaking through snow, and struck her right in the segmented rings of green surrounding her thick barrel of a chest.

The wind, and for just a second the fight, had been taken from the Queen.

It had not been taken from her.

She pulled no longer, she brought it up no longer. She wanted it, no longer.

She pushed.

The Queen let out a strangled yelp as she was rocketed backwards, the boulder newly formed flying with her as it sent the taller body clear back, to the wall just beside the entrance to the tree of harmony, and slammed her against it. Chrysalis crumbled, her breath taken from her in the shock. No such breath had been taken from herself.

>Ah' said...

She stamped her hoof again, twin spires of rock rising up to meet the unspoken call on either side of her. Her head still burned, her mind still screamed, but she could pay attention to none of it. For all the sake of the world, there was only herself, and the changeling Queen who would take everything from her.

>You ain't takin' it.

When Chrysalis rose up, she knew it had changed.

"...Alright, if you want to do it that way, fine."

When she called her flames, she knew the battle had begun.

"Let's see if that apple is worth it."

She had no idea.
>AJ using magic

This is literally hitting every button I was hoping it did.
Sooo, now Applejack is fighting with earthbending.

...yep. Hype. Just, so much hype.
>AJ getting Character development
>Making hard choices
>Getting cool toys
>And now she's getting magic

I was going to say 'save some for the rest of us', but considering which number thread we're on, I'm just going to say keep on keeping on.

Damn, this is good.

And an action scene too! A real one!

Where she does stuff!

And doesn't have to wait for other fuckers to do stuff first!

Well, not really getting magic so much as pushing what she already has. Earthbending is just telekinesis after all.
I'm hoping it'll be revealed this is more than just telekenisis, it seemed to snap something in her head when she finally used it.

>Get plant powers
>Put apple in hammer
>Her magic stays crazy like it is, so her horn stays red

...Actually that does kinda seem feasible.
>inb4 all of this was to make pic related a reality with a maddened AJ.
Man, if it leads to that pic, I don't think I'll be able to handle all my hype....
>>Get plant powers
>>Put apple in hammer
>>Her magic stays crazy like it is, so her horn stays red

Oh. My. Fucking. Apples.


Holy shit, I always wanted her to be like this, to gain such a power and hold the cards. And now... just holy shit.
My dream has been realized!.

...hey, wait a minute, speaking of dreams, where's my LNPP fix?

>...I wonder what's going on over there.


>Over in Ponyville, I wonder what's going on... I hope they've taken the news better than Canterlot did, though I can't imagine they took it worse.

"They denizens of Ponyville are rather... accepting, after a time, despite past history. At least, that's what I've found."

>Yes, I suppose you did... I suppose I should be optimistic until proven otherwise. They have good in them, not everyone will be so... reactive.

"Yes... we merely have to hope things do not get worse."

>And you wonder why ponies call me the bright one.


>Nothing? I normally get at least a decent barb for that.

"... we need to check on something."


Her only response was a beating of black wings, and her sister taking off into her night.

>...No no, it's fine, everyone just does stuff without telling me anyway...
>Welcome to Not Late Night /pa/ with your host Pinkie Pie! It's during this time that content does matter, but indecision delays!

"What is that thing?"

>It's your shadow. A personified nightmare of yourself.

"What do we do now?"

ShadowAJ's lower jaw split and multiple tentacle tongues slither out.
>Uh, this first!
She flips her desk, but it gets ripped apart by the tentacles.
>Hm, that went better in my head.

"Your desk was cheaply made."

>Budget's tight!

'Ah always knew you were a cheap whore.'

"Ah never thought that!"

Uppercuts shadowAJ's chin
She delivers 7 punches into the shadow's chest.
Throws a fiery punch...
but sees a shotgun with a halberd blade on the end floated up
and she narrowly spins out of the way to dodge. ShadowAJ's tongue whips Pinkie multiple times and slashes her side by the ax-like blade of the shotgun.

AJ goes for a flying kick, but ShadowAJ grabs and slams her hard to the ground.

'Oh, so now you decide you want to help. It's always too late isn't it?'

>You...have to yell your attack AJ!

'You talk too much.'
Her tongue wraps around binding Pinkie, pulling her closer, and she raises the shotgun to Pinkie's face. Time slows down for Pinkie as mind races.

>(I'm getting that craving again. What is it? It's like when I see this shadow...I want to...I want to...)
She gets a hungry look in her eyes and in the moment...she opens her mouth wide and-

AJ slams an apple shaped warhammer at ShadowAJ's back releasing Pinkie.
ShadowAJ's legs get tied together.
"Ah, don't know what's going on, but you're not hurting Pinkie! APPLE GRIND!"
AJ jumps and does a spin which drills her back legs into ShadowAJ. She then puts Pinkie on her back and runs.

>Jokes on her...I was only pretending to be hurt.

"...You're not pretending are ya?"

>No no I'm not.
There it is!

Way to keep me hanging, you glorious bastard.

Right? Anons just stringing me along today. Guys promising shadow-applejack dream fights and Applejack Vs chrysalis real fights, and then they make me wait!

They get off on blueballing me.
Tatzljack a sexy.
This came out way different than I originally thought it would. Side note there's a surprising amount of Tatzljack
Thought it would make a good monster fight.
...the fact there were a few Tatzljack and Pinkie porn did not influence my decision whatsoever.

Sorry, would have churned it out sooner, but got hung up looking up weapons, which lead to watching fights on youtube...which went to other youtube vids...which went to other internet stuff...I hate having ADHD.
Is it wrong if I feel my hype is quenched given the fact that the scenario where AJ gets all this neat new shit both character and magic wise is most likely going to end up with some sort of "Good job, Chrysalis for stopping that crazy mudpone" / "And there was much grovelling" resolution?
No one is around Anon, who are they going to believe?

Also, AJ is going a lil powermad, it wouldn't be right if she didn't get the proper smackdown for it.

I mean unless you want Fluttershy to waltz over and solve this, except the apple is literally the one thing she can't do shit about. But Friendship not hurting your appul anymore (or really at all) resolution would work best.


"...You know-"



"Wow. Do you have magnets in your eye? Paper magnets?"


"Wouldn't goggles be cheaper?"


"...Ehhhh... point. Alright, who's got the death wish now?"


"Why don't you? I mean, literally, just reach up and do it. It seems dumb that you would ask someone else to do this."

>...Oh, right, I have functioning motor skills.




>Alright, what the fuck is this even...

"...Well? What is it?"

>I don't know, I can't read it.



>I knew it was you!

"Erm, miss? Is there any particular reason you just threw something into the eyeball of someone just... so scary?"

'She won't take it any other way!'

>Won't take what? I don't know what this is.

'Ugggghhh! All this was for nothing!'


>...So someone else beat that pegasi, right? That's why her eyes are all fucked up? She looks like someone you would beat.

"Wow, no, wow. She's a very nice mailmare, I'm sure... what did she send you anyway?"

>I can't read it.

"We both know you can read."

>Nope. Can't read it, cultural differences, so you can stop leaning over and-

"Jury duty?"



>...Well? Isn't this where you make up some dumb excuse why I have to go?

"Do you really think I'm that cruel to let some poor pony have their fate decided by you?"

>...Yes? I don't know, I have no frame of reference for this.

"We do not know each other very well."

>Yeah, I don't see us hanging out.
Maybe? I dunno, in a sense Chrysalis works great cause it's thematic or some shit.

But at the same time, it'll be a Chrysalis wins endgame
It's the onky proper way for this to end: Someone else in a dungeon for attacking Chryssy.
>in a sense Chrysalis works great cause it's thematic or some shit.

Not just the themes of mind-control or that, but she just plain works perfect for the story. She's just close enough to being a friend that this would be emotional in some way for AJ, but just far away enough that AJ could legitimately think she's trying to steal the Apple, and not have it be her being crazy. Chrysalis would totally want an apple that makes anyone believe what you say, Applejack isn't wrong there.

That and Chrysalis is the only one that, when Applejack hit her, would take it to mean "It's on!" rather than "Gasp! Applejack? Hitting someone? The horror!" And the only one that Applejack would think she doesn't stand a chance in a fight against, pushing her to dig in as deep as she can in desperation. She's not afraid of hurting Chrysalis right now(insert "World of Cardboard" speech at your leisure.) so we can have an action scene with AJ like we've never had before. She fits pretty damn perfect here in literally every aspect.

Of course, the real winner here is going to be Applejack regardless. Even if she loses the fight(which I don't know that she will, I've seen more surprising wins). Because for all the pew pews and punches, the real important part is that we get to see AJ be interesting. Chrysalis is only here because she fits APPLEJACK'S story, and not the other way around. That's a win to me.
Man I've been having a shit day and this is the first one to get me to laugh today.

No, Guys, Fluttershy. So we can have AJ (or more likely Chrysalis to keep AJ from being the bad guy) wreck 7's shit.

"...You know, every time we try to go on a date, something happens. Have you noticed that?"

>It's occurred to me once or twice.

"Is that the universe trying to tell us something?"

>That it enjoys seeing me suffer. You showed up post Two, so you didn't see the worst of it, but uh... I didn't have fun.

"It liked seeing me suffer more. You don't remember me when I first showed up?"

>Huh. You know, it was like that, wasn't it?

"...You think, like, when we get together on a date, our latent need for suffering like... combines or something, and makes it worse?"

>That makes a surprising amount of sense.


>...So! Where do you want to go for the next one?


>Either we'll burn this place to the ground, or we'll have a successful date.

"Really. You're willing to risk suffering overload over this?"

>Yep. You?

"...I like the chineighs place."

>That's the spirit!

"But please don't let the place burn to the ground, that would take forever to get fixed."

>I'll stick to being punched, if I can.

"...Thanks, Shiny."

>Worth it.
>So we can have AJ (or more likely Chrysalis to keep AJ from being the bad guy) wreck 7's shit.

Wow, you are really stretching there.

Wreck him why?
Because it sounds in character for both of them to put the kibosh on it, even with Flutterbutter's blessing.
>Putting a kibosh on a food source that she can control

That does not sound remotely in character. If anything, she'd try to take the reigns and make him do it harder somehow. Guess it can kind of fit AJ since it's being unnatural with nature, but Chrysalis would be all for it.
She might do that. But n the other hand she'd probably be super pissed he ran off and did something she didn't order *again*. While you can argue 'but it helps the changelings' we don't know the full extent of the plan, and many of us have been suspicious of it, possibly rightly so with blossom and the digging under canterlot remaining unknowns in this scenario. She may not like his master plan and it would certainly only raise tensions with ponies at a delicate time.

Chrysalis isn't known for her patience and understanding. Her paranoia and over reactions to any challenge to her authority real or perceived however....

>Oh oh oh! Rock powers, awesome!

"Er, it ain't exactly-"

>Oh hey! I just realized! You've got rock power, Chrysalis has fire, and Dash can make tornados!


>Annnnd, that just means we need someone with water powers!

"Oh. Well, Twilight can do stuff like when the dam broke-"


"... Pinkie, ya can't-"


"Hiw are you going to-"


"... Fine, what do you want to-"




"Breaking the dam and surfing ain't water bending!"

>My shark disagrees!

"Get off of that!"

>I call dibs on next protagonist in sequel series!

"That ain't even the right order!"





>The legend of Ponka.
>The massive hyped sequel with a bigger budget and better action, but way worse everything else.
If anything, you'd think that she's just happy this time didn't end with him in the hospital again.

She'd just count this crazy scheme as a win for the lack of broken bones alone.
I'm not sure. She doesn't seem to mind when he winds up in hospital. Any of the others she is all kinds of pissed. Him? Sadly not so much.
That's wrong, actually. Hell, she's one of the very, VERY few she admitted makes her worried with this shit. He ran off before he could hear it, but post Varry she said the part that made her mad wasn't that he disobeyed again, but that he keeps doing it and almost dying. She gets mad at him, but that one moment proves that under it all, she is worried about him first and foremost.
He's got a weird relationship with her. On the one hand, he makes her so angry all the damn time, she's ready to snap his head off most days. On the other, she knows he's doing it to make her happy and serve her, like with the 29 stuff, so she at least respects what he's trying to do.

The last time she really got pissed at him was when he went after 29 after she said she would handle it, but when he ran off to go save 12 she just said she wanted him to stop putting himself in unnecessary risks. They haven't spoken since then.

He's right, she'd just be thankful he wasn't doing something that might get him killed, and since it's benefiting the changelings instead of risking them, she might even thank him. Shoot, with all her thoughts of getting out on her own, she might even full on pat him on the head, but for sure she wouldn't be angry at him for this.
But it is risking them a bit. If ponies knew what he was up to do you think they wouldn't freak out?

They're having conniptions over a ling using it's powers to actively HELP a different country.
>But it is risking them a bit.

Actually? He did it right. He kept it far away from any prying eyes, he didn't overreach his bounds and break into anyplace that they could trace back to him, when offered he took the help of an Equestrian official princess, and he remained peaceful as he could during the whole process while doing everything he can to remain hidden. Most importantly, he did it in a way that couldn't be traced back to her or the Hive.

Yes, things would be bad NOW, but if this had come out a week ago, it would've been minor news at best. A crazy ling scientist, out in the middle of the woods being crazy! That's all he would have been. Not his fault that someone else changed the game.

Thinking further on it, this might actually make him even more lenient. She would have told him to hang back if he had just asked her back at the 12 arc, but now the game has changed, and nobody trusts them and she might be at the very corner of the world. He might have, completely accidentally, given her an asset and allybase that is invaluable in a time like this, and if fighting breaks out then she's got someone to hang back on. Sure, the ponies freaked out, but nothing that happened from Seven. And now that it's out, she can see that even when they're helping ponies, they're going to buck the trend, so why the fuck would she think LESS of a ling who was making sure her Hive got another source of food? Why would she turn on the guy helping her?

Yeah, he'd get a headpat, probably. Maybe a light one when she figures out he hasn't actually achieved anything yet, but she'd appreciate the work he put in to make sure this never got discovered, and certainly the intentions behind it. Guy took initiative, didn't get hurt, and didn't cause a panic, 18 did that. And now, hey, worst case scenario she has a bitching Manticore who is willing to defend changelings.

To Chrysalis, this would be an all around win.
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>he didn't over reach his bounds
>he remained peaceful as he could
>doing everything he can to remain hidden
>didn't cause a panic

>18 did that

This is delicious. Seriously, screw that self-absorbed, ascended self-insert OC.
>is most likely going to end up with some sort of "Good job, Chrysalis for stopping that crazy mudpone"
I honestly see AJ calming herself down one this fight is over. Something like this would be awesome if it ended in mutual understanding.

Maybe....unbelievably....end well?

>...OH NO!


>I've just realized the most terrible thing!

"What? WHAT!?"

>...I haven't punched something in forever!


>I haven't! I haven't punched anything in so long!

"T-...truly this is the worst of times?"

>This cannot stand! My skills must stay sharp!

"Fine, whatever. So, who are you going to spar with, Shining Armor?"

>No, he's busy.

"Going to go train with the guards?"

>No, that would look bad right now.

"...Spike again? You haven't hit Spike in a while."

>No no, not that one, I need a real challenge.

"...you don't mean-"

>Yes, the only one powerful enough, durable enough, wild enough to keep my skills sharp!

"You mean-"




>Sombra, hold my helmet.








"...Poor fool."
should we come up with a name for this faggot? I'm almost certain this is the guy that likes scaring off writefags.
>should we come up with a name for this faggot? I

No, just ignore him. Who even gives a shit? All he does is shitpost occasionally.
Eh, fair enough.
I find it kinda amusing you assume it's just one guy and keep pointing it out. I mean, seriously, are you going to go 'Oh no, it's THAT guy again' at anyone pissed off , abrasive or doesn't like certain trends?

That's so absolutely ignorant, you'd make the Equestrian population look like professional sleuths instead of brain-damaged gophers.

And ascended self-insert isn't far off from the truth at all. 18's current situation, position and relationships are extremely shaped by that one guy who dominated that one thread and then went 'I felt so stressed lately and had to get it all out because I saw myself in her and so at least she gets rewarded for her work' and everyone felt too arkward after all his hard work to say that it was pretty damn forced.
Also, >>25802518 was sarcasm. I seriously think saying that 18 acted any less friendly and secretive and more invasive than 7 is stupid. At least she isn't going all

>nyahahah, foolish princes so foolishly fooled by fools! She doesn't realize that I am juts using her to further my super secret plans!

Seriously. Listen to hom. Thats what he is like.

What? Are you buttblasted your opinion is shit?
File: _Mary_Suing_intensifies_.gif (211KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
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>this thread
>every Changeling OC
Pic related
>at anyone pissed off , abrasive or doesn't like certain trends?

It's kind of hard to distinguish thanks to >>25782288
Which is exactly what that one guy said, And all the follow up stuff where he just kept trying. Joys of anonymity man, when the guy who has all the same flags as that guy then follows up with the same "Insult a character and go OC OC OC!" style after it fails the first time, or rather fails for the who knows how often, you start to see a trend. The timing just was not right if you were trying to get something across. It comes across like>>25802930, essentially.

And we're never afraid to tell someone if the story is lacking or forced just because they worked hard, that one guy with the Spike subplot had a whole thing written out that he scrapped because of that even.
>That's so absolutely ignorant, you'd make the Equestrian population look like professional sleuths instead of brain-damaged gophers.

>Notice that someone is using the exact same format, language and style of insult like the guy that came out and said he was trying to drive writefags away.
>Same asshole shows up earlier this same thread still trying.
>"Wow! Why would you think I was that asshole? Totally out of the blue!"

Come on, man.

>and everyone felt too arkward after all his hard work to say that it was pretty damn forced.


Also, what's the term when you take a character who isn't a self insert to tell a story you want to see for that character who you empathize with? He didn't make 18, the guy who did even commented at the end that he liked the story and wanted to do something like that, but didn't have the writing chops he felt.

What's the term for that?
Like you can just drive someone away. That's just too ridonculous. But, notice, no one usually responds to the obligatory outsider spouting crap like 'apple is shit' or 'you need to sop the generals'. It's way worse if you have someone who argues, if badly, that something feels digesting or terrible to them in this thread. Because these people followed and read this shtick for a while.

For you to toss them all into the same 'It must be Peridot's doing!' bin just proves how far you've got your noses up your own assessment and refuse to acknowledge you have a problem. Namely one of narrative decay.

And my point still stands. It's cute you defend the subplot where Shining Armor first began approaching his marriage in a far more lax manner a whole two outsiders have begun taking advantage of, with many more planned. And while this whole harem hype disgusts me like nothing else I this thread, I accept that's what some people want since they need their Anon in Equestria equivalent.

On the original point, I still think 7 did far faaaaar worse than 18. He needs a bitchslap, not a pat to encourage him. He's clearly crazy-desperate.

If you argued a little less like a 15 year old cunt trying to be cheeky with your baiting question, i woulf at least take you for full.
>It's way worse if you have someone who argues, if badly, that something feels digesting or terrible to them in this thread.

But nobody ever calls those out for being that guy, just the vague, generic OC-focused insults. Because that's what he does.

>For you to toss them all into the same 'It must be Peridot's doing!' bin just proves how far you've got your noses up your own assessment and refuse to acknowledge you have a problem.

Responding to "Seriously, screw that self-absorbed, ascended self-insert OC." with anything other than "Oh wow, this asshole again?" would be a sign of that. Honestly? This guy>>25802702 should never have responded at all, but he wanted to name the guy. It's just a generic insult, not a debate.

>And my point still stands. It's cute you defend the subplot where Shining Armor first began approaching his marriage in a far more lax manner a whole two outsiders have begun taking advantage of, with many more planned.

Because they're taking the very slow time to make it work. It's taking months and a fuckton of writing, but they're not rushing into it and not forcing it, and they're even using it to create humorous scenarios. Which is what the intentin should be.

>On the original point, I still think 7 did far faaaaar worse than 18. He needs a bitchslap, not a pat to encourage him. He's clearly crazy-desperate.

Agreed 7 is worse than 18 due to him only caring about his Hive and not bettering anyone else, in addition to keeping his own plans, and no durr he's desperate that's his whole thing, he got pushed into a corner trying to make Chrysalis happy and this is the result. But no, he doesn't deserve a bitchslap, he hasn't done anything but make animals smart.... the horror?

>If you argued a little less like a 15 year old cunt trying to be cheeky with your baiting question, i woulf at least take you for full.

I'm gonna take the high road and just say that your grammar needs work if you want to make a point.
Oh look. One of those 'I am gonna s obbily try and pick your every word apart' thing again. Say, do you have a major in Women's Studies?

>But nobody ever calls those out for being that guy, just the vague, generic OC-focused insults. Because that's what he does.
Maybe because the overuse and glorification of OCS over canon characters makes this a self-indulgent Masturbation fantasy in some people's eyes?

>Honestly? This guy>>25802702 should never have responded at all, but he wanted to name the guy. It's just a generic insult, not a debate.
Then why the hell are you so insistent on proving anything and arguing with me!

>Because they're taking the very slow time to make it work. It's taking months and a fuckton of writing, but they're not rushing into it and not forcing it, and they're even using it to create humorous scenarios.
Never heard of integrity and cultural sensitivity? Hollering about your beloved Harem ending is juts plain disgusting to me.

>Which is what the intentin should be.
You wrote intention wrong. Just to point out your hipocrisy about grammar below, asshat.

>no durr
More bad grammar.

>But no, he doesn't deserve a bitchslap, he hasn't done anything but make animals smart.... the horror?
Secret burrowing below Canterlot. Tricking Fluttershy into shutting down a rival of the company the mare he bangs works for. Something with that sneaky creature in the dark working out something CLEARLY illegal. Need I say more?

>I'm gonna take the high road and just say that your grammar needs work if you want to make a point.
Right. Because reducing an argument to punctuation and grammar is certainly the HIGH ROAD. Not like I am typing this on the phone and autocorrect being an ass is new, right? Jesus. How smug can you be about your own, wro g opinion?
>Then why the hell are you so insistent on proving anything and arguing with me!

Honestly? Thought you wanted to actually debate something and were angry that guy dismissed you for being someone else, and you were angry because you didn't get the chance to actually have a discussion on some aspect like you wanted.

>Honestly? Thought you wanted to actually debate something
Debate eats up posts. Posts that could be filled with fun and writing. I hate debate. It's a drag and a downer.

>you were angry
Pretty much. But discussing how much I hate a traditional value like marriage being pissed, then MASTURBATED on by fucktards who have never been in a meaningful relationship in their life, much less something as lasting as a genuinely loving marriage won't change how the plot evolved and will keep on evolving.

Some of you guys just want to see Shiny slam his good old cock into Celestia's, his sister's nd pretty much every Changeling character you conceived's cunt.

All females of course. Even the one who adores Cadence. For reasons I don't even want to imagine.

Finally, something we can agree on.
Ah, so you're against the FULL HAREM END
Completely understandable, though I don't entirely agree. I personally like the relationship slowly growing between Shining and 18, it feels real, just as real as Shining's love for Cadance
...What the fuck is my life where I care about fictional tiny horse characters
...What is my life when those characters are ALSO OCs!?
OOCO/NC, depends

>So... you can throw rocks now?

"Yep. Makes 'em pop right out of the ground, it's kinda cool actually."

>Neat! Can I see one?

"Ah' don't know..."

>Ohhh, come on, I let you see my bubbles.

"Pfft, ain't Chrysalis gonna be jealous."

>Ha ha... wait, I'm naked, doesn't that mean-

"Ah' got it! Now... step yer'self back, and get a watchin'."









"Right, right, dumb... h-heh, well, at least they ain' gettin' any bluer?"


"Not helpin'?"


"Not helpin', gotcha."


"I'mma go get a doctor."


"And some earplugs, yer' loud."


"Exactly what Ah'm talkin' about!"
It was fine the way it was intended. Young love. Recent marriage. But before they could even face the hurdle of trust and a child, but 18 comes along.
I could... accept that. Relationships are changing and the dynamics of it. The heart wanders.

I can respect if Shining loves two mare equally. And I respect Cadence for having the greatness to accept it and love him no less for it.

But with the recent addition of 42, Chrysalis almost kissing him and him letting it happen and the constant Celly-Shiny shiptease, it's getting absolutely ridiculous. That stallion is pretty much whoring around and goofing off at this point while his wife is facing a crisis in all aspects of her life.

Hell, while she is trying to better herself and the uncertainty whether she can love 18 is eating her up, he's merrily planning his next date.

And that's not even grazing the constant topic of him fucking anything that moves in OOC. That joke is worn thin to the breaking point.

Sorry to say, but he has become Anon in Equeatria's stand-in.
>But with the recent addition of 42,

Addition how? She just admitted that's how she felt, they didn't go any further than that.

>Hell, while she is trying to better herself and the uncertainty whether she can love 18 is eating her up, he's merrily planning his next date.

He wasn't planning it, he brought it up while 18 was wondering if the universe was telling her to give up as a way to show HE wasn't giving up.

And the first thing and repeated thing he did is try to be supportive to Cadence post reveal, she's just outright ignoring him or in some cases actually telling him to leave. She's even dismissive of him when he tries to bring up the fallout of the gryphon thing. He wants to be there, but she's too determined to be alone, he's just letting her because he thinks that's what she has to do because he believes in her, always has, and he said as much multiple times. Oh, and he thinks she's still 100 percent okay with 18, because she says she is all the time, and that hasn't changed.

>That stallion is pretty much whoring around and goofing off at this point while his wife is facing a crisis

You can't say he's whoring around or goofing off when he is A, not sleeping or even having any sort of physical activity with anyone, and B, doing actual work like talking to dignitaries, going through paperwork to find which ones Cadence did, and making sure riots aren't breaking out. His wife shut herself in a room and started studying, and the few times he tried to get in she pushed him away.

>And that's not even grazing the constant topic of him fucking anything that moves in OOC.

I still find it funny.

>he has become Anon in Equeatria's stand-in.

You've said this before, and there is still no AIE equivalent of an anon being happily married, but never ever having sex to the point of running gag, getting to date another mare and STILL never having any sex, and teasing a bunch of others, but still never having any sex.

It doesn't happen.
>You've said this before, and there is still no AIE equivalent of an anon being happily married, but never ever having sex to the point of running gag, getting to date another mare and STILL never having any sex, and teasing a bunch of others, but still never having any sex.

I kind of want to write a shitty greentext of this in AiE just so it's not true anymore
Ha, that's pretty fun-

Oh shit there go my sides.
42 isn't a recent addition. She's wanted him since...geeze, pre gala?

Until the 18 bit showed up she was on point to be wife 2. The reason the whe 'she's into caddy' bit began was because at the time, somewhere before or during party land, anon's thought it'd make it easier for her to get in there.

Really not new.
>She's wanted him since...geeze, pre gala?

Had to be, she really wanted him to ask her to dance at the gala, and him doing so was something she considered to be the most magical time of her life.

Though you should note that even then, she was always the closest to Caddy since the early days, we're talking pre-invasion even. Her being attracted to Caddy wasn't out of the blue, if anything it makes a ton more sense than 18's does.
Well, Omake Shiny fits what he is saying, but that is the story series that has everyone constantly pointing out how out of character they all are acting. They literally stopped all the time and say wow there is nothing like the real me in here, that's the joke, they would never act like this in real story.
Good night, thread.
Nigh, anon.

>-which is why our lasers are colored like they are. Any questions?

"I have learned to question nothing when it comes to changelings."

=Isn't that a bit counterintuitive? I mean, in theory, if there were like a bad changeling-=

'Who? Like him?'

>Oh for the love of-!

=No, not like him, but like, a changeling doing bad stuff. If that could be a thing, which I kind of doubt.=

'Yeah, no, the Queen would totally stop it if one of us tried to like, rob a bank or something.'

>Though then again, I wouldn't put anything over those folk poor Coltsly works for.

=Yeah, so let's assume that Fawntaine somehow managed to copy how you guys do your stuff, wouldn't questioning things be good?=

>Well yes, but not too much obviously.

~Then you're just paranoid.~


>...you're looking at me super hard right now.

-I'm just waiting for you to broach a particular topic, bugsy.-

>...which iiiiis?

-You know which one.-

~Oh you better not be on about the damn pods agai-~


>...what's their to tell? It's a greenspit cocoon to keep prey from moving while they're fed on or mind-magiced with.

-I knew it! I knew there were pods, and they're just like in th' penny dreadfuls! You LOT are aliens!-

>...okay, yes, fine, we're aliens? Is there a problem with this?

-...nah, not really, aliens are cool.-

"I'm an alien!"

-Then you're cool.-

"I did not know this. Fire is actually cold, it must be the cold that burns. Now I'm learning the fundamental facts of the universe, this pleases me."

~Brother? Question.~


~When'd your embassy become the nuthouse?~

>A looooong time ago, sister, a long time ago.
Night to you too.
>Chrysalis almost kissing him and him letting it happen

yeah look guys I had something going on back in the day with a girl, it was bad, and it got worse and reading that when it happened made me just sort of blank out for a minute.

sorry but it just was bad luck at the time but i dont wanna see that be passed off

i dont think i'd do with that
Spike was actually our Anon substitute. we even gave him the one canon story involving Anon (by rewriting it as Spike in his spot).

But Shinning fulfills the other half of the Anon spectrum just fine. and you know what, I'm okay with that. Because at least it is a pony from the show and not a green skinned stand in.

He kinda is when we are trying to have him run off for a beach episode in the middle of this just to play drown with Celestia.

You do that, I'm sure they will enjoy the feels of Anon in a sexless lovelife.

And this "OC's taking all the spotlight" argument is dead. Here is a list of the last few major plots and who the main characters of that plot were
>Current arc AJ/Cadence/Rarity
>7's sideplot 7/Fluttershy/PPG
>Luna the teacher sideplot Luna/29/AJ(yes she was)
>OnO AJ/Luna/Spike/Cadence/Pennydrop
>12's rescue AJ/12/7
>Destruction of Crystal Canada Sunset/varry/Chitty
>Changelings being thrown out of Canterlot AJ/Chysalis/7/Jetset
>Kingsmoot ALL THE OCS
>Cordy AJ/Twilight/Chrysalis/88
>18's minarc 18/Shiny
>Fillydelphia fight Chitty/DT/Pennydrop
>Pommel's adventure ALL THE PIRATE OCS
>Partyland EVERYONE.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head. There are two in that list without a canon pony involvement. Unless we are doing that thing where anyone outside the mane 6 and Spike is automatically an OC, then it goes to five. Butt hen again Alicorn AJ/Rarity/Fluttershy are non canon to the show so I guess they are OCs too, right? And Spike too since before Flim and Flam were revived he killed ponies.So I guess that leaves 2 without exclusively OC plots. I see what you mean now.
I don't know why I try to make plans for this when I don't even follow through on them.

>Welcome to Late Night /pa/ with your host Pinkie Pie! It's during this time that content doesn't matter, and let's go where everypony knows your name!

AJ and Pinkie run into the bar.
"Is this a normal thing for you? Fighting dream creatures?"

>Sort of. In the past I had help from Discord, Luna, and the Pink Pony Club, but this is the first time I've gone without any of them. I hope you're a fast learner because this is going to be a crash course. Just do what I say and don't question it. It's just easier that way.

ShadowAJ appears.
'Applejack? Learn? What a silly concept. Don't worry though. Once Ah take over Ah can make changes for the better.'

"She wants to what now?"

>She wants to take over your mind. Try to keep up! Pop out the lights!

"This is happening so fast."

>Applejack stop talking and kick those light bulbs!
They jump and break the lights above them making their side of the bar dark.

'You think you darkness is going to hide you? Ah was born from the dark. Molded by it.'
A whisky bottle is flung and shatters on the back of her head. ShadowAJ raises her eyebrow and turns around to see a cardboard cutout standing there.
The cutout crumbles from the shotgun blast. ShadowAJ turns forward again and finds 3 more angry looking cutouts standing in front of her.
The light flickers and goes out.
'...real cute.'

>Now sneak out while we're spoilered.


>No questions!

"...this is a really Pinkie night."
I love this one just for the Cheers reference.
>>Now sneak out while we're spoilered.

That was way more clever than it had any right to be.
At this rate, they're gonna start decorating the tree.

No reason, just cause tree.


"Holding me back, Applejack! Holding me back!"


"All of that potential, whoop! Right down the toilet because of you!"

>Nuh uh.

"All that could be is gone! Because of you, Applejack! It's all your fault! All! Your! Fault!"



>... Ah'm not lettin' you dress the stallions in revealing clothing.

"But it's for moral!"

>Seriously? This don't seem like you at all.


>You have literally never showed interest in this before, when the heck did this start?

"It'll attract new spectators!"


"It's the only way to stop the rumors, okay!? This is the only way!"




"...it's just, all because of the hair, you know-"

>Get out of mah office.

"Holding me back!"
"Please? Lightning Dust just won't get the hint!"


>... You think I should be trying to talk to Cadence more?


>I mean, she obviously wants to be alone, and I don't want to push her, but I feel like I should be talking to her through this.


>Is that too possessive? Should I take a step back, let her figure this out like she wants to? I don't want to smother her. But I don't want her to do this alone either. Right? I can't just step all the way back, but she doesn't want me over her shoulder... I don't know.

"... Blub?"

>This would be a lot easier if you hadn't gotten your head stuck in the fish bowl.

"BLUB blub."
Given the size of her horn, it had to be quite unorthodox fishbowl.
>You are... desperate, you know that?


>I simply refuse to believe this was an accident


>No, no, I won't buy the "Oh I dropped a piece of my cake in there" excuse either


>I mean... what would they think of you... and us doing this...?




>Besides, it was my turn on the bottom




>Stop laughing

>...Is 42 punching Mane-Iac in my stadium?


>She doesn't seem to mind.

"Seems rather in her element, to be honest."

>You ever worry Mane-Iac is getting pent up?

"This seems to indicate a trend, yes."

>I'm genuinely worried about her, she just chucked 42 through a wall. Like... through it.

"Took it in stride, I suppose."



>...I miss fighting her.

"Thank you! I was waiting for you to stallion up and admit it."
I don't wanna pile pressure or force God's Finest Anon to hurry up but this AJ story is gonna slow everything else to a crawl, we're going to have to survive on NC and OOC until we can forward the plot some more.
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I didn't know a background character could become a princess
For what he's doing?

For what it concerns?

Motherfucking AJ finally getting her dues?

I'm fine as hell with the current proceedings. My hype kills pretty much anything else.
Sorry, I do write as fast as I can, but I'm not a speedy writer. I do promise this will all be over, and not a rushed over but over-over, before this thread ends. I'll have some more time tomorrow, hopefully, and I'll at least be able to get in two parts then, but like I said, slow writer. Sadly don't have Finisher-Anon's inhuman speed.
I mean this is going to be the world's longest hour. The others can only do so much before it becomes sitting on our hands waiting for 1 writefag like all the other threads. I mean it is her thread but none of the characters can do anything because of 13's time limit and the fact it HAS to be AJ to leap in and solve it. Those scenes with Pommel milling around making small talk with Chitania, that is this thread right now.
Hey the problem isn't your speed, we were okay with Pommel anon taking over 30 threads to get him back on the timeline, the only issue is the arbitrary time table that got thrust onto AJ's part forcing everything to stop while she does her thing. I have loved 95% of your work with AJ, it is just something out of your control that was the issue.

She was not controlling it.

She was living it.

Her head throbbed in tandem with the soothing pulsating magic in her hoof, her eyes tingling with the sensation as if they had been lit alight by a heavenly glow. She could not wait when she heard the Queen's words, her challenge. Rather, she met them, with stones thrown so fast any who saw them would swear them bullets, rather than mere clumps of the ground below.

Speed that granted her no benefit, when the changeling's magic tore them apart.

>Ya' wanna see what it's worth!?

She stamped, her hoof hitting the ground with a force not of muscle alone, a force that seemed to reach out, to fly beneath sight under the ground over to where the Queen advanced.

She dodged, seemingly knowing where it would be this time, allowing the spire to reach up unabated and unsuccessful.

"You really think you stand a chance with just some rocks?"

She felt it in her hooves, in her head, the power rushing through both as she pulled as deeply as she could find to gain the answer to stop the changeling from stealing from her, from taking away her only victory. She was pushing herself, she knew, she was reacting strongly, she did not deny, but to deny instead that the Apple of Honesty in the hooves of someone like Chrysalis was a far more dangerous prospect than any attack would be nothing short of madness.

>You best back off, now, or else Ah'm gonna get real mad, Chrysalis.

"Not a problem, to me."

Chrysalis could not be allowed to take this from her, the very fate of the world was at stake, the fate of everything. She would understand someday, that this was to fix her changelings relationships as much as it was to fix Equestria. Someday, when she had fixed everything, she could reveal just what it was this Apple was capable of. Someday, when she could be trusted with that knowledge.

Someday, when she could be trusted completely, maybe someday soon.

Not today.


>Ah' warned you!

She swung her head back so far she nearly felt it crack, her eyes peering over her own shoulder to look to the cliff face behind her. She felt that throb become a roar, matched only by what escaped her lips when she swung back with all she had. Her hat rustled in the wind left behind, when a boulder twice the size of the changeling herself flew by.

"Stop embarrassing yourself."

A sickeningly green blade sliced the thing in two, letting the twin bits fly to either side of her without even so much as slowing her steps. Continued in her mission, to take everything away.

Trying to take away her last chance to save Equestria, to make everyone understand what she had been doing, to break the barrier of doubt so they could believe the truth, and nothing more. She wanted to tell them the truth, and all that stood in her way was the niggling doubt of circumstance, that was all. Take away that doubt, take away that circumstance, and she could give them the truth like no other ever could. She had the power, she had the ability.

All that stood in her way was a changeling that just plain did not know when to stay out of everyone's business. When she was writing laws and slipping them in, when she was looking into Equestria's matters, the Queen always had to have a hoof in everything.

She could not get her hooves on this one.

>Get away Ah' said!

She did not stamp this time, not even close. What she did was more again to slamming into the ground with all her body, yet only touching it with her hooves. What she did was to throw everything she was into that ground, and let it fly.

She felt something at that moment. A strange something, only there for a second, but the sensation of something in the ground below. She could not describe it, no matter how hard she tried. It was like a body, like veins. Life. Something beneath that ground was alive, and she felt it in that second.

That one second before that same ground collapsed into rubble.


A wave of dirt, stone and grass became like a landslide, rolling underneath the hooves above it in long waves that reached out. Sought out the changeling to consume her, and bring her beneath the ground, to be buried away until she could finish her quest.

"Is that the best you've got?"

It pained her when that Queen rose up, letting it all just pass her, just like she always did. Every disaster, just beneath her.

"What will you do now, throw more rocks? It won't be hard to dodge."

Chrysalis could, she knew it. She could swoop down right now, faster than she could react, and take her. Stones of the ground would not help her now, not when there is such an advantage, such a difference in ability.

"Give me the Apple, Applejack. You can't reach me, you can't fight me, it's over. Give up, now. Before I have to hurt you."

Her teeth grit, the sensation of scraping echoing in her mouth as she glared up at the Queen so smugly above her.

"You can't run, Applejack."

There was a truth to what she was saying. For all the lies the changing could give, that was the truth, in a way.

She couldn't run, no. There had been many things in her life that she could not run from, no matter how much she wanted. She could not run from this.

>Ah' ain't gotta run.

But she was not the same pony who could not run before.

She proved this, to the Changeling, to the world, to herself, with one single beat of her wings.

"You're really going to take this that far?"

She rose, with every beat she rose, until at last, at long, long last, she looked the Queen square in the eyes, level for the very first time in all they had known each other.

>No... Ah'm gonna take it to the end.


Her wings were unsteady, her abilities suspect.

But when Chrysalis made the first move, she found it in her to beat those wings stronger than she had ever done before.

>Ya' ain't takin' it, ya' gaddang bug monster!

She was going to take this to the end, and save Equestria.
>AJ learning to fly via action scene

Stop, please! I can only get so erect!
Seriously, every note I was hoping for.

So hype.
Damn it, earthquake doesn't work on flying types you fool!
So, shit, in addition to giving AJ character, internal struggle, a cool new magic item, magic, and an action scene, you're teaching her how to fly the hard way. All in short 1-3 post shots.

Damn, son, leave some kickass for the rest of us!
Chrysalis is a Bug/Psychic with Levitate.
Uh, you do remember that her plan is to go mind control the populous right? Chrysalis stopping her is the good ending. AJ winning here is a thread ending bad end
To be fair, Chrysalis getting it isn't exactly a happy ending either, nor is destroying the apple.
How is ditching the apple not a good end? It is a object that makes you believe whatever the holder is saying including "you want to hurt yourself". There are six end game routes right now
>Chrysalis gets the apple
>AJ uses it to create her world
>It is destroyed
>She absorbs it and now has the targeted voicify power to abuse permanently
>The tree takes it away (same result as 'destroy it')
>She uses it to convince Chrysalis she doesn't want it and somehow realizes the error of her ways and locks it up so someone else can stumble upon it and use it later

We can't even send Discord/Fluttershy at it because it is a apple shaped ball of harmony magic.
>How is ditching the apple not a good end?
In the sense that it doesn't fix anything, it just resets it back to an earlier point. If AJ loses the Apple, she's back to where she was when she ran off. Plus Chrysalis being pissed she got mind controlled in addition to her Lings being in trouble. Which she still believes are all okay now, to note.

It's not BAD end, I'll admit, as it doesn't make this situation worse sans Chrysalis and AJ's relationship, but it's not a good end either.
Okay, what is the secret seventh route where
>AJ solves the ling problem
>Chrysalis isn't pissed off
>She doesn't use the evil artifact on others which will piss off Celestia (yes I know she could always not tell her but that is what started this shit, lying by omission, and if she uses it on Celestia SHE IS A VILLAIN and back-stepping herself)
>The others can only do so much before it becomes sitting on our hands waiting for 1 writefag like all the other threads

That is a legitimate issue, we don't want to lock down everyone even if this is by far the best AJ story in... ever for this thread, but we don't also want to derail or rush what is quite obviously the stuff we've wanted out of AJ in a while.

Thoughts? Would removing the timetable from Ponyville help, or would we still need to do something else?
Here is how you remove the timetable, Sunny and the shed bunch need to go on the run. And Chitty makes chase
Hopefully AJ-Arc anon read the players guide and knows this one.

>Thoughts? Would removing the timetable from Ponyville help, or would we still need to do something else?

>Thoughts? Would removing the timetable from Ponyville help, or would we still need to do something else?

Removing the timetable from Ponyville would allow others to get into stuff that would take longer than the hour listed, but the base problem of obviously we can't have days pass is still an issue.

Though admittedly, aside from getting to the beach arc, I'm not sure what we're going towards with that.
Which I still think we should not take Shiny on. It makes him look like a dick if we have him ditch Cadence to go play with Celestia for the sole purpose of having non OOCO drowning jokes. "Why not bring her too?" Because CE stuff didn't stop because Canterlot Castle is off limits and Caddy is in the middle of trying to better herself to actually do the work 18 does for her. Leaving a day after starting to go have fun on a beach is a backpedal for her when she is in mid development. And I know us if we take her to the beach, a month from now, when the Canterlot thing blows over and they return we'll have forgotten it and she'll be back to just being the pretty face that won't throw shiny a bone. It is just like all those times before now when we had AJ agree (I said agree Luna) to learn magic but then something happens and next thread and it is never touched again.
>Here is how you remove the timetable, Sunny and the shed bunch need to go on the run. And Chitty makes chase
I was kind of hoping for some more JOLLY COOPERATION between Pommel and Sunset.

>Pommel, the ordinary guard who rose to defeat an ancient evil and is known for his spur of the moment plans
>Sunset, arguably one of the smartest, stupidly brave ponies, who was willing to off herself for Equestria at one point
>They both managed to stand before Chitania on the past and tell her 'No' when they had nothing but their guts and wits in their favour against her vast power

They may be stalling now, but don't tell me they can't turn this shit around somehow
>Alright girls, Ah' think we got it!

~No, everyone down there got it, and it is a giant magic gun thing.~

>What we need ta' do, is just... take the sticks back!


"Well, she got excited."

~I'm so ashamed.~

'Okay, so... who wants to go up there and get it?'


'Winona didn't say not it. You wanna go get the stick, girl!?'


'...It's not like it's my fault!... Mostly!'


Heroic trumpets blared, and atop a steed clad in iron a figure emerged, holding in her hoof a spear of sterling silver and lined with gold.

[I, the GREAT ZEBRATA, shall be the one to save the day!]



>First off, yer' ridin' somebody.

[This is my steed!]


[It's very consensual.]

"I need an adult."

>Second... what are you?

[A hero!]

>Ah' mean.... uh...

'What's your species?'


"...Well? What is it?"

[HRMPH! If you must know, I am a proud Zebra, is that not obvious?]

>...But... yer' ears-
"The look like a-"

'...Are you a donkey?'


>We ain't the one cryin' over someone bein' a donkey.


'That makes it worse.

{Mprm mrrr!}

"All the adults, please."

[But I shall be ashamed no longer! For now, we ride to victory! And ever shall my name be heralded as great, and my... shameful lineage forgotten! I SHALL BE THE GREATEST! ONWARD! HI-YAH!]

"My innocence is lost."

They charged forwards, blaring heroic choirs following in their wake as they prepared to save the-

'...Neat! It has a shield protecting it! Isn't that neat?'


'I thought it was neat.'

>They may be stalling now, but don't tell me they can't turn this shit around somehow

They can't turn this shit around somehow.
Oh, she's going. But she's not sliding back or anything. Moment we decided on Beach-Episode, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with her.

Which is to say, test her to the limit by throwing a shitload of things/friends that try to distract her and threaten to bring her back to her old lackadaisical ways. Can she hold out and stick to her guns, can she overcome the need to go and be silly with everyone in the face of a need to actually be a good princess? WAIT AND SEE!

And no, it doesn't work if you leave her behind, you need to test her with the fun place.
SO Now we have Celestia in a inflatable floatie staring down at the water with quivering lips holding his goggles, thinking "It's just not the same"?

Sold, that sounds hilarious. Ponies going "Caddy come play with us!" and her pulling out her hair trying to avoid the temptation sounds amazing.

CE crew confirmed for beach-episode.
Rank and file unicorn guard that failed to stop her with most of his men and 98% of the changelings And undead love powered Unicorn who's main attack to actually do damage has been ruled as having 0 accuracy vs Chitty in all future encounters are going to stop her.
If we let Sunset touch her, we can actually kill her. Just need to work around 13.
There is no wait and see. the answer is no, she won't

That plot is pretty paint by numbers.
She'll keep trying to focus and WILL get distracted and caught up in it and whoops trip is over and she did nothing.
Version two, She looks on longingly while the others do fun shit and she never gets enough focus to do more than the first line before she leaves.
Version 3 She is successful and shuts out all distractions (something that could be accomplished with the crystal harem staying home).
Version 4 she gets all kinds of distracted but at the last min still completes all the work (the procrastinators version but caddy has almost no ability in this area so it would be her divining the answers)
>the answer is no,


>She'll keep trying to focus and WILL get distracted and caught up in it and whoops trip is over and she did nothing.
IF that happened, it would be an easy way to make an arc of it of her trying to fight the whole way.

>Version two, She looks on longingly while the others do fun shit and she never gets enough focus to do more than the first line before she leaves.

Or she does, and it actually means something because she can see the fun she's missing.

>Version 3 She is successful and shuts out all distractions (something that could be accomplished with the crystal harem staying home).

Accomplished without any of the humor or new scenarios that a brand new location would bring, and completely bereft of the idea that if she succeeds there, surrounded by literally everyone and whatever fun and over the top events are going to happen on the episode, she can succeed anywhere, instead of just in a place filled with ponies/lings who want her to succeed. She needs to be actually tested in a new environment that's going to have a lot of big stuff going on, not in the same setting she's been since thread 1.

She's going.
Version 5: She, with significant help from 18 (in the guiding way, not "just do it for her") manages to get it done with only one day left, and they all have fun together, and then Cadance also feels better about 18, and herself, and everyone gets to be happy.
You are a very small minded thinker, not that it's a bad thing, sometimes a straight and narrow perspective is nice.
Other times, like this, you need something a little different, outside the box.
And they called her...Zonkey Oat Hay.
Oh shit, you know who we really need to bring to the beach?
Pommel and Daw
I need them to somehow, SOMEHOW build a fucking tiny boat and have fun in it, it has to happen.
I'm just going to point out that I'm pretty sure The Widow's Regret is STILL Airborne due to Lavan's fuckery.
An airship, huh?
>implying they have control over it at all
it's kinda just floating around like a hot air balloon.
Which means it will of course float it's way over wherever this beach arc is going to take place.
You can still do that in the CE. Why do we need to drag the ponies not put out by the main plot? And the one who literally can't do one form right now, cannot in one day, do the work 18 takes the whole day doing.

Just tell me why they actually need to go. What actual purpose do they have for going, other than just cause the others are?
Okay. Okay. Soooo... let the time limit run out and either 29 is with Sunset or not, the Changelings leave.

Heading to Canterlot with Chitania is going to take a shit load of time, given her misfortune. Sure, it will a complete and disheartening loss for Sunset and the Guards, who will now doubt their own princess' integrity, while giving Ponyville the worst public opinion of the Changelings ever, but at least we can continue PART of the plot independently!
Because we CAN'T do that in the CE as it is right now. The people distrust everything right now, if they find out that 18 is helping Cadance learn to do paperwork they'll be even more distrustful. Plus Cadance is being a shut-in right now and we need to drag her ass out.
SHe doesn't get lost as easily now btw. She got to ponyville fine it was getting to the changelings that took a min.
Ill say it again, it does not work in the CE. It's a familiar place, it's filled with staff and guard and a ton of folks who she has personal authority over who she can order to run interference or just outright ignore every problem and let Shiny or someone else handle it.

This is a new setting, an unfamiliar place with no guards, no familiar hangouts just outside the castle, the others are going to be trying to have fun, and there might even be some things she just plain can't avoid, and nobody within screaming distance to do it for her.

And, most importantly, EVERYONE is going to be focused on having fun. Everyone is going to want to go out and have a time, and she's going to be tempted in a way that just plain isn't possible in the normal setting. Anything she misses there will be there tomorrow, this is a trip she might not be able to make again for YEARS, so by holding out she really is giving something up, something she might not get back.

But, in the face of all that, with all that unique character situations and jokes we just plain can't make in the CE with it, why do you want to keep them out? There's a good character reason and unique story scenarios, why do you just really hope we don't?
Wait why can't they seal it away? Discord stole and his all the elements of harmony before to play a game. They aren't poison to him. Why can't he just grab it and throw it down a chaos hole?
She means him/Flutters couldn't resist it, if he went for it AJ can just say "grabbing this apple will kill you" and not only would he believe it, it's magic apparently prevents anyone fron noticing its happening.

Discord can't beat the Apple unless he knows what it does and takes measures against it, and even then we don't know if he could grab it without something happening, Chrysalis hasn't managed yet. It will work on him or Flutters like anyone else.
>She could walk up to any nation and say "This place has been annexed by Equestria, and they would just know it was the truth."
>"Fighting back won't help, you'll just die without killing one of us" and the army stops.
>"You need to pay higher taxes than before because it will make the place better."
>"You want to join the army."
>"You want to stop cheating on your wife."
>"You want to adopt these orphans, mister rich guy"
>"Pears are shit"

Jesus fuck why is this so much scarier than just plain old mind control?
You mean Canterlot will. CE just doesn't view her as a Goddess anymore. Going on vacation and coming back with magically done work, with only those that would vouch for her around to see it, doesn't help that. but oh well.

This will be the second vacation they will take in the same canon calendar year. She is very capable of leaving anytime, this isn't special other than some anon heard "everyone in Canterlot has to leave the Castle grounds, lets do an anime style beach episode".

All I heard is 2 and sombra building a sandcastle and more Celly and Shiny like to drown each other followed by WE HAVE TO DO THIS.

No I don't want them to go because we can easily have Cadence trying to do things around the Empire that 18 normally does (not just sit at a desk), instead of having Cadence going "I really should be doing work right now" every third line of thought for a month. Only for it to get rapped up with a five post story of 18 making her do it. There is also the fact that going we have
>Mane 6
>at the very least the named guard (all the guard should be out because 77 but they won't)
>Batmom and Dadling with Babyling (because the townsfolk will feel vindicated and fighting them all won't help)
>Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon (because they will)
>32, JJ, 88, & Acty (unless we dump them with 29 because a Changeling embassy isn't going to be smiled upon right now)
>Daw and now apparently the crew from the Widow's Regret

We don't need to add Cadence's subplot to this just so she can ignore it and fix it as an also-ran at the very end because we need 8 more ponies involved.

We meet our trio again on the plains of Equestria.

“Oh, so now I’m invited to these again? What gives?”

>Well I figured since the recent attempts didn’t really use conventional flight there wasn’t much for you to offer. So….

“…When have any of these utilized ‘conventional’ flight?”

>Point. Which is one reason why you’re back in now!

“And the other?”

>I may need your help catching if this one goes wrong too.

“Good to know you’ll use me as a pack mare”

>…What are friends for?

‘Abuse. If recent events in my life are any indication. What have we got today?’

Twilight winced at the dragon’s words but did not take offense.


They turned to the figure before them: a suit of armor, slumping forward.

>This is a suit of power armor I built for you. Flight capability included.

“Another jetpack?”

>A TOUGHER jetpack. And armor to protect him in case something goes wrong this time.

“How much does that weigh?”


“Ok wow. No. I’m not trying to catch that in flight.”

>Will you help me lug it back to the castle?

“Probably not.”

>…ok. Spike? Step into the armor whenever you’re ready.


Approaching it from behind, the armor opened automatically as if to welcome him inside. Stepping in it closed wrapping around him like a comfortable glove. A it sealed the eyes came on with a warm green glow.

~Armor Power at 100%~


‘Y’know what? It really is. I feel…strong, in this stuff. Tough too.’

>Thanks! But I didn’t build that just to make you strong Spike. Let’s not forget why we’re here. Whenever you’re ready, get a running start and jump and the jets should come on automatically.

‘…Do I have to? I think I’d rather just…y’know run around in it.’

>No, Spike. Come on, I feel confident this one will work so…


He took a deep breath. And stepped forward.

Surprisingly for something so heavy it gathered speed quickly, soon he was moving faster than ever before in his life, he leapt into the air, the jets activated and he, for the first time, truly flew.


The freedom, the grandeur, he could see for miles, and felt he could go wherever he willed.


He flew off into the sunset.
“So…how’s that thing powered.”

>Oh, you know…power cores. Like the ones in the robots.

“Isn’t that the same as what spike uses to power his big gun?”


“And...no one’s allowed to carry too many of those things around right?”

>They are unstable when too many are in close proximity. Can just…<crackle> and short each other out without proper shielding.

“Is the suit shielded?”

>…mostly…I was kind of in a hurry near the end…

“So…couldn’t that be a problem?”

‘I wonder what it’d be like to use some of the heavier artillery in this baby…’

A hairpin turn in midair saw him returning to his workshop.
“Well, what if he tries to use both at once?”

>Pft! Why would he ever need to do that? Really he should just leave that thing behind. Charity is plenty for a dragon his age.
He hit the ground art full speed the shockwave of his landing sending dirt clods everywhere and rattling the windows.

He stomped inside.
“But he does do dangerous work sometimes…he might need it.”

>Dash, trust me. While he’s in that armor that overly dangerous…thing will be the last of his interests!
Lovingly his robotic claws caressed her…not his favorite. But his most powerful. His holdout. His, dare he say it? …Sexy.


In a moment she was in his claws and he blasted off again.
“Huh…looks like he’s coming back…”

>I guess the test flight is over!

“Ummm…what’s that he’s holding?”

>Uh oh.
He flew high above them all, near where his flight had started.

It was time for a show. Time for some flash. Time….to live every nerd’s wet dream by carving his name into a mountain with a fuck off laser while flying in POWER ARMOR!!!!


His leveled his weapon at the far off peak, set power to maximum, and depressed the trigger, savoring the now familiar sound of the capacitors spinning up as his girl roared to life!

The power! The wonder! The-


~Power Depleted~

‘…son of a…’

The armor fell out of the sky and slammed into the ground not far from where Dash and twilight looked on. In moments they reached it.

>Spike! Spike can you hear me?

She tapped her hoof twice against the helmet

‘Twilight? Can you help me? I can’t move. I think this thing’s out of power. Twilight?’

“Uh oh. He’s not responding! He must be hurt!”

>not necessarily. He armor’s probably sound proof.

‘Uh…twilight? Dash? Are ya’ll still there? Need a little help…’

“So what do we do!?”

>Well we need to get the power core back online, or get another one.

“Do you have any on hand!?”

>Well….no. But I can recharge this one!

“How long will that take?”

>I don’t know. A few hours maybe?

“oh…ok. Wait…is that thing airtight?”


“Be right back.”




The blue Pegasus tossed an object over to the purple princess.

She looked into her hooves and found…a can opener.

“You take the right side, I’ve got the left.”

(3/3) hooray for counting!
>She is very capable of leaving anytime,

Not anymore, she WAS capable of leaving anytime, but if she actually wants to be a good princess then she can't just up and leave whenever, and especially not to the beach.

>No I don't want them to go because we can easily have Cadence trying to do things around the Empire that 18 normally does (not just sit at a desk), instead of having Cadence going "I really should be doing work right now" every third line of thought for a month.

And? We can always have Cadence around the Empire, she'll be right back there when this is all over too. That's the point, she'll always have the CE, and everything they could do there as a family, at any time. She'll always have that, this is something she won't have and some time she won't get back. If she gives up something in the CE like movie night, whoopdee do, we do those all the time, if she gives up surfing with Two? Whole other story.

>Only for it to get rapped up with a five post story of 18 making her do it.

You'd probably find yourself way more open to this if you'd stop assuming you knew how it was going to go when you've made the wrong predictions every time with five different goes at it.

>We don't need to add Cadence's subplot to this

Sure, we don't need to, but I've heard zero reason not to aside from you saying you don't want it, and I've listed plenty of reasons why it is a unique scenario we can't do any other time and what it means to the character. I mean, I'm gonna write it, so... it's not like I'm being a dick and forcing it on anyone here.

>just so she can ignore it and fix it as an also-ran at the very end because we need 8 more ponies involved.

Again, please stop predicting incorrectly and trying to dismiss it based on your predictions alone, give me a real reason.
>Not just teleporting him out

She wishes him to suffer.

I feel her.
Er...um...it's magic proof! Yes that's it! Genu-Wine Magic proof power armor!

...that is suceptible to can openers...
>If she actually wants to be a good princess then she can't just up and leave whenever, and especially not to the beach.
You mean like she is about to?

>Stop making predictions
k. You're the writer, even if I hit the mark at all, you could change it. Not saying you did, but you could. This line is also irrelevant.

>We don't need it but imma do it anyway
I just like this reason for doing things, but it is unique if they all decided to move to the Everfree, doesn't mean we should.

>Give you a real reason other than I don't want it
Really the only one I got is that it kinda looks bad on her, even if she comes back the conquering hero ready to share the burden. Or it should, given the circumstances preceding. but it doesn't matter because you all are going to take them anyway. Honestly, I'm arguing with the one guy who is actually going to do something productive with a non chitin covered member of the harem and it probably wouldn't get done for a while otherwise or it might have, i don't know. So I'll stop.

She actually does. For some reason I forget her making up to him for sending him into the caves again turned into her fucking with him after the first one. It was the one where she was laughing about him being hurt.
She's actually not. Only the second one was meant to screw with him. She's really trying here.

Or supposed to be anyway.
Ah makes since since she actually shows worry in the other ones.
>Sweet Note

>You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up! You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up! You put the... does that song actually have any other lyrics?

Her only other companion in the dark, barely lit room, a single bobbleheaded diamond dog, nodded away as he always did.

>Well, shoot! Now I just look silly.

Sighing, she brought up straw in the the aforementioned coconut to her lips, and took a sip before turning her attention once again back to the flickering lights f the movie screen in front of her. Absently, she tried to focus on it, leaning back in her plush recliner while shoveling popcorn into her mouth.

>I wish Chitty was here, she probably knows the lyrics.

"We very much doubt tha-"


She didn't know what that noise that came from her was, but the sound of popcorn and a coconut splattering against something was familiar enough.

"...We are not amused."

Slowly, very slowly, she found the strength to peer over the back of the chair.

>...P-Princess Luna!?

Regally, she nodded, stepping more into the 'light', unnecessary though it was. Her starlight mane was rather hard to miss.

"We are."

>Oh... what the heck are you doing here? How did you get past the security!?

"Hrmph! Did thou really think us unable to circumvent such simple measures?"

>...Lasers are simple?

"They are to us!... Also, that is rather illegal."

>As opposed to breaking and entering?"

"HRMPH! You reside on OUR land, we may go as we please!"

>That... seems kinda dictatorish. But anyway, did you need something? Chitty's not in, can I take a message? She'll be back in like, five minutes, but I don't think she'll want to talk then either.

"...Thou art lacking a bit for being in the presence of royalty."

>You guys all suck.

She blinked once, twice, three times, but it still made no sense. It was a simple statement, yet somehow she simply could not wrap her head around it.

"...Come again?"


>You, royal guys, you all suck. Like... across the baord. Why would I be impressed by you? I hang out with Chitty all the time. She beat all of you guys.

"T'was a sneak attack against us! We were not defeated straight!"

>Newspapers said you tried to divebomb her.

"And what of it!?"

>Isn't that a sneak attack?

She held up her hoof, she opened her mouth, but she had surprisingly little to say to that.

>Uh huh.

"...HRMPH! Where is thine monster anyway? We wish to speak with her."

>She's out with Thirteen. It's cute! Thirteen was all like "Mom, I need you for something".

"We are so happy for the beast."

>Glad to hear it!

Again, the ex-prostitutes tone took quite a lot of the biting comments from the princesses retort.

"Well, if she is merely looking after her kin, I suppose there is little to be worried about."


"But be warned, mare, you ally yourself with a dangerous-"

>Got it!

"...She will quickly turn on you if-"


"...We are trying to protect you-"

>Wow, you are waaaayyyyyyy late on that one. Maybe when I had a pimp? Would've been really helpful there. But I know, you'd actually have to, ya' know, leave the cool place with all the rich ponies, I understand! I don't want to go back down there either.

She stared, her hoof and horn tingling as she felt the urge to slap the mare, or do something far worse.

But, instead, she took the high road, and decided now would be a good time to exit.

"Very well, but when one day the beast decides you are no more of worth to her than a wrapper of candy to be discarded, do not come to us for aide."

>Because you won't help me? Wow! That'll be new!


In a swirl of starlight and sparkles, she vanished.

>...Phew! Okay, so, that was terrifying. Thought she was going to, like... shoot me. Hmph! Figures they only pull this when Chitty's not around... huh, what do you know.

Her visit had lasted exactly five minutes.

>Figures... you put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up..
>I hang out with Chitty all the time. She beat all of you guys.

bitch, she flattened the whole city cos lololol i r big i want fight god woops i step on babby lol it weak and beneath me

go suck a dick and choke on it why dontcha
Dude, not cool
Sweet Note was a prostitute and the only person to ever help her in any way happened to be Bug-Godzilla, she can't help it.
I dunno. Sweet note is kinda coming off as a total bitch here.

I'm not even sure why this exists except to be like 'royals suck, chitty rules'

I miss when they were still in the library and AJ had to decide what to do about it. Also think how that was resolved was a missed opportunity.

>It is done, finally at last.

"Woohoo! Great job, Chitty, ya killed god!"

>Of course, was there ever doubt I would succeed?

"Hey, what's that hole in the sky?"

>Oh that? That is your so-called Heaven, I demolished it to get to Faust.

"Uh...ain't that where good ponies are supposed to go?"

>Certainly I had to destroy their very souls in order to get your God to appear.

"Huh, well I bet ya made if quick."

>No, I had to cause quite a bit of suffering to get her to stop trying to 'make me see the error of my ways'.

"Well, I'm sure they had it coming."

>It was mostly unborn foals...and Variolus for some reason.


>Oh, and your grandma says hello, and you're a dumb bitch. So did your great grandmother, and your great great grandmother. Frankly, your whole line dating back to your first ancestor cursed your name as I granted them a final death.


>...So, monopony?

"Regrets. Very many regrets."
Sweet Note as some rather serious issues with authority coming from the fact that never once did a guard look her way, never once did any of the Princesses try to do anything to make her city better, or any of the cities for that matter. She thinks all authority figures are like the typical priss assholes you see everywhere in Canterlot.
...which is why I miss when she didn't feel that way, and think the story where that came about due to losing faith in AJ is a missed opportunity.

I mean yeah there is the idea of AJ going and making her corner of that one city better as a start to making a lot of places better, but until we go somewhere with it, it may as well be sombra's body.
>I dunno. Sweet note is kinda coming off as a total bitch here.

She kinda is? She's been a snippy character since the start, she just got more in your face when Chitty had her back and even Princesses backed off.

>I'm not even sure why this exists except to be like 'royals suck, chitty rules'

Hopefully it's to have Luna go "HUH! When we neglect the poorest and the most vulnerable, they could come to idolize some really shitty individuals for no other reason than they'll actually help them out. Wow! We should probably do something about that!"

Maybe after Celly tells her Sweet Note used to idolize them and think them untouchable or something.

>I miss when they were still in the library and AJ had to decide what to do about it.

AJ did decide, she stuck to her guns and said "Too bad, you have to move." That's what disillusioned SN on the whole from the princesses. Well, one of the reasons. That Aj could go from a mare like her to just being like any of the rich fuckers who just plain didn't want to see 'ponies like her' around.
No, I know she decided. I remember that part.

It's what her decision WAS that felt like a missed opportunity to me,
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Your Waifu a shit. Posting true waifu.
Oh we'll get to her eventually.
Taking her on would be like having Big Mac be a regular cast member, I can't wait.
Yeah somewhere down the line she'll make a dramatic entrance as a semi-antag that gets redeemed ala Shimmy.

Can't wait to see how that plays out.
Hopefully with GlimGlam still alive. Don't want to get too many undead characters.

She could fly.

It was something she rarely did. She did not need to think of it for a second to know it true. She liked her hooves on solid ground, she loved the feeling of the earth beneath her, she didn't like it above it all. She didn't like looking down on others, much less now of all times. But, for all she found she did not want it, she could not deny when she needed it.

When the dark shape charged her, and she could do nothing but flap her wings and fly.

Around the circle she went, still beneath the top of the cliff edge that marked the corners of the Castle's surroundings. Around and around, flying with all she had. She had never pushed herself this far before, never flown this fast before, never put so much into it before. She was learning now, figuring out the best way to flap her wings, the best angle for speed, everything totally on the fly. Many times, she could recall them trying to teach her, show her, instruct her on all of this. Many times, she had ignored them. She didn't need it, didn't want it. All she needed were her four hooves and all the moxie she could bring. That was all. Anything she needed, she could solve with those alone.

Maybe, even now, she could have. Maybe if she had a bit more time, she could figure out how to work some earth pony ingenuity to outsmart the ling on her tail, but there was too much on the line. Too much was being risked here, right now, for her to put on the line for a single chance of failure. She had to use everything, even these wings, if it meant her gift stayed out of the grasp of the one who would ruin her chance.

She only needed them the once, that was all.

"This has gotten stupid."

It still might not be enough.

The Changeling was faster than her, swifter than her, all around a superior to her in every way in the sky. She could follow every bank, every twist, every movement as easily as if she were strutting down an open road on a sunny day.

In the sky, she really was Queen.


"You can't beat me up here, Applejack! You can't outrun me, you're just going in a circle! What are you hoping to accomplish?"

She noticed that. She had also noticed every single time she sought to go above the cusp of that cliff, a lance of green magic had forced her back down, fired over the tip of her hat every single time without fail. She knew this, she knew Chrysalis knew this, and it burned her as badly as if she had actually been hit by one of those beams.

"I think I've had enough of this."

She heard it, never needing to see it herself. he heard the strange sound of fire, the tingle of an odd magic, and the way her voice faded out as if the changeling were falling behind, as if she had stopped.

When the first signs of green entered her vision, she had already realized what was to come, and her mind was already miles away in panic.

There had to be something, that was all she could think. There had to be something she could do now, in this moment, before the Queen's grasped hold of her, before she took everything away. She thought back, to all her past experiences and lessons. She thought back to her training, to all the magic and powers her friends had tried to show her. She sought, in them, an answer.

She found nothing.

She found so little, so basic, there was nothing. Barely a memory at all, barely enough combined to fill the length of a particularly short brushing of her teeth in all her magic lessons. She had dismissed them, she had avoided them, she had ignored them.

She had nothing.

Nothing, when a dark hoof reached out from that fire, like a claw reaching from the depths of Tartarus to grab hold of her hopes and dreams and carry them away into the underworld to rest, nothing to fight back with or lean on. She had nothing.


Nothing, but her own horn, and her own wild throbbing as she pulled everything she had from it.

There was something.


She heard it again, just as she had when she had struck the earth. A sound, a pulse, a feeling, something around her, something still, something alive. She heard it, in the tingle of her horn she felt it, in her desperation she called it.

Rocks exploded from her side, the wall of stone rupturing again and raining shrapnel upon the chitinous body. Or, it would have, had the magic of the changeling not blocked every rock, every stone, deflected so much as ever speck of dirt from touching her immaculate black chitin.

"Did you really think more rocks were going to-"

Her words failed her, just as they had before. This time, it was not force that took her words away, no blow to the chest, but shock.

For a brief second, shock at the strange thing that had wrapped itself around her hind leg.

"What the fu-"

Snap went the sound as the green thing sprouting from the wall grew taut, a snap that rang out and lashed with all it had to pull the Queen in. So surprised, so taken off guard, she had no time to call a single scrap of magic to her whim before she was smacked against the side of the cliff like a toy tossed by an errant child, with all the grace of one as well.

She had felt it, she had heard it, those things beneath the earth. It did not matter that she had wings, it did not matter that she had a horn, at the end of the day she was, she would always be, an earth pony.

And no pony knew roots like earth ponies.

"...Well, now I'm just mad."

The moment she heard that hiss, the moment she recalled how very close she was to losing her gift, the moment she remembered just who it was who had nearly taken everything from her, she knew.

The feeling was mutual.

>Ya' ain't takin' it, you friggen bug monster.
Ho shit, double update!

And it has AJ confronting the fact she never learned magic AND THEN USING MAGIC WHILE FLYING

I am so fucking ready.
>She just keeps punking Chrysalis

I love it.
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Hoping for AJ win, because fuck Queen BugBitch.
I also kinda want AJ to win and set the apple aside of her own accord. I don't know why but the idea of chrysalis just stomping her and taking it nettles me.
There's a part of me that thinks somehow Chrysalis is going to almost die AGAIN and the apple will save her, at the cost of it's destruction.
there is an anon rooting for every possible outcome accept Chrissy wins. I was going to be mad until I realized this was an arc so she has to be beaten within an inch of her life, only to come back talking shit and pissing in Anon's Cheerios by being her.


>...Oh! Apparently, iffin' ya' eat the apple, all wounds will be healed. Neat, cool trick.



"...I'm bleeding into my skull."

>Noticed that.




>Lemme think a bit.


>It's just, Ah' could solve a lot of problems.


>Ya'll would understand.

"No I wouldn't,"

>Yer' lookin' better already!

"Something pink just rolled out of the crack in my skull."

>Didn't need it anyway!

"I can't move."

>Ain't like ya' were that active before!

"I'm dying."

>Walk it off you baby!


This I could accept as a legit way to go. Sounds cool, and could lead to friendship.
>wait wait wait no shit I didn't really want to hurt her!
*saves life using apple*
"the fuck? you kept thinking that thing was important as fuck, what gives?"
>If you die I have to deal with all the changelings alone, FUCK THAT!
This guy has a point.
...The fuck would that work?

>Eat the apple of honesty, it'll fix you!
"What part of being honest involves repairing damage to biology?"
>Fine! Don't eat it!
"I just want a little consistency!"
>Tell it to the fellas in the afterlife.
you're doubting something that comes from the TREE OF FUCKING HARMONY
I'm personally a fan of the theory it just does shit so people will leave if alone.

>Oh my god, shut up about Discord, here have some jewelry you two little shits.
>Oh great, catfight, I dunno, they can send one to time out now, fuck it.
>Oh you wanna give the jewelry back? Here, have a mystery box.
Admit it, you're PP anon and you just wanted to make that joke, didn't you?
It is a dues ex machina for a reason. It does whatever the plot demands to fix the problem...eventually.
...Okay that's a lucky guess. You couldn't have known that was me...and yes I've been wanting an opportunity to make that joke.

He was drunk.

"Fuggen...riotsh...fuggen...shtupid bashtards..."

Very...very drunk.

"Who givesh a sssshit about shome pink jackasssh over in shiny shiny land? I wann' go to Losh Pegashush...get onna boat...to Haywaii...my beach...my shun...I jusht...why?"

This was pathetic.

She sat down beside him, trying not to let the burning stench of alcohol get to her. How long had he been there? How much of the bag full of bits in a wagon next to him on the floor of the bar had he spent.

No matter.

>You know, perhaps this is a sign.

He didn't look at her, he probably didn't even register whose voice had addressed him.

"Of fucken what? You shay karma an' I'll kick yer ash.."

>I rather doubt that. I mean perhaps this is a chance to show you that you have a higher calling in life.

"No sssshit."

>Perhaps what you're running from is what you were meant to do all along.

"Hate cleanin' floorsh..."

>Who said I was talking about that...

She leaned in to his ear.

>Snake Eyes?

His eyes snapped wide, he looked at her and nearly fell out of his chair.




>Really? You think I couldn't put two and two together that you'd managed to make it out? There were no casualties.

"Don't...you shaid my codename! In public!"

>The ponies of Canterlot are celebrating their moral victory. Far far away from here.

"...shit. No...no no no, you go away! You hear me!? I'm done! Done! I'm going-"

>To Haywaii? To your beach? To your paid floozies? How many times are you going to tell yourself that lie? You can't escape what you are, Snake Eyes, you never even wanted to.

"...leave...leave me alone..."

>You want that thrill, you want to do one more job, you want to satisfaction of getting away with anything. You think a bag of bits is going to change that? Please.


>Think about your options, Snake Eyes, you really want to lay forgotten on a beach? Or do you want to get whispered about, stories of so many ponies that just disappear, nobody knowing that it was all one single oh so clever pegasus that could do what they live in fear of changelings doing. Do you want to be a nobody?

She leaned in again, giving him a long hard stare.

>Or do you want to be The Nobody?


She smiled, slipping off the stool, plucking out a bit and dropping it in his bag.

>Offer's open, call that one last commission of your janitorial services: Cleaning up your garbage life.

She began to walk away.


She stopped, the croak of the drunken pegasus like music to her ears.

"...what'sh the job?"

Exhaling contentedly, she turned around and sat beside him once more.

>Tell me...what do you happen to know about what's under this mountain?

Excellent. This is overtaking the Gala as my favorite arc, and after such a slow start, too.

Now, though, I want to see Chrysalis lose her shit. Just completely lose it due to Applejack of all ponies overpowering her.

We've seen Applejack go through that countless times. I'd like to see that from our resident Queen Bitch.


Come on!
He had a nice thing going on!
He could follow them to the beach!
Not caves!
He actually could have just taken a vacation, he was rich after that last bit. He can take some time off.
Oh, right. Forgot she made plans with Vekir.
She's not our waifu, she's our princess, get your facts straight.

>Alright, I'm calling in help on this one.

"Wow, uh... while Ah' am a mite flattered ya' called me outta everyone, can Ah' suggest that maybe ya' go ta' the paperbug instead? She seems more like... she'd know what she was doin' in general, ta' be honest. Like, Ah'm not sayin' it wouldn't work in general, just that, ya' know, she'd probably outpace me a bit and give ya' a way better time."

>Awww, come on Applejack! You're just fine. More than fine, even.

"Now, see, ya' say that, but ya' ain't seen me during. Ah' mostly sit there and wait for whoever Ah'm with ta' tell me what ta' do and then kinda follow their lead."

>That's plenty for me, if I can join you in being honest. Cadence normally lets me handle almost everything, she just likes to sit back and let me do the hard part too.

"When she does it, you mean. Cause-"

>Because it almost never happens, yeah, I know...

"...Awww, shucks, fine."


"Yep, it's fine."

>Great! Oh, thank goodness, I thought I was going to go crazy just playing with myself, it didn't work at all!

"Yeah, sometimes ya' need somethin' a little more, Ah' get it. Now... how do ya' wanna get started? Ah've got all day, and nobody expects you or me back for hours. We can do anythin' ya' want... how do we start?"

>Well, generally you hit the little 'start game' button and then the video game does the starting.

"Ya' ain't gonna put in a code?"


"Er, that cross a line?"

>Codes are for toads, Applejack, codes are for toads.


>Wartoads specifically, that game is HARD!

"Why don't ya' just play with Spike?"

>Spike is a dirty cheater.

"...Huh, for some strange reason, Ah' sympathize with him. Alright, what do we-"

~DO DO Doooooooo~

"...Oh, that's the kill yer'self button, neat!"

>This is going to take a while.

~But... I thought I was your player 2....~
Ehhh, there's some overlap in there.
Right? Total grey area. To avoid suspicion of possible bias, I'll just say she's strictly my queen.

...I mean, princess. Prinnnncess.

Not a word of what she had said before was exaggerated. In fact, upon reflection, the word 'mad' was simply far too mute an understatement.

"I've had enough of this shit!"

The wind beneath her wings carried her as fast and as far as she could, still within the confines of those constricting walls surrounding her. As before, she called to the roots beneath the ground, she called to the stones along the wall, she called to them, and she pulled them to her.

It was not refined, it was not controlled, it was little more than yanking with all she had and hoping that it would work. That it did was nothing less than a miracle. That it was so ineffective was nothing less than a crushing defeat.

The vines found themselves shredded, the stones destroyed, and even the dirt itself burned to glass beneath a searing heat of fire and power. She had ceased her game, her careful approach, and now charged her like a maddened bull, so angry red was clearly visible in those eyes even while she was tearing away as fast as she could.

The echoing sounds nearly deafened her, that horrible crunch of rock or snap of root or vine rocking in her skull as it bounced off the walls in vibrating waves. She hated it, she hated the sound, she hated the throbbing in her head, but she could not stop.

That green glow was getting closer, it was closing in, with every passing second it grew nearer and nearer.

>Ah' said get away!

They moved like snakes alive, twin ropes from the ground so thick they must have come from a massive tree. They rolled, becoming a shape she knew so well she could make one in her sleep, lassos the waved and rolled as they hovered above her head. She lashed out, aiming right for the leg to hold the changeling back, to snap her against the wall and break her as she had done before.

Instead, the only snap she received was that of the twine, both of them, breaking in two without even slowing her down.

"That is it!"

She was done.



She lashed out, shattering a boulder that had been tossed with a whip of green.

"Have had!"

In her rage, chitin proved stronger than stone, breaking one as well without a care.


Plants hissed and sizzled, smoke rising into the sky as they were reduced to nothing more than cinders.

"Of this shit!"

One final move, one final attack, and she had to put everything she had into it.

One final move where she dug deep, deep inside of her, and called. She felt her free hoof, the one not holding the gift so dear, strain as it grasped something that was not there. She felt her muscles burn with pain as she brought out everything she had to bare, everything inside of her. She pulled, with all the fire inside of her and all the strength she had worked for, she pulled.

What came was not a rumble, it was a roar.

It was nothing less than a roar of destruction as a pillar, so tall it would not even fit in her office back in Canterlot, erupted from the side of the wall of the cliff. A massive, jagged monstrosity, circular and steady despite it's shape, roared out, and sought the changeling, it sought her to crush her and finally end her, with everything it had.

It sought, until it stopped, and was still.

Her heart sank, dropping like a broken bird as she watched the thing stop on a dime, held in place by magic not her own. Not matter how much she pushed, no matter how much she pulled, no matter how much she strained, the pillar would not move. Something, far stronger than she was, held it in place.

Something that glared at her, and snarled like a wild animal.


Chrysalis twisted that chitinous hoof, throwing it forward as if to point. Instead, the monstrous thing was hurled, leaving a gaping hole where it had been. She dodged, as quickly as she could, just long enough for it to fly over. She had missed that shot. She was safe, for a moment.

Then came the pain.


Before she could blink, react, think at all, a hoof hooked under her chin, and struck her with such force she found herself bouncing against the stone like a rubber ball. She was stopped abruptly, held in place by more green flame, held still for just a second before the world became a blur as she was shot back to earth.

It hurt when she landed, it hurt like little else in her life had ever hurt before. She felt her back shoot with pain and she found it hard to breath.

The Queen, however, had no such issues as she landed, and marched forwards. No more slow walks, no more careful steps, marched with determination.

Through it all, she had never even loosened her grip on her gift. Now, with every step, that seemed almost useless.

Magic, all of her magic, rushed to her horn, only to be slapped away almost derisively, broken by a wash of magic beyond her own. That power knocked her down, held her down, would not let her so much as breath. That power took it from her, took the ability to fight back, and that was just the start.

Chrysalis was going to take it from her, and she couldn't stop it.


The changeling did not.

>Don't... don't you understand...

She marched on, hungry like a shark to it's prey.

>You can't...

In no time at all, she was over her, looming like a dark shadow about to blight out all the light in Equestria.

She reached down, reached to take it, and it almost over.

Everything was almost over.

>You need to stop!

The air that passed by following that was heavy, almost to the point of stillness.


It was only then, when she felt that cool breeze on her face, that she noticed the weight, the tingle in her hoof, had never left. Only then, could she find the strength to open her eyes and look.

Only then could she see the hoof hovering precious few inches above Equestria's salvation. Stopped in place, still and unmoving.

She could see it, and every twitch in it's chitin as it struggled to move.


She did not think, not a second longer. She did not wait or pause, she lashed out. She bucked with everything her hooves had, finding purchase in the chitin on the Queen's chest, and casting her away as she had been cast away the day of the wedding, flying back until her back slammed hard into the still crumbling wall.

It hit her, far more powerfully than any blow the Queen could make, what that moment had meant. What that pause, that instant, had meant.


She heard the Queen hiss, snarl and struggle to get the air back into her lungs, just long enough for a retort. The changeling didn't make one, in time.

That was okay.

She could fill in for her.

>Yer' gonna regret the day you ever met me.
Hoo boy, we're about to ride the disaster pony directly into 'Aw Fuck' canyon.
Speaking of, holy shit that place is going to collapse at this rate!
...Huh. I just reailzed, at NO point in this fight has Chrysalis had the upper hand by the end. AJ always turns it around and gets the last shot in.

>>Yer' gonna regret the day you ever met me.

Preeeetty sure she already does.

"A goddamn ballroom is not worth this bullshit!"

Yeah it feels weird, Chrysalis not having the upperhoof for once, no snide remarks or last word. About time it was AJ.

>You know there's not a lot I really deem necessary to warn you about, Armor.

“I would imagine so, Set.”


“Two can play at that game, pal.”

>But that sounds so stupid...

“And just 'Armor' doesn't?”

>…Moving on. Put a tack in that, we'll circle back around later but moving on. This newfound… hobby, if you can call it that, that you've found with my queen-

“Which one? You have two and I have hobbies with both."

>Oddly, I feel I should strike you for the way you responded just now. And I mean the first one. The Alpha.


>Shut up!

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry- it's just… you're so serious about it….”

>Protection is a serious business, one I don't take lightly, Shining.

“I know. Trust me, I know. That's what makes it so funny.”

>Look, all I'm trying to say is this little fetish for drowning you've somehow roped my Alpha into, it better not-

“Technically! Technically, Jet, she started that with me first. She roped ME, not the other way arou-"

>How it started or who started it doesn't matter. All that matters is how it continues. And it better continue on amicably, if you catch my drift.

“The fact that you're worried about an immortal being like Celly being fatally drowned is both funny and sad. Funny because you think she can be done in like that. And sad that you think she can be done in like that.”

>…Just watch over her. Okay?

“Like you need to ask.”

>Good. Now then, secret missions to do, enemies of the shadows to see off, I'll take my leave for now, Armor and-

“Hey, how about joining us in a session some time? Who knows, maybe experiencing death would relax you a little bit, take the edge off.”

>I'd sooner go shopping with Rarity during a half-off sale at Mares.


They knew it. Not a one of them needed to look at the clock, they just knew it.

The moment the skinny, sickly looking ling stood up, they knew it.

>Times up, pony.

He winced, trying not to let it show, failing miserably.

"We've got a minute thirty left!"

>No, you don't.

"...My watch is fast, do you mind if we hold off on this while I go get it fixed-"


The Queen rose to her full, massive height, standing so far above them all she cast the smaller ling in shadow.

>Go find him.

"That... thaaat does not seem like a good idea-"

'No, what was a bad idea was waiting this long in the first place. Move.'

This was it, the captain knew. This was his one, his only, chance to stop her. It wasn't much, it wasn't even assured, but it was his only chance.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to step back or-"

'Nevermind, I forgot how short you were.'

It was only a little painful to his pride that she literally just stepped over him as if he were a crack in the road, and headed towards the town. It was just a little humiliating.

Just a little.

"Look out for the-"



They did, every one of the mob dived out of the way as she stomped past, unabated or caring to anyone in her way. With even that final barrier gone, there was nothing to stop her now.

He had to try.

"What are you planning to do!? Search every home?"


~OH CRAP! Is there anyone in town to like, lock the doors or something?~


~You know, I don't think we thought this mob thing through.~

~Spur of the moment, yeah.~

While they panicked, something else had come to the captain of the guard. It wasn't much, but it was something.

"CHITANIA! I'll have you know it's illegal to search random homes, breaking and entering is just as illegal for you as it is for anyone else! If you try it, I'll-"

'Ineffectually fight me and get sent home in a shoebox. I know, trust me, I know. Feel free to try it at any point.'


She continued on, uncaring, not even bothering to look back at him.

[Captain? What... what should we do?]

He didn't know, really. He didn't have a plan, he didn't have an idea, he didn't know.

"...Your mother is going to have to pay for wrecking the town, you know."

>She can live with that.

"I'm serious! If she wrecks this town, there won't be any way to fix this situation!"

>She doesn't need to wreck it, or break anything. She'll have him in a minute, stop whining.

He had no idea what she could possibly mean by that, or in what possible scenario she could find him without breaking anything, but it didn't matter at all.

Whatever she thought it was, she didn't believe it.



"Stay here, do your jobs and hang on!"

{Sir? What are you going to do? What can you do!?}

He tore off, full tilt, running as fast as he possibly could. Trying to catch up with her, trying to do something, trying to just be noticed at all. To them, to those wondering what the soldier had asked, he had only a single response.

It was short, it was sweet, and it was as honest as he had ever been in his life.

"I have no idea!"
Wait...doesn't chitty care if she breaks the law?

She's been really careful to not do that up to this point because it would cancel her amnesty.

Now she just suddenly doesn't care?
>Now she just suddenly doesn't care?

She hasn't actually broken the law yet, and 13 said

>She doesn't need to wreck it, or break anything. She'll have him in a minute, stop whining.

So presumably she's not actually going to be rooting through ponies houses, she has a way to locate him somehow.

....which she does, now that I think about it, she found them back when she got let loose too, that's why she ended up in Canterlot, but it's not precise unless she's close by.
eh......i dunno. I guess it'll depend if the author actually has her break and enter.
>Wait...doesn't chitty care if she breaks the law?

She did when she had access to the library, if this whole mess ends up with her being banned from it, she gives no fucks about anything. She only played nice so she could continue on without being harassed.

Also that, she's had changeling-finders since the first thread she showed up in. Specifically, for drones, she can't locate Queens or she would have noticed that Chrysalis wasn't there.
Right, but she's not banned from it yet. And it'd be a massive stretch to say that she is banned from using the library as a result of an investigation into the castle.
If it all doesn't blow up in AJs face in the end, I'll be disappointed.

We join our intrepid trio on the plains of Equestria.

“uh…Twilight? You ok? Sure you want to do this again?”

>AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Why ever do you ask such a ridiculous question CAPTAIN DAAAAAAAASHIE!?

…The mare had seen better days. Eyes twitching, mane disheveled, a grin of madness plastered across her face.

‘Uh..twilight? maybe calm down a bit?’

>Calm. CALM!? How can I be calm when I’ve finally got it! This time! This time for sure! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BEHOLD! The FLIGHTAPULT!

She gestured to the siege weapon behind her.

“That’s a catapult.”

>So it appears to the UNTRAINED eye! To those of us who UNDERSTAND, like me and Spike here, it is CLEARLY a FLIGHTAPULT! SPIKE! Put this on!

She roughly shoved a package at the dragon, who complied out of fear more than anything.

‘O-ok twilight, but…what am I putting on?’

>A wing Suit! And Heat vision goggles!


>BECAUSE! This system is 3 stage! First! The flightapult will hurl you into the sky! SECOND! You deploy the wingsuit to glide away! THIRD! You use the goggles to find thermals rising from the ground to gain height and continue gliding indefinitely! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


>Excuse me!?

‘No. That is not how that works. Spike. Don’t do this. You will die.”

>Do it spike! You don’t want to disappoint your big sister and waste her hard work do you!?

“Seriously. Death will be the result of this. You will not survive.”

>Pish posh! She doesn’t know science! *I* know science! This will of course work! It has to.

“I may not know Science, but I DO know flying! This will not fly!”

>It will!







They stopped and looked at him.

‘It’s my call right? I’ll give it a shot’


The purple mare ran off to prepare the Flightapult.


“What shall I tell Aj and rarity your last words were?”

‘If I don’t make it out of this. Tell those mares I said ‘Hello’.’

“Be Serious!”

‘I really don’t expect to die here.’

“You think this will WORK!?”

‘Not remotely. But hey, I’m getting to know the nurses really well, so there’s that.’

“Ugh! You’re an idiot!”

>Spike! We’re ready!

‘Coming! It’ll be fine dash, you’ll see.’

He walked over to the catapult and got in.

>Ready to FLY!?


>Then I’ll pull the lever in launch seconds!

‘Wait, wha-‘


And the dragon flew. Launched into the air by the Flightapult he quickly reached the apex of his flight and against all odds and many of the laws of physics opened his wingsuit up and began to glide.



‘Huh. This is working oddly well…oh hey is that a thermal?’

Catching the uprising warm air the dragon spiraled higher and higher into the sky allowing him to stay in the air and continue his flight.

“this cannot be happeneing.”

>Well it is so SUCK IT!

He flitted back and forth through the air. Moving from thermal to thermal flying as free as a hawk.

>At last….

Finishing his trial flight he guide himself down to a gentle stop landing on his feet.

‘Wow twilight! That worked great!

>I’m so glad! Now I can get back to my other projects! And you can get back to your paperwork without lengthy hospital stays!

‘…Right. That’s…that’s great.’
>Great! I’ll just go pack up the Flightapult and we can check this off the list!

She turned her back and walked over to the flightapult beginning to pack it up never noticing the downcast expression on the dragon’s face, or his eyes darting back and forth as he thought through what he was going to do next.



He set the flight suit on fire and it went up like a bush drenched in gasoline.

‘Oh no twilight! The flightsuit burnt up! I guess this wouldn’t work after all!’


‘Well I mean, what if I got hit by lighting? I’d plummet out of the sky on fire. This obviously won’t work.’


It hurt to see her so downtrodden. To see the wind go out of her sails. But it had to be done.

‘Back to the drawing board I guess?’


The saddened mare slumped and began slowly walking back to the castle.


‘…Look, I don’t get to spend a lot of time with twilight anymore, y’know? We used to be inseparable but now….I just wanted an excuse to spend more time with her. I’ll go get her her favorite ice cream and she’ll perk right back up and start on some new crazy way to get me in the air, and we’ll hang out for a little longer.’

The stricken blue Pegasus looked at him in disbelief, then pulled him into a hug,

“You Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Sorta Sweet, Needy, Stupid, Stupid,


“Dumb, Moronic, Idiotic, Brain dead,”

‘Is this gonna just keep going? I kinda have stuff to do…’

“Foolish, rock skulled, mind numbingly retarded,”

‘I really need to-‘

“Stupid, stuipid, stupid, stupid, stupid-“

‘Guess I better get comfortable.’

Awwww... that's kinda sad.
>Pommel gonna get BTFO'd again

If it does, then I'll be vastly disappointed.
It's obviously not going to go good for her
Rageylis taught me to expect the unexpected. So I hope on.

>... Verily, doth the sound of thunder approach, with clashing steps against the ground in every burst. I hear it, in the wind, on the souls of the damned, I hear the wails as the beast doth draw near.

"Yeah, not looking so good... your accent needs work by the way."

>Mine accent is perfect!... Oh dear, I think she is actually coming towards us now.

"That's what it seems like, yeah. Kind of wondering how this is going to get worse."

'Trixie has to use the bathroom.'



'We've been in here an hour!'

>..I welcome death.
She just figured out her apple is still working.

What's going to follow is probably going to be VERY good for her, I'd wager.
>Twi crazy seeping back in

Ok fine, noncanon then
Wait, why? Isn't that the reaction you were hoping for? People going "Oh no he got pulled back in and things were going so well?
Nah, mind rapist spy dude gets to go to the beach like everyone else.

Put him in a Hawaiian shirt and have him sing Kokomo.
>Nah, mind rapist spy dude gets to go to the beach like everyone else.

Oh neat, Seven's going? Awesome!
>Who knows, maybe experiencing death would relax you a little bit, take the edge off.”

These are the words spoken only a a stallion who feels nothing good in him no longer
Huh, when did Jetset catch wind of this?



"Look, Jetset, but honestly I'm the one more at risk here, really, I have to hope she isn't being forgetful or trying to be a tease cos... Yeah this sounds weird and contradictory given the context, buuuuut I have a lot to live for"
>Huh, when did Jetset catch wind of this?
OOCO so I'm guessing some time after all this he does. The guy's a secret agent, can't imagine it being tough to spot his alpha drowning his rival.
>can't imagine it being tough to spot his alpha drowning his rival.

>Excellent work my Queen, I admire and adore your efficiency in deducting and eliminating weak links within your cabal, if only I had put down the scoundrel myself.

"...Ummm... No, Jetset, no.... Bad Jetset, it's not like that, please don't teleport in on me while I'm in the bathroom."

>Kind of wondering how this is going to get worse."

If she weren't a walking corpse already, I'd suspect Sunset of intentionally jinxing it because she craves death
>she craves death

Alright we'll jot her down on the list of "frequent suicidal desires and derivations" along with the others, carry on sir
Wait what. You've got a list? Now I'm curious. Who is on it? And I mean, seriously at risk and not just someone who might be fed up now and then with their environment.
Shining Armor
and now Jetset
Huh, well when you put it like that, no-one really.

Buuuut, if we're more lenient

>Celestia, active, repeated suicides
>Shining Armour, active, repeated suicides
>Applejack, offhand, rare cases
>Twilight, offhand, recent addition, rare cases

Any more?
>and now Jetset
I meant Sunset, god damnit
I was just about to say.
Snrk. That misspell makes me edit >>25819981 so that when Shiny calls him Set, Sunset turns up all happy someone called for her, only for Shiny's eye to start bleeding as he snaps at her that he wouldn't even call out her name if a steel girder was about to drop on her.

You can pretty much bet Jetset will get all hot and bothered over Shiny's MurderBoner side.

And then they'd fuck in the Omakes

She didn't know why, she couldn't understand how, she was lost to explain what had changed.

>Ya' don't wanna take another step.

All she knew was that when she felt that tingle, that power in her hooves again, when she saw that once again raging Queen pause mid-step, she felt something. She felt something special, something she hadn't felt in a very, very long time. Something that no amount of words could ever describe, nothing could compare to the simple sight of watching her pause.

"Why don't I, now?"

She knew she was pushing her luck now, just as she had before, she knew that in all likelyhood she had done something special that time, something she had missed, she understood the risks, all of them.

>Because there's a bomb right in front of you.

She took them, gladly, gambled away with all the abandon of a reckless colt in a casino.

When that chitinous body wretched back, terrified of the thing only she knew to be there, she heard the celebratory sounds of a jackpot playing in her mind. She even savored it, just for a second, that wonderful feeling with her again, before she stamped her hoof, and drove a spire right into the unguarded backside of the changeling, sending her sprawling in a panic towards what she thought would spell her doom.

Flame of emerald power carried her away before the 'bomb' could take hold, just as she knew the Queen would, and once again said royal was on the attack, directly behind herself and floating in the air on wings that flapped rapidly to compensate for the new height.

She divebombed, honed in like a missile now. She could see something in the brief instant she had to look into the Queen's eyes, a look buried away in those depths, a look of confusion and determination. Chrysalis could not tell, even now, what was going on, or how she had done something as complicated as planting a bomb, and she sought to end it, now.

>Don't go forwards, because Ah'm to yer' left.

She banked abruptly, slamming into the wall like a drunkard off her rocker in her quest to attack the pony she knew for a fact to be there. She recovered quickly, far too quickly, looking around in a haze before spotting her again in the same spot she had been, and attacking once more. All pretenses gone, magic of green charged atop her skull, and she prepared to fire.

>Motion spells are up above me.

Fire she did, at absolutely nothing but air, a lance of green energy cutting the wind and not a thing else. But the tilt of her head offered something, in the end.

An open chin, just waiting for Kicks M'gee to come to meet it.

The changeling cried out in pain as she was rocked back, struggling to stay afloat just before another attack came in the form of a chunk of wall ripped free to be cast at her. She instinctively blocked, faster than even it's speed could match.

>That rock is made of marshmallow.

Only to let her guard down an instant before it struck, thinking it harmless.

It was not.

"Son of a bitch!"

So much confusion, Chrysalis could not grasp a bit of it, so much pain, apparent from all she had taken thus far, so much.

And she was just getting started.

>Somethin's attacking from below!

Of course, all her attention immediately went down, just before a vine up above ripped free and whipped her painfully across the back, slamming her down into the ground before coiling around her waist and whipping her back up and into the very top of the high walls, shattering the top and sending rubble out into the Everfree forest.

The Queen teleported free, already on the move, but no matter where she came from it simply did not matter.

When she felt the magic of telekinesis grab her, when she saw the new vantage point of the Queen, she reacted with nothing but words.

>Yer' grabbin' the wrong Applejack, real one is behind you.

It was all she needed.


The Queen turned, expecting to find another Applejack directly where she knew her to be. Instead, she found nothing but the pillar that Applejack had made before. Far more mobile than it had been before, as well.

The Queen blocked, holding back with all her might against the massive shape pressing down on her, but it would not be enough.

>That ain't gonna work.

Her words needed no magic to be proven true. Instead, roots of trees hundreds of years old did so, wiggling and twisting around both ends and pulling with all the magical might she could bring. Against the pull of gravity and magic, the Queen could not stand.

Had she not seen the ring of red on in the center, watched the stone so massive split in two around her and the beam of ethereal green light shooting up into the sky, she might've been worried if that would be more than a simple injury.

Instead, when she saw the Queen consumed in rage, she wished it had been.

The Queen hovered there, so angry, so unhinged growling with blood and spit. Magic, so much magic, ready to be unleashed. So much, she felt the heat all the way at the bottom of that cliff. So powerful her hairs stood on ends, she watched as the Queen brought everything to her call.

When she saw the very first, tiny flickers of flame, she knew what she had to do.

>Chrysalis? That last attack caused a methane leak, iffin' ya' use any flames at all it's gonna blow.

That was the very first time she had ever seen the Queen diffused, both figuratively or literally. Her magic, almost all of it, from teleportation or otherwise, produced a flame image. If that flame meant it was volatile, she knew the Queen would not be prone to find out.

"...Fine. I'll do it the hard way!'

She tore off, wings positively abuzz so fast they could barely be seen as she charged down flying with reckless abandon towards herself.

Strangely, she never felt worried.

>Iffin' ya' fly anymore, yer' wings are going to pop right off.


It had something to do with the image of her eyes bugging out in fear, and her wings ceasing to move as if hit by a freezing spell. Chrysalis fell, she fell right towards her, no magic, no flight.

Nothing to protect the Queen, when she brought out a power neither had ever seen before. Of magic swirling around her hooves, wrapping them in a thing of the earth, binding them in something solid and grassy, just to give them that last little bit of oomf.

That last little bit she punched right into the side of the Queen's face.

She watched as Chrysalis rolled, and rolled, and rolled. She watched, until at last she came to a painful, shaking stop.

The changeling lie there in pain. Just for a moment, before she rose to chitinous hooves again. The Queen was still ready to fight.

She had to take that from her.

>Yer' magic ain't gonna work after that hit.

With that, any magic being called was gone.

>Yer' wings will pop off iffin' ya' try ta' fly.

As did the faint buzz on her back.

>Yer' teleport will set off the gas that will kill you.

That one only to be sure.

>...Ya' can't beat mah' magic.

That was it, that was everything. She had removed any obstacle, any possible retaliation, from the Queen. With this, she had won.

>Iffin' ya' keep fighting... yer' gonna lose.

Even without the apple, she knew it to be the truth now. There was no denying it, now, or ever again. She knew that if she were to fight, she would lose.

The Apple had done the impossible, she had made Chrysalis, with all her power, a non issue. Even with all her magic and strength, she had not been able to fight her, let alone even touch her. This Apple would work on anyone, any foe as low as a colt or as powerful as Discord, she could handle them all now.

She could save Equestria from any fight, without throwing a single blow.

And now, it was time to end her very first one.

>It's pointless to keep fighting. You want to give up.

It was almost done.

"...it's true."


Okay, Applejack is legitimately scary there. Just, fucking her up so hard without ever even trying.
The goddamn EOH are less broken than that thing, at least with them you need all six!
My educated guess is that Chrysalis is going to hold a speech how she DOES want to give up, how everything around her crumbling and everyone hating her and her species is driving her close to completely forfeiting.

And then she'll either tell AJ that she will never give In to that impulse while beating her shit in or AJ will realize she went too far and relent the power.

Third option is propably BAD END wherein changes the world forever.

That sound about right? Mind, I am only guessing because I am completely enraptured by the current development, not to be an ass.
Epic. Truly epic.

Now. Will Applejack continue and lose herself? Perhaps offer a helping hoof on the stipulation that Chrysalis leave her apple be? Or will Chrysalis somehow gain the upper hoof?

So many ways this could go.....
>is that Chrysalis is going to hold a speech how she DOES want to give up, how everything around her crumbling and everyone hating her and her species is driving her close to completely forfeiting.
GASP! Maybe...could it possibly lead to a heart to heart with Applejack?!
I would say that, or she just stops listening to her lies, says 'fuck it' and goes kamikaze.
AJ ends up hospitalized harder than Chryssie ever was combined, Canterlot gains an apple atrefact
how many times has spike put that gun to his head now?

He's gotta make the list.
...And lo' just as in the before time with Chrysalis, we have arrived at Applejack's version of God-mode. And damn if it ain't the sweetest thing ever.

It's hard to listen to her lies if they're instantly transplanted into you as a concrete fact. No time to think it's a lie, just truth.
Here is a question.
Would you rather trust professional mind controller that knows his shit, Or an amateur that just tasted true power and can fuck you up by accident?
Too bad
See, thats the point.
All that power hinges on being able to implant the 'truth' into your opponent, mostly by voice.
When you start noticing a correlation between spoken words and an extremely convenient outcome, you can either shut her up, or stop listening.
You cant listen without working eardrums..

I admit it won't be easy, pony sign lanuage is difficult to perform AND understand, but it's the only way!
Great now I'm laughing my ass off picturing a deaf Chrysalis walking around yelling it "WHAT?!" all the time.
>mostly by voice.
Keyword is mostly. If other implements like written word could be used, well, it'd be one interesting ass fight to say the least.
All this is predicated on the notion that chrysalis figures out what is going on and immediately figures out a workaround.

That's just silly.

She is not perfect and it is unrealistic for her to react perfectly in every situation.
Hey, I totally agree. That'd be beyond silly.
>All this is predicated on the notion that chrysalis figures out what is going on and immediately figures out a workaround.

Funny part? It looks like that wouldn't work at all, the Apple seems to have the latent power that you just don't question it, Chrysalis only wants it because Applejack hit her over it.
This is not the law.

Not until she brands it into Chrysalis's ass.
Oh myyyy~
... how much harder does she have to hit her before that happens? She hit her with more than a god damn nuke made of rocks by this point
Is it possible she can make a death star out of rocks?
Original brand deathstar? Or the new one which I won't say too much about so as not to be 'that guy'
>going to see the movie tomorrow
...technically it's abrams.

Lucas didn't write or direct this time 'round.

He's so done he didn't think there SHOULD be an ep. 7-9.
for all the pomp and circumstance about the op queen getting her shit pushed in, we never let her win a big fight or moment. Whereas the absolute lowest we have put AJ is a Pyrrhic victory. So this is literally status quo. Queen bitch loses and gets hurt and AJ wins.
cordyceps she and twilight were the ones to save everyone

PL it was her mind magic that stopped flutters

Robot invasion she single handedly defended the crystal empire

What are you talking about? have we read the same thread??
>AJ stoping the bomb saved everyone, Shiny and Celestia kept them alive, and Chrissy had to give up her mostly useless but she is proud of them changeling powers to cure the rest.
>power of friendship fixed her (her plan was to make Fluttershy brain damaged) and chrysalis got lit up like she hit a bug zapper
>she got burnt out and hospitalized and gave up her last big plan to take over to stop Blueblood's B team while Spike took out the mothership
Oh no. Her victories came with a cost.
Nigga I'm still salty over Phasma

Fucken wasted talent of Gwendoline Christie man.

Yeah she has a body composed entirely out of rectangles but still..
She IS the bad guy, always was (thanks mind rapist/actual rapist) always will be (Maybe less rape but I haven't seen any pressed charges)
>Welcome to Late Night /pa/ with your host Pinkie Pie! It's during this time that content doesn't matter, and running is good exercise!

"...why are you doing that when there's no camera?"

>Doing what?

"...never mind. We're at your dreamhouse, but considering that's just a set of stairs away, that's not very far. Shouldn't we try to wake up or something?"

>Your shadow would probably still be around when you go back to sleep...or stay in my dream. I should ask Princess Luna about-
A cardboard Luna cutout falls to the floor next to them.
>Oh hey...that's not a good sign.

'As if running away from the problem will solve it.'

>But it's the Doctor Whooves tactic!

'Well, here's mah tactic!'
Pinkie gets shot by the halberdshotgun.


ShadowAJ plants the halberd portion into AJ's shoulder and AJ collapses.

'You know what this reminds of?'

"...Oh the time me and mah cousin Peach-"

"'Were playing with sharpened wooden katanas and ended up planting the katana into her side, and had to use duct tape to keep her from bleeding out.'"

"Yeah, Ah remember. Hooo..."

'...it wasn't one of those funny ha ha accidents.'

"No, no it wasn't. Ah still feel bad about that one."

Pinkie lifts her head.
>Really? You're going to do this now?
I don't necessarily agree, but even then, so what?
Does her being good or bad dictates if shes going to win or lose a fight?
It shouldn't.
It doesn't dictate, I don't think so, not for me at least, but it certainly doesn't make me root for her in most situations/feel sympathy if she loses or joy if she wins.
Pinkie, don't question it. Wow that sentence feels weird to type.
You realize she's already signed on for the next movie, yes?
Still.... you'd think they use her more in the first one
I figure it's set up for a redemption arc.

Consider outside of Ren and probably Hux, she is THE go-to minion the Order, to have her humiliated in such a way has to either lead to her becoming a nemesis for Finn, or her being disgraced and forced to go her own way. I expect to see her armor get more dinged up as time goes on.
ugh. 'General' Hux. General my arse. That kid is still wet behind the ears. He looks to be my age at best or more likely younger and many of my buddies are in the military and going up like shots. Even the most talented and charismatic guy I know has only made captain. And he just whine and Meeks every line....ugh. Give me an aged commander who looks like he belongs there any day.
I honestly stifled a chuckle when he was trying his "Ginger Hitler" speech.

But that shit paled into comparison when Not-Darth Vader took off his hat to reveal that he was in fact Not-Jon Snow
I don't want to really go much more into this because spoilers and all that but I loved that he wasn't scarred under that helmet, it just reinforces he's a piece of shit focused on the deeds of his predecessor without any idea what that road leads to.

Ok kids enough with the Space Fights movies, let's get back to the important stuff; writing our autistic collaborative goat anime fanfiction on a Laotian mushroom cultivation forum
Ok, but if you don't think I'm parodying it later, you are sorely mistaken
alright alright. last one from me.

but anon! He's so pretty! ...of course he's less pretty now, and continuing a great family tradition.

Ladies and gentlemen the skywalker family! Everyone please put your hands together for...aw...

and mark hammil as 'sir not appearing in this film'
Oh god AJ!

>...So, uh, what do you and Celestia do when you hang out?


>Is it... like... weird stuff?

"No, uh... no, not weird."

>Cause, she's always got this weird look when you come out of wherever.

"Nahhhhhh, that's... just her happy look!"

>Is it weird stuff?

"Little bit?"

>Can... can I try it?"

"Wow, no."

>Oh come on, why not?

"...It's, uh, adult stuff, you wouldn't understand."


"...Oh, right, you're not as young as Applebloom-"








"...it's true."

That should have been the end.

The undeniable truth, burned into her, seared into Chrysalis's mind as unassailable, cast there with all the unbeatable magic of the tree of harmony. The changeling knew this now as nothing less than fact, that it was pointless, and that she wanted to give up. Thoughts of doing this to anyone, any foe, were already in her mind as she looked back to her wonderful gift, to the thing that even now still throbbed that off red color as it lie in her hooves.

With this, any opponent, any of them, could be defeated before they ever started, a few words all that would be needed to end a fight before it ever began. No matter what the foe, no matter how grand, she could merely speak to them and end it. No fight, no argument, nothing at all, just some words. And even if they sought to fight anyway, she could defeat them all the same, just as easily. She would not have to even try, she could simply win by speaking at them until they broke themselves, no effort, no battle.

The Apple answered all that she had asked of it, and so much more. She had wanted a way to fix Equesteia's current problem, but it could do so much more. From now on, she could tell them that they wanted to do their jobs right, and make hers so much easier. File all their stuff right, that they wanted to obey every law, she could tell them to do everything. One speech, and Equestria was fixed. Now, and forever. There would be no more sliding back, no more struggling to get it right, it was simply done.

She had asked, she had received. Now she would bring harmony to the world.

And she would be honest the whole way.

She knew that was why she, of all of them, had been chosen. She had been gifted specifically, because she was going to be honest the whole way. It really was better if they didn't fight, if they stopped being suspicious of the changelings, if the changelings just wanted to merge in peacefully.

That was the truth.


That's what she was going to say to them, the truth, and then they would know it was the truth. All this Apple took away was the doubt, nothing more. All it did was remove the suspicion. Frankly, she thought the whole world could do better off without that anyway.

She would prove it.

"Yeah... I do want to give up..."

Just as soon as this was done.

The Queen ran, just as she expected her to. She had known from the start that the instant she heard that she could not win, she would run away with tail between her legs, she would run away like a scared animal when she faced a foe she could not force into submission. She knew she was going to run from the start.

There was just one problem.

>What in tarnation are you doing!?

She was running the wrong way.

>You can't win, dang it!

She swiped with her free hoof, power coursing through it to split the ground she had dragged a plow across it, dirt flying everywhere as the unseen attack struck towards her foe. The changeling leapt, those long legs providing just enough jump to get her up over it, letting it pass her by without being so much as scratched.

She tried again, stamping her hoof to summon more stones to her call, hurling them with a flick of her neck. Again, the changeling was too quick, bending too low or sliding to fast to the side to catch. She was so fast, so lithe thanks to her lanky form, not a one could find purchase. She was so fast, thanks to those legs that covered so much ground in single strides.

So fast, In the few seconds she had spent shocked, the Queen was already upon her.

>Get away!

The Queen struck, a blow aiming right for her hat covered head. Instinctively, she blocked with her free limb, knowing that it would not be enough, trying to call whatever magic she had to defend her.

She heard a crack, and for a moment, she thought herself ended.

When her eyes opened up, and she saw why she felt no pain in her hoof, she thought of something else.

"What the fuck..."


The chitinous hoof strained, trying to force it's way past, but it could not. Bark of some kind had enshrouded the limb she sought to get past, and had blocked every scrap of the blow. It was cracked, and damaged, but it would not break.

>Ah' said... get back ya' friggen bug monster!

She lashed out, a crack of her own sounding in with the cry of pain let out by the changeling. The last of that defensive plating shattered with the force of the magic, not that she needed it anymore. Chrysalis was cast away yet again, a brand new bruise to show for her efforts.

But she would not stay down.

She rose again, she charged again, not a second of hesitation.

>Ah' said get back!

Into the ground she slammed her hoof, and from that earth a massive plate of stone as wide as the cliff itself sprung up, completely sealing off the pathway between them. With no way there, she dared to hope that the Queen would get the hint.

Instead she heard scraping, and grunting, and noises that made her head throb even more with anger just before she saw a mossy green mane poke itself over the top of the hill, heralded by a horn of obsidian. Bringing with it, of all things, rocks.

The Queen hurled a spear of jagged stone the moment she crested.

She called, just as she had before, for assistance. She cast no spell, she did not control it, her magic simply went wild, and she did not need to move an inch when that spear shattered harmlessly against her new chest plating.

>You can't win.

She felt it wrapping around her, barley waiting for it to finish before she shot forwards on a single burst of her wings. With speed the Queen could not match on hooves alone, she struck, knocking her clear off that new wall with such force she met the painful stones of the cliff before she fell back to earth.

She hovered there, her wings beating to keep her steady as she glared down at the Queen. The one that, despite all her new injuries, would not stay down.


The one who, yet again, raced up the side of the wall, and charged her.

>You can't win!

She struck, but she did not land on Chitin as expected. Nor did the Queen reach her. No, she fell short, causing her to swipe at nothing at all. In the air, the Queen's wings flared out, but to her surprise she did not push her luck and attempt to fly, or even glide.

Instead, a rope, made of one of the many vines she had created, fell loose, wrapping itself around her hoof in an impressive, if shoddily made, lasso.

Before she could take a second to admire it, she was was pulled to the ground by the Queen's superior weight. If said Queen had been hoping that she would smack into the ground as she had before, she was to be sorely disappointed. She landed on all four hooves, steady and strong. Angry, at the most.

And what better way to vent that anger, than on the Queen that charged her the moment all four hooves touched with a flurry of blows so fast it was hard to follow.

But follow she did, be it exhaustion or her new power, she could follow every blow, dodge them, and strike back with more power than the Queen could bare. She was nearly broken, from just that shot alone.

She would not stay down.

The moment it seemed she was about to try again with close combat, she stamped her hoof in command, and all around her roots erupted from the ground and began to swirl, creating a never ending, chopping barrier between her and the Queen.

>You can't win! This is all pointless! This ain't gonna work! You're just gonna hurt yourself and not accomplish anything!

Her hoof panged with every command, every truth. For she needed no magic in order to make them so, they were the truth, and nothing less. Chrysalis would only hurt herself if she did not stop.

She did not stop.

She charged, right into those whipping vines, and grabbed hold.

>You're gonna lose!


Chrysalis was swung around and around, rising up higher and higher as more more magic was poured into those vines, more magic that made them rise up until they crested the cracked and broken barriers around the edge of the cliff.

"I know already!"

If only her words had matched her actions.

She couldn't keep the twitch from her eye as she watched the Queen at last reach the very tip of the roots, and hopped up. She couldn't keep the growl from her teeth as she watched that Queen slide down, riding her vines with careful precision. She couldn't keep the anger from making her slam her hoof down just a second before the Queen reached low enough she could leap free and attack her.

Leap, she did, but all she found were the roots closing in before she could make it an inch lower, and slapping the bug pony into the dirt at her side like a massive flyswatter.

Still, the moment she could push those roots away, she rose up, and struck again, the blow glancing off that wonderful new armor.

>Ah'... said...

She did not know what she was reaching for when she pawed at the ground, but when her hoof found purchase in a root, she did not question it.


She swung forwards, dirt erupting with her movement as she pulled something free. Chrysalis tried to block, more instinctive than conscious, but she may as well have held paper to a cannon ball. When the hammer of stone struck, she merely crumpled like any other.

>Stay down.

Every time she tried to rise, she hammered her again, literally.

>Stay down!

Every time she tried to get up, another blow.


Every time, until she finally stopped.

>...you need to give up.

She heard a wheeze, she heard a gasp.

Then, she heard laughter.

"I know... I can't."

>Why the heck not!?

She heard no answer, saw nothing in the prone changeling, no movement of any kind.

>Ah' said, why!?

Despite herself, she was curious, she needed to know.

>Answer me-

It burned.


It was fine in a second, burning in the next. Something right into her eyes, something thrown too fast from her prone opponent just before she could react. She felt the burn, right in her eyes.


She poured everything she had into that attack, one so massive that she heard everything shatter, break and crumble, she heard everything break as she unleashed everything, all her power, all her magic, in front of her.

Soon, only the sound of stone falling against stone, and the sound of dirt pouring through cracks was all she could hear. Only that, and silence.


Silence that was murdered, killed, slaughter by that damned laugh, directly behind her. She had jumped past, just before the blast could take her.

>Ya'll never want to do that stupid laugh again.

She commanded, as she had before, and she waited.

But the tingle of power never reached her hoof. Only now, in her panic, did she notice the weight had left it as well.


She brushed the substances from her eyes. She had to see it, she had to know.


She had to see the Queen, on her side, on the ground.

Clutching the Apple in her hooves.

"I always hated apples."

Her heart, her everything, locked in frozen terror as she watched the green start to form around that black, deadly horn.


She called it, every bit of magic she had left, every scrap of power these damned wings and horn could give her.

But it would not be fast enough.

The Queen had already charged, and fired a ball of green.

"...Well, shit."

A ball of green that fizzled against it, useless.

"Guess I'm... out of power.... h-hah..."

Her magic left in relief, but she was not done.

>Chrysalis... either you give me that apple right now...

Her throat burned, her limbs shook beneath her armor, but she stayed strong.

She brought her new make-shift hammer before her, and glared.

>Or Ah'm gonna kill you.

She did not need the apple.

The Queen knew it was the truth.
Oh shit, I just realized how close we are to the end.... fuck! This is almost done! I just need a few more and AJ's story can come to a satisfying close!

I know I'm holding stuff back, I'm sorry, but I'm so close I promise! I'm so close to the end! This might not make it before auto bump, but if this continues into the next thread it'll just be the very start. I wanted it to end this thread, but you know. Star wars talk.

Sorry, but it is almost over! We're almost at the end of this crazy line, and believe it or not, NOW is when shit gets introspective!

>I wanted it to end this thread, but you know. Star wars talk.

Uh, our Star Wars talk or other, unrelated Star Wars talk.

If it was us, I deeeeply apologize.
>It's almost over

In actually kinda sad to see it go.

Holy shit, so many creative uses of her magic for such basic powers, so much cool action, and we get to see AJ like we've never before.

In honestly trying to imagine what Chrysalis is thinking though all of this.
Probably this:


Over and over again.
>Pop in "Save the World" during this
>Realize something

...Oh shit, uh...

Was AJ the villain here?
There's a fine fine line, anon.

And the bitch riding a unicycle on it while juggling chainsaws as the Sabre Dance is blaring.
...Oh goddamn it.

I'm fucking rooting for Chrysalis. The moment she kept fighting, I actually wanted to see her beat my waifu. I betrayed my waifu out of seeing some straight up unstoppable determination.

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ah shit.gif
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>Even when AJ get's the development, powers, new stuff and introspection, Chrysalis still wins
...Fuck it.

We're like, 25 posts from the end or something, you just wanna save it for next thread and go to Omakes?

...huh, well that's a hell of a coincidence.

But honestly if both characters grow from it, isn't it a win for both?

>Hey, mom?

"Sweetie, I'm trying to work right now."

>No, yeah, I get'cha, and I'm really proud and all, it's cool!

"...thank you."

>But uhhh... need yer' help.

"I just told you, I can't help right now."

>Kinda important.

"Go get Shining, he'll fix it for you."

>Ah' would, but Ah' don't know if Ah'd make it.

"The bathroom is over there."

>Not what Ah'm talkin' about, but gotcha! Noted! It's just like.... they're there.

"I'm busy, honey."

>...Can I just have the thing under yer' desk?"


>Kay! This'll work!

"...wait, what did I have under my desk?"


Out in the barren hallway, in a room of pitch black, she saw them.

So many, many eyes.

>Now, Ah' know yer' used ta' gettin' stuff from a bear, and it's cool and all! But... ya' see, there's a issue.

Something, in the dark, clicked.

>Iffin' ya' want mah' marchmalleys, it'll be over mah cold dead body!

They screeched in the dark, all of them diving right for her bag.


Atta girl
>Chrysalis still wins

She hasn't won yet, she's out of power and AJ's about to go full Hammertime on her.

Also, just so we're all clear, we HAVE to use that one picture for next OP, right? All grassy version armor AJ?

There will literally never be a better time.
>AJ uses mindcontrol, magic and flight to kick Chrysalis's shit in.
>Chrysalis uses wits, stamina and personal skills like lassoing in order to fight back, and eventually gets a win in.


Well, guess we can now make an argument anytime someone says Chrysalis would win 100 percent of the time.

>Oh! Oh! I know! I can be the airbender instead! It would be awesome!



~And in braking news today, a tornado made of water ravages Equestria. Just to add insult to injury, it is full of octopi, whales, piranhas and sharks. After pointing out those are all salt water fish and that the tornado came from fresh water, our resident marine biologist descended into madness and began jibbering in tongues. All is lost.~



>...Well, i never said I was the good guy-



>Man... I wish I was with the crusaders. This sucks.

"No, ya donth."

>... Er, hi? Who are you?

"Namth Twitht. And it isnth surprising you donth know who I am."

>... Are you important?

"Uth to be Applebloomth Beth friend. Then came tha cruthatders."


"Ya really wanna end up like me?"

>It's just, I really want some screen time! To be in the action!

"Thereth only one way to do that, and it aint pretty."

>How not pretty?




>...let me get my moms "promotion" lipstick on...

"Gonna have ta wait, Applebloomth sithster ith nailin him into the bed."

>... I can wait.


>... And maybe watch.
Ok, now, if ever there was a line that needed drawing with this joke, this is it.
Damn straight! You ain't no fuckin pooh bear, you ain't got no pop gun!

CE represent.

>So, what was that stuff you threw in my eyes anyway?

"Oh, my urine."


"I have a little bottle of it in my hoof hole."


"Neat, huh?"

>...Whelp. Thats enough of this life.

"What do you mean... what are you pouring all over yourself?"


"Why... why were you carrying kerosene-"


"HOLY SHIT!... But i still don't know why you had it in the first place!"
It's a setup, wait till next omakes for the payoff.

>...Have we actually done anything this time?


>Huh. Seemed like this was supposed to be a you thing, wasn't it? Your reveal and all that.


>Buuuut instead AJ got like... everything.

"Uh huh."

>Cool powers, nice character, an action scene....

"All of that."



>...Are you crying-


Holy fucking shit my sides....

"Where the fuck did you learn to make a hammer anyway?"

>Ah' didn't, think there was just a rock on this root or something.

"Huh. And the wall of chopping vine things?"

>Roots Ah'm makin' whip.

"The rocks?"

>Magic rock throwing.

"...This all seems kinda basic when you get down to it."

>Kicked your ass pretty good.

"Touche, Appleass, touche."
My God AJ is having an epic ass time of it all. I absolutely love it.
Whelp, time for end of thread roundup!

>AJ can give some mean apple related advice.
You literally cannot get meaner than this. >>25823213
>Pinkie jumps a shark.
NO SEQUEL FOR YOU! >>25801445
>Derpy tries to sneak the jury duty summons to Chitania via paper airplane.
She succeeds, sort of! >>25800064
>2 needs to watch out for Heffalumps and woozles or they'll steal her marchmally.
>Watch out for sharknados.
Oh, nevermind, you do get one! Just like the real sharknado!>>25830740
>Babs Seed wishes she was with the Crusaders.
Twist agrees, thats a bad idea.>>25830980
>The Crusaders discover Zonkeys are a thing.
And would rather they didn't! >>25810605
>Encouraging fanservice!
When the universe tells Shiny not to date someone, HE SAYS FUCK YOU>>25800830

>In actually kinda sad to see it go.
It has to end, Anon.

It has to end, so AJ's journey, whatever it will be, can truly begin!

>Do you even know what that apple does?


>...then why are ya' goin' at it while Ah'm beatin' the snot out of you?

"Because you didn't want me to have it."



>Friggen bug monster.

"Y'know, Shining's balls must've run completely dry at this point. And that guy.... Yeesh, I have never seen anyone as blueballed as he was"

>Yeah well, what can I say, it's been more than worth it.

"Still hard"

>Straight and true....yadangrapist

"What was that?"

>I said y'all gonna need a therapist after Ah'm through with you

"Ah hah, real funny sweet cheeks, cos guess what?"

>Gonna run cryin' to yer "REFUGEES WELCOME" home?

"Naaaaaah, look at it, YOU'RE the bad guy here! and I'M the underdog! YOU'RE IN THE WROOONG~ YOU'RE GONNA LOOOOSE NAH NAH NANA NAAAAH~"

>I-well-Ah'...Well at least Ah'ma get plenty of character development outta this. Imma become a more... interesting and depth-y pony, y'all see!

"OOOOOH! So scaaaawy, what after like... 100 FUCKING THREADS THEY FINALLY THROW YOU A BONE?! Pffft. Look at me, I've been getting character development since the first 10 threads! DRAMA! CONFLICT! SPECTACLE! RESOLUTION! I'm waaay more nuanced then you'll EVER be"

>It's.... not.....like that....Dangit!

"Suuuure thing miss "Ah' can't even have actual heavy stories that are more than 6 posts long" or should it be "My only other bulk of development only happened after Ah' sat mah fat ass in a office doing fuck all"

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and oh God it finally happened. I've completely fallen behind and the only thing saving me is the recap (who I have to thank very much for doing what you do).

I'm sorry folks. How would Pinkie summarize the thread in one sentence?
>mah fat ass
Really. That's victory enough right there.
>Looks like time has run out back I Ponyville! Meanwhile, the battle between Applejack and Chrysalis for the fate of Equestria reaches a stunning peak!
Fuck you, Chrysalsi
>This is bump
>I'm twenty minutes from my house


Uh... New thread might be a touch late unless anyone wants to fill in, we already know who the Pic is going to be.
She needs to borrow Screwloose's jacket, have a little hug me session.
You're also a douche.
Well, at least I'm actually on time for once.

Pinkie Preview
>Time has run out back in Ponyville while the battle between Applejack and Chrysalis for the fate of Equestria reaches a stunning peak!
>Rarity played that funky music and laid down the boogie. I confuse people by speaking in very rapid Spanish. Rainbow Dash shows how radical she can be. A tiger won't stop climbing the counter eating Fluttershy's frosted flakes. Luna laughs at Celestia for getting her hoof stuck in a pickle jar. Spike, DT, and Silver Spoon share a very kid moment. The crusaders realize eagles are jerks when Winona gets nabbed! Find out what happens next in thread 114: It's a Space Fight Apple Warming Special, Applejack!...and of course Jingle fanservice!
Sorry for the dealy,

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