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Anonfilly Thread: Sex Drugs and Rock & Roll

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 496
Thread images: 134

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>Great. Another general. What is it?

You better believe it's another fuckin general.
This thread consists of everyone's favorite human Anon, the only problem is that he's now a cute, green little filly.

>What should I expect?

Fillies, shenanigans, and usually a bitchy Twilight.

>Pictures? Pastebins?

Find them here:

>I'm a writer!
Awesome! Just be sure to link your pastebin to the OP for Fauvra to add!

Old Mare Anon: >>25622756
Did that anon find a good sweater for the little filly he found? Or did they die with the old thread?
first for do not abuse the fillies
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sorry dubs, you came a little to late, now the thread is for abuse and its all yore fault
Yup definitely need sleeping filly pic.

Also a shot out to ThatGuyM8. If you're out there keep writing that story! It's soo good!
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Goodnight thread, hope you don't don't get SIDS during the night
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Sleep tight poner
Syndrome immune deficiency syndrome?

dang nice gif dude
Great, now we fucking need a rockstar anonfilly.
Ugh, dayum, mah heart.
So, here's the question, senpai:

Do I bring this little horsie with me to class tomorrow? Or do I trust her to stay home and behave herself?
Pulling off school escapades will be epic. Need to have a shirt with a front pocket though.
Horsie looks like she could be naughty. I'd take her along.
You mean sex, drugs and sausage rolls?
Where them pastebins?
Preferably the ones with the sausage rolls
night bump
There are no sausage rolls in Equestria ya dinguses
But there are hot dogs, so one could assume there are sausage rolls.
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>hot dogs
More like hot Spikes
Federally required bump
first nyxpost
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Fug off, Crhysposters win
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Anon because anon.
>they told me I could become anything
>so I became a filly
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
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I say we both deserve to win.
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Filly Fiddler's drunk again.
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Have a clean anonfilly.
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And anon.
You take /r/s?
Sure, watcha want?
my dubs say i win
Anonfilly and Nyx dbz fusion

(not the same anon that asked)
no, MY dubs say i win
Nice try faggots, it's obvious i'm the winner here
Nyx, Nyx, Nyx, Nyx
This damn faggot got double dubs
my double dubs confirm nyxposting is the winner
eat shit Chrysposter
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I tried something probably shit
Problem is I haven't been Chrisposting faggot
Who is Nyx?
Fancy.i posted the clean parts for anons to play with.
A shit OC trying to fag up our thread.
By this
I mean, i'll need a reference for Nyx, as i have no idea what Nyx looks like.
Just ignore nyx posting
I'm the Chrysposter, faggot
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You know you love her really.
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cereal anon when
Be nice to your sister anonfilly.
there is literally nothing wrong with liking nyx
Nyx looks like a tumblrite.
>Anon gives tumblrite nyx what she needs
>A good dicking
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Don't see how this can possibly go wrong. She's been surprisingly compliant today... Maybe she's starting to trust me?
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Waiting for some comfy green
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Classic Anonymous

Continuing from the point where I gave up on writing this shit, went to play Fallout and realised that my laptop is overheating like a bitch and went back to wanking on 4chan doing nothing, pic related: http://pastebin.com/Tg39Y32g

>Twilight has been interrogating Anon the Second for a long time now
>You don't really have a watch, but it feels like fucking forever
>You wonder what she's asking him
>Maybe more about Earth?
>Well, she's gonna find out that USA is not actually an atomic wasteland full of armed people and adventures
>And there's no real communists left
>She liked their ideas, though
>You remember it like it was yesterday...
>"Anonymous, what are those 'commies' you keep talking about?"
"Well, you know Twilight, 'commies' aren't really people, but an idea that everyone should be equal and every one of theirs' opinions matter, humans tried recreating it in their world, but... it didn't turn out good."
>She mutters something to herself, and then slowly replies
>"I guess Starlight was a FUCKING COMMIE HOLY SHIT"
>Things went to shit fast
>You still didn't know who Starlight was
"Aah, wonderful memories of times when I was a human."
>You look down on your sexy pone body
"But being a horse has its benefits."
Updated the pastebin
Your wait is not over until other writefags are back, my shit is Fo:E worthy
Backpack paper pone is go. Trek on adventurer.
>Anon The 'One Punch Colt'
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>Anon has the subterranean dream
>Instead of the swole guys its the diamond dogs
>Princess luna, watching like the perv she is, ends the dream early, because she doesn't like the idea of a kid being violent.
>Anon wakes up
>Hears dogs burst up from the ground in ponyville
>Excitedly rushes out into town, punches the first dog, splattering him against a wall
>Horrifying the other pones
>Anon's face when they run off.
Would he be completely hairless?
As in, he doesn't even have a coat?
yes. that could be played for humour
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>"looks its the weird bald colt!"
>"Hey nice coat baldie!"
>"Nice rat tail loser!"
Lookin cute!
Might get bored though. What do fillies play with?
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Now that you mention it, she does look a little bored. How does one entertain a little filly?
I want this.
Give her a ball to play with !
>Give her a ball to play with !
teach her about those summations you got on the page there
maybe she has a thirst for knowledge
Anonfilly hiding from filly fiddler Twilight.
what happened to all the writefags?
I want Anonmare to sit on my face
Or maybe some string or yarn on the end of a stick like ribbon dancing or whatever.
They became the little filly and now are currently having a hot filly/colt orgy.
Anonfilly being found by fillyfiddler twilight
Anonfilly being pounded by fillyfucker twilight
Anonfilly as Alucard as from Hellsing
Anonfilly as Nyx
>You stand there in the street.
>You can , albeit faintly, hear ponies whispering behind you.
>They are not your concern though
>you stare at your hoof
>wathcing as steam hisses from the surface, twisting away to dissipate in the air.
>you look away from it, staring into the collapsd hole before you.
>sighing you lower your head and begin to walk home
>twilight will give you an earful about this
>as will....well pretty much everyone else
>to be fair he did announce he was going to pillage the place, and that dream had gotten your hopes up
>you plod back to the palace, slowly and half-heartedly walking away from the scene
>maybe the next one will be strong enough...
wrong thread?
it's an animu thing
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Get him Sis!
Emergency boop
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"You getting me some fuckin' watermelon and fried chicken while you're at it, Sparkle?"
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Shit. It's been kind of a busy day, and I haven't been able to entertain her. I think she might be mad.

How do you cheer up a tiny filly?
have you remembered to feed her?
cum on her, faggot
Give her a ball or like a cat a thing on a stick with a string.
Anything to keep her entertained. Maybe dress up?
Dubs confirm. You'll enjoy it, FillyAnon, promise.
Fuck don't please
I wonder how different this general would be if I didn't write out that green
draw that filly a smiley face
fillies love smiley faces
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It would probably be all sunshine and rainbows m8. Sunshine and rainbows.
you wrote the first anonfillyabuse fic?
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I don't get it.
Most likely not.
But it seemed to garner some attention when mine started.
at least to me
Based lewd colourist.

I don't know how to explain so I tried do by myself.
Need a welfare check on this one.
Let her watch cartoons
>inb4 he puts on my little pony
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Dinner time makes poneh happy
Careful she doesn't try to get on your Internet. You don't want her to find something to maitre l mature on accident
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I don't think that'll be a problem right now...
Guess she's not enthralled with pony boards
Ah, when you can't read cursaive
It's Russian, so don't feel bad if you can't read it.
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Ктo жe тeбя зacтaвил пpo этy хpeнь пиcaть?
U here, faggot?Where the fuck is he?!You said FOUR days.It's been four already.WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!
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Fug off, mr. dubs
Ya nichego ne znauy, pust' Peerazhoque sam reschit che delat'
%%Vsmisle ne znaesh'?Ti tak ot nego nihera i ne slyshal s teh por?%%
Fuck, it's not 2ch
этo нaш кoнeчный эcce зa клacce "pyccкaя литepaтypa."

я тoлькo хoчy pиcoвaть филлиc... :^(
Did u rike it?
Stwy tuned for the thrilling conclusion!
I love it!
Hy yдaчи тoгдa, чe. Зaeзжaй к нaм, пopиcyeм caм кьют филлиc
Hey guys, which story should i start with? where did this all start?
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This as anonfilly
drawfags plz
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Horse Cock's is a good one, if you want feels, check out All Nighter Fgt, and if ya want a not-dead story and keks, GSW ofc
>mfw I post a lenny face
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Anonfilly/colt x Nyx OTP
>not Anonfilly x Anoncolt
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I wanna see Anonfilly/Spike because why the hell not.
Ooh hey!
Nice story you did there.
Thanks for the read!
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>liking a mans personality sexually
>not liking the thought of being in a lesbian relationship
I've seen actual lesbians and their relationships, not just the porn fantasies.

I want nothing to do with that
Needs Spike in the background
In that case would Spike and Nyx be called

Holy fuck I'm a genius, also I'm not sorry.
one of Nike's parents is Styx.
Just FYI
>i've seen some 3dpd lesbians and hate it
C'mon, at least anoncolt x nyx, nyx a cute & is nightmare moon
give pone a new dress
Why not Anoncolt x normal adult Nightmare Moon for some SS?
anticipatin' a good filly fiddlin'.
>normal adult nightmare moon

Well I didn't know you were such a faget.
>Anonfilly and Anoncolt go through puberty
>fuck constantly, and everywhere
How about Anoncolt x big Mac or sombra for some GS then?
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>Not being an earth pony
thats because i originally drew the filly as nyx and fagets cant into basic image editing.
tb honest it was cuter that way family
pls give me something to draw.
one punch colt
Cute, awkward, adolescent anon pone things. Doesn't have to be romantic or sexual, just something that a young mare/stallion might have trouble with.
hello, anon hq? we have lift-off
i like these two.
how about nightmare moon being all seductive to anon
Anonfilly being forced by Twilight to put a bandage on Nyx after hurting her.
Anon filly riding on Bic macs shoulders and saying something akin to "twilight's been acting like a Bitch lately. I think she needs some dick. You should fuck the shit out of her"
Big Mac looks suprised/embarrassed by the remark
What kind of nightmare moon?
she's a big mare for me_
okay i like all of them.
the lewdest kind. no armor
like nyx
for fucks sake. no.
ill get to work on normal nightmare x anon ,and this >>25703889
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I love you.
dye your coat like white or something not black and then maybe ill love you back
I think I actually saw an alternative disguise where it was white. I'll see if I can find it later.
>google nyx disguise
>literally second result in google images

Do you love me yet?
What this Nyx faggotry all about?
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heres some very, very rough ideas for the requests
it made me laugh
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forgot text
>180 posts in
>still no substantial green
guys pls
the art is nice tho
>be anonfilly
>you haven't ate all day, so you decide to see how grass tastes
>you walk out of twi-twi's ugly ass caste an take a small bite
>"it's shit/10"
I like how he stays true to the character by being as annoying as fuck.
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I want this
Wh-what do you mean by
>no green
I can fix that

It's just the fucking laptop that refuses to boot up 'cause it's hot as shit
You're hot as shit.
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no, we shall not, there is literally nothing wrong with liking nyx, stop hating her
it's cuz she's black, right? fucking sunfag
>there is literally nothing wrong with being a faggot and shitting in a thread with a shitty OC
>implying she's shit
>implying she's somehow worse than bump
Aww I was being nice too.
"Y'all just said something about bumps, ya li'l sons o' bitches?"
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>there is literally nothing wrong with liking nyx
but it's true
I want that to happen with nyx, although granted. It was probabily capped on /pol/ which is a lot more autistic.
>anon arrives in Equestria
>all he's wanted is to be the pretty mare
>to make his wish come true he must make a sacrifice
>Anon kidnaps Nyx and sacrifices her to the blood god
>Anon's wish is granted
>he is now the little Anon filly
>...that looks like Nyx
that's why I specified that anon became anon filly, because anon filly has a distinct look

if she looks like Nyx, then it isn't anon filly
I know, I just wanted to twist your teats a little.
Sorry, m8.
Kinda went with the whole "eating your enemy's heart to gain his strength" idea, only you got her appearance instead.
combating shitposting with shitposting? I like it! it's fine
Fuck off, Page 8.
And now he spends the remainder of his life masturbating furiously.
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but also a kek
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>despair but also digits
Is this pony despair? Doesn't look too bad.
Has this been linked in here? It contains femanon as a pony, I think that is relevant enough for this thread.


Probably more appropriate for the age-difference thread.



I think there's another where Rumble tries to mount her, but he's too short.
I think this would be more appropriate.



>anon is turned into a colt
>uses his perceived naivety to trick mares into /ss/
>systematically impregnates every mare in town

I wish i knew how to write.
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She sure knows how to bargain.
There needs to be more like this!
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>despair internally

>There needs to be more like this!
Agree. I also wish i knew how to write.
9/11 I came
cunt destroyer
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do not boop the filly
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But anon, fillies are for booping
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Come ooooon~
Just one little boop?
Here comes the boop train~
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I will bite you
boop nyx I heard she likes it
i bite back
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That red spade looks too much like a clit.
i bite gently ;) most of time
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A-fuckin'-right, I now have a working PC, will write some stuff later today.
Have some Trix.
I wonder if pony kind would take any of anon filly claim seriously to any degree, I'd like to see the scenario of an anon filly being stalked by some eldritch abomination coming from his worst nightmare, akin to a phantasmal killer.
poor little anon gets visiously and forcefully pounded by a depraved predator!
My ejaculating won't stop
Fuck, I've been away for just under 2 hours and it already feels like the whole day has passed ^:(
Looks like it's time for sum green
where were u when GSW died

>i was sit in my room cooking my balls on a computer
>when phone ring-a-ding-ding
>"gsw is kil"
I cri evry tiem
Equestria confirmed for Britain
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Where was i when GSW died?

>I was asleep.
>Because pacific time.
>Hears phone go off.
>"GSW is kill."
Cool cool.
Don't forget to like and subscrible.
Maybe it's just a token for one guaranteed ass pounding?
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K, since I'm officially dead, story updates whenever I come up
with stuff. Bye

Mrs. Palmer, pls stop
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What ever happened to good old ST? Did he just fall off the face of the world? I miss that guy...

Pic not related.
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>trixie cutie mark in top left corner
why would anyone want to sell their Team Captain?
Drug are not better than a sweet ass looking hat that's worth more than human life
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Thank you.

The drugs were to fuck up with Twilight.
This kind of hat remember me threads about ponies drugged that pop up sometimes.

I was about to draw this changeling delivering the hat to Aryanne. She owned the changeling army while use Chrysalis as sexual slave.
I give up because I have no idea of what to do after this.
after not only missing out on drugs, but also beaten and molested I'd wager fillyanon would really feel like getting drunk, by going to Sweet Apple Acres and raiding the cider cellar.
Of course, one of the Apples finds him(her) before he can really get a good buzz going. What they do to him after I dont know.
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You know, I gotta say, I really love how much you've contributed to my AnonFilly folder. You oughta think about takin' up a name. You've done plenty to deserve it at this point.
A-anon? Where's our cute pone news update?
What's wrong, Mr. Dubs?
Does anyone remember those 'disappointed to your hors family threads' and the anonphonse ideas?
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That's 2lewd for a bluboard
Du har fel bäst hest thats what is wrong
nothing at all
i love me some trixie
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I can't sew for shit, apparently. Poor pone is trapped.
Nyx and Anonfilly swap bodies.
but, it's so fucking cute.... trapped or not, it's fucking adorable
Looks kind of like a Lamia
Nyx & twilight swap bodies, anonfilly & rarity swap bodies
Luna eclipsed scene with twilight saying "i helped"?
at least she came
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k bror, that better?
twilight a shit
go back to trixie
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Even with dubs? k
free her from the prison, then try a hat instead
What kind of hat are you thinking? A fedora?
not sure, maybe something cute that pone might like
child safety helmet or that stupid thing nyx wears
An SS Officer's Hat.
I was thinking a flower crown.... pones like flowers right?
It's called a Garland.
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Thank you.
All contribution is just for fun.
I don't want a name because i don't care so much about this. I don't have

tumblr, deviantart or other things because I get busy with work most of the

So just enjoy this little filly.


moar pls
>5 legs
oh my
I think pone will love it
Do I smell a rape coming on?
nah just a naugty filly getting a rightly deserved spanking.
With Big Macs 5th leg. Its Apple tradition!
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Great idea Anon, she loves it!
What a qt
whats that blue shit on the side of your hand
reflective light that appears blue. probably reflected from some bluish surface.
>Still has a human stomach
>Grass make Anonfilly vomit all over the carpet
>Twilight savagely beats Anonfilly as punishment
>Screams of Anonfilly bring guards running into the room
>No matter the species, children are OFF LIMITS
>One guard knocks Twilight unconscious before she has a chance to realize they've turned on her
>The other guard flies to the hospital to bring a doctor over
>The first guard magically calls in reinforcements and then comforts anonfilly
>Anonfilly tells everything
>Twilight is brought in front of court at Canterlot
>Princesses declare Twilight guilty of foal abuse
>b/c it was found out that she transformed Anon against his will just to punish him (and nearly kill him several times), additional charges of "torture" and "attempted murder" are tacked on to her sentence
>Twilight's princess rights are stripped and her magic is bound
>Twilight never sees the light of day again
>Anon is returned to human form and immediately fucks off to foreign lands
>foreign relationships suffer b/c actions of a princess
>Life in Equestria is just a little bit worse because of Twilight

The End
Actually, has there been a green where the abuse Twilight does against anonfilly isnt real, and it is simply circumstantial coincidences, like Anonfilly falling down the stairs, getting a concussion and a black eye that looks just like a hoofprint.
And because of it all everybody thinks Twilight is a fillybeater, while anon either cant or dont want to tell the truth.
How does that sound like an idea for some green?
Hard to pull off successfully/10
Or how about the idea that Anon is now danger prone due to being so new to this body but loves the change? Constantly falls down, walks into things, gets bumps and bruises, people start murmuring, Anonfilly doesn't notice at first. Others ask personal questions and gets defensive for Twilight's sake. They think she may be lying out of fear or has had it beat into her to enjoy and accept her life.
The reality is they're happy with their situation, minus the constant Derpy-tier tumbles. But false evidence and positive bias blinds those around them to take Anonfilly from Twilight and she has to fight to get her back.
How about that?
yeah thats pretty similar to what I was trying to say. I am just bad at englishing.
This story would work just as well or better with a regular Equestrian foal.
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You've been busy.
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Fuck every other foal.
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>Fuck every ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ foal.
so i'll be fucking little league and ___Nyx
pone is cute
tell pones she is cute
Goddamn that's basically me after work nearly every day.
Wish I was a cute pone because even despair is cute.
is it dinner time yet? she might be hungry
>Doing shitty drawings
>Posting photos of you and said drawings
>No one calling it out

4chan really has changed.
but he's not being a faggot about it and it's for fun
now, more nyx art when? nyx a cute
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the audience.png
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I need one of these made
>Only the big amazing cake
>Artist: God damnit, I fucked this up bad.
>Audience: It's glorious!
Birches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
my least favorite tree, tb honest
>puts nyx on table
>bigger cake is anonfilly
>"that guy's oc is way better than mine."
>the audience
>"holy shit best ship!"
>the audience

You mean one or two shitposters?
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Like you (No offence).gif
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>two nyxposters
ftfy senpai
I may not sperg but I like her too.

pls be gentle
you're waifu a shit
also who's your waifu?
I don't have a waifu to be completely honest, although the closest thing I have is kinda a well...motherfu.

Specifically Luna, it's nothing sexual or gross fetishy stuff like that but she feels special to me. If I could be in Equestria I'd want to have my childhood again as her colt son. Wheither that means I'm an alicorn or whatever I couldn't care less.
you got lucky she isn't shit
Naw it's fun.
You should try it sometime.
he's afraid he'll fun overdose
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look at me ma, I'm a contributor!
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>Anon is angry at first that Twilight fucking PERVERTED HIS BODY and turned him into a FILLY against his will
>But he holds his tongue.
>Yelling won't solve anything, and will only get him into trouble.
>Bides time
>Behaves with Twilight
>One day Twilight starts nuzzling him affectionately
>Seems to genuinely enjoy her time with him
>Anon experiences unconditional love for the first time in a long, long time
>Anon is okay with being Twilight's filly

Let's see some green, faggots. Happy anonfilly, for once!
>Happy anonfilly
>Anon is a babyfur, somehow ends up in equestria
>begs twilight to turn him into the little filly he truly is.
Not what I meant, you faggot
Just want happy filly anon feels
For Anon? Nonsense!
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Who would be the best Horse Mom to take care of AnonFilly?

I bet it would be Lyra.

I bet you thought I was going to sayNyx.
no, because I have image spoilers turned off and you posted an image of lyra
Your first spoiler text is too long to be "Nyx"
Also why would anybody assume Nyx would be the best horse mom.

kill yourself/10
Depends on what you want out of 'best Horse Mom'. Lyra would probably have some sort of deep-seated sexual desire for Anonpone because he used to be human. She might raise him/her like a normal foal, all the while loving him beyond what a normal mother would feel for her child, or she might try to do some naughty things with him on the down-low which would be cool by me, baby . If you just want a wholesome mom with NO ulterior motives whatsoever, then I think Yellow Quiet or Celestia would be best. Yellow because she is so loving, and Sun Butt because she would probably have some knowledge of humans.
Thought I'd get back into writing again.
>Sitting at the bottom of the barrel you hear toilet spoople call out for you.
>"Nonny!? Nonny!?"
>You watch from a knot in the wood as the purple shit runs up and down the docks in search for you.
>You can't help but grin as, try she might in vain, she can't find you.
>You watch as she asks random strangers if they've seen you.
>Only to get no in response.
>You struggle to hold back your laughter as you've found the best hiding spot.
>A random barrel on the canterlot docks.
>Looking out you think she's given up.
>You sigh.
>Guess the jokes over.
>Standing up you press your hooves against the top of the barrel.
>You strain, trying to make it budge.
>Nothing happens...
>You push with all your might to get the lid off.
>You stumble and roll as your container is being moved around.
>Oh shit.
>Suddenly it stops moving.
>Looking out it seems as though your on the deck of a ship.
>"Setting sail!"
>You watch in horror as the sails expand.
>Oh shit!
>You push hard once more trying to break free.
>Come on.
>But alas you don't have human strength.
>Peeking through the cracks in the lid it seems someone put something on top of it.
>Something heavy.
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Gave her some chocolate because she's been so good lately.
If Lyra was to be anonfillys mother, he would have to move to Canterlot.
But I am sure he would follow with lyramom to ponyville from time to time, maybe even meet up with twilight.
Do you cuddle her at night?
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No, she's too little, I might smush her. Plus, I don't think she trusts me enough for that.
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DYEWTS? Clearly lives in Ponyville.

You know, the doctor told my parents the same thing about sleeping with me when I was a baby, and I turned out just fine! Wait...
oh right, I got confused about them talking about where she lived in the Amending Fences ep. I recalled they said she lived in canterlot and visited but seems they were the one visiting her.
>You quickly snap back to reality, Twlight and Anonymous #2 coming out of the basement where they discussed some stuff
>Anonymous speaks up
>"We have decided that I will live with Twilight from now on, on some..."
>His look screams "I didn't ask for this"
>"...Adorable terms. Yeah."

"Are y'all dumping me? Use good ol' Anon and spit him out on the streets, huh?"
>You scrunch at Twilight
"You're not the first one."
>She smiles at you, warmly
>"No, silly filly, you'll live somepony else, and go to the Ponyville school, starting next week!"
>Oh, that's... nice
>Anonymous #zwei adds
>"And oh, we have found you a teacher of Friendship, since you can't keep up with it, being a human and all."
>"Yes, her name is Starlight."
>"What 'what'? She's nice now."
Good shit
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>Anon E Moose.exe has stopped working
>Hell yes

>Error: pone.exe has Admin rules. Cannot terminate process.

>"Something wrong, Anon?"
"I will not take lessons from a fucking COMMIE!"
>You jump up on Twilight's back, saluting

>"Anon, I understand. But you see, I was in the same position, I couldn't forgive Starlight for what she was trying to do, but my friends and I blah-blah-blah-blah..."
>Yeah, you got her going again

>You jump down on the floor and trot towards the front door
>Anon, signing off
>Fuck you, lila häst
>Your superior knowledge of most Earth languages really helps in this land
>You can curse at anyone you want and get away with it since they're stupid fuckin' horses and don't understand shit

>You wanted to go to somepony since you arrived here, but never found time
>Now, it seems, is the perfect opportunity
>It's Friday, so you have 3 days before school
>And the Sun is just a little bit above the horizon
>Did you just capitalize the word Sun in your head
>Fuck, you're turning into a horse
>Can't wake up.gif

>You approach the minty-yellow house
>You knock on the door
>Oh, the door's open
>Yellow-blue-pink horse looks at you
>You look at Bon-Bon
>"You're Nonny, right?"
"Yes, m'aam."
>Real smooth, asshole
>"You don't have to call me that. Lyra is waiting for you."
>She sticks her head out on the street, looking around
>"Is Twilight not with you?"
"Nah, I came alone."
>Do a lewd face for the punchline
"Like I always do."
>That was awful, Anon
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Nyx > Anonfilly

And now we wait.
Nice b8/8 m8
It's not bait if it's obvious.
"Alright, I know that one was awful, worth it anyway. Now let me in, it's pretty cold here."
>You just cofused Bon-Bon more with that
>"Yeah... sure."
>You step into the house... it's nice
>You regret not coming here before

>Now, find ow the hell did Bon-Bon know your filly-name
>Could be just 'cause she's a special agent and all
>Wide, greenish-white walls of the corridor welcome you
>It was a chilly November morning, seems perfect for visiting the comfy mint horse

>Bon-Bon is behind you
>"Lyra's room is to the left, Non'. If you need me, my room is in the end of the corridor."

>She keeps going, while you stop before the mint door
>You open it slightly, with a loud squeak
>It is completely dark
"Hi? Lyra?"
Nightmare moon>Nyx>Anonfilly>Anoncolt
shit I have kind of forgot where the different stories left off.
Nightmare Nyx > Nightmare Star > Nightmare Moon > Nyx > Anonfilly > Anoncolt > Anon
Nightmare Nyx > Nightmare Moon > Nightmare Star > Nyx > Anonfilly > Anoncolt > Anon
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Requesting pic related with Anonfilly and the filly who should not be named but I'll say it anyway. Nyx.
it's funny how assmad people get when nyx is mentioned, but there is literally nothing wrong with liking nyx, so i couldn't care less
Hah, the one in pink already has glasses ready.
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dhrigidbdbcnrisfn djfhrkskxncngoepeiw. Flan forks s ??? Eueioetjdeorjd djgioeudhsj dojruoddncnsk sifidksksksf djfhrkskxncngoepeiw?'nnmbb
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aaaaaaaakfkdkelfkdkfjs djfjrkdkdjdjdjdjdjtifjdhejendkeke djdjrkdkejdndndndjdjdjdjdjekdkfkendkfndjjenddnjdjddndjdndnfjfkdndn
The filly is defective. Best throw her out before she damages anything.
Can we return her, I think she still has a warranty?
I was told I'd get a Nyx if I returned her one more time.
>Be Anon
>Be visiting Jared's trailer
>You ring the doorbell
>You wait
>You press the doorbell slightly longer
>Jared comes out
>Jared scratches beard
>"Why'd you come here?"
"I think you know why"
>"Don't be a dick. Tell me why you're here"
>"Calm down! What pill?"
>You begin to throttle Jared
>He chokes a bit
>He punches you in the face. Hard.
>"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
>Jared fishes a green pill out of his pocket
>"Here. Take it"
"Is it the pill?"
>"Sure, Sure, whatever"
>You leave
>You walk home, flop on the bed and cram the pill into your mouth
>You chew
>You swallow
>You cough
>The cough is quite raspy and leaves your eyes all watery
>You feel the effects of the pill working already
>You could finally just....forget
>You looked up at the ceiling
>You smiled
>You went to sleep and for the first time in a long time, didn't think about anything

>You woke up
>You looked around
>The world was saturated and candy coloured
>You put your hand forward
>You had the sensation of putting your hand through three-dimensional space yet it appeared that there were only two axes
>The structure of the room was different
>It had far more books
>And you were in a small bed akin to one for a dog
>It was already evident that Jared had given you the wrong pill
>Fuck you, Jared
why does this remind me of that screencapped thread where someones Pinkie Pie tulpa went horribly wrong?
anon is now nyx
reboot and wait 2 hours...
or just tickle pone
Walking on the keyboard or too small to press the keys correctly.

Get her a pointing stick and let her point out the letters.
You're right, there is nothing wrong with liking her, but it is annoying when people shitpost her every few replies.
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Noice as fuck.

>You've been busy.

> mvm ep14 is available
>shit internet
>time to draw some horses

I guess Anonfilly rolled a nat 20 for his sneak roll.
Like you're doing :^)?
Ass ripping averted
>Stronk filly x anon colt otp
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>"I didn't ask for this uuh"
>"I'd like to see you stop me fuckboi"
Why did you ask for a black filly or something?
what you want colt anon's hair like senpai? also erf, horn of feather?
spiky, slightly rebellious
he asked for Nyx
what the actual fuck are you people talking about? >>25733404
this anon is on about lily motherfucking longsocks , not nyx.
wasnt an option bud
i know who she is, calm your autism
>wasnt an option bud
you better believe it fuckin is
alicorn Anonfilly ftw
someone make a full lewd edit pls
Nyx and Anonfilly get stuck together with super glue and have to spend all day with each other.
having sex
Nyx is not for sexual
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i fucked his hair up.
Nyx IS for sexual
Saved, thanks drawfag
ur welcome. checked
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Pone loves music.

Also, sorry if there were any weird posts earlier. Left my phone where she could get it.
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wait, she's not?

oh, phew, almost thought I made a mistake
Anoncolt is not for sexxing

maybe Anonfilly is
>Tsundere anon colt
Well I tried.
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silly hooman.png
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>Two Anons go through the mirror
>One is turned into Femanon, second becomes just an EqG version of himself
>femanon no hooves
dropped harder than a celebrity baby
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silly angry qt anoncolt.png
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kk, here, take Anoncolt then
Needs more Nyxbell
Page nine ain't fine
Neither is six just like nyx
page 9
Page 8
there is literally nothing wrong with Nyx
nyxfags need to leave
anti-Nyxfags need to stop getting assmad first
How about you both just fuck already? You're sister and sister.
who's anonfilly & who's Nyx? this is vital fucking information
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>AnonFilly thread
>who's anonfilly

Kill yourself.
i mean who will be who, who am i, anonfilly or Nyx, fagtron
>kill yourself
you first
Dubs say no u
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We're all sisters in this thread.

Some people are just on the side of edgy sister.
This is my fetish. 10/10. Thank you.

>But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.

If Derpy's smart and just has eye issues, then Derpy. >>25728791 makes a good point about Momlestia. Fluttershy mite b cool too.
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So how long've you fags been in this thread for?
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Very topical
Since it was relinked many super bowls ago.
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The beginning
Actually I was expecting some diaper stuff.
No, that was just from the molester pinkie story.

My fetishes are probably, according to some at least, worse.
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Did someone say "anoncolt"?
Oh my.
He looks a little pent up.
We need Anoncolt unloading himself into a filly
I really want an anonfilly hol horse now.
since number 2
Wasn't there a pic about Twilight turning anonfilly into a little human girl? Also, was there any green on human anonfilly?
I'm still here, waiting for All Nighter to be honest.
And some more from bluebirdd

It's not like I didn't read to the other writtefags, It's just they both are my favorites.
Pretty much since the beginning. I remember there were a couple threads, then it got merged with /ptfg/ for a thread or two, but people sperged out on both sides and it split again. I came over to the Anonfilly thread and there were some nice ideas/pictures/etc, then my video card died and when I got my computer working again, it was all dark and abusive. I don't believe the number in the title is accurate, but it's better than nothing at all.

If I remember correctly the earliest threads were end of July, beginning of August.
Lime Leaves?
Since thread one
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There were two pics.
I don't think there was any green though
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But there definitely needs to be some lewd green though

I don't have the other picture on my phone apparently. So have some booty instead.
Every writefag that comes through here is too pussy to write any lewd stuff tho
[shots fired]
I remember one guy make a quick story based on the "anon turned filly to go to the cmc's tea party" picture where the cmc had also invited a stallion named Tight Squeezes who turn fucked anon. They never continued it like they said they would, sadly.
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God I love that pic so much.
>be Anonfilly
>Anonymous asked you to help him get some pone pussy since he's a beta fag, and you decided to help him like the bro you are
>You started off with Fluttershy, didn't work to say the least
>You two are now in the centre of Ponehville
"What are we gonna do now, genius?"
>"I don't fucking know, faggothorse!"
"Well you should've thought it all out earlier, spermgobbler!"
>"What did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?"
"I said..."
>You move closer to his green face
"That you are a motherfucking cocksucking willy-dingling hedgehog-fcuking spermdemon until you fuck a proper pony, faggot."
>"Not cool, bro."
>He lowers his head and goes towards his just-built house nearby

>He's pretty far away now
>What have you done?
"Shit. Do I really have to?"
>You kick a rock out of your way and start walking the same way Anon just did
"Well, I guess there's nothing wrong with it since I'm a filly..."

>Yeah, you will do this
>For him
>And for yourself, obviously
>'Cause fuck, you want some too

>You are right in front of his door
"Open up faglord, I know your sorry ass is crying under the door tight this fucking moment so you better open it or I'll get it down myself"
>That wasn't too harsh, right?
>You don't want Anon to become even more of a pussy just because some pony bullied him
>Well, there he is, standing in the now open doorway
>"The fuck you want, green horse?"
"I want to talk, alright? This is important, Anon."
>"What you said seemed ehough for me."
"Not about that!.. Well, about that, but I'm here to suggest a solution for you"
>"I'm listeting."
"Lets go inside first."
>You move past him, swinging your tail a bit
"Is this how you treat a lady?"
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My dick demands more

>You lie down on the couch
>Quick, do bedroom eyes
>He cannot possibly resist that
>God you feel like a faggot sometimes

>Hell yeah, he's confused
>As confused as you are, in fact
>Anonymous sits down beside you
>"Now what the fuck are you do--"
>You press your filly lips to his before he can finish, wrapping your hooves around his neck so you don't fall off
>He moves closer and hugs you, while still now losing contact
>If you still had a dick, it'd be rock hard right now, no matter how fucking gay it is

>You loosen your grip, slowly falling off on the couch, rubbing against his chest
>"What was that for?"
"I said you need to fuck a proper horse to /not/ be a faggot."
>You start unbuttoning his shirt
"I'm a proper pony now, right?"
>"Uh... I guess..."
"So help me then, you fookin' wanker!"
>He quickly finishes the job

>What the fuck
>He's just a fuckin' human, you were one for God's sake
>But the look of his body turns you on so fucking much
>Ugh, touch it
>You feel it with your hoof
>Moving down from his neck all the way down
>To the bulge in his pants
>You hear Anon gasp
>You don't care, you're a filly who wants some big D
>And this motherfucker will not stop you in reaching it
>God fucking damn it's so hard
>Get that button
>Unzip that dick, yeah
>Pull this shit down


>You're fucking gay now, confirmed
>Your parents fucking told you
>These horses will make you a faggot
>And you became one
>"H-hey, Anon, are you sure about this?"
"Hell yeah."
>What you see before you is a glorious diamond dong
>Just seeing it makes your mouth water
>Its twitches hypnotize you

>You give it a quick lick
>And immideatly it twitches more
>You wrap your tongue around the whole head
>You take it into your mouth, pressing yourself down as hard as you can

>Mmpph, mppmph
>Your mind has decsended to primal instincts
>You want it inside you

>"A-ah-non, are you fucking gay or somethin'?"
>Taking a break from the D, you reply
"We're just getting started, sweetie."
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Keep going.
Fixed the link
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allow me to respond with one of my own creations.
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anon's face when.jpg
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>Now what else to do before you go to town on that beauty

>"Dude, I knew you were good at dicksucking, but this is beyond my imagination."
>Ow, that's a low blow
>yfw pic
"Yeah, I bet you dreamed about this little filly flank every night, right?"
>Fukken saved

>You stand on your fours
>Shit, you can't feel your back legs
>What you can feel is something dripping down your flank
>You need that dick, and you need it now

>You inch closer to that motherfucker
>It's Anon's turn to lie down on the couch
>You stand on top of him, his stuff right under your filly snatch
"N-no homo."
>You get down, pressing it against your nethers
>"Yeah, no homo."

>Goddamn it's hot
>You go further, pressing it harder
"Come onn..."
>As it's starting to slip in, your mind is once again goes into horse mode

>Fucking get in
>You get up on your hind legs, still trying to get some dick inside yourself

>It slipped in, but not as slow as you expected

>You're now impaled on Anonymous' cock
>Huge, sudden pain left you speechless
>It's a good pain, though
>You feel every bit filling you inside
>Sensitive skin is stimulated, numbing the pain of being torn apart
>"Goddamn you're tight."
>You're paralysed
>"Alright, I'm taking over from here then."
>Please do, Anon
Better lit pic when?
Rock hard
I kept the original thread bumped from page 10 multiple times with fresh shitty OC.
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Анонфилли Kappa.jpg
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Fuck you, it's 0:30 AM, ain't got no time to turn the lights on, gotta write lewd Anonfilly
here ya go

>He starts thrusting, turning your brain to mush with every movement

>Yep, you are now officially a faggot
>But it's even better than fapping
>That feeling of your body half-full with Anon, his hard, thick manhood...
>Wave of chills streams through your whole body, spazzing you out like you're having a seizure
"A-aah! ~"

>You just came, didn't you?
>That was fast
>Anon is still going, but it doesn't feel right
>It's just...
>Still good, not as it was before though
>Well, might as well roll with it
>You sway your hips a little, at this point your goal is to pleasure him as you're already done
>You start moaning a bit, letting it all out

>Some time passes
>You came 3 times after the first one
>And every one was 10 times harder than the previous
>Anon's moves become jerky and fast
"Come on Anon, f-fill me up!"
>He stops
>His member throbs inside you
>This is it, you're getting the good stuff
>You feel hot, sticky liquid filling you
>He moves as hard as he can before giving his last moan and falling on his back
>Still inside you

>You slide out and cuddle Anon
"Now you're a real man, you dickweed."
>"Y-you too."
Anon came, and so did I.
Now what you faggot
You should write here more often

Going back to shitposting.
he baited you tbqh

and you fell for it :^)
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I'm General Supplies Writefag/Bumpfag/Drawfag bruh, I bring general supply of fap, gore, feels and slice of life when the thread I'm in has no other writefags, and when they appear, I pass away like the cancer I am.
You should write something about Anonfilly running away from twilight because he can't stand her treating him like a little girl. Glimmer find Anonfilly and takes her in. But glimmer thinks anon has always been a filly and that she just had an overactive imagination. She decides to "assist" Anonfilly in behaving like a good filly and growing up into a proper mare
Nonny is a small pone. i imagine that shes about pip height, much to her dismay.
Dude, my green /just/ started, there's so many opportunities to make it more autistic than Fo:E
Thats not possible. there are few things that can rival the autism of FO;E
>D E S I G N A T E D
You don't know me ^:)
I actually am one of the guys who translated whole Fo:E to a different language, and I think did a damn good job
So, Nyx is the bigger sister?
fall of equestria
diaries of a madman
What if anon was the youngest sparkle?
ooh ideaaaa
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Tengan poner gurren sparklegan.png
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Ill get througt these eventually.
what program ate you using?
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>Filly anon meets a dragon.
>he creeps on her the entire time and makes her uncomfortable
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Autodesk SketchBook for galaxy
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post best filly
man, i don't know how they compares to sketchbook pro on galaxy note. If it's the same shit them i really need some more work
It's about the same thing. /spoilers, etc.
>Tfw you won't get any anonfilly turned little human girl lewd green.
It hurts.
I feel you brother
And rightly so.
Can you imagine such a green? Uggh, i feel ill just thinking of it.
>anonfilly turned little human girl lewd

A-and how would that work, anon?
Well, Twilight being a little filly fiddler she is would want to know what it would feel like to fiddle a human child.
Either the human child would have Nonny in it still or just like that pastebin with Nonny being lost forever, a normal human girl exploited for Twi's fun~.
Nice b8
I'd rather be booped by the filly
I was here in the beginning, then left when it went super rape abuse. Now I'm back.
how was the beginning anyway? I wasnt here then, but it sounds like it had some good greens. how many of those are from the pastebins in OPs post?
Well, All Nighter really got the ball rolling with his story, making all the other ones that followed usually pretty sad.

Time-wise, the pastebins from the earliest posted to the latest is:

1.All Nighter Fgt

6.Viral and ThatGuyM8
8.Krusty The Kunt
9.*Horse Cock

friendly reminder that the next thread is XVII
So im doing a cute thing for the thread. and i want to give anon and twilight a different like mane style, suggestions? i was thinking a twibun and filly starlight hair for anon.
Anon should get a pony tail or pig tails or something
*sigh* yes.
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thats it missy.png
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I love this death stare Nonny has
personally i like spike's "Why must things be this way?" stare
>"Those aren't dubs"
Remember that cool idea one anon had? where starlight has to find and reform feral anon as part of her parole or whatever.
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The searrch for the faggot.png
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Let's all head over to a thread with better digits: >>25753022

cute death stare
Thread posts: 496
Thread images: 134

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