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Nightly Scilight Thread #73

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 510
Thread images: 208

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"A Helping Hand" Edition
Last thread: >>25564872

Archive of /nst/ greentext stories:


Tips for potential writefags:

All Human Twilight Sparkle content, such as greentext stories, art and discussion go here.

The original (and recommended but not required) prompt:
>"Uhhh, mmm... Anon? W-what are you doing after school?"

Writefagging, drawfagging, discussion, and other SciTwi-related content are highly encouraged during "down time" (or when the thread begins to slow down due to lack of content). New green, drawings, etc. are highly encouraged during these times.
First for Crusaderlight
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Once scitwi learns more about magic how much will she abuse it?
without turning into a magic crazed demon
third for sperglight
aspie girls should not be cute
They are
I need Twi Twi
I want to know what everyone's dream twilight is
Post the stuff that akes her perfect
She's real.
If she can sleep in with me every day
also I think she is the cutest when her hair is messy like >picrelated
Was supposed to go to
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uh oh.png
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Y-Yeah, almost.
I like to think that Twi is straight, but she's a serial shipper who ships kids at CHS (and maybe CPA, too). I wonder what her OTP is.
Flash and Sunset
I've had this idea on my mind forever, and I needed to finally put it down on paper, or the digital equivalent thereof.

>Your mom pulls up to the camp just as the sun begins to rise, its pink and oranges rays illuminating the faded wooden sign and the wooden cross that tops it
>'St. Sebastian's Camp for Troubled Girls,' the sign proclaims in blocky, un-stylized letters
>Other cars form a single-file line in front of your mom's, and more pile up behind you as the train slowly moves through the roundabout, each depositing a single girl
>Laden with sleeping bags and personal effects, they march up the long, winding path towards the Head Lodge, some of them without even turning to say goodbye
>You gulp, clenching your sweaty palms between your thighs
>"You're gonna be fine, dear."
>Your mom reaches over and pats your shoulder
"I know…"
>"I hear the counselors here are super friendly. And I bet you'll find some other girls who like those comic books you read. You'll make friends real easy."
>You rest your head against the window, feeling your breakfast churning in your belly
>Most of the other girls arriving look like they're around your age, but some look old enough to be in high school
>You even see one poor girl who looks barely six years old, clutching her rolled sleeping bag against her like a teddy bear
>The line creeps around the roundabout, until it's your turn to exit
>Swallowing a hard lump in your throat, you open the door, the sticky summer air rushing over your face
>Your mom pops the trunk, helping you remove your sleeping bag and a backpack containing your swimsuit, extra clothes, flashlight, and a few of your comics
>"Got everything?"
>You nod, afraid that if you open your mouth to speak you'll throw up
>In front of all the other girls, your mom pulls you into a hug
>"Have a good time, okay honey? And remember, God loves you, and he's already ready to forgive you."
>"These counselors want to help you, so listen to them, okay?"
"I will…"
>"That's my girl."
>Your mom plants a kiss on your forehead
>"We'll have a big party when you get back, okay?"
>She hugs you tighter
>"Alright, Twi, I'll see you in a week. Have fun!"
>With one final ruffle of your hair, she returns to her car, following the other vehicles through the roundabout and away from the camp
>You watch her go, letting some of the other new arrivals pass you up, then hoist your sleeping bag onto your back and follow them

>The Head Lodge is huge, its exterior covered in fake logs to give the impression of it being a cabin instead of an air-conditioned tech hub for the rest of the camp
>Inside the main hall, you grab a folding chair and stow your things beneath it
>The counselors, each of them sporting a lime-green t-shirt, stand in a row at the front of the room
>Unsurprisingly, all of them are female
>They're talking amongst themselves, occasionally trying to involve some of the campers in their conversation
>You keep your head down, and none of them speak to you
>The room continues to fill, girls you've never seen before crowding onto either side of you, sitting closer and closer, until…
>"Hi! I'm Trixie!"
>You continue to stare at the floor
>"I said 'Hi! I'm Trixie!'"
>The girl next to you pokes your shoulder
"Are you… talking to me?"
>"Yes, dummy! Hi, I'm Trixie."
"Um, hey. I'm Twilight."
>"That's a cool name!"
>The girl, Trixie, looks a year or so younger than you
>She smiles, revealing a row of braces across her teeth
>Her clothes are plain, just overalls, sneakers, and a purple t-shirt, and her blue-white hair is pulled into a messy ponytail behind her head
>You think you can make out some kind of magic-wand logo on the front of her shirt
>"So, why are you here?"
>"Why'd your parents send you here? Mine sent me here because they think I love Starswirl the Bearded more than Jesus!"
"You… what?"
>"I told them that Starswirl is the coolest ever! They said that's bad, though."
>Trixie swings her feet, still smiling
"Why'd you say that?"
>"Because it's true! Starswirl can do magic! All Jesus and God ever do is send people to hell!"
>You try to scoot away from Trixie, but there's a different girl sitting on your right
>"Do you know who Starswirl the Bearded is?"
"He's from that one Might and Magic show, right?"
>"Yes! Do you watch it too?"
>Trixie's positively beaming now, clutching her hands against her chest in excitement
"Not really."
>Her face falls, but only for a second
>"But you've seen it, right?"
"Once or twice."
>"Who's your favorite?"
"I don't really have--"
>"Mine's Starswirl, because he's the coolest! Did you see the episode where he had to find the Alicorn Amulet?"
>"Oh, it's so cool! He has to get past the first guardian, right? They're having this huge duel, and Starswirl casts fireball, and--"
>"Alright, everybody!"
>Thankfully, a counselor takes up a microphone, her voice echoing through the lodge
>Trixie gasps, immediately snapping to attention and staring straight ahead
>"Welcome to St. Sebastian's! You guys are the twenty-third group to come through this program, so give yourselves a round of applause!"
>The group claps, Trixie with a particular enthusiasm, but you just stare ahead
>"Before we start, let's bow our heads…"
>The other girls follow suit, but you just drop your eyes to the floor
>"Lord, thank you for bringing these girls here safely. We ask that you look over us today, and continue making sure everyone has a good, healthy, safe time. Amen."
>A chorus of 'amen' echoes through the room
>"Alright, so, here's how things are going to work! Each of you is going to get assigned a cabin. You'll stay in your cabin for the rest of the week. Also, at each cabin, there's going to be one of us."
>The girl gestures to the other counselors, all of whom wave
>"We'll be your assigned counselor! Think of us like your big sister while you're here! We'll be leading your activities, and watching over you. Any questions you have, just ask one of us, okay?"
>The girls around you nod
>Trixie's jittery with excitement, still swinging her feet hard enough to shake your chair along with hers
>"Alright! You should have gotten a nametag earlier, which says which cabin you're in! Go get settled in, and we'll meet back up here for our first activity! Dismissed!"
>She claps her hands, and the girls around you get to their feet
>You join them, shuffling towards the exit
>Trixie follows close behind you
>"So? What cabin are you in?"
"Not sure."
>"Didn't you check?"
"Yeah, but I forgot."
>"How'd you forget?"
>She watches expectantly until you finally fish your nametag out of your backpack, the plastic card wrapped in its lanyard
"It's says I'm in 3C."
>"Hey! Me too!"
>Trixie claps her hands in excitement, before grabbing onto your arm
>"We can be cabin buddies!"
"Uh… I mean, I guess…"
>"Come on! We can share bunk beds too! I call being on top!"
>You groan, but there isn't enough free space for you to escape from Trixie
>Will they let you switch cabins?

>Unlike the Head Lodge, the cabins are actually, in fact, cabins
>Which means no AC, leaving you to cook in the summer heat as you and Trixie enter your home for the next week
>"Woo! I call top, I call top!"
>She sprints to the first pair of bunks she sees, flinging her duffel bag and sleeping bag on top
>You cross the room, throwing your stuff on the pair as far from Trixie's as possible
>"Hey! Twilight, you were supposed to put your stuff over here!"
>Trixie jumps down from the top bunk, carrying her stuff over to your pair, and throwing it on the top
>"There! That's better! Now we can still be bunk-buddies!"
"Please stop following me."
>"I'm not following you, we're in the same place!"
"You know what I mean…
>Trixie hoists herself up onto her bunk, bouncing on the thin layer of padding that serves for a mattress
>"So, what do you think we're gonna do first, huh? Go camping? Make smores? Sing songs? Do we get to swim? I brought my favorite swimsuit just in case! Do you think anyone else here will like Might and Magic?"
"I have no idea."
>"I bet it's gonna be so much fun! Don't you?"
"Yeah, sure."
>You flop down on your bunk
>Trixie's head peeks over the edge, staring upside-down at you
>"Aren't you excited?"
"Not really."
>Trixie gasps
>"Wh-why not? It's gonna be so much fun!"
"I don't think it's the kind of camp you think it is…"
>"What kind of camp? It's camp!"
"We're not here for fun, Trixie."
>"Then why are we here, dummy? It's camp! Camp is for fun!"
>As if that settles it, Trixie's face disappears from view, and you hear her settling onto the bed above you
>You roll your eyes and begin unpacking your things, stowing your clothes and personal effects under the bed, while unrolling your sleeping bag over the mattress
>One by one, other girls begin to filter into the cabin
>Some introduce themselves, some just shuffle quietly over to a random bed
>Trixie, however, greets each one
>"Hey! I'm Trixie! Hey! I'm Trixie! Hey! I'm Trixie!"
>You're more than a little pleased to notice that most of them seem as annoyed by her friendliness as you are
>The counselor is last, a tall, elegant girl with pink hair falling in a perfect cascade down to her neck
>"Hello, everyone! My name eez Fleur de Lis, and I will be your counzelor zis week!"
>Her words are colored by an accent as French as her name
>She sits on the edge of the bed next to the door, fingers drumming on her clipboard
>"So! First zing's first, I need to make sure everybody eez here! Applebloom?"
>A red-haired girl on the other side of the room raises her hand, and Fleur checks her name off the list
>She moves gradually down, in alphabetical order
>Trixie nearly topples off the bed when she hears her name
>"Here! Over here!"
>"Twilight Sparkle?"
>You don't even bother raising your hand
>"Alright. Well, now zat zat's done, we can--"
>She's interrupted by a knock on the cabin door
>Answering reveals a girl about your age, who shrinks back when she sees Fleur
>Despite the heat, she's wearing a huge, ratty sweater, and clutches her sleeping bag against her belly
>Her hair is a vibrant red, tied in a messy bun to keep it out of her face
>You immediately avert your eyes, not wanting to stare, and Fleur addresses the newcomer
>"I zink you have ze wrong cabin, dear."
>You steal another glance at the new girl, your face suddenly flushed, and see her shaking her head
>"N-no, sorry… I w-w-was supposed to be in cabin 2A, but they… they ran out of r-room…"
>"Oh! Zat's perfect, zen! We've got a spare bed right by…"
>She focuses on you for a moment, trying to remember your name
>"Twilight, zere! Go say hello!"
>You immediately roll over, turning your back to both girls to tell them exactly what you think of the "saying hello" thing
>Yet the sounds still reach you, the sounds of the girl's footsteps as the crosses the room, taking the bottom bunk next to yours, the sound of Trixie's latest 'Hey! I'm Trixie!,' the sound of the girl introducing herself as 'M-M-Moondancer…'
>"Alright, everyone! We've got thirty minutes until our first activitee…"
>The way she stretches out 'activity' makes you smile a little
>At least one person here isn't brutally annoying
>"So take a little time and get to know each other, okay? I'm going to speak with ze other counzelors, I'll be back in a bit!"
>You hear the door close, followed by the muffled chatter rising up around the room as the other girls introduce themselves
>Trixie hops down from the top bunk, spinning in a little circle as she tries to pick which group to talk to first
>You ignore her, rooting under your bed for your backpack, unzipping it, and pulling out one of the comics you brought
>Opening it, you bury your face in the colored pages
>You hear Moondancer trying to talk to you, but you ignore her
>"You like Power Ponies?"
>Still not looking at her, you nod
>"That's r-really cool… they're my favorite."
>You give her a thumbs up, and continue reading
>"Is that issue good? I s-still haven't gotten it."
>You shrug, even though this issue is of particularly high quality
>If you tell her that, though, she'll just want to borrow it
>When you next steal a glance at her, she's trying to read over your shoulder
>You turn your back away from her, holding the comic up in front of your face
>"S-so… um… did you read issue number t-two seventy six?"
>"It was a r-really good one. The part with M-Maneiac collecting all six pieces of the Grand McGuffin was--"
"It was great, yeah. Can I read in piece, please?"
>"Oh. Y-yeah, sorry…"
>Moondancer scoots away, sitting by herself on the edge of her bed
>Trixie continues making her rounds through the room, re-introducing herself to everyone
>"Hey! I'm Trixie! Who are you!"
>You notice, with a little smug satisfaction, that most of the other girls congregate in tight little circles to avoid her
>She continues on towards you, finding Moondancer sitting herself
>"Hey! I'm Trixie! Who are you?"
>"Moond-dancer, remember…"
>"Moondancer? That's an awesome name! Do you like Might and Magic?"
>"Like it? I love it! It's my f-favorite show."
>"Really? Me too! Did you see the episode last week, where..."
>You hold the comic up to your face, trying not to focus on their insipidity
>Fortunately, Fleur steps into the front of the room to save you from enduring any more of the two of them
>"Alright, everyone! We are going to head back to ze main lodge now for our first activit-ee."
>She stumbles over the word "activity" again, motioning for all of you to fall in line behind her
>You end up at the back of the line, right behind Trixie and Moondancer, the two of whom continue to chatter about their dumb cartoon magic show
>"And the e-episode where they got into Tirek's backstory? Wasn't that great?"
>"Uh huh! And the fight in the next episode was amazing! Tirek was like BOOM BOOM BLAM and Starswirl was like ZAM BOOM KAPOW--"
>"Miz Trixie? Could you keep eet down, please?"
>Trixie hangs her head, embarrassed

>In the Head Lodge, your group is lead to the front of the room, where you sit together in the folding chairs as you wait for the rest of the campers to pile in
>It takes a while to get them situated, which means you get to listen in on more of Trixie's and Moondancer's excited, whispered conversations
>In a hushed voice, Moondancer asks Trixie if she likes Power Ponies, and the other girl's face lights up
>"No! My parents say that reading comics lets the devil into you!"
>"W-what? That's crazy!"
>"But… but they say they're super violent!"
>"They're not any m-more violent than Might and Magic. Plus, there's so many awesome characters! There's Mistress Marevelous, and Zap, and Fillisecond, and R-Radiance, Saddle Rager, and… ummm…"
"Masked Matterhorn," you say under your breath
>The girls continue on without hearing you
>"M-Masked… M-Masked something…"
>You clench your fists in your lap
"It's Matterhorn, you idiot."
>Moondancer turns to you, blushing
>"R-right, yeah… sorry…"
>Her shoulders slump, and she turns back to Trixie, shying away from you slightly
>An apology forms on your lips, but you can't seem to force it out, and you're interrupted by the beginning of the activity
>"Alright, everyone!"
>The same girl who spoke before steps up ahead of the other counselors, holding a microphone
>"Settle down, settle down. I hope you're all moved in comfortably. Remember, if you have any questions, just talk to your counselor. Alright! Now let's get into our first activity."
>She rests a hand on her hip, taking a deep breath
>"So. Your parents sent you here because you've been having a little trouble at home, right? Well, that's okay. Because here at St. Sebastian's, we believe that even good girls do bad things, sometimes. So, what we're gonna try to do with these activities is to teach you how to control those bad impulses, okay? Each activity is going to teach a lesson about how to better follow God's laws. Hopefully, by the end of this session, your bond with the Lord will be strengthened, and you'll be, you know, better able to live out his teachings."
>The counselor shifts her weight to her other leg, scanning the rows of faces pointed at her
>"So! Our lesson today is about *desire.* Now, desire is kind of what drives us, right? You eat because you're hungry, you sleep because you're tired… desire is what makes people work."
>She pulls up a folding chair, flipping it around and sitting down, facing you
>"Now, there's a difference between good desires and bad desires. You all are here because you've got some bad desires in you. And that's okay! We're not perfect. We get tempted by evil things because, well, evil is fun! Or, at least, it is at first glance."
>She stares exactly at you, and you hang your head
>"Now, having bad desires doesn't make you a bad person. But you need to learn to control them! You have to learn to, you know, only act on your good desires! Only act on the desires that point you to the Lord, and ignore the ones pointing you towards Satan. So…"
>The other counselors begin handing out sheets of paper
>When you get yours, you realize it's a map of the camp and the surrounding areas
>"Me and the other counselors hid a bunch of objects out in the woods! Now, you girls are going to go on a bit of a scavenger hunt. If you find something that represents a good desire, you bring it back. But you have to leave the bad desires behind, okay?"
>A chorus of weak "okay"s echoes through the room
>"Great! You're all going to be in pairs for the hunt, so you don't get lost. If you don't know where you are, just look for the water tower, okay? You can see it from all around. If your buddy gets hurt, coming back and get us as fast as you can, alright? Now let's go!"

>Ten minutes later, you're tromping towards the woods, sweating under the summer sun, trying to stay away from Trixie and Moondancer
>Since your cabin had an extra girl, Fleur had to make a single group of three
>And guess which three she picked to go together?
>"So, then, there was that episode with the Staff of Secrecy, remember?"
>"Y-yeah! It was one of m-my favorites! Especially that fight against Ungoliant the Destroyer!"
>"I know! So cool!"
>You increase your pace, gradually pulling ahead of the pair of them, losing yourself in the trees
>They close around you, casting a pleasantly cool shadow over your shoulders
>The forest air is muggy, and the clamoring of insects echoes on all sides
>You spy a cardboard box on the ground, bending down to examine it
>Inside is a toy syringe, the plastic tube colored to give it the appearance of being filled with red liquid
>Is this supposed to represent medicine or drugs?
>Rolling your eyes, you place the syringe back in its box, leaving it for the other girls to find, and run to the top of the hill
>There's a bench hidden amongst some bushes, and you sit down to rest for a bit
>Gradually, Trixie and Moondancer catch up to you, their conversation penetrating the slush of insect humming to reach you
>"…and sh-she just seems so mad at me… I d-don't even know what I did. I just asked her about h-her Power Ponies comic… do you think that made her m-mad?"
>"Maybe she just doesn't like you!"
>"You really think? I g-guess…"
>You chest constricts
>"I'm r-really worried I said something to m-make her mad, but I can't think of wh-what it was…"
>"I bet she just doesn't like you."
>"Yeah… th-that's probably it…"
>You can see the two girls through the bushes
>They take a seat against a tree trunk, scanning the land around them for objects
>It looks like they left the syringe behind, or they didn't notice it
>Trixie notices the expression on Moondancer's face, and shakes the other girl's shoulder
>"What's the matter?"
>"Tell me tell me tell me!"
>She shakes Moondancer harder
>"It's j-just… n-not many girls at my school like comics. N-none really, except me. I was r-really excited to meet someone who liked them too, especially a g-girl, but…"
>She shrugs
>"I g-guess I messed that up."
>"I don't think you messed anything up. I think she just doesn't like you! But it's okay, she doesn't like Trixie either."
>Moondancer shrugs, and Trixie helps her stand
>The two girls walk off together, not even bothering to look for you

>That night, after the items have been gathered (none of them thanks to you), the counselors take you down to the amphitheater for a post-activity talk
>You're exhausted and your legs ache, and it looks like most of the other girls feel similarly
>Moondancer and Trixie are a few rows beneath you, already friends by the looks of it
>There's an open space next to them, and for a minute you consider taking it
>But you don't
>A different girl gives the speech this time, talking about how proud she is that you managed to find all the healthy desires and leave all the bad ones behind, and how you just have to learn to apply this to your lives, and…
>You don't really care
>It isn't until nine thirty that you get back to the cabins
>Aside from Trixie, everyone seems half dead
>"Did you hear? She said she was proud of us! Like, really proud of us!"
>She's skipping up and down the line, but the girls pay her no mind
>Even Moondancer can't come up with anything to say to her; she looks like she's barely even able to keep herself upright
>Wordlessly, all over you collapse into your bunks
>Trixie hauls herself up to the bed above yours, and you hear her snoring almost immediately
>Fleur, with no hint of embarrassment, undresses herself and begins to pull on her pajamas
>Your face goes hot, and you try to avoid glancing over at her body, glad the other girls aren't looking in your direction
>She pulls on her fuzzy pajama pants almost painfully slowly, every movement of her hips sending little tremors through your chest
>Finally, she hides herself beneath her blankets, after turning out the lights and telling all of you goodnight
>You lean curl up in your sleeping bag, unable to sleep despite the exhaustion in your muscles
>Images of Moondancer and Trixie walking together fill your mind
>And when you push them away, Fleur fills the space instead
>You roll over, feeling like hours have passed since you should have been asleep
>Next to your bed, Moondancer sniffles
>How does she have a cold in scorching weather like this?
>You squeeze your eyes shut, willing her to just go to bed like the rest of you
>She sniffles again, and then again
>And that's when you notice another sound beneath the sniffles: that of soft, pitiful sobs
>You roll over, squinting out of one eye
>In the darkness, you can make out Moondancer sitting upright in bed, her lugs tucked against her chest
>She wipes a hand across her face, and it might just be your imagination, but you think you can see her shaking
>Even though you're whispering, Moondancer still whirls to face you, startled
>"T-T-Twilight? D-did I w-w-wake you? I'm s-s-sorry…"
>Her sobs choke the life out of her words
"You didn't. I can't sleep either."
>Moondancer turns away from you, rubbing her eyes
"Are you okay?"
>She nods
"Are you sure?"
>She starts to nod, then stops, and shrugs instead
>"It's n-nothing… j-j-just kinda homesick…"
"Yeah… me too."
>"I m-m-miss my mom… and m-my dog…"
"Same. I mean, I don't have a dog, but… same."
>Moondancer fishes out something from beneath the bed, blowing her nose into it
"But, you know… it's only a week, right? You'll see them before you know it."
>"I k-know… I'm s-sorry, I'm b-b-being a big b-baby…"
"Nah, you're fine."
>Moondancer nods, folding herself up in her sleeping bag
"Oh, and… Moondancer?"
"I'm sorry. For ignoring you."
"I don't hate you, either. I… I dunno. I was just in a bad mood, I guess."
>"Th-that's okay."
"Are you sure it's okay?"
>"I m-mean… I'm n-n-not mad…"
"Okay. If you want… you can borrow my Power Ponies comic tomorrow."
>"Really? Are you s-sure?"
"Yeah. Just be careful with it, okay?"
>"Y-yeah, definitely. I'll t-take super good care of it, I p-promise."
"Good. I've got more too, if you… if you want."
>"That'd b-be so cool, thank you so much."
"Don't mention it."
>You adopt a slightly more comfortable position, feeling drowsiness finally beginning to overtake you
>"D-do you want to be partners tomorrow?"
"Eh, sure."
>"Awesome… good n-night."
"Yeah, night."
>You hear Moondancer's sleeping bag ruffle as she curls up inside it
>Before long, you can hear the gentle, whispered breath of her snoring

And that's the end. Not sure how often I'll update this, but I've enjoyed writing this first chunk of it.

Regularly-scheduled Trapshit coming soon, once I finish rehearsal week for this stupid play.
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>"Wow, Anon. You believe in God? Aren't you a bit too old to believe in fairy tales?
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>"I have no idea, Anon. Now can you please give me back my glasses?"
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I like what there is so far. It's an interesting setting, for sure.
No idea where you're going with this, though. Looking forward to finding it out.

Is Sunset there?
Aren't you a bit too old to be a bitch?
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Is twilight gonna be cured from the dyke?
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A girl who may be just like her may in fact exist.
Too bad she probably has a boyfriend and wouldn't find you attractive, anyway.
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This makes me happy.
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Not Twi related, but its about that other girl we like here so I think it applies
>this will never happen to you
That is sad
When I die, I'll probably not leave anyone alone
That is called a cruel world Anon,

I guess people like us just aren't meant to be happy for whatever reason.
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No, you heretic
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is eqg back yet?
I'm conflicted, the setting makes me mad but the story is bueno. God damn Jesus camps...
I believe in EqG
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Scitwi dashlight anyone?
>Dykeshit is a sin
>Twilight and Sunset have both turned into demons
Sexy unholy demon sex when
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>misspelled dilemma
I can forgive

>slippers on the bed
I... I dont know if i can forgive.
The only escape I have in life on a regular basis
is /NST/

I just want everyone around me to say she's straight, is that so much to ask?

As far as I know, the MAJORITY of each and every other thread that has to deal with the characters from the show do not have the MAJORITY of the posters saying how they enjoy being kucked by another person it's only /NST/ it doesn't make sense.

I go to a fluttershy thread; not because she is my waifu, but because I enjoy the discussion and artwork. I come here, almost all dykeshit, what about Scilight makes you think she is a lesbian?

But I know the real problem, it's because there aren't enough males on the show.

My rage meter just got full after a while of seeing this.

the most unforgivable thing in this image is that Sunset isn't on the bed with them.
Don't you FUCKING dare.
Personally I prefer if the genitals stay apart but

Yes it's still dykeshit.
I've seen this so many times that now I feel apathetic towards it

I still don't understand why you enjoy being kucks it doesn't make sense
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Jeff when is the next part of the new stalker ending coming out?
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Reminder that sunset was literally made for twilight
I would understand if it was a fringe minority of people who were doing this but they don't have anyone telling them to fuck off for enjoying being a kuck and then every once in a while I'll do it and get call "HAHAHA DYKESHIT GUY HAH"

Not only that but Sunset is a shit character as well.

Wow, they held hands at one point that means nothing. What an absolutely pathetic ship.
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Moonlight is a great ship
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Yeah you keep deluding yourself. I don't know how many of you there are but I think the majority of people here don't even care about his conflict.
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I just want to post lesbian twilights
Daily reminder that straight shipping is shit
>I just want everyone around me to say she's straight, is that so much to ask?
>implying she'd want to fuck you anyway even if she was
get fucked lad
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Knowing your greens piss off dykeshit guy fills you with DETERMINATION
no regrets
I do not want to have sex with Twilight. Of course I don't pass judgement on those that do.

I just wish I didn't feel this way, I just want to be cared about by a female.

Reality: As far as I know this is impossible
Fantasy: Anything is possible.

I never read dykeshit greens
She's not real anyway so why does it matter?
I may not have a rebuttal to this but when you have something you attach to and spend hours and hours and hours on, you feel dismayed when things start to go and stay in a direction that you don't like and can do nothing about.

I've tried to find things in these months to make me feel better but there is nothing.
So basically you're lonely?
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Is it good time to dump silly book cathorse? No? I dont care

Your art just gets better and better
who here isn't?

Teach me your ways wise one
First off, is confidence. I'm not gonna bullshit ya and say looks don't matter but you can't be a spineless fuck. You gotta aim for it.
Das cute
I'm certainly not spineless, and I'd say i'm a 6/10

(factoring in the -2 principle)

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Nope its still sunset
>people who want to date Twilight vs people who want Sunset to date Twilight
This sounds like a fucking boring battle
>This sounds like a fucking boring battle
Wasnt there a dykeshit vs straightshit poll a while ago where dykeshit had 80 votes and straightshit had 2
Then what are you doing here? Get out there and stop being lonely, if you fail it don't matter, try someone else.
I don't remember, but if we're talking about just shipping, dykeshit should win due to the lack of good male characters to ship with Twilight or Sunset. Sunlight makes a lot more sense than Flashlight or any other male ship (which would land in crack shipping territory). Of course I'm sure many of those people would love date either of those girls if they could.
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Actually ran out of paper
Beep Beep
This reminds me of something but I cant remember
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Posting one of your first drawings for here
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where are my testicles, Sunset.jpg
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Its early but not the first.
that takes way back when our boipusi gurl got banned first time
Still cute as fuck
I know shit doesn't make sense I should be fine yet look at me now.
I found the reason, I don't like socializing with people in situations where I don't know them or don't know if I'll be accepted

So to some up my life:

Just fuck my shit up senpai.
Yeah that's probably the hardest part, that whole coming out of your shell and being social.
I like being alone because I feel safe and have no pressure. The issue is that I'm alone so often that I get lonely and crave friendship and a girlfriend and shit. But I feel super uncomfortable talking to people and want to be alone again. Basically I'd like a close, not too large group of friends (and maybe a gf) I can fuck with a few days a week, as well as a few days alone. Then I can be with friends when I want to and have my alone time without feeling sad and depressed due to the loneliness.
Basically, I enjoy being alone. But I don't want to have no one I can be with in my life. I need a balance
I am a lot like you but I know exactly what I want
I want someone that I can be alone with together
I have other things I like but twilight is awkward, cute, and smart making her the perfect person I can be alone with
Are you me?

This describes it quite nicely I need a few days to recharge after a social event but I don't want to be alone forever.
That's probably why she's so liked here. The awkwardness and shyness all in the package of a cute girl who at one point didn't have any friends.
desu I never got the vibe that SciTwi had no desire for friends in the film before being redeemed. I wouldn't be surprised if she were loney, but she just had such a hard time making any at Crystal Prep that she gave up and decided to focus solely on her studies. She knew she wasn't good at it and everyone shit on her, so she probably didn't see the point of trying. And then she was super happy when Sunset told her she didn't have to be alone, when those girls showed acceptance towards her. Because she finally had people who liked her.
That sounds not only like a majority of /mlp/ but 4chan as well

I think Scilight should be the new mascot for 4chan
Accept the dykeshit into your heart, and focus on their happiness instead of your own.
Can you like dykeshit but still want to date one of them? I love them both god i am so alone and pathetic i hate myself and i wanna die
Yes you can
>you will never have a polyamorous relationship with SciTwi and Sunset
>you will never have a great time loving one another
>you will never have a passionate threesome with them
basically MUPPET but Sunset instead of Moondancer
Don't worry anon we still love you. You're welcome here anytime.
>you will never help twilight after she dropped her eyes
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Daydream a more qt
i have an irrational love for the shimsham.
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She's worthy of being paired up with Twalot.
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Thanks for posting this one, i lost it a while ago
Here, have a Sunlight
Oh yeah, other then the fact that they have nothing in common, they are perfect for each other.

Instead of me or you who dedicate their lives to her.
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Good thing i got my internet back today
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Welp, thread seems quiet
post even more dykeshit
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triple the dykeshit
This isn't dykeshit. This is more friend stuff.

This, too.
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Dykeshit enough for you?
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Damn son.
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Can someone draw scitwi in a roman costume
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I want to walk into Scilight's lab in awkward moments.

I bet she browses /g/ and shills Thinkpads
>"Twilight, Why do you have horse ears?"
I've always wondered this: did she ever have classes at Crystal Prep? Because there were classes going on during when she was in there and she wasn't in a classroom, and yet even faculty seemed fine with it.
She probably had free periods and/or the faculty is fine with her being in her lab during study hall. Didn't seem out of the ordinary to me.
Trapshit pastebin is updated. Opening night for this dumb play I'm in is tonight, but I'll hopefully be able to write once that's done. Expect Trapshit tonight and tomorrow morning, and then Dykeshit after that.

Part one: http://pastebin.com/qU90T9fG
Part two: http://pastebin.com/U41EtFwC
Apparently, the last update pushed the story past the 100k words mark.

What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Writing a very intriguing story on 4chan obviously.

Of course I don't even see how this story could end
Bringing me traps, in a very trapless life.
Pleasing your = overlords of course.
Well I think it's time to be that guy.

How is this TRAPlight?
we already know that Twilight is a male so nobody is getting trapped.

An example of a real trap?: Trapdagio
whoever wrote that is quite the interesting guy and Anon actually got trapped that time.
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You're in meme hell, lad. Enjoy your stay. Now here's your complimentary waifu
>whoever wrote that is quite the interesting guy
You have no idea
I think every once in a while we should post what kind of music we like ITT

I'll start:
not writing enough spacedykeshit, thats what
Where is DOT
I need of three of their stories
Thats lewd
Hmm that's interesting.

How many of you like EDM?

Two oscilloscopes, okay that's fine.

Laptop with headphones, I guess.

Desktop, but the actual computer is in cardboard box? Weird, but I guess that's okay. I guess Twilight might need two computers for her research or whatever.

Test tubes - but why? Also, why are they still filled with chemicals? That's kind of dangerous. And where would she dispose of the substances in them when she's done? I don't see a sink or anything. And what would she be doing with these? Those are for chemistry, not physics or whatever "studying magic" fits into.

Microscope with slides - what exactly would she use this for? Once again, not studying biology here. I guess you could use it to look at microcircuitry, but it doesn't look like that's a microscope powerful enough for that, unless she's using fairly large, outdated microcircuits. Also, you would probably want a clean room for that so that you don't ruin the circuit.

And what the fuck is that thing next to the oscilloscopes? Is that her vibrator? I mean, with the lotion and the tissuebox on the back shelf over there, I guess lab gets pretty boring waiting for random magical events to occur. My best guess is it's a test tube vortex or a joystick or something, or maybe some piece of lab equipment I've never seen, but even so. What the fuck.

Dammit, badly made science labs just trigger my autism.
Not all lab equipment has to be based in reality ya know. I assume they just kind of made it to cover a large array of scientific areas
I like it. In fact I make my own on occasion. It's shit but who gives a fuck.

Now I want to hear it. Post sauce
Damn that's good.
Here you go senpai.
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Aww shit, I recognize that pic

On that note, any recommendations of good Fimfiction stories featuring Scilight and/or shimsham? Preferably ones that don't blindly ship Sunlight without any reasonable basis or consideration of the issues. The only ones I know that meet that criteria are Fractured Sunlight (linked above) and 7DSJ (which is an all-around shitshow).
That actually wasn't really that bad, Some of it sounded like N64 level music and if Jean Michel Jarre was modern sounding.

My favorite was Cleared for Takeoff.

Of course I assume you'll get better, just have to have a good build-up and an awesome drop and it'll be much more enjoyable. Always improve

Here, have some more.

Well I'm glad somebody could actually enjoy it, I'd definitely make more but at the moment its just a little hobby I work on every now and again.
Friday evening will now be known as the Nightly Music Thread. As long as there aren't any greens going on at the time.
Well if you ever find the passion or the time you should work on it.

When I ever try at something I never just do it to be kind of good at it I work and work at it until I can't get anymore out of it or I become an expert at it. One day I hope to make EDM too, it's just that I have limited knowledge and resources at the moment.
I try to, just kinda hard with life and college. But I make time when I can.
I do it mostly because I find it fun, and music is just something that I love, ya feel? I wish you luck with making your own, and hey maybe one day you can hit me with your mixtape senpai.
Oh yeah, I don't really expect it to become a career or anything, I just want to know the feeling of creating something and enjoying that creation yourself, and music is more enjoyable to me then movies or games.

Look for it to drop 2018!
Hmm... I wonder how it would feel to see the thread go in a direction that you wouldn't like or do anything about?

Because that's exactly what's going to happen.

Why not?
its more of this general is supposed to be about twilight and there are usually one or two threads dedicated to music
I am not saying you cant ever discuss music here its just there are places to do it
It's not going to be an official part of the thread just something to fuck around with when there's nothing to do. Also I just want to see what kind of music you guys like.
On Friday's let's discuss the type of music you'd listen to with Scilight.
There now he can't complain.
Is that story any good? See a lot of art for it on the 'Booru.
Sounds good to me. Now we can have things structured a bit more. Kind of like how the weekly prompts were supposed to happen, and never did.
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is Chronos on?
We should try and start the weekly prompts again I really liked that idea
So in honor of this, do you guys think scilight would enjoy video game soundtracks?
Probably, This is one of my favorites

Sorry. I haven't typed a single word of Twi Twi.
Tomorrow I'll get to it somehow.
Wow, we've actually been on page 1 for like 10 minutes, this is a record for months.
It is pretty good, but the reason you see so much art is because the author commisioned a pic for every chapter + the cover.
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love you too =

shit, I ruined that combo
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Daily reminder that she wouldn't love you if she were real. She won't fuck you. Just drop it. Some of us are gonna die never experiencing love. It's useless.
Daily reminder that you shouldnt love her as a friend, girlfriend, crush, wife or anything else
You should love her as a she is a goddess
Jokes on you, I don't want to fuck her anyway.

And even if the impossible did happen ie, her existing, I would force her to love me.

I wouldn't let such an amazing circumstance slip through my fingers, I would kidnap her instantly if she didn't love me willingly.
>You should love her as a she is a goddess
that is how you get c u c k e d. you don't get respect from women by doing that. you show them that you don't need them. that you have options and that you don't need her. you let them know. spin plates. dread game them. be alpha as fuck. and they'll fucking love you for it

alpha fux beta bux

take the red pill
As correct as you are, you know if you say that anywhere else other then /R9K/ you'll be told to go back to your containment board.

I like to think that Twilight is cannonically a good female that would like betas like us.
No she wouldn't. She'd fuck Flash Sentry before she'd fuck any of us. Because he's an alpha male.
Face it, she wouldn't want any of us.
Didn't you watch the movie? She completely ignored flash when they crashed into each other.

I think this is all you need pham:

1. Don't be fat
2. TRY to be /fit/
3. Don't be too autistic
4. Be intelligent
5. Be nice

I am all these things.

>Implying you aren't a kek.
what if you're an alpha nerd with sexy physique like Jeff?
You're free to think that, but until they kiss and/or until the writers pull a Korra, thinking she's straight or bi is also fine

I still think they hook up next movie. There's still a chance IMHO
>tfw you will never be an alpha male wrecking trap boipusy for fun
I'm working on that right now actually so it is possible.
>I would force her to love me.
lel that's not love at all
and why wouldn't you want to fuck her? sex is great, m8. especially whilst in a relationship
Well he either has a lot of money, drawfriends or takes his work pretty serious. Which could be a good sign.

I don't like feelsy angsty stories though. Is it tolerable?
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>is smart
>fences like a gentleman
>writes bretty gud
>does science
Jeff *is* Flash Sentry. we literally stand no chance.
I'm just saying if she didn't willingly love me then I would have to do that. I wouldn't be able to live knowing that Twilight is real and that I can't have her with me, I would probably put a bullet through my brain.

Also the though of sex with anyone is not appealing and not only that, but Twilight will stay a virgin forever. Isn't that great?
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>I still think they hook up next movie. There's still a chance IMHO
I find that almost impossible by this point. MLP has always gone for the love at first sight thing, and most shows (or kids shows at least) also do this most of the time. Adding to that the deleted 'Why does nobody likes me?' line in Slice of Life, it's safe to say Flash is a joke now.
Dont forget he also plays piano and is going to be in a christmas play or something
jeff is alpha as fuck
You may as well be friends, then. I'm sorry, but I would want to fuck what I date, personally. I wanna StalkerLight kinda relationship, but that kind of relationship is so Disneyeque that it's impossible.
Ever heard of Asexuals?
Oh boy here we go
Don't be a disrespectful shitlord now.
>I don't like feelsy angsty stories though. Is it tolerable?
Well, the whole premise of the story is that Scilight's best friend (human-world Sunset) died when she was ten, requiring years and years of therapy. So yeah, it gets kind of angsty sometimes, though it never really goes over the top with it.
Ah. I ask because I love SunLight, it's my fav ship so had my eye on it for a while. I'll probably check it out.
Why tho?
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>"Sup, Anon--"
>"--Whoa there, buddy. I'ma let you finish, but Scilight is *my* waifu."
>"You're cool with that, right? Awesome, I knew you were a bro."
>"Well... If you'd excuse us, we're gonna go scissor in the locker for an hour or so."
this is dykeshit of the worst kind
I said jeff was alpha as fuck
Flash is a beta
Now you know how I feel on everything dykeshit involving Twilight.
I want to cum inside JeffMango
I'm gonna be honest. I kinda want to fuck Anon.
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We all do
Chronos is ALWAYS ON!
He says an hour and a half later.
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That leg looks broken
She is just really flexible
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>tfw more starlight
deliver us the emotionally beleaguered philosopher
neither one of us will be virgins
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Dude who's the artist?
I want a story where sunset has a crush on twilight and asks her out
then she gets rejected because twilight is already with someone
later Sunset goes through the portal to ask out ponytwi only to find ponytwi cuddling with ponyscitwi
I want dykeshit where she is rejected because the girl is straight.
Oh wait that was R9K with Twilight, only the gender is reversed. And then she became a lesbian.
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>Guy asks for me by name.
>Never find out for what porpoise.
Where ever you are Anon, sweet dreams Space Cowboy.
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>there are people out there who consider wearing a necktie with an untucked shirt to be an acceptable practice.
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>mfw i had a female friend who did this with an uniform that was closer to the male one
>mfw not even the principal said anything to her because 'it isn't the uniform' or some shit
>mfw people would point it out if I did it
fuck the matriarchy
What did it say?
Literally '>>25642849'

Someone's been bumping a lot of threads this way lately.
Actually just a lot of discussion has been going on.
Seems useless
Like you
>No u
theRAPIST twilight when
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What fantasy world would twilight want to live in?
It can be from any book, movie, game, tv series, ect.
my little pony
no way
she would get to read hundreds of books
she can learn about magic
and she would have a place to stay, twilights castle
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Does scitwi eat like this?
Disgusting Tbh.
Jeff is the only one to write something in the past two days. My theory is that Jeff has been eliminating his rival writefags so he can reign supreme over /nst/. Maybe that is why eqg will never come back?
there can be only one
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EqG will come back
No I assume that she eats slowly
Sorry I didn't post when I promised I would. People came over and drama happened and all that.

More Trapshit will be coming tonight, though, after the performance.
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Mind having another writefag on here?
of course
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God no! Last thing we need is new, interesting content!
Welcome to our humble thread.
he's dead and i knwo it
Will start posting soon, keep an eye on here.
Eqg lives Anon! No clue if they are ever really coming back or just telling sweet lies but I know sudoku has not occurred yet.
You know what interesting? My mom was very similar to Scilight during highschool and I like Scilight so does that mean anything?
Good luck senpai
You're mom was a shy and socially awkward qt who didn't have any friends in high school?

I fucked up. Seriously I type without thinking sometimes.
Yes but the weird part is that she was really popular.
Typically it's pretty difficult to be a social outcast when you're a cute girl.
i can't wait for more Starlight nondykeshit.

you made me waifu a tumblr pone and i hate you
Yeah that's when reality and fantasy clash.
Maybe in EQG terms, SciTwi isn't very attractive physically? They all look so similar.
Then why do I find her more appealing then Cadence or her original form.

I find it funny that when people try to bash EQG they bring up the Cadence design for it being bad when it was one of the only bad designs.
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I'm talking from the perspective of the EQG characters. Yeah they're fictional, but let's say we lived in that world. We were Crystal Prep students. Would we more likely find Twilight, an outcast girl, hot? Or would we find a popular girl, like Sour Sweet or Sunny Flare or Fleur de Lis or Upper Crust 'hot'?
but all the designs for eqg are pretty horrible
Well which do you?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand there we go
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They aren't bad. They definitely aren't great, but they are pretty fucking cute. Sometimes.
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So I'm writing more Trainerlight as we speak, and as usual I could use a little Q&A to light my spark. Anything anyone wants to know?
when will sunset appear
or did she appear already and I just skipped over that part while I was half asleep
and no sunset satan doesn't count
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Who said that non-Satan Sunset will EVER appear? Maybe I'm going to leave her out for the first time ever in any of my mlp stories!
She's not going to show up for a long time, at least from the readers perspective.
I was talking about trainer sunset
I know, didn't you read the spoiler? Sunset is coming in much later, and that's the exact artwork I have prepared for her.
whoops I am stupid
"Now Twilight, what did I tell you about Principal Cinch?"
>"That she was a mean witch and if she ever gave me trouble, I should come to you."
"Exactly. So why didn't you come to me when she started dangling your entrance into Everton over your head?"
>"Because I...I don't know, mom."
>Twilight sighs and leans back in her chair.
"Look, sweetie, I agreed to you going to Crystal Prep in order to give you breathing space. I now see that was a mistake."
"I'm transferring you to CHS so I can keep a better eye on you."
>"But you can't do that!"
"Twilight, you turned into a purple she-demon and almost ripped apart reality. Seven students fell through a portal into another universe. We had to tell their parents they were on an impromptu field trip to Phillydelphia for three days until Princess Twilight brought them back."
>"This totally isn't fair! I have a good thing going at Crystal Prep! I'm getting into Everton!"
"Changing schools won't hurt your chances as long as you keep your grades up. Look, I'm not going to keep throwing my money at a bunch of bullies. You're coming to CHS and you're going to like it."
>"Y-you...I hate you! You're not even my real mom!"
>You tense up. A knot forms in your throat.
>"I wish you never adopted me! I wish someone else did. Someone nice, like Dean Cadence!"
>Twilight jumps out of her chair and runs away, slamming the door behind her.
>You sit there for a few minutes, unmoving, until there's a knock at your door.
>It takes a few of them for you to snap back to attention and even realize what's going on.
>Is Twilight back?
"Come in," you say gleefully, hoping to make amends with your adopted daughter.
>Instead of the fair violet skin, the blazing orange Sunset Shimmer enters.
>"Er, Principal Celestia, is everything ok?"
"Oh...yes, yes. Everything is fine. What do you want, Sunset?"
>"I wanted to talk about Twilight. I think she should come to CHS. There's a lot about friendship to learn here."
"I know. I know..."
Nice twist
are you >>25670488
nah lol, got super lazy and had things to do. I may start writing now if i get my idea completely down.
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I want to be equalized by the other purplesmart
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>two new two writefags
Just do it. Pls.
That was a oneshot for an idea I've had for a while. I don't plan on getting back in my writefag robes.
It all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...

Part one: http://pastebin.com/qU90T9fG
Part two: http://pastebin.com/U41EtFwC

>Waking up with a hangover is easily one of the worst feelings in the world
>But waking up with a hangover two mornings in a row...
>While simultaneously feeling like a guilty, selfish piece of shit...
>Well, that's in its own echelon of horrible, really
>You roll out of bed -- quite literally, the landing sends a spike of pain up through your spine -- and drag yourself into the bathroom, violently regurgitating the contents of your stomach into the toilet
>When you're completely empty, you dry-heave for a while, shuddering and miserable, the tile freezing against your legs
>Once you've recovered a bit, you grab your phone to see if someone -- anyone, really -- texted you
>And, to your surprise, someone has
>You open the message, hoping to see something from Anon, Sunset , or Starlight, or... well, you guess not Trixie
>But it's from Trender, again
>"Hey. Are you there?"
>Your tongue seems to swell in your mouth when you read the message
>Why is he texting you?
>Does he have the wrong number?
>Your fingers twitch above the glowing keypad
>Does... does he really want to talk to you?
>He's been so shitty, but...
>Maybe he wants to apologize?
>In spite of yourself, your chest clenches in excitement at the thought
"Hey," you text back.
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i'm trying. i have a super short attention span. but if i'm writing on paper i'm ok. have some Twilight in
the meantime.
You on Skype, m8?
why lol
oh is there? what's the name
This honestly annoys me a bit because some writefags wrote a bit and have never been invited to the group but this guy hasn't posted anything yet and is getting invited
but I am looking forward to his story
Write something first, then we will revisit this
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We're not inviting him yet, we just wanted to catch him up. He has to prove him self or some bullshit like that.

If we've missed any big writers point it out though. I think we've invited all the committed ones?
lol, didn't want to commit that much of a ruckus here.
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We do have Dot, but she never talks to us. Other than that I am not sure who's left
>You set the phone down, expecting to wait a little while for a response
>Yet, to your surprise, it vibrates almost instantly
"Not much."
>The conversation is about as interesting as playing with rocks, but your heart is racing
>For a second, your phone is still, and you think Trender might have moved on
>Then you get another message
>"You know I was just kidding, right?"
>"About what I said. Before the dance."
"You were... kidding?"
>"Yeah. Thought I'd let you know."
"Um... okay?"
>Again, the phone falls still, this time for almost ten minutes
>You head downstairs, staring at the pantry as you try to think of what to make for breakfast
>Nothing seems particularly appetizing to your ruined stomach, however
>Just as you're removing a box of Frosted Flakes from the pantry, your phone vibrates
>"So, do you want to come over?"
"Over where?"
>"To my house."
>"I dunno. Chill for a bit."
>Is he trying to get into your pants?
Eh, ruckus is good for us. It keeps us alive and strong.
i've willingly excluded myself because muh freedoms, etc

Wait nohooves is alive?
How modest and humble Twilight, assuming that right away fucking brilliant.
>mfw twilight can use this to her advantage
>mfw I have no face
>Your heart is hammering in your chest now, and you scan back through his messages, wondering if there's some trick
"Are you serious?"
>"Yes. Let's hang out."
"You called me a "disgusting tranny" last time we saw each other. What the hell?"
>"I was joking."
"You were joking."
>"Yes. Do you want to come over?"
>You stare at the message, hardly able to comprehend
>This has to be some sort of a joke
>Or him making a really, really weak attempt to get revenge
>Before you have the chance to do something stupid, you text back a quick
"No. Busy."
>And then the conversation ends

>You take your breakfast up to your room, your hand shaking and scattering cereal everywhere as you try to eat
>What the hell was that?
>He hasn't tried to speak to you in anything other than insults for the past five years of your life
>What the hell does he want from you?
>You thumb through your contacts to Anon, considering calling and asking him for advice
>But... after the dance...
>You can't talk to him
>So you scroll further, looking for someone to confide in
>Sunset isn't really much of an option
>Nor is Fluttershy, you haven't spoken to her in weeks
>Nor is Trixie
>Which only leaves Starlight
Twilight, don't fall for that trap.
Damit carlos
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my only contributions are tryhard filenames, so no, i'm dead. it's better that i'm not part of the skype group, since i don't contribute enough to deserve a spot.

Jeff, I'll love you to pieces if you make StarTraplight work somehow.
Alright, here goes nothing.

>Fuck this.
>You tried so hard, so damn hard.
>Litteral hours spent on studying.
>You even stopped going out as much as you did before just to get better grades.
>But whatever the reason may be, you're still barely passing with Cs and Ds.
>And to think that you made your parents pay quite the amount to make you go here, all of that money basically thrown in the trash with the grades you have.
>Why do you have to be such a dissapointment?
>Out of anger, you grip the paper so damn hard you almost ripped the portion you had in hand.
>But instead, you relieve your frustration by slamming your head on the desk.
>You let out a shaky sigh, holding back the tears.
>Last thing you want to be is to be called a pussy at this point.
>Then after a while, a voice calls out your name.
>"U-Um, Anon?"
>Fuck, it's Twilight.
>Now really wasn't the time, but then again you can't tell her to fuck off. She doesn't deserve it.
>"Are you okay?"
>That was probably the dumbest question to ask, of course you're not feeling well.
"Not really, no." you reply bluntly.
>"W-what's wrong?"
>Should you show it to her?
>You could take the risk of being laughed at, but she isn't like that.
wait, are you an appulfag?
>After yesterday, though...
>You didn't mean to run out on her like that, but you just have no idea how to handle her
>She makes you feel so amazing, so valued, but...
>But you're not into her the way she's into you
>Is it even right for you to hang around her still?
>You don't want to lead her on, or risk hurting her more
>She makes you feel so damn happy, in a way no one else but Anon has
>And even he gave up on you eventually, but Starlight's been there for you constantly
>You're the one who threw her aside...

>In the end, the decision wasn't hard
>You pull into Starlight's driveway around noon, after stopping to get some food
>It's nothing fancy, just some tortillas, spices, and veggies, but you figure cooking her some lunch is a decent first step toward apologizing for yesterday
>Just as you're stepping out of your car, arms laden with shopping bags, you see the door of Starlight's apartment open, and a somewhat-familiar girl steps out
>Banan-yellow hair reflects dazzlingly in the afternoon sun, and her eyes seem to point in opposite directions as she descends the stairs
>You remember seeing her at one of Starlight's meetings, you think
>Her name was... Ditzy?
>Something like that
>The girl doesn't head to the parking lot, but instead unlocks a bike from the rack in front of the building, and rides off
>You wait until she's out of view before climbing the stairs to Starlight's apartment

>When she opens the door, her eyes go wide with surprise and delight upon seeing you
>"Twilight! G-good afternoon! I wasn't expecting you..."
"Yeah, sorry for not telling you ahead of ti--"
>"No, no, it's perfectly fine! Come on in!"
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did....did she fug derpy?
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my body is ready

for undykeshit
I fucking hope so!
I would a Derpy
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I totally support more Traplight + Starlight notdykestuff.
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she's lovable
Why isn't it Twilight?

What does that S stand for now? Hmm?
>Starlight practically yanks you inside, pulling her arms up to your shoulders as if to hug you, then dropping them again
>"So, um... what brings you here? Is something wrong?"
"Wrong? No. I just... wanted to see you."
>A blatant lie, but the look of delight on Starlight's face is worth it
>"Really now? Well, I'm glad to have you! What's that you've got?"
"Oh, just some stuff I picked up. Thought I'd make lunch, if that's okay."
>"That's perfectly fine. It's been a while since I've had anyone cook for me."
>She leads you over to the kitchen, helping you place your things on the counter
"So... who was that?"
>"What do you mean?"
"The girl who just left."
>"Oh, Derpy? Didn't you meet her before?"
"Once, I think."
>"Well, she's absolutely wonderful. Not very talkative, and a bit easily distracted, but she has a truly wonderful mind. She's been vital to helping me with my research."
>It looks like Starlight's "research" has involved mostly just taking books down from her shelves and flinging them across the room
>The place is reaching the apex of possible messiness; books litter every square inch of the floor, and are piled across every piece of furniture except the bookshelves
>You step gingerly as she leads you to the kitchen, yet Starlight seems to avoid stepping on her books almost effortlessly, her bare feet treading a nimble path between them
>A hundred different forms of apology run through your head, but none of them seem adequate
>Starlight pulls up a chair, watching with interest as you prep her stove and throw the veggies into a pan, the scent of their crackling, sizzling juices filling the room

>You hand her the report card as an answer, not bothering to look up.
>Twilight takes it and briefly checks your grades
>With how intelligent she is, you're sure she made the connection quite easily.
>"Oh...well, you'll get it next time, right?"
>At least she's trying to get your confidence back up.
"I probably would say yes if it wasn't the second time I got grades like these."
>Your response is once again, delievered in a cold tone.
>At this point it probably would be better if she left, it's making you mad.
>You know you fucked up, you don't need encouragement.
>Especially from a straight A student.
>"Have you tried asking for help...?"
>As much as you wanted to say yes to that, you never did.
>You always believed that you could do it by yourself, a lone wolf or whatever it is.
>Probably a little too much emphasis on being independent.
>You reply with nothing but silence, shiting in your chair.
>"Maybe you should! Outside help never hurts, right?"
>Is she trying to say...
>Once again, you don't reply with anything but a shrug.
>After a moment a silence, you think that she went away, but she opens her mouth again.
>"S-Say...are you busy after school?"
>Thanks for making it easier, Twilight.
"No, why?"
>You decide to play dumb, you may not want to talk to her, but not destroy her dreams.
>"H-How about I help you? If you want, of course!"
alright, this seems okay enough. What's your skype name if you have one?

>As much as you want to do it yourself, you do consider that it's not bad to get a helping hand.
>Besides, your grades aren't really showing any good results with the way you're doing it.
>"H-How about 4 P.M? at the library."
>You finally decide to look at her, noticing some pale blush around her cheeks.
>At least that's what you think it is.
"Alright. Sounds good."
>She smiles, nodding her head before going to her desk on the other side of the class.
>Wait...why did she pay so much attention to you?
>How come you're thinking about this just now?
>But before you could go on with your train of thought, someone pats you on the back.
>"Well well well, Look at the guy who's getting some! Got girls hitting on you now?"
>Of course it had to be Flash.
"Man...I'm not in the mood."
>"Aww, c'mon! what's gotten into you man?"
>He has a spice of amusement in his voice that you're despising right now.
>And then he looks at your grades.
>And he bursts out laughing.
>"Oh wow! you're seriously this pissed over that?"
>Patience is running thin, oh so thin.
I hope you mean you'll come back and haunt the fuck out of everyone, anon.
I hope.
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go away tiny twi
the greens are 2lewd4u
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>Tiny twi
ayy moonie
wanna read books?
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Long time not chatting with you senpai.
actually took a couple of minutes break from reading
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So, wa'cha doing tonight guys?
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So... We might call it a night. Sweet dreams faggots
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God damn it Puff why must your drawings be so fucking adorable?!
Writing around at the speed of snails, got no where to go gotta post later tonight!
Hopefully, if I don't fail to write enough that is.
I want to hug them both
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>"I'm sorry about yesterday."
"Wh-what? You're sorry?"
>"I am. I realize now that I tried far too hard to accommodate your needs, and ended up only making you uncomfortable. I hope you can forgive me for being such a poor host."
"Star, you're not the one who should be apologizing, I--"
>"So, from now on, please be aware that I'm willing to provide you with anything you need, if you ask. But I'll try my best to... to control myself."
>She gives you a bashful smile, and you feel the heat rising to your face
"I... uh..."
>"Is that acceptable?"
"Y-yeah... but, I was going to say... never mind."
>You turn back to the stove, giving the veggies another stir
>Starlight stands up from her chair, resting her hand lightly on your hip
>"In return, would you mind... doing something for me?"
>You turn around, finding Starlight's face only a few inches from yours
"U-uh... sure, I guess, l-like what?"
>Her face inches closer, her mint-toothpaste-scented breath tickling your nostrils
>She's close enough to whisper in your ear now, her voice sending goosebumps crawling down your neck
>"Could you mix some cumin in with those veggies? It's my favorite..."

>When the food's finished, you fix up a plate for you and Starlight, and she clears away a spot on the couch
>"So, what would you like to talk about? Are you having difficulty reconciling with Anon after the dance? Or is it something else?"
"Actually... I didn't want to talk about anything, really."
>"You... are you sure?"
"I mean... nothing super important. I kind of just wanted us to... you know, hang out."
i want to cumin side starlight glimmer
>"Just hang out... with me?"
"Yeah? Is... I mean, that's not a problem, right?"
>"No! Of course not! I just, um..."
>Starlight tugs at the collar of her shirt, the color rising in her face
>"I don't really "just hang out" very much... outside of my philosophy, I'm really kind of boring..."
"So am I, half the time. Why not be boring together?"
>A small smile appeals on Starlight's lips
>"If you're sure about this, I'd be happy to have you here. So... what would you like to do?"
"Well, I brought my laptop, if you want to watch something. It's down in my car."
>"That sounds fine. Do you want me to fix something to drink?"
>You nod as you head out the door, heading back to your car to grab your laptop
>The temperature is dropping fast, and a bitter wind cuts through your jacket as you make your way across the parking lot

>Back in Starlight's apartment, though, you find your friend -- or whatever she is to you at this point -- fixing something chocolatey and delicious at the stove
>You carry the laptop in and hook it up to her TV before joining her, taking a long whiff of whatever she's making
>"Soy-milk cocoa. That's appropriate for your diet, right?"
"What? Oh, yeah, that's vegan. I think."
>As good as it smells, you wouldn't turn it down if it was made with raw pig's blood
>"Excellent! So, what would you like to watch?"
>Starlight removes the pot from the stove, pouring the cocoa into a mug for you and another for her
"Actually... I went back and watched a few episodes of Evangelion, and..."
>"Oh? Changed your mind?"
"Sort of. I kinda want to give it a second chance."
>"That's great! I've actually got the Blu-Rays, if that's okay."
"Sure, yeah. I'll just close this..."
>You shut down your laptop while Starlight runs into her room to grab her anime discs
i expected starlight to be into LOGH if anything senpai
By the way, here's a quick question about your story: Why did you make Twilight a vegan?
Evangelion fits her whole idea of breaking down barriers between people, though.

It was something she did in an attempt to feel better about herself, but -- as you can see -- it hasn't worked out so well.

Gotta head out for a bit. More coming throughout the rest of the day.

Sorry I've been slower than usual. Last week was pretty shit, and I'm still kinda burned out.
I think that is actually a very fitting thing for her to do then, because being a vegan doesn't help anything and makes you feel like a better person.
She should just go vegetarian. 95% of the moral superiority while being much easier to actually pull off.

Buffalo wing pizza is still a no-no, but at least you don't have to worry about ice cream and peanut butter.
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hey guys, I may do some writing later on. I got a lil family reunion going on.
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does anybody else think she is cuter when her hair is messy
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Finally someone has commented on that.
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OG EQG Twi a cute
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confused equalpone a qt

>sexually confused equalpone a qt
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These six > mane 6
she swallowed that traplight load like a champ.

it's so fucking hot.
Ah yes, the Girls of /nst/
I went back and re-read the original SciTwi & Anon green.

Man, it's amazing how much multiverse "shenanigans" we've derived from that series all those months ago.

which green had the best
>Princess Twi

also explain your choices
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shit... i don't have an answer for this one. maybe Sperglight
>Princess Twi
it's not part of the thread, but i really like that Fractured Sunlight fimfiction
a tie between Traplight, MUPPET, and Alt-SciTwi
>NST Six
I am okay with these girls going on space adventures together

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>Muppet is 2 of 6
I still miss TwilightLand
Tie between MUPPET and RFO
Traplight. Too easy.
Tough. Maybe SpergLight? Maybe R9KLight?
>Princess Twi
Twi Twi. Only story she's really been in so far.
Tie between Trap and R9K
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Which /nst/ story has the best Sugarcoat? Has to be either SpergLight or Sugarlight

also I haven't been here in a while
is No Future Part Two still the thread theme?
Sugarlight hands down
>is No Future Part Two still the thread theme?
Damn, how long you been away for?
Traplight. Literally made me waifu her.
Russian SciTwi or Sugarlight
>>Princess Twi
err... TwiTwi
either Traplight or AST
I gave in and read your shitty fucking spergy ass story and now I want more. Post third act.
who are you talking to m8
Traplight because she gets almost no screentime.
Traplight. Easy choice.
R9Klight. As caring and selfless as Sperglight Sunset AND she can fight.
R9Klight or Bullylight. Traplight at the start of the story.
I've yet to see a Trixie I don't groan at when she comes up, show and movies included.
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Probably the only person who would have the ability to a sperg-related story separated into "acts" and is on the third one now.

EQGWritefag, obviously.
At first he didnt want to read sperglight because he didnt want to fuck a sperg

Then he gave in and read it

Now he wants more
>I've yet to see a Trixie I don't groan at when she comes up, show and movies included
Looks like someone didn't read any of the earlier greens
sperglight is on act 2
That doesn't even have to be Twilight to make me go unf. That's some stellar art.
But it is twilight
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>mfw I haven't written shit for /nst/ in weeks
It's time I gave myself an attitude adjustment
CrusaderLight is in the works my brother!
The Champ will return!
Counting the answers 'cuz I'm bored.

3 MUPPET, 2 RfO, 1 Traplight

>implying there's a choice

2 Stalkerlight, 2 R9K, 1 Trumplight

2 Sperglight, 2 R9K, 1 Stalker, 1 Russian SciTwi, 1 Sugarlight, 1 Bullylight, 1/2 Traplight (at the start)

>Princess Twilight
>what choices
2 TwiTwi, 1 for Fractured Sunlight

4 Traplight, 2 Alt-SciTwi, 1 MUPPET, 1 R9K, 1 shit-trixie is a multiversal constant

>Sugarcoat >>25684574
1 Sugarlight
>not liking yandere Sugarcoat

10 1/2 Traplight
5 R9K
3 Stalkerlight
2 RfO
2 Sperglight
2 Sugarlight
2 TwiTwi
2 Alt-SciTwi
1 Trumplight
1 Russian SciTwi
1 Bullylight
1 Fractured Sunlight

Seems like Traplight is the new R9K.
Traplight could never fill the hole R9Klight left in my heart. It's sort of like chocolate milk and chocolate drink. The latter is good, but the former is superior.
couple months
why, it doesn't really look like much's changed
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>there will never be a crazy twilight to obess over you
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Next edition needs to be "Chinese Cartoon edition"
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would you ship bookhorse with dresshorse?
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any ship except bookhorse with goodbookhorse is haram
Bump nigga
Why must Moondancer be so cute?
Because she looks like twilight
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because she is goodtwilight and twilight is p cute
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Aw man. Poor Flash. I'd probably kill myself if something like that happened to me.
I would too.
Yeah. It's one thing losing your girl. But losing her to another girl? And losing her to that new girl you've been crushing on? Damn.
>he gets keked by his ex
God that must hurt
But he deserves it
What the fuck is the point of this stupid thread? Twilight, she isn't real anyway so what’s the fucking point?

It's not like she'll just suddenly appear one day so why the fuck do we even bother, it's fucking pointless..

Besides, I know at least for me even if she did exist I'd never be able to approach her, if she were sitting at a coffee shop or something, I'd be too scared to walk over and say hi.

And even if I managed to get that far somehow, she'd think I was a total loser, she'd never want to be around someone like me. I'm not even saying this cause like "oh pity me" or some shit. I mean all I do is sit around and watch anime and shit, why the fuck would one amazingly attractive girl want anything to do with me?
>getting c.ucked by his ex by the girl who he has a crush on
>gets rejected by the version of his crush that's from his world
he really should consider suicide. either that or hookup with derpy.
>why the fuck would one amazingly attractive girl want anything to do with me?
People here are deluded that she'd want anything to do with us because she's also socially awkward and shy, but also cute at the same time. That'd they'd have a chance. But a girl like this doesn't exist, and if she does, she's with a nerd version of Chad.
why the fuck do you keep being a fucking loser you dipshit
jesus you self-pitying r9k fags are fucking horrible
The point of this thread is to have fun and write or read stories about twilight
Who said anything about R9K?

I have a lot of drugs pumping through my system right now though
>ooh woe is me no girl will ever like me im so pathetic
sounds like r9k to me m90
I'm not going to delude myself and think I'm good, or even adequate for that matter
>boo hoo woe is me i'm so horrible mentally scarred and dark
I'm not though
so why all the self-pity?
It's called being self-conscious and not trying to delude yourself.

I mean yeah, sure I might be happy one day, but one of the only things that can actually make that happen doesn't even exist so what the fuck?
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>internet fight
I thought most people on /NST/ were at least somewhat depressed, so I'm surprised this was met with disdain
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>It's called being self-conscious and not trying to delude yourself.
Jesus christ man, can the smug-humble pity act
there's a difference between being depressed and being oh-woe-is-me-im-so-horrid melodramaticly depressed
Tell me what I should do then hmm?

Should I just say "Yeah in this awful situation, everything will be just fine." That doesn't seem realistic.
Self improvement. Getting better. Getting /fit/. Talking to people, making some friends. Getting better at talking to girls. Getting some hobbies. Fun shit. All that.
"Yeah I'm in this sticky situation, better fix it right up instead of moping around."
Yes I try to improve myself with all of my effort but until I see results I don't believe it'll happen.

It's like when I see myself losing while playing a competitive sport I think to myself: "Yeah I'm probably going to lose, but I'll still try to win just to get that .01% chance at winning."
What a great ending to the thread
/nst/ is the #sadbois thread, lad
74 should be called the "It'll get better edition"
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