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Wardrobe Malfunctions of Canterlot High

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 408
Thread images: 48

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Original Prompt
>H-hey anon....

You turn around to see Fluttershy crouching behind a trash can

>May I, uh, borrow some....spare pants?
>Why? Because.... Well....
>You know how Principal Celestia got the school a new elevator?
>Well, I was standing too close to the doors, and when they closed, they caught my skirt...
>I tried to get the door open again, but it was no use
>The elevator went up, tearing my skirt to pieces.
>I can't be seen showing off my p-panties!

You see the shy girl is wearing white panties, with hearts in them

>Please Anon, the gym's being used for volleyball practice, so I can't get my gym shorts
>and you...
>you're the nicest guy I know
>please Anon! Everyone will laugh at me if they see me like this!
>All I want are some pants! I promise I'll give them back! I'll even wash them for you!

She's practically begging at this point
What do?

This guy - http://pastebin.com/WMC8N5ue
Cleric_Alerror - http://pastebin.com/ffSJdHft

Previous Thread: >>25410712
Not This Shit again
Last one died when I went out for breakfast.
Well its not like the show is around anymore for us to talk about
hey, for some green, how about we do what that one anon suggested?

It was like, after helping Flutters, anon agrees to go out with her.

This could go one, if not both, ways:
1: all her friends give her a bunch of advice for the date, which she has trouble keeping track of, but decides to be herself in the end
2: she's stilll subject to wardrobe malfunctions on the date. Skirt falling down, bra strap breaking, etc.

so, anyone willing to try their writefag-ness?
I've never writefagged before.
Is it hard?
its mostly just doing what you think would be best for the green
you willing to give it a go?
Maybe, its intimidating just thinking about it. I'll have to go to the writefags guild first.
sounds good. I might try it if this thread is dying
It's not that hard, as long as you find a topic or prompt or whatever that you actually want to write about.

Keeping it up is harder, but starting is pretty easy, imo.
What about a new writing prompt?
or will everyone throw a hissy fit
Namefag, anons will throw bitch fots no matter what, might as well fire up a new 'green machine'
Just saw Spectre, in for the nightwatch.
Return of the Writefag
TIE Fighter
anyone else watching for tonight? I'm sleepy.
Where's This guy?
that mysterious stranger here, keeping an eye on the thtea
Safety bump
Cosmic here, and i can tell this thread needs help. So, here's some fuel for possible green, starring Rarara

>today, Principal Celestia had let the classes go to the Community Pool
>she said she's doing it so the students can relax from their studies
>but everyone knows that she did it just so people would stop talking about her little 'incident'
>be relaxing by the side of the pool
>enjoying the view of the girls in their swimsuits
>Rarity jumped in in a rather unprofessional-like manner
>but whatever, if she was having fun
>a few minutes later, something in the pool washes next to you
>it's the top and bottom of a bikini
>hey, doesn't that look like Rarity's biki-
>you quickly glance over to where she is
>your suspicions are correct
>Rarity lost her bikini when jumping in, and is now happily, yet unknowingly, skinny dipping in an incredibly crowded pool
>you've got to tell her before-
>too late
>She tells her friends that she's gonna go get something at the Snack Bar
>at first, she doesn't know why people are giving her funny looks, with their phones pointing at her
>then you show her the bikini that's been washed off of her
>she looks down, to see her naked body on full display
>and screams
Wait, I feel like I've seen this in a wardrobe malfunction green somewhere...
Yeah yeah it's reused from another thread. It's just to keep the thread from being endless bumps
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This ones been done
I wish we had some green
also E
Last bump for tonight. Anyone watching?

Watching and doodling.
Bumping for birthday
Bump. Wondering if I can write up a green text or something.
Please do. If that's okay...
Bump as I type a greentext
Remind me what the character limit is for posts?
I wanna say 2000?
>Be anon at Canterlot high, morning before class.
>trying to get a damn soda out of the vending machine, keeps eating money.
>angrily kick the machine, nothing happens. Typical.
>suddenly hear gasps, oohs and aahs from behind you
>turn around and see a large crowd gathering at the entrance
>Rarity sashays in through the door, wearing a stunning ensemble
>crisp, silken button-down ivory blouse, hugging all her curves in the right places
>light purple pleated skirt, knee length, sways back and forth as she walks
>skinny white belt around her waist
>violet strappy high heels
>incredibly sexy and incredibly classy at the same time
>all the guys can do is stare, jaws dropped, including yourself
>all the girls squeal, asking where she bought her outfit
>Rarity giggles, flipping her hair, saying she made it herself
>Naturally. She's a regular wizard at the sewing machine
>Now vending machine decides to eject a can of soda, rolls out of the machine
>You don't notice the soda rolling across the floor
>Rarity turns on her heel, assuring the exited crowd she'll post her patterns later
>As she spins in place, her skirt flutters up to her thighs ever so briefly
>Little anon starting to pitch a tent
>Rarity starts to walk away, crowd continues to ooh and aah
>You spy the can of soda rolling right into Rarity's path
>oh shit oh no oh shit
>sprinting after errant carbonated beverage, but it's too late
>Rarity steps on the can, slips forward, falls flat on her face, butt in the air
>Crowd gasps
>her skirt has flipped over her waist, showing everyone her embroidered lacy satin panties
>has her signature cutie mark pattern, seam line running up from crotch to a waistband bow
>crowd makes a combination of giggling and cringing noises from secondhand embarrassment
>every male is scrambling to pull out their phones, fumbling and dropping them in the rush of adrenaline
>oh the humanity
>you run over to help Rarity up, planning how to apologize in your head
>Rarity starts to get up, pushing her pert ass into the air even more
>hear a soft ripping noise
>Rarity's panties have split down the seamline
>the rip barely hovers above her lady flower
>you furiously whip your coat over your head and cover her behind
>crowd disperses, the guys booing and shouting insults as they walk away
>girls still giggling, some jeering you for the soda can
>Rarity now standing in front of you, blushing, holding your coat
>She cocks her head, checking the damage to her underwear, pushing her chest out towards you
>doesn't notice her top blouse button pop off, bounces off your shirt
>blouse starts to yawn open, and you can barely make out the violet lace of her bra over those wonderful pale breasts
>Rarity turns back to you, shirt sliding back into place
>Produces the can of soda responsible for this mess. She smiles.
>"Thanks for the save, anon."
>you take the soda while stammering out an "anytime"
>she walks away, one hand behind her guarding her rear end
>As she rounds the corner you pick up the button that popped off her blouse
>you pocket the button, wondering you should return it or if she's better off not knowing about it
>you open the can of soda
>it sprays soda all over your face

Kind of a different experience being a writefag for once. Thoughts?
Not bad
I liked it
Bump for more
Giving a girl your pants? Fuck no, you want to get laid don't you?

Tell her hell no, you don't get my pants. But do something else for her instead. Walk her to her to the gym. Leave and go get something to cover her. Anything else.

If she still demands your pants, just say "hell no" and start to walk away. She'll cave.

It's important to be nice, but not too nice. You don't want to be a fucking chump for a girl who isn't even giving you any sex. Letting yourself get used like that leads to dry pussies and is a fast pass to the friendzone
bumping for this guy to return
I chuckled. Pretty good stuuf
Do the Pinki one brah.

Good setup. I'd like to see this go farther, ifyouknowwhatimean.
This guy,where u at?
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Well I feel stupid, I thought you guys had died when I last checked and couldn't see the thread.
I was gonna finish the story at my own leisurely pace in the pastebin. But here you are alive and well. I better pick up where I left off/
At least we know u r still alive
I was actually trying to make a new thread, but it kept telling me to wait. :/
U want the pink? You get the pink

>Be Pinkie Pie
>today's the day for the big talent show
>you've been practicing all week, and are really hoping to impress everybody
>especially that cutie Anon
>soon, it's your turn to go on stage
>you've been practicing a special dance routing that's sure to knock 'em dead
>tugging your skirt up, you make your way on stage
>after you introduce yourself, you begin your dance routine
>halfway through, you think you feel a breeze
>but the crowd seems to be paying attention, so whatever
>once you're finished, you see that about 80% of the crowd has their phones pointed at you
>at first, you're not sure why, then you feel the breeze again
>then, someone from the audience holds up your skirt, and the people around start laughing
>it's ok, if you lost your skirt, at least you still have your pant-
>you remember
>you slept in this morning from practicing last night, and rushed your routine
>you forgot your underwear
>everyone's now looking at your 'special somewhere'
>desperate to try to fix it, you tug your shirt down to cover it
>but that was a mistake, because your shirt tears off, revealing your bouncy boobs
>you want to run off stage, but the situation pins you there
>so now you're frozen, naked, and desperately covering yourself in front of the entire school
>this isn't good
>this isn't good at all

Go farther how?
I'm in, keep it up writing drawfag

You liiiiiveeeee

>>everyone's now looking at your 'special somewhere'
And here we see the source of Pinkie's pinkness!
>TS:"She said there were a few complications." She winces at Sunset's out right evil eye "But she did nothing but praise your actions"
>"Yeah, even if you were shunning any chance of friendship with her and the others!"
>You hear a tight high-pitched voice come from nowhere
>Your eyes dart around the room trying to find the source of the comment and from between Twilight's legs pads in a small funky looking purple dog
"I didn't know you had a pet Twilight?"
>The bizarre looking animal makes its way over to you hopping up onto the couch next to you
>As you reach to pet it the creature exclaims
>"Hey! I'm not a pet! I'm an assistant to 'Princess Twilight' thank you very much"
>Your hand freezes in place in the air as your eyes unblinking widen in your head
"Guys...is there any side effects to that potion thing you used on me, or did that dog just talk?"
>"I sure did, are you 'freaked out'?" it impishly gins your way and chuckles "Names Spike by the way not 'that dog' and actually, I'm a dragon, but in your world I've been shafted with this form"
>Twilight scolds the mysterious talking dog and picks it up to hold in her arms
>TS:"Sorry he's not normally like this. Try to behave more Spike, we're still guests in this world"
>A whining sound that suits the beasts form cries out from him
>Spike:"Sorry Twilight."
>Slack-jawed you rigidly turn your head to Sunset who doesn't have the faintest look of being phased by this
>You try to say something to her but your mouth only shapes the words with no noise coming out
>Unsure whether its shock from discovering a talking animal or fear that you may be dying of a brain haemorrhage
>Seeing your distress leans forward pull up the side of her pyjama top at the shoulder
>SS:"I should probably explain, Twilight and Spike aren't from here. They came here via a portal at the school, from Equestria, where Twilight has been anointed the Princess of Friendship."
>Fidgeting with her hands she announces
>SS:"And, I'm also from Equestria"
>Your face etches out disbelief as you pluck up the courage to speak again
"Right, okay. Let's say I'm not a complete sceptic and I believe you, are you guys also dragons or something?"
>SS:"We're more like, ponies..."
>Your expressions morphs to a bleak and blank glazed over stare, your lips curled tightly in a smile
>Growing nervous from your sudden quiet Sunset tries to clarify further
>SS:"Well not just ponies per-say, I'm a unicorn and Twilight is an alicorn"
>Not even a flicker or twinge of muscle changes the appearance on your face
>SS:"And other ponies like pegasus and earth ponies exist alongside magic in our world, that seems to be seeping into yours little by little"
>Your thoughts are a swirl or chaos storming through your head
>What on Earth is she talking about?!
>Am I dying?
>Is this real life?
Or is this a fanta sea?
>Am I going mad?
>This is it isn't it
>I'm going to die here, not knowing what the fuck this girl is talking about
>Brought back into the room by the amber girl, you feel like you've just been to the brink of insanity
"I guess that would shed some light on the whole magic potion thing."
>With a hesitant voice Sunset gauges if you are still with her
>SS:"So you're not upset or anything by that?"
"Not really...I'm not really sure what to say."
>Thinking on it for a moment you ask her
"Are the other girls from this 'Equinstia' place, even Shy?"
>A buzzing noise rings from a wall speaker next to what you presume to be the front door
>Pushing off of the chair Sunset makes her way over to it as Twilight takes a seat on the floor with Spike on her lap
>SS:"It's 'Equestria', and no."
>TS:"But we do have our own versions of the girls you know in my world"
Alright guys tomorrow I'm gonna try and type the shit out of this thing.
No interactions with the outside world for me.
And I want to say I'm sorry I didn't check the board sooner and kept you waiting.
But thank you for bumping tenaciously, I appreciate the time you gave up for bumping and it shall not be in vain.
On a side note, if Anons' want to write their own green I say go for it. Personally I would welcome another story to add to the thread, so by all means give it a go.

Godspeed, This Guy.
Well her clothes are clearly in a precarious state. Maybe have anon slip up some more giving her the button? Have the whole thing fall apart at once in the middle of lunch? Or have her workings gradually pop off in classes with each significant movement? Have the boys play some shit on her to speed the process up? It's a good setup that can go a variety of ways.

>At this point, it feels like the world is watching
>The teachers and staff seem to be trying to control the situation
>You see Vice Principle Luna trying to stop some recordings while Celestia seems to be running on stage
>And here you are still frozen
>You could run for it, but that would reveal yourself even more
>You really wish your Twilight was here, where are your friends anyway?
>As you eyes frantically search the crowd, all you see is the endless sea of cellphones
>The horrible realization starts to dawn on you on how much was recorded
>How long have you been dancing?
>How long have they been recording?
>How long until the first of many footages of you are online?
>All these thoughts bring tears to your eyes, as you feel your hair start to deflate.
>You fall to your knees, still cover yourself despite how futile it seems now
>You want to get away, a need to escape
Please, make it stop.
>Staring down at the floor with blurred eyes, suddenly a black mass lands in front of you
>Taking a moment to adjust your eyes, you realize that it's clothing
>A dark grey hoodie, just a couple of sizes too big for your frame
>As you stare at it, your brain begins to function again
>Hoodie, clothing, a means of escape!
>Without a second thought of who or where it came from, you quickly throw it around your shoulders, sliding your arms through the sleeves
>Zipping up the front, you turn to your right sprinting fast; Dash would have been impressed
>But Dash is also the least of your concerns, right now there are more pressing thoughts
>You're just glad to finally be offstage
Bump begins
>That's when you wake up and realise it was just a dream

>No, wait....
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I like where this is going
Bump for green

professional bump
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>Imagine a world in which Hitler won WWII

Would it be better?
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waiting for this guy....
Bolo :DDDD
How's it going with the pic, drawfag?

What kind of swimsuit is Principal Celestia wearing?
I'd imagine a yellow one-piece. Something conservative for her position, but still enough to be proud of her figure

I'm getting finished with the lineart. Hope to start coloring it tonight.
Awesome! Can't wait!
>Spike:"Yeah, we have our own Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity. And this worlds Rarity is just a pretty and kind and generous as our worlds Rarity"
>The talking dog has a dreamy look in his eyes
>If only you knew little pup
>Sunset presses a button on the wall speaker and talks into it
>You overhear a timid voice speak back
>"Erm hi, it's us, we're back"
>As Sunset greets them she presses another button on the speaker eliciting a low electronic buzz, a thought occurs to you
>With your strain to understand this magic portals and other worlds business you queryingly inquire
"Wait, so if there are counterparts of people from my world in your world, is there a counterpart me as well?"
>TS:"Here's the thing that's confused me for a while." she pats Spikes head to snap him out of his daydream and to stop drooling
>TS:"I don't think there is"
>A seriousness engulfs you from her tone and the way she stares into you ,not at you like a person, more like you were a strange being
>Despite her and her dog being the strangest thing you've ever seen
>TS:"I've searched high and low in my world for anypony resembling your kind of attitude and personality but my searches have yielded no results. Please don't take this the wrong way but you seem to be some form of unique anomaly to this world"
>She stares at you hard, her eyes unyielding and bathed in a want for knowledge
"S-so what does that mean then?"
>Quietly she observes you before abruptly announcing with a radiant smile
>TS:"I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out!"
"That seems like a very daunting aspect you're presenting "
>TS:"I know right? I'm so excited to begin initializing tests and analyses's!"
>Seeing your distress Sunset comes over to save you, again
>SS:"I think Anon would like to rest before you begin questioning and testing him Twilight"
>Spike leaping out of Twilights lap she has an excited grin on her face
>But all you see is the maniac behind it
>TS:"I suppose it can wait for later, for now I'll just be making observations and noting things you do or say. Try not to take any notice, I don't want my findings to be influenced by any outside stimuli"
>Feeling a little over exposed you pull the blanket to cover your torso
"What kind of Princess are you?"
>With a modest smile she says
>TS:"Silly, I'm the Princess of Friendship of course, and a scientist"
>A rattle of knocks comes from the front door and Sunset goes to answer it with Spike eagerly following
>Spike:"Oh man I can't wait to see her again!"
>As she opens the front door, a menagerie of greetings joined in chorus of familar girls voices meets her
>One voice you know too well bursts out over the rest
>R:"Oh if it isn't my adorable little Spikey wikey!, you precious thing you, come here!"
>Travelling in their way into the centre room the rest of the girls enter the apartment carrying sleeping bags and rucksacks full of what you imagine to be their essentials
>Cradled in her arms, Rarity holds Spike like a baby tickling his belly causing and Spikes foot to shake and wiggle from tummy rub bliss
>As the gang enters they spot you up right and awake and proceed to clamour around you
>RD:"So you're finally awake huh? Took you long enough to get up, and all that worry over a tiny scratch, geez." With a mocking smile you can see a glint of happy relief in her magenta eyes
>"RD:"Don't ever do anything idiotic like that again, alright?"
>Pinkie globs herself onto you pressing her whole body against yours, the blanket being the only barrier between your half naked body and her
>PP:"We're all glad to see you up Anon"
>She squeezes you tightly to the point where you think you might black out again from lack of oxygen with her python like hug
>Eyeing you from the back of the group Rarity puts Spike down to the floor and pulls her head up to greet you with a warm smile
>R:"You had us all very worried Anon, do try to look after yourself more properly. It seems like we're always coming to your rescue"
>Her words sound harsh but you can hear the underlying tone of care behind it
>Relaxing her death hug grip Pinkie pulls away allowing you to breathe easy once more
"I'll bear that in mind. Thanks guys, all of you"
>SS:"If anything you should be thanking Fluttershy, if she hadn't dealt the final blow I'm not sure what would have happened"
>The girls part to show meek Fluttershy hiding behind Rarity
"Thank you, Fluttershy"
>Fidgeting with her finger she nervously attempts to pass on the attention
>FS:" I think it was more of a group effort really, I don't think I could have done what Sunset did to help. I just saw Shiv point that gun at everyone so I had to do something."
>SS:"Are you kidding me Shy? I was too scared to even move when I saw that thing, you're the bravest one out of us"
>Fluttershy's face brightens like a beacon of embarrassment
>She tries to cover her face with her shirt like a turtle hiding in its shell, pulling her top over her head and inadvertently showing her slender midriff and belly button.
>Rarity giggles and puts a reassuring arm around Fluttershy
>R:"Come now Shy darling, I think Anon would like to thank you properly"
>Rarity begins guiding the blind Fluttershy to where you sit
>Eventually gracefully persuading her to fall on top of you with a push, making her eep in response
>You catch her taking on her light weight frame, holding her by the shoulders her head concealed on only a cap of her pink hair pokes through the top of the shirt top
>You can feel her shaking a bit as you pull her top down to see her face
>FS:"Sorry I didn't mean to-"
>With a tender quiet warm voice you say
"Just shut up for a second"
>You pull her in tight for a hug and you can feel the tension in her body dissipate as she returns the hug
"Thank you"
>The world seems insignificant around you as you embrace her, allowing a calming warmth take over your body
>You take a deep breath and unintendedly inhale some of her clean soapy smelling scent mixed with her own womanly pheromones
>In your enamoured embrace you hear a few girls giggle and aww
>Remembering where you are you open your eyes and pat Fluttershy on the back like a good buddy
>She swiftly connects the dots and moves off to sit beside you her hands planted on her lap and red from ear to ear
>You can feel the hot blood rush to your cheeks too, as well as another area
>Please dear god don't let them see my stupid boner
>You lean forward as to cover your rising tower entwining your fingers together in front of you mouth
>With a coughing grunt you try to compose yourself and think of a subject change
"So what exactly is everyone doing here again?"
>Rarity sidles up to the empty seat next to you and leans on you, Spike noticing how close you are to his beloved Rarity eyes you with green envy
>R:"Dear me didn't Sunset tell you already? We're all going to be having a little sleep over here tonight. And you get to have the pleasure of witnessing into the forbidden knowledge and rituals of what a girls sleep over consists of"
>Her blue sapphires burn into you with an intention you're all too acquainted
>R:"Won't that be an exciting treat for you?" Her glistening lips curl into a sly smile
>TS:"What forbidden knowledge and rituals are you talking about Rarity? Last time when we had a sleepover all we did was play video games, watch films and gorge on pizza"
>Sounds very similar to a regular chill night in for you
>R:"Well of course Twilight, but for a boy to be in our midst's its quite a unusual circumstance, in some cultures I'm sure having a mixed sleepover is considered to be very taboo, don't you think Anon?"
>Profusely sweating and panicking you try to change the subject again
"So how is Applejack doing Twilight?"
Rarity, pls.
Drawing of Rarity's creep face while Anon sits on the couch when?
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Can the next person who reposts this at least change it to;
"...with hearts on them"
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Original Prompt
>H-hey anon....

You turn around to see Fluttershy crouching behind a trash can

>May I, uh, borrow some....spare pants?
>Why? Because.... Well....
>You know how Principal Celestia got the school a new elevator?
>Well, I was standing too close to the doors, and when they closed, they caught my skirt...
>I tried to get the door open again, but it was no use
>The elevator went up, tearing my skirt to pieces.
>I can't be seen showing off my p-panties!

You see the shy girl is wearing white panties, with hearts on them

>Please Anon, the gym's being used for volleyball practice, so I can't get my gym shorts
>and you...
>you're the nicest guy I know
>please Anon! Everyone will laugh at me if they see me like this!
>All I want are some pants! I promise I'll give them back! I'll even wash them for you!

She's practically begging at this point
What do?
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La bump
Another Bump
bump for this guy

and this guy

and this guy

and for you too
Another bump bites the dust
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MLP needs more episodes featuring Discord in season 6

2-3 episodes per season is way too less

Hmm... now that I look at it, I might need to make the head a little smaller.
I know that feeling

It's my inner perfectionist driving me nuts again.
>AJ:"Ah'm fine Anon"
>Caught unawares, AJ has risen from the Sunsets bedroom, wearing a baggy white shirt, baddy enough to cover her femininity and by the looks of it nothing else
>Her light orange skinned shapely legs bare down to her toes, and her golden locks free and flowing down to her back with no hat adorned to cover the top of her head
>The attention now transfers to her as the girls now clamour around speaking words of comfort and hugging her
>She says she's fine but a voice in your head tells you otherwise
>A vestigial remnant of her strong character is all that remains of the air around her
>What almost happened to her has taken its toll
>You want to say something to her, but you forget how to talk
>If you had only been faster
>Or stronger
>But none of that matters now
>You need to be strong now for her.
>When you speak the words feel strange on your tongue and even stranger when you hear them
"Applejack...If I had. In the fight, been more helpful...I'm sorry, I tried to but, Shiv she-"
>She smiles, her bright green sap eyes with red encircled around the whites of them spiritlessly look to you
>AJ:"Ah know Anon, you did what ya could. And there were a lot of em."
>You realise now that Applejack holds no grudge against you for what happened
>Although you had no part in Jack's actions, you feel a slight shame of your gender
>AJ:"And Ah'm sorry I wasn't able ta help you when ya needed me the most. Girls can be nasty things when they want to be"
>In spite of everything that happened to her, she as placed it upon herself to carry a guilt for her own gender
"Guys can be pretty nasty monsters too"
>Working a weak smile onto your face AJ walks across the room to meet you
>AJ:"C'mere ya lil' scrapper"
>As her gets close she extends her arms out for a hug
>Girls seem to be a very touchy feely sort
>Accepting her invitation you stand and open your arms out too, the blanket sliding off your lap as you do
>Embracing one another in a warm comfort AJ tickles your ear with her breath when she whispers
>Whispering back with a relaxed tone
>AJ:"Ya know ya aint wearing any jeans, right?"
>Suddenly feeling the chill of the air on your legs you shrug it off
"So? Your only wearing a shirt"
>Her whisper grows quieter still with what she says
>AJ:"...Ah can feel it..."
>Your eyes snap open as a cloak of cold sweat sheathes your body
>You had let the thought of your sailing mast in your pants was up from the hug from Fluttershy slip your mind
>Curse your virile hot blooded body from getting excited from something as innocent as a hug from Fluttershy
>Dropping out of the hug and back onto the couch within a bet you wrench the blanket back to cover your rager
"Sorry...I-I just woke up myself so it's a physiological phenomenon, I can't help it"
>Some of that strong willed woman comes back to AJ's face as she smirks
>AJ:"S'alright Anon, Ah understand."
>Breaking the warm fuzzy glow feeling in the room Sunset gets everyone's attention
>SS:"Okay everyone, you can get changed in my room. I'll order some pizza and then we can think of what to do next"
>R:"I think I know a few suitable activities we can do together"
>That sly grin she wears when you know she's thinking of something that can't be good appears on her face
>R:"I also bought some new nightwear I made" She elegantly gestures with a wave of her hand to her rucksack
>R:"Perhaps some of the 'bravest' of you will be willing to try a few on?"
>Hooking her arm with Fluttershy's she escorts her into Sunsets bedroom the rest of the girls follow
>Spike attempts to follow too but is slid out of the door, his arms folded and his weird doggy face pouting
>PP:"You gonna get into your PJ's too AJ?"
>Pinkie Pie pokes her head out of the bedroom door before going in
>Brushing her bangs back with a hand AJ checks out the baggy shirt she's wearing, then looks back to you before answering Pinkie
>AJ:"Nah, Ah feel comfortable wearin jus this for now"
Alright guys, I've been failing hard with producing the amount I want to write.
Two family birthdays I completely forgot about
So I'm going to become a hermit and just sit in my room tomorrow writing, I'll be damned if I don't get to some good parts before work kicks in again!
Hope you are all still enjoying the story still, see ya soon Anons'
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I am.
My employer is very upset with you. He's expecting results and you insult him with this?

I don't like it when my boss is upset, because that's makes me upset.
How unfortunate that your employer is unhappy with my progress.
...My condolences, I've been aspiring to get more done but when my family is involved they become priority.
Are you a family man Anon? Do you spend time with your family?...good, 'cause a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
You look terrible. I want you to eat. I want you to rest well and tomorrow This guy is gonna give you what you want. And as for your employer? I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
What kinda offer?
Eh. Forget about it, I want you to leave it all to me
T-Thank you, Mr. Writefag.
hey anons, what if Celestia has a wardrobe malfunction
Only good things happen.
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I'm still readin' n enjoyin'
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>PP:"Okey doky!"
>Pinkie gives thumbs up and slide back into the room
>Making herself comfortable sitting next to you, her legs brush up against yours as she tucks her legs under on the couch
>Twilight remains sat on the floor looking through a collection of a DVD stack while Sunset pick the phone up again and wanders into the kitchen dialling
>This all seems unreal
>Hours ago you were fighting for your life
>Now you're in a girls apartment, surrounded by woman each one just as beautiful as the last
>And a half naked southern blonde next to you while the other girls are readying themselves
>If you are still unconscious please, don't wake up
>You've come a long way from being a fickle loner
>AJ:"Where are the rest of your clothes Anon?"
"Covered in blood and soaking in a chemical solution by what Sunset told me"
>She glances down at your bandages peeking out from the blanket
>AJ:"Does it still hurt?"
"Huh? Oh , no. That healing juice helped me out with that, probably should take these off too. Thanks for reminding me."
>You begin to neatly unravel the coverings around your waist as AJ watches
>The rags have some stains of red in them and some of your blood still coats the area where you were shanked
"I should probably wash this off. Sunset!"
>Calling her from the kitchen, she looks through the service hatch holding the phone close to her ear
>SS:"Hold on a second, what's up Anon?"
"You got a shower or something in this place?"
>Pointing to the dark red dried patches of blood on your back she nods towards her bedroom
"In there huh?"
>Blanket covering your still calming third leg you move towards the bedroom
>AJ:"Wait Anon! The girls are still in there!"
>As you approach the door you cheekily grin back at Applejack
"I know"
>Knocking on the door with the back of your knuckles she still looks perplexed
"I'm not a complete barbarian"
>The door opens ajar and you cover your eyes with your hand, blinding yourself
"Hi sorry about this, but I need to use the shower to get this-"
>PP:"Nonny! Come in here!"
>nicest guy
>not threatening sexually
Jeez is Anon some beta faggot or something?
>In a surprised gasp you're yanked into the bedroom
>AJ:"Such an impatient guy"
>Stumbling into the room all you can see is the black darkness of the inside of your hand
>If you weren't trying to be a such a good guy you would lower your hand to ogle what you can only imagine is a glorious sight to behold
>PP:"Look who came to say hi guys!"
"I just wanted to get to the shower!"
>You speak out to defend yourself in case they think your here for other reasons
>R:"My my, speak of the devil and he shall appear "
>PP:"What're you doing with your hand in front of your eyes? You won't find the shower like that silly!"
>As your hand is pulled away you are given the sight you so desired
>Sunsets room was wider than the front room you had come from
>The gleaming light from the ceiling bulb illuminated the room to show the personal items of Sunset
>A music sheet poster on the wall above her queens size bed with a ornate wooden headboard, if you could read music you would guess at the notes but settle for its aesthetics instead
>Against the wall to your right is a writing desk with trinkets paper and pens scattered about its surface
>Propped up against it a V-shaped cyan coloured guitar and a large amp cabinet and amp head
>The carpeted floor is littered with clothes. Despite its messy scatterbrained appearance the room has a very homely feel to it
>But before you standing in their pyjamas is the girls
>Pinkie wearing what looks to be a pyjama set version of her usual top with comfy looking trouser bottoms
>Dash sporting a white shirt with red short sleeves with her signature rainbow storm bolt printed on the chest and glinting night blue pyjama leggings
>While Rarity opts to wearing a rather more adult purple slightly see through nightie with a frilly white collar and blue bow.
>Its transparent enough that you can see Rarity's purple bra hugging her pale chest together, her lady lumps look squeezed to fit inside of their confinement
>Her panties are just as thin as AJ's g- string was, leaving nothing to the imagination with the shape they've taken to her gender
>Fluttershy seems to be missing from the group though
>R:"What do you think Anon? It's similar to my old nightie but I've made a few changes with the fabrics to get that more 'adult' look"
>Your tongue seems to be swollen in your mouth as you can't form any coherent words
>Even though Rarity has been a bit of a 'creeper' to you, she sure knows how to wear the sex into that clothing
>RD:"Geez Anon, take a picture why don'tcha!"
>For a that escapes your grasp at this time Dash seems to be in a huff about you gawking at Rarity
>R:"Now now Rainbow Dash, Anon just likes what he sees, there's no need to berate him. If you had worn the one I made for you I'm sure he'd be doing the same to you too"
>RD:"Ch'yeah, like I'd wear something girly like that!"
>PP:"I don't think it looks so bad Dash, I like the frilly collar though makes it look all fancy"
>R:"Thank you Pinkie dear, at least some of you can appreciate fine night wear when you see it"
>As they talk amongst themselves you tear your eyes away from Rarity's choice in night attire and observe another door to your left next to the bed
>A slither of light shines through the gap of the door which you can only assume must be where Sunsets shower is
>Navigating the minefield of discarded clothing you make your way to the door, the other girls don't notice you until you open it
>RD:"Wait Anon, don't!"
>As you open the door what you see leaves you stunned and breathless
>The light of the bathroom blinds you for a second before your eyes adjust to see
>Fluttershy, wearing a very similar night dress to Rarity but in a light green colour with matching green bra and panties
>She jumps when she sees you come in, and immediately covers her womanly assets
>Her expression looks like she wants to scream but she bites her bottom lip holding it back
>Your eyes stay transfixed on her.
>Moving up and down her slender body, taking in every curve and soft looking exposed skin she has to offer
>Her breasts aren't as compacted into the bra as Rarity's but nevertheless look to be a handful
>And the green silks she wears around her sex look to cling to her form to reveal a crease going down the centre
>Until you realize what you're doing and slam your back against the wall next to the door and once again covering your eyes with your hands
"I'm sorry Shy, I didn't mean to, I was just trying to get to the shower!"
>FS:"I-it's okay Anon, I was just surprised, that's all"
>Hearing the sky blue girl chuckle at you you peek through a gap in your fingers
>RD:"Man Anon, I don't know whether you've got the worst timing or the best"
>She continues to chuckle at you when Rarity see Rarity gently caress the bottom of her chin
>R:"Come girls, I think we should leave Anon in piece to wash himself, after all we're all ready and dressed now we no longer need the room"
>FS:"B-but I'm not so sure I want to be wearing-"
>R:"Of course darling, if you want to get changed into your regular pyjamas you can do so in the bedroom whilst Anon bathes."
>Heading towards the living room she performs another wave of her hand to gesture and exit to Pinkie and Dash
>R:"Spit spot"
>Shrugging their shoulders in unison Pinkie bounces out of the room with Dash trailing behind
>As Rarity closes the door behind them she gives you wily eye
>R:"Make sure to wash every spot Anon, take your time"
>With that she closes the door
>Fluttershy peers around the corner to see you still backed to the wall and a rouge blossoming onto her cheeks
>You are alone with Fluttershy
>That shy girl you knew a week ago returns, making no eye contact she hides behind the rim of the door frame
>FS:"Y-You can go in if you want...I'll be in here, in the bedroom."
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Fluttershy's eye looks retarded.
>I quickly moved toward her, removing my jacket and throwing it around her shoulder's. She was small, so the jacket covered her so her panties were just about covered.
>"I'll escort you to the bathroom" I said, and together we rushed off.

>I pulled her into a stall and shut the door, quickly removing my pants.
>"anon, what are you doing?" fluttershy objected, covernig her eyes
>"These are the only pants i have, but you obviously need them more than i do. I can wait here until you're able to get your gym shorts."
>"Oh anon, you're so sweet!" She gushed and kissed my cheek.
>I sat in the bathroom and waited for her for about ten minutes. When she finally returned, she joined me in the stall and removed the pants to hand back to me.
>I couldn't resist the urge to peek as she was slipping her shorts up her legs and over her cute underwear. But just as quickly, she caught me.
>"dont look!!" she whined and put her little hand over my face.
>"I'm really sorry fluttershy," I blushed hot "I feel like a jerk"
>Fluttershy's hand lingered over my face for a moment before she finally said "you're not a jerk. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm just embarrassed."
>"You shouldn't be," I blurted...
>Fluttershy giggled nervously and kissed me on my cheek again. We gazed into eachother's eyes for a moment before we both realized that neither of us were wearing pants. We laughed.
>From there, something happened. I'm not exactly sure what, or about the exact moment... but she just grabbed my face and started kissing me passionately. I couldn't even pull her off of me to take a breath.
>"I'm sorry!" she gasped when she finally pulled away "I haven't ever kissed anyone before"....
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Continue, please
Go on...
I am your father.
>Lucas: Not enough CGI.
>Focusing as hard as you can not to start running your eyes up and down her again you look at the ground
"Yeah. Thanks"

>What's wrong with you? Say something to her!
>Tell her how you've been wanting a moment like this between you two
>Wait, that might come out weird given the situation
>Fuck it! You've waited for ages to have a moment like this with Fluttershy, you have to do something!
>But, as Fluttershy makes her way from the bathroom into the bedroom you find yourself unable to say anything
>Every inch of her body in front of you makes you want to go wild
>From the top her flowing pink hair from her face that looks to be sculpted from marble by the very gods themselves, the wiggly of her to her dainty feet
>Each line and curve of her form begs for, no. Demands attention
>Something is holding you back
>A force of will that is suppressing your desires. To reach out and take her in the heat of passion.
>To tell her you actually...you actually...
>And that's just it, isn't it?
>She turns to look at you, the nightie she wears flows around with her and as if she anticipates you to speak she looks at you with a glimmer in her cyan eyes
>Your grip tightens on the blanket you hold, till your hand is almost shaking
>Your eyes feel heavy as you look to meet her enchanting gaze
>FS:"Is everything okay?"
>Finally your tongue tied state relents
"Yeah Shy. I'm...I'm fine."
>But not in the way you wished it had
"I'll close the door behind me. Let you get changed"
>Doing as you said you enter the bathroom closing the door behind you gently without glancing back at the tender yellow girl
>The cold air of the tiled bathroom is your reward from remaining silent
>Carelessly tossing the blanket aside you put your head in your hand
>When it comes to facing someone in a fight you're more than prepared to go in and lose a couple of teeth doing so
>But when it comes to matters of the heart, you're nothing but a coward
>Disrobing out of your underwear you throw them angrily onto the blanket
>You fucking pussy
>You're so afraid of ruining or losing any connections you've made with these people you can't even bear to tell the one girl in the group how you feel about her
>But really who are you kidding?
>You've barely spent any time with her apart from at school during classes
>And even then you've not even spoken three words to her, do you even know what she likes? Apart from the animal shelter...
>As you walk into the surprisingly clean and modern bathroom you take a quick look around the black, white and grey space
>In front of you is a bath tub with a shower head strapped to the wall and a sky blue shower curtain and yellow suns
>To your right is the toilet and a radiator rack, nothing special about that.
>And on your left is the wash basin and a mirror cabinet
>Stepping onto the bath matt you raise a leg over the edge of the bath tub to stand in it and begin inspecting the nozzles for the shower to figure out how to operate it
>You know she's a vegetarian at least, from when you stood next to her in the lunch line a few times she would always go for that option with a fruit salad for desert. And was it grape or apple juice for a drink?
>Turning the nozzle for what you assume is in the direction for hot water and the nozzle to turn the shower on, you let out a girly voice you've never heard before as a stream of cold water bombards you causing you to take a step back
>Through the cascade of cold water you brace a hand through its torrent to switch the cold off and turn it in the opposite direction for hot
>The stream steadily begins to warm and you hear her voice from the other room
>FS:"Is everything okay in there?"
>She's still in the other room? Maybe getting out of that nightie without ripping it is a task and a half, it did look like very delicate material
>Damnit, she must have also heard you yelp like a little girl
"Yeah, just learning to work this thing."
>Through the downpour of the shower head you can hear her move away from the door
>You listen carefully enough to hear her move about the room
>Why isn't she leaving?
>Oh god...
>Is she, waiting for you?
>Don't be stupid, of course not!
>The dried dark red blotches of blood begin to wash off in trickles watery red and pink into the drain as you stand under the gentle spray of hot purifying water
>But what if she is?
>You start to feel a lot warmer and it's not from the steamy warm water cascading down on your body
>Your heart pounding away in your chest with anticipation
>Get these thoughts out of your head!
>There's not a snowflakes chance in hell she'd be waiting for you to come out so you two could...
>Especially not in Sunsets room, after all this is her place, you doubt she'd want you two doing stuff with each other in the bed she sleeps in
>She must know and feel that at the very least too
>Even more so with the other girls literally in the other room
>Just take care of cleaning yourself horn dog
>On a small rack attached to the wall you peruse the options of shower gel and soaps Sunsets bathroom has to offer
>Most of them being fruity smelling things in bright colours
>Guess it was too much to hope for Old Spice
>Picking out one of the bottles with the least fluorescent colour content in it
"Oringal Sauce peppermint and tea tree leafs? Worth a shot"
>Squeezing a small blob of the mild green coloured gel into your palm you place the bottle back on the rack and work a lather in your hands
>The scent of peppermint hits your nose like a you were smacked in the face with a candy cane
>Applying the foamy lather to your body you move to scrub your nether with it
>As the tingling sensation builds on your skin, you realise the error of you mistake
>Like a thousand little needles pricking your skin and dick you yelp out
"Jiminy fucking Christmas what is this hell gel she washes herself with?!"
>Frantically you try to sweep off the stinging lather from your body
>Fluttershy doesn't seem to respond to that yell, but instead you hear the bedroom door open and then close
>She must have gotten tired of waiting
>It's for the best
>Despite thinking that, you feel a weight pull down in your chest
>Finally finished with your mad dance to wash of the burning green goo you turn the showers cleansing warmth, and step out onto the matt
>Dripping and still feeling the residual minty sting of the shower gel you remember, you don't even have a towel
>There's nothing on the radiator rack either, and another thought occurs
>You've got no spare clothes...
>Hindsight makes you wish you could go back in time and take your parents offer to drop some fresh clothes 'round
>Resigning yourself to your damp drippy fate you go to open the bathroom door
>Maybe Sunset will have a spare towel in her room somewhere
>As you open the door you freeze like a stone sentry
>Sitting on the bed next to a folded towel is Fluttershy , still wearing the nightie
>And now wide eyed staring at your dangling manhood between your legs a bright crimson adorns her face
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This room dead?
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Every time, adorable
>be aat eqg girl svhool;
>goinf on feald tripp
>pink eqg gril in cute dress
>ping eqf girlls dreess cum of
>Seh hoiut
>she ocver herelf an hied ibn batrooom
>evry1 gto pectures of hre tits
>thwre nice
>she kell hersef
>life happpli evr afer

Tee end :DDD

thhs ws mty storey pls no bully.
I know that's why I posted
Best damn story I ever read, senpai.
thx :DDDDD
Now, let me tell you somtin'
Bout' a guy I know
He is the greatest faggot that ever lived
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You know, the scene in Episode IV where Han Solo and Jabba chat underneath the Falcon, originally had Han talking to one of Jabba's associates. Said scene was cut in the first release, but added back once a CGI Jabba was layered ontop of said associate. Not to mention all the little plot hole errors that have been fixed over time. George treats his films as Works in Progress, even after first releases.
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>be visiting Crystal Prep Elementary for whatever reason
>see this
>what do?
Continue about my day?
What the hell are you expecting?
I found out that the Blu-Ray version of Return of the Jedi had Vader saying saying twice before tossing Palpatine. I decided to stick with the DVD version I still own.
*saying no
>>She continues to chuckle at you when Rarity see Rarity gently caress the bottom of her chin
>when rarity see Rarity
>R:"Come girls, I think we should leave Anon in piece to wash himself
Thank you, edited in the pastebin
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Gentle Anons' I regret to say that I will now be taking a hiatus from writing due to my work load increasing exponentially during this month.
I will be continuing to add to the story when and if I can in the pastebin.
I don't expect anyone to continue bumping this thread if I was the only writer you were waiting on.
But If other writefags want to make their story known, now would probably be the optimal time to do so.
It has been an absolute pleasure writing for you guys, I've never had such a reception like this since I wrote "War in Canterlot". I Imagine a lot of you will be understandable bummed out
Especially seeing as how I have left such an unfair cliff hanger but like I said I always finish my stories if people really enjoyed them, so this one will have an ending. It just won't be finished in this month.
During this time I will also be editing mistakes and errors I've made in the story in the pastebin to keep the story fresh in my head.
Sorry to get all feely and shit, but seriously, thanks for being one of the best damn group of Anons' I've ever known and have never known.
You glorious bastards.
you inglorious bastard. Godspeed till you return. bump
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This guy !!BIHtPSVSQfK noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo>>25671297
What happened to the person writing the sequel to the Rainbow Dash story?
>Be Anon, in the situation described above.
>You look over the poor, gentle girl. She definitely doesn't deserve the humiliation and punishment associated with her state, especially given that it's not her fault; so you need to think of something.
"Don't exactly have a spare pair myself..."
>Her eyes almost grow, tears starting to form as she hears your words.
"...but! But... I do have something I can spare without being indecent myself."
>Start whipping off your hooded sweatshirt, offering it to her. She stares at you, confused and... a bit flustered?
>...This is Fluttershy we're talking about; the girl who gets embarrassed in asking permission to go to the bathroom during class. No way that's because of you.
>"H-how does that help me, Anon?"
"...You can... wrap it around your waist and use it as an improvised skirt until you get home, maybe...?"
>"I... I guess that could work... p-probably not much more revealing than what I was wearing anyway..."
>Watch for a bit as she ties the hoodie around her waist, as you suggested; luckily, your well-sized green hoodie covers her entirely.
>This young lady's social awkwardness is about as well-known as her love for animals around here. Sympathizing with her, you offer your hand to help her up.
"Want someone to walk with you... help you explain what happened, in case anyone asks?"
>She takes your hand, smiling so adorably you could swear you heard something nearby squeak like a chew toy.
>"U-um... I suppose... I'm not that good at... talking to people... thank you, Anon..."
>True to your word, you walk her through the school, taking care to avoid as many people as possible.

I tried something; want moar?
All right, moar it is!

>But try as you might, you attract the attention of one person.
>Fluttershy smiles awkwardly, seeming to recognize whomever it is... whomever... she is...
>Oh shit, it's Pinkie.
"HEY THERE, Flutter-butter! What's going on? Who's this? Why are you walking with him? Is he a new friend? What's with the new skirt?"
>She continues asking questions literally faster than you can follow until Fluttershy opens her mouth.
>"This is, um, Anon... and he's, uh... walking with me because, um... um..."
>You glance at her, opening your mouth.
>She meets the glance, closing her own mouth and blushing red as a tomato, eyes and head immediately tilting to the floor.
>Pinkie's probably assuming the worst out of you if her uncharacteristically sour expression is any indication.
>You keep your voice down so no one nearby will hear you, getting closer and closer to mumbling with each word.
"She just had an... incident with... the elevator, that tore up her skirt... I'm letting her use my hoodie to get home without... exposing herself, and, uh... taking her as close to home as she feels comfortable letting me."
>You can tell from her face that if it were anyone other than Fluttershy, she'd be on the floor laughing. She manages to keep from completely breaking down for the sake of the gentle soul, though you both notice a tiny giggle slip out.
>And hearing that causes Fluttershy to hide her face in her hands.
>"I'll, uh... I'll tell the other girls where you're going... text us or call us when you get home and uh... let us know what's up... okay, Flutter-butter?"
>Attempt to put your hand on her shoulder reassuringly as she nods, her own hands still glued to her face.
>"Later, taters!"
>Look at Fluttershy in equal parts confusion and concern until she starts pulling her face out of her hands, looking at you with her adorable blushing face.
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yay thank you
Your the first to go along with the starting premise. Keep it up
>...Not that you were the only one who thought so; the friends Pinkie mentioned have gone on record as to say her timid nature and childlike face make her radiate... neotony, you think the word was. Guess that explains why you're helping her now.
>Your introspection comes to an end as Fluttershy realizes you're looking at her. You ask the... question you'd intended to as Pinkie left.
>"...She likes nicknaming the people she's closest to; it's... kind of endearing, if you think about it."
"Platonic pet names... whatever makes sense to her, I guess."
"Anyway... let's not dilly-dally anymore. Do you need anything from your locker before we go?"
>"L-locker...? O-oh, right... my books and the bag to carry them in, I suppose..."
"All righty... lead the way."
>Thankfully, her locker wasn't too far from where you'd bumped into Pinkie; and the locker had done its job in keeping her belongings secure.
>Glance at the knot she's tied your hoodie sleeves in, noting it's a tad loose and sliding down her slender frame. After glancing at her cute panties again, you shake your head clear of the thoughts her body sends through your heads and make an offer.
"Uh, Fluttershy? Would you like me to, uh... tighten that knot?"
>Fluttershy eeps audibly, knowing full well she's tomato-red yet again, despite her facing the locker.
>"U-um... o-okay... I'm sorry I didn't tie a good knot..."
"No no, it's a fine knot... I'm just offering because... I have some experience in getting knots to stay nice and tight."
>You set to work, undoing the knot and tying a better one as best you can without exposing her too much.
"All right... you just let me know if it hurts, okay?"
>That voice can only belong to one rainbow-haired tomboy... Rainbow Dash.
>As if to make matters worse, her yelling startles you enough to make you lose your grip on the hoodie before you can secure the knot.
>And so it falls.
>Your mind is running through thoughts so fast, your mouth can't lock onto words to express them with.
>She saw you messing with clothing on her person and watched it fall from her person.
>She's charging for you, gaze fixed on you in utter rage.
>Welp, no good deed goes unpunished, right?
>"You've got three seconds to explain yourself before I kick your face in, you lowlife--"
>"Rainbow Dash."
>Holy shit, who was that and what did she do with Fluttershy?
>It shut Rainbow up, so you decide to let whoever she was do the talking your body couldn't.
>"That was Anon's hoodie I just felt fall off my person. He is letting me borrow it to cover myself until I get home, and offered to walk me as close to there as I'd like him to."
>You watch, stunned as she continues to explain the situation in tranquil fury, ignoring her situation.
>"He was in the middle of making good on his offer of tying a better knot than I did because I suppose he noticed it was beginning to slip off as I was reaching into my locker. That's when I'm guessing your presumptuously rude yell startled him and caused him to drop it."
>"Now, would you PLEASE apologize and either let him continue or do it yourself, before I REALLY lose my patience?"
>An uncomfortable silence as Rainbow Dash assesses the situation, looking back and forth between the two of you, before looking at you guiltily.
>"S-sorry... Anon, was it?"
"Y-yeah... can't blame you for the conclusion you jumped to. Just a... misunderstanding, that's all..."
>She looks away, presumably because she notices the waver and slight stutter in your voice
>"...Aw geez, dude... did I REALLY scare you that much? I'm... really sorry about that..."
"You meant well... now, uh..."
You glance to Fluttershy's state to bring it to RD's attention.
>"...Thanks for being a gentleman about it, Anon... but... I think I'll handle it this time."
>"All right okay just get it done PLEASE..."
>Oh, so Fluttershy found those timid, gentle tones again. Cool.
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>A moment after the knot gets tied, a winded Pinkie Pie huffs and puffs over to the three of you, panting out an apology.
>"Hah... hah... sorry... I was... telling her... and she... took off... guess I've got... too much pudge... to keep up with her..."
>You turn to Pinkie, smiling a bit despite the lingering adrenaline high.
"S'all right, Pinkie... we had a little... misunderstanding, but... we cleared it up before anyone got hurt."
"Think you two can tell the others in your clique, making sure they don't... jump to conclusions?"
>Rainbow Dash straightens up, having finished the knot, and turns away from you on hearing the slight emphasis you put on the last three words.
>"...Yeah... we'll make sure they know you're not the total scumlord you make yourself out to be. You'll tell us what's up when you get home, right Flutters?"
>"Of course, Dashie. You five will be the first to know if Anon slips up... but I... I trust him."
>It's obvious from the way she's almost... scanning your features... "Dashie" doesn't trust you yet, as Fluttershy has.
>"Yeah, just... let us know you're safe, or whatever... tell us what's up when you get home."
>Fluttershy meekly nods, and the two girls walk off.
>You murmur, more to yourself than to her.
"...Holy shit, it's one thing hearing rumors..."
>Fluttershy's face reddens again, proving her excellent hearing.
>You feel your own face shortly follow suit.
>"Yes, well... Dashie... Rainbow Dash, rather... has treated me like a sister... for as long as we've known each other... so it's... easy for me to be... open around her..."
>"And... I-I can get angry when I want to..."
>If you hadn't just seen it, you aren't sure you'd believe it.
>Thankfully, you're able to get what she needs from her locker without further incident, and Rainbow Dash's knot thankfully holds better than Fluttershy's did as you two walk to her house.
>You look at her as you find the meager abode. "This it?"
>Fluttershy nods.
>"I'm... glad that you kept me company today, Anon. I never realized how lonely it is walking home... but sometimes I enjoy the solitude."
"Yeah... I know how that is..."
>"D-did I make you feel bad? I'm sorry..."
"No, no... I just... keep to myself a lot... because I'm the kind of guy who needs solitude to... recharge, as it were..."
>"You, too? Oh, it's so nice to have someone who understands..."
"Yeah... well, I should probably get back. My mom'll worry if I'm not home before her."
>"Oh, o-okay... well, I'll be sure to give this back tomorrow... freshly laundered, as promised... b-but... u-um..."
>She gets on her tiptoes and barely pecks you on the cheek.
>A barely breathed "thank you" later and she's in the door at a pace to rival Rainbow Dash.
>...Well, then.

And on that note, I'm off to watch Book of Life... I'll be on in another hour or two, then I'll see where I wanna take this. Feel free to offer suggestions!
don't ruin it with sex that's all I ask
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Please, no sex
All the sexy shy
Maybe a 3 way with RD to make up for earlier.
I have heard your suggestions; I was intending to end with sex, but I understand why you wouldn't want it. You don't know if I would make it feel forced, or out of character, or sudden... you don't want this promising premise to delve into smut so quickly. Rest assured: I will do my very best to ensure the journey is as satisfying as the destination.
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ok good
As long as there is a good grind happiness is assured.
I'm good with this.
>Be Fluttershy.
>Well, that was... interesting, to say the least.
>You immediately check up on your pet bunny, Angel.
>Fortunately, your mother did indeed return home for her lunch break to ensure Angel had adequate food, as she does every day. You hope that leaves her enough time to eat some form of lunch, even though she tells you she always does.
"Hello, baby... Mama's home... did Angel miss Mama?"
>He hops to your outstretched hand, licking and nuzzling it emphatically. That's all the answer you need, you reflect as you let out a small giggle.
"That's Mama's little baby... Mama had a long day today... so much learning... and, um... Mama had a little accident... with her skirt..."
>Shit. Now that all the excitement's passed, you realize your favorite skirt was now in tatters; tatters you don't even have anymore, and were now likely sitting in some trash can somewhere.
>That makes you feel a whole new pang of sadness. 'I wish I'd thought to ask Anon to go back with me for the pieces...'
>You can feel a familiar heat on your cheeks as you think of Anon again.
>You're sort of glad you were wearing this pair of underwear today. Out of all the panties you had, this was your favorite pair, the one pair you almost didn't want to hide..
>You wonder if Anon... liked what he saw?
>You're snapped out of your thoughts when Angel backs away from you a bit. 'That's strange... he's never done that before...'
>Blinking, you realize what he could be smelling.
"Oh... you must smell Anon's scent on me! Mama had to borrow his hoodie so she could get home... in more than... her panties..."
"I'm sure Anon will love you as much as I do, Angel. You just have to show him what a sweetheart you can be."
>Angel slowly moves back to you, licking and nuzzling your hand a little less emphatically.
>You really should get this off, get changed, and wash it...
>...but maybe you'll wear it a little longer... while you care for your Angel...
>Be Anonymous, coming home to realize your mother's beaten you by five minutes.
>"Hey there, hun; later than usual. Anything wrong?"
"Nah, just helped someone out at school. On a related note, that's why I don't have my hoodie. A... girl needed to borrow it to get home, and she'll get it back to me tomorrow."
>"A girl? Anon, you best make sure she isn't leading you on."
"Mom... I know where she lives, I know who her friends are, and... I know she's a kind, gentle soul... kinda like some lovely lady I know."
>You smile as your mother giggles in response to the flattery.
>"Oh stop, you... but seriously... if you're sure, you're sure. I trust you're getting smart enough to make your own decisions, and deal with the consequences. But if you ever need someone..."
"I know who to turn to, Mom."
>"That's the boy I raised."
>Satisfied with your little talk, your mind replays what happened.
>Your emotions got the better of you, thinking that kiss actually meant something.
>She was just being nice... showing how much your gesture meant to her... right?
>'Pffft. I wish.'
>...You can't help but off-handedly wonder what she's doing right now.

Now that I've written both of these... I hate they came to me in this order... >.<;
Doesn't matter just don't stop.
>inb4 Anon is secretly in love with his mom and gets his emotions confused because both his mom and Fluttershy have the same personalities

I know that's kind of a long shot but hey, 4chan greens are all about long shots
Fluttershy might come to remind him of his mom in time, and he'll sort that out when and if he gets there... but for now, he's interested because he thinks a pretty girl might like him.

>Be Anonymous still, coming back to school after an evening spent uneventfully browsing the web and doing homework and a... restful night's sleep, you suppose you could say.
>Your hormone-addled mind totally didn't romanticize the return of your prized hoodie, nope you enjoy taking cold showers in the morning yes sirree.
>Shaking your head to clear it of inappropriate thoughts, you notice Fluttershy making her way over to you, your hoodie in her outstretched hands as she closes in.
>...Well, damn. Already you can tell it's washed better than you do it... hell, maybe even better than your mom can do it, when you ask her nicely.
>You take it gratefully, throwing it on over your ensemble; yet another plain sweatshirt and baggy jeans. It keeps people from judging you.
"...Thanks, Fluttershy."
>"Oh, th-think nothing of it... it's the least I could do... wish I'd remembered to pick up the remains of my skirt, though... that was my favorite skirt..."
>You blink as you notice the fashonista approaching with a fabric Fluttershy seems to recognize.
>"You mean these scraps, dahling?"
>Well then... at this rate, you were going to be a member of Fluttershy's clique. And damn if she didn't do a fine restoration job on that skirt.
>"Rarity? Are those...? I-is that?"
>"Yes indeed, dahling~... Pinkie and Rainbow Dash said they searched the place for every scrap they could before they went home yesterday, then gave them to me.."
>"The solution was obvious to them, of course! Whoever else could they know whom would fix this up for you? But that's what friends are for, right?"
>"Rarity, th-thank you. Oh, sorry... u-um... this is Anon."
Look, I hate doing this but, could you just write it "Darling~". Every time I read "Dahling~" I hear Arnold Schwarzenegger saying it.
>Rarity looks you over.
>"Myes, you're the saintly gent that helped dear Fluttershy protect her decency until she got home? I'm sure she's thanked you herself, but I simply MUST express my own gratitude for helping a friend in need."
>She hands the skirt to Fluttershy and gives you a friendly hug.
>You return it awkwardly, unsure how to act.
>She quickly stops the hug, waving as she departs.
>"Perhaps our paths will cross again at some point, Anon darling."
>You look back at Fluttershy, words struggling to form.
"...Your friends certainly have personality."
>She nods, giggling softly.
>"If this keeps up... m-maybe you'll meet all of them."
>You shrug.
"Who knows? Might not be so bad... I could maybe give... having friends a try..."
>"Y-you mean...?"
"Yeah. I'm currently friendless here; don't have too many enemies, either... so I really can't complain."
>"W-well... I'd love to be your friend."
"I... I'd enjoy that too, Fluttershy."
>Warning bell rings.
>"We'd better get to our classes... see you soon, Anon."
"Yeah... soon..."
>Well, that wasn't as racy as you imagined it, but... still great. Yeah. Still great.
>...Is that lilac-and-strawberry scent emanating from your hoodie?
>...You're going to enjoy smelling that all day.

And that's all I've got for tonight; good night, all!
Fuck yes!
Sleep well,writefriend.By the way,are you Murican?
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Yes indeed! I am an American night owl here (Moonbutt best princess).

More story coming soon, friends; and please, don't let my writefagging discourage you from making your own! More writefags = more content = more future threads!
nice thumbnail faggotron
>More writefags = more content = more future threads!
I'm sure if "This guy" was here he would agree...
he said that before he left
>For the first time since probably elementary school, your eyes wander around, taking inventory of your classmates.
>You aren't quite sure why; you've never cared whom your classmates were, aside from which slackers you'd have to carry in group projects to not have them drag your grades down.
>So why start now? Because a girl you helped might maybe like you? She's probably just that adorkable around everyone.
>You blink, noticing a certain fire-haired girl a couple seats away.
>Letting your eyes snap back to the board for a brief reminder of whatever boring American History lesson the teacher's prattling on about, you realize you're not even out of the War of 1812.
>As much as you tried to pretend you were actually learning at school, most people who knew you well enough knew that this was merely a formality; you could very well have skipped a grade or two, but you and your mother reasoned that "you only have one childhood" and resolved to go through the motions so you could try and make some friends.
>Looks like that reasoning is finally starting to pay off.
>The warning bell rings, signaling to everyone that there are only 5 minutes remaining in class.
>Take down the day's homework, pack your things, read a bit to help you jog your memory on where you are...
>The dismissal bell rings and you walk out of the class, as you realize the fire-haired girl you noticed was walking to match your pace.
>"So, any reason you were looking around class today?"
Welcome back.
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>You blink, not quite sure how to answer the question.
"Uh... oh you know, lesson was boring, and I had... other things on my mind..."
>"Like... the fact you saved my friend yesterday?"
"You might say that... I'm Anon, by the way; figure we're going to need to introduce ourselves if she and I want to be friends."
>She extends her hand.
>"Sunset Shimmer; any friend of Fluttershy's is a friend of mine. Especially after, uh... how you all have forgiven me..."
>You respond with an impartial shrug while you shake her hand.
"I believe in giving people second chances... if they really wanna earn 'em."
>Sunset Shimmer nods, stopping the handshake after a friendly amount of time.
>"Fine way to look at it, Anon; I have a feeling we're all going to become great friends."
"I look forward to it."
>You let her go where she needs to for class, waving after her as she says goodbye.
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>The rest of your day proceeds uneventfully until lunch. Pay enough attention to the class to get the material done, get the homework down so you remember it for tonight... you even go through the old motions of getting your lunch.
>Wait in line for your turn, pay for the factory-produced slop they call a nutritious, delicious meal, move along, find somewhere you can eat in peace...
>And that's why Fluttershy's smiling face breaks through the monotony.
>You think for a moment, people with friends don't eat alone. It's also as good a time as any to chitchat, you reason to yourself; and so you steel your nerves and clear your throat.
"Any room for me over here?"
>Fluttershy nods, swallowing the bite of food she was eating before softly responding.
>"Of course... a-always room for a friend..."
>You nod gratefully, sitting down and taking a bite of your own food as you think of what to say to her.
"So uh... you like animals, right?"
>"Oh my, yes. All the creatures on this planet, big or small... I just love learning about them and taking care of them... b-but enough about me... what do you like, Anon?"
"Me? I... guess I like video games... I play a little of everything, but mostly platformers and simulation games."
"Things like The Sims... and Minecraft... where you can create your own world... hell, I even bought a 3DS just for Nintendogs + cats..."
>That gets her to perk up.
>"You too? What version did you get? Maybe we can play together sometime! I-if you'd like to, of course..."
"I'd actually like that, Fluttershy. Maybe sometime this weekend?"
>"Of course! I'm free on Saturday."
"Then Saturday it is."
>The rest of the mealtime is spent sitting and chatting with Fluttershy and her other friends... your other friends.
>You make a note to formally introduce yourself to Applejack later, but you can tell now isn't the proper time. Despite this, you hit it off well enough with Fluttershy's remaining friend.
>Today's been a great day so far...
What? No stupid tropes like Dash being needlessly aggressive? Or Rarity talking about his clothing?
I really enjoy the new writefag's story but where is This Guy?
I believe he left do to writer block, his explanation is somewhere in here.
Moreso RL shit; here's his post. Glad to hear I'm entertaining someone, at least.

Y'know, maybe instead of talking shit like the piece of shit you are, you could try contributing your own story; or hell, even phrase that shit more constructively. I know this is 4chan I'm talking about here, but still... goddamn. Y'all expect writefags, then shit on them and wonder why they leave. Fortunately, I'm not gonna buckle to one little faggot.
Thank you for the green by the way. Any more for a late dinner?
That's cool. Best things come when you are patient, also I enjoy your story man keep up the good work.
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>Y'know, maybe instead of talking shit like the piece of shit you are, you could try contributing your own story
...ya fucking wot? It was a compliment you thin skinned pussylip. Maybe you should read it again.
Huh; maybe I've been here too long and gotten used to expecting the worst out of this site. Maybe I was assuming you were disappointed with yesterday's bits of green, and giving me a backhanded compliment about this one sucking slightly less. My bad, m8. Thanks for enjoying the story!

Speaking of... moar coming soon, but I'd rather they be in their own posts. Easier for me to fit more in, and easier to catalog them into a pastebin eventually. Stay tuned!
>...And that day is unfortunately ruined when Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Ass decide to give you a hard time.
>You think your classmates call them... Snails? And Snips? You aren't really sure, you just wish they'd stop bugging you.
>Tweedle Ass starts the egging, as he always does.
>"Hey, Anon... hangin' out with girls, huh?"
>"Yeah, heheh... finally accepted you ain't gonna get with one?"
>"Yeaaaaaah... maybe you'd better save yourself the drama and come outta the closet now."
"Hey yeah, maybe Applejack can set you up with her brother~..."
>Each girl feels their face contort in their disgust as they keep going back and forth in questioning why you're hanging out with the fairer sex, to which you respond with a raised finger and a beleaguered sigh, which gets all eyes on you and both mouths shut.
>Your voice's tranquil tones betray the fury behind your words.
"Yes. I'm talking with girls. How astute an observation. I expect no less of you two GENIUSES."
"For one: how RUDE of you to interrupt a group conversation you weren't a part of, just to get on my nerves. Seriously, nothing better to do?"
>You pause briefly for an answer as you take another breath, then continue when you realize they don't have an answer.
"For two: I did Fluttershy a favor yesterday, and we've hit it off enough to become friends. Maybe I want more social interaction than what I get from you two cretins."
"For three: this is how RESPECTABLE men should act around PEOPLE, much less women. Can you even COUNT how many female friends, let alone girlfriends, you've had on more than one hand? And my apologies for needing to say this, but--"
>You drop your voice to a whisper, to not attract so much attention to yourself.
"--no, neither hand counts."
>You wince as Fluttershy hides her face in her hands at that remark, preparing yourself for an explanation.
"Now, if you will EXCUSE us, we would like to return to our conversation before--"
>Goddammit... end of lunch bell.
>No matter... you can smooth this over.
"...that happens. Satisfied at how much time you've wasted for us, Tweedle Twins?"
>Tweedle Ass looks almost catatonic, requiring Tweedle Dumb's assistance to move away from your verbal assault.
>You chuckle to yourself, noting you aren't the only one doing so.
>Watch as Applejack diffuses the bit of tension with her small chuckle.
>"Y'know... yer sens'a humor ain't quite right, but yer heart's in the right place. Y'knew whatcha needed t'do t'get those varmints offa yer back, an' that's what's import'nt."
>You nod, still feeling a twinge of guilt.
"Even so... my apologies for being even a little crass. You didn't deserve to hear that."
>"I-it's okay, Anon. I was impressed by how you stood up to them, anyway..."
"Yeah, they're little brats that think they can get away with picking on the older loner just because they have each other. Y'learn to deal with them quickly..."
>"Well rest assured, darling; you won't have to deal with them anymore if we can do anything about it."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but... we'll discuss this later. Gotta get to classes, remember?"
>After a muttering of agreement and some goodbyes, everyone goes their separate ways, yourself included.
>That... could have gone worse, you suppose.
dis gon be gud
Yeah, sorry if you were expecting a whole "honestly, how DARE you!" sorta misunderstanding thing there. If that happened then, I doubt our poor Anon would have much of a reason to do anything else of note. And that wouldn't be a very good story, now would it?

It's a rocky start; but it can't stay this way forever, right? Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of "What Am I Even Doing?" EDIT: This means I'm done for tonight, so yeah. Good night all!
Don't care, bump for future green.
Rumpy bumpy
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Why is everything about Anon Whiteknight?
What about muh fetish?
I suppose, contrarily to the image of depravity most people paint this board and entire site with, the writefags here just aren't into that sort of story.

That said, no one's stopping you from writing that sort of story. Hell, I noticed a recent thread where Anon winds up banging all three CMC's in one cold, snowy night.. so go nuts!

On another note: story coming when it comes to me; gonna try not rushing the magic and burning out early, but I'll also do my best to post something today.
It's just a shame cause this general used to literally just be fetish fap.
>no one's stopping you from writing that sort of story
You know it's never the same when it's your own work, bruh.
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Wish fufillment.
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Page 10 bump
All right; let's get this started then, shall we? Incoming content bump.
>After an uneventful period of algebra, your best subject, you unfortunately approach your worst subject: English.
>Anyone who knew you would expect a well-spoken man like you would consider English a breeze.
>But what they didn't understand is that your diction doesn't make you amazing at literary analysis...
>And the old farts wonder why your generation is "bastardizing the English language" by inventing a unique dialect.
>Your introspection is interrupted by noticing that both Rainbow Dash and Applejack are approaching the same class.
>You seem to remember seeing the two in the class before, but never gave it much thought before now.
>You decide to greet the two with a simple:
>"Oh, uh... hey there, Anon. Almost didn't see ya there."
>"Howdy, Anon."
"...So, English with Mrs. Harshwhinny, huh?"
>Both girls groan a bit, seeming to know the pain you feel.
>"If'n I get past this class, I know I ain't ever gonna write some fancy thing. I just don't want people thinkin' I'm as stupid as mah accent might lead'm t'believe."
>Rainbow Dash lets out a breath of annoyance only describable as "tch," then adds her own gripes to the mix.
>"Yeah... always the same thing. 'What emotional significance does this insignificant detail give to the story? Come on, there are no wrong answers... except for those I don't agree with, of course.'"
>You and Applejack snicker at the impression Rainbow Dash does of Ms. Harshwhinny, complete with the "fingers-to-the-chest" gesture she's known for.
>Mrs. Harshwhinny's throat-clearing sends a chill down your spine, and presumably theirs too. How long had she been standing outside her classroom?
>"Glad to see you three respect me so much."
"Well, uh, who was it that said 'imitation was the sincerest form of flattery'...?"
>"Charles Caleb Colton, in 1820, though quotes with the same meaning can be traced as far back as 1708... and I doubt any of them would consider mockery a form of impression..."
>She would know that. Blowhard.
>"Regardless, I doubt anyone who said that considered mockery a sort of imitation. And furthermore..."
>You and the two girls beside you walk into the classroom, making sure to hide the fact you're ignoring her prattling on in the interest of not being tardy.
>She finishes just as the bell rings, snapping you back to attention for the lesson at hand.
>You gather up every ounce of your willpower to try and pull some form of understanding out of Lord of the Flies.
>You don't raise your hand, and Mrs. Harshwhinny's learned you seldom have the right answer unless it's "obvious."
>You two have reached a mutual understanding, and you passively learn what you can from the "prodigies" parroting the exact answers Mrs. Harshwhinny wants them to.
>Dear God, if you never write a book, it will be too soon.
>Fortunately, the ending bell rings, marking the beginning of your freedom.
>A harsh glance from Mrs. Harshwhinny tells you she hasn't quite forgiven you for your taste in humor.
>You don't let your lack of regret show on your face, keeping it impassive until you rejoin the sportier girls outside.
"So, uh... any sort of practice to get to?"
>Rainbow Dash and Applejack both shake their heads.
>"I've got the day off'a chores."
>"And volleyball practice was yesterday, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, that's... why Fluttershy wasn't able to get her gym shorts."
>Both girls look a bit uncomfortable about that, Rainbow Dash still seeming... guilty?
>"Yeah... about that..."
"Oh, don't keep beating yourself up. You were a bit... short-wicked, but you had every reason to believe my kindness was a facade to take advantage of a vulnerable girl."
"I'd probably be more sore about it if my body was sore about it, but thankfully..."
"Anyway, I'm not the sort to hold grudges over simple misunderstandings."
>You offer your hand.
"All water under the bridge, eh?"
>You grin as she takes your hand, firmly shaking it.
>"Fair enough, dude. I like you, you're pretty chill."
>"Well uh, if'n I might interrupt... why'd ya ask?"
"Oh, I just... was wondering if you... I dunno... wanted to... hang, maybe? I'm... guessing that's what friends do sometimes? Kinda rusty at the whole 'friends' thing."
>You watch as both girls share a look, and chuckle a bit.
>"Why not? We need to get to know each other a bit anyway. Got anything in mind, Anon?"
>You shrug.
"Eh, I'll try most anything once; though I can't exactly promise the level of athleticism you might be used to."
>You roll your eyes as Rainbow Dash laughs.
>"Dude, are you always this awkward? Seriously... you're like Fluttershy here!"
>You raise an eyebrow, smirking.
"You think I'm that objectively adorable?"
>Applejack chuckles as she watches your retort fluster her, and you chuckle with the farm girl as the tomboy stumbles over herself, flustered blush all over her face.
"Relax, I know what you meant... I was just messing with you."
>"...Y'know what? You're all right; problem is, you lack... drive. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash is here to train your backbone!"
>Before you can say anything, she's gripped your hand again and is dragging you off someplace, while Applejack follows along, shaking her head.
>"Sorry 'bout her, Anon... once she gets'n idea in her head, s'just best ta go 'long with it; hope it turns out like she thinks."
>Dear God, what have you just gotten yourself into?
One more bump for the night. I'll figure out what Dash is gonna do to Anon tomorrow.

Hopefully, I'll remember get the story pastebinned before this topic sages.
We eagerly await your return. bump as well
Nite. Also,bump.
Bump till the end
Nice weather today
is this writefag kill?

Also, hi I'm not kill; busy with a bit of RL shit and trying to come up with what sorta shit RD is getting Anon into. I'll try to get something out today, but not gonna force it either.

If nothing else, I'll pastebin the rest of the story so far, and in the process, disclose my pastebin containing a couple other writefaggy things I've done; I fear this topic might hit bump limit and go sage soon.
Page 10 bump.
Did he ever come back?
Here's an idea
>Celestia loses her pants somehow, gets embarassed
>Calls you to the principals office
>Asks you if she can have your pants
>You offer to give her your shorts instead, since you want your pants
>They don't fit Legs McSun well, and you notice those legs
>Cute Sex happens multiple times
>Luna finds out
>She loses her pants intentionally
>You find her pants in the office
>threesome after she confesses she heard you two

I can try to do this tomorrow, anyone want it?
Go for it.
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I've been looking forward to more mature wardrobe malfunctions, please do
I'm interested in seeing how this turns out.
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I thought I did this already.


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You have my approval, dear Anon
http://pastebin.com/0FmfVJNJ As promised, the link to the pastebin of what I've written thus far; you can also click through to my account to read another couple things I've write-fagged in the past, that I might come back to if demand's high enough. Probably going to change writefag names tomorrow, now that the jig is up.

Night all.
Bumping while I try to figure out this block.
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Bump for green
Rip this guy
Flutterbutter never got the D
This guy's personal thread support, you are talking to Kyle how can i help you?
My green has trickled is there something wrong with the signal?
have you tried turning your PC off and on again?
sir is your pc plugged into a power outlet
Help I've fallen and I can't get up
yes. but the green is coming from elsewhere I must lurk
What are you wearing, "Kyle from thread support"?
>Cadena del Destino. That's what you've just gotten yourself into.
>The rollercoaster only the bravest souls go through.
"Hoo boy... this is going to be fun."
>Rainbow Dash scoffs at your deadpan remark.
"And how is this going to help me again?"
>"I told you already... you need confidence, bad; and after you go through with this, everything else'll be a breeze."
"Right. And next I guess you'll say I can back out if I'm 'chicken.'"
>Rainbow Dash and Applejack both chuckle a bit.
>"Dude. You watched WAY too many cartoons as a kid."
"And there's something wrong with that?"
>Applejack clears her throat.
>"Don't worry 'bout it, sugarcube. We'll be right there for ya; s'what friends are for, right?"
>Rainbow Dash nods.
>"You know it, Applejack!"
>As the line moves along, the three of you chitchat, and the topic of spare time comes up.
>Both girls roll their eyes as you talk of the typical nerdy things. Video games, internet, animé... but you pique their interest with movies.
>Applejack enjoys westerners, no surprise... but parody movies are her favorites. There isn't any sort of movie she won't sit through if she's assured of its quality, but she's not a fan of the mushy romantic drama-type movies.
>Rainbow Dash is, unsurprisingly, all about sports. Though she enjoys watching spending time watching other things with friends, especially if they're laughably terrible, her preference is anything competitive or based on some competition. Perhaps you can introduce her to some games eventually...
>All too soon, your turn arrives.
>You watch as people are seated in the rollercoaster ahead of you. You count out the seats and let out a harsh whisper.
>"Huh? What's the problem, dude?"
"There's... only one free seat."
>"That... is a problem."
>"Sure 'nough is. I suppose we could wait 'n' let the next guy behind us go on..."
>A part of you is relieved to hear that out of Applejack... another part of you, however... feels that it'd be better to get this over with.
>For one, you'd look like a badass taking it on alone. For two, the girls probably couldn't place your screams if they weren't on the ride with you. For three... it just... kinda sounds like fun.
"Y'know... unless you two really want to ride with me... I don't think I'd mind riding alone now."
>Both girls blink and turn to you.
>"Y'sure? Y'don't have to prove anything to me or RD here. We c'n wait an' ride together."
"Much as I appreciate the offer, no thanks. I'm feeling... feeling like this is something I can do."
>Your voice wavers a bit, but Rainbow Dash can tell you're putting your heart into this.
>"Y'know... maybe I was wrong about you. Have fun, dude."
>You bro-fist "RD" and Applejack, getting strapped into the ride.
Well I don't see a problem
Everything seems fine
I m currently wearing a green shirt and some black jeans, why are you asking sir?
Have you already tried to call 911
...I'm just gonna... give this one final bump and hope this weird attempt at humor is finished by the time I'm awake enough to focus on writing.

Sorry there wasn't as much today...
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Kyle from thread support here: It really seems like you need some sleep, good night sir.
Sombody ordered a bump with extra cheese and spaghetti?
Finally... I thought I was the only one
I'm fucking dead on the floor Kyle what kind of thread support is this get your bony ass in here and help me
on my way sir
Page nine bump
Another page 9 bump
Perhaps it's time for a new thread...? Should probably have one that lets people know that This guy is on hiatus and has my pastebin to the OP.
I hate to admit it but I love the idea of girls calling me a nice guy
All right then... someone want to find a new image for the NEW one?
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Rainbow Malfunction.png
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Did I win?
We still have around 80 posts before bump limit.
someone needs to start a new thread.bump
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so bump; got shit sleep because of remodeling work around where I live. Will try to focus on writefagging tomorrow.
I mean bump.
OP pls do a different prompt next thread.
Should we just let die or start a new thread? Bump
I already tried starting a new thread; not making the same mistake twice.

Given this thread is almost 2 weeks old, we should be thinking about making a new one regardless of bump limit.

Got some RL shit to take care of, then I'll get to writing... be it in here or the new thread or my pastebin.
Any link for it?
Right there.

RL shit taken care of, drafting mode engage.
Which character would you like to see having a wardrobe malfunction?
Pinkie Pie or Sunset Shimmer.
Anon or Flash
Alright then, I think I'll use this green prompt:
It's a really good idea, in my opinion, and I'd hate to see it get forgotten
Haven't seen Twi or side characters like Vinyl and Trixie done yet.
>more vaguely-generalized-anonknight is somehow a lady god
I could see Trixie getting really flustered and trying to cover up her embarrassment by talking about how she has nothing to hide because she's the best.
Sorry we don't all want to make Anon a depraved teen / pedophile.

I understand some people like that kinda story, and I'm not saying it doesn't have a place here... just... some of us, myself included, turn to fiction to avoid that kinda behavior and write the kind of person we'd enjoy knowing.

You want that kinda story, write it yourself or ask for someone to write it; but don't complain about green you never asked for. Unless, of course, you WANT to drive away the writefags, kill the thread, and ruin everyone's fun..
Just pointing out the redundancy. I'm right y'know. And no anon at all's better tbeh.

>write it yourself
Creator experience is different from the receiver. I don't want to ruin things, but it'd be nice to see some fetish oc (its original purpose) eventually.
I think you need to chill out a bit
...You're probably right. I've been having a shit week. Remodeling shit is becoming more nightmarish by the day, and it's affecting me and those I live with; and of course, their shit moods only feed my own. As a result I've hardly been in the mood to finish this ride I've started. That fact only frustrates me more, because I like to think my autistic anon white-knight story's keeping this thread interesting. So... sorry for being a fuckhead to people whom I've misinterpreted as being more harsh than they seem to have intended.
Shit happens, emotions get high and nerves get strained. We're only human, asking someone to never let life get to them is asking the impossible.
I doubt anyone here holds it against you. and if they do they are hypocrites.
Bumps R happnen
Who wants to write the story for the next thread's OP?
Thread posts: 408
Thread images: 48

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