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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 364
Thread images: 241

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A thread for that rosy darling.
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2MB, 1024x805px
The captcha is, appropriately so, flowers.
I needed this thread.
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378KB, 873x864px
This thread is long overdue.
What's the matter, Anon?
What do you mean?
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Sorry; I enterpreted your post wrong.
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81KB, 800x800px
What are you doing for the holidays?
Poisoning myself
Maybe it was me who made a wrong post you interpreted correctly?
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Oh, I missed these threads!

And the people that participate in them, of course
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As it were, Anon
th-thanks for this all, anon
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Hey guise wassup.jpg
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I don't know where I'm fucking up, but I can't decode those filenames, binarybro
I want to force her to drink my piss.
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Try decoding them to hex. You are going to be disappointed anyway.
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Always good to see these threads come up from time to time.
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these threads are so chill it's all still up after 8 hours
I like this horse and I like those threads. They are always so comfy.
I like you
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I love this sweet thing.
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Based thread.
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The horror !!!.jpg
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A-anon, pls.jpg
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Darn it, I just want to slowly and softly run my hands up and down her lovely little hips, and then dive in for a big, loving hug
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roseluck and her tits.png
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Dude, I'm tripping again.png
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Can't believe I missed this thread.
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Satan trips confirm
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>he doesn't consume rose salads and drink rose tea
>calls himself a rosefag
Gosh, I love this sketch, so adorable!
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>he doesn't have a roseluck tulpa
You ever have rose wine?
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Rose always dresses in style.png
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Bumpan with Original content in progress
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Ponka waiting.png
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I'll wait.
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Went to flockmod and drew a rosepone, because this thread needs more to post.
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Sleeping Rose.png
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Sleepy rose
>her vagina is lined with razor sharp thorns
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I wanna tend to her rose bud and fertilize her garden.
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I want to plant my seeds in her garden
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Wild rose.jpg
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Yep, good stuff but I still prefer a Bordeaux or Cabernet

Rose tea is god tier and the little rose salad was interesting, enjoyed it but don't have enough rose petals to do another
Oh good lawdy I am bad at lanes.
I MEANT manes, and this is what I was trying to make, Rose in this pose.
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1MB, 849x1024px
Looks nice TO BE HONEST FAMILY, maybe clean up the edges a bit
I knew the edges were a bit rough, without the usual sharp edges of the show, and if I could clean them a bit better I would. However, I made multiple mistakes already, starting with it being too small because I am on a tablet, and couldn't get it bigger from the beginning. And its my first outline-into-drawing in 5+ years.
But thanks anyway.
Hit me up with a request i'll probably do it
Rose in a chicken suit. For reasons0.
Bumpan again
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drinking made this posible.png
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Only terrible sketch, maybe i'll finish it when i'm not drunk and sad
Thank you for it in any case. And I would ask in French but I don't trust google translate and I'm not French, but you nor any friends or relatives were in France, were they?
Nah mate, me mum died a month ago due to a brain tumor and i still don't know how to cope with these feelings
Jesus fuck man... That's horrible. I'm too drunk and tired to even try bull- shitting a decent response. Sorry to hear that man.
The thing that kills me inside is that she told me all that she wanted to do after she had gotten better, she really wanted to live. And it pisses me so fucking much is that there are people with a perfectly good brain and they are destroying it with drugs and bullshit.

Also not saying that the doctors said me, my sister have a high chance of getting a tumor, even my kids and hers
That's terrible, Anon. You have my condolences. Stay strong for your mother, if not yourself.
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Don't worry m8, a year ago I was right in your spot.

Don't mean to steal attention or anything, so please don't mistake it as so.
My mother passed when we were on our family reunion, she left her parents when she was 18 and always worried about them and their health (they moved to the backwoods and were dear to her, but they disagreed a lot. She lost a lot of sleep over all that), then when she comes to see them, she passes. I didn't even know, she had cancer all throughout her body, from stomach, to lungs, to entire upper body. A kind which couldn't be detected. I was on the bottle for a few months, still don't want to think about it much and I'd rather stop now. I think the worst part is the lack of closure, no goodbye or anything. Shits hard man.
Darn, Anon, sorry you have to go through it

I hope you can recover from it all soon. It will get easier to deal with over time
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H-how... Did you do that in Flockmod?

I can't get that program to cooperate...
Even the "tablet version" feels funny...
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Lot's of patience, and a little bit of practice.
>not naming the file: "Rose Samples Lily's Flower"
Shieeet nigga how didn't I think of something like that!?
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Bumpfu for waifu
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I wanna draw rosepone, but I have so much uni stopping me ;_;
If it makes you feel better, I'm in almost the reverse, in that I want to draw Rosepone, but have no uni and no drawing skills whatsoever, Im tracing for these outlines mostly
last bump before bed
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Chill Earth pones.png
3MB, 3200x3200px
That's all right, Anon, your studies come first, and these threads will come up again in the future

Anyway, hope you do well!
bumpan for almost finished continued torture with bad art
Last I am going to torture you (and myself) with my super bad drawing for a while. Going to learn myself drawing spheres and etc with depth, then come back when I can actually do depth. Sig was just because I posted it in Draw Thread so they could rip me a new one
Anyway, the reason the mane is so short and tail nonexistant is because the program i did it with on my tablet only allows for so large a picture for free, and the eye I was kind of just freehanding.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand forgot the picture. FML
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I'm grateful for any Roseluck drawing. It's always nice to see fresh drawfaggotry.

If you got criticism from the drawthread already, then I won't bother.
But a software that limits your canvas size kinda sucks. Have you tried Krita? It's a free software without restrictions that is quite powerfull.

I'm not sure, but I might have a free unlocked version of SAI somewhere that I could hook you up with, if you prefer that
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Drawing some Roses for you.
Thanks, but I'm actually downloading SAI as we speak
As per criticism, I woudl still welcome it nonetheless. Though, I will try Krita in the meantime. I'm also just looking in general for decent art programs, and tutorials.
Because as I'm willing to guess you noticed, I was mainly just tracing outlines and then redoing the rest of it.
Its good writing, but just not giving me a boner. Though I would love more.
Alrighty then.
I'll be happy to help you with anything related to drawfaggotry.

For tutorials, I recommend checking out Draw with Jazza.

have another Roseluck
Thanks, drawfag
A source would be nice Anon.
My pleasure

There pictures are all fresh
I love your style. So cute, so adorable, so lovely!

Something is indeed wrong

I don't have my face buried in your warm, inviting, fluffy chest
Thank you, Anon.
Thank you (and every other artfag around, too) for dedicating your time and effort to this pone we like so much!
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belly rubs or something.png
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It was supposed to be tea or so
The first thing I was told to practice was actually drawing circles, and getting proficient with drawing them correctly, no wrist drawing and drawing from my arm. Is that right?
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Ya, I figured as much. Still like the idea of her being a bit of a coffee addict like myself though
Not that guy but i watched a lot of Jazza when i was beginning to draw, but i found i like to watch Sycra more, i think he draws more loosely compared to jazza
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Adorable Rose pon.png
749KB, 709x1000px
Pony is not for autism
top unf
>human genitals
It's like you're not even trying to not be a faggot.
>date] [Auto] 2 new posts
Human genitals are nice too
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There's one by cold blooded twilight that is great
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But of course
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Would I!
That is correct.
But I'd say to mix it up a bit as well. Practice circles mainly, but also spirals as well as straight lines at various angles.
It's easier to not draw with your wrist if the things you draw are pretty large.

Do this for like 10 minutes before each session as a warm up.
Sycra, Proko and Sinixdesign are all good as well, but personally I think they're better for people with a tad more experience.
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Don't die on me
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Sleepy gardener pon.png
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One thing I'm noticing is that straight up and down the lines I draw end up quivering, but going bottom left to top right, I tend to do much better. (pic related, not my best lines ever)
And also my circles are almost always ovals. Any advice beyond "practice more"? I realize art has no short cuts, but I'm looking more for practice advice
This is always the case when starting out.
Do you use a wacom tabet?

Everyone has angles and directions they are weaker at drawing lines in. While time is the preferred way of tackling this, there's nothing wrong in rotating the canvas and/or mirroring it horizontally so that they suit your preferences beter. The latter is also good for spotting errors in your drawing.

Other than that, it's practice all the way.
Here's how I usually do it, the "spider web warmup", one might call it. As you can see, I'm much more accurate horizontally and vertically than diagonally.
Also, I wanted to draw rose, but I didn't know how I wanted to draw rose, so I just drew rose.
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2MB, 3264x2040px
I'm not actually using a PC tablet right now, its an LG 8.3. I'm going to get a legit tablet when my computer is fully built, but that will be December at the earliest, so I'm using the not-even pencil thick stylus that came with it, so even holding the dang thing correctly is neigh impossible atm.
(pic related is 1 part)
Ah. Trust me on this one, drawing on a pc tablet is a very different experience. My drawings on my android tablet looks shit compared to my pc tablet.
up it goes
These pictures make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Truly, flower ponies are magical.
I would be a rosefag if I wasn't already taken by panko
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224KB, 639x346px
kik me at skittl3z_ seeking pony lovers and men
This board needs more best flowerpone.
There needs to be more Pegasus Roseluck in the world
Would be a powerful for for cute
>not loving her just the way she is
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Oh, no, Anon, I do love her just the way she is, more than I could ever put into words

It's just that, for some reason, I quite like her as a pegasus. Mainly because winghugs are like hugs, only there's more of her hugging me, which I can never get enough of

I simply can't resist hugs, imagining one from her is just overwhelming...
It had to be done winghugs sure seem nice, though
Rose, dear, your hugs aren't "just fine", they are...how do I put it? They are wonderful, fantastic, lovely

Of course, that's to be expected, they are an expression of yourself
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One last post before sleep.
I need to do another serious piece with our pretty petal here. This one is the only one I've made, and it's I should be able to do better than this now.
I am more surprised than I probably should be that there is this kind of drawfag activity in this thread. Flower ponies bring everything together, obviously.
The the new and extremely out-skilled drawfag (aka me) literally just started because I noticed a lack of me finding new art. Now I am attempting to get better and make better
I don't have anymore sweaty towel pony pictures
Pool on lawdy Kejzfox always get much d. Fukkin ruskie needs to draw more though.
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Oh sweet Jesus please tell me the source
(and also I would joining you but a week long ' "vacation" would not help my art)
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Fugg wrong pic
I'm fine i guess, if anything she told me to follow my dreams, so i'll be trying to draw a whole lot more
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goddamit i forgot the picture.png
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Damn it, wish I could do something for you other than offer nice words over the web

Sorry about it, man, really hope you find the inner strength you need and get better soon
I'm not here to be the ruling artist of the Rosethread.

I'm here to nurture creativity and to inspire growth. :^)There are endless more gardening puns here. I'm happy to share my experience as an artist so that we can have more Roseluck.

I do it for her.
From a sad mom story, to porn, back to the guy with the sad mom story(my condolences). Jesus

>Live on horse farm
>Majestic, friendly horses who love getting petted
>mfw none of them will ever be a qt roseluck who will knock on the door of my little worker's house one morning with a rose like that pic right there.
What would be a good christmas themed picture with Roseluck?
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184KB, 644x528px
I'm thinking of her setting on a soft green sofa in dim light.
You gonna draw?
Thinking about it
Sitting by the fireplace on a couch or mat, but off to the side so it's obvious there's more room beside her. Two cups of hot chocolate. One in her hooves, another on the table between the couch and the fireplace. Some statement along the lines of "I have a place, just for you."
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Anon finally feels pretty.jpg
619KB, 2169x2060px
Hmmm, something involving a mistletoe comes to mind. Perhaps Rose surprising the viewer/anon/whoever with one when coming home, or something of the sort
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How about her actually harvesting the mistletoe? I mean almost everyone. Knows what it is, but how many people have seen the whole thing?
(pic related is what i will try. To draw next, without copying the outline)
This gives me an idea, I'll return with a sketch as soon as possible
Fire Alpaca is *very* similar to Sai, and completely freeware.

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306KB, 1252x1213px
Rose is Best Flavor of The Month
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bawk bawk.png
87KB, 474x633px
Colored this because Im high
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looking forward to it!
I never understood those "flavor of the month" people, nor those who change their waifu

Makes me wonder if they just can't or don't want to commit, or if they're indecisive
Here's a sketch for a hearths warming (christmas) decorated livingroom. nope, no couches in the picture

Is there anything that looks weird or that's missing to you guys?
Aw that's adorable. Nothing in particular stands out to me for fixing. Anyone else see anything?
File: Ain't she a lovely little pon!.png (320KB, 1024x819px) Image search: [Google]
Ain't she a lovely little pon!.png
320KB, 1024x819px
That looks really cozy, and I LOVE the plushies!

I don't see anything to point out, honestly
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Ah fudgeballs mate, i was doing the lineart
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The sketch is completed and I've begun blocking colours. I can't say for sure when it'll be done, as I'm a slow painter, but I'll keep you updated.
Please do. There's a bunch of folks looking forward to it
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Artistic Rose pon.jpg
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Those eyes look so bright and happy. The paint splotches everywhere and on her hooves is pretty cool. Looks like she has wings and a horn from the way the paint is done up.
bought 3 bottles of cheap sake.

Willing to color again if you finish.
I've started on the fireplace, but am now working on the window, and it's mostly done (both inside and outside).

However, I'm not leaving you guys empty handed before I go to bed.
Best fluff is chest fluff. Thank you, anon
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2MB, 2500x2500px
I refuse to let this thread die so quick bump
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That's so absolutely adorable, thank you!
thread shall not die
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time to paint
time to bump
Bumping without some content?
I'm working on it
Yes. Yessssss. It reminds me of a children's book.
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Could find one of these on Derpi, so I made one
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Aw, thanks, chuchi.jpg
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Who /justapony/?
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Been gone for four months, she make any new appearances?

Nice to see filename guy's still hanging around.
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Since Slice of Life not any that I remember

I must clarify that I haven't seen neither last week's nor today's episodes yet, so maybe she had an appearance in those
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Oh well.
I haven't watched any of the episodes since the 100th dongle mess, or do I have plans to.
But Rose will always be cute.
The flower trio are your coworkers. Sure they're nice to have around but they get kind of crazy when deadlines are rolling around.
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slug slut.jpg
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Trigger warning.png
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Trigger warning for anti-shippers
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Happy waifu.png
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Nice, fug I didn't even saw her
Drawfag here:
I havn't been able to continue on the hearthswarming pic today, but I will be doodling some Roseluck tonight (like these: >>25498169, >>25487581, 25474711) . You are free to come up with suggestions for that.
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I believe I can flyyyyy...png
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Take your time, drawanon, there's always another day

As for suggestions, I don't have anything in particular to ask. I just love to see her happy and comfy, so the upcoming drawing will be more than enough!
Oi, I require sauce on that.
You're not gonna slip my scope, Cylosis.
Sauce? Uh, well, he posted it in a Rose thread a while back, I think...
No, I want sauce on THAT. The sonic treament of a scarf was good to her.
And also can confirm that, I remember the thread.
Damn, I was hoping to keep track of the drawfags that is/was in this thread, and I was hoping I had missed out on a place where this one were active nowadays.

Scarf, eh?
Wait, you wanted sauce on these images I just posted? They're from a tumbrl I just stumbled upon not long ago

TRIGGER WARNING: It's a Doctor/Derpy/Rose tumblr, I picked a few images from it because I liked the art, I know nothing else of it

Oh mah lawdy scarf rose is new best clothed rose.
I can't emphasize just how cute this is

Darn, I just wanna hug her while we silently watch the snow slowly drift in the wind
Is cute.
Thanks for all the contributions.
>tfw Santa outfits are my fetish
Please, my boner can't take much more
Scarves; simply great!
I'm still here, I'm this guy >>25463262 that's why i haven't done anything aside from >>25495306 and >>25490240
Alright, glad to know you're still onboard, m80.
Dammit Anon, I now I gotta stay up another hour...

5 mins to do the deed, 55 to clean up
You have a tumblr or something I can follow? Your stuff is pretty neat.
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This building in my neighborhood reminds me of Roseluck
>tumblr: chefjulienne (note: there's an unrelated ask-blog to beware of)
>Derpi tag: artist:chef j
However, I haven't been too active in drawing and posting ponies lately except for this thread.
Frankly, I've never been too good at posting my stuff
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Found a rose tea at the store today. Tastes good, but unfortunately there's a dominant flavour of lavender.
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clothes are for lewd.png
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thanks m8
I now realise that should practice drawing clothes more.
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Why do clothes make pones so lewd tho?

It's like magic
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It's darn cold, Maine.png
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I agree
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Oh, u.jpg
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Well, it doesn't ever snow where I live, and I'm currently enjoying some 32°C and 80-something humidity...I'd rather not sweat all day and night

Besides, cold makes it easy to feel nice and cozy with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket

Unf, I love when they do the "pulling the shirt over the crotch" thing

Thank you for the drawings, by the way, they're fantastic!
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>mfw this again
The pleasure is mine.
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This thread is pretty nice.
And I love how all these look!
As it turns out, what she's hiding is absolutely nothing
She can be so mischievous at times, isn't she adorable?
Good thing butts are my fetish, cuz hers is lovely either way.
Stealing waifus again?

Naughty roseluck!
Nah, she be stealin *from* waifus.
What do you think Roseluck's dreams are? What's her drive?
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Transparency can be fun.png
2MB, 1399x1779px
It's all right mate.

Having a bit of a headache meself what with all the PR work that needs to be done all the while juggling family+college+typical adult life stuff.

Take your time.

Here, have a giant Roseluck for your time.
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Das a noice gahd'n.png
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Dat post time tho

Frankly, I'd say she dreams of a time when there will be no more monsters and catastrophes to interrupt the relaxed life she enjoys

Her drive...I suppose she simply has a passion for what she does, and wants to do a it little bit better every day
That's a nice idea.
It kinda sucks that the only personality we've seen from Roseluck is "the horror, the horror!"

I work with character design from time to time, and I find that a characters hopes for their future can be just as describing as their past.

Although the way a character is percieved is kinda individual, I think it's a bit interesting to see who Roseluck is to those that take an interest in her.
I imagine they're generally sweet or uneventful. Flowers, faces, clipped pieces of the past and most particularly those she loves or has inexplicable interest in. She probably does have occasional irrational nightmares, being who she is from what we've seen. And her drive is that of the simple day-to-day pursuit of satisfactions.
So I can't really say anything original. For me she's always been like one I'd merely see walking down a street and dream of everyday. I suppose I prefer it that way.
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Excited Rose.png
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While I agree that some personality to her would be nice, I do rescue that the lack of a developed character gives us the freedom to think of her in more interesting/diverse/personal ways

Another thing is, knowing how background characters have been handled at times, it's both a relief (case in point: Sweetie Drops), and a bit of a disappointment because things can go pretty well (Like, say Derpy in Slice of Life, or Minuette, for example)

For now, I'm just happy she hasn't been shipped to heck and back with the Dr Hooves explicitly, and that she's just a qt pon who works a relaxed job (as relaxed as life can get in Ponyville, I guess) and is not exactly notable

I'm glad that she is safe, for now
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Even moar brushie.jpg
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How about I draw you guys some Roselewd
Please do.
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More lewd: http://imgur.com/H27U8gK
>Stumble upon a cute Rosy thread
>See your artwork being shared
Awesome. I'm glad ya enjoy!

That's actually a funny idea. Might have to borrow that for a drawing tomorrow or sometime soon. Plus it would give me an excuse to draw more ponies in business suits.
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Last lewd for now: http://imgur.com/hYZDx0t
I regret drawing it so small, for sure.
just make the dick smaller
Updated. Somewhat better.

Well, I'm also unable to squeeze in all the detail I want because of the size.
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Love is in the air.png
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>Chest fluff
I UNF'd so hard

Cute and sexy together are the best, and man, do you deliver on that!

Thank you for dedicating the time and effort drawing!
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based anon
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#1 alright!.png
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[Sweating intensifies]
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Roseluck could give better hugs if she had wings.
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Man, these things ae delicious.png
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Maybe, though I wouldn't change a thing about her
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There are no proper words to describe my love to this pone.
I tried writing, picking a song (or several), drawings and the like, yet I can't find something that properly communicates my love, longing, and appreciation for her, there's no way to put express grateful I am to whatever great force, be it deity, destiny or otherwise that made me fall in love with her

She means so much, she IS so much...
I actually started on a fic of some sort a while back, even posted the start in an earlier thread.

But then I realised I'm not too good with the english language and I'm not a good storyteller, so I kinda dropped it.
I get ya, I'm not too good with stories either, and tried doing something worthy several times. Not being a native English speaker and not knowing how to properly lay out a story keeps me from doing anything longer than one or two posts, sadly
I can relate with you two in this case, even if what I write sparks a little interest I always get self-conscious about it and drop it.

Makes me feel kinda pathetic.
I'm not sure of how busy of a guy you are, but you could always try to learn.
I've studied up a bit on the subject through movie reviews, learning the taxonomy and analyzing what I liked about fics I read.
I just don't have the time to write anything, as I'm busy trying to become a better drawfag.
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have this
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Neat, thanks!
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I couldn't sleep, so I actually tried writing a short one shot. Dumping begins immediately:

>Your eyelids pry open
>Your vision is met with darkness
>You instinctively reach for the nightstand to your right and turn off the alarm clock that had disturbed your rest
>You sit up, leaning against the headboard, and stretch your front legs
>The open book that had been covering your face falls to your lap
>You had fallen asleep while reading a book again
>You always had a hard time putting a good book down once you’d started reading it
>Well, not *that* good, perhaps
>It was yet another one of those cliché unlikely-couple love stories
>You had always been a sucker for a sugary love story, despite how predictable they were to you by now
>You are Roseluck, and your day just started
>You put the book on the nightstand, next to the alarm clock, and make your way down the creaking stairs and into the kitchen
>A benefit of living alone was that you didn’t have to worry about being quiet an early morning like this
>You take the kettle from the cupboard, fill it with water, and start heating it on the stove
>Coffee or tea, coffee or tea…
>Today was going to be a coffee morning, you decide, and take out your jar of coffee grind
>Soon enough you’re leaning against your kitchen island, sipping on your hot cup of get-up-already
>You had brought down your duvet bed cover from upstairs and placed it over your back
>Today’s weather prognosis: Gray, with a chance of slightly darker gray
>No sunlight to heat up your little house in Ponyville
>As you stood there on your own, your eyes looked out over and beyond the dining room
>Today was a month ago
>A full month since you and your now ex-coltfriend went separate ways
>He had claimed that his career was forcing him to move to the big city, but you knew that it was a lie
>A facade to hide the real reason as to why he suddenly had been “starting to be unsatisfied with his job lately”
>It’s the same reason why you hadn’t been writing any letters to your parents in the past two and a half months
>Something you had used to do on a weekly basis
>They had always had such high hopes for you, your parents
>Ever since you got your cutie mark as a little filly - the last in your class to do so - they always encouraged you to enter various competitions
>Covering everything from flower arranging to speed bush-trimming
>Fame and glory, however, was never appealing to you, so you always dismissed your parents’ ideas
>They never stopped bugging you with them, though
>They really wanted you to be someone
>Lately, though, the encouragements hadn’t been about your career
>Since you moved to and settled in Ponyville and begun dating in a more serious manner, they had been dropping hints that they wanted grandfoals
>Your mother took every opportunity to mention foals in her letters, and whenever you were visiting them they had to bring out the filly photos of you
>It sure made for some awkward moments whenever you brought a stallion with you
>Awkward for you, at least
>Your last coltfriend and you had been together for over two years before you broke up
>In your parents eyes, he was the perfect stall’.
>He was ambitious, outgoing, charismatic, and he was looking to settle down and start a family.
>And you had agreed with them.
>You had been seeing each other for a little under two years, living together for one year
>Both of you really felt that the future was yours for the taking
>So you decided that you were finally ready to have foals
>Once estrus hit, you were at it like crazy
>Grabbing every opportunity to ‘do the deed’
>In the end though, nothing came out of it
>Both of you had gone to the nearest clinic to get your fertility tested
>It would take two weeks to get the results back
>The wait took it’s toll on you, of course
>Adding to the pressure was your coltfriend, who started acting a bit neurotic during the wait
>When the results came, you were both called to the clinic simultaneously
>You were to show up at the clinic again in the afternoon the very next day
>You were taken to two different rooms so that nurses could present and talk to you about your results
>You recall the moment when you got out of there
>You went back to the waiting room and found your love sitting at a table with a cup of black coffee, reading yesterday’s newspaper
>There were two nurses behind the reception, one of them talking about an amusing earlier patient
>A painting of a city scene was hanging on the wall behind them, and one of the fluorescent lamps in the ceiling had gone out
>Your coltfriend’s session had been shorter than yours, naturally
>He didn’t notice you until you had gotten up right next to you, at which point he stood up, kissed you, and greeted you happily
>All you could muster in return was a short “hey” behind a nervous laugh
>None of you were able to sleep that night
>A shiver through your body brought you back to your kitchen
>Lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed the duvet cover dropping to the floor
>Thus, the cold morning air had taken the opportunity to crawl in under your skin
>Good thing though, you think to yourself, and put the coffee cup in the sink
>You have to get ready for work, so you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth
>Although you aren’t exactly longing to get out into the open air, it will be nice to see the gals
>Daisy and Lily Valley were your best friends in the world, and they had always been there for you
>Although the three of you technically were competitors, and you hadn’t exactly enjoyed each other’s presence in the beginning, it didn’t take long for the three of you to see the benefit in having friends in the same business
>You take up up your toothbrush, squirt out some toothpaste on it, and start brushing away
>It turns out that a knack for gardening isn’t the only thing the three of you had in common
>Nowadays, their presence is enough to cheer you up when in a rough
>You know how much you care for each other and the support you provide for each other
>They were a gift from the divine when your ex left you
>You really, really had thought it would last forever with him.
>He had made you feel so useless. So...undesirable.
>Many a night had you been sleepless in bed, wondering if you’d ever be able to find someone that would truely love you again despite your condition.
>The stallion who you had thought perfect left you over it.
>But there ought to be at least one stallion out there in the same spot as yourself, right?
>A stallion who’s unable to bring a foal to this world?
>*Knock knock knock*
>Who was knocking on your door this early? The gals? What would bring them here in the morning?
>*Knock knock knock*
>Toothbrush still in your mouth, you walk out of the bathroom, down the hall and over to the front door
>When you open it, you’re not faced with the familiar face of either Daisy or Lily.
>Instead, you’re met with a pair of dark gray suit pants
>You follow them upwards in direction and your eyes meet with a strange green face looking down at you rather dumbfoundedly
>“Oh… umm… sorry to bother, but could you tell me where the fuck I am?”

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Shit, man. Be strong.
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Awwwwwwwww, so adorable!!!.png
2MB, 1548x1539px
This pleased me, thank anon
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Don't lose it, pal.png
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Poor Rose ;_;
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you heard her.png
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Thanks. In not quality, but at leasat it's content.
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Are there any Roselucky greens?
I'll make one for you m8

>be roselucky
>find bit on floor
>become millionaire
That was good. Now I feel fulfilled. Thanks.
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Sorta silly rose pon.png
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Doing some flower stuff.png
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Forgot to thank you, for taking the time to provide a little story

I liked how you focused on Rose, her life, her self, rather than following the more usual route and making the reader take Anon's perspective
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My God I love this pone.png
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Luv is in the air.png
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flower trio at breaktime.png
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Well, I did the sequel to Businesspone Rose.

Daisy freaking out at water break is a standard thing I guess.
Hah, that's adorable!
Thank you, Minty
>Daisy ignoring Lilly's freakout over coffee
Got a good chuckle out of me, thanks for the drawing!
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Glad ya like it!
these three are fun to draw, and Rosie's a bit of a qt. I can see them in a few other scenarios like that.
hell yeah :D
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Yet another FlutterRose.jpg
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Advanced faggotry.png
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>stop fucking my waifu, Silent Hill
I liked it.
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Working on the holiday picture of rose again. Shading fireplaces is quite a chore, I can assure you.
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>page 9
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No problem, we'll wait!
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Here's something from the finale
So sweet we got more Roseluck cameos
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Here's another one for the degenerates
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When will this end?
Board is fast today
Isn't this a booby term?
Thread posts: 364
Thread images: 241

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