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Submission is Mandatory #73

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Thread replies: 494
Thread images: 112

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Previous Thread: >>25211388 (archive link: https://desustorage.org/mlp/thread/25211388)

"I have more than two OP pictures" edition!

>What is this thread about?
This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.

>What exactly is welcome in this thread?
A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements. Most stories involve Anon, as well as sexual acts, although neither is required. Both maledom and femdom are welcome.

A few topics that are discouraged are gore, vore, scat, and other similar themes.

>Featured Story
To Create a Broodmare
A sequel to “To Create an Army.” After almost a year since her capture, Spitfire reflects on her new position in life.


New Pastebin list of all stories on SiM with links: http://pastebin.com/f8f09HB4
Old Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/778zgnJ5

>SiM wiki page:
Don't think you have what it takes to write a long greentext? Go here and fill in the pages!
>The current priority is updating the Archive Links.

Historical Note:

This thread was originally founded to support the “Submission is Mandatory” story by MrNameless. While the story has gone on hiatus, it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.

Submission is Mandatory by MrNameless
Nightmare Moon summons Anon to defeat the EoH. In return, she grants him ownership of the Mane 6.

(Non-Canon SiM Expanded Universe Stories)
http://pastebin.com/Y2AahdQp (Octavia POV) (Recommended)
http://pastebin.com/3AFdqxvs (Other Stories)
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>NMM's prehensile mane going through Chrysalises leg holes
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>mfw Escapade's using my shitty descriptions for his stories.
If you have any better descriptions you'd like for your stories, just say.
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>Well, that didn't really answer the real question, but you can't just ask which one of them is a traitor, so it will have to do for now.
"What kind of operations do you expect to be involved in here?"
>He rubs his chin with a hoof.
>"I could brief your generals on the changes in military tactics in the past thousand years, and I could help training the new recruits, if that's what you want."
>"But mainly I'm here to tell you about the needs of the pegasi in your kingdom, and warn about the potential dangers of decisions you'll be making."
"So, you're not going to fight?"
>"Unless you are attacked when I'm around, no. I'm here to give advice. Leading military operations is not part of my job."
>Hmmm... you're not sure if you'd want him to do any leading, even if it was.
>He used to be a soldier in Celestia's army when she ruled, mere two weeks ago.
>So if he's already helping Nightmare Moon and yourself, the extent of his loyalty is... questionable at best.
>Having the advisor to your military be a traitor would be lethal.
>You take a moment to mull things over, and slouch back in your chair.
>It's nowhere near as comfortable as your throne.
"Very well, we'll talk about the specifics later, when I've had the time to think about it."
"Either way, I expect you to do a good job. I expect ALL of you to do a good job."
>You don't look at anyone in particular but everyone knows who that last part was aimed on.
>While Greta certainly has a purpose, you get the feeling that she might not be the best fit for the job.
"Meanwhile, are there any immediate problems that need to be solved right now? I heard arguing before I walked in."
>This time it's March who fills you in.
>"Why, yes, your highness, my colleagues and I were just discussing what to do the new workers that are to be arriving from Canterlot in just a few days from now."
>"I s'ppose it could wait until they are here, but I think it wouldn't be too hasty to decide what to do with them right now."
Do you hear her out and make a ruling, or do you end the meeting and talk with one of the councilors one-on-one? If so, which one?
First things first. Hear her out.
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Replies to last thread:

>>"W-welcome to my apartment, sir. What brings you all the way to Equestria?"
>>So that's what this place is called.
>>Your lips slightly curl up into a smirk.
>>This is more like it.
>"I am in need of some clothing, and possibly somewhere to stay."

>>Might as well tell her the truth.
>>Or maybe the stretched truth.
>>After all, as far as you know you're the only human in this 'Equestria'.
>"My name is Anonymous, king of the humans. And who are you, little one?"

This Anon is adapting to things, and switching modes from "nervous, surprised fuck who doesn't know where he is or what's going on" to "I know exactly what I'm doing, what I want, and how to bullshit like I assume middle age people talked like" without much of a transition. It's too fast. It could use a bit of a gradient where it shows his confusion, remembering the phone call with Discord telling him to do whatever he wanted, and deciding to abuse the opportunity to the utmost.

I'm also getting the feeling that Coco's being a bit too worshipful, if I'm being completely honest.

>>She quickly sets off to start her work, after offering you a cup of hot chocolate, which you gratefully accept.
>>Now the only thing to do is figure out what you want to do while you wait for your clothes.
Maybe it's because it's nearing winter where I am, but walking around shirtless is something that would make my skin goosebump and my nipples hard enough to cut glass pretty quickly.

I'm also curious about why Coco would believe that a visiting foreign dignitary from a race she's never heard of before is visiting a hole-in-the-wall clothier shop. It'd make for a good revelation to use when breaking her spirit and teaching her the error of thinking that she could be right about things.

>>You inhale and swear you can almost smell Italian food.
Be careful with the memes. They bring the reader out of the experience.
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>Would you like to see parts of the story in different character's povs?
Yes, if you're going to bring other characters like the Mane Six in, then it'd be nice to have a paragraph here and there to introduce them and what interest they have in Anon.

Do it like Luigi's adventures in Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door. You know about what's going on, but you don't have to spend the same amount of time immersed in this other adventure.

Basically, introduce their conflict, and what they plan to do about it, but skip over their attempts to address the conflict. Come back to them every once in a while to see how they're progressing.

For now, I think it'd be best to stick with Anon / Coco's viewpoints.

Are you going to be bringing Suri in to this, or is this after Suri and Coco break apart and Suri's reputation falls to pieces?

Suri being a controlling bitch would add an interesting dynamic, and could also add an element of karma to the story if she ends up getting dommed roughly.

I don't know what made me decide to do a quick flop, maybe it was because I wanted to progress the story. In any case every couple of days I'm planning on going back and seeing if there's anything that needs to be changed, in such a way that it either flows better, or simply just makes more sense.

>Coco's worshipfulness
I would have to agree with you, but I tried to do my best to interpret the suggestions that I had gotten as to how she should act.

>Shirtless cold hard nipples
As I am typing this I am lying in my bed in just underwear, and it's also almost winter here. I guess the cold never bothered me, anyway, I'm not planning on changing that part of what I have, but maybe we'll get cold during the night and have to seek out some warmth?

>Coco believing
I fooled myself into thinking that at least for right now, she's too caught up in the hype to question it. If someone requests for her to have doubts, then so be it.

Alright, I'll try not to be too autistic.


I was planning on this being relatively in time with the show, plus, Suri just kinda pissed me off so I never really liked her much. If someone really wants to see her in the story though I'll happily oblige.

All this being said, I've decided that we will occasionally jump viewpoints, but I'll keep them as short as they need to be. This is mainly Anon's story. Other than that, If anyone has any complaints/comments/suggestions/questions, other than what I'm prompting you with, feel free to bring them out. I'll do my best to try to incorporate everyone's opinions into this. Remember, this is more your story than mine.
This was the last part of the cyoa if anyone wants to re-read it/or whatever. Other than that its time to get back to writing.

>Pulling the covers over yourself, you take off your underwear.
>You always liked sleeping in the buff anyway.
>Trying to get comfortable you try a bunch of different positions.
>Yeah, you can't sleep.
>Still, today has been pretty good, considering everything.
>You really hope this isn't just a dream.
>Maybe she has something that you can read in here?
>After you get out of the bed you start searching through her closets and drawers.
>For the most part you only see clothing, which makes sense based of what she does.
>Finally, opening a drawer next to her bed you find a couple of books.
>There's something called a "Daring Do", featuring a pony that reminds you of Indiana Jones.
>She also has some art of the dress book or something.
>Sitting on the edge of the bed you decide to read the Indy rip off as you wait for sleep.
>After you're halfway through the surprisingly interesting book, you feel yourself starting to get tired.
>You open the drawer and put the book inside of it, but before you close it you notice that it was the wrong one.
>This is her underwear drawer...you reach in and pull out a random pair.
>Holding up the simple pair of white cotton panties, you can't help but start to get hard with some dirty thoughts.
>And Coco chooses that exact moment to walk into the bedroom.
>Suri just kinda pissed me off so I never really liked her much.
That is exactly the point.

When the arrogant jackass has something bad happen to them, people like it and smile at it. If Suri ends up being subject to some karmic retribution at the hands of either Anon, or a Coco who's discovering something about herself, then it would play out on multiple levels, like the best stories do.

>>And Coco chooses that exact moment to walk into the bedroom.
She's probably just glad that he didn't open the drawer that she keeps her dildo in, so she's likely to go into damage control mode and will try to get him to just put it back quickly and quietly.

Then she hopes really hard that he doesn't ask why the apparently nudist ponies would have underwear, and what it's used for. First contact scenario and all that.

This is kind of starting to look like a run of the mill "Anon fucks a character" story. It needs to tie in to the thread subject. Either by having Dom/Sub elements in it, or by adding a lot of worldbuilding for an existing setting that already involves strong Dom/Sub elements.

It's not unsalvageable, but try to get some domination of some kind going on soon. Hopefully not with a "Surprise, I, Anon, am actually a violent rapist!" transformation. The character's already been through a few awkward characterization steps. Remember that non-sexual domination has been the most popular and successful kind on the thread in the last... year, almost.

Also, be careful that the domination doesn't look like Anon being a useless, lazy shit. He needs a goal of some kind to focus on. All characters need to want something in a scene, even if it's just to get a glass of water.

I realize that this is a lot of stuff to say, and that I'm basically telling you to do a ton of stuff. Feel free to disregard whatever you want, but I think that at least being aware of these things will help you.
I have a plan, it might be simplistic and stupid, but it is a plan. I might not be proud of how long it took me to come up with this, but it is still a plan.
The plan has happened, it's just a lot shorter at the moment, so I'm going to try to get inspired enough to crank out a good amount for at least a full post.

>You swear, at this point her face is more often red than it's natural color.
"You know, these are pretty cute."
>"W-would you mind...just putting them back?"
>Nodding with a smile you place it back inside the drawer, but your hand feels something a bit harder.
>Curiosity getting the better of you, you move the undies out of the way, and see an exquisitely designed lilac collar.
"Oh, what's this?"
>As soon as she sees what you're pulling out her head immediately looks to the ground in shame.
>It has been a while since you've had a pet...
>And surely a king such as yourself is entitled to whatever he might seek, right?
"I asked you a question, Coco."
>"I...I d-don't like to talk about it..."
>Well, yeah that's obvious.
"And why not?"
>"B-because...n-no one wants me..."
>You weren't expecting that response.
>Keeping the collar in your hand you take a deep breath and move closer to her.
>Looking into her eyes you see that they're pretty watery.
>Slowly, you hold the collar out to her.
"That's just because you hadn't met me yet."

Alright, what should happen from here everyone?
Also same as last night, I start early, so I might head to bed soon.
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OK, who ate the queen of holland?

And he just fell over and died.
Find out how far along Coco is with Anon's clothes.
Maybe discuss relative nudity taboos with her.
Or, talk about what she wants with the collar, or what it is about it that she likes.
Put the collar on her, hold the accompanying leash, then the first order is to perform as his pillow for the night.
Now anon has an actual body pillow to sleep on while Coco is boiling over with a lot of different emotions.

This would be a good opportunity for a perspective switch for Coco.

Nobody wanted a stammering, submissive little thing like that? They don't know what they're missing. Anyhow, do not immediately go full sexual on her. Little shows of dominance first, build it up.

As the other responder said, we could get ourselves a nice little Coco-pillow tonight... but first make it clear we can get what we want, by questioning her on embarrassing topics.
Ask Fleur if NMM has any orders. Then dismiss everyone except Spitfire and Fleur. We'll talk with Spitfire first, then have a solid 1v1 with Fleur to figure out exactly what her role is here.
If only we could have been assigned her instead of piehorse.
Bumping while on lunch.
You know, in retrospect, I'm a little surprised that the Suri / Coco idea hasn't been visited before in this thread.
Holy shit. I just found this thread and read the original Submission is Mandatory story.
All these new fetishes I never knew I wanted, and an Anon X Nightmare Moon that needs to happen, I love it.
Does anybody know when or if it is supposed to come off Hiatus?
MrNameless has been kill since this March. The story is not going to continue.
As >>25352783 has said, the story hasn't been updated since last March. The other dissapeared without telling anyone if/when he'd continue it, so it's a safe bet that it's dead. That being said, Escapade's work tends to be in the same setting, and his Octavia PoV is...well, set during the same story, from Octavia's point of view (and is planned to continue past where the original story left off).
Thanks for the quick response, at least my suffering of no hot Anon on Nightmare sex does not have to stew for too long.
Its so hard to find good 2nd person content involving Waifumare Moon.

The Octavia pov sounds interesting, may need to check it out later.
>an Anon X Nightmare Moon that needs to happen
There's stuff that's being worked on, don't worry. No full-on sex, but gradually drifting closer is my plan.

I've been... half dead. ArchiveMoe going down made it hard to catch up on the threads, but I'm back in the game, and trying to get back to working on that Sick Day chapter I left at the 3/4 mark all those months ago.
>trying to get back to working on that Sick Day
There is hope!
Things are moving a bit too fast for this to be believable for me, but I guess it could be just that Discord intentionally set up Anon with the cutest most submissive pony available.

Like the other Anon said, don't do sexual just yet. Put the collar on her, tell her she looks great in it, and she should keep wearing it. She's bound to find someone that wants her eventually, if she just shows how cute and obedient she can be.

Also, I'm not big on the Suri thing.
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>Things are moving a bit too fast for this to be believable for me
It's a first-time writer kind of thing. There are a lot of mistakes that are obvious, and a lot of things that just feel kind of weird. Coco's characterization, and the scenario setup once Anon gets to the house feel clunky and awkward, but it'll get better fast.

I still remember how awful the first1-3 chapters of Exchange Rate Anon was, and how much the writing improved after that with the rewrite.

Oddness is expected, and if you keep trying, I'm sure you'll find plenty of supportive critics in this thread. I strongly think that one of the characteristic aspects of this thread is that we're very encouraging and that we provide quality feedback for writers.

I'm not sure how to say this is more natural sounding language, but here goes: Take heart, Anon-who-is-writing-that-coco-cyoa, you're in good company.

Also, I found a page of tips for writing MLP CYOAs: http://anonpone.pineapplecomputing.com/advice
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>First things first.
"Alright, what is the problem?"
>"Well as you know, Canterlot will be sending over some new ponies to work in the mines."
>"Which is great and all, except that according to esteemed miss Fleur here, all the ponies being sent are all prisoners, which leaves us in quite a pickle."
>"No." Soarin interjects shaking his head.
>"It's not a pickle, I can't believe we're even talking about this."
>He turns from March to you, his voice resonating with deep concern.
>"Your highness, I know this is the way things were being done thousand years ago."
>"But if you force these ponies to work, you will be bringing back a tradition that, even in the most remote parts of Equestria, has been outlawed for over thirty generations."
>"You should be working on releasing your slaves, not adding more of them."
>The Equestrians have always had problems with slavery.
>Who would have thought that they would still be so flustered about the war with the First Griffin Empire, eleven centuries ago?
>After of moment of hopeful silence, March takes back the word.
>"I'm really, REALLY sorry to say this... but the sad reality of the situation is, the crystals will not mine themselves."
>"I agree we need to improve the working conditions and treat these ponies better."
>"But I saw the numbers, the local economy is built on the mines and there will not be a pony left working in them if we don't make then."
>You raise your hoof to silence both of them, and turn to Fleur.
>Sheer convenience of slavery aside, one slave is four times cheaper to maintain than a regular worker, guardpony’s pay included.
"I assume the Empress has an opinion on this as well?"
>"Of course." she readjusts her mane.
>"All the ponies arriving are those who refused or failed to do their duty as Equestrian citizen."
>"The Empress thinks it would be adequate to give them another chance to prove their worth to the Empire, and they should be put to work as soon as possible."
>still haven't read everything from the last thread bamp!
"These are prisoners, Soarin. Convicts. Would you prefer to have them sit in cells all day long, weighing on our economy and finding idle time in which to rebel again? Nothing says I must work them to death or eternity, but they will work."

Hopefully his reaction will give us a bit of insight into where he stands. If he continues to stand up to our authority, we may actually have a problem - or an opportunity.
>Sheer convenience of slavery aside, one slave is four times cheaper to maintain than a regular worker, guardpony’s pay included.
I think actual slavery tends to be incredibly inefficient, unless you have a ton of support industries going on.

Think of the diamond mining slaves in Blood Diamond, and compare it to how the United States deals with the prison industry. (Once you're a prisoner, you're legally a slave, and they use prison labour for a lot of things.)

If there are absolutely no support structures, like in Blood Diamond, then slave labour will at least get the thing done, but if you have a pre-existing recruiting support structure, a populace that agrees with what they know about what you're doing, and a steady supply of labour to use to employ the indentured labourers that's a more guaranteed payoff than diamon mining, then the second option is the best one.
Most slaves are not mentally controlled through dark magic.

We also seem to have the support system in terms of free laborers (represented by March) working alongside the slaves. Getting them to work together might be valuable, not just in increasing production but also to convince Soarin we're not just discarding their lives.
The new labourers are going in the mines, same as always, but Umbra should make a public appearance when they enter the border and start up the work. It'll be a big event, with the slave workers and free pony labourers all in attendance. A good opportunity to do some politicking to raise morale (increasing productivity) and pay lip service to working with NMM instead of opposing her.

Umbra's not really able to use any serious magic at the moment, so it's best to try strategies that will give her some more breathing room before she has to apply force.

How much magic is she capable of using now, anyway? Enough for basic levitation, but not enough for any actual magic spells? How would she get into her secret workshop? You have to use a dark magic blast on that door to make it work.

>Most slaves are not mentally controlled through dark magic.
I hadn't considered that possibility.
Hey, its the cyoa anon, I just got home from work and I'm exhausted. I'll continue the story tomorrow sometime after the new episode.
-1 bumps
goodnight bump
NMM a qt
What would an average lunch or dinner conversation between NMM and Anon be like? What would they discuss?
>still haven't read stuff from the other thread bamp
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Wait. Something I just thought of.

We know that equestria's soil is absurdly wealthy when it comes to gems being in the ground, very close to the surface, and having enourmous geode boulders that somehow contain a huge variety of differently coloured crystals inside That is not how mineralogy works., and we also know that the Crystal Empire was known for their crystals, so they must be even more wealthy in that respect.

How productive would the mines be, and what would they possibly need all of those crystals for?

They don't have all that much in the way of trade, as far as I know, and their fancy buildings are made of the same type of mineral, not the variety that they'd be pulling up from the ground.
I've always assumed that there are huge veins of solid, uniform crystal running through the ground (something like the Canterlot caverns, except solid).

The trick isn't finding the stuff, but carefully shattering out large segments without damaging the rest. Large slabs are then brought back to the surface for construction and large-scale engineering work, while unusually fine or quality specimens (also usually smaller) are separated out and taken for further refining/working.

I'm loosely basing this on how marble is mined, mind you. Tiles and large panels are hacked out in huge lumps and then cut down to size, but smaller fine products tend to be taken from select veins found to be unusually good quality.
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>"The only thing /forcing/ them to work will prove is that they are afraid of whips. We need to give them a /choice/ if they want to work or not."
"These are prisoners, Soarin. Convicts. Would you prefer to have them sit in cells all day long, weighing on our economy and finding idle time in which to rebel again?"
"Nothing says I must work them to death or eternity, but they will work."
>"If you don't want them to rebel, then why are you giving them a reason to?"
>Soarin leans over the table, his wings instinctively extending, as he becomes agitated.
>"Slaves rebel. They always do. And no amount of whip or carrot is going to change that. The only way to stop slaves from rebelling is to stop having slaves!"
>"Soarin, please, the economy..."
>Albeit visibly feeling guilty, March tries to argue on your side.
>"This is NOT about the bits March! How can you approve of this? P...ponies are not things!"
>You speak with cold, balanced tone, void of emotion and leaving no room for debate.
"The Empress and I are in agreement."
"March? I want you to review the situation at all of the active mining sites, and find out which of them could use some added ponypower the most."
"I want the new laborers working alongside the regular workers. When they arrive, I will address them, and then they're going straight into the mines."
>Out of the corner of your eye, you spy a small complacent smile sitting on Fleur's face.
>It was entirely your decision, but there's no harm in letting her think otherwise.
"Soarin? I want the ponies to work, I don't want them to die. If you are concerned, examine the working conditions, and we will discuss them later. Understood?"
>"Yes your highness, understood."
>He's not happy with the decision you've made, but being a soldier, he knows better than to argue with his superiors.
>Throwing him a bone like this, should be enough to make him feel like you at least listened to what he said.
"Then that will be all. Council dismissed."
If you'd like to question one the councilors in private, now would be the time. Who would you corner?

>How much magic is she capable of using now, anyway? Enough for basic levitation, but not enough for any actual magic spells?
Right now, there’s nothing stopping you from using normal unicorn magic, save lack of knowledge. All you know how to do right now is basic telekinesis. Dark magic...well, there’s a fine line between what you’re like now, and the screaming smoke monster Sombra was in the show. Nothing says you CAN’T use it, it just might not end well right now.

>How would she get into her secret workshop?
Now that is a very good question. One you’ll have to figure out the answer to.
The way I see it, all that crystal mining has to be for a reason.

The Griffon Kingdom wasn't a major trade partner, and Equestria was apparently at war with them, except for a few border towns where a little bit of trading was done.

Maybe the crystals were some kind of consumable resource, like coal, but for magical applications.

I could also see it as being used for a building material, but I'm not sure why it would be used. It would make for a good tourist attraction, but I don't think that they'd have much of a tourism industry going, considering that they have the whole slavery thing, and it's always represented as a dark, stormy night in flashbacks.

You can only glue so many shiny things onto an object before decorating it any further is a waste.
Holding Soarin and Fleur. Talk with Soarin first, and raise your concerns about his loyalties and character. If he wants to leave, nows the time. Then dismiss him, and talk with Fleur. What did the Empress task her with? Is there anything the Empress wants done? Clarify what her position with NMM is.

Okay, grab Soarin. Make it clear that we're willing to listen to him, but if we cannot have him directly challenging our authority in front of the other advisers. He really wants to convince us that he's got a point? He can start by making sure his voice is one worth listening to for us, and second can present a viable alternative for these ponies, considering that they are still prisoners and cannot be released.

After that, Fleur.
Our course of action is clear.

We need to bang Fleur.
...now I'm honestly wondering what would happen if we broke Fleur and then gave her to Soarin as a sex slave.

I mean, aside from Nightmare probably beheading us for literally screwing her messenger. But Soarin's spaghetti would be worth it.
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What I'm wondering is why, after the thread generally agreed that or at least the only consistent voices agreed that femdom wasn't something that a majority of people were interested in, the Umbra CYOA chose to go with a female pony character as the viewpoint character.

It's harder for me to immerse myself in the viewpoint of a former empress and dark magic wielder on par with alicorns if they play their cards right who's just gotten back to reality and is now just at the normal-powered unicorn level.

It's just not a relateable viewpoint, and the possible lesbian, femdom, or creating a situation where my viewpoint is the sub fetish content in it doesn't really interest me.

There are several reasons that most CYOAs (that I know of, at least), feature a pulled-from-his-normal-life-with-no-warning Anon who is baseline human in basically all respects.

That said, I think Umbra should find out what happened to her old assistant. A good assistant is invaluable, and that should be one of her priorities.

Is the assistant lost? Are they affected by the "I don't want to remember" effect that the rest of the crystal populace was in the show? Are you still going with the "Her toungue was working a very different set of lips the other day.~" sex jokes? Please don't. They fell flat and felt inconsistent with the rest of the character..
night bump
>The thread generally agreed
The thread doesn’t agree on a fucking thing. I’m just happy they’ve so far avoided turning into “SiM2: Not ran by Nameless edition.”

>It's just not a relateable viewpoint
So what you’re saying is, every pone story needs to be starring Anon, 4chan's favorite self-insert Gary Stu OC who gets ALL the waifus. Do you just refuse to watch anything if the main character isn’t a guy? Who gives a fuck if the character’s relatable, I can’t think of anyone who watched The Avengers and cried about how the main characters “weren’t relatable” because they were superheroes.

>Most CYOAs feature human Anon
You may want to check that again, then. I don’t think there’s a single one running that DOES.
>So what you’re saying is, every pone story needs to be starring Anon, 4chan's favorite self-insert Gary Stu OC who gets ALL the waifus. Do you just refuse to watch anything if the main character isn’t a guy? Who gives a fuck if the character’s relatable, I can’t think of anyone who watched The Avengers and cried about how the main characters “weren’t relatable” because they were superheroes.
Are you seriously making that argument? Is this really what you read into that post?

Tell me about all the audience members who were asked to put themselves into the Avengers' shoes and write a story based on that. Trick question, you can't.

The difference is that the Avengers are characters in a movie that we're supposed to watch and marvel at, not write on our own.

The difference is that one work is meant to be consumed while thinking "wow, this is so incredible and larger-than-life that it's fantastic to see these impossible situations be put to film!" and the other is a story where everyone involved is expected to pull some of the authorial work in an extremely open-ended situation.

The difference is that one of these stories is essentially prepackaged, and the other is a Choose Your Own Adventure in an exceptionally open-ened style.

Have you ever wondered why most of these CYOAs tend to take place in a small, localized area? It's because the writing standards and creativity has to be brought down to a level that the average Anon in the thread can get a good handle on. Having a wide, sprawling adventure across the world where every other entry takes place in a new, distinct area full of character isn't viable in this kind of story.

You'd need to have the author doing all the worldbuilding and most of the situation controls such that the readers are choosing between a small number of obvious, clear choices, and not doing most of the writing themselves, which is another reason that this CYOA isn't taking off as well as it could.
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>It's just not a relateable viewpoint
Continuing what I was saying about author control and who's doing the bulk of the writing, you have to have a much deeper understanding of a character to *write* them than you do to *read* them. It's a much more involved process.

Even the Anon from Nameless' story. There was plenty of discussion about what his character was, based on how he acted in the story, and the decisions we made for him.

>You may want to check that again
>The thread doesn’t agree on a fucking thing
You may want to re-read my post. That black line in the text box is spoiler text. Put your mouse over it to reveal what it said. I'm aware that there were people arguing for different things, but I'm also aware that the more consistently numerous viewpoint was one that did not enjoy femdom.

I was one of the multiple people who didn't really enjoy femdom for the sake of femdom, but I also promoted the Anon Loses A Bet with Rarity story because I liked the setup and potential character dynamics.

I make it a point to look for the positives in every argument and position I can see, and I even try to promote and help out with ideas and concepts that I'm not terribly invested in because I like helping out with the creative process.

I always try to give a lot of good feedback, and I've been going out of my way to make suggestions for the Umbra story and try to start worldbuilding and background information discussions on it to help it get more fleshed out.

The fact of the matter is that there are two fundamental aspects of the writing decisions made in the story that are holding it back from getting as much discussion as some of the other stories in this thread have.

One is the more sparse economy of words that the writing pack is putting out, putting more of the creative onus on the thread, rather than simple, obvious choices that have a lot of reader investment in it.

The other is that it features a rule 63 character that doesn't have much development in the show. This affects reader engagement because we don't have as much of a solid personality core to play off of as we do of the other characters, and we generally don't have as much of a headcanon personality of a r63 version of the character if we don't know the original. This Umbra had clumsy characterization when she was introduced, and there were a few posts noticing that. The fact is that we have a r63 supervillain of inconsistent and unknown power that we're supposed to push through a very free-form story.

This could just be me, but I have a hard time seeing how a supervillain would choose her own adventure to the point of being a sub. That implies a lack of authority and ambition, unless an existing close relationship gets established. Seeing a male character being focused on and described in a sexually subservient way does nothing for me, so I don't have any imagination in that area and I can't contribute things there.
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CYOAs need to have the author(s) driving the plot and world, while the readers just get the steering wheel once in a while. This story is relying on the readers to provide too much of the momentum.

The worldbuilding is a little disconnected with the story so far, mentioning trade relations, visitors from other countries, and economics. It's not bad, but we need to start getting a view of what's in front of us in order to have tools, hooks, and other aspects of our immediate world to play off of. We need more stuff to go on.

How about food? Let's see what crystal ponies, or Umbra, eats, or likes to eat. How is the meal served? Does she eat in a private dining room, or with a small audience of higher-ranked staff that she has managing things for her?
Having finally caught up, first off I'm enjoying the CK COYA. It got off to a shaky start, but it's got me interested.

That said, I agree with what others have generally been saying with regards to length of updates. It's cool that the writers are trying to engage the thread, and that as someone said, this isn't just SiM 2: different setting.. but I feel like it could use some more autonomy for the sake of cohesiveness and flow.
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Idea: What if we make one of the incoming workers Maud?

I'm thinking about having a rock/crystal thematic connection between her and Umbra.
>What if we make one of the incoming workers Maud?
...Well now you have me wondering. Without access to Ponk, how WOULD you break Maud? What would that even look like?
Now I'm wondering how Maud and Octavia would interact.
We could hold Boulder hostage.
Maud becoming the castle's newest maid to attempt to rescue her sister when?

Not trying to argue, but genuine question: What kind of autonomy are you looking for, exactly? Like, plot proceeds more autonomously without input or more autonomy in terms of us having more available choices?
Not him but I think he means more autonomy on Umbra's/the plot's part, based on the rest of the thread that he was apparently agreeing with.
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"Soarin, stay here for a word. The rest of you can leave."
>The other two ponies give you bow, and walk away.
>Greta bows as well, then trots away at a brisk pace.
>Whatever her opinion was, she's glad no one wanted to hear it.
>Soarin covers his face with his hooves for a moment, and takes a long deep breath, calming himself down, and folding his wings back where they belong.
>Then turns to you and listens, looking down.
>You trail off waiting for him to make eye contact.
"That was inappropriate."
>He looks down again.
>"Yes your highness."
"This was the last time you argued with me in front of the other councilors. I can't have you challenge my authority like that."
>"Yes your highness, I was out of my place, it will not happen again."
"No, it won't."
>You look for any signs of disobedience or resistance.
>Sideway glances, rapid breathing, subtle shaking...
>He may not let it happen again, but he certainly wants to.
"I don't want you to argue with me when the others are around, but now that it's just the two of us, do you have anything to say?"
>The speed with which his response arrives surprises you.
>It doesn't show in his tone, but it’s in the way he's breathing.
>"I thought was here to give you my honest opinions, not to tell you what you wanted to hear."
>First you thought he was sad, but no, he's angry.
"You are completely right about that one. But you're here to give me your opinion, NOT to argue with me."
"If that's what you came here to do, then you're going to have to leave."
>"Permission to speak freely, your highness?"
>Didn't he already pass that point?
"Yes, of course."
>"I didn't ask for this job. I was assigned to it. If you want someone to replace me, write a letter demanding my replacement, And I will personally take it back to Cloudsdale."
"That's not what I meant."
"The problem is not you, it's your attitude."
>"Your highness?"
"I listened to what you had to say, but you didn't give me a viable alternative."
"Letting them sit in prison doesn't make them any more free than working in the mines does."
"They are prisoners, not free people arriving of their own will, I can't just let them go."
"... I just said that they are prisoners."
>"I know, but why? Why are they prisoners?"
>Again, what?
"Because they committed crimes…? Do you seriously not know how the law works or you trying to make some point?"
>"I mean why are they prisoners? Did they kill somepony? Did they set something on fire? Did they steal something?"
"I... don't know."
>Not that you particularly cared either.
>When you conquer a town, you don't differentiate between who fought against you and who was just hiding, everyone becomes a slave.
>It's a punishment for being on the wrong side and getting caught.
>"And that's exactly the problem."
>Soarin pauses and glances behind him, then turns back to you.
>"Ever since the Empress came to power, there have been large scale raids and arrest all across the Empire."
>"Did hundreds of ponies just decide to start raping and murdering, when the Sun didn't come up?"
>This far up north, not seeing sun for a few weeks was normal occurrence every winter.
>You're honestly not sure if such a thing could drive a southern pony insane.
"You think that the Empress decided to arrest them just for fun? Are you saying that they didn't do anything wrong?"
>"No, of course I don't know what they did..."
>"But neither do you. And you shouldn't be deciding what their fate will be until you know /why/ they are in prison."
>"Just because the Empress..."
>He thinks about how, or if, he should finish that sentence.
>"Just because the Empress said something doesn't mean that you have to do the same. You have a choice."
We're very well aware that male-dom is the more popular choice here, but that story already exists. It's written by MrNameless and it's awesome.

And It's actually also the reason why we didn't want to use Anon ourselves. We wanted to bring something new. If we keep doing the same thing over and over again, the thread will stagnate and die. Nobody is going to say "There's a femdom story now, it's all over, I'm leaving the thread" but there might be people that might say "Hey this is something that I like, the thread might be worth checking out after all."

We are aiming to have a broader appeal than just the people that are already SiM regulars. It's why we're mixing the old with the new. Not doing the same thing again, but not doing the complete opposite either.

With that in mind, we had some choices to make. Do we want to use anon? But then it will be too similar to SiM, we would need to do an entirely different setting. Do we want to keep the setting? But then we need to use a different protagonist. What is Anon like? Magicless, human, male. So how about magic wielding unicorn mare? But who? NMM? Nah, her character is already too well defined, people would be arguing about "what would NMM do" not "what should we do". Chrysalis? People like her, and they would love abusing her shape shifting abilities... but she's too independent for us writers to handle. What if the players want to take the story completely off the rails? What will hold them back? What if they want to start an all-out war with Equestria? How will we write a story about that, and still have it related to the thread? We wouldn't. No, we need a character that is dominant and can have her own pets, but also has some other character keeping her in check...
>>25382664 (cont.)
You may not like what we come up with, but I hope you understand we put a LOT of thought into who is the main character, why did we put her in a situation we did, and why did we skip the first two weeks and started the story here and not right after her return.

What's up with the crystal ponies? Where does Umbra eat? What happened with Jewel? Is she under mind control? What's up with Umbra's magic? How does she get to her secret workshop? Why are we mining all those crystals when Equestria is literally full of them?

All those questions have answers. But if we gave them to you right now there would be nothing left for you to explore. You wanted to start with the council and politics, so that's what you're getting right now. Yes, the introduction was a mess, sorry about that. I wanted to give you all the information I thought you needed, in as little time as possible to get to the COYA-ing as soon as possible, and I messed it up. Again, sorry, and thanks for not ditching the story right away.

And as far as sexual stuff goes. Believe it or not, I personally am not into femdom either. (Yes, I'm serious.) I chose it to give the thread something new, not because it was my fetish. Escapade's NMM domination got a pretty good response overall. So I think that the actual issue is with submissive males, rather than dominant females. It's why we choose the first pet to be a mare, and why (spoiler alert) It will be up to the popular vote if the other positions in your harem will be filled with mares or stallions.
>Have you ever wondered why most of these CYOAs tend to take place in a small, localized area?
Yes we did. And we almost did the same thing, but then we realized that one of the things in SiM that didn't really work for us was that Anon's world was so small. He went out on patrols, but we never saw them happen, we were told that there was a rebellion, but we never got to deal with any actual rebels. Things were happening around Anon, but he was not part of them. It was just him, his hallways, his pets, and NMM's throne room.

So we chose a different approach, and decided put Umbra to position where she can influence and be influenced by the big things that happen in the kingdom. We realize that it means we can't give her the same kind of do-anything-you-want freedom that Anon had, because the consequences of her actions will be global not just personal. But having a bigger world will let us tell the kind of story we never could if we focused on "magicless human in Equestria."

We don't want to "bring down the standards of writing and creativity" We want to build a world, let you explore it and play with it. The story could be doing better, of course, it always could, but it's already doing better than we expected and just the fact that you all cared enough to give us this much feedback tells me that we're doing something right. It tells me that you care and that you don't think that this story is a lost cause. And it's why we keep pushing forward.
>I feel like it could use some more autonomy for the sake of cohesiveness and flow.
There are three of us working on this thing, and at the moment, it's me the one who's in charge of the actual writing. You are dealing with politics, and I think that politics should be a discussion. So I need to make short, frequent updates giving you as much space as possible with "who do you talk to" and "what do you want to tell to them".

More independent Umbra might work better in some different scenarios, and under a different writer, so the flow might change accordingly. We're still figuring the things out. So please, keep the feedback coming and have patience with us. The experience is new for us as well.
If you start doing what Soarin said you could gain the Empress's attention.
And not in a good way.

Drug busts. Traitor hideouts. Rebel camps.
Many reasons. Why do we care?
>that story already exists. It's written by MrNameless and it's awesome.
It also hasn't seen an update in a very long time, leaving that niche effectively dead.

This story so far isn't my cup of tea, but there are some structural issues that impact it's development and reader engagement that have nothing to do with taste.

For example, when I was talking about the readers having the steering wheel rather than driving the plot, I meant that the entries for the story don't have choices that are as clear cut as they could be.

It means that in order for someone to make a contribution, they have to have a writer's viewpoint on things and be able to look at the situation from at least three different perspectives simultaneously, which not everyone is good at doing. It's a lot harder to say "Umbra should zap half the people here, terrify the rest into obedience, and then go eat pizza." than it is to say "Try to fight off the assassination attempt / Try to run to the safe room so you can fight back with your full abilities".

Yeah, I was afraid Soarin was going to be like this.

So, big question is, do we actually give a fuck if Nightmare's sending us innocent ponies? I mean, we don't seem to be a particularly caring type... but that doesn't bode well for our relationship with her.
Bump before bed.
What was the other CYOA based on again?
First off, I love that you are doing something different, and I love that this is going to be a big complex expansive world. This is an area I disagree with the hive mind on, I think once the world is established, this is going to be awesome.

>>You are dealing with politics, and I think that politics should be a discussion. So I need to make short, frequent updates giving you as much space as possible with "who do you talk to" and "what do you want to tell to them".
The problem as I see it is we don't really know who "you" is yet. As others have said, normally you is Anon, aka us, and we can generally relate to the character automatically. Umbra is unestablished, we know very little about her opinions or personality, her goals, her weaknesses, etc. The last few "what would you do" moments I've had very little with regard to strong opinion because I'm not really invested in the character yet and don't really know what we're even heading towards.

Maybe this is unavoidable this early on, and maybe once things get going it'll automatically fix itself, but I feel like this is the issue everyone has been getting at in one way or another. We're being asked "what would this character you don't know or understand do in order to.. I dunno.. something.." and the answer is basically "uh.. talk to the griffon I guess..".
Up we go.
Beepedy boop.
page 9 bump
Well, since no suggestions, I'll just modify my answer to say that we should point out to Soarin that defying us or the Empress openly right now is a really, really dumb idea and that if he honestly believes there are innocent ponies enslaved out there, he needs to find proof himself. Defying the Empress based on one stallion's hunch isn't going to end well for him or us.
The imported pony labour is here.
They're going to be put to work.
The concession is the Umbra will actually make an appearance and hold a public address where she talks to the newer workers, and the rest of her labour force.

Since the reason Umbra is doing this whole gem mining operation that the entire country's economy is apparently based on is being kept secret from the people trying to suggest Umbra's next action, I have nowhere near enough information to plan the next part. I'd have to make big, poorly-though-out assumptions about what the real reason is.

That said, let's move on.

Umbra's speech should be that their work, will not be in vain, and that the toils are going to a good cause that will raise the standing of the Crystal Kingdom to being much higher than the rest of their peers.

An incentives program is offered for good work, and a disincentives program is implemented for poor work.

The top 30 or so workers for the week will get a week's vacation. They have only slightly better accomodations and better food, but they don't have to work, and can use that time to read, cook, play sports in the slave compound, or relax in any way they choose.

The bottom 20 workers are put into shittier housing than normal for a week. Colder, cramped, uncomfortable, and a bit wet. They are woken by annoyingly loud noises and / or minor whippings every day, no matter how they behave at that point. They are whipped at the beginning and end of every meal, and they also get less, worse food than usual. Because Umbra is an asshole.

However, she's giving 30 ponies rewards, which means that, after you subtract the 20 punished ponies, she has a net reward of 10 ponies who are very happy with that week, so she thinks she's doing a very generous thing for them.

Meanwhile, she's in her sub-basement with a small mountain of magic crystal-cocaine that she huffs in order to get even more magical and get higher than all the countries around her.
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More Octavia when?
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>Could the Empress really be sending you innocents?
>Would she arrest ponies that didn't do anything, just so that she would have enough workers to feed to your mines?
>Does she even need to?
>The regular criminals aside, the Empire must be brimming with traitors, rebels and dissidents.
>If vandals deserve to be punished for destroying other pony's property, then rebels deserve to be punished for trying to destroy Nightmare's Empire.
>If that's the kind of ponies she's sending to you, then releasing them would be... problematic to say the least.
>You need to keep the relationship working.
>Whatever the reason for their imprisonment, she thought it right to put them to jail, and defying her authority like this would be pointlessly stupid.
"I'm not doing this because the Empress said so. I'm doing it because it's the right choice."
"These ponies are prisoners for a reason. If you honestly believe some of them are innocent, you'll need to find the proof yourself. I can't base my decisions on a hunch."
>He's not happy with what you say, but he listens and faces you when you speak.
>"I... understand."
>Somewhere deep inside of his eyes, you can see that a spark of hope just died.
>Sadly, there's nothing you can do to save it.
>Not without doing something that would be really, really dumb.
"In the future, if you have any issues with the decisions I make, you can discuss them with me in private."
"Openly defying me, or the Empress however, would not end well for you. Do you understand?"
>"Yes, your highness."
"It won't be a problem, will it?"
>"No, your highness. I'm a soldier, I'm not trained to like my orders, I'm trained to carry them out."
>"Permission to leave?"
>There's nothing more you can do right now.
>Not while he's imagining innocent fillies and colts, starving and working 16 hours a day just so you could have some extra bits for your treasury.
>Or whatever he thinks the inside of your mines looks like.
>With a wave of a hoof, you send him away.
What do you do next? Go visit Fleur in her chambers… or go back to you own private chambers and find you what happened with Jewel (the pet from before the banishment). Or something entirely different?

Also, as usual, Tuesday is my busy day, so no update tomorrow.

This is on purpose. Providing you with ABCD (yes, like I just did) greatly restricts your creative freedom. This is a story, not a video game. The green is not pre-packaged, it's made as it goes along. You don't need a writer's viewpoint, you don’t need three different perspectives, all you need is an opinion. Humans (and ponies) are not creatures of pure logic. You are not supposed to properly consider every possible viewpoint and consequence. If you could do that, there would be no room for opinions, tastes and emotions. The story could be technically perfect, but it would be completely sterile. Make a decision in any way you like, and then just hope for the best. Like in real life.

>That said, let's move on.
If we answered that question right now, you'd start discussing the details of future mining operation, instead of focusing on what's happening in the story right now. At the moment, we’re trying to avoid going back to just plot dump. If you want the story to be a story, then exposing on exactly WHY the crystals are needed and wanting to know every aspect of the Crystal Kingdom’s economy would kill the flow, when the issue here is not, “Do we mine the crystal cocaine?” but “What do you want to do with an incoming shipment of helpless ponies?”
>Umbra is unestablished, we know very little about her opinions or personality, her goals, her weaknesses, etc.

See, that was why I was alright with an Umbra based CYOA. You’re absolutely right that very little is known about her personality, her motivations...and that’s because it’s all up to you. All we had know about Umbra going in is that she at one point ruled the Crystal Empire, had slaves, and banished the thing herself. Otherwise, you’re essentially Anon the unicorn. Are you the kind of ruler who enslaves ponies and has a blast with it? Are you a reluctant ruler who tries to do the “right thing,” even if the right thing is objectively horrible? Are you essentially the Joker with magic? That’s all questions you guys get to answer.
Hell, that’s why we had skipped the first two weeks. There’s not a whole lot of huge choices you could make without getting killed or thrown to Anon, so when we revisit it, it will be YOUR Umbra dealing with Nightmare Moon, not some writer’s headcanon of Umbra.
First off, just a quick comment: Keep doing this. I'm genuinely enjoying it, and would at least like to see where it leads. Not everything always goes right with CYOAs, and you will have to improve - but as long as you keep up the drive to improve, it's worth it.

Now, getting back to actual suggestions: Fleur tried to put us down earlier, so let's keep her waiting a bit in return and go figure out what happened to our pet in the meantime.
Before-bed bump.
To talk to your bedroom, and then summon Fleur. It's important we host her in our room, and not the other way around. We need to set the tone with her since she's the most important pony here besides us. If we can win her favor that would be best, but we must make sure that she knows who runs things here. Also, have her explain exactly what her job is so it's clear for us to understand.
>read later bamp
When we go see her, this is absolutely true.
Personally I vote for a more reasonable Umbra. Not NMM's brand of reasonable but reasonable based on contemporary values. We don't want to go white knight, and she needs a fun sadistic side, but maybe she actually shows clemency/legitimately rewards those who do good or have at least "served their time". Lets have doom and gloom with a real light at the end of the tunnel.

Reward/punishment based stuff is totally my thing, and this thread tends to shy away from the first part of that (or twists things so that reward is actually less violent rape or similar).
Luna's neck is on the wrong way.
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I love the whole NMM scary backwards viewpoint on everything from SiM and especially Escapade's stuff, but yeah, if Umbra is basically Anon the unicorn, I think it makes more sense if her thinking is more "normal". Would make her more relatable, plus would be a nice change.
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It seems like the thread's slowing down a lot lately, so I'll bring this back to remind people of some very important things.

Mendicant is still a cunt.
>In other news: MrNameless is not coming back
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>first thought: damn that's a stupid place to have a towel bar, that towel is gonna get soaked..
>the actual fuck is wrong with me
Hey, I remember once going out of my way to find smut to fap to, then 5 minutes later realizing that I was reading a forum discussion about people arguing the strengths and weaknesses of possibly switching the code bases of a smut game.

Noticing things that others won't, and trying to be aware of all aspects of a situation is something that a lot of the world needs.
My first thought was her bow was going to get wet.
Just letting everyone know I'm still alive. IRL stuff is keeping me pretty busy, which is makes finding time to write green more difficult. It's not permanent by any means, but it's inconvenient. At the /absolute/ longest it will be a month, but realistically, I'm confident I'll be able to give either Octavia or a one-shot within a week or two. As I said, this isn't unusual, but I like to prevent you all from panicking.

>Umbra CYOA
I'll still be able to contribute to Umbra CYOA if it's needed. Skype is always an option.
Before-bed bump.
>Once you’re certain Soarin’ won’t return with any last second outburst, you set off towards your bed chambers.
>You still need to deal with the Empresses little pet, but you’re going to do so on your terms, not hers.
>Scaling three new flights of stairs, you once again find yourself torn between regretting having your castle built like this, and lamenting the fact that you never learned how to teleport the “conventional” way.
>Still, you eventually find yourself outside the ornate doors to your bedroom.
>As you’re about to open them, you pause, and look over at the plain, unassuming door right by yours, leading to your hoofmare’s room.
>Now that you think of it...you haven’t seen Jewel at all since you’ve returned from Canterlot.
>You know you SHOULD summon that prissy unicorn mare but...
>It has been a long, stressful week, you’ve just dealt with ponies trying to order you around in YOUR castle, an incompetent griffin, and a quite possibly seditious pegasus.
>Little miss “voice of the Empress” can wait.
>You’ll deal with her when and where YOU wish, and right now?
>You want nothing more than to relax.
>What better way than to do it with your favorite stress reliever?
“Oh Jeeewwweeel,” you sing out.
>The walls to her room are paper thin, so she’ll always be able to hear your call.
>Yet, despite the fact that she KNOWS better than to leave you waiting, there’s no response.
>You frown. Where has that stupid girl gone to?
>If you have to actually get up and look around the castle for her…
>Well, her screams would be a clearer message to Fleur than any discussion the two of you could have.
>Snarling, you throw open her door to make sure she isn’t trying to hide from you, revealing...oh right.
>”M-mistress…? Is that you?” Jewel calls out, exhaustion dripping from her voice.
>Your hoofmare’s balanced on her hind legs, a dog collar around her neck which in turn, is hooked into an almost taut chain leading to the ceiling.
>NOW you remember!
>She had asked you what you wanted her to do while you were gone, and you left her hanging.
>Hiding your grin at that private joke, you spark your horn.
“Yes Jewel, it’s me. I’m here now.”
>You gently grasp your favored servant in your magic, undoing the collar and cradle her before you, having lifting her out of that stress position.
>She shuts her eyes tight as you levitate her over to you, whimpering out, “Th-thank you Mistress. I missed you…”
>A warm smile dances across your lips.
>You give a cursory examination to your slave, making sure she’s clean, that there aren’t any obvious signs of your guards taking advantage of her while you were out.
>Her still quaking legs and deep bags under her eyes are testament to her exhaustion, but you don’t see any other signs of abuse.
“As you should have. I trust the servants kept you well fed?”
>She nods her head, still keeping her eyes closed.
>”Yes Mistress, they did. One of the maids tried to let me down, but I wouldn’t let her!”
>”Good girl, Jewel,” you coo to her, brushing over her back with a ripple of magic.
>The fact that a maid tried to go against your will is a tad disconcerting...but you’ll deal with her tomorrow.
>It’s a good thing you recently came into possession of a whole herd of new ponies...ones who’ll be quite fun to break in.
>Surely one of them would love to be a maid instead of a miner.
“Come along now. You and I are going to have a bit of fun before you get to rest.”
>She gives the barest of pauses before nodding her head again, “Y-yes Mistress, I would love that.”
>Levitating her behind you, you trot into your room, soon depositing the exhausted mare onto your bed.
>Humming to yourself, you swish your tail as you approach your toy chest.
>Opening it, you peruse through the contents. It has pretty much everything anypony lucky enough to spend the night with you could want for a...fun time.
>That’s of course if you even want to use them.
>The question is...what do you want to do tonight?
Do you have a pastebin?
Right here http://pastebin.com/pTJLPBjR

That's part of the CYOA primarily run by Beran.
Fucking hell, we're lucky she didn't choke to death while we were gone. That could have been a very, very slow death by strangling.

I say we be more gently dominating tonight, if we even do anything serious at all. She's been through a lot already, no need to be excessively hard on her. That kind of devotion should be rewarded.
Agree, be gentle.. may be a good opportunity to get some back story in via conversation.
I guess we have to define who jewel is and what the relationship is.

I kinda like the idea of Jewel being a kind of weird unwitting confidant. Like Umbra would kinda bounce ideas off her/talk about her day while she does whatever it is she does, not expecting any real response or anything, just kinda using her as a sounding board.
>As you gaze over your collection of toys, any plan you try to form devolves into the same guilty thought.
>You hadn’t meant for her to be chained to the ceiling for a week.
>What you had intended to be a little reminder that she is nothing without you, had blown into nothing but torture, because you hadn’t expected to be gone more than two days, let alone a whole week.
>She could have died.
>Not only that, she must have realized it, and STILL turned that maid away.
>That level of devotion deserves to be rewarded, not tormented further.
>You close the chest and turn back to look at your hoofmare. Her eyes are glazed over, her eyelids drooping as her head threatens to fall forward onto your bed.
>Still...she serves YOU, not the other way around. You aren’t going to let her rest quiiiite yet.
>After all, if not her, then who else would you use?
>You wonder if that’s another thing you should fix, while you set aside your regalia and cloak.
>Climbing onto your bed, you grasp her cheeks in your magic.
>She stiffens against your pull, most likely out of fear, as you force her to look at you.
“Jewel...you deserve a reward for doing such a good job. Tell me. What would YOU like to do tonight?”
>”I…” Her mouth works wordlessly as her eyes dart back and forth, looking over you for any hint as to the ‘correct’ answer.
>Finally, she says, “I would like whatever you’d like, Mistress.”
>You shake your head.
“No, no, that’s not a proper reward. I want you to tell me what YOU want.”
>Her eyes snap shut and she winces as though you had slapped her.
>Well, tries to wince, anyway.
>Your grip on her keeps her from actually being able to pull her head away.
>You get up and walk around her, looking over the (relatively) recently crystallized form of your pet.
>Keeping your horn sparked, you let go of her face before gingerly ‘grasping’ the folds of her sex with your magic, simulating a tongue running over her nether lips.
>She shivers, a whimper leaking out from her muzzle.
>However, she still doesn’t give you an answer.
“Tell me, Jewel. How long have you...personally served me?”
>Her ears perk up a bit. She must feel safer with questions that have an objective answer.
>”J-just under a yyyyear, Mistress.”
>Keeping up your magical teasing under her tail, you go on.
“How much of that time have you been my only hoofmare?”
>”Th-three months, Mistress.”
>A smile brushes over your lips for a moment.
“You’ve done such a great job since you’ve started working solo. Do you mean to tell me you’ve never once thought about what you’d like, never fantasized about something for yourself?”
>Her ears sink right back down against her head, as you bring up her former “co-worker.”
>”I…” she tenses up, fidgeting a bit on the bed.
>Is that her working up courage, or a climax?
>”I would just like to cuddle with you tonight, Mistress!” She finally blurts out.
>You pause, raising an eyebrow.
>She hunches down, quivering, her muscles visibly tense under her sparkling fur.
>She’s serious, isn’t she?
>...Do you really want to just do THAT?
I mean, we did almost kill her. She's probably exhausted, and after a week, her body is worn down too far. She needs time to recover. If she wants cuddles, she gets cuddles.
...do we happen to have some kind of magical vibrator substitute? We could always cuddle her through the night with one of those left in her.

Even if not, I recommend we put her in some light, not terribly restraining bondage just to ensure she keeps in mind by whose grace she's allowed this rest.

Also, cuddling someone lightly chained up is absolutely my fetish.
>catching up on the thread bump
Before-bed bump.
Daw loved it
I like the idea of tying her up for cuddles. Definitely works for the kind but still dominant angle.

M-mine too.
>I wish the mobile version had a delete option bamp
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>You look over her still cowering form, ceasing her magical molestation.
>She only curls in tighter, a little squeak arising from her throat...she’s obviously thinking she made the wrong decision.
>Well, you did offer her a reward. If she wants cuddles, then she’ll get cuddles.
>However...they will be on your terms, not hers.
>Keeping your horn alit, you open your toy chest and levitate a few lengths of rope out and over to you.
“If that is what you’d like…”
>She lifts her head, cracking an eye open to look at you. “Mistress…?”
>Enveloping her in your magical aura, you lift your hoofmare off the bed, eliciting a yelp of surprise.
>Floating her a few inches off the bed, you easily force her enervated legs against her barrel.
>As you coil the ropes around her, securing each of her limbs, she whimpers out, “M-mistress, wh-what are you doing?”
“I’m giving you what you want. However, I’m not going to let you forget that it’s only by my grace that you’re allowed this rest.”
>You consider securing her mouth as well. She’s questioning you, and she doesn’t really NEED to talk right now.
>However...some proper adoration would be nice, after dealing with that council.
>Deciding you’d rather hear your pet sing, you simply make sure the ropes binding your pet are secure and lay her on her side with her head on a pillow.
>Laying against her, you pull her back against your belly.
>You can feel the tension in her unwind as you wrap a foreleg around her.
>”Thank you, Mistress. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she sighs and nuzzles against your chin.
>You pat her barrel with a hoof, prompting her to mutter out, her voice slurring, “You’re so warm…”
>Smiling, you muse to yourself.
>You HAD planned on simply using your pet and make Fleur stew a bit before you summoned her, but if you’re cuddling Jewel, it would make any meeting with Fleur...awkward, to say the least.
>Then again, nothing says you can’t make her wait until “morning” to meet you.
>Jewel twitches against the ropes keeping her helpless, the muscles in her back jerking against you, evidence that she’s already falling asleep.
>She can’t even manage to cuddle you properly right now, can she?
>If she can’t handle even this...then you’re going to need a new pet. This one’s defective.
>She jerks again, this time snapping back to wakefulness. “Mistress…?”
“I think it’s time for you to have another friend, don’t you?”
>Jewel tenses up against you before she starts to squirm, struggling against the ropes as she tries to roll around to face you.
“No, please, Mistress, I-I don’t need a friend, all I need is you! I can-”
“Calm down,” you command, glaring at her as she twists around, peeking at you out of the corner of her eye.
>”I...but Mistress...”
>She relents, going still as she looks at you, pleading as best she can.
>Apparently you’ve left her as your sole pet for too long.
>She’s become so dependent on you, that she’s afraid of having other friends too...you can’t have that.
>You need to get her a new friend...and at the same time, yourself a new pet...whether she likes it or not.
>But how do you approach this without crushing her?
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page 9 bump
>There are several reasons that most CYOAs (that I know of, at least), feature a pulled-from-his-normal-life-with-no-warning Anon who is baseline human in basically all respects.

That paradigm shifted last February for this board. Quests went from majority lolrandumb Anon quests to more story/character focused quests. The reason Anon was so common in quests and is still common in greentexts is because it's easy. It's not that Anon is like you, it's that you've read so much content with Anon in it that he's incredibly easy to slip back on while establishing a new character takes actual effort.

>Have you ever wondered why most of these CYOAs tend to take place in a small, localized area?

Because authors are lazy and having lots of characters and locations without bleeding is difficult. Several quests are very broad cast-wise and/or location-wise, it just depends on author talent and want.

This is actually something that's been discussed a few times in the CYOA Discussion thread. The result is usually this determination: Open quests are bad. Complex quests aren't inherently good or bad. Open quests, where the world is your oyster and you can do anything, are boring. They're a blank canvas. They don't engage. The more ideas you give the players to rub together the more engaging the quest is. Characters, conflicts, problems, situations, events. The world needs to be populated with ideas.

This quest, so far, remains mostly blank. The MC isn't well-established, assumedly so that the player can determine more of her personality. The only character to truly get deeper than cardboard was shut down quickly. The prompts themselves are mostly uninteresting with simplistic answers. The two events that have happened aren't anything I have a reason to care about.

To try and put it simply, this quest feels like the authors want it to be a blank canvas that the players can draw upon. Without realizing that blank canvases aren't engaging.
Does it really matter if we crush her?

If we say she isn't good enough anymore, and we need other ponies to satisfy our needs, she'll panic, and try harder. That's good for us, even if it's emotionally painful for her.

If we're kind about it we preserve her ego, it keeps her happy, but not much else. This isn't so much a question of how we avoid crushing her. The question is should we rush her?
>Continued because I forgot

I think this could serve as a good opportunity for the thread to build Umbra's character. She's been a near blank pony so far and I think stuff like this can help us define who she is. Do we try to keep our servants happy? or are they there entirely for our satisfaction?
>Conversation topic

It seems we know who NMM doesn't like. But what ponies do you think would please NMM and fit into her social system?

I really don't want to discourage the authors, because I do have high hopes for this story and I recognize that they've put a fucktonne of work into it.

That said, this thread has always been about honest feedback, and I feel this story hasn't really managed to get out of idle yet for this reason. It has perked up a few times (the soarin bit, the cuddles bit), but then it drops back down to "decide what happens next".

I think trying to do totally open concept sound good in theory, but in practise a lot of us arn't writers. We don't want to or simply can't come up with a compelling adventure. We need the authors to come up with the bulk of the adventure part.

When you look at very successful CYOA's they throw the reader into an adventure and basically ask "ok, given the crazy situation you're in, what general direction do you head" and then proceed to produce more adventure for the reader. As has been said by a few people already, the reader wants to steer more than create.

With this CYOA, it feels more like a cross between a collaborative story and a CYOA then a CYOA, but the problem there is we have OCs and a new setting we don't really know about or have any investment in, so it's just not compelling.

This Jewel character might be interesting, and the cuddle bit got me interested, but we know so little about her that the question the story ended on just makes me shrug. I'm inclined to say we be nice-ish to Jewel, plenty of other ponies to torment, but I don't care enough about her to fiercely argue that point. If the next part had Umbra execute her, I'd probably be fine with it.

As said, I hope the story continues and I'm going to keep reading regardless of what happens. I just think (backwards as it sounds) we need less freedom and choice and more world/character building given to us.
>quick bamp before work
>quick work bump
>before lunch hour bump
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>post rush bump
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>almost time to go home bump
Getting off work an hour early bump
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Up from 10.
>before bed bump cause work at 11 am tomorrow
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>getting ready for work bump
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>at work bump
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We interrupt your regularly scheduled bump to continue from http://pastebin.com/Rc8drsd5

>A click rings out into the otherwise deathly silent room, pulling you back to reality.
>Your ears jerk up, listening.
>That...that was the lock, wasn’t it? Your throat tightens in apprehension...is this actually rescue, or is it Anon, ready to begin your torment anew?
>He’s going to find you, he’s going to drag you out by your tail and beat you senseless!
>You start to shake. Why did you try to hide under the bed like a foal?! You could have just pretended to be a good po-
>A click-clack meets your ears, sounding nothing like the fish-like slapping noises of his feet. Those are hooves!
>You lift your head up until it touches the bottom of the bed, your ears swiveling.
>Despite what this could mean, you manage to catch yourself before calling out.
>It could still be Anon, and you know exactly what he’d do if he catches you speaking without permission, on top of everything else.
>However, it doesn’t stop your ears from standing at attention while you quiver in anticipation.
>That...that’s your sister’s voice!
>You’re saved!
>Your heart flutters as you find strength you didn’t realize you had. Elated, you start squirming, rolling over to wriggle out from underneath the bed.
“Ee-hya! I’m ‘ere!”
>You knew she’d come looking for you! The nightmare’s finally over!
>This outfit will be evidence enough that Anon went insane and reverted to his human culture, you’ll-
>”I hope you’re being a good pet for you master, Luna!~”
>Your heart just about stops.
>No. Nooo no no no, you must have misheard her!
>She...she can’t…
>You freeze up, possibly sticking out from under the bed. You’re too terrified to even move.
>This can’t be happening, you must have misheard her, she HAS to be there to rescue you! She wouldn't leave you here, to be tortured by this monster!
>She loves you! She…
>She left you trapped on your moon for a thousand years, forced to use your every scrap of magic to survive, and never once helped you move those stars into position for you to escape.
>She might have even reset their position a few times.
>Why did you think this would be any different? Nopony has ever, and will ever help you save yourself.
>”How was that Anon? Did I get it right?”
>”I’d say you did pretty good, you got it figured out."
>Your mouth quivers as any attempt to beg for clarification dies in your throat, a small squeak being the only noise you can eek out.
>With those few words, your world comes crashing down around you.
>Celestia knew about this. From moment one, she KNEW.
>Not only did she know, she...she and Anon worked together.
>She’s the reason he had the bridle. She’s the reason you no longer have your magic.
>She’s the reason Anon’s doing this to you.
>It’s because he loves her, not you.
>”Anyway, you should stick around. I’m sure Luna’ll love to show off what she’s learned."
>”Oh, I’d like to see that.”
>This...this is just like before. Just like all those years ago, when you were a foal, when you found her in bed with...
>How could you be so stupid to think he could love you? That ANYPONY could love you?
>Anon’s a literal monster, and even HE’S above you.
>...You’re pathetic. A joke, who’s entire existence is to make your sister look better by comparison…
>If you ever try to say no, to try and be more than that, then this happens. You’re imprisoned, your lovers stolen, until you learn to be her set piece again.
>This is your true lot in life, isn’t it?
>If you ever try to delude yourself into thinking anything could love you, you’ll just end up imprisoned again, for the rest of time.
>Your cutie-mark is a lie.
>It never represented the moon, it was evidence that you'll forever be eclipsed by her.
>Oblivious to your revelation, Anon calls out, “I wonder where my pet could have gone off to? She certainly would have known better than to try and hide from her master, when she didn’t even finish the job I gave her..."
>Something grabs ahold of your tail and pulls hard, dragging your slick body back from under the bed.
>Your limbs go limp as you’re pulled back, the only movement from you a heavy, wracking sob.
>There’s no fight left in you, no point in struggling anymore. You’re here until you’re allowed to leave, if at all.
>Just like before.
>There will be no rescue. Any struggling will just result in more pain, you know this. He’s made that perfectly clear.
>At least...at least you aren’t alone this time.
>Your sister’s words ring out, barely registering before Anon’s fingers wrap around your horn and pull your head back, demonstrating that you're no longer protected by his bed.
>”Well, pet? Don’t you want to say hi to your sister?”
>”I-I think I’m good, Anon. I’ll leave you two to it.”
>”You sure, Celly?”
>Your ears sink down as you can taste the disappointment in his voice.
>He wanted you to put on a show, and you’ve already failed...
>You’re going to pay dearly for it, you just know it!
>”Yes, I...I’m sure. This is-this is a bit more than I had expected this early in the morning. I’ll see you at the brunch?”
>”Wouldn’t miss it Cellybeans.”
>His fingers tap over your horn, drilling in what’s about to happen as the sound of your sister’s exit raps against your ears. .
>”You know,” his voice hisses in your ear once the sound of the door closing strikes you, “I WAS going to let you cum. I thought you’d deserve a reward when I got back, for trying to clean up your mess."
>You feel the toy inside you rotate, twisting around, the base slipping off your dripping wet sex.
>The cold air rushing against your now exposed sex causes you to shudder involuntarily.
>"But, I didn't think in a million years that I'd come back to see my slave thought she could hide under the bed. You didn't even TRY to clean it up, did you?"
>The toy's spun until the base pushes into your tail dock, forcing you to hike your tail as high as you can, leaving yourself completely exposed.
>You don't even try to fight it anymore. You...you know you're nothing but his plaything now.
>His fingers press to your still sopping wet labia, pushing hard to either side of your unconsciously winking clit.
>At this point, any direct stimulation might be enough to push you over the edge.
>His fingers start to drag over the fur around your sex, staying just around the very edges...he knows that, doesn’t he?
>Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he?
>You shake your head no, twisting your horn softly in his grasp.
>”So all my pony did was make herself as messy as she could? Were you TRYING to embarrass me in front of your sister?! If I didn’t know better, I’d think pony wanted me to punish her…”
>He pauses, his fingers stopping their slow circling of your sex, letting go of your horn.
>In a completely different tone, one seemingly devoid of malice, he asks, “Do you?”
>You...you honestly don’t know how to answer that.
>You know trying to say no is a futile gesture. If he wants to punish you, then he will, no matter what you wish.
>That’s why you’re here.
>...You’ll be a good girl.
>Lowering your head in subservience, you give him the answer he wants, nodding away.
>You still brace for him to start striking you, ready to accept the blows.
>It doesn’t take long.
>A blow comes down upon your horn, causing you to see stars behind your blindfold, knocking your head to the side.
>He pushes down on it, your horntip pressing to the floor.
>You bite your tongue, killing any noise whimpering would make.
>His hand’s not letting up, he really IS going to break it this time!
>There’s nothing you can do about it. He’s going to turn you into nothing more than his plaything, nothing but a living sex toy and there’s not a thing that could stop him.
>You squeeze your eyes shut, ready for him to take your magic from you once and for all, your horn threatening to crack.
>You can feel the bone bend to its breaking point, agony lancing out into your skull.
>But it never breaks.
>Instead, his hand pulls from your sex and squeezes into your tender rump, his claws digging into your skin.
>Your instinctual response to run away, kick the predator, to do SOMETHING to try and get away wells up, screaming at you.
>You try to ignore it, to push that voice away, knowing there’s nothing to be done.
>Succumbing to that fear would only bring pain.
>He pushes you forward, dragging you across the floor on your belly. The shock of the cold marble rubbing over your teats is almost painful.
>You stop moving once a pungent smell hits your nose again.
>A smell you’ve recently become intimately familiar with.
>”Then here’s what’s going to happen, pet. You think you can get away with ignoring your master’s commands by making me angry? Well, guess again.”
>“I’m going to hold you down here and make sure you do as you’re told, and that you clean up every. Last. Drop. Understand?”
>Of course...he knew you were ready for pain. It wouldn’t be a punishment if you accepted it.
>You nod and stick your tongue out, shuddering in revulsion the moment you taste the salty, rather thick fluids.
>You manage to keep from gagging, however. It’s revolting, just as disgusting as before, but...you’re just as disgusting, now.
>You’re covered in the exact same fluids, having been rolling around in it while waiting for his return.
>Master’s hand lets go of your rump and soon resumes tracing around your twitching sex.
>As if licking up your fluids weren’t awful enough on its own, he needs to keep you on the verge of losing your mind in need.
>You aren’t sure how long you spend licking yourself off the floor.
>The only sign of progress is your master dragging you by your horn to a new spot, the haze from his teasing hand keeping you from forming any coherent thoughts.
>Gone are the images of your guards, of other stallions, the fantasies of what you’d do once you escaped...now you’re only seeing him.
>All you can think about is your desperate desire to have him rutting you, even a broken, helpless you, instead of the pony he desires.
>It’s not like anypony else would ever touch you out of affection.
>He finally pulls your head up from the floor, straightening your neck.
>You tense up, having been torn from those fantasies.
>You frantically try to think of what you could have done wrong, why he might start hurting you again.
>”There we go...see? Being a good pony wasn’t so bad, was it?“ His grip on your horn keeps you from answering in affirmation.
>It...it really wasn’t.
>You had thought there was much more of a mess to clean up than there was.
>Plus...the taste isn’t so awful once you get used to it.
>What if...what if being his slave no different?
>It really might not be so awful once you get used to it...you’d still get to feel his affection.
>Resisting him only brings pain and torment...but giving in?
>The one time you gave in brought you more pleasure than you were capable of handling.
>That’s been the case your whole life, hasn’t it?
>When you fought for love you didn’t deserve, you watched as your sister stole your very first coltfriend and rutted him before your eyes.
>When you tried to move above your station, you were imprisoned…
>So what if your station’s been lowered yet again?
>If fighting only leads to pain, then embracing it must be the way for you to finally be happy.
>You lean towards the sound of Master’s voice to nuzzle him, to show him you understand now.
>However, only thin air graces your cheek.
>You shoot your head back to the ground before he has a chance to think you're acting out, and instead shake your head, responding to his question.
>”Good girl,” he coos, his fingers running over your slick mane in reward.
>This is the only way you'll ever feel his warm touch again, isn't it?
>If so, then...then you’ll learn to like it.
>”Now, I’d love to reward you, I really would. Pony’s learned her lesson, which means she would normally deserve a reward. But pony was a bad girl, and I had to force her to obey.”
>“So, since I had to work to get my slave to obey, it means you’ll have to work to get your reward.”
>You tense up, fear gripping you despite your recent acquiescence.
>What possible labor could he have you perform, while wearing this?
>His hand grips your horn in answer, pulling your head up from the ground.
>A familiar scent hits you, causing you to shudder mere seconds before Master pushes your nose against his rigid cock.
>You know exactly what to do with that.
>Before he has to command you, you open your mouth to take in his cock.
>However, the bands of your bridle quickly prevent you from getting your lips around his strangely shaped head.
>Instead, you slip your tongue out and lap at the underside of his shaft.
>You’re rewarded with a sharp tap to your nose, causing you to try and jerk your head back, more out of shock and fear than any actual pain.
>His firm grip on your horn keeps your head still.
>”Not quite pet. That’d be too easy. I want you to use your hooves.”
>You pause, blinking behind that blindfold as you process exactly how you’d do that with the way your hooves are bound.
>”Well? If pony isn’t going to be a good girl, then I guess it means you won’t get your reward…”
>That gets you struggling to your hooves before you have time to think about that statement.
>You...you WANT to be a good girl.
>Soon sitting on your haunches before him, you struggle to find his cock again with your forehooves, the binders connecting them to your hind legs heavily restricting your ability to do so.
>The rattle of the chains connecting the binders to your cuffs assaults your ears as you gingerly paw at the air before you, searching for...success!
>Feeling something firm against the side of your hoof, you shuffle yourself forward and gingerly cup your master’s cock between your forehooves.
>You aren’t...quite sure how to properly give him a hoofjob while bound, but you know you need to try.
>Not being a good girl only leads to pain.
>Despite those bindings preventing you from twisting your hooves to the proper angle, you press your soft frogs against his cock and start rubbing them up and down his shaft.
>The fire in your loins is only incensed by the feeling of your master’s cock against your frogs.
>You feel yourself winking, your fluids leaking even harder as the way his cock parts those frogs is almost as if it were parting your nethers…
>You’ve always had a thing for hoofplay, and, despite your new position in life, you’ll take the opportunity to enjoy this while you can.
>That enjoyment doesn’t last long.
>The edge of your hoof catches on Master’s cockhead.
>His yelp of pain is the only warning you get before a blow comes down on your face, sending you reeling.
>”What the hell Moonie?! You’re supposed to be the ‘Princess of sex,’ I thought that means you’re good at this...”
>Your ears press to your head as you tense up, and curl into a ball, waiting for more blows to come raining down upon you, your stomach tying itself in a knot as he curses your failure.
>He’s going to hurt you, you just know it, he’s going to repay that pain ten times over...and you deserve every bit of it.
>You tried to steal pleasure you didn’t earn...you were a bad girl.
>It’s true that...sex WAS part of your domain, when you were still a princess, and you’ve managed to be a failure at even that.
>His hand comes down on your horn, pulling you back up onto your haunches.
>You quiver, waiting for him to whip your teats, snap your horn, something.
>The expected pain never comes.
>”Last try, slave. If I feel any sharp bits or your cuffs, then that’s it. No reward for you. Got it?”
>He...he’s forgiving you for that?
>Elation bubbles up from your heart, catching in your throat.
>He’s more merciful than you deserve.
>You nod your head vigorously, understanding.
>You’ll be a good girl, you’ll pleasure Master properly this time.
>Rattling your bonds, it takes you a good minute to find his cock again...but when you do, this time, you wrap your fetlock around it.
>You work away at his shaft, doing the best you can without being able to see, your chains rattling all the while as your leg starts to burn from the effort.
>But you need this...you need to be a good girl for him.
>It’s hard, almost impossible….but that’s been the story of your life, isn’t it? It’s always been almost impossible to do the ‘right’ thing.
>Plus...being a good slave should be much easier than being a good ruler.
>You won’t have to worry about pleasing anyone other than Master...won’t have to worry about what ponies think of you, how to solve horrendous issues while still standing out compared to Celestia.
>Being a slave would mean that the only thing you’d have to worry about is obeying your master.
>The thought would have horrified you a little while ago...but you’re getting used to it.
>In fact...you’re starting to like it.
>You redouble your efforts, pushing the fatigue and pain from your foreleg away as you focus only on what matters-pleasuring your master.
>He grunts, an obvious sign that your efforts are having their intended effect.
>After a moment, his fingers grip at your mane, pulling your scalp roughly as he starts thrusting against your hoof.
>Your ears perk up as you swear you hear him whisper, “Good girl…” the encouragement keeping you going.
>It’s impossible to tell how long you’re working that shaft before he pulls away.
>”On all fours. Now.”
>Hastily, you obey, shuffling backwards so not to accidently bump him, in case he’s still in front of you.
>His hand grips your tail, lifting it high.
>A jolt runs through you as something hard and warm presses to your exposed sex.
>You tense up, fighting against the overwhelming urge to wink against what could potentially be your master's cock.
>Winking against him would be stealing pleasure, you’ve learned your lesson on that.
>His voice graces your ears, “You have permission to cum this time, pet.”
>You freeze up, scarcely believing those words.
>You...you do?
>Without another word of warning, his cock rams inside you, quickly filling your slick pussy.
>With one hand gripping your side and another soon grabbing your horn, he starts to slam into you, sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body.
>If this is your reward, then...then you’re going to enjoy every last second of it.
>You clench down around him, winking against his shaft as you find yourself hurtling towards that sexual peak.
>Shuddering, you bite down on your lip as you near that long denied climax, trying to keep from moaning out.
>After all, he gave you permission to cum, but not talk.
>Unfortunately, all the effort in the world couldn’t prepare you as your climax hits with the force of a full grown dragon.
>Your body convulses, the cry leaving your lips before you could stop it. Your legs tremble, slipping apart as they threaten to give out.
>As if sensing you may fall, his arm wraps around your barrel, pressing into the mess of straps to hold you there as he continues to thrust into your maregasm, not slowing in the slightest.
>Pure, unrivalled bliss floods your mind as he continues to rut you through the most powerful orgasm of your life.
>You don’t even come down as you finish, staying right at that peak, and your master is more than happy to push you to a second, third, and even fourth climax.
>Only after your fourth maregasm does he finally cum inside you, his cock flexing within you as he breeds you for yet a second time tonight.
>He soon pulls out, letting you slump to the floor before him as your rational mind slowly takes ahold.
>If this is the reward you’ll get for obeying him...then you happily accept him as your master.
>For now and forever.
>His fingers grab ahold of your bridle for a moment before the blindfold is ripped off, the light of dawn spilling through the windows and blinding you in an entirely different way.
>The only thing shielding you from that dazzling light is the silhouette of your master’s face, beaming away with as much intensity as your sister’s sun.
>”Sooo? Was that great, or what? Come on Moonshine, let’s get you out of this thing.”
>He starts to undo the straps of your bridle, pulling that bit out of your mouth before discarding it on his bed.
>You...you don’t know how to respond. If you even have permission to respond.
>He soon gets to work on the harness binding your wings and legs, chattering all the while.
>”You know, I had my doubts for a minute there, but DAMN if you didn’t seem to love every bit of it, Moonie. What was your favorite part, by the way? The fire thing? The orgasm denial? You definitely seemed to like the beatings.”
>Your ears sink down to the sides of your head as you watch him work, all the while fear gripping you.
>Something’s wrong. He’s giving you back things you haven’t earned, you haven’t done anything to deserve getting to see, talk or move!
>You’ve only just started to be a good girl!
>He pauses after undoing one shackle, looking at you.
>”Luna? Sweetie? Are you ok? You aren’t answering me…”
>The fear’s hold grows icy talons, stabbing into your heart.
>You need to answer, NOW.
Aaaand that’s it for now. Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are more than welcome as always.
I want you guys to tell me: How does Luna respond?
I was just on my way to bed when you started posting this. Will try and do a proper review tomorrow.

For now though, first off, awesome to see this story continue.

Luna's internal breakdown was really good. Felt a bit fast but not excessively (and slowing it down probably would have caused it to drag anyway).

Anon felt a bit off... I dunno, he felt a bit too mean. The whole hitting/slapping/horn twisting stuff is a bit of a turn off for me, but that's just personal taste.

>the ending
Solid aftercare right there anon! Kidding aside, no idea. Not really a huge fan of a realistic reaction (Luna breaking down in tears, Anon realizing he's fucked up, drama, etc) but can't think of anything to put in it's place that wouldn't feel stupid (especially given how dark this last bit got).
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Yeah, nothing else than Luna experiencing a full second breakdown that reveals just how much was she was damaged would fit at this point.

...which is a pity, because submissive Luna as you write her is absolute unf, and this section was amazing to go through. Her slow collapse into acceptance really did work; at this point, I'd say she shouldn't be enraged - too much baggage with 'lashing out' at her 'master' - but completely giving in once released doesn't fit either. She's traumatized still.

Mind you - I'm not against Luna, in her broken mind state, eventually demanding he do it again. Shame welling up in her mind as she accepts the unmatched relief she will experience, and knowing the cost it will come at - even if only for a time and under more controlled circumstances. It wouldn't be 'realistic' exactly, but a lot more so than her giving in and becoming straight submissive now.
Bump before bed.
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I'd still like to see a positive bitter sweet ending. Luna realizes that it was just a game, Anon blames himself for being an idiot and not realizing that Luna didn't know the safe-word. Luna forgives him because he made her realize that she really IS a failure of a princess, that she would be much happier as a slave, and begs Anon to enslave her permanently. Anon feels guilt over breaking Luna's mind like this, but goes through with it anyway, because he wants to make Luna happy and him being her master is what she wants.
Haven't seen that one before. Cute.
>I think trying to do totally open concept sound good in theory, but in practise a lot of us arn't writers.
That touches on the problem with 'blank slate' characters in my opinion, but isn't exactly it. It's not that 'we' aren't writers, a lot of us probably are. It's that players aren't the writer(s). They can't inject the sentences that detail personality, they can only give general direction that needs to carry over even after that post is done.

About the writing for the Umbra character specifically. She reads as if she's uncertain about most everything, and it doesn't seem like that's intentional. Remember that in her world she's very much the Queen and should act with certainty.

I hope the story continues. It's always interesting to see competent writers foray into a new style or medium. And the concept is interesting even if the execution is a little lackluster so far.

Excessive meta conversation is also a detriment to quests, so we should probably tone it down until there's breaks between larger segments.
>It's always interesting to see competent writers foray into a new style or medium.

What about for BB or Escapade? If you could, what would you like to see them attempt?
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I'm actually curious about this myself. Maybe it would do something to kill my horrible writer's block.
I'd be very much happy with more Octavia or Broken Blue Bird, but as far new things I'd like the two authors to explore...

He does lots of NMM and SiM verse. I'd like to see his character-building talent used on one of the Mane 6, in a closer-to-the-canon situation, instead of a SiM verse.

His stories all tend to be pretty heavy and realistic, about tragedies and their consequences. I'd like to see something fun and lighthearted, like a slice of life. With no Anon preferably. Just a couple of friends or sibling simply messing a round.

Generally, I'd also like people to sometimes use Ponies-in-Earth instead of Anon-in-Equestria. but that goes to all the writefags not just these two in specific.
bed bump
Hmm, noted. After thinking it over I've concluded that it'd actually be a challenge for me to fit fun and lighthearted into this thread, so I'll have to challenge myself some time.
Top unf. By far my favorite story in this general. Sad to see it go, but it looks like it going to end well.

As for the answer hmmm well Luna is broken now so that much should be conveyed to Anon that something happened maybe Luna freaking out and asking him what she did to be treated this well or saying she'll be extra good to earn all the gifts shes getting now.

Mainly what I want is some good after care cuddling and stuff with Luna and maybe having her break down or finally rest from there. I like happy endings even if there a little fucked up.
I'm not a regular to this thread so I couldn't say. I just enjoy seeing people take skills they have and apply them in ways they're not used to. Watching the process of figuring it out is always interesting.
I am looking forward to the moment Anon realises that he has actually broken her.
That she didn't actually understand what the fuck was going on.

That moment of horrific realisation, will be glorious.
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>luncheon bump
Green is imminent. It's a new (extended one-shot?) I'm probably going to break it up over a 2-4 scenes, so I'll be posting those individually, so that it's easier to read. I'm doing last minute ultra-lazy proofreading, so expect it within 20.
>You are Stormy Flare
>Former Captain of the Wonderbolts.
>You can hear the hushed whispers of the ponies surrounding you.
>Your ears twitch underneath your hood, as you attempt to make out what they are saying.
>Mentally, you can’t help but curse yourself.
>While the years of training were still fresh in your mind, you body simply isn’t as responsive as it once was.
>As a young mare, you would've had no problem picking up every single word that left their mouths.
>But now — you can’t make out anything…
>Resigning to the fact that you won’t be able to hear what they’re saying, you instead take the moment to think back to when this started.
>It was almost like it happened yesterday…
>Then again, that’s probably because it /did/ happen yesterday...
>Even now, you struggle to fully register all that has happened...
>Everything was so quick — you almost didn’t have time to catch it.
>You were sleeping in your Cloudsdale home when, without warning, you were awoken by the sound of your bedside table being knocked over.
>Startled by the noise, your eyes shoot open, only see the entire wall beside your window was /gone/.
>Moments later, nearly a half-dozen large, dark stallions poured into the room, wings fully fanned.
>Before you could even sit up in bed, three stallions jump on top of you, and pin you down.
>You screamed as they placed a bag over your head, and strapped your wings to your trunk.
>Within only a few moments, they had tied your legs down as well effectively rendering you immobile.
>Only seconds later, you could feel yourself being moved quickly toward the now missing wall, before plummeting through the sky.
>Your half-awake mind was being pumped full of adrenaline, but by then, it was useless.
>Whatever potion they used on your wall they must have also used on the cloud bed below.
>Undoubtably, you were free falling toward the ground far below.
>While you attempted to break free, you couldn’t move your wings or hooves so much as an inch given the tightness of the restraints.
>The wind pushed the bag tight to your ears, deafening you as you fell head-first toward the ground.
>Your training started to kick in, and you found yourself counting the seconds pass as you fell.
>One… Two… Three…
>It should take approximately thirty seconds to free-fall from Cloudsdale, but since you started counting late, you weren’t totally sure how long it had been.
>Thirteen.. Fourteen… Fifteen…
>Twenty-one… Twenty two...
>By then, your panic was uncontrollable.
>Wonder bolt training taught you that, from such a steep, vertical fall, you /need/ to pull up, or at least slow-down by now.
>Still, nothing but the rush of air passing by filled the sky.
>Your instincts were starting to kick in, and you began to frantically fight against your bindings.
>That sensation of falling while bound… any pegasus struggles with it.
>Twenty-six… Twenty-seven…
>Without warning, you felt something push against your chest, followed immediately by a /gut-wrenching/ turn.
>Thirty-one… thirty two...
>You could hear the wind brush over the wings of the pony below you.
>Only then did you begin to realize that you were most likely strapped onto the back of one of the larger pegasus.
>Again, without warning, you felt yourself being tossed by a number of sharp, seemingly random turns.
>In your panicked haze, it dawned on you that they must be weaving through the forest below Cloudsdale.
>You were silent.
>You couldn’t scream; your lungs almost entirely denied air given your speed.
>The flight last for perhaps another twenty seconds, before you felt yourself slowing down.
>Soon, you felt the pony below you touch down onto the ground.
>”Landing zone clear…”
>A few other stallions replied.
>”Step up a perimeter…”
>A much closer, calmer voice pierced the air.
>”Is the package secure?”
>You felt the stallion quickly roll you off of his back, and you were caught by what feels like two other stallions.
>Magic began to caress your coat, as the bag was lifted off your head.
>A dark blue unicorn approached; standing over you, covered in an thick, black hood.
>”It’s her.”
>You tried to interrupt.
“Who are you, what’s going on?"
>A number of other unicorns, all without hoods, walked closer, encircling you.
>”She’s clean…”
>The hooded stallion nodded.
“NO!! NO! WAIT!! Please! You have the wrong pony!"
>”Did the repair team arrive?”
>A random pegasus replied.
>“The walls and bed should have been fixed by the time we touched down…”
>Seemingly satisfied, the stallion standing over you nodded.
>”Bag her and prep for transport, we’re on the clock…”
>The hooded stallion, and the surrounding unicorns all turned, and begin to walk away.
>Before you could open your mouth again, another stallion quickly placed a muzzle over your snout, and slipped the bag over your head.
>You tired to fight your bonds again, and again, you fail.
>The sound of a cart being pulled on the ground filled the air.
>You tried to scream, hoping that the pony, whoever it was, could hear you.
>Unfortunately, the muzzle made your “scream” nothing more than a muted squeal.
>The cart continued to draw closer.
>”Load her in, then proceed to base; we’ll debrief there."
>You felt yourself being lifted, and then just as quickly, dropped onto a soft, cushioned bed.
>”She’s in. ”
>You heard a thud above you, followed by a series of locks.
>It quickly dawned on you that you were in a trunk.
>”… all clear…”
>”… all clear…”
>From inside the box their voices were practically nonexistent.
>Then ou felt the cart jerk.
>You hit the side of the box, and, instinctually, you began to feel yourself falling.
>You tried to scream — tried to beg for release — but by then, the only noise was the sound of cart wheels on rock.
>After traveling for what seemed like an eternity, you remembered being moved to a larger, more comfortable box.
>In reality, it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes at most, probably just enough to get to a more secure location, so that they could safely transfer you.
>By the time you were moving again, there was the distinct sound of a train tracks clattering in the background.
>Although you were still tightly bound, you were fortunate enough to be afforded enough room to lay down without experiencing free-fall panic.
>The train ride was much, much longer.
>Hours passed with nothing but the ambient noise of metal wheels on metal rails.
>Eventually, you calmed down enough to actually think, and take stock of the situation.
>Unfortunately, there’s wasn't much to go off of.
>You were in a box, which is presumably locked, headed to some unknown destination.
>Even if it wasn’t locked, there was no way for you to even attempt breaking out.
>There’s no context, or even real hint of /why/ they took you — or even who “they” are.
>With so little to go off of, you were forced to consider why you would have been of interest to /anyone/.
>The first thing that came to mind is your military experience; but that didn’t make much sense.
>You’re a /former/ Wonderbolt, over a decade into retirement; there are a number of other pegasus with the near identical résumés…
>This had to be a government raid.
>The Wonderbolts, or whoever replaced them, were almost certainly the culprits.
>The precision, and accuracy of their assault was well beyond anything a common criminal group could possibly accomplish.
>Even from your time as a Wonderbolt, and performing countless exercises, /none/ of them were /that/ cleanly executed.
>Then again, your Wonderbolts were much more frequently used as a display and drill team than as functional military unit.
>Under this new Princess… well… that’s no longer true.
>While you knew better than to actively aid the rebellion, you kept your hears up.
>Word in the rains said that ponies simply /disappeared/ at night.
>Of course, you had no way of confirming these stories, and never directly knew any of the ponies in question, so it was impossible to verify.
>What you /did/ know was that Nightmare Moon’s forces were relentless in their persecution of the rebels; the newspapers made that all too clear.
>Still, that told you nothing, and gave you no explanation of why you were taken.
>It hit you.
>Then, you remember feeling a raw, almost primal sense of dread overtake you.
>The kind that only a mother could possibly experience.
>What if this isn’t about you at all…
>What if this is about Spitfire...
That's all for now. I /would/ ask for suggestions, but I'm /reasonably/ sure I know where I want this to end up. However, with that said, feedback, speculation, and general conversation is encouraged. We've been a pinch slow here, so hopefully this helps.
Bump while writing a reply.

Full reply time!

So, we've only seen little glimpses of how Nightmare's Equestria functions outside of the castle walls so far, and this was a very big dump compared to those. An outsider's view is something I've been craving for a while, and this delivered, even if just briefly; though it doesn't really fit the thread, I'd almost be interested in seeing what the day-to-day life of someone like Stormy Flare is like now. I'm also wondering if there's a point in her referring to Nightmare as 'princess' rather than 'empress'.

The raid itself is appropriately terrifying and nerve-wracking, particularly the free-falling section. I think you did do a good job on the emotional hit there, with the repeated emphasis on helplessness and inability to even do something natural like screaming.

It's a little too early to make any judgement calls on the whole thing, but I can make a couple guesses based on the title alone. Given my assumptions about where this is going, it's gonna get painfully feelsy.
YES YES YES. I thought this story disappeared into the void forever before reaching its (hue) climax.

>How does Luna respond?
Her freaking out and defaulting into submissive pleading or something that will let Anon know that something is very wrong. That or make Anon think that Luna has REALLY got into the role playing aspect.

There does need to be some aftercare to for Luna especially after all she;s been through.
>Luna states that she does not deserve these rewards
>Anon tells her to cut it out, the roleplaying is over.
>The gears start turning in Luna's head, she realizes it was all fake.
>She goes through a multitude of emotions, but the emotion that overshadows the rest of them is pure anger.
>Spousal abuse happens off-screen

>Cut to a later scene
“Feed me amother grape“
>With her authority as a princess, Luna has ruled that Anon must be her slave while she goes about her royal duties.
>“Is this really necessary, you broke my fucking leg this morning.“
“Stop with the whining, I could heal it in a second and your pain is nothing compared to mine“
>Anon admits he was wrong and Luna forgives him
>Blushingly Luna admits that she liked parts of the BDSM thing.
We need more of accidentally broken Luna trying to please Anon for her imaginary transgressions by roping in Celestia, and in turn Twilight.

It ends in a confused Anon who is still trying to figure out what the hell is going on when he is surrounded by a harem of moaning mares.

More comedy.
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I've read it and wait for more. Not much else to say though. So far nothing hooked me in. Stormy Flare's character is non existent beyond "former Wonderbolt" and "Spitfire's mother". And the only interesting part of the story is the mysterious kidnapping, which I'm 99% sure I already know who's behind, so that doesn't increase my excitement levels either.

As a stand alone thing, it's really weak so far, but I'm giving it the benefit of a doubt because it's liked to a wider story, and you seem to know where you're going with it.
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Bump before bed.
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Y-yes please
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Bump before I go.
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Bluebird anon anywhere out there? I needs my fix.
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That binding at the base of her tail that forces her tail to stay up? Those will never not be hot.
The pictures are cropped, she's getting raped.
In a really, really strange way too...
You might like this picture.

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Okay, I figure I've been absent long enough an update is in order.

In short, I didn't so much hit writer's block as I did run straight into writer's great wall of china. I sit down, open up the Bluebird doc, and stare at it without knowing what to type.

Next section is maybe ~50% done before editing pass, and while I have the narrative plotted out writing it down is fucking hard all of a sudden.

Add in life suddenly getting very busy - fuck overtime, by the way, they never pay you what they're supposed to - and I've just not been able to crank out the next section. I'm sorry.
Up from 10.
>You press a hoof to the side of her head and forcibly turn her away, burying her face against the pillow but otherwise leaving her half turned towards you.
"Are you trying to tell your mistress that you know better than her?"
>She shudders against you, but doesn't respond.
>This is what you get for trying to be nice, you suppose. You give her one small reward, and suddenly she threatens to turn rebellious.
>You push down against her, more as a warning as you growl out,
"Jewel...you know that mistress knows what’s best for you, right?"
>A small whimper rises from her throat before she squeaks out, "Y-yes mistress. I'm-sorry."
>Lifting your hoof from her muzzle, you turn the rest of her to properly face away from you.
"You do? Then I don’t see why you’re putting up such a fuss. As I recall, you had quite a lot of fun with your last friend, didn't you?"
>She jerks against you before answering, ”Yes mistress! I did!”
>Well, now that sounds like a forced answer if you’ve ever heard one.
>You pull her in tight against you, your hoof pressing to her barrel as you say,
“Reeaally? Then tell me. Of all the things I made you two do, what did you enjoy the most?”
>She shivers against you as she searches for the ‘right’ answer, stammering out, “I-I...I…”
>You know she just needs some encouragement.
>Sparking your horn once more, you grab ahold of her teats and squeeze them, playing with her nipples.
>Your pet gasps out the moment your magic tugs at her, soon squirming against the ropes holding her still.
“Was it when I tied you up, blindfolded you and made you guess whose tongue was teasing you?”
>Jewel shudders violently against you, the closest thing you get to an answer as she no doubt remembers the penalty for guessing wrong.
“No? What about when you two were a living sculpture for that party? Didn’t you like kissing for hours, with dozens of guests eyeing you?”
>You reach a hoof down, underneath her tail and stroke over her nether lips while continuing to magically tease her teats.
>It gets her properly struggling against the ropes, a small moan rising from her throat.
>If you didn’t know better, you’d swear the way her head’s shifting is her shaking her head “no.”
>Of course she knows better than to do that. She just needs one last push.
“What about when I had you two compete to see who would get to orgasm that week? As I recall, you were the better one at that game…”
>Taking the bait, your pet cries out, “That one, mistress! I-I enjoyed that one the most!”
>You kiss her on the back of her head.
“See? You DID love having a companion. This is why I need a new pet. Then you two can play all sorts of fun games that you haven’t been able to, since you’ve been servicing me by yourself.”
>Before she can respond, you grip Jewel’s ear in your teeth and nibble over it. It certainly feels different than you’re used to.
>Almost like you’re chewing on a flexible piece of glass.
>“Nyuuuhh...Y-yes, mistress...”
>Without letting up your ministrations, you continue on,
“You WILL be friends with this new pony, Jewel. Is that clear?”
>She winces and tries to curl in upon herself as best as the ropes will allow, pressing her nethers against your hoof before nodding her head. “Yes mistress...I’ll be ffffriendss with whomever you chooooose....”
>Smiling, you kiss the back of her head once more and cease teasing the bound mare, your wet hoof resuming its previous position on her chest.
>She thrashes against her bonds in response, forgetting herself as she cries out, “Mistress, please, I’m so close!”
“Mmm...well, since you ARE being rewarded...I’ll make an exception just this once.”
>”Th-thank you mistress!” Your pet cries out, hiking her tail as high as she can against you.
>You wrap your clean hoof around her tied limbs as you get to work.
>No reason to get both of them dirty, after all.
>She twitches and wiggles against you, moaning as you drag your fetlock over her winking sex, avoiding her clit as it pokes out periodically.
>Your pet may be close, but there’s no reason you have to give it to her right away.
>Instead, you drink in her little moans, feeling her squirm against your barrel and buck against your hoof as best she can while bound.
>”Mistress….pleeeaaase!” she whines out, her limbs shaking, her muscles twitching against you.
>You take her ear in your teeth once more, licking over the tip.
>Ignoring the fact that it still feels like you’re biting a window, you work your hoof downwards, rubbing over her winking clit and grind your fetlock into her.
>That was just the push she needed.
>Jewel jerks against you, arching her back as she lets out a loud whinny, signifying her climax.
>Her pussy spasms against your hoof as her fluids leak out around it, soaking the blanket underneath her.
>You continue to grind your hoof into her, letting her ride out her climax, until she goes limp against you.
>Only then do you pull your hoof back, wrapping it around your pet’s form, smearing her fluids into her fur.
>”Thank you mistress...thank you...” she breaths out shuddering every so often.
>”I love you, mistress...” she murmurs before going quiet, bringing a smile to your lips.
>You squeeze your pet’s limp form against you, and bury your face in her mane, listening to the sound of her steady breathing, the post climax rhythm lulling you to sleep.
>Just as you’re about to cross the threshold into the realm of dreams, your pet’s voice rings out in your ears again, dragging you back to the world of the waking. "M-mistress?"
>Cracking an eye open, you lift your head.
"Yes, Jewel?"
>"Can I ask you something mistress?"
>Setting your head back down, you mutter,
"You just did."
>As you make a point of nuzzling back into her mane, you can /feel/ the flurry of emotions running through her.
>Only once she’s had enough time to stew do you speak up.
"You may ask another one."
>While she doesn’t exactly perk up, she does speak.
>"I...I wanted to ask...am I not good enough for you mistress? Did I...am I not being good enough? Is there something more I could do for you?"
>...And here you thought she was just jealous.
"Don't worry Jewel. You're serving me just fine. But do you remember that one time when I had you and your friend kiss me on both ends at the same time? I want to do it again, and plenty of other things too... and you can't do them alone. I'm not sending you away. I'm just getting you some help."
>She relaxes against you, the tension in her unwinding with every word.
>"So...I will be allowed to stay with you? Can I stay with you mistress, even after the new pet arrives?”
"Yes Jewel. You can stay as long as I want."
>"A-as long as-”
>You squeeze her, cutting her off.
"Hush now, I want to sleep."
>Jewel’s tension returns with a vengence, your mare quivering, her muscles tightening as she processes your words.
>...She’s not as comfortable to hold when she’s stressed. It feels like holding a giant aspen leaf.
>You give her a moment to try and wait out her terror.
>It’s only once it’s become clear that she’s not going going to stop, do you grab her in your magic, and spin her around to face you, earning a yelp of surprise from her.
>Wrapping your hooves around your cowering pet, you lay your chin on the top of her head, feeling her bound legs pressing to you.
“Shhhh…I’m not sending you anywhere...”
>Jewel nods her head and slowly but surely calms down against you, her trembling soon coming to a halt.
>Perfect for you to fall asleep against.
>bamp while reading
Sombra looks like a lion to me in that picture.
Really enjoyed this. Finally starting to build some character in the two of them, plus this scene was just plain dong expanding. Loving but dominant tone + gentle bondage. Umbra really does treat Jewel like a pet, and Jewel behaves like one, and it's great.
Hmm. Interesting; she clearly hates being reminded of what we're doing to her, yet she's terrified of displeasing us to a point beyond merely fearing punishment. Interesting - maybe a bit of Stockholm going on there?

In any case, cute/10 ending.

As unbecoming as we thought it might be earlier, maybe we should keep Jewel around when we summon Fleur. Just a little show of dominance for her; nothing too explicit but a reminder that this is our domain.
>before work bamp

also I'm like, an entire thread behind now.. really need to catch up...
I've always wanted to see two doms try to dominate each other. Can anyone tell me how it goes?
Unless one of them is a switch, generally not too well. It ends up being unenjoyable for at least one party (often both), as neither really gets what they want out of the relationship.

Of course, that's assuming it's consensual.
Indeed. That said seeing people who are usually a dom play a sub can be hot as fuck. Princess Donna comes to mind
Yeup. Especially if they start out playing their typical confident role and slowly break down to subbing.

It's why stuff like pic related can be so hot.
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>implying Shining Armor isn't the sub
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Can we please have a story where Anon keks Shining Armor?
Bump before bed.

Just glad to hear you're still around. I'm Jonesing for the next update but I don't want you to burn out.
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>before work bamp
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Umbra CYOA continuation.

>You open your eyes, and find yourself sitting in your council room.
>Only this time, it’s empty.
>You look around for a few moments, and take note of the room around you.
>It looks just like it did before, with the appropriately labeled folders in front of each pony’s seat.
>You walk around the room, and look at the large, pristine crystal table.
>In the sun, it’s almost glaringly bright.
>How long had it been since you’d had a chance to simply look at your palace?
>A thousand years?
>You shake your head.
>That’s what they’ve told you anyways — a thousand years of self-imposed exile.
>Not that you remember even a day of it.
>You take a moment to simply stand, and bask in the gentle reflections of the clear, crystal walls.
>Reaching the head of the table, you take a seat, and look at the papers resting before you.
>The stack is mercifully small, containing only the briefings from your council members, and their initial reports.
>As you sort through them, you decide which one to read first.
>Fleur De Lis perhaps?
>Cracking open the cover page, you see what appears to be a wall of small, extremely fine, elegant text.
>You cringe.
>Wonderful writing for sure, but not exactly something that you’d like to read at this very moment.
>Perhaps the griffon has something more… simple to read.
>She wasn’t the most vocal member of your council; perhaps she is equally reserved in writing.
>You reach for the cover, and draw it back, revealing...
>”So this is what my favorite little unicorn dreams of…”
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>Your ears stand tall, hearing the voice filling the air.
>You look up, and see… Luna?
>That’s what her name /was/ if you remember correctly, but apparently she had an identity crisis, and dyed her fur or — whatever...
"Hmm? Oh, Moon...something. Are you trying to usurp my Empire again?"
>You grin widely, and laugh at your own joke.
"We all know how well that worked last time..."
>While in Canterlot you were forced into being more reserved, being back in your Empire, you feel much more confident facing the mare before you.
>If you remember correctly, when she /first/ came to your Empire with her sister, she was temperamental to say the least.
>Now all you have to do is...
>The mare giggles as she casually walks around your council table, tracing her right wing-tip on the crystal as she walks.
>”With you entrapped in ice for a thousand years?”
>”Why yes little one, we /do/ remember how successful you were during your /failed/ reign…”
>That’s… that’s not what you expected.
>You blink, taking the moment to gather yourself.
>Perhaps she has… developed a tongue since you last saw her.
>Unfortunately for her, this time, she’s alone, and if she was foolish enough to come here without her army of guards, so be it.
"Last I checked, the only issue I had was when you and Big Sister tried to kill me...and it didn't work. Plus, I'm the one sitting on the throne, that means I'm still the one in charge."
>Still, there is a surprising lack of response.
>Instead, she continues her slow, calm walk toward your seat.
>She’s not even looking at you — and that smile is still on her dumb little face...
>Something’s off…
>She speaks.
>”In charge?”
>”Come now little one, certainly your adolescent understanding of the arcane has not corrupted your memory so severely; we are sure you recall you signing away your kingdom to us so that you could scamper your way back to the frozen tundra you call home…”
>You can practically /feel/ your blood boil.
>Whatever humor was in your banter before disappears entirely.
"...Adolescent understanding of the arcane?!"
>You stand up from your chair, snarling at the approaching mare.
>/She/ dares to call /you/ an adolescent?
>Wasn’t /she/ the one who bickered with her sister in the middle of battle?!?
>Her sister did /everything/ for her!
>If anything, /she’s/ the adolescent, not you!
>Your voice is raw with anger and vengeance.
"Listen, you. I am the Crystal /EMPRESS/, and the foremost scholar on dark magic!”
“You may have your stupid little wings, but I can do things nopony could even /dream/ of!”
“Now, you have the /nerve/ to come into MY home, and insult me?"
>You draw forth a massive dark force into your horn.
"I think Jewel would like a new frien-“
>Then, something goes wrong.
>As you spark your horn to teach the lunar princess a lesson in humility, a sharp pain pours out from it.
>You fall onto one hoof, your eyes practically blinded by pain.
>Your mind is racing.
>This doesn't make any sense… that spell isn’t supposed to-
>Something brushes against your chin.
>You look up, and see the dark alicorn staring down at you with a small, but haughty, sarcastic grin.
>”Foremost scholar?”
>She giggles.
>”Tell us, then, why does the supposed “foremost scholar” of “dark magic” wield an impotent horn?”
>You feel her mane brush your ear before touching your horn, causing another flash of deep, raw agony.
>She continues.
>”Even a year old /foal/ can control their spells, yet your own craft causes you pain?”
>Her words barely register as your mind struggles to block out the sensation from your horn.
>It’s feels like boiling water being poured over your head…
>”Can you not control your own horn?”
>Finally, she grants you space.
>”No little filly -- you are neither scholar, nor mage, nor Empress…”
>You look up, and watch as the room shifts.
>Everything is getting darker.
>Your ears are filled with the sounds of cracking, as the once clear walls shift and shatter, transforming into dark, black walls of crystal.
>Her eyes…
>Is that… dark magic?
>The air begins to feel heavy — it’s difficult to breathe.
>”You are our subject…”
>Then, whatever was in her eyes disappears.
>The room, still dark, seems less… hostile.
>You turn to your right, and see the walls are still scarred, blackened and warped.
>You take a deep, welcome breath of air, before looking up at the pony towering over you.
>She smiles.
>”And /we/ are your Empress... “

This was an... interesting set of green to write. Unlike the rest of my green text, I wasn't the only writer here. This scene was written in a semi-rp setting, with myself and Olibird effectively dialoguing as the characters (I wrote NMM, he wrote Umbra). I managed the description, setting, and most internal dialogue parts. Beran and Oli were amazingly helpful in proofreading, something which we all know I'm terrible at.

Clearly, this is an experiment, so your feedback on this would be helpful. I play a supporting role to Beran and Olibird, so realistically, this is there creation, I'm just here to help with NMM's characterization and dialogue.

>CYOA aspects.
Back to what everyone is here for: The CYOA. Clearly, you're a bad spot; on your knees, and without your magic in front of NMM, after /just/ threatening to turn her into a pet.

Wut do?
Well, apparently we turn into a drooling moron when we sleep. I'm not actually sure where to go with this, since we've basically done all the things I'd have said 'don't fucking do'.
>Casually insult the Empress
>Insist we're the one 'in charge' when we already signed a treaty establishing her dominance
>Try to fight an oneiromancer on her home turf

My suggestion would have been to use the time to engage with her and ask for clarification on a couple things, like Fleur's actual position. That, and politely ask her to not drop in without warning, as she clearly gave us autonomy on our turf so long as we acknowledge her rule.

But, since we've royally botched that up, I don't see much of a choice beyond roll over and show our submission. Going to put us in a real bad place come further negotiations, but we backed ourselves up against a wall with no way out.
I was kinda hoping NMM wasn't going to be all "super mega ultra x10 more powerful than everyone in the universe" in this to be honest, or at the very least that it wouldn't be focused on as much.

That Umbra and NMM directly battling would probably result in NMM winning I'm fine with, but I liked the idea that Umbra got to keep her kingdom for a reason, assumably because while she might lose against NMM, it wouldn't be an easy victory.

I guess I envisioned defiant and independent but still somewhat constrained vs good little puppet with authority only by NMMs benevolence.
>That Umbra and NMM directly battling would probably result in NMM winning I'm fine with, but I liked the idea that Umbra got to keep her kingdom for a reason, assumably because while she might lose against NMM, it wouldn't be an easy victory.
To be fair, this is a dream, so it's possible NMM isn't actually this good at dark magic, but is instead manipulating the dream itself. Umbra doesn't appear to know NMM has the power yet, so to her, it seems real.
I suppose, though I would have liked it if Umbra realized this and was able to somehow fight NMM. Would do a lot to establish a "not your meek submissive pet" character. If NMM can just pop into Umbra's dreams and fuck with her at will, we get back into the "better than 1000 supermans, no really she's just that powerful" type stuff, which I don't think works well if Umbra is supposed to be the main dominant character.
Bump before bed.
Would anybody want some green from a pony's perspective, probably revolving around Anon bullying them?
Me, but I'm gonna be gone for like a week and a half.

>Worried thread will die without my usual mid-day bumps
>oh god what's wrong with my life...
Ive done a few greens with this topic before. Any suggestions? Pony? Situation they're in? Plot point?
i meant to reply to >>25532588
Sounds good to me. We've had a lot of strong personalities in here lately, so why not go with someone more meek?
Maybe it's just cause I'm kinda weird and feelsy, but something cute where we kind of feel a bit sorry for the main character and maybe she even eventually overcomes her tormentor.

Fluttershy would be the painfully obvious choice for that kind of role, but I think it could work with just about any pony.

As to who what or why, no thoughts.
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I want it.

I'd like to see some workplace setting. Like school, hospital, or army. Something where the bully holds an official power over the MC.

The pony I'd like to see would be Applejack or Rainbow Dash.
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Light, cute bondage. Not enough of that, unfortunately.
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There's a thread for that. It's called "Submission is Mandatory (SiM)"
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I did something Dash in my own thread quite a while ago, if anyone's interested in reading. http://pastebin.com/KpGabYMU

But I'd love to do something with Flutters. That should come as soon as creativity sparks.
Usually, spanking turns me off, but this...
I don't know if it's her hair or her smile, but I like this.

>Anon sits across from you at the table, sharing a cup of tea
"More sugar?"
>"No thank you Flutters, but... Thank you. I guess."
>the small gap in between his teeth throw you off a little, but you manage to ignore it
>you wonder if the tooth is still at sugarcube corner
>Angel bunny is coming back now with a rag
>you take it with a small thank you and press it to his black eye
>he flinches a little
"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to hurt."
>"Really, it's ok..."
>you think for a moment how bad he looks
>damn stallions
"Sorry you got hurt."
>he smiles, scofing
>"You should've seen the other guys."
>what a shitty cliche
>you did in fact see the other "guys"
>Anon fucked them up pretty good
"Why though?"
>he sighs, as if he knew the question was coming up
>"Well... You know, uh..."
>you think back to a few months ago, when Anon started bullying you non-stop

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>what a shitty cliche
>Anon fucked them up pretty good

This might have worked if Anon was the PoV character. But it doesn't sound like Fluttershy's thought at all. She's supposed to be soft, kind, and shy. And I honestly can't imagine anything that could have happened to turn her into a pony as coarse as this.
Up from 10.
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Hrm. That Lyra?
Bump before bed.
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So! Long story short, Crystals and Collars is taking a small break, due to the other writefags coming down with a minor case of “real life.” If there’s any interest, I have something in store for all you non-Amerifats (or American Anons who are as ronery as I am). A small story/CYOA that I’m going to try and update as frequently as possible over the next few days. It isn’t going to be as polished as normal, but hey, I want to try something different.

>Shut up and just finish Safeword, Olibird.
No. You want content or not?

”Alright, so you’re sure this will work?”
>You stare at the object in your hands, supposedly the key to your freedom after all these centuries.
>The translucent draconequus shrugs as he floats before you, “I’m as sure as I am of anything, Anon.”
>In other words, not very.
>”You promised us the key to our escape, Discord! This is...this is a mere toy!” the ancient centaur on your right spits out.
>Poor Tirek.
>You both discovered that immortality is one of the few ‘perks’ that comes with being banished to Tartarus-to ensure your eternal torment isn’t cut short-but at least you have your youth.
>Your best friend here showed up as an old man, and that was how he stayed.
“He’s got a point, Discord. You could have made us a rocket launcher, or a flaming holy sword, or something. This is just...sad.”
>”We’ve been over this, that there wasn’t a whole lot I could do to affect this place while the SISTERS were still around. You’re lucky I managed to create THAT!”
>You and Tirek both make a face as the projection of your other best friend brings up the ones who quite literally sent you three to hell.
>The fun thing is, best as you can remember, Discord was the only one of your trio who ever actually DID anything worthy of an eternity of torture.
>Tirek’s plan never had a chance to get off the ground. Apparently thought-crime is a thing in magical horse land.
>As for you? Well...you wouldn’t say what you did was THAT bad. Objectively, maybe a decade or two in jail from a human court….including parole, of course.
>Nothing worthy of literally going to hell.
“Yea, but, even so, this is kinda...practically nothing.”
>”I swear, he SHOULD fall for it. He IS a dog, after all.” Discord turns his nose up, floating behind you on his back.
>Tirek facepalms and growls out, “He has THREE heads, not ONE you buffoon. If I had been the one to break out, I would have taken care of Cerberus immediately!”
>Discord’s lackadaisical mood shatters.
>In an instant his face-just his face, mind you-hovers inches in front of Tirek, steam shooting out of his ears as he snarls out, “I was focusing on making sure we KEPT our freedom, you geezer! It wouldn’t matter WHAT I did to him if the Elements-”
“Guys, shut up before he hears you!”
>You grab Discord by a horn and pull his head back onto his body, giving it a little spin to screw it back in place.
>You may not be able to feel him, but he certainly reacts as though he were solid.
“Yea, alright, he didn’t do everything perfectly. Can you BLAME him for going a little crazy and having fun, Tirek? It’s not exactly like the three of us have had much to do down here. At least he tried.”
>Those last words feel a little hollow as you gaze back down at the object in your hands.
>”I...suppose so. If this works, Discord, we will be forever in your debt.”
>”Only one way to find out. Anon, will you do the honors?”
>The draconequus appears in front of you wearing a suit and tie.
>He bows over dramatically, his eagle arm outstretched.
>You look at your two friends, the only companions you’ve had during your long, long life and sigh.
“Well, here goes nothing.”
>You stand up from behind the boulder shielding you three, your arm stretched above your head, waving the key to your salvation.
>Calling out to Cerberus, you yell,
“Hey boy! You want the ball? You want the ball, boy?!”
>The Guardian of Tartarus leaps to his feet, all six of his beady little eyes locked on the completely ordinary tennis ball in your hand. His three tongues loll out and his tail wags.
“You want the ball?! Then go get it! Go get the ball, boy!”
>With all your might, you hurl the thing off to Cerberus’s side.
>The gigantic demon dog barks like mad, his paws scrabbling at the loose Tartarian soil as he instantly takes off, bounding towards the ball.
>”Now!” Tirek shouts, galloping past you.
>Wow. For an old man, he sure can run.
>You take off after him, the sharp, volcanic rocks cutting into your feet, a consequence of not looking where you’re stepping-you don’t even care.
>You can almost taste it-the fresh, sootless air, the pleasantly cool rain splattering on your face, freshly fallen snow around you, real clothes instead of animal skins, trees, a real bed, civilization!
>For the first time in a thousand years, sweet, wonderful freedom is actually in reach.
>Maybe even...mortality.
>Humans were never meant to live this long.
>Discord floats alongside you, “Remember Anon! “Shave and a Haircut,” that’s the knock that’ll break my statue!”
>Out of the corner of your eye, though, you see disaster striking.
>The ball bounces off the cliff face, going under the great dog’s legs, heading right for...the exit!
>Cerberus skids as he spins around, his barks a thunderstorm as he continues his pursuit.
>With a shout of triumph, Tirek vanishes through the gates...he made it!
>...But you aren’t going to, are you?
>It’s too late, you can’t stop now!
>Gritting your teeth, you push all your energy into your legs, ignoring the agony lancing out of your bleeding feet with every step, a stitch in your side developing.
>Almost there...you just need to…
>The ball bounces through the exit, with Cerberus right behind it.
>The instant the dog passes through, the adamantine gates slam shut, closing off the only way to freedom.
>You cry out, reaching your arm out uselessly as you stumble, your footing failing as your hopes shatter.
>Without trying to catch yourself, you soon fall onto all fours, trembling as you stare at the gates, hoping, praying they’ll open.
>Your vision starts to blur, tears welling up.
“No, noo nonono, I’m still stuck here, I can’t do this, I can’t take it…”
>You were so close…
>Mismatched hands grip your head, more visual than anything, the yellow and red eyes of your companion soon following.
>“Hey, Anon, it’s not so bad, Tirek’s out, that means he’ll free us soon, alright? We just need to wait a little bit longer.”
>It doesn’t stop you from completely breaking down, sobbing before him.
>That was almost two years ago.
>Four months after Tirek escaped, Discord vanished, leaving you completely alone.
>You...you haven’t done so well, since then.
>Sure, that was a great sign that Tirek IS actively working to get you to freedom but...Discord’s been free for a while now, why haven’t they gotten you out yet?
>You’ve been trapped here this whole time, what if they’ve forgotten about you?
>Maybe they just don’t care. It’s not exactly like you had a whole lot to offer them.
>You were always the muscle of the group, but that wasn’t saying much when the only other members either had the body of an eighty year old, or was an ethereal projection of a trapped god.
>If Discord has magic again, they wouldn’t need you for anything.
>Making new friends isn’t exactly an option.
>You...maaayyy have developed a bit of a reputation when it comes to the other…”inmates,” if they can be called that.
>Hey, you made damn sure that anyone who tried to eat the old guy would quickly find themselves on the business end of a spear.
>Speaking of, you’re currently using that spear to participate in your “favorite” pastime.
>One of your ONLY pastimes, really.
>Hunting the natives for food.
>Yea, starvation isn’t fatal to you, but it isn’t exactly a pleasant thing to go through.
>Especially now that your support system is gone...you get too weak to hunt, and you’ll end up laying there for eternity.
>Gripping your spear tight, you slowly approach the weird skull headed cat-thing you’ve been chasing for the past...several hours, if you had to guess.
>There’s literally no way to tell time down here, but the creature’s stops have been getting more frequent.
>With a lucky throw, this might be its last one.
>You cock your arm back, readying your spear...
>There’s a crack so loud you can FEEL it, causing you to drop your spear in shock.
>Shit! Tatzlwurm!
>Your prey takes off, adding insult to injury as you whirl around to see where the mountain destroying worm’s coming from.
>What you see, however is...
>No. It can’t be...is it?
“Tirek! You old bastard, is that really you? ! I thought you forgot about me!”
>There’s a square...hole in the sky, floating above you.
>In it stands...well, he’s younger and he loots /fit/ as hell and his...horns...are bigger, but you’d recognize your best friend anywhere!
>He always did say he knew an “age spell.”
>”Like I’d forget about the only only being who kept me safe and sane this past millennium!” Tirek booms out, his voice sounding...well, rather badass.
>You aren’t jelly.
>Y-you’re just ‘mirin is all.
“Hey, could you move that thing so I could climb out? It’s uh...kinda too high for me to reach.”
>He looks uncomfortable for a moment, his black and yellow eyes avoiding your gaze.
>”I could, but you wouldn’t be able to get through it. The ward’s still up, so there’s still only one way out.”
>It takes you a moment to process that.
“Wait...then what is this? You’re just calling to say hi? What happened to ‘Oh I’d kill the dog first thing you lazy bum,’ I remember that!”
>That earns you a laugh, his voice booming around you.
>”I’m working on it, Anon! They transferred their magic to a new alicorn, we need to hunt her down before we can kill Cerberus.”
>You hear a mare’s voice cry out from somewhere on the other side of the portal. You can’t make out the words, but she sounds panicked.
>”Silence!” Tirek screams out, turning to glare at whoever it was.
>Woah. That made YOU want to shut up..
>Tirek again turns his attention to you, “While we do that, I have some friends I think you’d like to play with.”
“I...look, I appreciate it, but seriously, just work on getting me out. Please. You guys are the only friends I need.”
>He grins, your words falling on deaf ears. “Trust me, when you see them, you’ll WANT to play with them.”
>His horns glow, a fireball igniting between them before three ponies, surrounded by an angry orange aura are rocketed through the portal, crashing all around you.
>Manacles form around their hooves, securing them to the ground just like what happened to you when you were first sentenced here, long, long ago.
>”If you think you can convince them to tell you where the new alicorn is, we’ll be able to get you out that much faster. Don’t worry, they’re harmless without their magic. Have fun!” Tirek calls out before the portal closes.
>You stare at the spot where the portal once was, scarcely believing it.
>They...They actually ARE going to get you out!
>It’s only going to-
>”Wait...it’s you…” a pony mumbles, the same voice that you had just heard from the other side of the portal.
>Spinning around you see...them.
>Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.
>The royal Alicorn sisters.
>The ones responsible for sending you here.
>Stealing a glance at the third one, you see it’s another alicorn-a pink one you don’t recognize.
>”Human,” Celestia, the one who had previously spoken, begins, “That’s what you’re called. Please. I know not why Tirek chose to send us to you, but we can work something out. I do not recall what crimes you have committed, but they can be forgiven-”
>Something inside your mind snaps.
>She doesn’t remember.
>She sentenced you to an ETERNITY of suffering, of torment, and she doesn’t even fucking remember why.
>You don’t bother to listen to the rest of her spiel.
>Oddly enough, if someone had asked you last week what your reaction would be if you ever saw these two, you would have told them that you’d rage out.
>That you’d start screaming and attacking them for leaving you in here to rot.
>You’ve certainly fantasized about what you would do to those two if you ever could get your hands on them...and now you have that exact chance.
>But no...something cold takes over your mind.
>You can do anything to them-ANYTHING.
>Their being made helpless wasn’t something that had ever occurred to you.
>You could repay them for every miserable day you’ve spent here.
>Bending down, you pick up your spear and look back in the direction of your safe haven.
>It’s a good long ways away...out here, you’re exposed.
>But this is where he banished them, and you didn’t bring anything sturdier than a net and a length of homemade rope.
>You look back at the three alicorns, all of them staring at you.
>”Human. I know what is going through your mind,” Luna says, seeing the look on your face, “I have been down that path. It is not one that you wish to travel down.”
>That path? She and her sister dropped you right smack dab in the middle of that path long ago.
>The question is not whether or not you walk down that path.
>The question is what should you do with your new playthings?
>>The question is what should you do with your new playthings?

Is this a rhetorical question?
It's me asking you guys what you'd like to see happen.
Loving consensual relationships.
Yes, I am a sick fuck.

But basically I want him to tell them why and how they fucked up, and that their inexperience and rash judgement caused more harm and suffering.

And it ends in loving consensual relationships somehow.
Oh boy, it's hunting time!

Throw net at Luna, and try to non-lethaly hurt the other two, so that they can't run too far or too fast. If Anon spend the last thousand year hunting with spear, he should know how to use it by now.

Then drag Luna back to your homebase for some >rape

If the other two follow, good for us, we can set up a trap or something. If they decide to run, we will track them once Luna is too worn out to be fun.
Or, and this is just an idea, here, non-consentual relationships!
It's their penance for their misdeeds.
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Oof. Hard to really think of something when you're just so good at writing this stuff man...

Erm. lets see. I want to break them though, nothing permanent in terms of physical damage but lets make them wholly ours.


I think go over to them and talk softly in each respective ear, going over how they've wronged us.

Luna you you dropped us on this path, and have broken and wounded me far more than you can ever imagine. You speak of going down this path? You lived alone on the moon safe from the torments of HELL! We were not so lucky to have a doting sister to save us from a punishment deserved.

Celestia....I can't....I just....I thought you were supposed to be a good person? My original world had dictators and madmen who embroiled the world in war, fire and blood for ideals that were mad. And I think you're worse than all of them. You grant thinking feeling individuals immortality, and then sentence them to an eternity to the pit. And....hahaha....and you don't even bother to remember why you sent them to torment unimaginable? Its a challenge not to vomit in your presence.

And you little pink one...I'm not sure to do with you. You haven't wronged me....ha! I doubt you even know about me. Did they teach you anything about how your elders here threw people away never to rehabilitate, only to burn and sear away the threats to their power? How noble of them...

(Couldn't really think of anything to do to cadence. We don't know her and we should probably fashion the net to bind them together and lead them home. This is hell and we have the ponies responsible for everyone's banishment here. They are OURS. We aren't fucking sharing.)
How about we only make her watch?
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Me again and I have to get ready for work. I'll be gone for 8 hours ;_;
I was debating this.
But I also want to leave it open to if Celestia or Luna get out of line cadence suffers.

I mean can you imagine raping her in front of them after making them realize how they've wronged you and every one of Tartarus' inhabitants and now because they screwed up or tried to fight back or something.
Cadance the only relatively innocent one among them is paying the price? After all, the subjects suffer for an incompetent ruler's actions. : )
Maybe we could let her go?

It's not like she's afraid to be alone in the literal hell, and would consensually beg Anon for the protection of his mighty spear, or anything, right?
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I mean it doesn't leave consensual stuff off the table or even a good end off the table. For me there are a few things that must be.

We do not betray our brothers. They've been too good to us. Tirek came back! Discord gave us this opportunity!

The Sisters pay retribution for their wrongs. They forgot why they even put us away...to HELL. How dare you pass such extreme judgement and leave individuals here.

Creatures are products of context and environment. We were not sent here to improve and think about what we've done. We were sent to rot here.
Interesting idea. Just kind of a...You've done nothing to me, you may leave. I wish you luck in these pits.

Anon proceeds to walk off with the Sisters in tow. Also prepared for Cadance to attack him to save them.
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Alright its been cool talking to you Anon. But I really gotta go. Keep mentioning ideas! I trust Olibird to take the most fleshed out ones and run with it.

Olibird is based.
I'll try hoping in on break, though for lunch I gotta pick up my mate from the airport. Adios!
It'd be nice to know what we actually did, before we commit to anything.

While I agree we should establish our full dominance over them, I'm also putting my vote behind not immediately going full rapist on them. Start with going after their minds, establish that they're just as guilty as we are. If we can convince them to submit to us, it'd be vastly better and more permanent than just violating them immediately.

I also agree that we shouldn't go after Cadance to start. If she attacks us she's fair game, but remember that she isn't our enemy yet and it might be better to form a working (if dominant) relationship with her than just treat her as equally guilty.
>With a grin, you squat in front of the lunar princess and lean against your spear.
“Really? You dropped me on this path, and you think you know what’s going through my mind?”
>She looks at her hooves, avoiding your gaze, “Yes, human. I too have-”
>You cut her off with a raised finger.
“Up up up! Tell you what. Let’s make a game out of it. If you can guess right, I’ll let all three of you go, right now. Guess wrong though...well, then you’ll get to find out.”
>That look of shame is replaced by one of fear.
>Luna looks over at her sister, clearly asking for guidance.
>You step in between them, scowling.
“No cheating.”
>Luna swallows hard before she speaks, closing her eyes.
>”I too, have been banished, human. But to the moon, instead of Tartarus.”
>”After a thousand years, I escaped, and upon my return, the moment I saw the pony responsible, I was driven into a fury, deeper into madness...”
>”I wanted to do horrible things, both to her and the ponies she cared for...”
>She looks up at you, a spark of determination in her eyes.
>“But I know now that it was NOT her fault for my suffering, it was but my own. What I wanted was WRONG, human, and you-”
“Close! But not quite.”
>That spark in her eyes dies, her ears sinking down.
>You take your spear and rest the point under her chin.
>The alicorn freezes up as her companions yell her name, the sound of shaking steel chains ringing out as the lighter colored ponies struggle to rescue her.
“What’s going through my mind right now is that everything that’s about to happen is YOUR fault, not mine. Let me explain.”
“A long time ago, I hurt some ponies, that’s true. Of course, your sister wouldn’t know that.”
>Looking back to glare at the white alicorn, you scream out, the words tearing at your throat,
“She couldn’t be bothered to REMEMBER!”
>Turning back, your knuckles white as they grip the spear in rage, you continue on in a more controlled volume.
“You and your sister could have thrown me in a dungeon, you could have exiled me, hell, you could have left me alone, and I would be dead right now.”
“Humans only life for about...eighty, ninety years or so, normally. If you had sentenced me to literally any other punishment than sending me here, I wouldn’t be immortal.”
>You lower your spear as you talk, setting it down as you start to fumble with your net.
>It’s not really built for holding struggling captives, you only really use it to drag animals back while they’re still dying.
>But, you’ve learned to make do.
“Buuut...you did. By sending me here, you put me through ten life sentences, with more to come.”
>”Human…” Celestia’s voice rings out behind you. “We never would have done that to you if we had known. I’m so sorry...”
“Really, Celestia?!”
>You turn around to glare at her.
“Did you just not THINK?! You know...where I’m from, we had dictators, monsters, people who committed genocide, and people who tortured humans for their amusement!”
“They may all be horrible, but you know..there’s two things they all did that make them better than you.”
>You raise a fist, holding up the appropriate fingers as you talk,
“One...they KNEW the implications of what they were doing. And two, their victims’ suffering STOPPED when they DIED!”
”You two took that from me!”
>You look up at the hazy, featureless sky, blinking back the tears forming.
>This was something you’ve fantasized about for a long time...and now that moment’s come, you weren’t prepared for it.
>Once you regain your composure, you take a deep breath and look down at the blue alicorn before you.
“You’re mostly right, though. I AM going to do some horrible things to you, to pay you back for what you’ve done to me. But there’s no credit for partial answers.”
>Luna deflates, looking oddly pensive for her predicament.
>You’d think she’d be begging for her life or something.
>”In that case, human, I will accept my...punishment. You did not deserve such a fate.”
>”But what has happened to you is NOT our niece’s fault! Please, let her go, she has done nothing to you.”
>She does have a point there.
>”No, auntie, you don’t need to do this!”
>”Take me instead human! She has suffered enough!”
>Trying to ignore the other two as they cry out, demanding to make themselves the martyr, you weigh on Luna’s words.
>You really CAN’T do anything to the pink one, can you?
>If you do, you wouldn’t be any better than these two.
>After all, she really hasn’t done anything wrong, unlike the other two. Her only crime is who she’s related to.
“Tell you what. If you two come quietly, willingly, then you have a deal. Here, put this on.”
>You throw the net over her, listening to the chorus of pleading ponies and rattling chains.
>Grabbing your spear, you walk over to where Luna’s chain is anchored.
>Tirek and Discord weren’t the ONLY ones you’ve ever dealt with down here, they were just the only ones who never turned on you.
>You’ve learned there’s a trick to breaking the anchor on these chains.
>You just have to wedge the spear in, jiggle it this way and...tada!
>The chain pops free from the rock.
>Grabbing it to make sure she doesn’t get any funny ideas, you loop the chain around the ends of the net, tying it to secure your new pony.
>You wiggle your finger at her as though scolding a child.
“Now don’t make me have to catch you.”
>You approach the quiet pink one first.
>She looks at you, her eyes begging. “Please...don’t hurt her.”
>Smiling, you pat her on her head before hoisting your spear.
“Come on, now. I can promise you this much. What they’ve done is pretty bad, but I promise I won’t hurt them any worse than they hurt me.”
”Now we both know you’re going to try and rescue them the instant I let you go, correct?”
>She opens her mouth, working it for a bit before lowering her head.
>”...Yes. They would do the same to me.”
>You nod, completely sincere as you say,
“Alright. Then I’m going to have to leave you here. But I’m going to warn you, out here, you’re exposed, you’re helpless, and there’s a LOT of things who would love nothing more than to hurt anything that even resembles your aunt and your mom.”
>The younger alicorn blinks, thrown off guard. “Celestia’s not my mother…”
>And here you were, guessing that 4th alicorn was her father or something...now you might feel guilty when Tirek and Discord get a hold of them.
>Just another thing that'll suffer because of Celestia and Luna, you suppose.
“Well..close enough. I know how horrible it is to be out here alone, so...I’ll make you an offer.”
“There’s no such thing as rescue in here. Even if you get them away from me...so what? Something else will get you. Once you realize this and find me, my doors will be open to you. You’ll be a free pony with me.”
“But...all bets are off if you show up thinking you can 'save' them.”
>You pet over her mane again.
“The bottom left bolt’s the weakest one. Twist your horn at the right angle and it’ll pop right out. Good luck.”
>Ignoring whatever response she has, you approach the eldest alicorn.
>She lowers her horn, her teeth bared. “You will not find me as willing as my sister, monster.”
>Wow. She really is the one who deserves to be down here, doesn’t she?
>Wasn't she just trying to martyr herself?
>You pause, staying out of her horn’s reach.
>This could be a bit tricky...

How do you deal with an angry Sunbutt?
>How do you deal with an angry Sunbutt?
With a spear through the skull.

What? She's gonna come back alive sooner or later! We'll just drag her lifeless body to out house, put it in a cage, and wait for it to happen.

We'll have Luna keep us company while we wait. She may dislike us for temporarily killing her sister, but she won't do anything, because she still wants to protect Cadance.
>The younger alicorn blinks, thrown off guard. “Celestia’s not my mother…”

First off, if we do manage to get them all back, I recommend we be less brutal with Luna. She's at least apologetic for what happened, and we don't have to wield a metaphorical sledgehammer against her where a scalpel would suffice.

Now, Cellybelly...

Actually, it's very simple: If she doesn't come with us, we'll add whatever we were going to do to her sister. She can either tough it up and accept it, or abandon her sister just like she abandoned us.

If she does give us trouble, whack her over the head with the not-pointy end of the spear and drag her in the net Or better yet, make Luna drag her.
quad trips
>They've been too good to us. Tirek came back!
>implying it wasn't just convenient for him

He betrayed Discord and he's the one that allowed him to escape.
If that's how it works down there then this. Otherwise just knock her out with the butt of the spear. Celestia cursed him to eternal misery because she didn't have the guts to just kill him.
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Use Luna as a hostage.

Don't use physical violence, only verbal.

Tell Cel that she can either stay here or leave her sister alone with yourself, just like she did before the Nightmare Moon incident.
I think it would be best if we are at least courteous to Cadence (at least until her rescue attempt) as a guest, and mildly civil to Luna.
“You ever see what happens when an immortal being suffers what would otherwise be a fatal injury in this place?”
>Her muscles tense, her wings half spread. She spits out, ”I will not give you that chance, beast.”
>With a shrug, you continue on,
“You come back before it’s healed. You get to feel every bit of sinew and muscle as it regrows. I learned that one the hard way. But uh...you don’t need to GIVE me anything.”
>You jerk your thumb at the bound form behind you,
“I got your sister, there. ”
>Celestia freezes up, her eyes growing wide.
>”You wouldn’t dare…”
“Oh? I wouldn’t?”
>You lean in, glaring at her while still making sure to stay out of horn range.
“I’m GOING to repay “the alicorn sisters” for every bit of suffering I’ve had in my long, long life.”
“If you don’t come, then everything I was going to do to you, I’m going to do to her in addition to her own punishment.”
>Her wings waver, but she doesn’t raise her head...or point that horn away from you.
>”Human...if you do that, then you’ll be proving that you deserved to be sent here.”
“No, Celestia, all it will prove is that you’re too cowardly to deal with the consequences of your own actions. Although…”
>With a grin, you make a big show of turning around, back towards the youngest one.
“Now that I think about it, the deal I made Luna was that you BOTH come easily.”
“I know you like to make others suffer when it's convenient for you. So, if you aren’t going to come, then I’ll take the pink one instead.”
>With a shout, Celestia charges towards you, stumbling and falling onto her belly once she reaches the end of her chain.
>She jerks her hoof, trying to force it free. The ringing peppers her words,
>”Human, she has done nothing to you!” She cries out, lifting her head from the dirt.
>“If you touch one hair in her mane, then when we regain our magic, I will make you WISH you could return here!”
>Oh, so once the other side is a pony she starts to care!
>Now you’re beginning to understand her. She’s racist...specist...whatever.
>As she starts to climb to her hooves, you charge at her and swing your spear overhead as hard as you can.
>The blunt end comes crashing down against her skull, the alicorn collapses once more as she falls unconscious.
>The pink one cries out Celestia’s name again. Luna, oddly, stays silent.
>At least one of them understands what has to happen.
>You have to work fast, before she regains consciousness.
>Rushing over to Luna, you undo the chain holding her net shut.
>”H-human, what are you doing?”
“We’re going to play our first game, Luna. I don’t know how close you were listening, but your sister just tried to abandon you, and leave you-and ONLY you-with me.”
“So, because I’m willing to bet that you would never do something like that, your sister’s going to be the one in the net, and you are going to drag her back to our home. Got it?”
>You wait for an answer, precious seconds ticking away.
>You don’t WANT to have your new playthings damaged before you have a chance to have fun with them, but...
>Stabbing Celestia starts to seem more and more appealing the longer you wait.
>Finally, Luna says, “I...heard, human. She was going to let me suffer alone...again. I will...I will bring her with us.”
>Beaming away, you get back to work on getting the net off her.
>She doesn’t resist you freeing her, but she doesn’t exactly try to help.
>Eventually, though, you free her.
“Now stay,”
>You command her like a dog before rushing back over to Celestia.
>Luckily for you, Luna sits there, obeying as she stares at the ground before her...maybe she really did go through something like this.
>Well, it’d be different for her, she’s SUPPOSED to be immortal.
>Still...maybe you could go soft on her. She seems to grasp how colossal her mistake was.
>You secure Celestia in the net just as she begins to stir in the dirt, not fully conscious, but quickly working her way towards it.
>It’s only once you’re sure that she isn’t going anywhere, do you break the anchor mooring her.
>In a few moments, that chain connected to her hind leg is tied around the ends of the net, securing her in the same way you had secured Luna moments before.
>You point at her bound sister and snap your fingers, your other hand holding your spear, keeping the consequence of disobedience clear.
>It takes her a moment, but she walks over and takes part of the net in her teeth.
>She looks away from her sister, holding her head up, her eyes shifting around as she tries to focus on literally anything other than what she’s doing.
>Using your spear, you point off in the distance, behind and to the right of the blue alicorn.
>Her eyes dart towards the pink captive for a second.
“Get going. I’ll be along in a minute. Try and run, and you’ll be doing the same thing to her that she just tried to do to you.”
>She nods and closes her eyes. With a grunt, she starts dragging her sister’s limp form off, walking backwards in the direction you had indicated.
>It’s going to take a while before the three of you get home but, if you’re lucky, you might run across something to eat on the way.
>If not, you have plenty of things you’ve fantasized about.
>It’s time to figure out what exactly TO do.
>You have one last thing to make sure of, before you leave.
>Approaching the pink alicorn, you crouch before her and extend your free hand.
“Look. I know how awful it is out here on your own. So last chance. Come with us, and you won’t be harmed.
“I’ll do what I can to keep you safe until they find the fourth alicorn, and we can all get out of here. I won’t even ask you to tell me who it is. What do you say?”
I guess one way of breaking the pink one is (afterwards when the sisters are secured and things have settled down ) is by verbally venting out your frustrations, of how disproportionate the punishment you received was, that you can never go back home as after a 1000 years there is no one you know or love are alive. You will never be able to start a family, see your children grow up and be good. That it is all more likely that you will see them grow old and die, with the likely result of you out living and burying your own children. That would be something you never want to experience.

Acknowledge that you have committed he crime, but state that the punishment was unjust.
>until they find the fourth alicorn, and we can all get out of here.
Why exactly does Anon want to get the princesses out of Tartarus? Wouldn't it be better to leave them (Luna and Celestia) there to suffer the same fate as Anon did?

>It’s time to figure out what exactly TO do.
We can and should abuse our position of power. She /wants/ to be with us, if nothing else, just to be around the other princesses. Offer her a simple deal. She provides us with mad service and sex service (Nothing painful, just humiliating). We provide her with Food, safety, roof and bed. If she doesn't take the deal, leave her alone. She has nowhere else to go, and will be at our doorsteps eventually.

Once we get home, gag her and put her in a cage. She hates us and we hate her. And she's very unapologetic for what she did to us. Before we start punishing her, we should first let her marinate in helplessness and despair. Let her hate for us to raise and boil before we do anything to her. First we should do things to her sister. (And Cadance is she took our deal.)

Rape and torture. Loosely chain her to a wall and take a whip/belt. Tell her that this is her punishment and that you want her to apologize to you after every strike, and start whipping her. Don't stop until she starts begging you to stop. When she does, ask her if /she/ ended your punishment when you couldn't take it any more, and hit her a few more times. Then add some >rape to the mix.
It is more satisfying if the subject is willing. By giving her illusion of choice to her, even though it isn't really one, it will cause her to attack herself more rather than paint us as the target.

We apply force where and when necessary and the palm on other.

We need to appear to be reasonable to fuck with their morals and their preconceived notions of us. Make us seem likable as we only harm those we felt unjustly punished by.

Basically going for a more gentle Stockholm.
>we only harm those we felt unjustly punished by.
Which is exactly what Luna and Celestia did to us, by the way.

Cadance can be our willing subject. There's nothing wrong with having some variety in the story.

Luna understands what she did to us and on some level, she wants to be punished. She didn't even try to throw herself at us to protect Cadance like Clestia did. Instead she asked to be punished. She wants us to hurt her, even though her resolve for it may temporarily waver once the pain actually starts. I completely agree about the Stockholm, just not about the gentle part.

Celestia? Why don't we keep her unbroken and use her for hate sex? It's not like we're building a harem here. The only thing that stands between us and freedom is Tirek finding Twilight, which might happen at any moment.

After that, either Tirek wins, and sets us free, which means we'll leave the princesses behind and hopefully never see them again. Or Twilight wins, frees the princesses, and we'll loose our only chance to take revenge. Do you think that if Twilight wins, Celestia would let us leave Tartarus with them, because we decided to be nice and not to rape them? I don't think so.
Of course not. I want to break them in such a way that they will consent to everything, thinking that it is their choice when in reality they never really had any.
Eh. Cadance... Cadance has done literally nothing wrong to us. Keep a wary eye on her, as betrayal is more or less imminent - but do not make the first move. Not only because it'd be wrong, but because it'd reinforce all 3 alicorns' opinion of us as monstrous.

Not to say we aren't going to be, but perception is everything and if we want to break them, we can't be reinforcing their position.

For that matter, if we do harm Luna, make it clear we're taking her measure or measure. It's not revenge, it's justice. Frankly, I'm in favor of dealing with having a bit of a /talk/ before we get down to punishing her, just to get her in the right mindset first of all - keep her from thinking amid the punishment that it might not be justified.

As for Celestia... yeah, I don't see us beaking her in the near future. Haterape it is.
For Celestia, I think the best we would get is her unable to deal with because it would otherwise mean losing her sister and Cadence.

Honestly, she is a long term project.
Back from work.

I think we need to leave cadence alone. Like this anon says >>25558855

And I like the idea of a talk.
Celestia I'd try interacting with her talking with her and just slowly making her show more of that racism. Show that dark hateful side and bare it to Luna and Cadance. I think that would be the ultimate revenge, and the only path to breaking her. Poisoning luna and cadance against her.
That is exactly what I was going for. Let her approach us as a guest to convince us to show mercy, while we state that we can't. That while we did commit a crime and deserved a punishment, that it was disproportionate was what makes us vengeful as we lost everything as that anon above stated. Really tug her heartstrings with the family part and make her see Celestia as unjust. Essentially turning her into a weapon and hostage against Cel.

For Luna, I suggest mild torture that sounds worse than it is, then pet her afterwards to consol her.

Allow Celestia to hear everything but unable to speak.
I think we should bind her eyes as well. I'm not interested in her glaring at Luna making her uncomfortable and shameful, least not until Luna is more solidly comfortable with her new position.

I can only hope time moves slower here so that we have enough time that when tirek loses, twilight won't get her babysitter mentor and luna back. They'll be corrupted or ours. We will swim beneath their skin more absolutely than any pathetic villain :) They will never forget us again.
>Long term project
Yeah, that was my thought too. In the meantime, she's a good way to vent our frustrations that doesn't ruin or work with the other princesses.
>”I...” She looks around, obviously considering her options.
>The fact that she has to think it over is all the evidence you need that she’s dead set on “rescuing” them.
>It’s a look that you’ve become intimately familiar with over the past centuries.
>But...despite that, you really DON’T want her to be left alone out here.
>After all...you aren’t Celestia.
>Once she finally meets your gaze again, she asks, “If...if Tirek wins...then I’ll only get to go home if I’m with you, right?”
“Probably, yea. I’ll make sure to vouch for you, that you did nothing wrong and cooperated.”
>She shakes her head, “What about my husband, is he alright? Is he here?”
>...First there’s a third immortal pony goddess, and next she’s the only one that’s married?
>Part of you is starting to wonder if this is all just Discord screwing with you.
“I can’t answer that. I wouldn’t have known you three were here if you weren’t dropped right in front of me.”
>Tears begin welling up in her eyes as you talk. Not giving them a chance to fall, you continue,
“Buuut, if he is, I’ll make sure that you two are reunited when we get out. Deal?”
>She closes her eyes and nods her head, squeezing away those tears. “Deal. I’d...like to come with you.”
>Getting up, you jiggle your spear into the base of her chain, soon popping it free like the other two.
>With a wave of your hand, the two of you set off towards Luna, who couldn’t be more than a hundred feet away.
“So...what’s your name, anyway? I can’t just call you Celestia’s not-daughter.”
>A small smile forms on her muzzle at your terrible attempt at a joke. “It’s Mi Amore Cadenza...but everypony just calls me Cadance. What’s yours?”
>You hmm and haw for a bit, before settling on,
“Well Cadance, you can just call me Master. That’s all your aunts will ever be allowed to call me, and we don’t want to give them any bad habits, now do we?”
>Her smile dies as you mention her aunts. “What do you want to do to them?”
“What do you want to do to them, Master,” you correct her.
>She looks at you, concern written over every inch of her face.
“Come on, I used the name you wanted! It’s only fair. If you don’t, I’ll just have to call you Mi Amore Cadenza…”
>You grin, but the threat of committing a war crime fails to get you another smile.
>”What do you want to do to them…” Cadance looks away, her ears lowered as she mumbles, “...Master?”
>What a buzz kill.
“I’m going to make sure they understand EXACTLY what they’ve put me through, Cadance. I’m going to make them feel every bit as terrified, as pained, as miserable as I have, until their sense of hope dies, just as mine did.”
>She shakes her head, her voice pained, “But...why? I understand they hurt you, but this won’t make it better! It won’t make your pain go away!”
“That’s not the point. I don’t-”
>”Cadance?!” Luna lets go of the net, her wings twitching. “Human! We had a deal, you said you would not touch her!”
>Shrugging as visibly as you can, you say,
“Ask her yourself. Cadance?”
>”Auntie Luna!” She bounds ahead of you, meeting at a more reasonable talking distance,
>“I’m coming with you two on my own free will. He said I’d just be a guest. This way we can ALL be safe, together.”
“It’s better than leaving her there to be eaten by a Tatzlwurm,”
>You offer as you catch up to them.
>Luna looks between you and Cadance. “That..is reasonable, I suppose. Very well then.”
>She takes ahold of her sister once more and resumes dragging her.
>”Here auntie, let me-”
“Don’t you DARE help her!”
>You point your spear at her as you back out that command, causing both of the conscious alicorns to jump back in fright.
“No one ever helped me drag back a kill. You don’t get any help either.”
>Cadance looks helplessly as Luna once more takes the netting in her teeth. “I...but I want to..”
>Placing your hand on her neck, you gently but firmly turn her around.
“Come on Cadance, we’ll walk ahead.”
>She reluctantly obeys, stealing another glance at her aunts as you lead her head.
>”Please, I want to help her. If I’m just a guest, that means I’m free to do what I want.”
“No, a guest still has to abide by their host’s rules. You can do what you’d like, unless it’s going to interrupt the lessons I’m teaching those two.”
>”But...I still don’t understand. Why do you need to teach my aunts anything? Isn’t just seeing what’s happened to you enough?”
“No. Cadance...I don’t know how old you are, but IF I ever get out of here, and IF I ever run across another member of my species, I’ll never be able to have a real relationship, or start a family.
“I’ll have to bury anyone I love, and our children, and grandchildren and great grandchildren, until I’m nothing more than a living distant ancestor.”
>You shake your head.
“I know, I’m not telling you anything you won’t have to deal with...but my brain isn’t built to handle it, unlike yours.”
“I mean...hell. I don’t remember anything more than bits and pieces of the world I came from. All I have at this point are little flashes that may or may not be even remotely accurate anymore.”
“I know in a few more decades, it’ll all be gone. If I spend another century or two here, Tartarus will be the ONLY thing I remember.”
>You look at her, seeing that she’s meeting your gaze.
>Blinking, you try to get her into focus.
>Apparently you entered a blurry area of Tartarus...yea. That must be it..
“Pretty soon, my entire existence will be this place. The only thing I’ll remember is suffering..and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.”
>You jab your spear behind you, pointing at Celestia and Luna.
“THAT is why I cannot be merciful to them. They deserve SO much more than what I can do to them...but they will learn.”
>To her credit, Cadance keeps her mouth shut, looking away as you two continue your trek in relative silence, the only sounds other than hoofbeats being the noises coming from Celestia as she stirs.
>Apparently she has a softer skull than you thought.
>Eventually, though, she wakes, your first sign being her pitiful cries.
>”Whaa…? Where am I...Luna? Luna, let go of the net! Help me out of this thing, quick!”
>Whelp. It was nice while it lasted.
“Sorry Cadance, but if she keeps being loud, she’ll attract nasties that I can’t deal with.”
>Gripping your spear, you fall back to let Luna catch up with you, letting you meet up with Celestia as she thrashes against the netting keeping her in place.
>You jab the blunt end of your spear into her side, eliciting a wordless cry of pain from her.
“Keep struggling, and I’m going to keep hurting you, Celestia. Got it?”
>Twisting as best she can she glares at you with one violet eye, “Human, you cur! Let me g-aaah!”
>True to your word, you jab her again and again.
>Every time she struggles against the net, and every time she yells out, she’s met with the blunt end of your spear being rammed into a soft spot on her.
>Of course, compared to the half starved creatures of Tartarus, the princess is mostly soft spots.
>Eventually, though, she learns to stay silent, allowing the four of you to resume your journey to your home cave.
>Well...that is she learns for a little while.
>You end up having to repeat the scene once she realizes Cadance is with you.
>This is going to be a looong walk home.

That's it for tonight, folks. I'll continue tomorrow when I can. Maybe we'll even get to the >rape!

I'm glad you guys seem to be enjoying it so far.
I was hoping to put them in separate rooms if possible. Also when I mean by "sounds worse than it is" I mean that it only sounds painful.
She will break when the others break.
>you can just call me Master.
Damn, I was hoping to make it fatalistic by saying that his/our name doesn't matter to them or anyone anymore. >>25559967
>>”Please, I want to help her. If I’m just a guest, that means I’m free to do what I want.”
>“No, a guest still has to abide by their host’s rules. You can do what you’d like, unless it’s going to interrupt the lessons I’m teaching those two.”
Ah, the laws of hospitality. There are literally books on that in the ancient world. Good reads. Go check them out. Since it appears that she doesn't know them despite being a princess, we will educate her on them. Educate, not 'educate'.
I like the story.

Just a question, but what is the crime that we committed and how soon did it happen after we appeared? Cause I have an idea on it.

Which is basically as soon as he was transferred, he was afraid and scared and lashed out at the unknown and that caused some damage. Ponies either died or were injured. Murder is enough to get 40 years in RL IIRC.
I'm liking where this is going. Though I hope that we will get to the rape soon. And that the punishments will be properly violent. They can regenerate anything we do to them, and so far we're not using it at all. I want to see Anon fuck a pony while it's legs are broken.
I hope the torture is more clinical. We tell them exactly what we will do and do torture them in the most efficient way of causing pain.

It is far more unsettling if we did it without showing emotion.

I suggest that we don't torture Celestia but just Luna. We blind and gag Celestia.

If anything, Celestia would accept being tortured but cannot stand others being tortured.

In the mean time, we also tell Luna near the end of the torture sessions, before or after we consul and comfort her, that Celestia could hear everything that is happening. Yet made no sound.

Make Luna doubt Celestia's love for her, and cause the buried resentment resurface on her own.
You've got a good way of writing this. I'm holding off on any suggestions since this seems to be more a quiet pause, but I am waiting to see more.
This. Pure violence may feel good from a revenge standpoint, but being calmly methodical and telling them what's going to happen, and why it's a fair punishment, will go much farther in teaching them a lesson. Plus this way makes it easier to get Cadance, and maybe eventually Luna, on our side.
If we make it so that we look mildly uncomfortable about the whole torture, and explain how you are only using it to even the debt out.

Maybe after the session is done, we would consul Luna, saying that she is brave for taking in the punishment without much reluctance.
It's not about the physical pain. It's about the emotional suffering. How can we make them understand what they did to us, if we tell them what we're gonna do to them and how? Nobody told us when's the next monster gonna show up and if it's going to rape us, kill us, or eat us. It's about fear, the lack of safety, misery and pure despair. We should show, not tell.

We shouldn't be cold and methodical, we should be emotional. Show them all our hate, and how much we've suffered.
I disagree about the hate. Our hate is a cold calculated slow burning flame, that's already established, though we have our flutterings of emotion which are useful as we show the damage they've done to us, but the actual punishments should be thought out like sessions, luna can even get after care if she's done well which would do well to further pull her to our side.

Telling them what we are going to do has its place, but while we're doing it, the emotion can sometimes pierce through in our voice.

Any torture I'd much rather be mainly psychological, taking or manipulating them towards sex, if we can even bring ourselves to lay with them.(we have some pretty strong emotions towards them) Physical torture would just lay them against us and with Celestia. I want them to become ours and have accusing stares at celestia for the dark aspects we expose in her.

Showing it to be more and more her fault for our predicament and theirs. And in this way we can break her.
It's not a "cold calculated slow burning flame" It's a smoldering ember, waiting to turn into a wildfire, as soon as it's fed with the screams of those responsible for our suffering.

I do like the idea of aftercare though. Assuming they take their punishment willingly.

And don't forget that Luna is just as responsible for our banishment as Celestia is. We might threat her better, because she doesn't fight us as much right now, but the "sessions" themselves should be equal for both of them.

Also, making the torture be mainly psychological would be a complete waste the setting where everyone is physically immortal.
Personally I think it would be much better with the emotional flare-ups happening rarely. From experience, letting loose that much rage and pain in an uncontrolled manner tends to be more emotionally exhausting than satisfying, and the recipient of it ends up thinking that you're just a crazy person, no matter how justified it is.

Fear through panic is one thing, but you discount too easily the fear that comes from the cold dread of the inevitable, especially if you feel like you deserve what you get. That sort of thing leaves a lot of avenues open for mental conditioning, which I think most of us want to see.

It's one thing to make someone react the way you want through fear of being hurt more, and entirely another to make them think the discipline is justified and have them act the way you want through penance.
Yes thank you. That's my opinion too. And quite frankly we've had millennia to learn to control our emotions, the sisters are pretty much the only thing that should be causing these flareups. But that doesn't mean we're willing to let that ruin our chance for retribution and their sessions.

On another note we should offer for cadance to leave during their sessions, or find some way to at least seem like we're offering an out for her being present.
It should look good, and we should show that we aren't trying to wiggle our way around the deal. She can chose to stay for ....moral suport if she wants
Supporting being kinder to Cadance, yes. Not because we don't want to break her, but because it will be more thorough this way.
Doing the same thing as last time, offering her an out but convincing her to stay, sounds like fun.
I guess a way to break Celestia is to get the others to willingly do the torture for you.

In addition, 1000 years is a very long time.

I hope our Anon has carved the cave into something more... nice. As in added rooms to it and such. 1000 years is a very fucking long time.
>Just a question, but what is the crime that we committed and how soon did it happen after we appeared?
I’m leaving it entirely up to the thread. You guys tell me, what was your original sin?

>Your trip is largely uneventful, save for a couple animals that get away from you, and one bit where the four of you hid from a roving band of flightless gryphons.
>Just another normal day in hell.
>Eventually, you finally make it to the place you’ve called home for the past...seventy years or so, according to Discord.
>Well, you reached the perimeter of the traps you have set up.
>One can’t ‘just’ have a nice place to live without defending it.
“Hold up,” you declare, raising your hand to stop your caravan.
>”What is it…?” Cadance draws out that last syllable, seeing if she can get away without saying your ‘name.’
>Deciding to let this one slide, you point at the array of rocks before her,
“Well, if you keep walking, you’ll fall into the pit trap right there.”
>She backs away, her eyes wide as she looks around for signs of other traps. “O-oh. How are we going to get past…?”
>You grab the bottom of your shirt, which is really nothing more than an animal skin you’re wearing, and pull it taunt.
“I’m going to lead you through the safe path. Luna, come here!”
>Luna drops the load she’s been carrying and walks over.
>To her credit, she hasn’t complained...or really said much of anything, but that might have something to do with having to use her mouth to hold “things.”
>As she approaches, you use the tip of your spear to cut a strip off the bottom of your shirt.
>You’re ruining it, but it’s for a good cause.
>After all, you don’t want her to escape.
>Avoiding your eyes, Luna looks off to your side once she reaches you. “You called, human?”
“Yes, I did. Hold still.”
>Making sure the fur is facing her, you press the strip to her face and tie it as best you can, blindfolding her.
>Hopefully between her horn and her snout, she’ll have a hard time taking it off.
>As you work, she tenses up, hard, her wings flaring out...but despite lifting a hoof, she doesn’t try to pull away.
“There. Now stay here, and I’ll lead you through in a minute.”
>You look at the bruised and dirt covered form of Celestia, as tangled as could be in that net as she cranes her head to try and watch, and briefly consider whether to blindfold her as well.
>...Then again, she might try to bite your hand or something.
>You settle by grabbing the net where she can’t reach, and turn her away.
“Alright, Now follow me, Cadance.”
>With a hand resting on her horn, you guide her through the winding path you take almost every day through the traps as it zig zags, loops around, and finally leads you to an unassuming boulder against the cliff face.
>You may have overcomplicated it a bit.
>Just in case she has any funny ideas.
>Pushing at it, you roll the boulder onto its side, the groove that’s dug into the ground lets you slide it with relative ease.
>As the entrance is uncovered, Cadance scrunches up her snout the moment the smell hits her.
>”What is...that?” she says, her voice dripping with disgust.
“That is the smell of drying animal hides. Welcome to your new home.”
>You guide her in, past the pelts by the entrance and the low burning fire by a carved out chimney.
>Home, sweet home.
>You still miss the cave you had a good three hundred years ago.
>The floor was smooth as could be, it had a room with a nice breeze through it, it was the source of the bioluminescent moss that you’re STILL using to light this place, the walls were a nice color, hell, the place even had a bathroom!
>Then some dragons “evicted” the three of you and made you start over almost from scratch.
>Leading her down the cave, you point out what’s down the various paths as they branch out.
“So, that one’s my room, that one has a stream with clean water, that just leads to a cave-in, down that way will be where your aunts will stay, but right here will be your room.”
>You gesture to the unmarked cave branch.
“Feel free to take the spare straw mat I have in my room, it’s the closest thing we have to a bed.”
>It takes her a moment to stop looking around, her expression almost disdainful in a way only royalty can pull off.
>It’s not the palace she’s used to.
>Oh well.
>”It’s wonderful. Thank you for letting me stay with you.”
“You know...when you’re a guest in someone’s home, it’s polite to use your host’s name.”
>Her ears somehow manage to sink lower, despite already being pressed back against her head.
>”R-right, where are my manners? Thank you, Master, for letting me stay with you.”
>With a warm smile, you say,
“You’re very welcome, Cadance. I’ll go bring your aunts in now.”
>Leaving her, you set off to retrieve Luna, having no doubt that Cadance is going to start tearing the place apart for your stash of weapons.
>Too bad for her, those are hidden in another cave nearby.
>You’ve learned the hard way not to store them IN your home if you ever want to get them back.
>Approaching the sisters, you see they’re talking to each other.
>Celestia’s no doubt trying to convince her younger sister to turn on you.
>Well...you can’t have that.
>Breaking out in a jog, as soon as there are no traps directly between you three, you call out in a tone reserved for a misbehaving dog.
“Luna! You come here RIGHT now!”
>She jerks her head up, the blindfold still secure, her ears twisting around to locate you.
“Here, Luna! Right over here! Now!”
>She slowly works her way over to you, each step testing the ground before her as though it’s about to fall away, before she fully commits a hoof.
>Once she reaches you, Luna cries out in surprise the moment you grab her necklace thing.
“Come on. Let’s move.”
>Using it as a harness, you half guide and half drag her through the safe path.
“What were you two talking about?”
>”She...wanted me to release her from the net. She was telling me that without the threat of death, there is no reason not to fight you.”
>Hmm...you aren’t sure you buy that answer...something about her tone is off.
“But you didn’t do it. Good job, Luna.”
>”I...thank you.”
“Try again. It’s thank you /master/.”
>She shudders against you and lowers her head. “Thank you, Master.”
>You stay quiet until you drag her through the entrance to your home.
>Her snout wrinkles up as you pass by the drying skins, but this time you don’t offer any explanation.
>Working your way to the back of the cave, you note Cadance has made herself scarce.
>You soon reach the fork at the end of the hall you designated for the sisters.
>One was the closest thing Discord had to a private space...not that he needed it, and the other had always gone unused.
>Until today.
>Positioning Luna so she’s facing towards Discord’s room, you swat her on her mottled black rump.
“Keep moving until you feel a wall, then wait for me.”
>She nods in compliance and moves along in the same unsteady gait she without your guidance.
>Heading back the way you came, you go down the ‘cave in’ branch, which you’ve always used to store what little supplies you’ve managed to stockpile.
>...It’s closer to the entrance, you didn’t want to make old man Tirek walk all the way to the back of the place to get tools.
>It takes you a bit, but you eventually retrieve what you need.
>A hammer, a large metal nail, a cage large enough to juuust barely fit a certain alicorn, and a few strips of hide which you soon work into a functional muzzle.
>If others knew what you’ve collected, they’d storm the place.
>Worked metal is hard to come by down here.
>Any operational forge is fought over by the BIG guys until its destroyed.
>The cage makes a horrendous scraping sound as you drag it down into what will be Celestia’s room, no doubt terrifying Luna.
>Luckily, you only need lighter tools to work with her.
>Entering Luna’s room with nothing more than the hammer and the nail, you walk over to the thinnest stone column in the room.
“Come here Luna.”
>You slap your thigh twice, all the indication she should need.
>She soon stumbles over to you, her nose bumping against your outstretched hand.
“Hold still.”
>Taking her chain, you loop it around the column and slip the nail between its links, using the hammer to twist it, locking the chain together.
“There we go...good job, Luna.”
>It’s only then that you remove her blindfold, letting her look around at her prison.
“Welcome to your new home.”
>She responds only by making a point of NOT looking at the chain holding her in place, her eyes filled with trepidation as she otherwise stays silent.
“I’m going to go get your sister. You and I will begin soon.”
>She swallows and nods, keeping her mouth shut.
>If you didn’t know better, you’d think you already put a muzzle on her.
>Speaking of...you may want to bring that now, so that way she doesn’t try to disturb your guest.
>One penultimate trip through your trap field later, you approach the netted form of Celestia to see that...she trashed your net!
>Apparently she’s managed to chew through one of the ropes, her head and foreleg sticking out of the hole she’s made.
>Does she have ANY idea how annoying those are to make?!
>Gripping your spear, you charge at her.
>Screw leaving her undamaged.
>She needs to learn the penalty for escape RIGHT NOW.
>By the time she sees you, it’s too late.
>She only has time to spit out, “You-” before you thrust your spear into her shoulder.
>She screams out in pain, thrashing against the net.
>With a jerk, you free your spear.
>Dancing around to her other side, you hook the shaft of the spear under her chin and roll her over, pinning her head to the ground as her wound presses to the dirt.
>”Human, you scum! You deserve every day you’ve spent in Tartarus! You’ll never see my sun again, I will not allow it!”
>Yea, yea, yea, whatever.
>Using your free hand, you fumble with the muzzle, trying to get it over her snout as she continues to scream curses and threats.
>She thrashes her head, yelling about how she’s going to renovate “Nightmare Moon’s dungeon” specifically for use on you, whatever the hell that is.
>Maybe it’s the place Luna said she was banished to?
>...Alright, you’re sick of this.
“If you don’t shut up and stop squirming, I’m going to hurt you again, Celestia.”
>”Buck! You!”
>She barely gets that last word out before you sharply elbow her in the eye, twice, and put all your weight on her neck.
>It’s only then, with two hands free, that you’re able to get the muzzle around the dazed alicorn’s snout.
>”Hrrrmm!” She screams out as you secure the bands together on the back of her head, her lavender eyes burning with hate.
>That earns her a sharp wrap to the back of her skull.
>Standing up, you look down at her.
“I’m surprised that Luna’s the smarter one of you two. She accepted this, she understands what HAS to happen, Celestia.”
“Every time you struggle, every time you fight me, it’s only going to be worse for you AND her.”
“If you ever try to escape again, I’m going to inflict the SAME punishment to her as I will you, and I will make sure she understands why.”
>She growls out something unintelligible behind the band silencing her.
>You’d punish her for that too, but you’re getting sick of being so exposed out here, especially after all that noise.
>Instead, you hook the shaft of your spear through the net and drag her in the dirt through the path to your cave.
>If the feet and hoof prints didn’t make it obvious before, then it sure is now.
>At least the dirt’s keeping her from leaving a trail of blood.
>You’ll have to sweep it to hide it from anyone passing by.
>Actually...that sounds like a good task for your guest.
>It’ll get her out and away from any...uncomfortable noises.
>Pausing once you pass the threshold, you drag the boulder back into place, using the handholds Tirek carved into the back of the stone.
>If he somehow screws up (like Discord did) before he gets you out, it is REALLY going to suck when you lose this place.
>Luckily, Cadance is still hiding as you drag Celestia down to her “room,” the opened cage awaiting her.
>Swinging her around, you see her eyes grow to...well, the size of Discord’s big eye, as she sees where SHE’LL be staying.
>Once more, she thrashes against the net binding her, letting out muffled cries that sound less angry and more terrified.
>Too late.
>Placing your hands on her rather large rump, her tail thrashing as she whips you with it as best she can, you use the tip of your spear to cut the already ruined net and shove her forward.
>She spills out, rolling up and over, her limbs flailing as you stuff her into the cage.
>Her hoofguards rattle the bars as she tries to worm her way out.
>Grabbing the door, you force it shut and latch it.
>The thing was made to hold a gryphon captive, there’s no way a pony would be able to pick the latch.
>You can’t help but grin once she twists around to meet your gaze, her eyes finally as fear-filled as they should be.
“Welcome to your new home, Celestia.”
>She yells out behind that muzzle...or maybe she’s pleading.
>You don’t care.
>You stand up and leave her room, listening to the rattle of her cage.
>Now then...you told Luna you would be back soon...but soon is relative, and neither of them are going anywhere.
>You lean against the wall of your cave with a smile on your face.
>So many things to do, and so much time to do them.
>You’re having trouble settling on exactly what to do first.

Sorry that was a lot more world-buildy and less >rapey than you guys had hoped for. But now it’s play time.
I’ll try to get another update out tonight, but no promises, depending on how you decide to ‘play’ with the alicorn of your choice.
>I’m leaving it entirely up to the thread. You guys tell me, what was your original sin?
Multiple counts of non-premeditated murder. Trying to get it tied to the same event that brought Anon/Master/Us/Him here in the first place. He got scared so he lashed out, and when the dust settled several ponies were hurt or dead.
>Sorry that was a lot more world-buildy and less >rapey than you guys had hoped for. But now it’s play time.
>I’ll try to get another update out tonight, but no promises, depending on how you decide to ‘play’ with the alicorn of your choice.
No rape, only consensual sex at end.

I guess letting them stew around with their thoughts for a few hours could work, let them get their bearings and sink in the fact that they are most definitely prisoners.

Meanwhile since we have a guest, it is only proper to deal with her first. Entertain her as a host. After all, that is proper courtesy.

Then the torture can begin.

I am a sick fuck
When we torture them, I suggest no yelling while showing little to no emotion or reactions during the actual act.
We need to solidify Luna's reasoning that she and her sister are in the wrong. Lets put a sheet or mat over celestia's cage, and lead Luna into the room. We need to punish them both for Celestia's clear and costly escape attempt (mah fucking net!)

I really don't think we should be jumping into rape, we will immediately alienate cadance, and its going from 0 to 100, lets play. "Luna Celestia tried to escape again."

I understand you are royalty so your sister might not realize her new station but rope is very hard to get. Think of it like diamonds or gold, but as necessary as food.

I am sorry. You have been nothing but behaved, but your punishments are tied together. I've restrained her so she can see what she's wrought, and then she will receive hers.

You I like you. Though we need to clean up the mess outside sweep it up, we can make it Cadances job when we come back from hunts or scavenging. While trying to talk with her, tell her about her new home.

Might even lead into a discussion about our crime, which we can make celestia look bad again. last time was perfect. "Human's weren't meant to live this long. Everyone I know will die and I will forget everyone I love and will only remember the suffering of tartarus." etc. Oooooh that was good.

Perfect "celestia is a monster and luna stood silently by her side"
What about it do you like?

We can always add about how you highly suspect that you are not genetically compatible with [i]anyone[/i] in this world, you will never have a family. That you are a stranger in a strange land where no one will love you and you could not love anyone back.

Make it so that Celestia appears as someone who is unwilling to fix past transgressions.
I very much like making Celestia appear like that.
I like that you're not for the rape. I like non con as much as the next guy but this is such a sublime scenario, not to mention rape would just ruin any fine tuned mental manipulation. Its like trying to take revenge with a sledgehammer than a scalpel.

We should entertain Cadance maybe bond a little in our weird, we're broken way, while keeping in mind her likely betrayal (which isn't a slight against us, just the struggling of the ignorant innocent really) we can get to what punishment it deserves, later if it should come about

(maybe a field trip outside leaving her in a secluded but frequented spot (hidden) so that she can learn what a gift our offer is as she sees what the other inhabitants would do to her as they do it to each other.)

And then after letting everyone get their bearings and seeing what pink pone is like and her views we might be able to approach the torture session with more information.

Honestly the best thing we in character know is that Luna was abandoned by Celestia from what she told us.

We don't know that tirek loses (if he does in this universe)

I'm also for being sentences for hurting ponies after being attacked by them, confused and more than like speaking another language. For all we know we learned the language while in the pit from Tirek and Discord. Celestia sentencing us to the pit without any regard for our circumstance in her 'righteous fury' and discrimination.

What would be even better is if luna was too caught up in her own turmoil to be actively involved in our sentencing.


"You make me ashamed to be a pony"
Oh and that's good! I like that. "I'll never be able to have a family Cadance...and even if I do like I said before, even if I find love here, and who could love a being such as I? My fate will be to watch all those I love die."
(Come to think of it we really need to be playing the love card with Cadance, she's the fucking princess of it. Its the best way to turn her against Celestia and what she's done, though I think we should avoid lies entirely. Its so easy to get caught in them especially with alicorns whom are tied to ethereal elements, who knows what they can sense in us?)

"I-I did it for Equestria Luna..."
When Anon first came to Equestria, he was hungry and set up a trap to catch and kill an animal. It was before he knew that animals could talk here. When he finally met civilization, and the ponies found out what he did, he was labeled a murdered and set to punishment eternal. He didn't know that what he was doing was a crime, but he did do it.

First, go sweep in front of your cave. It's a matter of safety and there's no way Cadance can do it for us. She could (intentionally or not) do a poor job, or fall into one of those traps.

Then return to Luna, and tell her that one of the things you missed the most were human women and that making up for the things she took away from you is part of her punishment. Then proceed with rape. Whichever hole you use, push and twist the blunt end of the spear into the other one to make sure she doesn't enjoy it. It wouldn't be a punishment if she did.
Oh come on. Luna has been the best behaved. We need to take our time corrupting them. Immediate rape seems like a good way to become the bad guy they need to rally against and really put Cadance against us. She is a free agent to some degree in this and need need to put in some time getting her to come around to our arrangement.

I really want Luna at some point going "n-no dear cadance he is quite right and it is only fitting we pay our penance for our part in this. I am only ashamed my sister cannot muster the same resolve. but this is all longer term
Come on what? I think you do not realize that we are not playing long term here. Either Tirek or Twilight are coming soon. And when they do, either us or them are getting out and leaving the other one behind.

"Taking our time" will result in nothing but wasting our first and last opportunity to enjoy alicorn horse pussy and take at least a little bit of revenge on those who sent us here.

The only reason why befriending Cadance and Luna could make sense, would be to hedge our bets in Case Tirek loses the fight, and we'll need someone to vouch for us when we ask Twilight to let us out as well.
Eh on the language barrier thing. I want Anon to list the names and fate of his victims, to tell Celestia that at least he remembers the ones he wronged.

Please update pastebin for safeword!
Oh that's nice. But I'd rather twist it so that he somehow found out their names afterward, something in a "oh god I killed sentient beings, I need to know their names" Whether discord found out for us or I dunno. Not sure there is an easy way to do it where we don't sound like a irredeemable psychopath.

We don't know any of this or how long this is going to take. And we're friends with the spirit of chaos and the possible new ruler of the world Tirek. I think he'll let us keep them and have a method of keeping them not a threat.

And if tirek wants them then we can say he gave them to us. You got he world buddy. I get the alicorns,come on now. I dunno we'll burn that bridge when we come to it

But we shouldn't rush this. We don't know that any of this is going to be short lived, whether its in tartarus or in a posh pad courtesy of our bud from how god damned much we helped him in tartarus. I mean fuck we even were nice enough to arrange the cave so it'd be easier for him. We were tight with them.
For the names, make it so that we regret killing them, even unintentionally, and their deaths caused us to go into a severe slump because we used to be someone who wouldn't consider murder, but now tartarus hardened us.
>We don't know that tirek loses (if he does in this universe)
Considering that Discord considers both Tirek and Anon to be friends, and one of the things Tirek wants to do is free Anon with the power he steals, I want to believe this is a universe where Tirek wins.

Of course, we'll just have to wait and see.
That is what he tells us. We don't know for sure, which is why I want to get into Luna and Cadence's heads so that even if Tirek loses and the alicorns get free, those two will push to free us with Celestia having to choose between freeing us or losing her sister and niece.
Actually, since we know that Celestia has stained glass window depictions of Twilight ascending, shouldn't Tirek already know about her?
Gentle moonhorse >rape
Rape can come after we are done, though at that point it will be consensual so not really rape.
>Discord considers both Tirek and Anon to be friends
If they're actually bros, would that keep Tirek from betraying Discord? If he doesn't, would he still be able to handle Super-Twilight?

They keep mentioning "finding the fourth alicorn," so it seems like he knew about her going in. With Discord trusting Tirek, Celestia's plan has been screwed up.
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hey SIMfags
there is fuel for your world in the season finale
>That Nightmare.
A-are we canon now?
>one of the things Tirek wants to do is free Anon with the power he steals

Or so he says.
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>The Finale

Can we talk about this? I was honestly shocked by how well the NMM section fit into SiM canon. The increased emphasis on classism (I don't associate with dragons, and I don't know anyone who does), NMM using family as a hostage to force Twilight to act, her generally dismissive, egotistical nature, etc.

Besides the small issues, this was probably the best possible outcome I could have imagined. All I wanted was for NMM's character to remained intact; getting glimpses of SiM NMM's character on-screen was awesome.
I really liked the part with the timbervolves.
>Oh it's running away? Better murder it anyway.
>"That's what you get for not being a pony!"

I also really liked her laughter. I don't think I've ever heard NMM laugh in SiM/Octavia outside of the "Octagon" joke.
No update for >>25567445 tonight, sorry about that guys. Combination of the finale and real life hitting. I'll have plenty tomorrow for you, though.
Pastebin has been updated.

I'm just going to leave >>25587258 here.
Short of ever seeing Octavia in a maid outfit, I think this is the closest to a direct reference we'd ever get. She REALLY felt dead on to how she's been depicted in this thread. Congrats on essentially being made canon, Escapade.
Especially throwing the chains on Spike for no good reason and the bit where they threatened to throw Twiggles to the Beas-I MEAN DUNGEON Y-YEAH. Easily the best bit of the finale.
Incorrect. I'm sure there is more than one occassion, but in lines 2997-3000, NMM forced Octavia to bark and wag her tail like a dog. She laughed, and found it hysterical. I'm sure this isn't the only one, but this scene came to mind first.
Would the denizens of this thread sperg out over green that DIDN'T contain an Anon? Like, no humans or monkey dick?
No, we're totally fine with it. Go ahead and post away, Anon.
Provided it's on track with the theme of the thread I see no reason why you should not post such a story.
It's completely fine with me.
It has worked before dozens of time. Some of our most popular stories don't include anon. If you have an idea, go for it.
Link to pastebin?
Right here Anon: http://pastebin.com/Rc8drsd5

Seventeen hundred lines of artistically devoid >rape. What am I doing with my life?
>Seventeen hundred lines of artistically devoid >rape. What am I doing with my life?
God's work?
This month has been shit, the finale was meh.

Except for the NMM part. That genuinely made my night, and my month. Truly, it is a good time to be in SiM.
Wonder what Nameless would think about the finale...
Honestly I kinda feel like Olibird's CYOA is gonna be the next great, on par so I'm super excited.
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It's been so long...

He's never coming back...

Why did you have to remind me!

I miss him.
Do you see MrN or Esc as the most important SiM writer?
Given that he's the one driving the plot, or not driving it as is more apt, MrN is more important. Having said that, I've prefered Esc's stuff for a good long while. His Octavia arc is fantastic and the things he does with NMM are amazing.

I could quite happily read fucking pages and pages of his NMM and Anon doing what the fuck ever. They're neat characters, and I like what he does with them.
Well Nameless is the reason we're here after all and his smut was really fucking good.

However I do think escapade does slightly better characterisation, especially when it comes to NMM, and work is pretty integral to the 'SiM setting' as well as the general itself these days.
I suddenly thought SiM. I was all tingly when she came on. It was beautiful. Didn't even consider she'd want the old castle instead of the Canterlot one.
She probably blew the new one off the mountain.
I hope that it gets good.

No hints on what you are planning?
>Blew a new one...
Presumably the Canterlot castle didn't even exist until the battle between NMM and Celestia destroyed it. It's possible she didn't want to move, but elected to repair the castle instead.
Enlisting Rarity to help.
I don't get what you are saying.
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>Implying this could be on par with SiM.

I certainly hope it gets good as well, Anon

A Hint? Discord had friends before Keep Calm and Flutter On. The timeline has been massively changed. I swear, I had this planned before the finale.
Ok, yeah, I got that, but what does that have to do with the mountain castle?
Well it is hitting all the SiM things. In SiM, rape wasn't the primary tool, rather the Anon made the M6 want the D. Sex was a submission tool for him, though it gave him pleasure is a bonus.

As for the Hint, I hope that we at least plant the seeds of rebellion into Cadance and Luna before the alicorns are freed, so that we will be released by them.

Celestia can threaten us with a fate worse than tartarus, but she already took everything we cared about from us, so we have literally nothing to lose and everything to gain by hurting her indirectly.
Ah, the apprentice surpassing the master?
>Mounting Castle
That is terrible. They don't even rhyme!
"Lookit the portcullis on that one"
>"I know, right, I wouldn't mind breeching those defenses."
>Olibird's CYOA
I've been gone for a minute, what's this potential new hotness of which you speak?
Over here, sempai >>25552804
The one where Anon was banished by Celestia to Tartarus 1000 years ago for an unspecified crime, during which he made friends with a weakened Tirek and the astral projection of Discord.

Canon happens and Tirek shows up to throw in the three Alicorns.

Right now we are trying to turn Cadance and Luna against Celestia for her disproportion punishment on us.

Honestly, the story needs it's own thread.
>the story needs it's own thread.
But why would he make another bump filled general when he has one right here?
That is the problem isn't it? I just hope he posts a pastebin of it before the thread hits 500.
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Hey....its me>>25588628

I think it may very well end up being you doubting sexy friend

And I say this having read and loved the Nameless, and all those sexy sexy writefriend's contributions. Hell I even wrote a fic for it, never pastebin'd though. cause I'm a fagget
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>Liking Olibird's based story....
m-mah good acquaintances of impeccable taste
Just finished reading it; it is, indeed, the new hotness.
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Yeeeees. Another minion to my Olibird fan legion! Mwhahahaha.

Told you. (pic related)
Please don't be nervous because of our affections
..You guys are great, you know that?

In case the thread dies overnight: http://pastebin.com/uY83evb2

I'll come up with a better title tomorrow. This one's pretentious as hell.
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We love you man.

We need more, and I am a sick fuck who loves breaking things.

After all, it is far more satisfying to corrupt something so pure and innocent
>and I am a sick fuck who loves breaking things.
I have the feeling a lot of us are.
Up from 10.
Bumping again before bed.
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I mainly like breaking the inside and putting them back together personality intact but changed and mine.
You like to break things? I do too.
I just want to break them to the point where they would present themselves to us and not feel guilty or uncomfortable at all. Nothing like a organic sexbot, but someone who can think rationally and do their duties, but also wishes to please us.

I wonder if we can get Twilight as well via proxy through Cadance.
After all, it would be rude to form a relationship on a married mare, especially a guest.

God I would feel bad for Shining if had more characterization.
>I just want to break them to the point where they would present themselves to us and not feel guilty or uncomfortable at all. Nothing like a organic sexbot, but someone who can think rationally and do their duties, but also wishes to please us.
This guy. This guy gets it.
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Nearing the end of the finale yesterday, Starlight Glimmer said that she was prepared to accept any punishment Twilight deemed necessary.
Green plz
Yeah, I mean, just because we hate each other right now, doesn't mean we won't like each other in the future, especially if both sides can benefit.
>Well...if you’re going to get revenge for what they’ve done to you, nothing says that you can’t start their torment the same way yours did.
>Chained to a wall, struggling against your bonds while having no clue what’s about to happen.
>Plus, you have a guest right now.
>You should do what you can to entertain her.
>They can stew for a bit.
>Heading into your supply tunnel, you dig around, looking to see what kind of food you have that an herbivore could eat.
>It’s slim pickings.
>Stockpiling food has always been difficult without anything other than salt to preserve it.
>Plus, you’ve eaten alone for the past two years.
>You haven’t exactly had a reason have a big supply of vegetables, when you can hunt.
>Dried stalks and leaves to use as building material on the other hand...those you have in spades.
>Taking what you feel you can spare right now, you also grab a crude clay bowl.
>Pottery’s one of those skills that has evaded you over the years.
>With a short pit stop to fill the bowl with water, you start the journey down to your “guest” room.
>Instinctively, you step over the bits of rock jutting up in that one spot.
>You know the path to this room very well..
>It was yours before Tirek escaped.
>There wasn’t any reason NOT to take the good room with him gone.
>Entering, you see Cadance laying on the mat you offered her, staring at the wall, probably lost in thought.
>She jerks, snapping back to the present as she looks at you.
“Sorry the room’s a bit bare. I uh...wasn’t expecting company.”
>”No, it’s...fine. It’s...kinda cozy, really. A nice change from the castle.”
>The look in her eyes betrays her.
“You’re a bad liar. Anyway, I wouldn’t be a good host if I didn’t try to feed you dinner, would I?”
>You set down her meal on a carved-out shelf.
> It may be a bit high for her, but it’s not like you could put it on the floor.
>That would be uncivilized.
“I know it’s not much, but, I was out looking for food when you three were uh...brought here. Plus. I don’t know what you ponies eat.”
>She shakes her head.
>”No, I understand, thank you…”
>Looking back down, she fidgets with her hooves, the silence heavy in the air.
>Just as you open your mouth, she blurts out, “I’m a prisoner too, aren’t I?”
>...Ho boy.
>That’s never an easy question to answer.
>’Am I a prisoner in Tartarus? When does my sentence end?’
>Crossing your arms, you lean against the wall, trying to look as nonchalant as possible.
“Now what makes you think that?”
>She waves a hoof around, gesturing in particular at the food. “The stone walls, the...bed, the food, there’s no other furniture-it all looks like the dungeons under the Crystal Castle!”
>...You don’t even know where to begin with that.
>She’s a stupid little rich kid who hasn’t gone more than a day in her life without servants, isn’t she?
>Cadance continues before you can get a word in. “On top of that, you sealed us in with a giant boulder, outside there are traps keeping us in, and that you expect me to sit around after you promised to torture my aunts!”
“Actually Cadance, if you think you’d be better off out there, dealing with all the monsters out there on your own, then you’re more than welcome to leave!”
>Before you realize it, you’ve taken a step towards her.
>You know you don’t have much, but you’ve giving her what you can, dammit.
>Her response is to jump to her hooves, her wings flared in the same way Celestia’s were earlier.
>”How do I even know it’s as bad as you say out there? You might be making it sound horrible to keep me too scared to leave!”
>You let out a humorless laugh, more like a bark..
“Really? If anything, I’ve been downplaying it! If you really want to see how bad it is out there, then tell you what:”
“If you want your aunts to eat tomorrow, then you and I need to go foraging. You’ll get to see what I deal with on a daily basis...but if you leave before that, then I’m not opening the door to let you back in.”
>”Which means if Tirek wins, I’ll never get to see Shining again. That’s how you’re keeping me here, instead of chaining me to a stalagmite, isn’t it?”
>Apparently she’s already visited Luna.
>That…might not be something you want to encourage.
“I take it Shining’s your husband? Be happy you even have a CHANCE of seeing him again. That’s more than anyone else gets when they’re sent here! You know...”
>Turning away, from her, you pace back and forth, not paying attention to her expression.
“That’s all anyone wants after a few years here. To go home, to see their family again. Right up until one point. It’s the moment everyone in Tartarus goes through.”
“It’s the moment when they realize everyone who ever loved them, everyone they ever knew is dead...and they didn’t even get to say good-bye.”
>You look back at her seeing that...well, her expression has softened somewhat.
>Those wings aren’t quite as raised.
>She’s young, isn’t she? For an immortal, that is.
>If she was anywhere near as old as her aunts, she’d know exactly what you’re talking about, instead of having an air of uncertainty around her.
“You really don’t understand how lucky you are, do you? Freedom to you means that you get to go home to your family and tell them about the horrible place you were for a while.”
“Freedom to me means I don’t need to worry about being eaten by an Orthos. That’s it. Any home I had, died centuries ago.”
>That one seemed to get to her. Her wings are back at her side, and she’s once again looking off in the distance.
>At least for a moment.
>She shakes her head and glares at you, ”Celestia always told me that the only beings she sentenced to Tartarus were monsters who couldn’t be redeemed or held anywhere else.”
>”If you’re here, then you must have done something unforgivable.”
>You shrug.
“Is that the lie she tells you, when she can’t even remember why she sent me here? Look.”
>You close your eyes and rub your forehead.
>This is the most conversation you’ve had in years, and it’s taking its toll on you.
“I need to go take care of a few things...you’ll probably want to wait outside. But I want you to ask yourself, if we’re all so horrible, then why give us immortality?”
“If it was so we could atone for what we’ve done, then why did she leave me here to rot?”
>You pause as you reach the lip of the ‘door.’
“To answer your question earlier, yea, you’re a prisoner. Just not MY prisoner.”
>Leaving her with her thoughts (or more accurately, to talk to her aunts), you head back to the main area of your home.
>It’s a simple matter to grab the rake you use to hide your tracks and push the boulder aside.
>Heading down to the end of your trap field, you get to work on brushing away the path the four of you have made.
>There’s not a whole lot you can do to hide the tracks leading up to the field, but the least you can do is keep them from having an easy time reaching you.
>Besides, by now SOMETHING probably knows there’s someone living in this area.
>Still, there doesn’t appear to be anything watching you right now.
>As you work, you run through your current todo list.
>You need to do something about Celestia’s escape attempt earlier...they both obviously need to be punished for it, it’s just a question of how you go about it.
>Flat out raping them would be too much, too fast, it could alienate Cadance...
>Speaking of the escape attempt, you’re going to need a new net, before you and Cadance go out tomorrow.
We need a new net, or at least repair our existing one.

Maybe use dirt and clay to camouflage ourselves and Cadance during our incursion.
You cna fix the net and punish Celestia in one go. From Wikipedia:
>Sinew was widely used throughout pre-industrial eras as a tough, durable fiber. Some specific uses include using sinew as thread for sewing, attaching feathers to arrows (see fletch), lashing tool blades to shafts, etc. It is also recommended in survival guides as a material from which strong cordage can be made for items like traps or living structures.

So what I'm suggesting is we open Celestia's leg, cut out her sinew and use it to repair our net. Cruel? Yes. But it will be a punishment fitting her crime. She destroyed out net so it's only right for her to be the one to fix it.

And it will double as a punishment too, since It's going to be painful. She will limp for a time, but it's going to grow back eventually. And assuming she stops destroying our things, we won't need to be so hard on her int he future. Bu for now, she needs to understand that after she already took everything form us once, we will absolutely not tolerate her attempts to destroy the little we've built since then.

Also I'm all up for keking shining. That guy can get mares dime a dozen, and unless we've been RALLY close with Tirek, this is the first time in thousand years we have someone to fuck. As the princess of love Cadance should know that we have certain needs, and either her, or one of her aunts is going to be slurping on our cock, soon.
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Frankly, that's a level of gore I'm not entirely comfortable with. Maybe at some point if she does something spectacularly bad, but not right now - if we're worried about alienating Cadance with rape, disembowling her aunt isn't going to be much better. We were making good progress earlier; no need to throw it away on an instant.

For now, I like the idea someone posted a while back - about blindfolding Celestia, then leading Luna in and explaining that she is going to be punished solely because Celestia misbehaved again.
You do that and you solidify your monster status. The other mares will never trust you.

Anon needs to be smart about this, not stupid and edgy.
>bump limit
It's.. been so long...
>two greens
>two CYOAs
>over a hundred pictures
>finale made us canon
This was a good thread.
>finale made us canon
Should that be the next thread edition?
dubs confirm.
We're Canon Now Edition
Now go! Let the legend come back to life!
Thread posts: 494
Thread images: 112

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