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Symphogear General - /sgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 540
Thread images: 151

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Landing Geah edition

Symphogear AXZ Singles 1&2

>AXZ Subs

https://nyaa.si/view/935510 [Commie - lyrics]
https://nyaa.si/view/935237 [Anon - no lyrics]

https://nyaa.si/view/937362 [Commie - lyrics]


>XDU Guide:

>Testament (AXZ OP Theme) full radio rip:

>Futurism (AXZ ED Theme) full radio rip:

>AXZ info

>Symphogear XDU OP

>Main S4 Site

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

Previous Thread: >>15679043

I love these dorks
Anon pls

Live broadcast to celebrate the release of Symphogear XD.
Aoi, Ayahi and Hikasa as guests. Iguchi will be hosting as usual.
Bikki is dumb
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Maria is always trying to keep up with the kids these days!
She is a really dedicated mom!
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Every thread I start with a DMJii related image I always fuck something up, it must be a sign

Copy and pasting it still works fine.
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I'm not sure if I'm reading it right, but it's schedeuled for 4am in Japan?
8 pm.
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Who should I focus on with the chips?
Welfare Kanade is pretty strong in Arena. There aren't many Pinks around to eat through her defense. Empress Rebellion is has a big nuke paired with a stun, and a strong AOE. Fill in the last spot with whatever your heart says.
Whatever you do, don't waste them on Maria.
>Welfare Kanade is pretty strong in Arena
If you ignore the fact she waste one skill turn on self buff.
That buff easily turns fights your way though.
Her defense buff is pretty significant. I didn't even mention how you can easily get her level 50 Limit Break thus making her stronger than most vanilla 5*, and being cheaper to Awaken.
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>Finally done getting EVERY mat
>All the feathers I get now go onto pages/scrolls/ingots
>Already done levelling my geahs
>Halfway done with the memories

Feels good
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How soon until we see this Germain? And how soon after that will she die?
>Make me a woman Tsubasa!
This song sounds kind of lewd for a Geah song.
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Why is Symphogear so unknown among western anime fans? I'm not even sure if it is disliked, just unpopular. I don't see it mentioned, I don't see it brought up anywhere outside of small fan circles like this thread.
I'm talking popularity among people who follow and review/react/discuss seasonal anime, not with general mainstream public, mind you.

I already noticed this during the airing of GX but now I'm actually curious why is it that Symphogear seems unable to reach a higher degree of popularity among the internet anime fan demo compared to other seasonal shows.

I know the first season was divisive to say the least, but is it really just that, bad word of mouth making people not check it further? Or is there something about the work that simply doesn't resonate with western otaku in general?
Need some advice. I bought s bunch of chips but having trouble deciding who to use them on. This is what I'm working with btw.
Why does someone ask this every thread.
They're upset because they can't watch Symphogear with their normalfag friends.
Thisll be my fifth reroll. I wonder if ill even have time for the event at this point.
>among people who follow and review/react

I have no idea what symphogay is doing to drive these tremendous fucking faggots away but I hope it continues.
Her stats are nice but 90% of fights are resolved with first attack especially if enemy have meta team, sure if you don't have anything better she's good and even can be used to counter ignited Hibiki to some degree but given anon already have good red maria making team with red+blue is a death wish because ignited Tsubasa will rape you.
Ignited Hibiki no question.
It's slowly gaining more traction, it's even got a few fans on CR's staff.
The first season is really quite bad until episode 7 where it kind of starts to find its legs. It also had these weird pseudo horror and sexual abuse elements, combined with some RIDICULOUSLY derivative and unbelievable drama. I mean come on, Chris got her worldview smashed by a literal child in like 30 seconds.

You also have to appreciate the subgenre of music to be able to even tolerate watching it in the first place, which further shrinks the possible fans.

S2 and beyond have their own problems, mostly cutting every few seconds or minutes to other characters which makes for a disjointed experience, but it doubled down on the B-movie ridiculous aspect which works.
I hope it stays unpopular outside Japan forever.
>The first season is really quite bad until episode 7
Go suck cocks somewhere else
I should qualify, bad on first watch. Rewatch is a must better experience.

It did have some of the best songs as well.
>bad on first watch
Normalfags can't understand or get into its concept.
Well, you have the reeeeeeee is idolshitfags, and the where's the male character so I can self-insertfags.
Stefan may change the second part though, and since he's brown that's a bonus for the western anime community.
This desu.
Fuck you faggots who give a shit about youtube '''''''anime reviewers'''''''''
But there are male characters. Wonderful people. Topdad, Ver, El Presidente, those random nazis, those Americans who tried to kill Maria, Tsubasa's actual dad soon and now the crippled Esteban
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>people would actually WANT to self-insert as anybody but Miku
>Not wanting to self insert as Ecchi-bal and live comfortable between the zenbus
I just used that as an example of popularity. Don't want that kind of people anywhere near Symphogear either.
I'm more curious about why the series fails at grabbing more people than upset that it doesn't. It's looks like the kind of shit that would be popular with season fags, yet it isn't.

Even idolshit and female character driven shows get more talk so while that is a factor, it's not the only one.
I guess there's just less overlap between all the different things Symphogear does in the west than there is in Japan.
Maybe even the heavy toku inspiration is a deterring factor, as most animefags are unfamiliar with it. I've seen Symphogear described as a Magical Girl show with mecha elements (whcih are also two gernes that don't enjoy much popularity in the west to begin with), which isn't an innacurate label, but sounds like what someone unfamiliar with Toku would use to describe it.
El Presidente did nothing wrong, don't compare him to Top Dad.
I don't see ecchi-bal dragging Chris into a tub and washing her with her lesbian lover any time soon.
Does anyone have the full version of the Ver bluescreen used in the episode chart?
>people still act like Stefan is going to be relevant past episode 3

He's just a contrived plot device meant to further the gap between Sonya and Chris, he's going to be irrelevant beyond maybe showing up in the ending like the little girl in S1.
>El Presidente did nothing wrong
He indirectly caused the deaths of Chris's parents.
Still not Topdad bad
I'm pretty sure if they don't die will end living with Chris as a family.
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In fairness, Ver makes up for everyone else on that list combined.
We never found out what was the deal with the music teacher did we?
Ver is in another category entirely. He's not just a "male character", he's the goddamn Last Action Hero.
Ver is the true hero we deserve.
he had a thing for Miku
He's just a music teacher. Nothing more to it.
The studio just wanted to draw a different teacher for once.
Did he actually say that? I can't remember.

Pic related
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Yes, he did. It's nearly impossible to make stuff up about Ver that's more ridiculous than what he actually does.
But I don't get it, there's already a perfectly fine male character for faggots to self insert into??
I know Maria is really muscly and shit but she's a girl, anon
Acoustic edit of Stand up lady when?
>you will never see John Wayne Vercingetorix again
With the way it's going I'm worried Chris is going to be stupid and try to change sides again
We're only two episodes in don't give up on the last action hero.
I want Cagliostro to molest her.
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>I'm more curious about why the series fails at grabbing more people than upset that it doesn't. It's looks like the kind of shit that would be popular with season fags, yet it isn't.

It's not rocket science to me.
>female main characters will never be popular
>Idol and nip singing will never be popular among those who like action as well, it's also why Macross is losing popularity here
>plot not muhserious "kino"-tier, but also not trainwreck-y or dumb enough
>likewise the entire art and design of Symphogear sits inbetween mahou shojo that westacuck find "so gay, it's for girls/kids etc" and literal /m/echa, a genre that many enjoy for being "manly" first and foremost

I'm surprised there's even so many peoples on 4chan that like it as much as me. It's such a specific and researched series
I love you guys.
You know that 'wasted' buff is also increasing (or granting) her counter, right? At +5, she has 60% counter rate if you use the skill within the first 6 turns, before the passive 30% wears off.

The buff gives her +30% chance for 4 turns.

I suppose the guy who did this was drunk
That's because you don't see their private life
Yeah its probably best to put it as "Its a niche made of overlapping niches that it becomes its own niche"

Admittedly the niche prints money but its still a niche
Shirabe is super cute!
I'm glad to be here too, anon.

I only realized how much I appreciate the existence of /sgg/ a few months ago. Life would be a little duller and sadder without this general.
She is very cute, even when she's about to operate on you.
I love my friends!

I love you all!
Hardly a YTP at all, apply yourself.
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/m/ahou shoujo is a time-honored 4chan tradition.
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Do that at home friendanon
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He didn't die on screen. Anime logic dictates he ain't fucking dead.
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This place is great
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It's shit.

I don't even know what is a YTP. Of course I didn't do the video.

What's the story here and please tell me they where quickly ejected from the medical room
It's shit but that fucking Ghost intro killed me.
I hate you all.
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Calm down Carol, it's fine
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What did they mean by this?
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Huh? But Fine's not here anymore.
It's from XDU. I saved this from an earlier thread. I don't play the game myself, so I don't know if there's a story behind this.

I imagine it as the DMjii save a hospital from a Noise attack, discover a doctor performing heart surgery was killed by the Noise. They take over the operation and attempt to save the patient.
That's what she wants you to think anon I bet she is coming back mid-season just to fuck with us.
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This is probably who's behind that
I'm going to LOOK at Shirabe's naked body and nobody can stop me!
Keep your dick in your pants Fujitaka.
Where are they going?
Reminder to Fujitaka and Hibiki that men can't look to Shirabe's naked body
Your local home goods store for some cutting boards
Tsubasa is too manly and makes the normies feel insecure
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My fucking god
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>tfw GX converted you into a full-fledged Mariafag
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>tfw GX didn't infect me with shit taste
It must made me stop shitting on Maria too hard.
But, Maria a chuuni dork
Oh, are you scanning it already, anon?
Should I not bother ordering it?
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>tfw loved Maria from the start

I knew she would become second best one day

>I wish I checked what time their flight was leaving
>Ive been standing here for 7 hours
I'm still laughing at how pathetic you are.
It's so great. You're like those kids that wore Naruto headbands in high school.
Could be worse, she could have waited 7 hours and they had already left
I felt indifferently to her and the DMjii at first, then came around to like Maria for standing back up every time she fell down, and after that came to like the DMjii for similar reasons. It helps that they're all attractive on one level or another too.
Hibiki is the sun.
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>to like Maria for standing back up every time she fell down

well that WOULD give you a lot of opportunities to warm to her
You should order it either way.
I wonder if she really thought she'd look cool or something while doing that.
I understand she pretty much had no teenagehood to improve her social skills with, but damn.
Seems like a waste if there's already someone scanning it.
>she really thought she'd look cool or something while doing that.

She probably did
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To be fair Tsubasa is hardly an expert. Her only previous friend was a vengence crazed terminal ill girl who vomited blood on normal intervals
Ah, a webm made of 60 screenshots/second
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I'll take that as a yes, you are scanning it.

How much HibiMiku is in it?
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>female main characters will never be popular
Kill la Kill, LWA
>plot not muhserious "kino"-tier, but also not trainwreck-y or dumb enough
OPM and Jojo's
>likewise the entire art and design of Symphogear sits inbetween mahou shojo that westacuck find "so gay, it's for girls/kids etc" and literal /m/echa, a genre that many enjoy for being "manly" first and foremost
Debatable since Knights & Magic is one of the more popular shows this season and Symphogear's character designs aren't that kawaii uguu compared to moeblobs you see in most animes out there

The only one you're correct on is the Idolshit which is such an alien thing to anyone outside of Japan. You also have to consider the anime market in America compared to Japan. I was at Otakon in 2015 when the theme was Mecha and Kaiju, and I saw a few /m/ cosplays (Some Zakus, a light-up Crossbone X-maoh, A Striker Eureka, and some non-robots) Wanna know what I saw being cosplayed the most? Haikyuu and Yowamushi Pedal. And then at the end of the show they announced next year's theme was gonna be sports anime. Action/Scifi/Music is a kinda hard sell

If anything the only people I can see liking Symphogear in the west are the kind of people who like corny action/comedies like Con-Air, Kung Pao, or Last Action Hero
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Not enough.
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>Hibiki is completely shocked that top dad has money to loan her
How many pages does the anthology have in total?
What the hell universe is this?
Can you upload the entire thing to mega?
>The only one you're correct on is the Idolshit which is such an alien thing to anyone outside of Japan
You are really, really out of the loop, man.
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Here he is, the most beloved character in the franchise
Done with work!
Can't wait to grind feather for hours.
The reason Symphogear isn't popular is because it's mahou shoujo

That's it, that's the whole reason
116 including the copyright page

Will do, this is all I've done at the moment. Figured I'd post one before I ran off for a bit.
Outside of Vocaloid, Love Live, IM@S, and memebands like Babymetal it sure is.
Please brush your hair, anon. That way you don't have strays falling on your scanner.

To be honest... I keep expecting Fine to come back eventually. Its too big a plot point to just never come up again. She's even mentioned in the Illuminati's backstory.

I imagine that when time comes to deal with the Custodians as an enemy, Fine will make a reappearance. She's kind of the only person in the plot who would really know anything about them.
>Kill la Kill, LWA
You can make anyone eat anything if you slap a "from the creator of Gurren Lagann"

>OPM and Jojo's
OPM is dumb. Both are manly as hell

>Knights & Magic is one of the more popular shows
Isn't it haremshit?

Anyway you didn't disprove a thing here. Also, I hate action comedies.
Unless Kirika was just being chuuni her zesshou should have the power to destroy someone's soul. And if Fine didn't die in that attack, shouldn't she have revived in Maria or Kirika since they were exposed to aufwachen waves the whole time and they probably have Fine's genes?
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We are talking about anime fandom first and foremost. 3D and 2D idol are two entirely different things, as it's a seiyuu otaku and a wota. There is some overlap and anime otaku have borrowed some things from the wota in recent years, but they are mostly different beasts.(also, Babymetal try hard to pass themselves as a non-idol act nowadays)
Love Live was really fucking huge in and outside Japan. Some of the bigger concerts got live-broadcast overseas to give you an example. Vocaloid too if you are counting that.

So we are left with "outside of these things that were fucking huge and everybody that has been keeping up with anime fandom these past few years know about, Idol is niche outside of Japan", which is kind of a silly statement.
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Look at all dem phonic gains
I know I have some... acquaintances who hate shows like this, because they follow a rule:
"if it has more then 2 cute girls, its shit" because then they just see it as waifubait.

So far Knights & Magic is basically just GIANT ROBOT, GIANT ROBOT.
To the general public, and here I include the more casual anime fans, yes, but I doubt Idols are such a weird concept to people following anime seasons anymore, with how prevalent they are.

Kill la Kill and Little Witch Academia are not the best examples because they have big names behind it. Kill la Kill was hyped as something "from the creators of Gurren Lagann", and then Studio Trigger itself became strongly associated with that idea, helping push their other projects.
That anon is not wrong about female main characters that don't have such a push struggling with general western audiences, unless it's a cute girls doing cute things anime, and even that saw a decline in popularity in recent years.
>Isn't it haremshit?
Only Ryuusei Date would consider Knights & Magic a harem.
I never heard about this shit. Is it even good?
I see Orange is doing the GCI.
>Wanting Symphogear to be more popular in the west
Threads hit bump limit in /a/ with only a quarter of it being shitposting. Livewatch threads hit the thousands and if AXZ doesn't fuck up and delivers on the hype that's it's brought for the past two weeks, we're going to break a record or something. Symphogear is popular in the only place that matters 4chan.
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Why do you assume that cons represent the actual fanbase? Anime cons have a reputation for being filled with obnoxious blue haired nutjobs. Most people who don't fit that description would find the idea of going to an anime con in America offputting.

I actually think that the appeal surrounding idols might not be so strange to America in five years' time, and that the average American only laughs because they feel compelled by an environment that's hostile towards femininity. There's a lot of questioning going on around feminist society's hatred of women who don't try to be men, and whether the feminist roadmap for a woman's life and how she ought to interact with the world around her is actually making women happy. All evidence says "no". Once feminism starts to crumble, so does the barrier to liking a culture that celebrates the feminine charms of women instead of condemning femininity as shameful and oppressive.
You'd be surprised at how much people have lost the ability to tell 2D and 3D apart.

For idol stuff in particular, every discussion about an idol anime has people sperging out about how horrifying they find the idol industry based on isolated cases and some ideologue's article they read.

It was never confirmed just who has enough of Fine's genes for a manifestation, but its an easy enough excuse to simply say that Kirika severed Fine's connection to Shirabe rather than destroy all Fine everywhere.

It really depends on whether there is only 'one' Fine that exists separate from everything else and she just bodyjacks people, or if all of the various people carrying Fine's genetic package have a copy of her memories waiting to be activated.

In the second case, Kirika can't possibly erase all of Fine by hitting just one person. In the first case she MAYBE can, but its easy enough to explain away that she did not.
Best part of the new opening. Never before my opinion on a characters appearance went from indifferent to "I want to have sex with her" so fast.
Protagonist of K&M is basically asexual. Whenever a character who looks like a love interest is introduced, he ignores them in favor of robots. Then they either get forgotten or hook up with someone else.

Ive been to a few anime cons and it was...okay. Until it wasn't. There started to be a weird shift in focus that made age gap between me and my friends and the current demographic too awkward to really deal with.

I was surronded by Narutos and no one recognized my Patlabor cosplay. First year I did make it with a 7/10 Deedlit cosplayer though. That was alright
>Chris retorting so hard she retorts herself awake
This is the Tsukkomi only talked about in legends. We need to find a bokke foolish enough to balance that and deliver the ultimate manzai
that is good, as someone that was lukeworm at best to her now she gained a fan, Combattler V was 25% of why I love /m/ to this day
Spoiled for tangential and irrelevant opinions.

I watched and enjoyed LWA primarily for being something cute and fun I could relax with, rather than it being Studio Trigger hype. I have not watched Gurren Lagann, which is something I should fix at some point.

Frankly, LWA renewed my trust in Studio Trigger, I dropped KLK halfway through because after a while Ryouko “My primary, secondary, and tertiary emotions are ANGER” McEdgster Matoi made it simply not enjoyable to watch.
Please don't have sex with Ogawa.
But I agree, that scene made him look so cool.
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fuck off
Never have I wanted so badly to gently press my face against a Geah's back and inhale deeply. Ideally right after Maria has finished exercising.

I like the coloring and lighting on the hair, too.
Man I wish I was as enthusiastic as you for LWA. I'm COMPLETELY disappointed. I expected far more than that from Yoshinari's first directorial TV work.
I'm also never watching anything Trigger ever again.
>Carolpapa apparently doesn't know what checks are
>Hibiki says she'd love to lend them money, but she might not have enough
>Topdad offers to foot their bill
>"This isn't like dad at all! There is something weird... It might be a miracle"
>"Just how unbelievable is your old man!?"
No Chris, I was just as surprised as she is, that wasn't an overreaction at all. That Topdad actually gave me goosebumps.

I just wanted a cute show about cute witches doing cute things.

Instead I got melodrama out the ass and constant Diana wanking while Akko's actual friends where left out in the cold.

We did not need a shocking twist about Chariot being the reason Akko suck's at magic. That was hack bullshit.

I don't think I'd exactly paint idols and idol culture as empowering towards women. All reports indicate it's one of the most soul-crushing jobs you can possibly have and damn near everyone who gets into it regrets it. It's like being a movie star, only you're not a multimillionaire and you can't crash your car while having a coke-fueled orgy and be forgiven for it by next Tuesday. So basically it's only the part of being a movie star where you have no privacy and dozens of talking heads critique everything you do. I'd even go so far as to say that idol culture and the whole concept of the pure waifu that goes with it is part of the reason Japan's birth rates are in the toilet.

You also have a weird definition of feminism, but I'm not going to get into that. Suffice to say, this is not an aspect of Japanese culture that should become more widespread.

None of this is to say Symphogear isn't great. It obviously is. But it's great because it's an action-oriented magical girl show where the girls happen to be singers, not because it has anything to do with idols. By and large it doesn't, other than Tsubasa and Maria's increasingly perfunctory day job. I've had much better luck selling Symphogear as "this is the show where someone suplexes a space shuttle" than "this is a show about pop music".
>decide to put Aloof Knight Maria into my event party for additional feathers
>be greeted by Maria and not Hibiki the next time I log-in
begone thot
>Please don't have sex with Ogawa.
But what if he wants to have sex? He's a man, he has needs.
She lacks the energy. Even when Kirika says something silly, if you scream back at her or surprise her, she actually reacts in accordance to common sense.
Like Hibiki holding her hands naked or her reaction to Chris and HibiMiku talking about the old Lydian.
She isn't a bokke as much as she is just really dumb.
We need a Bokke that is unrepentant and just doesn't learn her lesson, like Hibiki or Tsubasa.
Now that's a good sentiment, friend.
Sorry to hear that. I can't comment on individual Japanese directors, I know jack all about them.

We disagree, then.
But I want to play my Weiss Schwarz deck at english tournaments too.
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It's not a matter of disagreement it it's a matter of you not paying attention
People play Weiss?

I mean im still amazed yugioh or even duel masters still exist
YGO sure has been trying pretty hard to cease to exist, though.
I only wish Symphogear was more popular so we would get more (hopefully good) fanart.
In Rome we actually got a decent community for it, we usually have 8-16 people at weekly sunday tournaments and 50+ for big events.
YGO will literally never stop until the anime ceases to exist.
>She isn't a bokke as much as she is just really dumb.
I feel bad for Kirika now.
Are you kidding me? We have several dedicated artists, who post gear art all year round.
Symphogear is pretty popular in nipland. It's an anime original property on it's fourth season and it's showing signs of being the best selling show of it's season again.
The only good result I could see coming from Nymphoqueer becoming popular internationally is the possibility of Simulcast and not being limited to Commie.
not from the west though.
even when it's rather popular in japan it still doesn't have the best fan art nor doujins, it's a matter of luck really.
Sadly both Shirabe and Tsubasa are taken, he'll have to take care of it himself.
Less than half of the doujins out there get scanned anyways, especially if they aren't porn.
can always use the squad toilet, Chris.
>It's like being a movie star, only you're not a multimillionaire and you can't crash your car while having a coke-fueled orgy and be forgiven for it by next Tuesday.
For me this is the best part of idol culture, you sign a contract that make sure if you do something stupid you're done. Idols earn more down to earth money and have work hard so it's easier to relate with them than someone like Kanye West or flavor of the month "celebrity".
He needs to do that stuff at home!
>Implying our ninja would be interested in flatties like that
Come on, anon.
Why the fuck would such a refined gentleman like Ogawa want cowtits?
I think both you and the guy you're replying to have narrow, or rather, polarized views. Both of you are right to an extent on this matter to me. But I digress, this isn't really the best thread to discuss that.

I agree about it not having much to do with Symphogear. I mean, it isn't an anime about idols, and even the professional singer characters aren't exactly idols, or rather they aren't the kind of idol most people here associate with the word. Tsubasa is way closer to a gennojin, a celebrity singer, than to a regular idol. And the focus isn't on that anyway. I've seen a lot of people associate Symphogear with idols especially because of the merch, but as far as the anime itself is concerned it's not really.
The problem is the definition of "do something stupid" ends up including things like "have a boyfriend" or "have a life outside your job". Japan's shitty about work-life balance for everyone, but idols have to always be on guard for their entire lives. They can't quit or have any leverage in renegotiating their contracts, because they have no marketable skills outside of being idols. Unless you're one of the extreme lucky few like Nana, you really are screwed by being an idol.
All ninjas like cowtits, anon.
Senran Kagura is true to life.
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Senran Kagura is shit, fuck off from my thread and take your balloons with you.
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Wow, I actually won.
He also had a XD Tsubasa at 52 and a Maria that didn't die from just two hits.

Someone post the "this is my loli" Ogawa and Shirabe picture please.
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cowtits need to FUCK OFF
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Thanks, Ogawa best boy.
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Talking about idol stuff, lurking twitter I couldn't help but notice that Aoi has been replying to fan-letters.
It's something she does once or twice, but I don't think it's a coincidence that she is doing this just a few weeks after her fanclub closed down and she has more limited contact with her fans/almost no presence online.
She sure is considerate.
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>all this doll stuff
>they're gone forever

How'd it get closed?
They're popular and you don't need to write songs for them, I believe they'll come back for an episode.
Do friend point rolls yield 3* gears? I've only gotten exp and memoria
FlyingDog didn't renew Aoi's contract and they hosted half the website.
I don't think so.
*once or twice a year
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What does she do? Google translate doesn't help
Makes pancakes.
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That's it for a bit.
>doesn't know what the card does
>still leveled it up
Miku's Shenshou Jing song is lewder considering it has her saying that she'll never let go of Hibiki's hand.
1* cards can be maxed with a single 1* book and in return give 3 4* books.
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The hell did maria say to make the übergays blush? What a terrifying woman.
Chris gets none and has to be the judge.
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>Chris last panel
Agematsu's self-insert
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So I appreciate the comic getting scanned but anyone feel like taking a crack at translating it?
Increase the amount of that gauge that your character gain after each quest by 1.
Save it somewhere, I might try my hand at it on the weekend.
I'm glad that I got a chance to sing with you.
What a slut
They were talking about matching clothes until Kirika asks if her and Tsubasa are the same.
Tsubasa says they wear matching clothes and sing together, but she mentions Kanade and Maria cuts her off with a "was I just dumped?", but then says she is kidding, that she understands how Tsubasa feels, that she is happy to be able to sing with her and that she is counting on her from here on out.
Miku and Kirika panic because they realize TsubaMari have the nice mood a couple has after a fight.
Tsubasa screams Kanade's name in bed.
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That's pretty smooth coming from Maria. I guess that's how you know it's a doujin.
>Copying folders over from old to new laptops
>My geah image folder is only 1.48GBs

It feels small, but I wanna know how big you guys are.
we are all big guys here
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I'd say I'm pretty big.
I'm rewatching the first episodes of G and now that I watched AXZ there's something really weird/off-putting about them, it's in the sound direction or something, this weird sensation is specially strong in the second episode.
I wish I could put this into words but AXZ improved something.
And Maria screams Serena's name
1.43 GB
2.57 GB
Something like 170 megs of Zenbus
Uh, you don't get to bring folders.
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those eyebrows
Music is in another folder
The eyebrows make it so hard to take her seriously. And also the weird relic or whatever she is going to wear
3.38gb for the image folder.
You dont like the chevalier with a gun?

That's the best way i've been able to put it to words
Honestly their designs are underwhelming. Like oh gee, we get a meganeko who goes batshit, a tanned bosomy girl who's always one jiggle away from falling out of her dress, and some bitch in a pantsuit. And they each get a geah mode that's a clown version of their attire.

It just feels so phoned in, man.
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Their gems are heart shapped, i wonder if is their phylactery
Honestly the geahs are underwhelming. Like oh gee, we get generic genki girl, generic waifubait fanservice chick and some flat autismo swordbitch. And they each get a mahou shoujo mode that makes them look like shitty mecha musumes.

It just feels so phoned in, man.
Within seconds.
>I'm a genius!
>Oh, no.
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I don't know why but he reminded me of Stroheim before he went cyborg
>Carol will never be Fine.
That body's fine tho
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>Priestess Fine had big jugs
>Ryoko Fine had big jugs
>Pirate Fine had big jugs

>Shirabe barely started puberty
Shirabe is like halfway through puberty. And she'll be lucky if she gets any hips or ass, much less tits.
It seems like Fine could tranform her host body into her true form so all Shirabe had to do was let her take over.

Fine didn't look all that different from Ryoko
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>hey kid, you want tits?
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We just gotta keep feeding her Malk and Anpan and it'll work out
She'll just end up a fatty if she does that, not everyone can have such convenient bodies.
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Has anyone made a joke about Fine plundering the booty? Seems obvious.
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>Kiri goes through a growth spurt
>However despite her matured body she is not awkward and clumsy as she tries to get used to it constantly on the verge of tears because of a hormone imbalance
Not as phoned-in as your post.
Anyone here have tips on beating pink Carol and orange Leiur at MA3-13? I've jobbed there twice and I don't want to waste a revive just for one wave.

I use Level 50 Ignite Bikki, Level 42 Aloof Knight Maria, and Level 40 4* green DESS.
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Hibiki is cool and sexy!
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I would, wouldn't you?
So Maria's battle song is basically, "I may be shit but that won't stop me from trying". Also did anyone save the translation for Hibiki's songs?
Says the guy saying dumb shit about the first good antagonists we've gotten since Ver.
to a she devil? No thanks.
953 MB. Still have a long way to go.
Why do the RNG gods make this so hard?
That's a lot of flat.
>Why do the RNG gods make this so hard?

I know. I am not playing XD but fuck my luck during the Gilgamesh event. I haven't even gotten a 4* servant from his rolls
So how is the mobage? I've never played a mobage and I was wondering if this was worth trying.
>I've never played a mobage
Quit while you're ahead.
Seems like the flat curse went from me to you.
I was in the same boat. I guess I'd put it this way: If you aren't vested in the series, I wouldn't bother. I picked it up since I love the series and I haven't been able to put it down. The RNG can be painful at times and there's a good bit of grind, among other things, but it's fun enough if you can get past it's shortcomings.
Seriously. Im goin on 10 rerolls i think. I wanna get to the damn kanade event already.
Pretty much agree with this anon. I don't really smartphone games at all and the only reason why I'm playing this is because it's Symphogear.
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Oh you.

Might as well grind feathers and lay waste for upgrades.
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Tsubasa swooning over Maria's chiselled muscles when?
>Also trying to get a stacked geah
>Cursed with flatness
I understand your pain all too. Hope you have a quick and efficient way of rerolling. 0.08% of a chance is still despair-inducing, even if you have 20/30 rolls.
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Better do it quick and use up all the event points possible. There's only a day left I believe, but level 50 4* Kanade was worth it especially when awoken at least twice.
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I still can't believe Cagliostro is voiced by a dude.
I mean, dang, trap VAs. Has japanese science gone too far?
>Has japanese science gone too far?
It hasn't gone far enough.
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>Banana republic with fascist trappings, lots of civil wars and a giant flying fortress superweapon thingy
Is Val Verde the 'real world' version of Leasath?
I tried doing what Chris did once, bad idea
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Real-life idol culture isn't where it's at, anyway. You want iM@S for that.
Well, she was doing fine until she had to reload and panicked.
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Rather, she didn't know how to.
Some Sagara shit right here. Little Red Singing Hood: Fumoffu when?
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Poor Chris, surrounded by so many silly girls as the sole Tsukkomi.
We are lucky she is good at it.
Does anyone have the Chris ultimate third wheel picture with the nuclear symbol on it? I can't find it anywhere.
elefnein too cute
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Why is Tsubasa not wearing a disguise like Maria?
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I want to pinch Elfnein's cheeks.
She is there to protect Kanade's legacy.
She can't do that while disguising who she is.
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I already have the welfare Kanade limit broken and maxed, she just jobs to pink Carol just as fast because of weakness. I could bring in an XD Kanade friend but she jobs to Leiur because of weakness too.

...I think I need a break of trying to brute force my way to finishing the main story.
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What's their deal with the goat? I saw a goat once and it was adorable
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>We're going to need more than wipes for these two
Brutal much miku?
>Maria spending all of her money on gacha rolls all because Kirika wants that one rare item
Kirika would be a whale in XDU
The goat came while they were feeding the rabbits and Kirika tried to drive it away from the food.
Then, apparently that goat is pregnant, so Kirika regrets trying to shoo it and just buys more food.
Just teach her about money with ramen cups.
>you spent 1277 cups of high quality ramen on rolls this month
>all of this super top flavor man could have been yours
I don't know why I read your comment as "MA2-13", but that happens to be exactly where I'm also stuck at. Carol is ridiculous.
I'm around rank 2500 with 66 straight wins this season with that team, but I can't beat a little girl.
Shirabe already has a perfectly cute butt.
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They actually added top dad in the comics.
Just use the fucking revive
Does anyone know what the max party size is? I really hope it isn't 80, but I haven't gained any space the last two level ups.

I'm going through G again to rack up gems for a roll. If I get anything good, I'll try to set up a better team to clear it.
>but I can't beat a little girl.
It's easy to beat a pair of gaybies, a useless, and a raging homo but Carol seems to be a wake up call boss.

Some anon in the previous thread said it raises to 81 once you hit 43.
Hey, at least in one of these he was made fun of mercilessly.
>Oh god the retards are back and they're in the kitchen.
>God what did I do to deserve these two retards.
Leiur is cute, cute!
Why did Carol have Lydian uniforms, Maid uniforms and P.E. uniforms with bloomers ready there?
>Alchemists need these things, alright? What is this, 20 questions?
I'd sell my soul for a Zenbu to call my own
>and a raging homo
Gonna have to be a lot more specific, bud.
This isn't a new IP so you've been here for quite a while after it was posted. Maybe because you're just too busy being retarded on /a/.
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Frog on head retarded.webm
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I made a thing
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Well, that's something to look forward to I guess. Only 6 more slots until I can fit another 4* and who knows how long until I can get a full team + 2 memorias on each.
Given that the rest of the characters he was talking to were G antagonists, I'm gonna go with Miku.
Good job anon
I think this would work better as a still picture
Oh look, Leiur is weak to IGNITE Chris.
Is that a pattern the other dolls follow too?
Cutest alchemist.
Most psychotic-looking too. Wonder how she(he) dies
Yes, it's like that for a lot of the boss type fights.
So the mom's seen Miku for more than 5 minutes and even she knows.
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>raging homo
Stupid brain fart, I meant raging lesbian.
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Tentacle-raped by her own frog.
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Needs more determination to fist
I hope she (he) dies in a chuuni-off with Shirabe
isn't Kiraka the chunni?
I guess another with Symphogear being back he has to shitpost in 3 threads at the same time and it ends up acting like a lightning rod.
I'd say the chuunier of the two, but Shirabe is still pretty chuuni
>Tsubasa and Shirabe do some extremely impractical and ludicrously insane move on Prelati
>It wouldn't have caught her if she was completely uncushioned
Stop using this word.
I wanna fuck Maria!
I wanna marry Chris!
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I wanna see Hibiki and Miku get married!
I want Tsubasa to fuck me!
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Tsubasa pls
I want Kirika to ride my dick!
What's that hand gesture supposed to mean
I want to fuck Ver.
They are both Chuuni. Hell, everyone who takes Linker seems to be to some extent if you look at their attack cards. Kanade has random gibberish with lemniscates, Maria has painful names with those crosses, Kirika has stuff referencing fairy tales randomly and Shirabe has the random greek letters that don't mean anything and only seem to be there to sound cool.
Then you should have become an alchemist, Ver.
You could have had beautiful female Ver Homunculi.
>You could have had beautiful female Ver Homunculi.

that was still voiced by Sugita
Sword piercing
Let's fuck. Is this an explanation or an invitation? Only one way to find out
>mad scientist makes a female clone of himself to impregnate
I get the feeling I saw this before.
Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Ver would get his harem of FemVers and after he died, they'd go and try to take revenge on the geahs
Do Maria's cards look like a mother's lame idea of what her kids would find cool because she was inspired by DMJii or did she have a dark past and inspired them and now is in too deep to quit?
Mariaclone pls
Maria's cards look like what a 12 year old who gets locked in a big white room for ten years would think was cool based on pop culture before she went in.
The most important part of Maria's cards is they're covered in lilies.
You two, you are in the same hotel, just get in the same room and make beautiful winged Octocat babies
Would explain >>15683745
It looks like the kind of thing a Chuuni would doodle in class without realizing how over-designed it was.
And let's not forget: english is her second language, assuming that japanese wasn't the spoken language at the FIS facility.
Carol did have a castle full of cloning equipment and he was in complete control of it for a while.
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1v1 geah workouts when?
That did pretty much happen to Maria, exept she had less pop culture because she came from a war torn slovic country.
So, have we had any indication on if they're going to release the new songs from XD for people to purchase?
I wouldnt be surprised if they just did an Extra album that was Kanade, Mikugear, and SERENAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 's new compiled together

Or it'll be brought up on an XDU livecast soon
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>there will never be a Symphogear fighting game
>RWBY will get a fighting game before Symphogear
I refuse to believe it
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>there will never be a Symphogear musou game
Oh boy now the boring trip to page 8
>there will never be a Symphogear action game developed by Platinum Games
We can play the 3 word game till we reach page 8
I have bad news for you.
Find a way to mod an existing musou game
I know the rumors but i STILL refuse to believe it
Asking again.

Android bros, would Tasker work with this game's stupid "set your timezone to JST" requirement? Thanks in advance.
I want to here Stand Up! Ready!! Ignite
Please, no more shitty wubmixes
>First week
>Everyone's maining their favorite character, having fun and learning the game.
>Second week
>Missle and gun spamming Chris and dagger throwing Marias infest online.
What would be the Banana Shiki of Symphogear's Fighter?
>Miku and Hibimom can't goes against their koala vibes.
What if we had a geah MMORPG?
What if its an assist fighter
>MariChris bullet spam
No fuck off
How on earth would that work?
Isn't one of the main points in the series the rarity of the relics?
I can't see that working unless 999/1000 new accounts are Ogawas.
As if that's ever stopped MMO's before.
Symphogear would make for a shitty MMO though, I'd rather just have a straight action game.
>Implying Beyond the Blade wasn't straight fire
This really is the best direction to go aside from a really well balanced fighting game.
>tfw I went into P4A wanting to only play as Yosuke, Naoto, and Kanji without knowing their movesets
>tfw they turned out great
Fuck Yukiko mains, though. That's just not fun to play with or against.
It was worse than regular Beyond the Blade, all the Ignite mixes were worse than the originals
Could be those games in which the story acts like you are the only hero/chosen one, even though there are a bunch of other people playing it.
I'll agree with you except for Radiant Force, that was alright
>Tsubasa's voice reaching critical levels of deepness
No. Those are almost always shit.
Nana, please will it into existence.
I think her voice was deeper during the trio song in the first episode of AXZ
You can't blame Maria, any girl would have done the same after getting close to Tsubasa
New thread? Can't post images anymore.
We gotta wait a few more pages.
So tell me which geah's back would you lick after her sweaty workout?
I hear a voice from somewhere, telling me to stand
Chris, but her armpits
Hibiki's if my tongue can go all the way down to her butt cheeks.
I want to stuff my face between the Zenbus after a sweaty workout
Shirabe since the sweat will stay still on her flat body
Lady lady stand up lady!
I want to lick toned, sweaty Kirika all over,
and give special attention to her abs, boobs,
and crotch.
Shirabe, please
>you will never hold down a sweaty Kirika and suck on her chest until her nipples start spraying a bit
>tfw Maria will never get a song as good as Ressou Gungnir again
>tfw she'll never have her badass cape again
Why does the truth hurt so?
Maybe that one anon working on Nephilim Maria will give her a cape.
I want to collapse in a sweaty pile with Chris after a training montage then take a shower together
She has a tailcoat. Just wait until the S5 redesigns where she shows even more skin but also has a scarf.
If only she could use the tailcoat to fight.
Drawfag in question here, I absolutely will give her a cape.

>tfw can't marry both dess and jii and have a polyGeahmal family
Thank you.

I don't think you could marry one without the other.
Good thing the law forbids this degeneracy
Not him, but I mostly think of DMJii in much the same way as I think of a single character.
I want hibiki to wring her clothes into my mouth after a training montage.
I want us to reach page 8 fast
Bump threads below us in the catalog :^)
Bump before >page 8
I would, but I only come here for this thread, I know jack shit about mecha shows
Watch First Gundam, Mazinkaiser, Getter Robo Armageddon, G Gundam, Gaogaigar, and Code Geass, then report back here.
Which one of you is responsible for this shit

I knew I would regret opening this and I still did it.
At least you're not alone in your misery, I did too.

Not I, I would never dishonor Bikki like that.
Can't tell if inflation or just fat. Disgusting either way.
I will never understand this kind of fetish.
That's a shame because the art itself is nice, it's just the weird fetish that ruins it.
>DA is blocked at work
>had to use phone to get around it
>opens link
Nope. Just, nope.
come on, you already know deviantart in a link is bad news
Goodnight /sgg/, sweet dreams of your geahfu
>love hype over the top dumb bullshit
>was told i'd love symphogear
>started it a few nights ago
>think it's okay but it didn't really seem to get as over the top or dumb as I wished it would, and it didn't really seem to excel enough in any other regard to make it great rather then just okay
>watch the first episode of season 3 tonight
>that entire opening scene

Fucking 10/10, this is the sort of shit I was hoping for this whole time. Please tell me this keeps up.
I never dream of any-fu... It actually makes me sad.
Why do so many people (Americans) have such a stupid fetish...
>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

What is this, exactly?
4 seasons is a very high entry barrier, most normies see the number of episodes and don't even give it a try
It's just a fetish. No big deal. People can't help what they like so just ignore it. Besides, there's weirder fetishes out there anyways.
She's cool now tho, instead of being a fucking failure like in G.
Also Ginude Airgtram and Stand up ready have godly intros for fights, just like Gekisou Gungnir.
That is true. Maria has always been last on my favorite gears and she always will be but now I feel like I can enjoy watching her this season.

Her sparring scene in the intro really helped out a lot admittedly.
>I have not watched Gurren Lagann, which is something I should fix at some point.
Don't bother it's overrated shit.
I don't particularly have a problem with it as a fetish, not my cup of tea but I get that fetishes can be anything, just want to know why there are SO MANY. It's sort of amazing how many artists are dedicated to just drawing fat people...
Just saw the new episode.

I like the part where the bad guys had a big invincible monster and then Hibiki punched it and they were like "Impossible! No one can punch that hard" and she goes "But I can!"

Remember how she lost an arm doing that shit once?
Bikki would have soloed Nephilim even without going berserk if Ver didn't made her flinch.
Could just be that there really are many artist who likes that sort of thing.
I don't really like Maria but she's fucking hype when she's fighting.
You say that, but a bunch of react videos showed up when I searched "Symphogear AXZ" just now.
>I knew I would regret opening this and I still did it.

I was expecting worse
Nothing worse than fat.
are you forgetting gore?
I can't get my S5 to take screenshots of this game, it just crashes to homescreen. Is it done internally or something?
I would have bloody sex with Hibiki.
I would never have fat sex with Hibiki. I don't even know what that means, nor do I want to.
Could get art from Shadbase.
Well it goes downhill from there as far as Season 3 goes, but Season 4 seems to be doing a good job of maintaining the craziness GX couldn't follow through with. Glad to hear you're enjoying the series.
I would say it goes downhill after episode 6.
Well, a few hours later, i'm 3 more episodes in. Obviously nothing has matched that but in terms of the actual average quality of fight choreography I actually think S3 so far has been slightly better then S2 (which itself was slightly better then S1).

Well, I'm about to start 5 in a few minutes, so i'll see

small road bumps aside the first half of GX was still pretty Solid Symphogear. It wasn't till after the second half that things got eh
Was it ever explained how Maria used Airgetlám despite it being broken in the last episode of season 2?
Didn't you hear her anon, miracles are cheap.
I always assumed it was the whole Phonic Gain schtick, that thanks to Maria gathering all that power from singing Apple.

She got naked and showed the world her vagina
It wasn't totally broken. Maria likely never even tried to activated it since she had Gungnir. It just needed a bunch of Phonic Gain to brute force activation since it also serves as Fonic Gain conduit to allow all the girls to utilize the 6 billion people's worth of Fonic Gain.
>Hibiki has mastered bajiquan as seen in new transformation, learning wing chun as seen in OP
>Maria doing /fit/ MMA
>Tsubasa kendo
>Chris Archery
>meanwhile the gay babbies

You know the writers don't care about the DMJii
They got vehicles, what else can you do with DESS and the lolibait?
Did you forget the part when they helped the airplane? That's more than what Tsubasa and Chris did so far.

Tsubasa cut a battleship in half after storming a fortress disarming anti aircraft guns with a motorcycle

I ain't selling the DMJii short but think a little bit, man
>so far
I meant more in terms of picking up and showing off their disciplines. One is a scythe + ties and the other yoyo/flying guillotine, but rarely do their show off scenes show those off.
Well there is hardly any "real" training you can do with a scythe
You wanted her doing farm work or something?
>You wanted her doing farm work or something?

Sure. Builds character. I don't think she fully respects the heartland.
You know, you might be on to something here. Those two are always going on about cheap food.
So why the hell does Shirabe sing only about Hibiki in her duet with Kirika in GX? Is this NTR?
Although Chris took the gaybies under her wing, of the three OG gears Hibiki is the one Shirabe has the most affinity and admiration for. Hibiki influencing her lyrics makes sense.

And it's not like Genocide Saw Heaven doesn't include Kirika at all, whenever Shirabe sings about the sun she's really singing about Kirika.
>Dess working the fields
That would actually be kind of awesome.
I'm more interested in what kind of retarded saw robot Shirabe comes up with to help with the harvest.
>Genjuro shows action movies to Hibiki and Chris
>Shows DMJii farming documentaries
>You wanted her doing farm work or something?
Well now I definitely want that.
You are going about this wrong. Kirika hardly uses her scythe as a scythe.
She uses it as a variety of other weird shit, and Shirabe's is even more gimmicky and weird.
The best training for the 2 would be showing a marathon of inspector gadget and some edgy anime to reinforce their chuuni side.
The karma noise can paralyze you too!? This shit is actually impossible.
>Original symphogear hit 7.03 on mal
Okay faggots, we are succesful.
We are not in the dumpster.
Now we have to work hard so no season will ever hit 9.0
Kirika and Shirabe are hardly the only ones using gimmicks. Look at Maria going full Gundam X or Tsubasa making progressively bigger swords every season.
I would rather see it hit 3.0 honestly.
Same. I don't want Symphogear to get popular in the west.
So stages 16-22 are too hard for my current list of characters without using continues. Anyone have any advice other than pull more? Should I dump chips into XD Kanade, Rebellion Maria or welfare Kanade?

The event ends Friday correct? I'm guessing if I haven't gotten all the items I should blow all my EP consumables to get as much as I can.
I want it to be popular enough for songs to be on youtube so i can link them to my buddies whenever I'm home or not. But not for cancer to happen, it was somewhat possible with first season.
Yeah, but their gimmicks aren't "go-go gadget polevault" or Shirabe incorporating ridiculous spiderman villains I am still waiting for her to become stiltman
Ridiculous gimmicks like the Roomba of DESS are kind of characteristic of the gaybies.
I'm sure many of the people here could upload the songs on youtube, even I could.

Season 1 could become more popular, but the series gets more and more ridiculous each season, so it might stop people from continuing past G.
>popular enough for songs to be on youtube
Yellow jew will never allow it mate.
I have no idea why, but Stand Up! Lady!! reminds me of Bon Jovi.
Not any of Bon Jovi's songs in particular; it just sounds very similar to their style.
"Stand up! Lady!" Makes me think Maria just went around London one day, attempting to get by with her engrish and being a general nuisance to everyone around her by TaYaMaing around town and everyone kept telling her to stand up, get out of the way, etc.
Eventually, these made an impression on her and she decided to put it in her song.

Reminder that there'll be a broadcast about the game in 20 hours 30 minutes featuring Miku as the MC and Hibiki, Maria and Chris as guests.
Wait, they'll do it in character?
No, was just too lazy to look up the VA names since I only know Hibiki's by heart.

Livestream will feature "latest news, gameplay and varius side projects"
New thread?
Slightly disappointed, but to be quite honest, it wouldn't have added much.
I hope the "various side-projects" bit isn't talking exclusively of stuff for the gacha.
New thread:
She'd be a lumberjack.
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