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Vulture Love Thread

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What are some mecha or power armor with W I N G S?
like all of them please don't make a thread on /m/ every time you see a new shitty cape movie
Vulture is /m/
his wings should transform into motorcycle.
>Vulture is /m/

Homecoming is /m/ as fuck.
>Tony's got Power Armor
>Spider-Man is basically wearing a super-sentai suit.
>The Vulture is fucking AMAZING.
>Spider-Man is basically wearing a super-sentai suit.
it looks a lot like supaidaaman's outfit
You know what? It really does!
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Magi King's wings are god tier.
Man, I fucking loved those wings
>Team Spidey up with Iron Man
>Don't give him Leopardon

It's not fair.
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Does anyone have a visual example of the difference between Vulture's first set of wings and his high-altitude ones?
His death would have been the most kino superhero movie death if it had happened.

Karen is best girl.
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>tony stark makes Spiderman's suit
>it's too advanced compared to the originals

Wheres muh homemade suit, spidersense and backstory?
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I hope this shows up in infinity war and doesn't become a non thing like wolverine's yellow costume
did you really need to see the spider-man origin in a movie for a third time?
I just want maybe a minute flashback in the sequel.
He had a homemade suit.

Yeah the spidey senses are getting really dull even with a super high tech sensor array. The Stark AI could warn him to duck every now and then.
>His death would have been the most kino superhero movie death
Why, what makes you say that.

Gonna have to wait for a good rip of the movie before you get a visual.
the spider suit is basically an ironman suit. It needs to go back to just becoming costume.
-Supervillain career started when he stole tech from Tony; he's apprehended trying to do the same
-after fearing that a fed or an Avenger would catch up to him, he's taken down by Spider-Man who is neither
-Spider-Man is the true-blue working-class hero that Toomes still thinks he is despite how he's now a suburban dad who lives in opulence from very dishonest living
-He would have died in the burning carapace of the plane he hijacked and crashed
-he would have died after causing one of those big superhero/supervillain "messes" that made him rich
-His own wing suit would have killed him and it would have done so because he kept ignoring the warnings of the kid he tried to kill
-Toomes would have been crushed and suffocated to death like Peter almost was when he dropped his hideout on top of him
-he would have died after "overextending" himself like the Damage Control stooge chided him for at the beginning of the movie and something he himself had tried to avoid doing

And it would have been kino for Liz too. The hero she had a crush on (seemingly) murdering her father. It could have been poetry, but what we got was fine too, I guess.
I take it you liked Green Goblin's death in that spider man movie which was five movies ago?
gendum wing
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But... why? There's been Five movies with a suit like that. As long as it doesn't become a recurring gimmick in his movies like the Tony/armor interactions do, I think it's fine.

I for one welcome our Spider-Man Beyond Suit overlords.
well they do have a message, it's not about the suit, but your ability
they covered that in this movie, though
is there such thing as something similar in real life?
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I like how it's based on Ben's costume but with the colors reversed.
>capeshit on /m/
Adding a few tiny elements of /m/ doesn't mean you should talk about it here. Maybe if it was Iron Man's movie, then sure, whatever, but thinking some metal wings on an old faggot and seeing parallels between two latex suits doesn't mean something is /m/. There's two other boards that this movie can be discussed in, but I guess it doesn't matter since /m/ doesnt have a janitor or a mod paying attention to it.

Do you get this asspained when /m/ talks about any Godzilla movie without Mechagodzilla in it?
It's already a shit meme though
(You) gotta work for this one, newone.
Didn't they just add rocket thrusters to the second one along with thte ability to fold and form a airtight seal?
I think it also had a pair of extra fan-things added to the frame.
I would also like to see an official comparison.
I thought those were just the normal fans but angled to give him more speed while he flew after the plane
just watched it
i like the first wings more
also the way they keep lampshading the vacuum new wings things was kinda let down, was expecting it gonna do crazy stuff but well, it just use vacuum to theft a plane.
Nevermind, he actuallly does have extra fans and his wings are actually far bigger in the final battle
I'm pretty sure they were small and on a separate frame that extended farther back than the regular pair.
the vulture has like 3 sets of wings.
the stanrdar ones with a huge wingspan
the compact ones that uses in the ferry
and the extra oompf ones with a secondary set of fans and increased wingspan for the final battle.
>the vulture is cool
What fucking bizarro earth did I wake up on?

The one where not everyone shares your opinion and there's some diversity of thought on just about everything. So the same one you went to sleep in to answer your question.
>Wheres muh homemade suit
He wears it in the entire third act and climax of the film
>they do have a message, it's not about the suit
That was quite literally the message in this one as well
Movie Vulture is pretty much a completely different character from Comics Vulture. He's not the weird bald guy with the feather suit, he's working-class Michael Keaton with a flight rig that's basically an Iron Monger version of Movie Falcon's wings made with scavenged alien technology merged with Earth technology. While I personally like it best when the movies stick as close as possible to the comics and make it work (Movie Winter Soldier, for example), Movie Vulture is cooler than Comics Vulture could ever hope to be.

I'm no expert on Spiderman villains, never mind smaller ones like Vulture, but wasn't Toomes portrayed as a guy using crime to finance his kid's healtcare for a while? It seems more like the movie took the most relatable elements they could find of a less prominent villain and refined that, rather than simply making something entirely new.
Why are we pretending he actually saw the movie?
this, this a million times.
the only point that i have to raise i that he goes from shady dealer to ouright murder someone ( grnated , an asshole, but still murder) without evne a flinch.
talk about insta villianess..
>While I personally like it best when the movies stick as close as possible to the comics and make it work (Movie Winter Soldier, for example), Movie Vulture is cooler than Comics Vulture could ever hope to be.

This might lead to something similar to Batman TAS' Mr Freeze, which was so good it actually overtook the comics version.

>the only point that i have to raise i that he goes from shady dealer to ouright murder someone ( grnated , an asshole, but still murder) without evne a flinch.

Well, apparently it was by mistake (and would've been great if he reacted accordingly), but yeah, that was his major flaw
>Well, apparently it was by mistake
Didn't really come across to me that way. It seemed more like the "I...thought this was the anti-gravity gun" was just him making an excuse after killing one of his crew right in front of the rest of them.
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Why is modernized-mechanized Vulture so much better than modernized-mechanized Rhino?
Yeah I don't think he meant to kill him, but grabbed the wrong gun and killed him. He just wrote it off after that, not much remorse.

I think it was to show how he could be lethally pragmatic, but it did seem a bit off. My only real gripe with he character. His suit was so fucking cool though. Everything just worked.
They tried too hard with Rhino. He's ridiculous. Take that away and he's just lame.
I still kind of love this dumbass suit.
it had little time on screen to shine , unlike the vulture
If we do get him next, should he be another mech suit, a big bulky power armor, or just that weird concrete mush?
T. Never read a Spidey comic.

He's cool and very unique over the fact he's a very old villain that's actually a fighter instead of a mad scientist or something
Because it's absurd and very literal.

The vulture is kinda like a vulture, but not necessarily an over-the-top vulture caricature. Peter only calls him the vulture at the end, and even that's just "this vulture-looking guy."

Honestly, I'm hoping for them to do Mysterio since we've basically got a Sinister Six setup between the Vulture, Scorpion, and Shocker in the opening movie alone; Chameleon would also be nice. Kinda hoping that they leave Dr. Octopus alone since he was done so well in the Toby McGuire movies.
What if they have Vulture's daughter be the Lizard

Don't hurt me.
Isn't Marvel trying to move away from doing stuff like that since it proved to be a dead market?
>What if they have Vulture's daughter bethe Lizard?
Its too bad Homecoming was almost as boring as Amazing Spider-Man 2.
>the Amazing Spider-Man duology is somehow bad
What the fuck universe did I get transferred to?
>from below, the fans on the Vulture's wings gave off the image of an angry vulture face

I always thought that this was the coolest shit when I first saw the concept art.
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It's not bad, just mildly dissappointing. They blew too many loads too soon and it just came off as Sony going "HOW DO WE MAKE THESE MOVIES AS COOL AS POSSIBLE?" With no regard to pacing or writing to really capitalize on the things they wanted to show onscreen.

The MCU is taking the right approach; Tom Holland's ridiculously young and marketable, so they can bank on him for awhile, and they seem to be focused on story over spectacle, which means they have a lot of material to take from later on, while at the same time, they're twisting things up in a way that the audience know they aren't going in to see the same thing that's bern shown before all over again (Peter rejecting the Iron Spider suit at first as well as Aunt May discovering Peter's secret at the end of Homecoming comes to mind.)

Whether or not you liked Homecoming, I can't deny that it's take on the Spider-man mythos is a lot more fresh and original than anything Sony's attempted, and I'm kind of interested in what Feige has in mind for the future.
They talked about it. That is all you need.
As long as they don't jump the shark it should be fine.

Aw hell who am I kidding, they totally will.

Or they could do something completely cool and have Kraven or Black Cat in the movie.
>no name actor
the scorpion's gonna suck
wait a second, we might have something here.

"peter, i ever tell you the definition of insanity?"
I don't know man he did look kinda cool in those first post credits scene.
>no name
>Michael Mando
He's the third, possibly second moat talented actor in the entire cast

Who are the other 1 or 2 out of interest? Keating, Downey or Tomie presumably? Could include Zendaya, Glover or Bataron though I suppose, since Homecoming has a pretty talented cast really.
Vulture was so goddamn good. Cool costume, sick alien tech wings, was actually threatening but not a totally bad person. And, unlike most MCU villains, he survived the movie.

He was also reasonably intelligent and deductive to be able to realise Peter is Spiderman, but still decent enough to give Peter a choice because Spiderman saved his daughter's life; even if he knew Peter was likely to reject his offer given he had Shocker waiting outside the school. He also learned a lesson right from the off, wanting to stay under the radar and not over stretch himself so as not to attract attention given that overstretching had cost him at the start of the film. I'm pretty curious where they'll go with the films in future between the Vulture knowing Peter's identity and Aunt May knowing it.
I would roll on a crushed glass if somebody offered to give me either of those or any other such equipment with free maintenance.
>roll on a crushed glass
What's the point of that? I would rather drain your plasma, sell your kidney/liver etc. Gotta think business.
Both Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Homecoming are pretty bad. The former because it shoves sequel bait and had no clear idea on what it wanted to do at all with tons of Spidey's Rogues showing up throughout the film and Homecoming being an almost total soulless cash-in into the larger MCU for a very boring setting only lifted up by some cool action moments and Keaton's acting and the Vulture's character.

Legitimately it is one of the weakest Spider-Man films.
Homecoming is great. I'm excited for more. I also hope they veer away from MCU references in the future. It worked for Homecoming though, because we get to see how Peter reacts to the larger world of Marvel around him. Also the Captain America PSA's were hilarious.
What's the Vulture's backstory in the comics? I only know him from the 90s cartoon where he was another CEO of another corporation obsessed with regaining his youth. In this movie he's actually doing vulture-y stuff, scavenging from the sky, I wonder if that happens in the comics.
He's an old guy who decided to start stealing jewels, but was a mechanical genius so he built a magnetic anti-gravity harness to fly. And decided to call himself the Vulture. That's... pretty much it.
He's also a remarkably pragmatic asshole, too. This shot's his second robbery shown, and just after he fought Spidey for the first time. Knocked him out, dumped him in a water tower to drown, called it a day.
And here's the end of Spidey's first fight with the Vulture. Guy doesn't fuck around, even if he is 80-something.
Man, that kind of pragmatism is really something else, I honestly don't remember any villain doing something similar
...he still totally stole Spidey's life energy for a while, though.
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I think it comes from his age. Later on, when some "young punk" steals his wings while he's in prison, Vulture builds new ones to beat the crap out of him.
And then they team up against Spidey.

He's also the only one to figure out that one of the four "new heroes" running around New York was really Spider-Man going incognito when he was accused of murder.
It doesn't hurt that it was an aerial battle, which was pretty sweet.

I kept seeing him as Nacho from Better Call Saul, and couldn't take him seriously at all in the movie.
>Homecoming is great.
Yeah it LOOKS great after Amazing Spider-Man 2. Which isn't saying a whole lot given the gravitas the story generates in major moments gets turned to shit because the plot forces us back into Peter's SoL antics which got dull 20 minutes or so into the movie.

I doubt it's that, given that I didn't see Amazing 1 or 2 personally since I was burned out on origin stories and wasn't interested in another one. I think you need to accept that some people just like it, many for the exact reasons you apparently dislike it; the slice of life/highschool stuff. It wasn't the best part of the film, but it was, at least to me, a necessary part since those parts grounded the character and gave context to his personality and actions. I like seeing who he is as a person rather as a hero and how that non-heroic element of his life informs his efforts to be a hero.
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