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This nigga right here can take on SSJB Is he the strongest android

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This nigga right here can take on SSJB

Is he the strongest android in existence?
Why are power levels so out of whack now? Not even z and db were THIS inconsistent

Now? Piccolo went from getting fucked by Nappa to fighting Frieza with no in between ground. Power levels where ALWAYS bullshit.
got a clip?
Hercule is the strongest. Everyone else is just using fancy lights and stage tricks.
It's confirmed that he ate cells poop thus gaining his power
I just want to know what the MIR on his shirt means.

I don't think 17 has anything to do with green space rocks or Russian space stations.
>power levels
that's your problem right there. Even Akira Toriyama said power levels didn't mean shit in the Saiyan Saga.

Most Important Ranger
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GT isn't canon bro.
What the hell am I looking at here?
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>Super 18
>Doesn't get a tricked out edge version of her original Red Ribbon outfit.

My disappointment can barely be contained.
Don't be disappointed since it's not 18 at all, it's Super 17 in a Dragonball Heroes original form where he absorbs 18.
Though why there isn't a Super 18 is a good question, since this is the same game that gave us SSJ3 Nappa for fucks sake.
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Could any Kamen Riders survive his kick?
That's Super 17 (18 absorbed), a what-if character from the Dragon Ball Heroes card game. Just like Super 17 (Cell absorbed) or Majin Baby Janemba or Super Saiyan 4 Gohan or GT Gotenks or Super Saiyan 3 Raditz & Nappa.
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Briefs family has top tier taste in Mobile Suits.
I'm still waiting. I mean, Heroes has been pretty good with the eyecandy so far, so the swerve with Super 17 is kind of weird.
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>Still no Super Saiyan Pan
Well, at least there's Brolina.

Also love how one of the Gods of Destruction is a juiced up Robo.
He's not even an android.
Because the open stated goal of Super is to lessen the Power Level Bullshit? This comes from Toriyamas own mouth.
Are you really enough of a fag that you think that "everyone except Goku and Vegeta are useless and get in the way" is a FUN and ENTERTAINING thing to watch? I can tell youve only watched the "Z" half of Dragonball
SSJ Pan will happen someday.
He's Mr. Satan even in the dub now or so Ive heard buddy. Keep up
>Everyone complains its the Goku show where only Goku does anything and no one else is strong
>Make Goku lose most major fights
>Everyone complains
>Make the supporting cast stronger and make fights less about brute force all the time, incorporating other fighting styles and tactics
>People complain

Are DB fans just never happy?
>18s face but with exposed obviously Male shoulders
I know it's technically not 18 but even so thats just creepy to look at. DBZ games are far too fanfic these days
Super doesn't give a damn about power levels and just wants to make everyone more vulnerable. See: Goku getting fucked by a Laser and Vegeta dying to what should just be some measly planet explosion.

That's not an issue of power levels though that's an issue of gaining strength.

>Akira Toriyama said


That'd be contradictory since the thing about power levels is is that they were never explicitly proven wrong. Yeah you do have moments like Vegeta getting his tail cut off by Yajirobe or the Spirit Bomb but that can just be chalked up to element of surprise which doesn't negate all the other times where a character was described to have a much higher power level and naturally dominated. Which isn't what is happening in Super.
No but SSJ4 is. Toriyama loved it. He even doodled SSJ4 Goku himself a few times for fun
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Super Saiyan Pan had best be Super-Toned. Japan must know that muscle girls can be kawaii too, without crossing over into Gross-Roids territory. And also with nice boobs and not flat Roid-boobs.
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>h that's an issue of gaining strength.

That's just semantics and it's still stupid. Nail got fucked and Piccolo didn't do shit for training.
>DBZ games are far too fanfic these days
I think they're not fanfic ENOUGH.

Give me SSG Raditz or give me death.
Large shoulders on women are unsettling.
Betcha 17 has better kids than 18

seriously, isn't that girl like 8 by now?
Pan is already kawaii.
Not him but I recall /a/ repeating it several times when Super started. Which means it may not be true idk. It's /a/ after all and they make up Bullshit all the time.
isn't his name Hercule Satan or something?
Those aren't particularly large tho. I've seen much worse in my fap folder
Yeah but a super saiyan with femme noodle arms would be weird. Especially if it's gonna be Adult Pan in this hypothetical. At least give me Revy levels of /fit/, plz Toriyama
Sort of a casual fan of DB I guess, started watching Super recently solely for a nostalgia kick really. I always did want an "Androids exploring the world/fucking shit up" spin-off though, they seemed fun and underutilized to me.
I wouldn't mind it either way, honestly.
interview with toriyama in Saikyō Jump, April/May 2014.
>Power Levels are for dramatic effect and basically useless because the heroes can just lower and raise their power level whenever
Powerlevels getting out of whack is the best thing that happened to the series really.
I'm glad that Super is going back to basics like og Dragon Ball. Fighting Techniques and mid battle strategy is what made to original fights so good.
To be honest I dunno if it makes it better or not but Super is easily a shit ton worse than dragonball,z, and gt
The only good parts were when beerus was a pseudo antagonist. Everything that cane after like the universe 8 battle and black has been terrible. The SOL episodes can be fun though while all the fights suck ass. The ones against furry trio might be the worst.
What? The movie retelling arcs were an awful mistake, everything after has been at least decent. The character interactions have always been the best part though, really.
>everything after has been at least decent
Bitch please. The tournament fights weren't the least bit entertaining. Even the hit vs goku fight was a massive let down. It was funny seeing Zamasu shittalking ningen scum but that's all I liked about it. Seeing the z warriors grtting back together along with other older characters for the upcoming battle is a treat though but everything that preceded it was a chore to sit through. I'm only with it cause I'm a giant fag that"ll eat up anything db related
here's your answer, they were just sparring.
The originals werent really inconsistent, most of the inconcistencies reported were people not paying attention.

>trained with kaio
>fused with nail
Sure, no inbetween.
>Why are power levels so out of whack now?
Because Toriyama only gives a rough outline and the actual scripting is done by Toei writers, and Toei never cared about power levels, like it could often be seen in filler scenes of the original anime or actual Toei franchises, like Digimon and Kamen Rider.

Even when there are explanations for the power level changes in Super, the anime barely gives any focus to them, making them feel lacking, like how they had Vegeta training with Whis to achieve god level, but failed to make the training shown on screen seem special at all.
First, there's no "bullshit" here. Pre super everything was well explained.

Now, if you mean the goal of super is lessening the gap between goku, vegeta and the rest, then it must be written by retards as it gave them a new mode and made them the only two relevant warriors with the exception of trunks who required the first actual literal bullshit power up in something that isnt a movie. And now they're telling us "dude, the other characters were always strong", so what the fuck where they doing in, say, the buu saga? If they wanted to make them strong they should have given us a reason for it.
>tfw Kamen Rider Poppy have higher made up stats than Manlet Fruit Jesus Kiwami arms
Power levels are only a problem if you base your opinions on internet memes.

>goku black
>above shit
One interesting tidbit about those Cyborgs is that they're actually bio-mechanical. Their "robot" parts are actually bio-mechanical cells that mimic human cells, thus strengthening those individuals. They don't need to eat, but they need water. They age much slower than humans, but still age.

That's the reason Cell can absorb them. Those cells merge with him seamlessly.

Still, they have _some_mechanical parts in them, because they needed space for those bombs. The DBZ opening showed them with wires under their skin, but I think that was just exaggeration.
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>Is he the strongest android in existence?
Not even close.
>but they need water
Which is funny as in a z filler (which counts in super) 18 says water is bad for her. Basically, Trunks could have saved the future with a hose.
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This change from the power level => win is good.
Now it became realistic, where law of war strategy: Know you opponent, know their weakness, then battle is already decided.

Generations of power level autistics will be cleansed and learn how people win/lose by exploiting your enemy and never correcting your enemy when they are wrong.

I look forward to future anime where they abandon the power level archetype, because viewers already understand that is bullshit, and that writers will actually have to write clever battle strategies because the iconic DBZ directer stopped stepping so low.
im more concered with the fact that he wont leave the island for even just 2 hours

either his wife has to take a plane over to see him every time or he aint seen her in years
I've never even watched GT but I absolutely love the concept of Super 17, would love to see it or something similar made canon.
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Step aside vegeta and universe 11

I'll take care of that goku menace
>I like shit not making sense
>I cant understand a concept made for 7 years old kids
See what what I mean? You're complaining that we're back to the Pre-Z formula.
I mean it's a literal retcon ya autist. A difference of framing. No explanation needed the story dropped an uneeded crutch that nobody liked and constrained the plot why would you choose to bitch about that it was always fucking stupid of Dragonball to make the power gaps unusually wide between characters making most of them redundant. Now people like Android 17, Tien, and even Frieza matter and again and that's good.
I wouldn't mind an extension of the time limit on Fusions either. Allowing Kibitoshin to return to two characters was smart too
>I mean it's a literal retcon ya autist.
Which is not a sign of good writing.

>No explanation needed
Yes its needed, I want to know why what's happening its happening. Fuck off conformist.

>the story dropped an uneeded crutch that nobody liked and constrained the plot
Only people with adhd and fags who base their opinions on memes didnt like it. There's nothing wring with power levels at all. Reality works thay way.

>Now people like Android 17, Tien, and even Frieza matter and again and that's good.
Hey, I love ten shin han and krillin but if you're gonna make them stronger you have to say why. I swear, dragon ball has to be the only franchise that's criticized for making sense. Also, not sure why you're bringing freezer up as he's not on this arc, he revived on a previous arc and his power boost was properly explained. That's what should happen, not what happened here.
>Which is not a sign of good writing.
Does it really matter when Z was already bad?
At least this kind of bad writing gives us interesting and fun situations where other characters actually matter.

It feels like we are returning to pre Z era db and that's a good thing.
>Does it really matter when Z was already bad?
But it wasn't. Z was hated for doing what you're praising on super.

>At least this kind of bad writing gives us interesting and fun situations where other characters actually matter.
You could do that with good writing too.

>It feels like we are returning to pre Z era db and that's a good thing.
And this proves you havent really paid attention. Pre z db was where goku was the most overpowered compared to his allies. Name a relevant victory krillin and yamcha had in red ribbon saga.
Meanwhile z had arcs like cell saga where gokubwas mostly abscent.
I just love Super and how it trigger powerlevelfags.
So you mind that over good writing?
WTF, this is gross
>Bulma is highly intelligent
>Chichi was the strongest human woman of her time
>Same with Videl

And I'm supposed to believe that 17 settled down with some fucking nobody ordinary 'who gives a shit' woman being that strong and objectively more attractive then all the other guys

>Chichi was the strongest human woman of her time
But that had nothing to do with why Goku ended up with her. She was just the first person to grab him.
>agreeing to "marriage", a concept that 10 year old mountain boy didn't understand.

Heroes is the only significantly fanfic one. Unless you count the ones that allow charactwr creation.

Also, the fanfic aspect is the best about dbh though I wish they stopped with the time patrol/xeno stuff.
You're missing the point. All the women had something interesting about them worth marrying. If not from the pov of their partner at least the pov of the viewer. And they all married standard looking saiyans.

17 is supposed to be incredibly attractive and yet he settled for a literal nobody who is so unimportant that Toriyama didn't even bother to make her a design.
So basically, "this woman we didnt see is ugly".
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As in "upgrade the cyborg with the power of GATTAI" or "WE'LL MAKE ANOTHER 17 IN A HELLCAVE, WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!"? Because I could get behind the first one.

Super Saiyan 3 good?
I want to see his wife

Bet she plays around while her husband is away for months
More like Toriyama had 17 settle for some chick who's leagues beneath him (and everyone else in the show for that matter) since he didn't even bother to draw her and she's only talked about in side material.

I appreciate couples who can complement and balance eachother. I know Dragon Ball characters are pretty fucking shallow but like I said earlier, there was at least something the other girls had besides looks or (in this case) none existence that made them a good complement.
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Not that it's been mentioned, I think it's implied 17 is married to pic related?

I honestly preferred her over Chichi in the original show. She actually saved Goku's ass from freezing to death and dragged him all the way back to her house thought the snow.

Chichi wasn't really cool until the tournament and the few filler episodes that followed after. By the time Z comes around she's already gone into full bitch mode.
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Suno would be a nice choice but this would be the power couple.

She can literally bend and break reality, how has she not completely destroyed every other god in DB universe yet?
His name has never been anything but just 'Satan' with 'Mr.' added on as a stage name. Hercule was always a dub thing.
Nah, some people paired them since 17 was shown in an ice region in his Buu Saga cameo, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Based on what was said in the newest episode, his family actually lives somewhat close to Uub, so his wife likely is from some kind of desert region.
His first name is Mark
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Fucking Toriyama, we could have gotten Chrono from these two.
>I think it's implied 17 is married to pic related?
Nah, all we know about her is that she's a zoologist. No implications about who she is.
Super didn't tell us anything we didn't already know.
>"everyone except Goku and Vegeta are useless and get in the way" i
Super has pretty much still been that way so far. Only now at episode 80+ are some characters seemingly becoming relevant again, and even that may be wishful thinking.
>she has a scat fetish though
Sometimes it's okay to skip leg day. This is a man with a nice face, not a woman anymore.
At least he's honest about him being forgetful. I wonder if he has somebody on the Super staff to remind him of his lesser-known characters.
>Toriyama-san, remember when Mr. Satan had a female assistant called Caroni?
>...I guess so?
>let's have her show up for a cameo in the debut, the fans might like that
A17 is already a minor character to boot, bothering to focus on his wife is pointless as she solely existed because A17 is married.

Any other girl existed before their marriage and not because of it with the sole excepction of Videl.

>A8 dies in Goku Black saga
>now its cucked by Suno
no thanks
That was from the first episode when the show had no main director. Toriyama probably didn't even know about that cameo until he watched the episode( if he even did that).
Well, that's a fair point.

Arale has simple needs, and willingly pummeling everyone into dust isn't one of them. Besides, Obotchaman has first dibs.

There was the Trunks Saga right before this, and after the Trunks Saga, there were filler episodes focused on other characters, even Yamcha.
I don't know why anyone would even bother arguing the marries of Toriyama's writing when the guy is known to be an inconsistent hack.

From the very beginning he would create characters and seemingly drop them in favor of new characters just for the sake of plot and various other ridicules shit. However, the ridicules universal rules can work just fine if you don't take the plot seriously. That's his other stuff like Dr Slump still works and is liked to this day. That manga stayed a joke from beginning to end.

When you try to make a serious plot and characters, you're universe needs to have SOME cohesiveness semblance of logic to it. DBZ is trying to be mostly serious but wants to keep the idiotic logic of the former univers. Now, Ranma 1/2 managed to strike a pretty decent balance between the two and Z, up to the Goku/Freza, fight was also pretty okay in that regard but you can only stretch suspension of disbelief so far until it fucking snaps. That's what the later part of Z, Super, and even GT did.

I mean, this is the same man that only made Super Saiyan's so that he could be a lazy asshole and not have to color in their hair and eyes. This is the guy that other mangaka and ever otaku in Japan idealized because they have shit taste.
>now its cucked by Suno
>Implying they have that kind of relationship
What a shit ship. Fuck off with that.
>His first name is Mark
God, he's really a fucking idiot isn't he.
not really. DB has always been simple, entertaining and fun, and never at any point pretended otherwise. Americans and idiots didnt get this which, along with DB's popularity, its the reason behind 99.99% of DB's negative "criticism". Oda, for example, understood it perfectly.

>DBZ is trying to be mostly serious but wants to keep the idiotic logic of the former univers.
That's literally what makes it such a good shonen though, the combination of being utterly ridiculous and being "serious" (it never really pretends to be hard serious other than Cell Saga and only really fails at Black Goku Saga which is why its so shit).

>I mean, this is the same man that only made Super Saiyan's so that he could be a lazy asshole and not have to color in their hair and eyes.
Which is based as fuck.
I was joking but I hope anyone who shipped A17 with Suno also was.
>willingly pummeling everyone into dust isn't one of them.
She wouldn't even have to do that. All she would have to do is break the 4th wall and turn the page. Beerus, Black, and everyone else wouldn't stand a fucking chance.
>Lazynes = based as fuck
Argument completely disregarded

No one was 'shipping' them. It just seemed likely she was the wife given what little information we have.
From the start, Toriyama is ridiculously humble about his abilities; he forgets most of his characters, doesn't think he can write romance and had trouble finding a good place to finish Dragon Ball in general for its original run.

Hell, there's a reason why he mostly just does short stories now, he seems like the type who'd rather just write simple poop and lewd jokes at his leasure.

Makes me wish they'd bring her back into fighting games again, she was neat in BT3.
She's in pretty much all recent games aside from the fighting ones (Fusions, Heroes and that Gacha mobile TCG). She even has two fusions in Fusions (Android 18 and Towa). Xenoverse includes her outfit, but not Arale herself. Although, considering how they make young Gohan look, I guess she'd look pretty weird if actually added (a body type similar to Cell Games Gohan rather than her usual proportions).
That's my point though, the guy is a shit writer and he knows it, but people still try to make excuses for him and try to argue merits for his crappy writing.

The guy is a hack and shouldn't be endlessly argued about just because Japan has shit taste.
>She even has two fusions in Fusions (Android 18
Pic please?
Probably would have been better if he just did Dr. Slump for most of his life, that did pretty well for itself before DB was a thing. Now the East just mostly forgets about it in favor of its younger sibling.
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She can use Arale's goofier skills too (Poo toss, N'cha cannon), but I didn't have them equipped when taking this shot.
Can 17 take on golden frieza?
>Argument completely disregarded
Well, you are a tryhard so its not like you had an argument in the first place.

> It just seemed likely she was the wife given what little information we have.
> literal next to nothing means its totally likely its refering to this specific character that doesn't match any of the information
Sure, zero shipping here.

I wish we finally get a BT4 period.

Maybe. He would at the very least put up a fight. GF was stated to be stronger than SSB Goku at the time of Freezer's invation. SSB Goku now is stronger than that but there's no specifics as to how much, or how much was he holding back against A17 or how much A17 was holding back. If we completely accept last episode, it wouldn't be that put of place if A17 was stronger.
>Well, you are a tryhard so its not like you had an argument in the first place
I guess everyone is a tryhard compared a faggot that thinks lazyness is somehow badass.

>literal next to nothing means its totally likely its refering to this specific character that doesn't match any of the information
It was always purely speculative based on little to no evidence you dumb shit. Not a single person in this thread is supporting them or are hoping they're together. If anything, people want her with Goku. I guess you're so fucking lazy that you don't have enough working brain cells to figure that out. Just like the hack you idolize so much.
Because Super decided to introduce a shitty character who is a threat to the universe, to the point him and Goku clashing would destroy it, and has been backpedalling hard as it can from that ever since
>The only way for Toriyama to outdo himself is to make more ridicules and completely inconsistent power level shit.
I mean, can the power level bs get more stupid in Super?
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The only way for Toriyama to outdo himself is to make shit more ridicules.

Almost everything in Super is retarded, even the relationships. Had anyone said that they shipped Mai and Tunks before the movie came out, they would have been laughed right off the board and told to take their shitty crack fanfiction teir couple to FF.net or tumblr.

The only good thing Super did was up the ages of Pan and Bra. that way the age gap between them, Maron, Goten, and Trunks, isn't so wide and they can hopefully be better friends because of it.

Also, probably pick related
Sorry I forgot my pic >>15443430
>I mean, can the power level bs get more stupid in Super?
It's Toriyama, he's sure going to try.

I bet goku and vegeta starts throwing galaxies at eachother in the next fight like TTGL
Will we ever see the red SSG mode ever again? For some reason they won't show it, Goku only has 3 modes - plain, SSJ, and Blue. I assume its marketing bullshit to make him recognisable but its really dumb that he can only be like 1x, 10x, and fuck you times a trillion x.
>up the ages of Pan and Bra

They were both born in the same years they were always stated to. Remember Super has had a ton of timeskips between arcs. Goten, Trunks, and Marron not growing at all to save on new design work makes the whole thing look strange though.
I'm not going to do the math now but they really are older now and I have my doubts that the previous ending to DBZ is canon anymore.
Xenoverse and everything else confirm that they're in the same official dates. Pan was born in 779, Bra in 780. Uub was literally brought up again in the most recent episode and Dende literally told Goku that he think of training the kid. Toriyama and Toyotaro both outright state End of Z is still going to happen.

I don't know where you're getting this information that it's wrong, but if it's from /a/ you need to remember that /a/ is full of shit. Gimme a bit and I can source you on the interview for Toriyama's comment.
in the manga yes, we even see Vegeta in SSG mode
Remember that time the biggest joke in all of TV history managed to suddenly become stronger (even if only slightly) than the last major villain who blew the fuck out of literally all the cast? That was pretty wacky.


Comparatively, someone who was already pretty damn strong when we saw them last and was able to spend a lot of time training in the... what has it been since the Cell arc, 15 or so years? - since that time, anyway, being really goddamn powerful isn't that shocking.

I don't think any writer could get away with making a long running martial arts/fantasy series suddenly be a sci-fi alien series with the MC being an alien all along in this day and age.
Dragonball had Goku facing robots as early as the Red Ribbon arc, and from the beginning it was established that the modern civilization was actually sci-fi, with floating cars and capsules. It was never really purely fantasy.
That's true, but you gotta admit that the leap the Saiyan Arc made in terms of the scope of the series was massive. I really do think that no modern writer could get away with it without being criticized.
>suddenly be a sci-fi alien series with the MC being an alien all along in this day and age.

it's funny how the anime predicted this

> Remember that time the biggest joke in all of TV history managed to suddenly become stronger (even if only slightly) than the last major villain who blew the fuck out of literally all the cast? That was pretty wacky.

Not him, and I'm only a casual DB fan at best, but what's this referring to out of interest? Because it's not ringing any bells for me.
Low test
>not wanting to girl that can actually for real crush your Skull with her thighs
You guys just haven't watched enough /fit/ anime yet
Probably Yamcha surpassing Raditz after training for the Saiyans.
>I guess everyone is a tryhard compared a faggot that thinks lazyness is somehow badass.
No, just people who bash something popular to look cool without making an actual point.

>It was always purely speculative based on little to no evidence you dumb shit.
But you said its likely. There's nothing pointing out suno at all here. Not even something you can speculate on. You're right though, it isnt shipping. Even shippers are less delusional.
The manga ending will always be canon. If super contradicts it (as already done...twice) then its super's fault. But nothing super does alters te canon.

To be fair though, japanese 80s kids are probably more open to fiction being fictional than neckbeards who expect anything to stick to predictable motifs and settings.
>If super contradicts it (as already done...twice)
That must have been a holdover from Slump. Come to think of it, Tori always did come off as a Japanese sci-fi geek (all those Ultraman references, for example).

Ryu Knight: Adeu's Legend II alone had complaints due to a big technological leap, so imagine today.
Goku stated before the u6 tournament he knows uub was born, who he is and where he is.
In the latest episode goku had to be told uub exists and where he lives.
And in the canon ending, goku knew uub would show up at the tournament but didnt know who he was.
>In the latest episode goku had to be told uub exists
Nah, he just didn't realize that Dende was talking about Uub until he brought up the reincarnation, then he went "Oh, him."

The first time he was mentioned in Super, Goku said that he was too young, which... I guess is kind of odd if he didn't know where he lived or anything, but it's also kind of logical considering when Buu died.
Black RX

Agito took on God, so he probably could too. And Gaim is a God.
Kabuto would use Clock Up to dodge
Fourze would befried the shit out of him
Say it with me: CYBORG
Well, if all their ages were kept the same then I guess Super did absolutely nothing good whatsoever.

Goku thought marriage was a dish, has no idea what kissing is even as a full grown adult with an adult child and takes trauma, including head trauma for a hobby. Him forgetting something he's not particularly invested in would not be at all surprising.
Do you think Dr. Gero would be capable of creating a bio-android with Beerus's DNA? Or would the special characteristics of his god DNA make it impossible for it to happen.
>head trauma for a hobby
The dragonballs are in the enclosed pool area. Dojo side door is open.
Beerus' DNA? Sure.

Beerus' ability to HAKAI? Probably not, that's tied to the title of GoD.
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He doesn't look like Robo aside from being humanoid. He does look like True Form Lavos, though. The resemblance is spot-on.
What? Aside from the head, it's basically a simplified Robo. Similar proportions, cloth covering the thin limbs, leading to large hand/boost, cloth flap on the center. Similar colors too, etc.

Toriyama's artwork has him with a handcannon, but Robo could have two arms too for some animations.
I never watched Super, so why random fucks are suddenly as strong as a fighting autist who never stopped training and getting into fights and also was constantly looking for more hardcore training methods with even better mentors AND also to add that, got more and more bullshit power multiplier transformations that further enhances their already huge gains from training?
because that makes for a boring tv show
since this isn't real they can spotlight whoever they want
Super seems to be basically going with the logic that the higher the initial power level, the easier it is to increase it. So, characters with naturally high power level like Freeza and the Androids apparently can become much stronger faster and easier than Saiyans.

This is bullshit. If that were real, Vegeta would be like hundreds of times stronger than Goku because his natural powerlevels shitted many times on Goku's regular human tier natural power, what with goku being a low class saiyan while Vegeta was born a god tier class saiyan.
And what exactly would Gohan's initial potential be? The dormant potential that was unlocked by Elder Kai?
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>I wonder if he has somebody on the Super staff to remind him of his lesser-known characters.
His apprentice, Toyotaro, is a massive fanboy (he literally got the job making the DB Heroes manga because of his DBAF doujin) so I'm sure he reminds him of shit he forgot all the time.

Vegeta did reach Goku's God power boost pretty quickly.
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You guys are crazy. Even with all the inconsistent bullshit that Dragonball Super throws at us (Like DB always has), I'm still having way more fun with it than any recent Gundam crap.

At least here we don't have to deal with edgelords, and the edgelords that do exist like Vegeta, get made fun of on a regular basis. This is what makes Super so great. It puts a touch of comedy on every serious situation. Everything is just so ridiculous and over the top that it always puts me in a positive mood. Never once have I felt preached to with Toriyama. The same can't be said for other big "shounens" out there like Naruto, Saint Seiya (Kinda old but it gets obnoxious really fast) etc..

This and Tiger Mask W are my favourite things to watch. Tiger Mask W is not particularly great or anything, but the characters are quite likeable easy to root for.

And the most amazing part is that they're both by Toei, which gets constantly ridiculed these days for its QUALITY.
he's re-enacting the Osaka ones, right?

That's such bullshit; they're obviously in Pan's playpen. The eternal dragon Shenlong is just her new play pal. Also, Goku doesn't use the Dragon Balls for much, and he uses the senzu beans for healing, not the Dragon Balls. And even that's only occasionally, if he gets really banged up and needs to be on his feet quickly.
it's a joke about how head trauma contributed to Chris Benoit murdering his family. that was the last message he sent before killing himself after killing his wife and son
>tranny jaw
>nice face

Smh white people
>something he's not particuarly invested in
>literally something he kept wating 10 years
Make better excuses next time.

Because yoou cant like characters that are weaker than goku.

Not him and I disagree with his point, but gohan's initial potential was low as he was just a kid. Namek saga is the top for that.

>I dont like newer gundam
>therefore super is good

Also, what you're praising on super is something db always had.

Yeah. Original dragon ball is easily the best dragon ball anything. Then Z came and it tried way too hard to make the show more serious and added the super saiyan bullshit that left everybody biting the dust usefulness wise. I for one never watched GT and I don't plan to watch super at all because odds are that they are even worse than Z and I had already gave the new DB era a chance with the beerus movie, which was kinda fun but at the same time introduced bullshit like gods of destruction (who are in a whole different league than previously seen gods) and yet another bullshit saiyan exclusive power up
How exactly was it low? He was capable of bringing forth power that lied dormant within himself and injure the likes of Raditz and Freeza when he had no proper training. Can probably claim that Ultimate Gohan is his initial potential if he wasn't afraid of his own power. Remember when he fought Super Cell? Even Vegeta was starting to question where all Gohan's energy was coming from and why he hasn't Tien himself yet.
For what it's worth, a bunch of powerups in this series weren't really "earned" at all. The writers could pull some bullshit about how there's a fountain of Ultra Divine Water at 17's island or some dumb shit like that and it'd check out within the internal logic of this series.

Also >>15444965 is correct too.
>Yeah. Original dragon ball is easily the best dragon ball anything. Then Z came and it tried way too hard to make the show more serious
It tried enough. If you think dbz is tires hard you havent read a single other shonen ever.

>and added the super saiyan bullshit that left everybody biting the dust usefulness wise.
Nothing bullshit about super saiyan. You just need reading comprehension skills on par with the target audience.

"Low" compared to the later parts of z and super. Of course when it mattered it wasnt as low.

And ultimate gohan is his potential as an adult, which isnt the same as the potential as a kid. Fighting potential varies.
But they didn't pull that.
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I'm kinda sad he stopped doing the Heroes manga, it reminded me of Build Fighters. Premise was similar enough and the characters were fun, plus seeing all the insane what-if dudes show up felt like seeing some of the crazier Gunpla that'd pop up.

>Gothic lolita cyborg modeled on #19
You can't make this shit up.
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Yeah, his Heroes manga was great; it's a shame to see it go. But with him being Toriyama's successor and working on the Super manga, I can understand why they'd put his Heroes run on indefinite hiatus.
Still, I'd like to see him do another anniversary chapter at some point when he's got some time.
How he'd get so much stronger than his sister
he's not banging Krillin
>Videl hooks up with Gohan
>Beaten into a housewife
>Gohan makes tender love to his wife
>Jobs all the time
>18 marries Krillain
>Reduce to minor character like the rest
>Goku ignores his family
Is the strongest Z Fighter
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please he has no soul , he is meaningless the show will prove his uselessness.
as are all creations of matter.
I was thinking she picked up sucking ass at fighting from Krillin, but this is an interesting extrapolation
18 is a good fighter, her power level is just low
Still higher than Krillins. Super can talk about Krillins training and development all they want, we all know Krillin is still weak as shit. Tien > Krillin.
Tien's farts > Krillin
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those anime "preach" or otherwise act "dramatic" was because they have the testicles to try and be something other than a joke.

DB Super is literally a fucking omake-tier piece of shit. every character is just a meme of their former self. there are no real stakes and everything is for shits. straight up everybody should be walking around with gigantic heads and tiny bodies and it'd fit the mood just fine.

the one thing i appreciate is that characters like Krillin and Piccolo have been finally given a fight or two to do something in. other than that it's a tiresome slog as i skip through 90% just to see who got to fight.
Dunno where Gohan's "initial" potential is but even after having their Blueberry God forms, both Vegeta and Goku still consider Gohan to have greater power potential then either of them. Too bad the show keeps swinging one way or another between different writers to make him relevant and competent in one episode and worthless in the next.
Leave it to Dragonball faggots to have shit taste.
That's consistent though. Gohan as a human saiyan hybrid has more potential than both of them and always will since goku and vegeta cant exactly stop being pure saiyans. Ditto for goten and trunks.
Why does every Universe only have one Kaioshin when Universe 7 used to have 5 before Buu killed 4 of them?

I'd be more interested in knowing why every universe has their own Zeno, when any one Zeno is capable of wiping out individual universes and at least one of them has wiped out multiple universes if I recall. Does that mean he killed another Zeno? Or that there's a spare Zeno just kind of kicking around with even less to do than the other Zenos? It seems redundant to have 12 or 13 of them when 1 holds enough power to do what all of them are conceivably around for? I don't even mean just physically redundant, I mean narratively. Having a dozen of them with the same name and features just seems pointless. It seems to have happened just so Goku could pair two of them up (and for everyone to praise him as a genius for doing something obvious), when him putting literally anyone else as Zeno's new friend would have been more interesting and entertaining.
Not sure where it was stated but the kaio shins you see are the dai kaio shins, so they might have more. Or divisions are just an u7 thing. Personally, i'd like to see more on how these work. I liked the bits between shin and beerus we had.

Huh? Each timeline has a zeno, not each universe.

Timeline then. It still seems pointless to have multiple ones.
Yeah, its also counter intuitive as time is part of an universe so timelines should be divided within a universe, not create a set of universes just for a change in one. Makes the lore pointlessly more complicated.
It also implies there's a multiverse set(trunk's timeline) with universes 1 to 6 and 8 to 12 that have no zeno.
>It also implies there's a multiverse set(trunk's timeline) with universes 1 to 6 and 8 to 12 that have no zeno.
Unless Zeno erased all the universes of that timeline, not just U7.
Cant recall the exact words but if he did fuck him. U7 was doomed but not everyone else.
I take it replies were deleted?
heck multiple times in the first season of Dragon Ball we have characters comment that Goku can't possibly be human
I strongly suspect that was shoehorned in as a plot detail to take away from the more comical fantasy elements.
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God ki allows for perfect ki control, meaning Super Saiyan Blue allows for Goku and Vegeta to adjust their power output according to the threat involved. This way you don't get any more scenes of characters saying "X is going to destroy the Earth if they keep going". Prior to attaining God ki, Goku and Vegeta often over and underestimated their own power, typically not knowing how much would be enough to gauge a threat. With the unlimited potential of God ki, they can accomodate to almost anything
I think y'all are on the wrong board

>Through rough translations we can understand that the current producer of DBS does NOT care about Power Inflation and is also not even worried about it.
>they have the testicles to try and be something other than a joke.
Anime is a joke anon. It's for manchildren like yourselves who have better nothing to do than argue what some old nip is thinking about across the pacific.

That's the part you don't get.
I know some DB fans will accept anything, but to me that's a boring show. A show that can't stick to consistent levels of power just gets boring. Like I don't expect DB to have Hunter x Hunter's level of autistic detail but some standards.
Then why are you on 4chan saying this?
I came here to laugh at you, of course.
Right. You chose to come onto 4chan, come to a board that specifically talks about cartoons that have robots in them, and you came here to laugh at other people. Seems legit.
Not that anon but are you legitimately autistic by chance?
Looks like we got another non-funny comedian here.
We're on 4chan, everyone here is autistic.
You seem unduly upset.
That doesnt add anything.

>I know some DB fans will accept anything,
Db fans accept anything as long as toriymaa is involved. If he isn't they get retardedly overcritical but if toriyama is in that's cool. I feel they're more a toriyama fanbase than a dragon ball fanbase.
At least ONE nigga around here is still immune to bullets
I know right, the character with the stronger powers should always beat the weaker characters without any exception ever
Funnily enough those are also the only current shows I'm watching these days. New episodes on the same day too, it's nice.
Because after 20 years they finally realized everyone was sick of watching the Z fighters job for Goku's awesome comeback.
Hype forhim killing everyone?
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>Princess Misa
>Chuu Lee
>The Suno clone from the first Dragon Ball movie

Toei was really set on pairing Goku up with a redhead.

Guess I can't blame them though, redheads are routinely the best.
Well then they might as well kill off every single character that isn't Goku and Vegeta.
I swear to Christ, Nostalgia fags say the dumbest fucking shit
Could STILL be worse, too.

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Anyone else feel like the upcoming tournament has no stakes because you know they will ass pull a way to save the other universes?

Probably Goku winning and using the super dragon balls to wish em back.
Sounds like you shouldn't watch kid shows anymore.
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Eh, it has more to with how the show is telling us how all the losing universes will for definitely for realsies no takes back be destroyed when the prize is the new shiny universal reset button.

The show don't have the balls to destroy em, at best you might get Zeno destroying a universe for cheating, being annoying, or a poor attempt at trying show the stakes, only for them to be brought back as well.

Shit you might be right on your point, but this case is particularly egregious
They did leave Trunks' future destroyed though, even if they still found a way to write him out. They were apparently planning to destroy the universes anyway, and the tournament is just an excuse to go ahead with it faster.
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I got to see Vegito again. I am content.
>The show don't have the balls to destroy em, at best you might get Zeno destroying a universe for cheating, being annoying, or a poor attempt at trying show the stakes, only for them to be brought back as well.
Kids shows always pretend to have big stakes, even the less serious ones. If you don't do that, kids wont get involved.
>Probably Goku winning and using the super dragon balls to wish em back
Thats exactly what I expect. They seem to be actively building Goku up as the badguy, so their endgame is springing the asspull on us. Just fucking tell us now, its not that interesting.
>They seem to be actively building Goku up as the badguy
That's what people who wanted his awful characterization to mean something said, but in last episode he confirmed he doesn't want innocents to die(which is ironically what he wants).

The obvious buildup so far is that they'll end the fight with the same number of warriors of each universe(zero or one probably, maybe with some surrenders to even things out) so no universe loses.
I meant with the JUSTICE guys who wear Star Trek outfits. They're set up as a hero organisation, repeatedly call Goku evil to his face, and are also set up as the Strong Guys for the tournament.
Ig anything I'd say the conflict is more about the fact that Goku isn't a conventional hero, but not the bad guy.
Where the fug was this nigga when Black killed everyone?

18 can easily kill Black in Rose form
Trunks's timeline's version was killed by Trunks.
The main one didn't know about the conflict at all.

But yeah, one would wonder why didn't he show up to fight Buu.
Goku was holding back nigga. 18 isn't shit even if 17 is a lot stronger then previously realized.
he probably fucking walled off his shitty little forest area in a barrier and probably decided goku could deal with it.
he probably didn't even know goku was dead at the time.
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