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Aaron Beck's Call of Duty concept art

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Thread replies: 114
Thread images: 87

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If you like industrial looking shit, there's a lot of that
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I kinda like how the joint covers look like baggy pants
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I really enjoy Aaron Beck's artwork, even if it has been watered down by the three trillion less talented copycats he's inspired.
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I feel like I'm gonna be sick
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That could be in dead space, i like it.
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Hideous, over designed rubbish, these machines and equipment look like they could be disabled with a handful of sand.

What's with modern sci-fi designs and obnoxious amounts of unnecessary detail?

Pic - is something I'd prefer to see, you can be hyper-utilitarian, rugged and gritty without needless detail.
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>posts fecal smear
>claims it's better

That's not how it works
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I posted reasoning with my opinion.

Please extend me the same consideration rather than crying. You are an adult yes?
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I like the vague stahlhelm-esque shape of the SDF helmets
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This game is everything wrong with military science fiction these days. baka
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Oh jeez, these are terrible.
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I see someone on the design team really wanted to be a Predator in this game.
whats wrong with it
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Well, the last game by this team did have the actual Predator in it
He probably doesn't like how overdetailed or greebly the designs are, which is a valid criticism

I think Aaron Beck makes it work better than other designers attempting the same thing
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Gratuitous, superfluous detail - most of these designs are straight up dysfunctional which contradicts the hyper-realism that's intended.

Lastly these concepts try absurdly high to be different and end up looking plain silly, it reeks ArtStation - objective talent being squandered on poorly thought out visions.

Look at Patlabor, does the robot with body armor with a better silhouette; there's strength in its simplicity. I wish modern military sci-fi designers would see this.

Same plague is bringing down Halo's aesthetic.

tl;dr: Overdesigned.
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Twin Spetsnaz android.jpg
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Something went terribly wrong with all these designs. They're all incredibly well done with some great elements to them, but like what a lot of other people said, some of them took it way too far with the details.

Aaron Beck has more than the talent to make something more simplistic akin to >>15294012 Patlabor based on previous work. It just looks like IW couldn't help but want him to blow everything outta the water with sheer complexity.
That's the curse of design by committee isn't it?
>>That's good, okay but Aaron can you add some more, I don't know, *stuff* to it? We want to take full advantage of the new seven teramahertz rendering profile engine or whatever its called
>No no it's gotta be more like, *realistic* What? No yeah I took a science elective for my Communications major I totally know what I'm talking about

Yoshitaka Amano would draw the trippiest off the wall conceptual shit for the early Final Fantasy's and it would be the job of the design team to try and capture that as best they could with the limited means they had on hand but now it feels like the opposite's happening.
i like that he gibes his robots clothes
Fuck off.

Aaron Beck is one of the worst mechanical designers ever.

Go to /CawadoodyGeneral/ and stay go.
Aaron Beck's designs are pretty realistic and gunmetal. The skeletal frames and servos make it look plausible.

Just one of the many styles in mech design.
kek is this supposed to be a predator drone transformer?
>We want to take full advantage of the new seven teramahertz rendering profile engine or whatever its called
Ahaha, no they don't. COD games still look like shit

Even dust can fuck up your system. If you're dealing with actual debris you want a good deal of shielding that you won't get with exposed frames and servos
>Even dust can fuck up your system. If you're dealing with actual debris you want a good deal of shielding that you won't get with exposed frames and servos

Well his designs do incorporate some plating and fabric dust covers like in:


I would compare his style to Naked bikes like the ducati streetfighter
yeah they got shitty silhouettes though
And..... now I'm reminded how lazy I've been with my own art.

Here's the thing- concept art isn't just meant to be an art piece, it's to guide the modelers when they work on what to be modeling. They can always disregard detail, but when there's a low level to begin with it requires to invent it themselves. For the style that a mainstream AAA title like COD pursues, that detail in the model isn't an option, it's a must.
friendly reminder that realistic=/=industrial

and realistic=/=good

whereas industrial=good
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As silly as the robots wearing hats are, the half a wrist watch on the outside of the suit is a new one to me. I can imagine it serves so sort of function, but it resembles too ornamental of a mundane everyday accessory.
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I'm happy to see someone did those

I was eager to do a parody of those designs since they get posted way too often by techwear babbies in /fa/ but I never got around to doing it.

post more
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call 9-11, we've got a guy OD'ing on photobashing over here
What I love about the Patlabor designs is that you get a sense of the mechanical nature of the labors. There's hints of the inner complexity whenever the chest opens up, or around the exposed part of the neck for the Ingram. They give the impression that you're looking at the shell on top of a hugely complex piece of machinery without needing to go down the POLYGONS EVERYWHERE path. I know it's drawn so no polys involved, but you know what I mean.
Anyone have any of Yoshitaka Amano's Front Mission art? I cannot find a good version of the Front Mission Online Art i'd love to make that my desktop background.
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>cloth covered joints
>armored plating
Holy shit I'm in mech operator heaven holy shit what the fuck.
>I really enjoy Aaron Beck's artwork, even if it has been watered down by the three trillion less talented copycats he's inspired.

This. Everyone is trying to do his style now so it just seems generic.

Do "concept artists" actually draw anymore or do they just copy and paste from pictures of backhoes and tacticool outfits?
they're concept artists, not concept draughtsmen
What FMP doujin are these from?

They look cool
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Photobashing is essential in the concept art field.
The development pipeline of most modern games and movies requires pumping out tons of pieces in a short amount of time.
I understand that militaries use that weird over the crotch armor plate thing in real life, but it just does not look good.
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Its meant to be an updated version of the juggernaut enemy from MW2, which wore some weird EOD/turretgunner mashup outfit.
>How to kill the pacing of a level with a single enemy
Yeah they were fucking awful.
I hate bulletsponge enemies in shooter games.
Thread posts: 114
Thread images: 87

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