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/prg/ - Power Rangers General #121

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you are pregnant with a mediocre film edition

prg/ FAQs: http://pastebin.com/unt9B5hG
Previous Thread >>15126067
wtf i love powerful rangers now
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rpm is the best
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>This and Baysformers are literally the worst fucking things to ever touch theaters ever
>I'm still going to watch it
People like you are to blame.

So when the new film bombs will it make people appreciate the one from the 90's more? Had a chance to rewatch it and it was a surprisingly nice sit.
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Do you prefer helmets with full face visors or ones with mouthplates?

If the latter, then lips or no lips? Silver or Ranger colored?
Whatever looks better
kakuranger had some ballin' suit designs
Generally, no lips, solid color, small visor. But it's what looks good as a whole with the helmet design. GoBusters best helmets for me, I love the reflective visor.
Whichever better fits the design. Though it seems that what more often than not, mouthplates work better in silver or colored, while lips only look good in silver.

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The Zeo helmets' colored lips don't look too bad.
It's definitely up there. Can't decide whether Space, Time Force, Dino Thunder, or RPM is #1.
Who else is gonna watch this besides Ranger fans? I doubt casuals and little kids will.
Its aimed at normies who don't care about power rangers and has already won that audience. It won't bomb, at worst, it will be like suicide squad and bvs who did make profit even if people didn't like them.
Nah, I think it's gonna TMNT-tier. The 1st movie will make a profit, but the sequel will tank.
Kyuranger's colored lips look good too.
>mediocre film
What's with the optimisim? Mediocrity is the best you could hope for, consdiering.
I thought the joke was implying that she was doing drugs, not being pregnant.
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How do you make a Power Rangers movie while trying to adapt MMPR? Don't get me wrong it's going to shit regardless but I still can't help but wonder.

MMPR is one of the least suited PR series to be adapted for any reason other than "nostalgia", there are quite of few other PR series that could've been adapted into a movie better, hell Pacific Rim is basically Lightspeed Rescue. For as dogshit they were, Bay's Transformers movies didn't really adapt any specific Transformers storyline.
Fuck these suits were awesome. It was too good for us.
I loved SPD as a kid. Green Ranger's truck Zord was the shit.
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I wish I could send you and the Katfag into a black hole.
>How do you make a Power Rangers movie while trying to adapt MMPR?
That's not really an adaption as it was a longer than normal episode also the CGI was awful
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that ending made no sense
If we start seeing Becca Barnes in the writer credits multiple times, then Ninja Steel will be fucked.

Either her or Alwyn Dale. Or Chip is just not as good as we thought...

Basically, Barnes and Dale were on the majority of Dino Super Charge episodes and I think they're the reason that season spiraled downward fast.
>be afterschool tutor
>2nd grader says I'm sneaky because I pulled off sneaky thing
>says I'm a ninja
>immediately starts talking about Power Rangers
made me feel good desu
That asymmetrical lineup triggers the fuck outta me.

That's actually adorable.
>2nd command and gf
>two nerds
>and adam
It has pissed me off since the film came out
Is it true that ASJ and FDR hate each other now?
Oh you know

capeshit fans, people that eat up capeshit.
Shit, remember when the President joined the Power Rangers?
Nigga, are you serious? MMPR is one of the best series they could adapt with it's wild fusion of technology and magic. It's like Star Wars with kung fu superheroes instead of Buddhist space knights. The problem comes from everything being toned down to fit the generic aesthetics all sci-fi movies have to have these days.

Don't believe the hype. Austin is totally cool with Roosevelt. Roosevelt's the one with the attitude.
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>2nd command

>he forms the Megazord's legs
I'd say the Zord sizes aren't much different from the MMPR movie.
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>take the mmpr premise characters and aesthetics
>make an hour and half storyline with those
Its not hard, specially given the fact that mmpr s1 is light on plot compared to every other season.

>its not an adaptation because it doesnt have one of the traits of the original medium
Do you even know what an adaptation is?
I forgot just how bad the CG was lmao
i-it wasn't that bad!
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You need to be 18 to post here.
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Surely you jest...

MMPR is not only the most recognizable, that shit sells itself.

- Evil space witch and her monster minions
- Saved by the Bell/Burger King Kids Club cast of diverse teenagers who become superheroes using Dinosaur power and magical weapons
- Giant robots that transform into an even bigger one ala Voltron
- Said robots battle Godzilla-like monsters

How do you not see the marketability of this?
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DC fans will flock to this seeing how they've got an MMPR/DC crossover.
Not him, but the last three ones aren't exclusive to MMPR though.

> Saved by the Bell/Burger King Kids Club cast of diverse teenagers who become superheroes using Dinosaur power and magical weapons
It sucks that power rangers was always what people insist live action super heroes should be but le racist jokes and the fact that sjws don't actually care for diversity wont allow it to be recognized as such.
SJWs don't watch anything, they just glance at something and it rustles their jimmies, they protest.

You get my point? PR has always embraced diversity. Any kid in America can find a Ranger they can relate to. Even gay ones after finding out David Yost was homo.
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I wasn't saying it won't be profitable, or doesn't make any sense from a marketing decision. But from a pure storytelling perspective for a large western market MMPR doesn't have the inherit appeal as other properties would (i.e. Marvel. DC ect). Mind you, I don't it would've been impossible, just VERY hard to well and that there were other PR series that could've done been translated better, if not just use the framework and create something entirely new and just use the pre-established lore when appropriate.

Not that any of this matter since not only does it look like they fucked it up, but fucked hard.
>Not that any of this matter since not only does it look like they fucked it up, but fucked hard.
The movie isn't even out yet and we have all these naysayers. I'm willing to bet it's gonna break 350 mill at least.
Superhero movies also undergo some changes from the source material to have more appeal and many still dont fuck the source material up. Not to mention that mmpr was very popular when it came out so it has some appeal. There's nothing preventing them making a wide appealing not shit mmpr movie other than their lack of will to do so.

>it will be sucessful because it has naysayers
That's not how it works shill.
They're not fucking up the source material so much as reimaging it for 2010's audiences. It's still teenagers with attitude that fight monsters.
That's not everything mmpr had about it you shill, we already discussed this.
>Any kid in America can find a Ranger they can relate to.
What about disabled kids?
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>people can only relate to someone's physical state
Because fuck personality, right?
Is it true that ASJ and JDF hate each other now?
Yes. Google it. You'll find evidence. I've also seen panels with ASJ where someone asked him a question about him fighting JDF in the Turbo movie and implying they don't like each other.
No one has the balls for a true Mecha Wheelchair character these days.
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do you think we'll ever get a fat ranger?
Last time I asked that question, people argued no because then kids would look up to fat people.
How about no because a fat person would look ridiculous in a ranger outfit.
>implying the morphing process would turn him into a buff guy like turbo
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Filming for Ninja Super Steel has started.
>that guy in the yellow shirt
Aiden is Gold confirmed.
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Seeing a kid magically become adult sized when he morphed was weird. Seeing a fat guy magically lose 60 pounds when he morphed would be much weirder.
Wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened in this franchise.
Kyoryu Cyan
this. Though it can also be said about gender, sexual orientation and race.
Relatability is also overrated as fuck in fiction anyways.
Powerful ranger ninja cringes

Ninja steel theme

>tfw they could have made a song that was a remix of Kakuranger's theme
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surely Saban will be cheap enough to reuse the suit... right?
Yes, even Rocky has fans.

Well, that was quick. I keep forgetting if they shoot the seasons as one series, or actually treat them as two different ones.

It's growing on me, but the chorus feels kind of empty. Even despite the reuse of "Go Go Power Rangers" it sounds like a bridge to a better chorus and just leaves you hanging.
How is that, within the context of power rangers, cheap in any way?
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dat booty
I really think GoBusters would have done much better here than in Japan
cheap in that they'd reuse the suit rather than making a new one

aren't most PR suits that are found in both sentai and original footage sourced from Japan (usually spare suits)?
Wasn't that weird when Jetman did it.
New preview ft. cringeworthy dialogue

Damn, I was really hoping for a Westaboo Japanese guy.
Who's doing the cgi for the reboot movie? Is it ILM? I was worried it would look bad because it wouldn't be ILM.
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Will BOA ever put out a morpher this good again?
Whats with the dialogue being so bad?
I'm convinced something is up with the ADR department. Since this has been a problem since the Neo Saban era started.

It's like the DBZ dub where they'd insert pointless dialogue whenever they could because they were afraid kids would get bored. Only this is putting it during the action scenes.

Why they'd think kids wouldn't be engaged during the friggin FIGHT SCENES is debatable.
>cheap in that they'd reuse the suit rather than making a new one
You mean like they often do with villains?
You really just wanted to call Saban cheap didnt you?
Didn't the Gosei Morpher use the JP version's mold?
is that pre-applied hot glue
Nope, it's smaller and thinner.
no I just thought the overseas production is a bit lower on the budget

and yeah something like what they do to villains and the ranger suits
PR usually reuses monster suits when they need a lot of background monsters.

Sprocket's arena in zeo
SPD's future with aliens everywhere
Sledge's prison
And now the game show audience

Honestly it just makes sense to reuse suits. Making new suits just to sit in the background would be a waste of money.
now that I think about it, Anubis is the only character who was based from the Sentai that got a suit change, every other character based from the Sentai kept their looks otherwise

hell even Venjix used one of the ministers in Go-Onger as his body
They think children need random yelling every 2 seconds for some reason. Most dialogue in the Neo-Saban seasons has been terrible, I'm convinced it has to do with Nick.
Fucking stereotypical American kid show exec behaviour. It's way past the turn of the century and they still assume kids need constant noise to be enthralled.

At least these guys don't have the screen flash when somebody gets punched.
Isn't that to hide violence?

Yeah the constant need to talk is one of the issues they've yet to fix next to still using "go go" as a base theme
>I'm convinced something is up with the ADR department.
I wonder why they're so lazy with the voice over. Voice recording has zero connection with what's going on in the scene. It's like somebody just reading lines in a booth. If somebody is falling, their emotion doesn't change, the sound doesn't fade out as the speaker moves away from the camera's viewpoint. There's virtually no effects and every. single. monster. speaks in the same evil cackling voice. Put in SOME fucking effort already.
>Whats with the dialogue being so bad?
>It's like the DBZ dub where they'd insert pointless dialogue whenever they could because they were afraid kids would get bored. Only this is putting it during the action scenes.
Honestly I think that was just to force the toyline gimmicks, hence "BATTLE MORPHER BOW! BLATTLE MORPHER BLADE! BATTLE MORPHER CLAW!"
>There's virtually no effects and every. single. monster. speaks in the same evil cackling voice.
Yes. Holy shit, this bothers me so much. It's always either le ebin deep voice or a whiny one.
>linking to Rangercrew's channel
>Cherry picking
>being salty
>you're salty because you don't want to support a date rapist who steals official videos, fan content and impersonates official accounts
what did he mean by this
What point are trying to make?

JDF left his ex-wife and kid to rot in the streets
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Nope. Here's a comparison. Tensouder on the left.
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Odot is a date rapist. We don't want to support him.
>but I will fully support an arrogant manchild who throw diva tantrums when he didn't get what he want
“We’re definitely not in a holding pattern. The movie is definitely set for this year. Everything is in place. They won’t give me specific details because it’s all like hush-hush. Even me, I try. I email Saban and ask them kind of what you’re asking me, but they do feel that I’m going to be part of it, because they feel there’s no movie, at least, without me. The funny thing is, one way or another, whether it happens or it doesn’t, I’ve been great to Lionsgate and I’ve been loyal to Saban. It’s not like they owe me, but if I want to ask for a personal favor, I’ve invested into their emotional bank account. I feel like it’s fair to have that withdrawal with them, because I’ve done nothing but support them for the last 10 years, 20 years in fact. So when that happens, I don’t need to cash in any favors. I believe it’s going to happen anyway, but when it does, I’ll keep my fans involved, but I will tell you it is being filmed this year. I know that for a fact. It’s going to be great when it is.” - JDF
Actually no. I think JDF is a retarded manbaby with delusions of grandeur.
Please tell me this is real, because that is some delicious denial. I don't even dislike JDF, but damn

>JDF left his ex-wife and kid to rot in the streets
Source? I knew he ignored them, but not that he left them on the streets
it is
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Cry for him. This is the cry of a man who's had his dreams burned to a cinder, who's trying to make ends meet doing the only thing that garnered him any recognition.
What is this in response to?
the new powerful rangers reboot movie
I remember that the Megazord had an specific button for kneeling a monster in the dick.
An emergency knee-to-groin button, no less.
See this is what happens when autist feed his ego

Power Rangers is about teamwork, I don't understand why he keeps thinking the show is 100% about him
no one supports JDF though, what the fuck are you trying to say
>carrying about either of them
Another preview
You know it's real sad that one of my childhood idols became a mega-douche. Shit, I bet my MMA instructor could beat his raggedy ass. I swear JDF thinks he's the greatest martial arts star in the US.

All he had to do was try and make it big in the Hong Kong movie industry. Benny Urquidez (a legit martial arts legend) did a couple of movies with Jackie Chan.

Or if he truly believed in his MA skills, he could've fought in the UFC or PRIDE or K-1 in the late 90's after his career in PR dried up.
What is it with PR fandom that it attracts weirdos? Odot, Poweranimals, Linkara.
Most fandoms attract weirdos. I dont know who poweranimals is, but linkara is pretty tame compared to other weirdos in other fanbases.
It's really peanuts compared to the Sonic, Transformers or MLP fandoms. And really, you're going to use Power Animals as an example but not George Rodd? And Linkara's biggest offenses aren't even PR related.

Poweranimals is an autist from Rangerboard who loves everything PR comes up with but vehemently hates Sentai, to the point he'll make up fake names when discussing how PR might use a new series footage just to avoid typing out a Japanese name. Also dislikes parasols

Sorry for the useless trivia, but I thought you should know.
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>implying everyone isn't weird
>implying this on 4chan of all places
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Don't forget Fury Diamond/Umesh. Previous owner of Rangercrew/Power Rangers Now/Neo-Saban Power Rangers & other channels on youtube and multiple PR accounts on Facebook to pretend they're officially run but promote RC/PRN.

The dude who spent a year making a big deal about quitting the fandom, "quit", then continued anyway, pretending that he did actually quit.
He still goes around kissing cast, crew and companies' asses to plug RC/PRN and badmouth other sites like RB/TN etc to them.
He's also still there using shitty underhanded tactics to get news before other people.

Those toy reviews on youtube? It's still him but pretends it's not, which is why he always tries his best to hide his hands so you can't tell it's him. One time he forgot to mute the audio and it had him and his kids in the background. Fucking hilarious.

>Poweranimals is an autist from Rangerboard who loves everything PR comes up with but vehemently hates Sentai
Well, there had to be one.

>Sorry for the useless trivia, but I thought you should know.
Np, I like these kind of trivia so thanks. I also wanna know who Rodd is.
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It is about me.

Needs some some Red Lightning and Brachio
I thought Odot ran PRN now.
Ah, George Rodd. The (literally) autistic man who held more power over Rangerboard than it's own admin. He had a nasty habit of making at least five posts a day asking such hard-hitting questions as "Power Rangers and GForce and Voltron - Should these 3 groups meet?" and "Should Power Rangers hire a MaskedWrestler".

Of course, his most infamous work came from theorizing ways to combine every power source and Zord in the universe into one massive clusterfuck of epic proportions, usually ending these posts with "the possibilities are endless!" He was also the author of the fanfic series "MystechRangers", the plot I'm sure you can guess already.

Anybody else would have been banned after the first day, but the admin chose to kept George around because he had some sort of personal relationship with him, and he was entertaining in low doses. Extremely low doses. Like 2/3rds of an aspirin's worth.
is this done with the legacy zords? are those legs actually attached, or just posed in front, separate?
What a beautiful fucking scene that was.
Just like with Torrin?

Face it, no Dragon Daddy for you fag.
Keeper gives me nightmares why didn't they just use Torin throughout.
And Ben 10. He would post a lot about Ben 10. I liked how miserable he made those faggots.
It really sounds like something you could chuckle a bit in low doses.

Thanks for answering, I wasn't into the PR fandom until around 2012-2013 and never bothered with rangerboard and the like, most of my interactions with fellow fans are here on /m/, so I'm not familiar with those names.
My guess is that it would have required teasing the Deathwing plotline for a season and a half so they prefered to use an entirely new character instead of making deathwing the same as its sentai counterpart. It's the best explanation I can think of.
It obviously was. OP is just a total moron.
Theyre just posed in front. The Dragonzord is also just resting on top, and I wouldn't really advise that given how heavy it is. Shame because they originally claimed that the two would be able to combine, but ditched that feature somewhere along the way.
He does, but as more of a face. Fury Diamond is still there pulling strings in the background while odot is the faggoty face doing social media stuff
Expanding Deathwing would have been way better than using NotZeltrax though.
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What a terrible idea.
>He's only losing by 3 votes.

Ah well, retards beget retards.
Wait. Read it wrong. He's only got 6 votes. There is hope for the world.
but I thought they used torin
>What is it with PR fandom
What is it with fans of a cheaply made TV show for children cut up from another cheaply made TV show for children? Could it be that people who dedicate too much mindshare of their life to it aren't healthy, well adjusted adults? Please say this isn't fucking so!
Honestly both cases look to be on par with each other
So these two are fucking, right?
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Every fandom attracts weirdos. They also attract complete assholes who want to crucify you for posting pictures of certain characters.
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>Every fandom attracts weirdos
>t. the guy who obsessively posts numbered pictures of his waifu in every thread
They did. It was just so late in the game it hardly mattered.
>post tommy
>when you tell kids what the next Power Rangers theme will be and they don't believe you
>Neighbor kid I watched saw my Gaburevolver and asked about it.
>Told him it was the new Power Rangers gun/morpher
>Got my ToQ brace, told him it was what was coming after Dino Charge.

Fuck you Saban... making a liar out of me. ;_;
>rewatching MMPR
Better than i expected

The unmorphed fights are so much better when it's not an obvious stunt double awkwardly trying to cover their face.
Why is Kate McKinnon in Power Rangers?
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>tfw Ninja Steel has the Ashigaru mooks
>You now remember the retards who said that they changed Ninninger's grunts because the Japanese were somehow being racist against themselves by putting in cone hats.
But why did they change them?
Raz is fucking weird
like if he didn't have the PR fandom I'm 99% convinced he'd be in prison for rape
idk but it really is amazing
for how small it is, it has some fucking supreme autistic fucks weirdos in it
I'm trying to think of all the PR youtubers or twitter or what not, who is the least weird
MMPRToys? He seems decently well adjusted relative to the rest of the fandom
PR fandom is tame when you compare them to the lunacy of Robotechers
You happen to fall into the first one.
>No one has the balls for a true Mecha Wheelchair character these days.

There's so much potential for that
>muh Nostalgia
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His other child said something about living in a car or something like that on an old anti-jdf ig account.
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When you see it
>Super Megaforce Yellow with Samurai sword

Yeah par for the course when it comes to Saban brands being lazy
how is it lazy? being a gokai suit maybe whatever game it is lets them use weapons of other rangers through the ranger keys
might be op but it makes some sense
It's lazy because they couldn't bother to model and render the gokaiger sword
you know damn well they aren't that clever
okay, what if gokai pink is on the sidelines and turn into shinken pink and threw her the sword like when they swapped weapons in the show
also what is this game, reverse did nothing
Not him but that's not what laziness means, it requires the same effort to put the SM blade or the samurai one and it isnt a leftover from sentai either. It's still a mistake though.
>that convoluted explanation

It's a cellphone game they will release. Power Rangers Legacy Wars.
Fuuuuck, I spent so long looking at this pic trying to figure out what it was.

This reminds me of those people who try and bend backwards to try and convince people that the Pre-Zyu + Dairanger suits in SMF aren't just the result of laziness.
Power Rangers New Powers, they have the Powers that are New
people shit on Linkara but man he was on point with Mega Force
I mean, as long as your thoughts on Megaforce is somewhere along the lines of "lazy piece of shit", it's pretty easy to be on-point with it.
Mega and Super Mega

and he wasn't just going for lazy, but "questionably remarkably lazy", like somehow they'd edit certain sentai only scenes but not others

I never watched MF and SMF and only saw it through his video, but man that jarring fight with Insarn using MMPR as the only edit (and a poorly one at that, it was Sun Vulcan) was really on a new level
>See the trailer
>Think it looks bad but get kind of hype
>It's a mobile game

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I'm not that weird. I just think she's a beautiful lady and since she's PR related I can post her all I want.

And you happen to fall into the second one, which is objectively worse.
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>comes to Saban brands being lazy
Why do retards blame Saban for eveything?

He only makes the show. Everything else is out of thier power
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You're still shitposting since you're not contributing anything to the thread
it's a fucking mobile game
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>mfw the legacy line still doesn't come with any weapons
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ITT: Cinamon Rolls
So you're a creep. Sounds worse to me.
The only thing more autistic than being raz is impersonating him
Seriously, look at that look on Will's face. Trying to hold back his unbridled lust for the camera. Dirty whore.
I blamed "Saban Brands" not Saban himself jackass, next time learn to read before you hurl insult
Any working streams for this ep?
>Yellow ranger named his truck
The music in this show needs an overhaul
>Calvin and Hayley are dating
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>The meteor is literally called "Ninja Steel"
That's a lovable kind of stupid I can appreciate
Noam Kaniel needs to go. His music is generic trash, it hasn't changed ever since Samurai.
Are these the first Rangers to be a couple from the start? I can't recall any Sentai characters either.
>Didn't make Redbot and the RoboRed Zord the same thing

Beats me.

Also the cast seems a little....rough? Maybe they're not completely in the groove yet.

I know the show is still in introductory mode, but I feel like it had more plot than most of Dino Super Charge. These episodes both had some sort of "Oh shit what's gonna happen next episode" plot hook that was part of the plot, and not just shoved to the last 3 minutes of the episode (like the whole Silver Ranger stuff).

It'll be cool to find out how Odius got her hands on that star.
>Also the cast seems a little....rough? Maybe they're not completely in the groove yet.
I haven't seen the second episode yet, but I definitely get that feeling from Red, Blue, and Pink (Pink less so than the others). Shame, because I really want to like Peter after how wonderful Yoshi was in Dino Charge.
Once again, here's a stream recording for the anons who missed the episode and don't want to wait until nick.com tomorrow to watch it.


Sadly there's a tiny part of the ground fight that is missing because the stream decided to crap out on me and stop playing for a few seconds. The rest of the episode is fine though.

This morph sequence really reminds me of OO for some reason
I think Pink's the best one. Then Red, then Blue. Haven't seen enough of White yet. And then I'm really not feeling Yellow. Thinking there's a reason that he was second pick.
ninja storm 2.0
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>Redbot and the hoverboard that is literally a mini pink Zord aren't the actual Zords
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Damn, I was hoping it was going to use Zaram's suit to make a cowboy ninja
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>none of the teens know what power rangers are
I was expecting the Ninja Stars to interact with the respective objects in some way to make the Zords. It really pisses me off that the writing is so sloppy. I expected better of Chip, but it's become apparent that he needs someone like Tzachor, and Tzachor needed a guy like Chip to balance each other out. Not sure why I'm only realizing it now considering Chip's favorite episode when asked was the awful "In the Limelight", and the half of RPM he did was just a regurgitation of In Space.
The finisher footage did not translate well.
>let use the sword to summon our zords
What? I though the morpher are the one who use to summon?
Blame Bandai.
more like bandai being lazy
Yeaaah, not feeling this season yet. I know it's only Episode 2 of 20/40 but I'm not impressed the same way I was with Dino Charge.

Why wasn't Red Bot the Robo Zord? It was right there!

I feel there's good ideas, but poor implementation. Not gelling with the weak acting that I hope gets better.
if they adapted Toqger they can go crazy and have fun with it because Imagination
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I have contributed to conversations here. I just don't Kat post every single time I post.

I'm not though and you have no proof that I am.
Why do you still keep watching Power Rangers? It's the same sloppy cutjob they've been doing since Samurai. Just watch readily available sentai and stop torturing yourself with this garbage.
A (You), good sir.
Not an argument.
That would imply I'm arguing.
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>power rangers
There's your mistake
He's also clearly avatarfagging
>that ass
Only a creep would reply to accusations of being a creep with "You don't have proof that I'm creepy!"
carinival is hardly a battlizer

and by definition, neither is whatever Ninninger had since it was shared with all the characters.
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alright guys, as the original creator of the chart, what do you guys think of the update?

Personally, I put Dino charge at average. While the first half was good, the Super half dragged it down to average.
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We will never get another Doggie, will we?
Only someone without an argument would reply with something like that.
But it is.
So was shogun mode yet "it counts"
but wasn't each one the "power of the ancestors" I could have sworn we were led tobelieve the "orgiinals" all had their own power up.
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if you go by that image, everyone of them has an individual battlizer.

like lightspeed....except shit.
Switch SPD with Lost Galaxy and move Jungle Fury to average and it's pretty much my opinion.

But yeah, DSC sucked ass, it deserves it's spot.
>Kodiak Zord
>Zoom Zord
I'm guessing that they had the samurai sword modeled and couldn't be bothered to do the SM one.
So it doesn't count as a battlizer?
Not liking Peter so far.
> Not sure why I'm only realizing it now considering Chip's favorite episode when asked was the awful "In the Limelight"

I was going to say you're exaggerating, but then I had to go and look up what the plot was and what season that episode is from. REALLY starting to question Chip's role as the chosen one...

I guess we should have known what was coming when we heard the name "Redbot".

Man, I still can't believe that.
>Hey, you look just like Redbot!
Just... What the fuck, Chip? How could you make such an asinine change and then turn it into a throwaway joke when it only highlights the problem? I hope there's an explanation for that down the line, obvious though it may be.
I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and maybe the shitty names are a mandate. But I mean, Time Force was all Judd Lynn right, no Tzachor?
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>yfw the zords are from the future and the red zord IS Redbot
Nah, a creep who's in denial over being a creep would demand proof of them being creepy.
I'd personally switch Dino Charge and SPD and move Jungle Fury up to Good as well. I think Dino Charge itself was good enough that Dino Supercharge's shortcomings wouldn't drag it down into being average (though I also seemed to have liked Supercharge a bit more than the rest of you). But then again, it's not my list.
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I believe it's Bandai that comes up with the Zord/merchandise names.

Zoom Zord seems like a real weird attempt to rhyme with the "Byun" in Byunmaru.

Kodiak Zord is actually pretty good though. Seems like they were trying for something less bland than "Dog Zord".
>carinival is hardly a battlizer

>neither is whatever Ninninger had since it was shared with all the characters.
Shogun is shared. Quantum ranger also had a similar upgrade.

DSC isnt even bad, not something that would drag down a good season. Chart is full of shit aside from that anyways.

>there's an in-universe explanation as to why all rangers have the same upgrade
>therefore, all rangers don't have the same upgrade

Or its a glitch like video games in development often have. But sure, lets call anything in this franchise lazy. And don't forget, cheap.
It was both. It's very similar to Timeranger and Tzachor considers PR as a sentai adaptation. You could argue the reason it's not Samurai is Lynn but both made Time Force what it is.
No lipped mouth plates.
Has the original yellow ranger for Ninja Steel say why he left yet?
People are used to watching it because they grew up with PR. And most Westerners don't care to watch a show that's full of Orientals. This shit isn't rocket science.
he didn't want to be away from his family that long IIRC
pretty solid list
the name is pretty bland
that personal mini bot should have grow and become his zord
He posted something cryptic on Twitter a few weeks ago about having answers.
That family thing seemed more like an excuse
I hope Ninja John Cena becomes more prominent because holy hell you can't just put that out there and not follow up on it
we need a burger party ninja
We better get a burger morpher
>Source: my ass
What's the source on Lynn saying that?
I'd bump Turbo and Samurai up to Low at least...
Overdrive and Mega Force deserve shit tier though.
That denial is real.
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He mentioned it at a panel at Power Morphicon 2010. Not sure if it's on youtube as I was there when it happened. After citing the episode he asked if we all liked it, and there was an uncomfortable silence. He also mentions it in this interview.

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Denial of what?
>We did some good stuff, we did some awful stuff, but mostly we did mediocre stuff. It went from being too childish the first few years, to being too serious, cold, sophisticated, and violent the last few years. If we could have matured the show a little less, kept the humor, given the kids more memorable Rangers and villains... then we could have made great shows. A tall order, sure. But we could have done much better than Silver Guardians who execute trespassers and teens with no semblance of real lives other than being Rangers.
I get what he's saying, but I wish somebody told him his final years on the Saban era were great because they aimed to be sophisticated and serious compared to the MMPR years. It seems like he's trying to hard to fix what he thinks are mistakes in his run, creating an overly silly and bizarre set of shows that even those who like fun will be turned off by.

Would be nice if they got new blood to write and produce the show. It doesn't seem right how the showrunners for the past seven years are people who worked on the show since Mighty Morphin rather than someone who can take it to another direction.
He's definitely gone too far in the opposite direction. A lot of the humor, such as the flatulence, is juvenile even by MMPR standards. As much as people give Tzachor shit, he helped to keep Chip's bad ideas in check.

If there's a singular person who understands the show's DNA it's Doug Sloan. Without Tzachor holding him back he was able to give us two great seasons which towed the line between getting too silly or too serious. I wish he could be making modern day PR in which he has the entire sentai in advance. The only thing holding Dino Thunder back was not being able to properly plan for how to best adapt Abaranger. Started off amazingly, but you could tell they were fighting the footage the second half.
Definitely. Can you imagine how much the franchise would benefit from a few seasons with Doug Sloan AND Chip on board? THAT would be a new era.
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>Watching the first episode of Ninja Steel
>Only Red, Blue and Pink transform
>Yellow and White appear as civilians for like 5 seconds
>tfw you now remember what a pair of worthless cocksuckers Nagi and Fuuka were




Whoa now, Nagi had some great focus episodes; it's just that the writers forgot he existed for any other period.
>It doesn't seem right how the showrunners for the past seven years are people who worked on the show since Mighty Morphin
I think it's partially because working on a show like Power Rangers requires such a particular skill set. It's not like writing for any television show, one needs to be beholden to source footage, planning as far ahead as you can which elements you can use and making your show as accommodating as possible to any changes, episode to episode budgets relying on how much footage you use when you write and how much original stuff to make, and crafting completely original characters if they so chose.

That's why when Disney fired Guzelian, they went straight to Chip to finish the show.

Man where is Doug Sloan now? Jackie Marchand was also a long time collaborator that may be good to see again on the show.

Fuuka was cute as hell at least.
Yeah, learning how to budget for a cheap show like PR is a big deal. Like how Aronowitz and Kalish spent too much money on suits like Doggie and Grimm, and wanting the final fight to be the SPD Megazord versus a giant CGI monster, that they didn't have enough to hire an actual in-person actor for Sam or A-Squad outfits that weren't just In Space combined with paintball gear.

Speaking of SPD, when did an instance of the show recycling suits annoy you? I was listening to a podcast, and they spent 20 minutes getting mad at Ninja Steel reusing the Venjix suit because they thought reusing a main villain costume took them out of the show. They were wondering why Chip couldn't at least repaint it and the Fearcat suit or something.
See >>15156247
I've always wondered what a PR season would be like if they had an actual budget
>Ninja John Cena
Please explain
>Any kid in America can find a Ranger they can relate to. Even gay ones after finding out David Yost was homo.
>implying we didn't relate to Billy even back when we were kids and didn't even know was "homo" was
Even if you don't know, you can tell.
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This. They say a lot of shit in battle, but 9 times out of 10, it's them just doing the English equivalent of the shout-the-name-of-your-weapon-or-maneuver stuff that even Sentai does more often nowadays. I think it's because of Bandai - they make money off the role-playing toys, so they have to repeat the same dumb phrases they programmed into the sound chips over and over again, because kids love repetition.

The other harsh truth is that, when you're writing for Sentai footage, every time a Ranger's helmet bobs, you can plainly tell they're meant to be talking, because that's how suit-acting works, it's very loud body language - so you have to write dialogue for every head-bob, even if that character isn't the focus of the scene in your PR script, even if you have nothing interesting for them to say... so the writer will usually just default to some stock battle quips, like "Let's take them on!" or "Teamwork, AIYAAAH!" It's not great, but man, if you ever tried this, you'd realize how fucking much the Sentai suit-actors chatter in fight scenes.
>Man where is Doug Sloan now?
Producing DreamWorks Dragons

>Jackie Marchand was also a long time collaborator that may be good to see again on the show.
Jackie, like Chip, I feel needs someone to bring out her best. She gave us "Fighting Spirit", which I'd consider to be of the series best episodes, but she also gave us "Once a Ranger", which are two of the worst.
>They were wondering why Chip couldn't at least repaint it and the Fearcat suit or something.
It had to have been intentional. In that, they have warehouses full of these old suits, and they could have picked one offs, but they picked more prominent monsters to reuse, so I'm thinking they wanted long time fans to recognize them and be like "Oh yeah I remember that one".

That said, I too was like...."Uhhh Venjix???" Even for the Fearcat you could just imagine that that's just another member of that race or something, but an identical custom robot body doesn't make any sense. I got over it though. Ninja Steel has bigger problems.
>DreamWorks Dragons
This is either the worst fate or an acceptable one. What's the track record on those?
I think John Tellegen is on that show too.
I thought Dragons is over? It's a pretty good show.
> listening to podcasts

Don't hurt yourself. Not like this.
>Ninja star morpher
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>Jackie threw some shade recently
Let he who is without sin, etc.
Why would you want to listen to a bunch of whiny pissbabies? I don't see the appeal in listening to shit like RRR which has some fat faggot and his homo sidekick whine about how they're "saving" the show by bitching about every little thing
>That said, I too was like...."Uhhh Venjix???" Even for the Fearcat you could just imagine that that's just another member of that race or something, but an identical custom robot body doesn't make any sense. I got over it though.

Still, any oddities like that can be perfectly explained by blaming the Dino Charge Rangers.

>Venjix in the wrong dimension and a game show contestant?
Fucking Dino Charge Rangers fucking shit up.

>MMPR Green has silver stripes on his helmet?
Fucking Dino Charge.

>Rita and Zedd have a son way older than he should be?
Fucking Dino Charge.

>Thunderzords seemingly revert to Dinozords after a fight and need to transform again every time they're summoned?
A wizard actually did that. Don't bother asking him why that is.
Aisha and Tanya did it before the DC ranger made it cool.
they better not rob us of the burger
How is shit that happened before Dino Charge their fault? You could only use that argument for Ninja Steel onward. Also Green Ranger only had silver stripes in Tommy's mind, so it can be chalked up to his bad memory.
burger morpher is too goofy for us powerful rangers fans just like that sushi mmorpher
>every show we've seen before Dino Charge, including somehow dino thunder and RPM is the actual result of their fuckery with the timeline
>The DC we watched was the timeline as it originally was
ill say it again
that episode made no sense
Move time force down 2 tiers
Dino Thunder up one tier
Zeo up one tier
Dino Charge up one tier
Some are ok. No Pink Spandex is a godawful shitshow though.

>Continually calling Calvin "couldvebeenablackguy"

We get it, you're lefty sjw whiner babies. Find new shtick.
How do you guys feel about the different theme songs made for the show? Did you enjoy when they changed it up all the time or now where they just use the rifts from the MMPR theme over and over again?
Always different. Different seasons are essentially different stories, and theme songs set you up for the tone of that season.
I like the different themes as well. It's annoying that Saban has gone back to the MMPR rifts which are just boring now IMO, probably in the name of nostalgia or whatever the fuck. I like the Disney-style pop punk-esque themes.
They're also the only podcast that liked Ghost

That and their opinions on Zyuohger despite only one of them having watched it
It was a joke, my friend. An overly long joke, but still a joke.

>Listening to No Pink Spandex post-2010
There's your problem.

Do you even need to ask? An original theme is usually better than the constant homages we've been getting in the Neo Saban era.

>That and their opinions on Zyuohger despite only one of them having watched it

What'd they say?
In Space's theme has to be one of my favorites next to Jungle Fury's and RPM's.
I think the problem is that the US names are often much more boring and generic. I'm not claiming sentai is poetry, not by a long mile, but "super mega power sword" can only sound so cool.
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