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/ssg/ - Super Sentai General #509

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Thread replies: 373
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Previous Thread >>15095912

>Links for beginners

>List of subbed series:

>Super Hero Time OSTs:

Timeranger's music is fantastic. Also anything with an OST by Kousuke Yamashita (Magiranger and Gokaiger)
He's doing the music for Kyuranger as well apparently.
Go-Busters and Dairanger both had exemplary musical scores.
Goseiger's score is also very underrated.
Actually yeah, I forgot about Goseiger's score. It's quite nice. Plus the OP and ED are wonderful (the "remix" version of the ED more so cause of the better chords)
Whats the most fapworthy season of sentai?
Any of the ones with female non-suit villains wearing revealing clothes? Akibaranger has Marushina and Go-Busters has Escape.
Dairanger for me
>tfw I wont be visiting /ssg/ for the next few months due to not having internet

I'm just hoping that Amufags don't burn this place down
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We just let them have their autistic repeated daily posts and we go on with our day. I just hide their posts now before sometimes having some fun with them.
If they can't answer a sentence properly they usually just go "what the fuck are you doing" or "who do you think you are" or something, or just greentext what you said with pictures that aren't Sentai related.

Sucks you won't be around for Kyuranger's premier. At least you can marathon a couple episodes of it.

Changeman or Magiranger.
I prefer when she's split t b h
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>tfw we end game of Zyuoh now
>tfw we still don't know what the shark does in the bath

Thanks, Toei.

Has it ever happened that /ssg/ has had such contrasting feelings on the girls of a sentai? This place seemingly hates Amu as much as they love Sela
she sleeps with it silly
She's a shark. She needs to sit in water sometimes to not die. Plus she sleeps in it.
I think it's just one or two people from /tv/ going into overdrive since /ssg/ had a surprisingly low amount of shitposting during Zyuoh. They'll move on to some other meme when Cuteranger starts airing
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Dayum 2012 was a great year.
>implying Amufags are a problem
When will we finally run NihonNeon aka takenoko out?
Oh yeah, they did come out the same year. Nice.
>uploading your fetishes to YouTube

>People actually found that scene arousing.

Fuckign weirdos. I don't remember the Ultraman reference, that's pretty sick. Also that cat clock Yokai was my favorite one aside from the American ones and the ninja bee.
Toku is like heaven for people with weird fetishes because almost every show is guaranteed to have episodes about monsters using bizarre powers (hypnosis, shrinking/enlargement, body-swapping, etc.)
The imaginary enemy your autistic ass made up isn't going to do shit you fuckface
Why isn't there hip hop in sentai?
There was in Den O Sentai Imaginger

Don't forget MPreg.
I wish I could

F-found the amufag
I think that Bioman had a neat, underrated score. It's very 80s in just the right ways.

I just hope that Komura writes it instead of Shimoyama.
>Plus the first Kyuranger fight. Hope someone records the fight's sounds like they did with Ex-Aid's section in the Ghost movie.
Looking forward to seeing Azald and Kubar getting wrecked again.

Does it feel wrong to fap to an actress that got a hard life?

>tfw no giant human girls since the 90s
At least the enemy female monsters and robots still turn big.
you forgot tied up girls!

Except Flashman, I think zero fetish appeals are in that
Why did Liveman have so many problems?
How could you even forget about Mess' animal girl generals?
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Flashman was more overt in it's lewdness
How is gonna be the team up of Zyuohger and Kyuranger, there are 7 Zyuohgers at most, and Kyuranger would have 9 and possibly more.
By the same way different numbered teams work, by grouping more than one kyursnger with a zyuohger, by not grouping them at all(zyuohger and gokaiger for example) or by doing dekaranger vs abaranger. There's technically 9 zyuohgers so there's that, just make up some bullshit to allow the three yamatos.

Sir, did we watch the same series?
Wouldn't it be easier to just have Larri and Cetas join in via some magic/tech/whatever solution that temporarily prevents their lifespan from being shortened even more?
Yeah, also that. I dont think any of this is realistically gonna happen though, vs movies usually have just the main rangers and few special cases like rio and mele.
Still hoping for a season where a kiddo from an earlier season becomes a ranger.
Didn't Mio's actress play a kid of the day in Goseiger?

Looking for a kiddo to reprise their role. It would've been awesome if a kid from an heisei period sentai would do it since they were pretty well written characters. Would be a decent idea for an anniversary season
>that movie promo vid
>chicken ballons
Would be cool if Gingaman's Yuuta becomes a Sentai member. I mean, the kid deserves that.
Akira from ToQger was in an episode of Zyuranger
Closest you're gonna get is Kakuranger.
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>yeah the second one came in Sakurako-chan!
What did the scorpion mean by this?
Yuuta's been retired from acting for years.

You'd have better luck with Nozomu from Goseiger. He'll be 17 this year, so he's getting to be that age if he was ever going to come back.
Stinger is saying that Lucky knocked up Hammy
Maybe that kid from one of the early Gokaiger episodes that stole Marvelous's Mobirate can come back or something for a hypothetical Gokaiger 10 Years Later.

He'd be ideal for season all by himself. He'd be a great 6th

>Gokaiger 10 Years Later

I don't see the cast ever getting to that level of JUST
Seems like a fair substitute/consolation prize, since Goseiger is kinda like Gingaman on fast-forward.

>kid from a season with a Sentai fanboy sixth comes back as a sixth
That'd be weird somehow, but fitting.
Which team has the best transformation/roll call music?


Dairanger for best roll call, Kaku for best musical motif for it.
As weird as it is. Timeranger and Go-Busters feels related to each other. It is probably no coincidence that Go-Bus starts with a Timeranger-esque timeline. Even Yuoko's mom seems to be like TimePink. Kobayashi might go for meta-trilogy if she goes with it for her next sentai.

Huh, now that you say that, a soft continuity between Gingaman, Go-Bus, and Timeranger feels plausible.
>I hear that Dekaranger/SPD are pretty comparable

Ehh. SPD kinda went to shit when Omega, the Deka Break equivalent, showed up. The character was only a ball of light that floated around when he wasn't in-suit. It was pretty awkward. It was done for cost reasons. It's cheaper to pay a voice actor than an on-screen actor. Funnily, you actually see him in the finale, but he was played by an "extra" and didn't speak so they still didn't have to pay for a regular actor.
The season was still probably one of the best though, but obviously not as good as Dekaranger.
Seems likely, assuming she's taken a long enough break to not go into a Soda-style burnout.
Was this your first flute episode?
So is it April, March or July that Carranger's getting a US release?
>he doesn't know
This show is insane.
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Nozomu would be a good choice, but you're both forgetting the Asskicker.

Bonus points for already being the new Shurikenger.
Nozomu was good so I wouldn't mind that.

Him or that kid who lied about knowing the GoBusters.
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There are 8 Zyuohgers.
Shinkenger. Sax would be Jetman. Guitar is Go-On.
But why?

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Why is Tv-nihon so popular if their subs/quality are so shit. Watching Toku online its always their subs uploaded and their torrents are always seeded when over-times die slowly
because they've been around longer and it's what people know most

also ESLs like their flashy dancing text
They have seniority and for a very long time it was easier to post their subs on streaming sites since they only release hardsubs
English [as a] second language. Basically third worlders.
>also ESLs like their flashy dancing text

Its the one thing I've missed since switching over to OT and OZC
ironically they'd be lambasted for trying to submit shit like that in any professional work there

I honestly think it's teenagers liking those shit
It's definitely mostly underaged idiots. Then again most of them just don't know any better.
I was thinking, if Kyuranger makes use of giant cannon fodder like some recent shows, maybe they could have Gold and Silver's mechs run interference on those while the rest attack the big guy of the week.

The poor souls must think that TV-N can do no wrong, and be blissfully unaware of anything else. In any case, it's just best to let sleeping dogs lie and not disturb their fantasy world.
it's really bad, the phase where weabooism is huge is also the phase where flashy special fonts is their preference
>The poor souls must think that TV-N can do no wrong, and be blissfully unaware of anything else

And somehow /ssg/ thinks that they're better than the dude that runs TVN
Which is worse, them, TV-N, or that teen called Pikamaster? Because the latter was a fraud.
I know that I'd use captions instead of insisting on translating by ear like a faggot.
>objectively better than a flip

checks out
>implying half of us aren't flips or spics in disguise
there are furry flips?!

TVN is worse but this place isnt far behind.
>TVN is worse
>Pikamaster listed

Fuck off. TV-N are miles better than that faggot. This isn't even me wanting to defend TV-N, but it's a fact they're better.
Yeah, TV-N is shit at translating, but at they actually do it rather than swiping other people's shit and switching a few words around.

I didnt mention Pikamaster because I dont know who/what the fuck that is
I can make a pretty mean conductor impression while yelling IMAGINAAAAAAAAAAAATION

You need to fuck off from here
Inoue and Black Condor's actor thought up all sorts of strange scenerios. That episode with people eating things alive made my skin crawl, along with the episode where crystals were growing out of people's bodies.
Remember when toku was allowed to just be straight up nightmare fuel?
Who the fuck is that
It was back when Sentai was in an evening family timeslot instead of a early morning children's timeslot. It changed to the morning timeslot halfway through Megaranger.
>morning timeslot
Really, I'm surprised that those managed to fly by unscathed when something like Ultraman Nexus got shortened.
It probably has something to do with the show's producers at the time that could get shit through. It's why you had shows like Faiz and Blade airing along side Abaranger and Dekaranger.
Even then, the latter two had their daring moments (Aba in particular briefly having sex off-screen and a hentai tentacle monster as the villain).

But yeah, Takatera was especially not slight of hand with the stuff he produced.

Kakuranger, Timeranger, Dekaranger, and Shinkenger all kind of tie for me.
>Hey kids wanna watch a karate bugman beat the shit out of monsters? Great!
>Because we're going to make those monsters give you as many nightmares as possible

More or less what happened with Kuuga.
IMO Flashman has the best transforming music.
The monster that killed high school boys and stalked their familes in their houses like a serial killer was legit terrifying. But it was such huge vindication when Kuuga fucking destroyed him in a bloody battle. You could feel his anger.
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sela's bro
He has a whole shark for a head
Not even close, we've seen her brother. Go back to /v/ to talk about the Switch, rather than try and start an off-topic conversation here.
I doubt this. PR becoming mainstream means that TV-N is also used in the west. It depends whether they give a shit on the quality of subs or not.

Japanese is technically their third language then if you mean English as second language as an insult.
Crystals coming out of their bodies legitimately terrified me as a kid.
I remember hearing that that episode of Jetman actually got the show cancelled in France.
They show it in ours. Ironically, France is the last western country you would expect to ban something like that.
ToQger for recent Sentai.
That shit's hype as fuck
speaking of which how come Sentai hasn't used boars as an animal? Pigs are popular in Japan.
They don't see pigs or boars as heroic animals and more like just food or pests.

pigs are pets in Japan, and iirc they kinda revere boars in some of their fables
I may have to get a switch on launch.
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but u dont need a switch if u have a wii u
Is there a Super Sentai series checklist somehwere?
do u mean for subs or personal watch list
What do you mean by a checklist? Do you mean a list which shows what seasons have what subs? I remember LoveXCare having one.
Personal watch list.
Something like MyAnimeList then? No there isn't.
You could always just make a word document or an excel spreadsheet yourself though like some others in here have.
Ok grandma
Which single episode of sentai have you watched the most?
The Carranger tribute in Gokaiger
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Alright, thanks anyway.

I just ended up fashioning my own from a wallpaper I found.
Episode 16 of Megaranger. To me, it's the best episode of Sentai overall.
Eh, good enough.
It isn't lavish but it gets the job done.
Kyoryu Silver's debut

Amazing episode. The only episode I've watched more is the Ahim gets "kidnapped" episode.
Some kid who stole other people's subs and released them as his own.
And he was apparently literally a kid, as in he was 11 or something.
Would love to have another cockpit like this.
I think the Kyuranger sphere cockpits are gonna be kinda like it. It'll be technological anyway.

Why do you even know this?

And that's why TV-Nihon doesn't want people stealing their subs. It's just full of wannabes who take others subs, change it a little, tout it as the "better version" and slap their name credits on it.

Also just look at that Spanish guy who is translating Ex-Aid from English to Spanish using RTA subs on Nyaa. He doesn't even know how to upload torrents properly or put them in the correct category. It's just another wannabe.
He's been discussed around here and /krg/ a few times.
I got the first three Super Sentai DVD releases from Shout! Factory for about $20 apiece today. Did I do good, /ssg/?
Pretty okay, you're giving money officially to the series in a way.
You could've still just downloaded unoffical torrents of those series off of Nyaa though.
I hate that the only way to show support for localized Sentai releases is to give money to half assed hacks who steal subs from fansubbing groups.
They're pretty nice sets (especially for the price, since they're usually $50+ MSRP) of 10 discs each. The ones I picked up are Zyuranger, Dairanger, and Kakuranger. I've only ever seen the Saban versions previously, so I'm pretty excited to finally delve into the originals at length.
you make it sound like TVN's subs are worth stealing
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Give it a rest, man.
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They're completely different. Literally Power Rangers just used the suits to make a show about Saved By The Bell characters punching monsters. They didn't even use the Dairanger suits even except for KibaRanger. Rita's original version, Bandora, is also super cute.
>They're completely different.
Having rewatched some of the MMPR episodes on Netflix, I was hoping they would be. All childhood nostalgia aside, MMPR is mediocre at best for the most part.

I agree. Bandora is a silver fox.
Well to put it in perspective.
Zyuranger is about ancient warrior princes and princess brought out of hypersleep because some astronauts broke open Bandora's seal on the moon and now she wants to kill all children with the power of Satan magic.

MMPR is about a bunch of high school students with "attitude" that get teleported to a secret base owned by a head in a jar and his gay robot companion and given the power of Japanese fighting footage to fight "Rita" who wants to conquer the earth.
Haha, yeah... I'm about four episodes into Zyurangers now and I had gathered that. I'm honestly enjoying it very much so far and don't regret the purchase one bit. The DoraSphinx in the next episode looks like it'll be a blast, but I'm gonna call it a night for now.

I totally had the DoraSkeleton 10" figure when I was a kid. My parents got he and the Red Ranger for me when I was probably five or so. They were my first MMPR toys and I love those guys. My DoraSkeleton's hat brim snapped off in a perfect circle all the way around so he looked like some kind of evil skeletal chef in a black toque and cape.
Can you post the clean version please?

Here's a google doc I made not too long ago that might be what you're looking for.
MMPRs best aspect is Zyuranger good fight footage.

That said it is still cheesy dumb fun.
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I wasn't expecting to feel at the end of this episode. I did not see that twist coming despite the obvious clue.
In any case, they may use them someday. After all, we just got an elephant finally being promoted to a main Sentai member's animal, so who knows.

Yeah, usually nothing short of exploding human bodies and nazi imagery could get a Japanese show cancelled.
Finally finishing up Battle Fever J, it's been a lot of fun, will definitely watch again if it gets good subs.

What should I watch next /ssg/? I'm choosing between Kaku, Car or Ginga.
Eh, watch in the order you typed.
Late reply but you can use mydramalist.
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I think enough people will go see the movie just to see the Kyurangers in action for the first time.
You'd be surprised. There are even people that use them for their bootleg DVDs.
TV-N subs are always used for bootleg Sentai DVDs.

Her excitement is infectious!
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>le feis of hating her job
That's not why people go to these films. More people will go for old returning actors, rather than new fuccbois.
A lot of bootleggers just re-encode video files to MPEG2, or just sell a data disc. Making a normal soft subbed DVD out of a text script is a lot more work than any of that.
Just watched the introduction of Jin and J on GoBus and the thing that stands out the most is the amount of physical acting Hiro, Ryu and Yoko put in. In the 2 episodes they basically do as much (maybe more) as the Zyuohgers have done all season barring Leo.

Is out-of-suit acting dead, boys?
this is the kind of face you want promoting the movie, sad eyes, no smile, bored face.

It might be the directors' preferences. Maybe they want to save it for the very end.

Kyoryu had its moments, and ToQ had the karate episode.
I wish there was a way to get the quality of monster fights from Ultraman in sentai.
>Maybe they want to save it for the very end.

Doubt it. Only Leo and Yamato have atleast done some stuff. You can't expect someone like Haruka to do that stuff at the very end with no experience.
It also depends on how much stage combat training the face actors actually have. Fight choreography is tricky, and they can't always risk harming their handsome bankable face actors.

Its just that they haven't done anything at all. Has there been less out-of-suit acting since GoBus?
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Again, it depends on their training. Sometimes these up and coming young talents don't want to learn stage combat, or it's not in their contracts, and the studio doesn't bother to make them. Leo has done the most out of suit fighting because his actor has the most stage combat training. He even posts on his instagram that he trains with ZyuohLion's suit actor.

I can almost feel maofags jizzing themselves
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Is there a worse sentai than Megaranger?
JAKQ? Turboranger? Ninninger? Why didn't you like Megaranger anyway?
It did too many things wrong.
Watch Daitetsujin 17, then get back to me about tone whiplash
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Does this picture only exist in resolution for ants? Who made it, a BR with 800x600 CRT monitor?
Gekiranger looks less appealing, who the hell approved of those suit designs?
I feel like that green screen is just asking to be used
Maybe get whoever it is that was responsible for having Ultraman show up in Shushutorian?

>tfw Champ, Balance and Raptor will technically be out-of-ranger-suit characters
It'll be funny if they wind up getting more action like that than the humans, especially Champ.
everyone hates that series, what gives?
That'll depend on how easily the suit actors can move in those suits, though they look considerably less bulky than a lot of MOTW suits or mech suits, and suit actors can sometimes bust some incredible moves even while wearing foam rubber shit houses.

I will cut you IRL motherfucker

Unappealing characters, blandest plot progression, unimaginative stories, kitchen sink powers, it's just really really dull.
/tv/ please leave, go get cucked somewhere else.
I have a feeling that when it comes right down to it, you're just going to come to your own conclusions about what you dislike the most.

Which I think is admirable, since it seems that you gave even series that most people dislike a fair chance.
ToQ had quite a lot of out of suit fighting.
He's a wannabe at spanish alright

Don't bully her like you guys did last time.
Amu a shit. Naturally the waifufags eat her up because she's cute, despite having absolutely no care about the show.
Does it really fucking matter now? They will just move onto the next thing when the next series airs and so will all the memester faggots shitting everything up.
what is the general consensus with seasons Abaranger through Goseiger? Except Go-Onger, I know /m/ finds that one problematic.
Abaranger - Absolutely fantastic, well worth a watch
Dekaranger - One of the best
Magiranger - Pretty damn good
Boukenger - Haven't seen it yet, waiting for the scrub to be complete
Gekiranger - Highly underrated, filled with great characters and action
Shinkenger - Really good characters and action, recommended more if you like drama shows
Goseiger - The best Sentai show that aired in the past 10 years.
Abaranger is great.
Magiranger is pretty good.
Boukenger is great.
Gekiranger is great.
Go-Onger is pretty hit and miss with most episodes.
Shinkenger is great.
Goseiger is great.

What was the "meme" before Amu?
Amy saying WOW in Kyoryuger, Kagura being mocked for her face, not sure about Kasumi or Fuuka though.
Kasumi and Fuuka were dirty sluts and Amy was Sakamoto's fuckmule.
Kasumipepe and Fuuka being shit.
Yeah, that's the one.

Good, but really goddamn weird.
Good, as long as you're fine with things like Ban and the unusual formula.
Love it or hate it, but people do love the vampire twins.
Good, although a few elements might not sit well with some people.
Pretty good as long as you know Rio and Mele are the actual MCs.
Pretty good despite the tacky later mechs.
Good, if a bit hampered in its potential, but does have an interesting structure.

These all seem reasonable and true on the part of Ninnin. I'm starting to wonder if you guys just don't like having the females being called out or "picked" on
Uh oh, next Gingaman ep (10) is a flute episode. Is someone going to die?
No, iirc, but there is a tinge of sad backstory.
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im not sorry.

Also i can't wait for her to draw amy, fuuka and kasumi
I'm still waiting for the MAO Blacked edit, /ssg/.
Fuck off, /tv/.
You mean Ninninslags.
saving all of these
BTW artist is doing more.

but she hasn't been active since last summer.
keep me posted

Unfunny episodes of Akibaranger have way of feeling like they're an hour long.
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What do Amy's farts smell like?
>a woman on deviantart
how realistic is this?
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All solid.
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This one is not worth the spoiler
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This is fucking ridiculous
I don't like the way this thread is going. I swore off fapping to toku after some guy posted lewd Decade figurearts on /krg/.

Let's not do this, boys.

And here I was thinking that the Amu Blacked edit would never be topped.

Doing God's work, anon.
>watching the second season
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No, this is fucking ridiculous
Panty shots are the best little secrets to hunt for in older Sentai.

Luna and the ED's are worth it.
>Panty shots

wtf is this /prg/?

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Art isn't the best butt dammit it's worth the wait for T&A.
I wonder if the shark knows that theres a shit ton of lewd of fan art about her out there.
I'm a fan of the underbutt personally.

Man I'm 18 episodes in and Miss Americas actress sure hates being in this fucking show!
>Goseiger - The best Sentai show that aired in the past 10 years.
Finally the recognition. But it's true.
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Dooku trollface.gif
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>Miss Americas actress sure hates being in this fucking show!

Just like Amu lol only Amu doesn't fuck off and get replaced by a better actress halfway through the show.
I wonder what the shark would say if she found out that i've drawn a ton of lewd of her
>first three pink senshi are american
what did they mean by this?
Peggy was American?
i think?

im not sure but that's what i know from the wiki
To explain why they dressed like this
God damn. Maybe I should start those 50+ episodes of Goranger I have.
If you just wanna look at her ass she was also the suit actress for Miss America in Battle Fever J because she was an on record exhibitionist with nudes.
MegaAnon must be smiling right now.

Actually, it's likely that she couldn't speak Japanese, at all (due to being raised in America). At least they learned their lesson for Kane Kosugi.

Kane Kosugi could barely speak Japanese himself when Kakuranger started. That wasn't just a character trait for Jiraiya.

The reluctance to use Diane in the show gets hilariously ridiculous.

They also had Lisa Komaki dub over her lines as well. They should have just used her to play the role out of suit too. One more former Goranger wouldn't have killed the show.
At least they used that to their advantage when developing Jiraiya's character instead of covering it up.
>that story Sasuke's actor told about him learning English from Kane in return for teaching him some Japanese

too adorable
Favorite 6th/extra ranger?
Tie between pic related, AbareKiller and ToQ #6
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The Zyuohger x Ninninger movie started airing in theaters today. Countdown to when Ika posts on Twitter saying if they liked the movie and what the Kyurangers are like when?
Probably midnight or tomorrow morning, since a new Zyuoh airs soon.
Either ShinkenGold, MegaSilver, Signalman, TimeFirrrrre, ToQ#6, KyoryuGold, DragonRanger, AbareKiller...

I have too many favorites. 6ths are just usually cool dudes/dudetts.
Yeah I guess, I'm looking forward to his views. Hope someone records the sounds from the Kyuranger fight.
On that note, I wonder if he saw the circus movie too. Could make for a double-feature release at some point, at the least.
I remember hearing someone say it was pretty okay. Dunno if it was Ika or not.
There are a lot of good ones, so I don't know if I could choose just one, but Hyuuga, Shurikenger, and Utchy are some of my favorites. Misao is shaping up to be a great one too in my opinion.
great taste/10
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So are we going full fuckboy?
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inb4 another fucking year of REEEEEE THIS BITCH CAN'T SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because Hammy's actress has an ugly/awkward smile as some human beings do

Yeah baby.
>Show hasn't even started yet
>She already hates her job

Naga Ray is androgynously handsome. Balance can't wait to tap that.
So wait, is Hammy saying that her character is kinda like JK from Fourze? That would be interesting.
Being a ninja is not a glamorous job, though.
She looks like she's about to murder the photographer, desu.
If Shadow Warriors has taught me anything, it's this.
He gives me Diend vibes. Wonder if he'll end up being THAT gay. Hope so.

I can't really into Japanese but JK just means high school girl (joshikousei) so unless there's reference to Fourze somewhere, I assume she's just going to be sailor fuku fap bait.
I just saw JK and thought the Fourze character. If JK can just mean schoolgirl, then yeah the Japanese says that her character is very much like that of a typical highschool girl.
>Lucky really likes Sentai and Kamen Rider

>Scorpion dude is not wearing the "team jacket"

Yeah, he's the edgy one.
He's a defect from Jark Matter, so of course.
Balance, Champ, and Raptor probably don't have jackets either.
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>Naga Rey

The first openly gay sentai hero certainly looks the part
>still no VA

I want Garu to be voiced by Tohru Furuya
Have my shitty translations.

>Lucky (Shishi Red): A simple man born with best luck in the universe. Because he believes in his good fortune, he is super positive in a pinch.

>Stinger (Sasori Orange): Hailing from the Sasori System, he is one of the galaxy's most powerful and famous warriors. He has a cool personality, but is also a lone wolf who doesn't like to interact with others.

>Naga Ray (Hebitsukai Silver): He does not express emotions and all of his actions are rational. He and Balance (Tenbin Gold) have been traveling the universe as gentlemen thieves.

Last two coming soon, hopefully.
It's a good job I really like the suits for this season, because this team of fuccbois is putting me off.
>He and Balance (Tenbin Gold) have been traveling the universe as gentlemen thieves.

stop making me so hype
I'd watch his Food Network show. Take me to the flavor constellation.
>edgy warrior
>gentlemen thieves

we gonna have a unheroic team that has to learn how to be a sentai this season? that could be fun
You should know that toku is like a stepping stone for models to get into acting, right?
You really shouldn't have been surprised at all the fuccboi types.
That just makes you look stupid.
...Raptor is wearing the team jacket. Champ has it on his arm.
They aren't a team at the start, the Kyutama all picked them to be a team. That's why you have characters like a chef, a ninja, gentleman thieves, a defect Jark Matter solider, an engineer android, a robotic wrestler, a wolfman and a lucky adventurer.
And yet there are plenty of toku shows that don't have an entire ensemble of fuccbois. Maybe they'll be decent at acting, maybe they won't, but at the moment because I'm not a Japanese mother and don't take it up the ass, It's a disappointing cast reveal.
Again, sorry for the shit translations.

>Hami (Chameleon Green): A lively girl, brimming with curiosity. She's strongly motivated, but can be rash and emotional due to her age. She's mastered the arts of ninjitsu.

>Spada (Kajiki Yellow): A man adventuring through space to become the universe's best cook. With all of the knowledge and experience he's gained, other members of the team rely on him.
I too would rely on one of the universe's best cooks.
God I hope there's fanart of him and Tendou battling it out.
What toku shows?
Those from the fucking 80's?
This is modern toku. It's nothing but fuccbois and gravure girls.
Kyoryuger had Nossan and Utchy, you could say Ian wasn't a fuccboi too, but he was a stereotypical bishie. ToQger had Akira. Like I said in my earlier post, it's possible to not have a complete ensemble of fuccbois, but they've double downed on it this year.
It's fine to have that opinion, but don't whinge and moan about it all yeah, okay?
A single post expressing dissatisfaction with the cast isn't whinging or moaning, Anon.
It's kinda moaning, as you were all like "wow, what a turn off", simply because you didn't like the actors.
fucking hell anon, watch the show first.
Go back and reread my posts. I even said they might all be decent actors and that it was only their looks turning me off. Don't need to watch a show to change that.
Shit, you're right. Brb, going to gouge out my eyes because I'm clearly not using them.
>He and Balance (Tenbin Gold) have been traveling the universe as gentlemen thieves.

It's like every time I think I shouldn't be excited about Kyuranger, they add in something else to add onto the excitement.
Way too kill off JAC. JAC is the bread and butter of sentai. If it wasn't for it. Sentai wouldn't exist.
Best boys already confirmed.

>snake, scorpion, and chameleon have human forms

This isn't Zyuohger. They just come from those galaxies. The only ones that work like that are the wolfman and kind of the robot wrestler built to look like a bull.
So I guess Jack Matter stuff is not until next week.
What time does Televi-kun usually come out? I heard somewhere it comes out monthly.
Whenever it is, it'll probably have Jack/Jark Matter info while finally saying who the VAs are for the suit rangers.
tbf, old toku is full of "fuccboi" (if by that you mean "young, handsome male", as everyone here seems to) mom-bait too, you just don't notice because what got girls hot in the 70s and 80s is what got your dad laid and he's stuck with it since even though it's outdated now. This is like the dumbasses in krg complaining that Showa riders weren't fuccbois like they are now. Bitch, you looked at V3 and Black? They were prettier in their prime than half of Heisei. Kotaro straight up looked like a member of Hikaru Genji.
Just because fashion, hairstyles and overall tastes have changed, doesn't mean the fact that Super Sentai and Kamen Rider are both made to appeal to bored housewives. You know, the people who buy the merchandise.

And the ones who aren't attractive are almost always "funny" characters too. Btw, how the fuck are Ian and Akira NOT mom-bait? They're straight out of a women's magazine. I'd even go so far to say Akira is MORE fanservicey than the entire ToQ cast put together as he combines the "strong, dark, lean, serious but also cute, caring and sexually innocent" personality with the "sexy construction worker" thing which is like the #1 gay porn occupation.
People who complain about "fuccbois" in toku are legit cancer and a waste of space.

Raptor and Balance also both lack human forms because they're an android and a cyborg.
Shit just blows my mind. Like what the fuck you expect from a low-budget, virtually no-pay, action-packed, morning children's show for kids, lonely housewives, and fujoshi?
Prepare for some Arsene Lupin references.
I'm fucking ready.
There are people here still believe toku is deep deep serious stuff that can change the world
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I mean, fuckin, enjoy yourselves I guess? But damn, shut up. Just because you have no concept of the progression of fashion and women's taste in men doesn't mean Everything New Is Awful.
Leo makes for a beautiful woman.
But yeah, some people just want the return of more gruff heroes instead of aspiring Japanese fashion models/movie stars. but honestly I don't care. I think the Kyuranger cast is pretty damn handsome all round. Hammy looks like Mao's little sister IMO.
Can you trans this ?
Raptor 283 is the Kyuranger's grandma?
No, she's the pilot of their Mothership, the S.S. Orion
where are people getting the team jacket thing
Yeah, but it's not like it's a recent thing to have pretty twinky teams. When was the last time we had a gruffer one? Gaoranger, maybe? Black and Yellow were kinda butch by sentai standards, but Red, Blue and Silver were definitely pretty pretty pretty little things.
And yeah, she does look a lot like Mao. She's pretty cute, wish she wasn't the only fucking human girl in the cast though.
Yeah I just noticed I read a hiragana wrong. Yep, she's the pilot of their spaceship. And yep, Balance is Naga Ray's partner in crime.
In their mugshots earlier in the thread most of them are wearing a jacket with their color on it.
Oh I get that, I was talking about the suit characters since they were saying about them before their part of the scans were posted.

Interesting, we saw Garu and Raptor having different clothes in a shot with their full body, so I guess this means they have clothing changes too.
Oh yeah, Garu's wearing a sweet jacket in his mugshot.
>intentionally exposing your chest fluff
Which of the team is gonna secretly bury their faces in it when he's asleep?
I'm betting Silver
Honestly, I think complaining about pretty-boys like they were the downfall of tokusatsu is pretty stupid.

The actual reasons why current tokusatsu shows may not be as good is that they take fewer risks and avoid things that children might find scary or upsetting.
but they aren't taking risks before? the only time they did is with declining ratings (e.g. Jetman)
Is Balance wearing a fucking metal jacket?
Hah, he does!
Ex-Aid had a main character killed violently on Christmas day. They still take risks.
Regulations has the priority
Risks come last
They have before, but normally the risk happens first and then clamoring to make it more like other shows happens second.

The first time in a long while.
I was talking about what anon said on "dark and scary" and "before".

It's less about risks and more on culture zeitgeist. What is seen as scary now isn't really scary as before, it's why you get weird shit in toku back then in the 70's and 80's (and hell even anime). So while it seems like "taking risks" now, in actuality it's more of a "norm" back then.

It's why "the risk" back then wasn't looking scary or upsetting, but changing the lines more to say, drama, or to appeal to an older audience.
>What is seen as scary now isn't really scary as before

Did you mean they didn't find it scary back then or we don't find it scary now?
Is Over-Time's site dead for anyone else?
Live for me
Nevermind, it was probably my browser fucking up for some reason.

Everyone's pretty.

Dabs on Orange. Silver is hot too.
You should see Orange's selfies with the cast. He's got a baby face when he isn't acting serious. Silver's for Gold only. No one else.
He's a betrayer from the bad guys' side.
they didn't find it scary back then
I-I agree. No wonder Gold is heads over heel over Silver, he's one fine lad.

Which picture of Orange is that?
Couple threads ago they were posted.
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I'm calling dibs on Raptor for new shiny robot girl waifu.
Scorpion has a beauty mark or in layman's term, MOLE near his mouth. My sole weakness!
W-Well he certainly has the look of a beautiful gay guy.
But I want her
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Sorry anon, you're too late.
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Spoiler for the movie are all over the place already
Since we're not getting it until many months from now, post them all.
What are people tweeting about the Kyuranger fight?
$10 says he's under Amuse. Amuse boys always got dem beauty marks.
>Sela doing Akaranger's pose
Cute shark is cute.
...How about you post some?
Who directed Magiranger? There are some well shot scenes throughout.
Fuck yes.
They will be my main focus, that's for sure.

>Garu: A beastman who uses wild attacks and great speed to his advantage. He isn't too bright and has a short temper, but he's reliable in battle.

>Champ: As a battle robot. he boasts superhuman strength. He is cheerful and openhanded, but he's also the reckless type. He's a tough and hotblooded robo-man and to oppose his values would bring austere consequences.

Balance: A mechanical lifeform. With his friend and partner Naga Ray, they travel the universe as gentlemen thieves. He is a flatterer who gets by in life by telling people what they want to hear.

Raptor 283: An android who pilots the Kyuranger mothership, Orion. She is very serious and hardworking, but loves to daydream.
Apparently the person that directed the most episodes is Katsuya Watanabe
So Champ is the cheery bara type of guy(robot). That's cool.
Sounds like Garu's made for bullying.
fuck Garu sounds someone from a kemono doujin
Can someone repost these in the next thread?
Garu sounds adorable, fuck.
Garu secret character in Tokyo After School Summoners.
>Ninjutsu master
Ninningers am cry
okay I redact my Tohru Furuya for Garu.

He sounds like Toshihiko Seki, Tomokazu Seki, Nobuyuki Hiyama or Tomokazu Sugita material
Has there been sound from the Kyuranger fight uploaded somewhere?
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What would be the reason for hiding suited Kyurangers' voice actors anyway? Some sort of stunt casting?
New Thread

you'd know when it comes out if you weren't a newfag
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